Case Report: Psoriasis Vulgaris in Children - Case Presentation
Case Report: Psoriasis Vulgaris in Children - Case Presentation
Case Report: Psoriasis Vulgaris in Children - Case Presentation
1, 2016 January-March
Case Report
Psoriasis Vulgaris in Children -
Case Presentation
1 nd
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Emergency County Hospital Craiova, 2 Pediatric Clinic
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Emergency County Hospital Craiova, Dermatology Clinic
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, student
4 st
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Emergency County Hospital Craiova, 1 Pediatric Clinic
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Emergency County Hospital Craiova, Medical Clinic
6 nd
Emergency County Hospital Craiova, 2 Pediatric Clinic
ABSTRACT: A seven-year-old girl, with erythematous-squamous rash, was admitted to our clinic to decide upon
the diagnosis and treatment, being transferred from a county hospital. Heredo-collateral antecedents – an aunt,
related to her mother, with psoriasis. When admitted, the patient presented prominent non-pruriginous erythematous
plaques, clearly marked and covered by thick, silvery-white scales, easily exfoliating, all over at the level of: scalp,
earlobes, neck, torso, limbs, periungual, axillary and genital areas. The dermatological examination: psoriasis
vulgaris in patches and plaques, a diagnosis also confirmed histopathologically. Using a local dermatologic treatment,
the evolution was favorable, the patient initially presenting thick squamae, then, gradually, there occurred the
psoriasis whitening. We presented this case since psoriasis is rarely met at this early age.
DOI: 10.12865/CHSJ.42.01.14 97
Cristina Singer et al. - Psoriasis Vulgaris in Children - Case Presentation
98 DOI: 10.12865/CHSJ.42.01.14
Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 42, No. 1, 2016 January-March
DOI: 10.12865/CHSJ.42.01.14 99
Cristina Singer et al. - Psoriasis Vulgaris in Children - Case Presentation
Starting with the 3rd day of the treatment, the stimulation of the T helper lymphocytes in
patient presented progressive desquamation of genetically predisposed individuals [8].
the squamae. She was discharged after 7 days, Psoriasis frequently appears during teenage
without squamae (Fig.4). Discharge diagnosis: and adulthood and only 10-15% of the cases
Psoriasis vulgaris in patches and plaques. Nasal appear during school age [1].
staphylococcus aureus. Hypocalcemia. There is evidence which shows the existence
Hypoproteinemia. Tooth cavities. Weight of a genetic predisposition to psoriasis,
hypotrophy. especially for the one with childhood onset; in
our case, too, the patient had his mother’s sister
Discussions with psoriasis. It is estimated that 7% of the
Psoriasis has been present for centuries; patients with psoriasis onset during childhood
particularities of the disease were identified in had someone with this disease in their family[9].
the mummified bodies. Robert William, an The light forms of psoriasis can be controlled
English physician, described, for the first time, by means of local treatment with: topic
the clinical aspects of psoriasis at the beginning corticosteroids, analogies of vitamin D3
of the 19th century [5]. (calcipotriol), combinations of topic
Psoriasis vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory corticosteroids and calcipotriol, tars,
disease of the skin that affects 2-3% of the keratolytics, emollients. For the treatment of
worldwide population. In psoriasis vulgaris, light forms, phototherapy is also used. The
immune cells infiltrate the dermis and epidermis moderate and moderate-severe forms require
and produce inflammation, which can be visible phototherapy (UVB, UVA, PUVA) and/or
as red, raised and scaly plaque-like lesions [6]. systemic treatment. The standard, classical
The disease can be classified in light, systemic treatment is represented by
moderate and severe forms, different scores methotrexate, acitretin, cyclosporine, fumaric
being used for this classification: BSA (body acid. Although effective, these treatments
surface area), PASI score (Psoriasis Area present numerous side effects, both in the short
Severity Index), DLQI score (dermatology life and in the long run, and many patients present
quality index). The body surface which is forms of disease which are resistant to these
affected under 2% represents a light form of standard therapies [7,10]. In the past couple of
disease, between 2 and 10% we have moderate years, biological therapy has been increasingly
forms, and over 10% of the body surface there used to treat the moderate-severe or severe
occurs severe psoriasis. PASI score is useful forms of psoriasis, adalimumab, etanercept,
both in the evaluation of the disease severity and infliximab and ustekinumab being available in
for treatment monitoring and this score is highly Romania, at present [10].
used in clinical studies. Another score which is Childhood psoriasis has long been recognized
used for this purpose is DLQI, which can be clinically, yet few epidemiologic studies are
found out by means of a 10 question- available [2,3]. As an outwardly visible disorder,
questionnaire answered by the patient who refers psoriasis affects children’s psychological and
to his last week experience [7]. physical development and it strongly affects the
The studies carried out on psoriasis in quality of life [3]. Early diagnosis and
children described the possible role of the appropriate management are particularly
nasopharyngeal streptococcus in causing the important in children to solve long-term disease-
disease [1]. In our case, the nasal exudate related psychological problems [3,10].
revealed the presence of staphylococcus aureus.
In the specialty literature, there are controversies Conclusions
related to the role of the staphylococcus aureus The particularities of this case were: an early
in psoriasis pathogenesis. age onset, the presence of psoriasis family
Psoriasis vulgaris is a cutaneous, antecedents, and the association with an
inflammatory, chronic disease which is immune- infection which can determine the occurrence of
mediated (by T-cells). It is characterized by a guttate psoriasis, the patient initially presenting
keratinocyte hyperproliferation and small guttate patches which, after the initial
differentiation, associated with angiogenesis and topic treatment, became extended plaques
dermic vasodilatation, these processes being covered by characteristic silvery squamae. The
initiated by an inborn exaggerated answer to still patient remained in our clinic’s and
unknown stimuli and maintained by a persistent dermatologist’s records, with a favorable
Corresponding Author: Singer Cristina, Senior Lecturer, MD, PhD, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, Emergency County
Hospital Craiova, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, 1, Tabaci Street, Craiova, Dolj County;