Imperfections in Solids
• What are the solidification mechanisms?
• What types of defects arise in solids?
• Can the number and type of defects be varied and controlled?
• How do defects affect material properties?
• Are defects undesirable?
Grain Refiner
added to make smaller
more uniform
equiaxed grains.
Point Defects
• Vacancies: vacant atomic sites in a structure.
• Edge dislocation:
– extra half-plane of atoms inserted in a crystal structure
– b perpendicular () to dislocation line
• Screw dislocation:
– spiral planar ramp resulting from shear deformation
– b parallel (||) to dislocation line
Grain Boundaries:
• Boundary separating two grains with different crystallographic
orientation in polycrystalline material
• Low angle grain boundary vs. high angle grain boundary
• Give rise to interfacial energy or grain boundary energy
• The magnitude of the interfacial energy depends on the
misorientation angle (higher for high angle grain boundary)
Phase Boundaries:
• Exists in multiphase materials in which a different phase exists on
each side of the boundary
• Each phase has its own distinctive physical and/or chemical
• Phase boundaries play an important role in determining mechanical
Diffusion Mechanisms:
vacancy diffusion
interstitial diffusion
Case Hardening:
-- Diffuse carbon atoms into the host iron atoms at the surface.
-- Example of interstitial diffusion is a case hardened gear.
• Result: The presence of C atoms makes iron (steel) harder.
2. Heat it.
3. Result: Doped semiconductor regions.
the amount or rate of diffusion:
J = mole(or mass)/(area)*(time)
• Measured empirically
– Make thin film (membrane) of known cross-sectional area
– Impose concentration gradient
– Measure how fast atoms or molecules diffuse through the
J = M/At
D = Do exp(-Qd/RT)
D = diffusion coefficient [m2 /s]
Do = pre-exponential [m2 /s]
Qd = activation energy [J/mol or eV/atom]
R = gas constant [8.314 J/mol-K]
T = absolute temperature [K]
C0 = initial concentration
Cs = surface concentration
C(x,t) = concentration at the potion or time.
X: position
Same (C0,Cs,C(x,t))
D1t1 = D2t2
• open crystal structures • close-packed structures
• materials w/secondary bonding • materials w/covalent bonding
• smaller diffusing atoms • larger diffusing atoms
• lower density materials • higher density materials
Mechanical Properties of Metals.
1)Elastic Deformation.
1. Initial.
2. Small load
3. Unload
Elastic means reversible!
2)Plastic Deformation (Metals)
1. Initial
2. Small load
3. Unload
Plastic means permanent!
• Tensile stress, segma:
Segma = Ft/A0 (N/(m)^2)
• Shear stress, t:
t = Fs/A0 (N/(m)^2)
• Simple compression:
• Tensile strain:
• Lateral strain:
• Shear strain:
• Poisson's ratio, v:
V = -(eL/e)
metals: n ~ 0.33
ceramics: n ~ 0.25
polymers: n ~ 0.40
e = delta(z)/z
• Energy to break a unit volume of material
• Approximate by the area under the stress-strain curve.
Resilience, Ur
• Ability of a material to store energy
– Energy stored best in elastic region
• True stress
• True Strain
Design or Safety Factors:
• Design uncertainties mean we do not push the limit.
• Factor of safety, N
• Curve fit to the stress-strain response:
• Resistance to permanently indenting the surface.
• Large hardness means:
-- resistance to plastic deformation or cracking in compression.
-- better wear properties.
Hardness: Measurement:
• Rockwell
– No major sample damage
– Each scale runs to 130 but only useful in range 20-100.
– Minor load 10 kg
– Major load 60 (A), 100 (B) & 150 (C) kg
• A = diamond, B = 1/16 in. ball, C = diamond
• HB = Brinell Hardness
– TS (psia) = 500 x HB
– TS (MPa) = 3.45 x HB