Phytoplankton As Bioindicator in Water Quality
Phytoplankton As Bioindicator in Water Quality
Phytoplankton As Bioindicator in Water Quality
MARCH 2019
A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of the School of Graduate Studies
Liceo de Cagayan University
Cagayan de Oro City
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Environmental Planning (MMEPM 166)
MARCH 2019
deteriorate of the environment (land and water), which has a direct effect in water bodies (river and
ocean) that is necessity in life. Many studies have found that the development of industry has indeed
brought about increasingly serious environmental pollution, and environmental protection has to some
Water Quality can be defined as the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water,
usually in respect to its suitability for a designated use. As we all know, water has many uses, such
as for recreation, drinking, fisheries, agriculture and industry. Each of these designated uses has
different defined chemical, physical and biological standards necessary to support that us. (Ritabrata,
Primary productivity may be defined as the amount of organic material produced per unit area
per unit time; or simply as the product of phytoplankton biomass times phytoplankton growth rate
(Cloern et. al, 2014). Marine primary production plays an important role in food web dynamics, in
biogeochemical cycles and in marine fisheries (Passow, 2012). The term plankton, which means
wandering or drifting, generally encompasses three groups: the phytoplankton, the photosynthetic
Phytoplankton also called as the primary producer and can produce organic substances and zooplankton
does not produce organic substances. Zoo plankton uses phytoplankton as a food for survival, in
ecology and fishes. Planktons are also microorganisms that float in water and play a large role as a
determinant for the balance of ecosystem. The presence of phytoplankton is also a key for the survival
of fish.Given the importance of planktons as role for primary producer of aquatic ecosystems ( El-Hady
et. Al 2016). Phytoplankton communities are sensitive to alterations in their habitats, and thereby,
phytoplankton total biomass and many phytoplankton species are utilized as indicators of aquatic
clastica, Phacus tortus, and Trachelon anas, indicate the pollution of marine ecosystems (Jain., et.
al. 2015). in the study of ( Pourafrasyabi, 2014). findings suggested that phytoplankton of Sefid Rud
anthropogenic disturbance.
The advantages of biomonitoring versus physical or chemical monitoring are (1) biomonitoring
reflects overall ecological integrity (i.e., physical, chemical and biological); (2) it provides a holistic
measure of environmental condition by integrating stresses over time; and (3) the public better
variety of organisms, response to the stressors may vary among the producers and consumers.
This study hopes to contribute the ecology of the water condition in the area. and also to improve the
Phytoplankton are sensitive to changes in levels of nutrients and other interactions with one another
and its seasonal and spatial distribution is directly affected as such the phytoplankton species can be
good indicators of water quality (Kutama, 2014). Phytoplankton is dependent on many factors, related
both to the type of restoration method used, as well as natural factors specific to a particular waterbody
(Urrutia, 2016). This is especially true for shallow aquatic environment, which are very sensitive
to external factors (Katsiapi., 2013). Thus, it is difficult to construct a universal model to describe
because there is still not enough long-term data on the variability of phytoplanktonin (Kozak et. Al)
Restoration efforts can have effects on physico-chemical variables of water quality. Such effects lead
the removal of benthi- and planktivorous fish or stocking of piscivorous fish, could change the
phytoplankton groups may be favored by additions of iron complexes used in the precipitation of P. As
an example, heterocytous cyanobacterial species are promoted by iron (Bakker, 2016). Iron
addition experiments with freshwater green algae showed lower growth rates after additions of Fe
compared to control conditions without iron addition (Keller,, 2017)Also, the water aeration
system has been noticed as changing phytoplankton dynamics, causing a decrease in cyanobacteria
proportion and abundance, and an increase in otherphytoplankton groups, for example, chlorophytes,
This study accomplishes the assessment of water quality in Barra beach by means of Phytoplankton as
a Bioindicator and other factors affecting the phytoplankton diversity by means of human activities in
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable
Water Quality
Phytoplankton of Barra Beach
The Barra beach has been suffered to many problems such as Anthropogenic Pollution from Human
activities, changes in the nutrient level of the water and also the disposition of estuary water from
uptown area are significant threats to the biodiversity and biological resources such as Phytoplankton
The main objectives of this study is to Assess the water quality of Barra beach with the use of
Phytoplankton as a bio-indicator.
1. Determine the water quality of the Barra beach based on Phytoplankton species present in the
Definition of Terms
Water Quality - refers to the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological characteristics
of water. It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic
species and or to any human need or purpose. It is most frequently used by reference to a set of standards
against which compliance, generally achieved through treatment of the water, can be assessed. The
most common standards used to assess water quality relate to health of ecosystems, safety of human
Pollution - is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse
change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or
light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally
occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. In
Biodiversity - refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth. Biodiversity typically measures
status can reveal the qualitative status of the environment. For example, copepods and other small
water crustaceans that are present in many water bodies can be monitored for changes
(biochemical, physiological, or behavioural) that may indicate a problem within their ecosystem.
Bioindicators can tell us about the cumulative effects of different pollutants in the ecosystem and about
how long a problem may have been present, which physical and chemical testing cannot.
Research Setting
Barra Beach is located at Barra diversion road Cagayan de Oro City the coordinates of the area
is 8°30'11"N 124°39'36"E (Beside Seven Seas). The coastal area comprises the Macajalar bay (deep
water bay of the Bohol Sea) located north of the province of Misamis Oriental, The coastal city of
Cagayan de Oro, fronting Macajalar Bay, became a major industrial port and an entry point for new
The study engages the descriptive type of research. The water quality is determined through
Research Protocol
To be more certain of the standard and valid about the findings of research, the researcher
1. The researcher writes a letter of consent from the Adviser and to the Dean of Graduate Studies
2. The research writes a letter to the Mayor of Cagayan de Oro City informing them regarding the
3. When the Research Paper is done. The researcher finds an approval from the adviser after
4. The Dean of the Graduate School approved the schedule of defense of the thesis paper after
5. When the defense is done, the researchers incorporate all the corrections and suggestions of the
Research Panels. And it is reviewed by the adviser and the panel members.
6. After the final paper is approved by the panel, it be submitted to the Research and Publications
7. The research forwards the final thesis paper to the assigned editor. After incorporating all the
corrections, the researcher submits the final paper to the adviser and also to the research panel
The GPS (Global positioning System) is used to identify the coordinates in the study area. And
the Phytoplankton sample is collected by deploying the plankton net in the area randomly in the surface
water (0.10 – 1 m). then the collected sample is poured into a 1 plastic container ( 1 liter) containing
buffered formalin. And the samples is transported to the laboratory using guides by Prescott (1978),
Botes (2003), and Nwankwo (2004) with the aid of a Binocular Microscope.
Three samplings is be conducted on the study area from the whole month of January.
Determining water quality using Water Quality Index. In order to initiate the condition of the
aquatic environment. The Phytoplankton is identified Based on their Morphology and Guides After
identifying the Phytoplankton species, the Water quality index is determined by calculating the sample
mean of the total scores of phytoplankton collected over the total number of phytoplankton species per
sample. The exact average score is referred to the standard water quality indices (Kanjavanit & Tilling,
Chapter 4
Biological Parameters
There are 12 species of phytoplankton found within the area in the first sampling , 5 of which belonging
to class bracilliophyta which comprises the diatoms and the most abundant species found in the area
followed by the class Chlorophyta 2 species found in the are this comprises the green algae. In the
second sampling 6 species of phyoplankton were found in the area belonging to class bracilliophyta
and also species species of Chlorophyta 2 species found within the area and 1 specie of Cyanbacteria
are also found in the area and the third sampling still bracilliophyta is the dominant species found in
the sampling and followed by only chlorophyta with the same species found in the first and second these the water quality index score of Phytoplankton is around 4.3 and it is stated in the
equivalent qualitative description in water quality by (Kanjavanit & Tilling, 200) the score 4.3 is in the
range of 2.6-5.0 and the score is around average (rather dirty water) since the area is a beach resort
where humans can directly affect the eutriphication of water through garbage disposal and other human
activities which directly affected the water amd according to (Anyinking, 2016) The pollution status
Empire: Eukarya
Kingdom: Chromista
Phylum: Bracilliophyta
Class: Bracilliophyceae
Empire: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Empire: Bactria
4 Chlorophyceae
3 Cyanobacteria
Axis Title
With 13 species found in the Barra Beach which comprises the Bracilliophyceae, Chlorophyceae and
Cyanobacteria. Braciolliophyceae has the highest number of species and has a total of 9 individuals
found within the area followed by Chlorophyta with 3 individuals and Cyanobacteria comprises 1
individual. Bracilliophyceae is the most diverse group among the 3 classes of phytoplankton mainly
because according to (Abowei, 2012). The Species itself has the highest self-sustaining natural
Specific Gravity
Axis Title
1 2 3
Series1 1.025 1.022 1.022
The Physico-chemical parameters of the Barra beach is in normal and less polluted since its specific
gravity of water is within the normal range. In sampling 1 the specific gravity shows 1.025 and followed
Axis Title
1 2 3
Series1 36 38 38
Biological Oxygen Demand of the sample are still in the normal range, at the first sampling the BOD
of the sample is 36 mg/L which is in the normal demand of the organisms inside the sample and same
to the other sample the Oxygen demand of the sample 2 and 3 are the same.
Axis Title
Sampling 1 Sampling 2 Sampling 3
Series1 7.5 8 8
pH of the sample from sampling 1 is 7.5 and sampling 2 and 3 alkso comprises the pH of 8 and still
also within the range of normal pH of the sea, since the normal pH of the sea ranges form 6.5 to 8.5
where, 6.5 below pH indicates that the sample is acidic and 8.5 pH is more basic.
Axis Title
1 2 3
Series1 28 28 29
The temperature of the sample from 1st sample is 28 followed by the other sample which is 29 itindicates
Dissolve Oxygen
Axis Title
1 2 3
Series1 7.1 7.1 6.9
Dissolve Oxygen of the sample ranges 6.9 to 7.1 and it is within the normal range since temperature
and oxygen are correlated. According to (Saffran, 1997). There is a good correlation between DO and
water temperature. It is possible, therefore, that minimum DO could be predicted from maximum water
temperature .
The Physicochemical parameter values of water quality parameters In the study were shown in the
thable. BOD is the Biological Oxygen Deman (BOD) is the amount of oxygen required for the
organisms to oxidize all the organic matter and indirectly implies the oxygen required for the respiration
of PhytoplanktonThe higher BOD values imply high amounts of decomposition of organic matter in
the water bodies (Sanap 2006) The BOD shows an inverse relation with the values oof DO owing
to the consumption of dissolved oxygen for the process of decomposition (Mohan and Omana, 2007).
In the results shown in the table the values of the Physico-Chemical parameters were normal and also
it is varied with the phytoplankton species present in the area. According to (Sharma & Singh, 2018).
the distribution of phytoplankton These parameters have significant correlation with the density of
Chapter 5
Out of 13 Phytoplankton species found, 9 of which is in the Class of Bracilliophyceae is the most
abundant in the study followed by Class Chlorophyta which comprises 3 Species and lastly the
Cyanobacteria comprises 1 specie. Bracilliophyceae holds the highest number of species mainly
because the species has the high self sustaining mechanism. The water quality index of the area is 4.3
which is in the score of average or rather dirty water because the area is a resort many anthropogenic
effects in the area.. For the Physico-chemical parameter it is strongly correlated with the
The Researcher Recommends more time of sampling in order to identify down to species level
because some of the species of phytoplankton act as indicator for instance dinoflagellates when the
nutrient level of the sea floor is very high the dinoflagellates tend to bloom and it causes red tide.
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