Chir20001 Practical Assessment - Steven James Chang
Chir20001 Practical Assessment - Steven James Chang
Chir20001 Practical Assessment - Steven James Chang
Alcoholism is a chronic condition and is a risk factor for many chronic diseases.4
Alcohol addiction is a multifactorial issue where personality structure, individual state
of mind and social influences are in constant interaction with brain neurobiology and
pathophysiology.3 It is associated with factors like environmental influences and peer
interaction, genetic factor, the level of cognitive functioning, and certain existing
personality disorders.2
It is among the most common psychiatric disorders in the general population, and even
though the incidence of alcoholism is still more common in men, but it has been
increasing in women.2 And excessive alcohol use is responsible for more
than 95,000 deaths in the United States each year.1
Working Diagnosis:
For patients who diagnosed with Wernicke’s encephalopathy, they might have
shown acute altered mental status, ophthalmoplegia with 3rd and 6th nerve palsy,
impaired coordination such as truncal ataxic gait abnormalities, delirium, and
hypotension. As the result, physical examination may include a complete neurological
exam with cerebellar testing.
Differential Diagnosis:
• Amnestic-confabulatory syndrome
• peripheral neuropathy
• cerebellar degeneration
• Wernicke-Korsakorff syndrome,
• Delirium tremens
• Hallucinations
• Tremulousness.
• Cirrhosis
• Oral cancer
• Esophageal, liver and breast cancer
• Cardiovascular disease such as Hemorrhagic stroke or heart attack
• Koraskoff’s syndrome
CHIR20001 Practical Assessment
Steven Chang s0288064
Step 2- Introduce yourself and confirm patient’ detail. Explain the examination.
CHIR20001 Practical Assessment
Steven Chang s0288064
CHIR20001 Practical Assessment
Steven Chang s0288064
CHIR20001 Practical Assessment
Steven Chang s0288064
Step 9- Dysdiadochokinesia
CHIR20001 Practical Assessment
Steven Chang s0288064
CHIR20001 Practical Assessment
Steven Chang s0288064
3. Nehring SM, Freeman AM. Alcohol Use Disorder. [Updated 2020 Nov 18].
In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021
Jan-. Available from: