Syllabus Unit Iv Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch
Syllabus Unit Iv Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch
Syllabus Unit Iv Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch
We can write Ci Pi
Thus while deciding the optimal scheduling; we are concerned with
of is Rs / MWh.
This figure shows that incremental cost is quite linear with respect to power
output over an appreciable range. In analytical work, the curve is usually
approximated by one or two straight lines. The dashed line in the figure is a good
representation of the curve. We now have the background to understand the
principle of economic dispatch which guides distribution of load among the
generating units within a plant.
Various generating units in a plant generally have different input-output
characteristics. Suppose that the total load in a plant is supplied by two units and
that the division of load between these units is such that the incremental cost of one
unit is higher than that of the other unit.
Now suppose some of the load is transferred from the unit with higher
incremental cost to the unit with lower incremental cost. Reducing the load on the
unit with higher incremental cost will result in greater reduction of cost than the
increase in cost for adding the same amount of load to the unit with lower
incremental cost. The transfer of load from one to other can be continued with a
reduction of total cost until the incremental costs of the two units are equal.
This is illustrated through the characteristics shown in Fig. 3
Initially, IC2 > IC1 . Decrease the output power in unit 2 by ΔP and increase
output power in unit 1 by ΔP. Now IC2 ΔP > IC1 ΔP. Thus there will be more
decrease in cost and less increase in cost bringing the total cost lesser.
This change can be continued until IC1 = IC2 at which the total cost will be
minimum. Further reduction in P2 and increase in P1 will in IC1>IC2 calling for
decrease in P1 and increase in P2 until IC1 = IC2. Thus the total cost will be
minimum when the incremental costs are equal.
The same reasoning can be extended to a plant with more than two
generating units also. In this case, if any two units have different incremental costs,
then in order to decrease the total cost of generation, decrease the output power in
unit having higher IC and increase the output power in unit having lower IC. When
this process is continued, a stage will reach wherein incremental costs of all the
units will be equal. Now the total cost of generation will be minimum. Thus the
economical division of load between units within a plant is that all units must
operate at the same incremental cost. Now we shall get the same result
Consider a plant having N number of generating units. Input-output curve of
the units are denoted as C1 (P1), C2 (P2)…CN (PN). Our problem is, for a given
load demand PD, find the set of Pi s which minimizes the cost function
CT = C1 (P1) + C2 (P2) +……. + CN (PN)……………………………… ………. (3)
Subject to the constraints
PD – (P1 + P2 + P3+ ……. + PN) = 0 …………………………………… ……..... (4)
And Pi min ≤ Pi ≤ Pimax i=1, 2 ….N………………………………………… …….. (5)
Omitting the inequality constraints for the time being the problem to be solved
Minimize CT Ci ( Pi ) ………………………………………………………… (6)
i 1
Subject to PD ( Pi ) = 0 ………………………………………………............. (7)
i 1
This optimizing problem with equality constraint can be solved by the
method of Lagrangian multipliers. In this method, the Lagrangian function is
formed by augmenting the equality constraints to the objective function using
proper Lagrangian multipliers. For this case, Lagrangian function is
L (P1, P2… PN , λ) = CT Ci ( Pi ) + λ ( PD ( Pi ) )………………………(8)
i 1 i 1
L C1
(1) 0
P1 P1
L C 2
(1) 0
P2 P2
L C3
(1) 0
P3 P3
PD P1 P2 P3 0
Generalizing the above the necessary conditions are
C i
i=1,2,….N ……………………………………………………………(9)
PD ( Pi ) = 0 ……………………………………………………………(10)
i 1
C i
Here is the change in production cost in unit i for a small change in
unit i . Since change in generation in unit i will affect the production cost of this
unit alone we can write
Ci Ci
……………………………………………………………………… (11)
Pi Pi
The above two conditions give n+1 number of equations which are to be
solved for the n+1 number of variables λ , P1, P2 ……. PN Equation (13) simply
says that at the minimum cost operating point, the incremental cost for all the
generating units must be equal. This condition is commonly known as equal
incremental cost rule. Equation (14) is known as power balance equation.
It is to be remembered that we have not yet considered the inequality constraints
given by
Pi min ≤ Pi ≤ Pimax i=1, 2 ….N
Where P1, P2, PN are the power supplied by the plants 1, 2… N respectively
From eqn.15
B1n Pn
n 1
2n n
PL P1 P2 PN .
B Nn Pn
n 1
When the powers are in MW, the Bmn coefficients are of dimension 1/ MW.
If powers are in per-unit, then Bmn coefficients are also in per-unit. Loss coefficient
matrix of a power system shall be determined before hand and made available for
economic dispatch.
For a two plant system, the expression for the transmission loss is
B B12 P1
PL P1 P2 11
B21 B22 P2
Solving the above equation we get Since Bmn coefficient matrix is symmetric, for
two plant system
PL P1 B11 2P1 P2 B12 P2 B22 ……………………………………………….. (17)
2 2
In later calculations we need the Incremental Transmission Loss (ITL),
Subject to
PD PL PI 0 …………………………………………………………(25)
i 1
L C1 P
( L 1) 0
P1 P1 P1
L C 2 P
( L 1) 0
P2 P2 P2
PD PL P1 P2 0
Generalizing this, for system with N plants, the necessary conditions for a
minimum are
C1 P
( L 1) 0
P1 P1 i = 1, 2,....N.......................................................... (27)
PD PL PI 0 ........................................................................................ (28)
i 1
cost of received power λ and the incremental transmission loss equation (31)
Coordination equations
Ci P
Pi Pi
• Priority-list schemes,
The simplest unit commitment solution method consists of creating a priority list of
load level. The priority list of Example 5B could be obtained in a much simpler
manner by noting the full-load average production cost of each unit, where the full-
load average production cost is simply the net heat rate at full load multiplied by the
fuel cost.
4.8.1 Example
Construct a priority list for the units of Example SA. (Use the same fuel costs as in
Full Load Average Production Cost (e/MWh)
1 9.79
2 9.48
3 11.188
A strict priority order for these units, based on the average production cost, would
Combination Combination
2+1+3 300 1200
2+1 250 1000
2 100 400
Note that such a scheme would not completely parallel the shut-down sequence
described in Example 5B, where unit 2 was shut down at 600 MW leaving unit 1.
With the priority-list scheme, both units would be held on until load reached 400
4.8.2 Algorithm
Most priority-list schemes are built around a simple shut-down algorithm that might
operate as follows.
• At each hour when load is dropping, determine whether dropping the next unit
on the priority list will leave sufficient generation to supply the load plus
• Determine the number of hours, H, before the unit will be needed again. That
is, assuming that the load is dropping and will then go back up some hours
• If H is less than the minimum shut-down time for the unit, keep commitment
• Calculate two costs. The first is the sum of the hourly production costs for the
next H hours with the unit up. Then recalculate the same sum for the unit down
and add in the start-up cost for either cooling the unit or banking it, whichever
is less expensive. If there is sufficient savings from shutting down the unit, it
• Repeat this entire procedure for the next unit on the priority list. If it is also
scheme can be made by grouping of units to ensure that various constraints are
met. We will note later that dynamic-programming methods usually create the
Dynamic programming has many advantages over the enumeration scheme, the
have found units in a system and any combination of them could serve the (single)
strict priority order is imposed, there are only four combinations to try:
Priority 1 unit
2. Unit input-output characteristics are linear between zero output and full load.
2. The start-up cost of a unit is independent of the time it has been off-line
4. There is a strict priority order, and in each interval a specified minimum the rest
A feasible state is one in which the committed units can supply the required load and
starting from the final hour to be studied, back to the initial hour. Conversely, one
could set up the algorithm to run forward in time from the initial hour to the final
commitment. For example, if the start-up cost of a unit is a function of the time it has
more suitable since the previous history of the unit can be computed at each stage.
There are other practical reasons for going forward.
The initial conditions are easily specified and the computations can go forward
the flowchart in Figure. The recursive algorithm to compute the minimum cost in
F cost ( K , I )=min[ P cost ( K , I )+S cost (K −1, L: K , I )+F cost (K −1, L)]
transition, or path, from one state at a given hour to a state at the next hour. Note that
with a simple priority-list ordering, the upper bound on X is n, the number of units.
Reducing the number N means that we are discarding the highest cost schedules at
each time interval and saving only the lowest N paths or strategies.
There is no assurance that the theoretical optimal schedule will be found using
a reduced number of strategies and search range (the X value); only experimentation
with a particular program will indicate the potential error associated with limiting the
The following flowchart explains the priority list method for load contingency.