AMCS Platform EN
AMCS Platform EN
AMCS Platform EN
AMCS Enterprise Management
the grading and inventory management Weighbridge Customer Management and Portal
in a MRF or transfer station, AMCS
AMCS ERP fully integrates the AMCS ERP provides a single on-screen
Enterprise Management (ERP) provides
weighbridgelinks of the various view of customer status, both financial
process management, inventory control
weighbridge suppliersinto the central and operational, to allow customer
and financial visibility.
back-office system andsupports the service teams to answer queries on
On arrival at the weighbridge, the invoicing of ‘third party weighs’.The the spot. New or additional work can
system registers material, required data produced (quantity, trucks and be instantly added and is automatically
customer/ vehicle details and weight. customer data) are integrally passed available to transport operations for
Once material is moved to the grading/ on to AMCS ERP and matched with the scheduling. AMCS Portal is a powerful
processing floor mobile applications unfilled schedules after which they can extension of the AMCS ERP where
support re-grading including photo be dealt with. The weighbridge can be end-customers can conveniently access
capture. Inventory tonnage visibility is managed directly from AMCS ERP, or their accounts online, view billing
provided to the sales/material broker the weightadministration software can history, make service requests, select
team and a specific set of brokerage/ be installed as a stand alone software billing options, sign up for auto-pay
sales user interfaces support the and can be installed per location and and pay bills online. The portal can be
material purchase/sales activity. is not only able to manage weighing in integrated seamlessly into an existing
Material pricing and cost functionality is and weighing out, but can also manage website and branded to reflect your
key to the value that AMCS ERP delivers all peripherals like traffic lights and company brand and colour theme.
to the customer, and the system barriers Standard templates are available
supports automatic material price index for customisation. Access to portal
linking, allowing risk managements views and functionality is configurable
of contracts and real-time margin
(Recycling) Processes
using security settings. This enables
visibility. Material export processing is Waste flows can be regulated by the operators to control what customers
supported both in terms of bale/load processing procedures that take place have access to online, based on their
management planning into containers on the premises itself. This can be done individual login and configuration. All
and automated export processing and by defining incoming and outgoing data is securely transmitted using SSL
paperwork. The transfer of containers waste flows and a corresponding so your customer’s data is safe.
to international customers can be process. Waste stock is automatically
managed, scheduled and costed deducted from the incoming waste
for each stage of the journey. The articles and added to the outgoing Financial
combination of the material processing waste articles, by pressing just one AMCS ERP’s powerful integration with
automation, inventory tracking, button. Examples are the separation of your financial administration means
materials brokerage and export sales building and demolition waste or the that AMCS ERP does the billing and
delivers a one-stop comprehensive sorting of glass. For incoming glass, accounting automatically.
material processing infrastructure with for example, the corresponding waste
live financial visibility on the operation. code, organisation, disposal site, line Thereby providing you all operational
of business, hall and cluster and the data in real-time. As soon as a
percentage, 100%, is registered. After signature is received on a mobile
KPI and Management Reporting sorting, the outgoing waste flow is device, the invoice is ready to be sent.
AMCS ERP provides the functionality registered, for example 20% brown, Faster billing improves cash-flow.
to run operational reports that can be 60% white and 20% green glass. The
outgoing percentage of waste can also Functionality available includes:
printed directly from the system, such
as daily revenue reports for location. be more than the incoming percentage XXInvoicing
Strategic reports and dashboard can be of waste. This is the case with leftovers
XXAccounts receivable and account
created in any BI application. that are processed into pigfeed. 100%
of leftovers will produce 110% of
pigfeed after ‘steaming’. XXAutomatic Collection
Waste Stock levels XXCleaning Invoice Lines
Basic waste tracking is also one of the XXExport of data to financial system
key features of AMCS ERP. A disposal XXDunning Letters
site can be divided into separate XXNegative prices
compartments, referred to as Halls and
Clusters in the system. The type and XXPost adjustment billing
quantities of waste being stored can be XXCalculation of rent
registered for each compartment. This
allows you to indicate more accurately XXPAYT Invoicing
where a certain waste load must be XXDiftar Imposing Of Assessment
For each waste flow, the composition
of the waste can be entered. For each
disposal site external prices for the
various types of waste can be set.