Module 1 Introduction To Assurance Engagements
Module 1 Introduction To Assurance Engagements
Module 1 Introduction To Assurance Engagements
Introduction to
ASSURANCE based on
Philippine Framework for
Assurance Engagements:
- auditor’s satisfaction as to the
reliability of an assertion being made
by one party for use by another party
1. Review of non-financial
performance indicators
such as:
a) Audits
b) Reviews
c) Other Services (e.g., CPA Web trust,
eldercare Plus, Business Performance
Measurement Services, Information
Reliability Services)
AUDITS (Independent financial statements
audit engagement)
It is an assurance
engagement to provide
a high level of
assurance that the
financial statements
are free of material
• Agreed-upon procedures
• Compilation of financial or other information
• Preparation of tax returns where no
conclusion is expressed, and tax consulting
• Management consulting
• Other advisory services
Agreed-upon procedures
The party engaging the
professional accountant or the
intended user determines the
procedures to be performed and
the professional accountant
provides a report of factual findings
as a result of undertaking those
1. Tax compliance
- includes preparation of tax returns for individuals, corporations,
estates and trusts, and others.
2. Tax planning
- determines the tax consequences of planned or potential
transactions and suggests the desirable course of action to
minimize the tax liability while achieving the client’s objective.
Tax Services
Example of Tax Compliance: Example of Tax Planning:
7 RDO Code
0 2 4
8 Date of Incorporation
taxes which adds to the burden of
A N D I N D U S T R I A L C O R P O R A T I O N paying huge taxes. Instead of
mber/Floor) (Building Name) declaring these as employees’
1 4 5 V I N C H Y S T R E E T
Phase Number
Building Number)
G E N . T . D E L
(Street Name)
benefits, it is much better to request
E-mail Address
(Province) (Zip Code) the employees to submit official
14 Method of Deduction receipts representing
X Itemized Deduction Optional Standard Deduction (OSD)
No Yes
If yes, fill out spaces below:
Special Rate Regular/Normal Rate (Special Tax Relief)
reimbursements of expenses in the
amount equal to the benefits they
15I • %
15J • %
will receive. This way, the payment of
Computation of Tax
15O 15P
additional benefits will be treated as
Exempt Special Rate Regular/Normal Rate
1 1 3 8 9 7 7 3 • 0 0
1 0 6 7 2 5 4 1 • 0 0
other company expenses which will
18A 18B 18C
7 1 7 2 3 2 • 0 0
4 5 0 3 4 0 • 0 0
1 1 6 7 5 7 2 • 0 0
not be subjected to taxes and will
21A • 21B • 21C • become part of deductions from the
22A 22B 22C
Legal Basis
• • 1 5 1 8 7 9 8 • 0 0
gross income.
23A • 23B • 23C •
23D • 23E • 23F •
24A • 24B • 24C •
Management consulting
Consulting services are professional services that
employ the practitioner’s technical skills,
observations, experiences, and knowledge of
the analytical approach and procedures used in
a consulting engagement.
Those procedures may involve determining client
objectives, fact-finding, definition of problems or
opportunities, evaluation of alternatives,
formulation of proposed action, communication
of results, implementation, and follow-up.
Other advisory services
Many accounting firms frequently provide
accounting services to small clients with
limited accounting staff. These services
include doing manual or automated
bookkeeping, and posting adjusting entries
or preparing (or compiling) financial
statements. This is also called
Assurance Engagement Acceptance
(v) The practitioner is satisfied that there is a rational purpose for the
engagement. If there is a significant limitation on the scope of the
practitioner’s work, it may be unlikely that the engagement has a
rational purpose. Also, a practitioner may believe the engaging party
intends to associate the practitioner’s name with the subject matter
in an inappropriate manner.
If the assurance engagement does not meet the previous
characteristics, the engaging party may be able to identify a
different engagement that will meet the needs of intended
users. For example:
(a) If the original criteria were not suitable, an assurance engagement
may still be performed if:
(i) The engaging party can identify an aspect of the original subject
matter for which those criteria are suitable, and the practitioner could
perform an assurance engagement with respect to that aspect as a
subject matter in its own right. In such cases, the assurance report
makes it clear that it does not relate to the original subject matter in
its entirety; or
(ii) Alternative criteria suitable for the original subject matter can be
selected or developed.
(b) The engaging party may request an engagement that is not an
assurance engagement, such as consulting or an agree-upon
procedures engagement.
Elements of Assurance Engagement
-the person who provides the -is a person (or persons) - the person, persons or
assurance to the intended users who: class of persons for
about a subject matter that is the (a) In a direct reporting whom the practitioner
responsibility of another party. engagement, is prepares the assurance
responsible for the report. The responsible
Part A of the Revised Code of subject matter; or party can be one of the
Ethics for Professional (b) In an assertion-based intended users, but not
Accountants in the Philippines sets engagement, is the only one.
out that all professional responsible for the
accountants are required to subject matter
observe the following: information (the
assertion), and may
(a) Integrity; be responsible for the
(b) Objectivity; subject matter.
(c) Professional competence and
due care;
(d) Confidentiality; and
(e) Professional behavior
Identify the three party relationship in the
following engagements:
Subject matter of an assurance engagement
can take may forms, such as:
• Financial performance or conditions for which the subject matter
information may be the recognition, measurement, presentation and
disclosure represented in financial statements.
• Non-financial performance or conditions for which the subject matter
information may be key indicators of efficiency and effectiveness.
• Physical characteristics for which the subject matter information may
be specifications document.
• Systems and processes for which the subject matter information
may be an assertion about effectiveness.
• Behavior for which the subject matter information maybe a
statement of compliance or a statement of effectiveness.
Suitable criteria exhibit the following
Criteria are the benchmarks
used to evaluate or measure
(a) Relevance: relevant criteria contribute to
the subject matter including,
conclusions that assist decision-making by
where relevant, benchmarks
the intended users.
for presentation and
(b) Completeness: criteria are sufficiently
complete when relevant factors that could
affect the conclusions in the context of the
engagement circumstances are not omitted.
•PFRS in the preparation of FS
(c) Reliability: reliable criteria allow reasonably
•Established Internal Control
consistent evaluation or measurement of the
Framework when reporting on
subject matter.
internal control
(d) Neutrality: neutral criteria contribute to
•Applicable law, regulation or
conclusions that are free from bias.
contract when reporting on
(e) Understandability: understandable criteria
contribute to conclusions that are clear;
comprehensive, and not subject to
significantly different interpretations.
Examples of the application of suitable
criteria in rendering a conclusion:
Example #1: Answer # 1: Using the criteria with the
SAXOPHONE COMPANY acquires characteristic of RELEVANCE &
a new manufacturing equipment on UNDERSTANDABILITY….
January 1, 2009, on installment
basis. The deferred payment PAS 16 (Property, Plant and Equipment) states
contract provides for a down that the cost of an item of PPE is its cash price
payment of P300,000 and an 8-year equivalent. If payment is deferred beyond normal
note for P3,104,160. The note is to credit terms, the difference between the cash
be paid in 8 equal annual price equivalent and the total payment is
installment payments of P388,020, recognized as interest expense over the credit
including 10% interest. The term unless such interest is capitalized in
payments are to be made on accordance with PAS 23.
December 31 of each year,
beginning December 31, 2009. The Therefore, the PPE should be measured at its
equipment has a cash price cash price which is P2,370,000.00.
equivalent of P2,370,000.
Saxophone’s financial year-end is
December 31. What is the
acquisition cost of the equipment?
Examples of the application of suitable
criteria in rendering a conclusion: (continued…)
Example # 2: Answer # 1: Using the criteria with the
characteristic of COMPLETENESS &
On November 1, 2010, 69 passengers on UNDERSTANDABILITY…
CANYON AIRLINES Flight No. 143 were
injured upon landing when the plane
skidded off the runway. Personal injury suits Under PAS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities,
for damages totaling P10,000,000 were filed and Contingent Assets, a provision shall be
on January 2, 2011, against the airline by 21 recognized when:
injured passengers. The air-line carries no a. an entity has a present obligation (legal or
insurance. Legal counsel has studied each constructive) as a result of a past event;
suit and advised Canyon that it can b. it is probable that an outflow of resources
reasonable expect to pay 70% of the
damages claimed. The financial statements
embodying economic benefits will be required
for the year ended December 31, 2010, to settle the obligation; and
were authorized for issue on February 12, c. A reliable estimate can be made of the amount
2011. During the past decade, the company of the obligation.
has experienced at least one accident per Therefore, the loss contingency of P7,000,000
year and incurred average damages of should be accrued because the cause for
P4,100,000. What liability due to the risk of litigation occurred before the end of the
loss from lack of insurance coverage should
Canyon Airlines record or disclose? (Ignore
reporting period and an unfavorable outcome is
the November 1, 2010, accident.) both probable and reasonably estimable.
Examples of the application of suitable criteria in
rendering a conclusion: (continued…)
1. Established criteria
- those that are embodied in laws or regulations, or issued by
authorized or recognized bodies.
Examples: PFRS, PAS, Revenue Regulations
(b) Detection risk: the risk that the practitioner will not detect material
misstatement that exists.
Nature, Timing and Extent of Evidence-
Gathering Procedures
The exact nature, timing and extent of evidence-gathering procedures
will vary from one engagement to the next.
(a) In terms of the responsible party’s assertion (for example: “In our opinion
the responsible party’s assertion that internal control is effective, in all
material respects, based on XYZ criteria, is fairly stated”); or
(b) Directly in terms of the subject matter and the criteria (for example: “In
our opinion internal control is effective, in all material respects, based on our
XYZ criteria”). In a direct reporting engagement, the practitioner’s
conclusion is worded directly in terms of the subject matter.
Activity: Watch a video on “Recap of Assurance
Engagements” (9:55)
Inappropriate Use of the Practitioner’s Name
A practitioner is associated with a subject matter when the
practitioner reports on information about that subject
matter or consents to the use of the practitioner’s name
in a professional connection with that subject matter. If
the practitioner is not associated in this manner, third
parties can assume no responsibility of the practitioner. If
the practitioner learns that a party is inappropriately
using the practitioner’s name in association with a
subject matter, the practitioner requires the party to
cease doing so. The practitioner also considers what
other steps may be needed, such as informing any
known third party users of the inappropriate use of the
practitioner’s name or seeking legal advice.
• Assurance Principles, Professional Ethics and
Good Governance – E.B. Cabrera
• CPA examination reviewer Auditing Problems –
Gerardo S. Roque
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