Assignment#1 Edu301
Assignment#1 Edu301
Assignment#1 Edu301
SPRING, 2020
Gender Diversity:
By diversity, we mean being different or unlike others. We can also say that diversity is being
unique. Then gender diversity is used in meaning of equitable or fair representation of people of
different genders. Men and women should be given equal opportunities instead of the fact that
they come from different races, languages and backgrounds. They should be given equal rights
like their payment should be equal and they should get equal chances of promotion.
Example 1 Example 2
Students get frustrated when they have to It is easy for a university student to
perform task alone but if teacher or parents understand the philosophy when it is
help them in learning, they will be able to discussed in class but same student finds it
perform easily like they learn addition difficult on his own. The instructor guides
easily with their parents or teachers as student that how can he approach the book
compared to doing alone. and what strategies he should apply while
learning alone.