Bahan Metilen Blue

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MATEC Web of Conferences 238, 03006 (2018)


Photocatalytic oxidation degradation mechanism study of methylene blue

dye waste water with GR/iTO2

Xi-quan WANG1, Song-fu HAN1,Qing-wen Zhang2, Nan Zhang1, and Dan-dan ZHAO1
Dept. of Environmental Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Liaoning University of Science and Technology, Anshan 114051,
Dept. of Angang Group Engineering Technology, Anshan 114051, China

Abstract. Graphene/titania multiplex photo-catalyst was prepared through hydrothermal method. Methylene blue with
initial concentration of 20 mg/L in aqueous solution was treated by photocatalytic oxidation and the degradation
process was investigated by UV/Vis spectrum, FTIR and GC-MS Spectra analysis. The results indicated that the
conjugate structure of N-S heterocyclic compound was broken and aromatic ring was oxidized to open the ring. The
methylene blue molecules were finally mineralized to H2O and CO2 in the photocatalytic degradation process.

1 Introduction different fields, which can cause environmental

contaminations to the harm environment and the human
Dye wastewater is hard to degrade due to its high health. The adsorption characteristics of MB on various
content of organic compounds, complexity of the adsorbents have previously been extensively investigated,
components and high chroma[1]. In view of the nevertheless, the degradation mechanism of methylene
difficulty in dealing with dye wastewater by the blue in photocatalytic oxidation process is still poorly
known owing to its complex chemical structure[8-9]. In
traditional methods, a lot of research work and trials
this paper, Graphene/titania (GR/TiO2) multiplex
have been done to seek appropriate technology. photocata
Photocatalytic oxidation is regarded as a future lyst was prepared through hydrothermal method.
advanced oxidation technology for the removal of Following previous studies, the intermediate products
toxic organic dye from water. Among various during the photocatalytic reaction were analysised with
semiconducting materials, most attention has been UV/Vis, IR and GC-MS spectra to propose the detailed
focused on TiO2 because of its characters of degradation pathways between photocatalytic oxidation
environmental-protecting, sound stability, and methylene blue solution.
non-secondary-pollution and effective degradation[2].
The hydroxyl radicals caused by the excitation of TiO2 2. Materials and methods
under UV irradiation could oxidize and mineralize
organic pollutants into H2O and CO2. However, the 2.1. Dye materials
photocatalytic activity of TiO2 is unsatisfactory
because of the recombination of light-generated The cationic dye, methylene blue (analytically pure) was
electron-hole pairs and the agglomerate phenomena[3]. purchased from Sinopharm chemical reagent Co. LTD.
It has been proved that the TiO2-C compound Methylene blue,
materials have more outstanding catalyzed effect[4-5]. 3,7-bis(dimethylamino)-phenothiazin-5-ium chloride, is a
heterocyclic aromatic chemical compound with the
Graphene is regarded as a good carrier for
molecular formula C16H18N3SCl[10].The stock solution
photocatalyst owing to its large specific surface, was prepared by dissolving accurately weighted dye in
fast-paced electronic conduct and large mechani- deionized water to the concentration of 1000 mg/L. The
-cal strength. The unique physical properties could be working solutions were obtained by diluting the dye stock
favorate to separate electron-hole pairs and avoid solution to the concentration of 20 mg/L. The pH
agglomeration that in turn leading to the enhanced variation during the course of reaction was not significant,
photocatalytic activity[6-7]. Methle- so the solutions were conducted at natural conditions.
-ne blue is a widely used organic toxic dye in a range of

*Corresponding author :Tel: 86 18340797937; E-mail:2920816646 @qq.coma

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
MATEC Web of Conferences 238, 03006 (2018)

3. Results and discussion

Structural formula of methylene blue


2.2. Chemical reagent

Butyl titanate, nitric acid, glacial acetic acid,
Anhydrous ethanol, phosphoric anhydride , sulphuric (b)
acid, graphite powder, methylene blue, potassium
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
persulfate, potassium permanganate, The chemical 2θ/(°)
reagents listed are analytically pure.

Fig.1 XRD spectras of GR/TiO2 (a) and TiO2 (b)

2.3. Photocatalytic oxidation experim-
Figure 1 shows the XRD patterns of GR/TiO2 (a) and
TiO2 (b). As shown in Fig.1, 25.3°,37.8°,48.0°,53.9°,
55.0°,62.8°,68.8°,70.3°,75.1°,76.1°and 82.8°were
Graphite oxide was prepared by modified Hummers all characteristic peaks of anatase, indicating that the TiO2
method[11]. A predetermined amount of graphite oxide in GR/ TiO2 were anatase crystal which had better
was slowly added into TiO2 sol which was prepared by photocatalytic active relative to brookite and rutile.
sol-gel method. Stirring the mixture was continued for Combared Fig.1(a) with Fig.(b), the XRD spectras of
about 2h, and then the solution was aged at room GR/TiO2(a) and TiO2(b) were basically the same,
temperature. Then the gel was hydrothermally treated at illustrating that the peaks of GR were covered and crystal
200℃ for 12h . After this hydrothermal process, the phase of TiO2 remained unchanged.
product was washed by deionized water to neutrality, then
dried at 70℃. Finally, the GR-TiO2 photocatalyst was
obtained. The preparation method of TiO2 was similar to
that of Gr-TiO2, except there was no introduction of
graphene oxide into the preparation system.
The Photocatalytic oxidation experiments were carried
out in photocatalytaic reactor at room temperature. The
reactor consists of ultraviolet lamps (main wavelength is
254 nm) and magnetic stirrers. In our study, a volume of Fig.2 SEM (a) and TEM (b) photo of microstructure of
100 ml of the aqueous solution of methylene blue with
the concentration of 20 mg/L was introduced in reactor GR/TiO2
with 100 mg photocatalyst, and then the mixture was Figure 2 shows the SEM (a) and TEM (b) images of GR-
stirred for 30 min in the darkness, after which the reaction TiO2. As shown in Fig.2(a), the TiO2 powers had uniform
suspension was irradiated under UV light. The reaction loaded into GR that had high specific surface area. The
mixture was stirred vigorously using magnetic stirrer for images indicated that the TiO2 in composite catalyst was
during the entire reaction time. Samples were collected at approximately 25nm in diameter and scattered on the
appreciate intervals and were centrifuged to remove film-shaped GR. With loose agglomeration and favorable
catalyst particles with high-speed centrifugal. dispersibility, that is, dye molecules and catalysts contact
area was increased, and resulting in the enhancement of
photocatalytic activity.
2.4 The analysis method
The X-ray diffractometer (XRD) was carried out to
identify the crystal phase. The surface morphology of 0min
samples was determined by scanning electron microscopy 2.0
(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A 30min
UV/VIS spectrometer recording the spectra over the 1.5
200nm–800 nm range was used to measure methylene 60min

blue solution samples at 10min interval during 1.0

photocatalytic oxidation. On the other hand, the samples

were dried completely and then pressed as KBr pellets to
acquire the FTIR spectra by an FTIR spectrometer from 0.0
400 to 4000cm−1. Intermediate compounds of methylene
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
blue solution were also identified by a GC–MS system. wavelength
Before analyzing with the GC-MS system, the products
were extracted using trichloromethane in a separating Fig.3 The UV - Vis absorption spectra of methylene blue
funnel for three times.

MATEC Web of Conferences 238, 03006 (2018)

(t=0~1h)in photo-catalytic oxidation process at 3041 cm-1. The peak of 2960 cm-1 belongs to the
Fig.3 shows the UV-Vis absorption spectra of methylene stretching vibration peak of methyl group and the other
blue solution at different photocatalytic oxidation reaction typical flexural vibration of methyl group occurs at 1397
time. For the UV-Vis absorption spectra, 612nm and cm-1. The C=C framework vibration of benzene ring
665nm in the visible region is the characteristic peak of vibration and the C=N stretching vibration were found at
large conjugated system of N-S heterocycle group. The 1602 cm-1[12], the absorption peaks at and 1490 cm-1 and
291nm characterizes phenothiazine structure and the peak 1445 cm-1 were also related to C=C stretchings. The
of 245nm in UV region belong to aromatic and polycyclic characteristic absorption peak of C-N bond linked
aromatic. Methylene blue is a chromogenic agent whose aromatic amine occurs at 1354 cm-1. The peak of
N-S heterocycle group attached to benzene includes lone 1250cm-1 is the C=S stretching vibration absorption peak.
pair electron,in which sulfhydryl group is the main The absorption peaks at 1222 cm-1、1181 cm-1、1143 cm-1,
chromophoric group. According to the UV-Vis absorption 1066 cm-1 and 1037 cm-1 are assigned to the in-plane
spectra during reaction time, the strong absorption peaks bending vibration peaks of aromatic C-H, while the
in the visible region decreased obviously, in view of the absorption peaks at 885 cm-1, 836 cm-1 and 667 cm-1 are
absorption peaks become sharper with the extending of attributed to out-plane bending vibration peaks of
the conjugated unsaturated system, indicating that aromatic C-H. The absorption peak of 614 cm-1 is caused
conjugated structure of heterocycle was destroyed. The by C- S-C framework vibration[13].
results in Fig. 3 stated that the destruction of the As shown in Fig.3b, the number of absorption peaks had
conjugate structure was almost synchronization during decreased significantly and the characteristic peak of
the processing of decolorization. At the same time, the C=N and C=S had decreased significantly after
characteristic absorption peaks between 200 and 400nm photocatalytic oxidation, thus it could be concluded that
were gradually reduced, which stated that phenothiazine the N-S heterocyclic compound was broken during the
structure and benzene were attacked by the hydroxyl degradation process. The characteristic peak of benzene
radicals and oxidized to open the ring. Thus, it is and C-H bending vibration of aromatic C-H had fallen
concluded that strong oxidizing substance hydroxyl substantially indicating that phenyl structure was
radicals which generated by ultraviolet dissociating TiO2 destroyed. Owing to the ring opening reaction of benzene
directly broke directly unsaturated bonds of conjugated and the rupture of dye molecules, the absorption peaks at
system and change the structure of dye molecule, then the 2923 cm-1 which belonged to the stretching vibration peak
intermediate would be decomposed into small molecules of methyl group became stronger. Thus, it is summarized
during photocatalytic oxidation. that the conjugate structure of N-S heterocyclic
compound was broken and aromatic ring was oxidized to
open the ring, the dye molecules were degraded and
949 668
formed micro-molecular organics during photo catalysis
( a) 1537
1445 1223
1067 804
3041 2960 1182 1142 885


1397 1354


(b) 2854
3055 1139
2923 600

1608 653


4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500


Fig.4 The FT-IR spectra of pretreatment methylene blue in

photo-catalytic oxidation process
The transformation of the methylene blue molecular
structure was further evaluated by measurement of the
FTIR spectra at 0 and 30min. The results shown in Fig.
4(a) are the FTIR spectra of methylene blue solution
without Photocatalytic oxidation and Fig. 4(b) displays
FTIR spectra of methylene blue after Photocatalytic
oxidation for 30min. According to the UV-Vis absorption
spectra of methylene blue, it was illustrated that
methylene blue had N-S heterocycle group conjugate
structure and phenothiazine structure and aromatics. The
results in Fig. 3(a) showed that the broad peak of
3422cm-1 was determined as the O-H stretching vibration
of water molecules. It could be seen the peak
corresponding to C-H absorption of benzene ring occured

MATEC Web of Conferences 238, 03006 (2018)

and 2-Amino-5-hydroxy-benzenesulfonic acid were likely

to be the degradation intermediate of
2-Amino-5-dimethylamino-benzenesulfonic acid attacked
by hydroxyl radical, whose molecular formula were
C6H7NSO3 (Fig. 5a) and C6H7NSO4 (Fig. 5c) respectively.
At the same time, the molecular ion peak of m/z 202.0
corresponding to 4-Nitro-benzenesulfonic acid anion was
the oxidized resultant of 4-Amino-benzenesulfonic with
the molecular formula being C8H10N2O2 (Fig. 5d). The
molecular ion peak of m/z 165.8 related to
Dimethyl-(4-nitro-phenyl)-amine with the molecular
formula being C6H10N2O2 (Fig. 5e) was the products after
hydroxyl radical attacked the N-S heterocyclic of dye
molecules, while the m/z value observed at 110.0
belonging to p-Dihydroxybenzene with the molecular
formula being C6H6O2 (Fig. 5f) was the oxidized resultant
of benzene ring. The m/z value of 118.0 belonged to the
small molecular products of degradation with the
molecular formula being C4H6O4 (Fig.5g), corresponding
to succinic acid generated by open-loop benzene. It
further showed that the broken position of methylene blue
treated by photocatalytic oxidation was the conjugate
structure of the N-S heterocycle group which is in line
with the analysis results by the UV and IR spectrogram.
Based on the intermediate and above analytical results,
the degradation pathways of methylene blue is described,
as shown in Fig. 5. In the process of photocatalytic
oxidation treatment of methylene blue, hydroxyl radicals
firstly attacked the N-S heterocycle group conjugate
structure because the electron density of sulfhydryl was
higher, the methylene blue had been degraded to
2-Amino-5-dimethylamino-benzenesulfonic acid anion
and Dimethyl-(4-nitro-phenyl)-amine. And then the
Dimethyl-(4-nitro-phenyl)-amine was captured by
hydroxyl radicals and formed p-Dihydroxybenzene.
Furthermore, 2-Amino-5-dimethylamino-benzenesulfonic
acid anion continued to be broken into
4-Amino-benzenesulfonic acid and
2-Amino-5-dimethylamino-benzenesulfonic acid.
4-Amino-benzenesulfonic acid was oxidized to
4-Nitro-benzenesulfonic acid anion. Finally,
4-Nitro-benzenesulfonic acid anion was directly attacked
and generated then continued to be degraded CO2 and
Fig.5 The GC-MS spectra of identified compounds in methylene H2O through a series of reactions. This is similar with the
blue solution of Photocatalytic oxidation:(a) Product at degradation mechanism of methylene blue by
16.186min, (b) Product at 16.154 min, (c) Product at 15.801min, atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge
(d) Product at 4.467 min, (e) Product at 4.462min, (f) Product at plasma[14].
4.162 min, (g)Product at 3.199min Fig.6 The degradation pathways of methylene blue reacting with
Photocatalytic oxidation.
In order to verify the above deductions, a further attempt
was made to identify the mineralization during the
degradation of methylene blue through GC-MS analyses.
The qualitative results of the GC-MS analysis in Fig.5
showed that some volatile intermediate products of
methylene blue solution were identified during
Photocatalytic oxidation. The m/z at 215.0 could be easily
identified to 2-Amino-5-dimethylamino-benzenesulfonic
acid anion (Fig. 5c) with the molecular formula being
C8H11N2SO3 speculated from the ion abundance ratios
which suggested that N-S heterocyclic compound of
methylene blue were broken. The m/z value of 173.0 and
189.0 corresponding to 4-Amino-benzenesulfonic acid

MATEC Web of Conferences 238, 03006 (2018)

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solution is that hydroxyl radicals firstly attacked the N-S
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which continued to be degraded CO2 and H2O through a
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