Computers in Our Daily Life

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Computers in Our Daily Life

At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:

1. familiarize themselves with the computer number systems;

2. discuss the role of the ASCII code in computer systems and explain how

computers use it;

3. examine how a computer's system bus works;

4. identify the different computer network systems and the wired and wireless connections;

5. distinguish between system software and application software;

6. compare and contrast a desktop app and a mobile app in terms of content, layout, and design; and

7. explain the impact of computers on daily life.


Pass the Message

Form yourselves into groups of 10 members each. Assign a number to each member. Player 1 takes the
role of the "computer keyboard" while player 10, the last student in the line, is the "computer monitor."
The professor will provide a "message" to the "computer keyboard" that needs to be displayed on the
"computer monitor.”

Create a unique single-word passcode that the player next to you should remember. For example, player
1 should remember player 2's passcode; player 2 should remember player 3's passcode; and so on.
Player 6, however, should remember player 5's and player 7's passcodes; player 7 should remember
player 6's and player 8's passcodes; and so on. For the message to be passed on and accepted, the
player should first shout the passcode of the person(s) beside him or her. Small sheets of paper and
pencils are needed by player 6 to player 9.

The specific rules of the game are as follows:

1. "Computer keyboard" will whisper the "message" to player 2.

2. Player 2 must first shout player 3's passcode correctly before whispering the "message." This rule
applies up to player 4.

3. Player 5 will do the same to player 6, by first saying player 6's passcode out loud, but this time,
instead of whispering the "message," player 5 must write it down on a small sheet of paper and hand it
to player 6.
4. Then, player 6 must shout both player 5's and player 7's passcodes correctly. Player 6 will then copy
on a new sheet of paper the "message" to be given to player 7. This rule applies until the last player
writes the "message" to the end player, or the "computer monitor.”

5. The group succeeds if the message whispered by the "computer keyboard" matches that of the
message received by the "computer monitor."


Al - Artificial intelligence

ASCII — American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ATM — Asynchronous transfer mode

CAN — Campus area network

CPU — Central processing unit

GAN — Global area network

HDMI High-definition Multimedia Interface

10T - Internet of Things

LAN — Local area network

MAN — Metropolitan area network

OS — operating system

PAN - Personal area network

RPA -- Robotic process automation

WAN -- Wide area network

Address bus — is used by the CPU to specify a physical address for Instructions, files, and other devices
within the computer system.

Application software — consists of programs that are designed to perform specific tasks for users.

ASCII code — is a standard that assigns letters, numbers, and other

Characters within the 256 slots available in the 8-bit code.

Binary number system — is a method of representing numbers with 2 as its base and uses only the digits
0 and 1; each successive digit represents a power of 2.

Bluetooth - uses radio waves to connect to other devices; the connection via Bluetooth is called pairing.

Central processing unit (CPU) -- is the brains of the computer in which most calculations take place.

Computer software - is a combination of instructions, data, and programs that a computer needs in
order to do a specific task.
Control bus — is used by CPUs to communicate with other devices within the computer system.

Data bus — can transfer data to and from the memory of a computer, or into or out of the central
processing unit (CPU).

Decimal number system — consists of ten digits from 0 to 9. These digits can be used to represent any
numeric value. The base of the decimal number system is 10. It is the most widely used number system.

E-learning — involves the use of a computer or electronic device in delivering instruction to students.
Students and teachers can communicate with each other through online lessons, activities, and exams.

E-commerce — helps in boosting the economy. It makes buying and selling activities easier, faster, and
more efficient.

Ethernet cable — transmits signals between a computer and a network device such as a router, a switch,
or other computers.

FireWire — is a type of connector that can transmit data to and from devices which have typical high
data rates, such as external hard drives.

Hexadecimal number system — includes a subscript of 16 or in most cases, appended with the
lowercase letter 'h' to denote hexadecimal notation.

High-definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) — is a connector for transmitting audio/video data

compatible with computers projectors, and digital televisions.

Internet of Things (IOT) — is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded in electronics,
software, sensors, and network connectivity, enabling these objects to collect and exchange data.

Local area network (LAN) — refers to a group of computers and associated devices that share a common
communications line or wireless link to a server.

Machine language — is the only language a computer is capable of understanding.

Number system — refers to the way of counting things.

Octal number system — consists of eight digits from 0 to 7 and each digit position in this system
represents a power of 8.

Personal area network (PAN) — is the interconnection of information technology devices within the
range of an individual person, normally within the range of 10 meters.

Platform — hosts the application software installed in the system.

System bus — is a pathway composed of cables and connectors used to carry data between the
computer's peripheral devices.

Universal Serial Bus (USB) — is a connection or interface that allows the computer to communicate with
system peripherals.

Wide area network (WAN) — is a geographically distributed private telecommunications network that
interconnects multiple local area networks (LANs).
WiFi — uses radio waves to transmit wirelessly information across a network.

Wired communication — refers to the transmission of data over a wire-based communication


Wireless communication — is a type of data communication that is performed and delivered wirelessly.
This is a broad term that incorporates all procedures and forms of connecting and communicating
between two or more devices using a wireless signal through wireless communication technologies and


The basic parts of a computer are the central processing unit (CPU), memory, a keyboard or other input
device, and a screen or other output device. How does a computer add or subtract and how can its
memory remember the answers it computes? A computer does not have a human brain inside but acts
in many ways as though it does have a real one.

However, while we understand human language, the computer can understand machine language.
When a person types on the computer's keyboard, the human brain identifies the letters, numbers, and
characters combined to create words and sentences. But the computer does not recognize letters as
letters of the alphabet; it sees the letters as a series of o's and I's called the binary language.

Computer Number Systems

Humans use the decimal number system—to count, measure, and compute. The decimal number
system has ten digits, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. A computer, on the other hand, can only
understand two digits—a 0 and a 1. These two numbers play an important role in the way computers
communicate with one another. This type of number system is called the binary number system, with
the prefix bi, which means 2.

There are other types of number systems, such as the octal number system (from the prefix octa,
meaning it uses 8 digits) and the hexadecimal number system (hexa means 6; deci means 10; meaning it
uses 16 digits to represent its values). However, these special number systems are merely a way to
bridge the computer’s binary language to a somewhat understandable human (decimal) language since
computer data can be complicated.
Table 2.1 Equivalent Number Systems Values

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

0 0000 000 0
1 0001 001 1
2 0010 002 2
3 0011 003 3
4 0100 004 4
5 0101 005 5
6 0110 006 6
7 0111 007 7
8 1000 010 8
9 1001 011 9
10 1010 012 A
11 1011 013 B
12 1100 014 C
13 1101 015 D
14 1110 016 E
15 1111 017 F

How Computers Interpret Data

With the different types of number systems, it is important to understand how computers interpret the
letters on the keyboard through a series of o's and I's. This is normally done through the number system
conversion. Depending on the standard used, computer systems convert characters from the keyboard
and later display them on the monitor. Refer to the following steps:

l. From the keyboard, pressure pads are typically found underneath each key. Upon typing a letter, the
pressure pad sends information to the CPU for processing.

2. The information is then transmitted in the form of 0's and 1’s using the ASCII code.

Living in the Information Technology Era

3. The CPU determines what character has been typed and sends the information to the computer
monitor, again in 0's and I’s.

4. The monitor displays the information in its equivalent character, this time readable and
understandable by humans.

Majority of computer systems use the American Standard Code for Information

Interchange (ASCII) for converting characters into o's and 1’s. The ASCII code is a 7-bit code used to
represent letters, numbers, and basic special characters.

The uppercase character 'A' as seen on the left is represented in ASCII as 0100 0001 in binary, 101 in
octal, or 41 in hexadecimal system.
Below is a table showing the ASCII printable characters (as seen in your keyboard) represented in
decimal (Dec), hexadecimal (Hx), and octal (Oct) formats.

Notice how the characters are represented in decimal, Octal, and hexadecimal formats. Computer
programmers create Programs so that computers can do specific tasks. People who write programs are
programmers. Depending on the skills set of the programmer, a program can be developed based on
the Programming language the programmer is familiar with. Another term used for a program is codes.
Writing programs is called programming or coding.

However, looking at a long string of o's and I’s (binary format) might be considered too confusing for the
programmer, causing errors during coding. Take a look at the word "computer, in binary code as seen by
a computer:

01110100 01100101 01110010 01110000 01110101

01110100 01100101 01110010
A bit hard to read, right? The programmer might miss out on a few digits while creating a program. Thus,
to make it easier machine codes are made "more human" by making them readable and similar to the
human language. This is identified with the different levels of programming languages which will be
discussed later in this chapter.

So how does the computer know that 01101101 01110000 01110101 01110100 01100101 01110010 is
the same as the word "computer"? Each character is converted from the ASCII table's hexadecimal,
octal, or decimal presentation into binary language. For example, the letter 'c' is equivalent to 63 in
hexadecimal which when converted into binary is equal to 0110 0011.

How Computers Communicate with One Another

Notice how the computer uses different ways to

connect to certain devices. The computer monitor uses
a wire to connect to the computer unit while the mouse
wirelessly connects to the laptop, etc. Depending on the
situation, computers use different connection methods
to do their tasks.

Figure 2.1 Complete personal desktop components


A computer system, on its own, communicates through what is called a system bus. A system bus is a
pathway composed of cables and connectors used to carry data from a computer's peripheral devices—
monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.—to the CPU and the main memory. There are three types of buses: the
data bus, address bus, and control bus.

Figure 2.2 Simplified diagram of a computer system

implemented with a single system bus. This modular
organization was popular in the 1970s and 1980s.

For example, how does the computer know that the

printer needs more ink? How does the mouse cursor
move along with the actual mouse? And how does
the speaker produce sound in time with the video
displayed on the monitor?

A data bus can transfer data to and from the memory of a computer, or into or out of the CPU. Examples
of pieces of Information that traverse the data bus include files transferred from a flash drive to the
computer's hard drive and a document sent to the printer for printing.


The address bus is used by the CPU to specify a physical address for instructions, files, and other devices
within the computer system. For example, in a given computer unit, there are typically 6 to 8 USB ports.
The address bus is responsible for checking which of the USB ports has a printer connected to it along
with the mouse, keyboard, speakers, and, sometimes, even external drives.


A control bus is used by CPUs to communicate with other devices within the computer system. As the
address bus carries the location of the data being sent and the data bus carries the actual data being
processed, the control bus carries the commands or instructions from the CPU. It also sends status
signals from the devices, identifying if it is ready or not. The typical read/write commands are identified
through the control bus. For example, if one tries to save a file to a flash drive that is already removed
from the computer, the computer will notify the user with an error message saying that the folder or
drive where the file is intended to be saved is no longer existing.

This is because the original destination or location can no longer be sent through the address bus
because of the disconnection. Therefore, the CPU sends a halt instruction via the control bus, stopping
the data to be sent through the data bus, often seen as an error message prompt.

The amount of data sent throughout the system bus depends on the size of the bus. Latest computer
systems use a 64-bit bus; however, the majority still use a 32-bit computing size for their computer
systems. Take note, however, that the mentioned computing size is on a hardware level. Having an
operating system or software application that is 32-bit or 64-bit is different. Again' the hardware is
different from the software. It is advised that if your computer hardware uses a 32-bit bus (hardware),
use only software programs running 32-bits. This is to avoid the hardware from overheating. Imagine a
32-bit bus computer working double time to make up for the excess 32-bits from a 64-bit application
software. A 64-bit bus, on the other hand, can process either a 32-bit or a 64-bit software application.


The next step in knowing how a computer is able to connect to other devices is to understand how a
computer connects to another computer. Earlier, computer peripherals using wired or wireless
connections are mentioned. It is also similar when a computer wants to connect to another computer—
with or without wires.

Computers are able to communicate with one another over networks. A computer network is an
interconnection of two or more computers. This interconnection gives these computers the capability to
share information and resources. There are several types of networks, mostly depending on the number
of computers in it, how they are used, and what type of technology is used in its connectivity. Below are
some of the computer network systems:

• Personal area network (PAN) — is a type of connection which is often limited to an individual person
and his or her personal devices. Normally, these devices must be within the range of 10 meters with
each other. For example, a person traveling with a laptop, a smartphone, and a portable printer could
interconnect the devices without having to plug anything in, using some form of wireless technology.

• Local area network (LAN) - is a connection in which group of computers and other devices, such as
network printers, share a common communications line within a certain area such as a building or a
small campus.

LANs are often found in schools and offices to secure the organization's information. This is done
through a computer server in which user's access may be restricted to avoid unwanted users. For
example, some schools use LANs within their campuses so that students can connect to the internet to
do online research. Students are required to login their information (such as their student ID) to connect
to the internet. However, through the school's campus server, restrictions to sites such as online games,
pornographic materials, and the like are implemented. This means that students will not be able to
access these websites inside the campus.

• Wide area network (WAN) — may be less restrictive than LAN as rules and policies may differ within
its coverage. A WAN may be made of several LANs and PANs. A WAN can also be made up of several
more WANs. This is why WAN is considered synonymous to the internet.

Methods of Communication

There are many different types of connection media that are used in contemporary society to connect
computer networks to one another. Connections are often categorized generally into two—wired
communication and wireless communication.

 -Wired communication

Different types of cables are used to connect to a given network. There are coaxial cables, fiber-optic
cables, Ethernet cables, and traditional telephone lines. These will be discussed at length in later
chapters. This chapter focuses on a stand- alone computer system and the types of wired connections
that are available.
Computer systems have different connections which usually depend on the motherboard's form factor.
Popular wired connections nowadays include the following:

USB Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a connection or

interface that allows the computer to
communicate with system peripherals such as
keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. as well as other
devices like digital cameras and portable fans.

FireWire It is a type of connector that can transmit data

to and from devices which have typical high
data rates, such as external hard drives. The
transfer speed of a FireWire is faster than that
of a USB.
Ethernet cable An Ethernet cable transmits signals between a
computer and network devices such as a router,
switch, or other computers.

HDMI High-definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is a

connector for transmitting audio/video data
which are compatible to computers, projectors,
and digital televisions.

Older computer units have connections that include the following:

VGA The 1 5-pin Video Graphics Array (VGA)

connector has been provided on many video
cards, computer monitors, laptop computers,
and projectors. It is now slowly being phased
out in favor of the faster and more compact
HDMI connector.

Serial An RS-232 serial connection was once a

standard feature of a personal computer used
for connections to modem, printer, mouse, and
other peripheral devices, now, it has been
replaced by USB connections.

Parallel Similar to the serial connection, parallel

connections were used before to connect other
computer peripherals such as printers. It has
also been replaced since then by the USB

PS/2 The PS/2 is a 6-pin connector used to connect

the mouse and keyboard to a computer. It is
color-coded to identify which peripheral will be
connected to which port. Purple is for keyboard
and green is for the mouse.

Audio jacks The audio jacks are the 3.5 mm jacks used for
microphones (as input), and speakers (as
output). It uses color codes as well to indicate
the type of input and output lines.
Pink: Mic in
Blue: Line in
Green: Front speakers out
Black (or dark blue in some older boards):
Rear speakers out
Orange: Center/subwoofer out
Gray: Middle speakers out
These connections are now being replaced by
USB and HDMI connections.

 Wireless communication

Wireless communications include transmission, satellite communication, cellular transmission, and radio
transmission such as Wi-Fi connectivity. Wireless technologies differ hugely from one another, but the
most popular types are Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a
professional technical association with members all across the globe, identified standard 802.11 for Wi-
Fi and 802.15 for Bluetooth in the wireless standards.

 Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi uses radio waves to wirelessly transmit information across a network. Wi-Fi's signals are
transmitted in frequencies of between 2.5 and 5 gigahertz (GHz), which are higher than radio and TV
signals to avoid interference. Wi-Fi is often used in schools, companies, and business establishments,
among others. This is to provide network connections to multiple users without the need for cables.
Majority of Wi-Fi users use mobile devices, such as tablets, laptops, and smartphones to connect via an
access point or Wi-Fi hotspot.

 Bluetooth
Bluetooth uses radio waves to connect to other devices. The connection via Bluetooth is called pairing.
Once paired, devices are able to send and receive information provided they are within a given range
which is typically 10 meters.

How Humans Communicate with Computers

Reading a long string of o's and 1’s can be very confusing and taxing. As such, people who invented the
computer identified two areas in computer systems—computer hardware and computer software.
Through computer software, humans are able to "communicate" with the computer.


The computer software is a combination of instructions, data, and programs that the computer needs in
order to do a specific task. Another term used for computer software is Computer programs. Everything
the computer does can basically be controlled through these programs. Programs are a set of codes or
instructions which are usually designed or written by computer programmers using a specific
programming language. The most common type of programming language used by programmers is
called object-oriented programming. Language includes Microsoft's C# (pronounced as 'see-sharp'), sun

Microsystem's Java, and an open-source programming language, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor).

Programmers have developed two types of computer software—the system software and application

People might be more familiar with the application software as most of the day-to-day tasks done in
front of a computer involve the use of application programs (e.g., typing a school assignment using
Microsoft Word, editing a photo using Adobe Photoshop, browsing through Facebook using Google
Chrome, or listening to music using Apple's iTunes). The system software also called an operating
system (OS) is the most important software running on a computer since it manages the computer's
memory and instructions and has the ability to control all the connected hardware and installed
software applications.

The OS allows a person to interact with the computer—from the hardware components and peripherals
to all the installed software applications and files one has stored on the computer.

The interaction can occur in two ways:

1. By using a command-line operating system (e.g., DOS) in which the computer responds according to
the text command that is typed

2. With a graphical user interface (GUI) operating system (e.g., Windows) such as pictures and buttons
through mouse clicks and keyboard entries

Desktop systems differ from mobile systems in terms of how each platform treats the application
software installed in the system. A desktop or a laptop computer usually needs an application program
to run a certain application on it, or possibly, multiple ones at the same time. A typical example is that of
a web browser capable of running multiple web sites with different "applications" all at the same time.
In this scenario, Google Chrome is open as the user waits for an email from a friend via Gmail, while
another browser tab has YouTube open as he or she watches video tutorials. Another browser tab with
Wikipedia open is possible as the user is also researching on different computer peripherals. All of these
websites are accessed using a single web browser. A web browser is considered to be an application
software. However, this scenario is typically played within a desktop platform.

With today's trend leaning towards mobility, more and more mobile devices are now capable of doing
things which typical desktop computers can do. This is why companies that develop smartphones, for
example, have identified specific system software and application software for these mobile devices
(Hope, 2017).

Using a smartphone in accessing the same websites is a different experience. Instead of using a web
browser to access all three web sites, mobile applications are used. Mobile applications have the
capacity to run directly on top of the operating system without using web browsers. Facebook, YouTube,
and Gmail are typical examples of desktop applications that have mobile counterparts.


Two of the most popular desktop system software or OS nowadays are Microsoft's Windows and Apple's
macOS. In mobile devices, Apple uses iOS for their devices' system software. But while Microsoft is also
using Windows for their mobile devices' operating system, it is not the leading mobile OS in the world,
compared to its desktop counterpart. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), the most
popular mobile operating system as of 2016 is Android OS, acquiring 85% of the global market (IDC,

Table 2.3 Smartphone OS Market Share Chart

Period Android iOS Windows Phone Others

2016Q1 83.4% 15.4% 0.8% 0.4%

2016Q2 87.6% 11.7% 0.4% 0.3%
2016Q3 86.6% 12.5% 0.3% 0.4%
2016Q4 81.4% 18.2% 0.2% 0.2%
2017Q1 85.0% 14.7% 0.1% 0.1%

Applications Software

The table below identifies the different types of application programs and their corresponding software
that are available in the market.
Table 2.4 Different Types of Application Programs

Application Program Type Examples

Word Processing Software Microsoft Word, WordPad, and Notepad

Database Software Oracle, Microsoft Access, etc.
Spreadsheet Software Apple Numbers, Microsoft Excel
Multimedia Software Real Player, Media Player
Presentation Software Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote
Enterprise Software Customer Relationship Management Systems
Information Worker Software Documentation tools, Resource Management tools
Educational Software Dictionaries: Encarta, Britannica Mathematics: MATLAB Others:
Google Earth
Simulation Software Flight and Scientific Simulators
Application Suites OpenOffice, Microsoft Office
Software for Engineering and Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Product Development


As previously discussed, application software consists of programs that are designed to perform specific
tasks for users. Specific application software products, called software packages, are available from
different vendors. Usually, these software packages cost money although a lot of application software is
now being made available for free. Often called shareware, freeware, or public-domain software, this
software can be downloaded for free but usually with fewer capabilities compared to the ones sold.

As such, online application software is now introduced with the improved internet speed being made
available to consumers. There are various products available including software tools that were
previously identified only as computer applications.

Office productivity tools such as Microsoft Office Suite were only available offline, but now, Microsoft
has developed Microsoft Office 365 which has been made available to students and teachers for free via
their Office 365 Education. Numerous web and mobile applications are also made available to users
which oftentimes feature the same functionalities as the offline version. Google introduced its online
applications capable of doing the same thing as Microsoft's Office Suite. Google Docs, Google Sheets,
and Google Slides are the online counterparts of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, respectively.

Other online productivity tools are also available for organizations, such as data collection and analysis,
especially for those in the marketing industry. has listed down available online survey
engines for 2017 and analyzed the top contenders. Included in the list are Zoho Survey, Survey Gizmo,
Campaign Monitor GetFeedback, Checkbox Survey, Fluid Surveys, SurveyMonkey, WorldApp KeySurvey,
Outside Software eSurveysPro, SoGoSurvey, and SurveyP1anet. Survey Gizmo is the Editors' Choice
getting a 4.5 rating and is said to be best for small to midsize businesses (Schindler, 2017). Not only can
an organization easily disseminate its survey questions to its clients but data trends and analysis are also
automatically done by the tool, providing faster results. has also listed down several popular applications available in the App store and Google
Play that can increase productivity, improve efficiency, and provide convenience. Below are just some of
the apps on their list:

1. — a scheduler and reminder notification app

2. Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint — available for free download in both Android and iOS

3. WPS Office — another office productivity suite that does the same as Microsoft's Word, Excel, and

4. Adobe Acrobat Reader — a PDF reader and annotation app which lets you view and sign PDF forms
for reading emails, managing

5. Microsoft Outlook contacts, and calendar

6. Newton Mail — for accessing all email accounts in one "unified inbox"

7. Forge — a mobile drawing app that allows the user to create sketches and edit photos

Lastly, people who have no IT background can now create their own blogs and websites through online
tools which provide web hosting and web content management. They do not need to learn
programming languages, although some knowledge in programming will be an advantage to further
customize the web layout. and are two of the most popular website creation tools available online. Both
tools offer blogging and website content management system (CMS). Users do not need to be
programmers due to the simple and easy-to-use design of the CMS.

Table 2.5 Comparison between WordPress and Wix Application for Web Development

WordPress Wix

Programming language used Uses PHR HTML, and CSS Uses HTML5

Development process Uses web templates and Uses online drag and drop tools
template processors

How Computers Impact Everyday Life

The advent of technologies specifically the development of information and communications technology
has changed the lives of people. Computers, for example, permeate everyday life as they are used in
various fields—in schools, malls, and hospitals, among others. The following areas show how computers
have made such an impact.

Today, most elementary and secondary schools (public and private) and higher education institutions
(HEIs) have computers in their classrooms. ICT in general has made things convenient and efficient for
teachers, students, researchers, and school administrators.

With the use of computers, teachers can do research and enhance their teaching materials. They can
join online forums and conferences and gain new ideas and learn from the latest research findings and

Students use computers with internet access as one of their reference tools. They can communicate and
collaborate with their peers while working in their own homes.

School administrators use computers for administrative work to ensure that the entire operation of the
school runs proficiently. An access to all school documents is made easy and always available with the
use of a so-called server.

Electronic learning (e-learning) is the newest teaching methodology in which students and teachers can
communicate and collaborate with each other through online discussion of their lessons, activities, and
examinations. Such examples are Blackboard, Edmodo, Moodle, etc.


The computer has made all banking transactions around the world easier and more secure. It
manipulates the entire banking system as it includes 24-hour electronic banking services. The services

 Automated teller machine (ATM)

 Cheque deposit
 Electronic fund transfer
 Direct deposit
 Pay by phone system
 Personal computer banking/ internet banking


Workers, researchers, and administrators benefit from ICT. Computers are used to expedite production
planning and control systems, to support chain management, and to facilitate product design in the
industrial sector. Machines that are fully computer-operated are now used. Researchers use computers
to gather and analyze data for hypothetical reference while administrators use computers to manage
the entire operations of the plant or factory to detect or anticipate explicit errors or deficiencies that
transpire in the process. Some of the large industrial companies that implement ICT include Toyota
Philippines, Honda Philippines, and San Miguel Corporation.
However, the use of ICT can be perceived as a threat to assembly-line and factory workers as robots or
machines take over their jobs.

Figure 2.4 Computer-operated machines

Electronic Commerce

Electronic commerce or simply e-commerce helps with computers, internet, and shared software as the
main tools needed, buying and selling activities are made easier, more efficient, and faster. Customers,
sellers, and suppliers all benefit from the capabilities of ICT. Some of the known e-commerce markets
are Zalora, Lazada, Shopee, Metrodeal, Takatack, Amazon,, AirBnB,,,
and many others.

Customers or clients use computers to communicate with sellers. This method can save time and cost as
consumers do not have to go physically to any outlets or department stores. Suppliers, on the other
hand, use computers in keeping track of their transactions which include the monitoring of inventory.


The use of computers in hospitals offers many benefits to both doctors and patients. Hospitals are
creating patients'
databases of health
records, treatment
records, and medical
records. Also, with
the help of ICT,
doctors use
computers and
various medical
applications not only
for research
advancement but
also for faster
diagnosis of patients' illnesses. Through computing and monitoring technologies, tests administered in
hospitals such as blood test, urine test, brain testing, ultrasound, echocardiography complete blood
count (CBC), mammography, bone density study, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-rays, and body
scanning, among others are made possible. With the development of databases and other applications,
ICTs prevent medical errors in particular and improve the efficiency of the health system Ill general.


 The computer understands machine language, but it does not recognize letters as letters of the
alphabet. It sees letters as a series of o's and 1’s called binary language.
 Computers understand one another through the binary number system which represents
numbers with 2 as its base and uses only the digits 0 and 1. Other number systems are octal
number system and hexadecimal number system.
 Computers use different connection methods (e.g., system bus, data bus, address bus, and
control bus) to do their tasks.
 A computer network is an interconnection of two or more computers that gives these
computers the capability to share information and resources. Some of the computer network
systems are personal area network (PAN), local area network (LAN), and wide area network
 Computer network connections are categorized into wired communication and wireless
 The computer software is a combination of instructions, data, and programs that the computer
needs in order to do a specific task. Through computer software, humans are able to
"communicate" with computers.
 As computers permeate everyday life, they have made an impact to education, banking,
workforce industry, electronic commerce, and hospitals, among others.

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