CE-1A ENSC1013 MRR3 Padilla
CE-1A ENSC1013 MRR3 Padilla
CE-1A ENSC1013 MRR3 Padilla
Instructions: Following the same scientific revolution assigned to your group during the
earlier presentation, read one of the three articles and accomplish the Metacognitive Reading
Report after.
1. Difficult Concepts
2. Learning Insights
a. Before reading the article, I thought that The development of S&T was fixed
during the Spanish regimes and Spaniards are the main contributor of modern
technology in our country.
However, after reading the article, I now think/learned that They only evolved our
country into a primary agricultural exporting economy, and the development of
medicine and pharmacy will be their best professional contribution in our country, but
these serves as the preparatory in modern science and technology in Filipino.
b. Before reading the article, I thought that Before the American regime came, there
Are many universities and schools that established by Spaniards and it progressive.
ENSC 1013: Science, Technology and Society
Metacognitive Reading Report No. 3
Unit 4: Science and Technology and Nation Building
However, after reading the article, I now think/learned that During the American
regime to the commonwealth period, the quality of education and facilities are well
developed, and science and technology advanced rapidly. In these periods, there are
many schools that are being established. They have many courses that introduced in
our country to become knowledgeable in terms of S&T.
c. Before reading the article, I thought that Filipino during the pre-historic period can
adopt and invent by their own to improve science and technology in the Philippines
However, after reading the article, I now think/learned that Colonial periods are the
reason of everything that S&T in our country had. From Spaniards regime that the
beginning of S&T has been traced and established schools, hospitals and started
scientific research, to American regime that improved everything that presented by
Spaniard and to the present that S&T has been modernized.
3. Discussion Questions
a. How does religious orders shape the development of S&T in our country?
b. What is the innovation of education and training of scientists and engineers during
S&T since independence?
c. The development of S&T from pre-colonial to American regime, it has been shown
how Filipinos systematically and creatively made inventions out of their knowledge.
What challenged my mind in the article, given the fact that it presents merely on the
advantages of the development, is that, how these inventions became a disadvantage in
modern times.