Building A Fair and Efficient Grant Review Process
Building A Fair and Efficient Grant Review Process
Building A Fair and Efficient Grant Review Process
Introduction 3
7 strategies for a fair and efficient grant
review process 4
Build a detailed rubric 4
Be transparent with applicants 6
Assemble an inclusive review team 6
Make thoughtful assignments 8
Hide sensitive information 9
Build consensus 9
Use a numerical strategy 10
Conclusion 14
Conscientious review matters
Your organization creates an impact that can be felt across
the communities you serve and beyond.
This guide offers seven tips for making sure that your grant
proposal assessment is unbiased and productive. And
because technology can greatly assist the implementation
of these best practices, the second half of this guide
is dedicated to seven benefits of an online grants
management platform.
7 strategies for a fair According to Brown University’s Harriet W. Sheridan Center
for Teaching and Learning, there are a series of vital steps
and efficient review process to creating a successful rubric. Here are six steps they
identified, refocused for grant review:
Analytic Rubric
Below average Average Above average Excellent Score
1 2Average 3 4
Project plan does not have Project plan may not be Project plan appears Project plan appears
Approach a reasonable approach or scalable or replicable. It reasonable, scalable, reasonable, scalable,
build on relevant work in may not build on other replicable, but does not replicable, and builds on
the community. relevant work. build on other relevant other relevant work.
Project plan clearly Project plan lacks Project plan contains new Project plan contains new
Innovation lacks any innovation or clear innovation and and exciting ideas, but and exciting ideas and
fresh ideas and lacks implementation. not a clear line toward proposals, with a clear line
implementation. implementation. toward change.
Project outcomes do not Project outcomes Project outcomes line Project outcomes line up
Alignment of Vision line up with either the somewhat line up with up well with both the extremely well with both
grantmaker’s mission or both the grantmaker’s grantmaker’s mission and the grantmaker’s mission
community needs. mission and community community needs. and community needs.
Reporting plan is not Reporting plan lacks Grantees have a feasible Grantees have an
Reporting Plan feasible and is not detail or implementation and acceptable reporting extensive and actionable
acceptable. information. plan. reporting plan.
3. Define the rubric criteria. These criteria identify each 4. Design the rating scale. Although this could include
component for assessment. For grants, common review letter grades, for application review, numeric scores are
criteria may include: likely to be the most useful since they can be summed.
Most scales include 3-5 rating levels.
Transparency regarding review affords benefits for 3. Assemble an inclusive review team
everyone involved in your process: The benefits of engaging diverse reviewers can’t be
overstated. Not only do a wide range of perspectives and
It demonstrates respect for applicants’ time. When experiences serve your organization overall, an inclusive
they can access assessment guidelines, applicants know review team also helps to ensure that your selection
where to focus and what to prioritize in assembling their process is equitable and that accepted applicants and their
application. work better reflect that equity, thereby serving the mission
you are likely striving for.
Do your homework
Although it can take time to assess your current resources Posting an open call for reviewers may bring in some
and practices, conscientiously assemble a team, foster diversity, but you’ll have better luck reaching out to the
collaboration, and achieve consensus, research shows reviewers on the platforms where they spend the most time.
the outcomes are worth the effort. Among a multitude of If someone on staff has connections to a particular group
benefits, diversity in the workforce helps organizations grow or community, this can be the easiest way to put a call out.
and sustain innovation. Or reach out to other organizations that serve particular
communities, and ask them to help you solicit reviewers.
To welcome a diverse review board to your grants process: Consider creating a press release about openings on your
review board opportunity and share it with organizations
working in diverse communities.
Inventory your workplace culture
Begin by assessing how valued diverse viewpoints are
among your current team. Daily micro-decisions can Communicate clearly
be telling. For example, whose opinions are regularly It’s important to be up front about the workload for grant
sought out? Who is invited to meetings? Who is included application reviewers and what, if any, compensation is
in the organization’s target applicant group? Answering available. Be honest about what you can offer when you are
these kinds of questions internally will allow you to make soliciting assistance and be cognizant if considering asking
adjustments and help ensure all reviewers feel comfortable, for free labor from historically underpaid groups. Even
included, respected, and valued. If you’re bringing in modest compensation is a way to show your reviewers that
outside reviewers, this will be easier if you’ve done internal you value the work they are doing for your organization.
work towards inclusivity first.
Alternately, get creative about other ways you can provide
compensation—you might offer reviewers a discount,
Define your goals service, gift card, or organize a thank you event for them.
Carefully consider what diversity will contribute to your
review process. Additional voices and perspectives will
likely push at the boundaries of what your organization has Focus on inclusive values
done previously. Ensuring that you are ready to embrace Work to broaden your team authentically. Nothing is more
these changes is key. It’s also important to diversify your off-putting to a review team member than realizing she is
review team for more than just optics—establish a goal the only woman on the team or the only Black person in
centered around diverse viewpoints and, ultimately, the room. Diversity for diversity’s sake will leave reviewers
improved applicant selections. feeling tokenized. Ensuring that your review team is truly,
broadly diverse will help you make decisions authentically
and build diversity into your organization’s ethos. Research
also shows that the most significant attributes of inclusive 4. Make thoughtful assignments
workplace leaders are humility and empathy. A review team, as opposed to a single reviewer or two, will
ensure a more fair assessment for every applicant. Whether
Diversity isn’t just about ethnicity, gender, age, ability, you provide multiple grants or just one annual award, having
or sexual orientation. True inclusivity also involves a more than one reader in your review committee is vital to
consideration of socioeconomic status and background, keeping the process fair.
education, professional and personal experience, and
political ideology, among other things. Other key strategies If you’re offering a single grant, have two or three readers
for review board diversity include commitment, ongoing on each application. If you’re running several, you could
analysis and education, and accountability. group reviewers into teams, group applications by category,
or rotate reviewers and applications throughout the
5. Hide sensitive information Lean on the rubric. The more detailed, thorough, and
Consider how much of a candidate’s information reviewers consistent your rubric is, the more useful it becomes
really need to see. in cases of dissension. Guide conversations back to
established criteria wherever possible, with the awareness
To minimize the risk of implicit bias or favoritism, pinpoint that smart debate may recommend revision to the rubric as
which elements are absolutely essential for reviewers to you go.
make their decision—and which aren’t. This way, the risk
of “similar to me” bias or other harmful associations are Designate a facilitator. For in-person deliberation,
drastically reduced, allowing reviewers to score applicants choose a person to actively and conscientiously mediate
fairly and based on their relevant merits and suitability to conversations. Ideally this individual does not have power
the program. over the review team members—you can use the same
person in every meeting or rotate facilitators. Facilitators
Your review team will be thoroughly trained on how to should be skilled at keeping any debate open, kind, and
review objectively, but because implicit bias is largely safe, while encouraging those who aren’t vocal to share
unconscious, teams need to have preventative measures in their opinions.
Establish thoughtful protocols. All group members
Nationalities, socioeconomic status, or anything else that should be encouraged to practice active listening, avoid
isn’t directly correlated to a student’s suitability should be interrupting, and ask questions to aid their understanding.
kept hidden from the review team. Even a candidate’s name Empower reviewers to resolve their own problems through
can sway reviewers. open conversation about what priorities matter the most to
Fostering agreement (rather than deciding for your team) is Allow for time and build trust. Arriving at consensus
worth the effort. The following strategies can help: can take time but the outcomes are worth it. Build time
into your process to allow for reviewers to consider one
another’s view points, talk (or type) openly, and allow for
dissension. Fostering a culture within your organization are assigned a set number of applications to read and
where disagreement is embraced and divergent opinions rank in quality order. Let’s say a reader is reviewing five
are encouraged can take time to establish. Make it safe for applications—the best one would score a 1, the next best a
individuals to be “wrong,” change their mind, fumble, fail, 2, and so on, with the least favorite receiving a 5.
and learn from one another.
Number of reviewers To find the strongest applications, add up the scores among
all applications—the ones with the highest scores are
A ranking system can be another great collaborative ranked highest collectively.
way to select grant winners. Using this strategy, readers
Whether you use averages or ranking, ideally each Attract applicants with modern forms that are on brand,
application gets a once-over from multiple reviewers. This easy to access, and straightforward to complete.
takes the strain off each individual reader, ensures greater
impartiality, and simplifies the process of selection. When Especially if your mission involves awareness, education,
passing along applications for multiple reviews, keep the or helping those in marginalized communities or those
previous score or ranking hidden to avoid unconscious bias. with fewer privileges, it’s imperative that your form and
application process welcome all.
7 benefits to a digital process And accessibility and ease of use always go hand-in-hand.
A rigorous, equitable, and unbiased application process With Submittable’s grant management software, you can
takes time. From creating a comprehensive rubric and provide the simplest possible process for applicants, from
building a top-notch review team to managing decision start to finish—including requesting additional paperwork
making and selecting top candidates for your grant, every from applicants within the same platform. Applicants can
step requires resources and attention. also automatically provide full information about their
nonprofit simply by entering their EIN number a single time
For this reason, eliminating manual work and streamlining via the Charity Check feature.
tedious processes whenever possible is key. Adopting
an online review process can serve your applicants and
organization in multiple ways.
Side-by-side review allows your board to collaborate online together—and literally stay
on the same page. 12
4. Automation for improved focus 5. Anonymous review to minimize bias
Not all manual tasks need to still be done manually. When you’re relying exclusively on in-person regular
Submittable automates repetitive tasks and streamlines meetings or training sessions to collaborate and share
communication, moving important steps out of inboxes and feedback on applications, unconscious bias can jeopardize
eliminating file cabinets. your review process.
Save team resources for diligent assessment of The reviewer who speaks the loudest or the first, or the
applications—not spreadsheets, data entry, and email. reader that feels particularly strongly about a certain
A smart digital grant application process will include application, have the power to sway other reviewers in a
features like automatic confirmation for candidates when way that can’t be controlled.
their application is received, auto-labels that differentiate
applications from one another as they come in, and auto- An online process allows administrators to oversee reviewer
assignments for review teams. permission levels and access. It’s simple to hide applicant
information from reviewers, hide reviewer comments from
With grant management software, administration and review other reviewers, and keep reviewer scores confidential,
teams can leave low-effort, high-frequency tasks to the viewable to administrators only. This helps prevent
platform and direct more focus on mission and impact. reviewers from making decisions influenced by bias related
to applicants or informed by fellow team members.
6. A centralized and secure system
When the applications come in, they’re likely to include a
significant amount of sensitive information and documents,
depending on your grant. Using an online system allows
assignments ratings labels
you to collect and safely store application and proposal
data in addition to all relevant documents in one centralized
location—with no email attachments and no downloads.
You can also improve your application and review process Grant proposal selection can be both a labor-intensive and
by asking the applicant a few straightforward questions delicate task, and the stakes are high. A digital platform like
about their experience, either as part of your application Submittable can make it that much easier to establish or
or through your online platform as an additional form, such fine-tune your outstanding application and review process,
as a survey. These could be simple yes/no questions or a so that both your applicants and your team appreciate the
detailed and advanced feedback section—the key is to ask results—and so that the community and the world may
targeted questions that will shed light on the applicant’s benefit from what you accomplish.
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Submittable is a cloud-based submission management platform that makes it easy to accept, review,
and select any kind of content, no matter where you are. Since 2010, Submittable has helped
organizations collect more than 10 million submissions for thousands of customers all over the world.