Double Salt Solubilities: (Auabub) .P (Cu, D,,) . Hzo
Double Salt Solubilities: (Auabub) .P (Cu, D,,) . Hzo
Double Salt Solubilities: (Auabub) .P (Cu, D,,) . Hzo
3, 1979 391
C. L. Kusik’
Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140
Solubility products of double salts in aqueous solutions are predicted using previously published methods for estimating
water activities and activity coefficients of the constituent simple strong electrolytes over the temperature range
of 0 to 250 OC or higher. Anhydrous and hydrated double salts such as glaserite (Na2SO4.3K2SO4)and schoenite
(MgS04.K2S04-6H20) are considered. Calculations at 25 OC are presented for the system Na,S04-K,S04-H20,
determining saturated solution compositions and identifying the associated equilibrium solid phases.
pressure over pure water at the same temperature v i = stoichiometric coefficient: see eq 1; also vij = v i + vi
fi = fraction of total cations in solution represented by cation AG = Gibbs free energy change
f, = fraction of total anions in solution represented by anion Literature Cited
j D'Ans, J., "Die Losungsgleichgewichthe der Systeme der Salzeozeanischer
I = ionic strength = ~ O . 5 m , Z I 2 Salzablagerungen", Verlagsgesellschafl fur Ackerbau, Berlin, 1933.
K,, = solubility product for one equivalent of salt with ex- Denbeii, K. G., "Principles of Chemical Equilibrium", p 308, Cambridge Unhrersity
Press, 1955.
amples shown in Table I Kusik, C. L., Meissner, H. P., AIChE Symp. Ser. 173, 7 4 , 14-20 (1978).
m, = molality, g-mol (of the ion indicated by subscript)/1000 Meissner, H. P., "Processes and Systems in Industrial Chemistry", pp 46-61,
g of water Prentice-Hail. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1971.
n = number of moles of waters of hydration (crystalliza- Meissner, H. P., Kusik, C. L., AIChf J., 18, 294 (1972).
Meissner, H. P., Kusik, C. L., Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 12, 205
tion)/g-equiv of solid double salt (1973).
w = g of water per total equivalents of cations or anions in Meissner, H. P., Tester, J. W., Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 1 1 , 128
a saturated solution (1972).
2, = ionic charge on ion represented by subscript Meissner, H. P., et ai., AIChE J., 18, 661 (1972).
Meissner, H. P., Kusik, C. L., Field, E. L., "Estimation of Phase Diagrams and
a = number of moles of simple salt A,B,/g-equiv of double Solubilities for Aqueous Multi-ion Systems", presented at 70th Annual AIChE
salt (eq 2 must be satisfied) Meeting, New York, N.Y., 1977.
/3 = number of moles of simple salt C,,D,,/g-equiv of double Seidell. S., Linke, W. F., "Solubilities", Voi. 11, 4th ed, pp 296-316, American
salt (eq 2 must be satisfied) Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1965.
y = mean ionic activity coefficient of the ion pair, indicated
by subscript, in the multicomponent solution under con- Received for reuiew December 23, 1977
sideration Accepted January 2, 1979
Modified forms of the Winn, Fenske, and Kremser equations utilizing a constant vaporization efficiency are derived.
The modified forms of the Smoker and Underwood equations are presented but not derived. These equations allow
the rapid calculation of required number of stages without requiring the assumption of equilibrium stages. They
also allow estimation of the average vaporization efficiencies from data on column performance, and then simulation
of column performance under different operating conditions.