Dave Clarke USCS Sharp Shooting

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The key takeaways are that each book contains 10 coaching sessions to help develop specific soccer skills like crossing, tackling, and shooting. The books contain core sessions to develop fundamental skills and advanced sessions to help players improve towards an elite level.

Each book contains two sections - Core sessions to develop fundamental skills and Advanced sessions to help players improve towards an elite level.

The main focus of the Sharp Shooting book is to provide 10 drills to help players improve their shooting ability and score goals more regularly.


David Clarke’s
ultimate soccer
coaching SESSIONS
Coaching plans you can take straight on to the field

arp sh
foreword Core sessions

Welcome to 1. Attacking headers

Ultimate Soccer Coaching 2. Volleying to score
Sessions: Sharp Shooting 3. Step-over and
Ultimate Soccer Coaching Sessions is a new way of bringing 4. Shooting from
you, the coach, a concise set of coaching plans that will help
you develop specific elements of your team’s play.
square passes
Each book contains 10 specially chosen training sessions 5. Ready, fire, aim
that will provide you with a great platform for developing and
enhancing specialist soccer skills, such as crossing, tackling,
heading, wing play and more.
The book is made up of two sections – Core sessions, which
gives you plans for developing fundamental skills, and
Advanced sessions, which shows how you can use drills to Advanced sessions
help your players move towards an elite level. Each
session is broken down into easy to follow 6. Shooting aross
elements, making them simple to fit into
your coaching plan.
the goal
We all know that you can’t win a soccer 7. 1v1 composure
match if you don’t score, and you’re
not likely to score if you can’t shoot!
8. Heading to score
Which is why in Sharp Shooting I’ve 9. Shooting from
put together 10 great drills designed
to help your players find the back of
outside the box
the net on a regular basis. 10. Netbusters
Yours in soccer
David Clarke

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David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING i

Activity Outcome
Core sessions Warm-up Dynamic stretching, gentle running, jumping
7–10 mins

Attacking The Session

20–25 mins
Practicing attacking heading technique

headers Development
15–20 mins

Improving attacking heading skill

Developing skill and teamwork

15–20 mins
Ultimately, soccer is all about scoring goals and by
improving your team’s attacking heading ability you Warm-down
10 mins
Static stretching for longer

wil boost their chances of finding the back of the

net more often. direction of run serve header
A attacker D defender GK goalkeeper
what you GET YOUR
Two players, acting as servers,
• Use square grids
stand at opposite sides. A third GK
with each side
player, a passive goalkeeper,
equivalent to the
stands on one of the other
width of a goal.
sides facing into the grid. server
• 4 players per
The servers take it in turns to A
group. server
throw a ball slightly ahead of
• At least two balls
the remaining player inside the
per group.
grid, who heads towards goal.

think about
Split the four players The server provides an accurate throw that the
• Move into ball’s into two teams, with each player heading the ball can attack.
line of flight. player standing on a side of the
square that’s adjacent to their
• Take off on one team mate.
foot, land on both.
A player from team ‘A’ throws
• Use arms for the ball slightly ahead of his
elevation. team mate who runs forward
• At the highest and tries to head it past the
point of the jump, goalkeeper. Repeat so all
head the top half players have a turn each. The
of the ball to direct teams must alternate turns.
it downwards. As the players become
• Neck muscles accustomed to the ball coming
and arched back from one side, make team
equals power. mates swap positions and vary
the angle and height of service. Vary the service and get your players used to the
• Aim for the corners ball coming from either side.
of the goal.
Game situation
Both teams have a
call out keeper in a normal-size goal.
Both teams attempt to score
• “Accurate service using attacking headers but 1 2

please” can only move the ball by 1 throw

2 head
• “Get above the using the following sequence: 3 catch

ball and attack it” the first player throws the ball 4 throw
5 head 5 3
to a second team mate who
• “Keep your eyes 6 goal!
heads it to a third team mate 6
who catches the ball. Once
• “Accuracy first, thrown the other team can win
power later” the ball back by ‘out-heading’
their opponents, or intercepting
the ball with their hands in the The team in possession in this game situation
‘catching’ phase. can only move the ball in the sequence Throw,
Head, Catch.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 1

Activity Outcome
Core sessions Warm-up Static and dynamic stretching, gentle running
10 mins

Volleying The Session

20–25 mins
Practicing volleying technique

to score Development
20–25 mins

Practicing volleying skill against opposition

Practicing volleying skill under pressure

Learning to volley will give players the technique 20–25 mins

to score goals when the ball is bouncing or when Warm-down Static stretching, de-brief Q&A
10 mins
receiving flighted passes.
serve shot

what you GET YOUR

Players line up behind a cone
• 1 goal.
20 metres from the goal
• 1 cone approx 20 (change the distance based on
metres away from the players’ age and ability). 1 2
the goal.
Players take it in turns to toss a
• Supply of balls. ball upwards towards the goal
• Several players and sprint after it. They let the
acting as ball-boys ball bounce once and volley it
behind the goal. at the goal. Make sure players
practice using both feet using
the technique outlined in “What
think about to think about”.
Practice technique with an unopposed drill.

• Observe keeper’s DEVELOPMENT

position. There are several
• Head steady, eyes possible developments:
on the ball. • Introduce a goalkeeper.
• Let ball fall as low • Introduce players to serve
as possible. the ball from the left and right.
• Head and knee • Volley the ball before it
over ball to keep bounces.
the volley down.
• Lock ankle, point Game situation
toes down, use Play 4 v 4 in an area
laces. approx 30 x 20 metres with
• Strike middle to a goal at each end. There are
bottom half of ball. no designated goalkeepers Add variation with a server and increase difficulty by
but each player can use their not allowing the ball to bounce.
• Hit through vertical hands to prevent goals. Players
mid-line keeping move the ball by throwing it
leg straight. to each other and each player
• Follow through. must take no more than four
steps before releasing the ball.
The opposition can win the
ball by intercepting thrown
call out passes or when the team in
• “Watch the ball possession drops the ball.
all the way onto Goals can only be scored
your foot” by players volleying a ball on
the full that a teammate has
• “Don’t try to hit thrown to them. Award two
the ball too hard” points for a goal and one
• “Technique first, point for a shot on target to
encourage players to shoot The ball must be passed by hand but goals can only
power later” be scored from volleys.
more often.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 2

Activity Outcome
Core sessions Warm-up Dynamic stretching, gentle running and dribbling with twists
10 mins and turns

Step-over The Session

10–15 mins
Practising step-over and shooting techniques in one drill

and shoot Development

10–15 mins

Practising skill opposed

Using the step-over and shoot skill in a game situation

If there’s a defender standing in the way between an 10–15 mins

attacker and the goal, then using a step-over is a great Warm-down Gentle running, ball work, static stretching, de-brief Q&A
10 mins with coach
way to create space for a shot.
player movement
dribble shot
what you GET YOUR
Split players into two groups,
• Area approx 40 x
starting from opposite corners
20m with a pole
of the pitch to the right of each
or cone placed in
goal. The first player from
the middle. Using
each group starts at the same
poles, create
time by dribbling towards the
target zones in
pole, performing a step-over
the corners of the
to the right then shooting into
the corner of the goal. After
shooting the players join the
back of the other line and the
think about second players set off.
Player attacks the pole, performing a stepover before
• Dribble – Approach Move the groups to start from shooting into the far corner.
defender slowly, the corners of the pitch to
step-over, the left of each goal, so they
accelerate past. practice step-overs to the left.

• Step-over – When
moving right, DEVELOPMENT
left foot circles Replace the pole in the
ball once anti- middle with a pair of passive
clockwise, left defenders (players who have
shoulder dips, just taken a shot can be the
outside of right foot defender for a turn).
pushes ball past. You can also remove the
• Shooting – Non- poles in each goal and add a
kicking foot goalkeeper at either end.
alongside ball,
“laces” through Passive defenders and goalkeepers are added to test
Game situation the technique.
middle-to-top half, Two teams of 4
head still, eyes on players line up 20-25 metres
ball, body over it, from goal. The 1st player from
follow through. Team A must use their skill 1 2
to beat the 1st player from
Team B and score past the
call out goalkeeper (1). After the shot,
the 1st player from Team A
• “Start slowly
at first to get becomes the defender in the
technique right” 1v1 situation and tries to stop
the 2nd player from Team B (2).
• “Keep the ball
under close Award points for successfully
control” completing the step-over, for A B A B
scoring, and bonus points for
• “Now blast past scoring across the goalkeeper
the defender” in the corner. The team with In a continuous attacking and defending game
players score points for step-overs, goals and
the most points wins. accuracy.
• “Hit the target”
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 3
Activity Outcome
Core sessions Warm-up Static and dynamic stretching, gentle running, ballwork
10 mins

Shooting from The Session

10 mins
Working on shooting technique and accuracy

square passes Development

10–15 mins

Maintaining technique and accuracy under pressure

Recognising opportunities to shoot first time in a

Soccer’s all about scoring goals and this drill will help 15–20 mins small-sided game

players develop their confidence, composure and Warm-down Static stretching, ballwork, de-brief Q&A
10 mins
technique when it comes to shooting.
direction of run pass/serve
run with ball shot
what you GET YOUR
Players line-up, parallel with
• Penalty area and
the goal-line, outside a corner
of the penalty area with a
• Goalkeeper. striker positioned centrally, also
around the 18-yard line.
The first player in line passes to
think about the striker who controls the ball
and shoots for goal. The striker
• Accuracy and joins the back of the line, while
weight of pass the server moves to the centre
– invite first-time of the penalty area and receives
shot. a pass from the next player in
Server passes to attacker who shoots early.
• Quick controlling the line to repeat the drill.
touch to set To progress the striker shoots
up immediate first time.
opportunity. Switch the line of players to
the other corner of the penalty
• Keeper’s position – area so the striker has to shoot
have they left any using their other foot.
Attacker shoots Defender closes down
• Technique – instep, DEVELOPMENT
before joining attacker before joining
white line grey line
side-foot, chip etc.
Split players into two
groups, one lined up on the Server then
• Accuracy of shot – next attacker
ideally aim low and corner of penalty area as
for the corners. before, the other similarly lined
up on either corner of the six-
• Ask parents to act yard box.
as ball boys. This time the defender applies pressure on the
Now, a defender from the attacker.
six-yard line closes down the
attacker as the server passes
call out the ball.
• “Get the “weight” After the shot is taken, the
of pass right – striker joins the defenders, the
not too hard or defender joins the attackers,
too soft” and the server becomes the
next striker as before.
• “The goal doesn’t
Defenders begin passively, but
move so eyes on
become more active as the
the ball!”
shooting improves.
• “Use proper
technique on Game situation
your weaker foot” Play 4x4 (no
• “Hit the target on goalkeepers) in a pitch approx Players can only score with first time shots in this
all shots” 30x20m. Players can only game.
score taking a first-time shot.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 4

Activity Outcome
Core sessions Warm-up Dynamic stretching, gentle running and dribbling, passing
10 mins

Ready, The Session

10–15 mins
Practising quick turns and shots without pressure

fire, aim Development

10–15 mins

Practising quick turns and shots but facing first passive
then active pressure

Applying techniques in a match situation

15 mins
The goal doesn’t move, so when your forwards receive
the ball with their backs to goal they should know Warm-down
10 mins
Gentle running, static stretching, ballwork, de-brief Q&A

where to shoot without aiming.

player movement pass
turn with ball shot
what you GET YOUR
Two forwards stand centrally
• 25 by 20 yard
with their backs to the goal they
playing area.
are attacking. A server stands
• 2 forwards, in each corner. The first forward
2 keepers, receives a ball from one of
4 servers. the servers facing them, then
turns and shoots. The second
forward does the same. Repeat
with the second server.
think about
Make sure forwards turn both
• Communication ways and practice using the
– is it verbal, by inside and outside of both feet
Turn and shoot. It’s that easy.
signal or through to control the ball.
Rotate players so servers
• Create space become forwards and
before the ball vice versa.
• Accuracy and DEVELOPMENT
weight of pass. This time the forward
• Quick control to not receiving a pass acts as a
set up immediate passive defender.
shot. Take a Make the defender more
second touch if active, and then fully active.
• What type of Game situation
turn – e.g. inside/ On a pitch 35 by 25
outside hook? Let yards with two end zones, Under pressure, the forward controls and spins in one
ball travel across 10 yards in from each goal- movement, to get a shot in.
body? line, play 4v4, with 2v2 in the
• Sharp body swivel. central area and 1v1 in each of
the two end zones.
Each team has a goalkeeper
call out protecting a goal. Encourage
attackers in the end zones to
• “On your toes to turn and shoot by awarding
receive” bonus points for hitting the
• “Get the “weight” target.
of pass right Players from the central area
so the attacker can only enter the end zones
can focus on once the attacker in that zone
technique” has touched the ball.
• “The goal doesn’t Regularly switch forwards Take too long and the other players can recover to
move so eyes on so everyone has a go in the make a tackle.
the ball!” end zone.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 5

Activity Outcome
Advanced sessions Warm-up King of the ring game. Every player has a ball. Can they kick
10 mins the other balls out of the ring and protect their own?

Shooting The Session

20 mins
Shooting across the goal into the coned-off area

across the goal Development

30 mins

Shooting against a goalkeeper

Small-sided game featuring the techniques learned

This session will encourage your players to play the 20 mins

percentage game. Shooting across the goal enables Warm-down

10 mins
Gentle jogging and stretching, de-brief Q&A with coach

the team two chances to score – either directly from

the shot or from any rebounds that follow. direction of run shot dribble

what you GET YOUR

Shot 1 – get your players to
• Mark out the
dribble down the channel to
pitch as shown
the left of the pitch and shoot
opposite, 1
with the left foot, aiming for
adjusting the size
the area on the opposite side
to suit the age of
of the goal not protected by
your players.
cones. 2
Shot 2 – the players now
dribble down the channel in the
think about centre of the pitch and shoot 3
with the right foot, again aiming
• Examine your
across the goal to the area not
players’ shooting Shoot across the goal into the opposite corner with
protected by cones.
technique. Are both feet.
they simply toe- Shot 3 – dribble towards the
punting it with their goal and choose a corner to
weaker foot? aim at. Show a disguise.
• Encourage them
to use proper DEVELOPMENT
technique, Remove the cones from
even if it feels each goal mouth and replace
uncomfortable to with three goalkeepers.
them at first.
• Also make sure Game situation
that they are Play a small-sided
aiming for the game with two goals and
opposite corner goalkeepers. Encourage your
of the goal, and players to attack at speed and
shooting across It’s not so easy against a real live goalkeeper. Show
shoot across the goal from a disguise on the third shot.
it rather straight wider areas. Tell them you will
down the middle. award extra points for goals
Once they get a scored from shots placed in
few on target, their the opposite corner or from
confidence will rebounds.
soon grow.

call out
• “Shoot across the
• “Use proper
technique on
your weaker Put the techniques into practice in a game. You get
foot.” extra points for rebounds from cross shots.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 6

Activity Outcome
Advanced sessions Warm-up Various dribbling skills
7–10 mins

1v1 composure The Session

20–30 mins
The attacker has to dribble into the shooting zone and
attempt to score

Development The attacker has to beat a defender before entering the

20 mins shooting zone

Game Continuous 3v3 games

This practice builds your player’s confidence in creating 20 mins

chances and scoring goals when one-against-one with Warm-down Gentle jogging and stretching
7–10 mins
the keeper.
direction of run pass
shot dribble
what you GET YOUR
The player must dribble into
• 40 x 30 yard total
the shooting zone and score
with a placed finish past the
• 20 x 30 yard keeper.
shooting area.
In the next rotation the players
• Attackers start can choose to try and score
opposite the goal. with either a strike or placed
Finally the players must now
think about go past the keeper using their
dribbling ability before scoring
• Utilise a range of into an empty net. Get your players used to taking on 1v1 situations.
finishes such as:
Placed shots
Driven shots Add a defender who
Chipped shots cannot go into the shooting
Rounding the zone.
keeper. The attacker must now beat
• Use a time limit the defender in order to enter
to increase the the shooting zone.
pressure on the
Can the attacker beat the
defender and keep their
composure to turn the chance
into a goal?
All of the steps are done on an
8-10 second time limit!
Can the attacker beat the defender to go 1v1 against
the keeper?
Game situation
Teams of 3 play
continuous attack v defence.
call out The attackers must try to free
a team mate into the shooting
• “Match speed.” zone to score. If the defenders
• “Show disguise” win the ball then the roles are
reversed and the attackers
• “Relax and hit the become defenders. A new
target.” team now runs out to attack
and the previous attackers join
the queue for the next turn.

The attacking team must work an opportunity to get a

player into the shooting zone.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 7

Activity Outcome
Advanced sessions Warm-up Fun heading game looking at technique
10 mins

Heading The Session

15 mins
The players now show good attacking heading

to score Development
15 mins

The attackers can now head accurately from a range
of positions

The attackers are moving off the ball to lose the marker and
15 mins score from a cross
This session aims to improve the technique of
attacking heading. The practices develop from simple Warm-down Gentle jogging and stretching exercises
5 mins
technique into a real match situation with defenders.
direction of run pass/serve
what you GET YOUR
• 20 x 20 yd area The players take it in turns to
for the session. serve the ball and then run to
Increasing to a 40 make an attacking header at
x 30 yd area for goal.
the game. Heading a ball that is travelling
towards the player from in front
of them makes it easy to get
power on the header.
think about
Players should be attempting
• Heading is a to head the ball downwards
skill that is often where possible. This makes
neglected by the header harder to save. Initially the players have the advantage of
coaches and not approaching the ball head on.
coached properly
or in a fun way DEVELOPMENT
that shows the Now change the starting
correct technique position so that the players are
and advantages of receiving a serve from the right
being competent and left rather than coming
at heading. This onto the ball.
results in a lack of The player will now have to
good headers in generate their own power with
most teams. the use of their neck, arms
and body. This development
• By developing
replicates heading at goal from
your own players’
technique you are a cross from the right and left.
giving your team a
big advantage in Game situation Changing the angle of their approach to the ball
games. Now have a 2v2 means players will now need to generate power
situation on the pitch with a
wide player in the free zone out
A midfielder must pass into the
forward who is allowed a free
return pass to the midfielder. 1
Now a pass is made to the
call out wide player for a cross.
• “Keep your eyes The midfielder and two
on the ball” attackers must try to lose the 3 2
two defenders in order to score
• “Use your arms
from the cross. Goals scored
and body to
by headers should be counted
create power”
as double.
The forwards combine with a midfielder to get the
• “Head the top of
ball out to the wide player. The wide player now
the ball” crosses for a 3v2.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 8

Activity Outcome
Advanced sessions Warm-up Improve quick play and finishing skills
10 mins

Shooting from The Session

15 mins
Players have improved attitude and technique when
shooting from outside the box

outside the box Development

15 mins

The players are now passing and moving to create a
shooting opportunity

The players are now picking when to shoot and when to

This session aims to improve the attitude to shooting 15 mins pass the ball

from outside the box. Warm-down Gentle jogging and stretching exercises
5 mins

direction of run pass dribble

what you GET YOUR
Players take turns to dribble,
• 40 yards x 30
complete a skill and then shoot
yards area, goals
at goal from behind the half
at opposite ends
way line.
with a halfway line
at 20 yards. The halfway line on our training
area is 20yds from the goal
and therefore outside the
think about normal 18yd penalty box.

• Goals are scored

from a range of
Each team has three
areas, inside the
players inside the defending The players must dribble towards the line and then
box, outside the shoot at goal.
half and two players inside the
box, from crosses
attacking half.
The aim of this game is to
• Improving your create space in a 3v2 situation
players attitude in order to shoot at goal from
and willingness inside your own half.
to shoot from a
range of distances As the attackers outnumber
will increase your the defenders they should
teams chances of always be able to create a
scoring a goal. shooting opportunity.
• Remember, if you
don’t shoot you Game situation
can’t score. Now progress the
practice to allow the players
• You should This small-sided game has a 3v2 in each half.
to show disguise when they
always praise and The players must pass the ball and then look to
are pressured and make a
encourage players shoot at goal.
clever pass into a forwards
who are willing to
feet to shoot. This shows good
shoot. Even if the
decision making.
shot is not good.
Finally remove the halfway line
and allow a free play game.
call out
• “Play at match
• “Get the ball out
of your feet to
• “Technique rather
than power” Now if the players shot at goal is being blocked,
• “Hit the target” they can show disguise and pass into one of
their forwards.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 9

Activity Outcome
Advanced sessions Warm-up Players move and react quickly to race to the cone/bib
10 mins

Netbusters The Session

15 mins
Receiving to shoot at goal

Development Combining to shoot at goal

15 mins

Game Players attempt more shots in order to gain the reward of

15 mins extra points/goals for the team
This session aims to improve the attitude to shooting
at goal by concentrating on having a good first touch Warm-down Gentle jogging and stretching exercises
5 mins
or by combining with team mates in order to create
space for a shot. player movement pass/serve
run with ball shot
what you GET YOUR
The black player passes to
• Use an area 50
the attacking white player. The
yards long by 30
attacker receives the pass and
yards wide that
has one touch to shift the ball
is split into two
out of their feet and then shoot
end zones, each
at goal.
15 yards in length
and one central The player is able to move
zone 20 yards in anywhere they like inside the
length. central zone before calling to
receive a pass.
• The game situation
is played on a Immediately, after the shot, a
pitch 40 yards white player at the side passes A black player passes to a white player who takes a
long by 30 yards to a black player in the centre. touch and then shoots at goal.
Now the defenders
think about must defend a series of attacks
from 3v1 through to 3v4.
• A good first touch
will set you up Each attack makes the task
to shoot at goal of defending your home even
correctly. harder.
• Can you disguise Can the defenders regain
to shoot and then possession and score in the
take the ball past mini goals?
the defender to
shoot in more Game situation
space? Play a small-sided Each team uses the neutral player to create an
overload and shoot at goal.
• Can you combine game with normal rules.
with a team mate However, to encourage players
by using a one- to attempt shots at goal you
two or overlapping can award one point for each
technique? shot on target and two points
for each goal scored. That way,
each shot that is accurate and
on target is rewarded.
call out
• “Concentrate on
your first touch”
• “Get your shots
off early”
• “Hit the target”
To encourage shooting in a small-sided game, one
point is awarded for shots on target and two points
for a goal.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions SHARP SHOOTING 10

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