The Impact of Money Attitude On Personal
The Impact of Money Attitude On Personal
The Impact of Money Attitude On Personal
Moderation Variables
Personal financial management behavior is considered as an important activity for individual
which has a purpose to achieve financial welfare. This study had two purpose: (1) to test the
direct effect of money attitude and self-control on the personal financial management
behavior, and (2) to test the moderating effect of self-control on the effect money attitude and
personal financial management behavior. The sample of this reasearch were 134 of
undergraduate student and 109 of postgraduate student in the Faculty of Economic and
Business (FEB) Bengkulu University. This study used Partial Least Square (PLS) program to
testy the hypothesis. The following are generated results from this research study. The direct
effect of money attitude and self-control have a significantly influence on personal financial
management behavior. In addition, self-control has not moderating effect on money attitude
and personal financial management behavior of among college students in the Faculty of
Economics and Business (FEB) Bengkulu University.
Researchers, academics and practitioners ation rarely practiced basic financial skills,
agree that research on the financial behavior such as budgeting, a regular savings plan or
becomes an important issue in today's world planning for long-term requirements (Birari
is primarily caused by increasing on one’s and Patil, 2014).
income and purchasing power. In which According to Indonesia Stock Exchange
increasing of one's income and purchasing (IDX), based on the results of national
power will have caused long-term financial survey of financial literacy among college
problems. This condition requires an effort to students in 2016, showed only 28% of
improving the financial well-being by giving college students who had a good literacy
an emphasis on financial behavior aspects with utility rates of 44% (IDX, 2016). On
(Zaimah et al., 2013). The financial the other hand, the results of a survey on
management behavior tends to be associated postgraduate students conducted by National
with a person’s perceived control over Union of Student (NUS), showed
spending outcomes (Grable et al., 2009). approximately 28% of respondents stated
In several previous studies concentrate that their sources of finance were not
on the financial behavior suggests that sufficient to meet their needs, although they
financial management practices on the young received the support of other tuition cost
generation has received the seriously resources (NUS, 2010).
attention from a wide range of organizations, This results in line with the results of
such as government, financial institutions, pre-survey conducted on undergraduate
universities, and etc (Mien and Thao, 2015), students in the Faculty of Economics and
because when they begin college careers, Business (FEB) Bengkulu University, in
most of them ever have not been solely which only 10 college student allocated
responsible for their own personal finances some of their pocket money on a monthly
(Borden et al., 2008). Even the young gener- basis for savings, and 26 college student
The result of parameter significance who estimated to provide very useful information on
the relationship between the variables of reasearch. The basis used to testing hypothesis are
values contained in the total effect output results from bootstraping iteration. at SmartPLS,
statistical testing of each relationship did by using a simulation through bootstraping methods
of sample. A testing with bootstrapping methods also has intended to minimize the problem
of research data abnormalities. Table 1.1 provides of estimation output to structural model
testing as follows:
Standard Standard
Original Sample T Statistics
Deviation Error p-value
Sample (O) Mean (M) (|O/STERR|)
Output Total Effect pada Program Sarjana
MA -> PFMB 0,367 0,374 0,062 0,062 5,897 0,000
SC -> PFMB 0,461 0,454 0,058 0,058 7,963 0,000
Moderating effect -> PFMB 0,002 0,011 0,055 0,055 0,030 0,991
Output Total Effect pada Program Pascasarjana
MA -> PFMB 0,352 0,347 0,070 0,070 5,006 0,000
SC -> PFMB 0,501 0,500 0,068 0,068 7,391 0,000
Moderating effect -> PFMB -0,071 -0,092 0,062 0,062 1,140 0,301
Data processed by SmartPLS (2017)
Notes : N of undergraduate program= 134. N of postgraduate program= 109. α< 0,05.
T-table of undergraduate program ≥ 1,977. T-table of postgraduate program ≥ 1,982
The result of first hypothesis test has found that the influence money attitude and
personal financial management behavior is significant, in which T-statistic value is 5.897 or
p-value < 0.05 for undergraduate program (T-statistics ≥ 1.977), and 5,006 or p-value < 0.05
The result of second hypothesis test in this research has showed that the influence
between self-control and personal financial management behavior is significant, In which the
value of T-statistics of 7.963 or p-value < 0.05 for undergraduate program (T-statistics
≥ 1.977) and of 7.391 or p-value < 0.05 for postgraduate program (T-statistics ≥ 1.982). So
that, can be concluded that self-control has a significantly influence on personal financial
management behavior of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of
Economics and Business (FEB) Bengkulu University. This study supports the opinion of
Haws et al., (2012) stated that self-control was a mainly factor contributed to financial well-
being and financial decision-making through spending self-control. An individual had high
self-control would hold up himself to making purchases emotionally, and finally they prefer
to rationally-shop, but An individual with low self-control would had encouraged one's to
making irrational-decisions. An individual who could control of overall spending would
earned surpluses and was not deficits (Sina and Noya, 2012). Tang et al., (2005) argued that
An individuals earned or had much money would had evaluated their financial situation as an
ability to provide of need, be better financial conditions, and reduce an economic pressures.
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