Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Callistemon Viminalis (Myrtaceae) : A Review

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Phytochemistry and pharmacology of Callistemon viminalis (Myrtaceae): A


Article · December 2016

DOI: 10.2174/2210315507666161216100323

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The Natural Products Journal, 2017, 7, 1-10 1


Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Callistemon viminalis (Myrtaceae):

A Review

Kamal Ahmad and Fareeda Athar*

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences (CIRBSc), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India

Abstract: Callistemon viminalis (weeping bottlebrush), belongs to the family myrtaceae, is known to
have medical importance. An ornamental plant stands for its numerous attributes such as antioxidant,
ARTICLE HISTORY moluscicidal, antibacterial, antifungal, allelopathic, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-quorum sensing,
anti-infective, anti-helminthic and has also been found as an effective insecticidal activity. This plant
Received: August 19, 2016 possesses a wide range of secondary metabolites inclusive of triterpenoid, monoterpenes, steroid,
Revised: November 26, 2016
Accepted: December 16, 2016 steroida l glycoside, phenolic, tetra deca hydro xanthene diones, pyrrole derivatives, flavonoids and
essential oils. An impression has been taken from previous research that the major constituents of C.
10.2174/221031550766616121610 viminalis are monoterpenes which are mainly responsible for different biological activities of C.
0323 viminalis. This review includes the information concerning the cultivation, morphology, microscopic
studies, physiochemical, and phytochemistry, so as to exploit it further for the human welfare.
Keywords: Callistemon viminalis, monoterpenes, phytochemistry, antioxidant, flavonoids.

1. INTRODUCTION hemostatic property related to its astringent function in that it

can halt the flow of internal bleeding, such as from ulcers, by
The genus Callistemon consists of about 34 species
constricting blood vessels [4]. Fruits, bark and leaves of C.
around the world, out of which 10 species are found in India.
viminalis have shown molluscicides against Biomphalria
Callistemon viminalis is widely distributed across the world
alexandrina snails [10]. Recent reports and experiments dis-
but it is more prevalent in tropical Asia, Australia, Sri Lanka,
South America, and India [1-3]. closed bottle brush as molluscicidal, bio-repellents for land
leeches, insecticidal and anti-helmintic [11, 12]. In addition
C. viminalis (weeping bottlebrush) belongs to family to antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity [13], it also pos-
Myrtaceae. C. viminalis is an important medicinal plant, sesses anti-thrombin activity [14]. It is also known to rein-
commonly used for traditional healing. This medicinal plant force the immune system and protect from chronic diseases
is also used in medical conditions like stomachaches, skin of vital organs like heart, brain and other organs of the body
infections, and respiratory condition [4]. C. viminalis is [13]. In this review, we have tried to explore the research on
widely used for ornamental horticulture, essential oil produc- C. viminalis breaching areas coming with its cultivation,
tion, forestry, windbreak plantings and degraded-land recla- morphology, microscopic studies, physiochemical, phyto-
mation [5]. Among its various uses C. viminalis also exhibits chemical and significance in the context of pharmacological
in-vitro antihelmintic activity against earthworms, tape- arena, so as to draw a collective approach for further parad-
worms, hookworms [6]. It has been seen that C. viminalis ing designing in formulation effective substitutes for various
provides effective control of Ephestia kuehniella by exerting clinical problems.
negative effects on its immune cells [7]. C. viminalis extracts
from flowers and leaves showed antibacterial activity against
Gram-positive bacteria [1, 7]. C. viminalis also showed im- 2. CLASSIFICATION [15]
portance in Traditional Chinese medicine for treating hemor- Taxonomical studies are done by taking into account the
rhoids [8]. It also possess weed control property, so act as anatomical properties [1]. The family Myrtaceae is a part of
bio-indicators for environmental management [2]. C. vimi- subtropical, temperate and tropical distribution that is mainly
nalis is edible, and its leaves act as tea substitute and have a found in Australia and tropical America, and it includes
delightfully refreshing flavour and fragrance [9]. The hot about 130 genera and 3000 species of shrubs and trees [4]. In
drink of C. viminalis has been used for the treatment of gas- this paper, we have elaborated the properties of epidermis,
troenteritis, diarrhea and skin infections. This plant has a transverse sections of its leaves, petioles and stems of five
different cultivated species that belong to five genera of
*Address correspondence to this author at the Medicinal Chemistry Labora- Myrtaceae. These include Callistemon viminalis, Eucalyptus
tory, Lab N0.123, First Floor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic camaldulensis, Myrtus communis L., Psidium guajava L. and
Sciences (CIRBSc), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India;
Tel: +91- 26981717; E-mail-
Syzygium aromaticum L. Certain structural characteristics

2210-3155/17 $58.00+.00 © 2017 Bentham Science Publishers

2 The Natural Products Journal, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 Ahmad and Athar

were significantly important that are responsible for separa- 4-7 cm long. The flowers are borne in spikes 14-15 cm long
tion of these taxa. These include the absence of stomata from with prominent red stamens 1.50-2.50 cm long (Fig. 1B).
the abaxial surface of leaves of C. viminalis and P. guajava, Petals are greenish or pale colored, tiny and inconspicuous.
presence of hypodermis in the leaves of P. guajava, the Flowers mature into woody capsules [18].
wavy transverse section of stem in C. viminalis and E.
camaldulensis leaves, the isobilateral mesophyll in C. vimi-
nalis, the presence of more than one vascular strand in S.
aromaticum petioles and the presence of prismatic crystals in
the petioles druses of P. guajava. The leaf surface shows the anomocytic stomata, charac-
Kingdom : Plantae teristic of Myrtaceae family. Transverse section shows the
epidermal layer followed by cuticle layer and vascular bun-
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta dles (xylem and phloem), pericyclic fibers, collenchyma,
Super division: Spermatophyta unicellular trichomes etc. [19]. The transverse section of
stem shows epidermal layer, 2-3 layer of cork tissue, 7- 8
Division : Magnoliophyta layer of cortex tissue, medullary rays, endodermis, xylem
Class : Magnoliopsida vessels, oil glands, sclerides in stellar region and pith at the
center. Various histochemical reactions of leaves and stems
Subclass : Rosidae
have been carried out and their constituents metabolites were
Order : Myrtales characterized. The specific reactions when treated with differ-
Family : Myrtaceae ent substrates give specific color, that corresponds to specific
metabolite [19-21]. For example- lignin from cortex when
Genus : Callistemon treated with aniline sulphate and sulphuric acid, yield yellow
Species : Callistemon viminalis color, whereas lignin from xylem vessels and medullary rays
when treated with phloroglucinol and hydrochloric acid gives
pink color [22]. Starch from cortex when treated with weak
3. CULTIVATION AND MORPHOLOGY iodine solution gives blue color. Volatile oil from cortex when
The species of C.viminalis and its cultivars are widely treated with sudan red II gives red color [22]. Proteins from
planted in Australia and overseas. There are a number of pith when reacted with Millons reagent gives white color [22].
widely grown cultivars of C. viminalis [16]. One of the most Calcium oxalate from cortex after reaction with sulphuric acid
popular in cultivar is Callistemon 'Captain Cook'. This culti- gives prismatic color [19, 21, 22].
var was widely promoted to venerate the 200th anniversary of
Captain James Cook's discovery of the east coast of Austra- 5. PHYSIOCHEMICAL STUDY
lian in 1770 and it remains popular till date [17]. The wild,
C. viminalis is usually found along watercourses and per- Recently, it has been estimated that the leaf and stem
forms best in cultivation if a reliable water supply is avail- powder of C. viminalis such as, ash value were found to be
able. Once established, it can tolerate extended dry periods 4.66 in leaf (% w/w) and 10.5 in stem (% w/w), likewise
[18]. The plant performs best in medium to heavy soils and amount of insoluble acid was found to be about 2.5 in leaf
can accept less than perfect drainage but its growth may get (% w/w) and 4.5 in stem
hampered by moderate to heavy frost. It responds to annual (% w/w) while water soluble content was found to be
fertilizing after flowering [18]. Although the plant responds 2.45 (% w/w) and 3.6 (% w/w) in leaf and stem respectively
to pruning, yet it can destroy the appearance of weeping [19]. While for different parameters such as extractive values
forms. In common with other bottlebrushes, plant flowers water soluble content was estimated as 11.5 (% w/w) and
best in a sunny location but it will tolerate considerable 13.4 (% w/w) and alcohol solubility was found to be 14.4 (%
shade at the expense of flowering performance. C. viminalis w/w) and 12.5 (% w/w) in leaf and stem respectively. Simi-
is relatively adaptable to various soil conditions and can larly moisture content were determined to be 3.4 (% w/w)
grow well with limited maintenance [16]. This plant is com- and 4 (% w/w) in leaf and stem respectively [19, 23, 24].
monly found in several areas with the exception of localities
extremely cold and dry. It is also found along the streets and
in the botanical gardens [9, 17]. C. viminalis can be propa- 6. ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES
gated easily by seed and cuttings. Callistemon cultivar pro-
Khambay performed flash chromatography method for
duces viable seed which germinates easily. However, be-
analysis of viminadione A and viminadione B from leaves
cause of seedling variation, any plant produced from this
and stem extracts [25]. Another study revealed analysis of 1,
seed will not be identical to the parent plant [9]. Plant pro-
8-cineole, α- pinene, β- pinene and other compounds in es-
duced from cuttings (which usually strike readily) will pro-
sential oils of C. viminalis by Gas Chromatography with
duce genetically identical plant to the parent. C. viminalis
Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) [2]. Shinde et al. used
bears most beautiful stamen from long flexible shoot [16]. C.
petroleum ether extract, chloroform extract and methanolic
viminalis is noted by its beautiful scarlet blossoms during
extract to thin layer chromatographic analysis, in order to
flowering time. C. viminalis also produces large quantities of
show the presence of a number of chemical constituents to
nectar [1]. Usually
support the chemical test [19], like petroleum ether extract
C. viminalis goes up to 8 m in height (Fig. 1A). The showed pink-violet spot for triterpenes and steroids. Chloro-
leaves of C. viminalis are lanceolate 0.3 cm-0.6 cm wide and form extract showed light blue and dark blue color for
Phytochemistry Study of Callistemon viminalis The Natural Products Journal, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 3

Fig. (1). Photographs of Callistemon viminalis showing (A) Shoot and leaves (B) Flower [47].

saponin glycoside. Methanolic extract showed terpenoids 8. ESSENTIAL OIL CONSTITUENTS

and steroid and yellow fluorescence with Libermann-
burched and Anisaldehyde-sulphuric acid spraying reagent Forty two essential oil constituents were extracted from
leaves that pertain to a diverse range of chemical classes such
under UV light 254 nm [19, 21]. Sone performed different
as acids, alcohol, aldehyde, ester, hydrocarbon, ketone, N-
type of techniques viz XRD, Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spec-
containing compounds shown in Table 1. The major ones be-
troscopy (EDS), FTIR-ATR, High-Resolution Transmission
ing 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, menthyl acetate and α-terpineol
Electron Microscopy (HRTEM), Raman and XPS for analy-
along with the minor constituents α-thujene, β-pinene, myr-
sis of single-phase pure α-Cr2O3 nanoparticles produced
from flower’s extract of C. viminalis [26]. cene. P-cymene, γ-terpinene, terpinolene, linalool, trans-
pinocarveol, borneol, α-humulene, alloaromadendrene,
spathulenol and globulol [2]. Although, the essential oil com-
7. PHYTOCHEMICALS position of C. viminalis is studied widely including South Af-
rica [2], India [1], Brazil [36], Egypt [37], Australia [18] and
C. viminalis have been found to be rich in phenolic, gly-
Cameroon [12], there are differences in the yield and profile of
cosides, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, steroids, tannins and
the oil constituents, which could be attributed to many envi-
triterpenoids. The compounds isolated from the various parts ronmental factors viz. latitude, geographical distribution etc
of this plant are given in Table 1. Two novel epimeric com-
[38, 39]. The major constituents in the oil from the plains of
pounds, viminadione A and viminadione B, are tetradecahy-
northern India are 1,8-cineole, α-pinene and menthyl acetate
droxanthenediones derivative which were reported to have
but 1,8-cineole content was higher in South Africa and Egypt
insecticidal activity [25]. Methyl gallate, gallic acid, cate-
samples than in the Equatorial region samples, India, Camer-
chin, and ellagic acid were isolated from the fruits and bark
oon and Australia [40]. In different geographical samples, 1,8-
of C. viminalis, which potentiated antioxidant activity com- cineole was reported as good marker and dominant component
parable with that of ascorbic acid [27]. The leave crude hex-
for the different Callistemon species together with the Myrta-
ane extract components of
ceae family by Gohar [40].
C. viminalis were identified by GC-MS analysis, which
reported 10 compounds such as, α-Pinene, α-Phellandrene, 9. PHARMACOLOGY
D-Limonene, 1,8-cineole, p-Cymene, α-Terpineol, Hexahy-
drofarnesyl acetone, n-Hexadecanoic acid [28]. Callivimi- C. viminalis ornamental plant is more important because
of its numerous applications shown in Fig. (2) and verified
nones A and B, two Diels-Alder adducts of polymethylated
by the experimental studies.
phloroglucinol and myrcene with unparalled spiro-[5.5] un-
decene skeleton, were detached/seperated from the fruits of 9.1. Moluscicidal Activity
C. viminalis. Bioactivity scan confirmed that 1 and 2 exibited
average inhibition of NO production on lipopolysaccharide- Moluscicidal activity was reported from crude extracts of
induced RAW264.7 macrophages. Antibacterial activity of C. viminalis. Methanol crude powdered extracts of C. vimi-
eucalyptol and α-pinene were previously reported by Can- nalis leaves, bark and fruit were kept for testing as mollus-
dan, Hwang, Chung and Matasyoh to be comparable with cicides to control human schistosomiasis through distur-
chloramphenicol against E. coli and S. aureus. D-limonene bances in fatty acid profile of intermediate host Biom-
was reported to inhibit the growth of Bacillus sp., C. albi- phalaria alexandrina snails. Different extracts proved to
cans, have molluscicidal activity against the vector of schistosomi-
asis, Biomphalaria alexandrina snails. LC50 values for C.
E. coli and S. aureus. α-Phellandrene was reported to in- viminalis bark, fruits and leaves were 6.2, 32 and 40 ppm
hibit the growth of S. aureus, S. epidermidis, P. aeruginosa respectively. The C. viminalis fruit extract showed the high-
and C. albicans [28-35]. est effect against the tested snails [10].
4 The Natural Products Journal, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 Ahmad and Athar

Table 1. Name and structure of compounds from Callistemon viminalis.

S. No. Compounds Name Structure of Compound Category Plant Part Reference

1 Viminadione A Aerial [25, 49, 52]
ones derivative


2 Viminadione B Aerial [25, 49, 52]
ones derivative


3 Lupeol CH 3 Triterpenoid fruits and bark [27, 53]


4 Octacosanol HO Triterpenoid fruits and bark [27, 53]

5 β-sitosterol Steroid Fruits and bark [27]




6 Betulin CH2 OH Triterpene fruits and bark [27, 53]


7 Betulinic acid COOH Triterpenoid fruits and bark [27, 53]


8 Ursolic acid COOH

Triterpenoid fruits and bark [27]

Phytochemistry Study of Callistemon viminalis The Natural Products Journal, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 5

(Table 1) contd….

S. No. Compounds Name Structure of Compound Category Plant Part Reference

9 Corosolic acid Triterpene fruits and bark [27]

10 Steroidal glycoside fruits and bark [27]





11 Methyl gallate Phenolic fruits and bark [13, 27]




12 Gallic acid Phenolic fruits and bark [13, 27, 53]




13 Catechin Phenolic fruits and bark [13, 27]


14 Ellagic acid HO Phenolic fruits and bark [13, 27]

15 3-O-acetylursolic acid COOH

Triterpenoid bark [27]


16 (hydroxymethyl)-4- OH Pyrroles derivative fruits and bark [27]
methyl-2H-pyrrol-2-ol OH
6 The Natural Products Journal, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 Ahmad and Athar

(Table 1) contd….

S. No. Compounds Name Structure of Compound Category Plant Part Reference

17 α-Pinene Monoterpenes Leaves [28, 52, 54]

18 α-Phellandrene Monoterpenes Leaves [28, 48]

19 D-Limonene Monoterpenes Leaves [28, 48]

20 1,8-cineole Monoterpenes Leaves [28, 48]

21 p-Cymene Monoterpenes Leaves [28, 48]

[28, 48, 52,

22 α-Terpineol OH Monoterpenes Leaves

23 Flavnoids Leaves [28, 48]
acetone O

24 n-Hexadecanoic acid Monoterpenes Leaves [28, 48]

25 Menthyl acetate O
Monoterpenes Leaves [28, 48]

9.2. Activity on Insects fabae. Viminadione A exhibits high insecticidal activity on

Musca domestica (1.9 µg/insect) and Aphis fabae (5.9
Essential oils from C. viminalis have enough insecticidal
µg/insec) in comparison with viminadione B [25].
activity against Ephestia kuehniella causing negative effects
on its immune cells. The results were reported that fumigant
9.3. Antihelminthic Activity
lethal concentration (LC10, LC30 and LC50) values were 8.42,
15.86 and 24.60 µl/l air and topical Lethal Dose (LD) values Antiheleminthic action of essential oils was reported
were measured to be 4.28, 9.64 and 16.91 µg insect-1 for C. from C. viminalis. The essential oils of C. viminalis showed
viminalis oil. Hematological clarifications showed that for anthelminthic activity against earthworms and tapeworms
fumigation, effect of C. viminalis oils caused a decrease in which was exhibited better in-vitro efficacy than piperazine
total hemocyte count of treated larvae in a dose-dependent phosphate [43].
concentration at time intervals [41]. Essential oils from C.
viminalis were used as fumigant against Sitophilus oryzae in 9.4. Anti-infective
adults [42] Callosobruchus maculatus and Acanthoscelides
obtectus. As per the previous, A. obtectus are more liable Aqueous extracts of plants C viminalis, Conocarpus
erectus and Bucida buceras were screened for inhibition of
(LD50 = 0.133 µl/g) to the essential oil than C. maculatus
opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa that
(LD50 = 0.170 µl/g) after the exposure for 2 days [12]. Two
were found reduction in toxin production 50-90% and mor-
novel epimeric compounds, viminadione A and viminadione
tality 60%, indicative of their potential for anti-infective de-
B, which were isolated from aerial parts of C. viminalis,
velopment [44].
showed insecticidal activity on Musca domestica and Aphis
Phytochemistry Study of Callistemon viminalis The Natural Products Journal, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 7

Fig. (2). Pharmacological application of Callistemon viminalis.

9.5. Anti-quorum Sensing essential oil (0.2 - 5.0 µLmL−1), the Germination Speed In-
dex (GSI) of lettuce seeds and in the dry mass and length of
Quorum Sensing (QS) or bacterial cell-to-cell communi-
shoots and roots of lettuce seedlings was entirely inhibited at
cation is thought to control the pathogenesis of many bacte-
5.0 µLmL−1 as per the observed data [47].
rial organisms. Aqueous and ethanol extracts of C. viminalis
leaves are shown to possess anti-quorum sensing activity
9.8. Antioxidant Activity
using two biomonitor strains, Chromobacterium violaceum
and Agrobacterium tumefaciens with inhibition of QS gene Essential oil of C. viminalis (88.60 1.51%) showed
(las and rhl) and QS-controlled factors [45]. highest antioxidant activity as compared to gallic acid, which
is a standard compound (80.00 2.12%). Ethyl acetate leaf
9.6. Anti-platelet Aggregation extract of C. viminalis (85.12±1.42%) showed antioxidant
activity comparable to standard antioxidants such as gallic
Oleanolic Acid (OA), Ursolic Acid (UA), Betulinic Acid
acid (80.00 2.12%) [5]. Antioxidant potential of petroleum
(BA) and Maslinic Acid (MA) isolated from leaves of C.
extract of C. viminalis leaves showed better IC50 value 56.2
viminalis were evaluated in vitro for anti-platelet aggregation
± 0.54 µg/ml as compared to the standard compounds viz
activity on thrombin, Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP), and
butylated hydroxy toluene [9]. The total extracts, petroleum
epinephrine-induced rat platelet aggregation. It was reported
ether, Methylene chloride and Ethyl acetate fractions of the
that the compounds exhibited highest activity by OA (IC50 of fruits and bark of C viminalis along with the compounds
0.84 mg/ml) and mixture of BA/OA (IC50 of 2.61 mg/ml)
methyl gallate, gallic acid, catechin and ellagic acid showed
was observed on thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. It
highest antioxidant activity comparable with that of the stan-
was known that BA/OA (IC50 of 2.57 mg/ml) also showed a
dard antioxidant, ascorbic acid [27].
significant platelet aggregation inhibitory activity on epi-
nephrine-induced platelet aggregation [46].
9.9. Antifungal Activity
9.7. Allelopathic Activity 1, 8-Cineole, α-Pinene, and Terpinen-4-ol are the major
constituents of the essential oil of C. viminalis showed high-
Allelopathy is an important process in which some bio-
est antifungal activity against plant pathogenic fungi like
chemical substances alter the growth of other organisms. The
Alternaria alternate, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum
study revealed that the essential oils from the flowers of
and Fusarium solani using mycelial growth inhibition
C. viminalis have showed allelopathic activity at intensi- method and another effect on spore germination of same
ties that were proportional to different concentrations of the plant pathogenic fungi [48]. Methanol, hexane and aqueous
8 The Natural Products Journal, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 Ahmad and Athar

extracts of C. viminalis were tested against Candida albicans Methanol, hexane and aqueous extracts of C. viminalis were
fungus. The MIC values of hexane, methanol and aqueous tested against eight bacteria like Bacillus cereus, Escherichia
extracts of C. viminalis have been found to be 3.2mg/ml, coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, Shig-
1.6mg/ml and 3.2mg/ml respectively. All plant extracts ella sonnei, Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA and Streptococ-
showed antifungal activity but the methanol extract showed cus pyogenes. All plant extracts showed antibacterial activity
highest antifungal activity than the corresponding aqueous but the methanol extract showed highest antifungal activity
and hexane extract [49]. Antifungal activity of crude extracts than the corresponding aqueous extract and hexane extract
and essential oil of C. viminalis against Candida albicans [49]. The antibacterial activity of leaves of C. viminalis ex-
showed strong effect of essential oil than the corresponding tract acted as a bioreductant and the polyphenols and
crude extracts [28]. The essential oil from the fresh leaves of flavanoids present in extract are responsible for the reduction
C. viminalis was studied against Aspergillus niger fungus of Ag+ ions to Ag0 silver nanoparticles. These silver nanopar-
strain that showed moderate activity against A. niger [27]. ticles inhibit the growth of bacterial strains viz. E. coli, S.
aureus, K. pneumoniae and Salmonella typhimurium [51].
9.10. Antibacterial Activity
The essential oil from the fresh leaves of C. viminalis CONCLUSION
was studied against two bacteria like Escherichia coli and
C. viminalis is an important medicinal plant having tradi-
Staphylococcus aureus which showed highly active agents
against tional importance and this is proven by various experiments
and scientific studies. Although biological and medicinal
E. coli and showed moderate activity against S. aureus. applications have been explored, still many pharmacological
The crude extracts in hexane and the essential oils of applications are needed to be explored.
C. viminalis against several pathogenic bacteria like Ba- The plant has numerous therapeutic applications viz. an-
cillus licheniformis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus tioxidant, moluscicidal, antibacterial, antifungal, allelopathic,
coagulase (-), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-quorum sensing, anti-infective,
Acinetobacter anitratus, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and and anti-helminthic activities on insects. The major studies
Klebsiella pneumoniae showed strongest antibacterial activ- were reported using extracts of the plant; still the active prin-
ity [28]. Essential oil of C. viminalis showed highest antibac- ciple involved behind these activities is needed to be worked
terial activity. Methanol and ethyl acetate leaf extract of C. on. As the value of medicinal plants depends on the active
viminalis showed antibacterial activity comparable to stan- principle present in them, so the uniformity in quality as well
dard antioxidants such as gallic acid [5].1, 8-Cineole, α- as the quantity of planting material is of paramount impor-
Pinene, and Terpinen-4-ol are the major constituents of the tance.
essential oil of C. viminalis showed highest antibacterial
The essential oil, ethyl acetate, chloroform, hexane,
activity against plant pathogenic bacteria of Agrobacterium
methanol, water and other extracts from various parts of C.
tumefaciens and Erwinia carotovora. Essential oils showed
strongest effect against E. carotovora than A. tumefaciens viminalis contained many bioactive chemical constituents
including glycosides, tannins, phenols, flavanoids, alkaloids,
[48]. The watery and alcoholic extracts from leaves of C.
saponins, terpenoids and steroids for therapeutic use. The
viminalis in vitro to ten of pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas
present study can be used in future for the formulation of the
aeroginosa, Pseudomonas pseudomelli, Staphyllococcus
active chemical ingredients present in the C. viminalis.
aureus, Klebsilla pneumonia, Klebsilla oxytaci, Proteus vul-
garicus, Streptococcus pneumonia, Staphyllococcus epider- According to the WHO, 80% of the world’s population
midis, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter and the alcoholic ex- primarily those of developing countries depend on plant-
tract toward Streptococcus pneumonia on urinary system in derived medicines for health care. It is observed that almost
vivo. Alcoholic extract of C. viminalis were less potent than 60% of drugs approved for acute diseases treatment are of
watery extract against pathogenic bacteria. According to natural origin. The global situation is changing their percep-
results, alcoholic extract of C. viminalis was more sensitive tion towards the use of herbal medicines due to less side ef-
for Streptococcus pneumonia pathogen so, alcoholic extract fect and hence are being used to develop a modern drug to
was injected intraperitonialy as experimental infection in cure many acute diseases. Our review reveals that C. vimi-
laboratory animals (in vivo). A good improvement was re- nalis from genus Callistimon possess strong potential as
ported in the value of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, sources of new drugs. Due to their various therapeutic activi-
creatinine kinase and uric acid but less improvement in cal- ties, further study is warranted to be carried out on the drug
cium concentration [50]. development of C. viminalis extracts, essential oil and con-
The antibacterial activity of the essential oils from the stituents.
leaves of C. viminalis was studied against 12 bacteria strains
using broth microdilution and disc diffusion methods. The CONFLICT OF INTEREST
oils exhibited strong zone of inhibitions and the MIC against The authors confirm that this article content has no con-
bacteria compared to standard antibiotics gentamycin and flict of interest.
tetracycline used as controls [2]. The petroleum ether,
methanolic and chloroform extract of leaves and stems of C.
viminalis was studied the antibacterial potential against Ba- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
cillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aerugi- Kamal Ahmad is thankful to UGC, New Delhi, India, for
nosa compared to standard antibiotics Ciprofloxacin [19]. award of non-NET-UGC fellowship.
Phytochemistry Study of Callistemon viminalis The Natural Products Journal, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 9

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