Black Death Poster
Black Death Poster
Black Death Poster
12 September
Beware! Poster #3
How it spreads:
It is killed millions!
Here are the causes on how the black death
spreads! Firstly, your sinfulness. This is
possibly the deadliest cause for it and your
wrong doings will cause you to catch the
black death. It also spreads by looking at an
infected person! Something else not to do is
think about it, you will catch it otherwise!
The wind is deadly as well, it carries the
black death and is very dangerous. Jews are
causing the black death as well as they are
poisoning wells with the black death, and
they are putting them in all the wells even in The best place to stay to get away from the black death ! As it spreads through the air you will be safe down here and we
cities! If you see a Jew, please report it to suggest you head down there ! This is a great way to stop it from spreading as said below !
your town sheriff so they ca be burned! I
suggest you pray to go every day to make Dr. We’re Doomed
sure you don’t catch it! otherwise god will
make sure you catch it!
Cures available:
How to stop it spreading
Also Including what your family should do if they catch it
Although there are many causes it can be
cured. One of these are good smelling objects T
like flowers and herbs. These are great as the
black death is airborne so it will go away! If What to do if a family
you have any buboes, you can cure it by
putting human waste on them, you should use member catches it:
a mixture of human waste, flowers, and roots
to make a paste which you can smear on the As soon as you are aware a family
buboes. Make sure to cut them open first and member has caught the black death
put it inside the buboes. Buboes can also be immediately isolate them. Ask for a
cured by putting a half of a raw onion on plague doctor but do not go anywhere
your buboes or get a pigeon to suck the blood near them. Even just looking at them
out of them! (leeches also work). Also, you
can eat a rotten treacle (at least 10 years old)
will cause you to catch the black death.
and wash yourself in urine! Another great
way to get rid of the black death is strapping here are multiple ways to stop it spreading. Make sure to get them plenty of onions
live chickens to you and wait for them to get Firstly, if you whip yourself and others and and dead snakes and pigeons for them
sick and do that in the places where the Black pray to god, we might get mercy from god as to use and put lots of herbs and sweet-
he has caused this upon us for all our sins. This
Death has affected your body. smelling objects around the house to
is possible by joining a group called the
flagellants! There are other ways on how to stop it spreading! You should also pray
avoid the black death. You can drink vinegar, daily for them and ask god for mercy.
eat crushed minerals like emeralds, bathe in When the plague doctor arrives, they
urine and cut up pigeons and rub them all over will try their best however they cannot
your body! All these tips have proven to be guarantee anything.
helpful, and we suggest you do them now to
keep yourself fully protected!