The Readings You Need, Right Where You Need Them.: AX Series Vortex Meters
The Readings You Need, Right Where You Need Them.: AX Series Vortex Meters
The Readings You Need, Right Where You Need Them.: AX Series Vortex Meters
Vortex Meters
• Volumetric or mass flow monitoring of most liquids, • Inline install in pipes from 1/2” to 8”
Many Configurations
gasses, and steam
• Hot-tap without process shutdown in any pipe
• Delivers multiple readings from a single installed larger than 2”
location, reducing cost and complexity Depending on your needs, these meters are available in the following configurations:
• Field configurable
• Compensated mass flow readings
AX2200/2300 - Delivers direct readings of volumetric three 4-20 mA outputs of live process measurements. These
• Remote electronics option for harsh environments
flow rate in applications ranging from general water flows to output selections are field configurable. The AX2233/2333
• Energy Monitoring in real time or difficult locations
hudrocarbon fuel flow measurement. offers the same functionality using an external pressure input.
• Simple and reliable - no moving parts, easy • 4-20mA - loop-powered technology saves on
AX2211/2311 - Integrates a precision 1000 Ω platinum AX2244/2344 - Allows for real-time measurement of
installation, no fluid to sensor contact energy costs
RTD temperature sensor for output of a compensated mass energy consumption for a facility or process in steam, hot
reading, typically for flow rates of saturated steam. water, or chilled water. Uses the input from a second sensor
• Rangeability up to 100:1 • HART protocol - Standard
on the opposite leg of the process to calculate the change
AX2222/2322 - Flow computing functionality in a compact in energy. Can be configured to read in Btu, joules, calories,
• Temperature up to 750ºF • Modbus communications available
field device. This multivariable instrument features both Watt-hours, Megawatt- hours, and horsepower hours. Local
temperature and pressure sensors to provide instantaneous or remole electronics indicate two temperatures, delta T,
• Pressure up to 1500 psig • FM, FMX, ATEX, IECEx Approved
reading of compensated mass flow rates of gasses, liquids mass total and energy total.
and steam. Offers basic output and alarm as well as up to
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Excellent field performance Dimensional Outline - AX 2200
Repeatability Pressure Transducer Ratings
Mass Flow Rate ±0.2% of rate Full Scale Operating Pressure Max. Over-Range Pressure
Volumetric Flow Rate ±0.1% of rate psia bara psia bara
±0.2°F (±0.1°C)
±0.05% of full scale
30 2 60 4 Flange Install Wafer Install
100 7 200 14
Density ±0.1% of reading
300 20 600 40
500 35 1000 70
Stability Over 12 Months
1500 100 2500 175
Mass Flow Rate ±0.2% of rate
AX 2200 Accuracy
Volumetric Flow Rate ± negligible
Temperature ±0.9°F (±0.5°C) Process Variables Liquids Gas & Steam
Pressure ±0.1% of full scale Volumetric Flow Rate ±0.7% of Rate ±1% of Rate
Density ±0.1% of reading Mass Flow Rate ±1% of Rate ±1.5% of Rate
Temperature ±2°F (±1°C) ±2°F (±1°C)
Response Time Pressure ±0.3% of Full Scale ±0.3% of Full Scale
Density ±0.3% of Reading ±0.5% of Reading
Adjustable from 1 to 100 seconds.
Mass flow rate accuracy for gas and steam based on 50-100% of
pressure range.
Operating Specifications
AX 2300 Accuracy
Any gas, liquid or steam compatible with 316L stainless steel. Consult
Process Variables Liquids Gas & Steam
factory for other materials or construction.
Not recommended for multi-phase fluids. Volumetric Flow Rate ±1.2% of Rate ±1.5% of Rate
Mass Flow Rate ±1.5% of Rate ±2.0% of Rate
Process and Ambient Temperature Temperature ±2°F (±1°C) ±2°F (±1°C)
Pressure ±1.5% of Full Scale ±0.3% of Full Scale
Process Standard Temperature: -330 to 500°F (-200 to 260°C) Density ±0.3% of Reading ±0.5% of Reading
Process High Temperature: to 750°F (400°C)
Ambient Operating: -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C) Mass flow rate accuracy for gas and steam based on 50-100% of
Ambient Storage: -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C) pressure range.
AX 2200 Flange Installation AX 2200 Wafer Installation
Flow Meter L H ANSI 150 ANSI 300 ANSI 600 L H Weight
Remote Electronics Option Nominal Size
0.5 in 4.56 in 14.8 in
(PN 16)
12 lb
(PN 40)
12.5 lb
(PN 64)
13 lb 4.56 in 14.8 in 9.8 lb
(15 mm) (116mm) (376mm) (5.5 kg) (5.7 kg) (5.9 kg) (116mm) (376mm) (4.4 kg)
Available on all models 0.75 in 4.8 in 15 in 13 lb 14 lb 14.5 lb 4.8 in 15 in 10 lb
(20 mm) (122 mm) (381 mm) (5.9 kg) (6.4 kg) (6.6 kg) (122 mm) (381 mm) (4.6 kg)
1 in 4.94 in 15 in 13.4 lb 16.3 lb 16.3 lb 2.8 in 14.8 in 10.1 lb
(25 mm) (126 mm) (381 mm) (6.1 kg) (7.4 kg) (7.4 kg) (71 mm) (376 mm) (4.6 kg)
1.5 in 5.5 in 15 in 14.5 lb 22.7 lb 24.6 lb 2.8 in 15.1 in 11.9 lb
(40 mm) (140mm) (384 mm) (6.6 kg) (10.3 kg) (11.2 kg) (71 mm) (384 mm) (5.4 kg)
2 in 6.0 in 15.3 in 19.4 lb 26.8 lb 33.2 lb 3.0 in 15.3 in 14.1 lb
(50 mm) (153 mm) (389 mm) (8.8 kg) (12.2 kg) (15.1 kg) (76 mm) (389 mm) (6.4 kg)
3 in 6.9 in 15.8 in 27.5 lb 39.4 lb 56.1 lb 4 in 15.8 in 22.7 lb
(80 mm) (175 mm) (401 mm) (12.5 kg) (17.9 kg) (25.5 kg) (102 mm) (401 mm) (10.3 kg)
4 in 8.0 in 16.2 in 43.3 lb 60.3 lb 96 lb 4.7 in 16.2 in 33 lb
(100 mm) (203 mm) (411 mm) (19.7 kg) (27.4 kg) (43.6 kg) (119 mm) (411 mm) (15 kg)
6 in 9 in 17.3 in 48.4 lb 96 lb 178 lb
(150 mm) (229 mm) (439 mm) (22 kg) (43.6 kg) (80.8 kg)
8 in 10.5 in 18.2 in 71 lb 148 lb 299 lb Add 11 lb (5 kg) for remote electronics.
(200 mm) (267 mm) (462 mm) (32.2 kg) (67.4 kg) (136 kg)
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Dimensional Outline - AX 2300
Compression Installation Packing Gland Packing Gland - Permanent Retractor
AC Option: 85-240 VAC, 50.60Hz, 2 Watts (multiple outputs) One 90° elbow before meter 10D 5D 5 psig 6.5 12 20 49 82 183 318 722 1264 5 psig 205 800 1385 3099 4893 11132
52 122 265 650 1087 2431 4231 9594 16806 2721 10633 18412 41196 65039 147954
Two 90° elbows before meter 15D 5D 100 psig 15 27 46 112 187 419 728 1652 2893 100 psig 468 1831 3170 7092 11197 25472
Display Two 90° elbows before meter, out of 25D 5D 271 639 1386 3405 5690 12729 22156 50233 87998 14246 55674 96407 215703 340546 774698
plane 200 psig 20 37 62 151 253 565 983 2229 3905 200 psig 632 2471 4278 9572 15111 34377
493 1163 2525 6203 10365 23184 40354 91494 160279 25948 101405 175595 392880 620268 1411029
Alphanumeric 2 line x 16 character LCD digital display Reduction before meter 10D 5D 300 psig 24 45 74 182 304 680 1184 2685 4704 300 psig 762 2976 5153 11530 18203 41410
Six pushbuttons can be operated with magnetic wand without removal of 716 1688 3664 9000 15040 33642 58556 132763 232575 37652 147145 254799 570093 900047 2047489
Expansion before meter 20D 5D
enclosure covers 400 psig 28 51 85 209 349 780 1358 3079 5393 400 psig 873 3412 5908 13219 20870 47477
Display can be mounted in 90° intervals for better viewing Partially open valve 25D 5D 941 2220 4816 11831 19770 44222 76971 174516 305717 49494 193420 334930 749382 1183103 2691404
500 psig 31 57 95 233 389 870 1514 3433 6014 500 psig 974 3805 6588 14741 23272 52742
1170 2760 5988 14711 24582 54987 95710 217001 380148 61543 240507 416468 931816 1471125 3346615
Output Signals Water Min and Max Flow Rates - AX 2200
Rate Nominal Pipe Size (in) Typical Saturated Steam Minimum Typical Saturated Steam Minimum
Analog: 4-20 mA 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8
Alarm: Solid state relay, 40 VDC and Maximum Flow Rates (kg/hr) and Maximum Flow Rates (kg/hr)
GPM min 0.9 1.4 2.2 5.5 9.2 21 36 81 142 Pressure Nominal Pipe Size (mm) Pressure Nominal Pipe Size (mm)
Totalizer Pulse: 50 millisecond pulse, 40 VDC
Volumetric or Loop Powered Mass: One analog, one totalizer pulse, HART GPM max 22 40 67 166 276 618 1076 2473 4270 15 20 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 80 150 200 300 400 600
Multivariable option: Up to three analog signals, three alarms, one Nominal Pipe Size (mm) 0 barg 3 5 8 19 32 72 126 286 500 0 barg 81 316 548 1226 1936 4404
18 42 91 224 375 838 1459 3309 5797 938 3667 6350 14209 22432 51039
totalizer pulse, HART 15 20 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 5 barg 6 11 18 45 75 176 290 658 1153 5 barg 187 729 1263 2826 4461 10151
Multivariable option: Modbus process monitoring 95 224 485 1192 1992 4455 7754 17581 30799 4986 19486 33742 75495 119189 271187
M /hr min
0.2 0.3 0.5 1.3 2.1 4.7 8.1 18 32
10 barg 8 15 24 59 99 222 387 877 1537 10 barg 249 972 1683 3767 5947 13530
M3/hr max 5 9 15 38 63 140 244 554 970 168 397 862 2118 3539 7915 13777 21327 54270 8859 34620 59949 134132 211764 481821
Wetted Materials 15 barg 9 17 29 71 119 266 463 1050 1840 15 barg 298 1164 2016 4510 7120 16200
241 569 1236 3036 5073 11347 19750 44779 78444 12700 49629 85939 192283 303570 690705
Standard 316L Stainless Steel, plus Water Min and Max Flow Rates - AX 2300 20 barg 11 20 33 81 136 304 529 1199 2100 20 barg 340 1329 2301 5148 8128 18493
• Optional Carbon Steel or Hastelloy C Rate Nominal Pipe Size (in) 314 742 1610 3956 6611 14787 25738 58355 102226 16550 64676 111995 250581 395609 900119
Velocity Range
Typical Air Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates (kg/hr) Typical Air Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates (kg/hr)
Maximum velocity, liquid: 30 ft/sec (9 m/sec) Pressure Nominal Pipe Size (mm) Pressure Nominal Pipe Size (mm)
Minimum velocity, liquid: 1 ft/sec (.3 m/sec) 15 20 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 80 150 200 300 400 600
Maximum velocity, gas or steam: 300 ft/sec (90 m/sec) 0 barg 3 5 9 21 36 79 138 313 549 0 barg 89 347 601 1345 2124 4833
28 66 142 250 584 1307 2275 5157 9034 1463 5716 9897 22145 34962 79547
Minimum velocity, gas or steam:
5 barg 7 13 21 52 87 194 337 764 1339 5 barg 217 847 1467 3282 5181 11788
5 6 165 390 847 2080 3476 7775 13533 30682 53749 8702 34006 58885 131751 208004 473266
10 barg 9 17 29 70 117 262 457 1035 1814 10 barg 294 1148 1987 4446 7020 15972
density (lb/ft3) density (kg/m3) 304 716 1554 3819 6381 14273 24844 56329 98676 15975 62430 108105 241878 381870 868857
15 barg 11 21 34 85 142 317 551 1250 2190 15 barg 355 1385 2399 5386 8474 19282
442 1044 2265 5565 9299 20801 36205 82087 143801 23280 90979 157542 352487 556497 1266162
Consult your Azbil representative for assistance with calculating flow 20 barg 13 24 40 97 162 363 632 1434 2511 20 barg 407 1589 2751 6156 9718 22112
range. 582 1373 2979 7318 12229 27354 47612 107949 189105 30615 119642 207175 463539 731823 1665095
30 barg 16 29 48 118 198 442 770 1745 3057 30 barg 495 1934 3349 7493 11829 26915
862 2034 4414 10843 18119 40529 70544 159942 280187 45361 177268 306961 686801 1084302 2467081
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Model Selection Guide - AX2200 In-Line Vortex Meter Model Selection Guide - AX2300 Insertion Vortex Meter
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AX 2200/2300