Jimmy de La Torre and Chia-Yi Chiu: Psychometrika Doi: 10.1007/s11336-015-9467-8
Jimmy de La Torre and Chia-Yi Chiu: Psychometrika Doi: 10.1007/s11336-015-9467-8
Jimmy de La Torre and Chia-Yi Chiu: Psychometrika Doi: 10.1007/s11336-015-9467-8
doi: 10.1007/s11336-015-9467-8
In contrast to unidimensional item response models that postulate a single underlying proficiency,
cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) posit multiple, discrete skills or attributes, thus allowing CDMs to
provide a finer-grained assessment of examinees’ test performance. A common component of CDMs for
specifying the attributes required for each item is the Q-matrix. Although construction of Q-matrix is
typically performed by domain experts, it nonetheless, to a large extent, remains a subjective process,
and misspecifications in the Q-matrix, if left unchecked, can have important practical implications. To
address this concern, this paper proposes a discrimination index that can be used with a wide class of
CDM subsumed by the generalized deterministic input, noisy “and” gate model to empirically validate the
Q-matrix specifications by identifying and replacing misspecified entries in the Q-matrix. The rationale
for using the index as the basis for a proposed validation method is provided in the form of mathematical
proofs to several relevant lemmas and a theorem. The feasibility of the proposed method was examined
using simulated data generated under various conditions. The proposed method is illustrated using fraction
subtraction data.
Key words: cognitive diagnosis, G-DINA, Q-matrix, validation, MMLE.
1. Introduction
Traditional models for measuring proficiency, be they in the framework of classical test the-
ory or item response theory, conceptualize examinee’s proficiency as a unidimensional latent
construct. Assessment of this proficiency typically involves a set of items varying in psycho-
metric properties (e.g., difficulty, discrimination), but homogenous with respect to the targeted
proficiency domain. Test performance is interpreted as the result of a complex interplay between
a test taker’s position on the latent proficiency continuum and the characteristics of the items
administered. These models provide information that are most useful in determining the position
of one examinee relative to other examinees and the test items.
In contrast, cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) offer an alternative psychometric framework
for comprehensively assessing examinees’ proficiency. Instead of postulating a single proficiency
continuum, CDMs construe proficiency as a set of interrelated but separable knowledge within a
domain, allowing for a finer-grained assessment of examinees’ test performance. As such, CDMs
are restricted latent class models, where the latent constructs are referred to as attributes, and
as a generic term, an attribute can correspond to a highly concrete item-solving skill, or refer to
a more abstract psychological construct. Alternatively, one can also view CDMs as analogous
confirmatory factor models albeit involving discrete, rather than continuous, latent variables.
Performance on a set of test items is explained as a function of the match, or lack thereof, between
a test taker’s attribute profile and the attribute requirements for correctly answering the test items.
A defining feature that sets CDMs apart from other psychometric approaches lies in its goal of
providing finer-grained inferences regarding examinees’ mastery or nonmastery of the different
attributes in a particular domain. It should be noted that although educational applications have
dominated many of the CDM developments, these models are general diagnostic tools that can be
Correspondence should be made to Jimmy de la Torre, Department of Educational Psychology, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, 10 Seminary Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA. Email: j.delatorre@rutgers.edu
applied outside education. For example, CDMs have been used as a tool for providing diagnosis of
psychological disorders (Jaeger, Tatsuoka, & Berns, 2003; Templin & Henson, 2006b). As such,
diagnostic classification models have also been recently used to refer to CDMs (Rupp, Templin,
& Henson, 2010).
Several CDMs that range in generality have been proposed in the literature (DiBello, Roussos,
& Stout, 2007; Fu & Li, 2007; Haberman & von Davier, 2007; Rupp & Templin, 2008b). Examples
of constrained models with more limited generality are the deterministic input, noisy and gate
(DINA; Haertel, 1984; Junker & Sijtsma, 2001) model, noisy input, deterministic output and gate
(NIDA; Maris, 1999; Junker & Sijtsma, 2001) model, deterministic input, noisy or gate (DINO;
Templin & Henson, 2006b) model, compensatory and reduced reparameterized unified model
(C-RUM and R-RUM; Hartz & Roussos, 2008), the additive CDM (A-CDM; de la Torre, 2011),
and the linear logistic model (LLM; de la Torre & Douglas, 2004). The different formulations
of these specific models reflect the assumptions they invoke about the processes involved in
problem solving in a particular domain. Although highly interpretable, a direct comparison of
the structures of these models in their current formulation is highly problematic. To address this
issue, more general CDMs that employ a more flexible parameterization have also been proposed.
Examples of these models are the general diagnostic model (GDM; von Davier, 2005), the log-
linear CDM (LCDM; Henson, Templin, & Willse, 2009), and the generalized DINA (G-DINA;
de la Torre, 2011) model. The general CDMs each represents a class of models, and some of the
aforementioned specific models can be converted as special cases of the general models.
Regardless of the generality of their formulation, all the above models share a general per-
spective of relating each item to single or multiple latent attributes, as specified in the Q-matrix
(Tatsuoka, 1983). In a test that targets a total of K latent attributes, each of the J items requires a
distinct subset of relevant attributes to be answered correctly. These specific item-attribute associ-
ations are collected into a binary J × K matrix, Q = {q jk }, where k = 1, . . . , K and j = 1, . . . , J .
The q jk entries indicate whether or not the jth item requires the kth attribute. Possession of a
particular attribute is construed as a binary event. Hence, for K attributes, a set of 2 K distinct
attribute profiles can be constructed constituting the universe of latent attribute classes. In most,
if not all CDM applications, the process of establishing the Q-matrix for a given test tends to be
subjective in nature and has raised serious validity concerns among researchers (see de la Torre,
2008; Rupp & Templin, 2008a). Misspecifications in the Q-matrix can severely affect estimation
of model parameters and, ultimately, correct classification of examinees.
Although the consequence of misspecified Q-matrices is recognized, at present, only few well-
developed methods are available to detect misspecifications in the Q-matrix. Barnes (2010) and
Liu, Xu, and Ying (2012) have proposed methods of deriving the Q-matrix without a provisional
Q-matrix. That is, the Q-matrix is derived solely based on students’ responses without any expert
input. However, among the limitations, these methods have been used only with specific CDMs
such as the DINA model, DINO model, and a restricted version of the R-RUM. It remains to be
seen whether these methods can work when the underlying process is more complex. A model-
based approach that can be used when the possible misspecified entries in a provisional Q-matrix
can be identified in advance was proposed by DeCarlo (2012), which is the same approach
proposed by Templin and Henson (2006a). In this approach, the potentially misspecified q-entries
are treated as random variables and estimated with the rest of the model parameters. However, the
robustness and generalizability of the proposed method need to be further investigated, particularly
in situations where all the misspecified q-entries cannot be identified and included in the analysis.
Chiu (2013) develops a Q-matrix refinement method based on the nonparametric classification
method proposed by Chiu and Douglas (2013), and comparisons of the residual sum of squares
computed from the observed and the ideal item responses. Results indicate that the method can
identify and correct misspecified entries in the Q-matrix effectively and efficiently. However,
at present, it has only been shown to work for a limited number of CDMs, and the underlying
process, either conjunctive or disjunctive, needs to be specified a priori.
Another related method for provisional Q-matrix validation was proposed by de la Torre
(2008). In his paper, an item discrimination index for item j, denoted in this paper as ϕ j , was
proposed for identifying misspecifications in the Q-matrix when the data are assumed to conform
to the DINA model. The rationale for the ϕ j rests on comparing the two groups of examinees:
group η j = 1 composed of individuals who possess all attributes required for item j versus
group η j = 0 composed of individuals who lack one or more required attributes for the item.
Correctly specifying a q-vector should maximize the difference between success probabilities
for the two groups. More specifically, let αl , 1 ≤ l ≤ 2 K , denote the attribute pattern of an
arbitrary examinee and αl a candidate q-vector from the set of 2 K possible patterns; then, for item
j, 1 ≤ j ≤ J , ϕ jl is defined as
K αlk
where ηll = k=1 αl k . The correct q-vector for the jth item, q j , is found by maximizing ϕ jl ,
that is,
q j = argmax(ϕ jl ).
Identifying q j can be done through exhaustive or sequential search. Both procedures rely on
calculating the difference between the success probabilities of the two groups. If the data follow
the DINA model, then a correctly identified q-vector yields a probability of correct response of
1 − s j for examinees who mastered all the required skills (where s j represents the slip probability
for the item j) and g j for those who lack one or more required skills (g j is the probability of
guessing the correct answer for item j). A misspecified q-vector, however, results in probability
of success that is less than 1 − s j for the former group, or a probability of success that is greater
than g j for the latter group.
The performance of the ϕ j has been studied with simulated as well as real datasets with
encouraging results (de la Torre, 2008). Results from the simulation studies indicated that the
proposed method is viable in that the method was able to identify and correctly replace inappro-
priate q-vectors, while at the same time retain those which were correctly specified. The method
recognized and retained appropriately specified q-vector when applied to fraction subtraction data
and provided information that was useful in establishing or repudiating q-vector specifications,
suggesting alternative specifications, and confirming noninformative items when applied to the
2003 NAEP 8th grade mathematics assessment data. Despite the promising results, it remains an
open question whether or not this technique can be applied beyond the DINA model, particularly
when the CDMs are of more general formulations.
Recall that the chosen CDM parameterization reflects the researchers’ specific conceptual-
ization of the hypothesized processes underlying test performance. In the DINA model, there are
only two expected probabilities of success per item across all possible 2 K latent classes; this is the
specific property that ϕ j exploits. Unfortunately, most CDMs produce more than two expected
probabilities of success for the different latent classes. Thus, due to its definition and formulation,
more general models severely limit the applicability and generality of ϕ j .
The goal of this paper is to extend the idea of empirically validating attribute specifications in
a provisional Q-matrix to make it applicable to a wider class of CDMs. Specifically, we propose a
discrimination index ς 2j that can be used in conjunction with the G-DINA model. This index would
not require making an assumption about which specific CDMs are involved. Like ϕ j , in addition
to being a measure of the discrimination power of item j, ς 2j can also be used for identifying
incorrectly specified q-vectors, and more importantly, for suggesting the most appropriate q-vector
for the item under inspection. This paper provides a rigorous proof on how ς 2j can be used as
a method for Q-matrix validation purposes when the underlying cognitive processes are more
complex. The viability of the method is examined using simulated data that involved a wide range
of CDMs, Q-matrix with multiple misspecifications, varying item qualities, and different attribute
structures. It is also illustrated using fraction subtraction data.
By relaxing the strong conjunctive condition, the G-DINA model represents a generalization
of the DINA model (de la Torre, 2011). Like most CDMs, the G-DINA model relies on the Q-matrix
to specify the associations between the J items and the K attributes. We used K ∗j = k=1 K
q jk
to denote the number of required attributes for item j, and αl j to denote the lth reduced attribute
pattern among the L = 2 K j possible reduced attribute patterns. The reduced attribute patterns
with respect to item j contain only the attributes required for the item. For example, if item j in
a test that measures K = 5 attributes requires attributes 1, 4, and 5 (i.e., K ∗j = 3), the original
attribute pattern αl = (αl1 , αl2 , αl3 , αl4 , αl5 ) reduces to αl∗j = (αl1 , αl4 , αl5 ) . For notational
convenience, we can assume that the first K ∗j attributes are required for item j.
The item response function of the G-DINA model can be expressed by relating the probability
of a correct response and the model specifications through one of the several possible link functions
such as the identity, logit, or log link. The term link function is to be understood as having the same
meaning as the link functions in the generalized linear models (McCullough & Nelder, 1999).
The canonical form of the G-DINA model is formulated using the identity link, and its response
function can be written as
K∗ K ∗ K ∗ −1 K∗
P j (αl∗j ) = δ j0 + δ jk αlk + δ jkk αlk αlk + · · · + δ j (12···K ∗j ) αlk , (1)
k=1 k >k k=1 k=1
where δ j0 denotes the intercept of item j, δ jk the main effect due to αlk , δ jkk the interaction effect
of αlk and αlk , and δ j (1,2,...,K ∗j ) the interaction effects of αl1 , . . . , αl K ∗j . As noted by De la Torre
(2011), the saturated form of the G-DINA model in the identity link is equivalent to the saturated
form of the LCDM when the logit link is used, which are both equal to the saturated form under
the log link.
To understand how probabilities of success for an item are computed using (1), take the case
where K ∗j = 3. Two individuals with the reduced attribute patterns (101) and (111) will have
the following probabilities of success:
P j (111) = δ j0 + δ j1 + δ j2 + δ j3 + δ j12 + δ j13 + δ j23 + δ j123 , (3)
De la Torre (2011) showed that with careful parameterization, the saturated models can be
used for specifying a host of reduced models. This includes the DINA model, DINO model, and
the additive models under the identity (i.e., A-CDM), logit (i.e., C-RUM and LLM), and log (i.e.,
R-RUM) links. To obtain the DINA model, DINO model, R-RUM, and C-RUM by constraining
and reparameterizing the saturated model under the logit link, see (Henson et al., 2009). We would
like to note that unlike the saturated models, the additive models under the different link functions
are not necessarily identical to each other. For example, the additive model under the log link
when K ∗j = 2, as in,
will become
P j (101)DINA = δ j0 (4)
P j (101)DINO = δ j0 + δ ∗j , (5)
P j (101) A-CDM = δ j0 + δ j1 + δ j3 , (6)
whereas the probabilities of success for (111) are
P j (111) A-CDM = δ j0 + δ j1 + δ j2 + δ j3 , (9)
where δ ∗j = δ j1 = δ j2 = δ j3 = −δ j12 = −δ j13 = −δ j23 = δ j123 . Compared to the probabilities
based on the saturated form of the G-DINA model given in (2) and (3), the probabilities of success
associated with constrained CDMs given in (4) to (9) are more concise.
3. Discrimination Index
In this section, we present the theoretical proof to show that under the G-DINA model
framework, the proposed discrimination index ς 2j (to be defined later) can precisely identify
and correct the q-vector for item j if it has been misspecified. For notational convenience, the
item subscript j will be dispensed with, but it should be noted that ς 2 is an item-specific index.
The method is established on the rationale that a correct q-vector will yield homogeneous latent
groups in terms of the probability of success, and therefore will result in groups with the highest
variability of probabilities of success given a parsimonious subset of attributes. For example, the
groups η j = 0 and η j = 1 for the DINA model are said to be homogeneous if all the attribute
patterns classified as η j = 0 have identical probability of success (i.e., g j ). The same can be said
of all the attribute patterns classified as η j = 1—their probability of success is 1 − s j .
In the proposed method, the q-vector with fewer attribute specifications, but a ς 2 that approx-
imates the the maximum ς 2 is chosen. One major theorem is proposed to explicate the property
of ς 2 as a basis for q-vector validation, preceded by the definition of ς 2 and two lemmas which
will serve as the foundations for proving the theorem.
The lemmas and theorem below are established on two assumptions, namely, (a) the number
of required attributes, K , is known, and (b) the Q-matrix is correctly specified. Although domain
experts can be relied on to determine the appropriate number of relevant attributes, it would
be difficult, if not impossible, for the same experts to correctly specify all the entries of the
Q-matrix, particularly when the test is long. Consequently, (b) can be expected to always be
violated. However, such a violation does not automatically invalidate the viability of the proposed
method. Many statistical procedures, although derived based on strict assumptions, remain useful
despite some degree of violations. For example, the F test in one-way analysis of variance is derived
based on the normality and homoscedasticity assumptions. Even if the variances are unequal, the
test remains robust provided that the sample sizes are equal (Box, 1954). As the simulation
studies will demonstrate, the proposed method appears to be robust when the misspecifications
in the Q-matrix is controlled at a reasonable rate, which justifies the usefulness of the method in
As before, let K be the number of attributes in the domain, and K ∗ the number of required
attributes for the item. Without loss of generality, let the first K ∗ attributes be the required attributes.
Also let α 1:K = (α1 , . . . , α K ) and α K :K = (α K , . . . , α K ) be a subset of α 1:K . A q-vector q
that requires α K to α K is denoted as q K :K . We first need to clarify the following conditions.
Because q 1:K ∗ is the correctly specified q-vector, a q-vector q 1:K is underspecified if K ≤ K ∗ ;
q 1:K is overspecified if K ≥ K ∗ ; q K :K is both underspecified and overspecified if K ≤
K ∗ ≤ K . From here on, we assume that K ≤ K ∗ ≤ K . It should be noted that α K :K is a
(K − K + 1)-dimensional vector where the entries could be 0 or 1, whereas a q-vector is always
K -dimensional and q K :K denotes the q-vector where the K th to the K th entries are 1 and the
others are 0.
The proof starts from defining the two key components of ς 2 , w and p, followed by a formal
definition of ς 2 .
Definition 1. Let w(α 1:K ) be the posterior probability of examinees in class α 1:K for some
K ≤ K , and p(α 1:K ) be the probability of a correct answer for examinees in this class. Because
we assumed K < K , then
w(α K :K ) = ··· w(α 1:K ),
α1 =0 α K −1 =0
1 1
α1 =0 · · · α K −1 =0 w(α 1:K ) p(α 1:K )
p(α K :K ) = 1 1
α1 =0 · · · α K −1 =0 w(α 1:K )
1 1
α1 =0 · · · α K −1 =0 w(α 1:K ) p(α 1:K )
= .
w(α K :K )
Table 1.
The w and p of α 1:4 , α 1:3 , and α 2:4 , respectively.
The G-DINA model discrimination index of an item with the specification q K :K is defined
1 2
ς 2 = ς K2 :K = ··· w(α K :K ) p(α K :K ) − p̄(α K :K )
α K =0 α K =0
= ··· w(α K :K ) p 2 (α K :K ) − p̄ 2 (α K :K ), (10)
α K =0 α K =0
1 1
where p̄(α K :K ) = α K =0 · · · α K =0 w(α K :K ) p(α K :K ) is the weighted probability of
−K +1
success across all the 2 K possible patterns of p(α K :K ).
An example, as shown in Table 1, is given here to illustrate how these two important com-
ponents of ς 2 are computed. In this example, K = 4 and the targeted item requires the first three
attributes (i.e., K ∗ = 3). Table 1 includes all possible α 1:4 and their corresponding w(α 1:4 ) and
p(α 1:4 ).
We next demonstrate how to compute the w(α K :K ) and p(α K :K ) ofthe collapsed
latent classes. Taking α 1:3 as an example, based on Definition 1, w(α 1:3 ) = α4 =0 w(α 1:4 )
1 1
and p(α 1:3 ) = α4 =0 w(α 1:4 ) p(α 1:4 )/ α4 =0 w(α 1:4 ). Therefore, for instance, w[(000−)] =
w[(0000)] + w[(0001)] = 0.090 and
The remaining weights and probabilities of correct response associated with α 1:3 are also given
in Table 1. From these weights and probabilities, we can compute ς1:3
2 as
= w(α 1:3 ) p 2 (α 1:3 ) − p̄ 2 (α 1:3 )
α1 =0 α2 =0 α3 =0
Two lemmas and one theorem are to be provided next to support the use of the ς 2 for validating
a Q-matrix. For conciseness, the associated proofs are presented in Appendix A. The first lemma
claims that the average probabilities of the subsets of α 1:K (e.g., α 1:K , α 1:K , α K :K , and α 1:K ∗ )
are identical.
This useful relation can easily be verified using the above example and the information in Table 1.
Lemma 1 states that no matter how the latent classes are collapsed, the mean of all the correspond-
ing probabilities of success remains the same. With this lemma, the second term on the RHS of
(10) (refer to the proof for Lemma 1 in Appendix A) is a constant across all the possible ς 2 , and
noting this will greatly simplify the other proofs. Next, two types of q-vectors that both result in
homogeneous within-group probabilities of success need to be defined and clarified before the
proof of Lemma 2 is provided.
Definition 2. A q-vector is said to be appropriate for an item if it results in latent groups with
homogeneous within-group probabilities of success. The correct q-vector for the item is the
appropriate q-vector which contains the minimum number of attribute specifications.
Thus, the correct q-vector results in the minimum number of latent groups necessary to produce
homogeneous within-group probabilities of success. In other words, the probabilities of success
are conditionally independent given the latent groups derived from the correct q-vectors. The next
lemma claims that given two q-vectors that are both under- and over-specified, one being a subset
of the other, the vector with fewer underspecifications will have ς 2 that is at least as large as that
of the other vector.
Lemma 2. Suppose K + 1 ≤ K ∗ .
··· w(α (K +1):K ) p 2 (α (K +1):K ) ≤ ··· w(α K :K ) p 2 (α K :K ).
α K +1 =0 α K =0 α K =0 α K =0
w(α 2:4 ) p (α 2:4 ) ≤
··· w(α 1:4 ) p 2 (α 1:4 ).
α2 =0 α3 =0 α4 =0 α1 =0 α4 =0
Using the information in Table 1, it can be shown that 1α2 =0 1α3 =0 1α4 =0 w(α 2:4 ) p 2 (α 2:4 ) =
1 1
α1 =0 · · · α4 =0 w(α 1:4 ) p (α 1:4 ) = 0.116, which shows that the inequality in
0.099 and 2
Lemma 2 holds.
The theorem states that the index ς 2 is maximized when the correct q-vector is identified.
This can be shown by thoroughly comparing the correct q-vector with the remaining q-vectors,
which are either underspecified, overspecified, or both.
Theorem 1. ς K2 :K ≤ ς1:K
Continuing the example above, Theorem 1 states that ς1:4 2 ≤ ς 2 when K = 1 and ς 2 ≤ ς 2
1:3 2:4 1:3
when K = 2. When K = 1, it has been computed in the earlier example that ς1:3 2 = 0.030.
Now, using the information in Table 1, it can be shown that ς1:4 2 is also 0.030, which is equal to
ς1:3 . When K = 2, ς2:4 = 0.013, which is less than ς1:3 .
2 2
The theorem also holds for K = K ∗ , when the provisional vector is strictly underspecified
(i.e., q = q K :K ∗ ). In summary, the theorem suggests that when the correct q-vector is not known,
we choose the provisional q-vector q ∗ over q ∗∗ when (1) ς̂ ∗2 > ς̂ ∗∗2 , or (2) K ∗ < K ∗∗ and
ς̂ ∗2 = ς̂ ∗∗2 .
4. Search Algorithm
It is important to note that the above lemmas and theorem are valid when the provisional
Q-matrix used for calibration is indeed the correct Q-matrix, and the probabilities and weights
are estimated without error. However, in practice, in addition to the noise introduced by real
data, misspecifications in the Q-matrix can degrade the quality of estimation, which in turn can
affect the accuracy of estimated probabilities and weights. This will result in ς̂ ∗∗2 being greater,
if slightly, than ς̂ ∗2 . Consequently, the algorithm will not stop at K ∗ , but continue until all K
attributes are specified. Therefore, some stopping rule other than simply selecting q-vector with
highest ς̂ 2 has to be implemented as part of the algorithm. In this study, the criterion, which is
described in the next section, will be based on the proportion of variance accounted for (PVAF)
by a particular q-vector relative to the maximum ς̂ 2 , which is achieved when all the attributes are
The search algorithm to identify the suggested q-vector begins by finding ς̂ 2 for each of the
possible 2 K − 1 q-vectors. As expected, ς̂1:K 2 will be the maximum, and each ς̂ 2 is measured
against this maximum. Specifically, q-vectors with ς̂ 2 /ς̂1:K 2 ≥ , where is a predetermined
PVAF, are deemed appropriate. From this subset, the q-vector with the least number of required
attributes is chosen as the suggested specification for the item. When more than one q-vector can be
suggested, the decision is based on the size of ς̂ 2 . It should be noted that the use of to determine
the suggested q-vector is similar to the use of amount of variance accounted for in exploratory
factor or principal component analysis to determine the number of factors or components to be
retained (cf., Stevens, 2009).
As with the original procedure (i.e., de la Torre, 2008), the validation procedure based on the
G-DINA model discrimination index is implemented as a two-step process. In the first step, the
provisional Q-matrix is used to obtain estimates of the item parameters in the identity link and
posterior distribution of the attribute patterns. The estimates were based on an empirical Bayesian
implementation of the EM algorithm. In the second step, the search algorithm based on ς 2 was
implemented, and the correct q-vectors were identified one item at a time. In this paper, both steps
of the analysis were carried out using a code written in Ox (Doornik, 2007). Readers interested
in the code can contact the first author. The real data analysis provides an example of how the
search algorithm is carried out for two particular items.
5. Simulation Studies
Two simulation studies consisting of various conditions were conducted to investigate the
viability of ς 2 to identify Q-matrix misspecifications. Study 1 investigated the performance of the
validation method for data with underlying processes that conformed to one of the reduced models;
Table 2.
Summary of the simulation factors.
in contrast, Study 2 examined data with more general underlying processes (i.e., conforming to
the G-DINA model). The factors considered in the simulation studies are summarized in Table
2; the designs of the studies are elaborated thereafter. The primary goal of the studies was to
examine the impact of Q-matrix misspecifications on the performance of the validation method
as measured by correct Q-matrix recovery for different CDMs.
where λ0k and λ1k are structural parameters, and λ1k > 0. The K attributes are assumed to be
independent conditional on θi . Therefore, the joint probability of an attribute pattern conditional
on θi i is given by
P(α i |θi ) = P(αik |θi ).
In these simulation studies, θi was drawn from N (0, 1), λ0 = (−1, −0.5, 0, 0.5, 1), and λ1k = 1.5
for all values of k.
To examine the generality and viability of the proposed method across different underlying
response processes, the data were simulated using five different CDMs: DINA model, DINO
model, A-CDM, DINA/A-CDM, and DINO/ A-CDM. The DINA/A-CDM is a CDM whose IRF
represents the average of the IRFs of the DINA model and the A-CDM; similarly, the DINO/ A-
CDM is a CDM whose IRF represents the average of the IRFs of the DINO model and the
For all attribute structures, number of required attributes, and CDMs, the probabilities of
success for groups mastering none and all of the required attributes (i.e., the zero and one vectors)
were set to either ( p0 , p1 ) = (0.1, 0.9) or (0.2, 0.8). These probabilities represented the amount
of error perturbation in the data and were expected to have an impact on the correct Q-matrix
recovery rate.
For the DINA model, the probability of success was p1 for examinees possessing all the
required attributes, and p0 for examinees lacking at least one of the required attributes. For the
DINO model, the probability of success was p0 for examinees lacking all the required attributes,
and p1 for examinees possessing at least one of the required attributes. For the A-CDM, the
baseline probability was p0 , and the probability of success increased by ( p1 − p0 )/K ∗j for each
required attribute mastered. The probabilities of success for the DINA/A-CDM were obtained by
averaging the DINA and A-CDM probabilities of success associated with the same latent group for
the five generating models when K ∗j ≥ 2. The same procedure was applied for the DINO/A-CDM.
In addition to the probabilities of success of each latent group for the five CDMs, Figure 1 also
gives the corresponding parameters for these probabilities. For each of the 10 conditions resulting
from combining five generating models, and two item qualities, 100 datasets were generated to
minimize the impact of the Monte Carlo error.
The correct Q-matrix used to generate the data is given in Table 3, and was constructed to have
equal number of 1-, 2-, and 3-attribute items. Considering that in practice, the misspecifications,
if there are any, in a given Q-matrix are usually not known, the misspecifications were assumed
to occur at random. An average of 5 % of the q-entries were altered to focus on the impact of the
number rather than the nature of the Q-matrix misspecifications. Specifically, for each replication,
a different Q-matrix misspecification was used, and in each condition, the first 50 and the last 50
out of the 100 misspecified Q-matrices consisted of 7 and 8 misspecified q-entries, respectively.
As such, up to 27 % of the 30 q-vectors can be misspecified at a time. The cutoff value for PVAF
is set at = .95.
A 2 × 2 contingency table, reporting the true-positive, true-negative, false-positive, and false-
negative rates, was created to present the validation results for each generating model across
the 100 replications. In the context of the study, the true-negative rate, which is also known as
sensitivity, indicates the proportion of misspecified q-entries or q-vectors that was identified and
changed; the true-positive rate, which is also known as specificity, indicates the proportion of
correctly specified q-entries or q-vectors that was retained; the false-negative and false-positive
rates, which are analogous to Type I and Type II errors, represent the validation errors where
correctly specified q-entries or q-vectors were modified, and misspecified q-entries or q-vectors
were retained, respectively.
5.1.2. Results Table 4 cross-tabulates the true statuses of the q-entries and q-vectors against
their eventual classifications for each of the generating models based on the best true-positive and
true-negative rates for data analyzed with 5 % random Q-matrix misspecifications. The results
indicate that the validation method could effectively retain correctly specified q-entries, regardless
of the generating model. In addition, the method identified and corrected misspecified q-entries
and q-vectors with reasonably high rates. The true-positive rates were all above 97 %, and the
true negative rates ranged from 78 to 89 % at the attribute level and 75– 85 % at the vector
level. Correcting misspecified q-entries was very effective when data were generated from the
DINA or DINO model. This is because the DINA and DINO models are relatively less complex
compared to the other CDMs under investigation. The correction became more difficult as the
complexity of the generating model increased, the true-negative rates remained high for DINA/ A-
CDM, A-CDM, and DINO/ A-CDM. These findings indicate that even with high proportions of
misclassified q-entries, the validation method can improve the Q-matrix specification with high
accuracy provided at least moderate quality items were used.
It should be noted that, at the q-entry level, the worst condition (i.e., DINA/A-CDM and
DINO/A-CDM) had an overall correct recovery rate of 98.6 %, which represented a chance-
adjusted improvement of 72.1 % from the baseline rate; at the q-vector level, the worst condition
(i.e., DINA/A-CDM) had an overall correct recovery rate of 93.6 %, which represented an chance-
adjusted improvement of 71.1 % from the baseline rate. Moreover, there was no substantial
Probability of Success
DINA 00 10 01 11
Probability of Success
DINA/A-CDM 00 10 01 11
Probability of Success
A-CDM 00 10 01 11
Probability of Success
DINO/A-CDM 00 10 01 11
Probability of Success
DINO 00 10 01 11
Figure 1.
Success probabilities for various instances of the G-DINA model when K ∗j = 2.
Table 3.
Q-matrix for the simulated data.
Item α1 α2 α3 α4 α5 Item α1 α2 α3 α4 α5
1 1 0 0 0 0 16 0 1 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 17 0 1 0 0 1
3 0 0 1 0 0 18 0 0 1 1 0
4 0 0 0 1 0 19 0 0 1 0 1
5 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 1 1
6 1 0 0 0 0 21 1 1 1 0 0
7 0 1 0 0 0 22 1 1 0 1 0
8 0 0 1 0 0 23 1 1 0 0 1
9 0 0 0 1 0 24 1 0 1 1 0
10 0 0 0 0 1 25 1 0 1 0 1
11 1 1 0 0 0 26 1 0 0 1 1
12 1 0 1 0 0 27 0 1 1 1 0
13 1 0 0 1 0 28 0 1 1 0 1
14 1 0 0 0 1 29 0 1 0 1 1
15 0 1 1 0 0 30 0 0 1 1 1
Table 4.
Contingency tables for the five reduced models when p0 = 0.2 at both the attribute and vector levels with random
misspecified q-vectors in %.
difference between the rates at the attribute and the vector levels. This is because most misspecified
vectors only contained one or two misspecified q-entries. Consequently, not much additional
information can be drawn by studying the results separately at q-entry and q-vector levels.
5.2.1. Design As shown in Table 2, the only difference between the design of the current
study and that of the previous one was the way the probabilities of success for the latent classes
Table 5.
Contingency table for the G-DINA model at both the attribute and vector levels with random misspecified q-vectors in %.
given the correct Q-matrix, or equivalently the item parameters, were determined. The probabilities
of the latent classes possessing no skill and all skills (i.e., p0 and p1 ) were generated from
Unif(0.1, 0.3) and Unif(0.7, 0.9), keeping the average probabilities to 0.2 and 0.8, respectively.
The probabilities of the other latent classes are generated from the distribution of Unif( p0 , p1 )
with the constraint that P(α) ≥ P(α ) whenever αk ≥ αk ∀k.
5.2.2. Results Table 5 gives the success and error rates of the validation method at the
q-entry and q-vector levels when the data conform to the G-DINA model. The high true-positive
rates indicate that the method preserved almost all the correctly specified q-entries and q-vectors
during the validation process. The results of the true-negative rates show that the method was able
to correct a fairly high proportion of misspecified q-entries and q-vectors. However, the relatively
lower numbers indicate that validating the Q-matrix involving the unconstrained G-DINA model
was more challenging compared to the reduced models analyzed in Study 1. Nonetheless, the
overall chance-adjusted improvements from the baseline rates were 42.8 % at the q-entry level
and 39.4 % at the q-vector level.
6.2. Results
The last column of Table 6 gives ς̂max 2 for the fraction subtraction items, which represents
the ς̂ for an item when all the attributes are specified. The proposed algorithm determined for
each item the αl with the minimum number of required attributes such that ς̂l2 /ς̂max 2 ≥ = .95.
Based on the proposed algorithm, the original attribute specifications for eight of the eleven items
were retained. For three items (i.e., 4, 5, and 11), different attribute specifications were suggested.
Incidentally, the original and suggested attribute specifications for these three items were identical,
as in, 1111 and 1011, respectively. It should be noted that the original attribute specifications items
1 and 10, which was also 1111, were retained. In comparing items 1 and 10 with items 4, 5, and
11, it is not obvious what features of the first two items make them different from the last three
items. In contrast, in comparing item 9, which has an original attribute specification of 1011, to
item 4, 5 and 11, it can be seen that the subtrahend of the the former is not a mixed fraction
(i.e., it does not have a whole number part), so it is not clear why the four items should have the
Table 6.
Q-matrix for the fraction subtraction data.
Item Attribute 2
α1 α2 α3 α4
1 3 21 − 2 23 1 1 1 1 0.1463
2 6 − 4 1 0 0 0 0.0916
7 7
3 3 78 − 2 1 0 1 0 0.0351
4 4 124 −2 7 1 1 1 1 0.1383
5 4 13 − 2 43 1 1 1 1 0.1922
6 11 − 1 1 1 0 0 0.1146
8 8
7 3 5 − 3 25
4 1 0 1 0 0.1392
8 4 57 − 1 47 1 0 1 0 0.1213
9 7 35 − 45 1 0 1 1 0.1715
10 4 101 −2 8 1 1 1 1 0.1496
11 4 13 − 1 53 1 1 1 1 0.1681
Table 7.
Largest ς̂ 2 and PVAF of items 8 and 11 for different numbers of attribute specifications.
a Suggested, b Original.
same attribute specification. Resolving these inconsistencies between the original and suggested
attribute specifications would require the involvement of subject matter, specifically, mathematics
education, experts.
Table 7 shows several of the steps in computing ς̂ 2 of items 8 and 11. These items represent
items with identical and different original and suggested attribute specifications, respectively. It
should be noted that for a number of required attributes, only the specification with the highest
PVAF was presented. As can be seen from the table, for item 8, the minimum number of attributes
needed to account for at least 95 % of ς̂max
2 was two, and the largest PVAF of .9957 can be obtained
by specifying α1 and α3 ; for item 11, the minimum number of attributes was three, and the largest
PVAF of .9901 can be obtained by specifying α1 , α3 , and α4 .
7. Discussion
The impact of Q-matrix misspecification is often overlooked in the context of model fit
evaluation because, after construction, Q-matrices are usually assumed to be correct. As a result,
model misfit due to an inappropriate Q-matrix cannot be detected or remedied. To deal with
this issue, we proposed a discrimination index as a basis for a method of validating Q-matrix
specifications in association with a wide class of CDMs. The proposed index, ς 2 , can be used
without assuming the specific CDMs involved, only that they are subsumed by the G-DINA model.
Thus, ς 2 represents a generalization of the discrimination index, ϕ, proposed by de la Torre (2008)
specifically for the DINA model. As such, ς 2 has greater applicability and generality.
The rationale for the proposed validation method was theoretically undergirded by proving a
theorem related to the properties of ς 2 . The viability of the method was examined in simulation
studies that involved several CDMs and multiple Q-matrix misspecifications. Results of the studies
showed that the method can accurately identify and correct misspecified q-entries without altering
correct entries, particularly when high-quality items are involved. The real data example showed
that the proposed method can identify q-vectors that are possibly misspecified.
Despite the promising results, additional research along this line is required before the pro-
posed method can be incorporated as routine part of CDM analysis. First, because the simulation
study fixed potentially relevant factors such as test length, the number of attributes, and sample
size, the findings of the study have limited generality. Additional studies that involve a greater
number of conditions are needed to understand the strengths and limitations of the method in
practical applications. For example, it would be interesting to know how the method will perform
when K is large or N is small. Second, it should be noted that Q-matrix misspecification is only
one of many factors contributing to the model-data misfit. Other factors such as an incomplete
set of the attributes or inappropriateness of discrete latent traits can contribute to model misfit.
It would be useful to examine to what extent the proposed index can be applied in conjunction
with other model fit indices (e.g., fit indices based on expected and observed moments; Chen, de
la Torre, & Zhang, 2013; de la Torre & Douglas, 2004) to provide a more holistic approach to
diagnosis of model misfit.
Third, even with insights from the simulation studies, an unequivocal rule for determining
a single optimal value of is not at hand. It would be interesting to examine to what extent
the different Q-matrices resulting from using different values of will contain the Q-matrix
one would derive from using more formal and, typically, more exhaustive procedures. If the use
of can effectively narrow down the number of potential Q-matrices to be considered, then the
determination of the final Q-matrix can be carried out more formally (e.g., via hypothesis testing).
Fourth, it should be noted that the proposed procedure assumes that the number of attributes
K has been correctly identified. In some situations, the correct K may not be known, or different
numbers of attributes may be under consideration. A procedure, perhaps an extension of the pro-
posed method, that can also identify the correct number of attributes would have immense value in
many practical testing situations. However, it should be noted that statistical optimality is only one
of the considerations that needs to be taken into account when determining the most appropriate
size of K . Practical constraints, such as the length of test that can be reasonably administered
within a specific classroom time period, should also be considered in making such decisions.
Finally, it is important to emphasize that the proposed method is not intended to replace the
current methods of constructing and validating Q-matrices. Rather it is designed to provide sup-
plemental information for improving model-data fit, and consequently, increasing the validity of
inferences from cognitive diagnostic assessments. However, in many applied situations, Q-matrix
recommendations based on the proposed method can differ, sometimes markedly, from those
based on expert opinions. For this reason, it would be of great value, particularly to practitioners,
to examine how such discrepancies can be resolved.
This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant DRL-0744486.
p̄(α k:K ) = ··· w(α k:K ) p(α k:K )
αk =0 α K =0
1 1
α1 =0 · · · αk−1 =0 w(α 1:K ) p(α 1:K )
= ··· w(α k:K )
w(α k:K )
αk =0 α K =0
= ··· ··· w(α 1:K ) p(α 1:K )
αk =0 α K =0 α1 =0 αk−1 =0
= ··· w(α 1:K ) p(α 1:K )
α1 =0 α K =0
= p̄(α 1:K ) (12)
Because (12) holds for all k < K , p̄(α K :K ) = p̄(α 1:K ) = p̄(α 1:K ∗ ) = p̄(α 1:K ).
Lemma 2. Suppose K + 1 ≤ K ∗ .
··· w(α (K +1):K ) p 2 (α (K +1):K ) ≤ ··· w(α K :K ) p 2 (α K :K ).
α K +1 =0 α K =0 α K =0 α K =0
1 2
α K =0 w(α K :K ) p(α K :K )
1 1 1
··· w(α K :K ) 1
α K +1 =0 α K =0 α K =0 α K =0 w(α K :K )
w(α K :K ) p(α K :K )
1 αK =0
= ··· 1
α K +1 =0 α K =0 α K =0 w(α K :K )
= ··· w(0, α (K +1):K ) + w(1, α (K +1):K )
α K +1 =0 α K =0
w (0, α (K +1):K ) p 2 (0, α (K +1):K ) + w 2 (1, α (K +1):K ) p 2 (1, α (K +1):K )
2w(0, α (K +1):K )w(1, α (K +1):K ) p(0, α (K +1):K ) p(1, α (K +1):K ) . (14)
··· w(0, α (K +1):K ) p 2 (0, α (K +1):K ) + w(1, α (K +1):K ) p 2 (1, α (K +1):K ) .
α K +1 =0 α K =0
Subtracting (14) from (15), and simplifying,
1 w(0, α (K +1):K )w(1, α (K +1):K ) 2
··· p(0, α (K +1):K ) − p(1, α (K +1):K )
w(0, α (K +1):K ) + w(1, α (K +1):K )
α K +1 =0 α K =0
≥ 0.
Theorem 1. ς K2 :K ≤ ς1:K
Proof. Case 1: The provisional q-vector is strictly overspecified, that is, K = K ∗ < K resulting
in q = q 1:K and ς 2 = ς1:K
By Lemma 1, the theorem for this case can be proved by showing that
··· w(α 1:K ) p 2 (α 1:K ) = ··· w(α 1:K ∗ ) p 2 (α 1:K ∗ ). (16)
α1 =0 α K =0 α1 =0 α K ∗ =0
Based on Definition 1,
w(α 1:K ∗ ) = ··· w(α 1:K ),
α K ∗ +1 =0 α K =0
1 1
α K ∗ +1 =0 · · · α K =0 w(α 1:K ) p(α 1:K )
p(α 1:K ∗ ) = 1 1 .
α K ∗ +1 =0 , · · · , α1:K =0 w(α 1:K )
1 1 2
α K ∗ +1 =0 · · · α K =0 w(α 1:K ) p(α 1:K )
1 1
··· w(α 1:K ∗ ) 1 1 . (17)
α1 =0 α K ∗ =0 α K ∗ +1 =0 · · · α K =0 w(α 1:K )
= ··· ··· w(α 1:K ) p 2 (α 1:K )
α1 =0 α K ∗ =0 α K ∗ +1 =0 α K =0
= ··· w(α 1:K ) p 2 (α 1:K )
α1 =0 α K =0
≤ ··· w(α 1:K ∗ ) p 2 (α 1:K ∗ )
α1 =0 α K ∗ =0
= ··· w(α 1:K ) p 2 (α 1:K ) (18)
α1 =0 α K =0
··· w(α K :K ) p(α K :K ) = ··· w(α 1:K ) p(α 1:K ),
α K =0 α K =0 α1 =0 α K =0
··· w(α k:K ) p 2 (α k:K ) ≤ ··· w(α 1:K ) p 2 (α 1:K ).
αk =0 α K =0 α1 =0 α K =0
··· w(α k+1:K ) p 2 (α k+1:K )
αk+1 =0 α K =0
≤ ··· w(α 1:K ∗ ) p 2 (α 1:K ∗ )
α1 =0 α K ∗ =0
= ··· w(α 1:K ) p 2 (α 1:K ) (19)
α1 =0 α K =0
··· w(α k+1:K ) p 2 (α k+1:K ) ≤ ··· w(α k:K ) p 2 (α k:K ). (20)
αk+1 =0 α K =0 αk =0 α K =0
··· w(α k:K ) p 2 (α k:K ) ≤ ··· w(α 1:K ) p 2 (α 1:K ),
αk =0 α K =0 α1 =0 α K =0
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