Infections in SLE

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Pathophysiolo gy and

Clinic al Sp e c trum of
I nfe c tions in Systemic
Lupus Er y thematosus
Raquel Cuchacovich, MDa,*, Abraham Gedalia, MDb

 Systemic lupus erythmatosus  Infections  Pathogenesis
 Immunosuppression  Immunodeficiencies

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an inflammatory and multisystemic autoim-

mune disorder characterized by an uncontrolled autoreactivity of B and T lymphocytes
leading to the production of autoantibodies (auto-Abs) against self-directed antigens
and tissue destruction. The breakdown of tolerance, which is poorly understood, is the
main feature of the disease. It involves intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms, such as
genes, deficiency of regulatory T/B cells, and hormonal and environmental factors
(Box 1).1–23
Several lines of evidence suggest that there is familial aggregation; a sibling of an
SLE patient is approximately 20 times more likely to develop disease. In a prospec-
tively followed cohort from South Sweden, 15% of the patients who had SLE had
a first-degree relative who had SLE. Twin studies support a concordance rate of
2% in dizygotic compared with 24% in monozygotic twins. Deficiencies in C1q
(>90% develop the disease), C2, C4, and CR1 receptor, and polymorphic variants of
the mannose binding lectin (MBL)–2 gene, and certain human leukocyte antigen
(HLA) class II haplotypes, such as DR2-DQ6, the extended haplotype HLA A1-B8-
DR3-DQ2-C4AQ0, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) gene variants are associated.
Other polymorphic genes implicated are Fc-receptor genes IIa and IIIa, C-reactive
protein, programmed cell death-1 (PDCD-1), IL-1 receptor antagonist (Ra), chemo-
kines (CCL2), and genes being part of interferon (IFN) pathways.13,24–36
Environmental factors, such as infections, which are an important cause of
morbidity and mortality, hormones, smoking, alcohol intake, exposure to aromatic
amines, pesticides, silica, organic solvents, heavy metals, ultraviolet light, dietary

Section of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Louisiana State University
Health Sciences Center, 1542 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA
Department of Pediatrics, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, 1542 Tulane
Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Cuchacovich).

Rheum Dis Clin N Am 35 (2009) 75–93

0889-857X/09/$ – see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
76 Cuchacovich & Gedalia

Box 1
Impaired immune functions in systemic lupus erythematosus that may predispose to infection

Breakdown in the mechanisms that maintain T- and B-cell tolerance

Production of autoantibodies, which react with nuclear, cytoplasmic, cell membrane, and
extracellular matrix components; these immune complexes (IC) initiate inflammation and tissue
Failure to remove autoreactive B cells: FcgRIIb induce cell death, inhibit migration, and control
plasma cell survival, which contribute to autoimmunity and infection
Posttranslational modifications of nuclear autoantigens, such as ubiquitination, citrullination,
phosphorylation, and methylation, result in the presentation of cryptic self-antigens
Significant lower level of CD241CD251 T reg cells
Decreased phagocytosis, clearance of apoptotic blebs, impaired nitroblue tetrazolium
reduction, and reduced production of interleukin (IL)–8 and IL-12 by polymorph nuclear cells
Inappropriate activation of toll-like receptor (TLR) for self-antigens, TLR3 (ds) RNA, TLR7 (ss)
RNA, and TLR9 (unmethylated CpG motifs within ssDNA)
TLR9 is expressed in B cells, dendritic cells (DCs), and macrophages, recognizes bacterial DNA
with multiple CpG nucleotides; and co-ligation of the B cell receptor and TLRs induces
proliferation and differentiation of plasmacytoid DC (pDC)
Internalization of mammalian DNA-containing IC in DCs is mediated by FcgRIIa, delivering the
antigen into lysosomes containing TLR9, which subsequently initiates DC activation and the
production of Type I IFNs
Clearance of IgG-coated erythrocytes and soluble IC is delayed because of reduced
complement- and Fc-mediated uptake
Mannose-binding lectin deficiency may be a susceptibility for SLE and high frequency of
infections, particularly bacterial and mainly pulmonary

factors, such as alfalfa sprouts and saturated fats, and the drugs hydralazine, procai-
namide, estrogens, TNF-inhibitors, antiepileptics, sulfasalazine (SSZ), statins, and
type I IFN are potential triggers of the disease.37,38


About 80% of SLE infections are caused by bacteria. The most frequent sites of infec-
tion are skin, respiratory tract, and urinary tract, accounting for more than two thirds of
the infections seen in SLE (Box 2).39–42
Depressed IL-12 production by polymorph nuclear cells (PMNs) in patients who
have SLE could be of significance in acute infections, such as bacterial pneumonia,
candidiasis, and urinary tract infection.43 Several risk factors predispose patients
who have lupus to infections, such as active disease, lymphopenia,44 presence of
renal involvement, immunosuppressive therapy, and central nervous system (CNS)
damage.45–48 Antigranulocyte antibodies, found in approximately 50% of patients
who have SLE, can cause neutropenia through direct cytotoxicity and opsonization.
Bosch and colleagues49 studied the incidence and characteristics of infection in
SLE, as well as the risks factors. A total of 110 patients who had SLE and 220 controls
were prospectively followed up over 3 years and all the infectious episodes were
recorded. Thirty-nine patients who had SLE experienced at least one infection
(36%) versus 53 controls (22%), (P<.05). The incidence of urinary infections, pneu-
monia, and bacteremia without known focus was significantly greater in SLE. Escher-
ichia coli was the most common microorganism (21.3%). In the univariate analysis,
Infections in SLE 77

Box 2
Most frequent microorganisms found in patients who have systemic lupus erythematosus

Staphylococcus aureus
Nontyphoidal Salmonella
Escherichia coli
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Klebsiella spp
Acinetobacter spp
Pseudomonas spp
Mycoplasma spp
Parvovirus B19
Epstein-Barr virus
Herpes simplex/varicella zoster
Human papillomavirus
Hepatitis A
Candida spp
Aspergillus spp
Cryptococcus neoformans
Nocardia spp
Nontuberculous mycobacterium
Mycobacterium chelonae
M avium complex (MAC)
M haemophilum
M fortuitum
M marinum
M tuberculosis

nephritis, SLE activity, leukopenia, anti-dsDNA Abs, low CH50, and ever use of
steroids or cyclophosphamide were significantly associated with infection. In the
multivariate analysis, total serum complement levels and a daily dose of prednisone
greater than 20 mg during at least 1 month plus use of cyclophosphamide were found
to be significant (P<.0001). Hypocomplementemia seems to be an independent
predictive factor for infection (Box 3). Hsieh and colleagues50 demonstrated that
anti-SSB/La antibodies cause increased neutrophil apoptosis, IL-8 production, and
decreased phagocytosis. Biswas and colleagues51 assessed the phagocytic effi-
ciency of PMNs in patients who had SLE with and without history of infections and
78 Cuchacovich & Gedalia

Box 3
Systemic lupus erythematosus risk factors that predispose to infections

Active disease
Long-term disease damage
Cytopenias (neutropenia/lymphopenia)
Renal involvement
CNS involvement
Immunosuppressive therapy

correlated it with disease activity, duration, and presence of anti-SSB/La antibodies.

They also analyzed the ability of PMNs from patients who had SLE to produce IL-12
in response to LPS with or without IFN-g. Findings showed that PMNs from patients
who have SLE have impaired phagocytic efficiency and decreased production of IL-
12, which is more pronounced in patients who have a history of infections, and the
phagocytic efficiency is significantly lower in patients who are anti-SSB/La positive.52
A study on adult patients who had SLE in Hong Kong revealed that infections
accounted for 60% of mortality, followed by cardiovascular (12%) and cerebrovas-
cular (16%) diseases. Bacteremia is common in patients who have SLE and bacter-
emia-related mortality is higher than mortality caused by other infections. The
prevalence of bacteremia in patients who have SLE fluctuates between 16% and
47% and is mainly caused by opportunistic pathogens and microorganisms that are
responsible for common infections in the general population. Mok and colleagues53,54
indicated that age is an important factor that affects the clinical manifestations and
prognosis of SLE and that infection is a major cause of mortality in late-onset SLE.
Multiple studies have identified that active lupus is one of the risk factors for infec-
tion; in the Toronto study, patients who had SLE who developed infections required
longer hospitalization (28.5 versus 11.2 days, P<.001) and had higher SLE Disease
Activity Index (SLEDAI) scores (11.6 versus 7.1). A prospective study in the Hopkins
Lupus Cohort55 also demonstrated that SLE activity (SLEDAI) was a predictive factor
for hospitalization because of infection. Gram-negative bacilli are the most common
microorganisms responsible for bacteremia in Asian patients who have SLE, but
Gram-positive coccid are more often encountered in Western patients who have
bacteremic SLE. Nontyphoidal salmonella is the main cause of Gram-negative bacter-
emia in patients who have SLE.56–59 In immunocompromised patients, the overall
mortality of salmonella bacteremia has been reported as 26%. Chen and colleagues56
described the nature of bacteremia in patients who have SLE and determined the
short-term survival and long-term outcome of these patients. They analyzed medical
records of 1442 patients who had SLE who were regularly followed up in a tertiary
teaching medical center for a 6-year observation period. Among 1442 patients who
had SLE, 240 patients (17%) developed at least one episode of bacteremia, corre-
sponding to an incidence of 92.7 cases/1000 hospital admissions. Since SLE diag-
nosis, the overall survival of their patients was 92% at 5 years, 86% at 10 years and
79% at 15 years. After one episode of bacteremia, however, the survival decreased
to 76% at 30 days and 67% at 360 days. Of the 336 episodes of bacteremia, 167
were community acquired (49.7%) and 169 were nosocomial (50.3%). Staphylo-
coccus aureus was the leading cause of Gram-positive bacteremia. Among Gram-
negative bacteria, nontyphoidal salmonella and E coli were the most common species.
Infections in SLE 79

Community-acquired salmonella and streptococcus bacteremia were more common

than nosocomial infections. Klebsiella and Acinetobacter spp were significantly more
responsible for nosocomial than community-acquired bacteremia. Patients infected
with Acinetobacter, Klebsiella, or Pseudomonas had lower probabilities of 14-day
survival (71.4%, 55.6%, and 42.9%, respectively). There was a significant difference
in the SLEDAI scores between patients who developed bacteremia infection and those
who did not. Use of oral corticosteroids was more common in patients who developed
bacteremia. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the use
of other immunosuppressants (methylprednisolone pulse therapy, azathioprine [AZA],
or cyclophosphamide).60
Risk factors for long-term disease damage in juvenile-onset SLE are disease dura-
tion, cumulative disease activity, neuropsychiatric lupus, acute thrombocytopenia,
hypertension, seropositivity for antiphospholipid antibody, corticosteroid and cyclo-
phosphamide therapy, renal involvement, duration of AZA, and recurrent infections.
In a retrospective study Lee and colleagues61 analyzed the pattern of infections and
disease damage that occurred in a cohort of patients who had juvenile-onset SLE;
the second endpoint was whether cumulative disease damage was associated with
recurrent infections in these patients. Thirty-two (68.1%) patients had lupus nephrop-
athy and 16 patients (34%) had neuropsychiatric lupus. Sixty-one episodes of major
infections, defined as infections requiring more than 1 week of antimicrobial agents,
occurred in 27 patients (57.4%), and 18 patients (31.4%) had recurrent major infec-
tions (two episodes). Organ damage using the Systemic Lupus International Coll-
aborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology Damage Index (SDI) was
documented in 21 subjects (44.7%). The occurrence of major infections (P<.001)
was the only significant risk factor for disease damage. There was a positive correla-
tion between SDI score with the number of recurrent major infections (P<.001). This
study showed that long-term disease damage and recurrent infections were a signifi-
cant burden to patients who had juvenile-onset SLE despite good overall survival.
Lupus nephritis, duration of use of AZA, and the occurrence of major infections
were significantly more common in patients who had long-term damage.62 Rojas-
Serrano and colleagues63 assessed the prevalence of infections in patients who had
SLE with pulmonary hemorrhage. Fourteen events in 13 patients were evaluated. In
eight (57%), infection was demonstrated; the most common pathogenic agents
were Pseudomonas spp and Aspergillus fumigatus. Four patients died, 3 of them of
pulmonary infection and 1 of a cerebral hemorrhage secondary to severe


Acute viral infections in children and adults induce transient autoimmune responses,
including generation of autoantibodies in low titers with a transient course, but the
progression into an established autoimmune disease is rare.64,65 The most common
viral infections in patients who have SLE are parvovirus B19 (there are more than 30
reports of primary B19 infection reported as lupus-like syndrome)66–70 and cytomeg-
alovirus (CMV, predominantly presenting in severely immunosuppressed patients).
CMV infection may mimic a lupus flare or present with specific organ involvement,
such as gastrointestinal bleeding or pulmonary infiltrates. Ramos-Casals and
colleagues71 studied the cause and clinical features of acute viral infections in 88
(23 from their clinics and 65 from the literature review) patients who had SLE and their
influence on the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Twenty-five patients were diag-
nosed with new-onset SLE associated with infection by human parvovirus B19
80 Cuchacovich & Gedalia

(n 5 15), CMV (n 5 6), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV; n 5 3), and hepatitis A virus (n 5 1). The
remaining 63 cases of acute viral infections arose in patients already diagnosed with
SLE. In 18 patients symptoms related to infection mimicked a lupus flare; 36 patients,
including 1 patient from the former group who presented with both conditions, pre-
sented organ-specific viral infections (mainly pneumonitis, colitis, retinitis, and hepa-
titis). Ten patients had a severe multiorgan process similar to that described in
catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome; the final diagnosis was hemophagocytic
syndrome in 5 cases and disseminated viral infection in 5 cases. Twelve patients
died of infection caused by CMV (n 5 5), herpes simplex virus (n 5 4), EBV (n 5 2),
and varicella-zoster virus (VZV; n 5 1). Autopsies were performed in 9 patients and dis-
closed disseminated herpetic infection in 6 patients (caused by herpes simplex in
4 cases, varicella in 1, and CMV in 1) and hemophagocytic syndrome in 3. A higher
frequency of renal failure (54% versus 19%, P 5 .024), antiphospholipid syndrome
(33% versus 6%, P 5 .023), treatment with cyclophosphamide (82% versus 37%,
P 5 .008), and multisystemic involvement at presentation (58% versus 8%, P<.001),
and a lower frequency of antiviral therapy (18% versus 76%, P<.001) were found in
patients who died, compared with survivors.72
Some viral infections, especially CMV and B19 but also EBV, varicella, hepatitis A
virus, norovirus, measles, and mumps, can mimic lupus flares in patients who have
SLE. Fever, arthralgia, malaise, cutaneous rash, lymphadenopathy, and cytopenia
and could be easily confused with a lupus flare. In patients who have SLE with a sus-
pected flare who do not respond to SLE-specific therapy, careful evaluation of virus-
specific features (elevated transaminases for hepatitis A virus, acute onset of diarrhea
and vomiting for norovirus, cutaneous vesicular rash for varicella, and parotid enlarge-
ment for mumps), together with investigations for the most frequent viruses involved
(herpesviruses and B19), should be performed.67,73,74
Patients who have SLE with acute viral infections often present comorbid processes
that may complicate the diagnosis and outcome, such as severe cytopenias, throm-
bocytopenia, leukopenia, hemolytic anemia, pure red cell aplasia, and hemophago-
cytic syndrome.75–82 Disseminated viral infections (associated with hemophagocytic
syndrome or not) should be included in the differential diagnosis of life-threatening
situations (of which catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome [APS] is the main differ-
ential diagnosis) in patients who have SLE. Parvovirus B19 mainly affects patients who
are not immunosuppressed and mimics SLE, whereas CMV preferentially affects im-
munosuppressed patients.

Epstein-Barr Virus
EBV is a member of the herpesvirus family, causes acute infectious mononucleosis
and lymphoproliferative diseases, and triggers the development of autoimmune
diseases. In 1971 Evans83 described a high prevalence of the virus in the sera of
patients who had SLE, and in 1997 EBV was proposed as an etiologic cause for
SLE, rather than an incidental finding. The pathogenesis is molecular mimicry,
between EBV antigen 1 and lupus-specific antigens, such as Ro, La, or dsDNA,
through induction of TLR hypersensitivity by EBV latent membrane protein 2A or by
creating immortal B and T cells by loss of apoptosis. Pender and colleagues84 state
that during primary infection, autoreactive B cells are infected by EBV, proliferate,
and become latently infected memory B cells, which are resistant to apoptosis as
a consequence of expression of virus-encoded antiapoptotic molecules. Then autor-
eactive T cells, which were activated by the impaired B cells, also fail to undergo
apoptosis because they receive a costimulatory survival signal from the infected B
cells. The autoreactive T cells proliferate and produce cytokines, which recruit other
Infections in SLE 81

inflammatory cells, with resultant target-organ damage and chronic autoimmune


CMV, a member of the herpesvirus family, has a potential role in the development and
progression of SLE. There seems to be a higher prevalence of CMV IgG and IgM anti-
bodies in patients who have SLE, antiphospholipid syndrome, primary biliary cirrhosis,
systemic sclerosis, polymyositis, Sjögren syndrome, and vasculitis. CMV may
produce a systemic infection mimicking SLE, either superimposed upon a flare or pre-
senting with isolated organ involvement that may not be immediately attributable to
infection (gastrointestinal bleeding from colitis or pulmonary infiltrates from pneumo-

Varicella–Zoster Virus
Following primary infection, VZV is latent in the cranial nerve ganglia or the dorsal root
ganglia throughout its lifetime. VZV infection is common among patients who have
SLE, but disseminated or aggressive episodes are rare. In Kahl’s study,100 dissemi-
nated infections accounted for 11% of episodes, but this experience is not confirmed
by other authors. Moga and colleagues101 followed 145 patients who had SLE for
a mean period of 7.6 years. They detected 20 VZV infections in 19 patients (13.1%)
with no disseminated episode among them. Higher incidence was in patients under
immunosuppressive therapy or corticosteroids. There was no evidence of a delete-
rious effect of VZV infection on SLE evolution and patients responded to established
therapy. In a retrospective study Hellman and colleagues102 reviewed the charts of 44
patients who had SLE who died during the hospital admission. A total of 24 of 44 (55%)
of the patients had an infection and in 13 of those 24 (50%) infection was the cause of
death, but only 1 patient presented with disseminated herpes zoster. Corticosteroids
are a risk factor for VZV infections; most infections appear in patients who take daily
doses of prednisone less than 20 mg or in patients not taking any prednisone.

Human Papillomavirus
Women who have SLE are at enhanced risk for acquiring HPV-16 infections and devel-
oping cervical premalignancies.103,104 Women in the United Kingdom who had a recent
SLE diagnosis had elevated levels of HPV infections (European HPV-16 variants at
a high viral load), abnormal cervical cytology, and squamous intraepithelial lesions
(SIL). Previous studies of HPV infections among patients who had SLE have demon-
strated that wart-virus antibodies are less frequent among patients than controls, sug-
gesting an inability to produce an effective immune response to HPV, and that 11% of
patients had high-risk HPV infections, which are not associated with therapy.105,106
Nath and colleagues107 studied the rates of HPV infections, abnormal cervical smears,
and SIL in 30 women in the United Kingdom who had SLE and compared them with 67
abnormal smears from colposcopy clinics, and 15 community subjects who had
normal smears. SLE and colposcopy patients were more likely (P<.05) to be HPV posi-
tive (15 [54%] and 37 [67%] patients, respectively) and HPV-16 DNA positive (16 [57%]
and 17 [31%] patients, respectively) than community subjects (0% HPV DNA positive
and 1 [6%] HPV-16 DNA positive). SLE patients were also more likely to be HPV-16
DNA positive than colposcopy patients (P<.05). Patients who had SLE with a high
HPV-16 viral load more frequently had SIL (n 5 6) than those who had a low HPV-
16 viral load (n 5 1; P<.05). HPV and HPV-16 DNA positivity were not associated
82 Cuchacovich & Gedalia

with previous or current drug therapy for patients who had SLE. Eighteen (60%)
patients who had SLE had a previous or current cervical abnormality. At the time of
study, 5 (17%) patients who had SLE had an abnormal cervical smear and 8 (27%)
had SIL. For those diagnosed with SLE for greater than 10 years, the rate of SIL
was 44% lower than those who had SLE for less than 5 years (odds ratio 0.56, 95%
confidence interval 0.1–3.5). The results demonstrated that patients who have SLE
are at significantly heightened risk for HPV-16 infections and for developing cervical
abnormalities, particularly SIL.

Fungal Infections
Cases of SLE with fungemia or invasive fungal infection have seldom been described.
During the past 35 years, only case reports (the largest consisting of three cases) have
described fungal infections in patients who had SLE. Sieving and colleagues108
reported three SLE cases who had deep fungal infections and reviewed 30 cases in
the literature; most patients were young females. Among these 30 patients, the
most common infection was Candida spp (n 5 13), C neoformans in 10 and Aspergillus
spp in 4. Candida infection was identified as the most common fungal infection.109 In
contrast, cryptococcal infection was the most common pathogen in this study. Nocar-
dial infections are common fungal infections in steroid-treated patients who have SLE,
particularly for lung lesions.110–114 Severe candida infection is the most frequently
identified opportunistic fungal infection in several SLE series, associated with steroid
and cytotoxic drug therapy. Patients who had fungal infections had active SLE (SLE-
DAI > 7), indicating that SLEDAI greater than 7 may be a predisposing factor for fungal
infection. In this study, survival was 80% at 1 year (SLE diagnosis to death) for patients
who had SLE who were suffering fungal infections, 73.3% at 2 years, 66.7% at 5 years
and 60% at 10 years. Patients who had SLE with fungal infections in this study had
poorer prognosis than the general SLE population. Currently there is no consensus
as to whether different corticosteroid doses predispose patients to fungal infection
regardless of earlier lupus involvement (such as hemolytic anemia or positive anticar-
diolipin antibody) in patients who have SLE.
Chen and colleagues115 studied invasive fungal infections in 15 Taiwanese patients
who had SLE and compared the characteristics of their infections with those reported
in the literature. Cryptococcus neoformans was the most commonly identified fungus
in this Taiwanese series. The prevalence of autoimmune hemolytic anemia and posi-
tive results for the anticardiolipin antibody in this study were significantly higher than
those in patients who had SLE in general (P<.0001 and P<.0001, respectively). Fungal
infection contributed to cause of death in 7 of 15 (46.7%) patients; C neoformans
accounted for 6 of these infections. Low-dose prednisolone (<1 or <0.5 mg/kg/d based
on arbitrary division) before fungal infection tended to correlate with 1-year mortality
after diagnosis of SLE (P 5 .077 or P 5 .080). Following fungal infection, however,
patients who died of infection itself had been prescribed with higher prednisolone
dose or equivalent than surviving patients (P 5 .016). All patients who had SLE who
had fungal infections had active SLE (SLEDAI > 7). C neoformans infection accounted
for most fatalities in patients who had SLE with fungal infections in this series. Active
lupus disease is probably a risk factor for fungal infection in patients who have SLE.
Notably, low prednisolone doses before fungal infection or high prednisolone doses
following fungal infection tended to associate with or correlated to fatality,
Infections in SLE 83


Nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) infections have been described in patients

who have autoimmune diseases in isolated case reports, especially in those who
have SLE.116–119 Mok and colleagues120 examined the clinical manifestations of
NTM infections with those of M tuberculosis (MTB) infections in 725 patients who
had SLE. Eleven cases were identified (prevalence 1.5%). The mean  SD age at
the time of infection was 42.8  13.9 years, 9.3  5.8 years after the onset of SLE.
The mean  SD time taken from onset of symptoms to the diagnosis of NTM infection
was 5.7  7.2 months. Sites of involvement included skin and soft tissue (n 5 8), chest
(n 5 2), and disseminated infection (n 5 1). NTM infections were more likely to involve
extrapulmonary sites (soft tissue and skin) (P 5 .006), presented in patients with longer
lupus disease duration (P<.001), and occurred in older patients (P<.001) and in those
who had a higher cumulative dose of prednisolone (P 5 .01) than MTB infections.
Disease duration was found to be the only independent predictive factor (P 5 .005)
for NTM infections. Ten (25.6%) patients who had MTB infections but none of
the patients who had NTM infections presented concomitantly at the onset of SLE
(P 5 .09). MTB occurred in 33.3% of our cohort and may manifest as synovitis, skin
ulcer, and lymphadenitis. There were no differences in the recurrence rate (P 5 .64)
and frequency of disseminated infections (P 5 .40) between NTM and MTB infections.
NTM infections tended to develop in patients who had SLE later in their disease
course than MTB infections. Local implantation of the organism from skin abrasion
is likely to be the route of transmission, because most NTM are found in water and
soil. M chelonae viz M avium complex (MAC) and M haemophilum cause cutaneous
infections in SLE.121 In acute synovitis, mainly monoarticular involvement and periar-
ticular tissue, M fortuitum, MAC, and M marinum have been found.122–126
MTB infection occurs earlier in the clinical course of SLE than NTM infection. Most
NTM that causes disease involve the lungs, skin, soft tissue, lymph node, and bone,
and rarely disseminate. NTM presentation may be insidious in onset, have different
sites of involvement, and present as multifocal lesions. Tissue culture is often required
for a definitive diagnosis because the clinical manifestations of NTM infections are not
pathognomonic and may mimic other infective or noninfective conditions. NTM infec-
tions tend to occur in the chronically and more heavily immunosuppressed patients
who have SLE as compared with tuberculosis.127



The use of immunosuppressive therapies in SLE carries a significantly increased risk

for developing infections, especially in patients treated with high-dose corticosteroids
and cyclophosphamide. Infections in immunosuppressed patients are usually caused
by bacteria, but patients may also develop severe viral infections. Patients who had
viral infections who had received cyclophosphamide had a poorer survival. Staples
and colleagues128–130 suggested that the incidence of infection among patients who
had SLE increased when steroid dose increased, whereas disseminated or deep
tissue infections occurred more frequently in patients who had azotemia receiving
high doses of steroids. In a study by Petri and Genovese,55 hospitalized patients
who had SLE received a mean prednisone dose of more than 10 mg significantly
more commonly compared with nonhospitalized patients. The mean prednisone
dose was not found to be significantly different between patients who had SLE who
developed infections and those who did not in two other studies. In another study,
the median prednisolone dose was not found to be significantly different between
84 Cuchacovich & Gedalia

patients who had SLE who developed three or more bacterial infections other than
urinary tract infections and those who did not have SLE. Recent administration of
methylprednisolone pulse was outlined as a risk factor for infection in another study.
Prolonged treatment with corticosteroids was found to be more common among
patients who had SLE who had more than two bacterial infections (other than urinary)
compared with those who did hot have such infections in another study. Rosner and
colleagues131 reported that deaths attributable to infections were statistically signifi-
cant related only to the peak of steroid dose without any correlation with other immu-
nosuppressants used. Petri and Genovese55 reported that even though patients who
had infections were treated with higher doses of prednisone, this relation was not
statistically significant.


Common Variable Immunodeficiency
Hypogammaglobulinemia in SLE may occur as part of common variable immunodefi-
ciency (CVID).132–136 Patients who have CVID develop recurrent respiratory and sinus
infections; a subset of these patients can also develop features suggestive of immune
dysregulation, including autoimmunity (usually cytopenias and SLE); granulomatous
inflammation, which can affect liver, spleen, and lungs; and bowel disease. Transition
from one state to the other is clearly unusual.137,138 Whether these two entities just
coexist or CVID is a complication of SLE or is caused by the immunosuppressive treat-
ment given for controlling the autoimmune disease is an open question.
CVID has been described in patients after the diagnosis of SLE; immunosuppressive
agents, such as cyclophosphamide, AZA, mycophenolate mofetil, SSZ, long-term
low-dose corticosteroids, and repeated courses of rituximab, had been used for treat-
ment of SLE before detection of hypogammaglobulinemia. Drug-induced hypogam-
maglobulinemia is potentially reversible with cessation of therapy, unlike CVID,
although the duration of post-cessation hypogammaglobulinemia can be prolonged.
Ferna ndez-Castro and colleagues139 reviewed 18 SLE-associated CVID cases and
identified clinical characteristics and laboratory features in these patients. In 50% of
patients CVID developed within the first 5 years after the diagnosis of SLE. All patients
had been treated with corticosteroids and 72% had also received immunosuppressive
therapy. Sinopulmonary infections were the most frequent symptom. SLE disease
activity decreased after the development of CVID in 67% of patients. Most patients
(89%) were treated with gamma globulin therapy. In 60% of the patients there was
a reduced number or percentage of B cells.
CVID should be suspected in any patient who has SLE with recurrent sinopulmonary
infections in the absence of SLE activity or immunosuppressive treatment. Although
SLE-associated CVID is uncommon, because of its potentially fatal outcome it should
be considered in any patient who has SLE with hypogammaglobulinemia (at least 2
standard deviations below the mean for age in serum concentration of IgG and IgA),
poor or absent response to immunization (twofold or less increase in antibody titer),
and acute, chronic, or recurrent infections, specifically, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus-
itis, conjunctivitis, and otitis. The clinical and bacteriologic spectrums of infections in
patients who have SLE who develop CVID do not seem to be significantly different
from those of patients who have SLE in the absence of CVID. The deficiency in IgG
production leads to recurrent infections with encapsulated organisms, including
Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae; there is also an unusual
susceptibility to mycoplasma infections. Chronic or recurrent conjunctivitis is mainly
due to nonencapsulated H influenzae. Bacterial meningitis and sepsis are also
Infections in SLE 85

common. Unusual or opportunistic infections with viral and fungal pathogens have
been reported. Patients may have an increased susceptibility to enterovirus infection,
either presenting with classical meningoencephalitic symptoms or more rarely with
cognitive impairment that may be misdiagnosed. Arthritis may be a prominent feature
in adults who have CVID. Mycoplasma species, such as M pneumoniae, M salivarium,
and M hominis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum are the most common causes of septic
arthritis. The more characteristic, aseptic form of arthritis developing in individuals
who have CVID is symmetric, nonerosive polyarthritis of the large joints. Chronic
lung disease, specifically the development of bronchiectasis, liver dysfunction with
hepatitis B and C virus infection, primary biliary cirrhosis, and granulomatous disease,
have also been reported.

IgA Deficiency
Rankin and colleagues140 investigated the occurrence of IgA deficiency in SLE and
reported a prevalence of 5% in 96 patients who had SLE. Cassidy and colleagues141
estimated the prevalence of IgA deficiency at 2.6% in adults (n 5 152) and 5.2% in
children (n 5 77) who had SLE. These patients have a similar clinical course compared
with patients who have SLE without IgA deficiency.

IgM Deficiency
Selective IgM deficiency has been described in patients who have SLE and there is
a suggestion that it correlates with more severe or long-standing SLE.142–146 They
have recurrent sinopulmonary infections that respond to conventional courses of anti-
biotics without the need for prolonged antibiotic course or intravenous immunoglob-
ulin (Ig) therapy. Other unrelated causes of hypogammaglobulinemia in patients who
have SLE are lymphoproliferative disorders, including myeloma, chronic lymphocytic
leukemia, and lymphoma.


SLE exacerbation and onset with pneumococcal vaccination, tetanus toxoid, H influ-
enza B vaccines, and vaccinations for hepatitis B and influenza have been
described.147–149 Autoimmune phenomena have been observed in response to
measles, mumps, and rubella, and bacille Calmette-Gue rin vaccinations. In the Caro-
lina Lupus Study, there seemed to be no association between hepatitis B vaccination
and SLE. Whether there is truly an association between immunizations and incident
SLE is not well known, however. Possible mechanisms are molecular mimicry and
the host type I IFN response (initiation and flares).150


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