Genetic Engineering 2 (T401) : DNA Analysis in Forensic Science & Archaeology
Genetic Engineering 2 (T401) : DNA Analysis in Forensic Science & Archaeology
Genetic Engineering 2 (T401) : DNA Analysis in Forensic Science & Archaeology
DNA Analysis in Forensic Science & Archaeology
The THO1 data show that female adult 2 cannot be the mother of
the children because she only possesses allele 6, which none of the
children have. Female adult 1, however, has allele 8, which all three
children have. Examination of the other STRs confirms that she
could be the mother of each of the children, and so she is identified
as the Tsarina.
To address this problem, the DNA from the bones was compared with
DNA samples from living relatives of the Romanovs.
The PCR must be designed with care, because the X and Y chromosomes are not
completely different, some segments being shared between the two, but there are
many unique regions within the Y chromosome.
There are several repeated sequences that are only located in the Y
chromosome, these repeated sequences acting as multiple targets for
the PCR and, hence giving greater sensitivity.
A PCR directed at Y-specific DNA sequences would give a product
with male DNA but no band if the sample comes from a female.
PCR of Amelogenin Gene