BaslerBE1 11g

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Generator Protection System

Publication: 9424200994
Revision: R Jul-16
9424200994 Rev R i

This instruction manual provides information about the installation and operation of the BE1-11g
Generator Protection System. To accomplish this, the following information is provided:
• General information and a quick start guide
• Controls and indicators
• Inputs and outputs
• Protection and control functions
• Reporting and alarms information
• Mounting and connection diagrams
• BESTCOMSPlus® software
• Communication and security
• Testing and troubleshooting procedures
• Specifications
• Time curve characteristics
• RTD module (optional)
Optional instruction manuals for the BE1-11g include:
• Modbus communication protocol (Basler Electric part number 9424200774)

• Distributed Network Protocol (DNP) (Basler Electric part number 9424200773)

• IEC 61850 communication protocol (Basler Electric part number 9424200892)

Conventions Used in this Manual

Important safety and procedural information is emphasized and presented in this manual through
warning, caution, and note boxes. Each type is illustrated and defined as follows.


Warning boxes call attention to conditions or actions that may cause

personal injury or death.

Caution boxes call attention to operating conditions that may lead to
equipment or property damage.

Note boxes emphasize important information pertaining to installation
or operation.

BE1-11g Preface
ii 9424200994 Rev R

12570 State Route 143

Highland IL 62249-1074 USA
Tel: +1 618.654.2341
Fax: +1 618.654.2351

© 2016 by Basler Electric

All rights reserved
First printing: June 2009


READ THIS MANUAL. Read this manual before installing, operating, or maintaining the BE1-11g. Note
all warnings, cautions, and notes in this manual as well as on the product. Keep this manual with the
product for reference. Only qualified personnel should install, operate, or service this system. Failure to
follow warning and cautionary labels may result in personal injury or property damage. Exercise
caution at all times.

Basler Electric does not assume any responsibility to compliance or noncompliance with national code, local code,
or any other applicable code. This manual serves as reference material that must be well understood prior to
installation, operation, or maintenance.

For terms of service relating to this product and software, see the Commercial Terms of Products and Services
document available at
This publication contains confidential information of Basler Electric Company, an Illinois corporation. It is loaned for
confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual understanding that it will not be used in any
manner detrimental to the interests of Basler Electric Company and used strictly for the purpose intended.
It is not the intention of this manual to cover all details and variations in equipment, nor does this manual provide
data for every possible contingency regarding installation or operation. The availability and design of all features
and options are subject to modification without notice. Over time, improvements and revisions may be made to this
publication. Before performing any of the following procedures, contact Basler Electric for the latest revision of this
The English-language version of this manual serves as the only approved manual version.

Preface BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R iii

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Applications ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Features .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Model and Style Number Description ........................................................................................................ 8
Quick Start ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Storage .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Install BESTCOMSPlus® Software .......................................................................................................... 11
Power Up and Activate the BE1-11 Plug-In ............................................................................................ 12
Programming the BE1-11g ...................................................................................................................... 16
Controls and Indicators ............................................................................................................................ 25
Illustrations and Descriptions .................................................................................................................. 25
Menu Navigation ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Front Panel Operations ........................................................................................................................... 28
Display Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Contact Inputs and Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 33
Contact-Sensing Inputs ........................................................................................................................... 33
Contact Outputs ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Overexcitation (24) Protection ................................................................................................................. 43
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 43
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 45
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 46
Settings Example ..................................................................................................................................... 47
Sync-Check (25) Protection ..................................................................................................................... 51
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 51
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 54
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 54
Phase Undervoltage (27P) Protection ..................................................................................................... 57
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 57
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 58
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 59
Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection ................................................................................................ 61
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 61
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 63
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 63
Negative-Sequence Voltage (47) Protection........................................................................................... 65
Phase Overvoltage (59P) Protection ....................................................................................................... 67
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 67
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 68
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 68
Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection .................................................................................................. 71
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 71
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 73
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 73
Stator Ground (64G) Protection ............................................................................................................... 75
Vector Jump (78V) Protection .................................................................................................................. 77
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 77
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 78
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 78
BE1-11g Contents
iv 9424200994 Rev R

Frequency (81) Protection ........................................................................................................................ 81

Frequency Measurement......................................................................................................................... 81
Underfrequency and Overfrequency Protection ...................................................................................... 81
Frequency Rate-of-Change Protection.................................................................................................... 82
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 84
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 84
Negative-Sequence Overcurrent (46) Protection ................................................................................... 87
Pickup Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 87
Coordination Settings .............................................................................................................................. 88
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection ............................................................................................ 89
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 89
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 90
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 91
Breaker Failure (50BF) Protection ........................................................................................................... 93
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 93
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................... 95
Operational Settings ................................................................................................................................ 95
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection ........................................................................................................ 97
Element Operation................................................................................................................................... 97
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 102
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 102
Directional Overcurrent (67) Protection ................................................................................................ 105
Polarization Methods ............................................................................................................................. 105
Maximum Torque Angle and Directional Tests ..................................................................................... 107
Theory of Using Sequence Impedances for Fault Direction.................................................................. 108
Phase Current Differential (87) Protection ........................................................................................... 111
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 111
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 115
Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 115
Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection ....................................................................................... 119
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 119
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 121
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 122
Phase Differential Protection: Self-Balancing and Split-Phase Configurations (50/51) .................. 123
Power (32) Protection ............................................................................................................................. 125
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 125
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 128
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 128
Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Protection .................................................................. 131
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 131
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 132
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 133
Distance (21) Protection ......................................................................................................................... 135
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 135
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 136
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 136
Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection..................................................................... 139
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 139
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 140
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 141
Typical Application................................................................................................................................. 142

Contents BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R v

Out of Step (78OOS) Protection ............................................................................................................ 143

Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 143
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 144
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 145
Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection ....................................................................... 147
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 147
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 148
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 148
Remote RTD Metering........................................................................................................................... 149
Analog Input Protection ......................................................................................................................... 151
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 151
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 152
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 152
Remote Analog Input Metering .............................................................................................................. 153
Synchronizer (25A) ................................................................................................................................. 155
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 155
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 159
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 161
Virtual Control Switches (43) ................................................................................................................. 163
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 163
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 165
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 165
Logic Timers (62) .................................................................................................................................... 167
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 167
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 170
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 170
Lockout Functions (86)........................................................................................................................... 173
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 173
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 173
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 173
Retrieving Lockout Status from the BE1-11g ........................................................................................ 174
Breaker Control Switch (101) ................................................................................................................. 175
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 175
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 176
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 177
Setting Groups ........................................................................................................................................ 179
Setting Group Functions ........................................................................................................................ 179
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 182
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 183
Logic Override of the Setting Group Selection Function ....................................................................... 185
Metering ................................................................................................................................................... 187
Metering Explorer .................................................................................................................................. 187
Analog Metering Functions .................................................................................................................... 188
Sequence of Events ................................................................................................................................ 195
Sequence of Events Setup .................................................................................................................... 195
Retrieving SER Information ................................................................................................................... 196
Fault Reporting ........................................................................................................................................ 197
Fault Reporting Trigger Logic ................................................................................................................ 197
Targets .................................................................................................................................................. 197
Fault Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 201
Oscillographic Records.......................................................................................................................... 205

BE1-11g Contents
vi 9424200994 Rev R

Distance to Fault .................................................................................................................................... 206

Protective Fault Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 208
Alarms ...................................................................................................................................................... 211
Alarm Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 213
User Programmable Alarms .................................................................................................................. 213
Retrieving Alarm Information ................................................................................................................. 214
Resetting Alarms ................................................................................................................................... 214
Differential Reporting ............................................................................................................................. 217
Breaker Monitoring ................................................................................................................................. 219
Breaker Status Reporting ...................................................................................................................... 219
Breaker Duty Monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 220
Breaker Alarms ...................................................................................................................................... 224
Demands .................................................................................................................................................. 225
Current ................................................................................................................................................... 225
Power..................................................................................................................................................... 226
Retrieving Demand Reporting Information ............................................................................................ 226
Load Profile ............................................................................................................................................. 229
Setting the Load Profile Recording Function ......................................................................................... 229
Retrieving Load Profile Recorded Data ................................................................................................. 229
Power Quality .......................................................................................................................................... 231
Power Quality Settings .......................................................................................................................... 231
Retrieving Power Quality Data .............................................................................................................. 231
Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM).................................................................................................................. 235
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 235
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 240
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 241
Fuse Loss (60FL) ..................................................................................................................................... 243
Element Operation................................................................................................................................. 243
Logic Connections ................................................................................................................................. 245
Operational Settings .............................................................................................................................. 245
BESTnet™Plus ......................................................................................................................................... 247
Status Page ........................................................................................................................................... 247
Real Time Data ...................................................................................................................................... 247
Demand Data ........................................................................................................................................ 248
Faults ..................................................................................................................................................... 249
Sequence of Events .............................................................................................................................. 251
Power Quality ........................................................................................................................................ 251
Mounting .................................................................................................................................................. 253
J Type Case Cutouts and Dimensions .................................................................................................. 253
H or P Type Case Cutouts and Dimensions.......................................................................................... 261
Dovetailing Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 268
Terminals and Connectors ..................................................................................................................... 271
J Type Case .......................................................................................................................................... 271
H or P Type Case .................................................................................................................................. 274
CT Polarity ............................................................................................................................................. 275
Typical Connections ............................................................................................................................... 279
Power System Applications ................................................................................................................... 285
BESTCOMSPlus® Software .................................................................................................................... 291
Installation ............................................................................................................................................. 292
Activate the BE1-11 Plugin for BESTCOMSPlus® ................................................................................ 292
Menu Bars ............................................................................................................................................. 297
Contents BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R vii

Settings Explorer ................................................................................................................................... 299

Metering Explorer .................................................................................................................................. 300
Settings File Management ..................................................................................................................... 300
Auto Export Metering ............................................................................................................................. 302
BESTCOMSPlus® Updates ................................................................................................................... 303
Firmware Updates ................................................................................................................................. 303
BESTlogic™Plus ...................................................................................................................................... 305
Overview of BESTlogic™Plus ................................................................................................................ 305
Logic Schemes ...................................................................................................................................... 315
Programming BESTlogic™Plus.............................................................................................................. 320
Offline Logic Simulator .......................................................................................................................... 321
BESTlogic™Plus File Management ....................................................................................................... 322
BESTlogic™Plus Examples ................................................................................................................... 323
Communication ....................................................................................................................................... 325
Connections ........................................................................................................................................... 325
Ethernet Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 326
Email Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 328
RS-485 Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 329
DNP Setup ............................................................................................................................................. 329
Modbus Setup ...................................................................................................................................... 333
Security .................................................................................................................................................... 335
Access Levels ........................................................................................................................................ 335
Username Setup .................................................................................................................................... 335
Port Access Setup ................................................................................................................................. 336
Access Control ...................................................................................................................................... 337
Viewing the Security Log ....................................................................................................................... 338
Timekeeping ............................................................................................................................................ 339
Clock Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 339
Setting the Time and Date ..................................................................................................................... 340
IRIG Port ................................................................................................................................................ 341
Real-Time Clock Specifications ............................................................................................................. 341
Backup Battery for the Real-Time Clock ............................................................................................... 342
Device Information .................................................................................................................................. 347
Style Number ......................................................................................................................................... 347
Device Info ............................................................................................................................................. 348
Firmware Updates ................................................................................................................................. 348
Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 351
Power System Measurements .............................................................................................................. 351
Power System Settings ......................................................................................................................... 354
Sensing Transformers Settings ............................................................................................................. 356
Transformer Setup................................................................................................................................. 358
Display Units .......................................................................................................................................... 367
Introduction to Testing ........................................................................................................................... 369
Testing Philosophies ............................................................................................................................. 369
Testing and Troubleshooting Aids ......................................................................................................... 370
Acceptance Testing ................................................................................................................................ 373
Test Equipment ..................................................................................................................................... 373
Power Up ............................................................................................................................................... 373
Communications .................................................................................................................................... 373
Style Number and Serial Number Verification ....................................................................................... 373
IRIG Verification (if used) ...................................................................................................................... 374
Contact Sensing Inputs ......................................................................................................................... 374
Control Outputs ..................................................................................................................................... 374
Current Circuit Verification..................................................................................................................... 375
BE1-11g Contents
viii 9424200994 Rev R

Three-Phase Voltage Circuit Verification .............................................................................................. 376

Power Reading Verification ................................................................................................................... 377
Auxiliary Voltage Input Verification - VX and VX 3 (Fundamental and Third Harmonic) ..................... 377
Frequency Verification ........................................................................................................................... 378
Commissioning Testing ......................................................................................................................... 379
Digital I/O Connection Verification ......................................................................................................... 379
Virtual Selector Switches ....................................................................................................................... 380
Virtual Control Switch ............................................................................................................................ 380
Protection and Control Function Verification ......................................................................................... 381
Verify Other Setpoints as Appropriate ................................................................................................... 381
Reporting and Alarm Functions ............................................................................................................. 381
Periodic Testing ...................................................................................................................................... 385
Settings Verification ............................................................................................................................... 385
Analog Circuit Verification ..................................................................................................................... 385
Overexcitation (24) Test ......................................................................................................................... 387
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 387
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 391
Sync-Check (25) Test .............................................................................................................................. 393
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 393
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 396
Phase Undervoltage (27P) Test ............................................................................................................. 399
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 399
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 401
Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test ......................................................................................................... 403
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 403
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 412
Phase Overvoltage (59P) Test................................................................................................................ 415
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 415
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 417
Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test ........................................................................................................... 419
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 419
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 427
Vector Jump (78V) Test .......................................................................................................................... 431
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 431
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 432
Frequency (81) Test ................................................................................................................................ 435
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 435
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 440
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test .................................................................................................... 443
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 443
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 450
Breaker Fail (50BF) Test ......................................................................................................................... 455
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 455
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 458
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test ................................................................................................................ 459
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 459
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 468
Directional Overcurrent (67) Test .......................................................................................................... 475
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 475
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 482

Contents BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R ix

Phase Current Differential (87) Test ...................................................................................................... 483

Restrained Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................. 483
Unrestrained Functional Test Procedure............................................................................................... 490
Harmonic Restraint Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................... 490
Functional Test Reports ........................................................................................................................ 492
Neutral Current Differential (87N) Test ................................................................................................. 495
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 495
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 497
Power (32) Test ........................................................................................................................................ 499
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 499
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 502
Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Test ............................................................................ 505
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 505
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 507
Distance (21) Test ................................................................................................................................... 509
Pickup Verification ................................................................................................................................. 509
Timing Verification ................................................................................................................................. 510
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 511
Loss of Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) Test .............................................................................. 513
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 513
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 515
Out of Step (78OOS) Test ....................................................................................................................... 517
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 517
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 520
Synchronizer (25A) Test ......................................................................................................................... 521
Phase-Lock-Loop (PLL) Functional Test Procedure ............................................................................. 521
Functional Test Report - PLL ................................................................................................................ 526
Anticipatory Functional Test Procedure ................................................................................................ 527
Functional Test Report - Anticipatory .................................................................................................... 531
Voltage Monitor Functional Test Procedure .......................................................................................... 531
Voltage Monitor Functional Test Report ................................................................................................ 534
Virtual Control Switches (43) Test ......................................................................................................... 535
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 535
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 537
Logic Timers (62) Test ............................................................................................................................ 539
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 539
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 547
Lockout Functions (86) Test .................................................................................................................. 549
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 549
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 550
Breaker Control Switch (101) Test ........................................................................................................ 551
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 551
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 552
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ...................................................................................................... 553
Electrical/Connections ........................................................................................................................... 553
General Operation ................................................................................................................................. 553
Features ................................................................................................................................................ 554
Communications .................................................................................................................................... 554
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................................... 555
Communications .................................................................................................................................... 555
Inputs and Outputs ................................................................................................................................ 556

BE1-11g Contents
x 9424200994 Rev R

Metering/Display .................................................................................................................................... 556

General Operation ................................................................................................................................. 557
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 559
Operational Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 559
General Specifications........................................................................................................................... 570
Specifications - 25 Hz Operation ........................................................................................................... 577
Operational Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 577
Time Curve Characteristics.................................................................................................................... 589
Inverse Overcurrent (51) ....................................................................................................................... 589
Under/Overvoltage (27/59) .................................................................................................................... 617
Overexcitation (24) ................................................................................................................................ 621
RTD Module ............................................................................................................................................. 625
Features ................................................................................................................................................ 625
Functional Description ........................................................................................................................... 625
Mounting ................................................................................................................................................ 626
Connections ........................................................................................................................................... 627
RTD Module Communications Setup Procedure .................................................................................. 630
RTD Module Plugin for BESTCOMSPlus® ............................................................................................ 633
Remote Analog Inputs Configuration .................................................................................................... 638
Remote Analog Outputs Configuration.................................................................................................. 639
Remote RTDs Configuration ................................................................................................................. 641
Specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 642
Repair .................................................................................................................................................... 645
Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 645
Storage .................................................................................................................................................. 645
Digital Points ........................................................................................................................................... 647
BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool ................................................................................................ 661
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 661
Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 661
BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool Settings.................................................................................. 662
General Operation ................................................................................................................................. 665
Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 667

Contents BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 1

The BE1-11g Generator Protection System provides flexible, reliable, and economical protection, control,
monitoring, and measurement functions for small, medium, and large generators. The BE1-11g offers
vector jump, out of step, distance, phase and neutral current differential, overexcitation (V/Hz),
overcurrent, directional overcurrent, over/undervoltage, over/underfrequency, sync-check, RTD
(Resistance Temperature Detector) with remote module, breaker failure, and fuse loss protection. It offers
breaker- and trip-circuit monitoring, and oscillography and sequential events recording. Control features
include virtual selector switches, circuit breaker control, virtual lockout, and variable-mode timers. An auto
synchronizer is optional. System metering, status information, and fault locating are available at the
BE1-11g front panel and through the BE1-11g communication ports. The capabilities of the BE1-11g
make it suitable for detecting generator faults and abnormal operating conditions in an integrated system.
Suitable BE1-11g applications include large power generation, distributed generation, local backup
generation, and intertie protection applications.
A front-panel USB port or optional rear Ethernet port enables local communication between the BE1-11g
and a PC operating with BESTCOMSPlus® software. BESTCOMSPlus software simplifies the
commissioning process by providing a graphical interface for setting the BE1-11g and configuring a
protection and control scheme for your application. Through BESTCOMSPlus, all BE1-11g settings and
logic can be retained in a file for printing or uploading to other BE1-11g protection systems. Oscillography
and sequential events records can be retrieved from a BE1-11g, viewed, and printed.
Front-panel features include a large, backlit alphanumeric display and LED indicators that display system
parameters, BE1-11g settings, and BE1-11g status. Pushbuttons enable navigation through the display
menu, changes to settings, resetting of targets (with password access), and direct access to virtual

The capabilities of the BE1-11g make it ideally suited for applications with the following attributes:
• Generator specific protection and control elements including loss of field, out of step, stator
ground protection, and sync check or synchronizer
• Generator focused protection including reverse power, negative-sequence, overexcitation, and
• Isolation between the RTDs and the BE1-11g due to distance between the BE1-11g package and
the RTD module
• Low burden to extend the linear range of CTs
• The flexibility provided by wide setting ranges, multiple setting groups, and multiple coordination
curves in one unit
• The economy and space savings provided by a multifunction, multiphase unit. This one unit can
provide all of the protection, control, metering, and local and remote indication functions required
for typical applications.
• Directional control and fault recording
• High-speed Ethernet communications and protocol support
• The capabilities of a numeric multifunction relay
• The small size and limited behind-panel projection facilitates modernizing protection and control
systems in existing equipment
• Detection of low ground current levels (SEF option)
• IEC 61850 functionality
• Logic library with logic schemes for basic low Z grounded generator protection, low Z grounded
generator with sequential trip, low Z grounded generator with sequential trip and sync check,
basic high Z grounded generator protection, high Z grounded generator protection
BE1-11g Introduction
2 9424200994 Rev R

The BE1-11g protection system includes many features for the protection, monitoring, and control of
power system equipment. These features include protection and control functions, metering functions,
and reporting and alarm functions. A highly flexible programmable logic system called BESTlogic™Plus
allows the user to apply the available functions with complete flexibility and customize the system to meet
the requirements of the protected power system. Programmable I/O, extensive communication features,
and an advanced user interface provide easy access to the features provided.
The following information summarizes the capabilities of this multifunction device. Each feature, along
with its setup and use, is described in greater detail in the later chapters of this manual.

General Features
HMI (Human-Machine Interface)
Each BE1-11g has a front-panel display and LED indicators. Protection systems in an H or P style case
have five LED indicators: Power Supply Status, Relay Trouble Alarm, Minor Alarm, Major Alarm, and Trip.
Protection systems in a J style case have 12 LED indicators: Power Supply Status, Relay Trouble Alarm,
Minor Alarm, Major Alarm, Trip, Select Control Switch, Operate Control Switch, and Indicator 1 through 7
(programmable in BESTlogicPlus). The backlit, liquid crystal display (LCD) allows the BE1-11g to replace
local indication and control functions such as panel metering, alarm annunciation, and control switches.
Four scrolling pushbuttons enable navigation through the LCD menu tree. Parameters are changed using
the Edit pushbutton. Targets, alarms, and other registers are cleared with the Reset pushbutton. In Edit
mode, the scrolling pushbuttons provide data entry selections. Edit mode is indicated by an LED on the
Edit pushbutton. Protection systems in a J-style case have pushbuttons for selecting and controlling the
virtual control switches.
The LCD has automatic priority logic to govern which metering values are displayed on the screen so that
when an operator approaches, the metering data of most interest is automatically displayed without
having to navigate the menu structure. Scrollable metering parameters are selected on the General
Settings, Front Panel HMI settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

Device Information
The version of the embedded software (firmware), serial number, and style number are available from the
front-panel display or the communication ports.
Three free-form fields (Device ID, Station ID, and User ID) can be used to enter information to identify the
BE1-11g. These fields are used by many of the reporting functions to identify the BE1-11g reporting the
information. Examples of BE1-11g identification field uses include station name, circuit number, relay
system, and purchase order, and others.

Device Security
Passwords provide access security for six distinct functional access areas: Read, Control, Operator,
Settings, Design, and Administrator. Each username/password is assigned an access area with access to
that area and each area below it. An administrator password provides access to all six of the functional
A second dimension of security is provided by the ability to restrict access for any of the access areas to
only specific communication ports. For example, you could set up security to deny access to control
commands through the Ethernet port.
Security settings affect read and write access. Refer to the Security chapter for more information.

Setting Groups
Four setting groups allow adaptive relaying to be implemented to optimize BE1-11g settings for various
operating conditions. Automatic and external logic can be employed to select the active setting group.

Introduction BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 3

The clock is used by the logging functions to timestamp events. BE1-11g timekeeping can be self-
managed by the internal clock or coordinated with an external source through a network or IRIG device.
A backup capacitor and additional battery backup are provided for the clock. During a loss of operating
power, the backup capacitor maintains timekeeping for up to 24 hours depending on conditions. As the
capacitor nears depletion, the backup battery takes over and maintains timekeeping. The backup battery
has a life expectancy of greater than five years depending on conditions.

A standard unmodulated IRIG-B input receives time synchronization signals from a master clock.
Automatic daylight saving time compensation can be enabled and set for floating or fixed dates.

NTP (Network Time Protocol)

NTP synchronizes the real-time clock to network time servers through the Ethernet port. BESTCOMSPlus
is used to establish the priority of time reference sources available to the BE1-11g, IRIG-B, NTP, DNP,
and RTC (real-time clock). The NTP address is set using BESTCOMSPlus.

Three independent communication ports provide access to all BE1-11g functions. A USB (universal serial
bus) port is located on the front panel, a two-wire RS-485 port is located on the rear panel, and an
optional Ethernet port is also located on the rear panel. The RS-485 and Ethernet ports are electrically
Modbus and DNP3 protocols are optionally available for the RS-485 or Ethernet communication port.
The IEC 61850 protocol is optionally available for the Ethernet port. Separate instruction manuals cover
each available protocol. Consult the product bulletin or Basler Electric for availability of these options and
instruction manuals. Modbus sessions can be operated simultaneously over the Ethernet and RS-485

System Parameters
Three-phase currents and voltages are digitally sampled and the fundamental is extracted using a
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm.
The voltage sensing circuits can be configured for single-phase, three-phase-three-wire, or four-wire
voltage transformer circuits. Voltage sensing circuitry provides voltage protection, frequency protection,
polarizing, and watt/var metering. Neutral-shift, positive-sequence, and negative-sequence voltage
magnitudes are derived from the three-phase voltages. Digital sampling of the measured frequency
provides high accuracy at off-nominal values.
An auxiliary voltage sensing input (Vx) provides protection capabilities for over/undervoltage monitoring of
the fundamental and third harmonic voltage of the VT source connected to the Vx input. This capability is
useful for ground fault protection or sync-check functions.
Each current sensing circuit has low burden and is isolated. Neutral, positive-sequence, and negative-
sequence current magnitudes are derived from the three-phase currents. An independent ground current
input is available for direct measurement of the current in a transformer neutral, tertiary winding or flux
balancing current transformer. Either one or two sets of CTs are provided in the BE1-11g depending on
the style number. Refer to the style chart for more information.

Programmable Inputs and Outputs

Programmable contact inputs and outputs are described in the following paragraphs.

Programmable Inputs
Programmable contact sensing inputs with programmable signal conditioning provide a binary logic
interface to the protection and control system. Each input function and label is programmable using

BE1-11g Introduction
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BESTlogicPlus. A user-meaningful label can be assigned to each input and to each state (energized and
de-energized) for use in reporting functions. Board mounted jumpers support dual voltage ratings.
Protection systems in a J style case are equipped with either seven or 10 contact sensing inputs. Refer to
the style chart for I/O options. Protection systems in an H or P style case are equipped with four contact
sensing inputs.

Programmable Outputs
Programmable general-purpose contact outputs provide a binary logic interface to the protection and
control system. One programmable, failsafe contact output serves as an alarm output. Each output
function and label is programmable using BESTlogicPlus. A user-meaningful name can be assigned to
each output and to each state (energized and de-energized) for use in reporting functions. Output logic
can be overridden to open, close, or pulse each output contact for testing or control purposes. All output
contacts are trip rated.
Protection systems in a J style case are equipped with either eight or five general-purpose contact
outputs. Refer to the style chart for I/O options. Protection systems in an H or P style case are equipped
with five general-purpose contact outputs.

Reporting and Alarms

Several reporting and alarm functions provide fault reporting, differential reporting, demand, breaker, and
trip circuit monitoring. Reporting of power quality, energy data, and general status is also provided.

Extensive self-diagnostics will trigger a fatal relay trouble alarm if any of the BE1-11g core functions are
compromised. Fatal relay trouble alarms are not programmable and are dedicated to the Alarm output
(OUTA) and the front panel Relay Trouble LED. Additional relay trouble alarms and all other alarm
functions are programmable for major or minor priority. Programmed alarms are indicated by major or
minor alarm LEDs on the front panel. Major and minor alarm points can also be programmed to any
output contact including OUTA. Over 50 alarm conditions are available to be monitored including user-
definable logic conditions using BESTlogicPlus.
Active alarms can be read and reset at the front panel or through the communication ports. A historical
sequence of events report with time stamps lists when each alarm occurred and cleared. These reports
are available through the communication ports.

Breaker Monitoring
Breaker statistics are recorded for a single breaker. They include the number of operations, fault current
interruption duty, and breaker time to trip. Each of these conditions can be set to trigger an alarm.

Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM)

The trip circuit of a breaker or lockout relay can be monitored for loss of voltage (fuse blown) or loss of
continuity (trip coil open). Additional trip or close circuit monitors can be implemented in BESTlogicPlus
using additional inputs, logic timers, and programmable logic alarms.

Demand values are continuously calculated for phase currents, neutral current, negative-sequence
current, ground current, real power, reactive power, and apparent power. The demand interval and
demand calculation method are independently settable for phase, neutral, and negative-sequence
measurements. Demand reporting records peak and present demand with time stamps for each register.

Power Quality
The BE1-11g offers IEC 61000-4-30 Class B power quality measurement performance. Power quality
settings include a fixed or sliding reference mode, dip hysteresis, dip ratio, swell hysteresis, and swell

Introduction BE1-11g
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Energy Data Reporting

Energy information in the form of watthours and varhours is measured and reported by the BE1-11g. Both
positive and negative values are reported in three-phase, primary units.

General Status Reporting

The BE1-11g provides extensive general status reporting for monitoring, commissioning, and
troubleshooting. Status reports are available from the front-panel display or communication ports.

Fault Reporting
Fault reports consist of simple target information, fault summary reports, and detailed oscillography
records to enable the user to retrieve information about disturbances in as much detail as is desired. The
BE1-11g records and reports oscillography data in industry-standard IEEE, COMTRADE format to allow
using any fault analysis software. Basler Electric provides a Windows® based program called
BESTwave™ that can read and plot binary or ASCII format files that are in the COMTRADE format. A
copy of BESTwave is included on the BE1-11 product CD.

Sequence of Events Recorder

A Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) records and time stamps all BE1-11g inputs and outputs as well
as all alarm conditions monitored by the BE1-11g. Time stamp resolution is to the nearest half-cycle. I/O
and Alarm reports can be extracted from the records as well as reports of events recorded during the time
span associated with a specific fault report.

Protection and Control

Protection functions consist of Overexcitation, Sync-Check, Undervoltage, Overvoltage, Vector Jump,
Frequency, Instantaneous Overcurrent, Breaker Failure, Inverse Overcurrent, Phase Current Differential
(optional), Neutral Current Differential (optional), Power, Loss of Excitation, Distance, Out of Step,
Thermal, and Analog protection. Virtual Control Switches, Timers, a Lockout Function, a Breaker Control
Switch, and an Auto Synchronizer (optional) make up the control functions. The following paragraphs
describe each protection and control function.

Overexcitation (24) Protection

One volts per hertz protection element provides overexcitation protection for a generator and/or

Sync-Check (25) Protection

With the auxiliary voltage input connected to the bus, one sync-check function provides synchronism
protection. Sync-check protection checks for phase angle difference, magnitude difference, frequency
difference (slip) and, optionally, if the three-phase VT frequency is greater than the auxiliary VT
frequency. One voltage monitor output (25VM) provides independent dead/live voltage closing logic.

Undervoltage (27P) and Overvoltage (59P) Protection

Five phase undervoltage and four phase overvoltage elements are included. Phase
undervoltage/overvoltage protection can be set for one of three, two of three, or three of three logic.
When a four-wire voltage transformer connection is used, under/overvoltage protection can be set for
either phase-to-phase voltage or phase-to-neutral voltage. The 27P elements are equipped with an
undervoltage inhibit feature. Inverse or definite time can be selected. Refer to the Time Curve
Characteristics chapter.

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) and Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection

Four auxiliary overvoltage and four auxiliary undervoltage elements provide over/undervoltage protection.
Auxiliary voltage protection elements can be set to monitor separately the third harmonic, neutral-shift,
positive-sequence, negative-sequence, or auxiliary fundamental voltages. Ground unbalance protection is
provided when the auxiliary voltage input is connected to a source of 3V0 such as a broken-delta VT. The
27X is equipped with an undervoltage inhibit feature. Inverse or definite time can be selected. Refer to the
Time Curve Characteristics chapter.
BE1-11g Introduction
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Vector Jump (78) Protection

One vector jump protection element protects the generator by disconnecting it from the grid when a loss
of mains or mains failure occurs, preventing the generator from remaining tied to the mains if the mains
returns due to an external reclose device.

Frequency (81) Protection

Eight independent frequency elements can be set for over, under, or rate of change (81R) frequency
operation. Each can be set separately to monitor the frequency on the main three-phase voltage input or
the Vx input. Rate of change can be set to operate on positive, negative, or “either”.

BE1-11g protection systems enabled for IEC-61850 communication
(style Gxxxx5xxxxxxxx) have their frequency protection elements fixed
at four underfrequency elements, two overfrequency elements, and
two frequency rate-of-change elements.

Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection

Directional overcurrent protection is provided by six instantaneous overcurrent elements. Digital signal
processing filters out unwanted harmonic components while providing fast overcurrent response with
limited transient overreach and overtravel.
Instantaneous overcurrent elements can be set for single-phase, three-phase, ground, neutral, positive-
sequence, negative-sequence, or unbalanced protection.

Breaker Failure (50BF) Protection

One breaker failure function provides protection and security for the power system against failure of the
monitored breaker.

Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection

Seven inverse overcurrent elements can be set for single-phase, three-phase, ground, neutral, positive-
sequence, negative-sequence, or unbalanced protection. Inverse-overcurrent functions employ a dynamic
integrating timing algorithm covering a range from pickup to 40 times pickup with selectable
instantaneous or integrated reset characteristics. Inverse time overcurrent curves conform to IEEE Std
C37.112-1996 - IEEE Standard Inverse-Time Characteristic Equations for Overcurrent Relays, and
include seven curves similar to Westinghouse/ABB CO curves, five curves similar to GE IAC curves, a
fixed time curve, and a user programmable curve. Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter for
more information about the inverse overcurrent protection characteristic curves.
Phase inverse overcurrent elements can be voltage restrained or controlled for generator backup
applications. Negative-sequence current protection (46) is included as a mode of the 51 (inverse
overcurrent) element. Each inverse overcurrent element can be set separately for forward, reverse, or
non-directional control.
A separate ground current input provides ground overcurrent protection for a separate ground CT.
Optionally, an SEF (sensitive earth fault) version of the separate ground CT is available.

Phase Current Differential (87) Protection (style GxxxxxxxPxxxxx or GxxxxxxxTxxxxx)

One phase current differential element provides three-phase, percentage-restrained, differential
protection with dual-slope, in-phase, differential mode. In flux balance mode, the differential CTs are
connected in a flux balancing configuration.

Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection (style GxxxxxxxPxxxxx or GxxxxxxxTxxxxx)

One neutral current differential element provides sensitive phase-to-ground fault differential protection for
the wye winding of the transformer.

Introduction BE1-11g
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Power (32) Protection

Two directional power elements are included in the BE1-11m and can be set for forward or reverse,
overpower or underpower protection. The element can be used for any application requiring directional
power flow detection including intertie protection (interconnects between an electric utility and a source of
non-utility generation). The power measurement algorithm is adapted as appropriate for any possible
three-phase or single-phase voltage transformer connection. Directional power is calibrated on a three-
phase basis regardless of the voltage transformer connection used. Directional Power Protection can be
set for one of three, two of three, three of three, or total power.

BE1-11g protection systems enabled for IEC-61850 communication
(style Gxxxx5xxxxxxxx) have their power protection elements fixed at
one underpower element and one overpower element.

Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Protection

One loss of excitation element monitors three-phase reactive power (vars) to determine when a loss of
field condition exists.

Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection

One loss of excitation element implements a two zone offset mho characteristic to protect against varying
load conditions.

Distance (21) Protection

Two distance protection elements provide backup protection for external faults that are not cleared by
external protective relaying due to a failure of the external system protection scheme or equipment.
Settings are provided to configure a zone of reach using a mho circle.

Out of Step (78OOS) Protection

When a generator loses synchronism, high peak currents and off-frequency operation can cause winding
stress, high rotor iron currents, pulsating torques, and mechanical resonances that may be damaging to
the machine. The out of step element monitors the generator or step-up transformer terminals and detects
an out-of-step condition based on the rate of impedance change.

Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection

Fourteen resistance temperature detector elements provide over/undertemperature protection in
applications where a remote RTD module is connected to the BE1-11g via Ethernet or RS-485 cable. For
more information, refer to the RTD Module chapter.

Analog Input Protection

Eight analog input protection elements monitor external analog input signals when two remote RTD
modules are connected via an Ethernet or RS-485 cable. Four analog inputs are provided with each RTD
module. For more information, refer to the RTD Module chapter.

Fuse Loss (60FL)

A fuse loss element protects against false tripping due to a loss of voltage sensing. Voltage transformer
circuit monitoring adds security by detecting problems in the voltage transformer sensing circuits and
preventing mis-operations of the 21, 24, 25, 25A, 27, 27X, 32, 40Z, 59, 59X, 67, 78V, and 51/27

Auto Synchronizer (25A) (style GxxxxxxxSxxxxx or GxxxxxxxTxxxxx)

An auto synchronizer element synchronizes a generator to a bus by matching the voltage, frequency, and
phase angle. Modes are provided for Phase Lock Loop or Anticipatory operation.

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Breaker Control Switch (101)

Tripping and closing of a selected breaker can be controlled by the virtual breaker control switch. The
virtual breaker control switch is accessed locally at the front panel or remotely through the communication

Virtual Control Switches (43)

Five virtual control switches are accessed locally at the front panel or remotely through the
communication ports. Virtual switches can be used to trip and close additional switches or breakers, or
enable and disable certain functions.

Logic Timers (62)

Eight logic timers with six modes of operation emulate virtually any type of timer.

Lockout Functions (86)

Two lockout elements are provided.

BESTlogic™Plus Programmable Logic

Each BE1-11g protection and control function is implemented in an independent function element. Every
function block is equivalent to its single function, discrete device counterpart so it is immediately familiar
to the protection engineer. Each independent function block has all of the inputs and outputs that the
discrete component counterpart may have. Programming with BESTlogicPlus is equivalent to choosing
the devices required by your protection and control scheme and then drawing schematic diagrams to
connect the inputs and outputs to obtain the desired operating logic.
Refer to the BESTlogicPlus chapter for more information on logic schemes. Custom logic settings allow
you to tailor the BE1-11g functionality to match the needs of your operation's practices and power system

Metering Functions
Metering is provided for the following parameters:
• Primary and secondary voltages (P-P, P-N, V1, V2, 3V0, Vx, Vx 3 harmonic)

• Frequency (phase and auxiliary)

• Primary and secondary currents (phase, ground, I1, I2, 3I0)
• Power (real, reactive, apparent)
• Power factor
• Phase differential (Iop, Ir, 2 Harmonic, 5 Harmonic)
nd th

• Neutral differential (Iop)

• Energy (total watthours and total varhours)
For details on metering functions, refer to the Metering chapter.

Model and Style Number Description

BE1-11g electrical characteristics and operational features are defined by a combination of letters and
numbers that make up the style number. The style number describes the options included in a specific
device and appears on labels located on the front panel and inside the case. Upon receipt of a BE1-11g,
be sure to check the style number against the requisition and the packing list to ensure that they agree.
The model number and style number are shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1. Style Chart

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Introduction BE1-11g
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Quick Start
This chapter provides basic installation and setup information about the BE1-11g Generator Protection
System. BE1-11g protection systems are delivered with a BE1-11 product CD. Upon receipt of the
BE1-11g, check the model and style number against the requisition and packing list for agreement. If
there is evidence of shipping damage, file a claim with the carrier, and notify the Basler Electric Regional
Sales Office, your sales representative, or a sales representative at Basler Electric, Highland, Illinois.
If the BE1-11g is not installed immediately, store it in the original shipping carton in a moisture- and dust-
free environment.
Included on the BE1-11 product CD:
• BESTCOMSPlus® Software
• BESTwave™ Software
• BEST61850™ Software
• Quick Start Guide
• Communications Quick Start Guide
• Instruction Manual

Modbus Instruction Manual
• DNP Instruction Manual
• IEC 61850 Instruction Manual

Do not connect a USB cable between the PC and the BE1-11g until
BESTCOMSPlus is installed. Connecting a USB cable before setup is
complete may result in errors.

Preventive maintenance consists of periodic replacement of the backup battery and periodically checking
that the connections between the BE1-11g and the system are clean and tight. The front cover should be
removed only when replacing the backup battery for the real-time clock. Ensure that the BE1-11g is
powered off and taken out of service before removing the front cover. BE1-11g units are manufactured
using state-of-the-art, surface-mount technology. As such, Basler Electric recommends that no repair
procedures be attempted by anyone other than Basler Electric personnel.

This device contains long-life aluminum electrolytic capacitors. For devices that are not in service (spares
in storage), the life of these capacitors can be maximized by energizing the device for 30 minutes once
per year.

Install BESTCOMSPlus® Software

BESTCOMSPlus software is built on the Microsoft® .NET Framework. The setup utility that installs
BESTCOMSPlus on your PC also installs the BE1-11 plugin and the required version of .NET Framework
(if not already installed). BESTCOMSPlus operates with systems using Windows® XP 32-bit SP3,
Windows Vista 32-bit SP1 (all editions), Windows 7 32-bit (all editions), Windows 7 64-bit (all editions),
Windows 8, and Windows 10. System recommendations for the .NET Framework and BESTCOMSPlus
are listed in Table 1.

BE1-11g Quick Start

12 9424200994 Rev R

Table 1. System Recommendations for BESTCOMSPlus and the .NET Framework

System Type Component Recommendation
32/64 bit Processor 2.0 GHz
32/64 bit RAM 1 GB (minimum), 2 GB (recommended)
32 bit Hard Drive 100 MB (if .NET Framework is already installed on PC)
950 MB (if .NET Framework is not already installed on PC)
64 bit Hard Drive 100 MB (if .NET Framework is already installed on PC)
2.1 GB (if .NET Framework is not already installed on PC)
To install BESTCOMSPlus, a Windows user must have Administrator rights.
1. Insert the BE1-11 product CD into the PC CD-ROM drive.
2. When the BE1-11 Product CD menu appears, click the installation button for BESTCOMSPlus. The
setup utility installs BESTCOMSPlus, the .NET Framework (if not already installed), the USB driver,
and the BE1-11 plugin for BESTCOMSPlus on your PC.
When BESTCOMSPlus installation is complete, a Basler Electric folder is added to the Windows
programs menu. This folder is accessed by clicking the Windows Start button and then accessing the
Basler Electric folder in the Programs menu. The Basler Electric folder contains an icon that starts
BESTCOMSPlus when clicked.

Power Up and Activate the BE1-11 Plug-In

The BE1-11 plugin is a module that runs inside the BESTCOMSPlus shell. The BE1-11 plugin contains
specific operational and logic settings for only BE1-11 protection systems. Uploading settings to the
BE1-11g is possible only after activating the BE1-11 plugin.
Note that if a protection system is not connected, you will not be able to configure certain Ethernet
settings. Ethernet settings can be changed only when an active USB or Ethernet connection is present.
Refer to the Communication chapter for more information.

USB Connection
The USB driver was copied to your PC during BESTCOMSPlus installation and is
installed automatically after powering the BE1-11g. USB driver installation progress is
shown in the Windows Taskbar area. Windows will notify you when installation is
Connect a USB cable between the PC and your BE1-11g protection system. A typical
USB cable with a B-type connector is shown to the right.

In some instances, the Found New Hardware Wizard will prompt you for the
USB driver. If this happens, direct the wizard to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Basler Electric\USB Device Drivers\

Apply Operating Power

The nominal power supply values are listed on the front-panel label. See Figure 2 for an example.

Quick Start BE1-11g

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Figure 2. Front Panel Label Example

Connect rear terminals A6, A7, and A8 (ground) to a power supply. Figure 3 shows the rear terminals of
the BE1-11g in a J type case with standard I/O option. Figure 4 shows the rear terminals of the BE1-11g
in an H or P type case. Apply operating power consistent with the nominal power supply values listed on
the front-panel label. Wait until the boot sequence is complete.

IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

BE1-11 ! D1 D3 D5 D7

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
IRIG COM2 RS-485 PWR D2 D4 D6 D8
A B C IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

IA2 I B1 IC2 IG2

F1 F3 F5 F7
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8



F2 F4 F6 F8
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18


Figure 3. PWR Rear Terminals (J Type Case)

BE1-11g Quick Start

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Basler Electric
Highland, Illinois USA (618) 654-2341


Figure 4. PWR Rear Terminals (H or P Type Case)

Start BESTCOMSPlus® and Activate BE1-11 Plugin

To start BESTCOMSPlus, click the Start button, point to Programs, Basler Electric, and then click the
BESTCOMSPlus icon. During initial startup, the BESTCOMSPlus Select Language screen is displayed
(Figure 5). You can choose to have this screen displayed each time BESTCOMSPlus is started, or you
can select a preferred language and this screen will be bypassed in the future. Click OK to continue. This
screen can be accessed later by selecting Tools and Select Language from the menu bar.

Figure 5. BESTCOMSPlus Select Language Screen

The BESTCOMSPlus splash screen is shown for a brief time. See Figure 6.
The BESTCOMSPlus platform window opens. Select New Connection from the Communication pull-down
menu and select BE1-11. See Figure 7. The BE1-11 plugin is activated automatically after connecting to a
The BE1-11 Connection screen shown in Figure 8 appears. Select USB Connection and then click the
Connect button.

Quick Start BE1-11g

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Figure 6. BESTCOMSPlus Splash Screen

Figure 7. Communication Pull-Down Menu

Figure 8. BE1-11 Connection Screen

The BE1-11 plugin opens indicating that activation was successful. You can now configure the BE1-11g
communication ports and other BE1-11g settings.

BE1-11g Quick Start

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Programming the BE1-11g

This section contains an introduction to BESTCOMSPlus, explains summary screens, and gives an
example of settings elements and programming logic.

Introduction to BESTCOMSPlus®
BESTCOMSPlus is a Windows®-based, PC application that provides a user-friendly, graphical user
interface (GUI) for use with Basler Electric communicating products. The name BESTCOMSPlus is an
acronym that stands for Basler Electric Software Tool for Communications, Operations, Maintenance, and
BESTCOMSPlus provides the user with a point-and-click means to set and monitor the BE1-11g. The
capabilities of BESTCOMSPlus make the configuration of one or several BE1-11g Generator Protection
Systems fast and efficient. A primary advantage of BESTCOMSPlus is that a settings scheme can be
created, saved as a file, and then uploaded to the BE1-11g at the user’s convenience.
The BE1-11 plugin opens inside the BESTCOMSPlus main shell. The same default logic scheme that is
shipped with the BE1-11g is brought into BESTCOMSPlus by downloading settings and logic from the
BE1-11g or by selecting application type “G” on the Style Number screen. This gives the user the option
of developing a custom setting file by modifying the default logic scheme or by building a unique scheme
from scratch.
BESTlogic™Plus Programmable Logic is used to program BE1-11g logic for protection elements, inputs,
outputs, alarms, etc. This is accomplished by the drag-and-drop method. The user can drag elements,
components, inputs, and outputs onto the program grid and make connections between them to create
the desired logic scheme.
BESTCOMSPlus also allows for downloading industry-standard COMTRADE files for analysis of stored
oscillography data. Detailed analysis of the oscillography files can be accomplished using BESTwave
Figure 9 illustrates the typical user interface components of the BE1-11 plugin with BESTCOMSPlus.

Figure 9. BESTCOMSPlus Typical User Interface Components

Click the View drop-down button to switch between the Settings Explorer and Metering Explorer or split
the view between both. The Settings Info Panel displays settings ranges. A workspace can be opened,
saved, or set as default. See Figure 10.
Quick Start BE1-11g
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Figure 10. View Drop-Down Button

Summary Screens
Summary screens provide an overview of the system setup. The legend, located in the lower right-hand
corner, provides interpretation for the various indicated colors. The current state of a protection and
control function or element is indicated by the color of the adjacent indicator. If the function is enabled, the
color is green. If the function is disabled only by a setting (such as zero), the color is yellow. If the function
is disabled only by a mode, the color is blue. If the function is disabled by both a setting and mode, the
color is gray. The Protection Summary screen is available by clicking Protection in the Settings Explorer
as shown in Figure 11. Summary screens are also available for General Settings, Alarm Configuration,
and Control.

Figure 11. System Summary Screen

Programming Example
Changing default logic is sometimes required to match the protection requirements of the system.
Additionally, elements must be enabled and operating settings set. This example demonstrates how to
configure typical nominal settings and program the 50-3 instantaneous overcurrent element. System
nominal quantities are set to 69.3 volts and 3.6 amps. The 50-3 element is set for a 5.62 amp pickup and
a 30 second time delay. Additionally, the element pickup output is logically wired to output 4 and a user
BE1-11g Quick Start
18 9424200994 Rev R

Step 1: Start BESTCOMSPlus and select New Connection, BE1-11 from the Communication pull-down
menu to connect to the BE1-11g. See Figure 7.
Step 2: The BE1-11 Connection screen appears. See Figure 8. Select USB Connection and click
Step 3: Select Download Settings and Logic from Device from the Communication pull-down menu. This
copies all settings and logic from the BE1-11g to BESTCOMSPlus.
Step 4: Click on the View drop-down button and de-select Show Metering Panel and Show Setting
Information. See Figure 10. This maximizes the workspace.
Step 5: In the Settings Explorer, click the “+” next to BE1-11. This expands the sub menus in the tree.
Now expand System Parameters and select the Power System screen. See Figure 12.
Step 6: Under Nominal Settings, enter settings for Secondary Phase Voltage (69.3 V) and Secondary
Phase Current (3.6 A).

Figure 12. Power System Screen

Step 7: In the Settings Explorer, expand Protection, Current and select the Instantaneous Overcurrent
(50-3) screen. See Figure 13.
Step 8: Select the Mode (3 Phase) and enter settings for Pickup (5.62 A) and Time Delay (30,000 ms).
Step 9: In the Settings Explorer, click BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic to open the logic diagram.
Click the Logic Page 1 tab. See Figure 14. Examine the 50-3 element. The Logic 0 connected to
the Block input indicates that the 50-3 element is never blocked.
Off-Page Inputs/Outputs are used to make connections between logic pages and help keep logic
diagrams free from clutter. The Trip output is connected to an Off-Page Output named 50-3 Trip.
This 50-3 Trip Off-Page Output is carried over to the Logic Page 2 tab (Figure 15) where it
becomes an Off-Page Input. The 50-3 Trip Off-Page Input and several others are AND gated to
the Trip Bus Off-Page Output which is carried over to the Logic Page 3 tab (Figure 16) where it
becomes an Off-Page Input. The Trip Bus Off-Page Input in connected to physical Output 1 on
the BE1-11g. Therefore, the OUT1 contacts operate when the 50-3 element is tripped.

Quick Start BE1-11g

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Figure 13. Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-3) Screen

Figure 14. BESTlogicPlus Logic Page 1

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Figure 15. BESTlogicPlus Logic Page 2

Figure 16. BESTlogicPlus Logic Page 3

Step 10: In this step, the Pickup output of the 50-3 element is connected to Output 4. When the Pickup
output of the 50-3 element is true, the label of Output 4 is displayed in the fault report and/or
sequence of events report. The label is named in Step 12. Click the Logic Page 1 tab and then
click the I/O tab at the bottom. Expand Output Objects and then Physical Outputs. Click and
drag OUT4 over to the logic diagram. Click on the Pickup output of the 50-3 element and drag it
to the input of OUT4 to make a connection. Refer to Figure 17.

Quick Start BE1-11g

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Figure 17. BESTlogicPlus Programming OUT4

Step 11: In this step, the Pickup output of the 50-3 element is connected to User Alarm 1. When the
Pickup output of the 50-3 element is true, the label of the user alarm is displayed on the Alarms
screen on the front-panel display and in the fault report and/or sequence of events report. The
label is named in Step 13. Click the Logic Page 1 tab and then click the Elements tab at the
bottom. Locate the User Alarm 1 element. Click and drag USERALM1 over to the logic diagram.
Click on the Pickup output of the 50-3 element and drag to the input of USERALM1 to make a
connection. Refer to Figure 18.

Figure 18. BESTlogicPlus Programming User Alarm 1

Step 12: Click the Save button to save the logic to BESTCOMSPlus memory for later inclusion in the
settings file. See Figure 19.

BE1-11g Quick Start

22 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 19. BESTlogicPlus Toolbar

Step 13: In the Settings Explorer, expand Programmable Outputs, Contact Outputs, and name Output #4
(50-3 Pickup) as shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20. Contact Outputs Screen

Step 14: In the Settings Explorer, expand Alarm Configuration, User Programmable Alarms, and name
User Programmable Alarm #1 (50-3 Pickup) as shown in Figure 21.
Step 15: Figure 22 shows the user-defined labels of OUT4 and USERALM1 that were named in Step 13
and Step 14.
Step 16: Select Save from the File pull-down menu to save your new settings file.
Step 17: To make your new settings active in the BE1-11g, select Upload Settings and Logic to Device
from the Communication pull-down menu. Enter the username and password.

Quick Start BE1-11g

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Figure 21. User Programmable Alarms Screen

Figure 22. OUT4 and USERALM1 with User-Defined Labels

BE1-11g Quick Start

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Quick Start BE1-11g

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Controls and Indicators

BE1-11g controls and indicators are located on the front panel and include sealed membrane switches,
LED (light emitting diode) indicator lamps, and a multiple-line, alphanumeric LCD (liquid crystal display).

Illustrations and Descriptions

The HMI (Human-Machine Interface) of a BE1-11g in a J type case is illustrated in Figure 23 and
described in Table 2. The locators and descriptions of Table 2 correspond to the locators shown in
Figure 23.

Figure 23. Front Panel (J Type Case)

BE1-11g Controls and Indicators

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Table 2. Front Panel Descriptions (J Type Case)

Locator Description
A Power Indicator – This green LED lights when operating power is applied to the BE1-11g.
B Relay Trouble Indicator – This red LED lights momentarily during start-up and lights
continuously when a BE1-11g failure is detected. The Contact Inputs and Outputs chapter
provides a complete description of all BE1-11g failure alarm diagnostics.
C, D Minor Alarm, Major Alarm Indicators – These red LEDs light to indicate that a programmable
alarm has been set. Each indicator can be programmed to annunciate one or more
conditions. The Alarms chapter provides detailed information about programming alarms.
E Trip Indicator – A flashing red Trip LED indicates that a protective element is picked up. A
continuously lit LED indicates that a trip output is closed. This red LED is sealed in if a
protective trip has occurred and targets are displayed.
F Display – 64 x 128 dot pixels liquid crystal display (LCD) with backlighting. The LCD is the
primary source for obtaining information from the BE1-11g or when locally setting the
BE1-11g. Information such as targets, metering values, demand values, communication
parameters, and diagnostic information is provided by the LCD. Information and settings are
displayed in a menu.
G Indicators – These red LEDs are programmable through BESTlogic™Plus. An indicator label
can be attached next to each LED. Labels of typical system conditions are provided. Refer
to the BESTlogicPlus chapter for information on assigning logic elements to LED indicators.
Indicator status is also available through the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus®.
H Reset Pushbutton – Pressing this button resets the Trip LED, sealed-in Trip Targets, Peak
Demand Currents, and Alarms.
I Operate Control Switch – This pushbutton operates a 43 virtual control switch after it has
been selected using the Select Control Switch (L). Refer to the Virtual Control Switches (43)
chapter for more information about the control switches.
J USB – This universal serial bus port is used to communicate with the BE1-11g using
K Identification Label – This label lists the style number, serial number, sensing input current
and voltage range, and power supply input voltages. The QR (Quick Response) code is
read by an imaging device, such as a camera on a mobile phone or tablet. If an internet
connection is available, you will be directed to the BE1-11g mobile web page where you can
access this instruction manual, frequently asked questions, and a basic troubleshooting
guide. You can also contact technical support and subscribe to Basler Electric product email
L Select Control Switch – This pushbutton selects an enabled 43 virtual control switch. The
Operate Control Switch (J) operates the switch after it has been selected. Refer to the
Virtual Control Switches (43) chapter for more information about the control switches.
M Edit Pushbutton – Settings changes are made at the front panel using this pushbutton.
When pushed, this switch lights to indicate that Edit mode is active. When you are finished
making settings changes (using the scrolling pushbuttons) and the Edit switch is pressed
again, the switch light turns off to indicate that your settings changes have been saved. If
changes are not completed and saved before the access timeout length setting expires, the
BE1-11g will automatically exit the Edit mode without saving any changes and announce an
Access Error.
N Scrolling Pushbuttons – Use these four switches to navigate (UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT)
through the LCD menu tree. When in Edit mode, the LEFT and RIGHT scrolling
pushbuttons select the variable to be changed. The UP and DOWN scrolling pushbuttons
change the variable.
The front-panel interface of a BE1-11g in a H or P type case is illustrated in Figure 24 and described in
Table 3. The locators and descriptions of Table 3 correspond to the locators shown in Figure 24.

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Figure 24. Front Panel (H or P Type Case)

Table 3. Front Panel Descriptions (H or P Type Case)

Locator Description
A Display – 64 x 128 dot pixels liquid crystal display (LCD) with backlighting. The LCD is the
primary source for obtaining information from the BE1-11g or when locally setting the
BE1-11g. Information such as targets, metering values, demand values, communication
parameters, and diagnostic information is provided by the LCD. Information and settings are
displayed in a menu.
B Power Indicator – This green LED lights when operating power is applied to the BE1-11g.
C Relay Trouble Indicator – This red LED lights momentarily during start-up and lights
continuously when a BE1-11g failure is detected. The Contact Inputs and Outputs chapter
provides a complete description of all BE1-11g failure alarm diagnostics.
D, E Minor Alarm, Major Alarm Indicators – These red LEDs light to indicate that a programmable
alarm has been set. Each indicator can be programmed to annunciate one or more
conditions. The Alarms chapter provides detailed information about programming alarms.
F Trip Indicator – A flashing red Trip LED indicates that a protective element is picked up. A
continuously lit LED indicates that a trip output is closed. This red LED is sealed in if a
protective trip has occurred and targets are displayed.
G USB – This universal serial bus port can be used to communicate with the BE1-11g using
H Reset Pushbutton – Pressing this button resets the Trip LED, sealed-in Trip Targets, Peak
Demand Currents, and Alarms.
I Scrolling Pushbuttons – Use these four switches to navigate (UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT)
through the LCD menu tree. When in Edit mode, the LEFT and RIGHT scrolling
pushbuttons select the variable to be changed. The UP and DOWN scrolling pushbuttons
change the variable.

BE1-11g Controls and Indicators

28 9424200994 Rev R

Locator Description
J Edit Pushbutton – Settings changes are made at the front panel using this pushbutton.
When pushed, this switch lights to indicate that Edit mode is active. When you are finished
making settings changes (using the scrolling pushbuttons) and the Edit switch is pressed
again, the switch light turns off to indicate that your settings changes have been saved. If
changes are not completed and saved before the access timeout length setting expires, the
BE1-11g will automatically exit the Edit mode without saving any changes and announce an
Access Error.
K Identification Label – This label lists the style number, serial number, sensing input current
and voltage range, and power supply input voltages. The QR (Quick Response) code is
read by an imaging device, such as a camera on a mobile phone or tablet. If an internet
connection is available, you will be directed to the BE1-11g mobile web page where you can
access this instruction manual, frequently asked questions, and a basic troubleshooting
guide. You can also contact technical support and subscribe to Basler Electric product email

Menu Navigation
A menu tree with a Metering branch and a Settings branch can be accessed through the front-panel
controls and display. A greater level of detail in a menu branch is accessed using the right scrolling
pushbutton. The left scrolling pushbutton is used to return to the top of the menu branch.
Figure 25 illustrates the organization of the front-panel display menu tree structure.
Metering Explorer
Analog Metering
Demand Meter
BE1-11 Menu Power Quality
Metering Control
BE1-11g Settings

General Settings
P0069-40 Communication
System Parameters
Input Contacts
Analog Inputs
RTD Types
Analog Outputs
Alarm Configuration
Metering Configuration

Figure 25. Front-Panel Display Menu Tree Layout

Front Panel Operations

The following paragraphs describe how the front-panel interface is used to set and control BE1-11g

Entering Usernames and Passwords

If password security has been initiated for a function, the front-panel display will prompt you to enter a
username and password when the Edit pushbutton is pressed. To gain access, you must enter the
appropriate username and password. You can enter usernames and passwords by performing the
following procedure:
Controls and Indicators BE1-11g
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1. Press the Edit pushbutton.

2. Enter the username by pressing the UP or DOWN scrolling pushbuttons until the proper first
character of the username appears. Pressing the UP pushbutton scrolls through the alphabet and
then the numbers in ascending order. Pressing DOWN scrolls through the numbers and then the
alphabet in descending order.
3. Press the RIGHT scrolling pushbutton to move the cursor to the next character of the username
and select the appropriate character.
4. Continue the process until the entire username has been spelled out. Press the Edit pushbutton
when finished.
5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for the password.
6. Press the Edit pushbutton.
7. If the proper username and password have been entered, the screen will flash the type of access
that has been granted. If an incorrect password has been entered, the screen will flash “Read
8. Once you gain access, it remains in effect until the access timeout length setting expires. As long
as you continue to press the Edit key for a function for which you have gained access, the five-
minute timer will be refreshed and you will not be prompted for a password.
To close access immediately, press the Reset button while any non-settings screen is displayed. The
BE1-11g should flash “Read Only” on the LCD screen to indicate access through the front panel has been

Entering Settings
Settings for protection functions can be edited by using the RIGHT, LEFT, UP, and DOWN front-panel
navigation keys. Navigate to Settings, Protection.
To edit a setting using the manual scrolling pushbuttons, perform the following procedures:
1. After scrolling to the desired settings group and element category, scroll to the screen that
displays the function to be edited.
2. Press the Edit pushbutton to gain access. If password security has been initiated for settings, you
will be prompted to enter the appropriate username and password. See the paragraphs, Entering
Usernames and Passwords, for details on entering usernames and passwords from the front
panel. Once access has been gained, the Edit LED will be lit and a cursor will appear in the first
settings field on the screen.
3. Press the UP or DOWN scrolling key to select the desired setting. Some settings require entering
a number one character at a time. For example, to enter a 51-1 pickup as 7.3 amps, you would
place the cursor in the PU field and press the UP pushbutton until the 7 is showing. Then press
the RIGHT pushbutton to move the cursor over to the right side of the decimal and press the UP
pushbutton until the 3 is showing. Other settings require scrolling through a list of selections. For
example, you would move the cursor over to the CRV field and then scroll through a list of
available TCC curves.
4. Once all of the settings on the screen have been entered, press the Edit pushbutton a second
time and the settings will be validated. If the settings are in range, the Edit LED will go out. If you
want to abort the edit session without changing any settings, press the Reset pushbutton before
you press the Edit pushbutton the second time. The Edit LED will go out.

Performing Control Operations

Control operations can be executed by navigating to Metering, Control. These functions allow you to
control the state of virtual switches, override logic, control the active setting group, and control the state of
output contacts. All of these functions work similarly to the process of entering settings in that you press
the Edit pushbutton for the action to be executed.

BE1-11g Controls and Indicators

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To operate the switch, use the following procedure:

1. Use the scrolling pushbuttons to scroll to Metering, Control, Virtual Switches, 43-1.
2. Press the Edit pushbutton to gain access. If password security has been initiated for control
functions, you will be prompted to enter the appropriate username and password. Once access is
gained to the control function, press the Edit pushbutton and the Edit LED will light.
3. Press the UP or DOWN scrolling key to select the new state for the switch. The “PUL” selection
will pulse the state of the switch from its present state to the opposite state for approximately 200
milliseconds. The “SET” selection will set the state of the switch to TRUE. The “RST” selection
will set the state of the switch to FALSE. The allowable states are dependent upon the logic mode
setting for the switch. If the switch is set to Switch mode, only the “SET” and “RST” will function. If
the switch is set to Pulse mode, only the “PUL” selection will function. If the switch is set to
Switch/Pulse mode, any of the selections will function.
4. Press the Edit pushbutton a second time and the switch will change to the selected position and
the Edit LED will go out. If you want to abort the editing session without changing any controls,
press the Reset pushbutton before you press the Edit pushbutton the second time. The Edit LED
will go out.

Resetting Functions
The Reset pushbutton is context sensitive. Its function is dependent upon the screen that is presently
being displayed. For example, pressing the Reset key when the Demand screen is displayed will reset the
demands but it will not reset the alarms, etc. It is necessary to scroll through the menu tree to the
appropriate alarm screen to reset an alarm. You are prompted for a username and password when using
the Reset key.

Display Setup
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, General Settings, Front Panel HMI
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, General Settings, Front Panel HMI
Front-panel display settings are described in the following paragraphs. The BESTCOMSPlus Front Panel
HMI screen is illustrated in Figure 26. Settings are listed in Table 4.

LCD Setup
The contrast of the front-panel LCD (liquid crystal display) can be adjusted to suit the viewing angle used
or compensate for environmental conditions. When Invert Display is enabled, the display is inverted to
have black letters on a white background.

Sleep Mode Setup

A power saving feature, referred to as Sleep mode, will dim the front-panel LCD backlight when a front-
panel key is not pressed for more than the user settable time delay. Normal display operation is resumed
when any front-panel button is pressed. Sleep mode is enabled and disabled in BESTCOMSPlus.

Language Setup
The language can be set for English or Russian. Language changes will affect the front-panel LCD,
sequence of events, fault reports, oscillography reports, load profile, and web pages.

Screen Scrolling Setup

When Screen Scrolling is enabled, the front-panel summary screen will scroll through the list of Scrolling
Screen items. The Scroll Time Delay determines the scrolling speed. The Show Splash Screen setting
allows the splash screen to be shown or hidden from screen scrolling. When screen scrolling is enabled
and no screens are selected, the splash screen is displayed even if the Show Splash Screen setting is

Controls and Indicators BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 31

Targets and alarms are automatically displayed on the front-panel LCD when they become active if on the
splash screen. After targets and alarms are reset, the BE1-11g returns to the main screen and begins
scrolling if scrolling is enabled. Press the RIGHT navigation key to access the menu when targets and
alarms are being displayed.

Figure 26. Front-Panel Display Setup Screen

Table 4. Settings for Front-Panel Display

Locator Setting Range Increment Unit Default
A LCD Contrast Value 25 to 100 1 percent 50
B Invert Display Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
C Sleep Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Enabled
D Sleep Mode Time Delay 1 to 120 1 seconds 1
E Language Selection English or Russian n/a n/a English
F Enable Scroll Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Enabled
G Scroll Time Delay 1 to 600 1 seconds 3
H Show Splash Screen Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Enabled
I Scrollable Metering Settings All Metering Screens n/a n/a None

BE1-11g Controls and Indicators

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Controls and Indicators BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 33

Contact Inputs and Outputs

BE1-11g Generator Protection Systems provide up to 10 contact inputs, up to eight general-purpose
contact outputs, and one dedicated fail-safe alarm contact output. Each input and output is isolated and
terminated at separate terminals. This section describes the function and setup of each input and output.

Contact-Sensing Inputs
A BE1-11g in a J type case has either seven or 10 contact inputs to initiate BE1-11g actions. Refer to the
style chart for I/O options. Four contact inputs are provided in an H or P type case. Each isolated input
requires an external wetting voltage. The nominal voltage(s) of the external dc source(s) must fall within
the BE1-11g dc power supply input voltage range. To enhance user flexibility, the BE1-11g protection
system uses wide-range ac/dc power supplies that cover several common control voltage ratings. To
enhance flexibility, the input circuits are designed to respond to voltages at the lower end of the control
voltage range while not overheating at the high end of the control voltage range.
The contact input circuits are polarity sensitive. When an ac wetting voltage is applied, the input signal is
half-wave rectified by the opto-isolator diodes. The contact inputs drive BESTlogic™Plus variables IN1
through IN10. Each contact input is completely programmable so meaningful labels can be assigned to
each input and the logic-high and logic-low states. The BESTlogicPlus chapter provides more information
about using contact inputs in your programmable logic scheme.

Contact-Sensing Input Jumpers

The BE1-11g protection system is delivered with the jumpers in the
HIGH position. Read the following paragraphs before placing the BE1-
11g in service.

Energizing levels for the contact-sensing inputs are jumper selectable for a minimum of approximately 5
Vdc for 24 Vdc nominal sensing voltages, 26 Vdc for 48 Vdc nominal sensing voltages, or 69 Vdc for 125
Vdc nominal sensing voltages. See Table 5 for the contact-sensing turn-on voltages.
Table 5. Contact-Sensing Turn-On Voltages
Contact Sensing Turn-On Voltage *
Style Option Nominal Input Voltage Jumper Installed Jumper Not Installed
(Low Position) (High Position)
Gxx1xxxxxxxxxx 48 Vdc or 125 Vac/dc 26 to 38 Vdc 69 to 100 Vdc
56 to 97 Vac
Gxx2xxxxxxxxxx 125/250 Vac/dc 69 to 100 Vdc 138 to 200 Vdc
56 to 97 Vac 112 to 194 Vac
Gxx3xxxxxxxxxx 24 Vdc n/a Approx. 5 Vdc
* AC voltage ranges are calculated using the default recognition time (4 ms) and debounce time (16 ms).
Each BE1-11g is delivered with the contact-sensing jumpers disconnected for operation in the higher end
of the control voltage range. If the contact-sensing inputs are to be operated at the lower end of the
control voltage range, the jumpers must be installed.

Contact-Sensing Jumper Configuration in a J Type Case

The following paragraphs describe how to locate and remove/change the contact-sensing input jumpers:

BE1-11g Contact Inputs and Outputs

34 9424200994 Rev R

1. Remove the BE1-11g from service and de-energize it.

2. The contact-sensing input jumpers are located behind the rear terminal blocks that are used for
input connections. Using a 7/64” hex tool, remove the rear terminal block(s) associated with the
input(s) that you want to configure. Observe all electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions when
handling the BE1-11g.
3. Using the input labels on the rear panel as a guide, locate the appropriate jumper terminal block
that is mounted on the circuit board. Each terminal block has two sets of pins. With the jumper as
installed at the factory, one pin should be visible when viewed from the back of the unit. This
configuration allows the inputs to operate at the higher end of the control voltage range. Figure 27
illustrates the location of the contact-sensing jumpers. The jumpers are shown in the HIGH
4. To select operation at the lower end of the control voltage range, install the jumper across the two
pins using needle-nose pliers. Use care when removing and installing each jumper so that no
components are damaged.
5. When all jumpers are positioned for operation in the desired control voltage range, reinstall the
rear terminal block(s).
6. Using a 7/64” hex tool, tighten the screws to 10 in-lbs.

Figure 27. Contact-Sensing Jumper Locations (J Type Case, Standard I/O Option)

Contact-Sensing Jumper Configuration in an H or P Type Case

The following paragraphs describe how to locate and remove/change the contact-sensing input jumpers:
1. Remove the BE1-11g from service and de-energize it.
2. Remove the drawout assembly by loosening the two thumbscrews and pulling the assembly out
of the case. Observe all electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions when handling the drawout
Contact Inputs and Outputs BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 35

3. Locate the two jumper terminal blocks that are mounted on the Digital Circuit Board. The Digital
Circuit Board is the middle board in the assembly and the jumper terminal blocks are located on
the component side of the circuit board. Each terminal block has two sets pins. With the jumper
as installed at the factory, one pin should be visible when viewed from the side of the unit. This
configuration allows the inputs to operate at the higher end of the control voltage range. Figure 28
illustrates the location of the contact-sensing jumpers. The jumpers are shown in the HIGH
4. To select operation at the lower end of the control voltage range, install the jumper across the two
pins. Use care when removing and installing each jumper so that no components are damaged.
5. When all jumpers are positioned for operation in the desired control voltage range, prepare to
place the drawout assembly back into the case.
6. Align the drawout assembly with the case guides and slide the assembly into the case.
7. Tighten the screws.

Figure 28. Contact-Sensing Jumper Locations (H or P Type Case)

Digital Input Conditioning Function

Status of the contact-sensing inputs is checked every 1 millisecond. User-settable digital contact
recognition and debounce timers condition the signals applied to the inputs. These parameters can be
adjusted to obtain the optimum compromise between speed and security for a specific application. (See
Figure 29.)
If the sampled status of a monitored contact is detected as energized for the recognition time, the logic
variable changes from a de-energized (logic 0 or false) state to an energized (logic 1 or true) state. Once
contact closure is recognized, the logic variable remains in the energized state until the sampled status of
the monitored contact is detected to be de-energized for a period that is longer than the debounce time.
At this point, the logic variable will change from an energized (logic 1 or true) state to a de-energized
(logic 0 or false) state.

BE1-11g Contact Inputs and Outputs

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Figure 29. Digital Input Conditioning Timing Diagram

Setting the Contact Inputs

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Contact Inputs
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Contact Inputs
Settings and labels for the contact inputs are set using BESTCOMSPlus®.
Each of the inputs has two settings and three labels. The settings are Recognition Time and Debounce
Time. The labels include a label to describe the input, a label to describe the Energized State, and a label
to describe the De-Energized State. Labels are used by the BE1-11g's reporting functions.
To edit the settings or labels, use the Settings Explorer to open the Programmable Inputs, Contact Inputs
tree branch as shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30. Contact Inputs Screen

Contact Inputs and Outputs BE1-11g

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See Table 6 for a list of settings and their defaults.

Table 6. Contact Input Settings
Setting Range Increment Unit Default
Label User programmable label for the input contact. Used by the reporting function to
give meaningful identification to the input contact. This label can be up to 64
characters long.
Recognition Time 4 to 255 1* milliseconds 4
Debounce Time 4 to 255 1* milliseconds 16
Energized State User programmable label for the energized state of the contact. Used by the
reporting function to give meaningful identification to the state of the input contact.
This label can be up to 64 characters long.
De-Energized User programmable label for the de-energized state of the contact. Used by the
State reporting function to give meaningful identification to the state of the input contact.
This label can be up to 64 characters long.
* Since the input conditioning function is evaluated every quarter cycle, the setting is internally rounded to
the nearest multiple of 4.16 milliseconds (60 Hz systems) or 5 milliseconds (50 Hz systems).
If you are concerned about ac voltage being coupled into the contact sensing circuits, the recognition time
can be set higher than one-half of the power system cycle period. This will take advantage of the half-
wave rectification provided by the input circuitry.
If an ac wetting voltage is used, the recognition time can be set to less than one-half of the power system
cycle period and the debounce timer can be set to greater than one-half of the power system cycle period.
The extended debounce time will keep the input energized during the negative half-cycle. The default
settings of 4 and 16 milliseconds are compatible with ac wetting voltages.
Settings for contact inputs can also be entered through the front panel.
See the Terminals and Connectors chapter for an illustration of the programmable output terminals.
Contact output electrical ratings are listed in the Specifications chapter.

Retrieving Contact-Sensing Input Status

Contact input status is determined through BESTCOMSPlus by using the Metering Explorer to open the
Status, Inputs tree branch. BESTCOMSPlus must be online with the BE1-11g to view contact input status.
Alternately, status can be determined through the front-panel display by navigating to Metering > Status >

Contact Outputs
A BE1-11g in a J type case has either eight or five contact outputs (OUT1 through OUT8/OUT5) and one
failsafe, normally open or closed (when de-energized) alarm contact output (OUTA). Refer to the style
chart for I/O options. Five contact outputs (OUT1 through OUT5) are provided in an H or P type case.
Each output is isolated and rated for tripping duty. OUT1 through OUT8 are Form A (normally open), and
OUTA is Form B (normally closed) or Form A (normally open).The style number determines the type of
alarm contact output. A trip coil monitoring circuit is hardwired across OUT1. See the Trip Circuit Monitor
(52TCM) chapter for details.
Contact outputs OUT1 through OUT8 and OUTA are driven by BESTlogicPlus expressions for OUT1
through OUT8 and OUTA. The use of each contact output is completely programmable so you can assign
meaningful labels to each output and to the logic 0 and logic 1 states of each output. The BESTlogicPlus
chapter has more information about programming output expressions in your programmable logic

BE1-11g Contact Inputs and Outputs

38 9424200994 Rev R

BESTlogicPlus expressions for OUT1 through OUT8 and OUTA drive contact outputs OUT1 through
OUT8 and OUTA. The state of the contact outputs can vary from the state of the output logic expressions
for three reasons:
1. The relay trouble alarm disables all hardware outputs.
2. The programmable hold timer is active.
3. The select-before-operate function overrides a virtual output.
Figure 31 shows a diagram of the contact output logic for the general-purpose contact outputs. The OUT1
relay closes when the 50-1 element is in a trip condition.

Figure 31. Output Logic, General Purpose Contact Outputs

Figure 32 illustrates the contact output logic for the failsafe alarm contact output when OUTA is normally
closed (style xxxxxxx2xxxxxx). The OUTA relay closes when the 50-1 element is in a trip condition.

Figure 32. Output Logic, Failsafe Alarm Contact Output

Relay Trouble Alarm Disable

All internal circuitry and software that affects how the BE1-11g functions is monitored by the continuous
self-test diagnostics function of the relay trouble alarms. A detailed list of relay trouble alarms is provided
in Table 7. If any one of these points asserts, the failsafe alarm output relay de-energizes and
closes/opens (depending on style number) the OUTA contact, the front-panel Relay Trouble LED lights,
all output relays are disabled, logic OUTA is set, and the BE1-11g is taken offline. The relay trouble
alarms function is not programmable.
Table 7. Relay Trouble Alarms
Name Description
NVMH Settings File Not Opened Error opening settings file
Update NVM Blocks Failed Error writing settings file
NVMH Saving Blocks Error Error writing settings file
NVMH Flash File Error Error writing settings file
Flash Error Flash file system error
uP Reset Repetitive reboot
Cal Error Calibration error
Cal Defaults Loaded BE1-11g not calibrated
Defaults Loaded Defaults have been loaded
uP Overload Microprocessor is busy
Power Supply Input power is too low/failed

Contact Inputs and Outputs BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 39

Programmable Hold Timer—Hold Attribute

Historically, electromechanical relays have provided trip contact seal-in circuits. These seal-in circuits
consisted of a dc coil in series with the relay trip contact and a seal-in contact in parallel with the trip
contact. The seal-in feature serves several purposes for electromechanical relays. One purpose is to
provide mechanical energy to drop the target. A second purpose is to carry the dc tripping current from
the induction disk contact, which might not have significant closing torque for a low resistance connection.
A third purpose is to prevent the relay contact from dropping out until the current has been interrupted by
the 52a contacts in series with the trip coil. If the tripping contact opens before the dc current is
interrupted, the contact might be damaged. Of the three items, only item three is an issue for electronic
protection systems like the BE1-11g.

Contact Output Seal-In Logic

To prevent the output relay contacts from opening prematurely, a 200 millisecond hold timer can be
selected with BESTCOMSPlus. If the protection engineer desires seal-in logic with feedback from the
breaker position logic, he/she can provide this logic by modifying the logic for the tripping output. To do
this, use one of the general purpose timers (62) and set it for Pickup/Dropout mode. Set the timer logic so
that it is initiated by the breaker position input and set the timer for two cycles pickup and two cycles
dropout. The same can be done for the closing output. Figure 33 provides a seal-in logic diagram.

Figure 33. Contact Output Seal-In Logic Diagram

Setting the Contact Outputs

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Programmable Outputs, Contact Outputs
HMI Navigation Path: Not available through the front panel
Settings and labels for the contact outputs are set using BESTCOMSPlus.
Each of the outputs has one setting and three labels. The setting consists of a Hold Attribute. The labels
include a label to describe the output, a label to describe the Energized State, and a label to describe the
De-Energized State. Labels are used by the BE1-11g's reporting functions.
To edit the settings or labels, use the Settings Explorer to open the Programmable Outputs, Contact
Outputs tree branch as shown in Figure 34.

BE1-11g Contact Inputs and Outputs

40 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 34. Contact Outputs Screen

Contact Output Logic Override Control

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Control, Output Override
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Control, Output Override Contacts
Each contact output can be controlled directly using the select-before-operate output control function. The
output logic expression that normally controls the state of an output can be overridden and the contact
pulsed, held open, or held closed. This function is useful for testing purposes. An alarm point is available
in the programmable alarm function for monitoring when the output logic has been overridden. See the
Alarms chapter for more information about programmable alarms. Output logic override control is
achieved using the front-panel interface or BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Metering Explorer to open the
Control, Output Override screen. Refer to Figure 35.

Figure 35. Output Override Screen

Enabling Logic Override Control

By default, logic override control is disabled. Output logic override must be enabled before the control can
be used. Enabling of the output logic override control is not possible at the front panel. It can only be
enabled through a communication port using BESTCOMSPlus (Figure 35). Click on the Disabled button
next to the output you want to control. This button will change to Enabled and the following three action
choices will appear to the right: Reset, Set, and Pulse.

Pulsing a Contact Output

Pulsing BE1-11g outputs provides the user the ability to test the operability of an output without
energizing a measuring or timing element. This feature is useful when testing the protection and control
system. When pulsed, an output changes from the current state (as determined by the virtual output logic
expression) to the opposite state for 200 milliseconds. After 200 milliseconds, the output is returned
automatically to logic control.

Contact Inputs and Outputs BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 41

In the Action column, select Pulse from the drop-down menu and click on the green arrow to the right.
Pulse override control can also be accessed at the Metering > Control > Override Output Contacts screen
of the front-panel display by selecting PUL in the Override State field for the output contact to be pulsed.

Changing the State of a Contact Output

Outputs can be forced to an energized (logic 1 or true) state or to a de-energized (logic 0 or false) state.
This feature can be used to disable a contact during testing.
In the Action column, select Set or Reset from the drop-down menu and click on the green arrow to the
right. Contact output override control can also be accessed at the Metering > Control > Override Output
Contacts screen of the front-panel display by entering a SET (logic 1 or true) or RST (logic 0 or false) in
the Override State field for the contact output to be controlled.

Returning a Contact Output to Logic Control

When the output logic has been overridden and the contact is held in an energized or de-energized state,
it is necessary to return the output to logic control.
Click on the Enabled button next to the output you want to change to logic control. This button changes to
Disabled and the action choices disappear. Logic control can also be achieved at the Metering > Control
> Override Output Contacts screen of the front-panel display by setting Override Enable to Disabled.
See the Terminals and Connectors chapter for an illustration of the programmable output terminals.
Contact output electrical ratings are listed in the Specifications chapter.

Retrieving Contact Output Status

Output status is determined through BESTCOMSPlus by using the Metering Explorer to open the
Status/Outputs tree branch. BESTCOMSPlus must be online with the BE1-11g to view contact output
status. Alternately, status can be determined through the front-panel display by navigating to Metering >
Status > Outputs.

BE1-11g Contact Inputs and Outputs

42 9424200994 Rev R

Contact Inputs and Outputs BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 43

Overexcitation (24) Protection

The overexcitation (24) element monitors the volts per hertz ratio and protects transformers and
generators from the adverse effects of excessive heating resulting from overexcitation. Overexcitation
exists whenever the per unit volts per hertz exceeds the equipment design limitations.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Overexcitation (24) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Voltage, Overexcitation (24)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Voltage
Protection, Overexcitation 24

Element Operation
Overexcitation occurs when a generator or transformer magnetic core becomes saturated. When this
happens, stray flux is induced in non-laminated components, causing overheating. The BE1-11g detects
overexcitation conditions with a volts per hertz element that consists of one alarm setting, one inverse
time characteristic with selectable exponents (3 sets of time curves), and two definite-time characteristics.
This allows the user to select an individual inverse-time characteristic, a composite characteristic with
inverse time, and one or two definite-time elements, or a dual-level, definite-time element.
The inverse time characteristic closely approximates the heating characteristic of the protected equipment
as overexcitation increases. A linear reset characteristic provides for the decreasing (cooling) condition.
The overexcitation element responds to the magnitude of voltage versus frequency where the measured
voltage is phase to phase and includes the phase with the frequency measurement element.

Sensing Configuration
The pickup settings determine the V/Hz pickup level. The measured V/Hz is always calculated as the
measured voltage divided by the sensed system frequency. The measured phase depends on the
sensing voltage setting. The 24 element monitors VAB for both 3-wire and 4-wire connections. Thus, the
setting is in VPP/Hz for VT connection = 3W, 4W, AB, BC, CA and VPN/Hz for VT connection = AN, BN,
CN. For more information, refer to the Configuration chapter.
Nominal voltage for the BE1-11g is defined as a phase-to-neutral quantity. Nominal V/Hz depends on the
sensing voltage (VT) connection, nominal voltage, and nominal frequency settings. Nominal V/Hz is
calculated as the nominal voltage divided by nominal frequency. For VT connections equal to 3W, 4W,
AB, BC, CA, the nominal voltage (phase-neutral value) must be converted to a phase-phase value by
multiplying by the square root of 3. No additional conversion is required for VT connections equal to AN,
BN, or CN.
For 3W, 4W, AB, BC, or CA phase to phase sensing connections:

Measured V Phase -Phase V Nominal ∗ 3

V/Hz Measured = V/Hz Nominal =
Measured Frequency Nominal Frequency
Equation 1. V/Hz Measured (3W, 4W, AB, BC, or CA)

For AN, BN, or CN phase to neutral sensing connections:

Measured V Phase -Neutral VNominal
V/Hz Measured = V/Hz Nominal =
Measured Frequency Nominal Frequency
Equation 2. V/Hz Measured (AN, BN, or CN)

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Trip and Reset Equations

Equation 3 and Equation 4 represent the trip time and reset time for a constant V/Hz level. Normally, the
V/Hz pickup is set to a value greater than the V/Hz nominal. This ensures that V/Hz measured divided by
V/Hz nominal is always greater than 1.000 throughout the pickup range. If the pickup is set less than
nominal, then measured values above pickup and below nominal will result in the maximum time delay.
The maximum time delay is determined by Equation 3 with (V/Hz measured / V/Hz nominal) set equal to
1.001. The overall inverse time delay range is limited to 1,000 seconds maximum and 0.2 seconds
TT =
 V/Hz Measured 
 − 1 E
TR = DR * T * 100
 V/Hz Nominal  FST
Equation 3. Time to Trip Equation 4. Time to Reset
TT = Time to trip
TR = Time to reset
DT = Time dial, trip
DR = Time dial, reset
ET = Elapsed time
n = Curve exponent (0.5, 1, 2)
FST = Full scale trip time (TT)
ET/FST = Fraction of total travel toward trip that integration had progressed to. (After a trip, this value
will be equal to one.)

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured V/Hz increases above the V/Hz threshold
established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic
element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates an inverse or definite timer that begins timing to a trip. The
duration of the timer is established by the Time Dial (inverse time) or Time Delay (definite time) setting. A
Time Delay or Time Dial setting of zero (0) makes the 24 element instantaneous with no intentional time
If the monitored V/Hz is above both the calculated inverse time and definite time delay thresholds, the
definite time delay has priority over the inverse time characteristic.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay or calculated inverse time expires, the timer and
Pickup output are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other
occurrences of overexcitation. If inverse reset is chosen, the inverse trip timer will ramp down towards
reset at a linear rate based on the Reset Dial setting. A Reset Dial setting of zero (0) makes the reset
instantaneous with no intentional delay. See the Time Curve Characteristics chapter for details on each of
the available time curves.

The Trip output becomes true if an overexcitation pickup condition exists for the duration of the element
Time Delay (definite time) or calculated inverse time. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected
to other logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective
action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output
becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Overexcitation (24) Protection BE1-11g

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Programmable Alarm
A 24 Volts per Hz alarm occurs during overexcitation so that corrective action can be taken before the 24
function trips. The alarm appears on the front-panel display, web page interface, and on the Alarms
metering screen in BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the Alarms chapter for information about programming
When the Alarm Pickup setting is exceeded, a timer is initiated and begins timing toward a trip. The
duration of the timer is established by the alarm Time Delay setting. An alarm Time Delay setting of zero
(0) makes the alarm instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the alarm pickup condition persists for the duration of the alarm Time Delay setting, the 24 Volts per Hz
alarm becomes true. If the alarm pickup condition subsides before the alarm time delay expires, the timer
is reset and no corrective action is taken.
Table 8 lists the programmable alarm settings.
Table 8. Programmable Alarm Settings
Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Alarm Pickup 0 or 0.5 to 6 secondary 0.01 V/Hz 0
Alarm Time Delay 0 or 50 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 0

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 24 protection when fuse loss or loss of
potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Phase/V1 is enabled, all functions that use the phase
voltage are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL function.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Overexcitation element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
The overexcitation element logic block is illustrated in Figure 36. Logic inputs and outputs are
summarized in Table 9.

Figure 36. Overexcitation Element Logic Block

BE1-11g Overexcitation (24) Protection

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Table 9. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 24 function when true
Trip Output True when the 24 element is in trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 24 element is in pickup condition

Operational Settings
Overexcitation operational settings are configured on the Overexcitation (24) settings screen (Figure 37)
in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 10.

Figure 37. Overexcitation Settings Screen

Table 10. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
Pickup (Inverse Time) 0 or 0.5 to 6 secondary 0.01 v/Hz 0
Time Dial (Inverse Time) 0 to 9.9 0.1 units 0
Reset Dial (Inverse Time) 0 to 9.9 0.1 units 0
Curve Exponent (Inverse Time) 0.5, 1, or 2 n/a n/a 1
Pickup (Definite Time 1 & 2) 0 or 0.5 to 6 secondary 0.01 v/Hz 0
Time Delay (Definite Time 1 & 2) 50 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 50

Overexcitation (24) Protection BE1-11g

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Settings Example
The overexcitation element is used to de-energize a generator or transformer that is experiencing an
overexcitation condition. Therefore, the manufacturer's overexcitation limit curves are required to
establish optimum protection. Figure 38 and Figure 39 show examples of a transformer and generator
limit curve along with the optimum composite protection characteristic.

Actual damage curves must be obtained from the equipment
manufacturer for the particular equipment to be protected.

Volt/Hz Characteristic


Generator Limit
105%, TD=1.9
Time in Seconds

Transformer Limit


118%, 6s

100% 105% 110% 115% 120% 125% 130% 135% 140%
Percent of Nominal V/Hz

Figure 38. Time Shown on Vertical Axis

BE1-11g Overexcitation (24) Protection

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Volt/Hz Characteristic


Transformer Limit

Percent of Nominal V/Hz


Generator Limit

115% 118%, 6s

105%, TD=1.9

1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0
Time in Seconds 02-12-04

Figure 39. Time Shown on Horizontal Axis

Assuming a Vnom of 69.3 Vpn, 1 pu volts/hertz = (69.3 * √3) / 60 = 2.00. Using IEEE Std C37.102-2006 -
IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection as a guide for setting overexcitation protection, the following
example demonstrates how to set the BE1-11g to provide a composite V/Hz characteristic for protection
of a generator and a step-up transformer:
• Alarm = 105% @ 1 second time delay; V/Hz = 2 * 1.05 = 2.10
• Inverse time pickup = 105%; Time Dial = 1.9; Inverse Trip Curve = (M-1)^2; V/Hz = 2 * 1.05 = 2.10
• Definite Time #1 = 118% @ 6 seconds time delay; V/Hz = 1.18 * 2.0 = 2.36
The reset rate is determined by the Reset Dial setting. A setting of zero (0) gives an instantaneous reset.
Using the inverse squared characteristic, assume a trip time dial setting 2.0 and a pickup multiple of 1.2.
The total time to trip will be 50 seconds. If this exists for 30 seconds before being corrected (60% elapsed
time), what would the total reset time be for a reset dial setting of 5? Based on the reset equation
(Equation 5), the calculation will be:
ET 30
TR = DR ∗ ∗ 100 TR = 5.0 ∗ ∗ 100 = 300 seconds
FST 50
Equation 5. Time to Reset
If the overexcitation condition returns prior to total reset (i.e., less than 300 seconds), timing resumes from
that point at the inverse square rate. For example, if this condition recurs after 150 seconds or 50% of the
total reset time, then trip time from the second event will start at 30% instead of 0%, therefore tripping in
70% of the original trip time or 35 seconds. Figure 40 illustrates the inverse time delay and reset time.

Overexcitation (24) Protection BE1-11g

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Figure 40. Inverse Time Delay and Reset Time

BE1-11g Overexcitation (24) Protection

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Overexcitation (24) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 51

Sync-Check (25) Protection

The sync-check (25) element provides breaker closing supervision by comparing the voltage magnitude,
angle, and frequency of the phase voltage to the voltage magnitude, angle, and frequency of the auxiliary
voltage to determine synchronism. This element is not available in styles GxxxxxxxSxxxxx and
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational setting are configured on the Sync-Check settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of
the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Voltage, Sync-Check (25)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Voltage
Protection, Sync Check 25

Element Operation
When monitored voltage between the sources meets angle, voltage, and slip criteria, the element Sync
output becomes true. In BESTlogicPlus, the Sync output can be connected to other logic elements to
annunciate the condition or control other elements in logic. The Sync logic output becomes true when all
three of the following conditions are met:
1. Phase angle between sources is less than the Slip Angle setting.
2. Frequency error between sources is less than the Slip Frequency setting. (Note: When the
Source Freq > Destination Freq setting box is checked, only generator frequency greater than
bus frequency is allowed. Source Freq is the generator 3-phase connection and Destination Freq
is the Aux connection.)
3. Voltage magnitude between sources is less than setting. (Note: The voltage used by the BE1-11g
for this feature is a voltage magnitude measurement, not a voltage phasor measurement.)
Voltage thresholds are entered in percent allowing the use of non-equal transformers with the sync-check
function. The sync-check element Sync logic output is true when the criteria are met for the entered
nominal bus voltage, nominal line voltage, and allowable percent difference. For example, the sensing for
the generator is on one side of a step-down transformer and the sensing for the bus is on the other.
Dead/Live values are entered as percent as well.

The sync-check function will not work if VTX connections are set for
residual voltage input.

Measuring slip frequency directly allows the sync-check element to rapidly determine if systems are in
synchronism and requires no timer or inherent delay (as compared to systems that check only that the
phase angle is held within a window for a period of time). The moment that conditions 1, 2, and 3 (listed
above) are met, the systems can be considered in synchronism, and the Sync logic output becomes true.
Refer to the Metering chapter for more information about slip frequency measurement.

VT Connections
The sync-check element compares the phase (generator) voltage to the auxiliary (bus) voltage. Proper
connection of the voltage transformer inputs is vital for correct operation of the sync-check element.

For clarification on single-phase VTP connections, refer to the Typical Connections chapter. The single-
phase parallel connections ensure that the zero-crossing circuit is always connected to the sensed circuit.
For single-phase sensing connections derived from a phase-to-neutral source:

BE1-11g Sync-Check (25) Protection

52 9424200994 Rev R

Terminals Va (C13), Vb (C14), and Vc (C15) are connected in parallel. The single-phase signal is
connected between the parallel group and terminal N (C16).
For single-phase sensing connections derived from a phase-to-phase source:
Terminals Vb (C14), Vc (C15), and N (C16) are connected in parallel. The single-phase signal is
connected between terminal Va (C13) and the parallel group.
Note that the voltage monitor (described below) performs three of three testing for all connections. For
3W and 4W, phases A, B, and C are actually tested. For single-phase connections, the terminals are
connected in parallel as described above and the single-phase is tested three times.

The Aux VT Connection must be properly selected on the Sensing
Transformers screen in BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the Configuration
chapter for more information on this setting.

Angle Compensation
Compensation for phase angle differences between the phase and auxiliary VT connections (including
single-phase VTP connections) are possible with the Angle Compensation setting. That is, for a VTP
selection of phase-to-phase and a VTX selection of phase-to-neutral, a value of 30° should be defined for
angle compensation.
Common system and sensing transformer combinations are shown in Table 11. This table assumes no
step-up or step-down transformer between the two measurement PTs. If the synchronizing zone includes
a step-up or step-down transformer, change the nominal voltages accordingly.
Table 11. Common System and Sensing Transformer Combinations
Phase VT Phase Aux VT Secondary Angle
Phase Voltage
Connection Rotation Connection Aux Voltage Compensation
3-wire ABC AB 69.3 120 0°
3-wire ABC BC 69.3 120 240°
3-wire ABC CA 69.3 120 120°
3-wire ACB AB 69.3 120 0°
3-wire ACB BC 69.3 120 120°
3-wire ACB CA 69.3 120 240°
4-wire ABC AN 69.3 69.3 0°
4-wire ABC BN 69.3 69.3 240°
4-wire ABC CN 69.3 69.3 120°
4-wire ABC AB 69.3 120 30°
4-wire ABC BC 69.3 120 270°
4-wire ABC CA 69.3 120 150°
4-wire ACB AN 69.3 69.3 0°
4-wire ACB BN 69.3 69.3 120°
4-wire ACB CN 69.3 69.3 240°
4-wire ACB AB 69.3 120 330°
4-wire ACB BC 69.3 120 90°
4-wire ACB CA 69.3 120 210°

Sync-Check (25) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 53

Phase VT Phase Aux VT Secondary Angle
Phase Voltage
Connection Rotation Connection Aux Voltage Compensation
AB ABC AB 69.3 120 0°
AB ACB AB 69.3 120 0°
BC ABC BC 69.3 120 0°
BC ACB BC 69.3 120 0°
AB ABC BC 69.3 120 240°
AB ACB BC 69.3 120 120°
AB ABC AN 69.3 69.3 330°
AB ACB AN 69.3 69.3 30°

Voltage Monitoring
The sync-check element Sync logic output provides closing supervision for only the live line/live bus
The Volt Monitor logic output is provided for conditions where the bus and/or the line are dead. In
BESTlogicPlus, the Volt Monitor logic output can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate the
condition or control other elements in logic. A live condition for either the phase voltage or auxiliary
voltage is determined when the measured voltage on the respective input is equal to or above the live
voltage threshold established by the Live Voltage setting. A dead condition for either phase voltage or
auxiliary voltage is determined when the measured voltage on the respective input is equal to or below
the dead voltage threshold established by the Dead Voltage setting. The Dropout Delay setting provides
hysteresis for the Volt Monitor logic output.
For the phase voltage input, if the connection is three phase, 3W or 4W, all three phases are tested and
must be above the live voltage threshold for a live condition to be true. Similarly, all three phases must be
below the dead voltage threshold for a dead condition to be true.
The Volt Monitor logic is illustrated in Figure 41. Any combination of logic settings can be selected for the
Voltage Monitor Logic on the Sync-Check (25) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. When a logic
combination is selected, the sync-check element closes the respective switch in Figure 41 associated with
each of the outputs.

Figure 41. Voltage Monitor Logic

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block the 25 element when fuse loss or loss
of potential is detected in a three-phase system.
BE1-11g Sync-Check (25) Protection
54 9424200994 Rev R

If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Phase/V1 is enabled, all functions that use the phase
voltage are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL functions.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the element outputs to logic 0. Connect the element Block input to the desired logic in
BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the Elements view, the default condition of the
Block input is logic 0.

Logic Connections
Sync-check element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
sync-check element logic block is illustrated in Figure 42. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in
Table 12.

Figure 42. Sync-Check Element Logic Block

Table 12. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Purpose
Block Input Disables the 25 function when true
Sync Output True when the monitored voltage between the sources meets angle,
voltage, and slip criteria
Volt Monitor Output True when the bus and/or line is dead
Volt Synced Output True when the voltage magnitude between sources is less than setting
Angle Output True when the phase angle between sources is less than the Slip
Synced Angle setting
Slip Synced Output True when the frequency error between sources is less than the Slip
Frequency setting

Operational Settings
Sync-check element operational settings are configured on the Sync-Check (25) settings screen (Figure
43) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 13.

Sync-Check (25) Protection BE1-11g

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Figure 43. Sync-Check Settings Screen

Table 13. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
Voltage Difference 0 or 1 to 50 1 percent 0
Slip Angle 1 to 99 1 degrees 10
Slip Frequency 0.01 to 0.5 0.01 hertz 0.01
Source Freq > Destination Freq Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
Angle Compensation 0 to 359.9 0.1 degrees 0
25 VM Live Voltage 0 or 10 to 90 1 percent 0
25 VM Dead Voltage 0 or 10 to 90 1 percent 0
25 VM Drop Out Delay 0 or 50 to 60,000 varies milliseconds 50
0 = Disabled
25 Voltage Monitor Logic n/a n/a 0
123, 12, 13, 23

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Phase Undervoltage (27P) Protection

Five phase undervoltage (27P) elements monitor the sensing voltage applied to the BE1-11g. An element
can be configured to protect against undervoltage when the phase voltage decreases below a defined
The five, identical phase undervoltage protection elements are designated 27P-1, 27P-2, 27P-3, 27P-4,
and 27P-5. Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and
element operational settings are configured on the Undervoltage settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27P)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Voltage
Protection, Undervoltage 27P

Element Operation
Phase undervoltage protection can be used to prevent large transformer and equipment damage when an
undervoltage condition exists. For example, an undervoltage condition could occur when a tap changing
control fails.

Modes of Protection
Three modes of protection are available. The One of Three mode activates protection when one of the
three phases of voltage decreases below the Pickup setting. The Two of Three mode activates protection
when any two of the three phases of voltage decrease below the Pickup setting. The Three of Three
mode activates protection when all three phases of voltage decrease below the Pickup setting.

Voltage Response
The phase undervoltage element can be set to monitor VPP or VPN. This is determined by the 27/59
Mode parameter of the phase VT connections found on the System Parameters/Sensing Transformers
settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. For more information on the VTP setup for PP or PN voltage
response, see the Configuration chapter.

The timing mode can be set for definite or inverse. For details on the inverse time curve, refer to the Time
Curve Characteristics chapter.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured voltage decreases below the voltage threshold
established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic
element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay (definite timing) or Time Dial (inverse timing). A Time Delay or Time Dial
setting of zero (0) makes the 27P element instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay or calculated inverse time expires, the timer and
Pickup output are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other
occurrences of undervoltage.

BE1-11g Phase Undervoltage (27P) Protection

58 9424200994 Rev R

The Trip output becomes true when an undervoltage pickup condition persists for the duration of the
element Time Delay setting or calculated inverse time. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be
connected to other logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate
corrective action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip
output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Voltage Inhibit
The Voltage Inhibit setting impedes phase undervoltage element operation during undervoltage
conditions that may occur during equipment startup. This setting is expressed in primary or secondary
voltage depending on the Settings Display Mode selected on the General Settings/Display Units settings
screen in BESTCOMSPlus. Its unit of measure depends upon the phase VT connection setting. For four-
wire or phase-to-neutral sensing connections, the inhibit level is expressed in Vpn. For three-wire or
phase-to-phase sensing connections the inhibit level is expressed in Vpp.

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 27P protection when fuse loss or loss
of potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Phase/V1 is enabled, all functions that use the phase
voltage are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL function.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Phase undervoltage element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The phase undervoltage element logic block is illustrated in Figure 44. Logic inputs and
outputs are summarized in Table 14.

Figure 44. Phase Undervoltage Element Logic Block

Table 14. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 27P function when true
Trip Output True when the 27P element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 27P element is in a pickup condition

Phase Undervoltage (27P) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 59

Operational Settings
Phase undervoltage element operational settings are configured on the Undervoltage (27P) settings
screen (Figure 45) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 15.

Figure 45. Phase Undervoltage Settings Screen

Table 15. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
One of Three,
Mode n/a n/a Disabled
Two of Three,
or Three of Three
Pickup 0 or 1 to 300 secondary 0.1 volts 0
Inhibit Level 0 or 1 to 300 secondary 0.1 volts 0
Timing Mode Definite or Inverse n/a n/a Definite
Time Delay (Definite Timing) 50 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 50
Time Dial (Inverse Timing) 0 to 9.9 0.1 units 0

BE1-11g Phase Undervoltage (27P) Protection

60 9424200994 Rev R

Phase Undervoltage (27P) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 61

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection

Four auxiliary undervoltage (27X) elements monitor the phase and auxiliary voltage applied to the BE1-
11g. An element can be configured to protect against undervoltage by monitoring neutral-shift voltage,
positive-sequence voltage, negative-sequence voltage, fundamental voltage on the Vx input, or third-
harmonic voltage on the Vx input.
The four, identical auxiliary undervoltage protection elements are designated 27X-1, 27X-2, 27X-3, and
27X-4. Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and
element operational settings are configured on the Undervoltage (27X) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Voltage
Protection, Undervoltage 27X

Element Operation
Auxiliary undervoltage protection can be used to protect equipment from damage caused by phase
failure, positive/negative phase sequence, or phase unbalance.

Modes of Protection
Five modes of protection are available: 3V0, V1, V2, Vx Fundamental, and Vx Third Harmonic.

3V0 Mode
3V0 mode provides voltage unbalance protection in a three-phase system. The 3V0 measurement
increases as the three-phase voltages become unbalanced.

V1 Mode
V1 mode provides positive phase-sequence protection in a three-phase system. The V1 measurement
increases as the phase sequence is brought forward.

V2 Mode
V2 mode provides negative phase-sequence protection in a three-phase system. The V2 measurement
increases as voltage becomes unbalanced or the phase sequence is reversed.

Vx Fundamental Mode
Vx Fundamental mode provides ground offset detection on high impedance ground systems or phase
undervoltage protection in sync-check applications.

Vx Third Harmonic Mode

Vx Third Harmonic mode provides internal generator short detection.

Connections are made on the rear of the BE1-11g. The phase VT inputs (Va, Vb, Vc) are used when 3V0,
V1, or V2 mode is selected. The auxiliary VT input (Vx) is used when Vx Fundamental or Vx Third
Harmonic mode is selected. For an illustration of terminals, refer to the Terminals and Connectors

Sensing Configuration
When using the Vx input, setting the Aux VT Connection parameter provides the correct labeling of
settings and metering data found in BESTCOMSPlus and fault reports. The Aux VT Connection
BE1-11g Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection
62 9424200994 Rev R

parameter set to AB, for example, will display the metering data as AB in fault records and display the
pickup setting as Vpp in BESTCOMSPlus. See Table 16 for a full list of possible settings. The Aux VT
Connection parameter is found on the System Parameters/Sensing Transformers settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. For more information on the auxiliary VT setup, see the Configuration chapter.
Table 16. Auxiliary VT Configuration
Aux VT Connection Mode Unit
AB, BC, CA Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic VPP
AN, BN, CN Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic VPN
Ground Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic VPN
Any V1, V2, and 3V0 VPN

The timing mode can be set for definite or inverse. For details on the inverse time curve, refer to the Time
Curve Characteristics chapter.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured voltage decreases below the voltage threshold
established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic
element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay (definite timing) or Time Dial (inverse timing). A Time Delay or Time Dial
setting of zero (0) makes the 27X element instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay or calculated inverse time expires, the timer and
Pickup output are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other
occurrences of undervoltage.

The Trip output becomes true if an undervoltage pickup condition persists for the duration of the element
Time Delay setting or calculated inverse time. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to
other logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective
action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output
becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Voltage Inhibit
The Voltage Inhibit setting impedes auxiliary undervoltage element operation during undervoltage
conditions that may occur during equipment startup. This setting is expressed in primary or secondary
voltage depending on the Settings Display Mode selected on the General Settings/Display Units settings
screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
Its unit of measure depends upon the auxiliary VT connection setting and 27X element mode selected.
For AB, BC, and CA sensing connections in Vx Fundamental or Vx Third Harmonic mode, the inhibit level
is expressed in Vpp. For AN, BN, CN, or Ground sensing connections in Vx Fundamental or Vx Third
Harmonic mode, the inhibit level is expressed in Vpn. The inhibit level is always expressed in Vpn for V1,
V2, and 3V0 modes of the 27X element.

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 63

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 27X protection when fuse loss or loss
of potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Phase/V1 is enabled, the 27X function will be blocked
when configured for V1 mode. If Block V2 is enabled, the 27X function will be blocked when configured
for V2 mode. If Block 3V0 is enabled, the 27X function will be blocked when configured for 3V0 mode.
See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL function.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Auxiliary undervoltage element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The auxiliary undervoltage element logic block is illustrated in Figure 46. Logic inputs
and outputs are summarized in Table 17.

Figure 46. Auxiliary Undervoltage Element Logic Block

Table 17. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 27X function when true
Trip Output True when the 27X element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 27X element is in a pickup condition

Operational Settings
Auxiliary undervoltage element operational settings are configured on the Undervoltage (27X) settings
screen (Figure 47) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 18.

BE1-11g Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection

64 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 47. Auxiliary Undervoltage Settings Screen

Table 18. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
3V0, V1, V2,
Mode* n/a n/a Disabled
Vx Fundamental,
Vx Third Harmonic
Pickup 0 or 1 to 150 secondary 0.1 volts 0
Inhibit Level 0 or 1 to 150 secondary 0.1 volts 0
Timing Mode Definite or Inverse n/a n/a Definite
Time Delay (Definite Timing) 50 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 50
Time Dial (Inverse Timing) 0 to 9.9 0.1 units 0
* To use 3V0, V1, or V2, the VTP connection cannot be single-phase.

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 65

Negative-Sequence Voltage (47)

Negative-sequence voltage protection is included as a mode of the 27X (Auxiliary Undervoltage) and 59X
(Auxiliary Overvoltage) elements. Refer to the Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection and Auxiliary
Overvoltage (59X) Protection chapters for information on how to set up and program the V2 (negative-
sequence voltage) mode of the 27X and 59X elements.
Negative-sequence voltage protection is used to sense power-system imbalance. This situation occurs
when a large single-phase load is switched onto the system, or when transformer-input fuses blow in only
one or two phases. Negative-sequence voltage protection is good for detecting improper phasing when
an oncoming generator is paralleled to the power system. All motor loads should be protected from the
heating caused by unbalanced voltage (either on the bus or on each motor feeder). Industry standards
state that the existence of unbalanced voltage feed results in 4 to 10 times the current imbalance. For a
motor feeder, the negative-sequence voltage unbalances should not exceed 5 percent to avoid
overheating and damage.

BE1-11g Negative-Sequence Voltage (47) Protection

66 9424200994 Rev R

Negative-Sequence Voltage (47) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 67

Phase Overvoltage (59P) Protection

Four phase overvoltage (59P) elements monitor the sensing voltage applied to the BE1-11g. An element
can be configured to protect against overvoltage when the phase voltage increases above a defined level.
The four, identical overvoltage protection elements are designated 59P-1, 59P-2, 59P-3, and 59P-4.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Overvoltage settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of
the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59P)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Voltage
Protection, Overvoltage 59P

Element Operation
Overvoltage protection can be used to prevent large transformer and equipment damage when an
overvoltage condition exists. For example, an overvoltage condition could occur when the tap changing
control fails.

Modes of Protection
Three modes of protection are available. The One of Three mode activates protection when one of the
three phases of voltage increases above the Pickup setting. The Two of Three mode activates protection
when any two of the three phases of voltage increases above the Pickup setting. The Three of Three
mode activates protection when all three phases of voltage increase above the Pickup setting.

Voltage Response
The overvoltage element can be set to monitor VPP or VPN. This is determined by the 27/59 Mode
parameter of the phase VT connections found on the System Parameters/Sensing Transformers settings
screen in BESTCOMSPlus. For more information on the VTP setup for PP or PN voltage response, see
the Configuration chapter.

The timing mode can be set for definite or inverse. For details on the inverse time curve, refer to the Time
Curve Characteristics chapter.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured voltage increases above the voltage threshold
established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic
element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay (definite timing) or Time Dial (inverse timing). A Time Delay or Time Dial
setting of zero (0) makes the 59P element instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay or calculated inverse time expires, the timer and
Pickup output are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other
occurrences of overvoltage.

BE1-11g Phase Overvoltage (59P) Protection

68 9424200994 Rev R

The Trip output becomes true if an overvoltage pickup condition persists for the duration of the element
Time Delay setting or calculated inverse time. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to
other logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective
action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output
becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 59P protection when fuse loss or loss
of potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Phase/V1 is enabled, all functions that use the phase
voltage are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL function.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Overvoltage element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
overvoltage element logic block is illustrated in Figure 48. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in
Table 19.

Figure 48. Overvoltage Element Logic Block

Table 19. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 59P function when true
Trip Output True when the 59P element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 59P element is in a pickup condition

Operational Settings
Overvoltage element operational settings are configured on the Overvoltage settings screen (Figure 49) in
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 20.

Phase Overvoltage (59P) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 69

Figure 49. Overvoltage Settings Screen

Table 20. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
One of Three,
Mode n/a n/a Disabled
Two of Three,
or Three of Three
Pickup 0 or 1 to 300 secondary 0.1 volts 0
Timing Mode Definite or Inverse n/a n/a Definite
Time Delay (Definite Timing) 50 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 50
Time Dial (Inverse Timing) 0 to 9.9 0.1 units 0

BE1-11g Phase Overvoltage (59P) Protection

70 9424200994 Rev R

Phase Overvoltage (59P) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 71

Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection

Four auxiliary overvoltage (59X) elements monitor the phase and auxiliary voltage applied to the
BE1-11g. An element can be configured to protect against overvoltage by monitoring neutral-shift voltage,
positive-sequence voltage, negative-sequence voltage, fundamental voltage on the Vx input, or third-
harmonic voltage on the Vx input.
The four, identical auxiliary overvoltage protection elements are designated 59X-1, 59X-2, 59X-3, and
59X-4. Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and
element operational settings are configured on the Overvoltage (59X) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Voltage
Protection, Overvoltage 59X

Element Operation
Auxiliary overvoltage protection can be used to protect equipment from damage caused by phase failure,
positive/negative phase sequence, or phase unbalance.

Modes of Protection
Five modes of protection are available: 3V0, V1, V2, Vx Fundamental, and Vx Third Harmonic.

3V0 Mode
3V0 mode provides voltage unbalance protection in a three-phase system. The 3V0 measurement
increases as the three-phase voltages become unbalanced.

V1 Mode
V1 mode provides positive phase-sequence protection in a three-phase system. The V1 measurement
increases as the phase sequence is brought forward.

V2 Mode
V2 mode provides negative phase-sequence protection in a three-phase system. The V2 measurement
increases as voltage becomes unbalanced or the phase sequence is reversed.

Vx Fundamental Mode
Vx Fundamental mode provides ground offset detection on high impedance ground systems or phase
overvoltage protection in sync-check applications.

Vx Third Harmonic Mode

Vx Third Harmonic mode detects an increase in third harmonic.

Connections are made on the rear of the BE1-11g. The phase VT inputs (Va, Vb, Vc) are used when 3V0,
V1, or V2 mode is selected. The auxiliary VT input (Vx) is used when Vx Fundamental or Vx Third
Harmonic mode is selected. For an illustration of terminals, refer to the Terminals and Connectors

Sensing Configuration
When using the Vx input, setting the Aux VT Connection parameter provides the correct labeling of
settings and metering data found in BESTCOMSPlus and fault reports. The Aux VT Connection
parameter set to AB, for example, will display the metering data as AB in fault records and display the
BE1-11g Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection
72 9424200994 Rev R

pickup setting as Vpp in BESTCOMSPlus. See Table 21 for a full list of possible settings. The Aux VT
Connection parameter is found on the System Parameters/Sensing Transformers settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. For more information on the auxiliary VT setup, see the Configuration chapter.
Table 21. Auxiliary VT Configuration
Aux VT Connection Mode Unit
AB, BC, CA Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic VPP
AN, BN, CN Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic VPN
Ground Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic VPN
Any V1, V2, and 3V0 VPN

The timing mode can be set for definite or inverse. For details on the inverse time curve, refer to the Time
Curve Characteristics chapter.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured voltage increases above the voltage threshold
established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic
element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay (definite timing) or Time Dial (inverse timing). A Time Delay or Time Dial
setting of zero (0) makes the 59X element instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay or calculated inverse time expires, the timer and
Pickup output are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other
occurrences of overvoltage.

The Trip output becomes true if an overvoltage pickup condition persists for the duration of the element
Time Delay setting or calculated inverse time. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to
other logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective
action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output
becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 59X protection when fuse loss or loss
of potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Phase/V1 is enabled, the 59X function will be blocked
when configured for V1 mode. If Block V2 is enabled, the 59X function will be blocked when configured
for V2 mode. If Block 3V0 is enabled, the 59X function will be blocked when configured for 3V0 mode.
See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL function.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 73

element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Auxiliary overvoltage element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The auxiliary overvoltage element logic block is illustrated in Figure 50. Logic inputs
and outputs are summarized in Table 22.

Figure 50. Auxiliary Overvoltage Element Logic Block

Table 22. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 59X function when true
Trip Output True when the 59X element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 59X element is in a pickup condition

Operational Settings
Auxiliary overvoltage element operational settings are configured on the Overvoltage (59X) settings
screen (Figure 51) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 23.

Figure 51. Auxiliary Overvoltage Settings Screen

BE1-11g Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection

74 9424200994 Rev R

Table 23. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
3V0, V1, V2,
Mode* n/a n/a Disabled
Vx Fundamental,
Vx Third Harmonic
Pickup 0 or 1 to 150 0.1 secondary volts 0
Timing Mode Definite or Inverse n/a n/a Definite
Time Delay (Definite Timing) 50 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 50
Time Dial (Inverse Timing) 0 to 9.9 0.1 units 0

* To use 3V0, V1, or V2, the VTP connection cannot be single-phase.

Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 75

Stator Ground (64G) Protection

The BE1-11g provides ground protection for 100% of the stator winding on high-impedance, grounded
generators. This protection is implemented by using the 27X element in Vx Third Harmonic mode and the
59X element in Vx Fundamental mode. The 59X element detects winding ground faults in approximately
85% of the winding. Faults closer to the generator neutral do not result in high neutral voltage but are
detected by the 27X element using third harmonic voltages. The combination of these two measuring
methods provides ground fault protection for the full winding.
Refer to the Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection and Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection chapters
for information on how to configure the Vx Third Harmonic undervoltage and Vx Fundamental overvoltage
modes of the 27X and 59X elements.

BE1-11g Stator Ground (64G) Protection

76 9424200994 Rev R

Stator Ground (64G) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 77

Vector Jump (78V) Protection

The vector jump (78V) element protects the generator by disconnecting it from the grid when a loss of
mains or mains failure occurs. This prevents the generator from remaining tied to the mains if the mains
returns due to an external reclose device.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Vector Jump (78V) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Voltage, Vector Jump (78V)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Voltage
Protection, Vector Jump 78V

Element Operation
When a loss of mains occurs, it is likely that the generator load will shift abruptly since the generator is
driving everything between the generator output and the utility breaker that removed mains power. Such a
load shift is likely to cause a speed shift, which may result in the generator being out of phase with the
mains when a reclose occurs. If the generator is out of phase and connection with the mains is
established, damage could occur.
The vector jump element trips the breaker when it detects a phase shift in the generator voltage at VAN,
VAB, or Vx, depending on connections. A sudden change in generator phase angle often occurs when the
grid is lost. This change of phase angle results in an earlier zero crossing of the generator voltage if the
generator load decreases. It results in a later zero crossing if the generator load increases. This shift of
the zero crossing (vector jump) is expressed in degrees.

VT Source
The Source setting configures the vector jump element to monitor the Phase VT or Auxiliary VT. For an
illustration of BE1-11g terminals, refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the vector shift increases above the threshold established by the
Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic elements to
annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic element

The Trip output operates simultaneously with the Pickup output. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be
connected to other logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate
corrective action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip
output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.
The Trip output is held closed for the duration established by the Trip Hold Time setting.

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 78V protection when fuse loss or loss
of potential is detected in a three-phase system.

BE1-11g Vector Jump (78V) Protection

78 9424200994 Rev R

If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Phase/V1 is enabled, all functions that use the phase
voltage are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL function.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element trip-hold time. Connect
the element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from
the Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Vector jump element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
vector jump element logic block is illustrated in Figure 52. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in
Table 24.

Figure 52. Vector Jump Element Logic Block

Table 24. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 78V function when true
Trip Output True when the 78V element is in trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 78V element is in pickup condition

Operational Settings
Vector jump element operational settings are configured on the Vector Jump (78) settings screen
(Figure 53) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 25.

Figure 53. Vector Jump Settings Screen

Vector Jump (78V) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 79

Table 25. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
Source Phase VT or Aux VT n/a n/a Phase VT
Pickup 0 or 2 to 90 1 degrees 0
Trip Hold Time 0 to 60,000 varies milliseconds 200

BE1-11g Vector Jump (78V) Protection

80 9424200994 Rev R

Vector Jump (78V) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 81

Frequency (81) Protection

Eight frequency (81) elements monitor the frequency of the sensing voltage applied to the BE1-11g. An
element can be configured to protect against underfrequency, overfrequency, or the rate of frequency
The eight, identical frequency protection elements are designated 81-1, 81-2, 81-3, 81-4, 81-5, 81-6, 81-
7, and 81-8. Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus®
and element operational settings are configured on the Frequency settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.

BE1-11g protection systems enabled for IEC-61850 communication
(style Gxxxx5xxxxxxxx) have their frequency protection elements fixed
at four underfrequency elements, two overfrequency elements, and
two frequency rate-of-change elements.

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Frequency, Frequency (81)

HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Frequency
Protection 81

Frequency Measurement
For four-wire or single-phase sensing connections, the power system frequency is measured through the
BE1-11g A-phase sensing voltage input. For a three-wire connection, the power system frequency is
measured through the A- and B-phase sensing voltage connections. Power system frequency is also
measured through the BE1-11g auxiliary voltage (Vx) sensing input. Refer to the Typical Connections
chapter for information on voltage connections.
To measure frequency, the voltage sensed by the BE1-11g must be greater than 10 Vac. The measured
frequency is the average of two cycles of voltage measurement.

Underfrequency and Overfrequency Protection

Underfrequency and overfrequency protection can be useful for detecting load shedding or islanding. For
example, when a source of distributed generation (DG) is suddenly separated or isolated from the electric
utility, the frequency will change quickly from the nominal value (except for the improbable case of a
perfect load-to-generation match). This makes frequency measurement an excellent method for detecting
an island condition.
Any of the eight 81 elements can be configured for underfrequency or overfrequency protection.

Underfrequency or overfrequency protection is selected through the Mode setting. A setting of Under
selects underfrequency protection and a setting of Over selects overfrequency protection.

Sensing Source
Underfrequency or overfrequency protection can be applied to the voltage sensed at the BE1-11g phase
VT input or auxiliary VT (Vx) input. A Source setting of Phase VT selects the voltage sensed at the phase
VT input and a Source setting of Aux VT selects the voltage sensed at the Vx input.
Security of a load shedding scheme can be enhanced by monitoring two independent VT circuits.

BE1-11g Frequency (81) Protection

82 9424200994 Rev R

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured frequency decreases below (underfrequency
protection) or increases above (overfrequency protection) the frequency threshold established by the
Pickup setting for three consecutive sensing voltage cycles. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be
connected to other logic elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start
the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the 81 element
instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset,
no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other occurrences of underfrequency or

The Trip output becomes true if an underfrequency or overfrequency pickup condition persists for the
duration of the element Time Delay setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other
logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action.
If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true.
See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Voltage Inhibit
The Voltage Inhibit setting impedes underfrequency/overfrequency element operation during
undervoltage conditions that may occur during equipment startup. This setting is expressed in primary or
secondary voltage depending on the Settings Display Mode selected on the General Settings/Display
Units settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus and its unit of measure depends upon the phase VT connection
setting. For four-wire or phase-to-neutral sensing connections that inhibit level is expressed in Vpn. For
three-wire or phase-to-phase sensing connections the inhibit level is expressed in Vpp.

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Frequency Rate-of-Change Protection

When a source of distributed generation is suddenly separated from the electric utility, the frequency rate-
of-change (ROC) will increase or decrease rapidly. Frequency ROC protection provides high-speed
detection of an islanding situation that may not be detected by overfrequency or underfrequency
protection. A frequency ROC protection element can be used for load shedding in conjunction with an
underfrequency protection element to accelerate shedding during a substantial overload or inhibit
shedding following a sudden, transient decrease in frequency. An 81 element can be configured to
respond to positive ROC, negative ROC, or either condition.
Any of the eight 81 elements can be configured for frequency rate-of-change (ROC) protection.

An 81 element is configured for rate-of-change protection, only positive rate-of-change protection, or only
negative rate-of-change protection through the Mode setting.

Frequency (81) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 83

Sensing Source
Frequency ROC protection can be applied to the voltage sensed at the BE1-11g phase VT input or
auxiliary VT (Vx) input. A Source setting of Phase VT selects the voltage sensed at the phase VT input
and a Source setting of Aux VT selects the voltage sensed at the Vx input.
Security of a load shedding scheme can be enhanced by monitoring two independent VT circuits.

Pickup and Trip

When the rate of frequency change (expressed in hertz per second) exceeds the threshold established by
the Pickup setting for three consecutive sensing voltage cycles, the element Pickup output becomes true.
Pickup detection time varies according to the value of the fault frequency. When the frequency greatly
exceeds the pickup setting, pickup detection occurs very quickly. More precise and less quick pickup
detection occurs when the fault frequency is much closer to the Pickup setting. Pickup detection times are
summarized as follows:
• Faults exceeding the pickup setting by 0.57 Hz/s are detected in 2 cycles
• Faults exceeding the pickup setting by 0.24 Hz/s are detected in 4 cycles
• Faults exceeding the pickup setting by 0.08 Hz/s are detected in 8 cycles
• No pickup detection time will be greater than 16 cycles
In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate the condition
or control other elements in logic.
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer which begins timing toward a trip. The duration of the timer
is established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the 81 element
instantaneous (with the exception of the pickup detection time).
If an ROC pickup condition persists for the duration of the element Time Delay setting, the element Trip
output becomes true. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements or a
physical relay output to annunciate the condition and initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the
element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element time delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are
reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other occurrences of a frequency
ROC fault.

Inhibit Functions
Frequency ROC protection can be inhibited by the degree of underfrequency or overfrequency or the
percentage of negative sequence voltage.
The Overfrequency Inhibit setting disables frequency ROC protection when the sensed frequency
exceeds the setting threshold. Likewise, the Underfrequency Inhibit setting disables frequency ROC
protection when the sensed frequency decreases below the setting threshold.
Frequency ROC protection can be inhibited when the percentage of negative sequence voltage exceeds
the limit established by the Negative Sequence Inhibit setting. A Negative Sequence Inhibit setting of zero
(0) inhibits this feature.

Element Blocking
This input allows for logic supervision or control of the element.
Each frequency protection element has a Block logic input which when true, disables an element by
forcing the element Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. An element Block
input is connected to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus.

BE1-11g Frequency (81) Protection

84 9424200994 Rev R

Logic Connections
Frequency element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
frequency element logic block is illustrated in Figure 54. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in
Table 26.

Figure 54. Frequency Element Logic Block

Table 26. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 81 function when true
Trip Output True when the 81 element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 81 element is in a pickup condition

Operational Settings
Frequency element operational settings are configured on the Frequency settings screen (Figure 55) in
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 27.

Figure 55. Frequency Settings Screen

Table 27. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Disabled, Over, Under,
Rate of Change,
Mode n/a n/a Disabled
Positive Rate of Change,
or Negative Rate of Change
Source Phase VT or Aux VT n/a n/a Phase VT
0 or 0.2 to 20 for ROC mode hertz/sec (ROC)
Pickup 0.01 0
0 or 15 to 70 for O/U mode hertz (O/U)

Frequency (81) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 85

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default

Time Delay 0 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 0
Voltage Inhibit 0 or 15 to 250 secondary 0.1 volts* 20
Over Frequency Inhibit 15 to 70 Hz 0.01 hertz 61
81ROC Under Frequency Inhibit 15 to 70 Hz 0.01 hertz 59
Negative Sequence Inhibit 0 to 99 1 percent 20

* Phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral settings depend on the Phase VT and Aux VT connection
settings. Refer to the Configuration chapter for more information on these settings.

BE1-11g Frequency (81) Protection

86 9424200994 Rev R

Frequency (81) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 87

Negative-Sequence Overcurrent (46)

Negative-sequence overcurrent protection is included as a mode of the 50 (Instantaneous Overcurrent)
and the 51 (Inverse Overcurrent) elements. Refer to the chapters on Instantaneous Overcurrent (50)
Protection and Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection for information on how to set up and program the I2
(negative-sequence overcurrent) mode of the 50 and the 51 elements.
For years, protection engineers have enjoyed increased sensitivity to phase-to-ground unbalances with
the application of ground relays. Ground relays can be set more sensitively than phase relays because a
balanced load has no ground (3I0) current component. When using negative-sequence mode, the 50 and
51 elements can provide similar increased sensitivity to phase-to-phase faults because a balanced load
has no negative-sequence (I2) current component.

Pickup Settings
A typical setting when using negative-sequence mode for the 50 or 51 elements might be one-half the
phase pickup setting in order to achieve equal sensitivity to phase-to-phase faults as three-phase faults.
This number comes from the fact that the magnitude of the current for a phase-to-phase fault is √3/2
(87%) of the three-phase fault at the same location. This is illustrated in Figure 56.

Figure 56. Phase-to-Phase Fault Magnitude

The phase-to-phase fault is made up of both positive and negative-sequence components as shown in
Figure 57 or a phase-to-phase fault, the magnitude of the negative-sequence component is 1/√3 (58%) of
the magnitude of the total phase current. When these two factors (√3/2 and 1/√3) are combined, the √3
factors cancel which leaves the one-half factor.

BE1-11g Negative-Sequence Overcurrent (46) Protection

88 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 57. Sequence Components for an A-B Fault

Coordination Settings
The 51-x negative-sequence settings should be checked for coordination with phase-only sensing devices
such as downstream fuses and reclosers and/or ground relays. To plot the negative-sequence time
current characteristics on the same plot for the phase devices, you need to multiply the negative-
sequence element pickup value by the correct multiplier. The multiplier is the ratio of phase current to
negative-sequence current for the fault type for which you are interested. To plot the negative-sequence
time current characteristics on the same plot for the ground devices, you need to multiply the pickup value
by the multiplier for phase-to-ground faults (see Table 28).
Table 28. Fault Type Multipliers
Fault Type Multiplier
Ph-Ph m = 1.732
Ph-Ph-G m > 1.732
Ph-G m=3
three-phase m = infinity
For example, a downstream phase 51-x element has a pickup of 150 amperes. The upstream 51-x
negative-sequence element has a pickup of 200 amperes. To check the coordination between these two
elements for a phase-to-phase fault, the phase overcurrent element would be plotted normally with pickup
at 150 amperes. The 51-x negative-sequence element would be shifted to the right by the appropriate
factor m. Thus, the characteristic would be plotted on the coordination graph with pickup at: (200
amperes) ∗ 1.732 = 346 amperes.
Generally, for coordination with downstream phase overcurrent devices, phase-to-phase faults are the
most critical to consider. All other fault types result in an equal or greater shift of the time current
characteristic curve to the right on the plot.

Negative-Sequence Overcurrent (46) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 89

Instantaneous Overcurrent (50)

Six instantaneous overcurrent (50) elements monitor the current applied to the BE1-11g. An element can
be configured to protect against overcurrent by monitoring a single- or three-phase system, neutral
current, positive-sequence current, negative-sequence current, ground current, or unbalanced current.
The six, identical instantaneous overcurrent protection elements are designated 50-1, 50-2, 50-3, 50-4,
50-5, and 50-6. Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus®
and element operational settings are configured on the Instantaneous Overcurrent settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Current
Protection, Instant Overcurrent 50

Element Operation
Instantaneous overcurrent protection can be used to protect equipment from damage caused by phase
failure, forward/reverse phase sequence, or phase unbalance.

Modes of Protection
Nine modes of protection are available: IA, IB, IC, Three-Phase, 3I0, I1, I2, IG, and Unbalance.

IA, IB, or IC Mode

The instantaneous overcurrent protection elements include three independent comparators, one for each
phase. Mode selection determines which phase pickup is required to activate protection.

Three-Phase Mode
The instantaneous overcurrent protection elements include three independent comparators, one for each
phase. Protection is activated when any of the three phases increases above the Pickup setting.

3I0 Mode
3I0 mode provides neutral overcurrent protection in a three-phase system.

I1 Mode
I1 mode provides positive-sequence overcurrent protection in a three-phase system.

I2 Mode
I2 mode provides negative-sequence overcurrent protection in a three-phase system. Refer to the
Negative-Sequence Overcurrent (46) Protection chapter for more information.

IG Mode
IG mode provides ground fault protection in a three-phase system.

Unbalance Mode
Unbalance mode provides unbalanced current protection. Two methods are available to calculate
unbalanced current. The first method is based on the negative-sequence current divided by the positive-
sequence current while the second method is based on the average current. The calculation method must

BE1-11g Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection

90 9424200994 Rev R

be specified on the System Parameters, Sensing Transformers screen in BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the
Configuration chapter for more information.

CT Source
The CT Source setting configures an instantaneous overcurrent element to monitor CT circuit 1 or CT
circuit 2 on protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. CT circuit 1 terminals are designated D1
(IA1) through D8 (IG1) and CT circuit 2 terminals are designated F1 (IA2) through F8 (IG2). For an
illustration, refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter.

An instantaneous overcurrent element can be configured for forward or reverse tripping. Refer to the
Directional Overcurrent Protection (67) chapter for more information.

Directional Source
The Directional Source setting selects the directional element (67-1 or 67-2) to be used when making
directional decisions on protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. The CT source of the
directional source selection (67-1 or 67-2) should match the CT source selection of the instantaneous
overcurrent (50) element.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured current increases above the current threshold
established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic
element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay of zero (0) makes the 50 element instantaneous with
no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the Pickup output is reset and a reset
timer is initiated. The duration of the reset timer is established by the Reset Delay setting. A Reset Delay
of zero (0) makes the reset instantaneous with no intentional reset delay. If there is no pickup for the
duration of the element Reset Delay setting, the timer is reset to zero (0), no corrective action is taken,
and the element is rearmed for any other occurrences of overcurrent. If the 50 element picks up again
before the Reset Delay expires, the timer will continue timing to a trip.

The Trip output becomes true if an overcurrent condition persists for the duration of the element Time
Delay setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a
physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for
the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 91

Logic Connections
Instantaneous overcurrent element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The instantaneous overcurrent element logic block is illustrated in Figure 58. Logic
inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 29.

Figure 58. Instantaneous Overcurrent Element Logic Block

Table 29. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 50 function when true
Trip Output True when the 50 element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 50 element is in a pickup condition

Operational Settings
Instantaneous overcurrent element operational settings are configured on the Instantaneous Overcurrent
(50) settings screen (Figure 59) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in
Table 30.

Figure 59. Instantaneous Overcurrent Settings Screen

Table 30. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Disabled, IA, IB, IC, 3 Phase,
Mode n/a n/a Disabled
3I0, I1, I2, IG, or Unbalance
Source* CT Circuit 1 or CT Circuit 2 n/a n/a CT Circuit 1

BE1-11g Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection

92 9424200994 Rev R

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
0 or 0.5 to 150 (5A CTs)
0 or 0.1 to 30 (1A CTs) varies amps
Pickup secondary 0
0 or 0.01 to 7.5 (SEF) secondary
2 to 100 (Unbalance mode) 1 percent
Time Delay 0 to 60,000 varies milliseconds 0
Reset Delay 0 to 60,000 1 milliseconds 0
Forward, Reverse, or Non- Non-
Direction n/a n/a
Directional Directional
67-1 or 67-2 n/a n/a 67-1

* For protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs.

Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 93

Breaker Failure (50BF) Protection

The breaker failure (50BF) element provides protection and security for the power system against the
monitored breaker failing to open.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Breaker Fail (50BF) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Current
Protection, Breaker Fail 50BF

Element Operation
The 50BF element uses two methods to determine when the breaker has failed to open. The first method
uses the breaker status (52a or 52b input) to determine if the breaker has successfully opened. The
second method uses the monitored current to detect if the breaker has successfully opened.
In the first method, the breaker is closed when the Breaker Status logic element is true. The 52BFI logic
input is used to signal the breaker to open. When the Breaker Status logic element and the 52BFI logic
input are true, a delay timer is initiated to allow time for the breaker to transition. If the time delay expires
and the Breaker Status logic element and the 52BFI logic input are still true, the Trip output becomes true,
signaling that the breaker has failed to trip.
In the second method, monitored current is used to determine if the breaker is closed. The 50BFI logic
input of the Breaker Failure logic block is used to signal the breaker to open. When current is present and
the 50BFI logic input is true, a timer is initiated to allow time for the fault to clear. If the time delay expires
and current is still present, the Trip output becomes true, signaling that the breaker has failed to open. A
control timer specifies the duration the breaker can remain closed before a Breaker Fail alarm will occur.
In both methods above, a Breaker Fail Retrip (BFRT) will be true while the delay timer is true. A breaker
fail trip indicates a failed breaker. The Trip signal can be used to trip the next set of breakers upstream in
the power system. Breaker failure protection may be applied to any portion of the power system where
failure of a circuit breaker to operate properly could result in severe system damage or instability.

Contact Sensing
Before any relay output can occur, there must first be an initiating signal to the Breaker Failure logic
element. There are two possible initiating signals. The 52 Breaker Fail Initiate (52BFI) signal is the
initiation signal when breaker status is used to determine a breaker failure. The 50 Breaker Fail Initiate
(50BFI) is the initiation signal when current is used to determine a breaker failure. These initiate inputs
can be driven by other relays through BE1-11g contact inputs or GOOSE over IEC 61850. Alternately,
they can come from trip signals from other protective elements within the BE1-11g. Breaker status input is
provided by the Breaker Status logic element.
Information on setting up the breaker status logic can be found in the Breaker Monitoring chapter.

Control Timer
The control timer provides a window of opportunity for a breaker failure Trip output when the 50BFI logic
input is used to signal the breaker to open. It improves dependability by sealing in the initiate request to
prevent stopping of a breaker failure timing if the tripping relay drops out prematurely. The control timer is
initiated by a 50BFI signal. Upon sensing the 50BFI transition from a 0 to 1 state, the control timer seals in
the 50BFI signal for the duration of the Control Timer setting. If the control timer expires and the 50BFI
signal is still present, an alarm signal occurs. A control timer setting of zero (0) disables the control timer
seal-in function allowing the control timer to follow the 50BFI input.

BE1-11g Breaker Failure (50BF) Protection

94 9424200994 Rev R

ReTrip and Trip

The adjustable delay timer allows time for current to clear or the breaker status to transition after signaling
the breaker to trip. The delay timer is initiated when either the 52BFI input or the 50BFI input becomes
true. When both signals are false, the breaker delay timer is stopped.

The ReTrip output is true when the delay timer is actively timing. The delay timer can be stopped by
several methods depending on the timer initiate source. When initiated by a 50BFI signal, the timer is
stopped when current decreases below the pickup setting, when the fast current dropout detector detects
that current has dropped out, or when the control timer expires. When initiated by a 52BFI signal, the
timer is stopped when the Breaker Status logic element indicates that the breaker is open. Regardless of
initiate method, asserting the Block logic input also stops the timer. In BESTlogicPlus, the ReTrip output
can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and
start the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).

The Trip output becomes true when the delay timer expires. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be
connected to other logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate
corrective action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip
output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Fast Current Detector

The fast current detector directly determines when the current in the poles of the breaker has been
interrupted without having to wait for the fault current samples to clear the one-cycle filter time used by
the normal current measurement function. This function has less than one cycle dropout time.
The fast current detector logic is true if the current has been interrupted and is used to stop the breaker
failure timer. The I=0 algorithm looks at the sample data directly and does not rely upon the 1 cycle
phasor estimation calculation. It rejects dc tail-off by looking for the characteristic exponential decay.
Current is deemed to be interrupted when the current in all three phases is below 5% nominal or if the
current is decaying exponentially. Only the three phase currents are monitored by this function.

CT Source
The CT Source setting configures the breaker failure element to monitor CT circuit 1 or CT circuit 2 on
protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. CT circuit 1 terminals are designated D1 (IA1) through
D8 (IG1) and CT circuit 2 terminals are designated F1 (IA2) through F8 (IG2). For an illustration, refer to
the Terminals and Connectors chapter.

Programmable Alarm
A Breaker Failure alarm is provided to indicate an alarm condition when the 50BF element trips. The
alarm appears on the front-panel display, web page interface, and on the Alarms metering screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the Alarms chapter for information on how to program alarms.

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. Element blocking is a useful feature to
prevent inadvertent backup tripping during testing.
When true, the Block input disables the element by forcing the Trip and ReTrip outputs to logic 0 and
resetting the element timers. Connect the element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus.
When the element is initially selected from the Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a
logic 0.

Breaker Failure (50BF) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 95

Logic Connections
Breaker failure element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
The breaker failure element logic block is illustrated in Figure 60. Logic inputs and outputs are
summarized in Table 31.

Figure 60. Breaker Failure Element Logic Block

Table 31. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 50BF function when true
50BFI Input Starts the 50BF timer when true
52BFI Input Starts the 50BF timer when true
Trip Output True after the 50BF Delay Timer expires
ReTrip Output True when the 50BF Delay Timer is actively timing

Operational Settings
Breaker failure element operational settings are configured on the Breaker Fail (50BF) settings screen
(Figure 61) in BESTCOMSPlus. Settings ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 32.

Figure 61. Breaker Fail Settings Screen

BE1-11g Breaker Failure (50BF) Protection

96 9424200994 Rev R

Table 32. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
CT Circuit
Source* CT Circuit1 or CT Circuit 2 n/a n/a
0 or 0.25 to 10.00 (5A CTs)
Pickup (Phase & 0 or 0.05 to 2.00 (1A CTs)
varies amps 0
Ground) secondary
0 or 0.01 to 0.5 (SEF)
Control Timer 0 or 50 to 999 varies milliseconds 50
Delay Timer 0 or 50 to 999 varies milliseconds 50
* For protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs.

Breaker Failure (50BF) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 97

Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection

Seven inverse overcurrent (51) elements monitor the current applied to the BE1-11g. An element can be
configured to protect against overcurrent by monitoring a single- or three-phase system, neutral current,
positive-sequence current, negative-sequence current, ground current, or unbalanced current.
The seven, identical inverse overcurrent protection elements are designated 51-1, 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5,
51-6, and 51-7. Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus®
and element operational settings are configured on the Inverse Overcurrent settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.

BE1-11g protection systems enabled for IEC-61850 communication
(style Gxxxx5xxxxxxxx) have their inverse overcurrent protection
elements fixed at five inverse overcurrent elements without voltage
control and two inverse overcurrent elements with voltage control.

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Current
Protection, Inverse Overcurrent 51

Element Operation
Inverse overcurrent protection can be used to protect equipment from damage caused by phase failure,
forward/reverse phase sequence, or phase unbalance.

Modes of Protection
Nine modes of protection are available: IA, IB, IC, Three-Phase, 3I0, I1, I2, IG, and Unbalance.

IA, IB, or IC Mode

The inverse overcurrent protection elements include three independent comparators, one for each phase.
Mode selection determines which phase pickup is required to activate protection.

Three-Phase Mode
The inverse overcurrent protection elements include three independent comparators, one for each phase.
Protection is activated when any of the three phases increases above the Pickup setting.

3I0 Mode
3I0 mode provides neutral overcurrent protection in a three-phase system.

I1 Mode
I1 mode provides positive-sequence overcurrent protection in a three-phase system.

I2 Mode
I2 mode provides negative-sequence overcurrent protection in a three-phase system. Refer to the
Negative-Sequence Overcurrent (46) Protection chapter for more information.

IG Mode
IG mode provides ground fault protection in a three-phase system.

BE1-11g Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection

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Unbalance Mode
Unbalance mode provides unbalanced current protection. Two methods are available to calculate
unbalanced current. The first method is based on the negative-sequence current divided by the positive-
sequence current while the second method is based on the average current. The calculation method must
be specified on the System Parameters, Sensing Transformers screen in BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the
Configuration chapter for more information.

CT Source
The CT Source setting configures an inverse overcurrent element to monitor CT circuit 1 or CT circuit 2
on protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. CT circuit 1 terminals are designated D1 (IA1)
through D8 (IG1) and CT circuit 2 terminals are designated F1 (IA2) through F8 (IG2). For an illustration,
refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter.

An inverse overcurrent element can be configured for forward or reverse tripping. Refer to the Directional
Overcurrent (67) Protection chapter for more information.

Directional Source
The Directional Source setting selects the directional element (67-1 or 67-2) to be used when making
directional decisions on protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. The CT source of the
directional source selection (67-1 or 67-2) should match the CT source selection of the inverse
overcurrent (51) element.

Each inverse overcurrent element has a Curve setting. The following paragraphs describe the available
timing curves. The user can select integrating reset timing to make the protective element use integrated
reset and emulate an electromechanical induction disk reset characteristic.

Standard Curves
There are 22 standard curves available including standard inverse, short inverse, moderately inverse,
long inverse, very inverse, and extremely inverse. Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter for
specific information on each curve.

Programmable Curves
An available programmable curve can be used to create a custom curve by selecting coefficients in the
inverse time characteristic equation. When inverse time overcurrent characteristic curve P is selected, the
coefficients used in the equation are those defined by the user. Inverse overcurrent characteristics for trip
and reset programmable curves are defined by Equation 6 and Equation 7. These equations comply with
IEEE Std C37.112-1996 - IEEE Standard Inverse-Time Characteristic Equations for Overcurrent Relays.
Definitions for these equations are provided in Table 33. The curve-specific coefficients are defined for
the standard curves as listed in the Time Curve Characteristics chapter.
𝑀𝑀𝑁𝑁− 𝐶𝐶 |𝑀𝑀2 − 1|
Equation 6. Time OC Characteristics for Trip Equation 7. Time OC Characteristics for Reset

Table 33. Definitions for Equation 6 and Equation 7

Parameter Description Explanation
TT Time to trip Time that the 51-x function will take to time out and trip.
D Time dial setting Time dial setting for the 51-x function.
Measured current in multiples of pickup. The timing algorithm
M Multiple of pickup
has a dynamic range of 0 to 40 times pickup.

Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection BE1-11g

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Parameter Description Explanation

Coefficient specific to
A Affects the effective range of the time dial.
selected curve
Coefficient specific to Affects a constant term in the timing equation. Has greatest
selected curve effect on curve shape at high multiples of tap.
Affects the multiple of PU where the curve would approach
Coefficient specific to
C infinity if allowed to continue below pickup. Has greatest effect on
selected curve
curve shape near pickup.
Exponent specific to Affects how inverse the characteristics are. Has greatest effect
selected curve on curve shape at low to medium multiples of tap.
K Constant Characteristic minimum delay term.
TR Time to reset Relevant if 51-x function is set for integrating reset.
Coefficient specific to
R Affects the speed of reset when integrating reset is selected.
selected curve
Curve coefficients are entered on the Inverse Overcurrent (51) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
Programmable curve coefficients can be entered only when the P curve is chosen for the protection
element from the Curve drop-down menu.

Table Curves
BESTCOMSPlus is used to set the 51 element Table Curves (T1, T2, T3, and T4). Using the Settings
Explorer within BESTCOMSPlus, open the Protection, Current, Table Curve (1, 2, 3, or 4) tree branch and
select the table curve to be modified. Refer to Figure 62. A minimum of 2 and maximum of 40 points can
be entered for any one T curve. When you are satisfied with the values chosen, select Save Curve. Use
the Settings Explorer to browse to the 51-x element you wish to program and use the drop-down menu
under Curve to select T1, T2, T3, or T4.
Table curves can be entered regardless of the curve chosen for the protection element. However, the
table curve will not be enabled until T1, T2, T3, or T4 is selected as the curve for the protective element.

Figure 62. Inverse Overcurrent Table Curve

BE1-11g Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection

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46 Curve
The 46 curve is a special curve designed to emulate the I2t withstand ratings of generators using what is
frequently referred to as the generator’s K factor. Do not confuse the 46 curve with the I2 mode. The 46
curve was designed for use with the I2 mode. However, in actuality, the 46 curve can be selected for use
with any mode of the inverse overcurrent element as well.
To use the 46 curve, the user should determine the K factor of the generator and the continuous (I2) t
rating of the generator (supplied by the manufacturer) and use this to set the time dial and pickup for the
46 curve by the process described in the Time Curve Characteristics chapter. The K factor is the time the
generator can withstand 1 per unit I2 where 1 pu is the BE1-11g setting for nominal current.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured current increases above the current threshold
established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, or start the fault recorder (logic
element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Dial and Curve settings. A Time Dial setting of zero (0) makes the 51 element
instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the calculated inverse time expires, the timer and Pickup outputs
are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other occurrences of

The Trip output becomes true if an overcurrent pickup condition persists for the duration of the calculated
inverse time. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a
physical relay output to annunciate the condition and initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the
element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.

Voltage Restraint Mode (51/27R)

When a 51 element is set for 3 Phase, IA, IB, or IC mode, the 51 element can be set for voltage control or
voltage restraint mode of operation. This feature is used to allow increased phase overcurrent sensitivity
while providing security from operation due to load current. This feature is also often used for generator
backup protection to ensure delayed tripping during a short-circuit where the fault current contribution
from the generator falls to a value close to the full-load rating of the generator.
A Voltage Restraint threshold of zero (0) disables voltage restraint/control and allows the 51 element to
operate normally.

Control Mode
When set for Control mode of operation, the 51 element is disabled until the measured voltage drops
below the Voltage Restraint threshold. Thus, as long as the voltage on the appropriate phase is above the
Voltage Restraint threshold, the 51 element will be blocked. When set for this mode of operation, the 51
Pickup setting is typically set near or below load current levels.

Restraint Mode
When set for Restraint mode of operation, the pickup of the 51 element is adjusted based upon the
magnitude of the measured voltage. Figure 63 shows how the 51 Pickup setting is adjusted in response
to the measured voltage level. Equation 8 determines the pickup level for the 51 element when the
measured voltage is between 25% and 100% of the Voltage Restraint threshold. Below 25%, the pickup
level stays at 25%. Above 100%, the pickup level stays at 100%. For example, if the Voltage Restraint
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 101

threshold is set for 120 V and the measured voltage on the appropriate phase is 100 V (83% of the
Voltage Restraint threshold), the phase overcurrent pickup level will be reduced to 83% of its setting.
When set for this mode of operation, the 51 element Pickup setting is typically set above worst case, load
current levels.

Figure 63. 51 Phase Pickup Level Compensation


Equation 8. Restraint Pickup Level

Phase VT Configuration
The 51/27R function can be set to monitor either Vpp or Vpn depending upon the Phase VT Connection
settings. See the Configuration chapter for details on how to set the phase VT connections. Table 34
shows which voltage measurements are used by each 51 element for each possible phase VT connection
and 51/27 voltage monitoring mode setting.
Table 34. Phase VT Connection Cross Reference
Phase VT Connection 51/27 Mode 51A 51B 51C
4W Vpp Vab Vbc Vca
4W Vpn Van Vbn Vcn
3W Vpp Vab Vbc Vca
AN Vpn Van n/a n/a
BN Vpn n/a Vbn n/a
CN Vpn n/a n/a Vcn
AB Vpp Vab n/a n/a
BC Vpp n/a Vbc n/a
CA Vpp n/a n/a Vca

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For single-phase sensing, the unmonitored phase is not restrained or
controlled. These phases are marked in the table by n/a (not

When single-phase voltage sensing is used, only the inverse overcurrent element on the phase with
voltage magnitude information is affected by the 51/27R feature. Thus, in voltage control mode, the 51
elements on the two unmonitored phases will always be disabled. In voltage restraint mode, the 51
elements on the two unmonitored phases will not have their overcurrent pickup settings adjusted from

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss element (60FL) can also be set to supervise the 51/27R function. It is possible to set the
60FL element to automatically prevent misoperation on loss of sensing voltage. When the 51/27R
function is set for control and a 60FL condition is detected, the inverse overcurrent elements will be
disabled. When the 51/27R function is set for restraint and a 60FL condition is detected, the inverse
overcurrent elements will remain enabled but the pickup will not be adjusted from 100% of its setting. See
the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Inverse overcurrent element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The inverse overcurrent element logic block is illustrated in Figure 64. Logic inputs and
outputs are summarized in Table 35.

Figure 64. Inverse Overcurrent Element Logic Block

Table 35. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 51 function when true
Trip Output True when the 51 element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 51 element is in a pickup condition

Operational Settings
Inverse overcurrent element operational settings are configured on the Inverse Overcurrent (51) settings
screen (Figure 65) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 36.
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection BE1-11g
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Figure 65. Inverse Overcurrent Settings Screen

Table 36. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Disabled, IA, IB, IC, 3 Phase,
Mode n/a n/a Disabled
3I0, I1, I2, IG, or Unbalance
Source* CT Circuit 1 or CT Circuit 2 n/a n/a CT Circuit 1
0 or 0.5 to 16 (5A CTs)
0 or 0.1 to 3.2 (1A CTs)
varies amps
Pickup secondary 0
0 or 0.01 to 0.8 (SEF)
2 to 100 (Unbalance mode) 1 percent
0 to 9.9
Time Dial 0 to 1 (IEC curves only) varies units 0
0.0 to 99 (46 only)
See the Time Curve
Curve n/a n/a S1
Characteristics chapter.

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Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Forward, Reverse, or Non- Non-
Direction n/a n/a
Directional Directional
Directional Source* 67-1 or 67-2 n/a n/a 67-1
Reset Timing Integrating or Instantaneous n/a n/a Instantaneous
A Coefficient 0 to 600 0.00001 A Coefficient 0.26630
B Coefficient 0 to 25 0.00001 B Coefficient 0.03393
C Coefficient 0 to 1 0.00001 C Coefficient 1.00000
N Coefficient 0.5 to 2.5 0.00001 N Coefficient 1.29690
K Coefficient n/a n/a K Coefficient 0.02800
R Coefficient 0 to 30 0.00001 R Coefficient 0.50000
Voltage Restraint
Disabled, Control, or Restraint n/a n/a Disabled
Voltage Restraint
0 or 30 to 250 secondary varies volts 0

* For protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs.

Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 105

Directional Overcurrent (67) Protection

The 67 element provides directional supervision for the overcurrent tripping elements. Two reference
quantities for each polarizing method are compared to establish directional signals for controlling
operation of the phase, ground, and negative-sequence overcurrent elements. Directionality is derived
from a comparison between internally calculated sequence voltages V1, V2, V0 (magnitude and angle)
and calculated values of I1, I2, 3I0, I0, (magnitude and angle) and measured IG (magnitude and angle).
Regardless of fault direction, the angle of the sequence voltages and the ground current source will
always be the same while the angle of the currents (I1, I2, 3I0/IN, I0, IG operate) will change based on
the direction of fault current flow.
On protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs, the directional element can monitor CT circuit 1 or
CT circuit 2. The CT source is selected on the Directional settings screen (Figure 66) in BESTCOMSPlus.

Polarization Methods
The polarization methods are as follows:
● Positive-Sequence Polarization – Forward direction is detected is when the apparent Z1 angle (angle
of V1/I1) is equal to the positive-sequence maximum torque angle (MTA), ±90°.
● Negative-Sequence Polarization – Forward direction is detected is when the apparent Z2 angle (angle
of -V2/I2) is equal to the negative-sequence maximum torque angle (MTA), ±90°. (See Note 1.)
● Zero-Sequence Voltage Polarization – Forward direction is detected is when the apparent Z0 angle
(angle of V0/I0) is equal to the zero-sequence maximum torque angle (MTA), ±90°. (See Note 1.)
However, the BE1-11g has two forms of zero-sequence voltage available to it (calculated V0 from the
phase voltages or VX from a broken delta VT) and two forms of zero-sequence current available to it
(calculated I0 from the phase currents or IG from the protection system's IG1 or IG2 input). This results
in four options for zero-sequence voltage polarization:
○ Calculated V0 verses calculated I0
○ Calculated V0 verses IG
○ Vx verses calculated I0
○ Vx verses IG
○ All four forms of zero-sequence voltage polarizations use the same MTA value.
● Zero-Sequence Current Polarization – Forward direction is detected is when the phase angle of
current in the ground CT input (IG) is in phase with the calculated I0, ±90°.
Each of the four internal polarization methods has designated internal bits that are used in the BE1-11g
for direction identification, one for forward direction and one for reverse direction. Combined, these eight
bits are referred to as the directional status byte and are used to control the various overcurrent elements.
Note 1: The negative and zero-sequence angle of maximum torque has a built in 180-degree phase shift
that arises out of the calculation methods described at the end of this chapter.
Positive-Sequence Polarization is used to determine direction for three-phase faults. Under these
conditions, very little negative or zero-sequence quantities are present, making the other polarization
methods unreliable for this fault condition. For close-in faults, the BE1-11g will also need to depend on
memory voltage to determine direction (see below). Positive-sequence bits are used to supervise the
elements in single or 3 phase mode.
To provide memory, the positive-sequence voltage is stored continuously until a fault occurs. Memory
voltage is used when the positive-sequence voltage falls below the minimum acceptable level of 12 volts.
The BE1-11g maintains memory voltage for 20 cycles to allow tripping for close in faults. When using
memory voltage polarization, the BE1-11g assumes nominal system frequency.

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Negative-Sequence Polarization is used to test directionally for all fault types except three-phase faults.
Negative-sequence bits are used to supervise phase, neutral, and negative-sequence overcurrent modes.
With load flow and low fault currents, it is possible for the positive-sequence bits to be set at the same
time negative-sequence bits are true. Under these conditions, the negative-sequence bits have priority
and the positive-sequence bits are cleared.
Zero-Sequence Voltage Polarization is used to test directionally for ground faults and is used to supervise
only in neutral overcurrent mode (V0IN, V0IG, VXIN, CXIN, VXIG, or CXIG). The neutral overcurrent
elements can be set to operate on either calculated I0 or independent ground input IG. The four types of
zero-sequence polarization methods were described above. Typical ac connections for external sources
of V0 (a broken delta VT) are provided in the Typical Connections chapter.
Zero-Sequence Current Polarization is also used to test directionally for ground faults and is used to
supervise the neutral overcurrent elements.
Polarization summary for tripping elements is as follows:
• Phase mode: Positive-Sequence; Negative-Sequence
• Negative-Sequence mode: Negative-Sequence
• Neutral mode: Negative-Sequence; Zero-Sequence Volt; Zero-Sequence Current
The neutral overcurrent elements can be supervised by various polarization methods using either or both
zero-sequence and negative-sequence quantities. This is necessary depending on the application and
fault conditions applied to the BE1-11g. For example, negative-sequence polarizing can be used when
zero-sequence mutual coupling effects cause zero-sequence polarizing elements to lose directionality. In
addition, high Z ground faults might cause values of zero-sequence voltage too low to measure during a
fault, making zero-sequence polarization unreliable. A similar condition can occur with the negative-
sequence voltage or current, although it is less likely. Under these conditions, a user might need to use
current polarization or dual polarization to provide reliable directional tripping.

Polarization Settings
Polarization methods are configured on the Polarization (67N) settings screen (Figure 66) in
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 37.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Current, Polarization (67N)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Current
Protection, Directional Current 67

Figure 66. Directional Settings Screen

Directional Overcurrent (67) Protection BE1-11g

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Table 37. Polarization Settings

Setting Range/Purpose Default
CT Source CT Circuit 1 or CT Circuit 2
Circuit 1
IG Use Zero Sequence Current Polarization
Q Use Negative Sequence Polarization
V Use Zero Sequence Polarization
67N Polarization IG/Q/V* Use all three polarization methods IG/Q/V
IG/Q* Use IG and Q polarization methods
IG/V* Use IG and V polarization methods
Q/V* Use Q and V polarization methods
VOIN Calculated Zero Sequence Volt, Calculated Zero Sequence Current

Zero-Sequence VOIG Calculated Zero Sequence Volt, Measured Ground Current

Mode VXIN Measured 3V0-VX, Calculated Zero Sequence Current
VXIG Measured 3V0-VX, Measured Ground Current

* Modes IG/Q/V, IG/Q, IG/V, and Q/V are logical ORs of Modes IG, Q, and V and are used to set up dual
or possibly triple polarization techniques for the neutral elements. Thus, if more than one directional
supervision element is enabled, any element can enable tripping if the appropriate forward or reverse
directional decision is made.

Maximum Torque Angle and Directional Tests

The directional algorithm requires a user settable maximum torque angle (MTA). There is an MTA setting
for positive-sequence calculations, an MTA setting for negative-sequence calculations, and an MTA
setting for zero-sequence calculations. These settings are separate from the power line impedance
parameters (Z1 and Z0 used for distance to fault calculations) because some applications require a
polarizing MTA different from the "distance to fault" line impedance angle.
Each MTA can be set over the range of 0 to 90 degrees (I lag E) in 1 degree steps. These parameters are
input into the BE1-11g using BESTCOMSPlus. Open the System Parameters, Power System tree branch.
A fault current is considered to be in a forward direction when the sequence current, after being offset by
the line angle, is in phase with the same sequence voltage. The forward direction zone extends for
approximately ±90° from the nominal line angle. A similar argument applies for the reverse direction with
the current 180° out of phase from the voltage. The angle of Z1 is used during positive and negative-
sequence directional test. Likewise, the angle of Z0 is used during the zero-sequence directional test.
Angle compensation is not required for current polarization since the polarizing quantity IG is inherently
Note that (not forward) does not necessarily imply reverse. Sufficient current and voltage must be present
to declare direction. Internally, the BE1-11g also uses several constant limits to determine if the system
levels are adequate to perform reliable directional tests and set directional bits. See Table 38.
Table 38. Internal Constants
Internal Constant Purpose Value
Positive-Sequence Minimum I1 current threshold for Positive- 0.50 A for 5A CTs and
Current Sequence test 0.1 A for 1A CTs
Zero-Sequence Current Minimum 3I0 current threshold for Current 0.25 A for 5A CTs and
Polarization test 0.05 A for 1A CTs
Ground current (IG) Minimum Ground (IG) current threshold for 0.50 A for 5A CTs and
Current Polarization test 0.1 A for 1A CTs

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Internal Constant Purpose Value

Negative-Sequence Minimum V2 voltage threshold for Negative- 1.2% of
Voltage Sequence test V nominal
Zero-Sequence Voltage Minimum V0 voltage threshold for Zero- 0.75% of
Sequence test V nominal
External Zero-Sequence Minimum external 3V0 voltage threshold for 10% of
Voltage (VX Input) Zero-Sequence test V nominal
Negative-Sequence Ratio Minimum ratio between I1 and I2 for Negative- 9%
Sequence test
Zero-Sequence Ratio Minimum ratio between I1 and 3I0 for Zero- 9%
Sequence test is 9%
If the minimum levels are not met for a particular directional test, then the test is not run and the
directional bits are cleared for that test. For instance, if 3I1 is less than 0.50 A, the positive-sequence test
is skipped and the positive-sequence directional bits are cleared.
The Sequence Ratio refers to the minimum ratio required between the positive-sequence current and
either the negative or the zero-sequence current. A negative-sequence directional test would be allowed if
the negative current were greater than 9% of the positive-sequence current. The same concept applies
for the zero-sequence directional test.
The directional tests are also supervised by the loss of potential function 60FL. If the 60FL bit is true, then
voltage sensing was lost or is unreliable. Under this condition positive, negative, and zero-sequence
directional tests are disabled and their bits are cleared. Current polarization is not affected by the 60FL
since it does not rely on voltage sensing.
The direction bits are updated once per half-cycle. Under sudden current reversal conditions, depending
on the change in magnitude of the forward current to reverse current, the DFT (Discrete Fourier
Transform) could require one cycle to determine polarity of the fault. Beyond this, the 50-x element adds
an additional half-cycle delay when operating in direction mode for security, for an overall response time
of a 50-x element to sudden current reversal of approximately two cycles.

Theory of Using Sequence Impedances for Fault Direction

When using real world impedances in the ZABC domain, it is apparent that faulted phase voltage
approaches zero as one gets closer to the fault and that the same phase's voltage becomes larger the
closer one gets to the source. However, in the sequence domain (zero-, positive-, negative-sequence),
the above concept holds for positive-sequence voltage and current flow, but for negative- and zero-
sequence current flow, the opposite condition occurs. Negative- and zero-sequence voltage is highest at
the fault location, and lowest at the source. This affects how the BE1-11g uses the angle of maximum
torque to prevent tripping for unusual load flow.
For directional decisions, a BE1-11g is measuring the sequence impedance (Z012=V012 / I012) and
comparing the angle that it calculates to the angle of maximum torque with a window of ±90 degrees as
forward (or reverse, depending on the BE1-11g setup). Suppose a radial single source condition exists
relative to the BE1-11g location. The source impedance is ZSource and the fault is downstream on a line of
impedance ZLine. Given a source voltage of VSource and a fault current of IRelay the local substation voltage
will be shown in Equation 9. Note this equation is true independent of the fault type or the faulted phase.
 V0,Relay   V0,Source  Z0,Source 0 0  I0,Relay 
      
 V1,Relay  =  V1,Source  − 0 Z1,Source 0  I1,Relay 
      
 V2,Relay   V2,Source  0 0 Z2,Source  I2,Relay 

Equation 9. Local Substation Voltage

Directional Overcurrent (67) Protection BE1-11g

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The impedance seen by the BE1-11g is calculated in Equation 10:

V0,Relay V0, Source
Z 0,Relay = = − Z 0, Source
I0,Relay I0,Relay
V1,Relay V1, Source
Z1,Relay = = − Z1, Source
I1,Relay I1,Relay
V2,Relay V2, Source
Z 2,Relay = = − Z 2, Source
I 2,Relay I 2,Relay

Equation 10. Impedance Seen by the BE1-11g

If V0,Source and V2,Source are very small (Equation 11):

Z 0,Relay ≈ −Z 0,Source
Z 2,Relay ≈ − Z 2, Source

Equation 11. Impedance with Small V0 and V2 Source Voltages

The calculations in the BE1-11g are account for the negative factor in the above equation and hence a
180° phase shift is implemented in the BE1-11g firmware so that a correct forward/reverse decision is
The positive-sequence impedance as seen by the BE1-11g is quite a bit more complicated since V1,Source is
not negligible. One simple application to study is the three-phase fault and the B to C phase fault
(Equation 12):
Z1,Relay,3phase = − Z1,Source = Z1,Line
Z1,Source + Z1,Line

Z1,Relay,BC = − Z1,Source = Z1,Line + Z2,Source + Z2,Line
Z1,Source + Z1,Line + Z2,Source + Z2,Line

Equation 12. Three-Phase/B to C-Phase Faults

Directional relaying would not be of much value in a radial system where all current flow will be forward. In
two source systems, as shown in Figure 67, a profile of sequence voltages in the system will show V0 and
V2 at either source. V0 and V2 will still be negligible in normal operation, and show up only during fault
conditions with their maximum value being at the fault location, with current flowing from X and Y in a
current division rule applied to the symmetrical component network that represents the fault impedances
and the fault type. Independent of the fault type and how the sequence currents divide in the system, the
sequence voltages and hence sequence impedances measured by the BE1-11g will still be dependent on
VRelay=VSource - ZSource ISource. The BE1-11g will sense the zero and negative-sequence impedances in the
opposite direction as the direction to the fault, looking back toward the source. But for the three-phase
fault the BE1-11g will sense the positive-sequence impedance in the line between the BE1-11g and the
fault location. The sensed zero-sequence current can be shifted notably when zero-sequence coupling
between adjacent lines is involved. However, since a large phase angle window of ±90° from the MTA is
being utilized for directional decisions, the direction decision is not highly sensitive to zero-sequence
coupling effects.

BE1-11g Directional Overcurrent (67) Protection

110 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 67. Directional Overcurrent Relaying

For more theory and mathematics of using sequence components for sensing direction to fault, see the
paper, "Directional Overcurrent Relaying in the DG Environment" on the Basler Electric website

Directional Overcurrent (67) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 111

Phase Current Differential (87)

The phase-current differential (87) element monitors the differential current and provides primary
protection for generators. This element is available only in styles GxxxxxJxPxxxxx and GxxxxxJxTxxxxx of
the BE1-11g.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Phase Current Differential (87) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Current, Phase Differential (87)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Current
Protection, Differential 87

Element Operation
The phase-current differential element compares the currents entering and leaving the zone of protection.
In some applications, the zone of protection may include only the generator. In other applications, a power
transformer may be included in the generator zone of protection. If a fault is detected, the BE1-11g
initiates a trip signal to isolate the protected zone. This action limits equipment damage and minimizes
impact on the power system.

Functional Description
Figure 68 shows a detailed functional diagram of one phase of the phase differential protection function.
These functions and comparators are duplicated for each phase.
The measured currents are phase, zero-sequence, and tap compensated. The Configuration chapter
describes the setup of the BE1-11g for phase and zero-sequence compensation. Setup of the tap
adjustment compensation is described later in this chapter. The restraint current function uses the
compensated current to calculate the restraint current magnitude (in multiples of tap). Depending on the
setting, it calculates the maximum or average restraint current. The Operating Current function
determines the magnitude of the fundamental, second, and fifth harmonic differential current as the
phasor sum of those components of the compensated currents.
Figure 69 shows the characteristic of the phase current differential protection element. This comparator
has two slope settings and a minimum pickup setting. The slope settings are the ratios of delta operating
current to delta restraint current. The slope settings should be set above the maximum mismatch caused
by excitation losses, tap mismatch, and load tap changers. The minimum pickup setting determines the
minimum sensitivity of the restrained element.

BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Protection

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Figure 68. 87 Phase Differential Protection Functional Block Diagram

Phase Current Differential (87) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 113

Figure 69. Percentage Restrained Differential Characteristic

In Percent Differential Mode, the phase-current differential element provides three-phase percentage-
restrained differential protection with dual slopes. In Flux Balance mode, the differential CTs are
connected in a flux-balancing configuration.

CT Source (Flux Balance Mode Only)

The CT Source setting configures the phase current differential element to monitor CT circuit 1 or CT
circuit 2 on protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. CT circuit 1 terminals are designated D1
(IA1) through D8 (IG1) and CT circuit 2 terminals are designated F1 (IA2) through F8 (IG2). For an
illustration, refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The phase-current differential element asserts the Pickup output in a different manner for each mode.
Percent Differential Mode
The Pickup output becomes true when the ratio of operating current to restraint current increases above
the slope setting. The operating current is greater than the Minimum Restrained Pickup setting in any of
the three phases.
Flux Balance Mode
The Pickup output becomes true when the measured difference current in any phase exceeds the Flux
Balance Pickup level.
In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate the
condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Restrained Pickup output
are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other fault conditions.
BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Protection
114 9424200994 Rev R

The Trip output becomes true when a restrained pickup condition persists for the duration of the element
Time Delay setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a
physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If the target is enabled
for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when either the Trip or Unrestrained Trip outputs
become true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Transient Monitor
A transient monitor detects the effects of CT saturation during a through fault. The 87 element monitors
the change in restraint current versus the change in operate current. For an internal fault, the restraint
current and operate current will experience a step increase at the same time. For an external fault, there
should be no operate current. If CT saturation occurs during a through fault, the operate current will
increase at some time after the restraint current increases.
The restrained or unrestrained differential must be picked up for the transient monitor to detect transient.
The Transient Operate Time setting defines how long the transient remains detected after the restrained
or unrestrained differential drops out. The Transient Delay setting affects only the restrained Trip output.

The second and fifth harmonic functions check the ratio of the second and fifth harmonic operate current
to the fundamental operate current. Traditional harmonic restraint units operate on the ratio of harmonic
current to total operate current versus the ratio to only the fundamental operate current used by the
BE1-11g. For this reason, the BE1-11g will provide greater security for inrush and overexcitation with the
same harmonic inhibit ratio settings used with traditional differential relays. When either of these two
comparators is above the threshold, the percentage-restrained output is blocked from setting the
Restrained Trip logic output. If the second or fifth harmonic inhibit comparators are picked up for any of
the three phases, the Second Harmonic Inhibit and Fifth Harmonic Inhibit logic outputs respectively are
also set.
In many cases, the second harmonic content of the inrush current may show up primarily in only one or
two phases, which can cause one or two phases to not be inhibited. The BE1-11g allows the second
harmonic currents to be shared between the three phases. When second harmonic sharing is enabled,
the magnitude of the second harmonic operating current is summed from all three phases and this
magnitude is used by the second harmonic comparator for each phase instead of the second harmonic
operate current for only that phase. This is superior to other methods of cross blocking since each phase
element operates independently in its comparison of operating current to harmonic current. Thus, security
is enhanced without sacrificing dependability because a faulted phase will not be restrained by inrush on
unfaulted phases as is the case with cross blocking schemes.

Unrestrained Tripping
The 87 element provides high-speed tripping for high-grade faults inside the zone of protection. If the
operate current is above the Unrestrained Tripping threshold for any of the three phases, the
Unrestrained Trip logic output becomes true. The transient monitor function also enhances security for
this function by doubling the pickup threshold when CT saturation is detected. The minimum setting for
the Unrestrained Tripping threshold should be the maximum inrush current with a small margin.

Programmable Alarm
An 87 Alarm condition is indicated when the percentage restrained differential protection is nearing a trip
condition on load. This alarm triggers a diagnostic routine that attempts to determine the source of the
mismatch that is causing the differential unbalance.
The alarm appears on the front-panel display, web page interface, and on the Alarms metering screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the Alarms chapter for information on how to program alarms.

Phase Current Differential (87) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 115

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Phase-current, differential-element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The phase-current, differential-element logic block is illustrated in Figure 70. Logic
inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 39.

Figure 70. Phase Current Differential Element Logic Block

Table 39. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 87 function when true
Trip Output True when the 87 element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 87 element is in a pickup condition
Unrestrained Trip Output True when the 87 element is in an unrestrained trip condition
nd nd
2 Harmonic Inhibit Output True when the 87 is inhibited by 2 harmonic ratio
th th
5 Harmonic Inhibit Output True when the 87 is inhibited by 5 harmonic ratio

Tap Compensation Settings
The measured currents must be tap adjusted to eliminate magnitude mismatch prior to being used by the
Phase Current Differential Protection (87) element. The tap adjust factors can be manually calculated per
Equation 13. Or, the user can enter the MVA and kV base parameters (Table 40) and the BE1-11g will
calculate the tap-adjust factors using CT Ratio (CTR) and Compensation Factor (COMP) parameters from
the current measurement input function settings. For a transformer application, the mismatch will be at a
minimum if the actual transformer voltage ratings are used.


√3 × 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 × 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶
Equation 13. Calculate Tap Adjust Factors

BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Protection

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Table 40. MVA and kVn Base Parameters

Parameter Description Explanation
Tapn Restraint winding The BE1-11g has 2 restraint windings (2 taps).
MVA MVA base Full load MVA or top rating of the protected equipment.
kVn kV base for CT input n L-L Voltage in kV for each CT input circuit.
CTRn CT ratio for CT input n Actual ratio not effective ratio.
Phase compensation √3 if CTs are connected in Delta (CTcon = DAB or DAC).
COMPn adjustment factor for 1 in all other cases.
CT input n See the Configuration chapter.
The input currents can be tap adjusted up to a spread ratio of 10:1. If the ratio between TAP1 and TAP2
is greater than ten, it will be necessary to adjust the CT ratios to bring the tap factors closer together.
When the auto-tap calculation feature is used, the BE1-11g will give an error message if the spread ratio
is greater than ten.
If one of the calculated taps is outside the acceptable range (2 to 20 for 5 ampere units or 0.4 to 4 for 1
ampere units), the auto-tap calculation feature will select the nearest acceptable tap and calculate the
other tap (two at a time) so that the correct spread ratio is maintained. If the user is manually calculating
the taps, the same adjustment should be made.
BESTCOMSPlus is used to provide auto tap calculation by filling in the appropriate fields on the
Transformer Setup screen and pressing the calculate button or manual tap values can be entered.

Operational Settings
The settings for restrained minimum pickup and unrestrained trip are set in multiples of tap. If the ideal
taps calculated by Equation 13 fell within the acceptable range, the sensitivity settings will be in Per Unit
on the MVA Base used in the equation. For example, a 100 MVA, 115 kV transformer has a full load
(1 per unit) current of 500 amperes. A pickup setting of 10 times tap for the unrestrained output pickup
(URO) element is equivalent to 5,000 primary amperes of differential current.
If the taps had to be adjusted upwards or downwards to fit within the acceptable range, the sensitivity
settings for these protective elements should be adjusted as well. Equation 14 gives the adjustment
factor. The definitions for the variables in Equation 14 are the same as those for Equation 13. For
example, the ideal taps (TAPnI) were calculated using Equation 14 and Equation 15 to be 1.6 and 5.0.
They had to be adjusted upwards so that the actual taps (TAPnA) are 2.0 and 6.25. Per Equation 14, X =
0.8. It is desired that the minimum pickup of the restrained element be 0.35 per unit on the circuit base.
The actual setting should be 0.35 ∗ 0.8 = 0.28 to achieve the same sensitivity.
The pickup settings in Times Tap can be related to primary amps by Equation 15. Minpu is the minimum
pickup setting in Times Tap. The definitions for the remaining variables in Equation 15 are the same as
those for Equation 13.
Equation 14. Tab Adjustment Equation Equation 15. Calculate Primary Amps

% of Maximum - The maximum of the compensated input currents is used. For example, the restraint
current for phase A would be IRA = max (IAXCOMPS) where x = 2 for two current inputs.
% of Average - The average of the compensated input currents is used. For example, the restraint
current for phase A would be given by Equation 16.



Equation 16. Calculate Restraint Current for Phase A, % of Average

Phase Current Differential (87) Protection BE1-11g

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Phase current differential element operational settings are configured on the Phase Current Differential
(87) settings screen (Figure 71) in BESTCOMSPlus. A legend for the chart (Figure 72) is shown by
clicking the Help button on this screen. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 41.

Figure 71. Phase Current Differential Settings Screen

Figure 72. Phase Current Differential Operation Chart

BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Protection

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Table 41. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Disabled, Percent Differential, or
87 Mode n/a n/a Disabled
Flux Balance
Slope Mode Maximum or Average n/a n/a Maximum
Minimum Restrained
0 or 0.1 to 1 0.01 n/a 0
Restraint Slope 1 5 to 100 1 percent 45
Flux Balance Pickup 0 or 0.1 to 5 secondary 0.01 amps 0
Time Delay 0 to 60,000 varies milliseconds 0
Set on the System Parameters,
CT Circuit 1 Tap n/a n/a n/a
Transformers Setup screen
Set on the System Parameters,
CT Circuit 2 Tap n/a n/a n/a
Transformers Setup screen
2 Slope Pickup 0 or 0.1 to 20 0.01 n/a 0
Restraint Slope 2 15 to 140 1 percent 45
Flux Balance Source CT Circuit 1 or CT Circuit 2 n/a n/a CT Circuit 1
Slope Alarm 0 or 50 to 100 1 percent 0
Flux Balance Pickup
0 or 0.1 to 5 secondary 0.01 amps 0
Enabled or Disabled n/a n/a Disabled
Tripping Mode
0 to 21 1 n/a 0
Tripping Pickup
Harmonics Mode Independent or Shared n/a n/a Independent
2 Harmonic 0 or 5 to 75 1 percent 0
5 Harmonic 0 or 5 to 75 1 percent 0
Transient Monitor
0 to 10,000 varies milliseconds 100
Operate Time
Transient Monitor
0 to 10,000 varies milliseconds 0
Delay Time

Phase Current Differential (87) Protection BE1-11g

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Neutral Current Differential (87N)

The neutral current differential (87N) element provides sensitive differential protection from phase-to-
ground faults in the Y-connected winding. On impedance grounded systems, ground fault levels may be
reduced below the sensitivity of the phase differential protection. The result is that ground faults within the
protected zone have to be cleared by time delayed backup overcurrent protection if sensitive differential
protection is not available. This element is available only in styles GxxxxxJxPxxxxx and GxxxxxJxTxxxxx
of the BE1-11g.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Neutral Current Differential (87N) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Current, Neutral Differential (87N)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Current
Protection, Neutral Differential 87N

Element Operation
The 87N element detects an imbalance between the neutral current (3I0) and ground current (IG).

CT Flip
For a legacy CT with an auxiliary CT installed, the CT Flip setting will correct the polarity of the 3I0.
Setting the CT Flip to true will introduce a 180° phase shift internally in the 3I0 calculation.

CT Source
The CT Source setting configures the neutral current differential element to monitor the ground CT in
either CT circuit 1 or CT circuit 2. CT circuit 1 ground terminals are designated D7 and D8 and CT circuit
2 terminals are designated F7 and F8. For an illustration, refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter.

Overcorrection Coefficient
The 87N element is directionally supervised by making a comparison of two vectors, the calculated IOP
vector and the current present on the relay IG input terminals. First, the magnitude of the vector (IopMag)
is checked by the equation IopMag = 3I0 + IG to determine if it is above the user defined pickup setting.
Second, the IG quantity, as seen at the relay terminals, is used as the polarizing quantity to determine
directionality (IopDir) by the equation IopDir = IG + (OVCR * 3I0). The overcorrection coefficient (OVCR)
is used to add security to the directional element in the previous equation. For the IopDir check, OVCR is
used to offset the 3I0 measurement by the quantity determined in the Overcorrection Coefficient setting,
which at low levels of 3I0 and IG, will provide greater confidence that the directional criterion is met. The
decision to trip will be made only when IopMag is above the user defined pickup setting and IopDir is
within ±90° of the current present on the IG relay terminals.

Transient Delay
A user-defined transient delay time provides security from misoperation on false residual caused by CT
saturation during a through fault. If the transient monitor function from the phase current differential (87)
function detects CT saturation, the 87N Trip logic output is routed through a timer. The timer should be
set longer than the normal clearing time for a fault just outside the zone of protection to allow it to ride-
through until the external fault is cleared.

BE1-11g Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection

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Pickup Calculations
The differential value is calculated as shown in Equation 17 and Equation 18 and displayed in
BESTCOMSPlus metering and on the front-panel display.
Phase CT Ratio
If CT Flip Setting = Yes, then Iop = IGsec − � × 3I0sec �
Ground CT Ratio
Equation 17. Iop Calculation when CT Flip Setting = Yes

Phase CT Ratio
If CT Flip Setting = No, then Iop = IGsec + � × 3I0sec �
Ground CT Ratio
Equation 18. Iop Calculation when CT Flip Setting = No

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the Minimum Iop setting is exceeded. In BESTlogicPlus, the
Pickup output can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate the condition, control other
elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the 87N element
instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset,
no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other fault occurrences.

The Trip output becomes true if a fault condition persists for the duration of the element Time Delay
setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a physical
relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the
element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.

Current-Polarized Directional Scheme

Figure 73 shows the current-polarized directional scheme. The CT Flip setting is “YES” for this scheme.
With the assumed positive current direction, 3I0 and IG are in phase for an internal fault and are out of
phase for an external fault.

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection BE1-11g

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Figure 73. Current-Polarized Directional Scheme for BE1-11g CT Connection

Logic Connections
Neutral current differential element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The neutral current differential element logic block is illustrated in Figure 74. Logic
inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 42.

Figure 74. Neutral Current Differential Element Logic Block

Table 42. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 87N function when true
Trip Output True when the 87N element is in trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 87N element is in pickup condition

BE1-11g Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection

122 9424200994 Rev R

Operational Settings
Neutral current differential element operational settings are configured on the Neutral Current Differential
(87N) settings screen (Figure 75) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in
Table 43.

Figure 75. Neutral Current Differential Settings Screen

Table 43. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
0 or 0.1 to 5 (5A CTs)
Iop Minimum 0.01 amps 0
0 or 0.02 to 1 (1A CTs)
Time Delay 0 to 60,000 varies milliseconds 0
Overcorrection Coefficient 1 to 1.3 0.01 units 1.10
CT Flip Yes or No n/a n/a Yes
CT Source CT1, IG1 or CT2, IG2 n/a n/a CT1, IG1
Transient Delay Time 0 to 10,000 varies milliseconds 0

Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 123

Phase Differential Protection: Self-

Balancing and Split-Phase
Configurations (50/51)
The BE1-11g can be configured for the protection of generator stator applications involving the use of
self-balancing current transformers for detecting phase faults or for differently connected current
transformers of split-phase generator windings to detect turn-to-turn faults. Typical configurations of these
protection schemes use a 50 or 51 element, or a combination of both, for each phase or winding. The
BE1-11g has six Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) elements and seven Inverse Overcurrent (51) elements,
which can be individually configured to the relative phase or winding to which the protection is to be
For these applications, the 50 and/or 51 elements will be set to individual phases by selecting IA, IB, or IC
as the mode of protection for each element relative to each winding or phase to be protected. To set the
50 and/or 51 elements for three-phase operation, the “three-phase” mode should be selected. Further
guidance on setting the 50 and 51 elements in BESTCOMSPlus for IA, IB, or IC can be found in the
chapters titled Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection and Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection.

BE1-11g Phase Differential Protection: Self-Balancing and Split-Phase Configurations (50/51)

124 9424200994 Rev R

Phase Differential Protection: Self-Balancing and Split-Phase Configurations (50/51) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 125

Power (32) Protection

Two power (32) elements monitor three-phase real power (watts). An element can be configured to
protect against overpower or underpower conditions.
The two, identical power protection elements are designated 32-1 and 32-2. Element logic connections
are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element operational settings are
configured on the Power settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs
and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.

BE1-11g protection systems enabled for IEC-61850 communication
(style Gxxxx5xxxxxxxx) have their power protection elements fixed at
one overpower element and one underpower element.

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Power, Power (32)

HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Power
Protection, Power 32

Element Operation
Power protection can be used in applications where excessive power flow in the tripping direction is
undesirable. Directional power protection is desirable in applications where:
• Power flows into a generator, indicating loss of prime mover torque (motoring).
• Power flows into the secondary of a station distribution transformer, indicating an industrial or
private customer is supplying power into the utility system.
• Excessive load has been connected to a system.
• Overload has been placed on a distribution system.
• Overspeeding is a prime concern.
• An open breaker creates an overload on a local generation facility.

Four modes of protection are available. One of Three mode activates protection when the power on one
of the three phases exceeds the Pickup setting. Two of Three mode activates protection when the power
on any two of the three phases exceeds the Pickup setting. Three of Three mode activates protection
when the power on all three phases exceeds the Pickup setting. Total Power mode activates protection
when the total power exceeds the Pickup setting. The element remains in the picked-up condition until
power flow falls below the dropout ratio of 95% of the actual pickup.
To clarify the difference between Three of Three and Total Power modes, assume that Two of Three
mode has been selected and the pickup setting is 30 watts. Therefore, the BE1-11g picks up when two of
the three phases have exceeded 30 watts. Alternately, if two phases are zero (0) watts and the third
phase is 70 watts, the BE1-11g does not pickup because two of the phases have not exceeded the
pickup threshold required for operation in Two of Three mode. Any two phases must exceed the pickup
threshold for operation to occur. However, if the 32 element was set for Total Power mode, the same
power values previously mentioned would result in a pickup condition because “Total Power” (0 + 0 + 70
watts) exceeds the three-phase pickup setting of 30 watts. For details on power calculations, refer to the
Configuration chapter.

BE1-11g Power (32) Protection

126 9424200994 Rev R

Bus CT Configuration
On protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs, the power element can monitor CT circuit 1 or CT
circuit 2. The CT source is selected on the Sensing Transformers settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

This setting configures the element to pick up for overpower or underpower.

Direction of Power Flow

In addition to exceeding the power pickup threshold, direction of power flow (forward or reverse) must
match the directional setting for the 32 element to operate. In the BE1-11g, the forward and reverse
directions are defined by the polarity voltage and current connections to the BE1-11g as shown in Figure
76. Based on IEEE polarity convention, forward power is defined as bus to line and reverse power is
defined as line to bus.

Figure 76. Direction of Power Flow Defined by the Polarity of Voltage and Current Connections

Establishing Forward and Reverse Pickup Values

Three-phase power pickup settings for the power elements are always positive regardless of the
directional setting. However, it is useful in understanding the element response to visualize the forward
direction as positive power and the reverse direction as negative power. If we think in terms of a forward
and reverse scale with zero (0) in the middle as shown in Figure 77, positive and negative power flows
relative to the forward and reverse directional setting. For example, assume an intertie application where
the Area EPS (electric utility) requires the Local EPS (source of non-utility generation) to separate from
the Area EPS (trip the intertie breaker) if any power flows towards the Area EPS. For illustrative purposes,
assume that the BUS in Figure 76 is the Local EPS, 52 is the intertie breaker, and LINE is the Area EPS.
Normal power flow is from the Area EPS to the Local EPS, which happens to be an industrial facility with
local generation used for peak shaving.

Power (32) Protection BE1-11g

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Figure 77. Forward and Reverse Pickup Values

Assuming polarity current and voltage connections as shown in Figure 76, forward power is defined as
flowing into the Area EPS and reverse power is defined as flowing into the Local EPS. For this
application, the 32 element should be set to trip for minimum underpower in the reverse direction (to the
Local EPS). Therefore, the settings would be Reverse, Under, and 1 watt. To increase sensitivity, mode
selection should be 3 of 3 which requires each phase power to fall below ⅓ of the three-phase power
setting or 0.33 watts. Assume that normal power absorbed by the load is 4 kW in the reverse or negative
direction on our scale. If load is suddenly lost at the industrial plant while the peak shaving generation is
running, power may flow towards the Area EPS depending on the load to generation ratio. What was a
negative 4 kW passes through 0 watts on its way to some positive power level. However, in doing so,
passes through the negative underpower trip threshold of Reverse, Under, 0.33 watts/phase, resulting in
a 32 trip and opening of the intertie circuit breaker. From negative 0.33 to positive infinity, the 32 element
remains in a picked up condition as shown in Figure 77. A trip time delay should be included to ensure
that the 32 element does not operate for a transient power condition.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the calculated real power increases above or decreases below the
threshold established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to
other logic elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault
recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a definite timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the
timer is established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the 32 element
instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset,
no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other occurrences of over/under power.

The Trip output becomes true if a power pickup condition exists for the duration of the element Time
Delay. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a physical relay
output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the element,
the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for
more information about target reporting.

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 32 protection when fuse loss or loss of
potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Power/Power Factor is enabled, all functions that use
power measurements are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

BE1-11g Power (32) Protection

128 9424200994 Rev R

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Power element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The power
element logic block is illustrated in Figure 78. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 44.

Figure 78. Power Element Logic Block

Table 44. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 32 function when true
Trip Output True when the 32 element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 32 element is in a pickup condition

Operational Settings
Power element operational settings are configured on the Power (32) settings screen (Figure 79) in
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 45.

Figure 79. Power Settings Screen

Table 45. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Disabled, One of Three, Two of Three, Three
Mode n/a n/a Disabled
of Three, or Total Power
0 or 1 to 6,000 (5A CTs) secondary
Pickup varies watts 0
0 or 1 to 1,200 (1A CTs) secondary
0 or 50 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 0
Power (32) Protection BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 129

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Direction Forward or Reverse n/a n/a Forward
Over or Under n/a n/a Over

BE1-11g Power (32) Protection

130 9424200994 Rev R

Power (32) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 131

Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based

(40Q) Protection
The loss of excitation - reverse var based (40Q) element monitors total reactive power (vars).
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Loss of Excitation - Reverse var Based (40Q) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Power, Loss of Excitation - Reverse
var Based (40Q)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Power
Protection, Reverse var 40Q

Element Operation
When a generator loses its excitation power, it acts as a large inductor. The generator begins to absorb
large quantities of vars. The 40Q element acts on the principal that if a generator begins to absorb vars
outside of its steady-state capability curve, it has likely lost its normal excitation supply. The element is
always calibrated to the equivalent three-phase power even if the connection is single-phase. For more
information on the calibration and power calculations, refer to the Configuration chapter.
The 40Q element compares the reactive power to a map of the allowed reactive power as defined by the
Pickup setting. The 40Q remains in a pickup condition until power flow falls below the dropout ratio of
95% of the actual pickup. A time delay is recommended for tripping. For settings well outside the
generator capability curve, adding a 0.5 second time delay helps prevent transient fault conditions.
However, recovery from power system swings after a major fault may take several seconds. Therefore, if
the unit is to pick up near the steady-state capability curve of the generator, longer time delays are
recommended. See Figure 80 for details.

Figure 80. Generator Capability Curve vs. 40Q Response

BE1-11g Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Protection

132 9424200994 Rev R

Bus CT Configuration
On protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs, the 40Q element can monitor CT circuit 1 or CT
circuit 2. The CT source is selected on the Sensing Transformers settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the calculated reactive power increases above or decreases below
the threshold established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to
other logic elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault
recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the 40Q element
instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset,
no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other occurrences of loss of excitation.

The Trip output becomes true if a loss of excitation pickup condition exists for the duration of the element
Time Delay. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a physical
relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the
element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Loss of excitation - reverse var based element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen
in BESTCOMSPlus. The loss of excitation - reverse var based element logic block is illustrated in Figure
81. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 46.

Figure 81. Loss of Excitation - Reverse var Based Element Logic Block

Table 46. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 40Q function when true
Trip Output True when the 40Q element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 40Q element is in a pickup condition

Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 133

Operational Settings
Loss of excitation - reverse var based element operational settings are configured on the Loss of
Excitation - Reverse var Based (40Q) settings screen (Figure 82) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and
defaults are summarized in Table 47.

Figure 82. Loss of Excitation - Reverse var Based Settings Screen

Table 47. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
0 or 1 to 6,000 (5A CTs) secondary
Pickup varies vars 0
0 or 1 to 1,200 (1A CTs) secondary
Time Delay 0 or 1 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 0

BE1-11g Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Protection

134 9424200994 Rev R

Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 135

Distance (21) Protection

Two distance (21) elements use the calculated impedance of a fault to determine the fault location. The
distance elements provide backup protection for external faults that are not cleared by external protective
relaying due to a failure of the external system protection scheme or equipment.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Distance (21) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A summary
of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Impedance, Distance (21)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Impedance
Protection, Distance 21

Element Operation
The zone of protection for the distance element may be set (using a mho circle) to include the generator-
step-up transformer and the lines that connect the generator to the system. The time delay of the
generator backup distance element must be coordinated with the associated primary zones of protection
to ensure proper operation.
To include the generator in the distance (21) backup zone of protection, use CTs located on the neutral
side of the generator. If neutral CTs are not provided, the BE1-11g may be connected to CTs located at
the generator terminals. With this connection, the generator is not included in the protection system’s
zone of protection, but system backup protection is provided.

Bus CT Configuration
On protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs, the 21 element can monitor CT circuit 1 or CT
circuit 2. The CT source is selected on the Sensing Transformers settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

Delta/Wye Compensation
For installations where the generator is connected to the system through a delta/wye step-up transformer,
delta/wye compensation is enabled to provide compensation for the differences in the current
components on the wye and the delta side of the step-up transformer.

Torque Angle
A Torque Angle (or characteristic angle) setting represents the angle between voltage and fault current on
a zero (0) ohm fault. The torque angle is used for impedance calculations.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the calculated impedance falls within the zone established by the
mho circle. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate
the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the 21 element
instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset,
no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other fault occurrences.

BE1-11g Distance (21) Protection

136 9424200994 Rev R

The Trip output becomes true if a pickup condition exists for the duration of the element Time Delay. In
BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a physical relay output to
annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-
11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more
information about target reporting.

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 21 protection when fuse loss or loss of
potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Impedance is enabled, all functions that use impedance
measurements are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL function.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Distance element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
distance element logic block is illustrated in Figure 83. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in
Table 48.

Figure 83. Distance Element Logic Block

Table 48. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 21 function when true
Trip Output True when the 21 element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 21 element is in a pickup condition

Operational Settings
Distance element operational settings are configured on the Distance (21) settings screen (Figure 84) in
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 49.

Distance (21) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 137

Figure 84. Distance Settings Screen

Table 49. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Select Delta/Wye
None, DAB (+30), or DAC (–30) n/a n/a Disabled
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
Diameter 0 to 500 secondary varies ohms 0
Time Delay 0 to 300,000 varies milliseconds 0
Torque Angle 0 to 90 1 degrees 45
Offset –500 to 500 secondary varies ohms 0

BE1-11g Distance (21) Protection

138 9424200994 Rev R

Distance (21) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 139

Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based

(40Z) Protection
The loss of excitation - impedance based (40Z) element implements a two zone offset mho characteristic
to protect against varying load conditions. The small inner diameter (Z1) protects for loss of field
conditions while the large outer diameter (Z2) provides protection at or near no load conditions. The 40Z
characteristic is illustrated in Figure 87.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Impedance, Loss of Excitation -
Impedance Based (40Z)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Impedance
Protection, Impedance Based 40Z

Element Operation
The 40Z element monitors three-phase voltage and current and determines the impedance as viewed
from the BE1-11g terminals outward towards the power system.
The 40Z element has two mho characteristics offset below the R axis by a settable amount, and centered
on the X axis. The offset of each mho circle is defined as the most negative point where the circle crosses
the R axis. The size of the mho circles is defined by their diameter.

Modes of Protection
Three modes of protection are available: Non-Voltage Control, Voltage Control, or Both.

Directional Supervision
The Directional Supervision Angle setting modifies the effective tripping area of the mho circle. Directional
supervision is disabled when the angle is set to zero (0). When the directional supervision angle is used,
tripping is blocked when the measured impedance is above the directional supervision angle, and
enabled when below.

Bus CT Configuration
On protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs, the 40Z element can monitor CT circuit 1 or CT
circuit 2. The CT source is selected on the Sensing Transformers settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the offset increases above the threshold established by the Offset
setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup and output can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate
the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the 40Z element
instantaneous with no intentional time delay.

BE1-11g Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection

140 9424200994 Rev R

If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset,
no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other occurrences of loss of excitation.

The Trip output becomes true if a loss of excitation pickup condition exists for the duration of the element
Time Delay. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a physical
relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the
element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.

Voltage Control
Voltage control provides faster tripping when low voltage results from loss of excitation. Each mho circle
has a setting for Voltage Pickup and Voltage Time Delay when Voltage Control mode is enabled.
When the voltage decreases below the threshold established by the Voltage Pickup setting, the element
VC Pickup output becomes true. In BESTlogicPlus, the VC Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition or control other elements in logic.
Assertion of the VC Pickup output initiates a timer which begins timing toward a trip. The duration of the
timer is established by the Voltage Time Delay. A Voltage Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes voltage
control instantaneous with no intentional time delay.
If a voltage pickup condition exists for the duration of the element Voltage Time Delay, the element VC
Trip output becomes true. In BESTlogicPlus, the VC Trip output can be connected to other logic elements
or a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled
for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the VC Trip output becomes true. See the Fault
Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.
If the voltage pickup condition subsides before the element time delay expires, the timer and VC Pickup
output are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other occurrences of
loss of excitation.

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block 40Z protection when fuse loss or loss
of potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Impedance is enabled, all functions that use impedance
measurements are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL function.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Loss of excitation - impedance based element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen
in BESTCOMSPlus. The loss of excitation - impedance based element logic block is illustrated in
Figure 85. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 50.

Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 141

Figure 85. Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based Element Logic Block

Table 50. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 40Z function when true
Trip Output True when the 40Z element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 40Z element is in a pickup condition
VC Trip Output Voltage Control pickup
VC Pickup Output Voltage Control trip

Operational Settings
Loss of excitation - impedance based element operational settings are configured on the Loss of
Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) settings screen (Figure 86) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and
defaults are summarized in Table 51.

Figure 86. Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based Settings Screen

BE1-11g Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection

142 9424200994 Rev R

Table 51. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Disabled, Non-Voltage Control,
Mode n/a n/a Disabled
Voltage Control, or Both
Directional Supervision
–90 to 0 0.1 degrees –15
0.1 to 100 (5A CTs) secondary
Diameter 1 0.1 ohms 1
0.5 to 500 (1A CTs) secondary
0.1 to 100 (5A CTs) secondary
Diameter 2 0.1 ohms 1.4
0.5 to 500 (1A CTs) secondary
0 to 110 (5A CTs) secondary
Offset 1 & 2 0.1 ohms 1.1
0 to 550 (1A CTs) secondary
Time Delay 1 & 2 0 to 300,000 varies milliseconds 0
Voltage Pickup 1 & 2 0 or 5 to 180 secondary 1 volts 0
Voltage Time Delay 1 & 2 0 to 300,000 varies milliseconds 0

Typical Application
Settings and measurements are used to determine if the measured system impedance is within the
tripping criteria to indicate loss of excitation.
This consists of two mho circles with the lower edge offset from the R axis by an equal distance typically
set to 1.1*Xd. The diameter of the smaller circle (Z1) is typically set so that the upper edge is located at
X’d/2 below the R axis. The larger circle (Z2) and the directional blocking are both set to coordinate with
the steady-state stability limit of the generator. The larger circle has a time delay to prevent nuisance
tripping. Refer to Figure 87.

Blinder Angle

Z2 Diameter Z1 Diameter



Figure 87. Typical Application

Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 143

Out of Step (78OOS) Protection

The Out of Step (78OOS) element detects out-of-step conditions by monitoring the rate of impedance
change as viewed at the generator terminals.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Out of Step (78OOS) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Impedance, Out of Step (78OOS)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Impedance
Protection, Out of Step 78OOS

Element Operation
When a fault occurs on the power system, a synchronous generator can begin to accelerate due to
differences in the mechanical power into the generator and the electrical power at the generator
terminals. If the power system fault is not cleared quickly enough, this acceleration will result in the
generator rotor voltage advancing beyond 90 degrees with respect to the generator terminal voltage. At
this point, power will flow into the generator and the rotor angle will continue to advance until it is aligned
with the next pole. This condition is known as slipping a pole or loss of synchronism.
The out of step element uses a single blinder scheme as shown in Figure 88 to detect an out-of-step
condition and protect against pole slip. The blinder units allow the BE1-11g to trip for a region of
impedances that are supervised or enabled by a mho unit which is set to permit tripping only for
impedance swings appearing in the generator or unit transformer and a limited portion of the system.

Figure 88. Single Blinder Scheme

BE1-11g Out of Step (78OOS) Protection

144 9424200994 Rev R

Bus CT Configuration
On protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs, the 78OOS element can monitor CT circuit 1 or CT
circuit 2. The CT source is selected on the Sensing Transformers settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The MHO Pickup output and Blinder A Pickup output become true when the calculated impedance (V1/I1)
moves inside the mho circle.
The Blinder B Pickup output becomes true when the calculated impedance moves to the left of Blinder B
while inside the mho circle. Assertion of the Blinder B Pickup output initiates a timer. The duration of the
timer is established by the Blinder Traverse Time Delay setting.
The Pickup output becomes true if the calculated impedance moves to the left of Blinder A, while inside
the mho circle and after the Blinder Traverse Time Delay expires. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output
can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and
start the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Trip Delay setting. A Trip Delay of zero (0) makes the 78OOS element instantaneous
with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset,
no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other out-of-step conditions.

The Trip output becomes true if an out-of-step condition persists for the duration of the element Trip Delay
setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a physical
relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the
element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Out of step element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
out of step element logic block is illustrated in Figure 89. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in
Table 52.

Out of Step (78OOS) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 145

Figure 89. Out of Step Element Logic Block

Table 52. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 78OOS function when true
Trip Output True when the 78OOS element is in a trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 78OOS element is in a pickup condition
mho Pickup Output Z1 impedance is inside mho circle
Blinder A Pickup Output Z1 impedance is to the right of blinder BA and inside mho circle
Blinder B Pickup Output Z1 impedance is to the left of blinder BB and inside mho circle

Operational Settings
Out of Step protection element operational settings are configured on the Out of Step (78OOS) settings
screen (Figure 90) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 53.

Figure 90. Out of Step Settings Screen

BE1-11g Out of Step (78OOS) Protection

146 9424200994 Rev R

Table 53. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
Reverse Reach 0 to 500 secondary varies ohms 4
Forward Reach 0 to 500 secondary varies ohms 8.5
Blinder A Offset 0 to 500 secondary varies ohms 2.5
Blinder B Offset 0 to 500 secondary varies ohms 2.5
Blinder Angle 1 to 90 1 degrees 90
Blinder Traverse Time
0 to 10,000 varies milliseconds 100
Trip Delay 0 to 5,000 varies milliseconds 100
percent of CT
Min I1 5 to 600 1 5
I2/I1 Ratio 10 to 200 1 percent 10

Out of Step (78OOS) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 147

Resistance Temperature Detector

(49RTD) Protection
Fourteen resistance temperature detector (49RTD) elements provide over/undertemperature protection in
applications when a remote RTD module is connected via Ethernet or RS-485. Refer to the RTD Module
chapter for information on mounting, connections, communication setup, and specifications.
The fourteen, identical remote RTD protection elements are designated 49RTD-1 through 49RTD-14.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Remote RTD (49RTD) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this section.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Thermal, Resistance Temperature
Detector (49RTD)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Thermal
Protection, Resistance Temp 49RTD

Element Operation
Each RTD input can be configured to protect against high, low, or both temperature conditions.

Modes of Protection
Three modes of protection are available: Over, Under, and Over/Under.
In Over mode, if the temperature of the RTD is above the Over Pickup setting, the element will pick up. In
Under mode, if the temperature of the RTD is below the Under Pickup setting, the element will pick up. In
Over/Under mode, if the temperature of the RTD is above the Over Pickup setting or below the Under
Pickup setting, the element will pick up. The element will remain in the picked-up condition and continue
timing towards a trip unless the temperature falls below the Over Pickup setting or rises above the Under
Pickup setting.

The Source setting selects which RTD input to monitor. Refer to the RTD Module chapter for more

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured remote RTD input value increases above (Over
mode) or decreases below (Under mode) the pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be
connected to other logic elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start
the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the element instantaneous
with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset
and no corrective action is taken.

The Trip output becomes true if a pickup condition persists for the duration of the element Time Delay. In
BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a physical relay output to
BE1-11g Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection
148 9424200994 Rev R

annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the element, the
BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more
information about target reporting.

The Voting parameter defines the number of RTDs in the group that must exceed the pickup setting to
cause a trip. For example, if the 49RTD-1 Voting setting is three, then at least 3 RTDs in the selected
group must exceed the pickup setting to cause a trip.

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Remote RTD input element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The remote RTD input element logic block is illustrated in Figure 91. Logic inputs and
outputs are summarized in Table 54.

Figure 91. Remote RTD Input Element Logic Block

Table 54. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the 49RTD function when true
Trip Output True when the 49RTD element is in trip condition
Pickup Output True when the 49RTD element is in pickup condition

Operational Settings
Remote RTD input element operational settings are configured on the Resistance Temperature Detector
settings screen (Figure 92) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 55.

Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 149

Figure 92. Resistance Temperature Detector Settings Screen

Table 55. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Disabled, Over, Under,
Mode n/a n/a Disabled
or Over & Under
Source RTD Group 1 to RTD Group 7 n/a n/a RTD Group 1
32 to 482 degrees F Calculated (F)
Over Pickup degrees 32
or 0 to 250 degrees C 1 (C)
32 to 482 degrees F Calculated (F)
Under Pickup degrees 32
or 0 to 250 degrees C 1 (C)
Time Delay 0 to 600,000 varies milliseconds 0
Voting 1 to 24 1 units 1

Remote RTD Metering

RTD metering values are obtained through BESTCOMSPlus by using the Metering Explorer to open the
Analog Metering, RTD Meter tree branch. BESTCOMSPlus must be online with the BE1-11g to view RTD
metering. Alternately, values can be obtained through the front-panel display by navigating to the
Metering, Analog Metering, RTD Meter Input screen.

BE1-11g Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection

150 9424200994 Rev R

Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 151

Analog Input Protection

Eight analog input elements monitor external analog input signals when two remote RTD modules are
connected via Ethernet or RS-485. Four analog inputs are provided with each RTD module. Refer to the
RTD Module chapter for information on mounting, connections, communication setup, and specifications.
The eight, identical remote analog input protection elements are designated ANALOG-1, ANALOG-2,
ANALOG-3, ANALOG-4, ANALOG-5, ANALOG-6, ANALOG-7, and ANALOG-8. Element logic
connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element operational
settings are configured on the Remote Analog Input settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of
the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Remote Analog Inputs
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Protection, Analog Protection

Element Operation
Modes of Protection
Two modes of protection are available: Over and Under.
In Over mode, if the analog input value is above the Over Pickup setting, the element will pick up. In
Under mode, if the analog input value is below the Under Pickup setting, the element will pick up.

The Source setting selects which analog input to monitor. Refer to the RTD Module chapter for more

Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.

The Pickup output becomes true when the measured remote analog input value increases above (Over
mode) or decreases below (Under mode) the pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be
connected to other logic elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start
the fault recorder (logic element FAULTTRIG).
Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay setting. A Time Delay setting of zero (0) makes the element instantaneous
with no intentional time delay.
If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay expires, the timer and Pickup output are reset
and no corrective action is taken.

The Trip output becomes true if a pickup condition persists for the duration of the element Time Delay
setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements and to a physical
relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective action. If a target is enabled for the
element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.

When enabled, remote analog input protection is inhibited when the monitored analog input value
decreases below the Inhibit Level setting. This setting is available only in the Under protection mode.

BE1-11g Analog Input Protection

152 9424200994 Rev R

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Remote analog input element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The remote analog input element logic block is illustrated in Figure 93. Logic inputs and
outputs are summarized in Table 56.

Figure 93. Remote Analog Input Element Logic Block

Table 56. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Function Purpose
Block Input Disables the analog input element when true
Trip Output True when the analog input element is in trip condition
Pickup Output True when the analog input element is in pickup condition

Operational Settings
Remote analog input element operational settings are configured on the Remote Analog Input settings
screen (Figure 94) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 57.

Figure 94. Remote Analog Input Settings Screen

Table 57. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled, Over, or Under n/a n/a Disabled
Source Module 1 or 2, Input 1, 2, 3, or 4 n/a n/a Module 1, Input 1
Pickup –99,999.9 to 99,999.9 0.1 n/a 0
Inhibit Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled

Analog Input Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 153

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default

Inhibit Level –99,999.9 to 99,999.9 0.1 n/a 0
Time Delay 0 to 60,000 varies milliseconds 0

Remote Analog Input Metering

Analog input metering values are obtained through BESTCOMSPlus by using the Metering Explorer to
open the Analog Metering, Analog Inputs tree branch. BESTCOMSPlus must be online with the BE1-11g
to view analog input metering. Alternately, values can be obtained through the front-panel display by
navigating to the Metering, Analog Metering, Analog Input screen.

BE1-11g Analog Input Protection

154 9424200994 Rev R

Analog Input Protection BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 155

Synchronizer (25A)
The synchronizer (25A) element is available only in styles GxxxxxxxSxxxxx and GxxxxxJxTxxxxx of the
BE1-11g and performs the following functions:
• Compares the voltage magnitude, angle, and frequency of the phase voltage to the voltage
magnitude, angle, and frequency of the auxiliary voltage
• Calculates the ideal time to close the breaker so that mechanical and electrical transients are
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Synchronizer settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A summary
of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Synchronizer (25A)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Settings Group x (where x = 0 to 3), Synchronizer 25A

Element Operation
The synchronizer acts to align the generator voltage magnitude, frequency, and relative phase angle to
that of the bus.

VT Connections
The synchronizer element compares the phase (generator) voltage to the auxiliary (bus) voltage. Proper
connection of the voltage transformer inputs is vital for correct operation of the synchronizer element.

The Aux VT Connection must be properly selected on the Sensing
Transformers settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the
Configuration chapter for more information on this setting.

For clarification on single-phase VTP connections, refer to the Typical Connections chapter. The single-
phase parallel connections ensure that the zero-crossing circuit is always connected to the sensed circuit.
For single-phase sensing connections derived from a phase-to-neutral source:
Terminals Va (C13), Vb (C14), and Vc (C15) are connected in parallel. The single-phase signal is
connected between the parallel group and terminal N (C16).
For single-phase sensing connections derived from a phase-to-phase source:
Terminals Vb (C14), Vc (C15), and N (C16) are connected in parallel. The single-phase signal is
connected between terminal Va (C13) and the parallel group.
Note that the voltage monitor (described below) performs three of three testing for all connections. For
3W and 4W, phases A, B, and C are actually tested. For single-phase connections, the terminals are
connected in parallel as described above and the single-phase is tested three times.

Angle Compensation
Compensation for phase angle differences between the phase and auxiliary VT connections (including
single-phase VTP connections) are possible with the Angle Compensation setting.
Common system and sensing transformer combinations are shown in Table 58. This table assumes no
step-up or step-down transformer between the two measurement PTs. If the synchronization zone
includes a step-up or step-down transformer, the angle compensation required would be the sum of any
VTP/Vx mismatch, plus the transformer phase shift.

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A)

156 9424200994 Rev R

Table 58. Common System and Sensing Transformer Combinations

Phase VT Phase Aux VT Secondary Angle
Phase Voltage
Connection Rotation Connection Aux Voltage Compensation
3-wire ABC AB 69.3 120 0°
3-wire ABC BC 69.3 120 240°
3-wire ABC CA 69.3 120 120°
3-wire ACB AB 69.3 120 0°
3-wire ACB BC 69.3 120 120°
3-wire ACB CA 69.3 120 240°
4-wire ABC AN 69.3 69.3 0°
4-wire ABC BN 69.3 69.3 240°
4-wire ABC CN 69.3 69.3 120°
4-wire ABC AB 69.3 120 30°
4-wire ABC BC 69.3 120 270°
4-wire ABC CA 69.3 120 150°
4-wire ACB AN 69.3 69.3 0°
4-wire ACB BN 69.3 69.3 120°
4-wire ACB CN 69.3 69.3 240°
4-wire ACB AB 69.3 120 330°
4-wire ACB BC 69.3 120 90°
4-wire ACB CA 69.3 120 210°
AB ABC AB 69.3 120 0°
AB ACB AB 69.3 120 0°
BC ABC BC 69.3 120 0°
BC ACB BC 69.3 120 0°
AB ABC BC 69.3 120 240°
AB ACB BC 69.3 120 120°
AB ABC AN 69.3 69.3 330°
AB ACB AN 69.3 69.3 30°

Two operating modes are available: Phase Lock Loop and Anticipatory. In both modes, the BE1-11g
adjusts the frequency and voltage of the generator to match that of the bus (mains) at the proper relative
phase angle, and then connects the generator to the bus by closing the breaker. Anticipatory mode has
the added capability of compensating for the breaker closing time (the delay between when a breaker
close command is issued and the breaker contacts close). The BE1-11g controls the slip frequency
difference between the generator and the bus, and then calculates the advance angle that is required to
compensate for the breaker closure time.
Synchronization is accomplished using the Raise and Lower logic outputs for the voltage and frequency.
These logic outputs can be set to continuous or proportional. Continuous mode turns the required logic
output on until either it is in the synchronization window or overshoots it. Proportional mode toggles the
contacts based on the respective Pulse Width setting, Pulse Interval setting, and calculated error.

Synchronizer (25A) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 157

Frequency Correction
Generator frequency correction is defined by the Slip Frequency setting and further refined by the Breaker
Close Angle setting (available in PLL mode only). The Slip Frequency setting establishes the maximum
allowable deviation of the generator speed (frequency) from the bus frequency. The Minimum Slip and
Maximum Slip settings are used to calculate the slip frequency error and to provide slip frequency control
while in phase lock synchronization. If the slip frequency magnitude is above the Maximum Slip setting,
the error is set equal to the Max Error in the opposite polarity. If the slip frequency magnitude is below the
Minimum Slip setting, the slip frequency error is zero (0). When it is between the two settings, the error is
calculated internally by the BE1-11g. Slip frequency error is shown in Figure 95.

Slip Error Slip Error

Slip Error = 0
= Max (-) = Max (+)

Figure 95. Slip Frequency Error

To minimize the impact on the bus during synchronization, the Frequency Source > Frequency
Destination setting can be enabled to force the generator frequency to exceed the bus frequency at the
moment of breaker closure. If this is the case, the BE1-11g will drive the generator frequency higher than
the bus frequency before closing the breaker.
The Breaker Close Angle setting (available in Phase Lock Loop mode only) defines the maximum
allowable phase angle difference between the generator and the bus. For breaker closure to be
considered in PLL mode, the slip angle must be less than or equal to the breaker close angle.
The breaker close angle is not used in Anticipatory mode. Instead, the breaker close time and metered
slip frequency are used to calculate an “advance angle”. The angle is considered in sync when the slip
angle equals the advance angle.

Voltage Correction
Generator voltage correction is defined by the Voltage Difference setting. This setting is expressed as a
percentage difference between the generator nominal voltage and bus nominal voltage. If the Voltage
Source > Voltage Destination setting is enabled, the BE1-11g will drive the generator voltage to at least
0.5% greater than the bus voltage.

Synchronization Failure
The Sync Fail Activation Delay and Breaker Close Attempts settings establish the maximum duration in
which synchronizing can occur. If the 25A Synchronizer element issues a breaker close, and the breaker
fails to close within this time, the logic increments the Breaker Close Attempts counter. If the number of
breaker close attempts has exceeded the Breaker Close Attempts setting, then generator synchronization
is aborted. At this time, the Sync Fail logic output pulses high. Note that if either bus becomes unstable,
the synchronizer timers are reset. The breaker close attempt counter retains its value.

Voltage Monitoring
The Volt Monitor logic output is provided for conditions where the bus and/or the line are dead. In
BESTlogicPlus, the Volt Monitor logic output can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate the
condition or control other elements in logic. The Volt Monitor logic output will only affect the 25A when
connected in logic. A live condition for either the phase voltage or auxiliary voltage is determined when
the measured voltage on the respective input is equal to or above the live voltage threshold established
by the Live Voltage setting. A dead condition for either phase voltage or auxiliary voltage is determined
when the measured voltage on the respective input is equal to or below the dead voltage threshold
established by the Dead Voltage setting. The Dropout Delay setting provides hysteresis for the Volt
Monitor logic output.
BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A)
158 9424200994 Rev R

For the phase voltage input, if the connection is three-phase, 3W or 4W, all three phases are tested and
must be above the live voltage threshold for a live condition to be true. Similarly, all three phases must be
below the dead voltage threshold for a dead condition to be true.
The voltage monitor logic is illustrated in Figure 96. Any combination of logic settings can be selected for
the Voltage Monitor Logic on the Synchronizer (25A) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. When a logic
combination is selected, the synchronizer closes the respective logical switch in Figure 96 associated with
each of the outputs.

Figure 96. Voltage Monitor Logic

Element Blocking
Fuse Loss
The fuse loss (60FL) element of the BE1-11g can be used to block the 25A element when fuse loss or
loss of potential is detected in a three-phase system.
If the 60FL element trip logic is true and Block Phase/V1 is enabled, all functions that use the phase
voltage are blocked. See the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information on the 60FL functions.
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times are 60 milliseconds or greater to
assure proper coordination of blocking.

Block Logic Input

The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the element’s outputs to logic 0. A new Initiate pulse is required to restart
synchronization after the Block input is removed. Connect the element Block input to the desired logic in
BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the Elements view, the default condition of the
Block input is a logic 0.

Initiate Input
The Initiate input starts the operation of the 25A when ALL of the following conditions are met:
• 25A element must be initiated (Initiate logic input pulsed or held true)
• Block input of the 25A element must be logic 0
• 60FL (Fuse Loss) alarm, if configured, must not be present
• Generator breaker must be open (52b). (BRKSTAT logic element = 0)
• 25A element was not previously stopped by Sync Fail without being reset by pulsing the Block
logic input. This assumes that the Initiate input was not switched to logic 1 for the duration of the
previous synchronization cycle.
• Voltage Difference setting > 0%
• Slip Freq setting > 0 Hz
• Breaker Close Attempts setting > 0
Synchronizer (25A) BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 159

• In Anticipatory mode:
o Breaker Close Time setting must be set above zero (0)
• In PLL mode:
o Max Slip setting must be set higher than Min Slip setting and zero (0)
o Breaker Close Angle setting must be set above zero (0)

Status Output
The Status logic output becomes true when all of the synchronization parameters above are met and the
generator and bus voltages are stable.

Close Breaker Output

The Close Breaker logic output signals the breaker to close when ALL of the following conditions are met:
• Generator and bus voltages are stable
• Phase angle between sources are less than the Breaker Closing Angle setting (Phase Lock Loop
• Frequency error between sources is less than the Slip Frequency setting. (Note: When the
Source Freq > Destination Freq setting box is checked, only generator frequency greater than
bus frequency is allowed.)
• Voltage magnitude between sources is less than Voltage Difference setting. (Note: The voltage
used by the BE1-11g for this feature is a voltage magnitude measurement, not a voltage phasor
measurement. When the Voltage Source > Voltage Destination setting box is checked, only
generator voltage greater than bus voltage is allowed.)
The Close Breaker output will remain logic 1 until the BRKSTAT (Breaker Status) logic element becomes
true, a Sync Failure occurs, or the synchronization parameters are no longer true.

Breaker Status
The synchronizer will not operate if the BKRSTAT logic element = 1. Breaker status is monitored via the
Breaker Status logic element. Information on setting up the breaker status logic can be found in the
Breaker Monitoring chapter.

Logic Connections
Synchronizer element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
synchronizer element logic block is illustrated in Figure 97. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in
Table 59.

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A)

160 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 97. Synchronizer Element Logic Block

Table 59. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Purpose
Block Input Disables the 25A function when true. A pulse will stop and reset the 25A
function. Also, resets the element after a sync fail.
Initiate Input A pulse true initiates the synchronization process. It does not have to be
maintained to continue synchronization. If it is maintained and a sync fail
occurs, the element will not be blocked, but continue with a new sync
Status Output True when the synchronization criteria are met.
Initiated Output True when the 25A has been initiated.
Close Output Signals the breaker to close. True after the Status output becomes true.
Volt Monitor Output True when the voltage monitor settings are met.
Lower Output True when the 25A element is decreasing frequency.
Raise Output True when the 25A element is raising frequency.
Lower Output True when the 25A element is decreasing voltage.
Raise Output True when the 25A element is increasing voltage.
Sync In Output True when the 25A has been initiated, and is not inhibited. The 25A is
Progress inhibited when the generator or bus voltage is less than 10 V or 15 Hz.
Sync Fail Output A one-cycle pulse, true when the breaker is still open after maximum
close attempts.

Synchronizer (25A) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 161

Name Purpose
Volt Synced Output True when the voltage magnitude between sources is less than or equal
to the Voltage Difference setting. If the Voltage Source > Voltage
Destination setting is enabled, the generator voltage must be at least
0.5% greater than the bus voltage.
Angle Output When in PLL mode, true when the angle between the sources is less than
Synced the Breaker Close Angle setting.
When in Anticipatory mode, true when the angle between the sources is
equal to the advance angle value (calculated from slip frequency and
breaker closing time).
Slip Synced Output True when the frequency error between sources is less than the Slip
Frequency setting. If the Freq Source > Freq Dest setting is enabled, the
generator frequency must be higher than the bus frequency.

Operational Settings
Synchronizer element operational settings are configured on the Synchronizer (25A) settings screen
(Figure 98) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 60.

Figure 98. Synchronizer Settings Screen

Table 60. Operational Settings

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Mode Disabled, PLL, or Anticipatory n/a n/a Disabled
Voltage Difference 0 or 2 to 15 0.5 percent 0
Slip Freq 0 to 0.5 0.01 hertz 0.30
Min Slip 0 to 2 0.01 hertz 0
Max Slip 0 to 2 0.01 hertz 0.30
Breaker Close Angle 0 or 3 to 20 0.5 degrees 0

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A)

162 9424200994 Rev R

Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Breaker Close Time 0 to 1,000 5 milliseconds 100
Breaker Close Attempts 0 to 5 1 units 0
Sync Fail Activation Delay 0 or 0.1 to 600 0.1 seconds 5
Voltage Source
Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
> Volt Dest
Freq Source > Freq Dest Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled
Voltage Output Mode Continuous or Proportional n/a n/a Proportional
Volt Pulse Width 0 or 0.1 to 5 0.1 seconds 0.5
Volt Pulse Interval 0 or 0.2 to 10 0.1 seconds 1
Frequency Output Mode Continuous or Proportional n/a n/a Proportional
Freq Pulse Width 0 to 99.9 0.1 seconds 5
Freq Pulse Interval 0 to 99.9 0.1 seconds 10
Angle Compensation 0 to 359.9 0.1 degrees 0
VM Live Voltage 0 or 10 to 90 1 percent 0
VM Dead Voltage 0 or 10 to 90 1 percent 0
VM Drop Out Delay 0 or 50 to 60,000 varies milliseconds 50
0 = Disabled
Voltage Monitor Logic n/a n/a 0
123, 12, 13, 23

Synchronizer (25A) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 163

Virtual Control Switches (43)

Five virtual control switch (43) elements provide manual control, locally and remotely, without using
physical switches and/or interposing relays.
The five, identical virtual control switch elements are designated 43-1, 43-2, 43-3, 43-4, and 43-5.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Virtual Control Switches (43) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Settings Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Virtual Control Switches (43)
HMI Settings Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Virtual Switch 43
BESTCOMSPlus Control Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Control, Virtual Switches
HMI Control Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Control, Virtual Switches

Element Operation
Virtual control switches can emulate virtually any type of binary (two-position) switch. An example would
be an application that requires a ground cutoff switch. The traditional approach might be to install a switch
on the panel and wire the output to a contact sensing input on the BE1-11g or in series with the ground
trip output of the BE1-11g. Instead, a virtual control switch can be used to reduce costs with the added
benefit of being able to operate the switch both locally through the front panel and remotely from a
substation computer or through an Ethernet connection to a remote operator’s console.

Three operating modes are available: Switch/Pulse, Switch, and Pulse. Because switch status information
is saved in nonvolatile memory, the BE1-11g powers up with the switches in the same state as when the
BE1-11g was powered down.

Switch/Pulse Mode
In Switch/Pulse mode, each switch can be controlled to reset, set, or pulse. Assertion of the Set input
forces the output to set (logic 1). Assertion of the Reset input forces the output to reset (logic 0). Assertion
of the Pulse input toggles the output from its current state to the opposite state and then back to the
original state.

Switch Mode
In Switch mode, the switch emulates a two-position selector switch, and only set and reset commands are
accepted. Assertion of the Set input forces the output to set (logic 1). Assertion of the Reset input forces
the output to reset (logic 0).

Pulse Mode
In Pulse mode, a momentary close, spring-return switch is emulated and only the pulse command is
accepted. Assertion of the Pulse input toggles the output from its current state to the opposite state and
then back to the original state.

Customized Labels
User specified labels can be assigned to each virtual switch and to both states of each switch. The labels
can be up to 64 characters long. In the previous ground cutoff switch example, you may enable one of the
switches in the Switch mode and connect the output of that switch to the blocking input of a 59X
protection element. This would disable the ground overvoltage protection when the switch is closed (logic
1) and enable it when the switch is open (logic 0). For the application, you may set the switch label to be

BE1-11g Virtual Control Switches (43)

164 9424200994 Rev R

59N CUTOFF. The closed position of the switch may be labeled DISABLD and the open position may be
labeled NORMAL.

Control of Virtual Control Switches

The state of the virtual control switches can be controlled using the Select/Operate Control Switch buttons
on the front panel or through BESTCOMSPlus when the connection state is active. Using select-before-
operate, perform the following steps to control a switch using BESTCOMSPlus:
1. Use the Metering Explorer to open the Control/Virtual Switches tree branch (Figure 99).
2. If Switch/Pulse mode is selected on the Virtual Control Switches (43) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus, use the drop-down box to select either Switch or Pulse.
3. Click the 43-# button to select it. Login may be required. The On or Off indicator (current state)
will begin to flash.
4. Click on the 43-# button a second time to operate it. The On or Off indicator (previous state) will
stop flashing and the Off or On indicator (current/new state) will light.

If Step 4 is not performed within 30 seconds of Step 3, the LED will
stop flashing and the 43-# button will have to be selected again.

Figure 99. Virtual Switches Control Screen

Tagging of Virtual Control Switches

Virtual control switches provide tagging for each switch to indicate that the switch function is, or may be,
under revision. Each switch has two tagging modes, Informational and Blocking. When in Informational
mode, the switch is still operational when tagged. When in the Blocking mode, the switch is not
operational when tagged.
Tagging of virtual control switches can be accomplished through the front panel and through
BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control/Virtual Switches tree
branch. Click on the Set button for Info Tag or Block Tag. If tagging is successful, the indicator to the right
of the Set button will turn green. A tagged switch is indicated by an amber indicator in the upper right
corner of the element button. Click on the Reset button to clear a tag. Refer to Figure 99.
The Block Tag has priority over the Informational Tag. Once the Block Tag has been placed, the
Informational Tag cannot be changed until the Block Tag is removed. In other words, you must choose to
place the Informational Tag before placing the Block Tag.
Each tag is placed with an “owner”. A tag must be removed by the same “owner” that placed it. For
example, if a tag is placed through BESTCOMSPlus, it can be removed only through BESTCOMSPlus. It
cannot be removed through the front panel. If a tag is placed through the front panel, it can be removed
only through the front panel. This applies for all other forms of communication when placing tags.

Virtual Control Switches (43) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 165

A Block Tag alarm indicates when a block tag is in place. Refer to the Alarms chapter for information on
how to program alarms.

Logic Connections
Virtual control switch element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The virtual control switch element logic block is illustrated in Figure 100. Logic inputs
and outputs are summarized in Table 61.

Figure 100. Virtual Control Switch Element Logic Block

Table 61. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Set Input Sets the state of the output to true
Reset Input Sets the state of the output to false
Pulse Input Momentarily changes state of the output
Informational Tag Input Sets an informational tag on the 43 element
Informational Untag Input Removes the informational tag from the 43 element
Blocking Tag Input Sets a blocking tag on the 43 element
Blocking Untag Input Removes the blocking tag from the 43 element
Output Output True when the 43 element is set

Operational Settings
Virtual control switch element operational settings are configured on the Virtual Control Switches (43)
settings screen (Figure 101) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table

BE1-11g Virtual Control Switches (43)

166 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 101. Virtual Control Switches Settings Screen

Table 62. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled, Switch/Pulse, Switch, or Pulse n/a n/a Disabled
Name Label 64 characters maximum n/a n/a 43-x
On Label 64 characters maximum n/a n/a On
Off Label 64 characters maximum n/a n/a Off

Virtual Control Switches (43) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 167

Logic Timers (62)

Eight logic timer (62) elements emulate virtually any type of timer used in power system applications.
The eight, identical logic timer elements are designated 62-1, 62-2, 62-3, 62-4, 62-5, 62-6, 62-7, and 62-
8. Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Logic Timers (62) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Logic Timers (62)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Timer Setup 62, Settings Group x (x = 0 to 3)

Element Operation
Each timer has two time delay settings. The duration of the timers is established by the Time Delay 1 (T1)
setting and the Time Delay 2 (T2) setting. Assertion of the Initiate input starts the timing sequence.
The functioning of the output is dependent upon the type of timer as specified by the mode setting. In
BESTlogicPlus, the output can be connected to other logic elements or a physical relay output to alert the
operator of a condition. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11g will record a target when the
output becomes true. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information about target reporting.

Six operating modes are available: Pickup/Dropout, One-Shot/Non-Retriggerable, One-
Shot/Retriggerable, Oscillator, Integrating Timer, and Latched.

Pickup/Dropout Mode
The output changes to logic true if the Initiate input is true for the Duration of Pickup Time Delay (T1). See
Figure 102. If the Initiate input toggles to false before time T1, the T1 timer is reset. Once the output of
the timer toggles to true, the Initiate input must be false for the Duration of Dropout Time Delay (T2). If the
Initiate input toggles to true before time T2, the output stays true and the T2 timer is reset.




Figure 102. Pickup/Dropout Mode

One-Shot/Non-Retriggerable Mode
The one-shot nonretriggerable timer starts its timing sequence when the Initiate input changes from false
to true. See Figure 103. The timer will time for Delay Time (T1) and then the output will toggle to true for
Duration Time (T2). Additional initiate input changes of state are ignored until the timing sequence is
completed. If the T2 timer is set to 0, this timer will not function. The timer will return to false if the Block
input becomes true.

BE1-11g Logic Timers (62)

168 9424200994 Rev R




Figure 103. One-Shot/Non-Retriggerable Mode

One-Shot/Retriggerable Mode
The one-shot retriggerable timer starts its timing sequence when the Initiate input changes from false to
true. See Figure 104. The timer will time for Delay Time (T1) and then the output will toggle to true for
Duration Time (T2). Additional initiate input changes of state are ignored until the timing sequence has
been completed. If a new false-to-true transition occurs on the Initiate input, the output is forced to logic
false and the timing sequence is restarted. If the T2 timer is set to 0, this timer will not function. The timer
will return to false if the Block input becomes true.




Figure 104. One-Shot/Retriggerable Mode

Oscillator Mode
In this mode, the Initiate input is ignored. See Figure 105. If the Block input is false, the output oscillates
with an ON time (T1) and an OFF time (T2). When the Block input is held true, the oscillator stops, and
the output is held off.




Figure 105. Oscillator Mode

Integrating Timer Mode

An integrating timer is similar to a pickup/dropout timer except that the Pickup Time (T1) defines the rate
that the timer integrates toward timing out and setting the output to true. Conversely, the Reset Time (T2)
defines the rate that the timer integrates toward dropout and resetting the output to false. T1 defines the
time delay for the output to change to true if the initiate input becomes true and stays true. T2 defines the
Logic Timers (62) BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 169

time delay for the output to change to false if it is presently true and the initiate input becomes false and
stays false.
In the example shown in Figure 106, T2 is set to half of the T1 setting. The initiate input becomes true
and the timer starts integrating toward pickup. Prior to timing out, the Initiate input toggles to false and the
timer starts resetting at twice the rate as it was integrating toward time out. It stays false long enough for
the integrating timer to reset completely but then toggles back to true and stays true for the entire duration
of time T1. At that point, the timer’s output is toggled to true. Then later, the initiate Input becomes false
and stays false for the duration of T2. At that point, the output of the timer is toggled to false.
This type of timer is useful in applications where a monitored signal might be hovering at its threshold
between on and off. For example, it is desired to take some action when current is above a certain level
for a certain period. An instantaneous overcurrent (50) element could be used to monitor the current level.
Thus, if the current level is near the threshold so that the Initiate input toggles between true and false
from time to time, the function will still time out as long as the time that it is true is longer than the time
that it is false. With a simple pickup/dropout timer, the timing function would reset to zero and start over
each time the Initiate input became false.







Figure 106. Integrating Timer Mode

Latched Mode
A one shot timer starts its timing sequence when the Initiate input changes from false to true. The timer
will operate for Delay Time (T1) and then the output will latch true. Additional Initiate input changes of
state are ignored. Time (T2) is ignored. Refer to Figure 107.




Figure 107. Latched Mode

Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the element output to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the element

BE1-11g Logic Timers (62)

170 9424200994 Rev R

Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.

Logic Connections
Logic timer element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
logic timer element logic block is illustrated in Figure 108. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in
Table 63.

Figure 108. Logic Timer Element Logic Block

Table 63. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Initiate Input Starts the 62 timing sequence
Block Input Disables the 62 function when true
Output Output True when 62 timing criteria have been met according to mode

Operational Settings
Logic timer element operational settings are configured on the Logic Timers (62) settings screen (Figure
109) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 64.

Figure 109. Logic Timers Settings Screen

Logic Timers (62) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 171

Table 64. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode One-Shot/Retriggerable, n/a n/a Disabled
Integrating Timer,
or Latched
T1 Time,
0 to 9,999,000 varies milliseconds 0
T2 Time

BE1-11g Logic Timers (62)

172 9424200994 Rev R

Logic Timers (62) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 173

Lockout Functions (86)

Two lockout function (86) elements can be used to prevent operation of circuit breakers or other devices
until the condition causing lockout is eliminated.
The two, identical lockout function elements are designated 86-1 and 86-2. Element logic connections are
made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element operational settings are
configured on the Lockout Functions screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and
outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Lockout Functions (86)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Lockout 86

Element Operation
When the Set input is asserted, the output of the function becomes true (breaker opens). When the Reset
input is asserted, the output becomes false (breaker closes). If both inputs are asserted at the same time,
the Set input will have priority and drive the output to true. The state of the function is stored in nonvolatile

Logic Connections
Lockout function element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
The lockout function element logic block is illustrated in Figure 110. Logic inputs and outputs are
summarized in Table 65.

Figure 110. Lockout Function Element Logic Block

Table 65. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Set Input Sets the state of the output to true
Reset Input Sets the state of the output to false
Output Output True when the Set input is asserted

Operational Settings
Lockout function element operational settings are configured on the Lockout Functions (86) settings
screen (Figure 111) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 66.

Figure 111. Lockout Functions Settings Screen

BE1-11g Lockout Functions (86)

174 9424200994 Rev R

Table 66. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled

Retrieving Lockout Status from the BE1-11g

Lockout status can be viewed through BESTCOMSPlus, the front-panel display, and the web page
To view 86 lockout status using BESTCOMSPlus, use the Metering Explorer to open the Status, 86
Lockout Status screen shown in Figure 112. To view lockout status from the front-panel display, navigate
to Metering Explorer, Status, 86 Lockout Status.

Figure 112. 86 Lockout Status Screen

Lockout Functions (86) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 175

Breaker Control Switch (101)

The breaker control switch (101) element provides manual control of a circuit breaker or switch without
using physical switches or interposing relays. Both local and remote control is possible. A virtual switch
can be used instead of a physical switch to reduce costs with the added benefit that the virtual switch can
be operated both locally from the front panel and remotely from a substation computer or Ethernet
connection to an operator’s console.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Breaker Control Switch settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Settings Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Breaker Control Switch (101)
HMI Settings Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Control, Breaker Switch 101
BESTCOMSPlus Control Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Control, Breaker Control Switch
HMI Control Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Control, 101 Breaker Control SW

Element Operation
The breaker control switch emulates a typical breaker control switch with a momentary close, spring
return, trip contact output (Trip), a momentary close, spring return, close contact output (Close), a trip slip
contact output (TSC), and a close slip contact output (CSC). The trip slip contact output retains the status
of the last trip control action. That is, it is true (closed) in the after-trip state and false (open) in the after-
close state. The close slip contact output retains the status of the last close control action. It is false
(open) in the after-trip state and true (closed) in the after-close state. Figure 113 shows the state of the
TSC and CSC logic outputs with respect to the state of the Trip and Close outputs.





Figure 113. Breaker Control Switch State Diagram

When the breaker control switch is controlled to trip, the Trip output pulses true (closed) for approximately
200 milliseconds and the TSC output goes true (closed). When the breaker control switch is controlled to
close, the CSC output pulses true (closed) and the TSC goes false (open). The status of the slip contact
outputs is saved to nonvolatile memory so that the BE1-11g will power up with the contact in the same
state as when the BE1-11g was powered down.

Control of Breaker Control Switch

The state of virtual control switches can be controlled using the front-panel interface or through
BESTCOMSPlus when the connection state is active. Using select-before-operate, perform the following
steps to control the switch using BESTCOMSPlus:

BE1-11g Breaker Control Switch (101)

176 9424200994 Rev R

1. Use the Metering Explorer to open the Control/Breaker Control Switch tree branch (Figure 114).
2. Click on either the TRIP or CLOSE button to select it. Login may be required. The green
selection indicator will begin to flash.
3. Click on the TRIP or CLOSE button a second time to operate it. The green selection indicator will
stop flashing and the proper status indicator will light.

If Step 3 is not performed within 25 seconds of Step 2, the button will
stop flashing and either the TRIP or CLOSE button will have to be re-

Figure 114. Breaker Control Switch Control Screen

Tagging of Breaker Control Switch

The breaker control switch provides tagging to indicate that the switch function is, or may be, under
revision. There are two tagging modes, Informational and Blocking. When in Informational mode, the
switch will still be operational when tagged. When in the Blocking mode, the switch will not be operational
while tagged. A tagged switch is indicated by an amber indicator on this screen.
Tagging of the breaker control switch can be accomplished through the front panel and through
BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control/Breaker Control
Switch tree branch. Click on the Set button for Informational Tag, Blocking Tag, or both. If tagging is
successful, a green indicator to the right of the Set button will light.
The Blocking Tag has priority over the Informational Tag. Once the Blocking Tag has been placed, the
Informational Tag cannot be changed until the Blocking Tag is removed. In other words, you must choose
to place the Informational Tag before placing the Blocking Tag.
Each tag is placed with an “owner”. A tag must be removed by the same “owner” that placed it. For
example, if a tag is placed through BESTCOMSPlus, it can be removed only through BESTCOMSPlus. It
cannot be removed through the front panel. If a tag is placed through the front panel, it can be removed
only through the front panel. This applies for all other forms of communication when placing tags.
A 101 Tag alarm is also provided to indicate that the 101 is tagged. Refer to the Alarms chapter for
information on how to program alarms.

Logic Connections
Breaker control element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
The breaker control element logic block is illustrated in Figure 115. All logic inputs use rising-edge
detection for recognition. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 67.

Breaker Control Switch (101) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 177

Figure 115. Breaker Control Element Logic Block

Table 67. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Logic Function Purpose
Trip Input Sets the state of the 101 element to Trip
Close Input Sets the state of the 101 element to Close
Informational Tag Input Sets an informational tag on the 101 element
Informational Untag Input Removes the informational tag from the 101 element
Blocking Tag Input Sets a blocking tag on the 101 element
Blocking Untag Input Removes the blocking tag from the 101 element
Trip Output True if the 101 element is in the Trip state
TSC Output True after the Trip output momentarily closes
Close Output True if the 101 element is in the Close state
CSC Output True after the Close output momentarily closes

Operational Settings
Breaker control element operational settings are configured on the Breaker Control Switch (101) settings
screen (Figure 116) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 68.

Figure 116. Breaker Control Switch Settings Screen

Table 68. Operational Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Disabled

BE1-11g Breaker Control Switch (101)

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Breaker Control Switch (101) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 179

Setting Groups
Four setting groups allow for adapting the coordination settings to optimize them for a predictable
situation. Sensitivity and time coordination settings can be adjusted to optimize sensitivity or clearing time
based upon source conditions or to improve security during overload conditions. The possibilities for
improving protection by eliminating compromises in coordination settings with adaptive setting groups are
The four setting groups are designated Setting Group 0, Setting Group 1, Setting Group 2, and Setting
Group 3. Setting group logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus®
and setting group operational settings are configured on the Setting Group Setup screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, General Settings, Setting Group Setup
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, General Settings, Settings Group

Setting Group Functions

The group of settings that is active at any point in time is controlled by the setting group selection logic.
This function logic allows for manual (logic) selection.

Logic Inputs
The function monitors logic inputs D0 through D3 and changes the active setting group according to the
status of these inputs. These inputs can be connected to logic expressions such as contact sensing

Logic Outputs
The function logic has four logic variable outputs, SG0 through SG3. The appropriate variable is asserted
when each setting group is active. These logic variables can be used in programmable logic to modify the
logic based upon which setting group is active.
The SGCACTIVE logic output is asserted when setting group control is active. The SGCLOVRD logic
output is asserted when setting group control is overridden by logic.

Changing Setting Groups

When the BE1-11g switches to a new setting group, all functions are reset and initialized with the new
operating parameters. The settings change occurs instantaneously so at no time is the BE1-11g off line.
The active setting group is saved in nonvolatile memory so that the BE1-11g will power up using the same
setting group that was active when it was powered down. To prevent the BE1-11g from changing settings
while a fault condition is in process, setting group changes are blocked when the BE1-11g is in a picked-
up state. Since the BE1-11g is completely programmable, the fault condition is defined by the pickup logic
expression in the fault reporting functions. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more information.

Setting Group Selection

Selection of the active setting group provided by this function logic can also be overridden. When logic
override is used, a setting group is made active and the BE1-11g stays in that group regardless of the
state of the manual logic control conditions.
Manual (logic) selection reads the status of the logic inputs to the setting group selection function block to
determine what setting group should be active. For the logic inputs to determine which setting group
should be active, the AUTOMATIC input must be logic 0. The function block operational mode setting
determines how it reads these logic inputs. There are three possible logic modes as shown in Table 71.

BE1-11g Setting Groups

180 9424200994 Rev R

Discrete Inputs
When the setting group selection function block is enabled for Discrete Inputs, there is a direct correlation
between each discrete logic input and the setting group that will be selected. That is, asserting input D0
selects SG0 and asserting input D1 selects SG1, etc. The active setting group latches-in after the input is
read. It is not necessary that the input be maintained. If one or more inputs are asserted at the same time,
the numerically higher setting group will be activated. A pulse must be present for approximately one
second for the setting group change to occur. After a setting group change occurs, no setting group
change can occur within two times the SGC alarm on time. Any pulses to the inputs will be ignored during
that period.
Figure 117 shows an example of how the inputs are read when the setting group selection function mode
is enabled for Discrete Inputs. Note that a pulse on the D3 input while D0 is also active does not cause a
setting group change to SG3 because the AUTOMATIC input is active.











Figure 117. Input Control Discrete Inputs

Binary Inputs
When the setting group selection function block is enabled for Binary Inputs, the inputs on D0 and D1 are
read as binary encoded (Table 69). Inputs D2 and D3 are ignored. A new coded input must be stable for
approximately one second for the setting group change to occur. After a setting group change occurs, no
setting group change can occur within two times the SGC alarm on time.
Table 69. Setting Group Binary Codes
Binary Code
Setting Group
D1 D0
0 0 SG0
0 1 SG1
1 0 SG2
1 1 SG3
When the setting group selection function mode is enabled for Binary Inputs, the active setting group is
controlled by a binary signal applied to discrete inputs D0 and D1. This requires separate logic equations
for only D0 and D1 if all setting groups are to be used. Figure 118 shows how the active setting group
follows the binary sum of the D0 and D1 inputs except when blocked by the AUTOMATIC input. Note that
a pulse on the D1 input while D0 is also active does not cause a setting change to SG3 because the
AUTOMATIC input is active.

Setting Groups BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 181










Figure 118. Input Control Binary Inputs

CT Source
The CT Source setting configures the setting group selection function to monitor CT circuit 1 or CT circuit
2 on protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. CT circuit 1 terminals are designated D1 (IA1)
through D8 (IG1) and CT circuit 2 terminals are designated F1 (IA2) through F8 (IG2). For an illustration,
refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter.

Alarm and Timer

The setting group selection function logic also has an alarm output variable called Setting Change
(Setting Group Changed). This output is asserted whenever the BE1-11g switches from one setting group
to another. The Setting Change alarm bit is asserted for the SGCON time setting. This output can be
used in the programmable alarms function if it is desired to monitor when the BE1-11g changes to a new
setting group. See the Alarms chapter for more information on setting up alarms.
The SGCON time setting also serves to provide anti-pump protection to prevent excessive changing
between groups. Once a change in the active group has been made, another change cannot take place
for two times the SGCON setting.
The SGC Active (Setting Group Change Active) alarm output is typically used to provide an external
acknowledgment that a setting group change has occurred. If SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) is used to change the active group, then this signal could be monitored to verify that the
operation occurred. The SGC Active alarm output ON time is user programmable and should be set
greater than the SCADA scan rate. This can be set through BESTCOMSPlus®.

Automatic Setting Group Selection

The setting group element has the built-in ability to automatically change setting groups. One method is
based on the history of the current sensed by the BE1-11g. Another method is based upon the status of
the fuse loss logic (60FL). To enable automatic change of setting groups, setting group selection must be
enabled and the AUTOMATIC input must be logic 1.
When automatic selection is enabled, it holds precedence over all manual logic control.
The automatic setting group selection can be used to force the BE1-11g to change to settings that will
automatically compensate for cold-load pickup conditions. For instance, if the BE1-11g senses current
drop below a very small threshold for a period of time indicating an open breaker, then the BE1-11g will
move to an alternate setting group that will allow for the large inrush of current the next time the load is
energized. After current has returned to measurable levels for some period of time, the BE1-11g returns
to the normal settings. Another application is to prevent the BE1-11g from seeing an overload condition as
a fault. If the BE1-11g sees sustained high level phase or unbalance currents that are encroaching on
normal trip levels (indicative of an overload or load imbalance rather than a fault), the BE1-11g will move

BE1-11g Setting Groups

182 9424200994 Rev R

to an alternate setting group that can accommodate the condition. The BE1-11g can be set to alarm for
this condition using the programmable logic alarms.
The BE1-11g has the logic to automatically change setting groups based upon the status of the fuse loss

Automatic Control by Monitoring Line Current

The setting group Switch Threshold and Return Threshold settings determine how the function selects the
active setting group when automatic selection is enabled.
Automatic control of the active setting group allows the BE1-11g to automatically change configuration for
optimum protection based on the current system conditions. For example, in locations where seasonal
changes can cause large variations in loading, the overcurrent protection can be set with sensitive
settings during the majority of the time and switch to a setting group with lower sensitivity (higher pickups)
during the few days of the year when the loading is at peak.
The BE1-11g will switch to a setting group when current rises above the "switch threshold" for the "switch
time" and will return from the setting group when current falls below the "return threshold" for the "return
time." However, if the Switch Threshold is 0 and a nonzero switch-to time is entered, the BE1-11g will
change to the indicated setting group after the switch-to time.
If a group's switch threshold is zero, the group’s switch time delay is zero, and current is being monitored,
then the BE1-11g will never automatically switch to that setting group.
Five settings for each group are used for automatic control. Each group has a Switch Threshold and
Switch Time, a Return Threshold and Return Time, and a Monitor Setting. The Switch and Return
thresholds are set in amps. If you wish to switch settings based upon loading, you could set the Monitor
Setting to Max Phase Current. If you wish to switch settings based upon unbalance, you could set it to
Neutral Current, or Negative-Sequence Current.
This function can also be used to automatically change the active setting group for cold load pickup
conditions. If the Switch Threshold for a group is set to 0 amps, the function will switch to that group when
there is no current flow for the time delay period, indicating that the breaker is open or the circuit source is
out of service.
Note the difference in operation when a switch threshold of 0.5 amps is used. For this setting, the group is
selected when current rises above 0.5 amps.
When the Switch criteria are met for more than one setting group at a time, the function will use the
numerically higher of the enabled setting groups. If the switch-to time delay setting is set to 0 for a setting
group, automatic control for that group is disabled. If the return time delay setting is set to 0 for a setting
group, automatic return for that group is disabled and the BE1-11g will remain in that setting group until
returned manually by logic override control.

Group Control by Monitoring Fuse Loss Status

The active setting group can also be controlled by the status of the fuse loss function (60FL). The
BE1-11g can be instructed to change to Setting Group 1. If the monitored element is 60FL, the switch
threshold, return time, and return threshold are ignored.

Logic Connections
Setting group logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The setting
group logic block is illustrated in Figure 119. Logic inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 70.

Setting Groups BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 183

Figure 119. Setting Group Logic Block

Table 70. Logic Inputs and Outputs

Name Purpose
True when automatic control is enabled and false when logic
Automatic Input
control is enabled
D0, D1, D2, D3 Inputs Meaning depends upon the Mode setting
SG0, SG1, SG2, SG3 Outputs True for the active setting group
SGCACTIVE Output True when Setting Group Control is Active
SGCLOVRD Output True when Setting Group Control is overridden by logic

Operational Settings
Setting group operational settings are configured on the Setting Group Setup screen (Figure 120) in
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 71.

BE1-11g Setting Groups

184 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 120. Setting Group Setup Screen

Table 71. Operational Settings

Setting Range Purpose Default
Disabled Sets the mode of the setting group selection function.
Mode Discrete Inputs (If Auto mode is desired, logic mode must be either 1 or Disabled
Binary Inputs 2.)
CT Circuit 1 or CT n/a
Source* n/a
Circuit 2
0 to 25A (5A CTs) Measured current of the SG0 Monitor Setting that must
0 to 5A (1A CTs) be exceeded for a setting group change to occur. (Set in 0
increments of 0.01A, secondary amps.)
Switch 0 = Disabled Time, in minutes, that determines when a setting change
Time 1 to 60 minutes occurs once the Switch Threshold setting is exceeded.
0 to 25A (5A CTs) Measured current of the SG0 Monitor Setting that the
Return 0 to 5A (1A CTs) monitored current must decrease below in order for a
Threshold return to SG0. (Set in increments of 0.01A, secondary
0 = Disabled Time, in minutes, that determines when a return to SG0
1 to 60 minutes will occur once the monitored current has decreased 0
below the Return Threshold setting.

Setting Groups BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 185

Setting Range Purpose Default

Disable, IP, IG, I2, Determines when automatic setting group changes
3I0, 60FL occur. IP, IG, I2, or 3I0 can be selected so that setting
group changes are based on load current. Fuse Loss
(60FL) can also be used to switch setting groups. If 60FL Disable
is entered as the Monitor Setting, the Switch Time,
Switch Threshold, Return Time, and Return Threshold
parameters are not required.
Setting 0 = Disabled
Group 1 - 10 seconds
Change Measured in seconds, the SGC alarm timer sets the
(SGC) amount of time the alarm is on.
* For protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs.

Logic Override of the Setting Group Selection Function

Setting group control can be overridden to allow manual setting group control.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Control, Setting Group Control
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Control, Settings Group Control
Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Setting Group Control tree branch as
shown in Figure 121. Select a setting group to change to or return to logic control. The Active Setting
Group is also displayed on this screen.

Figure 121. Setting Group Control Screen

Manual setting group control can also be achieved by navigating to the Metering > Control > Settings
Group Control screen on the front-panel display.

BE1-11g Setting Groups

186 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Groups BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 187

The BE1-11g measures the voltage and current inputs, displays those values in real time, records those
values every quarter-second, and calculates other quantities from the measured inputs.

Metering Explorer
The Metering Explorer is a convenient tool within BESTCOMSPlus® that contains analog metering,
status, reports, demands, power quality, and control. Control screens include virtual switches, breaker
control switch, output override, and setting group control. Details of the Analog Metering branch are
described in this chapter. Refer to the appropriate chapters in this manual for information on status,
reports, demand, power quality, and control. Metering values can be exported to a *.csv (comma-
separated values) file.
The Metering Explorer has a “docking” feature allowing the user to arrange and dock metering screens. A
blue transparent square representing the screen being moved, seven arrow buttons, and a tabs button
appear when holding down the left mouse button on a metering tab and dragging it to an arrow box used
for docking.
Holding the left mouse button down on a metering tab and dragging it anywhere other than an arrow box
will place it as a floating metering screen. This floating screen can later be closed by clicking on the in
the upper right corner.
See Figure 122. Table 72 explains the call-outs in Figure 122.

Figure 122. Metering, Docking Options

BE1-11g Metering
188 9424200994 Rev R

Table 72. Explanation of Figure 122 Call-Outs

Call-Out Explanation
A Holding the left mouse button down on a metering tab and dragging it to one of the four
arrow boxes will place it inside the selected window on the location selected. To place the
metering tab as a tab inside the selected window, drop it on the tabs button in the center
of the arrow buttons.
B This blue transparent square represents the screen being moved.
C Holding the left mouse button down on a metering tab and dragging it to the right, down,
left, or up arrow box will place it across the side/bottom/top of the screen. Click on the
(thumbtack) to dock it on the side bar. To display a screen that is docked, simply use the
mouse to hover the pointer over the tab on the side bar.

Analog Metering Functions

BE1-11g analog metering functions include voltage, frequency, current, power, synchronization, and
energy. Metered values are viewed through the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus, the front-panel
display, or the web page interface on Ethernet equipped protection systems. Refer to the BESTnet™Plus
chapter for more information. Metering functions are summarized in the following paragraphs. For
information on power, VA, and var calculations, refer to the Configuration chapter.

Auto Ranging
The BE1-11g automatically scales metered values. Table 73 illustrates the ranges for each value
Table 73. Auto Ranging Scales for Metered Values
Unit Display Ranges
Metered Value
Whole Units Kilo Units Mega Units Giga Units
Current 0 A to 999 A 10 kA to 999 kA 1 MA n/a
Voltage 0 V to 999 V 0 kV to 999 kV n/a n/a
Apparent Power n/a 0 kVA to 999 kVA 1 MVA to 999 MVA 1 GVA to 1000 GVA
Reactive Power n/a 0 kvar to 999 kvar 1 Mvar to 999 Mvar 1 Gvar to 1000 Gvar
Real Power n/a 0 kW to 999 kW 1 MW to 999 MW 1 GW to 1000 GW
Frequency 10 to 125 Hz n/a n/a n/a

Voltage - Primary and Secondary

The BE1-11g meters primary and secondary phase-to-neutral voltages (VA, VB, VC), phase-to-phase
voltages (VAB, VBC, VCA), positive-sequence voltage (V1), negative-sequence voltage (V2), neutral-shift
rd rd
voltage (3V0), auxiliary voltage (Vx), and 3 harmonic auxiliary voltage (Vx 3 Harmonic). The Phase VT
connection determines what is measured. The auxiliary voltage input is user selectable. Refer to the
Configuration chapter for more information on configuring Phase VT and AUX VT.
Primary and secondary voltage metering data is found in BESTCOMSPlus (Figure 123) and on the
Metering > Analog Metering > Voltage screen of the front-panel display. A phasor diagram is also
provided in BESTCOMSPlus.

Metering BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 189

Figure 123. Analog Metering, Voltage Screen

Current - Primary and Secondary

Metered current includes primary and secondary phase currents (IA, IB, IC), ground current (IG), positive-
sequence current (I1), negative-sequence current (I2), and neutral current (3I0). All current
measurements are auto ranging.
Values are provided for CT circuit 1 and CT circuit 2 (for protection systems equipped with two sets of
Primary and secondary current metering data is found in BESTCOMSPlus (Figure 124) and on the
Metering > Analog Metering > Current screen of the front-panel display. A phasor diagram is also
provided in BESTCOMSPlus.

Figure 124. Analog Metering, Current Screen

Power metering data is found in BESTCOMSPlus (Figure 125) and on the Metering > Analog Metering >
Power screen of the front-panel display. A phasor diagram is also provided in BESTCOMSPlus.

Real Power
Real power is metered over a range of –7,500 kilowatts to +7,500 kilowatts on five-ampere nominal
systems. One-ampere nominal systems meter real power over a range of –1,500 watts to +1,500 watts.
Phases A, B, C, and total phase are included.
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Reactive Power
Reactive power is metered over a range of −7,500 kilovars to +7,500 kilovars on five ampere nominal
systems. One ampere systems meter reactive power over a range of −1,500 kilovars to +1,500 kilovars.
Phases A, B, C, and total phase are included.

Apparent Power
Metered apparent power is displayed over a range of –7,500 kilovoltamperes to +7,500 kilovoltamperes
on five-ampere nominal systems. One-ampere nominal systems meter reactive power over a range of
–1,500 kilovoltamperes to +1,500 kilovoltamperes. Phases A, B, C, and total phase are included.

Power Factor
Power factor is metered over a range of maximum lagging (−0.00) to unity (1.00) to maximum leading
(+0.00) for phases A, B, and C, and for total phase.

Figure 125. Analog Metering, Power Screen

Frequency is metered over a range of 10 to 125 hertz. If the measured frequency is outside this range,
the display will show “---“.
Frequency is sensed from Va to N on the back of the BE1-11g. Refer to the Typical Connections chapter
for three-wire and four-wire connection diagrams. The frequency of the auxiliary voltage input (VX) is also
Frequency metering data is found in BESTCOMSPlus (Figure 126) and on the Metering > Analog
Metering > Frequency screen of the front-panel display.

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Figure 126. Analog Metering, Frequency Screen

Slip Frequency, Slip Angle, and Voltage Difference are metered.
Synchronization metering data is found in BESTCOMSPlus (Figure 127) and on the Metering > Analog
Metering > Synchronization screen of the front-panel display.

Figure 127. Analog Metering, Synchronization Screen

The differential value is calculated as shown in the following equations:

If 87 Mode = Phase Differential and Slope Mode = Maximum, then IOP A = |𝐼𝐼𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶1 + 𝐼𝐼𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶2 |
where: ICOMPA1 = and ICOMPA2 =

Equation 19. IOP A Calculation when 87 Mode = Phase Differential

If 87 Mode = Flux Balance, then IOP A = |IA|

Equation 20. IOP A Calculation when 87 Mode = Flux Balance

If 87 Mode = Phase Differential and Slope Mode = Average, then IR A = max (IRA1 , IRA2 )
Equation 21. IR A Calculation when 87 Mode = Phase Differential and Slope Mode = Maximum

If 87 Mode = Phase Differential, then IR A = avg (IRA1 , IRA2 )

Equation 22. IR A Calculation when 87 Mode = Phase Differential and Slope Mode = Average

Differential metering data is found in BESTCOMSPlus (Figure 128) and on the Metering > Analog
Metering > Differential screen of the front-panel display.

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Figure 128. Analog Metering, Differential Screen

Energy is metered for positive and negative watthours and varhours. Watthour and varhour values are
calculated per minute as shown in Equation 23.

Primary VT Ratio × Primary CT Ratio

× Secondary Watts or Vars
60 minutes
Equation 23. Energy Data Equation
Watt and var values are updated every 250 milliseconds and watthour and varhour values are logged
once every minute. Energy registers are stored in nonvolatile memory at 15-minute intervals.
Watthour values and varhour values can be read, reset, or changed through the front panel or
communication ports. A lagging power factor load will report positive watts and positive vars.
Energy metering data is found in BESTCOMSPlus (Figure 129) and on the Metering > Analog Metering >
Energy screen of the front-panel display.

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Figure 129. Analog Metering, Energy Screen

Click the Edit button to change the values. The Meter Energy Editor screen appears as shown in
Figure 130. Make the desired changes and then click Upload Data to Device. A username and password
are required to upload data. Click Close when finished.

Figure 130. Meter Energy Editor Screen

Analog Inputs and Outputs

The following screens are used when an optional RTD module is connected to the BE1-11g. For more
information, refer to the RTD Module chapter.
The Analog Inputs screen is shown in Figure 131 and the Analog Outputs screen is shown in Figure 132.

Figure 131. Analog Metering, Analog Inputs Screen

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Figure 132. Analog Metering, Analog Outputs Screen

RTD Meter
Figure 133 illustrates the RTD Meter screen. Temperatures are displayed from the optional RTD modules.

Figure 133. RTD Meter Screen

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Sequence of Events
A sequence of events recorder (SER) report is very useful in reconstructing the exact sequence and
timing of events during a power disturbance or even normal system operations. The SER tracks over 700
data points by monitoring the internal and external status of the BE1-11g. Data points are scanned every
quarter-cycle. All changes of state that occur during each scan are time tagged to 1 millisecond
resolution. Over 1,000 records are stored in nonvolatile memory; when the SER memory becomes full,
the oldest record is replaced by the latest one acquired.
The SER monitors the following points and conditions:
• Single-state events such as resetting demands or targets, changing settings, etc.
• Programmable logic variables
• Targets
• Relay trouble alarm variables
• Programmable alarm variables
• Output contact status
• Fault reporting trigger expressions
BE1-11g protection systems have three identification fields: Device ID, Station ID, and User ID. These
fields are used in the header information lines of the sequence of events records. Refer to the
BESTCOMSPlus® Software chapter for information on BE1-11g identification settings.
For user-programmable logic variables (contact sensing inputs, contact outputs, and virtual control
switches), the user-programmed variable name, and state names are logged in the SER report instead of
the generic variable name and state names.
When a monitored event occurs or a monitored variable changes state, the SER logs all event data listed
in Table 74.
Table 74. Event Data Recorded
Event Data
Date of change in format YYYY-MM-DD
Time of change in 24 hour format HH:MM:SS.mmm
SYNC Time Sync Status, one of: IRIGB, DNP, NTP, RTC, NO_SYNC
DEVICE ID User entered device name string
Point Type, one of: ALRM (alarm), CONF (configurable), LGIC (logic), PROT
(protection), STAT (status), TRBL (trouble), TRGT (target), USER (user)
NUM Basler Point Name (not localized to local language)
DESCRIPTION Localized or user entered string description of point
STATUS Localized or user entered string status of point (Open, Closed, Trip, etc.)

Sequence of Events Setup

The Sequence of Events Setup screen is shown in Figure 134. Select events to be recorded in the
Sequence of Events Log. All events are enabled by default.

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Figure 134. Sequence of Events Setup Screen

Retrieving SER Information

Sequence of events data can be obtained through BESTCOMSPlus and the web page interface.

Viewing and Downloading SER Data through BESTCOMSPlus®

Use the Metering Explorer to open the Reports, Sequence of Events screen. If an active connection to a
BE1-11g is present, the sequence of events will automatically download. Using the Options button, you
can copy, print, or save the Sequence of Events. The Refresh button is used to refresh/update the list of
events. The Clear button will clear all events. The Toggle Sorting button enables sorting. Click on a
column header to sort. See Figure 135.

Figure 135. Sequence of Events Screen

Viewing SER Data through the Web Page Interface

Sequence of events summary can be viewed through the web page interface. Refer to the BESTnet™Plus

Sequence of Events BE1-11g

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Fault Reporting
The fault reporting function records and reports information about faults that have been detected by the
BE1-11g. The BE1-11g provides many fault reporting features. These features include Fault Summary
Reports, Oscillographic Records, Distance to Fault, and Targets.

Fault Reporting Trigger Logic

Logic expressions are used to define the three conditions for fault reporting. These conditions are Trip,
Picked Up, and Logic trigger. An oscillographic record is triggered when either the Pickup or Logic input is
true. You can also force a trigger using BESTCOMSPlus®.
Figure 144 illustrates how each of these logic expressions is used by the various BE1-11g functions. Fault
trigger logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The
BESTlogicPlus chapter provides information about using BESTlogicPlus to program the BE1-11g. Figure
136 illustrates the fault reporting trigger logic block.

Figure 136. Fault Reporting Trigger Logic Block

Trip expressions are used by the fault reporting function to start logging targets for an event and to record
fault current magnitudes at the time of trip. The trip expression is used to light the Trip LED on the front
panel. The Trip LED will turn on and remain on as long as the trip expression is true. The Trip LED will
remain on (or “sealed-in”) after the trip expression becomes false if targets are associated with the trip.
The breaker monitoring function uses the trip expression to start counting the breaker operate time.

Pickup expressions are used by the fault reporting function to time-stamp the fault summary record, time
the length of the fault from pickup to dropout (fault clearing time), and to control the recording of
oscillographic data. The pickup expression is used to flash the Trip LED on the front panel. The Trip LED
will continue to flash on and off as long as the pickup expression is true and the trip expression is not true.
A pickup expression is also used by the setting group selection function to prevent a setting group change
during a fault.

Logic trigger expressions allow the fault reporting function to be triggered even though the BE1-11g is not
picked up. A logic trigger expression provides an input to the fault reporting function much as the pickup
expression does. This logic expression is not used by the setting group selection or the front panel.

Each protective function logs target information to the fault reporting function when a trip condition occurs
and the trip output of the logic block becomes true (refer to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out B). Table 75
lists targets as displayed. All targets are enabled by default.

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Table 75. Targets as Displayed

Target Description
21-#-AB Distance, AB
21-#-BC Distance, BC
21-#-CA Distance, CA
24 Overexcitation
27P-#-A/B/C Phase Undervoltage, A, B, or C
27X-#-3V0 Auxiliary Undervoltage, 3V0-3ph VT
27X-#-V1 Auxiliary Undervoltage, Positive-Sequence
27X-#-V2 Auxiliary Undervoltage, Negative-Sequence
27X-#-AUX Auxiliary Undervoltage, Fundamental VX
27X-#-3RD Auxiliary Undervoltage, 3 Harmonic VX
32-#-A/B/C/T-Over Power, Phase A, B, C, or Total, Overpower
32-#-A/B/C/T-Under Power, Phase A, B, C, or Total, Underpower
40Q Loss of Excitation, Reverse var Based
40Z Z1/Z2 Loss of Excitation, Impedance Based, Zone 1 or 2
40Z Z1/Z2 VC Loss of Excitation, Impedance Based, Zone 1 or 2, Voltage Control
49RTD-# RTD-#-# Over/Undertemperature
50-#-A/B/C Instantaneous Overcurrent, Phase A, B, or C
50-#-Residual Instantaneous Overcurrent, Residual
50-#-IND GND Instantaneous Overcurrent, Independent Ground
50-#-Pos SEQ Instantaneous Overcurrent, Positive-Sequence
50-#-Neg SEQ Instantaneous Overcurrent, Negative-Sequence
50-#-Unbalance Instantaneous Overcurrent, Unbalance
50-#-67-A/B/C Directional Instantaneous Overcurrent, Phase A, B, or C
50-#-67-Residual Directional Instantaneous Overcurrent, Residual
50-#-67-IND GND Directional Instantaneous Overcurrent, Independent Ground
50-#-67-Neg SEQ Directional Instantaneous Overcurrent, Negative-Sequence
50BF Breaker Failure
51-#-A/B/C Inverse Overcurrent, Phase A, B, or C
51-#-Residual Inverse Overcurrent, Residual
51-#-IND GND Inverse Overcurrent, Independent Ground
51-#-Pos SEQ Inverse Overcurrent, Positive-Sequence
51-#-Neg SEQ Inverse Overcurrent, Negative-Sequence
51-#-Unbalance Inverse Overcurrent, Unbalance
51-#-67-A/B/C Directional Inverse Overcurrent, Phase A, B, or C
51-#-67-Residual Directional Inverse Overcurrent, Residual
51-#-67-IND GND Directional Inverse Overcurrent, Independent Ground
51-#-67-Neg SEQ Directional Inverse Overcurrent, Negative-Sequence
59-#-A/B/C Phase Overvoltage, A, B, or C

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Target Description
59X-#-3V0 Auxiliary Overvoltage, 3V0-3ph VT
59X-#-V1 Auxiliary Overvoltage, Positive-Sequence
59X-#-V2 Auxiliary Overvoltage, Negative-Sequence
59X-#-AUX Auxiliary Overvoltage, Fundamental VX
59X-#-3RD Auxiliary Overvoltage, 3 Harmonic VX
60FL Fuse Loss Detection
62-# Timer Output
78OOS Out of Step
78V Vector Shift
81-#-Over Frequency, Over
81-#-Under Frequency, Under
81-#-ROC Frequency, Rate of Change
86-# Lockout Function
87-A/B/C Differential Current, Phase A, B, or C
87-Unrestrained A/B/C 87 Unrestrained, Phase A, B, or C
87N-1 Neutral Current Differential
Analog In # Remote Analog Input

Target logging for a protective function can be disabled if the function is used in a supervisory or
monitoring capacity. The following paragraphs describe how the BE1-11g is programmed to define which
protective functions log targets.

Target Settings
Targets are enabled using BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Target Configuration
tree branch. You can select which protective elements trigger a target by selecting Enabled or Disabled
from the Mode drop-down menu next to the targets. See Figure 137.

Figure 137. Target Settings Screen

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User Programmable Targets

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Target Configuration, User Programmable Targets
HMI Navigation Path: Not available through the front panel
Twelve user programmable targets are available. BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic is used to set up
target logic. User target labels are programmed on the User Programmable Targets screen (Figure 138)
under Target Configuration. When active, the label of a user target is displayed on the front-panel display,
in the fault report, and in the sequence of events report.

Figure 138. User Programmable Targets Screen

Retrieving Target Information and Resetting Targets

To view targets at the front-panel display, navigate to Metering > Status > Targets. The BE1-11g provides
target information from the most recent trip event. Target information is specific to an event; it is not
cumulative. Targets for previous events are recorded in the fault summary reports, which are described in
Fault Reports.
When a protective trip occurs and targets are logged, the front-panel Trip LED seals-in. The target can be
viewed on the front-panel display by navigating to Metering > Status > Targets.
To view target status using BESTCOMSPlus, use the Metering Explorer to open the Status, Targets
screen shown in Figure 139.

Figure 139. Targets Screen

Targets can also be viewed through the web page interface. Refer to the BESTnet™Plus chapter.
Targets can be cleared through BESTCOMSPlus or by pressing the front-panel Reset button while
viewing the Targets screen. Targets cannot be reset through the web page interface.
A BESTlogicPlus expression can be used to reset the targets. Use the Settings Explorer within
BESTCOMSPlus to open the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic tree branch. Select the Target Reset

Fault Reporting BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 201

logic block from the list of Elements. Use the drag and drop method to connect a variable or series of
variables to the Reset input. The target reset logic block is shown in Figure 140.

Figure 140. Target Reset Logic Block

Pressing the front-panel Reset key clears the targets and the Trip LED. Depending on device security
setup, a username and password may be required to reset targets at the front panel. Logging in is not
required if the Unsecured Access Level is set to Operator or higher. Target reset can also be set outside
of security control, allowing reset without logging in. Refer to the Security chapter for more information.
A target reset key is available as a status input in BESTlogicPlus. Refer to the BESTlogicPlus chapter for
more information.

Fault Reports
The BE1-11g records information about faults and creates fault summary reports. A maximum of 255 fault
summary reports are stored in nonvolatile memory. When a new fault summary report is generated, the
BE1-11g discards the oldest of the 255 events and replaces it with a new one. Each fault summary report
is assigned a sequential number (from 1 to 255) by the BE1-11g. After event number 255 has been
assigned, the numbering starts over at 1.
Five different event types are generated by the BE1-11g: Trip, Pickup, Logic, Breaker Failure, and Forced
BE1-11g protection systems have three identification fields: Device ID, Station ID, and User ID. These
fields are used in the header information lines of the fault reports. Refer to the BESTCOMSPlus Software
chapter for information on BE1-11g identification settings.

Viewing and Downloading Fault Data through BESTCOMSPlus®

To view fault summary reports using BESTCOMSPlus, use the Metering Explorer to open the Reports,
Fault Records screen shown in Figure 141. This screen shows a list of faults along with number, date,
time, event type, and number of oscillographic records for each fault.
From this screen, you can choose to View All or View New fault reports. Then select View Fault Details or
View Fault Sequence of Events by selecting your choice at the top of the screen and then highlighting the
fault to be displayed.
The Download button allows you to download and save all files associated with the selected fault. These
files include oscillographic records. The Refresh button refreshes the list of fault reports on the screen
(Figure 141) that are available to view/download. The Reset button resets new faults. The Trigger button
manually triggers a fault.

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Figure 141. Fault Reports Screen

Viewing and Downloading Fault Data through the Web Page Interface
Fault report data can be viewed through the web page interface. For more information, refer to the
BESTnetPlus chapter.

Viewing Fault Data through the Front-Panel Display

Fault report data for the last 10 faults can be viewed through the front-panel display by navigating to
Metering, Reports, Fault Reports.

Fault Summary Report Items

A fault summary report collects several items of information about a fault that can aid in determining why
a fault occurred without having to sort through all of the detailed information available. The following items
are contained in a typical fault summary report.

Product Name
This line reports the product name.

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Application Version
This line reports the version of firmware inside the product.

Station ID, Device ID, and User ID

These lines report station, device, and user information as defined by BESTCOMSPlus on the Device Info

Relay Address
This line reports the communications port address(es) that the report was requested from. The addresses
are assigned using BESTCOMSPlus or the front-panel interface.

Settings File Name

This line reports the name of the settings file that was active at the time of the fault.

Fault Time
This line reports the time and date of the initial trigger of the event. This is based on either the pickup
logic expression or the logic trigger expression becoming true as defined by the Fault Trigger logic. Refer
to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out A.

Fault Number
This line reports the sequential number (from 1 to 255) assigned to the report by the BE1-11g.

Event Type
This line reports the type of event that occurred. There are five event categories:
1. Trip: A fault was detected as defined by the pickup expression and the BE1-11g tripped to clear
the fault.
2. Pickup: A fault was detected as defined by the pickup expression but the BE1-11g never tripped
indicating that the fault was cleared by another device.
3. Logic: A fault report was recorded by the logic trigger expression but no fault was detected as
defined by the pickup expression.
4. Breaker Failure: A fault was detected as defined by the pickup expression and the breaker
failure trip became true before the fault was cleared.
5. Forced Trigger: A fault report was triggered through the BESTCOMSPlus interface.

Event Trigger
This line reports the logic variables in the picked up or logic trigger expressions that became true to
trigger the recording of the event.

Active Group
This line reports what setting group was active at the time that the fault occurred.

Fault Type
Indication of phases involved in the fault.

This line reports the targets that were logged to the fault report between the time that the trip expression
became true until the end of the fault. Refer to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out B.

Distance to Fault
This line reports the distance to the fault on the line. Units are the same as the units used to determine
line length. Refer to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out F.

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Fault Clearing Time

This line reports the time from when the BE1-11g detected the fault until the BE1-11g detected that the
fault had cleared. Refer to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out C.
• If the fault report was triggered through the BESTCOMSPlus interface, the recording of the report
was terminated after 60 seconds and this line is reported as n/a.
• If the pickup or logic expressions stay true for more than 60 seconds, an alarm bit in the
programmable alarm function is set and this line is reported as n/a. In this situation, the fault
reporting functions (including targets) will not operate again until the pickup and logic trigger
expressions return to a false state to enable another trigger.

Breaker Operate Time

This line reports the breaker trip time from the breaker monitoring and alarm function. This is the time
measured from when the breaker is trigged until the fast current detector function detects that the arc has
been extinguished.

Oscillographic Record
This line reports the number of oscillographic records that are stored in memory for this fault report. Refer
to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out E. Recording of oscillographic records is described later in this

VA, IA, IA Circuit 2, VB, IB, IB Circuit 2, VC, IC, IC Circuit 2

These lines report the phase voltage and current magnitudes and angles measured two power system
cycles immediately following the trip trigger. If the fault is cleared prior to the BE1-11g tripping, the
recorded fault voltages and currents are for the power system cycle two cycles prior to the end of the
fault. Refer to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out F.

V0, V1, V2
These lines report the three-phase residual, positive-sequence, and negative-sequence voltage
magnitudes and angles measured two power system cycles immediately following the trip trigger. If the
fault is cleared prior to the BE1-11g tripping, the recorded fault voltages are for the power system cycle
two cycles prior to the end of the fault. Refer to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out F.

IG, IG Circuit 2
This line reports the ground current magnitude and angle measured two power system cycles
immediately following the trip trigger. If the fault is cleared prior to the BE1-11g tripping, the recorded fault
current is for the power system cycle two cycles prior to the end of the fault. Refer to Figure 144 and
Table 78, call-out F.

3I0, 3I0 Circuit 2, I1, I1 Circuit 2, I2, I2 Circuit 2

These lines report the three-phase residual, positive-sequence, and negative-sequence current
magnitudes and angles measured two power system cycles immediately following the trip trigger. If the
fault is cleared prior to the BE1-11g tripping, the recorded fault currents are for the power system cycle
two cycles prior to the end of the fault. Refer to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out F.

This line reports the frequency for the phase voltage input and auxiliary voltage input measured
immediately following the trip trigger. Refer to Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out F.

This line reports the auxiliary voltage magnitude and angle measured two power system cycles
immediately following the trip trigger. If the fault is cleared prior to the BE1-11g tripping, the recorded fault
voltages are for the power system cycle two cycles prior to the end of the fault. Refer to
Figure 144 and Table 78, call-out F.

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These lines report the values of the RTDs when an optional remote RTD module is connected.

Analog Inputs
These lines report the values of the analog inputs when an optional remote RTD module is connected.

Oscillographic Records
Recording Oscillographic Records
Each time the fault reporting function starts recording a fault summary report, it freezes a user-defined
cycle pre-fault buffer. If the fault is not cleared within that time, the fault reporting function records a
second oscillographic record. This second record captures the end of the fault. Oscillographic records are
stored in nonvolatile memory. As additional faults are recorded, the oldest records are overwritten. The
fault reporting function can record up to 32 oscillographic records based on IEEE Std C37.111-1999 -
IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange (COMTRADE) for Power Systems. The
number of records to store is selectable by the user. Maximum data capture resolution is 32 samples per
cycle and is user selectable. The BE1-11g can store up to 2,048 cycles of data at 8 samples per cycle or
512 cycles of data at 32 samples per cycle. Refer to Table 76 for Oscillographic Records Settings.
All channels are recorded (IA, IA Circuit 2, IB, IB Circuit 2, IC, IC Circuit 2, IG, IG Circuit 2, VA, VB, VC,
VX, FP, FX, Analog Inputs, and RTDs) as they happen in real time.
A settings snapshot is taken and recorded with each event. This snapshot will be stored in a file that can
later be uploaded to the device to return it to the settings that were active at the time of the recording.
BE1-11g protection systems have three identification fields: Device ID, Station ID, and User ID. These
fields are used in the header information lines of the oscillographic records. Refer to the BESTCOMSPlus
Software chapter for information on BE1-11g identification settings.

Oscillographic Records Settings

The oscillographic records settings are programmed through BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Settings Explorer
to open the Metering Configuration, Fault Records screen as shown in Figure 142. Enter the values for
Sample Resolution, Number of Records to Store, and Prefault Cycles.

Figure 142. Fault Records Screen

Table 76 summarizes the oscillographic records settings.
Table 76. Oscillographic Records Settings
Setting Range Increment Default
Sample Resolution 32, 16, or 8 n/a 32
Number of Records to Store 32, 16, 8, or 4 n/a 32
Prefault Cycles 0 to 16 1 2

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Retrieving Oscillographic Records

Oscillographic records can be downloaded through the Reports, Fault Reports screen in BESTCOMSPlus
(Figure 141). See Fault Reports earlier in this chapter. Oscillographic records can also be downloaded
through the web page interface. For more information, refer to the BESTnetPlus chapter.

Distance to Fault
The BE1-11g calculates distance to fault each time a fault record is triggered. Distance to fault is
calculated and displayed based on the power line parameters entered using BESTCOMSPlus or the front-
panel interface. Table 77 provides the power line operating settings.
Table 77. Power Line Operating Settings
Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
0.05 to 200 (5A CTs)
Z1 Line Magnitude varies ohms 24
0.01 to 40 (1A CTs)
Z1 Line Angle 0 to 90 1 degrees 80
0.05 to 650 (5A CTs)
Z0 Line Magnitude varies ohms 8
0.01 to 130 (1A CTs)
Z0 Line Angle 0 to 90 1 degrees 80
Line Length 0.01 to 130 0.01 units 100
Line Length describes the power line parameters for which distance is to be computed over. The
parameters should be entered in units per line length with line length being the actual length of the power
line. Line length is entered as unit-less quantities and, therefore, can be entered in kilometers or miles.
Therefore, the distance results would be in whatever units the line length represented.
Using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus, power line parameters can be entered on the System
Parameters, Power System screen. Settings are provided for Positive-Sequence Impedance, Zero-
Sequence Impedance, and Line Length. Refer to Figure 143.

Figure 143. Power System Screen

Note that both Z1-MAG and Z0-MAG are scaled by 10 times to represent the entire length of the power
line. Since the units are in kilometers, the distance results would also be in kilometers.
Distance calculations are performed post-fault using vector data captured during the actual fault. Pre-fault
current vectors are captured three cycles prior to pickup. Fault voltage and current vectors are captured
two cycles after the trip command is issued. The two-cycle wait time allows line transients to settle to
provide results that are more accurate.

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To perform the actual distance calculation, the BE1-11g first must determine the faulted phase. Faults can
be categorized depending on the lines faulted. The various categories are LLL, LL, LLG, or LG where
L = line and G = ground.
To determine the faulted phase, the fault vectors are compensated for load flow using the pre-fault data.
Next, the compensated vectors are run through a series of sequence component comparisons. Once the
faulted phase is determined, the fault data along with the line parameters are applied using the Takagi
algorithm to determine the impedance of the faulted line. The impedance is divided by the impedance per
unit length to determine the distance to fault. This method assumes the line is homogenous and that the
line parameters do not change over the length specified. For a non-homogenous line, the distance would
need to be manually corrected.
The distance-to-fault results are limited to ±300% of the specified line length. This limit prevents
erroneous results from being displayed for non-overcurrent type faults, such as over or undervoltage
faults. A computed value greater than maximum line length is reported as n/a (not applicable).

BE1-11g Fault Reporting

208 9424200994 Rev R

Protective Fault Analysis

Breaker auxiliary Protective

Protective Protective contact changes element
element element state drops out
picks up trips




PU + logic Fast
Fast current detector
detector drops out


Fault summary
report triggered
A (When Fault Trigger (PU or Logic) is TRUE)

Targets logged

Fault clearing C (When Fault Trigger (PU or Logic) is TRUE)

time calculated

Breaker D
operate time
4 cycle
Post-trigger recording
1/4 to 5 cycles
Oscillographic pre-trigger (When Fault Trigger (PU or Logic) is TRUE) of pre-trigger Post-trigger
Record (Default: 15 cycle record, pre-trigger, When
11 cycle post-trigger) Fault Trigger
Fault currents F (PU or Logic)
goes FALSE

Red TRIP LED G (When Fault Trigger (PU) is TRUE)


Red TRIP LED H (When Fault Trigger (Trip) is TRUE)


Breaker interruption I

Setting group J (When Fault Trigger (PU) is TRUE)

change blocked P0037-12

Figure 144. Protective Fault Analysis

Fault Reporting BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 209

Table 78. Legend for Figure 144

Locator Description
A A fault summary report and an oscillograph record are triggered when the Pickup logic
expression becomes true.
B During the time that the Trip expression is true, targets are logged from each of the
protective functions that reach a trip state. If a protective function is not being used for
tripping purposes, the associated target function can be disabled through BESTCOMSPlus.
C Fault clearing time is calculated as the duration of the time that the Pickup logic expression
is true.
D Breaker operate time is calculated as the time from when the Trip logic expression becomes
true until the fast current detector senses that the breaker has successfully interrupted the
current in all poles of the breaker.
E A second oscillographic record is triggered to record the end of the fault if the Pickup logic
expression remains in the true state at the time that the first oscillographic record ends. This
second record will have from ¼ to five cycles of pre-trigger data depending upon when the
Pickup logic expression becomes false.
F Recorded fault current, voltage, and distance magnitudes are displayed on the Targets
screen of the front-panel display. The same information including phase voltage frequency,
auxiliary voltage frequency, and voltage and current angles are recorded in the fault
summary report. The magnitude, angle, and distance results are based on data captured
two cycles after the trip output goes true. This two-cycle delay allows the line transients to
settle to provide data that is more accurate. The post fault current vectors are compared to
pre-fault current vectors captured three cycles prior to protective pickup to perform distance
calculations. If the Trip expression does not become true, the fault was cleared by a down-
stream device. For these pickup-only events, fault current, voltage, angle, and distance
recorded in the fault summary report will be for the power system cycle ending two cycles
prior to the end of the fault record. This is also the case if the fault record was triggered
through BESTCOMSPlus.
G During the time that the Pickup expression is true, the red Trip LED on the front panel
flashes indicating that the BE1-11g is picked up.
H During the time the Trip expression is true, the red Trip LED on the front panel lights
steadily indicating that the BE1-11g is in a tripped state. If targets have been logged for the
fault, the Trip LED is sealed in until the targets have been reset.
I Breaker operations and interruption duty functions are driven by the breaker status function.
The operations counter is incremented on breaker opening. The magnitudes of the currents
that are used for accumulating breaker duty are recorded for the power system cycle ending
when the breaker status changes state. Thus, breaker duty is accumulated every time that
the breaker opens even if it is not opening under fault.
J Setting group changes are blocked when the Pickup expression is true to prevent protective
functions from being reinitialized with new operating parameters while a fault is occurring.

BE1-11g Fault Reporting

210 9424200994 Rev R

Fault Reporting BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 211

The BE1-11g monitors internal systems, external interfaces, and power system equipment and
annunciates an alarm when one of these components fail. An alarm can be configured as latching or non-
latching with a status of major or minor. It can also be used as an input to other logic blocks in
BESTlogic™Plus. Latching alarms are stored in nonvolatile memory and are retained even when BE1-11g
operating power is lost. Active alarms are displayed on the front-panel display, web page interface, and
through BESTCOMSPlus® until they are cleared. Non-latching alarms are cleared when BE1-11g
operating power is lost.
If an alarm is configured as Major, a front-panel Major Alarm LED lights when the alarm is active. The
front-panel Minor Alarm LED operates in a similar manner. Each alarm provides a logic output that can be
connected to a physical output or other logic input using BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic.
The ability to program the reporting and display of alarms along with the automatic display priority feature
of the front-panel display gives the BE1-11g the functionality of a local and remote alarm annunciator. See
the Controls and Indicators chapter for more information on the automatic display priority logic.
A detailed list of alarms is provided in Table 79.
Table 79. Available Alarms
Name Description
101 Blocking Tag Status 101 breaker control switch block tag is set
24 Volts Per Hz Overexcitation
3I0 Demand Neutral current unbalance demand
43-1 Blocking Tag Status 43-1 virtual switch block tag set
43-2 Blocking Tag Status 43-2 virtual switch block tag set
43-3 Blocking Tag Status 43-3 virtual switch block tag set
43-4 Blocking Tag Status 43-4 virtual switch block tag set
43-5 Blocking Tag Status 43-5 virtual switch block tag set
87 Alarm Current Differential
Analog Analog-to-digital converter error
Breaker Fail Breaker failure
Breaker Monitor 1 Breaker alarm 1 threshold exceeded
Breaker Monitor 2 Breaker alarm 2 threshold exceeded
Breaker Monitor 3 Breaker alarm 3 threshold exceeded
Changes Lost Password access lost. Read only
Date Time Set The date/time was set by the user
Defaults Cal Loaded Remote Module 1 or 2 Alarm
Defaults Loaded Remote Module 1 or 2 Alarm
DNP Polls Error DNP polling failure
Ethernet Excess Traffic Local network overloaded
Ethernet Link Lost Ethernet communication lost
Fault Report Timeout True if fault event trigger lasts longer than 60 seconds
Firmware Change Firmware has been changed
Flash Failure Remote Module 1 or 2 Alarm
Freq Out Of Range Frequency is out of range

BE1-11g Alarms
212 9424200994 Rev R

Name Description
Fuse Loss One or more phases of voltage lost
I2 Demand Negative-sequence current unbalance demand
IG Demand Ground current demand
IP Demand Phase current demand
IRIG Sync Lost IRIG failed to synchronize
Logic Equal None Active logic = NONE
No User Setting User settings do not exist
NTP Sync Lost National Time Protocol (NTP) sync lost
Output 1 Override Control Override enabled on Output 1
Output 2 Override Control Override enabled on Output 2
Output 3 Override Control Override enabled on Output 3
Output 4 Override Control Override enabled on Output 4
Output 5 Override Control Override enabled on Output 5
Output 6 Override Control Override enabled on Output 6
Output 7 Override Control Override enabled on Output 7
Output 8 Override Control Override enabled on Output 8
Output Alarm Override Control Override enabled on Output Alarm
Output Override One or more output contacts have logic output override condition
Power Loss Alarm Operating power lost
Programmable Alarm 1 Programmable alarm 1 is true
Programmable Alarm 10 Programmable alarm 10 is true
Programmable Alarm 11 Programmable alarm 11 is true
Programmable Alarm 12 Programmable alarm 12 is true
Programmable Alarm 13 Programmable alarm 13 is true
Programmable Alarm 14 Programmable alarm 14 is true
Programmable Alarm 15 Programmable alarm 15 is true
Programmable Alarm 16 Programmable alarm 16 is true
Programmable Alarm 2 Programmable alarm 2 is true
Programmable Alarm 3 Programmable alarm 3 is true
Programmable Alarm 4 Programmable alarm 4 is true
Programmable Alarm 5 Programmable alarm 5 is true
Programmable Alarm 6 Programmable alarm 6 is true
Programmable Alarm 7 Programmable alarm 7 is true
Programmable Alarm 8 Programmable alarm 8 is true
Programmable Alarm 9 Programmable alarm 9 is true
Real Time Clock Real-time clock not set
RTD Comm Receive Fail Remote Module 1 or 2 Alarm
RTD Comm Send Fail Remote Module 1 or 2 Alarm
RTD Out of Range Remote Module 1 or 2 Alarm

Alarms BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 213

Name Description
S Demand Apparent power (VA) demand maximum exceeded
Setting Change Setting change made by user
Settings Group 0 Setting group 0 is active
Settings Group 1 Setting group 1 is active
Settings Group 2 Setting group 2 is active
Settings Group 3 Setting group 3 is active
SGC Active Active setting group changed
SGC Logic Override Setting group control was overridden by logic
Trip Coil Monitor Monitored trip circuit open
uP Reset Alarm Microprocessor watchdog circuit timed out
Var Negative Demand Negative var demand maximum exceeded
Var Positive Demand Positive var demand maximum exceeded
Watt Forward Demand Forward watt demand maximum exceeded
Watt Reverse Demand Reverse watt demand maximum exceeded

Alarm Settings
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Alarms
HMI Navigation Path: Not available through the front panel
Alarms are enabled using BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Alarm Configuration,
Alarms tree branch. Configure alarms by selecting Disabled, Latching, or Non-Latching from the Minor,
Major, and Logic drop-down menus next to the alarms. Refer to Figure 145.

Figure 145. Alarm Settings Screen

User Programmable Alarms

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, User Programmable Alarms
HMI Navigation Path: Not available through the front panel
Sixteen user programmable alarms are available. BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic is used to set up
alarm logic. User alarm labels are programmed on the User Programmable Alarms screen (Figure 146)
BE1-11g Alarms
214 9424200994 Rev R

under Alarm Configuration. When active, the label of a user alarm is displayed on the Alarms screen on
the front-panel display and in the fault report and/or sequence of events report.

Figure 146. User Programmable Alarms Screen

Retrieving Alarm Information

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Alarms
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Alarms
Major and Minor alarms can be viewed through BESTCOMSPlus, the front-panel display and LED
indicators, and the web page interface. Alarms are displayed in the fault reports and sequence of events
To view alarms at the front-panel display, navigate to Metering > Status > Alarms. All active alarms will be
shown on this screen. The front-panel navigation keys can be used to scroll through the list of active
To view alarm status using BESTCOMSPlus, use the Metering Explorer to open the Status, Alarms
screen shown in Figure 147. Alarms can be reset by clicking the Reset Alarms button under the
appropriate column.

Figure 147. Alarms Screen

Resetting Alarms
A BESTlogicPlus expression can be used to reset the alarms. Use the Settings Explorer within
BESTCOMSPlus to open the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic tree branch. Select the Major Alarm
Reset, Minor Alarm Reset, or Logic Alarm Reset logic block from the list of Elements. The Major Alarm
Reset will reset all major alarms. The Minor Alarm Reset will reset all minor alarms. The Logic Alarm

Alarms BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 215

Reset will reset all logic alarms. Use the drag-and-drop method to connect a variable or series of
variables to the Reset input. The alarm reset logic blocks are shown in Figure 148.

Figure 148. Alarm Reset Logic Block

Major and Minor alarms can be cleared by pressing the Reset button on the front-panel interface while the
Alarms screen is being displayed or through BESTCOMSPlus. Alarms cannot be reset through the web
page interface.
Pressing the front-panel Reset key clears the alarms and the Major Alarm or Minor Alarm LED.
Depending on device security setup, a username and password may be required to reset alarms at the
front panel. Logging in is not required if the Unsecured Access Level is set to Operator or higher, as long
as no other port has access above Read. Alarm reset can also be set outside of security control, allowing
reset without logging in. Refer to the Security chapter for more information.
An alarm reset is available as a status input in BESTlogicPlus. Refer to the BESTlogicPlus chapter for
more information.

BE1-11g Alarms
216 9424200994 Rev R

Alarms BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 217

Differential Reporting
The BE1-11g records information about the phase current differential (87) status of the BE1-11g and
creates a differential report. Only one report is stored in nonvolatile memory. When a new report is
generated, the BE1-11g discards the old report and replaces it with the new one.
To view differential reports using BESTCOMSPlus®, use the Metering Explorer to open the Reports,
Differential Report screen shown in Figure 149.
From this screen, you can choose to Download the latest differential report into BESTCOMSPlus, Save
the latest differential report to a file, or Trigger a new differential report.

Figure 149. Differential Report Screen

BE1-11g Differential Reporting

218 9424200994 Rev R

Differential Reporting BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 219

Breaker Monitoring
Breaker monitoring helps manage equipment inspection and maintenance expenses by providing
extensive monitoring and alarms for the circuit breaker. Breaker monitoring functions include breaker
status and operations counter reporting, fault current interruption duty monitoring and trip-speed
monitoring. Each function can be set up as a programmable alarm. The Alarms chapter has more
information about the use of programmable alarms. The breaker trip circuit voltage and continuity monitor
is a related function and is described in the Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM) chapter.

Breaker Status Reporting

The breaker status monitoring function monitors the position of the breaker for reporting purposes.
Opening breaker strokes are also counted and recorded in the breaker operations counter register. Circuit
breaker status is also used by the 50BF function, the 60FL function, the 25A function, and the 52TCM
function. The breaker status logic block is shown in Figure 150.

Figure 150. Breaker Status Logic Block

BESTlogic™Plus Settings for Breaker Status

Since the BE1-11g is completely programmable, it is necessary to program which logic variable will
monitor breaker status. Breaker status is programmed using BESTCOMSPlus®. Use the Settings Explorer
to open the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic tree branch and select the Breaker Status logic block
from the list of Elements. Use the drag and drop method to connect a variable or group of variables to the
input. Refer to the BESTlogicPlus chapter for more information on setting BESTlogicPlus programmable
Table 80 summarizes the BESTlogicPlus settings for Breaker Status.
Table 80. BESTlogicPlus Settings for Breaker Status
Setting Range/Purpose Default
Breaker Status True when the breaker is closed (e.g., 52a logic). 0

Retrieving Breaker Status and Operation Counter Information

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Breaker Status
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Breaker Status
Breaker status can be viewed through BESTCOMSPlus, the front-panel display, and the web page
To view breaker status using BESTCOMSPlus, use the Metering Explorer to open the Status, Breaker
Status screen shown in Figure 151. To view breaker status at the front-panel display, navigate to
Metering Explorer, Status, Breaker Status.

Figure 151. Breaker Status Screen

The number of breaker operations can be read at the front-panel display. The counter value can be
adjusted using the Edit key. This allows the BE1-11g counter value to be matched to an existing
mechanical cyclometer on a breaker mechanism. Write access to the reports functions must be gained to

BE1-11g Breaker Monitoring

220 9424200994 Rev R

edit this value at the front-panel display. To view the breaker status using BESTCOMSPlus, use the
Metering Explorer to open the Control, Breaker Control Switch tree branch.
The breaker operations counter can be monitored to give an alarm when the value exceeds a threshold.
See Breaker Alarms in this chapter for more information about this feature.
Breaker duty monitoring is discussed in the following paragraphs.

Breaker Duty Monitoring

When the breaker opens, the current interrupted in each pole of the circuit breaker is accumulated by the
breaker duty monitor. Breaker opening is defined by the breaker status monitoring function (Breaker
Status). Figure 152 illustrates breaker status during a fault and protective trip. Table 81 serves as a
legend for the call-outs of Figure 152.
Each time the breaker trips, the breaker duty monitor updates two sets of registers for each pole of the
breaker. In the Accumulated I Duty registers, the breaker duty monitor adds the measured current in
primary amperes. In the Accumulated I2 Duty registers, the function adds the measured current in
primary amperes squared. The user selects which of the two sets of duty registers are reported and
monitored when setting up the breaker duty monitor.
Even though duty register values are calculated and stored in primary amperes or primary amperes-
squared, the duty value is reported as a percent of maximum. The user sets the value that the BE1-11g
will use for 100 percent duty (DMAX). The value set for maximum duty is used directly for reporting the
accumulated I Duty. The square of the value set for maximum duty is used for reporting the accumulated
I2 duty.
Since the true measure of contact wear includes a factor for arcing time (t), an assumed arcing time for
the breaker should be included when choosing the setting for 100 percent interruption duty (DMAX).
When testing the BE1-11g by injecting currents, the values in the duty registers should be read and
recorded prior to the start of testing. Once testing is complete and the BE1-11g is returned to service, the
registers should be reset to the original pre-test values. A block accumulation logic input can be used
when testing so that simulated breaker duty is not added to the duty registers. The Block logic input of the
breaker duty function is an OR logic term (e.g., IN1 or OUT5) which blocks the breaker monitoring logic
when true (1). Block is set to zero to disable blocking. When breaker monitoring is blocked (logic
expression equals 1), breaker duty is not accumulated.

Breaker Monitoring BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 221

Breaker auxiliary Protective

Protective Protective contact changes element
element element state drops out
picks up trips




PU + logic Fast
Fast current detector
detector drops out


Fault summary
report triggered
A (When Fault Trigger (PU or Logic) is TRUE)

Targets logged

Fault clearing C (When Fault Trigger (PU or Logic) is TRUE)

time calculated

Breaker D
operate time
4 cycle
Post-trigger recording
1/4 to 5 cycles
Oscillographic pre-trigger (When Fault Trigger (PU or Logic) is TRUE) of pre-trigger Post-trigger
Record (Default: 15 cycle record, pre-trigger, When
11 cycle post-trigger) Fault Trigger
Fault currents F (PU or Logic)
goes FALSE

Red TRIP LED G (When Fault Trigger (PU) is TRUE)


Red TRIP LED H (When Fault Trigger (Trip) is TRUE)


Breaker interruption I

Setting group J (When Fault Trigger (PU) is TRUE)

change blocked P0037-12

Figure 152. Protective Fault Analysis

BE1-11g Breaker Monitoring

222 9424200994 Rev R

Table 81. Legend for Figure 152

Locator Description
A A fault summary report and an oscillograph record are triggered when the Pickup logic
expression becomes true.
B During the time that the Trip expression is true, targets are logged from each of the
protective functions that reach a trip state. If a protective function is not being used for
tripping purposes, the associated target function can be disabled through BESTCOMSPlus.
C Fault clearing time is calculated as the duration of the time that the Pickup logic expression
is true.
D Breaker operate time is calculated as the time from when the Trip logic expression becomes
true until the fast current detector senses that the breaker has successfully interrupted the
current in all poles of the breaker.
E A second oscillographic record is triggered to record the end of the fault if the Pickup logic
expression remains in the true state at the time that the first oscillographic record ends. This
second record will have from ¼ to five cycles of pre-trigger data depending upon when the
Pickup logic expression becomes false.
F Recorded fault current, voltage, and distance magnitudes are displayed on the Targets
screen of the front-panel display. The same information including phase voltage frequency,
auxiliary voltage frequency, and voltage and current angles are recorded in the fault
summary report. The magnitude, angle, and distance results are based on data captured
two cycles after the trip output goes true. This two-cycle delay allows the line transients to
settle to provide data that is more accurate. The post fault current vectors are compared to
pre-fault current vectors captured three cycles prior to protective pickup to perform distance
calculations. If the Trip expression does not become true, the fault was cleared by a down-
stream device. For these pickup-only events, fault current, voltage, angle, and distance
recorded in the fault summary report will be for the power system cycle ending two cycles
prior to the end of the fault record. This is also the case if the fault record was triggered
through BESTCOMSPlus.
G During the time that the Pickup expression is true, the red Trip LED on the front panel
flashes indicating that the BE1-11g is picked up.
H During the time the Trip expression is true, the red Trip LED on the front panel lights
steadily indicating that the BE1-11g is in a tripped state. If targets have been logged for the
fault, the Trip LED is sealed in until the targets have been reset.
I Breaker operations and interruption duty functions are driven by the breaker status function.
The operations counter is incremented on breaker opening. The magnitudes of the currents
that are used for accumulating breaker duty are recorded for the power system cycle ending
when the breaker status changes state. Thus, breaker duty is accumulated every time that
the breaker opens even if it is not opening under fault.
J Setting group changes are blocked when the Pickup expression is true to prevent protective
functions from being reinitialized with new operating parameters while a fault is occurring.

Setting the Breaker Duty Monitoring Function

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Breaker Monitoring
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Breaker Monitor
Breaker Duty Monitoring settings are made using BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Settings Explorer to open the
Alarm Configuration, Breaker Monitoring tree branch shown in Figure 153.
Using the pull-down menus and settings boxes, make the application-appropriate settings to the breaker
duty monitoring function.

Breaker Monitoring BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 223

Figure 153. Breaker Monitoring Screen

To connect the Block logic input, use the Settings Explorer within BESTCOMSPlus to open the
BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic tree branch and select the breaker monitor logic block from the list of
Elements. Use the drag and drop method to connect a variable or series of variables to the input. Refer to
the BESTlogicPlus chapter for more information on setting BESTlogicPlus programmable logic.
The breaker monitor logic block is shown in Figure 154.

Figure 154. Breaker Monitor Logic Block

Table 82 summarizes the Breaker Duty Monitoring settings.
Table 82. Breaker Duty Monitoring Settings
Function Range/Purpose Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled Disabled
Source Select CT Circuit 1 or CT Circuit 2 CT Circuit 1
Exponent 1 to 3 in increments of 0.01 0
0 to 42,000,000 in increments of 1
The Max Duty parameter represents the maximum duty that the breaker
Max Duty 0.000e+00
contacts can withstand before needing service. Max Duty is programmed in
primary amperes using exponential floating point format.
Logic input that blocks the breaker monitoring logic when true. When true,
Block 0
breaker operations are not counted.

Retrieving Breaker Duty Information

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Breaker Monitor
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Breaker Report
Breaker duty values can be read at the front-panel display. Duty values can be changed by using the
front-panel Edit key. Write access to reports is required to edit breaker duty values. Duty values can also

BE1-11g Breaker Monitoring

224 9424200994 Rev R

be read or changed through the communication ports using BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Metering Explorer
to open the Reports, Breaker Monitor screen shown in Figure 155.

Figure 155. Breaker Report Screen

Breaker Operate Time Monitoring

The breaker operate time monitor tracks the time from when a trip output occurs (defined by the Trip logic
expression) to when the fast current detector observes that current is zero in all three breaker poles. This
time is reported as a line in the fault summary reports. See the Fault Reporting chapter for more
information about the Trip logic expression and fault summary reports.
Breaker operate time can be monitored to give an alarm when the value exceeds a threshold. Breaker
Alarms provides more information about this feature.

Breaker Alarms
Three alarm points are included in the programmable alarms for checking breaker monitoring functions.
Each alarm point can be programmed to monitor any of the three breaker monitoring functions, operations
counter, interruption duty, or clearing time. An alarm threshold can be programmed to monitor each
function. Alternately, three different thresholds can be programmed to monitor one of the monitored

Breaker Alarms Settings

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Breaker Monitoring
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Breaker Monitor
Settings are made using BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Alarm Configuration,
Breaker Monitoring tree branch shown in Figure 153.
Using the pull-down menus and settings boxes, make the application-appropriate settings to the breaker
Table 83 summarizes the breaker alarms settings.
Table 83. Breaker Alarms Settings
Setting Range/Unit of Measure/Increment Default
Mode Disabled, Duty, Operation, or Clearing Time Disabled
Duty 0 to 200 percent, increment = 1 0
Threshold Operation 0 to 99,999 breaker operations, increment = 1 0
Clearing Time 0 to 1,000 milliseconds, increment = 1 0

Breaker Monitoring BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 225

Demand recording promotes the ability of an electric power provider to plan for future upgrades. For
example, increasing load, over time, at a substation will be reflected in the demand values. This growing
demand can be addressed through additional capacity before the increasing load becomes an issue.
The BE1-11g continuously calculates demand values for current, watts, vars, and VA. Demand values are
recorded with timestamps for peak demands and present demands. Programmable alarm points can be
set to alarm if thresholds are exceeded for overload and unbalanced loading conditions. For information
on enabling alarms, refer to the Alarms chapter.

Demand values are continuously calculated for phase currents (IA Circuit 1, IA Circuit 2, IB Circuit 1, IB
Circuit 2, IC Circuit 1, IC Circuit 2), neutral current (3I0 Circuit 1, 3I0 Circuit 2), negative-sequence current
(I2 Circuit 1, I2 Circuit 2), and ground current (IG Circuit 1, IG Circuit 2).

Demand Current Reporting Settings

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Demands
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Demands
Settings are made using BESTCOMSPlus®. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Alarm Configuration,
Demands tree branch. Demand settings for current thresholds include Phase, Neutral/Ground, and
Negative-Sequence. Enter the appropriate demand current reporting settings. Refer to Figure 156.

Figure 156. Demands Screen

BE1-11g Demands
226 9424200994 Rev R

Table 84 summarizes the demand current reporting settings.

Table 84. Demand Current Reporting Settings
Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Phase Interval 0 or 1 to 60 0.5 minutes 15
Neutral/Ground Interval 0 or 1 to 60 0.5 minutes 15
Negative-Sequence Interval 0 or 1 to 60 0.5 minutes 15
Phase Current Threshold 0 or 0.5 to 16
0.01 amps 0
Neutral/Ground Current Threshold 0 or 0.5 to 16
0.01 amps 0
Negative-Sequence Current 0 or 0.5 to 16
0.01 amps 0
Threshold secondary

Demand values are continuously calculated for real power (A kW, B kW, C kW, Total kW), reactive power
(A var, B var, C var, Total var), and apparent power (A VA, B VA, C VA, Total VA).

Demand Power Reporting Settings

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Demands
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Demands
Settings are made using BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Alarm Configuration,
Demands tree branch. Demand settings for real power thresholds include Forward Watt and Reverse
Watt. Demand settings for reactive power include Forward Var and Reverse Var. A setting for apparent
power threshold is also provided. The demand power interval is defined by the Phase Interval setting.
Enter the appropriate demand power reporting settings. Refer to Figure 156.
Table 85 summarizes the demand power reporting settings.
Table 85. Demand Power Reporting Settings
Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Forward Watt Threshold 0 or 1 to 8,500 secondary varies watts 0
Reverse Watt Threshold 0 or 1 to 8,500 secondary varies watts 0
Forward var Threshold 0 or 1 to 8,500 secondary varies vars 0
Reverse var Threshold 0 or 1 to 8,500 secondary varies vars 0
VA Threshold 0 or 1 to 8,500 secondary varies VA 0

Retrieving Demand Reporting Information

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Demand
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Demand Meter
Values and timestamps in the demand registers are reported in primary values. They can be read at the
front-panel display, through BESTCOMSPlus, and through the web page interface.
Peak demand values can be preset by pressing the Edit key and changing the value. Write access to the
Reports functional area is required to preset values at the front panel.

Demands BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 227

To access demand data through BESTCOMSPlus, use the Metering Explorer to open the Demand tree
branch and select Demand Current (Figure 157), Demand Power (Figure 158), Demand Reactive Power,
or Demand Apparent Power. The Demand Reactive Power and Demand Apparent Power screens are

Figure 157. Demand Current Screen

Figure 158. Demand Power Screen

Refer to the BESTnet™Plus chapter for information on viewing the demands through the web page

BE1-11g Demands
228 9424200994 Rev R

Demands BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 229

Load Profile
The load profile recording function provides a running average of the demand and helps a customer
determine when power factor is poor during certain times of the day, week, or month and they are paying
a penalty. The load profile recording function uses a 4,000-point data array for data storage of three-
phase watt, three-phase var, and phase current demand readings.
At the specified (programmed) interval, the load profile function takes the data from the demand
calculation register and places it in a data array. If the programmed interval is set to 15 minutes, it will
take 41 days and 16 hours to generate 4,000 entries. Load profile data is smoothed by the demand
calculation function. If a step change is made in primary current, with the demand interval set for fifteen
minutes, and the load profile recording interval set for one minute, it would take approximately 15 minutes
for the load (step change) to reach 90% of the final level.

Setting the Load Profile Recording Function

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Metering Configuration, Load Profile
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Metering Configuration, Data Log Settings
For load profile recording to log data, you must enable the function and set the demand logging interval.
This can be done through BESTCOMSPlus®. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Load Profile screen
under Metering Configuration.
The BESTCOMSPlus Load Profile screen is illustrated in Figure 159. Settings are listed in Table 86.

Figure 159. Load Profile Screen

Table 86. Settings for Load Profile

Setting Range Increment Unit Default
Enable Log Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Enabled
Sample Delta 1 to 60 1 minutes 15

Retrieving Load Profile Recorded Data

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Load Profile
HMI Navigation Path: Not available through the front panel
Recorded load profile data can be downloaded through BESTCOMSPlus on the Load Profile screen
under Reports of the Metering Explorer.

BE1-11g Load Profile

230 9424200994 Rev R

Load Profile BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 231

Power Quality
The BE1-11g offers class B power quality measurement performance as defined by IEC 610004-30.
Power quality data consists of voltage, distortion, dips/swells, and harmonics. Power quality is reported
through BESTCOMSPlus®, the front-panel interface, and the web page interface. Refer to the
BESTnet™Plus chapter for information on viewing the demands through the web page interface.

Power Quality Settings

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Metering Configuration, Power Quality
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Metering Configuration, Power Quality
Settings are made using BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Metering Configuration,
Power Quality tree branch. The Power Quality screen is illustrated in Figure 160.

Figure 160. Metering Configuration, Power Quality Screen

Table 87 summarizes the power quality settings.
Table 87. Power Quality Settings
Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Reference Mode Fixed or Sliding n/a n/a Fixed
Dip Hysteresis 1 to 1.3 0.01 units 1
Dip Ratio 0 or 0.7 to 1 0.01 units 0
Swell Hysteresis 0.7 to 1 0.01 units 1
Swell Ratio 0 or 1 to 1.3 0.01 units 0

Retrieving Power Quality Data

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Power Quality
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Power Quality
Power quality data can be viewed using BESTCOMSPlus, through the front-panel interface, and through
the web page interface. To view data using BESTCOMSPlus, use the Metering Explorer to open the
Power Quality tree branch.

BE1-11g Power Quality

232 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 161 illustrates the Power Quality, Voltage screen.

Figure 161. Power Quality, Voltage Screen

10-Second Frequency
A 10-second average of the frequency is calculated using Equation 24.
Equation 24. 10-Second Frequency Calculation
Number of integral cycles: 501 cycles over 10 s
Total duration of the 501 cycles: 9.998 s
10-Second Frequency = 501/9.998 = 50.1100 Hz

The voltage during a dip is often distorted. This distortion may be important for understanding the effect of
the dip on the system. The BE1-11g calculates distortion using Equation 25.
� − 1� × 100
Equation 25. Distortion Calculation
Figure 162 illustrates the Power Quality, Distortion screen.

Figure 162. Power Quality, Distortion Screen

Figure 163 illustrates the Power Quality, Dip/Swell screen. A green LED indicates that the threshold
specified in Power Quality Settings has been exceeded.

Power Quality BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 233

Figure 163. Power Quality, Dip/Swell Screen

Figure 164 illustrates the Power Quality, Harmonic Voltage screen. The Harmonic Current screen is

Figure 164. Power Quality, Harmonic Voltage Screen

Refer to the BESTnetPlus chapter for information on viewing power quality data through the web page

BE1-11g Power Quality

234 9424200994 Rev R

Power Quality BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 235

Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM)

A trip circuit monitor (52TCM) element continually monitors the circuit breaker trip circuit for voltage and
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic output and operational settings appears at the end of this

Element Operation
A closed breaker with no voltage detected across the trip contacts can indicate that a trip circuit fuse is
open or there is a loss of continuity in the trip coil circuit. The 52TCM element detects this condition and
signals an alarm. In BESTlogicPlus, the Alarm output can be connected to other logic elements or a
physical relay output to annunciate the condition and initiate corrective action.

Breaker Status
Breaker status (open or closed) is obtained through the breaker status reporting function (configured by
the Breaker Status logic block). Refer to the Breaker Monitoring chapter for more information.

Programmable Alarm
A 52 Trip Coil Monitor alarm occurs when the breaker status reporting function detects a closed breaker
and no trip circuit voltage for the duration of a 500 millisecond coordination delay. The alarm appears on
the front-panel display, web page interface, and on the Alarms metering screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
Refer to the Alarms chapter for information on how to program alarms.

Detector Circuit
The detector circuit used by the 52TCM element is placed in parallel with the OUT1 contact when the
TCM jumper is installed on protection systems in a J type case (Figure 165). The detector circuit is
hardwired across the OUT1 contact on protection systems in an H or P type case (Figure 166). This
contact is used in all of the preprogrammed logic schemes as the main trip output. The detector circuit
across OUT1 is not polarity sensitive because the optical isolator used for detecting continuity is
connected across a full wave bridge.
The amount of current drawn through the optical isolator circuit depends on the total input impedance for
each power supply voltage rating. See Table 88 (J type case) and Table 89 (H or P type case).

BE1-11g Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM)

236 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 165. Trip Detector Circuit (J Type Case)

Table 88. Current Draw for each Power Supply Voltage Rating (J Type Case)
Optical Isolator
Power Supply Voltage Rating Resistor R Total
Off (25% V) On (80% V)
24 Vdc R1 - R7 = 2.2 kΩ 15.4 kΩ 6.0 V (0.390 mA) 19.2 V (1.25 mA)
R1 = 6.8 kΩ
48/125 Vdc 35 kΩ 12.0 V (0.343 mA) 38.4 V (1.10 mA)
R2 - R7 = 4.7 kΩ
125/250 Vdc R1 - R7 = 13 kΩ 91 kΩ 31.2 V (0.344 mA) 100 V (1.10 mA)

Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 237

Figure 166. Trip Detector Circuit (H or P Type Case)

Table 89. Current Draw for each Power Supply Voltage Rating (H or P Type Case)
Optical Isolator
Power Supply Voltage Rating R1 = R2 = R Total
Off (25% V) On (80% V)
24 Vdc 8.2 kΩ 16.4 kΩ 6.0 V (0.36 ma) 19.2 V (1.18 ma)
48/125 Vdc 18 kΩ 36 kΩ 26.4 V (0.68 ma) 38.4 V (1.02 ma)
125/250 Vdc 47 kΩ 94 kΩ 68.7 V (0.71 ma) 100 V (1.06 ma)

BE1-11g Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM)

238 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 167 illustrates typical trip circuit monitor connections for the BE1-11g.

Figure 167. Trip Circuit Voltage and Continuity Monitor

Applications that place other device inputs in parallel with the breaker
trip coil may not perform as desired. The connection of other devices
in parallel with the trip coil causes a voltage divider to occur when the
breaker or trip circuit is open. This may cause false tripping of the
other devices and prevent the BE1-11g trip circuit monitor from reliably
detecting an open circuit. Contact Basler Electric for advice on this
The circuit monitor sensing element has the same rating as the power
supply voltage. If the trip circuit voltage is significantly greater than the
power supply voltage (for example, when using a capacitor trip
device), the user should program the BE1-11g to use one of the other
output relays for tripping. In this situation, the trip circuit monitor
function will not be available.

In Figure 168, a 62X auxiliary relay is shown. In this case, the impedance of the 62X coil is small
compared to the impedance of the TCM circuit so the TCM optical isolator is always on and the TCM is
always at logic 1. This prevents the TCM logic from working even if the trip coil is open. To prevent this
problem, a diode was added as shown in Figure 168 to isolate the TCM circuit from the effects of 62X.

Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 239




P0057-41 52a

V V 52
62X 52 62X TC

Figure 168. TCM with Other Devices

Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM) Enable/Disable Jumper (J Type Case)

A BE1-11g in a J type case is delivered with the trip circuit monitor
enabled (TCM jumper connected). Read the following paragraphs
before placing the BE1-11g in service.

The trip circuit monitor draws a small amount of current, even when the contact is open. See Table 88 for
actual values. If the output is connected to light loads or digital inputs, it may be necessary to remove the
jumper to prevent the trip circuit monitor from activating those inputs.
The following paragraphs describe how to locate and connect/remove the trip circuit monitor jumper:
1. The trip circuit monitor jumper is located behind the rear terminal block that is used for OUT1
through OUTA and voltage sensing input connections. Using a 7/64” hex tool, remove the rear
terminal block. Observe all electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions when handling the
2. Locate the jumper terminal block that is mounted on the left side of the circuit board. The terminal
block has four pins. With the jumper as installed at the factory, the jumper should be connected
across pins 1 and 2 (left side) when viewed from the back of the unit. This jumper configuration
enables the trip circuit monitor. Figure 169 illustrates the location of the jumper terminal block as
well as the position of the jumper connected.
3. To disable the trip circuit monitor, remove the jumper from the two pins using needle-nose pliers.
Use care when removing the jumper so that no components are damaged. Retain the jumper for
enabling the trip circuit monitor in the future.
4. After removing the jumper to disable the trip circuit monitor, reinstall the rear terminal block.
5. Tighten the screws using a 7/64” hex tool. A torque of 10 in-lbs (1.12 N•m) is recommended.

BE1-11g Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM)

240 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 169. Trip Circuit Monitor Enable/Disable Jumper Location

Logic Connections
Trip circuit monitor logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The trip
circuit monitor element logic block is illustrated in Figure 170. The logic output is summarized in Table 90.

Figure 170. Trip Circuit Monitor Element Logic Block

Table 90. Logic Output

Name Logic Function Purpose
Alarm Output True when voltage is not detected in the trip circuit

Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 241

Operational Settings
Trip circuit monitor element operational settings are configured on the Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM)
settings screen (Figure 171) in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in
Table 91.

Figure 171. Trip Circuit Monitor Settings Screen

Table 91. Operational Settings

Setting Range Default
Mode Disabled or Enabled Disabled

BE1-11g Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM)

242 9424200994 Rev R

Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 243

Fuse Loss (60FL)

The fuse loss (60FL) element detects fuse loss or loss of potential in a three-phase system.
Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic™Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element
operational settings are configured on the Fuse Loss (60FL) settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus. A
summary of the logic output and operational settings appears at the end of this chapter.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Fuse Loss (60FL)
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Fuse Loss 60FL

Element Operation
The 60FL element detects fuse loss and loss of potential by using voltage and current thresholds that are
expressed as a percentage of the nominal voltage and current values. See the Configuration chapter for
information on changing the nominal voltage and current values.
When the 60FL element logic becomes true, the Fuse Loss output becomes true. A logic diagram is
shown in Figure 172. Logic parameters are shown in Table 92.
Trip Logic: 60FL Trip = (A * C * G * J * P) + (E * F * G * J) (See Table 92.)
Reset Logic: 60FL Reset = H * /K */L (See Table 92.)

Figure 172. Fuse Loss Element Logic

BE1-11g Fuse Loss (60FL)

244 9424200994 Rev R

Table 92. Fuse Loss Logic Parameters

Input True Condition
A Positive-sequence volts greater than 8.8% of the nominal voltage; Detects minimum voltage is applied.
B Positive-sequence amps greater than 8.8% of the nominal current; Detects minimum current is applied.
C Negative-sequence volts greater than 25% of the pos-seq volts; Detects loss of 1 or 2 phase voltages.
D Negative-sequence amps less than 17.7% of the pos-seq amps; Detects a normal current condition.
E Positive-sequence volts less than 8.8% of the nominal voltage; Detects loss of three-phase voltage.
F Positive-sequence amps less than 200% of the nominal current; Detects a normal load current condition.
G Three-wire or four-wire sensing selected.
H Positive-sequence volts greater than 85% of nominal voltage; Detects a restored voltage condition.
J (B + S); Detects breaker position and nominal current condition.
K (A * C * G * J * P); Detects when either one or two phases are lost.
L (E * F * G * J); Detects when all three phases are lost.
M, N Latches the 60FL output until the reset criteria are met.
P (R+D); Logical OR of comparators R and D to detect a normal current condition.
R Negative-sequence amps less than 15% of the nominal current; Detects a normal current condition.
Breaker Status is configured by the Breaker Status logic block. Information on setting up the breaker
S status logic can be found in the Breaker Monitoring chapter. The Ignore Breaker Status setting is found
on the 60FL settings screen. (Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0)

Function Blocking
User selectable block settings determine how the 51/27, 24, 25, 25A, 27, 59, 78V, 27X, 59X, 32, 40Z, and
67 protection functions operate when a fuse loss condition exists. The Block Voltage Control (51/27)
setting assumes that the voltage is VNOM when Fuse Loss is true because the voltage measurement is not
present or is unreliable. If the input voltage is nominal, then voltage restraint and control have no effect.
The Block Voltage settings determine which voltage functions are blocked when the Fuse Loss logic is
true. The Block Power/Power Factor setting blocks the power based functions when the Fuse Loss logic
is true. The Block Impedance setting blocks the impedance based functions when the Fuse Loss logic is
Protective elements blocked by 60FL should be set so that trip times
are 60 milliseconds or greater to assure proper coordination of

Directional Supervision
The directional tests are also supervised by the fuse loss element. If the 60FL logic is true, then voltage
sensing was lost or is unreliable. Under this condition positive, negative, and zero-sequence directional
tests are disabled and their bits are cleared. There is no user setting to enable or disable this supervision.
Current polarization is not affected by the 60FL since it does not rely on voltage sensing. Similarly, zero-
sequence voltage polarization can be performed only if 3P4W sensing is selected. The following qualifiers
are applied to the voltage polarized ground direction element based on the user selected input quantity:
• V0IN inputs:
Test: 60FL=FALSE & 3P4W=TRUE & (IN > minimum) & (IN > I1*8%) & (V0 > minimum)
• V0IG inputs:
Test: 60FL=FALSE & 3P4W=TRUE & (IG > minimum) & (V0 > minimum)
• VXIN inputs:
Test: (IG > minimum) & (IN > I1*8%) & (VX > minimum)
• VXIG inputs:
Test: (IG > minimum) & (VX > minimum)

Fuse Loss (60FL) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 245

Programmable Alarm
The BE1-11g indicates an alarm condition when the 60FL element detects a fuse loss or loss of potential.
The alarm appears on the front-panel display, web page interface, and on the Alarms metering screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the Alarms chapter for information on how to program alarms.

Logic Connections
Fuse loss logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The fuse loss
element logic block is illustrated in Figure 173. The logic output is summarized in Table 93.

Figure 173. Fuse Loss Element Logic Block

Table 93. Logic Output

Name Logic Function Purpose
Fuse Loss Output True when the 60FL logic is true

Operational Settings
Fuse loss element operational settings are configured on the Fuse Loss (60FL) settings screen (Figure
174) in BESTCOMSPlus. Settings are summarized in Table 94.

Figure 174. Fuse Loss Settings Screen

Table 94. Operational Settings

Setting Purpose
Block Voltage Control (51/27) When enabled and the 60FL logic is true (voltage sensing is lost),
the current tripping level is controlled by the 51 function and the
27R function is inhibited. When enabled and the 60FL logic is
false, the current tripping level is controlled by the 51/27R
Block Phase/V1 Voltage All functions that use phase voltage (P) and positive-sequence
Elements voltage (V1) measurements are blocked when the 60FL logic is
true. (24, 25, 25A, 27, 59, and 78V)
Block 3V0 Voltage Elements All functions that use the three-phase residual voltage (3V0)
measurement are blocked when the 60FL logic is true. (27X, 59X -
3V0 mode)

BE1-11g Fuse Loss (60FL)

246 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Purpose
Block V2 Voltage Elements All functions that use the negative-sequence voltage (V2)
measurement are blocked when the 60FL logic is true. (27X, 59X -
V2 mode)
Block Power/Power Factor All functions that use the power measurements are blocked when
Elements the 60FL logic is true. (32)
Block Impedance Elements All functions that use the impedance measurement are blocked
when the 60FL logic is true. (21 and 40Z)
Ignore Breaker Status When enabled, breaker status is ignored.

Fuse Loss (60FL) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 247

BE1-11g Generator Protection Systems with an Ethernet port have a web page interface that can be used
to view BE1-11g status, real-time data, demand data, faults, sequence of events, and power quality. Refer
to the Communication chapter for information about configuring the BE1-11g to communicate through the
Ethernet port. Verify that Enable Web Pages is selected on the Settings, Communications, Ethernet
screen in the Settings Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus® or on the Settings > Communication > Ethernet
screen of the front-panel display. Using a web browser, enter the IP Address of your BE1-11g in the
address bar. The protection system’s IP address is found on the front-panel display under Settings >
Communication > Ethernet. Figure 175 shows an example for a BE1-11g with an IP address of

Figure 175. Address Bar of Web Browser

Status Page
Figure 176 illustrates the Status (home) page. Device information, firmware version, breaker status,
lockout status, recloser status, alarm status, targets, local inputs status, and local outputs status are
shown on this page. A green indicator lights to indicate an energized state for inputs and outputs.

Figure 176. Status Page (Home Page)

Real Time Data

Figure 177 illustrates the Real Time Data page. Values for currents, frequency, voltages, and power are
shown on this page.

BE1-11g BESTnet™Plus
248 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 177. Real Time Data Page

Demand Data
Figure 178 illustrates the Demand Data page. Present and peak demand values are shown on this page.

BESTnet™Plus BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 249

Figure 178. Demand Data Page

Fault Summary
Figure 179 illustrates the Fault Summary page. To view fault details and download oscillography files,
click on a fault in the fault summary list.

BE1-11g BESTnet™Plus
250 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 179. Fault Summary Page

Fault Details
Figure 180 illustrates the Fault Details page. Use the buttons to download oscillography files.

Figure 180. Fault Details Page

BESTnet™Plus BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 251

Sequence of Events
Figure 181 illustrates the Sequence of Events Summary page. A summary of the sequence of events is
shown on this screen. The view can be customized by clicking on View New, View Protection, View
Alarms, or View Targets. A selected subset of event data can be downloaded as a *.csv (comma-
separated values) file.

Figure 181. Sequence of Events Summary Page

Power Quality
Figure 182 illustrates the Power Quality page.

BE1-11g BESTnet™Plus
252 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 182. Power Quality Page

BESTnet™Plus BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 253

BE1-11g protection systems are available in two case configurations. J-option protection systems are
supplied in a non-drawout, S1-size case that fits in a standard S1 panel opening. H- and P-option
protection systems are supplied in an H1-size case with drawout capabilities. An H1 case can be adapted
to a panel or rack for single- or double-case mounting. Adapter plates are sold separately. A BE1-11g can
be mounted at any convenient angle.

J Type Case Cutouts and Dimensions

Front dimensions are shown in Figure 183 and side dimensions are shown in Figure 184. Dimensions are
shown in inches [millimeters].

7.00 [177.79]


Relay Minor Major

Power Trouble Alarm Alarm Trip Indicator 1

Indicator 2

Indicator 3

9.12 [231.64]
Indicator 4

Indicator 5

Edit Reset

Indicator 6

Select Operate
Control Control Indicator 7
Switch Switch



Figure 183. J Type Case - Front Dimensions

BE1-11g Mounting
254 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 184. J Type Case - Side Dimensions

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 255

Case cutout and drilling dimensions are shown in Figure 185.

0.655 0.655
0.245 5.69 (144.5)
(16.6) (16.6)
2.84 (72.1)
Outer Edge of Cover




4.31 4.13
(109.5) (104.8)

0.245 3.03 (77.0) P0072-13

6.06 (154.0)

0.25 (6.35) diameter, 4 places

Figure 185. J Type Case - Cutout and Drilling Dimensions

BE1-11g Mounting
256 9424200994 Rev R

An adapter plate to mount a J case in a GE S2 or ABB FT-21 cutout is shown in Figure 186. Order Basler
part number 9108551021.

Figure 186. Adapter Plate (Basler P/N: 9108551021)

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 257

An adapter plate to mount a J case in a ABB FT-31/FT-32 cutout is shown in Figure 187. Order Basler
part number 9108551022.

Figure 187. Adapter Plate (Basler P/N: 9108551022)

BE1-11g Mounting
258 9424200994 Rev R

An adapter plate to mount a J case in a GE M1/M2 cutout or Basler M1 cutout is shown in Figure 188.
Order Basler part number 9108551029.

Figure 188. Adapter Plate (Basler P/N: 9108551029)

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 259

A J case retrofit mounting plate for the Multilin 489 consists of two parts. See Figure 189 and Figure 190.
Order Basler part number 9424200073.

Figure 189. Retrofit Mounting Plate (Basler P/N: 9424200073) – Part 1

BE1-11g Mounting
260 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 190. Retrofit Mounting Plate (Basler P/N: 9424200073) – Part 2

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 261

A pivoting projection-mounting kit for a J case is shown in Figure 191. When installed, this kit provides
rear access to connections by allowing the BE1-11g to swing left or right. Order Basler part number

Figure 191. Pivoting Projection-Mounting Kit (Basler P/N: 9424226101)

H or P Type Case Cutouts and Dimensions

H1 rack-mount package dimensions are shown in Figure 192. H1 panel-mount package dimensions are
shown in Figure 193. Dimensions are shown in inches [millimeters].

BE1-11g Mounting
262 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 192. H1 Rack-Mount Case Dimensions

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 263

Figure 193. H1 Panel-Mount Case Dimensions

BE1-11g Mounting
264 9424200994 Rev R

Adapter bracket 9289924100 allows a single BE1-11g to be mounted in a 19-inch rack (see Figure 194).
A second adapter bracket (9289929100) performs the same function but includes a cutout for an ABB FT
switch (see Figure 195).

Figure 194. Adapter Bracket for Mounting a Single BE1-11g in a 19-inch Rack

Figure 195. Adapter Bracket for 19-inch Rack Mount with ABB FT Cutout Switch

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 265

If a single H1 BE1-11g (H style case) is to be rack mounted, the cutout and drilling dimensions of Figure
196 should be used. If a single H1 BE1-11g (P style case) is to be panel mounted, the cutout and drilling
dimensions of Figure 197 should be used.

Figure 196. Single H1 BE1-11g (H Style Case) Cutout and Drilling Dimensions for Rack Mounting

Figure 197. Single H1 BE1-11g (P Style Case) Cutout and Drilling Dimensions for Panel Mounting

BE1-11g Mounting
266 9424200994 Rev R

Mounting plate cutout and drilling dimensions for two dovetailed H1 protection systems are shown in
Figure 198.

Figure 198. Dovetailed H1 BE1-11g Escutcheon Plate and Cutout Dimensions

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 267

Part number 9289900016 is used to panel mount two dovetailed protection systems. Figure 199 gives the
cutout and drilling dimensions for panel mounting two dovetailed cases without an escutcheon plate.

Figure 199. Mounting Dimensions for Panel Mounting Two H1 Protection Systems
without an Escutcheon Plate

BE1-11g Mounting
268 9424200994 Rev R

Dovetailing Procedure
Basler H1 cases can be interlocked by means of a tenon and mortise on the left and right sides of each
case. The following paragraphs describe the procedure of dovetailing two cases. Figure 200 illustrates the
Step 1: Remove the draw-out assembly from each case by rotating the two captive, front-panel screws
counterclockwise and then sliding the assembly out of the case. Observe electrostatic
discharge (ESD) precautions when handling the draw-out assemblies.
Step 2: Remove the mounting bracket from the side of each case where the two cases will mate. Each
bracket is held in place by four Phillips screws.
Step 3: The rear panel must be removed from one of the cases in order for the two cases to be joined.
On that panel, remove the Phillips screw from each corner of the rear panel except for the
screw at the upper left-hand corner (when looking at the rear of the case). This screw is closest
to Terminal Strip A.
Step 4: Turn the screw nearest to Terminal Strip A counterclockwise until the rear panel can be
removed from the case. If you have difficulty removing this screw, use the alternate method
described in Step 4a. Otherwise, proceed to Step 5.
Step 4a: Use a Torx® T15 driver to remove the two screws attaching Terminal Strip A to the rear panel.
Remove the terminal strip and set it aside. Remove the remaining Phillips screw from the rear
panel and set the rear panel aside.
Step 5: Arrange the two cases so that the rear dovetailed edge of the case without a rear panel is
aligned with the front dovetailed edge of the case with the rear panel installed. Once the
dovetails are aligned, slide the cases together.
Step 6: Position the rear panel on the case from which it was removed. Make sure that the panel
orientation is correct. Perform Step 6a if Terminal Strip A was not removed during the
disassembly process. Perform Step 6b if Terminal Strip A was removed during disassembly.
Step 6a: Position the rear panel over the case and align the screw closest to Terminal Strip A with its
mating hole. Tighten the screw while maintaining proper alignment between the rear panel and
case. Finish attaching the panel to the case by installing the remaining three Phillips screws.
When installed, the rear panels prevent the two cases from sliding apart.
Step 6b: Align the rear panel with the case and install the four Phillips screws that hold the rear panel in
place. Position Terminal Strip A in its panel opening and replace the two Torx® T15 screws.
When installed, the rear panels prevent the two cases from sliding apart.
Step 7: Mount the case assembly in the desired rack or panel opening and reinstall the draw-out
assembly in each case.

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 269

Figure 200. Dovetailing Procedure

BE1-11g Mounting
270 9424200994 Rev R

Mounting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 271

Terminals and Connectors

Connections to the BE1-11g are dependent on the application and logic scheme selected by the user. As
a result, some BE1-11g inputs and outputs may not be used for a given application. Before energizing a
BE1-11g, make sure the connections match the options associated with the model and style number
found on the BE1-11g nameplate. Refer to the style chart in the Introduction chapter for available options.
Be sure to use the correct input power for the specified power supply. Incorrect wiring may result in
damage to the BE1-11g.

Connections to the BE1-11g voltage inputs, contact inputs, power
supply inputs, and contact outputs should be made with a minimum
wire size of 14 AWG (2.08 mm ).
Connections to the BE1-11g current inputs and ground terminal should
be made with a minimum wire size of 12 AWG (3.31 mm ).
When the BE1-11g is configured in a system with other protective
devices, a separate ground bus lead is recommended for each BE1-

BE1-11g protection systems are supplied in either an S1 size case (J option) or an H1 size case (H or P

J Type Case
Rear panel connections are shown in Figures 201 through 204.

BE1-11g Terminals and Connectors

272 9424200994 Rev R

IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

BE1-11 ! D1 D3 D5 D7

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
IRIG RS-485 PWR D2 D4 D6 D8
A B C IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2

F1 F3 F5 F7
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8



F2 F4 F6 F8
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18


Figure 201. Rear Panel Connections with RJ45 Ethernet (7 Inputs and 8 Outputs Option)

IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

BE1-11 ! D1 D3 D5 D7

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
IRIG RS-485 PWR D2 D4 D6 D8
A B C IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2

F1 F3 F5 F7
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8

IN5 IN6 IN7 IN8 IN9 IN10

F2 F4 F6 F8
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18


Figure 202. Rear Panel Connections with RJ45 Ethernet (10 Inputs and 5 Outputs Option)

Terminals and Connectors BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 273

IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

BE1-11 ! ETHERNET D1 D3 D5 D7


B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
IRIG RS-485 PWR D2 D4 D6 D8
A B C IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2

F1 F3 F5 F7
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8



F2 F4 F6 F8
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18


Figure 203. Rear Panel Connections with Fiber Optic Ethernet (7 Inputs and 8 Outputs Option)

IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

BE1-11 ! ETHERNET D1 D3 D5 D7


B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
IRIG RS-485 PWR D2 D4 D6 D8
A B C IA1 I B1 IC1 IG1

IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2

F1 F3 F5 F7
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8

IN5 IN6 IN7 IN8 IN9 IN10

F2 F4 F6 F8
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 IA2 I B2 IC2 IG2


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18


Figure 204. Rear Panel Connections with Fiber Optic Ethernet (10 Inputs and 5 Outputs Option)

BE1-11g Terminals and Connectors

274 9424200994 Rev R

Terminal Blocks
J style cases use two sizes of terminal blocks.
The terminal blocks used for current sensing connections use #8-32 screws with lock washers. The lock
washer is an integral part of the current-sensing wiring system and must not be removed. Without the lock
washer, the terminal screw may bottom out and prevent a tight fit against the lug. The torque applied to
the terminal screws should not exceed 15 inch-pounds (1.69 N•m). Each terminal block screw
accommodates a lug no wider than 0.344 inches (8.6 millimeters).
All other terminal blocks use #6-32 screws. The torque applied to these screws should not exceed 12
inch-pounds (1.35 N•m). Each terminal block screw accommodates a lug no wider than 0.320 inches (8.1

H or P Type Case
Figure 205 shows the rear-panel connections with an RJ45 Ethernet connector. Figure 206 shows the
rear panel connections with a fiber optic Ethernet connector.

Basler Electric
Highland, Illinois USA (618) 654-2341


Figure 205. Rear Panel Connections with RJ45 Ethernet

Terminals and Connectors BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 275

Basler Electric
Highland, Illinois USA (618) 654-2341


Figure 206. Rear Panel Connections with Fiber Optic Ethernet

Terminal Blocks
H or P style cases use two sizes of terminal blocks.
The terminal block used for current sensing connections uses #8-32 screws with lock washers. The lock
washer is an integral part of the current-sensing wiring system and must not be removed. Without the lock
washer, the terminal screw may bottom out and prevent a tight fit against the lug. The torque applied to
the terminal screws should not exceed 15 inch-pounds (1.69 N•m). Each terminal block screw
accommodates a lug no wider than 0.344 inches (8.6 millimeters).
All other terminal blocks use #6-32 screws. The torque applied to these screws should not exceed 12
inch-pounds (1.35 N•m). Each terminal block screw accommodates a lug no wider than 0.320 inches (8.1

CT Polarity
CT polarity is critical to the proper operation of the BE1-11g. The following provides fundamental
information on CT polarity and protection systems.
By ANSI convention, current transformer polarity will face away from the protected winding of a
transformer, motor, generator, or reactor, and away from the contacts in a circuit breaker. Therefore,
primary current flow towards the winding or contacts (direction of protected zone) will result in a
secondary current out X1, in phase with the primary (see Figure 207 and Figure 208).
On occasion, however, protection engineers will encounter situations where CT polarity is reversed for a
specific application. That is, non-polarity of the CT secondary will be in phase with the primary current
flow (Figure 209). For example, a transformer differential CT from a breaker with a different polarity
convention such as low voltage switchgear, or a bus differential CT taken from the low side of a
Orientation of CT polarity relative to primary current flow establishes the secondary CT terminal that
should be connected to polarity of the BE1-11g.

BE1-11g Terminals and Connectors

276 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 207. Standard CT Polarity

Figure 208. Current Transformer Action

Terminals and Connectors BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 277

Figure 209. Example of Reversed CT Polarity

BE1-11g Terminals and Connectors

278 9424200994 Rev R

Terminals and Connectors BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 279

Typical Connections
Typical external dc connections for the BE1-11g are shown in Figure 210.

Figure 210. Typical External DC Connections

BE1-11g Typical Connections

280 9424200994 Rev R

Typical external ac connections (generator differential) for the BE1-11g are shown in Figure 211.

Figure 211. Typical AC Connections for Generator Differential

Typical Connections BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 281

Typical external ac connections (overall differential) for the BE1-11g are shown in Figure 212.

Figure 212. Typical AC Connections for Overall Differential

BE1-11g Typical Connections

282 9424200994 Rev R

Three-phase voltage sensing, alternate VT inputs are shown in Figure 213.

Figure 213. Three-Phase Voltage Sensing, Alternate VTP Inputs

Typical Connections BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 283

Single-phase current sensing connections are shown in Figure 214.

Figure 214. Single-Phase Current Sensing Connections

Some elements may not function properly in certain modes when
using single-phase current sensing.

BE1-11g Typical Connections

284 9424200994 Rev R

Typical Connections BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 285

Power System Applications

The following figures show examples of the applications that can be served by the Basler Electric
BE1-11g Generator Protection System. Many of these applications can be used in concert with other
Basler numeric systems such as the BE1-851 Overcurrent Protection System, the BE1-11f Feeder
Protection System, or any other member of the BE1-11 family of protection systems.
Refer to the Basler Electric website for detailed application notes and logic scheme downloads.

Figure 215. One-Line Diagram of Low Impedance Grounded Generator Protection with Sequential Trip and

BE1-11g Power System Applications

286 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 216. One-Line Diagram of High Impedance Grounded Generator Protection with Sequential Trip

Power System Applications BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 287

Figure 217. One-Line Diagram of Low Impedance Grounded Generator Protection with Sequential Trip

BE1-11g Power System Applications

288 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 218. One-Line Diagram of Basic High Impedance Grounded Generator Protection

Power System Applications BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 289

Figure 219. One-Line Diagram of Basic Low Impedance Grounded Generator Protection

BE1-11g Power System Applications

290 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 220. One-Line Diagram of High Impedance Grounded Generator Protection with Differential and
Sequential Trip

Power System Applications BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 291

BESTCOMSPlus® Software
BESTCOMSPlus is a Windows®-based, PC application that provides a user-friendly, graphical user
interface (GUI) for use with Basler Electric communicating products. The name BESTCOMSPlus is an
acronym that stands for Basler Electric Software Tool for Communications, Operations, Maintenance, and
BESTCOMSPlus provides the user with a point-and-click means to set and monitor the BE1-11g. The
capabilities of BESTCOMSPlus make the configuration of one or several BE1-11g Generator Protection
Systems fast and efficient. A primary advantage of BESTCOMSPlus is that a settings scheme can be
created, saved as a file, and then uploaded to the BE1-11g at the user’s convenience.
BESTCOMSPlus uses plugins allowing the user to manage several different Basler Electric products. The
BE1-11 plugin must be activated before use. The plugin can be activated automatically by connecting to a
BE1-11g or activated manually by requesting an activation key from Basler Electric.
The BE1-11 plugin opens inside the BESTCOMSPlus main shell. The same default logic scheme that is
shipped with the BE1-11g is brought into BESTCOMSPlus by downloading settings and logic from the
BE1-11g or by selecting application type “G” on the Style Number screen. This gives the user the option
of developing a custom setting file by modifying the default logic scheme or by building a unique scheme
from scratch.
BESTlogic™Plus Programmable Logic is used to program BE1-11g logic for protection elements, inputs,
outputs, alarms, etc. This is accomplished by the drag-and-drop method. The user can drag elements,
components, inputs, and outputs onto the program grid and make connections between them to create
the desired logic scheme.
BESTCOMSPlus also allows for downloading industry-standard COMTRADE files for analysis of stored
oscillography data. Detailed analysis of the oscillography files can be accomplished using BESTwave™
Figure 221 illustrates the typical user interface components of the BE1-11 plugin with BESTCOMSPlus.

Figure 221. Typical User Interface Components

BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Software

292 9424200994 Rev R

BESTCOMSPlus software is built on the Microsoft® .NET Framework. The setup utility that installs
BESTCOMSPlus on your PC also installs the BE1-11 plugin and the required version of .NET Framework
(if not already installed). BESTCOMSPlus operates with systems using Windows® XP 32-bit SP3,
Windows Vista 32-bit SP1 (all editions), Windows 7 32-bit (all editions), Windows 7 64-bit (all editions),
Windows 8, and Windows 10. System recommendations for the .NET Framework and BESTCOMSPlus
are listed in Table 95.
Table 95. System Recommendations for BESTCOMSPlus and the .NET Framework
System Type Component Recommendation
32/64 bit Processor 2.0 GHz
32/64 bit RAM 1 GB (minimum), 2 GB (recommended)
32 bit Hard Drive 100 MB (if .NET Framework is already installed on PC)
950 MB (if .NET Framework is not already installed on PC)
64 bit Hard Drive 100 MB (if .NET Framework is already installed on PC)
2.1 GB (if .NET Framework is not already installed on PC)
To install BESTCOMSPlus, a Windows user must have Administrator rights.

Install BESTCOMSPlus®

Do not connect a USB cable until setup completes successfully.
Connecting a USB cable before setup is complete may result in
unwanted or unexpected errors.

1. Insert the BE1-11 product CD into the PC CD-ROM drive.

2. When the BE1-11 Product CD menu appears, click the installation button for BESTCOMSPlus. The
setup utility installs BESTCOMSPlus, the .NET Framework (if not already installed), the USB driver,
and the BE1-11 plugin for BESTCOMSPlus on your PC.
When BESTCOMSPlus installation is complete, a Basler Electric folder is added to the Windows
programs menu. This folder is accessed by clicking the Windows Start button and then accessing the
Basler Electric folder in the Programs menu. The Basler Electric folder contains an icon that starts
BESTCOMSPlus when clicked.

Activate the BE1-11 Plugin for BESTCOMSPlus®

The BE1-11 plugin is a module that runs inside the BESTCOMSPlus shell. The BE1-11 plugin contains
specific operational and logic settings for only the BE1-11g. Uploading settings to the BE1-11g is possible
only after activating the BE1-11 plugin.
The BE1-11 plugin can be activated automatically or manually. Automatic activation is achieved by using
a USB cable to establish communication between the BE1-11g and BESTCOMSPlus. Manual activation
is initiated by contacting Basler Electric for an activation key and entering the key into BESTCOMSPlus.
Manual activation is useful if you want to create a settings file prior to receiving your BE1-11g. Note that if
a BE1-11g is not connected, you will not be able to configure certain Ethernet settings. Ethernet settings
can be changed only when an active USB or Ethernet connection is present. Refer to the Communication

BESTCOMSPlus® Software BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 293

Connect a USB Cable

The USB driver was copied to your PC during BESTCOMSPlus installation and is installed automatically
after powering the BE1-11g. USB driver installation progress is shown in the Windows taskbar area.
Windows will notify you when installation is complete.
Connect a USB cable between the PC and your BE1-11g. Apply operating power (per style chart in the
Introduction chapter) to the BE1-11g at rear terminals A6 and A7. Wait until the boot sequence is

Start BESTCOMSPlus® and Activate BE1-11 Plugin Automatically

To start BESTCOMSPlus, click the Start button, point to Programs, Basler Electric, and then click the
BESTCOMSPlus icon. During initial startup, the BESTCOMSPlus Select Language screen is displayed
(Figure 222). You can choose to have this screen displayed each time BESTCOMSPlus is started, or you
can select a preferred language and this screen will be bypassed in the future. Click OK to continue. This
screen can be accessed later by selecting Tools and Select Language from the menu bar.

Figure 222. BESTCOMSPlus Select Language Screen

The BESTCOMSPlus splash screen is shown for a brief time. See Figure 223.

Figure 223. BESTCOMSPlus Splash Screen

The BESTCOMSPlus platform window opens. Select New Connection from the Communication pull-down
menu and select BE1-11. See Figure 224. The BE1-11 plugin is activated automatically after connecting
to a BE1-11g.

BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Software

294 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 224. Communication Pull-Down Menu

The BE1-11 Connection screen shown in Figure 225 appears. Select USB Connection and then click the
Connect button.

Figure 225. BE1-11 Connection Screen

The BE1-11 plugin opens indicating that activation was successful. You can now configure the BE1-11g
communication ports and other BE1-11g settings.

Manual Activation of the BE1-11 Plugin

Manual activation of the BE1-11 plugin is required only if your initial use of BESTCOMSPlus will be on a
PC that is not connected to a BE1-11g. Manual activation is described in the following paragraphs.

Requesting an Activation Key

When initially running the BE1-11 plugin, the Activate Device Plugin screen appears. You must contact
Basler Electric for an activation key before you can activate the BE1-11 plugin. Click the Email button to
request an activation key from Basler Electric. Once you receive your activation key, click the Activate
button. See Figure 226.

BESTCOMSPlus® Software BE1-11g

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Figure 226. Device Plugin Requires Activation

The Activate Device Plugin pop-up appears. Refer to Figure 227.

Figure 227. Activate Device Plugin

Entering an Activation Key

Select BE1-11 from the Device pull-down menu. Enter your Email Address and Activation Key provided
by Basler Electric. If you received an email containing the Activation Key, you can select all of the text in
the email and copy it to the Windows clipboard using normal Windows techniques as shown in Figure

BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Software

296 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 228. Activation Key Email

The Get Data button extracts the Device, Email Address, and Activation Key from the Windows clipboard
and pastes it into the appropriate fields. See Figure 229. Click the Activate button to continue. The
Activate Device Plugin screen is also found by selecting Activate Device from the Tools pull-down menu
of the BESTCOMSPlus main screen.

Figure 229. Activate Device Plugin

Establishing Communication
Communication between BESTCOMSPlus and the BE1-11g is established by clicking on the Connect
button on the BE1-11 Connection screen (see Figure 225) or by clicking on the Connect button on the
lower menu bar of the main BESTCOMSPlus screen (Figure 221). If you receive an “Unable to Connect
to Device” error message, verify that communications are configured properly. Only one Ethernet
connection is allowed at one time. Download all settings and logic from the BE1-11g by selecting
Download Settings and Logic from the Communication pull-down menu. BESTCOMSPlus will read all
settings and logic from the BE1-11g and load them into BESTCOMSPlus memory. See Figure 230.

BESTCOMSPlus® Software BE1-11g

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Figure 230. Processing, Please Wait…

Advanced Properties
Click the Advanced button on the Connection screen to display the Advanced Properties dialog. Default
settings are shown in Figure 231.

Figure 231. Advanced Properties Dialog

Menu Bars
The menu bars are located near the top of the BESTCOMSPlus screen (see Figure 221). The upper
menu bar has five pull-down menus. With the upper menu bar, it is possible to manage settings files,
configure communication settings, upload and download settings/security files, and compare settings
files. The lower menu bar consists of clickable icons. The lower menu bar is used to change
BESTCOMSPlus views, open a settings file, connect/disconnect, preview metering printout, export
metering, switch to live mode, and send settings after a change is made when not in live mode.

Upper Menu Bar (BESTCOMSPlus® Shell)

Upper menu bar functions are listed and described in Table 96.
Table 96. Upper Menu Bar (BESTCOMSPlus Shell)
Menu Item Description
New Create a new settings file
Open Open an existing settings file
Open File As Text Generic file viewer for *.csv, *,txt, etc. files
Close Close settings file
Save Save settings file
Save As Save settings file with a different name

BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Software

298 9424200994 Rev R

Menu Item Description

Export To File Save settings as a *.csv file
Print Print, export, or send a settings file
Properties View properties of a settings file
History View history of a settings file
Recent Files Open a previously opened file
Exit Close BESTCOMSPlus program
New Connection Choose new device or BE1-11
Close Connection Close communication between BESTCOMSPlus and BE1-11
Download Settings and Logic Download operational and logic settings from the device
from Device
Upload Settings and Logic to Upload operational and logic settings to the device
Upload Settings to Device Upload operational settings to the device
Upload Logic to Device Upload logic settings to the device
Download Security from Device Download security settings from the device
Upload Security to Device Upload security settings to the device
Reset to Factory Defaults Reset factory defaults in the BE1-11g
(Available only when the device does not contain default settings.
Administrator access level is required.)
Upload Settings, Logic and Upload operational, logic, and security settings to the device
Security (Available only when the device contains default settings. No password
Configure Ethernet settings
Upload Device Files Upload firmware to the device
Upgrade Style Number Upload a style upgrade file supplied by Basler Electric
Select Language Select BESTCOMSPlus language
Activate Device Activate the BE1-11 plugin
Set File Password Password protect a settings file
Compare Settings Files Compare two settings files
Copy Settings Group Copy Settings from Group to Group
Auto Export Metering Exports metering data at a user-defined interval
Launch BEST61850™ Opens BEST61850 (if installed)
Event Log - View View the BESTCOMSPlus event log
Event Log - Clear Clear the BESTCOMSPlus event log
Event Log - Set New File Name Set a new file name for event log
Cascade All Cascade all windows
Tile Tile horizontally or vertically
Maximize All Maximize all windows
Check for Updates Check for BESTCOMSPlus updates via the internet
Check for Update Settings Enable or change automatic checking for updates

BESTCOMSPlus® Software BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 299

Menu Item Description

About View general, detailed build, and system information

Lower Menu Bar (BE1-11 Plugin)

Lower menu bar functions are listed and described in Table 97.
Table 97. Lower Menu Bar (BE1-11 Plugin)
Menu Button Description
Enables you to show/hide the Metering Panel, Settings Panel, or Settings
Info Panel.
Opens and saves workspaces. Customized workspaces make switching
between tasks easier and more efficient.
Opens a saved settings file.

Opens the BE1-11 Connection screen which enables you to connect to

the BE1-11g via USB or Ethernet. This button appears only when a
BE1-11g is not connected.
Used to disconnect a connected BE1-11g. This button appears only
when a BE1-11g is connected.
Displays the Print Preview screen where a preview of the Metering
printout is shown. Click on the printer button to send to a printer.
Enables all metering values to be exported into a *.csv (comma-
separated values) file.
A pull-down menu allowing group selection is available when making
protection settings. The settings can be applied to Group 0, 1, 2, or 3. If a
global setting is being changed, Global will appear in place of the drop-
down menu.
Displays a drop-down list entitled Live Mode Settings which enables Live
mode where settings are automatically sent to the device in real time as
they are changed. The changed device settings are saved to non-volatile
memory by clicking on the Save button.
Saves all device settings to non-volatile memory. This button appears
only when operating in Live mode.
Sends settings to the BE1-11 when BESTCOMSPlus is not operating in
Live Mode. Click this button after making a setting change to send the
modified setting to the BE1-11g.

Settings Explorer
The Settings Explorer is a convenient tool within BESTCOMSPlus used to navigate through the various
settings screens of the BE1-11 plugin. Descriptions of these configuration settings are organized as
• General Settings
• Communications
• System Parameters
• Programmable Inputs
• Programmable Outputs
• Alarm Configuration
• Metering Configuration
• Target Configuration
BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Software
300 9424200994 Rev R

• Protection
• Control
• BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic
Logic setup will be necessary after making certain setting changes. For more information, refer to the
BESTlogicPlus chapter.

Metering Explorer
The Metering Explorer is described in the Metering chapter.

Settings File Management

A settings file contains all BE1-11g settings including logic. A settings file assumes a file extension of
“*.bst” or “∗.bstx”. It is possible to save the logic only as a separate logic library file on the BESTlogicPlus
Programmable Logic screen. This function is helpful when similar logic is required for several devices. A
logic library file assumes a file extension of “*.bsl” or “∗.bslx”. It is important to note that settings and logic
can be uploaded to the device separately or together, but are always downloaded together. For more
information on logic files, refer to the BESTlogicPlus chapter.

Opening a Settings File

To open a BE1-11g settings file with BESTCOMSPlus, pull down the File menu and choose Open. The
Open dialog box appears. This dialog box allows you to use normal Windows techniques to select the file
that you want to open. Select the file and choose Open. You can also open a file by clicking on the Open
File button on the lower menu bar. If connected to a device, you will be asked to upload the settings and
logic from the file to the current device. If you choose Yes, the settings displayed in BESTCOMSPlus
instance will be overwritten with the settings of the opened file.

Saving a Settings File

Select Save or Save As from the File pull-down menu. A dialog box pops up allowing you to enter a
filename and location to save the file. Select the Save button to complete the save.

Upload Settings and/or Logic to Device

To upload a settings file to the BE1-11g, open the file or create a new file through BESTCOMSPlus. Then
pull down the Communication menu and select Upload Settings and Logic to Device. If you want to
upload operational settings without logic, select Upload Settings to Device. If you want to upload logic
without operational settings, select Upload Logic to Device. You are prompted to enter the username and
password. The default username is “A” and the default password is “A”. If the username and password
are correct, the upload begins and the progress bar is shown.

Upload Settings, Logic, and Security to Device

This function is available only when the device contains default settings. A password is not required. To
upload settings, logic, and security to the BE1-11g, pull down the Communication menu and select
Upload Settings, Logic, and Security.

Download Settings and Logic from Device

To download settings and logic from the BE1-11g, pull down the Communication menu and select
Download Settings and Logic from Device. If the settings in BESTCOMSPlus have changed, a dialog box
will open asking if you want to save the current settings changes. You can choose Yes or No. After you
have taken the required action to save or discard the current settings, downloading begins.
BESTCOMSPlus reads all settings and logic from the BE1-11g and loads them into BESTCOMSPlus
memory. See Figure 232.

BESTCOMSPlus® Software BE1-11g

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Figure 232. Processing, Please Wait…

Printing a Settings File

To view a preview of the settings printout, select Print Preview from the File pull-down menu. To print the
settings, select the printer icon in the upper left corner of the Print Preview screen.
You can skip the print preview and go directly to print by pulling down the File menu and selecting Print. A
Print dialog box opens with the typical Windows choice to setup the properties of printer. Execute this
command, as necessary, and then select Print.

Comparing Settings Files

BESTCOMSPlus has the ability to compare two settings files. To compare files, pull down the Tools menu
and select Compare Settings Files. The BESTCOMSPlus Settings Compare Setup dialog box appears
(Figure 233). Select the location of the first file under Left Settings Source and select the location of the
second file under Right Settings Source. If you are comparing a settings file located on your PC hard
drive or portable media, click the folder button and navigate to the file. If you want to compare settings
from a unit, click the Download settings from unit button to set up the communication port. Click the
Compare button to compare the selected settings files.

Figure 233. BESTCOMSPlus Settings Compare Setup

A dialog box will appear and notify you if any differences were found. The BESTCOMSPlus Settings
Compare dialog box (Figure 234) is displayed where you can select to view all settings, settings
differences, all logic paths, logic path differences, all DNP/Modbus options, or DNP/Modbus differences. If
a settings file based on an older version of firmware was uploaded into the BE1-11g, the BE1-11g could
contain additional settings that did not exist when the original settings file was created. The settings
compare function detects these differences and displays them when the Include Missing box is checked.
Uncheck this box to ignore differences due to the additional settings. Click Print to print a report or click
Close to close the window.

BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Software

302 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 234. BESTCOMSPlus Settings Compare

Auto Export Metering

The auto export metering function automatically exports metering data over a user-defined period. The
user specifies the Number of Exports and the Interval between each export. Enter a filename for the
metering data and a folder in which to save. The first export is performed immediately after clicking the
Start button. Click the Filter button to select specific metering screens. Figure 235 illustrates the Auto
Export Metering screen.

Figure 235. Auto Export Metering

BESTCOMSPlus® Software BE1-11g

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BESTCOMSPlus® Updates
Ongoing BE1-11g functionality enhancements may make future BE1-11g firmware updates desirable.
Enhancements to BE1-11g firmware typically coincide with enhancements to the BE1-11 plugin for
BESTCOMSPlus. When a BE1-11g is updated with the latest version of firmware, the latest version of
BESTCOMSPlus should also be obtained.
• If you obtained a CD-ROM containing a firmware update from Basler Electric, then that CD-ROM
will also contain the corresponding version of BESTCOMSPlus software.
• You can download the latest version of BESTCOMSPlus by visiting
• BESTCOMSPlus automatically checks for updates when Check Automatically is selected on the
Check for Updates User Settings screen. This screen is accessed under the Help drop-down
menu. (An internet connection is required.)
• You can use the manual “check for updates” function in BESTCOMSPlus to ensure that the latest
version is installed by selecting Check for Updates in the Help drop-down menu. (An internet
connection is required.)

Firmware Updates
For information on updating firmware, refer to the Device Information chapter.

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BESTCOMSPlus® Software BE1-11g

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BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic is a programming method used for managing the input, output,
protection, control, monitoring, and reporting capabilities of Basler Electric's BE1-11g Generator
Protection System. Each BE1-11g has multiple, self-contained logic blocks that have all of the inputs and
outputs of its discrete component counterpart. Each independent logic block interacts with control inputs
and hardware outputs based on logic variables defined with BESTlogicPlus. BESTlogicPlus equations
entered and saved in the BE1-11g system's nonvolatile memory integrate (electronically wire) the
selected or enabled protection and control blocks with control inputs and hardware outputs. A group of
logic equations defining the logic of the BE1-11g is called a logic scheme.
One default active logic scheme is preloaded into the BE1-11g. This scheme is configured for a typical
protection and control application and virtually eliminates the need for "start-from-scratch" programming.
BESTCOMSPlus® can be used to open a logic scheme that was previously saved as a file and upload it
to the BE1-11g. The default logic scheme can also be customized to suit your application.
BESTlogicPlus is not used to define the operating settings (modes, pickup thresholds, and time delays) of
the individual protection and control functions. Operating settings and logic settings are interdependent
but separately programmed functions. Changing logic settings is similar to rewiring a panel and is
separate and distinct from making the operating settings that control the pickup thresholds and time
delays of a BE1-11g. Detailed information about operating settings is provided in each chapter of the
various protection and control functions.

Overview of BESTlogic™Plus
BESTlogicPlus settings are made through BESTCOMSPlus. Use the Settings Explorer to open the
BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic tree branch as shown in Figure 236.
The BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic screen contains a logic library for opening and saving logic files,
tools for creating and editing logic documents, and protection settings.

Figure 236. BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic Tree Branch

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BESTlogic™Plus Composition
There are three main groups of objects used for programming BESTlogicPlus. These groups are I/O,
Components, and Elements. For details on how these objects are used to program BESTlogicPlus, see
the paragraphs on Programming BESTlogicPlus.

This group contains Input Objects, Output Objects, Off-Page Objects, and Alarms. Input objects can be
logically connected to any logic block input. Output objects can be logically connected to any logic block
output. Table 98 lists the names and descriptions of the objects in the I/O group.
Table 98. I/O Group, Names and Descriptions
Name Description Symbol
Input Objects
Logic 0 Always false (Low). Double-click or right-click on the
object to change the fixed state from 0 to 1.
Logic 1 Always true (High). Double-click or right-click on the object
to change the fixed state from 1 to 0.

Physical Inputs True when Physical Input x is active.

IN1 – IN10

Status Inputs The Alarm Reset status input goes momentarily high
Alarm Reset when the Major, Minor, and Logic alarms are cleared.

Status Inputs The CT Circuit 1 Current Detected status input goes high
CT Circuit 1 Current when ac current is greater than 5% of nominal.
Status Inputs The Target Reset status input goes momentarily high
Target Reset when the targets are cleared.

Output Objects
Physical Outputs Physical Outputs 1 through 8 and A.
OUT1 – OUT8 and
Off-Page Objects
Used in conjunction with the Off-Page Input to transform
an output on one logic page into an input on another logic
page. Outputs can be renamed by right-clicking and
Off-Page Output
selecting Rename Output. Right-clicking will also show
pages that the corresponding inputs can be found on.
Selecting the page will take you to that page.
Used in conjunction with the Off-Page Output to transform
an output on one logic page into an input on another logic
page. Inputs can be renamed by right-clicking and
Off-Page Input
selecting Rename Input. Right-clicking will also show
pages that the corresponding outputs can be found on.
Selecting the page will take you to that page.
Logic Alarm True when the Logic Alarm is true. Refer to the Alarms
chapter for more information.

Major Alarm True when the Major Alarm is true. Refer to the Alarms
chapter for more information.

Minor Alarm True when the Minor Alarm is true. Refer to the Alarms
chapter for more information.

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Name Description Symbol

Relay Trouble Alarm True when a Relay Trouble alarm is active. Refer to the
Alarms chapter for more information.

Targets True when targets are active. Refer to the Fault Reporting
chapter for more information.

This group contains Logic Gates, Pickup and Dropout Timers, Latches, Logic Counters, and Comment
Blocks. Double-click or right-click on a gate to change the type. Table 99 lists the names and descriptions
of the objects in the Components group.
Table 99. Components Group, Names and Descriptions
Name Description Symbol
Logic Gates
AND Input Output
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
NAND Input Output
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
OR Input Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
NOR Input Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
XOR Input Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
XNOR Input Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
NOT Input Output
1 0

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Name Description Symbol

Pickup and Dropout Timers
Pick Up A pickup timer produces a true output when the elapsed time is
Timer greater than or equal to the Pickup Time setting after a false to true
transition occurs on the Initiate input from the connected logic.
Whenever the Initiate input status transitions to false, the output
transitions to false immediately. Refer to Programming
BESTlogicPlus, Pickup and Dropout Timers. Double-click or right-
click on the logic timer to select from timers 1 through 16.
Drop Out A drop out timer produces a true output when the elapsed time is
Timer greater than or equal to the Dropout Time setting after a true to false
transition occurs on the Initiate input from the connected logic.
Whenever the Initiate input transitions to true, the output transitions
to false immediately. Refer to Programming BESTlogicPlus, Pickup
and Dropout Timers. Double-click or right-click on the logic timer to
select from timers 1 through 16.
Reset Priority The latch is set when the Set input is true and the Reset input is
Latch false. The latch is cleared when the Reset input is true.

Set Priority The latch is set when the Set input is true. The latch is cleared when
Latch the Set input is false and the Reset input is true.

Rising Edge The output of a rising edge trigger pulses true when the input goes
from logic 0 to logic 1. Double-click or right-click on the logic trigger
to change the type.

Falling Edge The output of a falling edge trigger pulses true when the input goes
from logic 1 to logic 0. Double-click or right-click on the logic trigger
to change the type.

Logic Counters
Logic A logic counter produces a true Alarm output when the elapsed
Counters count is greater than or equal to the Trigger Count setting after a
false to true transition occurs on the Count Up input from the
connected logic. A positive going edge on the Reset input will reset
the counter. The count will be reduced by 1 each time a false to true
transition occurs on the Count Down input. Double-click or right-click
on the logic counter to select from counters 1 through 8.

Logic The logic comment block is used to place notes on the logic.

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This group contains elements for the 21, 24, 25, 25A, 27P, 27X, 32, 40Q, 40Z, 43, 49RTD, 50, 50BF, 51,
59P, 59X, 60FL, 62, 78OOS, 78V, 81, 86, 87, 87N, and 101. It also contains elements for 52TCM,
Breaker Monitor, Breaker Status, Fault Trigger, Email Trigger, Setting Group Control, Analog Inputs 1-8,
User Programmable Alarms 1-16, User Programmable Targets 1-12, Logic Labels 1-12, Indicators 1-7,
Major Alarm Reset, Minor Alarm Reset, Logic Alarm Reset, and Target Reset.
Table 100 lists the names and descriptions of the elements in the Elements group.
Table 100. Elements Group, Names and Descriptions
Name Description Symbol
21 Distance Protection.
Refer to the Distance (21) Protection chapter.

24 Overexcitation Protection.
Refer to the Overexcitation (24) Protection chapter.

25 Sync-Check Protection.
Refer to the Sync-Check (25) Protection chapter.

27P-x Phase Undervoltage Protection.

Refer to the Phase Undervoltage (27P) Protection

27X-x Auxiliary Undervoltage Protection.

Refer to the Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection

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Name Description Symbol

32-x Power Protection.
Refer to the Power (32) Protection chapter.

40Q Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based Protection.

Refer to the Loss of Excitation - Reverse var Based (40Q)
Protection chapter.

40Z Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based Protection.

Refer to the Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z)
Protection chapter.

49RTD Resistance Temperature Detector Protection.

For use when an optional RTD module is connected.
Refer to the Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD)
Protection chapter.

50-x Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection.

Refer to the Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection

50BF Breaker Fail Protection.

Refer to the Breaker Fail (50BF) Protection chapter.

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Name Description Symbol

51-x Inverse Overcurrent Protection.
Refer to the Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection chapter.

59P-x Phase Overvoltage Protection.

Refer to the Phase Overvoltage (59P) Protection chapter.

59X-x Auxiliary Overvoltage Protection.

Refer to the Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection

78OOS Out of Step Protection.

Refer to the Out of Step (78OOS) Protection chapter.

78V Vector Jump Protection.

Refer to the Vector Jump (78V) Protection chapter.

81-x Frequency Protection.

Refer to the Frequency (81) Protection chapter.

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Name Description Symbol

87 Current Differential Protection.
Refer to the Current Differential (87) Protection chapter.

87N-1 Neutral Current Differential Protection.

Refer to the Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection

ANALOG-x Analog Input 1 through 8.

Refer to the RTD Module chapter.

25A Synchronizer.
Refer to the Synchronizer (25A) chapter.

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Name Description Symbol

43-x Virtual Control Switches.
Refer to the Virtual Control Switches (43) chapter.

62-x Logic Timers.

Refer to the Logic Timers (62) chapter.

86-x Lockout Functions.

Refer to the Lockout Functions (86) chapter.

101 Breaker Control Switch.

Refer to the Breaker Control Switch (101) chapter.

SETTINGGROUP Setting Group Control.

Refer to the Setting Groups chapter.

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Name Description Symbol

Reporting and Alarms
52TCM Trip Circuit Monitor.
Refer to the Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM) chapter.

60FL Fuse Loss.

Refer to the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter.

BKRMONITOR Breaker Monitor.

Refer to the Breaker Monitoring chapter.

BRKSTAT Breaker Status.

Refer to the Breaker Monitoring chapter.

EMAIL-x Email Trigger 1 through 8.

Refer to the Communication chapter.

FAULTTRIG Fault Trigger.

Refer to the Fault Reporting chapter.

INDICATORx Indicators 1 through 7.

Refer to the Controls and Indicators chapter.
The indicator is displayed in the sequence of events and
the corresponding indicator on the front panel is lit when
the Trigger input is true.
To name indicators, use the Settings Explorer in
BESTCOMSPlus to expand the BESTlogicPlus
Programmable Logic tree branch and select Front Panel
Indicator Labels.
LOGICALMRST Logic Alarm Reset.
Refer to the Alarms chapter.

LOGICLABELx Logic Label 1 through 12.

The logic label is displayed in the sequence of events
when the Trigger input is true.
To name logic labels, use the Settings Explorer in
BESTCOMSPlus to expand the BESTlogicPlus
Programmable Logic tree branch and select Logic Labels.

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Name Description Symbol

MAJORALMRST Major Alarm Reset.
Refer to the Alarms chapter.

MINORALMRST Minor Alarm Reset.

Refer to the Alarms chapter.


Refer to the Fault Reporting chapter.

USERALARMx User Programmable Alarms 1 through 16.

Refer to the Alarms chapter.

USERTARGx User Programmable Targets 1 through 12.

Refer to the Targets chapter.

Logic Schemes
A logic scheme is a group of logic variables that defines the operation of a BE1-11g. Each logic scheme is
given a unique name. This gives you the ability to select a specific scheme and be confident that the
selected scheme is in operation. One logic scheme is configured for typical control applications and is the
default active logic scheme. Only one logic scheme can be active at a given time. In most applications,
preprogrammed logic schemes eliminate the need for custom programming. Preprogrammed logic
schemes can provide more inputs, outputs, or features than are needed for a particular application. This
is because a preprogrammed scheme is designed for a large number of applications with no special
programming required. Unneeded logic block outputs can be left open to disable a function or a function
block can be disabled through operating settings.
When a custom logic scheme is required, programming time is reduced by modifying the default logic

Default Logic Scheme

All BE1-11g protection systems are delivered with the default logic scheme pre-loaded in memory. If the
function block configuration and output logic of the default logic scheme meets the requirements of your
application, then only the operating settings (power system parameters and threshold settings) need to be
adjusted before placing the BE1-11g in service.
Details of Default Logic Scheme describes the characteristics of the logic scheme and how it combines to
create an Overcurrent Protection System for a radial system substation. A detailed description of the
default scheme is also provided.
The default logic scheme is designed to accommodate most common distribution or sub-transmission
radial system overcurrent coordination schemes. The protection engineer can adapt it by changing the
function block operation and settings. This eliminates the need to create a custom logic scheme.
It should be noted that the default logic scheme also illustrates typical ways of using or controlling various
functions. The user can choose to create a custom logic scheme by mixing the logic from the default

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scheme. The flexibility of BESTlogicPlus allows the protection engineer to create a custom scheme that
exactly meets the requirements of the application.

Always remove the BE1-11g from service prior to changing or
modifying the active logic scheme. Attempting to modify a logic
scheme while the BE1-11g is in service could generate unexpected or
unwanted outputs.
Modifying a logic scheme in BESTCOMSPlus does not automatically
make that scheme active in the BE1-11g. The modified scheme must
be uploaded into the BE1-11g. See the paragraphs on Sending and
Retrieving Logic Schemes.
Operational settings are not included in the default logic scheme. Each
element, target, pickup setting, timing setting, etc. will have to be
enabled and programmed separately using the Settings Explorer in

Overview of Default Logic Scheme

The default logic scheme provides basic time and instantaneous overcurrent protection. Included
protective elements are 50-1, 50-2, 50-3, 51-1, 51-2, and 51-3. Functions such as breaker failure, virtual
breaker control, and protective voltage features are not enabled in this scheme. However, these features
can be activated through BESTCOMSPlus.

Details of Default Logic Scheme

The following paragraphs describe the default logic scheme in detail. Operation of the protection and
control logic under normal conditions is described. The features of the logic scheme are broken down into
functional groups and described in detail.
The default logic scheme is intended for applications requiring three-phase and neutral non-directional
overcurrent protection. This logic scheme provides an excellent base on which to create a custom
scheme for a specific application.
The components of the default logic are summarized in Table 101 and Table 102. Figure 237 shows a
one-line drawing for the default logic scheme. A diagram of the default logic is shown in Figure 238.
Operation - Protection
The phase, neutral, and negative-sequence elements are activated to provide timed (51) and
instantaneous (50) overcurrent protection in this scheme. A function block is disabled by setting the
pickup setpoint at zero in each of the four setting groups. OUT1 will operate and trip the breaker. Contact
outputs OUT2, OUT3, OUT4, and OUT5 are designated to specific function blocks. OUT2 operates for
instantaneous phase overcurrent conditions, OUT3 trips for timed phase overcurrent situations, OUT4
operates for instantaneous neutral and negative-sequence overcurrent conditions, and OUT5 operates for
timed neutral and negative-sequence overcurrent conditions. All contact sensing inputs are unassigned.
Operation - Setting Group Selection
A setting group can be selected automatically or by using the communication ports or the front-panel
interface. Automatic setting group changes are based on current level and duration. Automatic setting
group changes for cold load pickup and/or dynamic setting adjustments are enabled by using
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting group changes are not accommodated in this scheme.
Operation - Alarms
If the continuous self-test diagnostics of the BE1-11g detect an error, failsafe output contact OUTA will
close and the Relay Trouble LED on the front panel will light. OUTA will also close if BE1-11g operating
power is lost. More information about alarms is provided in the Alarms chapter.

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Table 101. Default Function Block Logic

Function Purpose
50-1 Used for instantaneous phase overcurrent protection. 0
50-2 Used for instantaneous neutral overcurrent protection. 0
50-3 Used for instantaneous negative-sequence overcurrent protection. 0
51-1 Used for timed phase overcurrent protection. 0
51-2 Used for timed neutral overcurrent protection. 0
51-3 Used for timed negative-sequence overcurrent protection. 0
Trip Trip Bus
FAULT TRIGGER Picked Up Pickup Bus
Logic 0

Table 102. Default Output Logic

State Labels
Output Purpose Description Label De-
Alarm contact closes/opens (refer
OUTA Alarm Output Contact. to style number) automatically On Off
when relay trouble alarm occurs.
Contact closes when protective Output
OUT1 Breaker Trip Output. On Off
trip expression is TRUE. 1
Contact closes when
Instantaneous Phase Output
OUT2 instantaneous overcurrent (50-1) On Off
OC Auxiliary Contact. 2
trip occurs.
Timed Phase OC Contact closes when inverse Output
OUT3 On Off
Auxiliary Contact. overcurrent (51-1) trip occurs. 3
Instantaneous Neutral Contact closes when
OUT4 and Negative- instantaneous overcurrent (50-2 On Off
Sequence OC. or 50-3) trip occurs.
Timed Neutral and Contact closes when inverse
OUT5 Negative-Sequence overcurrent (51-2 or 51-3) trip On Off
OC. occurs.

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Figure 237. One-Line Drawing for Default Logic

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Figure 238. Logic Diagram for Default Logic

Copying and Renaming Preprogrammed Logic Schemes

Copying a saved logic scheme to the active logic (Logic Name) and assigning a unique name is
accomplished by loading the saved logic scheme into BESTCOMSPlus and then typing over the logic
scheme's name. Changes are not activated until the new settings have been saved and uploaded to the

Retrieving a Logic Scheme from the BE1-11g

To retrieve settings from the BE1-11g, the BE1-11g must be connected to a computer through a
communications port. Once the necessary connections are made, settings can be downloaded from the
BE1-11g by selecting Download Settings and Logic from Device on the Communication pull-down menu.

Sending a Logic Scheme to the BE1-11g

To send settings to the BE1-11g, the BE1-11g must be connected to a computer through a
communications port. Once the necessary connections are made, settings can be uploaded to the
BE1-11g by selecting Upload Settings and Logic to Device or Upload Logic to Device on the
Communication pull-down menu.

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Programming BESTlogic™Plus
BESTCOMSPlus is used to program BESTlogicPlus. Using BESTCOMSPlus is analogous to physically
attaching wire between discrete BE1-11g terminals. To program BESTlogicPlus, use the Settings Explorer
within BESTCOMSPlus to open the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic tree branch as shown in Figure
The drag-and-drop method is used to connect a variable or series of variables to the logic inputs, outputs,
components, and elements. To draw a wire/link from port to port (triangles), use the primary mouse button
to click on a port, pull the wire onto another port, and release the left mouse button. A red port indicates
that a connection to the port is required or missing. A black port indicates that a connection to the port is
not required. Drawing wires/links from input to input or output to output is not allowed. Only one wire/link
can be connected to any one output. If the proximity of the endpoint of the wire/link is not exact, it may
attach to an unintended port.
If an element is disabled by the style number, it will have a red X on it. To enable the element, configure
the style number to include the element. Refer to the Device Information chapter for more details.
The view of Logic Page 1 through 4 and Physical Outputs can be automatically arranged by clicking the
right mouse button on the window and selecting Auto-Layout.
Logic tabs can be renamed by clicking the right mouse button in the logic drawing area and selecting
Rename Logic Tabs.
The following must be met before BESTCOMSPlus will allow logic to be uploaded to the BE1-11g:
• A minimum of two inputs and a maximum of 32 inputs on any multi-port (AND, OR, NAND, NOR,
XOR, and XNOR) gate.
• A maximum of 32 logic elements in series.
• A maximum of 256 logic elements per diagram.
Three status indicators are located in the lower right corner of the BESTlogicPlus window. These
indicators show the Logic Save Status, Logic Diagram Status, and Logic Layer Status. Table 103 defines
the colors for each indicator.
Table 103. Status Indicators
Indicator Color Definition
Logic Save Status Orange Logic has changed since last save
(Left Indicator) Green Logic has NOT changed since last save
Logic Diagram Status Red Requirements NOT met as listed above
(Center Indicator) Green Requirements met as listed above
Logic Layer Status Red Requirements NOT met as listed above
(Right Indicator) Green Requirements met as listed above

Pickup and Dropout Timers

Pickup and dropout timer logic blocks are shown in Figure 239.
To program logic timer settings, use the Settings Explorer within BESTCOMSPlus to open the
BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic, Logic Timers tree branch. Enter a Name label that you want to
appear on the timer logic block. The Time Delay value range is 0.0 to 1800.0 seconds in 0.1-second
Next, open the Components tab inside the BESTlogicPlus window and drag a timer onto the program
grid. Right click on the timer to select the timer you want to use that was previously set on the Logic
Timers tree branch. The Logic Timer Properties Dialog Box will appear. Select the timer you want to use.
Timing accuracy is ±15 milliseconds.

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Initiate Pickup Output
Timer Pickup Time



Initiate Dropout Output
Timer Dropout Time


Figure 239. Pickup and Dropout Timer Logic Blocks

Offline Logic Simulator

You can use the offline logic simulator to test your custom logic before placing it in operation. The state of
the various logic elements can be toggled to verify that the logic states travel through the system as
Before running the logic simulator, you must click the Save button on the BESTlogicPlus toolbar to save
the logic to memory. Changes to the logic (other than changing the state) are disabled when the simulator
is enabled. Colors are selected by clicking the Options button on the BESTlogicPlus toolbar. By default,
Logic 0 is red and Logic 1 is green. Using your mouse, double-click on a logic element to change its state.
An example of the offline logic simulator is shown in Figure 240. Output 1 is Logic 0 (red) when Input 1 is
Logic 0 (red) and Fixed 1 is Logic 1 (green).

Figure 240. Offline Logic Simulator Example

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BESTlogic™Plus File Management

To manage BESTlogicPlus files, use the Settings Explorer to open the BESTlogicPlus Programmable
Logic tree branch. The BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic toolbar is used to manage BESTlogicPlus
files. Refer to Figure 241. For information on Settings Files management, refer the BESTCOMSPlus
Software chapter.

Figure 241. BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic Toolbar

Saving a BESTlogic™Plus File

After programming BESTlogicPlus settings, click on the Save button to save the settings to memory.
Before the new BESTlogicPlus settings can be uploaded to the BE1-11g, you must select Save from the
File pull-down menu located at the top of the BESTCOMSPlus main shell. This step will save both the
BESTlogicPlus settings and the operating settings to a file.
The user also has the option to save the BESTlogicPlus settings to a unique file that contains only
BESTlogicPlus settings. Click on the Logic Library drop-down button and select Save Logic Library File.
Use normal Windows® techniques to browse to the folder where you want to save the file and enter a
filename to save as.

Opening a BESTlogic™Plus File

To open a saved BESTlogicPlus file, click on the Logic Library drop-down button on the BESTlogicPlus
Programmable Logic toolbar and select Open Logic Library File. Use normal Windows techniques to
browse to the folder where the file is located.

Protecting a BESTlogic™Plus File

Objects in a logic diagram can be locked so that when the logic document is protected these objects
cannot be changed. Locking and protecting is useful when sending logic files to other personnel to be
modified. The locked object(s) cannot be changed. To view the lock status of the object(s), select Show
Lock Status from the Protection drop-down menu. To lock object(s), use the mouse to select object(s) to
be locked. Right click on the selected object(s) and select Lock Object(s). The gold colored padlock next
to the object(s) will change from an open to a locked state. To protect a logic document, select Protect
Logic Document from the Protection drop-down button. A password is optional.

Uploading a BESTlogic™Plus File

To upload a BESTlogicPlus file to the BE1-11g, you must first open the file through BESTCOMSPlus or
create the file using BESTCOMSPlus. Then pull down the Communication menu and select Upload Logic
to Device.

Downloading a BESTlogic™Plus File

To download a BESTlogicPlus file from the BE1-11g, you must pull down the Communication menu and
select Download Settings and Logic from Device. If the logic in your BESTCOMSPlus has changed, a
dialog box will open asking you if want to save the current logic changes. You can choose Yes or No.
After you have taken the required action to save or not save the current logic, the downloading is

Printing a BESTlogic™Plus File

To view a preview of the printout, click on the Print Preview icon located on the BESTlogicPlus
Programmable Logic toolbar. If you wish to print, select the printer icon in the upper left corner of the Print
Preview screen.

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You can skip the print preview and go directly to print by clicking on the Printer icon on the BESTlogicPlus
Programmable Logic toolbar. A dialog box, Select Views to Print opens allowing you to check which views
you would like to print. Next, the Print dialog box opens with the typical Windows choice to setup the
properties of printer. Execute this command, as necessary, and then select Print.
A Page Setup icon is also provided on the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic toolbar allowing you to
select Paper Size, Paper Source, Orientation, and Margins.

Clearing the On-Screen Logic Diagram

Click the Clear button to clear the on-screen logic diagram on all logic pages and start over.

BESTlogic™Plus Examples
Example 1 - OR Gate Connections
Figure 242 illustrates a typical OR gate connection. In this example, OUT5 will become active when either
the Major Alarm OR the Minor Alarm OR both is true.

Figure 242. Example 1 - OR Gate Connections

Example 2 - Inverse Overcurrent Logic Diagram

Figure 243 illustrates a typical logic diagram of two inverse overcurrent elements set up to trip outputs
and trigger fault reports. The 51-1 function is blocked when IN1 is true. The 51-1 function is blocked when
IN2 is true. OUT1 is true when either the 51-1 or 51-2 is in a trip condition. OUT2 is true when either the
51-1 or 51-2 is in a pickup condition. The fault trigger logic block ensures that faults are recorded.

Figure 243. Example 2 - Inverse Overcurrent Logic Diagram

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This chapter describes the connections and settings for BE1-11g communication. In addition to standard
USB, RS-485, and optional Ethernet communication, the BE1-11g is capable of sending email messages
to a selected recipient with details about a user-selected condition. The configuration of email notifications
is described later in this chapter.
Available ports for communicating with the BE1-11g include USB, RS-485, and Ethernet. DHCP (Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol) is enabled by default allowing the BE1-11g to send a broadcast request for
configuration information. The DHCP server receives the request and responds with configuration
information. Settings for Ethernet must be made through the front-panel USB port if not using DHCP.

The following paragraphs describe the communication connections for the BE1-11g. Refer to the
Terminals and Connectors chapter for views of the communication ports.

USB Connection
A front-panel B-type USB connector provides local communication with a PC operating BESTCOMSPlus®

Ethernet Connection
BE1-11g protection systems with style numbers xxxxx1xxxxxxxx, xxxxx2xxxxxxxx, xxxxx3xxxxxxxx,
xxxxx4xxxxxxxx, and xxxxx5xxxxxxxx have a rear-panel Ethernet port. For style number xxxxxxxxx0xxxx
(Copper Ethernet Connection), a 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX port is an eight-pin RJ45 connector that
connects to shielded, twisted-pair, Category 5 copper wire media. For style number xxxxxxxxx1xxxx
(Fiber Optic Ethernet Connection), a 100BASE-FX ST type connector port uses a 1300 nanometer near-
infrared (NIR) light wavelength transmitted via two strands of multimode optical fiber, one for receive (RX)
and the other for transmit (TX).

RS-485 Connections
RS-485 connections are made at a three-position terminal block connector that mates with a standard
communication cable. A twisted-pair cable is recommended. Connector pin numbers, functions, names,
and signal directions are shown in Table 104. An RS-485 connection diagram is provided in Figure 244.
Table 104. RS-485 Pinouts
Terminal Function Name Direction
A Send/Receive A (SDA/RDA) In/Out
B Send/Receive B (SDB/RDB) In/Out
C Signal Ground (GND) n/a

BE1-11g Communication
326 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 244. RS-485 DB-37 to BE1-11g

Ethernet Setup
Located on the rear panel, the optional Ethernet communication port provides dynamic addressing
(DHCP), Web pages (HTTP), email alerts (SMTP), as well as communication with a PC running
BESTCOMSPlus, Modbus , or DNP software. Additional Ethernet settings are illustrated in Figure 245.
The Enable Web Pages box must be checked to enable viewing of BE1-11g web pages. Refer to the
BESTnet™Plus chapter for more information on viewing web pages.

Figure 245. Ethernet Screen

Ethernet Port Configuration

Initially you must use a USB connection on the front panel to configure communications.
1. Connect an Ethernet cable between the BE1-11g and your network.
2. Connect a USB cable between the BE1-11g and your PC.
3. Apply operating power to the BE1-11g and wait until the boot sequence is complete.
4. Use BESTCOMSPlus to connect to the BE1-11g through the USB port.
Communication BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 327

5. Select Configure, Ethernet from the Communication pull-down menu. If the BE1-11g is connected
properly, the Configure Ethernet Port screen shown in Figure 246 will appear.

Figure 246. Configure Ethernet Port

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is enabled by default and allows the BE1-11g to send a
broadcast request for configuration information. The DHCP server receives the request and responds with
configuration information. Use one of the following methods to locate the Active IP address of the BE1-
• Use the Device Discovery function on the BE1-11 Connection screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
• Navigate to Settings > Communication > Ethernet on the front panel of the BE1-11g.
If DHCP is not being used, use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the Ethernet port as described in the
following paragraphs.
Configurable Ethernet options include:
IP Address: Internet Protocol Address to be used by the BE1-11g.
Default Gateway: Default host to send data destined for a host not on the network
Subnet Mask: Mask used to determine the range of the current network subnet.
Use DHCP: When this box is checked, the IP Address, Default Gateway, and
Subnet Mask are automatically configured via DHCP. This can
be used only if the Ethernet network has a properly configured
DHCP server running. The BE1-11g does not act as a DHCP
6. Obtain the values for these options from the site administrator if the BE1-11g is intended to share the
network with other devices.
7. If the BE1-11g is operating on an isolated network, the IP address can be chosen from one of the
following ranges as listed in IETF publication RFC 1918, Address Allocation for Private Networks.
• -
• -
• -
If the BE1-11g is operating on an isolated network, the Subnet Mask can be left at and the
Default Gateway can be chosen as any valid IP address from the same range as the BE1-11g IP

BE1-11g Communication
328 9424200994 Rev R

The PC running BESTCOMSPlus software must be configured
correctly to communicate with the BE1-11g. The PC must have an IP
address in the same subnet range as the BE1-11g if the BE1-11g is
operating on a private, local network.
Otherwise, the PC must have a valid IP address with access to the
network and the BE1-11g must be connected to a properly configured
router. The network settings of the PC depend on the operating
system installed. Refer to the operating system manual for
On most Microsoft Windows based PCs, the network settings can be
accessed through the Network Connections icon located inside the
Control Panel.

8. Click the Send to Device button located on the Configure Ethernet Port screen. A confirmation pop-up
will indicate that the BE1-11g will reboot after settings are sent. Click the Yes button to allow settings
to be sent. After the unit has rebooted and the power-up sequence is complete, the BE1-11g is ready
to be used on a network.
9. If desired, BE1-11g settings can be verified by selecting Download Settings and Logic from Device
from the Communication pull-down menu. Active settings will be downloaded from the BE1-11g.
Verify that the downloaded settings match the previously sent settings.

Email Setup
The BE1-11g is capable of sending email alerts when triggered by chosen logic. A maximum of eight
circumstances can be established for sending email alerts. Setup of email notifications is made on the
BESTCOMSPlus Email Setup screen (Settings Explorer, Communications, Email Setup) illustrated in
Figure 247. A notification is configured by entering the SMTP email server address, mail from domain,
and the email addresses of the intended recipients. One email address can be entered in the “To” field
and one email address can be entered in the “Cc” field. The “Subject” field accepts up to 64 characters for
describing the condition triggering the notification email.

Figure 247. Email Setup Screen

BESTlogic™Plus Settings for Email

BESTlogicPlus settings are made using BESTCOMSPlus. To program the BESTlogicPlus settings, use
the Settings Explorer within BESTCOMSPlus to open the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic tree
branch and select the email logic block from the list of Elements. The email logic block is shown in Figure
Communication BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 329

248. Use the drag-and-drop method to connect a variable or series of variables to the input. Refer to the
BESTlogicPlus chapter for more information on setting BESTlogicPlus programmable logic.

Figure 248. Email Logic Block

Table 105 lists the BESTlogicPlus settings for email.
Table 105. BESTlogicPlus Settings for Email
Name Function Purpose Default
Trigger Input Triggers an email message 0

RS-485 Setup
The RS-485 communication port is located on the rear panel and provides communication with a PC
operating Modbus or DNP software. The Baud Rate is the rate at which the BE1-11g will communicate.
Bits Per Character can be 8 Bits or 7 Bits. Parity can be None, Odd, or Even. Stop Bits can be set to 1 or
2. The BESTCOMSPlus RS485 Setup screen is illustrated in Figure 249.

Figure 249. RS485 Setup Screen

DNP Setup
Settings for DNP are made by using the Settings Explorer to open the Communications, DNP tree branch.
Settings can be made for DNP Analog Points Mapping, DNP Binary Points Mapping, DNP Analog Input
Scaling, and DNP Analog Output Scaling. A list of DNP data objects accessible by a master station can
be found in Basler Electric publication 9424200773, Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) Instruction

DNP Settings
The Communications, DNP, DNP Settings tree branch contains screens for miscellaneous DNP settings,
unsolicited response support, and default variations.

Miscellaneous Settings
The Miscellaneous Settings screen (Figure 250) is used to configure the physical port, type of Ethernet
endpoint, local Ethernet port number, client IP address, UDP endpoint, listening end point, link layer, time
sync support, and application layer.

BE1-11g Communication
330 9424200994 Rev R

Physical Port Selection (Ethernet or RS-485) is available only for
Ethernet Protocol options 3 and 4 and only when RS-485 port protocol
option is N (None). RTD module communication over RS-485 is not
available when the physical port for DNP communication is RS-485.

Figure 250. DNP Settings, Miscellaneous Settings Screen

Unsolicited Response Support

The Unsolicited Response Support screen (Figure 251) configures BE1-11g unsolicited responses over a
DNP network and selects the classes of events that trigger the responses.

Figure 251. DNP Settings, Unsolicited Response Support Screen

Default Variations
The Default Variations screen (Figure 252) is used to configure the binary and analog inputs and analog
output status.

Communication BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 331

Figure 252. Default Variations Screen

DNP Analog Points Mapping

Analog points can be mapped to any of the available analog user map registers. Use the Settings
Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Communications, DNP, DNP Analog Points Mapping tree
branch as shown in Figure 253.
To map an Analog Point to the Analog User Map:
1. Select an analog point in the left-hand column.
2. Click on the Add >> button to add the analog point to the analog user map list.
3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons above the analog user map list to arrange the analog user
4. Click on the orange Save button to save the settings to BESTCOMSPlus memory. This button
changes to white indicating that the settings have been saved to BESTCOMSPlus memory.
Upload settings to the device by selecting Communication from the top pull-down menu and then Upload
Settings to Device.

Figure 253. DNP Analog Points Mapping Screen

DNP Binary Points Mapping

Binary points can be mapped to any of the available binary user map registers. Use the Settings Explorer
in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Communications, DNP, DNP Binary Points Mapping tree branch as
shown in Figure 254.

BE1-11g Communication
332 9424200994 Rev R

To map a Binary Point to the Binary User Map:

1. Select a binary point in the left-hand column.
2. Click on the Add >> button to add the binary point to the binary user map list.
3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons above the binary user map list to arrange the binary user
4. Click on the orange Save button to save the settings to BESTCOMSPlus memory. This button
changes to white indicating that the settings have been saved to BESTCOMSPlus memory.
5. Upload settings to the device by selecting Communication from the top pull-down menu and then
Upload Settings to Device.

Figure 254. DNP Binary Points Mapping Screen

DNP Analog Input and Output Scaling

Individual BE1-11g analog inputs and outputs can be scaled to maintain value readability and resolution.
Analog input point scaling is adjusted on the DNP Analog Input Scaling screen (shown in Figure 255) and
analog output point scaling is adjusted on the DNP Analog Output Scaling screen. On each screen,
individual points can be selected and assigned a scaling factor of 0.001 to 1,000,000,000. A scaling factor
of 1.000 is the default value for all analog input and output points.

Figure 255. DNP Analog Input Scaling Screen

Communication BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 333

Modbus® Setup
Settings for Modbus are made by using the Settings Explorer to open the Communications, Modbus tree
branch. Settings can be made for Modbus mapping. A list of Modbus registers can be found in Basler
Electric publication 9424200774, Modbus Protocol Instruction Manual.

Miscellaneous Modbus® Settings

The Miscellaneous Modbus Settings screen is shown in Figure 256. Settings are provided for Modbus
over RS485 and Ethernet. When Auto Save is enabled, group saves are performed to reduce write times.
Table 106 summarizes the miscellaneous Modbus settings.

Figure 256. Miscellaneous Modbus Settings

Table 106. Miscellaneous Modbus Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
RS485 Unit ID 1 to 247 1 n/a 1
RS485 Response Delay 10 to 10,000 10 milliseconds 10
Ethernet Unit ID 1 to 247 1 n/a 1
Auto Save Disabled or Enabled n/a n/a Enabled

Modbus® Mapping
Source registers can be mapped to any of 125 available poll block registers ranging from 9875 to 9999.
Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Communications, Modbus, Modbus Mapping
tree branch as shown in Figure 257.
To map a Source Register to Poll Block Registers:
1. Select a source register in the left-hand column. The category, register information, and description of
the selected source register are shown in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
2. Click the Add >> button to add the source register to the poll block register list.
3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons above the poll block register list to arrange the poll block
4. Click on the orange Save button to save the settings to BESTCOMSPlus memory. This button
changes to white indicating that the settings have been saved to BESTCOMSPlus memory.
5. Upload settings to the device by selecting Communication from the top pull-down menu and then
Upload Settings to Device.

BE1-11g Communication
334 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 257. Modbus Mapping Screen

Communication BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 335

Multiple levels of BE1-11g security give personnel the level of access appropriate for the tasks they
routinely perform while securing critical settings from unauthorized access.

Access Levels
Passwords provide access security for six distinct functional access areas: Read, Control, Operator,
Settings, Design, and Administrator (Admin). Each functional area can be assigned a unique password or
one password can be assigned to multiple areas. Functional areas are not independent of one another.
For example, an Admin password is used to access levels 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1; a Design password is used
to access levels 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Table 107 lists the access levels and descriptions.
Table 107. Access Levels and Descriptions
Access Level Description
6 - Admin (highest) Create, edit, and delete users and device security.
5 - Design Create or change programmable logic and reboot device.
4 - Settings Change all settings values. Logic equations cannot be created or changed.
3 - Operator Set date and time, reset accumulated metering values, and erase event data.
2 - Control Operate real-time controls.
1 - Read Read all system parameters. No changes or operation allowed.
0 - None All access denied.

Additional security is provided by controlling the functional areas that can be accessed through a
particular communication port. For example, security can be configured so that front panel access is
permitted at a lower access level than BESTCOMSPlus® or Modbus™ access.
The communication ports and password parameters act as a two-dimensional control to limit changes.
The entered password must be correct and the command must be entered through a valid port. Only one
port at a time can be in use with higher than Read access. For example, if a user gains Settings access at
the front-panel USB port, users at other areas (rear Ethernet and front panel) will be able to gain Read
access only after the user with Settings access at the front-panel USB port disconnects from the device.
Read access is always allowed for all simultaneous users with access level 1 or higher.
If a port holding higher than Read access sees no activity for the duration of the Access Timeout setting,
access privileges will automatically be lowered to Read access. This feature ensures that password
protection cannot be accidentally left in a state where access privileges are enabled for one area and
other areas locked out for an indefinite period.

Username Setup
1. Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to select Username Setup under General Settings,
Device Security Setup. The Login dialog box appears. See Figure 258. An administrator access level
is required to set up usernames and passwords.

Figure 258. Login Screen

BE1-11g Security
336 9424200994 Rev R

2. Enter the username and password of the administrator and then click the Log In button. The default
Administrator username is “A” and the default Password is “A”.
3. Only an administrator can modify usernames and passwords on the Username Setup screen (Figure
259). Complex usernames and passwords up to 16 characters in length are accepted. Acceptable
characters include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and certain special characters.

Figure 259. Username Setup Screen

4. In the left-hand column, highlight any username labeled NOT ASSIGNED or highlight a specific
username to change it.
5. On the right side of the screen, enter a username.
6. Enter a password for the user.
7. Re-enter the password to verify it.
8. Using Table 107 as a reference, enter the maximum access level allowed for the user.
9. Enter the number of days to expiration of the password or leave at default (0) for no expiration.
10. Click the Save User button to save to the settings to BESTCOMSPlus memory.
11. Pull down the Communication menu and select Upload Security to Device. The Login dialog box pops
up. An administrator level is required to upload security settings to the device.
12. Enter the username and password of the administrator and then click the Log In button. The default
administrator username is “A” and the default password is “A”. BESTCOMSPlus notifies you when
the upload is successful.

Port Access Setup

1. Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to select Port Access Setup under General Settings,
Device Security Setup. The Port List screen is shown in Figure 260.

Figure 260. Port List Screen

Security BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 337

2. The Login dialog box pops up. See Figure 258. An administrator access level is required to set up
port access. Enter the username and password of the administrator and then click the Log In button.
The default administrator username is “A” and the default Password is “A”.
3. In the side column, highlight a port to change.
4. On the right side of the screen, use the drop-down menus to select the Unsecured Access Level and
Secured Access Level for the highlighted port. The Unsecured Access Level setting sets the max
level of access which can be gained without entering a username/password. The Secured Access
Level setting sets the max level of access which can be gained with a password.

Setting the Secured Access Level to None on any port will make that
port unusable. If the Secured Access Level is set to None on all
available ports, the BE1-11g must be returned to Basler Electric for
5. Click the Save Port button to save to the settings to BESTCOMSPlus memory.
6. Pull down the Communication menu and select Upload Security to Device. The Login dialog box pops
up. An administrator level is required to upload security to the device.
7. Enter the username and password of the administrator and then click the Log In button. The default
administrator username is “A” and the default password is “A”. BESTCOMSPlus notifies you when
the upload is successful.

Access Control
The Access Timeout setting defines the amount of time before access expires. The timer resets every
time a setting is changed. If a username or password is entered incorrectly more than x times (Login
Attempts) in y seconds (Login Time Window), then access is prohibited for z seconds (Login Lockout
When the HMI Login Required Reset setting is disabled, target and alarm reset can be set outside of
security control, allowing reset without logging in.
The BESTCOMSPlus Access Control screen is illustrated in Figure 261. Settings are listed in Table 108.

Figure 261. Access Control Screen

BE1-11g Security
338 9424200994 Rev R

Table 108. Settings for Access Control

Setting Range Increment Unit Default
Access Timeout Delay 10 to 3,600 1 seconds 300
Login Failure Login Attempts 1 to 10 1 units 1
Login Failure Login Time Window 1 to 99,999 1 seconds 1
Login Failure Lockout Time 1 to 99,999 1 seconds 1
HMI Login Required - Alarm Reset Enabled or Disabled n/a n/a Enabled
HMI Login Required - Target Reset Enabled or Disabled n/a n/a Enabled
1. Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to select Access Control under General Settings,
Device Security Setup. The Access Control screen is shown in Figure 261.
2. Configure the Access Timeout and Login Failure settings.
3. Pull down the Communication menu and select Upload Security to Device. The Login dialog box pops
up. An administrator level is required to upload security to the device.
4. Enter the username and password of the administrator and then click the Log In button. The default
administrator username is “A” and the default password is “A”. BESTCOMSPlus notifies you when
the upload is successful.

Viewing the Security Log

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Security Log
HMI Navigation Path: Not available through the front panel
The BE1-11g records information about user logins including the port used to log in, the access level
granted, the type of action performed, and the time of logout and creates security logs. A log will also be
triggered when a user attempts to log in, but fails due to an invalid username or incorrect password.
A maximum of 200 entries are stored in nonvolatile memory. When a new entry is generated, the
BE1-11g discards the oldest of the 200 entries and replaces it with a new one.
Use the Metering Explorer to open the Reports, Security Log screen. If an active connection to a BE1-11g
is present, the security log will automatically download. Using the Options button, you can copy, print, or
save the security log. The Refresh button is used to refresh/update the security log. The Clear button will
clear the security log. The Toggle Sorting button enables sorting. Click on a column header to sort. See
Figure 262.

Figure 262. Security Log

Security BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 339

The BE1-11g provides a real-time clock with capacitor backup that is capable of operating the clock for up
to 24 hours after power is removed from the BE1-11g. As the capacitor nears depletion, an internal
backup battery takes over and maintains timekeeping. The backup battery is standard and will maintain
the clock for more than five years depending on conditions.
The clock is used by the demand reporting function, the fault reporting function, the oscillography
recording function, and the sequence of events recorder function to time-stamp events. The clock function
records the year in two-digit format.

Clock Setup
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, General Settings, Clock Setup
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, General Settings, Clock Setup
Clock settings are made through the communication ports using BESTCOMSPlus® or through the front-
panel interface. Write access to ports is required to program the clock. An alarm point is provided in the
programmable alarms to detect when the BE1-11g has powered up and the clock has not been set.
The clock settings are made through BESTCOMSPlus by selecting Clock Setup under General Settings.
The BESTCOMSPlus Clock Setup screen is illustrated in Figure 263. Settings are listed in Table 109.
The local time zone is configured on this screen. The Time Zone Offset is the local offset to UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time). The Time Zone Offset is required if NTP or IRIG-B is used for time
synchronization or when the Start/End Time Reference is set to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The
Start/End Time Reference is set to UTC time if required by local daylight savings time rules. The
Start/End Hour/Minute settings determine the time when the DST will go into effect. The Bias setting is
the amount of time that the clock moves forward or backward. The default settings are configured for the
Central Time Zone in the United States as shown in Figure 263. Using these settings, the clock would
move forward 1 hour at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March and move backward 1 hour at 2:00
a.m. on the first Sunday in November. DST can also be configured for a specific day of the month by
selecting Fixed Dates under DST Configuration.

Time Priority Setup

There are four available protocols (RTC, NTP, IRIG-B, and DNP), which can be assigned priorities to
update the date and time. Double-click on an available item to move it to the Enabled box. Use the arrow
buttons to set the priority of the selected item.
The NTP (Network Time Protocol) synchronizes the real-time clock to a network time server when an
Ethernet cable is connected. The address of the NTP server must be entered when NTP is selected in the
Time Priority Setup, Enabled box.

IRIG Decoding
The IRIG Decoding signal defines whether or not to decode the year field in the IRIG signal. Refer to the
manufacturer of your equipment to determine if the year field is being sent to the BE1-11g.

BE1-11g Timekeeping
340 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 263. Clock Setup Screen

Table 109. Settings for Clock

Setting Range Increment Unit Default
Time Zone Hour
–12 to 12 1 hours –6
Time Zone Minute
–59 to 59 1 minutes 0
Time Format 12 Hour or 24 Hour n/a n/a 24 Hour
Date Format MM-DD-YYYY n/a n/a YYYY-MM-DD
DST Configuration Floating Dates or Fixed Dates n/a n/a Floating Dates
Start/End Time Respective to Local Time or Respective to
n/a n/a
Reference Respective to UTC Time Local Time
Bias Setup (Hour) –12 to 12 1 hours 1
Bias Setup (Minute) –59 to 59 1 minutes 0

Setting the Time and Date

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Real Time Clock
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Real Time Clock
Time and date settings can be made through BESTCOMSPlus on the Real Time Clock screen (Figure
264) under the Status branch of the Metering Explorer. Settings can also be made through the front

Timekeeping BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 341

Figure 264. Status, Real Time Clock Screen

IRIG time code signal connections are located on the rear panel. When a valid time code signal is
detected at the port, it is used to synchronize the clock function. Note that the IRIG time code signal
received from older IRIG receivers does not contain year information. If this is the case, it will be
necessary to enter the date manually. Year information is stored in nonvolatile memory so that when
operating power is restored after an outage and the clock is re-synchronized the current year is restored.
When the clock rolls over to a new year, the year is automatically incremented in nonvolatile memory. An
alarm bit is included in the programmable alarm function for loss of IRIG signal. The alarm point monitors
for IRIG signal loss once a valid signal is detected at the IRIG port.

IRIG connections are located on a terminal block shared with the RS-485 and input power terminals.
Terminal designations and functions are shown in Table 110.
Table 110. IRIG Terminal Assignments
Terminal Function
A1 (+) Signal
A2 (–) Reference

Interface supports IRIG Standard 200-04, Format B006.
Input Signal ............................................................... Demodulated dc. Level-shifted, digital signal
Input Voltage Range ................................................. ±10 Vdc maximum
Input Resistance ....................................................... Nonlinear, approximately 4 kΩ at 3.5 Vdc,
approximately 3 kΩ at 20 Vdc
Logic Voltage Threshold
High ........................................................................... 3.5 Vdc minimum
Low ............................................................................ 0.5 Vdc maximum

Real-Time Clock Specifications

Resolution ................................................................. 1 s
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.73 s/d at 77°F (25°C)

Clock Holdup
Capacitor Holdup Time ............................................. Up to 24 hours depending on conditions
Battery Holdup Time ................................................. Greater than 5 years depending on conditions
Battery Type .............................................................. Rayovac BR2032, coin-type, 3 Vdc, 195 mAh
Basler Electric P/N 38526

BE1-11g Timekeeping
342 9424200994 Rev R

Backup Battery for the Real-Time Clock

The backup battery for the real time clock is a standard feature of the BE1-11g. A battery is used to
maintain clock function during loss of power supply voltage. In mobile substation and generator
applications, the primary battery system that supplies the BE1-11g power supply may be disconnected for
extended periods (weeks, months) between uses. Without battery backup for the real time clock, clock
functions will cease if battery input power is removed.
The backup battery has a life expectancy of greater than five years depending on conditions. After this
time, you should contact Basler Electric to order a new battery, Basler Electric P/N 38526.

Replacement of the backup battery for the real-time clock should be
performed only by qualified personnel.
Do not short-circuit the battery, reverse battery polarity, or attempt to
recharge the battery. Observe polarity markings on the battery socket
when inserting a new battery. The battery polarity must be correct in
order to provide backup for the real-time clock.

Failure to replace the battery with Basler Electric P/N 38526 may void
the warranty.

Battery Replacement Procedure for J Style Case

Battery access is located behind the front cover of the BE1-11g on the front-panel circuit board. See
Figure 265.
Step 1: Remove the BE1-11g from service.
Step 2: Use a 7/64” hex tool to remove the front cover screws and remove the cover.
Step 3: Locate the battery holder attached to the rear of the cover. Remove the old battery. Consult
your local ordinance for proper battery disposal.
Step 4: Insert the new battery so that the polarity markings on the battery match the polarity markings
on the battery holder and circuit board.
Step 5: Reattach the front cover by pressing equally and firmly on both sides as shown in Figure 266.
Using a 7/64” hex tool, tighten the front cover screws to 10 in-lbs (1.12 N•m).
Step 6: Return the BE1-11g to service.

Timekeeping BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 343

Figure 265. Front-Panel Circuit Board, Backup Battery Location

BE1-11g Timekeeping
344 9424200994 Rev R


Relay Minor Major

Power Trouble Alarm Alarm Trip Indicator 1

Indicator 2

Indicator 3

Indicator 4

Indicator 5

Edit Reset

Indicator 6

Select Operate
Control Control Indicator 7
Switch Switch

(Press equally and firmly.)



Figure 266. Re-Attaching the Front Cover

Battery Replacement Procedure for H or P Style Case

Battery access is located on the right side of the BE1-11g on the digital circuit board. See Figure 265.
Step 1: Remove the BE1-11g from service.
Step 2: Remove the unit from the case.
Step 3: Remove the old battery. Consult your local ordinance for proper battery disposal.
Step 4: Insert the new battery with the “+” side facing up.
Step 5: Insert the unit back into the case.
Step 6: Return the BE1-11g to service.

Timekeeping BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 345

(+) Side Up


Figure 267. Digital Circuit Board, Backup Battery Location

BE1-11g Timekeeping
346 9424200994 Rev R

Timekeeping BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 347

Device Information
BE1-11g identification labels, firmware version, serial number, and style number are found on the Device
Info screen in BESTCOMSPlus®.

Style Number
The model number, together with the style number, describes the options included in a specific device
and appears on labels located on the front panel and inside the case.
The style number of the BE1-11g is displayed on the BESTCOMSPlus Style Number screen after
downloading settings from the device. When configuring BE1-11g settings off-line, the style number for
the unit to be configured can be entered into BESTCOMSPlus to enable configuration of the required
settings. The BESTCOMSPlus Style Number screen is illustrated in Figure 268.

Figure 268. Style Number Screen

BE1-11g Device Information

348 9424200994 Rev R

Device Info
Information about a BE1-11g communicating with BESTCOMSPlus can be obtained on the Device Info
screen of BESTCOMSPlus after downloading settings from the device.
The application version must be selected when configuring BE1-11g settings off-line. When on-line, read-
only information includes the application version, application part number, application build date, boot
code version, model number, style number, serial number, language module version, and language
module part number.
BE1-11g protection systems have three identification fields: Device ID, Station ID, and User ID. These
fields are used in the header information lines of the Fault Reports, Oscillograph Records, and Sequence
of Events Records.
The BESTCOMSPlus Device Info screen is illustrated in Figure 269. Settings are listed in Table 111.

Figure 269. Device Info Screen

Table 111. Settings for Device Info

Setting Range Default
Device ID Up to 64 characters long. BE1-11
Station ID Up to 64 characters long. Station ID
User ID Up to 64 characters long. User ID

Firmware Updates

Default settings will be loaded into the BE1-11g, reports and events
will be cleared, and the BE1-11g will reboot when firmware is updated.
BESTCOMSPlus can be used to download settings and save the
settings in a file so that they can be restored after updating firmware.
Refer to Settings File Management for help with saving a settings file.

Maintaining the latest version of BE1-11g firmware ensures worry-free operation using the latest features
and functions. If you have obtained a package file containing an updated firmware file for your device, you
can upload it by selecting Upload Device Files from the Communication pull-down menu on the main

Device Information BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 349

screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The Basler Electric Device Package Uploader screen will appear. See Figure

Figure 270. Basler Electric Device Package Uploader

Use the Open button to browse for the device file that you obtained from Basler Electric. Place a
checkmark next to the file you want to upload. Click the Upload button. The BE1-11g will reboot
automatically after the firmware upload is complete.
After rebooting, the Relay Trouble LED on the front panel is lit and Defaults Loaded is displayed on the
Relay Alarms screen. To reset the alarm, use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to navigate to the
Status, Alarms screen (Figure 271) and click the Reset Relay Alarms button. This alarm can also be reset
through the front panel by navigating to Metering > Status > Alarms > Relay Alarms and pressing the
Reset button. Admin access is required to reset the Defaults Loaded alarm. The default username is “A”
and the default password is “A”. Alarm reset can also be set outside of security control, allowing reset
without logging in. Refer to the Security chapter for more information. Restore your settings file.

Figure 271. BESTCOMSPlus Alarms Screen

BE1-11g Device Information

350 9424200994 Rev R

Device Information BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 351

BE1-11g inputs consist of three-phase current inputs and ground, three-phase voltage inputs, and one
auxiliary voltage input. Either one or two sets of CTs are provided in the BE1-11g depending on the style
number. Refer to the style chart for more information. Each input is isolated and terminated at separate
terminal blocks. This section describes the function and setup of each input, and provides the equations
that the BE1-11g uses for calculating the power quantities.

Power System Measurements

Power system inputs, as described in the introduction, are sampled 32 times per cycle by the BE1-11g.
The BE1-11g measures the voltage and current from these samples and uses those measurements to
calculate other quantities. Frequency is measured from a zero-crossing detector. Measured inputs are
then recorded every quarter-cycle. If the applied voltage is greater than 10 volts, the BE1-11g measures
the frequency and varies the sampling rate to maintain 32 samples per cycle. Frequency compensation
applies to all power system measurements. Power system inputs are described in the paragraphs under
the following headings: Current Measurement, Voltage Measurement, Frequency Measurement, and
Power Measurement.

Current Measurement
Secondary current from power system equipment CTs is applied to current transformers inside the
BE1-11g. These internal transformers provide isolation and reduce the monitored current to levels
compatible with BE1-11g circuitry. Secondary current from each internal CT is converted to a voltage
signal and then filtered by an analog, low-pass, anti-aliasing filter.

Current Measurement Functions

Input waveforms are sampled by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) at 32 samples per cycle. The
BE1-11g extracts the magnitude and angle of the fundamental components of each three-phase current
input and the magnitude and angle of the independent ground current input.

Positive-Sequence, Neutral and Negative-Sequence Current Measurement

Positive-sequence (I1), neutral (3I0), and negative-sequence (I2) components are calculated from the
fundamental component of the three-phase current inputs. The BE1-11g can be set to accommodate ABC
or ACB phase-sequence when calculating the positive- or negative-sequence component.

Fast Current Detector

A separate, fast current measurement algorithm is used by the breaker failure function and the breaker
trip-speed monitoring function. This measurement algorithm has a sensitivity of 5% of the CT rating (5A or
1A depending on style number) and detects current interruption in the circuit breaker much more quickly
than the regular current measurement functions. This measurement algorithm monitors only the phase

Voltage Measurement
Three-phase voltage inputs are reduced to internal signal levels by a precision resistor divider network. If
the BE1-11g is set for single-phase or four-wire VT operation, the measuring elements are configured in
wye. If the BE1-11g is set for three-wire VT operation, the measuring elements are configured in delta.

Voltage Measurement Functions

Input waveforms are sampled by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) at 32 samples per cycle. The
BE1-11g extracts the magnitude and angle of the fundamental components of each three-phase voltage
input and the magnitude of the auxiliary voltage input.

BE1-11g Configuration
352 9424200994 Rev R

VT Connections
When four-wire VT connections are used, the BE1-11g measures the three-phase to neutral voltages and
calculates the phase voltage quantities. Overvoltage and undervoltage functions (27/59) can be set to
operate on either the phase-to-neutral (PN) or phase-to-phase (PP) quantities. Three-wire VT
connections limit 27/59 operation to PP quantities. When single-phase VT connections are used, the
27/59 elements operate as appropriate for the single-phase voltage applied.

Neutral-Shift Voltage
When four-wire VT connections are used, the BE1-11g calculates the neutral-shift voltage (3V0). Neutral-
shift voltage measurement is not available when single-phase or three-wire VT connections are used. The
27X and 59X can be set to monitor the neutral-shift voltage.

Negative-Sequence Voltage
Negative-sequence voltage (V2) is calculated from the fundamental component of the three-phase
voltage inputs. It is available only on three-phase, three-wire, or three-phase, four-wire systems. V2 is
calibrated to the phase-to-neutral base. Negative-sequence measurements accommodate either an ABC
or ACB phase-sequence.

Positive-Sequence Voltage
Positive-sequence voltage (V1) is calculated from the fundamental component of the three-phase voltage
inputs. It is available only on three-phase, three-wire, or three-phase, four-wire systems. V1 is calibrated
to the phase-to-neutral base. Positive-sequence measurements can accommodate either ABC or ACB

Frequency Measurement
Power system frequency is monitored on the A-phase voltage input or the AB voltage input when in three-
wire mode. When the applied voltage is greater than 10 volts, the BE1-11g measures the frequency. The
measured frequency is used by the 81 function and applies to all measurements and calculations.

Frequency Compensation
After measuring the frequency, the BE1-11g varies the sampling rate to maintain 32 samples per cycle
over a frequency of 10 to 125 hertz. If the voltage is too low for accurate frequency measurement or if the
measured frequency is out of range, the ADC defaults to a sampling rate appropriate for the BE1-11g
nominal frequency setting. The sampling rate is adjusted every 50 milliseconds (3 cycles).

Nominal Frequency
Nominal frequency (Fnom) can be set for 25-, 50-, or 60-hertz power systems. When the voltage and
current are too low for reliable frequency measurement, the ADC sample rate defaults to operation at the
nominal frequency setting. Nominal frequency is also used in the volts/hertz (24) overexcitation

Power Measurement
The measured fundamental component of current and voltage as described previously in this chapter is
used to calculate the power per the equations following:

For Sensing Type: Four-wire

Watts A = V ANI A cos( φ A ) Watts B = VBNIB cos( φB ) Watts C = VCNIC cos( φC )

Watts 3φ = WA + WB + WC

Vars A = VANIA sin( φA ) Vars B = VBNIB sin( φ B ) VarsCA = VCNIC sin(φC )

Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 353

Vars3φ = Vars A + VarsB + VarsC

where: φP = ∠VPN − ∠IX

For Sensing Type: Three-wire

In three-wire sensing mode, the equivalent LN voltages are determined from the LL voltages assuming
3V0 = 0V. This allows per-phase watts and vars to be determined and provides improved accuracy over a
two-element method when neutral current is present.
V̂AN = 1 / 3 ⋅ ( V̂AB − V̂CA ) V̂BN = 1 / 3 ⋅ ( V̂BC − V̂AB ) V̂CN = 1 / 3 ⋅ ( V̂CA − V̂BC )

Using the computed PN voltages, watts and vars are then computed using the equations listed under
four-wire sensing type, above.

For Single Phase Sensing Types: AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA
In single-phase sensing mode, the unknown PN voltages are calculated. Assuming a balanced three-
phase voltage is applied, the unknown PN voltages can be determined by scaling and rotating the
measured voltage as follows:
ABC Rotation

AN Sensing: VBN = VAN ⋅ 1∠ − 120° VCN = VAN ⋅ 1∠120°

BN Sensing: VAN = VBN ⋅ 1∠120° VCN = VBN ⋅ 1∠ − 120°

CN Sensing: VAN = VCN ⋅ 1∠ − 120° VBN = VCN ⋅ 1∠120°

1 1 1
AB Sensing: VAN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 30° VBN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 150° VCN = VAB ⋅ 1∠90°
3 3 3
1 1 1
BC Sensing: VAN = VAB ⋅ 1∠90° VBN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 30° VCN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 150°
3 3 3
1 1 1
CA Sensing: VAN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 150° VBN = VAB ⋅ 1∠90° VCN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 30°
3 3 3
ACB Rotation

AN Sensing: VBN = VAN ⋅ 1∠120° VCN = VAN ⋅ 1∠ − 120°

BN Sensing: VAN = VBN ⋅ 1∠ − 120° VCN = VBN ⋅ 1∠120°

CN Sensing: VAN = VCN ⋅ 1∠120° VBN = VCN ⋅ 1∠ − 120°

1 1 1
AB Sensing: VAN = VAB ⋅ 1∠30° VBN = V AB ⋅ 1∠150° VCN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 90°
3 3 3
1 1 1
BC Sensing: VAN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 90° VBN = VAB ⋅ 1∠30° VCN = VAB ⋅ 1∠150°
3 3 3
1 1 1
CA Sensing: VAN = VAB ⋅ 1∠150° VBN = VAB ⋅ 1∠ − 90° VCN = VAB ⋅ 1∠30°
3 3 3
Using both the measured and calculated PN voltages, watts and vars are then computed using the
equations listed under four-wire sensing type above.

BE1-11g Configuration
354 9424200994 Rev R

Power System Settings

The BE1-11g requires information about the power system to provide metering, fault reporting, fault
location, and protective relaying.
Power system settings are configured on the Power System settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus®. A
summary of the settings appear at the end of this section.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Power System
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Power System

Nominal Settings
Nominal Frequency can be set for 25-, 50-, or 60-hertz power systems.

Phase Voltage
The nominal Secondary Phase Voltage setting is used by the 24, 25, 60FL, and 67 elements. The
nominal secondary phase voltage is defined as the secondary phase-neutral voltage for all sensing
connections. That is, even if the user has selected 3-wire, AB, BC, or CA phase-phase sensing
connections, the nominal secondary phase voltage must be set for the phase-neutral equivalent. For
example, if a 3-wire open delta voltage source with a phase-phase voltage rating of 120 volts is
connected, the nominal secondary phase voltage must be set at 120/ 3 or 69.3 volts.

Auxiliary Voltage
The nominal Secondary Auxiliary Voltage setting is used by the 25 element. The nominal secondary
auxiliary voltage is defined as the secondary phase-phase or phase-neutral voltage as defined by the Aux
VT Connection setting on the Sensing Transformers screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

The nominal Secondary Phase Current (Inom) setting is used by the 60FL function, directional calculations
for the 67 elements, and DNP3 analog event reporting functions. Inom is also used in the volts/hertz (24)
calculation and in the 46 time curve calculation (K factor) of the negative-sequence current (51-x)
Inom is the nominal phase current rating for the system corresponding to 1 pu current and is configured in
secondary amps. If 1 pu secondary current is unknown, then setting Inom to the secondary CT rating (1 or 5
A) is acceptable for most applications. However, this could degrade the expectation (not accuracy) of the
time curve for the 51-x negative-sequence element as Inom is used to directly compute multiple of pickup
(MOP) and time delay.

Power Polarity
This setting defines the polarity of metered watts and vars.

Phase Rotation Setup

Normal phase rotation can be set for either ABC rotation or ACB rotation.

Power Line Parameters

Power line parameters are used for fault location and distance to fault. For more information on distance
to fault and the power line parameters, see the Fault Reporting chapter.

Maximum Torque Angle

Maximum Torque Angle (MTA) is used by the directional overcurrent (67) element to provide directional
supervision of the overcurrent tripping elements. The MTA for the phase and ground polarizing elements

Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 355

is normally derived from the line impedance angles (power line parameters) but there are applications
requiring MTA's different from the line impedance angles. Settings are provided for the 67-1 and 67-2
elements. For more information on setting MTA for different applications, see the Directional Overcurrent
(67) Protection chapter.

Power system settings are configured on the Power System settings screen (Figure 272) in
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 112.

Figure 272. Power System Settings Screen

Table 112. Power System Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit Default
Nominal Frequency 25, 50, or 60 n/a hertz 60
Nominal Phase Voltage 50 to 300 0.01 volts 69.3
0.5 to 15 (5A CTs) 5 (5A CTs)
Nominal Phase Current varies amps
0.1 to 3 (1A CTs) 1 (1A CTs)
Nominal Aux Voltage 50 to 300 0.01 volts 69.3
Power Polarity Normal or Reverse n/a n/a Normal
Phase Rotation ABC or ACB n/a n/a ABC
0.05 to 200 (5A CTs)
Z1 Line Magnitude varies ohms 24
0.01 to 40 (1A CTs)
Z1 Line Angle 0 to 90 1 degrees 80
0.05 to 650 (5A CTs)
Z0 Line Magnitude varies ohms 8
0.01 to 130 (1A CTs)
Z0 Line Angle 0 to 90 1 degrees 80
Line Length 0.01 to 130 0.01 units 100
MTA Z1 Angle 0 to 359.9 0.1 degrees 80
MTA Z0 Angle 0 to 359.9 0.1 degrees 80
MTA Z2 Angle 0 to 359.9 0.1 degrees 80
BE1-11g Configuration
356 9424200994 Rev R

Sensing Transformers Settings

The BE1-11g requires information about the current and voltage transformers to provide metering, fault
reporting, fault location, and protective relaying.
Sensing transformer settings are configured on the Sensing Transformers settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the settings appear at the end of this section.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Sensing Transformers
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Sensing Transformers

CT Setup
The BE1-11g requires setting information on the CT ratios. This setting is used by the metering and fault
reporting functions to display measured quantities in primary units.

Unbalanced Calculation Method

Unbalanced overcurrent protection is provided by the 50 and 51 elements. Two methods are available to
calculate unbalanced current.
Method 1 (I2/I1)
MIN = or 1, whichever is less
Method 2 (Average)
�MAXp − I𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 � or �I𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 − MINp�, whichever is greater
MIN = or 1, whichever is less
MAXp = maximum of all three phases
MINp = minimum of all three phases

This setting defines how the sensing CTs are connected for differential metering.

Phase VT Setup
The BE1-11g requires setting information about the VT ratio, the phase connections, and the operating
modes for the 27/59 and 27R functions. These settings are used by the metering and fault reporting
functions to display measured quantities in primary units. The voltage input circuit settings also determine
which power measurement calculations are used. Most of these connections such as 3W-D, 4W-Y, AN, or
AB are self-explanatory.

Auxiliary VT Setup
The auxiliary voltage input (Vx) connection can be set for AB, BC, CA, AN, BN, CN, or Ground. When set
for one of the phase voltages, the sync-check function can be set to compensate for the phase angle
difference relative to the reference voltage measured at the three-phase voltage inputs. The Vx input
connection is set to Ground when connected to a source of ground unbalance voltage or residual voltage
such as a generator grounding resistor, broken delta VT connection, or capacitor bank star point.

Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 357

Bus CT Selection
The CT Source setting selects the Bus CT to use in calculations for metering, fuse loss (60FL), power
protection (32, 40Q), and impedance protection (21, 40Z, 78OOS) on protection systems equipped with
two sets of CTs.

Sensing transformers settings are configured on the Sensing Transformers settings screen (Figure 273)
in BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 113.

Figure 273. Sensing Transformers Settings Screen

Table 113. Sensing Transformers Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit Default
Phase/Ground CT Ratio 1 to 50,000 0.01 1
Unbalanced Calculation Mode I2/I1 or Average n/a n/a I1/I2
CT Connection WYE, DAB, or DAC n/a n/a WYE
CT Source* CT1 or CT2 n/a n/a CT1
Phase VT Ratio 1 to 10,000 0.01 1
AB, BC, CA, AN, BN, CN, 3W-D,
Phase VT Connection n/a n/a 4W-Y
or 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PP or PN n/a n/a PN
27R Mode PP or PN n/a n/a PN
Aux VT Ratio 1 to 10,000 0.01 1
AB, BC, CA, AN, BN, CN, or
Aux VT Connection n/a n/a AN
* For protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs.

BE1-11g Configuration
358 9424200994 Rev R

Transformer Setup
The BE1-11g requires information about the transformer windings to provide differential metering and
differential protection. See the Phase Current Differential (87) Protection chapter for more information.
Transformer setup is accomplished on the Sensing Transformers settings screen (Figure 274) in
BESTCOMSPlus. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 114.
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Transformer Setup
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Transformer Setup

Figure 274. Transformer Setup Screen

Table 114. Transformer Settings

Setting Range Increment Unit Default
Tap Calculation Mode Manual or Automatic n/a n/a Manual
MVA Rating 0.5 to 10,000 0.1 n/a 0.5
kV Rating 0.01 to 1,000 n/a n/a n/a
Tap 2 to 20 (5A CTs) or 0.4 to 4 (1A CTs) 0.01 n/a 2.00
CT Connection Set on the Sensing Transformers screen n/a n/a n/a
Phase CT Ratio Set on the Sensing Transformers screen n/a n/a n/a
Transformer Connection WYE, DAB, DAC, ZAB, ZAC, NA n/a n/a WYE
Ground Connection Yes or No n/a n/a No
Differential Circuit Primary, Secondary, or None n/a n/a Primary
Polarity Yes or No n/a n/a No
Phase Relationship A, B, or C n/a n/a A

Connection Settings for Current Differential

When the zone of protection includes a transformer, it may be necessary to provide phase angle and zero
sequence compensation to the currents used by the Phase Current Differential Protection (87) element.
See Figure 275 and Figure 276. For each input circuit, a setting is provided to enter the transformer
connections associated with that input.

Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 359

Determining the Transformer Connection Parameters

Wye and Autotransformer Windings. The transformer connection for a CT input circuit that is
connected to either a wye or autotransformer winding should be classified as a wye winding.
Delta Transformer Windings. The transformer connection for a CT input circuit that is connected to a
delta winding could be classified as one of two delta connections: Delta IA-IB (DAB) or Delta IA-IC
(DAC). A delta configuration is defined by the currents that flow in the primary phases connected to the
delta. The wye winding phase connections are used as the point of reference since the current that
flows in the wye winding is the same as the current in the wye side primary phases. Figure 275 shows
an example of a transformer with a DAB connection. Figure 276 shows an example of the same
transformer with the phases reconnected to provide a DAC connection. If there is no wye winding to
use as reference, as is the case with a delta/delta transformer, the definition of the delta configuration
is not important.

Figure 275. DAB Delta

A a

B b

C c


Figure 276. DAC Delta

With the appropriate CT and transformer connection information, the BE1-11g can automatically
determine the correct compensation required. Normally, all circuits are compensated to obtain their
equivalent delta currents. If all transformer windings and CTs are connected in wye, a special case exists
and no compensation is required. For this case, wye currents can be used directly.
Total compensation is accomplished by summing the appropriate phasors from each of the CT inputs
prior to using them in the differential function. For a WYE to DAB connection, the WYE CT phasors must
first be phase-compensated to match the DAB circuit’s 30° shift. This is done using the DAB
compensator, which provides a phasor sum of Ia + Ib to form I’a for comparison to the DAB’s Ia CT
current. A similar operation is used to form I’b and I’c.
Total compensation uses six phase compensation factors: DAB, DAC, REV, Rotation Factors R1 and R2,
WYE, and Double Delta DDAB. The compensation factors are used in various combinations to
BE1-11g Configuration
360 9424200994 Rev R

compensate for the ±30°, ±60°, ±90°, ±120°, ±150°, and ±180° phase shifts that are possible in
transformers and sensing CT configurations.
Mathematically, the compensation factors provide the following:
Note: A 1/(square root of 3) factor is missing from the compensation equations. See Table 119 for the net
compensation equations.

DAB: Iˆ' a = Iˆa − Iˆb , Iˆ' b = Iˆb − Iˆc , Iˆ' c = Iˆc − Iˆa (+30)

DAC: Iˆ' a = Iˆa − Iˆc , Iˆ' b = Iˆb − Iˆa , Iˆ' c = Iˆc − Iˆb (-30)

REV: Iˆ' a = − Iˆa Iˆ' b = − Iˆb Iˆ' c = − Iˆc (+180)

R1: Iˆ' a = Iˆc , Iˆ' b = Iˆa , Iˆ' c = Iˆb (+120)

R2: Iˆ' a = Iˆb , Iˆ' b = Iˆc , Iˆ' c = Iˆa (+240)

DDAB: Iˆ" a = Iˆ' a − Iˆ' b , Iˆ" b = Iˆ' b − Iˆ' c , Iˆ" c = Iˆ' c − Iˆ' a (0 or +60)

The net effect of DDAB compensation is as follows:

Iˆ" a = Iˆ' a − 2 ⋅ Iˆ' b + I ' c Iˆ" b = Iˆa + Iˆb − 2 ⋅ Iˆc Iˆ" c = −2 ⋅ Iˆa + Ibˆ + Iˆc

WYE: Iˆ' a = Iˆa , Iˆ' b = Iˆb , Iˆ' c = Iˆc (no compensation)

The following tables illustrate how the various phase compensation factors are applied to different winding
and CT configurations.
The BE1-11g can also compensate for phase “mismatch”. That is, if A phase of the incoming system is
connected to the transformer primary H1 and A phase of the secondary system is connected to X2, the
phases can be matched at the BE1-11g with this feature. Phase matching can be set through
BESTCOMSPlus on the System Parameters, Transformer Setup screen.
Settings for the current measurement functions are provided in the following tables. These tables indicate
the transformer circuit, CT settings, and type of phase compensation applied for various transformer
applications. The settings are indicated on a per circuit basis. A circuit consists of one of the transformer’s
three-phase windings and its corresponding set of three-phase CT’s.
Table 116 and Table 117 are applied when a combination of delta and wye connections are present in the
transformer and CT circuits. Table 116 is applied when only one type of delta connection is present in the
transformer and CT circuits, such as DAB or DAC. This table is used for the majority of applications. If the
application requires a combination of delta circuits, such as both DAB and DAC connections being
present, Table 117 is applied. The only exceptions are when all CT and winding connections are wye as
indicated above. Or, when one or more of the individual transformer windings are connected in delta or
zigzag and has its corresponding CTs connected in delta. Table 118 is applied when one or more of the
individual transformer windings is connected in delta or zigzag and has its corresponding CTs connected
in delta. The special connection can require up to two delta compensations for the other windings
depending on the circuit’s configuration.

Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 361

Table 115. CT Input Circuit Settings for Non-transformer or Wye-only Application

Transformer CT Input BE1-11g Settings Compensation Applied
Connection Connection TX CT Phase Rotation

∗ Special case where all transformer windings and all CTs are connected in wye.
Table 116. CT Input Circuit Settings 1 for Delta/Wye Circuit Applications

Transformer CT Input BE1-11g Settings Compensation Applied

Connection Connection TX CT Phase Rotation






BE1-11g Configuration
362 9424200994 Rev R

Transformer CT Input BE1-11g Settings Compensation Applied

Connection Connection TX CT Phase Rotation

Table 117. CT Input Circuit Settings 2 for Delta/Wye Circuit Applications

Transformer CT Input BE1-11g Settings Compensation Applied

Connection Connection TX CT Phase Rotation







Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 363

Table 118. CT Input Circuit Settings 3 for Delta/Wye Circuit Applications

Transformer CT Input BE1-11g Settings Compensation Applied

Connection Connection TX CT Phase Rotation








BE1-11g Configuration
364 9424200994 Rev R

Transformer CT Input BE1-11g Settings Compensation Applied

Connection Connection TX CT Phase Rotation







Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 365

The CT input circuit settings are used by the auto-tap calculation
function to calculate the correct tap adjustment factor for the
differential functions. When entering these settings via the ASCII
command interface, the validation routine and auto-tap calculation is
performed on exit after all parameters have been entered.
When entering these settings using the front-panel interface, the
validation routine and auto-tap calculation is performed on exit of each
screen. This may cause an Out of Range error message from the
auto-tap calculation function. The user is advised to enter valid CT
input circuit settings on the Sensing Transformers screen prior to
entering the auto-tap calculation settings. If the user has previously set
the auto-tap calculation settings and needs to change the CT input
circuit settings, it may be necessary to temporarily change the auto-
tap function setting to Manual on the Transformer Setup screen in
order to enter the new CT settings.
See the Phase Current Differential (87) Protection chapter for more
information on the auto-tap calculation function.

If there is a ground source within the protected zone, the user can apply a numerical, zero-sequence trap
to remove the zero-sequence components from the current to prevent misoperation on external ground
faults when a ground bank is in the zone of protection. This setting is optional. It is not required to enter a
ground source setting of 1 to describe a grounded wye transformer connection. Even though not all
grounded wye transformer connections are ground sources, the BE1-11g always assumes that a wye
transformer connection is a ground source so that it is secure. Zero-sequence current unbalance can
occur in three legged core transformers due to the phantom tertiary effect. In all cases, the BE1-11g
chooses delta compensation for a wye transformer connection so that the zero-sequence components are
Figure 277 shows how the currents will be calculated for each set of current inputs for use by the Current
Differential Protection (87) element. The calculation is dependent upon the phase compensation chosen
as shown in the previous tables and the ground source setting.




(IB-IC)/√3 -IC -IC

DAB Internal Compensation DAC Internal Compensation

Measured Current Measured Current *(-1) Compensated Current

Figure 277. Internal Phase and Zero-Sequence Compensation

BE1-11g Configuration
366 9424200994 Rev R

Table 119. Internal Compensation Chart

Compensation A Phase B Phase C Phase
Wye (none) 0 = No IA IB IC
Wye (none) 1 = Yes IA - I0 IB - I0 IC - I0
DAB 0 = No or 1 = Yes (IA - IB) / √3 (IB - IC) / √3 (IC - IA) / √3
DAC 0 = No or 1 = Yes (IA - IC) / √3 (IB - IA) / √3 (IC - IB) / √3
DDAB 0 = No or 1 = Yes (IA - 2IB + IC) /3 (IA + IB - 2IC) /3 (-2IA + IB + IC) /3

IEC Transformer Setup

The IEC setup table is aimed at describing transformers that use phase shifts and winding designs that
are more commonly found outside the US market. As can be found in the IEC standards, phase and
bushing names of U, V, W, will be used generally, rather than A, B, and C, or H and X. Specifying phase
shift and transformer connection is accomplished with the D-Y-Z + clock method. For instance, a
transformer connection will be Dy1 rather than a DAB/Y, though some dual designations will be used for
clarity. The number associated with the winding (Dy1) can be almost any hour of the clock, hence the
term “around the clock” phase shifting.
In transformer standards such as IEEE C57.12.00 and IEC-60076-1, there will be many variations on the
nomenclature and figures used to show how the phases are identified in a three-phase system. For
details on IEC transformer connections, go to and download the technical paper titled
Three Phase Transformer Winding Configurations and Differential Relay Compensation, which was
presented at the 2004 Western Protective Relay Conference.
Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the System Parameters, Transformer Setup screen and select the IEC
Setup button. On this screen (Figure 278), you can setup Windings 1 and 2. Press the OK button when

Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 367

Figure 278. IEC Transformer Setup Screen

Display Units
The Display Units screen is shown in Figure 279.

System Units
This setting configures the BE1-11g to display and report temperature in English or metric units of

Figure 279. Display Units Screen

BE1-11g Configuration
368 9424200994 Rev R

Configuration BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 369

Introduction to Testing
The need to test protection systems to confirm performance as designed by manufacturers has always
existed. However, numeric system design is changing the industry testing paradigms that have been in
use since the first protective relay was built. Each time a fault occurs, the numeric protection system is
tested, and because of its fault and event recording capability, the test is documented. In the unlikely
event of a protection system problem, continuous monitoring along with remote communications
capability provide for removing the affected device from service, auto switching to backup systems, and
immediate notification of an attended facility. These features have virtually eliminated the need for
periodic maintenance. Simple acceptance tests that verify the integrity of the BE1-11g measuring circuits
and commissioning tests that verify the BE1-11g “electronic wiring” (control logic) are Basler Electric’s
recommended pre-installation tests.
The testing chapters provide guidelines for performing these tests and others. For assistance in
conducting BE1-11g self-tests and troubleshooting using internal diagnostics, contact Basler Electric
Technical Support Services.

Testing Philosophies
Testing is generally divided into the following categories:
• Acceptance
• Commissioning
• Periodic (user scheduled maintenance)
• Functional
While all types of tests can be performed, all users do not generally perform these tests. Likewise, the
degree to which you will conduct each type of test depends on need, economics, and perceived system

Acceptance Testing
Acceptance testing confirms that a particular BE1-11g delivered to a customer meets published
specifications. Because this is a numerical device whose characteristics are defined by software, Basler
Electric does not require the user to test each operational setting in the BE1-11g. Successful completion
of the Acceptance Test verifies proper response of the protection system’s input and output circuits as
well as its response to all external sensing input quantities (voltage, current, frequency).
Basler Electric performs detailed acceptance testing on all devices to verify all functions meet published
specifications. All products are packaged and shipped with the strictest standards. The BE1-11g is a
microprocessor-based device whose operating characteristics will not change over time. The BE1-11g will
also not experience any change in operating characteristics during transit. However, it remains important
that the user perform these acceptance tests to verify the device has not suffered any degradation in
transit. Basler Electric warrants all products against any decay in performance outside of the published
specified tolerances that result from problems created during transit.

Commissioning Testing
Commissioning testing verifies all physical connections and functional aspects of the BE1-11g for a new
installation. This includes a thorough review and documentation of the operational settings to verify that
the users calculated values match the actual values on each enabled protection element of the BE1-11g.
All of the following connections or functions can be verified during commissioning tests:
• Proper connection and sensing of current and voltage signals as applicable
• Connections of I/O contacts
• I/O sensing versus virtual sensing

BE1-11g Introduction to Testing

370 9424200994 Rev R

• Setting validation
• Proper operation of equipment (main or auxiliary)
• Proper alarming (to SCADA) and/or targeting

Periodic Testing
Periodic testing can be performed at regularly scheduled intervals or upon an indication of problems or
questionable operations within the BE1-11g. Verifying the integrity of the protection system’s
performance, short of playback of recorded events, may be necessary by performing certain tests similar
to those accomplished in the Acceptance Testing chapter. Verification that the BE1-11g is measuring
signals faithfully, that BE1-11g logic is appropriate, and that protective elements and equipment (main or
auxiliary) operate correctly are goals that can be achieved during this type of testing.
Basler Electric recommends that all captured fault records and sequence of event records be analyzed
and kept on file as in-service periodic test results for this particular device. This is an indication that all
protective elements and the associated equipment are operating satisfactorily.
It is not the intent of this manual to elaborate on every conceivable test possible because this would
encroach on individual preferences, techniques, and philosophies. It is the intent to pursue relevant
testing methods to verify this BE1-11g meets published design specifications and applicability.

Functional Testing
Functional (or application) testing is significantly more comprehensive in nature and tests suitability for a
particular application. Functional testing also provides a means to familiarize the user with the logic and
operation of this device. Test setups are generally more involved and often include ancillary equipment
beyond voltage or current source type equipment. While economics may at times prohibit full functional
testing, it is recommended that some functional testing be performed when published specifications lack
appropriate detail to satisfy application testing requirements.
Basler Electric performs a thorough and comprehensive functional test of all protection systems before
shipping. This ensures that this device is within specified tolerances, measures accurately, and operates
correctly as designed.

Testing and Troubleshooting Aids

Under test or in-service, the BE1-11g provides several ways to check operations, targets, or events. The
status of the system is monitored by a continuous self-test. The most basic reporting function is targets.
Targets can be viewed through BESTCOMSPlus® or the front-panel display. Fault Summary Reports,
Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) Reports, and Oscillographic Records yield more detail.
Each time a system disturbance occurs in or around this BE1-11g zone of protection, it is a test of the
BE1-11g performance during the fault. If a questionable operation results in the need for troubleshooting,
you have several ways in which to troubleshoot the BE1-11g, the installation, and overall application.

Performance Testing
Performance testing can be accomplished through the capture and playback of system fault records. In
actual applications, this type of test realizes further confirmation of faithful BE1-11g responses during
system disturbances. For specific power system disturbances, protection systems can be subjected to a
re-creation of captured events with the aid of equipment capable of replicating COMTRADE record files.
In these instances, there is significant merit in testing protection systems in this manner to assess
BE1-11g performance. Correct response of BE1-11g action in a performance test is supplemental
verification of the conclusions drawn from functional (or application) tests.
This type of testing verifies not only whether the device operated correctly for a particular system
disturbance but also offers additional confirmation of your protection philosophy in this application. It is
beyond the scope of this manual to develop performance tests for this device. For assistance in
developing these types of tests, please consult Basler Electric and your test equipment.

Introduction to Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 371

BE1-11g Self-Test
All internal circuitry and software that affect the BE1-11g core functionality are monitored by the
continuous self-test diagnostics. For specific relay trouble alarms, the self-test diagnostics force the
microprocessor to reset and try to correct the problem. If unsuccessful, OUTA operates, the Relay
Trouble LED on the front panel turns ON, all of the output relays are disabled, internal logic point
ALMREL is set, and the BE1-11g is taken off line. For more information on self-test diagnostics and relay
trouble alarms, see the Contact Inputs and Outputs chapter.

Status Reporting Features

Status reporting is available by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus. This report assembles all
of the information required to determine the BE1-11g status.
Fault reporting and target data is dependent on the proper setting of trip, pickup, and logic trigger
expressions (via BESTlogic™Plus Programmable Logic) and the assignment of protective elements to be
logged as targets (via BESTCOMSPlus).
While the design of the BE1-11g facilitates obtaining and verifying targets and event data, it is not always
necessary to use the BE1-11g functions to determine if the device operated while testing. You can simply
use an ohmmeter or continuity tester to monitor the output contact status.
The following is a summary of where target and event data can be viewed in BESTCOMSPlus:
• Fault records in memory - Metering Explorer/Reports/Fault Records
• Target data - Metering Explorer/Status/Targets
• Sequence of events (SOE) records - Metering Explorer/Reports/Sequence of Events
For more information on front-panel display menu trees, see the Controls and Indicators chapter.

Event Reporting Features

The SOE function of the BE1-11g records protective element output changes, overcurrent element pickup
or dropout, input/output contact state changes, logic triggers, setting group changes, and setting changes.
For more information on event reporting, see the Sequence of Events chapter.
The following summarizes the reporting capabilities of the BE1-11g through the front-panel display:
• Trip LED (Flashing): flashes during pickup of protective elements based on the pickup logic
expression set in BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic.
• Trip LED (Sealed-In): stays lit after trip logic becomes true based on the trip logic expression set
in BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic.
• TARGETS: Metering > Status > Targets screen provides target data.
• ALARMS: Metering > Status > Alarms screen provides alarm data.
• FAULT REPORTS: Metering > Fault Reports screen indicates new fault reports.

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Introduction to Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 373

Acceptance Testing
Although Basler Electric performs detailed acceptance testing on all new protection systems, it is
generally recommended that you perform each of the following acceptance test steps before installation.
The following steps test each function of the BE1-11g to validate that it was manufactured properly and
that no degradation of performance occurred because of shipping.

Test Equipment
Suitable test equipment requires a minimum of two current sources, two voltage sources, and a contact
wetting voltage. Test equipment should also have the capability of varying the frequency and the angle of
the voltage and current sources. A PC with BESTCOMSPlus® installed and configured for communication
with the BE1-11g is also required.

Power Up
Purpose: To verify that the BE1-11g performs the power-up sequence.
Step 1: Apply voltage to input power terminals A6 and A7. Table 120 shows the appropriate input
voltage for each BE1-11g style.
Table 120. Input Voltages

Style Number Voltage Input

Gxx1xxxxxxxxxx 48/125 Vac/dc

Gxx2xxxxxxxxxx 125/250 Vac/dc

Gxx3xxxxxxxxxx 24 Vdc

Step 2: Verify that the Power LED is ON, and that characters are displayed on the front panel. Upon
power-up, the BE1-11g will perform a brief self-test. During this brief test, the display indicates
each step of the self-test; Performing BIOS Tests…, Loading Application…, Initializing
Protection…, and then the default display screen. Contact Basler Electric Technical Support
Services if anything appears out of the ordinary or if an LCD error message appears.

Purpose: To verify that the BE1-11g communicates through the USB and optional Ethernet port.
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to connect to the BE1-11g through the front-panel USB port and through
the optional rear panel Ethernet port. Refer to the Communication chapter.

Style Number and Serial Number Verification

Purpose: To verify that the BE1-11g style number and serial number matches the unit and unit labels.
Step 1: Connect to the BE1-11g through BESTCOMSPlus.
Step 2: Use the Settings Explorer to open the General Settings, Style Number screen and verify that the
style number matches the unit labels.
Step 3: Use the Settings Explorer to open the General Settings, Device Info screen and verify that the
serial number matches the unit labels.

BE1-11g Acceptance Testing

374 9424200994 Rev R

IRIG Verification (if used)

Purpose: To verify that the BE1-11g acquires and updates IRIG time and date information.
Step 1: Connect a suitable IRIG source to BE1-11g terminals A1 (+) and A2 (–).
Step 2: Upon receiving the IRIG signal, the BE1-11g clock will be updated with the current time, day,
and month. Verify this on the Metering > Status > Real Time Clock screen on the front-panel

Contact Sensing Inputs

Purpose: To verify that the BE1-11g senses hardware input status.
Step 1: Apply an external voltage source within the range of the voltages listed in Table 121 to contact
sensing inputs IN1 (B1/B2), IN2 (B3/B4), IN3 (B5/B6), and IN4 (B7/B8).
Step 2: For J type (vertical) cases, repeat Step 1 for IN5 (E1/E2), IN6 (E3/E4), and IN7 (E5/E6).
Table 121. Contact Sensing Turn-On Voltages
Contact Sensing Turn-On Voltage*
Style Option Nominal Input Voltage Jumper Installed Jumper Not Installed
(Low Position) (High Position)
69 to 100 Vdc
Gxx1xxxxxxxxxx 48 Vdc or 125 Vac/dc 26 to 38 Vdc
56 to 97 Vac
69 to 100 Vdc 138 to 200 Vdc
Gxx2xxxxxxxxxx 125/250 Vac/dc
56 to 97 Vac 112 to 194 Vac
Gxx3xxxxxxxxxx 24 Vdc n/a Approx. 5 Vdc

* For information on setting contact-sensing input jumpers, refer to the Contact Inputs and Outputs
Step 3: To verify that all inputs have been detected, use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to
open the Status, Inputs screen.

Control Outputs
Purpose: To verify that the BE1-11g senses hardware output status.
Step 1: Connect to the BE1-11g through BESTCOMSPlus.
Step 2: Use the Metering Explorer to open the Control, Output Override screen.
Step 3: Click on the Disabled button for Output #1. The button changes to Enabled indicating that the
output control override capability of the relay is enabled.
Step 4: Select Set from the Action drop-down menu and click on the green arrow button to energize
Output #1. Verify that the Output #1 Status LED, located on the Output Override screen of
BESTCOMSPlus, turns on. Navigate to Metering > Status > Outputs on the front-panel display
and verify that Output #1 changes state.
Step 5: Select Reset from the Action drop-down menu and click on the green arrow button to de-
energize Output #1. Verify that the Output #1 Status LED, located on the Output Override
screen of BESTCOMSPlus, turns off. Navigate to Metering > Status > Outputs on the front-
panel display and verify that Output #1 changes state.
Step 6: Verify that the sequence of events recorder logged the events by using the Metering Explorer in
BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events screen.

Acceptance Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 375

Step 7: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to return to the Control, Output Override screen
and click on the Enabled button for Output #1. The button changes to Disabled indicating that
the output control override capability of the relay is disabled.
Step 8: Repeat Steps 3 through 7 for all desired output contacts.

Current Circuit Verification

CT Circuit 1
Step 1: To verify 3I0, I1, and I2, connect an ac current source to Terminals D1 and D2.
Step 2: Apply the appropriate current values in Table 122 to the BE1-11g. Measured 3I0 should
correspond to values in Table 122 while I1 and I2 should be 1/3 the applied value ±1.5% (For
example, if the applied value equals 2 amps, I2 = 2/3 = 0.667 amps ±1.5% or ±0.01 amps.)
Verify current measuring accuracy by opening the Analog Metering, Current, CT Circuit 1,
Secondary Current screen inside the Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus. 3I0, I1, and I2
current measurements can also be verified on the Metering > Analog Metering > Current >
Current Circuit 1 > Secondary Current screen of the front-panel display.
Table 122. Current Circuit Verification Values
Measured Current
Sensing Type Applied Current
Lower Limit Upper Limit
1 amps 0.99 A 1.01 A
5 amps 4.95 A 5.05 A
5A 10 amps 9.90 A 10.10 A
15 amps 14.85 A 15.15 A
20 amps 19.80 A 20.20 A
0.25 amps 0.2475 A 0.2525 A
1 amps 0.99 A 1.01 A
1A 2 amps 1.98 A 2.02 A
3 amps 2.97 A 3.03 A
4 amps 3.96 A 4.04 A
Step 3: To verify IA1, IB1, IC1, and IG1, connect the four current inputs in series by connecting suitably
sized jumper wires between terminals D2 and D3, D4 and D5, and D6 and D7. Then connect an
ac current source to terminals D1 and D8.
Step 4: Apply the appropriate current values in Table 122 to the BE1-11g. Verify current measuring
accuracy on the Analog Metering, Current, CT Circuit 1, Secondary Current screen inside the
Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus. IA1, IB1, IC1, and IG1 current measurements can also
be verified on the Metering > Analog Metering > Current > Current Circuit 1 > Secondary
Current screen of the front-panel display.
Step 5: Leave current circuit connected and de-energized. These test connections will be used later
when verifying power readings.

CT Circuit 2 (Optional)
Step 1: To verify 3I0, I1, and I2, connect an ac current source to Terminals F1 and F2.
Step 2: Apply the appropriate current values in Table 122 to the BE1-11g. Measured 3I0 should
correspond to values in Table 122 while I1 and I2 should be 1/3 the applied value ±1.5% (For
example, if the applied value equals 2 amps, I2 = 2/3 = 0.667 amps ±1.5% or ±0.01 amps.)
Verify current measuring accuracy by opening the Analog Metering, Current, CT Circuit 2,
Secondary Current screen inside the Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus. 3I0, I1, and I2
BE1-11g Acceptance Testing
376 9424200994 Rev R

current measurements can also be verified on the Metering > Analog Metering > Current >
Current Circuit 2 > Secondary Current screen of the front-panel display.
Step 3: To verify IA2, IB2, IC2, and IG2, connect the four current inputs in series by connecting suitably
sized jumper wires between terminals F2 and F3, F4 and F5, and F6 and F7. Then connect an
ac current source to terminals F1 and F8.
Step 4: Apply the appropriate current values in Table 122 to the BE1-11g. Verify current measuring
accuracy on the Analog Metering, Current, CT Circuit 2, Secondary Current screen inside the
Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus. IA2, IB2, IC2, and IG2 current measurements can also
be verified on the Metering > Analog Metering > Current > Current Circuit 2 > Secondary
Current screen of the front-panel display.
Step 5: Leave current circuit connected and de-energized. These test connections will be used later
when verifying power readings.

Three-Phase Voltage Circuit Verification

Step 1: Connect an ac voltage source at nominal frequency between BE1-11g Terminals C13 (A-phase)
and C16 (Neutral terminal). Apply 100 volts and verify voltage-measuring accuracy by using the
Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog Metering, Secondary Voltage screen.
Readings should be: VA = 100 volts ±0.5%, VAB = 100 volts ±0.5%, VCA = 100 volts ±0.5%,
3V0 = 100 volts ±0.75%, V1 = 33.4 volts ±0.75% (applied divided by 3), and V2 = 33.4 volts
±0.75% (applied divided by 3). The Metering > Analog Metering > Voltage > Secondary Voltage
screen of the front-panel display can also be monitored to verify voltage measurements.
Step 2: Connect an ac voltage source at nominal frequency between BE1-11g Terminals C14 (B-phase)
and C16 (Neutral Terminal). Apply 100 volts and verify voltage-measuring accuracy by using
the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog Metering, Voltage, Secondary
Voltage screen. Readings should be: VB = 100 volts ±0.5%, VAB = 100 volts ±0.5%, VBC = 100
volts ±0.5%, 3V0 = 100 volts ±0.75%, V1 = 33.4 volts ±0.75% (applied divided by 3), and V2 =
33.4 volts ±0.75% (applied divided by 3). The Metering > Analog Metering > Voltage >
Secondary Voltage screen of the front-panel display can also be monitored to verify voltage
Step 3: Connect an ac voltage source at nominal frequency between BE1-11g Terminals C15 (C-phase)
and C16 (Neutral Terminal). Apply 100 volts and verify voltage-measuring accuracy by using
the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog Metering, Voltage, Secondary
Voltage screen. Readings should be: VC = 100 volts ±0.5%, VBC = 100 volts ±0.5%, VCA = 100
volts ±0.5%, 3V0 = 100 volts ±0.75%, V1 = 33.4 volts ±0.75% (applied divided by 3), and V2 =
33.4 volts ±0.75% (applied divided by 3). The Metering > Analog Metering > Voltage >
Secondary Voltage screen of the front-panel display can also be monitored to verify voltage
Step 4: Connect BE1-11g Terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), and C15 (C-phase) together.
Connect an ac voltage source at nominal frequency to the three jumpered terminals and the
Neutral Terminal (C16).
Step 5: Apply the voltage values listed in Table 123 and verify voltage-measuring accuracy by using the
Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog Metering, Voltage, Secondary
Voltage screen. The Metering > Analog Metering > Voltage > Secondary Voltage screen of the
front-panel display can also be monitored to verify voltage measurements.

Acceptance Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 377

Table 123. Voltage Circuit Verification Values

Measured Voltage
Applied Voltage
Lower Limit Upper Limit
80 volts 79.6 V 80.4 V
100 volts 99.5 V 100.5 V
120 volts 119.4 V 120.6 V
140 volts 139.3 V 140.7 V
160 volts 159.2 V 160.8 V

Power Reading Verification

Step 1: Use the same voltage connections as in the previous test, polarity voltage jumpered to C13, 14,
and 15, neutral tied to C16. Use the same current connection as in Steps 3 and 4 of Current
Circuit Verification, CT Circuit 1; that is, polarity current in D1 out D8 with D2 and D3, D4 and
D5, D6 and D7 jumpered together. Note: For protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs,
be sure that CT1 is selected for the Bus CT Selection setting found on the System Parameters,
Sensing Transformers screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

Power readings in this procedure are based on a 5 amp BE1-11g; for
1 amp values, divide by 5.

Step 2: Apply 100 volts at angle 0 degrees and 5 amps to the BE1-11g. Verify the accuracy of the
power reading by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog Metering,
Power screen. Power should be 1.5 kW ±1.0% and reactive should read near 0 vars. The
Metering > Analog Metering > Power/Watts > Vars screen of the front-panel display can also be
monitored to verify power and reactive readings. The apparent power should be 1.5 kVA ±1.0%
at unity power factor. The Metering > Analog Metering > Power > VA/PF screen of the front-
panel display can also be monitored to verify apparent power.
Step 3: Reverse the current polarity and apply the same values as in Step 2. Note that the power
reading is –1.5 kW, which indicates “power in” to the zone being protected.
Step 4: Return the current polarity back to Step 1 position. Apply 100 volts at angle 0 degrees and
5 amps at angle –90 degrees (I lags E by 90°) to the BE1-11g, and verify reactive power
accuracy by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog Metering,
Power screen. Power should be nearly 0 kW, and reactive should read 1.5 kvar ±1.0%. The
Metering > Analog Metering > Power screen of the front-panel display can also be monitored to
verify power and reactive values. Note power factor reads near 0 with a negative sign indicating
a lagging power factor angle.
Step 5: Reverse the current polarity and apply the same values as in Step 4. Note that the reactive
power reading is –1.5 kvar, which indicates reactive power in to the device being protected.
Also note that the power factor angle is a positive value near zero. A positive power factor angle
indicates leading power factor.
Step 6: Repeat Steps 2 and 4 for current values of 10 and 20 amps. Corresponding power reading
should be 3 kW/kvar and 6 kW/kvar ±1.0%.

Auxiliary Voltage Input Verification - VX and VX 3rd

(Fundamental and Third Harmonic)
Step 1: Connect BE1-11g terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 to a 60 hertz ac voltage source.

BE1-11g Acceptance Testing

378 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Apply the voltage values listed in Table 124 and verify voltage-measuring accuracy by using the
Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog Metering, Voltage, Secondary
Voltage screen. The Metering > Analog Metering > Voltage > Secondary Voltage screen of the
front-panel display can also be monitored to verify voltage measurements. Accuracy is ±0.5%.
Step 3: Connect BE1-11g Terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 to a 180 Hz (third harmonic) ac voltage
Step 4: Apply the voltage values listed in Table 124 and verify voltage-measuring accuracy by using the
Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog Metering, Voltage, Secondary
Voltage screen. The Metering > Analog Metering > Voltage > Secondary Voltage screen of the
front-panel display can also be monitored to verify voltage measurements. Accuracy is ±0.5%.
Table 124. Aux Voltage Circuit Verification VX & VX 3 Values
Measured Voltage
Applied Voltage
Lower Limit Upper Limit
30 volts 29.85 V 30.15 V
50 volts 49.75 V 50.25 V
70 volts 69.65 V 70.35 V
90 volts 89.55 V 90.45 V
110 volts 109.45 V 110.55 V

Frequency Verification
Step 1: Connect BE1-11g Terminals C13 (polarity) and C16 (A to Neutral of the three-phase voltage
input) to a 60 hertz ac voltage source (line voltage).
Step 2: Connect BE1-11g Terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 (Auxiliary Voltage Input) to a second
60-hertz ac voltage source (bus voltage).
Step 3: Apply 115 volts at 0 degrees and 60 hertz to both sources. Verify the measuring accuracy of the
line and bus frequency by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Analog
Metering, Frequency screen. The Metering > Analog Metering > Frequency screen of the front-
panel display can also be monitored to verify frequency measurements.

Acceptance Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 379

Commissioning Testing
Special precautions should be taken to ensure that all tests are performed with safety as the greatest
concern. Any CT circuit signals routed through this device as part of a protection scheme, including
discrete relays or as a stand-alone device, should be shorted and isolated from this BE1-11g during these
If this BE1-11g is being installed in an existing installation, be aware of the equipment monitoring features
of this device, especially if the monitoring logic will be utilized. Make note of any pretest operation levels,
duty levels, etc. on existing equipment (e.g., breakers or transformers). As the user, you can make the
determination of what values the BE1-11g should have as initial monitoring values when the BE1-11g is
placed in service.
It may on occasion be necessary to temporarily disable some of the protective elements while testing the
BE1-11g to isolate testing of individual functions. Always remember to enable these functions before
placing the BE1-11g in service.
To assist you in the commissioning testing of this BE1-11g, you can refer to the related reporting and
alarms chapters.
Please refer to the related protection and control chapters of the instruction manual for assistance on any
particular functions of the BE1-11g. If you require further assistance, contact Basler Electric field
application personnel or the factory.

Digital I/O Connection Verification

Contact Sensing Inputs
Purpose: To verify operation, labels, and logic settings of the contact sensing inputs.
Chapter Reference: Contact Inputs and Outputs
Step 1: Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the Programmable Inputs, Contact
Inputs screen and verify the Input 1 through Input 4 user-defined name, recognition time,
debounce time, energized state label, and de-energized state label. For J type cases, repeat for
Input 5 through Input 10. Refer to the style chart for I/O options.
Step 2: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Status, Inputs screen. Verify the
status of Input 1. From the actual field device, energize (or de-energize) the specific contact that
supplies BE1-11g Input 1. While maintaining contact position, verify that Input 1 has changed
state on the Status, Inputs screen of BESTCOMSPlus or the front-panel display. Return the field
contact to its original state, verifying that Input 1 returns to its original state. Use the Metering
Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events screen. Click on the
Download button and review the events associated with the field contact change.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 for each connected input.

Output Contacts
Purpose: To verify operation, labels, and logic settings of the output contacts.
Chapter Reference: Contact Inputs and Outputs
Step 1: Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Programmable Output, Output
Contacts screen and verify the Output 1 through Output 5, and Output A label, energized state
label, de-energized state label, and hold attribute. For J type cases, repeat for Output 6 through
Output 8. Refer to the style chart for I/O options.
Step 2: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Output Override screen.
Verify the status of OUT1 through OUT5 (OUT8 for J type cases). Use the procedure outlined
under Acceptance Testing, Control Outputs to actuate selected output contacts (OUT1 through
OUT5/OUT8) and actually trip or close the connected field device (circuit breaker, lockout, etc.).
BE1-11g Commissioning Testing
380 9424200994 Rev R

Verify that the selected output has changed state on the Control, Output Override screen of
BESTCOMSPlus or the front-panel display. Return the output to its original state, verifying that
the output returns to its original state. Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open
the Reports, Sequence of Events screen. Click on the Download button and review the events
associated with the output contact change.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 to verify that operation of the alarm output relay (OUTA) initiates the appropriate
alarm response.

Virtual Selector Switches

Purpose: To verify operation, labels, and logic settings of the 43 switches.
Chapter Reference: Virtual Control Switches (43)
Step 1: Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Virtual Control Switches
screen and verify the 43-1 through 43-5 mode, name label, on label, and off label.
Step 2: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Virtual Switches screen and
obtain the position of the five virtual selector switches. Alternately, the virtual selector switch
positions can be obtained on the Metering > Control > Virtual Switches screen of the front-panel
Step 3: Obtain write access to the BE1-11g. For each virtual selector switch enabled in your logic
scheme, change the switch position by following the procedure described in the Virtual Control
Switches (43) chapter.
Step 4: Verify each switch position change on the Control, Virtual Switches screen of BESTCOMSPlus
or on the front-panel display.
Step 5: Return each virtual selector switch to the original position.
Step 6: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events
screen. Click on the Download button and review the events associated with the virtual switch

Virtual Control Switch

Purpose: To verify operation and logic setting for the 101 switch.
Chapter Reference: Breaker Control Switch (101)
Step 1: Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Breaker Control Switch
screen and verify the 101 element mode.
Step 2: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Breaker Control Switch
screen and obtain the position of the breaker control switch. Alternately, the breaker control
switch position can be obtained on the Metering > Control > 101 Breaker Control SW screen of
the front-panel display.
Step 3: Obtain write access to the BE1-11g. Change the switch position by following the procedure
described in the Breaker Control Switch (101) chapter.
Step 4: Verify the switch position change on the Control, Breaker Control Switch screen of
BESTCOMSPlus or on the front-panel display.
Step 5: Return the breaker control switch to the original position.
Step 6: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events
screen. Click on the Download button and review the events associated with the breaker control

Commissioning Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 381

Protection and Control Function Verification

Before placing the BE1-11g in service, the user should ensure that all system ac and dc connections are
correct, that the BE1-11g functions as intended with user settings applied, and that all equipment external
to the BE1-11g operates as intended. All connected or monitored inputs and outputs, and polarity and
phase rotation of ac connections should be tested. Verify that:
• Power supply voltages and contact wetting voltages are correct.
• User desired protection and control functions are enabled and connected to the correct CT and
VT input circuits.
• The programmable logic settings (electronic wiring) provide the proper interconnection of these
functions with the I/O of the BE1-11g.
Simple user-designed fault tests should be used to verify that the operational settings are correct, that the
proper output relays are actuated and proper targeting occurs. It is not necessary to test every protection
element, timer, and function in these tests.
Use of the fault and event recording capability of the BE1-11g will aid in the verification of the protection
and control logic. Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of
Events screen. In addition, it is helpful to click on the Clear button prior to starting a test. This allows the
user to review only those operations recorded since the sequence of events was last cleared. Refer to the
Sequence of Events chapter for more detail.
It may be necessary to disable protection elements or change setting logic to verify a specific function. To
guard against placing the BE1-11g in service with unwanted operational or logic settings, it is good
practice to save a copy of the original setting file before the testing process begins. When testing is
complete, compare the copy of the saved settings to the actual settings as a final verification.
Use the settings compare feature in BESTCOMSPlus to compare setting files. Refer to the
BESTCOMSPlus Software chapter for more information.

Verify Other Setpoints as Appropriate

Consult the individual functional testing chapters for guidelines on testing and verifying setpoints of other
protection and control functions.

Reporting and Alarm Functions

Just prior to placing the BE1-11g in service, the following reporting and alarm functions should be reset
and/or verified.

Clock Display
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Real Time Clock
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Real Time Clock
Chapter Reference: Timekeeping
Set the real time clock to the current date and time. If an IRIG signal or NTP server is used, day, time,
and year are automatically synchronized with the source. Note that the time code signal from older IRIG
time code generating equipment does not contain the current year information thus necessitating the
entry of the year.

BE1-11g Commissioning Testing

382 9424200994 Rev R

Energy Data and Demand

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Demand
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Demand Meter
Chapter Reference: Demands
Read, change, or reset KWH and KVARH records. Use the following to reset the peak current, watt, and
var demand registers to “0” or a pre-existing value:

Breaker Monitoring
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Breaker Monitor
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Breaker Report
Chapter Reference: Breaker Monitoring
If the Breaker Monitoring features of the BE1-11g are enabled, use the following to reset the counter and
the duty registers to “0” or a pre-existing value:

Relay Trouble Alarms

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Alarms
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Alarms
Chapter Reference: Alarms
Reset and verify that the relay trouble alarm is not lit. If required, alarm information can be read by using
the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Status, Alarms screen. To attempt clearing a Relay
Trouble Alarm, press the Reset Relay Alarms button or navigate to Metering > Status > Alarms > Relay
Alarms on the front-panel display and press the front-panel Reset button. Refer to the Alarms chapter for
setting details.

Major/Minor Programmable Alarms

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Alarms
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Alarms
Chapter Reference: Alarms
Reset and verify that the programmable alarms, Major and Minor, as set to meet user needs, are not lit or
asserted. If required, alarm information can be read by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to
open the Status, Alarms screen. To reset a Major/Minor alarm, press the Reset Major, Minor Alarms
button or navigate to Metering > Status > Alarms > Major or Minor Alarms on the front-panel display and
press the front-panel Reset button. Refer to the Alarms chapter for settings details.

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Targets
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Status, Targets
Chapter Reference: Fault Reporting
Reset any active targets and verify that they clear. Targets are reset by navigating to Metering > Status >
Targets on the front-panel display and pressing the Reset button or by using the Metering Explorer in
BESTCOMSPlus to open the Status, Targets screen and clicking on the Reset Targets button. Write
access is required to reset targets through BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the Fault Reporting chapter for
setting details.

Commissioning Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 383

Fault Summary Reports

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Fault Records
HMI Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Fault Reports
Chapter Reference: Fault Reporting
Reset “new” fault summary directory records to “0” by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to
open the Reports, Fault Records screen and clicking on the Reset button. Write access is required. Verify
the new faults are “0” by clicking on the Refresh button. Refer to the Fault Reporting chapter for setting

Sequence of Events Recorder (SER)

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Metering Explorer, Reports, Sequence of Events
HMI Navigation Path: Not available through the front panel
Chapter Reference: Sequence of Events
Reset the “new” SER records counter to “0” by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open
the Reports, Sequence of Events screen and clicking on the Clear button. Write access is required. Verify
that the new records are “0” by clicking on the Download button. Refer to the Sequence of Events chapter
setting details.

Just Prior to Energizing - Report Documentation

After completing the previous steps, use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Status
tree branch. Capture and save the information for Inputs, Outputs, Alarms, Targets, and Digital Points.
This report should be kept in a permanent record file of the device so the data can be used for
comparison in future maintenance procedures.
Also, save the entire settings record for future reference by using BESTCOMSPlus and selecting
Download Settings and Logic from the Communication pull-down menu. After settings and logic are
downloaded into BESTCOMSPlus memory, select Save from the File pull-down menu. Use this record
during the maintenance cycle or during the analysis of an operation to verify that the “as found” settings
are exactly as left during the commissioning process.
Refer to the related reporting and alarms chapters and the BESTCOMSPlus Software chapter.

In Service Readings
After energizing the equipment, use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to verify the following
analog metering values.
• Secondary voltage and current to verify VT and CT ratios.
• Polarity of energy readings to verify polarity of VT and CT connections.
• I2 and V2 to verify proper phase-sequence connections.
• Anything else that the user may find helpful.
Save this record along with the status record mentioned earlier for future reference.

BE1-11g Commissioning Testing

384 9424200994 Rev R

Commissioning Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 385

Periodic Testing
Because the BE1-11g has extensive internal test capabilities, periodic testing of the protection system can
be greatly reduced. BE1-11g operating characteristics are a function of programming instructions that do
not drift over time. Thus, the user may wish to verify items that the protection system’s self-testing
features cannot completely determine. Periodic testing may consist of the following settings and function
• Verify that the setpoints that were proven during commissioning have not been changed.
• Verify proper interfacing between the inputs and outputs and the rest of the protection and control
• Verify that the power system analog parameters used by the protection and control functions are
measured accurately.

Settings Verification
Verification of the BE1-11g digital I/O connections can be accomplished in different ways. The method
used depends on your preferences and practices. You may choose to use either of the following two
• Repeat the digital I/O connection and label verification under commissioning tests.
• Monitor SER, status, and fault reports for proper sensing of digital signals and proper output
tripping during normal operation.

In redundant protection systems where multiple relays will trip a given
breaker or other device for a fault, fault record monitoring may not
indicate a failed output contact. The BE1-11g may report that it
energized an output when tripping was actually accomplished by the
redundant relay. In this situation, testing the contact is recommended.

Analog Circuit Verification

Verification of BE1-11g analog measurement circuits can be accomplished in multiple ways and depends
on your preferences and practices. Either of the two following methods may be used:
• Repeat the acceptance tests by injecting test quantities into the BE1-11g.
• Use the BE1-11g metering functions to compare the protection system’s measurements with
those made by similar devices that are measuring the same signals. Redundant protection
systems or metering devices can provide this independent confirmation of measured signals. If
the BE1-11g is connected to an integration system, this verification can even be automated and
done on a semi-continuous basis.

BE1-11g Periodic Testing

386 9424200994 Rev R

If verifying the analog measurement circuits by comparison to
independent devices is used, you should ensure that the two devices
use similar measurement algorithms. For example, the measurements
of a fundamental sensing relay cannot be compared with the
measurements of an rms sensing device.
Functional testing is NOT required for this device. It is necessary only
when performing a comprehensive assessment to determine suitability
for an application.

Periodic Testing BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 387

Overexcitation (24) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Overexcitation (24) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Alarm, Inverse Time Pickup, and Definite Time Pickup Verification
The BE1-11g detects overexcitation conditions with a volts/hertz element that consist of one alarm setting,
one inverse time characteristic with selectable exponents (3 sets of time curves as shown in the Time
Curve Characteristics chapter) and two definite time characteristics. Note that V/Hz nominal is calculated
using Equation 26.

√3 × VNom √3 × 69.3
V/HzNom = = = 2.001
HzNom 60
Equation 26. V/Hz Nominal Calculation
That is, at nominal voltage and frequency (60 Hz system) 1 pu V/Hz = 2.001.
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 125 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 125. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection
Connection Transformers to 4W-Y
Nominal Phase 69.3 V System Parameters, Power Sets nominal phase
Voltage System voltage to 69.3 V

BE1-11g Overexcitation (24) Test

388 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Element Mode Enabled Protection, Voltage, Enables 24 function
24 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables target for 24
24 Volts Per Hertz Major/Non- Alarm Configuration, Alarms Enables alarm for 24
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 280.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 24 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 24 Pickup.

Figure 280. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overexcitation (24) screen and send the
test settings in Table 126 to the BE1-11g.
Table 126. Alarm and Inverse Time Pickup Test Settings
Setting Value Description
Inverse Time Pickup 2.1 Sets Inverse Time Pickup at 105% of nominal (2.10 V/Hz)
Inverse Time Dial 0 Sets Inverse Time Dial at minimum
Inverse Reset Dial 0 Sets Inverse Reset Dial at minimum
Curve Exponent 2 Sets Curve Exponent to 2
Definite Timer 1 Pickup 0 Disables Definite Timer 1 Pickup
Definite Timer 2 Pickup 0 Disables Definite Timer 2 Pickup
Alarm Pickup 2.05 Sets Alarm at 102.5% of nominal (2.05 V/Hz)
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the operation of the 24 Alarm and Trip functions. Alarm operation can be
verified by monitoring the Major Alarm LED on the protection system's front panel. Operation of
the 24 Trip can be verified by monitoring OUT1.
Step 5: Connect a three-phase, 100 Vac/50-Hz or 120 Vac/60-hertz voltage source (depending on
user's nominal frequency) to Terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and
C16 (neutral).
Step 6: Apply A-phase voltage at nominal frequency and slowly increase until the Major Alarm LED
lights (V/H PU x Freq x % Alarm = PU) and record the alarm pickup. Slowly decrease the A-
phase voltage until the Major Alarm LED extinguishes and record the dropout.
Step 7: Apply A-phase voltage at nominal frequency and slowly increase until OUT2 closes (V/H Trip x
Freq = PU) and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 24 target on the front-panel display.
Slowly decrease the A-phase voltage until OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for higher and lower alarm and pickup settings.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for frequencies other than nominal.
Overexcitation (24) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 389

Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 10 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 12: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overexcitation (24) screen and send the
test settings in Table 127 to the BE1-11g.
Table 127. Definite Time Pickup Test Settings
Setting Value Description
Inverse Time Pickup 0 Disables Inverse Time Pickup
Definite Timer 1 Pickup 2.36 Sets Definite Timer 1 Pickup at 118% of nominal (2.36 V/Hz)
Definite Timer 1 Time Delay 50 Sets Definite Timer 1 Time Delay at 50 ms (minimum)
Definite Timer 2 Pickup 0 Disables Definite Timer 2 Pickup
Alarm Pickup 0 Disables Alarm Pickup
Step 13: Prepare to monitor the operation of the Definite Timer 1 Pickup. Pickup operation can be
verified by monitoring OUT2. Operation of the Definite Timer 1 Trip can be verified by
monitoring OUT1.
Step 14: Connect a three-phase, 100 Vac/50-Hz or 120 Vac/60-hertz voltage source (depending on
user's nominal frequency) to Terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and
C16 (neutral).
Step 15: Apply A-phase voltage at nominal frequency and slowly increase until OUT2 closes (V/H Trip x
Freq = PU) and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 24 target on the front-panel display.
Slowly decrease the A-phase voltage until OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 16: (Optional.) Repeat steps 12 through 15 for higher and lower pickup settings.
Step 17: (Optional.) Repeat steps 12 through 16 for frequencies other than nominal.
Step 18: (Optional.) Repeat steps 12 through 17 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 19: (Optional.) Repeat steps 12 through 18 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 20: (Optional.) Set Definite Timer 1 Pickup to 0 and Definite Timer 2 Pickup to 2.36 V/Hz and repeat
steps 12 through 19 for Definite Timer 2 Pickup.

Inverse Time Verification

The following test uses the (M-1)^2 time curve.
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overexcitation (24) screen and send the
test settings in Table 128 to the BE1-11g.
Table 128. Inverse Time Verification Test Settings
Setting Value Description
Inverse Time Pickup 2.1 Sets Inverse Time Pickup at 105% of nominal (2.10 V/Hz)
Inverse Time Dial 0.5 Sets Inverse Time Dial at 0.5
Inverse Reset Dial 0 Sets Inverse Reset Dial at minimum
Curve Exponent 2 Sets Curve Exponent to 2
Definite Timer 1 Pickup 0 Disables Definite Timer 1 Pickup
Definite Timer 2 Pickup 0 Disables Definite Timer 2 Pickup
Alarm Pickup 0 Disables Alarm Pickup
Step 2: Connect and apply 120 Vac, three-phase, 60-hertz voltage source to Terminals C13 (A-phase),
C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral).

BE1-11g Overexcitation (24) Test

390 9424200994 Rev R

Step 3: All inverse timing tests are based on % of nominal Volts/Hertz (1 PU value). Refer to the Time
Curve Characteristics chapter. Step the A-phase voltage to a value that equals the V/Hz % of
nominal shown in Table 129 for Time Dial 0.5. Measure the time between the increase of
voltage and the closure of OUT1. Record the results.
Table 129. Inverse Time Verification Trip Times
Percent of
Step Voltage Time Dial 0.5 Time Dial 1.0 Time Dial 2.0
Nominal V/Hz
110% 132 V 50 seconds 100 seconds 200 seconds
120% 144 V 12.5 seconds 25 seconds 50 seconds
140% 168 V 3.1 seconds 6.3 seconds 12.5 seconds
Step 4: Repeat the test for Time Dial 1.0 and 2.0. Record the results.
Step 5: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Inverse Time Reset Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overexcitation (24) screen and send the
test settings in Table 130 to the BE1-11g.
Table 130. Inverse Time Reset Verification Test Settings
Setting Value Description
Inverse Time Pickup 2.1 Sets Inverse Time Pickup at 105% of nominal (2.10 V/Hz)
Inverse Time Dial 0.5 Sets Inverse Time Dial at 0.5
Inverse Reset Dial 0.2 Sets Inverse Reset Dial at 0.2
Curve Exponent 2 Sets Curve Exponent to 2
Definite Timer 1 Pickup 0 Disables Definite Timer 1 Pickup
Definite Timer 2 Pickup 0 Disables Definite Timer 2 Pickup
Alarm Pickup 0 Disables Alarm Pickup
Step 2: Connect and apply 120 Vac, three-phase, 60-hertz voltage source to Terminals C13 (A-phase),
C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral).
Step 3: Step the A-phase voltage to 144 V (120% of nominal V/Hz). OUT1 should close in
approximately 12.5 seconds. Remove the test voltage (step back down to 120 V) and reapply
(step back up to 144 V) after 5 seconds has elapsed. Measure the time from when the test
voltage is reapplied until OUT1 closes. Record the result.
Note: With a Reset Time Dial setting of 0.2, the total time to reset, after trip is removed, will be
approximately 10 seconds. (See the Overexcitation (24) Protection chapter for more details.)
Reapplying the test voltage after 5 seconds will yield a trip time of approximately ½ its original
value or 6.25 seconds for Trip Time Dial 0.5 verifying that the reset time delay is working.
Step 4: Repeat step 3 for Trip Time Dial 1.0 and 2.0 (½ trip time is approximately 12.5 seconds for Time
Dial 1.0, and 25 seconds for Time Dial 2.0. (Still reapply voltage after 5 seconds as reset time
dial is still 0.2.) Record the results.
Step 5: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Definite Time Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overexcitation (24) screen and send the
test settings in Table 131 to the BE1-11g.

Overexcitation (24) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 391

Table 131. Definite Time Verification Test Settings

Setting Value Description
Inverse Time Pickup 0 Disables Inverse Time Pickup
Definite Timer 1 Pickup 2.36 Sets Definite Timer 1 Pickup at 118% of nominal (2.36 V/Hz)
Definite Timer 1 Time Delay 500 Sets Definite Timer 1 Time Delay at 500 ms
Alarm Pickup 0 Disables Alarm Pickup
Step 2: Connect and apply 120 Vac, three-phase, 60-hertz voltage source to Terminals C13 (A-phase),
C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral).
Step 3: Step the A-phase voltage to 142.2 V (118.5% or 2.37 V/Hz). Measure the time between the
increase in voltage and the closure of OUT1. Record the result.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 through 3 for Time Delays of 1 second and 5 seconds. Record the results.
Step 5: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Set Definite Timer 1 Pickup to 0 and Definite Timer 2 Pickup to 2.36 V/Hz and repeat
steps 1 through 6 for Definite Timer 2.

Functional Test Report

Alarm Verification
Alarm Setting Range = 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Alarm Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Alarm/Reset Ratio = 98% ±1%
Alarm Actual Actual
Step Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Setting Alarm Reset
6 2.05 2.00 V/Hz 2.10 V/Hz 1.94 V/Hz 1.98 V/Hz P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the alarm setting and may need adjusted based on actual alarm.

Inverse Time Pickup Verification

Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio = 98% ±1%
Pickup Actual Actual
Step Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Setting Pickup Dropout
7 2.10 2.05 V/Hz 2.15 V/Hz 2.037 V/Hz 2.079 V/Hz P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Definite Time Pickup Verification

Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio = 98% ±1%

BE1-11g Overexcitation (24) Test

392 9424200994 Rev R

Pickup Actual Actual

Step Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Setting Pickup Dropout
15 2.36 2.31 V/Hz 2.41 V/Hz 2.289 V/Hz 2.336 V/Hz P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Inverse Time Verification

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±50 ms, whichever is greater
Percent of
Step Dial Step Voltage Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
Nominal V/Hz
3 0.5 110% 132 V 47.5 sec 52.5 sec P / F
3 0.5 120% 144 V 11.875 sec 13.125 sec P / F
3 0.5 140% 168 V 2.945 sec 3.255 sec P / F
4 1.0 110% 132 V 95 sec 105 sec P / F
4 1.0 120% 144 V 23.75 sec 26.25 sec P / F
4 1.0 140% 168 V 5.985 sec 6.615 sec P / F
4 2.0 110% 132 V 190 sec 210 sec P / F
4 2.0 120% 144 V 47.5 sec 52.5 sec P / F
4 2.0 140% 168 V 11.875 sec 13.125 sec P / F

Inverse Time Reset Verification

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±50 ms, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
3 0.5 5.937 sec 6.562 sec P / F
4 1.0 11.875 sec 13.125 sec P / F
4 2.0 23.75 sec 26.25 sec P / F

Definite Time Verification

Time Dial Range = 0 to 600,000
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±50 ms, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
3 500 ms 450 ms 550 ms P / F
4 1,000 ms 950 ms 1,050 ms P / F
4 5,000 ms 4,950 ms 5,050 ms P / F

Overexcitation (24) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 393

Sync-Check (25) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Sync-Check (25) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

VTP and VTX Live Voltage, Dead Voltage Pickup Test (25 Voltage Monitor)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 132 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 132. Operational Settings (25)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT ratio to 1
Aux VT Connection AN System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT connection to
Transformers AN
Nominal Phase 100 V System Parameters, Power System Sets nominal phase voltage to
Voltage 100 V
Nominal Aux 100 V System Parameters, Power System Sets nominal auxiliary voltage
Voltage to 100 V
Element Mode Enabled Protection, Voltage, Sync-Check Enables 25 function

BE1-11g Sync-Check (25) Test

394 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic shown in

Figure 281.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 25.
• OUT2 closes for 25 Voltage Monitor.

Figure 281. BESTlogicPlus Settings (25)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection/Voltage/Sync-Check (25) screen and send the test
settings in Table 133 to the BE1-11g.
Table 133. Time Pickup Test Settings (25VM)
Setting Value Description
25 Voltage Monitor Live 90% Sets live voltage to 90 V (90% of nominal, nominal
Voltage = 100 V)
25 Voltage Monitor 55% Sets dead voltage to 55 V (55% of nominal, nominal
Dead Voltage = 100 V)
25 Voltage Monitoring 0 Sets drop out delay to 0
Drop Out Delay
25 Voltage Monitor Check boxes as Enable: Dead Phase/Dead Aux, Dead Phase/Live
Logic shown in Figure 282. Aux, Live Phase/Dead Aux

Figure 282. BESTCOMSPlus Sync-Check Screen, 25 Voltage Monitor Logic

Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 25VM function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2.
Step 5: Connect BE1-11g terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), and C15 (C-phase) together. Apply
a single phase, 0 Vac, 50 or 60-hertz ac voltage source (Line VTP) to the three jumpered
terminals and the neutral terminal (C16). OUT2 should be closed.
Step 6: Slowly increase the line voltage until OUT2 opens (55 volts). Record the result.
Step 7: Increase the voltage until OUT2 closes (90 volts). Record the result.
Step 8: Remove voltage source 1. Connect a second single-phase 50 or 60-hertz voltage source
(Auxiliary VTX) to BE1-11g terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 (non-polarity). Apply 0 Vac. OUT2
should be closed.
Step 9: Slowly increase the Auxiliary voltage until OUT2 opens (55 volts). Record the result.
Sync-Check (25) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 395

Step 10: Increase the voltage until OUT2 closes (90 volts). Record the result.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 3 through 10 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Live/Dead Dropout Timing Verification (25 Voltage Monitor)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection/Voltage/Sync-Check (25) screen and send the first
row of test settings in Table 134 to the BE1-11g.
Table 134. Live/Dead Dropout Time Test Settings (25VM)
25VM Live Voltage 25VM Dead Voltage 25VM Drop Out Delay 25VM Logic
90% 55% 50 ms Check boxes as shown
in Figure 282
90% 55% 2,000 ms Check boxes as shown
in Figure 282
90% 55% 5,000 ms Check boxes as shown
in Figure 282
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 25 Voltage Monitor Live/Dead timing. Timing accuracy is verified by
measuring the elapsed time between a sensing voltage change and OUT2 opening.
Step 3: Connect BE1-11g terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), and C15 (C-phase) together. Apply
a 50 Vac, 50 or 60-hertz ac voltage source (Line VTP) to the three jumpered terminals and the
neutral terminal (C16).
Step 4: Step the voltage up to 60 volts. Measure the time delay and verify the accuracy of the dead
dropout time delay setting. Record the result.
Step 5: Set the ac voltage at 95 volts. Step the voltage down to 85 volts. Measure the time delay and
verify the accuracy of the Live dropout delay setting. Record the result.
Step 6: Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the middle and upper time delay settings of Table 134.
Step 7: Remove phase voltage (Line VTP) and connect a second single-phase 50 or 60-hertz voltage
source (Auxiliary VTX) to BE1-11g terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 (non-polarity). Repeat steps
4 through 6.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 2 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Output Test (25 Voltage Monitor)

Step 1: With no voltage applied to either the Line or Auxiliary voltage sources, OUT2 should be closed.
This verifies the DEAD-LINE, DEAD AUX output of 25 Voltage Monitor.
Step 2: Slowly raise the volts ac to the line voltage input (VTP). Output 2 will open as the voltage is
increased above the DEAD-LINE setting and close again when voltage exceeds the LIVE-LINE
setting. This verifies the LIVE-LINE, DEAD-AUX output of 25VM. Remove voltage source 1.
Step 3: Slowly raise the volts ac to the auxiliary voltage input (VTX). Output 2 will open as the voltage is
increased above the DEAD-LINE setting and close again when voltage exceeds the LIVE-LINE
setting. This verifies the DEAD-LINE, LIVE-AUX output of 25 Voltage Monitor. Remove voltage
source 2.
Step 4: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 3 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Sync-Check Verification (25)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection/Voltage/Sync-Check (25) screen and send the test
settings in Table 135 to the BE1-11g.

BE1-11g Sync-Check (25) Test

396 9424200994 Rev R

Table 135. Inverse Time and Definite Time Pickup Test Settings (25)
Setting Value Description
Voltage Difference 10% Sets voltage difference to 10 V (10% of nominal, nominal = 100 V).
Nominal settings are defined on the System Parameters, Power
System screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
Slip Angle 10° Sets slip angle to 10 degrees
Slip Frequency 0.3 Hz Sets slip frequency to 0.3 Hz
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 25 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT1.
Step 3: As in the previous test, connect BE1-11g terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), and C15 (C-
phase) together. Apply a 120 Vac, 50 or 60 hertz ac, 0 degree voltage source (Line VTP) to the
three jumpered terminals and the neutral terminal (C16).
Step 4: Apply a second 120 Vac, 50 or 60-hertz ac, 0 degree voltage source (Auxiliary VTX) to C17 and
C18. OUT1 should close verifying the 25 output for a Slip Angle of 0 degrees, 0 Voltage
Difference, and 0 Slip Frequency.
Step 5: Decrease the Auxiliary voltage input (VTX) until OUT1 opens. Slowly increase the voltage until
OUT1 closes. Record the result.
Step 6: Repeat step 5 for the Line voltage input (VTP). Return voltage inputs to 120 Vac, 50 or 60-hertz,
0 degrees. Record the result.
Step 7: Swing the angle between voltage source 1 and 2 until the OUT1 opens. Slowly decrease the
angle until OUT1 closes. Pickup should occur on the leading and lagging side of 0 degrees.
Dropout should occur on the leading and lagging side of 0 degrees. Record the results.
Step 8: With the Auxiliary Voltage set at nominal frequency, step change the frequency of the Line
voltage input by –0.25 hertz (59.75 on a 60-hertz BE1-11g). Note that OUT1 is closing and
opening based on a slip rate of 0.25 hertz. Decrease the frequency until OUT1 stays open.
Record the result. Also, check on the fast side (60.25 for a 60-hertz BE1-11g). Record the
Step 9: Repeat step 8 for the Auxiliary Voltage input. Record the results.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 3 through 9 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Functional Test Report

VTP and VTX Live Voltage, Dead Voltage Pickup Test (25 Voltage Monitor)
Accuracy = ±2%
Step Setting Low Actual High Pass/Fail
6 VTP - Dead V Dropout - 55.0 V 53.9 V 56.1 V P / F
7 VTP - Live V Pickup - 90.0 V 89.2 V 91.8 V P / F
9 VTX - Dead V Dropout - 55.0 V 53.9 V 56.1 V P / F
10 VTX - Live V Pickup - 90.0 V 89.2 V 91.8 V P / F

Live/Dead Dropout Timing Verification (25 Voltage Monitor)

Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Dropout Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 VTP - Dead V Dropout Delay - 50 ms 18 ms 82 ms P / F
5 VTP - Live V Dropout Delay - 50 ms 18 ms 82 ms P / F
6 VTP - Dead V Dropout Delay - 2000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
6 VTP - Live V Dropout Delay - 2000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F

Sync-Check (25) Test BE1-11g

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Step Dropout Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail

6 VTP - Dead V Dropout Delay - 5000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
6 VTP - Live V Dropout Delay - 5000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
7 VTX - Dead V Dropout Delay - 50 ms 18 ms 82 ms P / F
7 VTX - Live V Dropout Delay - 50 ms 18 ms 82 ms P / F
7 VTX - Dead V Dropout Delay - 2000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
7 VTX - Live V Dropout Delay - 2000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
7 VTX - Dead V Dropout Delay - 5000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
7 VTX - Live V Dropout Delay - 5000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F

Sync-Check Verification (25)

Voltage Difference Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Actual Actual
Step Voltage Difference Setting Low High Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
5 VTX - Voltage Difference = 10% 107.8 V 112.2 V P / F
6 VTP - Voltage Difference = 10% 107.8 V 112.2 V P / F

Slip Angle Accuracy = ±1°

Actual Actual
Step Slip Angle Setting Low High Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
7 Slip Angle = +10° 9° 11° P / F
7 Slip Angle = –10° –9° –11° P / F

Slip Frequency Accuracy = ±0.01 Hz

Actual Actual
Step Slip Frequency Setting Low High Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
VTP - Slip Frequency =
8 58.50 Hz 60.89 Hz P / F
59.70 Hz
VTP - Slip Frequency =
8 59.09 Hz 61.50 Hz P / F
60.30 Hz
VTX - Slip Frequency =
9 58.50 Hz 60.89 Hz P / F
59.70 Hz
VTX - Slip Frequency =
9 59.09 Hz 61.50 Hz P / F
60.30 Hz

BE1-11g Sync-Check (25) Test

398 9424200994 Rev R

Sync-Check (25) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 399

Phase Undervoltage (27P) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Phase Undervoltage (27P) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 136 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 136. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-neutral
Element Mode 1 of 3 Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Enables 27P-1 function for one of
(27P-1) three mode
Inhibit Level 10 V Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Sets inhibit level to 10 V
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Selects definite timings
27P-1 A Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables phase A target for 27P-1

BE1-11g Phase Undervoltage (27P) Test

400 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 283.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 27P-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 27P-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 283. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27P-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 137 to the BE1-11g.
Table 137. Pickup Test Settings
Pickup Setting Time Delay
235 V 50 ms
115 V 50 ms
65 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 27P-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 283).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 240 Vac, three-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).
Step 6: Slowly decrease the A-phase voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 27P-1-A target on the front-panel display. Slowly increase the A-phase voltage until OUT2
opens and record the reset. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and reset accuracy at 120 Vac for a pickup setting of 115 V and 70 Vac for a
pickup setting of 65 V as listed in Table 137. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs. Note: Be sure
to enable proper target for each phase being tested.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 27P-2, 27P-3, 27P-4, and 27P-5.

Timing Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27P-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 138 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 138. Timing Test Settings
Pickup Setting Time Delay
115 V 2,000 ms
115 V 5,000 ms
115 V 10,000 ms

Phase Undervoltage (27P) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 401

Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 27P-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, three-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).
Step 4: Step the A-phase voltage down to 110 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delays of Table 138. Record the results.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs. Note: Be sure
to enable proper target for each phase being tested.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for 27P-2, 27P-3, 27P-4, and 27P-5.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification
Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 300 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio = 102% ±1%
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Reset High* Pass/Fail
6 235.0 V 230.3 V 239.7 V 237.3 V 242.0 V P / F
7 115.0 V 112.7 V 117.3 V 116.1 V 118.4 V P / F
7 65.0 V 63.7 V 61.2 V 65.6 V 66.9 V P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification
Time Delay Range = 50 to 600000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

BE1-11g Phase Undervoltage (27P) Test

402 9424200994 Rev R

Phase Undervoltage (27P) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 403

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification (3V0 Mode)
3V0 mode is used to monitor a three-phase system for unbalanced voltages. The 3V0 measurement
increases as the three-phase voltages become unbalanced. For simplicity, this test will force a system
imbalance by increasing only the A-phase voltage. For example, for a 3V0 pickup setting of 115 V, a 3V0
trip would occur after VA was raised from 0 to 115 V while VB and VC remained at 0 V.
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 139 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 139. Operational Settings (3V0 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Element Mode 3V0 Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Enables 27X-1 function for
(27X-1) 3V0 mode
Inhibit Level 10 V Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Sets inhibit level to 10 V

BE1-11g Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test

404 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Selects definite timings
27X-1 3V0 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables 3V0 target for 27X-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 284.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 27X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 27X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 284. BESTlogicPlus Settings (3V0 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 140 to the BE1-11g.
Table 140. Pickup Test Settings (3V0 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
115 V 50 ms
65 V 50 ms
20 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 284).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, a single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and
C16 (Neutral). Reset the target.
Step 6: Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 27X-
1-3V0 target on the front-panel display. Slowly increase the A-phase voltage until OUT2 opens
and record the reset. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and dropout accuracy at a pickup setting of 65 V and 20 V as listed in Table
140. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Timing Verification (3V0 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 141 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 405

Table 141. Timing Test Settings (3V0 Mode)

Pickup Setting Time Delay
65 V 2,000 ms
65 V 5,000 ms
65 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 75 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
Step 4: Step the voltage down to 55 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 141. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 and 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Pickup Verification (V1 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 142 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 142. Operational Settings (V1 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Element Mode V1 Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Enables 27X-1 function for V1
(27X-1) mode
Inhibit Level 10 V Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Sets inhibit level to 10 V
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Selects definite timings
27X-1 V1 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables V1 target for 27X-1

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 285.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 27X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 27X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.
Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 143 to the BE1-11g.

BE1-11g Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test

406 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 285. BESTlogicPlus Settings (V1 Mode)

Table 143. Pickup Test Settings (V1 Mode)

Pickup Setting Time Delay
78 V 50 ms
38 V 50 ms
22 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 285).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 240 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
(neutral). For a single-phase input test, V1 = A-phase voltage / 3. Therefore, the BE1-11g
should pick up at a value of three times the setting value when applying only a single-phase
input. For example, to determine the pickup voltage value required for a BE1-11g with a pickup
setting of 78, it would require 78 times 3 or 234 volts of input voltage.
Step 6: Slowly decrease the A-phase voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 27X-1-V1 target on the front-panel display. Slowly increase the voltage until OUT2 opens
and record the reset. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and reset accuracy at 120 Vac for a pickup setting of 38 V (114 Vac on test
set) and 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 22 V (66 Vac on test set) as listed in Table 143. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Timing Verification (V1 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 144 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 144. Timing Test Settings (V1 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
38 V 2,000 ms
38 V 5,000 ms
38 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
Step 4: Step the voltage down to 110 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 407

Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 144. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Pickup Verification (V2 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 145 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 145. Operational Settings (V2 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Element Mode V2 Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Enables 27X-1 function for V2
(27X-1) mode
Inhibit Level 10 V Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Sets inhibit level to 10 V
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage Selects definite timings
27X-1 V2 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables V2 target for 27X-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 286.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 27X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 27X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 286. BESTlogicPlus Settings (V2 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 146 to the BE1-11g.
Table 146. Pickup Test Settings (V2 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
78 V 50 ms
38 V 50 ms
22 V 50 ms

BE1-11g Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test

408 9424200994 Rev R

Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 286).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 240 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
(neutral). For a single-phase input test, V2 = A-phase voltage / 3. Therefore, the BE1-11g
should pick up at a value of three times the setting value when applying only a single-phase
input. For example, to determine the pickup voltage value required for a BE1-11g with a pickup
setting of 78, it would require 78 times 3 or 234 volts of input voltage.
Step 6: Slowly decrease the A-phase voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 27X-1-V2 target on the front-panel display. Slowly increase the voltage until OUT2 opens
and record the reset. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and reset accuracy at 120 Vac for a pickup setting of 38 V (114 Vac on test
set) and 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 22 V (66 Vac on test set) as listed in Table 146. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Timing Verification (V2 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 147 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 147. Timing Test Settings (V2 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
38 V 2,000 ms
38 V 5,000 ms
38 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
Step 4: Step the voltage down to 110 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 147. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Pickup Verification (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 148 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 148. Operational Settings (Vx Fundamental Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT ratio to 1
Aux VT AN System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT connection to
Connection Transformers AN
Element Mode Vx Protection, Voltage, Enables 27X-1 function for Vx
Fundamental Undervoltage (27X-1) Fundamental mode
Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 409

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Inhibit Level 10 V Protection, Voltage, Sets inhibit level to 10 V
Undervoltage (27X-1)
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Selects definite timings
Undervoltage (27X-1)
27X-1 AUX Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Vx Fundamental target
for 27X-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 287.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 27X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 27X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 287. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 149 to the BE1-11g.
Table 149. Pickup Test Settings (Vx Fundamental Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
115 V 50 ms
65 V 50 ms
20 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 287).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase voltage source to the Vx input, terminals C17
(polarity) and C18 (non-polarity).
Step 6: Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 27X-
1-AUX target on the front-panel display. Slowly increase the voltage until OUT2 opens and
record the reset. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and reset accuracy at 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 65 V and 25 Vac for a
pickup setting of 20 V as listed in Table 149. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Timing Verification (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 150 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
BE1-11g Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test
410 9424200994 Rev R

Table 150. Timing Test Settings (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Pickup Setting Time Delay
115 V 2,000 ms
115 V 5,000 ms
115 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C17 (polarity) and C18
Step 4: Step the voltage down to 110 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 150. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Pickup Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 151 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 151. Operational Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT ratio to 1
Aux VT AN System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT connection to
Connection Transformers AN
Element Mode Vx Third Protection, Voltage, Enables 27X-1 function for Vx
Harmonic Undervoltage (27X-1) Third Harmonic mode
Inhibit Level 10 V Protection, Voltage, Sets inhibit level to 10 V
Undervoltage (27X-1)
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Selects definite timings
Undervoltage (27X-1)
27X-1 3RD Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Vx Third Harmonic
target for 27X-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 287.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 27X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 27X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 411

Figure 288. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 152 to the BE1-11g.
Table 152. Pickup Test Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
115 V 50 ms
65 V 50 ms
20 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 288).
Step 5: Connect and apply a single-phase, 120 Vac, 3 harmonic voltage source to the Vx input,
terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 (non-polarity).
Step 6: Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 27X-
1-3RD target on the front-panel display. Slowly increase the voltage until OUT2 opens and
record the reset. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and reset accuracy at 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 65 V and 25 Vac for a
pickup setting of 25 V as listed in Table 152. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Timing Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 153 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 153. Timing Test Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
115 V 2,000 ms
115 V 5,000 ms
115 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase, 3 harmonic voltage source to terminals C17
(polarity) and C18 (non-polarity).
Step 4: Step the voltage down to 110 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.

BE1-11g Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test

412 9424200994 Rev R

Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 153. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for Settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification (3V0 Mode)
Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio = 102% ±1%
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Reset High* Pass/Fail
6 115.0 V 112.7 V 117.3 V 116.2 V 118.4 V P / F
7 65.0 V 63.7 V 66.3 V 65.7 V 66.9 V P / F
7 20.0 V 19.0 V 21.0 V 20.2 V 20.6 V P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (3V0 Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (V1 Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio = 102% ±1%
Low Actual High Low* Actual High*
Step Setting Pass/Fail
Pickup Reset
6 78.0 234.0 76.4 229.2 79.5 238.5 78.7 236.1 80.3 240.9 P / F
7 38.0 114.0 37.0 111.0 39.0 117.0 38.3 114.9 39.1 117.3 P / F
7 22.0 66.0 21.0 63.0 23.0 69.0 22.2 66.6 22.6 67.8 P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 413

Timing Verification (V1 Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (V2 Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio = 102% ±1%
Low Actual High Low* Actual High*
Step Setting Pass/Fail
Pickup Reset
6 78.0 234.0 76.4 229.2 79.5 238.5 78.7 236.1 80.3 240.9 P / F
7 38.0 114.0 37.0 111.0 39.0 117.0 38.3 114.9 39.1 117.3 P / F
7 22.0 66.0 21.0 63.0 23.0 69.0 22.2 66.6 22.6 67.8 P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (V2 Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio = 102% ±1%
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Reset High* Pass/Fail
6 115.0 V 112.7 V 117.3 V 116.1 V 118.4 V P / F
7 65.0 V 63.7 V 66.3 V 65.6 V 66.9 V P / F
7 20.0 V 19.0 V 21.0 V 20.2 V 20.6 V P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

BE1-11g Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test

414 9424200994 Rev R

Timing Verification (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio = 102% ±1%
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Reset High* Pass/Fail
6 115.0 V 112.7 V 117.3 V 116.1 V 118.4 V P / F
7 65.0 V 63.7 V 66.3 V 65.6 V 66.9 V P / F
7 20.0 V 19.0 V 21.0 V 20.2 V 20.6 V P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 415

Phase Overvoltage (59P) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Phase Overvoltage (59P) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 154 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 154. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Element Mode 1 of 3 Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage Enables 59P-1 function for one of
(59P-1) three mode
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage Selects definite timings
59P-1 A Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables phase A target for 59P-1

BE1-11g Phase Overvoltage (59P) Test

416 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 289.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 59P-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 59P-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 289. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59P-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 155 to the BE1-11g.
Table 155. Pickup Test Settings
Pickup Setting Time Delay
245 V 50 ms
125 V 50 ms
75 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 59P-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 289).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 240 Vac, three-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).
Step 6: Slowly increase the A-phase voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 59P-1-A target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the A-phase voltage until OUT2
opens and record the dropout. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and dropout accuracy at 120 Vac for a pickup setting of 125 V and 70 Vac for
a pickup setting of 75 V as listed in Table 155. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs. Note: Be sure
to enable proper target for each phase being tested.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 59P-2, 59P-3, and 59P-4.

Timing Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59P-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 156 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 156. Timing Test Settings
Pickup Setting Time Delay
125 V 2,000 ms
125 V 5,000 ms
125 V 10,000 ms

Phase Overvoltage (59P) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 417

Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 59P-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, three-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).
Step 4: Step the A-phase voltage up to 130 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 156. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs. Note: Be sure
to enable proper target for each phase being tested.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for 59P-2, 59P-3, and 59P-4.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification
Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 300 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio = 98% ±1%
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
6 245.0 V 240.1 V 249.9 V 237.6 V 242.5 V P / F
7 125.0 V 122.5 V 127.5 V 121.3 V 123.8 V P / F
7 75.0 V 73.5 V 76.6 V 72.8 V 74.3 V P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification
Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

BE1-11g Phase Overvoltage (59P) Test

418 9424200994 Rev R

Phase Overvoltage (59P) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 419

Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification (3V0 Mode)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 157 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 157. Operational Settings (3V0 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Element Mode 3V0 Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage Enables 59X-1 function for
(59X-1) 3V0 mode
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage Selects definite timings
59X-1 3V0 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables 3V0 target for 59X-1

BE1-11g Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test

420 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 290.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 59X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 59X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 290. BESTlogicPlus Settings (3V0 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 158 to the BE1-11g.
Table 158. Pickup Test Settings (3V0 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
115 V 50 ms
65 V 50 ms
20 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 290).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 150 Vac, three-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral).
Step 6: Slowly increase the A-phase voltage until OUT2 closes around 265 volts (150 Vac nominal +
115 V 3V0 pickup setting) and record the pickup. Verify the 59X-1-3V0 target on the front-panel
display. Slowly decrease the A-phase voltage until OUT2 opens and record the dropout. Reset
the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and dropout accuracy at a pickup setting of 65 V and 20 V as listed in Table
158. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Timing Verification (3V0 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 159 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 159. Timing Test Settings (3V0 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
65 V 2,000 ms
65 V 5,000 ms
65 V 10,000 ms

Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 421

Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 150 Vac, three-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral).
Step 4: Step the A-phase voltage up to 215 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 159. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Pickup Verification (V1 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 160 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 160. Operational Settings (V1 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Element Mode V1 Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage Enables 59X-1 function for V1
(59X-1) mode
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage Selects definite timings
59X-1 V1 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables V1 target for 59X-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 291.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 59X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 59X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 291. BESTlogicPlus Settings (V1 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 161 to the BE1-11g.

BE1-11g Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test

422 9424200994 Rev R

Table 161. Pickup Test Settings (V1 Mode)

Pickup Setting Time Delay
82 V 50 ms
42 V 50 ms
25 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 291).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 240 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
(neutral). For a single-phase input test, V1 = A-phase voltage / 3. Therefore, the BE1-11g
should pick up at a value of three times the setting value when applying only a single-phase
input. For example, to determine the pickup voltage value required for a BE1-11g with a pickup
setting of 82, it would require 82 times 3 or 246 volts of input voltage.
Step 6: Slowly increase the voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 59X-
1-V1 target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT2 opens and
record the dropout. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and dropout accuracy at 120 Vac for a pickup setting of 42 V (126 Vac on test
set) and 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 25 V (75 Vac on test set) as listed in Table 161. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Timing Verification (V1 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 162 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 162. Timing Test Settings (V1 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
42 V 2,000 ms
42 V 5,000 ms
42 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
Step 4: Step the voltage up to 130 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 162. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Pickup Verification (V2 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 163 to the BE1-11g. Reset all

Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 423

Table 163. Operational Settings (V2 Mode)

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Element Mode V2 Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage Enables 59X-1 function for V2
(59X-1) mode
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage Selects definite timings
59X-1 V2 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables V2 target for 59X-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 292.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 59X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 59X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 292. BESTlogicPlus Settings (V2 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 164 to the BE1-11g.
Table 164. Pickup Test Settings (V2 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
82 V 50 ms
42 V 50 ms
25 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 292).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 240 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
(neutral). For a single-phase input test, V2 = A-phase voltage / 3. Therefore, the BE1-11g
should pick up at a value of three times the setting value when applying only a single-phase
input. For example, to determine the pickup voltage value required for a BE1-11g with a pickup
setting of 82, it would require 82 times 3 or 246 volts of input voltage.
Step 6: Slowly increase the voltage until OUT1 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 59X-
1-V2 target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT1 opens and
record the dropout. Reset the target.

BE1-11g Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test

424 9424200994 Rev R

Step 7: Verify the pickup and dropout accuracy at 120 Vac for a pickup setting of 42 V (126 Vac on test
set) and 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 25 V (75 Vac on test set) as listed in Table 164. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Timing Verification (V2 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 165 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 165. Timing Test Settings (V2 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
42 V 2,000 ms
42 V 5,000 ms
42 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
Step 4: Step the voltage up to 130 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 165. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Pickup Verification (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 166 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 166. Operational Settings (Vx Fundamental Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT ratio to 1
Aux VT AN System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT connection to
Connection Transformers AN
Element Mode Vx Protection, Voltage, Enables 59X-1 function for Vx
Fundamental Overvoltage (59X-1) Fundamental mode
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Selects definite timings
Overvoltage (59X-1)
59X-1 AUX Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Vx Fundamental target
for 59X-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 293.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 59X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 59X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.
Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 425

Figure 293. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 167 to the BE1-11g.
Table 167. Pickup Test Settings (Vx Fundamental Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
125 V 50 ms
75 V 50 ms
30 V 50 ms

Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 293).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase voltage source to the Vx input, terminals C17
(polarity) and C18 (non-polarity).
Step 6: Slowly increase the voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 59X-
1-AUX target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT2 opens and
record the dropout. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and dropout accuracy at 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 75 V and 25 Vac for a
pickup setting of 30 V as listed in Table 167. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Timing Verification (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 168 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 168. Timing Test Settings (Vx Fundamental Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
125 V 2,000 ms
125 V 5,000 ms
125 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase voltage source to terminals C17 (polarity) and C18
Step 4: Step the voltage up to 130 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.

BE1-11g Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test

426 9424200994 Rev R

Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 168. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Pickup Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 169 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 169. Operational Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT ratio to 1
Aux VT AN System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT connection to
Connection Transformers AN
Element Mode Vx Third Protection, Voltage, Enables 59X-1 function for Vx
Harmonic Overvoltage (59X-1) Third Harmonic mode
Timing Mode Definite Protection, Voltage, Selects definite timings
Overvoltage (59X-1)
59X-1 3RD Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Vx Third Harmonic
target for 59X-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 294.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 59X-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 59X-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 294. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 170 to the BE1-11g.
Table 170. Pickup Test Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
125 V 50 ms
75 V 50 ms
30 V 50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 294).

Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 427

Step 5: Connect and apply a single-phase, 120 Vac, 3 harmonic voltage source to the Vx input,
terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 (non-polarity).
Step 6: Slowly increase the voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 59X-
1-3RD target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT2 opens and
record the dropout. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and dropout accuracy at 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 75 V and 25 Vac for a
pickup setting of 30 V as listed in Table 170. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Timing Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Overvoltage (59X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 171 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 171. Timing Test Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
125 V 2,000 ms
125 V 5,000 ms
125 V 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 59X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase, 3 harmonic voltage source to terminals C17
(polarity) and C18 (non-polarity).
Step 4: Step the voltage up to 130 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 171. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 59X-2, 59X-3, and 59X-4.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification (3V0 Mode)
Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio = 98% ±1%
Low Actual High Low* Actual High*
Step Setting Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
3V0 VA 3V0 VA† 3V0 VA† 3V0 VA† 3V0 VA†
6 115.0 265.0 112.7 262.7 117.3 267.3 111.6 261.6 113.9 263.9 P / F
7 65.0 215.0 63.7 213.7 66.3 216.3 63.1 213.1 64.4 214.4 P / F
7 20.0 170.0 19.0 169.0 21.0 171.0 19.4 169.4 19.8 169.8 P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.
† VA Low and High values are calculated as VA=3V0+150 V nominal.

BE1-11g Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test

428 9424200994 Rev R

Timing Verification (3V0 Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (V1 Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio = 98% ±1%
Low Actual High Low* Actual High*
Step Setting Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
6 82.0 246.0 80.3 240.9 83.6 250.8 82.8 248.4 84.4 253.2 P / F
7 42.0 126.0 41.0 123.0 43.0 129.0 42.4 127.2 43.2 129.6 P / F
7 25.0 75.0 24.0 72.0 26.0 78.0 25.2 75.6 25.7 77.1 P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (V1 Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (V2 Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio = 98% ±1%
Low Actual High Low* Actual High*
Step Setting Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
6 82.0 246.0 80.3 240.9 83.6 250.8 82.8 248.4 84.4 253.2 P / F
7 42.0 126.0 41.0 123.0 43.0 129.0 42.4 127.2 43.2 129.6 P / F
7 25.0 75.0 24.0 72.0 26.0 78.0 25.2 75.6 25.7 77.1 P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (V2 Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 429

Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail

4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio = 98% ±1%
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
6 125.0 V 122.5 V 127.5 V 121.3 V 123.8 V P / F
7 75.0 V 73.5 V 76.6 V 72.8 V 74.3 V P / F
7 30.0 V 29.0 V 31.0 V 29.1 V 29.7 V P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (Vx Fundamental Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 150 V
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio = 98% ±1%
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
6 125.0 V 122.5 V 127.5 V 121.3 V 123.8 V P / F
7 75.0 V 73.5 V 76.6 V 72.8 V 74.3 V P / F
7 30.0 V 29.0 V 31.0 V 29.1 V 29.7 V P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)

Time Delay Range = 50 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

BE1-11g Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test

430 9424200994 Rev R

Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 431

Vector Jump (78V) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Vector Jump (78V) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 172 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 172. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection to
Connection Transformers 4W-Y
Element Mode Enabled Protection, Voltage, Vector Jump Enables 78V function
Source Phase or Aux Protection, Voltage, Vector Jump Monitors phase or auxiliary
VT (78V) voltage input
Pickup (degrees) 20 Protection, Voltage, Vector Jump Detects an angle change of
(78V) 20° or more
Trip Hold Time 0 Protection, Voltage, Vector Jump Sets the trip hold time to zero
78V Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables target for 78V

BE1-11g Vector Jump (78V) Test

432 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 295.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 78V Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 78V Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 295. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Vector Jump (78V) screen and send the
first row of test settings in Table 173 to the BE1-11g.
Table 173. Pickup Test Settings
Pickup Setting

Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 78V function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT1
(see Figure 295).
Step 5: Connect and apply a three-phase 120 V phase-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-
phase) and C16 (Neutral).
Step 6: Apply a ±20 degree step change to the A-phase voltage angle. Verify OUT1 closes and record
the pickup. Verify that there is a 78V target on the front-panel display. Total time to trip should
be 150 ms or less. Remove the A-phase voltage angle. Verify that OUT1 opens and record the
reset. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup accuracy and reset for a pickup setting of 90° as listed in Table 173. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification
Pickup Setting Range = 2 to 90°
Pickup Accuracy = ±1°
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail
6 20° 19° 21° P / F
7 90° 89° 91° P / F

Vector Jump (78V) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 433

Timing Verification
Timing Accuracy = 150 ms or less
Step Time Delay Actual Timing Pass/Fail
6 150 ms P / F
7 150 ms P / F

BE1-11g Vector Jump (78V) Test

434 9424200994 Rev R

Vector Jump (78V) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 435

Frequency (81) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Frequency (81) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Testing the 81 Rate of Change (ROC) mode requires a voltage source
capable of smoothly sweeping the frequency of the applied voltage for
a variable positive and negative rate of change. Frequency step
changes at 1 millisecond intervals (maximum) are required to support
the accuracy requirement of the element.

Functional Test Procedure

Overfrequency Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 174 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 174. Operational Settings (Overfrequency)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Element Mode Over Protection, Frequency (81-1) Enables 81-1 function for Over mode
Source Phase VT Protection, Frequency (81-1) Sets source to Phase VT
Voltage Inhibit 40 V Protection, Frequency (81-1) Sets voltage inhibit pickup to 40 V
81-1 Over Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Over target for 81-1

BE1-11g Frequency (81) Test

436 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 296.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 81-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 81-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 296. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Overfrequency)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Frequency, Frequency (81-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 175 to the BE1-11g.
Table 175. Pickup Test Settings (Overfrequency)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
65 Hz 0 ms
67 Hz 0 ms
69 Hz 0 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 81-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 296).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, 60-hertz voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
Step 6: Slowly increase the frequency of the applied voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup.
Verify that there is an 81-1-Over target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the
frequency until OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat Step 6 for the 67 Hz and 69 Hz pickup settings listed in Table 175. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings groups 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 81-2, 81-3, 81-4, 81-5, 81-6, 81-7, and 81-8.

Underfrequency Pickup Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 176 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 176. Operational Settings (Underfrequency)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Element Mode Under Protection, Frequency (81-1) Enables 81-1 function for Under mode
Source Phase VT Protection, Frequency (81-1) Sets source to Phase VT
Voltage Inhibit 40 V Protection, Frequency (81-1) Sets voltage inhibit pickup to 40 V
81-1 Under Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Under target for 81-1

Frequency (81) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 437

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 297.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 81-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 81-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 297. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Underfrequency)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Frequency, Frequency (81-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 177 to the BE1-11g.
Table 177. Pickup Test Settings (Underfrequency)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
42 Hz 0 ms
46 Hz 0 ms
48 Hz 0 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 81-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 297).
Step 5: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, 60-hertz voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
Step 6: Slowly decrease the frequency of the applied voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup.
Verify that there is an 81-1-Under target on the front-panel display. Slowly increase the
frequency until OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat Step 6 for the 46 Hz and 48 Hz pickup settings listed in Table 177. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings groups 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 81-2, 81-3, 81-4, 81-5, 81-6, 81-7, and 81-8.

Time Delay Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Frequency, Frequency (81-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 178 to the BE1-11g. Commands entered in Table 176
should be retained for this test.
Table 178. Timing Test Settings
Pickup Setting Time Delay
57.50 Hz 2,000 ms
57.50 Hz 5,000 ms
57.50 Hz 10,000 ms

BE1-11g Frequency (81) Test

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Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 81-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a frequency change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, 60-hertz voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
Step 4: Step the frequency of the applied voltage down to 55-hertz. Measure the time delay and record
the result.
Step 5: Repeat Step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delays listed in Table 178. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings groups 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 81-2, 81-3, 81-4, 81-5, 81-6, 81-7, and 81-8.

Pickup Verification (ROC Frequency)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 179 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 179. Operational Settings (ROC Frequency)
Setting Value Description
Element Mode Rate of Protection, Frequency Enables 81-1 function for Rate of
Change (81-1) Change mode
Source Phase VT Protection, Frequency Sets source to Phase VT
Pickup 10 Hz/sec Protection, Frequency Sets pickup to 10 Hz/sec
Voltage Inhibit 40 V Protection, Frequency Sets voltage inhibit pickup to 40 V
Over Frequency 64 Hz Protection, Frequency Sets over frequency inhibit to 64 Hz
Inhibit (81-1)
Under Frequency 46 Hz Protection, Frequency Sets under frequency inhibit to
Inhibit (81-1) 46 Hz
81-1 ROC Enabled Target Configuration, Enables ROC target for 81-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 298.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 81-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 81-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 298. BESTlogicPlus Settings (ROC Frequency)

Frequency (81) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 439

Step 3: Prepare to monitor the 81-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 298).
Step 4: Connect a 120 Vac voltage source capable of smoothly sweeping the frequency from 35 Hz to
75 Hz to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16 (neutral).
Step 5: Set the ramp rate at 0.001 seconds/step (max level, lower if possible) and set the total number
steps at 1,000 (one second total for the sweep test).
Step 6: Set the frequency range of the sweep (ramp) for 55.0 to 64.7 Hz. This equates to a ROC of 9.7
Hz/sec (3.0% below the 10.0 Hz/sec pickup setting).
Step 7: Initiate the sweep (ramp) which simultaneously applies voltage to the BE1-11g and note that
there is no operation of OUT2.
Step 8: Increase the rate of change in increments of 1% (9.8, 9.9 Hz/sec) up to 9.9 Hz/sec and 0.5%
thereafter until OUT2 closes and record the pickup.
Step 9: Repeat steps 3 through 8 with the pickup value set at 2 Hz/sec. Begin the test by applying a
rate of change value 8% below pickup (1.84 Hz/sec or a frequency sweep range of 59 to 60.84
Hz). Increase the rate of change in 1% increments until OUT2 closes and record the pickup.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 in Positive ROC mode. Additionally, verify that a sweep
from a high to low frequency does not cause an operation.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 in Negative ROC mode by reversing the sweep rate from
high to low to simulate negative rate of change. Additionally, verify that a sweep from a low to
high frequency does not cause an operation.
Step 12: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 11 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 13: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 12 for 81-2, 81-3, 81-4, 81-5, 81-6, 81-7, and 81-8.

Time Delay Verification (ROC Frequency)

Time delay verification is not necessary for the ROC mode as the same timers are used as in the
over/underfrequency timing tests. Timing starts when the 81 Pickup goes high whether the cause is over,
under, or rate of change.

Inhibit Quantities (ROC Inhibit)

Operation in the rate of change mode can be inhibited by sensing voltage, negative-sequence voltage,
and frequency limits or range, the latter of which creates a “frequency window” of operation. The sensing
voltage inhibit is the same feature used for the over/underfrequency elements and has already been
tested. The following tests verify the negative-sequence and frequency limit inhibits.
Step 1: Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Frequency, Frequency
(81-1) screen and send the operational settings in Table 180 to the BE1-11g.
Table 180. Operational Settings (ROC Inhibit)
Setting Value Description
Element Mode Rate of Change Enables 81-1 function for Rate of Change mode
Source Phase VT Sets source to Phase VT
Pickup 2 Hz/sec Sets pickup to 2 Hz/sec
Time Delay 0 ms Sets time delay to minimum
Voltage Inhibit 40 V Sets voltage inhibit pickup to 40 V
Over Frequency Inhibit 64 Hz Sets overfrequency inhibit to 64 Hz
Under Frequency Inhibit 46 Hz Sets underfrequency inhibit to 46 Hz
Negative Sequence Inhibit 20% Sets negative-sequence inhibit to 20%
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 299.

BE1-11g Frequency (81) Test

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• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 81-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 81-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 299. BESTlogicPlus Settings (ROC Inhibit)

Step 3: To test the negative-sequence inhibit, connect a three-phase voltage source with 120 degrees
between phases. The negative-sequence quantity is based on phase to neutral nominal voltage
(69.3 or 120). The negative-sequence inhibit setting is a percent of nominal voltage. Assuming a
4-wire connection and a nominal voltage of 120 volts phase-to-neutral, 208 phase-to-phase, a
20% of nominal setting equates to a negative-sequence voltage of 24 volts.
Step 4: Set the rate of change (sweep or ramp) for 3 Hz/s (BE1-11g set to trip at 2 Hz/sec), initiate the
sweep, and note that OUT2 operates. While monitoring Metering of the BE1-11g, reduce the C-
phase voltage to 55 volts and note the negative-sequence voltage. Continue to reduce the C-
phase voltage in 1-volt increments repeating the sweep test after each reduction until OUT2
does not operate. Inhibit should occur at 24 volts negative-sequence. Record the result.
Step 5: Set the Negative Sequence Inhibit setting to 0%.
Step 6: To test the frequency limit inhibit function, connect a 120 Vac voltage source capable of
smoothly sweeping the frequency from 35 Hz to 75 Hz to terminals C13 (A-phase) and C16
(neutral). With a ROC setting of 2 Hz/sec, initiate a 3 Hz/sec sweep (frequency range set 60 Hz
to 57 Hz) and note that OUT2 operates.
Step 7: Set the Overfrequency Inhibit setting to 59.7 Hz and the Underfrequency Inhibit setting to 59.5
Hz. Repeat Step 6 and note that OUT2 does not operate. Pickup accuracy for over and
underfrequency limit is ±0.01 Hz.

Functional Test Report

Overfrequency Pickup Verification
Pickup Setting Range = 15 to 70 Hz
Pickup Accuracy = ±0.01 Hz
Dropout = 0.02 Hz ±0.01 Hz of the actual pickup value
Pickup Actual Actual
Step Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Setting Pickup Dropout
6 65 Hz 64.99 Hz 65.01 Hz 64.97 Hz 64.99 Hz P / F
7 67 Hz 66.99 Hz 67.01 Hz 66.97 Hz 66.99 Hz P / F
7 69 Hz 68.99 Hz 69.01 Hz 68.97 Hz 68.99 Hz P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Frequency (81) Test BE1-11g

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Underfrequency Pickup Verification

Pickup Setting Range = 15 to 70 Hz
Pickup Accuracy = ±0.01 Hz
Reset = 0.02 Hz ±0.01 Hz of the actual pickup value
Pickup Actual Actual
Step Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Setting Pickup Dropout
6 42 Hz 41.99 Hz 42.01 Hz 41.97 Hz 41.99 Hz P / F
7 46 Hz 45.99 Hz 46.01 Hz 45.97 Hz 45.99 Hz P / F
7 48 Hz 47.99 Hz 48.01 Hz 47.97 Hz 47.99 Hz P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Time Delay Verification

Time Delay Range = 0 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±1 cycle, whichever is greater + 3 cycles recognition time for time delay
settings < 50 ms
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,983 ms 2,017 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,975 ms 5,025 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (ROC Frequency)

ROC Pickup Setting Range = 0.2 to 20 Hz/sec
Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.1 Hz/sec, whichever is greater
Step Setting Low Pickup High Pass/Fail
8 10 Hz/sec 9.8 Hz/sec 10.2 Hz/sec P / F
9 2 Hz/sec 1.9 Hz/sec 2.1 Hz/sec P / F

BE1-11g Frequency (81) Test

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Frequency (81) Test BE1-11g

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Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification (Phase Mode)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 181 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 181. Operational Settings (Phase Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase CT 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT ratio to 1
Ratio Transformers
Element IA Protection, Current, Instantaneous Enables 50-1 function for IA
Mode Overcurrent (50-1) mode
Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Instantaneous Selects CT circuit 1 as the
Overcurrent (50-1) source
50-1 A Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables phase A target for
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 300.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 50-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 50-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

BE1-11g Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test

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Figure 300. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Phase Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) screen
and send the low range test settings (minimum pickup setting) to the BE1-11g for your sensing
input type in Table 182.
Table 182. Pickup Test Settings (Phase Mode)

Sensing Input Type Range Pickup Setting Time Delay

Low 0.5 A 0 ms
5A Middle 5.0 A 0 ms
High 20.0 A 0 ms
Low 0.1 A 0 ms
1A Middle 1.0 A 0 ms
High 4.0 A 0 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 50-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 300).
Step 5: Connect a current source to terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase). Note that mode can be set for IA,
IB, IC, or 3 phases. Test is conducted on IA.
Step 6: Slowly increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 50-1-A target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the applied current until OUT2
opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 for the middle and high range pickup settings for your sensing input type. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for phase B and phase C. Note: Be sure to change
Element Mode and enable proper target for each phase being tested.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 50-2, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 10 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Timing Verification (Phase Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) screen
and send the first row of test settings in Table 183 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 50-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply 0.45 A to BE1-11g terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase).
Step 4: Step the A-phase current up to 0.75 A. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test BE1-11g
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Table 183. Timing Test Settings (Phase Mode)

Pickup Setting Time Delay
0.5 A 2,000 ms
0.5 A 5,000 ms
0.5 A 10,000 ms
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 183. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the B-phase and C-phase current inputs.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for 50-2, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 3, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Pickup Verification (3I0 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 184 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 184. Operational Settings (3I0 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase CT 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT ratio to 1
Ratio Transformers
Element 3I0 Protection, Current, Enables 50-1 function for 3I0 mode
Mode Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1)
Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Selects CT circuit 1 as the source
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1)
50-1 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables residual target for 50-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 301.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 50-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 50-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 301. BESTlogicPlus Settings (3I0 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) screen
and send the low range test settings (minimum pickup setting) to the BE1-11g for your sensing
input type in Table 185.

BE1-11g Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test

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Table 185. Pickup Test Settings (3I0 Mode)

Sensing Input Type Range Pickup Setting Time Delay

Low 0.5 A 0 ms
5A Middle 5.0 A 0 ms
High 20.0 A 0 ms
Low 0.1 A 0 ms
1A Middle 1.0 A 0 ms
High 4.0 A 0 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 50-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 301).
Step 5: Connect a current source to terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase).
Step 6: Slowly increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 50-1-Residual target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the applied current until
OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 for the middle and high range pickup settings for your sensing input type. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 50-2, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Timing Verification (3I0 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) screen
and send the first row of test settings in Table 186 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 186. Timing Test Settings (3I0 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
0.5 A 2,000 ms
0.5 A 5,000 ms
0.5 A 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 50-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply 0.45 A to BE1-11g terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase).
Step 4: Step the A-phase current up to 0.55 A. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 186. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 50-2, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test BE1-11g

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Pickup Verification (I2 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 187 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 187. Operational Settings (I2 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase CT 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT ratio to 1
Ratio Transformers
Element I2 Protection, Current, Enables 50-1 function for I2 mode
Mode Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1)
Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Selects CT circuit 1 as the source
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1)
50-1 Neg Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Neg SEQ target for 50-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 302.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 50-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 50-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 302. BESTlogicPlus Settings (I2 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) screen
and send the low range test settings (minimum pickup setting) to the BE1-11g for your sensing
input type in Table 188.
Table 188. Pickup Test Settings (I2 Mode)

Sensing Input Type Range Pickup Setting Time Delay

Low 0.5 A 0 ms
5A Middle 5.0 A 0 ms
High 9.0 A 0 ms
Low 0.1 A 0 ms
1A Middle 1.0 A 0 ms
High 1.8 A 0 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 50-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 302).
Step 5: Connect a current source to terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase). For a single-phase input test, I2 =
Ia / 3. Therefore, the BE1-11g should pick up at a value of three times the setting value when
applying only a single-phase input. For example, to determine the pickup current value required
BE1-11g Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test
448 9424200994 Rev R

for a 1 A BE1-11g with a pickup setting of 0.1, it would require 0.1 times 3 or 0.3 amperes of
input current.
Step 6: Slowly increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 50-1-Neg SEQ target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the applied current until
OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 for the middle and high range pickup settings for your sensing input type. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 50-2, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Timing Verification (I2 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) screen
and send the first row of test settings in Table 189 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 189. Timing Test Settings (I2 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
0.5 A 2,000 ms
0.5 A 5,000 ms
0.5 A 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 50-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply 1.45 A to BE1-11g terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase). For a single-phase input
test, I2 = Ia / 3. Therefore, the BE1-11g should pick up at a value of three times the setting
value when applying only a single-phase input. For example, to determine the pickup current
value required for a 1 A BE1-11g with a pickup setting of 0.1, it would require 0.1 times 3 or 0.3
amperes of input current.
Step 4: Step the A-phase current up to 1.55 A. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 189. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 50-2, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Pickup Verification (IG Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 190 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 190. Operational Settings (IG Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Ground CT 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets ground CT ratio to 1
Ratio Transformers
Element Mode IG Protection, Current, Instantaneous Enables 50-1 function for IG
Overcurrent (50-1) mode
Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Instantaneous Selects CT circuit 1 as the
Overcurrent (50-1) source
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test BE1-11g
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Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

50-1 IND GND Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables IND GND target for
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 303.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 50-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 50-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 303. BESTlogicPlus Settings (IG Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) screen
and send the low range test settings (minimum pickup setting) to the BE1-11g for your sensing
input type in Table 191.
Table 191. Pickup Test Settings (IG Mode)

Sensing Input Type Range Pickup Setting Time Delay

Low 0.5 A 0 ms
5A Middle 5.0 A 0 ms
High 10.0 A 0 ms
Low 0.1 A 0 ms
1 A or SEF Middle 1.0 A 0 ms
High 2.0 A 0 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 50-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 303).
Step 5: Connect a current source to terminals D7 and D8 (IG).
Step 6: Slowly increase the ground current until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is
a 50-1-IND GND target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the applied current until
OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 for the middle and high range pickup settings for your sensing input type. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 50-2, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

BE1-11g Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test

450 9424200994 Rev R

Timing Verification (IG Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) screen
and send the first row of test settings in Table 192 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 192. Timing Test Settings (IG Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Delay
0.5 A 2,000 ms
0.5 A 5,000 ms
0.5 A 10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 50-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply 0.45 A to BE1-11g terminals D7 and D8 (IG).
Step 4: Step the ground current up to 0.55 A. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 192. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 50-2, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 3, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification (Phase Mode)
Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 150 A for 5A sensing
0.1 to 30 A for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater for 5A sensing
±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater for 1A sensing
Dropout should occur between 93-99% of the actual pickup value.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
6 0.5 A (5A CT) 0.45 A 0.55 A 0.465 A 0.495 A P / F
7 5.0 A (5A CT) 4.9 A 5.1 A 4.65 A 4.95 A P / F
7 20.0 A (5A CT) 20.6 A 20.4 A 18.6 A 19.8 A P / F
6 0.1 A (1A CT) 0.09 A 0.11 A 0.093 A 0.099 A P / F
7 1.0 A (1A CT) 0.98 A 1.02 A 0.93 A 0.99 A P / F
7 4.0 A (1A CT) 3.92 A 4.08 A 3.72 A 3.96 A P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (Phase Mode)

Time Delay Range = 0 to 60,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±½ cycle, whichever is greater + 3 cycles max for currents 1.5 x pickup

Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 451

Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail

4 2,000 ms 1,942 ms 2,058 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,927 ms 5,073 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,902 ms 10,098 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (3I0 Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 150 A for 5A sensing
0.1 to 30 A for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater for 5A sensing
±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater for 1A sensing
Dropout should occur between 93-99% of the actual pickup value.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
6 0.5 A (5A CT) 0.425 A 0.575 A 0.465 A 0.495 A P / F
7 5.0 A (5A CT) 4.85 A 5.15 A 4.65 A 4.95 A P / F
7 20.0 A (5A CT) 19.4 A 20.6 A 18.6 A 19.8 A P / F
6 0.1 A (1A CT) 0.085 A 0.115 A 0.093 A 0.099 A P / F
7 1.0 A (1A CT) 0.97 A 1.03 A 0.93 A 0.99 A P / F
7 4.0 A (1A CT) 3.88 A 4.12 A 3.72 A 3.96 A P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (3I0 Mode)

Time Delay Range = 0 to 60,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±1% or ±½ cycle, whichever is greater + 3 cycles max for currents 1.5 x pickup
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,942 ms 2,058 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,927 ms 5,073 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,902 ms 10,098 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (I2 Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 150 A for 5A sensing
0.1 to 30 A for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater for 5A sensing
±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater for 1A sensing

BE1-11g Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test

452 9424200994 Rev R

Dropout should occur between 93-99% of the actual pickup value.

Pickup Setting Low High Low* High*
Actual Actual
Step I2 IA I2 IA Pickup I2 IA I2 IA Dropout I2 IA Pass/Fail
6 1.5 0.42 1.26 0.57 1.71 0.46 1.38 0.49 1.47 P / F
(5A CT)
7 15.0 4.85 14.55 5.15 15.45 4.65 13.95 4.95 14.85 P / F
(5A CT)
7 27.0 8.73 26.19 9.27 27.81 8.37 25.11 8.91 26.73 P / F
(5A CT)
6 0.3 0.08 0.24 0.11 0.33 0.093 0.279 0.099 0.297 P / F
(1A CT)
7 3.0 0.97 2.91 1.03 3.09 0.93 2.79 0.99 2.97 P / F
(1A CT)
7 5.4 1.74 5.22 1.85 5.55 1.67 5.01 1.78 5.34 P / F
(1A CT)

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (I2 Mode)

Time Delay Range = 0 to 60,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±½ cycle, whichever is greater + 3 cycles max for currents 1.5 x pickup
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,942 ms 2,058 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,927 ms 5,073 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,902 ms 10,098 ms P / F

Pickup Verification (IG Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 150 A for 5A sensing
0.1 to 30 A for 1A sensing
0.01 to 7.5 for SEF
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater for 5A sensing
±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater for 1A sensing
±2.5% or ±2.5 mA, whichever is greater for SEF
Dropout should occur between 93-99% of the actual pickup value.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
6 0.5 A (5A CT) 0.45 A 0.55 A 0.465 A 0.495 A P / F
7 5.0 A (5A CT) 4.9 A 5.1 A 4.65 A 4.95 A P / F
7 20.0 A (5A CT) 20.6 A 20.4 A 18.6 A 19.8 A P / F
6 0.1 A (1A CT) 0.09 A 0.11 A 0.093 A 0.099 A P / F
7 1.0 A (1A CT) 0.98 A 1.02 A 0.93 A 0.99 A P / F
7 2.0 A (1A CT) 1.96 A 2.04 A 1.86 A 1.98 A P / F
6 0.1 A (SEF) 0.09 A 0.11 A 0.093 A 0.099 A P / F
7 1.0 A (SEF) 0.85 A 1.15 A 0.93 A 0.99 A P / F
7 2.0 A (SEF) 1.95 A 2.05 A 1.86 A 1.98 A P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 453

Timing Verification (IG Mode)

Time Delay Range = 0 to 60,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±½ cycle, whichever is greater + 3 cycles max for currents 1.5 x pickup
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,942 ms 2,058 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,927 ms 5,073 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,902 ms 10,098 ms P / F

BE1-11g Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test

454 9424200994 Rev R

Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 455

Breaker Fail (50BF) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Breaker Fail (50BF) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

The BE1-11g has two types of Breaker Failure Initiates, one being contact only initiate, and the other
being current supervised BE1-11g trip initiate. The following tests are for Contact Only initiate.
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 193 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 193. Operational Settings (BFI52 Contact Initiate)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Element Mode Enabled Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Enables 50BF function
Phase Pickup 0 Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets phase pickup to 0
Ground Pickup 0 Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets ground pickup to 0
Control Timer 0 Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets control timer to 0
Delay Timer 100 ms Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets delay timer to 100 ms
50BF Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables target for 50BF
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 304.
• Blocking is disabled.
• 50BFI is disabled.
• 52BFI is initiated with IN2.
• OUT1 closes for 50BF Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 50BF ReTrip.

BE1-11g Breaker Fail (50BF) Test

456 9424200994 Rev R

• Fault recording is enabled.

• Breaker Status is closed with /IN1.

Figure 304. BESTlogicPlus Settings (BFI52 Contact Initiate)

Step 3: IN1 is used to simulate breaker status as supplied by a “b” contact from the circuit breaker. With
no wetting voltage applied to BE1-11g input IN1, the BE1-11g considers the breaker closed
because of the /IN1 designation at the breaker status input of the breaker failure element. A
switched wetting voltage at IN2 is used to simulate an external BFI52 initiate contact for starting
the Breaker Failure Timer. This input is also used to start the test set timer and OUT1 of the
BE1-11g is used to stop the test set timer. OUT2 should be monitored to verify operation of the
re-trip circuit upon breaker failure initiate.
Step 4: With no wetting voltage applied to BE1-11g input IN1, switch on the wetting voltage to IN2 and
measure the operate time. Record the result.
Step 5: Apply wetting voltage to IN1 and repeat step 4. There should be no operation.
Step 6: Repeat step 3 with the delay timer set at 200 ms and 300 ms. Record the results.
The following tests are for Current Supervised BE1-11g trip initiates. Any or all BE1-11g trips can be
used: 50 Trip, 51 Trip, etc. For ease of testing, the 50-1 Trip variable will be used in the following tests.
Step 7: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 194 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 194. Operational Settings (BFI50 Current Supervised BE1-11g Trip Initiate)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Element Enabled Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Enables 50BF function
Phase 1A Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets phase pickup to 1 A
Ground 1A Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets ground pickup to 1 A
Control 0 Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets control timer to 0
Delay 100 ms Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets delay timer to 100 ms
50BF Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables target for 50BF
Breaker Minor, Non- Alarm Configuration, Alarms Sets 50BF BFI alarm for Minor
Fail Latching Alarm

Breaker Fail (50BF) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 457

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Element IA Protection, Current, Instantaneous Enables 50-1 function
Mode Overcurrent (50-1)
Pickup 2A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets pickup to 2 A
Overcurrent (50-1)
Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Instantaneous Selects CT circuit 1 as the
Overcurrent (50-1) source
Step 8: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 305.
• 50BF Blocking is disabled.
• 50BFI is initiated with 50-1 Trip.
• 52BFI is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 50BF Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 50BF ReTrip.
• OUT3 closes when minor alarm is true. (Minor Alarm = Breaker Fail)
• Fault recording is enabled.
• Breaker Status is disabled.
• 50-1 Blocking is disabled.

Figure 305. BESTlogicPlus Settings (BFI50 Current Supervised BE1-11g Trip Initiate)
Step 9: Verify the BF time delay by applying pickup current (above 2 A) to phase A for at least 100 ms.
A 50BF Trip should occur. Use BESTCOMSPlus to retrieve an SER report and verify that a
50BF Trip was logged 100 milliseconds ±0.5% (1¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5 times the
pickup setting. 1¾ cycles maximum for a current of 2 times pickup. Two cycles maximum for a
current of 1.05 times the pickup setting) after application of pickup current.
Step 10: (Optional.) Raise 50-1 Pickup setting to 10 amps and apply nominal current to the BE1-11g.
Note that OUT1 and OUT2 do not operate. No initiate prevents operation of the breaker failure
function, blocking the breaker fail logic.
Step 11: Verify the Control Time function by using BESTCOMSPlus to send the settings in Table 195 to
the BE1-11g.
Step 12: Connect a current source to terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase). Apply nominal current to the
BE1-11g and note operation of OUT3 and no operation of OUT1 and OUT2. To verify control
time, apply nominal current and start the test set timer. Use OUT3 to stop the timer. Record the
BE1-11g Breaker Fail (50BF) Test
458 9424200994 Rev R

Table 195. Control Time Delay Settings

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase Pickup 1A Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets phase pickup to 1 A
Ground Pickup 1A Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets ground pickup to 1 A
Control Timer 100 ms Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets control timer to 100 ms
Delay Timer 200 ms Protection, Current, Breaker Fail (50BF) Sets delay timer to 200 ms
Pickup 2A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets pickup to 2 A
Overcurrent (50-1)
Step 13: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 12 for the B and C phase elements. Note: Set 50-1 mode to
IB for B-phase and IC for C-phase.
Step 14: (Optional.) Repeat steps 7 through 13 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 12, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Functional Test Report

Delay Timer Verification
Delay Timer Range = 50 to 999 ms
Delay Timer Accuracy = ±0.5% or +1¼, −0.5 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Delay Timer Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 100 ms 92 ms 120 ms P / F
6 200 ms 192 ms 220 ms P / F
6 300 ms 292 ms 320 ms P / F

Control Timer Verification

Control Timer Range = 50 to 99 ms
Control Timer Accuracy = ±0.5% or ½ cycle, whichever is greater
Step Control Timer Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
12 100 ms 92 ms 120 ms P / F

Breaker Fail (50BF) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 459

Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification (Phase Mode)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 196 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 196. Operational Settings (Phase Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase CT 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT ratio to 1
Ratio Transformers
Element IA Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent Enables 51-1 function for IA
Mode (51-1) mode
Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Instantaneous Selects CT circuit 1 as the
Overcurrent (51-1) source
51-1 A Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables phase A target for
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 306.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 51-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 51-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

BE1-11g Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test

460 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 306. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Phase Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) screen and
send the low range test settings (minimum pickup setting) to the BE1-11g for your sensing input
type in Table 197.
Table 197. Pickup Test Settings (Phase Mode)

Sensing Input
Range Pickup Setting Time Dial Time Curve

Low 0.5 A 0 I2
5A Middle 5.0 A 0 I2
High 16.0 A 0 I2
Low 0.1 A 0 I2
1A Middle 1.0 A 0 I2
High 3.2 A 0 I2
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 51-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 306).
Step 5: Connect a current source to terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase). Note that mode can be set for IA,
IB, IC, or 3 phases. Test is conducted on IA.
Step 6: Slowly increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 51-1-A target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the applied current until OUT2
opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 for the middle and high range pickup settings for your sensing input type. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for phase B and phase C. Note: Be sure to change
Element Mode and enable proper target for each phase being tested.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5, 51-6, and 51-7.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 10 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Timing Verification (Phase Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) screen and
send the test settings in Table 198 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 198. Timing Test Settings (Phase Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Curve
0.5 A (5 A sensing), 0.1 A (1 A sensing or SEF) I2

Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 461

Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 51-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect a current source to BE1-11g terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase).
Step 4: Using the values listed in Table 199, apply the appropriate current values, and measure the
time between the application of current and the closure of OUT1. Record the results.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for all of the current and time dial settings for your current sensing type.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the B-phase and C-phase current inputs. Note: Be sure
to enable proper target for each phase being tested.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5, 51-6, and 51-7.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 3, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.
Table 199. Timing Test Settings (Phase Mode)

Sensing Type Time Dial Applied Current

1.00 A
0.5 2.50 A
12.50 A
1.00 A
5A 5.0 2.50 A
12.50 A
1.00 A
9.9 2.50 A
12.50 A
0.20 A
0.5 0.50 A
2.50 A
0.20 A
1A 5.0 0.50 A
2.50 A
0.20 A
9.9 0.50 A
2.50 A

Pickup Verification (3I0 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 200 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 200. Operational Settings (3I0 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase CT 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT ratio to 1
Ratio Transformers
Element 3I0 Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent Enables 51-1 function for
Mode (51-1) 3I0 mode

BE1-11g Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test

462 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Instantaneous Selects CT circuit 1 as the
Overcurrent (51-1) source
51-1 Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables residual target for
Residual 51-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 307.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 51-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 51-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 307. BESTlogicPlus Settings (3I0 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) screen and
send the low range test settings (minimum pickup setting) to the BE1-11g for your sensing input
type in Table 201.
Table 201. Pickup Test Settings (3I0 Mode)

Sensing Input Type Range Pickup Setting Time Dial

Low 0.5 A 0
5A Middle 5.0 A 0
High 16.0 A 0
Low 0.1 A 0
1A Middle 1.0 A 0
High 3.2 A 0
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 51-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 307).
Step 5: Connect a current source to terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase).
Step 6: Slowly increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 51-1-Residual target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the applied current until
OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 for the middle and high range pickup settings for your sensing input type. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5, 51-6, and 51-7.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 463

Timing Verification (3I0 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) screen and
send the test settings in Table 202 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 202. Timing Test Settings (3I0 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Curve
0.5 A (5 A sensing), 0.1 A (1 A sensing) I2
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 51-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect a current source to BE1-11g terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase).
Step 4: Using the values listed in Table 203, apply the appropriate current values, and measure the
time between the application of current and the closure of OUT1. Record the results.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for all of the current and time dial settings for your current sensing type.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5, 51-6, and 51-7.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 3, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.
Table 203. Timing Test Settings (3I0 Mode)

Sensing Type Time Dial Applied Current

1.00 A
0.5 2.50 A
12.50 A
1.00 A
5A 5.0 2.50 A
12.50 A
1.00 A
9.9 2.50 A
12.50 A
0.20 A
0.5 0.50 A
2.50 A
0.20 A
1A 5.0 0.50 A
2.50 A
0.20 A
9.9 0.50 A
2.50 A

BE1-11g Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test

464 9424200994 Rev R

Pickup Verification (I2 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 204 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 204. Operational Settings (I2 Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase CT 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT ratio to 1
Ratio Transformers
Element I2 Protection, Current, Instantaneous Enables 51-1 function for I2
Mode Overcurrent (51-1) mode
Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Instantaneous Selects CT circuit 1 as the
Overcurrent (51-1) source
51-1 Neg Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Neg SEQ target
SEQ for 51-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 308.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 51-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 51-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 308. BESTlogicPlus Settings (I2 Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) screen and
send the low range test settings (minimum pickup setting) to the BE1-11g for your sensing input
type in Table 205.
Table 205. Pickup Test Settings (I2 Mode)

Sensing Input
Range Pickup Setting Time Dial Time Curve

Low 0.5 A 0 I2
5A Middle 5.0 A 0 I2
High 9.0 A 0 I2
Low 0.1 A 0 I2
1A Middle 1.0 A 0 I2
High 1.8 A 0 I2
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 51-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 308).
Step 5: Connect a current source to terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase). For a single-phase input test, I2 =
Ia / 3. Therefore, the BE1-11g should pick up at a value of three times the setting value when
applying only a single-phase input. For example, to determine the pickup current value required
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 465

for a 1 A BE1-11g with a pickup setting of 0.1, it would require 0.1 times 3 or 0.3 amperes of
input current.
Step 6: Slowly increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there
is a 51-1-Neg SEQ target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the applied current until
OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 for the middle and high range pickup settings for your sensing input type. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5, 51-6, and 51-7.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Timing Verification (I2 Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) screen and
send the test settings in Table 206 to the BE1-11g for settings group 0.
Table 206. Timing Test Settings (I2 Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Curve
0.5 A (5 A sensing), 0.1 A (1 A sensing) I2
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 51-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect a current source to BE1-11g terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase).
Step 4: Using the values listed in Table 207, apply the appropriate current values, and measure the
time between the application of current and the closure of OUT1. Record the results.
Table 207. Timing Test Settings (I2 Mode)

Sensing Type Time Dial Applied Current

3.00 A
0.5 7.50 A
27.00 A
3.00 A
5A 5.0 7.50 A
27.00 A
3.00 A
9.9 7.50 A
27.00 A
0.45 A
0.5 1.5 A
7.5 A
0.45 A
1A 5.0 1.5 A
7.5 A
0.45 A
9.9 1.5 A
7.5 A
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for all of the current and time dial settings for your current sensing type.

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Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5, 51-6, and 51-7.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 3, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Pickup Verification (IG Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 208 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 208. Operational Settings (IG Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Ground CT 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets ground CT ratio to 1
Ratio Transformers
Element IG Protection, Current, Instantaneous Enables 51-1 function for
Mode Overcurrent (51-1) IG mode
Source CT Circuit 1 Protection, Current, Instantaneous Selects CT circuit 1 as the
Overcurrent (51-1) source
51-1 IND Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables IND GND target
GND for 51-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 309.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 51-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 51-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 309. BESTlogicPlus Settings (IG Mode)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) screen and
send the low range test settings (minimum pickup setting) to the BE1-11g for your sensing input
type in Table 209.
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 51-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 309).
Step 5: Connect a current source to terminals D7 and D8 (IG).
Step 6: Slowly increase the ground current until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is
a 51-1-IND GND target on the front-panel display. Slowly decrease the applied current until
OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 for the middle and high range pickup settings for your sensing input type. Record
the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5, 51-6, and 51-7.

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Table 209. Pickup Test Settings (IG Mode)

Sensing Input
Range Pickup Setting Time Dial Time Curve

Low 0.5 A 0 I2
5A Middle 5.0 A 0 I2
High 16.0 A 0 I2
Low 0.1 A 0 I2
1A Middle 1.0 A 0 I2
High 3.2 A 0 I2
Low 0.01 A 0 I2
SEF Middle 0.5 A 0 I2
High 0.8 A 0 I2
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 5, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Timing Verification (IG Mode)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Current, Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) screen and
send the test settings in Table 210 to the BE1-11g.
Table 210. Timing Test Settings (IG Mode)
Pickup Setting Time Curve
0.5 A (5 A sensing), 0.1 A (1 A sensing) I2
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 51-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect a current source to BE1-11g terminals D7 and D8 (IG).
Step 4: Using the values listed in Table 211, apply the appropriate current values, and measure the
time between the application of current and the closure of OUT1. Record the results.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for all of the current and time dial settings for your current sensing type.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5, 51-6, and 51-7.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 with CT Circuit 2 as the source for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 3, replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

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Table 211. Timing Test Settings (IG Mode)

Sensing Time Applied

Type Dial Current

1.00 A
0.5 2.50 A
12.50 A
1.00 A
5A 5.0 2.50 A
12.50 A
1.00 A
9.9 2.50 A
12.50 A
0.20 A
0.5 0.50 A
2.50 A
0.20 A
1A 5.0 0.50 A
2.50 A
0.20 A
9.9 0.50 A
2.50 A
0.20 A
0.5 0.50 A
0.80 A
0.20 A
SEF 5.0 0.50 A
0.80 A
0.20 A
9.9 0.50 A
0.80 A

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification (Phase Mode)
Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 16 A for 5A sensing
0.1 to 3.2 A for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater for 5A sensing
±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater for 1A sensing

Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test BE1-11g

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Dropout should occur between 93-99% of the actual pickup value.

Actual Actual
Step Pickup Setting Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
6 0.5 A (5A sensing) 0.45 A 0.55 A 0.46 A 0.49 A P / F
7 5.0 A (5A sensing) 4.9 A 5.1 A 4.65 A 4.95 A P / F
7 16.0 A (5A sensing) 15.68 A 16.32 A 14.88 A 15.84 A P / F
6 0.1 A (1A sensing) 0.09 A 0.11 A 0.09 A 0.09 A P / F
7 1.0 A (1A sensing) 0.98 A 1.02 A 0.93 A 0.99 A P / F
7 3.2 A (1A sensing) 3.13 A 3.26 A 2.97 A 3.16 A P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (Phase Mode, 5A Sensing)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 1.00 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 2.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 12.50 A 0.100 sec 0.150 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 1.00 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 2.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 12.50 A 0.944 sec 1.044 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 1.00 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 2.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 12.50 A 1.844 sec 2.038 sec P / F

Timing Verification (Phase Mode, 1A Sensing)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 0.20 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 0.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 2.50 A 0.100 sec 0.150 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.20 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 2.50 A 0.944 sec 1.044 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.20 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 2.50 A 1.844 sec 2.038 sec P / F

Pickup Verification (3I0 Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 16 A for 5A sensing
0.1 to 3.2 A for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater for 5A sensing
±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater for 1A sensing
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Dropout should occur between 93-99% of the actual pickup value.

Actual Actual
Step Pickup Setting Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
6 0.5 A (5A sensing) 0.425 A 0.575 A 0.465 A 0.495 A P / F
7 5.0 A (5A sensing) 4.85 A 5.15 A 4.65 A 4.95 A P / F
7 16.0 A (5A sensing) 15.52 A 16.48 A 14.88 A 15.84 A P / F
6 0.1 A (1A sensing) 0.085 A 0.115 A 0.093 A 0.099 A P / F
7 1.0 A (1A sensing) 0.97 A 1.03 A 0.93 A 0.99 A P / F
7 3.2 A (1A sensing) 3.104 A 3.296 A 2.976 A 3.168 A P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (3I0 Mode, 5A Sensing)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 1.00 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 2.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 12.50 A 0.100 sec 0.150 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 1.00 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 2.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 12.50 A 0.944 sec 1.044 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 1.00 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 2.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 12.50 A 1.844 sec 2.038 sec P / F

Timing Verification (3I0 Mode, 1A Sensing)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 0.20 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 0.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 2.50 A 0.100 sec 0.150 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.20 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 2.50 A 0.944 sec 1.044 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.20 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 2.50 A 1.844 sec 2.038 sec P / F

Pickup Verification (I2 Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 16 A for 5A sensing
0.1 to 3.2 A for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater for 5A sensing
±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater for 1A sensing
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test BE1-11g
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Dropout should occur between 93-99% of the actual pickup value.

Pickup Setting Low High Low* High*
Actual Actual
Step I2 IA I2 IA Pickup I2 IA I2 IA Dropout I2 IA Pass/Fail
6 1.50 0.42 1.26 0.57 1.71 0.46 1.38 0.49 1.47 P / F
(5A CT)
7 15.00 4.85 14.55 5.15 15.45 4.65 13.95 4.95 14.85 P / F
(5A CT)
7 27.00 8.73 26.19 9.27 27.81 8.37 25.11 8.91 26.73 P / F
(5A CT)
6 0.30 0.08 0.24 0.11 0.33 0.093 0.279 0.099 0.297 P / F
(1A CT)
7 3.00 0.97 2.91 1.03 3.09 0.93 2.79 0.99 2.97 P / F
(1A CT)
7 5.40 1.74 5.22 1.85 5.55 1.67 5.01 1.78 5.34 P / F
(1A CT)

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (I2 Mode, 5A Sensing)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 3.00 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 7.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 27.00 A 0.094 sec 0.174 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 3.00 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 7.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 27.00 A 1.035 sec 1.145 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 3.00 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 7.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 27.00 A 2.023 sec 2.237 sec P / F

Timing Verification (I2 Mode, 1A Sensing)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 0.60 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 1.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 7.50 A 0.100 sec 0.150 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.60 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 1.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 7.50 A 0.944 sec 1.044 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.60 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 1.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 7.50 A 1.844 sec 2.038 sec P / F

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Pickup Verification (IG Mode)

Pickup Setting Range = 0.5 to 16 A for 5A sensing
0.1 to 3.2 A for 1A sensing
0.01 to 0.8 A for SEF
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater for 5A sensing
±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater for 1A sensing
±2.5% or ±2.5 mA, whichever is greater for SEF
Dropout should occur between 93-99% of the actual pickup value.
Actual Actual
Step Pickup Setting Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Pickup Dropout
6 0.5 A (5A sensing) 0.45 A 0.55 A 0.465 A 0.495 A P / F
7 5.0 A (5A sensing) 4.90 A 5.10 A 4.65 A 4.95 A P / F
7 16.0 A (5A sensing) 15.68 A 16.32 A 14.88 A 15.84 A P / F
6 0.1 A (1A sensing) 0.09 A 0.11 A 0.09 A 0.09 A P / F
7 1.0 A (1A sensing) 0.98 A 1.02 A 0.93 A 0.99 A P / F
7 3.2 A (1A sensing) 3.13 A 3.26 A 2.97 A 3.16 A P / F
6 0.1 A (SEF sensing) 0.0075 A 0.0125 A 0.0093 A 0.0099 A P / F
7 0.5 A (SEF sensing) 0.317 A 0.682 A 0.465 A 0.495 A P / F
7 0.8 A (SEF sensing) 0.63 A 0.97 A 0.074 A 0.792 A P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification (IG Mode, 5A Sensing)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 1.00 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 2.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 12.50 A 0.100 sec 0.150 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 1.00 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 2.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 12.50 A 0.944 sec 1.044 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 1.00 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 2.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 12.50 A 1.844 sec 2.038 sec P / F

Timing Verification (IG Mode, 1A Sensing)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 0.20 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 0.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 2.50 A 0.100 sec 0.150 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.20 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test BE1-11g
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4 5.0 I2 0.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F

4 5.0 I2 2.50 A 0.944 sec 1.044 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.20 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 2.50 A 1.844 sec 2.038 sec P / F

Timing Verification (IG Mode, SEF)

Time Dial Range = 0.0 to 9.9
Timing Accuracy = ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Dial Time Curve Applied Current Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 0.5 I2 0.20 A 0.444 sec 0.491 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 0.50 A 0.190 sec 0.240 sec P / F
4 0.5 I2 0.80 A 0.149 sec 0.197 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.20 A 4.204 sec 4.647 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.50 A 1.798 sec 1.988 sec P / F
4 5.0 I2 0.80 A 1.401 sec 1.548 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.20 A 8.300 sec 9.173 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.50 A 3.535 sec 3.907 sec P / F
4 9.9 I2 0.80 A 2.674 sec 3.111 sec P / F

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Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test BE1-11g

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Directional Overcurrent (67) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Directional Overexcitation (67) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 212 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 212. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT Connection 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection
Transformers to 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to PN
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT ration to
Transformers 1
Aux VT Connection AN System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT
Transformers connection to AN
Phase CT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT ratio to 1
67-1 CT Source* CT 1 Protection, Current, Directional Selects the CT Source for
(67-1) 67-1
Maximum Torque Angle 80° System Parameters, Power Sets MTA Pos Seq to 80
Positive Sequence System, 67-1 Maximum Torque degrees

BE1-11g Directional Overcurrent (67) Test

476 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Maximum Torque Angle 80° System Parameters, Power Sets MTA Neg Seq to 80
Negative Sequence System, 67-1 Maximum Torque degrees
Element Mode IA Protection, Current, Enables 50-1 function for
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) IA mode
Source* CT 1 Protection, Current, Selects the CT source for
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) 50-1
Direction Forward Protection, Current, Selects forward direction
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) for 50-1
Directional Source* 67-1 Protection, Current, Selects the directional
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) source for the 50-1
Element Mode 3I0 Protection, Current, Enables 50-2 function for
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-2) 3I0 mode
Source* CT 1 Protection, Current, Selects the CT source for
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-2) 50-2
Direction Forward Protection, Current, Selects forward direction
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-2) for 50-2
Directional Source* 67-1 Protection, Current, Selects the directional
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-2) source for the 50-2
Element Mode I2 Protection, Current, Enables 50-3 function for
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-3) I2 mode
Source* CT 1 Protection, Current, Selects the CT source for
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-3) 50-3
Direction Forward Protection, Current, Selects forward direction
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-3) for 50-3
Directional Source* 67-1 Protection, Current, Selects the directional
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-3) source for the 50-3
50-1 67 A Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables phase A
directional target for 50-1
50-2 67 Residual Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables residual
directional target for 50-2
50-3 67 Neg SEQ Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables Neg SEQ
directional target for 50-3

* For protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs.

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 310.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 50-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 50-2 Trip
• OUT3 closes for 30-3 Trip.
• Fault recording is enabled for 50-1, 50-2, and 50-3.

Directional Overcurrent (67) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 477

Figure 310. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Using Table 213 as a guide, send the settings to the BE1-11g. Prior to each directional test,
reset the BE1-11g targets from the previous test. Max Torque Angle setting, for positive and
zero sequence impedance angles is continuously adjustable between 0 and 90°, the default
setting of 80° is used in the test example.
Table 213. Negative-Sequence Polarization Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Polarization IG=unchecked Protection, Current, Directional Selects negative sequence
Method Q=checked (67-1) polarization
Pickup 2.5 A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-1 pickup to 2.5
Overcurrent (50-1) amps
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-2 pickup to 0
Overcurrent (50-2) amps
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-3 pickup to 0
Overcurrent (50-3) amps

Positive-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Phase Overcurrent Elements

Step 4: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals
C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Connect a variable ac
current source to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-polarity).
Step 5: Set A-phase current source to 0 amps with an angle of 80 degrees lagging (positive-sequence
torque angle) and slowly increase the current until OUT1 closes. Decrease A-phase current until
OUT1 just drops out. Pickup will occur within ±2% of the 50-1 pickup setting (2.45 A to 2.55A).
Dropout will occur at approximately 95% of the actual pickup value. Verify that there is a 50-1-
67-A target on the front-panel display.
Step 6: With three-phase voltage still applied, increase the A-phase current until OUT1 closes. Swing
the angle of the applied current +90 degrees and –90 degrees away from the 80-degree
positive-sequence torque angle. Verify that OUT1 opens at approximately 170 degrees lagging

BE1-11g Directional Overcurrent (67) Test

478 9424200994 Rev R

and 350 degrees lagging. OUT1 should remain closed from 170 to 180, and continuing through
350 degrees lagging (defined as forward trip direction).

Negative-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Phase Overcurrent Elements

Step 7: Apply a 120 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals C13 (A-phase),
C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Reduce the A-phase voltage to 40 Vac. View
the Metering screen on the front-panel display to verify that negative-sequence voltage is
greater than 1 volt.
Step 8: Set A-phase current source to 0 amps with an angle of 80 degrees lagging (same as negative-
sequence torque angle) and slowly increase the current until OUT1 closes. Pickup will occur
within ±2% of the 50-1 pickup setting (2.45 A to 2.55A). Decrease A-phase current until OUT1
just drops out. Dropout will occur at approximately 95% of the actual pickup value. Verify that
there is a 50-1-67-A target on the front-panel display.
Step 9: With the same voltage still applied, increase the A-phase current until OUT1 closes. Swing the
angle of the applied current +90 degrees and –90 degrees away from the 80-degree negative-
sequence torque angle. Verify that OUT1 opens at approximately 170 degrees lagging and 350
degrees lagging. OUT1 should remain closed from 170 to 180, and continuing through 350
degrees lagging (defined as forward trip direction).
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 4 through 9 for B-phase current (D3 and D4) and C-phase current (D5
and D6).

Negative-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Negative-Sequence Overcurrent Elements

Step 11: Using Table 214 as a guide, send the settings to the BE1-11g.
Table 214. Directional, Negative-Sequence Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-1 pickup to 0 amps
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-2 pickup to 0 amps
Pickup 0.5 A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-3 pickup to 0.5
(50-3) amps
Step 12: Apply a 120 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals C13 (A-phase),
C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Reduce the A-phase voltage to 40 Vac. View
the Metering screen on the front-panel display to verify that negative-sequence voltage is
greater than 1 volt.
Step 13: Set A-phase current source to 0 amps with an angle of 80 degrees lagging (same as negative-
sequence torque angle) and slowly increase the current until OUT3 closes (Negative-Sequence
Pickup current will be approximately 1/3 the applied A-phase current value). Decrease A-phase
current until OUT3 just drops out. Pickup will occur within ±2% of the 50-3 pickup setting (0.4 A
to 0.6 A). Dropout will occur at approximately 95% of the actual pickup value. Verify that there is
a 50-3-67-Neg SEQ target on the front-panel display.
Step 14: With the same voltage still applied, increase the A-phase current until OUT3 closes. Swing the
angle of the applied current +90 degrees and –90 degrees away from the 80-degree negative-
sequence torque angle. Verify that OUT3 opens at approximately 170 degrees lagging and 350
degrees lagging. OUT3 should remain closed from 170 to 180, and continuing through 350
degrees lagging (defined as forward trip direction).
Step 15: Using Table 215 as a guide, send the settings to the BE1-11g.

Directional Overcurrent (67) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 479

Table 215. Directional, Neutral Operational Settings

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-1 pickup to 0 amps
Pickup 2.0 A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-2 pickup to 2.0
(50-2) amps
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-3 pickup to 0 amps
Step 16: Apply a 120 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals C13 (A-phase),
C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral). Reduce the A-phase voltage to 40 Vac.
View the Metering screen on the front-panel display to verify that negative-sequence voltage is
greater than 1 volt.
Step 17: Set A-phase current source to 0 amps with an angle of 80 degrees lagging (same as negative-
sequence torque angle) and slowly increase the current until OUT2 closes. Decrease A-phase
current until OUT2 just drops out. Pickup will occur within ±2% of the 50-2 pickup setting (1.96 A
to 2.04 A). Dropout will occur at approximately 95% of the actual pickup value. Verify that there
is a 50-2-67-Residual target on the front-panel display.
Step 18: With the same voltage still applied, increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes. Swing the
angle of the applied current +90 degrees and –90 degrees away from the 80-degree negative-
sequence torque angle. Verify that OUT2 opens at approximately 170 degrees lagging and 350
degrees lagging. OUT2 should remain closed from 170 through 80 to 350 degrees lagging
(defined as forward trip direction).

Negative-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Ground Overcurrent Elements

Step 19: Using Table 216 as a guide, send the settings to the BE1-11g.
Table 216. Directional, Negative-Sequence Polarizing, Neutral Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-1 pickup to 0 amps
Pickup 2.0 A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-2 pickup to 2.0 amps
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent Sets 50-3 pickup to 0 amps
Step 20: Apply a 120 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals C13 (A-phase),
C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral). Reduce the A-phase voltage to 40 Vac.
View the Metering screen on the front-panel display to verify that negative-sequence voltage is
greater than 1 volt.
Step 21: Set A-phase current source to 0 amps with an angle of 80 degrees lagging (same as torque-
sequence line angle) and slowly increase the current until OUT2 closes. Decrease A-phase
current until OUT2 just drops out. Pickup will occur within ±2% of the 50-2 pickup setting (1.96 A
to 2.04 A). Dropout will occur at approximately 95% of the actual pickup value. Verify that there
is a 50-2-67-Residual target on the front-panel display.
Step 22: With the same voltage still applied, increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes. Swing the
angle of the applied current +90 degrees and –90 degrees away from the 80-degree positive-
sequence torque angle. Verify that OUT2 opens at approximately 170 degrees lagging and 350
degrees lagging. OUT2 should remain closed from 170 through 80 to 350 degrees lagging
(defined as forward trip direction).

BE1-11g Directional Overcurrent (67) Test

480 9424200994 Rev R

Zero-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Ground Overcurrent Elements

Step 23: Using Table 217 as a guide, send the settings to the BE1-11g.
Table 217. Directional, Voltage Polarizing, Neutral Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Polarization IG=unchecked Protection, Current, Directional Selects negative
Method Q=unchecked (67-1) sequence polarization
Zero Sequence VOIN Protection, Current, Directional Selects VOIN for zero
Mode (67-1) sequence mode
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-1 pickup to 0
Overcurrent (50-1) amps
Pickup 2.0 A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-2 pickup to 2.0
Overcurrent (50-2) amps
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-3 pickup to 0
Overcurrent (50-3) amps

Step 24: Apply a 120 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals C13 (A-phase),
C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral). Reduce the A-phase voltage to 40 Vac.
View the Metering screen on the front-panel display to verify that the zero sequence voltage is
greater than 80 volts.
Step 25: Set A-phase current source to 0 amps with an angle of 80 degrees lagging (zero sequence line
angle) and slowly increase the current until OUT2 closes. Decrease A-phase current until OUT2
just drops out. Pickup will occur within ±2% of the 50-2 pickup setting (1.96 A to 2.04 A).
Dropout will occur at approximately 95% of the actual pickup value. Verify that there is a 50-2-
67-Residual target on the front-panel display.
Step 26: With the same voltage still applied, increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes. Swing the
angle of the applied current +90 degrees and –90 degrees away from the 80-degree zero-
sequence line angle. Verify that OUT2 opens at approximately 170 degrees lagging and 350
degrees lagging. OUT2 should remain closed from 170 through 80 to 350 degrees lagging
(defined as forward trip direction). Steps 23 through 26 verify polarizing reference quantities
V0IN, with 50-2 set to operate for calculated 3I0 as per Table 212. The 50-2 element can also
be set to operate for measured ground current IG while still being polarized by V0IN. To verify,
connect A-phase current in series with IG current. That is, polarity current should go in D1 out
D2, in D7 out D8. Repeat steps 24 through 26 with 50-2 mode set for IG operate and 50-2
target set for 50-2-67-IND GND. Verify that there is a 50-2-67-IND GND target on the front-
panel display.
Step 27: Set Zero Sequence Mode to VOIG on the Protection, Current, Directional (67-1) screen. The
polarizing reference quantities are V0 compared to IG measured. This compares calculated V0
to measured IG (independent ground input). Repeat steps 24 through 26 with A-phase current
connected in series with IG current. That is, polarity current should go in D1 out D2, in D7 out
D8.Verify that there is a 50-2-67-IND GND target on the front-panel display. Note that 50-2 can
also be set to operate for calculated IN (3I0) while still being polarized by V0IG. Verify operation
by repeating steps 24 through 26 with 50-2 set for 3I0 operate. Verify that there is a 50-2-67-
Residual target on the front-panel display.
Step 28: Set Zero Sequence Mode to VXIG on the Protection, Current, Directional (67-1) screen. Set 50-
2 mode to IG on the Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-2) screen. The
polarizing reference quantities are an external source of 3V0 applied at the VX input compared
to measured IG (independent ground input). Apply polarity of a single-phase voltage source (30
Vac at nominal frequency) to terminal C17 and non-polarity to C18 at an angle of 180 degrees
lagging. An angle of 180 degrees is used to simulate a broken delta voltage where polarity to
non-polarity is 180 degrees out of phase with, for example, the A-phase current during an A-
phase to ground fault. The BE1-11g internally compensates for the 180 degree phase difference

Directional Overcurrent (67) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 481

such that polarity voltage from the broken delta source connected to polarity of the BE1-11g
results in a 0 degree condition for a Forward fault. To verify, connect A-phase current in series
with IG current. That is, polarity current should go in D1 out D2, in D7 out D8. Repeat steps 25
and 26 with 50-2 set for IG operate. Verify that there is a 50-2-67-IND GND target on the front-
panel display. Note that 50-2 can also be set to operate for calculated IN (3I0) while still being
polarized by VXIG. Verify operation by repeating steps 25 and 26 with 50-2 set for 3I0 operate.
Verify that there is a 50-2-67-Residual target on the front-panel display.
Step 29: Set Zero Sequence Mode to VXIN on the Protection, Current, Directional (67-1) screen. The
polarizing reference quantities are an external source of 3V0 applied at the VX input compared
to the calculated IN (3I0) quantity. Apply polarity of a single-phase voltage source (30 Vac at
nominal frequency) to terminal C17 and non-polarity to C18 at an angle of 180 degrees lagging.
An angle of 180 degrees is used to simulate a broken delta voltage where polarity to non-
polarity is 180 degrees out of phase with, for example, the A-phase current during an A-phase
to ground fault. The BE1-11g internally compensates for the 180 degree phase difference such
that polarity voltage from the broken delta source connected to polarity of the BE1-11g results in
a 0 degree condition for a Forward fault. To verify, connect A-phase current in series with IG
current. That is, polarity current should go in D1 out D2 and in D7 out D8 if IG is available.
Repeat steps 25 and 26 with 50-2 set for 3I0 operate. Verify that there is a 50-2-67-Residual
target on the front-panel display. Note that 50-2 can also be set to operate for measured
independent ground (IG) while still being polarized by VXIN. Verify operation by repeating steps
25 and 26 with 50-2 set for 3I0 operate. Verify that there is a 50-2-67-Residual target on the
front-panel display.
Step 30: Repeat steps 4 through 29 for "Reverse Polarization." BE1-11g operation will occur 180
degrees away from the Positive and Negative Sequence torque angle (both at 80 degrees or
260 degrees I lags E in our example). Verify that the output contacts remain closed from 170
through 260 to 350 degrees I lags E.
Step 31: (Optional.) Repeat steps 4 through 30 for 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6. Setup commands and
associated operational setting Tables must be modified accordingly.
Step 32: (Optional.) Repeat steps 4 through 31 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 33: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 33 with CT Circuit 2 selected as the CT source for the
instantaneous overcurrent (50) and directional overcurrent (67) elements, and 67-2 as the
directional source, for protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. In Step 1, D7 with F7,
D8 with F8.

Zero-Sequence Current Polarization

Use setup commands in Table 212. Using Table 218 as a guide, send the settings to the BE1-11g.
Table 218. Directional, Current-Polarizing, Neutral Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Polarization IG=checked Protection, Current, Directional Selects zero sequence
Method Q=unchecked (67-1) current polarization
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-1 pickup to 0 amps
Overcurrent (50-1)
Pickup 2.0 A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-2 pickup to 2.0
Overcurrent (50-2) amps
Pickup 0A Protection, Current, Instantaneous Sets 50-3 pickup to 0 amps
Overcurrent (50-3)
Step 1: Apply 2 Aac current at 0 degrees to the independent ground input IG, terminals D7 (polarity)
and D8 (non-polarity). No ac voltage is required for this test.
Step 2: From a second current source, apply 0 amp A-phase current at an angle of 0 degrees and
slowly increase the current until OUT2 closes. Decrease A-phase current until OUT2 just drops

BE1-11g Directional Overcurrent (67) Test

482 9424200994 Rev R

out. Pickup will occur within ±2% of the 50-2 pickup setting (1.96 A to 2.04 A). Dropout will
occur at approximately 95% of the actual pickup value. Verify that there is a 50-2-67-Residual
target on the front-panel display.
Step 3: With the same polarizing current applied, increase the A-phase current until OUT2 closes.
Swing the angle of the applied current +90 degrees and –90 degrees away from the 0. Verify
that OUT2 opens at approximately 90 degrees lagging and 270 degrees lagging. OUT2 should
remain closed from 90 through 0 to 270 degrees lagging (defined as forward trip direction).
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 through 4 for "Reverse Polarization by selecting Reverse direction on the
Protection, Current, Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-2) screen. BE1-11g operation will occur at
180 degrees lagging. Swing the angle of the applied current +90 degrees and –90 degrees
away from the 180 degrees. Verify that OUT2 opens at approximately 90 degrees lagging and
270 degrees lagging. OUT2 should remain closed from 90 through 180 to 270 degrees lagging
(defined as reverse trip direction).
Step 5: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for 50-4, 50-5, and 50-6. Setup commands in Table 212
and operational settings in Table 218 must be modified accordingly.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 with CT Circuit 2 selected as the CT source for the
instantaneous overcurrent (50) and directional overcurrent (67) elements, and 67-2 as the
directional source, for protection systems equipped with two sets of CTs. In Step 1, D7 with F7,
D8 with F8.

Functional Test Report

Steps Function Pass/Fail

4-6 Positive-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Phase Overcurrent Elements P / F
7-10 Negative-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Phase Overcurrent Elements P / F
11-18 Negative-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Negative-Sequence Overcurrent Elements P / F
19-22 Negative-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Ground Overcurrent Elements P / F
23-32 Zero-Sequence Voltage Polarizing, Ground Overcurrent Elements P / F
1-6 Zero-Sequence Current Polarization P / F

Directional Overcurrent (67) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 483

Phase Current Differential (87) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Phase Current Differential (87) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Restrained Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification (Maximum Restraint)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 219. Reset all targets.
Table 219. Operational Settings (87R - Maximum)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Nominal Phase 69.3 V System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Voltage secondary sensing voltage
to 69.3 V
Nominal Phase 5A System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Current secondary sensing current
to 5 A
Nominal Aux. 69.3 V System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Voltage secondary auxiliary voltage
to 69.3 V
Phase CT 1 Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets the phase CT 1 ratio
Transformers to 1
CT 1 Connection WYE System Parameters, Sensing Sets the CT 1 connection
Transformers to WYE
Phase CT 2 Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets the phase CT 2 ratio
Transformers to 1

BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Test

484 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

CT 2 Connection WYE System Parameters, Sensing Sets the CT 2 connection
Transformers to WYE
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection
Connection Transformers to 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Circuit 1 WYE System Parameters, Transformer Configures the primary side
Transformer Setup for a WYE connection
Circuit 1 Ground No System Parameters, Transformer Disables the primary
Compensation Setup winding zero sequence trap
(Optional) Circuit Primary System Parameters, Transformer Establishes circuit 1 on the
1 Diff. Circuit Setup primary side of the
transformer. For report
labeling purposes only.
Circuit 1 Polarity Normal System Parameters, Transformer Sets the phase rotation of
Setup circuit 1 for ABC
Circuit 1 Phase A System Parameters, Transformer Sets A-phase in circuit 1
Relationship Setup equal to the phase
relationship setting for
circuit 2
Circuit 2 WYE System Parameters, Transformer Configures the secondary
Transformer Setup side for a WYE connection
Circuit 2 Ground No System Parameters, Transformer Disables the secondary
Compensation Setup winding zero sequence trap
(Optional) Circuit Secondary System Parameters, Transformer Establishes circuit 2 on the
2 Diff. Circuit Setup secondary side of the
transformer. For report
labeling purposes only.
Circuit 2 Polarity Normal System Parameters, Transformer Sets the phase rotation of
Setup circuit 2 for ABC
Circuit 2 Phase A System Parameters, Transformer Sets A-phase in circuit 2
Relationship Setup equal to the phase
relationship setting for
circuit 1
(Optional) IEC Wye System Parameters, Transformer Configures the primary side
Setup Winding 1 Primary Setup, IEC Transformer Setup for a WYE connection
(Optional) IEC y0 System Parameters, Transformer Configures the secondary
Setup Winding 2 Secondary Setup, IEC Transformer Setup side for a WYE connection
with normal ABC phase
Circuit 1 Tap 2.00 System Parameters, Transformer Sets the tap for circuit 1 to
Setup 2.00 A secondary
Circuit 2 Tap 2.00 System Parameters, Transformer Sets the tap for circuit 2 to
Setup 2.00 A secondary

Phase Current Differential (87) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 485

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Mode Percent Protection, Current, Phase Sets the type of operation
Differential Differential (87) protection to traditional
phase current differential
Slope Mode Maximum Protection, Current, Phase Sets the element to operate
Differential (87) using maximum restraint
Min. Rest. Pickup 0.10 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the minimum amount
(MOT) Differential (87) of operate current required
for a trip to 0.10x tap
Restraint Slope 1 20 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the 1 slope of the
(%) Differential (87) restraint characteristic to
nd nd
2 Slope Pickup 3.00 Protection, Current, Phase The 2 slope is active
(MOT) Differential (87) when the measured
maximum restraint current
is greater 3x tap
Restraint Slope 2 40 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the 2 slope of the
(%) Differential (87) restraint characteristic to
Time Delay (ms) 100 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the trip time delay to
Differential (87) 100 ms
(Optional) Independent Protection, Current, Phase Sets the harmonic restraint
Harmonics Mode Differential (87) for independent phase
(Optional) 2 12 Protection, Current, Phase, Sets the second harmonic
Harmonic (%) Differential (87) restraint threshold to 12%
of the fundamental
(Optional) 5 35 Protection , Current, Phase Sets the fifth harmonic
Harmonic (%) Differential (87) restraint threshold to 35%
of the fundamental
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 311.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 87 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 87 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.
Step 3: Prepare to monitor the 87R function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 311).
Step 4: To test the Minimum Restrained Pickup setting, connect two balanced three-phase current
sources to the BE1-11g in ABC rotation: 0.5∠0°, 0.5∠–120°, 0.5∠120° amps to terminals D1
through D6 and 0.5∠180°, 0.5∠60°, 0.5∠–60° amps to terminals F1 through F6 (0.25x tap).
Step 5: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 0.70 A ±0.05 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 6: Slowly decrease the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 reopens and record the
dropout. See the functional test report for acceptable ranges.
Step 7: Reset to the current levels in Step 5 and reset all targets.

BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Test

486 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 311. BESTlogicPlus Settings (87R)

Step 8: Slowly decrease the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 0.30 A ±0.05 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 9: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 reopens and record the
dropout. See the functional test report for acceptable ranges.
Step 10: To test the Restraint Slope 1 setting, connect two balanced three-phase current sources to the
BE1-11g in ABC rotation: 3.0∠0°, 3.0∠–120°, 3.0∠120° amps to terminals D1 through D6 and
3.0∠180°, 3.0∠60°, 3.0∠–60° amps to terminals F1 through F6 (1.5x tap).
Step 11: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 3.75 A ±0.08 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 12: Reset to the current levels in Step 9 and reset all targets.
Step 13: Slowly decrease the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 2.40 A ±0.05 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 14: To test the Restraint Slope 2 setting, connect two balanced three-phase current sources to the
BE1-11g in ABC rotation: 6.5∠0°, 6.5∠–120°, 6.5∠120° amps to terminals D1 through D6 and
6.5∠180°, 6.5∠60°, 6.5∠–60° amps to terminals F1 through F6 (3.25x tap).
Step 15: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 8.83 A ±0.18 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 16: Reset to the current levels in Step 12 and reset all targets.
Step 17: Slowly decrease the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 5.10 A ±0.10 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 18: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 17 for the B-phase and C-phase current inputs.
Step 19: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 18 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Pickup Verification (Average Restraint)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 220. Reset all targets.
Table 220. Operational Settings (87R - Average)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Nominal Phase 69.3 V System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal secondary
Voltage sensing voltage to 69.3 V

Phase Current Differential (87) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 487

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Nominal Phase 5A System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal secondary
Current sensing current to 5 amps
Nominal Aux. 69.3 V System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal secondary
Voltage auxiliary voltage to 69.3 V
Phase CT 1 Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets the phase CT ratio to 1
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection
Connection Transformers to 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral
Circuit 1 WYE System Parameters, Transformer Configures the primary side
Transformer Setup for a WYE connection
Circuit 1 Ground No System Parameters, Transformer Disables the primary
Compensation Setup winding zero sequence trap
(Optional) Circuit 1 Primary System Parameters, Transformer Establishes circuit 1 on the
Diff. Circuit Setup primary side of the
transformer. For report
labeling purposes only.
Circuit 1 Polarity Normal System Parameters, Transformer Sets the phase rotation of
Setup circuit 1 for ABC
Circuit 1 Phase A System Parameters, Transformer Sets A-phase in circuit 1
Relationship Setup equal to the phase
relationship setting for
circuit 2
Circuit 2 WYE System Parameters, Transformer Configures the secondary
Transformer Setup side for a WYE connection
Circuit 2 Ground No System Parameters, Transformer Disables the secondary
Compensation Setup winding zero sequence trap
(Optional) Circuit 2 Secondary System Parameters, Transformer Establishes circuit 2 on the
Diff. Circuit Setup secondary side of the
transformer. For report
labeling purposes only.
Circuit 2 Polarity Normal System Parameters, Transformer Sets the phase rotation of
Setup circuit 2 for ABC
Circuit 2 Phase A System Parameters, Transformer Sets A-phase in circuit 2
Relationship Setup equal to the phase
relationship setting for
circuit 1
(Optional) IEC Wye System Parameters, Transformer Configures the primary side
Setup Winding 1 Primary Setup, IEC Transformer Setup for a WYE connection
(Optional) IEC y0 System Parameters, Transformer Configures the secondary
Setup Winding 2 Secondary Setup, IEC Transformer Setup side for a WYE connection
with normal ABC phase

BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Test

488 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Circuit 1 Tap 2.00 System Parameters, Transformer Sets the tap for circuit 1 to
Setup 2.00 A secondary
Circuit 2 Tap 2.00 System Parameters, Transformer Sets the tap for circuit 2 to
Setup 2.00 A secondary
Mode Percent Protection, Current, Phase Sets the type of operation
Differential Differential (87) protection to traditional
phase current differential
Slope Mode Average Protection, Current, Phase Sets the element to operate
Differential (87) using average restraint
Min. Rest. Pickup 0.10 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the minimum amount
(MOT) Differential (87) of operate current required
for a trip to 0.10x tap
Restraint Slope 1 20 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the 1 slope of the
(%) Differential (87) restraint characteristic to
nd nd
2 Slope Pickup 3.00 Protection, Current, Phase The 2 slope is active when
(MOT) Differential (87) the measured maximum
restraint current is greater
3x tap
Restraint Slope 2 40 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the 2 slope of the
(%) Differential (87) restraint characteristic to
(Optional) Enabled Protection, Current, Phase Enables the unrestrained
Unrestrained Differential (87) element
Tripping Mode
(Optional) 2 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the operate current
Unrestrained Differential (87) pickup for unrestrained
Tripping Pickup tripping to 2x tap
Time Delay (ms) 100 Protection, Current, Phase Sets the trip time delay to
Differential (87) 100 ms
(Optional) Shared Protection, Current, Phase Sets the harmonic restraint
Harmonics Mode Differential (87) for shared phase operation
(Optional) 2 12 Protection, Current, Phase, Sets the second harmonic
Harmonic (%) Differential (87) restraint threshold to 12%
of the fundamental
(Optional) 5 35 Protection , Current, Phase Sets the fifth harmonic
Harmonic (%) Differential (87) restraint threshold to 35%
of the fundamental
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic previously shown in
Figure 311.
Step 3: Prepare to monitor the 87R function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 311).
Step 4: To test the Minimum Restrained Pickup setting, connect two balanced three-phase current
sources to the BE1-11g in ABC rotation: 0.5∠0°, 0.5∠–120°, 0.5∠120° amps to terminals D1
through D6 and 0.5∠180°, 0.5∠60°, 0.5∠–60° amps to terminals F1 through F6 (0.25x tap).

Phase Current Differential (87) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 489

Step 5: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 0.70 A ±0.05 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 6: Slowly decrease the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 reopens and record the
dropout. See the functional test report for acceptable ranges.
Step 7: Reset to the current levels in step 5 and reset all targets.
Step 8: Slowly decrease the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 0.30 A ±0.05 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 9: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 reopens and record the
dropout. See the functional test report for acceptable ranges.
Step 10: To test the Restraint Slope 1 setting, connect two balanced three-phase current sources to the
BE1-11g in ABC rotation: 3.0∠0°, 3.0∠–120°, 3.0∠120° amps to terminals D1 through D6 and
3.0∠180°, 3.0∠60°, 3.0∠–60° amps to terminals F1 through F6 (1.5x tap).
Step 11: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 3.67 A ±0.07 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 12: Reset to the current levels in step 9 and reset all targets.
Step 13: Slowly decrease the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 2.46 A ±0.05 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 14: To test the Restraint Slope 2 setting, connect two balanced three-phase current sources to the
BE1-11g in ABC rotation:6.5∠0°, 6.5∠–120°, 6.5∠120° amps to terminals D1 through D6 and
6.5∠180°, 6.5∠60°, 6.5∠–60° amps to terminals F1 through F6 (3.25x tap).
Step 15: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 8.25 A ±0.17 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 16: Reset to the current levels in step 12 and reset all targets.
Step 17: Slowly decrease the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 5.32 A ±0.11 A. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 18: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 17 for the B-phase and C-phase current inputs.
Step 19: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 18 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Timing Verification (Maximum or Average Restraint)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to verify the operational settings in Table 219 (Maximum) or 2 (Average)
and logic in Figure 311. Reset all targets.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 87 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between OUT2 (pickup) and OUT1 (trip) closing.
Step 3: Connect two balanced three-phase current sources to the BE1-11g in ABC rotation: 3.0∠0°,
3.0∠–120°, 3.0∠120° amps to terminals D1 through D6 and 3.0∠180°, 3.0∠60°, 3.0∠–60° amps
to terminals F1 through F6.
Step 4: Slowly increase the A-phase current in CT circuit 1 or 2 until OUT2 closes. Record the time
between OUT2 and OUT1 closing. This should be 100 ms ± (50 ms + 2 cycles).
Step 5: (Optional) Repeat steps 1 through4 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Test

490 9424200994 Rev R

Unrestrained Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to verify the operational settings in Table 220 and logic in Figure 312.
Reset all targets.

Figure 312. BESTlogicPlus Settings (87U)

Step 2: Prepare to monitor the unrestrained 87 element. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT1
(see Figure 312).
Step 3: Connect a single-phase current source to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-
Step 4: Slowly increase the current magnitude until OUT1 closes and record the pickup. This should
occur at 4.0 A ±0.08 A. Verify that there is an 87 Unrestrained A target on the HMI screen.
Step 5: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for B-phase (terminals D3 and D4) and C-phase (terminals
D5 and D6).
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Harmonic Restraint Functional Test Procedure

Second Harmonic Restraint Verification (Independent)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 219 and verify the logic in
Figure 311. Reset all targets.
Step 2: Connect in parallel an A-phase current source of 50 or 60-hertz and a second A-phase current
source of twice the applied fundamental (100 or 120-hertz) to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity)
and D2 (A-phase non-polarity).
Step3: Apply 2 amps at 0° of the 50 or 60-hertz source. OUT2 should close immediately and OUT1
after the programmed time delay of 100 ms. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
display screen.
Step 4: Increase the second harmonic current source until OUT1 opens and record the magnitude of
the second harmonic source.
Step 5: To calculate the second-harmonic Restraint percentage, divide the second-harmonic current
measured in step 4 by the current applied in step 3. (Divide the harmonic current by the
fundamental current.). This should be 12% or 0.24 A ±0.05 A.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the B-phase (terminals D3 and D4) and C-phase
(terminals D5 and D6) current inputs.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Phase Current Differential (87) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 491

Second-Harmonic Restraint Verification (Shared)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 220 and verify the logic in
Figure 311. Reset all targets.
Step 2: Connect in parallel a balanced, three-phase current source of 50 or 60-hertz and a second
three-phase current source of twice the applied fundamental (100 or 120-hertz) to terminals D1
through D6.
Step3: Apply 2 amps at 0° of the 50 or 60-hertz source. OUT2 should close immediately and OUT1
after the programmed time delay of 100 ms. Verify that there is an 87A, 87B, and 87C target on
the front-panel display.
Step 4: Increase the second-harmonic current source until OUT1 opens and record the magnitude of
the second-harmonic source.
Step 5: To calculate the second-harmonic restraint percentage, divide the second-harmonic current
measured in step 4 by the current applied in step 3 and multiply the result by 3. This should be
12% or 3 x (0.08 A each phase) ±0.05 A.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Fifth-Harmonic Restraint Verification (Independent)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 219 and verify the logic in
Figure 311. Reset all targets.
Step 2: Connect in parallel an A-phase current source of 50 or 60-hertz and a second A-phase current
source of five times the applied fundamental (250 or 300-hertz) to terminals D1 (A-phase
polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-polarity).
Step3: Apply 2 amps at 0° of the 50 or 60-hertz source. OUT2 should close immediately and OUT1
after the programmed time delay of 100 ms. Verify that there is an 87A target on the front-panel
Step 4: Increase the fifth-harmonic current source until OUT1 opens and record the magnitude of the
fifth-harmonic source.
Step 5: To calculate the fifth-harmonic restraint percentage, divide the fifth-harmonic current measured
in step 4 by the current applied in step 3. (Divide the harmonic current by the fundamental
current.). This should be 35% or 0.70 A ±0.05 A.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the B-phase (terminals D3 and D4) and C-phase
(terminals D5 and D6) current inputs.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Fifth-Harmonic Restraint Verification (Shared)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 220 and verify the logic in
Figure 311. Reset all targets.
Step 2: Connect in parallel a balanced, three-phase current source of 50 or 60-hertz and a second
three-phase current source of five times the applied fundamental (250 or 300-hertz) to
terminals D1 through D6.
Step3: Apply 2 amps at 0° of the 50 or 60-hertz source. OUT2 should close immediately and OUT1
after the programmed time delay of 100 ms. Verify that there is an 87A, 87B, and 87C target on
the front-panel display.
Step 4: Increase the fifth-harmonic current source until OUT1 opens and record the magnitude of the
fifth-harmonic source.
Step 5: To calculate the fifth-harmonic restraint percentage, divide the fifth-harmonic current measured
in step 4 by the current applied in step 3 and multiply the result by 3. This should be 35% or 3 x
(0.233 A each phase) ±0.05 A.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Test
492 9424200994 Rev R

Functional Test Reports

Restrained Pickup Verification (Maximum Restraint)
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05A, whichever is greater.
Dropout = (1 - 0.1) * pickup
Pickup Actual Actual
Step Low High Low High Pass/Fail
Setting Pickup Dropout
5/6 - MRPU 0.70 A 0.65 A 0.75 A 0.59 A 0.68 A P / F
8/9 - MRPU 0.30 A 0.25 A 0.35 A 0.28 A 0.39 A P / F
11 – Slope 1 3.75 A 3.68 A 3.83 A N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F
13 – Slope 1 2.40 A 2.35 A 2.45 A N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F
15 – Slope 2 8.83 A 8.66 A 9.00 A N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F
17 – Slope 2 5.10 A 5.00 A 5.20 A N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F

* Dropout verified in previous steps.

Restrained Pickup Verification (Average Restraint)

Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05A, whichever is greater.
Dropout = (1 - 0.1) * pickup
Pickup Actual Actual
Step Low High Low High Pass/Fail
Setting Pickup Dropout
5/6 - MRPU 0.70 A 0.65 A 0.75 A 0.59 A 0.68 A P / F
8/9 - MRPU 0.30 A 0.25 A 0.35 A 0.28 A 0.39 A P / F
11 – Slope 1 3.67 A 3.59 A 3.74 A N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F
13 – Slope 1 2.46 A 2.41 A 2.51 A N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F
15 – Slope 2 8.25 A 8.09 A 8.42 A N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F
17 – Slope 2 5.32 A 5.21 A 5.42 A N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F

* Dropout verified in previous steps.

Restrained Timing Verification (Maximum or Average Restraint)

Time Delay Range = 0 to 60,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±1/2 cycle, whichever is greater, plus 1¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5
times the pickup setting. 1¾ cycles maximum for a current of 2 times pickup. Two cycles maximum for a
current of 1.05 times the pickup setting.
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 100 ms 62.5 ms 163 ms P / F

Unrestrained Pickup Verification

Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05A, whichever is greater.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail
4 4.00 A 3.92 A 4.08 A P / F

Phase Current Differential (87) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 493

2nd Harmonic Restraint Verification (Independent)

Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05A, whichever is greater.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail
5 0.24 A 0.19 A 0.29 A P / F

2nd Harmonic Restraint Verification (Shared)

Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05A, whichever is greater.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail
5 3 x (0.08) A 3x (0.06) A 3 x (0.10) A P / F

5 Harmonic Restraint Verification (Independent)
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05A, whichever is greater.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail
5 0.24 A 0.19 A 0.29 A P / F

5th Harmonic Restraint Verification (Shared)

Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.05A, whichever is greater.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail
5 3 x (0.23) A 3x (0.22) A 3 x (0.25) A P / F

BE1-11g Phase Current Differential (87) Test

494 9424200994 Rev R

Phase Current Differential (87) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 495

Neutral Current Differential (87N) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 221. Reset targets.
Table 221. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Nominal Phase 69.3 V System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Voltage secondary sensing voltage
to 69.3 V
Nominal Phase 5A System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Current secondary sensing current
to 5 A
Nominal Aux. 69.3 V System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Voltage secondary auxiliary voltage
to 69.3 V
Phase CT 1 Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets the phase CT ratio to
Transformers 1
Ground CT 1 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets the ground CT ratio to
Ratio Transformers 1
Circuit 1 WYE System Parameters, Transformer Configures the primary
Transformer Setup side for a WYE connection

BE1-11g Neutral Current Differential (87N) Test

496 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Circuit 1 Ground No System Parameters, Transformer Disables the primary
Compensation Setup winding zero sequence
(Optional) Circuit Primary System Parameters, Transformer Establishes circuit 1 on the
1 Diff. Circuit Setup primary side of the
transformer. For report
labeling purposes only.
Circuit 1 Polarity Normal System Parameters, Transformer Sets the phase rotation of
Setup circuit 1 for ABC
Circuit 1 Phase A System Parameters, Transformer Sets A-phase in circuit 1
Relationship Setup equal to the phase
relationship setting for
circuit 2
Mode Enabled Protection, Current, Neutral Enables the neutral
Differential (87N-1) differential element
Iop Minimum (A) 2.00 Protection, Current, Neutral Sets the minimum operate
Differential (87N-1) current required for pickup
to 2 A
Time Delay (ms) 100 Protection, Current, Neutral Sets the time to trip after a
Differential (87N-1) pickup to 100 ms
Overcorrection 1.30 Protection, Current, Neutral Sets the sensitivity of the
Coefficient Differential (87N-1) directional sensing by
using a factor of 1.30
CT Flip No Protection, Current, Neutral Stipulates that IG is in
Differential (87N-1) phase with 3I0 for internal
CT Source CT1, IG1 Protection, Current, Neutral Sets the differential zone
Differential (87N-1) with CT1 and IG1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 313.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 87N-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 87N-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 313. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Prepare to monitor the 87N-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(see Figure 313).
Step 4: Connect a single-phase 60-Hz current source to terminals D1 and D2 (CT1 A-phase): 3.0 A
∠0°. Connect a single-phase current source to terminals D7 and D8 (IG input): 3.0 A ∠180°.
Verify that Iop is around zero amps.

Neutral Current Differential (87N) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 497

Step 5: Slowly increase the magnitude of the IG current input until OUT2 closes and record the pickup.
This should occur at 5.0 A ±0.05 A. Verify that there is an 87N-1 target on the front-panel
Step 6: Reset the currents according to step 4. Reset all targets.
Step 7: To verify directional blocking of the 87N-1 element, slowly increase the magnitude of the A-
phase current input until the magnitude reaches 5.1 A. Verify that Iop is greater than 2.0 A and
that OUT2 remains open.
Step 8: To verify the operation of the directional bias and the overcorrection coefficient, slowly increase
the angle of the A-phase current input until OUT2 closes. This should occur at approximately
Step 9: Reset the currents according to step 4. Reset all targets.
Step 10: Slowly decrease the magnitude of the A-phase current input until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 1.0 A ±0.05 A. Verify that there is an 87N-1 target on the front-
panel display.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 10 for CT input 2 and IG2.
Step 12: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 11 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Timing Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to verify the operational settings in Table 221 and logic in Figure 313.
Reset all targets.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 87 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between OUT2 (pickup) and OUT1 (trip) closing.
Step 3: Connect a single-phase current source to terminals D1 and D2 (CT1 A-phase): 1.0 A ∠0°.
Connect a single-phase current source to terminals D7 and D8 (IG input): 1.0 A ∠180°.
Step 4: Step the IG current input to 4.0 A ∠180° and verify that OUT2 closes. Record the time between
OUT2 and OUT1 closing. This should be 100 ms ±50 ms.
Step 5: Reset IG input to 1.0 A ∠180°. Reset all targets.
Step 6: (Optional) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification
Pickup Setting Range = 0.1 - 5 A
Pickup Accuracy = ±0.05 A
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail
5 5.00 A 4.95 A 5.05 A P / F
10 1.00 A 0.95 A 1.05 A P / F

Timing Verification
Time Delay Range = 50 to 60,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 100 ms 67 ms 133 ms P / F

BE1-11g Neutral Current Differential (87N) Test

498 9424200994 Rev R

Neutral Current Differential (87N) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 499

Power (32) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Power (32) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 222 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
targets. Use the same procedure for testing the 32-2 element. There are four enable modes for
the 32 elements 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3, and Total Power (Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4). The following test
uses Single Phase Tripping (1 of 3) Mode 1. Regardless of mode, the element is set for three-
phase power. Single-phase modes automatically operate at the three-phase setting divided by
the appropriate mode. Optionally, the user can test Modes 2, 3, and 4 but they are not shown.
Table 222. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Sensing Transformers
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sets phase VT connection to 4W-Y
Connection Sensing Transformers
Phase CT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sets phase CT ratio to 1
Sensing Transformers
Bus CT Selection, CT1 System Parameters, Selects CT circuit 1 as the bus source
CT Source Sensing Transformers (For protection systems equipped with 2
sets of CTs)
Element Mode 1 of 3 Protection, Power, Power Enables 32-1 function for 1 of 3 mode
Time Delay 50 ms Protection, Power, Power Sets time delay to 50 ms

BE1-11g Power (32) Test

500 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

32-1 A Over Enabled Target Configuration, Enables phase A over target for 32-1
32-1 A Under Enabled Target Configuration, Enables phase A under target for 32-1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic shown in
Figure 314.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 32-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 32-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 314. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Forward Tripping Direction (Overpower)

Step 1: Using Table 223 as a guide, send the 32-1 settings to the BE1-11g. Prior to each directional
test, reset the BE1-11g targets from the previous test.
Table 223. Forward-Overpower Test Settings
Pickup Direction Over Under
500 W Forward Over
1,000 W Forward Over
2,000 W Forward Over
Step 2: Connect and apply a 100 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals
C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Connect a variable ac
current source to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-polarity).
Step 3: Set A-phase current in phase with the voltage and slowly increase the current from 0 amps until
OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify the 32-1-A-Over target on the front-panel display.
Decrease A-phase current until OUT2 opens and record the dropout. Pickup will occur within
±3% of the three-phase 32-1 pickup setting divided by 3 (500 watts = 5 amps, 100 volts, 0
degrees I lag E)/3. See the Power (32) Protection chapter for details on single phase and total
power operation.
Step 4: With the BE1-11g picked up (OUT2 closed), change the angle of the applied current to lag the
voltage by 180 degrees and verify that OUT2 opens. This verifies that the 32-1 function is
operating in the forward trip direction and not in the reverse direction.
Step 5: Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for the 1,000 W and 2,000 W pickup settings in Table 223. Record
the results.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for B-phase and C-phase currents. (Consult the Power
(32) Protection chapter for operating details).
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 6 using 32-2 in place of 32-1.
Power (32) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 501

Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 8 with CT2 as the bus CT selection for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In Step 2 replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Reverse Tripping Direction (Overpower)

Step 1: Using Table 224 as a guide, send the 32-1 settings to the BE1-11g. Prior to each test, reset the
BE1-11g targets from the previous test.
Table 224. Reverse-Overpower Test Settings
Pickup Direction Over Under
500 W Reverse Over
Step 2: Connect and apply a 100 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals
C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Connect a variable ac
current source to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-polarity).
Step 3: Set A-phase current to lag the voltage by 180 degrees and slowly increase the current from 0
amps until OUT2 closes (1/3 of the three-phase setting) and record the pickup. Verify the 32-1-
A-Over target on the front-panel display. Decrease A-phase current until OUT2 opens and
record the dropout. Pickup will occur within ±3% of the 32-1 pickup setting (500 watts = 5 amps,
100 volts, 180 degrees I lag E)/3.
Step 4: With the BE1-11g picked up (OUT2 closed), change the angle of the applied current to 0
degrees I lag E and verify that OUT2 opens. This verifies that the 32-1 function is operating in
the reverse trip direction and not in the forward direction.
Step 5: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for B-phase and C-phase currents. (Consult the Power
(32) Protection chapter for operating details).
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 5 using 32-2 in place of 32-1.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 7 with CT2 as the bus CT selection for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In Step 2 replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Forward Tripping Direction (Underpower)

Step 1: Using Table 225 as a guide, send the 32-1 settings to the BE1-11g. Prior to each directional
test, reset the BE1-11g targets from the previous test.
Table 225. Forward-Underpower Test Settings
Pickup Direction Over Under
500 W Forward Under
250 W Forward Under
50 W Forward Under
Step 2: Connect and apply a 100 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals
C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Connect a variable ac
current source to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-polarity). Note that
OUT2 is closed with no current applied.
Step 3: Apply 4 amps A-phase current (in phase with the voltage) noting that OUT2 drops out. Slowly
decrease the current until OUT2 closes (1/3 of the three-phase setting) and record the pickup.
Verify that there is a 32-1-A-Under target on the front-panel display. Increase A-phase current
until OUT2 opens and record the reset. Under power pickup will occur within ±3% of the 32-1
pickup setting (500 watts = 5 amps, 100 volts, 0 degrees I lag E)/3.

BE1-11g Power (32) Test

502 9424200994 Rev R

Step 4: With the BE1-11g picked up (OUT2 closed), change the angle of the applied current to lag the
voltage by 180 degrees and verify that OUT2 opens. This verifies that the 32-1 function is
operating in the forward trip direction and not in the reverse direction.
Step 5: Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the 250 W and 50 W pickup settings in Table 225. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for B-phase and C-phase currents. (Consult the Power
(32) Protection chapter for operating details.)
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 using 32-2 in place of 32-1.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 with CT2 as the bus CT selection for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 2 replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Reverse Tripping Direction (Underpower)

Step 1: Using Table 226 as a guide, send the 32-1 settings to the BE1-11g. Prior to each test, reset the
BE1-11g targets from the previous test.
Table 226. Reverse-Underpower Test Settings
Pickup Direction Over Under
500 W Reverse Under
Step 2: Connect and apply a 100 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals
C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Connect a variable ac
current source to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-polarity).
Step 3: Apply 4 amps A-phase current to lag the voltage by 180 degrees noting that OUT2 drops out.
Slowly decrease the current until OUT2 closes (1/3 of the three-phase setting) and record the
pickup. Verify that there is a 32-1-A-Under target on the front-panel display. Increase A-phase
current until OUT2 opens and record the reset. Pickup will occur within ±3% of the 32-1 pickup
setting (500 watts = 5 amps, 100 volts, 180 degrees I lag E)/3.
Step 4: With the BE1-11g picked up (OUT2 closed), change the angle of the applied current so that it’s
in phase with the voltage and verify that OUT2 opens. This verifies that the 32-1 function is
operating in the reverse trip direction and not in the forward direction.
Step 5: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for B-phase and C-phase currents. (Consult the Power
(32) Protection chapter for operating details.)
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 using 32-2 in place of 32-1.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 with CT2 as the bus CT selection for protection systems
equipped with two sets of CTs. In step 2 replace D1 with F1, D2 with F2, etc.

Functional Test Report

Forward Tripping Direction (Overpower)
Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 6,000 Watts for 5A sensing
1 to 1,200 Watts for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3 or ±2 W, whichever is greater
Dropout should occur between 95-99% of the actual pickup value.

Power (32) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 503

Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
3 500 W 485 W 515 W 475 W 495 W P / F
5 1,000 W 970 W 1,030 W 950 W 990 W P / F
5 2,000 W 1940 W 2,060 W 1900 W 1,980 W P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Reverse Tripping Direction (Overpower)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 6,000 Watts for 5A sensing
1 to 1,200 Watts for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3 or ±2 W, whichever is greater
Dropout should occur between 95-99% of the actual pickup value.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
3 500 W 485 W 515 W 475 W 495 W P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Forward Tripping Direction (Underpower)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 6,000 Watts for 5A sensing
1 to 1,200 Watts for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3 or ±2 W, whichever is greater
Reset should occur between 95-99% of the actual pickup value.
Step Setting Low Pickup High Low* Dropout High* Pass/Fail
3 500 W 485.0 W 515.0 W 475.0 W 495.0 W P / F
5 250 W 242.5 W 257.5 W 237.5 W 247.5 W P / F
5 50 W 48.5 W 51.5 W 47.5 W 49.5 W P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Reverse Tripping Direction (Underpower)

Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 6,000 Watts for 5A sensing
1 to 1,200 Watts for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3 or ±2 W, whichever is greater
Reset should occur between 95-99% of the actual pickup value.
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low* Actual Dropout High* Pass/Fail
3 500 W 485 W 515 W 475 W 495 W P / F

* Reset range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

BE1-11g Power (32) Test

504 9424200994 Rev R

Power (32) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 505

Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based

(40Q) Test
Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Loss of Excitation - Reverse var Based (40Q) Protection chapter for more information on this

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 227 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 227. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Transformers Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Transformers Sets phase VT
Connection connection to 4W-Y
Phase CT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Transformers Sets phase CT ratio to 1
Element Mode Enabled Protection, Power, Loss of Excitation - Enables 40Q function
Reverse Var Based (40Q)
Time Delay 0 Protection, Power, Loss of Excitation - Sets time delay to 0
Reverse Var Based (40Q) seconds.
40Q Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables target for 40Q

BE1-11g Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Test

506 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic shown in Figure
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 40Q Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 40Q Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 315. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Power, Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based
(40Q) screen and send the first row of test settings in Table 228 to the BE1-11g.
Table 228. Pickup Test Settings
Pickup Setting Time Delay
500 var 50 ms
1,000 var 50 ms
2,000 var 50 ms
Step 4: Connect and apply a 100 Vac, three-phase voltage source at nominal frequency to terminals
C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral). Connect a variable ac
current source to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-polarity).
Step 5: Set A-phase current to lead the voltage by 90 degrees and slowly increase the current from
0 amps until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify the 40Q target on the front-panel
display. Decrease the A-phase current until OUT2 opens and record the dropout.
Step 6: With the BE1-11g picked up (OUT2 closed), change the angle of the applied current to
90 degrees I lag E and verify that OUT2 opens. This verifies that the 40Q function is operating
on leading var.
Step 7: Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the 1,000 var and 2,000 var pickup settings in Table 228. Record the
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Timing Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Power, Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based
(40Q) screen and send the first row of test settings in Table 229 to the BE1-11g for settings
group 0.
Table 229. Timing Test Settings
Pickup Setting Time Delay
500 var 2,000 ms
500 var 5,000 ms
500 var 10,000 ms

Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 507

Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 40Q timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between a sensing current change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 100 Vac, three-phase voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral). Connect and apply a 4.5 A current source (that is in
phase with the voltage) to terminals D1 (A-phase polarity) and D2 (A-phase non-polarity).
Step 4: Step the A-phase current up to 5.5 amps. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the 5,000 ms and 10,000 ms time delay settings of Table 229. Record the
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification
Pickup Setting Range = 1 to 6,000 var for 5A sensing
1 to 1,200 var for 1A sensing
Pickup Accuracy = ±3% or ±2 var, whichever is greater
Dropout should occur between 95-99% of the actual pickup value.
Pickup Actual Actual
Step Low High Low* High* Pass/Fail
Setting Pickup Dropout
5 500 var 485 var 515 var 475 var 495 var P / F
7 1,000 var 970 var 1,030 var 950 var 990 var P / F
7 2,000 var 1940 var 2,060 var 1,900 var 1,980 var P / F

* Dropout range is calculated from the pickup setting and may need adjusted based on actual pickup.

Timing Verification
Time Delay Range = 1 to 600,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
5 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
5 10,000 ms 9,950 ms 10,050 ms P / F

BE1-11g Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Test

508 9424200994 Rev R

Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 509

Distance (21) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Distance (21) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 230 to the BE1-11g.
Table 230. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
CT Circuit 1, Phase 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT ratio to 1
CT Ratio Transformers
CT Connection WYE System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase CT connection to
Transformers WYE
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Element 21-1 Mode Enabled Protection, Impedance, Enables 21-1 element
Distance (21)
Use Delta/Wye Unchecked Protection, Impedance, Disables Delta/Wye
Compensation Distance (21) compensation
Diameter (ohm) 15.0 Protection, Impedance, Sets the reach to 15 Ω
Distance (21)
Time Delay (ms) 100 Protection, Impedance, Sets the definite time delay to
Distance (21) 100 ms
Torque Angle 45 Protection, Impedance, Sets the characteristic angle of
(degrees) Distance (21) the system to 45°
Offset (ohm) –5.0 Protection, Impedance, Sets the offset to –5 Ω
Distance (21)

BE1-11g Distance (21) Test

510 9424200994 Rev R

Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 316.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 21-1 Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 21-1 Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.

Figure 316. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Impedance, Distance (21) screen and verify the
first row of test settings in Table 231 for 21-1.
Table 231. Pickup Test Settings
Diameter (secondary Ω) Time Delay Torque Angle Offset (secondary Ω)
15 Ω 100 ms 45° –5 Ω
20 Ω 60,000 ms 60° +1 Ω
5Ω 0 ms 80° 0Ω

Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 21-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT1
(see Figure 316).
Step 5: Connect and apply a balanced three-phase current of 5 Aac to terminals D1 through D6 and a
balanced three-phase voltage of 69.28 V phase-neutral voltage source to terminals C13 (A-
phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).
Step 6: Gradually decrease the magnitude of all three phase voltages until OUT2 closes and record the
pickup. This should occur at 45.282 V ±1.569 V. Gradually increase the voltage until OUT2
opens and record the reset. This should occur at approximately 47 V. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and reset accuracy for all settings as listed in Table 231. Reference the
functional test report below for the remaining voltage values to be used. Record the results.
Pickup accuracy is ±2% or 0.1 Ω of the calculated trip point on the mho circle, whichever is
greater. Impedance values for this test have been converted to measureable phase-neutral
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 21-2.

Timing Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Impedance, Distance (21) screen and send the
first row of test settings in Table 231 to the 21-1 element for settings group 0.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 21-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed time
between OUT2 (pickup) and OUT1 (trip) closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply balanced three-phase 5 A to terminals D1 through D6 and a balanced three-
phase 69.28 V phase-neutral voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15
(C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).

Distance (21) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 511

Step 4: Gradually decrease the magnitude of all three phase voltages until OUT2 closes. Record the
time to trip (OUT1 closes). Verify that the 21-1-AB, 21-1-BC, and 21-1-CA targets are displayed
on the front-panel display. Increase the voltage until OUT2 opens. Reset the target.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 for the time delays in the second and third rows of Table 231. Record the results.
Timing accuracy is 0.5% or 2 cycles, whichever is greater.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for 21-2.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification Table 2 Row 1
Diameter Setting Range = 0 – 500 secondary Ω
Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.1 Ω, whichever is greater
Reset Hysteresis = 105% of the diameter setting
Reset Accuracy = ±2% or ±0.1 Ω, whichever is greater
Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low Actual Reset High Pass/Fail
6 45.28 Vpn 43.71 V 46.85 V 46.26 V 48.15 V P / F

Pickup Verification Table 2 Row 2

Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low Actual Reset High Pass/Fail
6 42.71 Vpn 41.23 V 44.19 V 48.72 V 50.44 V P / F

Pickup Verification Table 2 Row 3

Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Low Actual Reset High Pass/Fail
6 4.34 Vpn 3.84 V 4.84 V 5.86 V 7.59 V P / F

Timing Verification
Time Delay Range = 0 to 300,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 100 ms 83.3 ms 117 ms P / F
5 60,000 ms 57,000 ms 63,000 ms P / F
5 0 ms >0 ms 33.3 ms P / F

BE1-11g Distance (21) Test

512 9424200994 Rev R

Distance (21) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 513

Loss of Excitation – Impedance Based

(40Z) Test
Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection chapter for more information on this

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 232 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 232. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Nominal Phase 69.3 V System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Voltage secondary sensing
voltage to 69.3 V
Nominal Phase 5A System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Current secondary sensing
current to 5 A
Nominal Auxiliary 69.3 V System Parameters, Power System Sets the nominal
Voltage secondary auxiliary
voltage to 69.3 V
Phase CT 1 Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets the phase CT ratio
Transformers to 1

BE1-11g Loss of Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) Test

514 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to
Transformers 1
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT
Connection Transformers connection to 4W-Y
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to
Transformers phase-neutral
Block Impedance Disabled Alarm Configuration, Fuse Loss Disables fuse loss
Elements (unchecked) (60FL) protection
Element Mode Both Protection, Impedance, Loss of Enables both the non
Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) voltage control and
voltage control
Directional –45.0 Protection, Impedance, Loss of Sets the supervisory
Supervision Angle Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) angle to –45°
mho Characteristic 1 10.0 Protection, Impedance, Loss of Sets the first mho
Diameter Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) characteristic diameter
(secondary ohm) to 10.0 Ω
mho Characteristic 1 5.0 Protection, Impedance, Loss of Sets the first mho
Offset Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) characteristic offset to
(secondary ohm) 5.0 Ω
mho Characteristic 1 2,000 Protection, Impedance, Loss of Sets the non voltage
Time Delay (ms) Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) control 40Z time delay
to 1,000 ms
mho Characteristic 1 8 Protection, Impedance, Loss of Sets the supervisory
Voltage Pickup Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) voltage inhibit to 10V
(secondary V)
mho Characteristic 1 1,000 Protection, Impedance, Loss of Sets the voltage
Voltage Time Delay Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) controlled 40Z time
(ms) delay to 2,000 ms
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 317.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for non-voltage control trip.
• OUT2 closes for non-voltage control pickup
• OUT3 closes for voltage control trip.
• OUT4 closes for voltage control pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.
Step 3: Prepare to monitor the 40Z function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
(40Z pickup) and OUT4 (40Z VC pickup, see Figure 317).
Step 4: Connect and apply balanced three-phase 2.0∠90° A, 2.0∠330° A, 2.0∠210° A to terminals D1
through D6 and a balanced three-phase 11.0∠0° V, 11.0∠240° V, 11.0∠120° V phase-neutral
voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).
All outputs should remain open.
Step 5: Slowly decrease the voltage level until OUT2 closes. Record the pickup. This should occur at
10V ±0.3 V. Verify that there is a 40Z-Z1 target on the front-panel display.
Step 6: Continue decreasing the voltage until OUT4 closes (VC pickup). Record the pickup. This should
occur at 8V ±0.08V. Slowly increase voltage until OUT4 opens. Continue increasing until OUT2

Loss of Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 515

opens. Reset the target. Impedance values for this test have been converted to measureable
phase-neutral voltages.

Figure 317. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the mho Characteristic 2.

Timing Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to verify the operational settings in Table 232. Reset all targets.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 40Z timings. Timing accuracy for the 40Z function is verified by
measuring the elapsed time between OUT2 (40Z pickup) and OUT1 (40Z trip) closing. Time
accuracy for the VC function is verified by measuring the elapsed time between OUT4 (VC
pickup) and OUT3 (VC trip) closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply balanced three-phase 2.0∠90° A, 2.0∠330° A, 2.0∠210° A to terminals D1
through D6 and a balanced three-phase 11.0∠0° V, 11.0∠240° V, 11.0∠120° V phase-neutral
voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).
All outputs should remain open.
Step 4: Slowly decrease the voltage level until OUT2 closes (40Z pickup). The time between OUT2
(40Z pickup) and OUT1 (40Z trip) should be 2,000 ms ±33.3 ms.
Step 5: Continue decreasing the voltage until OUT4 closes (VC pickup). The time between OUT4 and
OUT3 (VC trip) should be 1,000 ms ±33.3 ms. Reset the target.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the mho Characteristic 2.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification (mho Characteristic 1)
Directional Supervision Angle Accuracy = ±2%
Diameter Setting Accuracy = ±3%
Offset Accuracy = ±3%
Voltage Pickup Accuracy = ±1%
BE1-11g Loss of Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) Test
516 9424200994 Rev R

Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail

5 10.0 V (5 Ω) 9.70 V 10.3 V P / F
6 8.00 V 7.92 V 8.08 V P / F

Pickup Verification (mho Characteristic 2)

Step Pickup Setting Low Actual Pickup High Pass/Fail
5 10.0 V (5 Ω) 9.70 V 10.3 V P / F
6 8.00 V 7.92 V 8.08 V P / F

Timing Verification (mho Characteristic 1)

Time Delay Range = 0 to 300,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,967 ms 2,033 ms P / F
5 1,000 ms 967 ms 1,033 ms P / F

Timing Verification (mho Characteristic 2)

Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 2,000 ms 1,967 ms 2,033 ms P / F
5 1,000 ms 967 ms 1,033 ms P / F

Loss of Excitation – Impedance Based (40Z) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 517

Out of Step (78OOS) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Out of Step (78OOS) Protection chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 233 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 233. Operational Settings
Setting Value Description
Nominal Phase 69.3 V System Parameters, Sets the nominal secondary sensing
Voltage Power System voltage to 69.3 V
Nominal Phase 5A System Parameters, Sets the nominal secondary sensing current
Current Power System to 5 A
Nominal Aux. 69.3 V System Parameters, Sets the nominal secondary auxiliary
Voltage Power System voltage to 69.3 V
Phase CT 1 1 System Parameters, Sets the phase CT ratio to 1
Ratio Sensing Transformers
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Sensing Transformers
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sets phase VT connection to 4W-Y
Connection Sensing Transformers
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sets 27/59 mode to phase-neutral
Sensing Transformers

BE1-11g Out of Step (78OOS) Test

518 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value Description
Element Mode Enabled Protection, Impedance, Enables the 78OOS element
Out of Step (78OOS)
Reverse Reach 10.0 Protection, Impedance, Sets the tangential upper boundary to 10 Ω
(secondary ohm) Out of Step (78OOS)
Forward Reach 30.0 Protection, Impedance, Sets the tangential lower boundary to 30 Ω
(secondary ohm) Out of Step (78OOS)
Blinder A Offset 5.0 Protection, Impedance, Sets the offset from the vertical axis for
(secondary ohm) Out of Step (78OOS) Blinder A to 5 Ω
Blinder B Offset 5.0 Protection, Impedance, Sets the offset from the vertical axis for
(secondary ohm) Out of Step (78OOS) Blinder B to 5 Ω
Blinder Angle 90 Protection, Impedance, Sets the angle for both blinders to 90°
(degrees) Out of Step (78OOS)
Blinder Traverse 1,000 Protection, Impedance, Sets the amount of time required between
Time Delay (ms) Out of Step (78OOS) the blinders and within the mho
characteristic for pickup to 1,000 ms
Trip Delay (ms) 1,000 Protection, Impedance, Sets the amount of time before a trip is
Out of Step (78OOS) issued when the element is picked up and
has passed through Blinder A to 1,000 ms
Min I1 (%) 5 Protection, Impedance, Sets the minimum amount of positive
Out of Step (78OOS) sequence current required for trip to 5%
I2/I1 Ratio (%) 200 Protection, Impedance, A trip will not occur if there is twice as much
Out of Step (78OOS) (or greater) I2 as I1
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 318.
• Blocking is disabled.
• OUT1 closes for 78OOS Trip.
• OUT2 closes for 78OOS Pickup.
• OUT3 closes for MHO Pickup.
• OUT4 closes for Blinder A Pickup.
• OUT5 closes for Blinder B Pickup.
• Fault recording is enabled.
Step 3: Prepare to monitor the 78OOS function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring
OUT1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (see Figure 318).
Step 4: Connect and apply 2.0 A balanced three-phase current to terminals D1 through D6 and a
balanced 40 V three-phase phase-neutral voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral). All outputs should remain open.
Step 5: Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT3 closes (MHO pickup) and record the pickup. This
should occur at 34.64 V ±0.69 V.
Step 6: Slowly increase the voltage until OUT3 reopens and record the dropout. This should occur at
36.37 V ±0.73 V.
Step 7: Slowly decrease the angles of the voltage inputs until OUT4 (Blinder A pickup) and OUT5
(Blinder B pickup) close and record the pickup. For A-phase, this should occur at –73.32°
±0.35°. OUT2 (78OOS pickup) should close after approximately 1 second.
Step 8: Slowly increase the angles of the voltage inputs until OUT4 and OUT5 reopen and record the
dropout. This should occur at –73.05° ±0.35°.

Out of Step (78OOS) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 519

Figure 318. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 9: Slowly decrease the angles of the voltage inputs to close OUT4 and OUT5 (impedance is
between both blinders). Wait approximately 1 second for OUT2 to close and continue
decreasing the angles until OUT4 and OUT5 reopen (impedance has crossed Blinder A). For A-
phase, this should occur at –106.78° ±0.35°. OUT1 (78OOS trip) should close after
approximately 1 second.
Step 10: Set the voltage input angles to A∠180°, B∠60°, C∠300°. Increase the voltage until OUT3
reopens. This should occur at 34.64V ±0.69 V. After OUT3 reopens, OUT1 will reopen after
approximately 6 seconds and reset the 78OOS element.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 10 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Timing Verification
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to verify the operational settings in Table 233 and logic in Figure 318.
Reset all targets.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 78OOS timings. Timing accuracy for the Blinder Traverse Time Delay
setting can be verified by measuring the elapsed time between OUT5 (Blinder B pickup) closing
and OUT2 (78OOS pickup) closing. Timing accuracy for the Trip Delay setting can be verified
by measuring the elapsed time between OUT4 (Blinder A pickup) opening and OUT1 (78OOS
trip) closing. Timing accuracy for reset can be verified by measuring the elapsed time between
OUT3 (MHO pickup) opening and OUT1 (78OOS trip) opening.
Step 3: Connect and apply 2.0 A balanced three-phase current to terminals D1 through D6 and a
balanced 40V three-phase phase-neutral voltage source to terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-
phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (Neutral).
Step 4: Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT3 closes.
Step 5: Slowly decrease the angle of the voltage inputs until OUT5 closes (OUT4 will also close) and
record the time between when OUT5 closes and OUT2 closes. This should be 1,000 ms
±33.3 ms.
Step 6: Continue decreasing the angle of the voltage inputs until OUT4 reopens and record the time
between when OUT4 opens and OUT1 closes. This should be 1,000 ms ±33.3 ms.

BE1-11g Out of Step (78OOS) Test

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Step 7: Set the voltage input angles to A∠180°, B∠60°, C∠300°. Increase the voltage until OUT3
reopens and record the time between when OUT3 opens and OUT1 opens. This should be
6,000 ms ±33.3 ms.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for settings groups 1, 2, and 3.

Functional Test Report

Pickup Verification
MHO Characteristic Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or 0.1 Ω, whichever is greater.
Blinder Pickup Accuracy = ±2% or 0.1 Ω, whichever is greater.
MHO Dropout = ±5%
Blinder Dropout = ±1%
Pickup Actual Actual
Step Low High Low High Pass/Fail
Point Pickup Dropout
6/7 – A-phase 34.64 V 33.95 V 35.33 V 35.64 V 37.10 V P / F
8/9 – A-phase –73.22° –73.57° –72.88° –73.40° –72.70° P / F
10 – A-phase –106.8° –107.1° –106.4° N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F
11 – A-phase 34.64 V 33.95 V 35.33 V N/A* N/A* N/A* P / F

* Dropout verified in previous steps.

Timing Verification
Time Delay Range = 0 to 10,000 ms
Timing Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Time Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
5 – Traverse 1,000 ms 967 ms 1,033 ms P / F
6 – Trip 1,000 ms 967 ms 1,033 ms P / F
7 – Reset* 6,000 ms 5,967 ms 6,033 ms P / F

* The reset time delay is programmed at the factory for 6,000ms and cannot be changed.

Out of Step (78OOS) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 521

Synchronizer (25A) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Synchronizer (25A) chapter for more information on this function.

Phase-Lock-Loop (PLL) Functional Test Procedure

Voltage Difference Test (ΔV)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 234 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 234. Operational Settings PLL (25A)
Setting Value Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Sensing Transformers
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sets phase VT connection to 4W-Y
Connection Sensing Transformers
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Configure voltage settings in terms of
Sensing Transformers phase-neutral
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sets auxiliary VT ratio to 1
Sensing Transformers
Aux VT Connection AN System Parameters, Sets auxiliary VT connection to AN
Sensing Transformers
Nominal Phase 69.3 V System Parameters, Sets nominal phase voltage to 69.3 V
Voltage Power System
Nominal Aux 69.3 V System Parameters, Sets nominal auxiliary voltage to
Voltage Power System 69.3 V

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A) Test

522 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value Description
Element Mode PLL Control, Synchronizer Enables 25A function for PLL
(25A) operation
Voltage Difference 15.0 Control, Synchronizer Sets the voltage difference
(%) (25A) requirement to 15% of the nominal
Slip Freq (Hz) 0.50 Control, Synchronizer Sets the allowable slip frequency to
(25A) 0.5 Hz
Min Slip (Hz) 0.20 Control, Synchronizer Sets the minimum allowable slip
(25A) frequency to 0.2 Hz
Max Slip (Hz) 1.50 Control, Synchronizer Sets the maximum allowable slip
(25A) frequency to 1.5 Hz
Breaker Close 20.0 Control, Synchronizer Sets the maximum slip angle to 20°
Angle (degrees) (25A)
Breaker Close 1 Control, Synchronizer Sets number of breaker close attempts
Attempts (25A) to 1
Sync Fail 5 Control, Synchronizer Sets the activation delay for the sync
Activation Delay (s) (25A) fail alarm to 5 seconds
Voltage Source >  Control, Synchronizer Requires voltage at the phase
Volt Dest (25A) terminals to be greater than the
voltage at the Vx terminals by 0.5%
Voltage Output Continuous Control, Synchronizer Sets the voltage control output mode
Mode (25A) to continuous
Frequency Output Continuous Control, Synchronizer Sets the frequency control output
Mode (25A) mode to continuous
Angle 0.0 Control, Synchronizer Disables angle compensation
Compensation (25A)
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic shown in
Figure 319.
• Blocking is disabled.
• 25A is initiated.
• OUT1 closes for 25A Close Breaker.
• OUT2 closes for Lower Freq.
• OUT3 closes for Raise Freq.
• OUT4 closes for Lower Voltage.
• OUT5 closes for Raise Voltage.
• OUT6 closes for synchronization criteria met.
• OUT7 closes for voltage monitor criteria met.
• OUT8 closes for breaker open after maximum close attempts.
• Output Alarm closed during synchronizing.
• Event recording is enabled.
Step 3: Prepare to monitor the Voltage Difference function operation. Operation can be verified by using
BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of Metering Explorer, Status, Digital Points (1536-1567),
25A Volt Diff.

Synchronizer (25A) Test BE1-11g

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Figure 319. BESTlogicPlus Settings 1 (25A)
Step 4: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). The 25A Volt Diff
digital point should light.
Step 5: Slowly increase the line voltage until the 25A Volt Diff digital point turns off. This should happen
at 79.67 V, ±1 V. Record the result.
Step 6: Uncheck the Voltage Source > Volt Dest checkbox on the Synchronizer (25A) settings screen
and send the settings to the BE1-11g.
Step 7: Decrease the voltage until the 25A Volt Diff digital point turns on (69.28 V). Record the result.
Step 8: Slowly decrease the line voltage until the 25A Volt Diff digital point turns off. This should happen
at 58.89 V ±1 V. Record the result.
Step 9: Increase the voltage until the 25A Volt Diff digital point turns on (69.28 V). Record the result.
Step 10: (Optional) Repeat steps 2 through 9 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Slip Frequency Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of Metering Explorer, Status, Digital Points (1536-
1567), 25A Slip Diff.
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A) Test

524 9424200994 Rev R

voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). The 25A Slip Diff
digital point should be true.
Step 3: Slowly increase the frequency of the phase voltage source until the 25A Slip Diff digital point
turns off. This should occur at 60.506 Hz ±0.01 Hz. Record the results.
Step 4: Decrease the frequency of the phase voltage source until the 25A Slip Diff digital point turns on.
Step 5: Slowly decrease the frequency of the phase voltage source until the 25A Slip Diff digital point
turns off. This should happen at 59.494 Hz ±0.01 Hz.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 2 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Breaker Close Angle Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of OUT6 or the 25A Angle Diff digital point in
Metering Explorer, Status, Digital Points (1536-1567).
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT6 should
close and the 25A Angle Diff digital point should light.
Step 3: Slowly increase the angle of the phase voltage source until OUT6 opens or the 25A Angle Diff
digital point turns off. For phase A, this should occur at +20.1° ±1°. Record the result.
Step 4: Decrease the angle of the phase voltage source until OUT6 closes or the 25A Angle Diff turns
Step 5: Slowly decrease the angle of the phase voltage source until the 25A Angle Diff turns off. For
phase A, this should occur at –20.1° ±1°. Record the result.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 2 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Voltage Source > Voltage Destination Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of OUT6.
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT6 should
remain open.
Step 3: Slowly increase the phase voltage source until OUT6 closes. This should occur at 69.28 V +
(0.5% = 69.63 V) ±1 V.
Step 4: (Optional.) Repeat steps 2 and 3 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Voltage Raise/Lower Continuous Output Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of OUT4 (Lower) and OUT5 (Raise).
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT4 and OUT5
should be open.
Step 3: Slowly increase the phase voltage source until OUT4 closes continuously. This should occur
when the source differs from the ΔV setting by 1% (approximately 69.98 V ±1 V).
Step 4: Decrease the phase voltage source until OUT4 opens.
Step 5: Slowly decrease the phase voltage source until OUT5 closes. This should occur when the
source differs from the ΔV setting by 1% (approximately 68.58 V ±1 V).
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 2 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Synchronizer (25A) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 525

Frequency Raise/Lower Continuous Output Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of OUT2 (Lower) and OUT3 (Raise).
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT2 and OUT3
should be open.
Step 3: Slowly increase the frequency of the phase voltage source until OUT2 closes continuously. This
should occur when the source is raised past the Min Slip setting (approximately 60.2 Hz).
Step 4: Decrease the frequency phase voltage source until OUT2 opens.
Step 5: Slowly decrease the frequency of the phase voltage source until OUT3 closes. This should
occur when the source is lowered past the Min Slip setting (approximately 59.8 Hz).
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 2 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Breaker Close Attempts/Sync Fail Activation Delay Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to verify the settings in Table 235 to the BE1-11g and set the logic in
Figure 320.
Table 235. Sync Fail Settings PLL (25A)
Setting Value Description
Breaker Close 3 Control, Synchronizer Sets the maximum number of allowable
Attempts (25A) breaker close attempts to 3
Sync Fail Activation 5 Control, Synchronizer Sets the activation delay for the sync fail
Delay (s) (25A) alarm to 5 seconds
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the status of OUT1 (Close Breaker) and OUT8 (Sync Fail).
Step 3: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT1 and OUT8
should remain open.
Step 4: Apply contact sensing voltage to B3 (IN2+) and B4 (IN2-) to initiate a close attempt and cause
OUT1 to close. CAUTION: Applying voltage above the capabilities of the equipped power
supply could cause irreversible damage to the BE1-11g. Consult the Specifications chapter for
more information on contact input voltage ranges.
Step 5: OUT1 should make a total of three close attempts. OUT8 should close approximately 5 seconds
after the third close attempt.
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 2 through 5 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A) Test

526 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 320. BESTlogicPlus Settings 2 (25A)

Functional Test Report - PLL

ΔV Accuracy = ±2% or ±1V, whichever is greater.
Slip Freq Accuracy = ±0.01Hz
Min/Max Slip Accuracy = ±0.01Hz
Breaker Close Angle Accuracy = ±1°
Test Setting Low Actual High Pass/Fail
ΔV Increasing 15% (79.67 V) 78.67 V 80.67 V P / F
ΔV Decreasing 15% (58.89 V) 57.89 V 59.89 V P / F
Slip Freq
0.5 Hz 60.49 Hz 60.51 Hz P / F
Slip Freq
0.5 Hz 59.49 Hz 59.51 Hz P / F
Breaker Close
Angle 20° 19° 21° P / F
Increasing (AΦ)
Breaker Close
20° –19° –21° P / F

Synchronizer (25A) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 527

Anticipatory Functional Test Procedure

Voltage Difference Test (ΔV)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 236 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 236. Operational Settings Anticipatory (25A)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sets phase VT ratio to 1
Sensing Transformers
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sets phase VT connection to 4W-Y
Connection Sensing Transformers
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sets 27/59 mode to phase-neutral
Sensing Transformers
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sets auxiliary VT ratio to 1
Sensing Transformers
Aux VT AN System Parameters, Sets auxiliary VT connection to AN
Connection Sensing Transformers
Nominal Phase 69.3 V System Parameters, Power Sets nominal phase voltage to
Voltage System 69.3 V
Nominal Aux 69.3 V System Parameters, Power Sets nominal auxiliary voltage to
Voltage System 69.3 V
Element Mode Anticipatory Control, Synchronizer (25A) Enables 25A function for PLL
Voltage 15.0 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the voltage difference
Difference (%) requirement to 15% of the nominal
Slip Freq (Hz) 0.1 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the allowable slip angle to
0.1 Hz
Breaker Close 800 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the time it takes the breaker to
Time (ms) close to 800 milliseconds
Breaker Close 1 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets number of breaker close
Attempts attempts to 1
Sync Fail 5.0 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the activation delay for the
Activation Delay sync fail alarm to 5 seconds
Voltage Source  Control, Synchronizer (25A) Requires voltage at the phase
> Volt Dest terminals to be greater than the
voltage at the Vx terminals by 0.5%
Freq Source >  Control, Synchronizer (25A) Requires frequency at the phase
Freq Dest terminals to be 0.0008 Hz greater
than the frequency at the Vx
Voltage Output Proportional Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the voltage control output
Mode mode to proportional
Volt Pulse Width 5.0 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the maximum correctional
(s) pulse width for voltage control to 5

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A) Test

528 9424200994 Rev R

Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description

Volt Pulse 10.0 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the maximum correctional
Interval (s) pulse interval for voltage control to
10 seconds
Frequency Proportional Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the frequency control output
Output Mode mode to proportional
Freq Pulse 10.0 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the maximum correctional
Width (s) pulse width for frequency control to
10 seconds
Freq Pulse 5.0 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the maximum correctional
Interval (s) pulse interval for frequency control
to 5 seconds
Angle 0.0 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Disables angle compensation
Live Voltage (%) 90 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the live voltage threshold to
90% of the nominal setting
Dead Voltage 10 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the dead voltage threshold to
(%) 10% of the nominal setting
Drop Out Delay 499.9 Control, Synchronizer (25A) Sets the current VM status drop out
(ms) delay to 499.9 milliseconds
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic shown in Figure
• Blocking is disabled.
• 25A is initiated.
• OUT1 closes for 25A Close Breaker.
• OUT2 closes for Lower Freq.
• OUT3 closes for Raise Freq.
• OUT4 closes for Lower Voltage.
• OUT5 closes for Raise Voltage.
• OUT6 closes for synchronization criteria met.
• OUT7 closes for voltage monitor criteria met.
• OUT8 closes for breaker open after maximum close attempts.
• Output Alarm closed during synchronizing.
• Event recording is enabled.
Step 3: Prepare to monitor the Voltage Difference function operation. Operation can be verified by using
BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of Metering Explorer, Status, Digital Points (1536-1567),
25A Volt Diff.
Step 4: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 ∠0° Vpn to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). The 25A Volt Diff
digital point should light in BESTCOMSPlus.
Step 5: Slowly increase the line voltage until the 25A Volt Diff digital point turns off. This should happen
at 79.67 V ±1 V. Record the result.
Step 6: Uncheck the Voltage Source > Volt Dest checkbox on the Synchronizer (25A) settings screen
and send the settings to the BE1-11g.
Step 7: Decrease the voltage until the 25A Volt Diff digital point turns on (69.28 V). Record the result.

Synchronizer (25A) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 529

Step 8: Slowly decrease the line voltage until the 25A Volt Diff digital point turns off. This should happen
at 58.89 V ±1 V. Record the result.
Step 9: Increase the voltage until the 25A Volt Diff digital point turns on (69.28 V). Record the result.
Step 10: (Optional) Repeat steps 2 through 9 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

Slip Frequency Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of 25A Slip Diff in Metering Explorer, Status, Digital
Points (1536-1567).
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). The 25A Slip Diff
digital point should light in BESTCOMSPlus.
Step 3: Slowly increase the frequency of the phase voltage source until the 25A Slip Diff turns off. This
should occur at 60.106 Hz ±0.01 Hz. Record the results.
Step 4: Decrease the frequency of the phase voltage source until the 25A Slip Diff turns on around
60.1 Hz ±0.01 Hz.
Step 5: Slowly decrease the frequency of the phase voltage source until the 25A Slip Diff turns off. This
should happen below 60.0008 Hz ±0.01 Hz since the Freq Source > Freq Destination setting is
Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

Voltage Source > Voltage Destination Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of OUT6.
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 ∠0° Vpn to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT6 should
Step 3: Slowly increase the phase voltage source until OUT6 opens. This should occur at 69.63 V ±1 V.
Step 4: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

Frequency Source > Frequency Destination Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of OUT6.
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT6 should be
Step 3: Slowly increase the frequency of the phase voltage source until OUT6 closes. This should occur
at 60.0008 Hz.
Step 4: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

Voltage Raise/Lower Proportional Output Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of OUT4 (Lower) and OUT5 (Raise).
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT4 and OUT5
should be open.

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A) Test

530 9424200994 Rev R

Step 3: Increase the phase voltage source until OUT4 begins pulsing. This should occur immediately
but reaches the maximum width/interval period when the source is raised above approximately
74.48 V.
Step 4: Pulse width at the maximum period should be verified by measuring the elapsed time between
when the contact closes and when it opens. The measured length should be 5 s ±33.3 ms.
Step 5: Pulse interval should be verified by measuring the elapsed time between when a contact opens
and when it closes. The measured length should be 10 s ±50 ms.
Step 6: Decrease the phase voltage source until OUT5 begins pulsing. This should occur immediately
but reaches the maximum width/interval period when the source is raised above approximately
58.89 V.
Step 7: Repeat Steps 4 and 5.
Step 8: (Optional) Repeat Steps 2 through 7 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

Frequency Raise/Lower Proportional Output Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to monitor the status of OUT2 (Lower) and OUT3 (Raise).
Step 2: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral). OUT2 and OUT3
should be open.
Step 3: Slowly increase the frequency of the phase voltage source until OUT2 begins pulsing. This
should occur immediately but reaches the maximum width/interval period when the source is
raised above approximately 60.4 Hz.
Step 4: Pulse width should be verified by measuring the elapsed time between when the contact closes
and when it opens. The measured length should be 10 s ±50 ms.
Step 5: Pulse interval should be verified by measuring the elapsed time between when a contact opens
and when it closes. The measured length should be 5 s ±33.3 ms.
Step 6: Decrease the phase voltage source until OUT5 begins pulsing. This should occur immediately
but reaches the maximum width/interval period when the source is lowered below approximately
59.6 Hz.
Step 7: Repeat Steps 4 and 5.
Step 8: (Optional) Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for Settings Group1, 2, and 3.

Breaker Close Attempts/Sync Fail Activation Delay Verification

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to verify the settings in Table 236 and set the logic in Figure 320 above.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the status of OUT1 (Close Breaker) and OUT8 (Sync Fail).
Step 3: Connect a balanced, three-phase voltage source of 69.28 Vpn, 60 Hz to BE1-11g terminals C13
(A-phase), C14 (B-phase), C15 (C-phase), and C16 (neutral). Apply a single-phase, 60-hertz
voltage of 69.28 Vpn, ∠0°, to terminals C17 (Vx-phase) and C18 (Vx-neutral).
Step 4: Connect a contact sensing input to terminals B3 (IN2+) and B4 (IN2-).
Step 5: Apply contact sensing voltage to IN2 to initiate a close attempt and cause OUT1 to close.
CAUTION: Applying voltage above the capabilities of the BE1-11g power supply can cause
irreversible damage to the BE1-11g. Consult the Specifications chapter for more information on
contact input voltage ranges.
Step 6: OUT1 should close two more times for a total of three close attempts. OUT8 should close
approximately 5 seconds after the third close attempt.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 2 through 6 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

Synchronizer (25A) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 531

Functional Test Report - Anticipatory

ΔV Accuracy = ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater.
Slip Freq Accuracy = ±0.01 Hz
Breaker Close Time Accuracy = 0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater.
Pulse Width/Interval Accuracy = 0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater.
Test Setting Low Actual High Pass/Fail
ΔV Increasing 15% (79.67 V) 78.67 V 80.67 V P / F
ΔV Decreasing 15% (58.89 V) 57.89 V 59.89 V P / F
Slip Freq
0.5 Hz 60.49 Hz 60.51 Hz P / F
Slip Freq
0.5 Hz 59.49 Hz 59.51 Hz P / F
Volt Pulse Width
5.0 s 4.977 s 5.033 s P / F
Volt Pulse Width
5.0 s 4.977 s 5.033 s P / F
Volt Pulse
Interval 10.0 s 9.950 s 10.050 s P / F
Volt Pulse
Interval 10.0 s 9.950 s 10.050 s P / F
Freq Pulse
10.0 s 9.950 10.050 s P / F
Width Increasing
Freq Pulse
Width 10.0 s 9.950 s 10.050 s P / F
Freq Pulse
Interval 5.0 s 4.977 s 5.033 s P / F
Freq Pulse
Interval 5.0 s 4.977 s 5.033 s P / F

Voltage Monitor Functional Test Procedure

VTP and VTX Live Voltage, Dead Voltage Pickup Test (25A Voltage Monitor)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 237 to the BE1-11g. Reset all
Table 237. Operational Settings (25)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
Phase VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT ratio to 1.
Phase VT 4W-Y System Parameters, Sensing Sets phase VT connection
Connection Transformers to 4W-Y.
27/59 Mode PN System Parameters, Sensing Sets 27/59 mode to phase-
Transformers neutral.
Aux VT Ratio 1 System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT ratio to 1.

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A) Test

532 9424200994 Rev R

Aux VT AN System Parameters, Sensing Sets auxiliary VT
Connection Transformers connection to AN.
Nominal Phase 100 V System Parameters, Power Sets nominal phase voltage
Voltage System to 100 V.
Nominal Aux 100 V System Parameters, Power Sets nominal auxiliary
Voltage System voltage to 100 V.
Element Mode PLL or Control, Synchronizer (25A) Enables the 25A function.
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic shown in
Figure 321.
• Blocking is disabled.
• 25A is initiated.
• OUT7 closes for voltage monitor criteria met.
• Event recording is enabled.

Figure 321. BESTlogicPlus Settings 3 (25A)

Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Synchronizer (25A) screen and send the test settings
in Table 238 to the BE1-11g.
Table 238. Time Pickup Test Settings (25VM)
Setting Value Description
25 Voltage Monitor Live 90% Sets live voltage to 90 V (90% of nominal, nominal
Voltage = 100 V).
25 Voltage Monitor 55% Sets dead voltage to 55 V (55% of nominal, nominal
Dead Voltage = 100 V).
25 Voltage Monitoring 0 Sets drop out delay to 0.
Drop Out Delay
25 Voltage Monitor Check boxes as Enable: Dead Line/Dead Aux, Dead Line/Live Aux,
Logic shown in Figure 322. Live Line/Dead Aux.

Synchronizer (25A) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 533

Figure 322. BESTCOMSPlus Synchronizer Screen, 25A Voltage Monitor Logic

Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 25VM function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT7.
Step 5: Connect BE1-11g terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), and C15 (C-phase) together. Apply
a single-phase, 0 Vac, 50- or 60-hertz ac voltage source (Line VTP) to the three jumpered
terminals and the neutral terminal (C16). OUT7 should be closed.
Step 6: Slowly increase the line voltage until OUT7 opens (55 volts). Record the result.
Step 7: Increase the voltage until OUT7 closes (90 volts). Record the result.
Step 8: Remove voltage source 1. Connect a second single-phase, 50- or 60-hertz voltage source
(Auxiliary VTX) to BE1-11g terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 (non-polarity). Apply 0 Vac. OUT7
should be closed.
Step 9: Slowly increase the Auxiliary voltage until OUT7 opens (55 V). Record the result.
Step 10: Increase the voltage until OUT7 closes (90 volts). Record the result.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 3 through 10 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

Live/Dead Dropout Timing Verification (25A Voltage Monitor)

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Synchronizer (25A) screen and send the first row of
test settings in Table 239 to the BE1-11g.
Table 239. Live/Dead Dropout Time Test Settings (25A VM)
25A VM Live Voltage 25A VM Dead Voltage 25A VM Drop Out Delay 25A VM Logic
90% 55% 50 ms Check boxes as shown
in Table 237.
90% 55% 2,000 ms Check boxes as shown
in Figure 322.
90% 55% 5,000 ms Check boxes as shown
in Figure 322.

Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 25A Voltage Monitor Live/Dead timing. Timing accuracy is verified by
measuring the elapsed time between a sensing voltage change and OUT7 opening.
Step 3: Connect BE1-11g terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), and C15 (C-phase) together. Apply
a 50 Vac, 50 or 60 Hz source (Line VTP) to the three jumpered terminals and the neutral
terminal (C16).
Step 4: Step the voltage up to 60 V. Measure the time delay and verify the accuracy of the dead
dropout time delay setting. Record the result.
Step 5: Set the ac voltage at 95 V. Step the voltage down to 85 V. Measure the time delay and verify
the accuracy of the Live dropout delay setting. Record the result.
Step 6: Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for the middle and upper time delay settings of Table 239.
Step 7: Remove phase voltage (Line VTP) and connect a second single-phase 50- or 60-hertz voltage
source (Auxiliary VTX) to BE1-11g terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 (non-polarity). Repeat
Steps 4 through 6.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 2 through 7 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

BE1-11g Synchronizer (25A) Test

534 9424200994 Rev R

Output Test (25A Voltage Monitor)

Step 1: With no voltage applied to either the Line or Auxiliary voltage sources, OUT7 should be closed.
This verifies the DEAD-LINE, DEAD AUX output of 25 Voltage Monitor.
Step 2: Increase the Line VTP voltage above the DEAD-LINE setting and verify that OUT7 opens.
Continue increasing voltage until OUT7 closes when the LIVE-LINE setting is exceeded. This
verifies the LIVE-LINE, DEAD-AUX output of 25A Voltage Monitor. Remove voltage source 1.
Step 3: Increase the Auxiliary VTX voltage above the DEAD-LINE setting and verify that OUT7 opens.
Continue increasing voltage until OUT7 closes when the LIVE-LINE setting is exceeded. This
verifies the DEAD-LINE, LIVE-AUX output of 25A Voltage Monitor.
Step 4: (Optional.) Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for Settings Group 1, 2, and 3.

Voltage Monitor Functional Test Report

VTP and VTX Live Voltage, Dead Voltage Pickup Test (25A Voltage Monitor)
Accuracy = ±2%
Step Setting Low Actual High Pass/Fail
6 VTP - Dead V Dropout - 55.0 V 53.9 V 56.1 V P / F
7 VTP - Live V Pickup - 90.0 V 89.2 V 91.8 V P / F
9 VTX - Dead V Dropout - 55.0 V 53.9 V 56.1 V P / F
10 VTX - Live V Pickup - 90.0 V 89.2 V 91.8 V P / F

Live/Dead Dropout Timing Verification (25A Voltage Monitor)

Accuracy = ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Step Dropout Delay Setting Low Actual Timing High Pass/Fail
4 VTP - Dead V Dropout Delay - 50 ms 18 ms 82 ms P / F
5 VTP - Live V Dropout Delay - 50 ms 18 ms 82 ms P / F
6 VTP - Dead V Dropout Delay - 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
6 VTP - Live V Dropout Delay - 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
6 VTP - Dead V Dropout Delay - 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
6 VTP - Live V Dropout Delay - 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
7 VTX - Dead V Dropout Delay - 50 ms 18 ms 82 ms P / F
7 VTX - Live V Dropout Delay - 50 ms 18 ms 82 ms P / F
7 VTX - Dead V Dropout Delay - 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
7 VTX - Live V Dropout Delay - 2,000 ms 1,968 ms 2,032 ms P / F
7 VTX - Dead V Dropout Delay - 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F
7 VTX - Live V Dropout Delay - 5,000 ms 4,968 ms 5,032 ms P / F

Synchronizer (25A) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 535

Virtual Control Switches (43) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Virtual Control Switches (43) chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Switch/Pulse Mode
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 240 to the BE1-11g.
Table 240. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
43-1 Mode Switch/Pulse Control, Virtual Control Switches Sets 43-1 to Switch/Pulse
(43) mode
43-1 Name Test Control, Virtual Control Switches Names 43-1 Name label to
Label (43) “Test”
43-1 On Label On Control, Virtual Control Switches Names 43-1 On label to “On”
43-1 Off Label Off Control, Virtual Control Switches Names 43-1 Off label to “Off”
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 323.
• All inputs are set to logic 0.
• OUT1 closes when 43-1 output is true.
Step 3: Prepare to monitor the virtual switch operation. An ohmmeter or continuity tester can be used to
monitor the contact status of OUT1.

BE1-11g Virtual Control Switches (43) Test

536 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 323. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 4: Use the Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Virtual Switches tree branch
(Figure 324). Using select-before-operate, perform the following steps to control a virtual switch.

Figure 324. BESTCOMSPlus Virtual Switches Control Screen

Step 5: Click the 43-1 button to select it. Login may be required. The On or Off indicator (current state)
will begin to flash.

If step 6 is not performed within 25 seconds of step 5, the indicator will
stop flashing and the 43-1 button will have to be selected again.

Step 6: Click on the 43-1 button a second time to operate it. After clicking Yes, the On or Off indicator
(previous state) will stop flashing and the On or Off indicator (current/new state) will light.
Step 7: Verify that OUT1 contact closes and remains closed.
Step 8: Repeat steps 5 and 6 to change the state of the 43-1 switch to OFF. Verify that OUT1 contact
opens and remains open.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 43-2, 43-3, 43-4, and 43-5.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Switch Mode
Step 1: Change the 43-1 element mode to Switch.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the virtual switch operation. An ohmmeter or continuity tester can be used to
monitor the contact status of OUT1.
Virtual Control Switches (43) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 537

Step 3: Use the Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Virtual Switches tree branch
(Figure 324). Using select-before-operate, perform the following steps to control a virtual switch.
Step 5: Click the 43-1 button to select it. Login may be required. The On or Off indicator (current state)
will begin to flash.

If step 6 is not performed within 25 seconds of step 5, the indicator will
stop flashing and the 43-1 button will have to be reselected.

Step 6: Click on the 43-1 button a second time to operate it. After clicking Yes, the On or Off indicator
(previous state) will stop flashing and the On or Off indicator (current/new state) will light.
Step 7: Verify that OUT1 contact closes and remains closed.
Step 8: Repeat steps 5 and 6 to change the state of the 43-1 switch to OFF. Verify that OUT1 contact
opens and remains open.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for 43-2, 43-3, 43-4, and 43-5.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Pulse Mode
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to change the 43-1 element mode to Pulse.
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the virtual switch operation. An ohmmeter or continuity tester can be used to
monitor the contact status of OUT1.
Step 3: Using the front-panel display, navigate to Metering > Control > Virtual Switches. Highlight the
first switch (43-1) and press the Right key on the front panel to enter the 43-1 control screen.
Use the Edit key to login. Highlight Operate and then press the Edit key to change the state of
the 43-1. Using the Up/Down keys select PUL and then press the Edit key. Verify that OUT1
contact closes for 200 milliseconds and returns to the open state.
Step 4: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 3 for 43-2, 43-3, 43-4, and 43-5.
Step 5: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Functional Test Report

Function Pass/Fail
Switch/Pulse Mode P / F
Switch Mode P / F
Pulse Mode P / F

BE1-11g Virtual Control Switches (43) Test

538 9424200994 Rev R

Virtual Control Switches (43) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 539

Logic Timers (62) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Logic Timers (62) chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Pickup/Dropout Mode
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 241 to the BE1-11g.
Table 241. Operational Settings (Pickup/Dropout Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
62-1 Mode Pickup/Dropout Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 to Pickup/Dropout
62-1 Time Delay 1 400 ms Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 pickup time delay to
(T1) 400 ms
62-1 Time Delay 2 2,000 ms Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 dropout time delay
(T2) to 2,000 ms
43-1 Mode Switch Control, Virtual Control Sets 43-1 to Switch mode
Switches (43)
62-1 Target Enabled Target Configuration, Enables 62-1 target
Targets screen.
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 325.
• Blocking is disabled.
• 62-1 initiates when 43-1 output is true.
• OUT1 closes when 62-1 output is true.

BE1-11g Logic Timers (62) Test

540 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 325. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Steps 4 through 6 will initiate the 62-1 timer by changing the 43-1 switch state to ON (logic 1).
Once initiated, the 62-1 timer will force an output based on the 400 ms pickup time setting.
Step 4: Use the Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Virtual Switches tree branch
(Figure 326). Using select-before-operate, perform the following steps to control a virtual switch.

Figure 326. BESTCOMSPlus Virtual Switches Control Screen

Step 5: Click the 43-1 button to select it. Login may be required. The On or Off indicator (current state)
will begin to flash.

If step 6 is not performed within 25 seconds of step 5, the indicator will
stop flashing and the 43-1 button will have to be selected again.

Step 6: Click on the 43-1 button a second time to operate it. After clicking Yes, the On or Off indicator
(previous state) will stop flashing and the On or Off indicator (current/new state) will light.
Step 7: Repeat steps 5 and 6 to change the state of the 43-1 switch to open and remove the initiate
input from the 62-1 timer.
Step 8: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events
Step 9: Verify that the 43-1 switch change to an ON state was logged and approximately 400 ms later,
the 62-1 timer picked up. Then, sometime later, the 43-1 switch change to an OFF state was
logged and the 62-1 timer dropped out approximately 2,000 ms later. The state of the 43-1
switch in the SER report uses the programmable name parameters applied to the switch. Figure
327 illustrates the timing relationship of the 43-1 switch and 62-1 timer.
Logic Timers (62) Test BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 541




Figure 327. Pickup/Dropout Mode

Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 62-1, 62-2, 62-3, 62-4, 62-5, 62-6, 62-7, and 62-8.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 10 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

One-Shot/Non-Retriggerable Mode
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 242 to the BE1-11g. Retain the
logic settings from Figure 325.
Table 242. Operational Settings (One-Shot/Non-Retriggerable Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
62-1 Mode One-Shot/Non- Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 to One-Shot/Non-
Retriggerable Retriggerable mode
62-1 Time 400 ms Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 pickup time delay to
Delay 1 (T1) 400 ms
62-1 Time 20,000 ms Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 dropout time delay
Delay 2 (T2) to 20,000 ms
43-1 Mode Pulse Control, Virtual Control Sets 43-1 to Pulse mode
Switches (43)
62-1 Target Enabled Target Configuration, Enables 62-1 target
Targets screen.
Step 2: Step 4 supplies the 62-1 timer with a momentary initiate input by pulsing the 43-1 switch from
an OFF state to an ON state and then back to an OFF state. You can view the state changes of
the 43-1 switch at the Metering > Control > Virtual Switches screen on the front-panel display.
Step 3: Close communication with BESTCOMSPlus.

The 43-1 switch action is performed twice in this test. To illustrate the
action of the timer mode, step 4 should be executed as quickly as
possible. Ideally, this test should be repeated within 20 seconds. If this
is a problem, try extending the dropout timer setting (Time Delay 2).

Step 4: Using the front-panel display, navigate to Metering > Control > Virtual Switches. Highlight the
first switch (43-1) and press the Right key on the front panel to enter the 43-1 control screen.
Use the Edit key to login. Highlight Operate and then press the Edit key to change the state of
the 43-1. Using the Up/Down keys select PUL and then press the Edit key.
Step 5: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events
screen. Verify that an OFF-ON-OFF pulse action was logged and that approximately 400 ms
after the initial 43-1 OFF-ON-OFF initiate signal action, the 62-1 timer output went true. Then,
approximately 20 seconds later, time delay 2 expired and the 62-1 timer output went false

BE1-11g Logic Timers (62) Test

542 9424200994 Rev R

despite a second 43-1 OFF to ON initiate signal while the duration timer was active. Figure 328
illustrates the timing relationship of the 43-1 switch and 62-1 timer.




Figure 328. One-Shot/Non-Retriggerable Mode

Step 6: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 5 for 62-1, 62-2, 62-3, 62-4, 62-5, 62-6, 62-7, and 62-8.
Step 7: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

One-Shot/Retriggerable Mode
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 243 to the BE1-11g. Retain the
logic settings from Figure 325.
Table 243. Operational Settings (One-Shot/Retriggerable Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
62-1 Mode One- Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 to One-
Shot/Retriggerable Shot/Retriggerable mode
62-1 Time 15,000 ms Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 pickup time delay to
Delay 1 (T1) 15,000 ms
62-1 Time 20,000 ms Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 dropout time delay
Delay 2 (T2) to 20,000 ms
43-1 Mode Pulse Control, Virtual Control Sets 43-1 to Pulse mode
Switches (43)
62-1 Target Enabled Target Configuration, Enables 62-1 target
Targets screen.
Step 2: Step 4 supplies the 62-1 timer with a momentary initiate input by pulsing the 43-1 switch from
an OFF state to an ON state and then back to an OFF state. You can view the state changes of
the 43-1 switch at the Metering > Control > Virtual Switches screen on the front-panel display.
Step 3: Close communication with BESTCOMSPlus.
Step 4: Using the front-panel display, navigate to Metering > Control > Virtual Switches. Highlight the
first switch (43-1) and press the Right key on the front panel to enter the 43-1 control screen.
Use the Edit key to login. Highlight Operate and then press the Edit key to change the state of
the 43-1. Using the Up/Down keys select PUL and then press the Edit key.
Step 5: Repeat step 4.
Step 6: Wait at least 15 seconds (but no longer than 35 seconds) and then repeat step 4.
Step 7: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events
screen. Verify that approximately 15 seconds after the second 43-1 OFF to ON initiate signal,
the 62-1 timer output went true. Verify that the timer output went false when the third OFF to ON
initiate signal forced the 62-1 time delay 1 to restart. Figure 329 illustrates the timing
relationship of the 43-1 switch and 62-1 timer.

Logic Timers (62) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 543

The 43-1 switch action is performed three times in this test. To
illustrate the action of the timer mode, step 4 should be executed as
quickly as possible for the second 43-1 switch action (within 15
second duration of the pickup time delay). Perform step 4 again for the
third 43-1 switch action after at least 15 seconds (the pickup timer
setting) have elapsed but before the 20 second dropout time delay
expires. This will illustrate the action of the timer mode. The time delay
settings can be increased if difficulty is encountered with repeating the
43-1 switch actions.




Figure 329. One-Shot/Retriggerable Mode

Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for 62-1, 62-2, 62-3, 62-4, 62-5, 62-6, 62-7, and 62-8.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Oscillator Mode
Because this operating mode is not intended for general use, no testing procedure is available.
Information about Oscillator mode is available in the Logic Timers (62) chapter.

Integrating Timer Mode

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 244 to the BE1-11g. Retain the
logic settings from Figure 325.
Table 244. Operational Settings (Integrating Timer Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
62-1 Mode Integrating Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 to Integrating Timer
Timer mode
62-1 Time Delay 1 15,000 ms Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 pickup time delay to
(T1) 15,000 ms
62-1 Time Delay 2 5,000 ms Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 dropout time delay to
(T2) 5,000 ms
43-1 Mode Switch Control, Virtual Control Sets 43-1 to Switch mode
Switches (43)
62-1 Target Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables 62-1 target
Step 2: Steps 3 through 5 supply the 62-1 timer with a block input by changing the 43-1 switch state to
ON. You can view the state changes of the 43-1 switch at the Metering > Control > Virtual
Switches screen on the front-panel display.

BE1-11g Logic Timers (62) Test

544 9424200994 Rev R

The 43-1 switch action is performed three times in this test. Follow the
timing sequence to illustrate timer mode action. The time delay
settings can be increased if difficulty is encountered with repeating the
43-1 switch actions.

Step 3: Use the Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus to open the Control, Virtual Switches tree branch
(Figure 326). Using select-before-operate, perform the following steps to control a virtual switch.
Step 4: Click the 43-1 button to select it. Login may be required. The On or Off indicator (current state)
will begin to flash.

If step 5 is not performed within 25 seconds of step 4, the indicator will
stop flashing and the 43-1 button will have to be selected again.

Step 5: Click on the 43-1 button a second time to operate it. After clicking Yes, the On or Off indicator
(previous state) will stop flashing and the On or Off indicator (current/new state) will light.
Step 6: Wait no longer than 10 seconds to interrupt time delay 1.
Step 7: Repeat steps 4 and 5 to change the state of the 43-1 switch to OFF and remove the initiate
input from the 62-1 timer.
Step 8: Wait at least 5 seconds for time delay 2 to reset.
Step 9: Repeat steps 4 and 5 to change the state of the 43-1 switch to OFF and remove the initiate
input from the 62-1 timer.
Step 10: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events
screen. Verify that the 62-1 timer output remained false between the first 43-1 switch action
(ON) and the second 43-1 switch action (ON), the 62-1 timer output went true after the second
43-1 switch action (ON), and the 62-1 timer output returned to an OFF state.
Figure 330 illustrates the timing relationship of the 43-1 switch and 62-1 timer.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 10 for 62-1, 62-2, 62-3, 62-4, 62-5, 62-6, 62-7, and 62-8.
Step 12: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 11 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Logic Timers (62) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 545







Figure 330. Integrating Timer Mode

Latched Mode
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 245 to the BE1-11g. Retain the
logic settings from Figure 325.
Table 245. Operational Settings (Latched Mode)
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
62-1 Mode Latched Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 to One-
Shot/Retriggerable mode
62-1 Time Delay 30,000 Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 pickup time delay to
1 (T1) ms 15,000 ms
62-1 Time Delay 0 Control, Logic Timers (62) Sets 62-1 dropout time delay to 0
2 (T2)
43-1 Mode Pulse Control, Virtual Control Sets 43-1 to Pulse mode
Switches (43)
43-2 Mode Pulse Control, Virtual Control Sets 43-2 to Pulse mode
Switches (43)
62-1 Target Enabled Target Configuration, Targets Enables 62-1 target
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 331.
• 62-1 initiates when 43-1 output is true.
• 62-1 is blocked when 43-2 output is true.
• OUT1 closes when 62-1 output is true.
Step 3: Step 5 supplies the 62-1 timer with a latch input by pulsing the 43-1 switch from an OFF state to
an ON state and then back to an OFF state. These commands also supply a block input when
the 43-2 is ON. You can view the state changes of the 43-1 switch at the Metering > Control >
Virtual Switches screen on the front-panel display.
Step 4: Close communication with BESTCOMSPlus.

BE1-11g Logic Timers (62) Test

546 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 331. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Latched Mode)

The 43-1 switch action is performed twice in this test. The 43-2 switch
action is performed once. Follow the timing sequence to illustrate time
mode action. The time delay settings can be increased if difficulty is
encountered with repeating the 43-1 and 43-2 switch actions.

Step 5: Using the front-panel display, navigate to Metering > Control > Virtual Switches. Highlight the
first switch (43-1) and press the Right key on the front panel to enter the 43-1 control screen.
Use the Edit key to login. Highlight Operate and then press the Edit key to change the state of
the 43-1. Using the Up/Down keys select PUL and then press the Edit key.
Step 6: Repeat step 5 within 30 seconds.
Step 7: Wait at least 30 seconds (total elapsed time) before beginning step 8.
Step 8: Using the front-panel display, navigate to Metering > Control > Virtual Switches. Highlight the
second switch (43-2) and press the Right key on the front panel to enter the 43-2 control
screen. Use the Edit key to login. Highlight Operate and then press the Edit key to change the
state of the 43-2. Using the Up/Down keys select PUL and then press the Edit key.
Step 9: Use the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open the Reports, Sequence of Events
screen. Verify that the 62-1 timer output remained false after the first 43-1 switch action (ON),
the 62-1 timer output went true 30 seconds after 43-1 switch action (ON), and 62-1 timer output
returned to a false state with the 43-2 switch action (ON). Figure 332 illustrates the timing
relationship of the 43-1/43-2 switches and 62-1 timer.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 62-1, 62-2, 62-3, 62-4, 62-5, 62-6, 62-7, and 62-8.
Step 11: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 10 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Logic Timers (62) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 547




Figure 332. Latched Mode

Functional Test Report

Function Pass/Fail
Pickup/Dropout Mode P / F
One-Shot Non-Retriggerable Mode P / F
One-Shot/Retriggerable Mode P / F
Oscillator Mode P / F
Integrating Timer Mode P / F
Latched Mode P / F

BE1-11g Logic Timers (62) Test

548 9424200994 Rev R

Logic Timers (62) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 549

Lockout Functions (86) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Lockout Functions (86) chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 246 to the BE1-11g.
Table 246. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
86-1 Mode Enabled Control, Lockout Functions (86) Enables 86-1 function
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus programmable logic shown in Figure 333.
• IN1 sets the 86-1.
• IN2 resets the 86-1.
• OUT1 closes when 86-1 output is true.

Figure 333. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 3: Prepare to monitor the 86-1 virtual lockout operations. Operation can be verified by monitoring
OUT1 on the Metering > Status > Outputs front-panel display screen or monitoring OUT1
contacts between terminals C1 and C2.
Step 4: Connect power supply to IN1 terminals.
BE1-11g Lockout Functions (86) Test
550 9424200994 Rev R

Step 5: Apply voltage to IN1. Verify that OUT1 closes and remains closed.
Step 6: Power down the BE1-11g and verify that OUT1 opens. Wait 10 seconds and power up the
BE1-11g. Verify that OUT1 closes. This verifies that the 86-1 position is stored in non-volatile
memory. Remove voltage from IN1.
Step 7: Connect power supply to IN2 terminals.
Step 8: Apply voltage to IN2. Verify that OUT1 opens and remains open.
Step 9: Apply voltage to both IN1 and IN2. OUT1 should close. This verifies that the Set input has
priority over the Reset input.
Step 10: Repeat steps 1 through 9 for the 86-2 element.
Step 11: Repeat steps 1 through 10 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.

Functional Test Report

P / F

Lockout Functions (86) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 551

Breaker Control Switch (101) Test

Functional testing is a way to assess this protection system’s suitability for your application. Functional
testing goes beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function
testing that is part of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this BE1-11g measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic
troubleshooting in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can
help verify whether the BE1-11g is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact
Basler Electric, Technical Sales Support.
Refer to the Terminals and Connectors chapter for terminal locations and connections.
Reset all targets prior to each test by navigating to the Metering > Status > Targets screen and pressing
the front-panel Reset key. Enter the appropriate username and password if prompted. Clear all logic prior
to each test by using the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus® to open the BESTlogic™Plus
Programmable Logic screen and click the Clear button located on the toolbar. After new BESTlogicPlus
settings are made, click the Save button located on the toolbar to compile BESTlogicPlus. Upload
BESTlogicPlus settings by selecting Upload Logic to Device from the Communication pull-down menu.
Operational settings can be sent by selecting Upload Settings to Device from the Communication pull-
down menu or by clicking the Send Settings button on the toolbar.
The actual operating time of an output contact is equal to the recognition time plus the time delay setting
(accuracy) plus 6 milliseconds. Output contact operating time depends upon the type of test set used and
its operating characteristics.
A Functional Test Report is included at the end of this chapter. It should be used to record the results and
verify pickup and timing accuracy.
Refer to the Breaker Control Switch (101) chapter for more information on this function.

Functional Test Procedure

Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to send the operational settings in Table 247 to the BE1-11g.
Table 247. Operational Settings
Setting Value BESTCOMSPlus Screen Description
101 Mode Enabled Control, Breaker Control Switch (101) Enables 101 function
Step 2: Use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic shown in Figure
• OUT1 closes when 101 Trip output is true.
• OUT2 closes when 101 TSC output is true.
• OUT3 closes when 101 Close output is true.
• OUT4 closes when 101 CSC output is true.
Step 3: Prepare to monitor the 101 breaker control switch operations. Operation can be verified by
monitoring the programmed output contacts on the Metering > Status > Outputs front-panel
display screen.
Step 4: Place the 101 in the TRIP position by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to open
the Control, Breaker Control Switch tree branch. Click on the TRIP button to select it. Login
may be required. The green selection LED will begin to flash. Within 25 seconds, click on the
TRIP button a second time to operate it. The green selection LED will stop flashing and the trip
status LED will light.
Result: OUT1 closes for 200 ms and returns to the open state. OUT2 closes (TRIP state) and
remains closed.

BE1-11g Breaker Control Switch (101) Test

552 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 334. BESTlogicPlus Settings

Step 5: Place the 101 in the CLOSE position by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to
open the Control, Breaker Control Switch tree branch. Click on the CLOSE button to select it.
Login may be required. The green selection LED will begin to flash. Within 25 seconds, click on
the CLOSE button a second time to operate it. The green selection LED will stop flashing and
the close status LED will light.
Result: OUT3 closes for 200 ms and returns to the open state. OUT4 closes (CLOSE state) and remains
Figure 335 illustrates the breaker control switch state diagram.





Figure 335. Breaker Control Switch State Diagram

Functional Test Report

P / F

Breaker Control Switch (101) Test BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 553

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the power supply polarity sensitive?
No, the power supply will accept either an ac or dc voltage input. Refer to the Typical Connections

Are the sensing contacts polarity sensitive?

Yes, refer to the Typical Connections chapter for more information.

What voltage level is used to develop current flow through the contact sensing inputs?
Voltage level is dependent on the power supply option (called out in the BE1-11g style chart). For
additional information, refer to the Contact Inputs and Outputs chapter and the style chart in the
Introduction chapter.

Can the IRIG signal be daisy-chained to multiple BE1-11g units?

Yes, multiple BE1-11g units can use the same IRIG-B input signal by daisy-chaining the BE1-11g inputs.
The burden data is nonlinear, approximately 4 kΩ at 3.5 Vdc and 3 kΩ at 20 Vdc. See the Specifications
chapter for additional information.

General Operation
Does the BE1-11g trip output contact latch after a fault?
The answer to the question is yes and no. In general, once the fault goes away the output contacts open.
The BE1-11g does offer an option to ensure that the contact will stay closed for at least 200 milliseconds.
See the Contact Inputs and Outputs chapter for additional information on that function. Also, a Set Priority
Latch in BESTlogic™Plus can keep the relay outputs closed as long as power is applied.

Can I make logic settings at the front panel?

No, logic settings cannot be made at the front panel. Logic settings must be programmed using
BESTCOMSPlus® communication software.

Since the BE1-11g is a programmable device, what are the factory defaults?
Default settings are shown with each function in the instruction manual. For input or output default
settings see the Contact Inputs and Outputs chapter. For protection and control functions, see the
appropriate chapters. The factory default logic scheme is defined in the BESTlogicPlus chapter.

Does the BE1-11g have a battery installed as the backup power source for the internal
clock on loss of power?
A ride-through capacitor, up to 24 hours, and a backup battery, greater than five years, are standard
features of the BE1-11g. Refer to the Timekeeping chapter for more information on the backup battery
including replacement.

How are reports and other information obtained from the BE1-11g saved in files for future
BESTCOMSPlus can be used to view sequence of events, fault records, security log, load profile, and
breaker status. See the appropriate chapters for more information.

BE1-11g Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

554 9424200994 Rev R

How can I check the version number of my BE1-11g?

The application version can be found in four different ways: One, on the Settings > General Settings >
Device Information screen of the front-panel display. Two, on the Settings Explorer, General Settings,
Device Info screen of BESTCOMSPlus. Three, on the Status (home) page of the web page interface.
Four, on the Metering Explorer, Device Info screen of BESTCOMSPlus.

How many overcurrent elements does the BE1-11g have available?
The BE1-11g has six instantaneous overcurrent and seven inverse overcurrent elements. Like any
element, each element can be assigned to any output for building logic equations.

Is the IRIG signal modulated or demodulated?
The BE1-11g accepts an IRIG-B signal that is demodulated (dc level-shifted digital signal). See the
Specifications chapter for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 555

Basler microprocessor-based protection systems are similar in nature to a panel of electromechanical or
solid-state component relays. Both must be wired together with inputs and outputs, and have operating
settings applied. Logic settings determine which protection elements are electronically wired to the inputs
and outputs of the device. Operating settings determine the pickup thresholds and time delays.
The logic and operating settings should be tested by applying actual inputs and operating quantities and
verifying proper output response. For more details, refer to the testing chapters. All of the following
connections and functions should be verified during commissioning tests:
• Proper connection and sensing of current and voltage signals
• Input and output contact connections
• I/O sensing
• Settings validation
• Proper operation of equipment (main or auxiliary)
• Proper alarming (to SCADA) and/or targeting
If you do not get the results that you expect from the BE1-11g, first check the programmable settings for
the appropriate function. Use the following troubleshooting procedures when difficulties are encountered
in the operation of your BE1-11g.


Troubleshooting of the BE1-11g should be performed only by qualified

personnel. High voltage may be present on the rear terminals of the

Ethernet Port Does Not Operate Properly
Step 1. Verify that the proper port of your computer is being used. For more information, refer to the
Communication chapter.
Step 2. Verify that the network configuration of the BE1-11g is set up properly. For more information,
refer to the Communication chapter.

USB Port Does Not Operate Properly

Verify that the USB driver was installed properly. For more information, refer to the BESTCOMSPlus
Software chapter.

Why do I keep getting access conflict errors when I attempt communication with the
If you try to gain access to more than one port at a time, an access conflict results. The BE1-11g has
three communication ports: front-panel USB, rear panel optional Ethernet, and rear panel RS-485. Each
communication method has its own access. For example, if you gain access through Modbus TCP, then
you cannot gain access using BESTCOMSPlus over Ethernet. Access needs to be gained only when a
write command to the BE1-11g is required (control or setting change or report reset).
When access is gained through a port, a user-defined access control timer starts counting down to zero.
When port activity occurs, the timer resets to the user-defined access control timer setting and resumes
counting down. If no activity is seen for the duration of the access control timer setting, access is
BE1-11g Troubleshooting
556 9424200994 Rev R

withdrawn and any unsaved changes are lost. When activity at a port is no longer required, access should
be terminated.
To close front panel access immediately, press the Reset button while any menu screen is displayed. The
BE1-11g should flash “Read Only” on the LCD screen to indicate access through the front panel has been
Obtaining data or reports from the BE1-11g never requires password access. The security log is an
exception, as it requires Administrator access.

In Modbus® TCP/IP, the master cannot communicate with the BE1-11g, but can
communicate over Modbus TCP/IP with other devices on the same network
Step 1. Verify that there is no IP address or Modbus slave address conflict.
Step 2. For some devices on an Ethernet network, only the IP address is required to communicate over
Modbus TCP/IP. This is because each device must have a different IP address. With BE1-11g
Generator Protection Systems, in addition to the correct IP address, the master must also use
the correct slave address.

Why don’t the BE1-11g security parameters get sent to the relay when I upload settings?
The security settings are not sent with the Upload Settings and Logic to Device or Upload Settings to
Device commands found under the Communications drop-down menu in BESTCOMSPlus. The Upload
Security to Device command must be used to send security parameters to the BE1-11g.

Inputs and Outputs

Programmable Inputs Do Not Operate as Expected
Step 1. Verify that all wiring is properly connected. Refer to the Typical Connections chapter.
Step 2. Verify that the inputs are programmed properly.
Step 3. Verify that the sensing input jumpers are in the correct position. Refer to the Contact Inputs and
Outputs chapter.

Programmable Outputs Do Not Operate as Expected

Step 1. Verify that all wiring is properly connected. Refer to the Typical Connections chapter.
Step 2. Verify that the outputs are programmed properly.
Step 3. Verify that the output is not being set by other means. There can be more than one connection
to an output (check the physical outputs tab in BESTlogicPlus). Also, check that the output
override is not set for the output.

Incorrect Display of Current
Step 1. Verify that all wiring is properly connected. Refer to the Typical Connections chapter.
Step 2. Verify that the proper current is present at BE1-11g current sensing inputs IA1 (D1/D2), IB1
(D3/D4), IC1 (D5/D6), and IG1 (D7/D8). If two sets of CTs are present, also verify proper
current at IA2 (F1/F2), IB2 (F3/F4), IC2 (F5/F6), and IG2 (F7/F8).
Step 3. Verify that the current transformer ratio and sensing configuration is correct.
Step 4. Verify that the current sensing transformers are correct and properly installed.

Incorrect Display of Voltage

Step 1. Verify that all wiring is properly connected. Refer to the Typical Connections chapter.
Troubleshooting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 557

Step 2. Verify that the proper voltage is present at BE1-11g voltage sensing inputs VA (C13), VB (C14),
VC (C15), and VN (C16).
Step 3. Verify that the voltage transformer ratio and sensing configuration is correct.
Step 4. Verify that the voltage sensing transformers are correct and properly installed.

General Operation
Why won't the Trip LED reset when I press the Reset key on the front panel?
The Reset key is context sensitive. To reset the Trip LED or the targets, the Targets screen must be
displayed. To reset the alarms, the Alarms screen must be displayed.

Why won’t the 60FL alarm or target reset when I press the Reset key on the front panel?
The only way to reset the Fuse Loss alarm or target is to apply more than 85% of rated positive-sequence
voltage. Refer to the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for more information.

Do I have to log in to reset the targets or alarms?

It depends on the security setup. You can reset the targets or alarms through a specific port without
logging in if the Unsecured Access Level is set to Operator or higher on that port. Target and alarm reset
can also be set outside of security control, allowing reset through the front-panel interface without logging
in. Refer to the Security chapter for more information.

Why don't the targets or trip LED work properly?

If a protective element is tripping at the desired level, but the targets aren't behaving as expected, use
BESTCOMSPlus to verify that the targets are enabled for the protective function. Refer to the Fault
Reporting chapter for detailed information about targets.
Trip LED behavior depends on the pickup and trip expression of the protective function. When the
functions pickup expression is true and the trip expression is false, the Trip LED flashes. In other words, a
flashing LED means that a protection element is in a picked up state and is timing toward a trip. When
both the pickup and trip expression is true, the Trip LED lights steadily. The Trip LED also lights steadily
when neither expression is true but latched targets exist. When resetting a target, the Trip LED will not
turn off if the fault is still present. The truth table of Table 248 serves as an aid to interpreting Trip LED
Table 248. Trip LED Truth Table
Trip Pickup Targets Trip LED
No No No Off
No No Yes On
No Yes No Flash
No Yes Yes Flash
Yes No No On
Yes No Yes On
Yes Yes No On
Yes Yes Yes On

BE1-11g Troubleshooting
558 9424200994 Rev R

Why are voltage dependent elements (51/27, 24, 25, 25A, 27, 59, 78V, 32, 21, 40Z) not
operating as expected when testing by secondary injections?
The BE1-11g has the ability to distinguish a loss of fuse from a loss of voltage. Check the sequence of
events for a Fuse Loss alarm. If a Fuse Loss alarm is active, voltage dependent elements will not operate.
Refer to the Fuse Loss (60FL) chapter for information on applying voltage and current so the BE1-11g
does not detect a fuse loss. Fuse Loss protection can also be disabled for the protection element being

Troubleshooting BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 559

BE1-11g protection systems used in 50/60 Hz systems have the following features and capabilities. For
25 Hz operational specifications, refer to the Specifications - 25 Hz Operation chapter.

Operational Specifications
Metered Current Values and Accuracy
5 Aac Nominal Range .............................................. 0.5 to 15 Aac
1 Aac Nominal Range ............................................... 0.1 to 3.0 Aac
SEF Range ................................................................ 0.01 to 3.0 Aac
Phase Current Accuracy ........................................... ±0.5% of reading at nominal current
±1% of reading or ±0.15% of full range,
whichever is greater at 77°F (25°C)
I1, I2, I0* Accuracy .................................................... ±0.8% of reading at nominal current
±1.5% of reading or ±0.25% of full range,
whichever is greater at 77°F (25°C)
Temperature Dependence ........................................ ≤ ±0.02% per °C
* 3I0 displayed

Metered Voltage Values and Accuracy

3-wire Range ............................................................. 50 to 250 Vac
4-wire Range ............................................................. 50 to 250 Vac
Auxiliary Range ......................................................... 25 to 125 Vac
Phase/Auxiliary Accuracy.......................................... ±0.5% of reading or ±0.1% of full range
whichever is greater at 77°F (25°C)
V1, V2, V0* Accuracy ............................................... ±0.75% of reading or ±0.15% of full range
whichever is greater at 77°F (25°C)
Temperature Dependence ........................................ ≤ ±0.02% per °C
* 3V0 displayed

Metered Frequency Values and Accuracy

Range ........................................................................ 10 to 125 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz, ±1 least significant digit at 77°F (25°C)
3-wire Sensing Input ................................................. Phase A – B
4-wire Sensing Input ................................................. Phase A – Neutral
Minimum Frequency Tracking Voltage ..................... 10 V rms

Calculated Values and Accuracy

Range ........................................................................ 0.1 to 1.5 nominal
Type .......................................................................... Exponential
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% of reading ±1 digit at 77°F (25°C)
Temperature Dependence ........................................ ≤ ±0.02% per °C
Interval....................................................................... 1 to 60 min

True Power
5 Ampere CT Range ................................................. –7,500 W to +7,500 W
1 Ampere CT Range ................................................. –1,500 W to +1,500 W
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% at unity power factor

BE1-11g Specifications
560 9424200994 Rev R

Reactive Power
5 Ampere CT Range ................................................. –7,500 var to +7,500 var
1 Ampere CT Range ................................................. –1,500 var to +1,500 var
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% at zero power factor

Energy Data Reporting

5 Ampere CT Range ................................................. 1,000 GWh or 1,000 Gvarh
1 Ampere CT Range ................................................. 1,000 GWh or 1,000 Gvarh
Units of Measure ....................................................... kilo
Rollover Value of Registers....................................... 1,000,000,000 kWhr or kvarhr
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% at unity power factor

21 - Distance Protection
Setting Range ........................................................ 0 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 500 Ω

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................ 0 to 300,000 ms
Accuracy................................................................. ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

Torque Angle
Setting Range ........................................................ 0 to 90 degrees
Accuracy................................................................. ±1 degree

Setting Range ........................................................ –500 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from –100 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from –500 to 500 Ω

24 - Overexcitation Protection
Inverse Time
Curve Exponent ........................................................ 0.5, 1, or 2
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio ................................................ 98% ±1%
Time Dial
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater
Reset Dial
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

Definite Time 1 and 2

Setting Range ........................................................... 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 561

Setting Range ........................................................... 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Reset/Alarm Ratio ..................................................... 98% ±1%
Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

25 - Sync-Check Protection
Voltage Difference
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 50% of nominal
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Slip Angle
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 99°
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1°
Slip Frequency
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.01 to 0.50 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz

Angle Compensation Setting Range ......................... 0 to 359.9°

Voltage Monitoring
Live/Dead Voltage
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 90%
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2%
Drop Out Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 60,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

25A - Synchronizer
Voltage Difference
Setting Range ........................................................... 2 to 15% of nominal
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Slip Frequency
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 0.5 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz
Breaker Close Angle
Setting Range ........................................................... 3 to 20 degrees
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1 degree
Breaker Close Time
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 1,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater
Sync Fail Activation Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 600 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

BE1-11g Specifications
562 9424200994 Rev R

Voltage Controller
Volt Pulse Width
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 5 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater
Volt Pulse Interval
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.2 to 10 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

Frequency Controller
Frequency Pulse Width
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 99.9 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater
Frequency Pulse Interval
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 99.9 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

Sensing Setup
Angle Compensation Setting Range ......................... 0 to 359.9°

Voltage Monitoring
Live/Dead Voltage
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 90%
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2%
Drop Out Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 60,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

27P - Phase Undervoltage Protection

Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 300 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio .................................................... 102% ±1%

Inhibit Level
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 300 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Inhibit Ratio ..................................................... 102% ±1%

Timing Mode
Definite Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

Inverse Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter for
information on available timing curves.

Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 563

27X - Auxiliary Undervoltage Protection

Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 150 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio .................................................... 102% ±1%

Inhibit Level
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 150 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Inhibit Ratio ..................................................... 102% ±1%

Timing Mode
Definite Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Inverse Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter for
information on available timing curves.

32 - Power Protection
5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 1 to 6,000 W, three-phase
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 1 to 1,200 W, three-phase
Accuracy.................................................................... ±3% of setting or ±2 watts, whichever is greater,
at unity power factor. (Accuracy of phase
relationship measurement between V and I is
accurate to within 0.5 degrees when I is greater
than 0.1 Aac and V is greater than 5 Vac. The
power and var measurements at power factor
other than 1.0 are affected accordingly.)
Dropout...................................................................... 95 to 99% of the actual pickup value

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

40Q - Loss of Excitation Protection - Reverse var Based

5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 1 to 6,000 var
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 1 to 1,200 var
Accuracy.................................................................... ±3% or ±2 var, whichever is greater
Dropout...................................................................... 93 to 99% of the actual pickup value

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5 or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

40Z - Loss of Excitation Protection - Impedance Based

Offset impedance mapping can be used to protect against a loss of field (under impedance). Two circular
tripping zones are used on the impedance plane (R and X). Figure 336 illustrates 40Z offset impedance

BE1-11g Specifications
564 9424200994 Rev R

Directional Supervision Angle (Blinder Angle)

Setting Range ........................................................... –90 to 0°

5 ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.1 to 100 Ω
1 ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.5 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 500 Ω





Figure 336. 40Z Offset Impedance Mapping

5 ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0 to 110 Ω
1 ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0 to 550 Ω
5 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 500 Ω

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 300,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

Voltage Pickup
Setting Range ........................................................... 5 to 180 V

Voltage Time Delay

Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 60,000 ms

46 - Negative-Sequence Current Protection

Negative-sequence current protection is available when a 50 or 51 element is configured in I2 mode.
Refer to Instantaneous Overcurrent or Inverse Overcurrent for operational specifications.

47 - Negative-Sequence Voltage Protection

Negative-sequence voltage protection is available when a 27X or 59X element is configured in V2 mode.
Refer to Auxiliary Overvoltage or Auxiliary Undervoltage for operational specifications.

Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 565

49RTD - Resistance Temperature Device Protection (Optional)

Setting Range ........................................................... 32 to 482°F (0 to 250°C)
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±3.6°F (±2°C), whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio .................................................... 105% / 95% ±1% (over / under) or 41°F (5°C)

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1 s

50 - Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection

5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.5 to 150 A
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.1 to 30 A
SEF Setting Range ................................................... 0.01 to 7.5 A
Unbalanced Setting Range ....................................... 2 to 100%
Dropout ..................................................................... 93 to 99% of the actual pickup value
3Phase, IA, IB, IC, IG Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater
SEF (Pickup Setting of 0.01 to 4.99 A) ..................... ±(2.5% + 4.5 mA)
SEF (Pickup Setting of 5 to 7.5 A) ............................ ±(5% + 4.5 mA)
3I0, I1, I2 Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater
Unbalanced Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% of pickup setting
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% of pickup setting

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 60,000 ms
Phase & Ground ........................................................ ±0.5% or ±½ cycle, whichever is greater, plus trip
time for instantaneous response (0.0 setting)*
Residual .................................................................... ±0.5% or ±½ cycle, whichever is greater, plus trip
time for instantaneous response (0.0 setting)*
* Trip Time for 0.0 Delay Setting .............................. 1¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5 times the pickup
setting. 1¾ cycles maximum for a current of 2
times pickup. Two cycles maximum for a current
of 1.05 times the pickup setting.

50BF - Breaker Failure Protection

Phase & Ground Pickup
5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.25 to 10 A
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.05 to 2 A
SEF ........................................................................... 0.01 to 0.5 A
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater
SEF ........................................................................... ±(2.5% + 2.5 mA)

BE1-11g Specifications
566 9424200994 Rev R

Time Delay & Control Time

Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 999 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or +1¼, –0.5 cycles, whichever is greater

51 - Inverse Overcurrent Protection

5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.5 to 16 A
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.1 to 3.2 A
SEF Setting Range ................................................... 0.01 to 0.8 A
Unbalanced Setting Range ....................................... 2 to 100%
Dropout ..................................................................... 93 to 99% of the actual pickup value
3Phase, IA, IB, IC, IG Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater
SEF ........................................................................... ±(2.5% + 2.5 mA)
3I0, I1, I2 Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater
Unbalanced Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% of pickup setting
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±2% of pickup setting

Time Current Characteristic Curves

Timing Accuracy (All 51 Functions) .......................... ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater, for time dial
settings greater than 0.1 and multiples of 2 to 40
times the pickup setting but not over 150 A for 5 A
CT units or 30 A for 1 A CT units.
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter
for information on available timing curves.

Voltage Restraint
Control/Restraint Range............................................ 30 to 250 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater

59P - Phase Overvoltage Protection

Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 300 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio ................................................ 98% ±1%

Timing Mode
Definite Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Inverse Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter
for information on available timing curves.

Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 567

59X - Auxiliary Overvoltage Protection

Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 150 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio ................................................ 98% ±1%

Timing Mode
Definite Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Inverse Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter
for information on available timing curves.

60FL - Fuse Loss

Time Delay ................................................................ Fixed at 50 ms

62 - Logic Timers
Modes ........................................................................ Pickup/Dropout, One-Shot/Non-Retriggerable,
One-Shot/Retriggerable, Oscillator, Integrating
Timer, Latched
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9,999,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±12 ms, whichever is greater

67/67N - Directional Current and Polarization Protection

Modes ........................................................................ Forward, Reverse, Non-directional
Maximum Torque Angle ............................................ 0 to 359.9°
Polarization Methods
● Zero Sequence Current Polarization (IG)
● Negative Sequence Polarization (Q)
● Zero Sequence Polarization (V)
○ VOIN - Calculated Zero Sequence Voltage compared to Calculated Zero Sequence Current.
○ VOIG - Calculated Zero Sequence Voltage compared to Measured Ground Current.
○ VXIN - Measured 3V0-VX Input compared to Calculated Zero Sequence Current.
○ VXIG - Measured 3V0-VX Input compared to Measured Ground Current.

78OOS - Out of Step Protection

Reverse/Forward Reach
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT .......................................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from –100 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT .......................................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from –500 to 500 Ω

Blinder A/Blinder B Offset

Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT .......................................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from –100 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT .......................................................... ±3% or ±0.2 Ω, whichever is greater from –500 to 500 Ω

BE1-11g Specifications
568 9424200994 Rev R

Blinder Angle
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 90 degrees
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1 degree

Blinder Traverse Time Delay

Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 10,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

Trip Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 5,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater

Min I1
Setting Range ........................................................... 5 to 600%
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2%

I2/I1 Ratio
Setting Range ........................................................... 10 to 200%
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1%

78V - Vector Jump Protection

Pickup Setting Range ................................................ 2 to 90 degrees
Pickup Accuracy ........................................................ ±1 degree

81 - Frequency Protection
Setting Range ........................................................... 15 to 70 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz
Dropout...................................................................... 0.02 Hz ±0.01 Hz of the actual pickup value
Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±1 cycle, whichever is greater, plus 3
cycle recognition time for time delays < 50 ms

Setting Range ........................................................... 0.2 to 20 Hz/sec (positive, negative, or either)
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.1 Hz/sec of the setting, whichever is
Dropout...................................................................... ±3% of the actual pickup value
Over/Underfrequency Inhibit
Setting Range ........................................................... 15 to 70 Hz
Increment .................................................................. 0.01 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz
Negative-Sequence Inhibit
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 99% of nominal voltage
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±1 cycle, whichever is greater, plus
recognition time*

Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 569

* Recognition time = 2 cycles for 0.57 > pickup, 4 cycles for 0.24 > pickup, 8 cycles for 0.08 > pickup, 16
cycles at pickup

O/U/ROC Voltage Inhibit

Setting Range ........................................................... 15 to 250 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater

87 - Phase Current Differential Protection (Optional)

Restrained Differential
5 Ampere CT Pickup Accuracy ................................. ±4% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT Pickup Accuracy ................................. ±4% or ±25 mA, whichever is greater
Response Time ......................................................... <2 cycles at 5 times pickup
<3 cycles at 1.5 times pickup

5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 2.00 to 20.0 A
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.40 to 4.00 A

Minimum Restraint Pickup (Iop)

Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 1.00 per unit
2 Slope Pickup (Ires)
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 20.0 per unit

Restraint Slope 1
Setting Range ........................................................... 5 to 100%

Restraint Slope 2
Setting Range ........................................................... 15 to 140%

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 60,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±½ cycle, whichever is greater, plus trip
time for instantaneous response (0.0 setting)*
* Trip Time for 0.0 Delay Setting .............................. 1¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5 times the pickup
setting. 1¾ cycles maximum for a current of 2
times pickup. Two cycles maximum for a current
of 1.05 times the pickup setting.

87N - Neutral Current Differential Protection

Iop Minimum Pickup
5 Ampere CT
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 5 A
Accuracy.................................................................... ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.02 to 1 A
Accuracy.................................................................... 5 A CT: ±3% or ±15 mA, whichever

Overcorrection Coefficient
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 1.3

BE1-11g Specifications
570 9424200994 Rev R

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 60,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±½ cycle, whichever is greater, plus trip
time for instantaneous response (0.0 setting)*
* Trip Time for 0.0 Delay Setting .............................. 1¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5 times the pickup
setting. 1¾ cycles maximum for a current of 2
times pickup. Two cycles maximum for a current
of 1.05 times the pickup setting.

Automatic Setting Group Characteristics

Number of Setting Groups ........................................ 4

Control Modes
Automatic .................................................................. Cold-Load Pickup, Dynamic Load or Unbalance
External ..................................................................... Discrete Input Logic, Binary Input Logic

Switch Threshold
Range ........................................................................ 0.1 to 25 A (5 A), 0.02 to 5 A (1 A)
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.05 A (5 A), ±2% or ±0.01 A (1 A)

Switch Time
Range ........................................................................ 0 to 60 min with 1 min increments where 0 =
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 s, whichever is greater

Update Rate .............................................................. ¼ cycle

General Specifications
AC Current Inputs
5 Ampere CT
Continuous Rating ..................................................... 20 A
One Second Rating ................................................... 400 A
For other current levels, use the formula: I= (K/t) where t = time in seconds, K = 160,000.
Begins to Clip (Saturate) ........................................... 150 A
Burden ....................................................................... <10 mΩ

1 Ampere CT
Continuous Rating ..................................................... 4 A
One Second Rating ................................................... 80 A
For other current levels, use the following formula: I = (K/t) where t = time in seconds, K = 6,400.
Begins to Clip (Saturate) ........................................... 30 A
Burden ....................................................................... <10 mΩ

Continuous Rating ..................................................... 4 A
One Second Rating ................................................... 80 A
Begins to Clip (Saturate) ........................................... 7.5 A
Burden ....................................................................... <22 mΩ

Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 571

Terminals (CT1)
IA1 ............................................................................. D1, D2
IB1 ............................................................................. D3, D4
IC1 ............................................................................. D5, D6
IN1 ............................................................................. D7, D8

Terminals (CT2) (Optional)

IA2 ............................................................................. F1, F2
IB2 ............................................................................. F3, F4
IC2 ............................................................................. F5, F6
IN2 ............................................................................. F7, F8

Phase AC Voltage Inputs

Continuous Rating ..................................................... 300 V, Line to Line
One Second Rating ................................................... 600 V, Line to Neutral
Burden ....................................................................... <1 VA @ 300 Vac

VA .............................................................................. C13
VB .............................................................................. C14
VC ............................................................................. C15
N ................................................................................ C16

Auxiliary AC Voltage Input

Continuous Rating ..................................................... 150 V, Line to Line
One Second Rating ................................................... 600 V, Line to Neutral
Burden ....................................................................... <1 VA @ 150 Vac
Terminals................................................................... C17, C18

Analog to Digital Converter

Type .......................................................................... 16-bit
Sampling Rate ........................................................... 32 samples per cycle, adjusted to input frequency
(10 to 125 Hz)

Power Supply
Terminals................................................................... A6, A7

Option 1 (48/125 Vac/dc)

DC Operating Range ................................................. 35 to 150 Vdc
AC Operating Range ................................................. 55 to 135 Vac

Option 2 (125/250 Vac/dc)

DC Operating Range ................................................. 90 to 300 Vdc
AC Operating Range ................................................. 90 to 270 Vac

Option 3 (24 Vdc)

Operating Range ....................................................... 17 to 32 Vdc (down to 8 Vdc momentarily)

Frequency Range
Options 1 and 2 only ................................................. 40 to 70 Hz

Burden (Options 1, 2, and 3)

H and P Type Case ................................................... 10 W continuous, 12 W maximum with all outputs
J Type Case .............................................................. 12 W continuous, 14 W maximum with all outputs

BE1-11g Specifications
572 9424200994 Rev R

Output Contacts
Make and Carry for Tripping Duty ............................. 30 A, 250 Vdc for 0.2 seconds per IEEE Std C37.90-
2005 - IEEE Standard for Relays and Relay
Systems Associated with Electric Power
Apparatus; 7 A continuous AC or DC
Break Resistive or Inductive...................................... 0.3 A at 125 or 250 Vdc (L/R = 0.04 maximum)

OUT 1 ........................................................................ C1, C2
OUT 2 ........................................................................ C3, C4
OUT 3 ........................................................................ C5, C6
OUT 4 ........................................................................ C7, C8
OUT 5 ........................................................................ C9, C10
OUT 6 (Optional) ....................................................... E11, E12
OUT 7 (Optional) ....................................................... E9, E10
OUT 8 (Optional) ....................................................... E7, E8
OUT A ....................................................................... C11, C12

Contact-Sensing Inputs
Maximum Input Voltage
The maximum input voltages are the highest voltage for each power-supply range listed under the Power
Supply section.

Turn-On Voltage
Contact-sensing turn-on voltages are listed in Table 249.
Table 249. Contact-Sensing Turn-On Voltages
Contact-Sensing Turn-On Voltage*
Style Option Nominal Input Voltage Jumper Installed Jumper Not Installed
(Low Position) † (High Position) †
69 to 100 Vdc
Gxx1xxxxxxxxxx 48 Vdc or 125 Vac/dc 26 to 38 Vdc
56 to 97 Vac
69 to 100 Vdc 138 to 200 Vdc
Gxx2xxxxxxxxxx 125/250 Vac/dc
56 to 97 Vac 112 to 194 Vac
Gxx3xxxxxxxxxx 24 Vdc n/a Approx. 5 Vdc
* AC voltage ranges are calculated using the default recognition time (4 ms) and debounce time (4 ms).
† Voltage ranges depend on jumper configurations. See the Contact Inputs and Outputs chapter for more

Input Burden
Burden values shown in Table 250 assume nominal value of input voltage applied.
Table 250. Contact-Sensing Input Burden
Style Option Nominal Input Voltage Jumper Installed Jumper Not Installed
(Low Position) (High Position)
Gxx1xxxxxxxxxx 48 Vdc or 125 Vac/dc 22 kΩ 53 kΩ
Gxx2xxxxxxxxxx 125/250 Vac/dc 66 kΩ 123 kΩ
Gxx3xxxxxxxxxx 24 Vdc n/a 6 kΩ

Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 573

Recognition Time
Programmable ........................................................... 4 to 255 ms

All timing specifications are for the worst-case response. This includes
output contact operate times and standard BESTlogicPlus operation
timing but excludes input debounce timing and nonstandard logic
configurations. If a nonstandard logic scheme involves feedback, then
one or more BESTlogicPlus update rate delays must be included to
calculate the worst-case delay. An example of feedback is logic
outputs driving logic inputs. For more information, see BESTlogicPlus.

IN1 ............................................................................. B1, B2
IN2 ............................................................................. B3, B4
IN3 ............................................................................. B5, B6
IN4 ............................................................................. B7, B8
IN5 (Optional) ............................................................ E1, E2
IN6 (Optional) ............................................................ E3, E4
IN7 (Optional) ............................................................ E5, E6
IN8 (Optional) ............................................................ E7, E8
IN9 (Optional) ............................................................ E9, E10
IN10 (Optional) .......................................................... E11, E12

IRIG Interface
Standard ........................................... 200-98, Format B002, and 200-04, Format B006
Input Signal ...................................... Demodulated (dc level-shifted signal)
Logic High Level ............................... 3.5 Vdc, minimum
Logic Low Level ............................... 0.5 Vdc, maximum
Input Voltage Range ........................ –10 to +10 Vdc
Input Resistance .............................. Nonlinear, approximately 4 kΩ at 3.5 Vdc,
3 kΩ at 20 Vdc
Response Time ................................ <1 cycle
Terminals.......................................... A1, A2

Real-Time Clock
Clock has leap year and selectable daylight saving time correction. Backup capacitor and standard
backup battery sustain timekeeping during losses of BE1-11g operating power.
Resolution ................................................................. 1 s
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.73 s/d at 77°F (25°C)

Clock Holdup
Capacitor Holdup Time ............................................. Up to 24 hours depending on conditions
Battery Holdup Time ................................................. Greater than 5 years depending on conditions
Battery Type .............................................................. Rayovac BR2032, coin-type, 3 Vdc, 195 mAh
Basler Electric P/N 38526

BE1-11g Specifications
574 9424200994 Rev R

Replacement of the backup battery for the real-time clock should be
performed only by qualified personnel.
Observe polarity markings on the battery socket while inserting a new
battery. The battery polarity must be correct in order to provide backup
for the real-time clock.

Failure to replace the battery with Basler Electric P/N 38526 may void
the warranty.

Communication Ports
Communication ports consist of USB, serial, and Ethernet connections.

A front-panel B-type USB connector provides local communication with a PC operating BESTCOMSPlus®
software. Compatible with USB 2.0 specification.
Data Transfer Speed ................................................. 12 MB/s (Full Speed)

Rear-panel RS-485 port (compression terminals) that supports Modbus and DNP3.
Port Speed (Baud) .................................................... Up to 115,200
A ................................................................................ A3
B ................................................................................ A4
C ................................................................................ A5

Ethernet (Optional)
Either an RJ45 or a fiber optic Ethernet port is available. See style chart. These connectors provide
dynamic addressing (DHCP), web pages (HTTP), e-mail alerts (SMTP), network time protocol (NTP) to
synchronize the real-time clock, as well as communication with BESTCOMSPlus software. Modbus and
DNP3 communication through Ethernet is optional.
Copper Type (RJ45 Connector)
Version ...................................................................... 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
Maximum Length (One Network Segment) ............... 328 ft (100 m)
Fiber Optic Type (ST Connector)
Version ...................................................................... 100BASE-FX, multimode
Maximum Length (Half-Duplex) ................................ 1,310 ft (399 m)
Maximum Length (Full-Duplex) ................................. 6,600 ft (2,011 m)
Panel Display
64 by 128 dot pixels LCD with LED backlight.
Operating Temperature ............................................. –40 to 158°F (–40 to 70°C). Display contrast
adjustment may be impaired below −4°F (−20°C).
Operating Temperature Range ................................. –40 to 158°F (–40 to 70°C)*
Storage Temperature Range .................................... –40 to 158°F (–40 to 70°C)
* Display is inoperative below −4°F (−20°C)
Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 575

Meets IEC 255-5 and exceeds IEEE C37.90 one minute dielectric test as follows:
All Circuits to Ground* .............................................. 2,828 Vdc
Input Circuits to Output Circuits ................................ 2,000 Vac or 2,828 Vdc
Communication Ports to Ground ............................... 700 Vdc for one minute
* Excludes communication ports.

IEC Standards:
• IEC 60068-1 – Environmental Testing Part 1: General and Guidance. Temperature Test
• IEC 60068-2-1 – Basic Environmental Testing Procedures, Part 2: Tests - Test Ad: Cold (Type
• IEC 60068-2-2 – Basic Environmental Testing Procedures, Part 2: Tests - Test Bd: Dry Heat
(Type Test)
• IEC 60068-2-28 – Environmental Testing Part 2: Testing-Guidance for Damp Heat Tests
• IEC 60068-2-38 – Composite Temperature/Humidity Cyclic Test
• IEC 60255-4 – Single Input Energizing Quantity Measuring Relays with Dependent Specified
• IEC 60255-5 – Electrical Insulation Tests for Electrical Relays. Dielectric Test and Impulse Test
• IEC 60255-6 – Electrical Relays - Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment
• IEC 60255-21-1 – Vibration, Shock, Bump, and Seismic Tests on Measuring Relays and
Protective Equipment (Section 1 - Vibration Test - Sinusoidal). Class 1
• IEC 60255-21-2 – Vibration, Shock, Bump, and Seismic Tests on Measuring Relays and
Protective Equipment (Section 2 - Shock and Bump Test - Sinusoidal). Class 1
IEEE Standards:
• IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002 – IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays
and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus
• IEEE Std C37.90.2-2004 – IEEE Standard Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated
Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers
• IEEE Std C37.90.3-2001 – IEEE Standard Electrostatic Discharge Test for Protective Relays

CE Compliance
This product has been evaluated and complies with the relevant essential requirements set forth by the
EU legislation.
EC Directives:
• LVD 2014/35/EU
• EMC 2014/30/EU
Harmonized standards used for evaluation:
• EN 50178 – Electronic Equipment for use in Power Installations
• EN 61000-6-2 – Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Generic Standards, Immunity for Industrial
• EN 61000-6-4 – Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Generic Standards, Emission Standard for
Industrial Environments

UL Recognition
This product is recognized to applicable U.S. and Canadian safety standards and requirements by UL.
Standard used for evaluation:
• UL 508

BE1-11g Specifications
576 9424200994 Rev R

UL Recognition for Style xxxxxxJxxxxCxx

This product is recognized to applicable U.S. and Canadian safety standards and requirements by UL.
Evaluation to Class 1, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, Temperature Code T4 for Hazardous Location
Service. Suitable for use in Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D hazardous locations only.
Standards used for evaluation:
• UL 508
• ISA 12.12.01
• CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987


Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been switched off or
the area is known to be non-hazardous.
Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class 1,
Division 2.
Do not engage USB unless power has been switched off or the area is
known to be non-hazardous.

CSA Certification
This product was tested and has met the certification requirements for industrial control equipment.
Standards used for evaluation:
• CSA C22.2 No. 14

HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing)

Basler Electric uses HALT to prove that our products will provide the user with many years of reliable
service. HALT subjects the device to extremes in temperature, shock, and vibration to simulate years of
operation, but in a much shorter period span. HALT allows Basler Electric to evaluate all possible design
elements that will add to the life of this device. As an example of some of the extreme testing conditions,
the BE1-11g was subjected to temperature extremes of –80°C to +130°C, vibration extremes of 5 to 45 G
at +20°C, and temperature/vibration extremes of 45 G over a temperature range of –60°C to +110°C.
Combined temperature and vibration testing at these extremes proves that the BE1-11g is expected to
provide long-term operation in a rugged environment. Note that the vibration and temperature extremes
listed in this paragraph are specific to HALT and do not reflect recommended operation levels. These
operational ratings are listed under Temperature.

DNP Certification
DNP3-2009, V2.6 compliant, Subset Level 2, by Advanced Control Systems, Inc.

IEC 61850 Certification

KEMA certified per IEC 61850 Certificate Level A.

IP Class ..................................................................... IP50
Case Size .................................................................. Refer to the Mounting chapter.
H1 Rack Mount (H Type Case) ................................. 5.9 lb (2.6 kg)
H1 Panel Mount (P Type Case) ................................ 6.2 lb (2.8 kg)
Vertical Case (J Type Case) ..................................... 5.1 lb (2.3 kg)

Specifications BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 577

Specifications - 25 Hz Operation
BE1-11g protection systems used in 25 Hz systems have the following features and capabilities. For
50/60 Hz operational specifications, refer to the Specifications chapter.

Operational Specifications
Metered Current Values and Accuracy
5 Aac Nominal Range .............................................. 0.5 to 15 Aac
1 Aac Nominal Range ............................................... 0.1 to 3.0 Aac
SEF Range ................................................................ 0.01 to 3.0 Aac
Phase Current Accuracy ........................................... ±1.5% of reading at nominal current
±2.5% of reading or ±0.15% of full range,
whichever is greater at 77°F (25°C)
I1, I2, I0* Accuracy .................................................... ±2% of reading at nominal current
±3% of reading or ±0.5% of full range,
whichever is greater at 77°F (25°C)
Temperature Dependence ........................................ ≤ ±0.02% per °C
* 3I0 displayed

Metered Voltage Values and Accuracy

3-wire Range ............................................................. 50 to 250 Vac
4-wire Range ............................................................. 50 to 250 Vac
Auxiliary Range ......................................................... 25 to 125 Vac
Phase/Auxiliary Accuracy.......................................... ±1% of reading or ±0.2% of full range
whichever is greater at 77°F (25°C)
V1, V2, V0* Accuracy ............................................... ±1.5% of reading or ±0.3% of full range
whichever is greater at 77°F (25°C)
Temperature Dependence ........................................ ≤ ±0.02% per °C
* 3V0 displayed

Metered Frequency Values and Accuracy

Range ........................................................................ 10 to 125 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz, ±1 least significant digit at 77°F (25°C)
3-wire Sensing Input ................................................. Phase A – B
4-wire Sensing Input ................................................. Phase A – Neutral
Minimum Frequency Tracking Voltage ..................... 10 V rms

Calculated Values and Accuracy

Range ........................................................................ 0.1 to 1.5 nominal
Type .......................................................................... Exponential
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% of reading ±1 digit at 77°F (25°C)
Temperature Dependence ........................................ ≤ ±0.02% per °C
Interval....................................................................... 1 to 60 min

True Power
5 Ampere CT Range ................................................. –7,500 W to +7,500 W
1 Ampere CT Range ................................................. –1,500 W to +1,500 W
Accuracy.................................................................... ±3% at unity power factor

BE1-11g Specifications - 25 Hz Operation

578 9424200994 Rev R

Reactive Power
5 Ampere CT Range ................................................. –7,500 var to +7,500 var
1 Ampere CT Range ................................................. –1,500 var to +1,500 var
Accuracy.................................................................... ±3% at zero power factor

Energy Data Reporting

5 Ampere CT Range ................................................. 1,000 GWh or 1,000 Gvarh
1 Ampere CT Range ................................................. 1,000 GWh or 1,000 Gvarh
Units of Measure ....................................................... kilo
Rollover Value of Registers....................................... 1,000,000,000 kWhr or kvarhr
Accuracy.................................................................... ±3% at unity power factor

21 - Distance Protection
Setting Range ........................................................ 0 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 500 Ω

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................ 0 to 300,000 ms
Accuracy................................................................. ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

Torque Angle
Setting Range ........................................................ 0 to 90 degrees
Accuracy................................................................. ±1 degree

Setting Range ........................................................ –500 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from –100 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT Accuracy .......................................... ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from –500 to 500 Ω

24 - Overexcitation Protection
Inverse Time
Curve Exponent ........................................................ 0.5, 1, or 2
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio ................................................ 98% ±1%
Time Dial
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater
Reset Dial
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

Definite Time 1 and 2

Setting Range ........................................................... 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

Specifications - 25 Hz Operation BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 579

Setting Range ........................................................... 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.05 V/Hz, whichever is greater
Reset/Alarm Ratio ..................................................... 98% ±1%
Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

25 - Sync-Check Protection
Voltage Difference
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 50% of nominal
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Slip Angle
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 99°
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1°
Slip Frequency
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.01 to 0.50 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz

Angle Compensation Setting Range ......................... 0 to 359.9°

Voltage Monitoring
Live/Dead Voltage
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 90%
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2%
Drop Out Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 60,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

25A - Synchronizer
Voltage Difference
Setting Range ........................................................... 2 to 15% of nominal
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Slip Frequency
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 0.5 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz
Breaker Close Angle
Setting Range ........................................................... 3 to 20 degrees
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1 degree
Breaker Close Time
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 1,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater
Sync Fail Activation Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 600 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

BE1-11g Specifications - 25 Hz Operation

580 9424200994 Rev R

Voltage Controller
Volt Pulse Width
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 5 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater
Volt Pulse Interval
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.2 to 10 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater

Frequency Controller
Frequency Pulse Width
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 99.9 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater
Frequency Pulse Interval
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 99.9 seconds
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

Sensing Setup
Angle Compensation Setting Range ......................... 0 to 359.9°

Voltage Monitoring
Live/Dead Voltage
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 90%
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2%
Drop Out Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 60,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

27P - Phase Undervoltage Protection

Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 300 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio .................................................... 102% ±1%

Inhibit Level
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 300 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Inhibit Ratio ..................................................... 102% ±1%

Timing Mode
Definite Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater
Inverse Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±8% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter for
information on available timing curves.

Specifications - 25 Hz Operation BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 581

27X - Auxiliary Undervoltage Protection

Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 150 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio .................................................... 102% ±1%

Inhibit Level
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 150 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Reset/Inhibit Ratio ..................................................... 102% ±1%

Timing Mode
Definite Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater
Inverse Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±8% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter for
information on available timing curves.

32 - Power Protection
5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 1 to 6,000 W, three-phase
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 1 to 1,200 W, three-phase
Accuracy.................................................................... ±4% of setting or ±2 watts, whichever is greater,
at unity power factor. (Accuracy of phase
relationship measurement between V and I is
accurate to within 0.5 degrees when I is greater
than 0.1 Aac and V is greater than 5 Vac. The
power and var measurements at power factor
other than 1.0 are affected accordingly.)
Dropout...................................................................... 95 to 99% of the actual pickup value

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

40Q - Loss of Excitation Protection - Reverse var Based

5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 1 to 6,000 var
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 1 to 1,200 var
Accuracy.................................................................... ±4% or ±4 var, whichever is greater
Dropout...................................................................... 93 to 99% of the actual pickup value

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5 or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

40Z - Loss of Excitation Protection - Impedance Based

Offset impedance mapping can be used to protect against a loss of field (under impedance). Two circular
tripping zones are used on the impedance plane (R and X). Figure 337 illustrates 40Z offset impedance

BE1-11g Specifications - 25 Hz Operation

582 9424200994 Rev R

Directional Supervision Angle (Blinder Angle)

Setting Range ........................................................... –90 to 0°

5 ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.1 to 100 Ω
1 ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.5 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT Accuracy ............................................. ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT Accuracy ............................................. ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 500 Ω





Figure 337. 40Z Offset Impedance Mapping

5 ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0 to 110 Ω
1 ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0 to 550 Ω
5 Ampere CT Accuracy ............................................. ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT Accuracy ............................................. ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from 0 to 500 Ω

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 300,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

Voltage Pickup
Setting Range ........................................................... 5 to 180 V

Voltage Time Delay

Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 60,000 ms

46 - Negative-Sequence Current Protection

Negative-sequence current protection is available when a 50 or 51 element is configured in I2 mode.
Refer to Instantaneous Overcurrent or Inverse Overcurrent for operational specifications.

47 - Negative-Sequence Voltage Protection

Negative-sequence voltage protection is available when a 27X or 59X element is configured in V2 mode.
Refer to Auxiliary Overvoltage or Auxiliary Undervoltage for operational specifications.

Specifications - 25 Hz Operation BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 583

49RTD - Resistance Temperature Device Protection (Optional)

Setting Range ........................................................... 32 to 482°F (0 to 250°C)
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±3.6°F (±2°C), whichever is greater
Reset/Pickup Ratio .................................................... 105% / 95% ±1% (over / under) or 41°F (5°C)

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1 s

50 - Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection

5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.5 to 150 A
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.1 to 30 A
SEF Setting Range ................................................... 0.01 to 7.5 A
Unbalanced Setting Range ....................................... 2 to 100%
Dropout ..................................................................... 93 to 99% of the actual pickup value
3Phase, IA, IB, IC, IG Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±4% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±4% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater
SEF (Pickup Setting of 0.01 to 4.99 A) ..................... ±(5% + 4.5 mA)
SEF (Pickup Setting of 5 to 7.5 A) ............................ ±(10% + 4.5 mA)
3I0, I1, I2 Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater
Unbalanced Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% of pickup setting
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% of pickup setting

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 60,000 ms
Phase & Ground ........................................................ ±1% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater, plus trip time
for instantaneous response (0.0 setting)*
Residual .................................................................... ±2% or ±3 cycles, whichever is greater, plus trip time
for instantaneous response (0.0 setting)*
* Trip Time for 0.0 Delay Setting .............................. 1¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5 times the pickup
setting. 1¾ cycles maximum for a current of 2
times pickup. Two cycles maximum for a current
of 1.05 times the pickup setting.

50BF - Breaker Failure Protection

Phase & Ground Pickup
5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.25 to 10 A
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.05 to 2 A
SEF ........................................................................... 0.01 to 0.5 A
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±4% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±4% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater

BE1-11g Specifications - 25 Hz Operation

584 9424200994 Rev R

SEF ........................................................................... ±(5% + 2.5 mA)

Time Delay & Control Time

Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 999 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or +3, –0.5 cycles, whichever is greater

51 - Inverse Overcurrent Protection

5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.5 to 16 A
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.1 to 3.2 A
SEF Setting Range ................................................... 0.01 to 0.8 A
Unbalanced Setting Range ....................................... 5 to 50%
Dropout ..................................................................... 93 to 99% of the actual pickup value
3Phase, IA, IB, IC, IG Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±4% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±4% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater
SEF ........................................................................... ±(5% + 2.5 mA)
3I0, I1, I2 Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater
Unbalanced Accuracy
5 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% of pickup setting
1 Ampere CT ............................................................. ±3% of pickup setting

Time Current Characteristic Curves

Timing Accuracy (All 51 Functions) .......................... ±8% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater, for time dial
settings greater than 0.1 and multiples of 2 to 40
times the pickup setting but not over 150 A for 5 A
CT units or 30 A for 1 A CT units.
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter
for information on available timing curves.

Voltage Restraint
Control/Restraint Range............................................ 30 to 250 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater

59P - Phase Overvoltage Protection

Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 300 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio ................................................ 98% ±1%

Timing Mode
Definite Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Inverse Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±8% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter
for information on available timing curves.

Specifications - 25 Hz Operation BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 585

59X - Auxiliary Overvoltage Protection

Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 150 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio ................................................ 98% ±1%

Timing Mode
Definite Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 50 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater
Inverse Timing
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9.9
Accuracy.................................................................... ±8% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater
Refer to the Time Curve Characteristics chapter
for information on available timing curves.

60FL - Fuse Loss

Time Delay ................................................................ Fixed at 50 ms

62 - Logic Timers
Modes ........................................................................ Pickup/Dropout, One-Shot/Non-Retriggerable,
One-Shot/Retriggerable, Oscillator, Integrating
Timer, Latched
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 9,999,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±12 ms, whichever is greater

67/67N - Directional Current and Polarization Protection

Modes ........................................................................ Forward, Reverse, Non-directional
Maximum Torque Angle ............................................ 0 to 359.9°
Polarization Methods
● Zero Sequence Current Polarization (IG)
● Negative Sequence Polarization (Q)
● Zero Sequence Polarization (V)
○ VOIN - Calculated Zero Sequence Voltage compared to Calculated Zero Sequence Current.
○ VOIG - Calculated Zero Sequence Voltage compared to Measured Ground Current.
○ VXIN - Measured 3V0-VX Input compared to Calculated Zero Sequence Current.
○ VXIG - Measured 3V0-VX Input compared to Measured Ground Current.

78OOS - Out of Step Protection

Reverse/Forward Reach
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT .......................................................... ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from –100 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT .......................................................... ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from –500 to 500 Ω

Blinder A/Blinder B Offset

Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 500 Ω
5 Ampere CT .......................................................... ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from –100 to 100 Ω
1 Ampere CT .......................................................... ±5% or ±0.4 Ω, whichever is greater from –500 to 500 Ω

BE1-11g Specifications - 25 Hz Operation

586 9424200994 Rev R

Blinder Angle
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 90 degrees
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2 degrees

Blinder Traverse Time Delay

Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 10,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

Trip Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 5,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1.5% or ±4 cycles, whichever is greater

Min I1
Setting Range ........................................................... 5 to 600%
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2%

I2/I1 Ratio
Setting Range ........................................................... 10 to 200%
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1%

78V - Vector Jump Protection

Pickup Setting Range ................................................ 2 to 90 degrees
Pickup Accuracy ........................................................ ±1 degree

81 - Frequency Protection
Setting Range ........................................................... 15 to 70 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz
Dropout...................................................................... 0.02 Hz ±0.01 Hz of the actual pickup value
Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater, plus 3
cycle recognition time for time delays < 50 ms

Setting Range ........................................................... 0.2 to 20 Hz/sec (positive, negative, or either)
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.1 Hz/sec of the setting, whichever is
Dropout...................................................................... ±3% of the actual pickup value
Over/Underfrequency Inhibit
Setting Range ........................................................... 15 to 70 Hz
Increment .................................................................. 0.01 Hz
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.01 Hz
Negative-Sequence Inhibit
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 99% of nominal voltage
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 600,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±1 cycle, whichever is greater, plus
recognition time*

Specifications - 25 Hz Operation BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 587

* Recognition time = 2 cycles for 0.57 > pickup, 4 cycles for 0.24 > pickup, 8 cycles for 0.08 > pickup, 16
cycles at pickup

O/U/ROC Voltage Inhibit

Setting Range ........................................................... 15 to 250 V
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater

87 - Phase Current Differential Protection (Optional)

Restrained Differential
5 Ampere CT Pickup Accuracy ................................. ±5% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT Pickup Accuracy ................................. ±5% or ±25 mA, whichever is greater
Response Time ......................................................... <2 cycles at 5 times pickup
<3 cycles at 1.5 times pickup

5 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 2.00 to 20.0 A
1 Ampere CT Setting Range ..................................... 0.40 to 4.00 A

Minimum Restraint Pickup (Iop)

Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 1.00 per unit
2 Slope Pickup (Ires)
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 20.0 per unit

Restraint Slope 1
Setting Range ........................................................... 5 to 100%

Restraint Slope 2
Setting Range ........................................................... 15 to 140%

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 60,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±1 cycle, whichever is greater, plus trip time
for instantaneous response (0.0 setting)*
* Trip Time for 0.0 Delay Setting .............................. 1¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5 times the pickup
setting. 1¾ cycles maximum for a current of 2
times pickup. Two cycles maximum for a current
of 1.05 times the pickup setting.

87N - Neutral Current Differential Protection

Iop Minimum Pickup
5 Ampere CT
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.1 to 5 A
Accuracy.................................................................... ±5% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT
Setting Range ........................................................... 0.02 to 1 A
Accuracy.................................................................... ±3% or ±15 mA, whichever

Overcorrection Coefficient
Setting Range ........................................................... 1 to 1.3

BE1-11g Specifications - 25 Hz Operation

588 9424200994 Rev R

Time Delay
Setting Range ........................................................... 0 to 60,000 ms
Accuracy.................................................................... ±1% or ±1 cycle, whichever is greater, plus trip time
for instantaneous response (0.0 setting)*
* Trip Time for 0.0 Delay Setting .............................. 1¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5 times the pickup
setting. 1¾ cycles maximum for a current of 2
times pickup. Two cycles maximum for a current
of 1.05 times the pickup setting.

Automatic Setting Group Characteristics

Number of Setting Groups ........................................ 4

Control Modes
Automatic .................................................................. Cold-Load Pickup, Dynamic Load or Unbalance
External ..................................................................... Discrete Input Logic, Binary Input Logic

Switch Threshold
Range ........................................................................ 0.1 to 25 A (5 A), 0.02 to 5 A (1 A)
Accuracy.................................................................... ±2% or ±0.05 A (5 A), ±2% or ±0.01 A (1 A)

Switch Time
Range ........................................................................ 0 to 60 min with 1 min increments where 0 =
Accuracy.................................................................... ±0.5% or ±2 s, whichever is greater

Update Rate .............................................................. ¼ cycle

Specifications - 25 Hz Operation BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 589

Time Curve Characteristics

This chapter provides time curve information for the inverse overcurrent (51), under/overvoltage (27/59),
and overexcitation (24) functions of the BE1-11g.

Inverse Overcurrent (51)

The inverse overcurrent (51) time curves provided by the BE1-11g closely emulate most of the common
electromechanical, induction-disk, overcurrent relays sold in North America. To further improve proper
BE1-11g coordination, selection of integrated reset or instantaneous reset characteristics is also provided.

Curve Specifications
Timing Accuracy (All 51 Functions): Within ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater, for time dial settings
greater than 0.1 and multiples of 2 to 40 times the pickup setting but not over 150 A for 5 A CT units or
30 A for 1 A CT units.
Twenty-two inverse time functions, one fixed time function, one 46 time function, one programmable time
function, and four Table Curve functions can be selected. Characteristic curves for the inverse and
definite time functions are defined by the following equations and comply with IEEE Std C37.112 - 1996 -
IEEE Standard Inverse-Time Characteristic Equations for Overcurrent Relays.
Equation 27

|𝑀𝑀2 − 1|
Equation 28

TT = Time to trip when M ≥ 1

TR = Time to reset if BE1-11g is set for integrating reset when M < 1. Otherwise, reset is
50 milliseconds or less
D = Time Dial setting (0.0 to 9.9)*
M = Multiple of Pickup setting (0 to 40)
A, B, C, N, K = Constants for the particular curve
R = Constant defining the reset time.
* Timing range is one second times the Time Dial setting when the F (fixed) curve is selected.
Table 251 lists time characteristic curve constants. See the figures after the tables for graphs of the
Table 251. 51 Time Characteristic Curve Constants

Curve Trip Characteristic Constants Reset ∗

Curve Name
Selection A B C N K R
S1 CO Short Inverse 0.2663 0.03393 1 1.2969 0.028 0.5
S2 IAC Short Inverse 0.0286 0.0208 1 0.9844 0.028 0.094
A Standard Inverse 0.01414 0 1 0.02 0.028 2
A1 IEC Inverse 0.14 0 1 0.02 0 20

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

590 9424200994 Rev R

Curve Trip Characteristic Constants Reset ∗

Curve Name
Selection A B C N K R
I1 CO Inverse Time 8.9341 0.17966 1 2.0938 0.028 9
I2 IAC Inverse Time 0.2747 0.10426 1 0.4375 0.028 0.8868
M CO Moderately Inverse 0.3022 0.1284 1 0.5 0.028 1.75
D1 IEEE Moderately Inverse 0.0515 0.114 1 0.02 0 4.85
L1 CO Long Inverse 5.6143 2.18592 1 1 0.028 15.75
L2 IAC Long Inverse 2.3955 0 1 0.3125 0.028 7.8001
G Long Time Inverse (I t) 12.1212 0 1 1 0.028 29
V1 CO Very Inverse 5.4678 0.10814 1 2.0469 0.028 5.5
V2 IAC Very Inverse 4.4309 0.0991 1 1.9531 0.028 5.8231
B Very Inverse (I t) 1.4636 0 1 1.0469 0.028 3.25
B1 IEC Very Inverse 13.5 0 1 1 0 30.6
E3 IEEE Very Inverse 19.61 0.491 1 2 0 21.6
E1 CO Extremely Inverse 7.7624 0.02758 1 2.0938 0.028 7.75
E2 IAC Extremely Inverse 4.9883 0.0129 1 2.0469 0.028 4.7742
C Extremely Inverse (I t) 8.2506 0 1 2.0469 0.028 8
C1 IEC Extremely Inverse 80 0 1 2 0 77.6
F1 IEEE Extremely Inverse 28.2 0.1217 1 2 0 29.1
D CO Definite Time 0.4797 0.21359 1 1.5625 0.028 0.875
F Fixed Time ‡ 0 1 0 0 0 1
46 K Factor † 0 0 2 0.028 100
P User Programmable § 0 to 600 0 to 25 0 to 1 0.5 to 2.5 0.028 0 to 30
T1 User Table 1 ║ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
T2 User Table 2 ║ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
T3 User Table 3 ║ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
T4 User Table 4 ║ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

∗ Instantaneous or integrating reset is selected on the Inverse Overcurrent setup screen in

† Constant A is variable for the 46 curve and is determined, as necessary, based on system full-load
current setting, minimum pickup, and K factor settings.
‡ Curve F has a fixed delay of one second times the Time Dial setting.
§ The programmable curve allows for four significant digits after the decimal place for every variable.
║ There is a minimum of 2 and maximum of 40 points that can be entered for any one T curve. For
information on setting T curves, refer to the Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection chapter.

Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curve Graphs

The figures after the tables illustrate the characteristic curves of the BE1-11g. Table 252 cross-references
each curve to existing electromechanical relay characteristics. Equivalent time dial settings were
calculated at a value of five times pickup.

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 591

Table 252. Characteristic Curve Cross-Reference

Curve Curve Name Similar To
S1 CO Short Inverse ABB CO-2
S2 IAC Short Inverse GE IAC-55
A Standard Inverse Refer to BS 142
A1 IEC Inverse Refer to IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1
I1 CO Inverse Time ABB CO-8
I2 IAC Inverse Time GE IAC-51
M CO Moderately Inverse ABB CO-7
D1 IEEE Moderately Inverse Refer to IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1
L1 CO Long Inverse ABB CO-5
L2 IAC Long Inverse GE IAC-66
G Long Time Inverse (I t) Refer to BS 142
V1 CO Very Inverse ABB CO-9
V2 IAC Very Inverse GE IAC-53
B Very Inverse (I t) Refer to BS 142
B1 IEC Very Inverse Refer to IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1
E3 IEEE Very Inverse Refer to IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1
E1 CO Extremely Inverse ABB CO-11
E2 IAC Extremely Inverse GE IAC-77
C Extremely Inverse (I t) Refer to BS 142
C1 IEC Extremely Inverse Refer to IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1
F1 IEEE Extremely Inverse Refer to IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1
D CO Definite Time ABB CO-6
F Fixed Time n/a
46 K Factor n/a
P User Programmable n/a
T1, T2, T3, T4 User Tables n/a

Time Dial Setting Cross-Reference

Although the time characteristic curve shapes have been optimized for each BE1-11g, time dial settings of
Basler Electric protection systems are not identical to the settings of electromechanical induction disk
overcurrent relays. Table 253 helps you convert the time dial settings of induction disk relays to the
equivalent setting for Basler Electric protection systems. Enter time dial settings using BESTCOMSPlus.
For more information, refer to the Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection chapter.
Using Table 253
Cross-reference table values were obtained by inspection of published electromechanical time current
characteristic curves. The time delay for a current of five times tap was entered into the time dial
calculator function for each time dial setting. The equivalent Basler Electric time dial setting was then
entered into the cross-reference table.
If your electromechanical relay time dial setting is between the values provided in the table, it will be
necessary to estimate the correct intermediate value between the electromechanical setting and the
Basler Electric setting.

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

592 9424200994 Rev R

Basler Electric protection systems have a maximum time dial setting of 9.9. The Basler Electric equivalent
time dial setting for the electromechanical maximum setting is provided in the cross-reference table even
if it exceeds 9.9. This allows interpolation as noted above.
Basler Electric time current characteristics are determined by a linear mathematical equation. The
induction disk of an electromechanical relay has a certain degree of non-linearity due to inertial and
friction effects. For this reason, even though every effort has been made to provide characteristic curves
with minimum deviation from the published electromechanical curves, slight deviations can exist between
In applications where the time coordination between curves is extremely close, we recommend that you
choose the optimal time dial setting by inspection of the coordination study. In applications where
coordination is tight, it is recommended that you retrofit your circuits with Basler Electric protection
systems to ensure high timing accuracy.
Table 253. Time Dial Setting Cross-Reference
Electromechanical Relay Time Dial Setting
Curve 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
Basler Electric Equivalent Time Dial Setting
S1 ABB CO-2 0.3 0.8 1.7 2.4 3.4 4.2 5.0 5.8 6.7 7.7 8.6 9.7
S2 GE IAC-55 0.2 1.0 2.0 3.1 4.0 4.9 6.1 7.2 8.1 8.9 9.8 n/a
I1 ABB CO-8 0.3 0.7 1.5 2.3 3.2 4.0 5.0 5.8 6.8 7.6 8.7 n/a
I2 GE IAC-51 0.6 1.0 1.9 2.7 3.7 4.8 5.7 6.8 8.0 9.3 n/a n/a
M ABB CO-7 0.4 0.8 1.7 2.5 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.1 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.8
L1 ABB CO-5 0.4 0.8 1.5 2.3 3.3 4.2 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.8 8.8 9.9
L2 GE IAC-66 0.4 0.9 1.8 2.7 3.9 4.9 6.3 7.2 8.5 9.7 n/a n/a
V1 ABB CO-9 0.3 0.7 1.4 2.1 3.0 3.9 4.8 5.7 6.7 7.8 8.7 9.6
V2 GE IAC-53 0.4 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.4 4.3 5.1 6.3 7.2 8.4 9.6 n/a
E1 ABB CO-11 0.3 0.7 1.5 2.4 3.2 4.2 5.0 5.7 6.6 7.8 8.5 n/a
E2 GE IAC-77 0.5 1.0 1.9 2.7 3.5 4.3 5.2 6.2 7.4 8.2 9.9 n/a
D ABB CO-6 0.5 1.1 2.0 2.9 3.7 4.5 5.0 5.9 7.2 8.0 8.9 n/a

The 46 Curve
The 46 curve (Figure 360) is a special curve designed to emulate the (I2) t withstand ratings of generators
using what is frequently referred to as the generator K factor.

The 46 Curve Characteristics

46 Pickup Current
Generators have a maximum continuous rating for negative sequence current. This is typically expressed
as a percent of stator rating. When using the 46 curve, the user should convert the continuous I rating
data to actual secondary current at the BE1-11g. This value (plus some margin, if appropriate) should be
entered as the pickup setting. For example, if a generator’s rated full-load current is 5 amperes, a pu
setting of 0.5 A would allow 10% continuous I2.
46 Time Dial (= Generator K factor)
The amount of time that a generator can withstand a given level of unbalance is defined by Equation 29.
𝑡𝑡 =
(𝐼𝐼2 )2
Equation 29

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 593

The K factor gives the time that a generator can withstand 1 per unit negative sequence current. For
example, with a K factor of 20, since (I2) becomes 1 at 1 per unit of current, the generator can withstand
the condition for 20 seconds. Typical values for generator K factors are in the 2 to 40 range. The BE1-11g
uses the “nominal current” setting of the BE1-11g to determine what corresponds to 1 per unit current in
the generator.
When curve 46 is selected, the BE1-11g changes the range of the allowed time dial to 1 to 99 (instead of
the time dial range of 0.1 to 9.9 for all the other curves). The user should enter the “K” factor of the
generator into the time dial field.
BE1-11g Equation
When the 46 function is used, the BE1-11g uses the K factor (i.e., 46 time dial setting), 46 minimum
pickup setting and generator full-load current to create a constant Z (see Equation 30).
Equation 30

The time to trip equation used in the BE1-11g is:

𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 = + 0.028 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠
Equation 31

𝑀𝑀 =
Equation 32

which, when M > 1, reduces to:

Equation 33

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

594 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 338. Time Characteristic Curve S1, Short Inverse (Similar to ABB CO-2)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 595

Figure 339. Time Characteristic Curve S2, Short Inverse (Similar To GE IAC-55)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

596 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 340. Time Characteristic Curve A, Standard Inverse (BS 142)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 597

Figure 341. Time Characteristic Curve A1, Inverse (IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

598 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 342. Time Characteristic Curve I1, Inverse Time (Similar to ABB CO-8)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 599

Figure 343. Time Characteristic Curve I2, Inverse Time (Similar to GE IAC-51)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

600 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 344. Time Characteristic Curve M, Moderately Inverse (Similar to ABB CO-7)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 601




9.9 T
9.0 I
8.0 M
7.0 E
5.0 D
4.0 I
3.0 A
1.00 2.0 L


1 10 100


Figure 345. Time Characteristic Curve D1, Moderately Inverse (IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

602 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 346. Time Characteristic Curve L1, Long Inverse (Similar to ABB CO-5)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 603

Figure 347. Time Characteristic Curve L2, Long Inverse (Similar To GE IAC-66)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

604 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 348. Time Characteristic Curve G, Long Time Inverse (BS 142)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 605

Figure 349. Time Characteristic Curve V1, Very Inverse (Similar to ABB CO-9)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

606 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 350. Time Characteristic Curve V2, Very Inverse (Similar to GE IAC-53)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 607

Figure 351. Time Characteristic Curve B, Very Inverse (BS 142)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

608 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 352. Time Characteristic Curve B1, Very Inverse (IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 609




9.9 T
9.0 I
8.0 M
7.0 E
5.0 D
1.00 4.0 I
3.0 A
2.0 L


1 10 100


Figure 353. Time Characteristic Curve E3, Very Inverse (IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

610 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 354. Time Characteristic Curve E1, Extremely Inverse (Similar to ABB CO-11)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 611

Figure 355. Time Characteristic Curve E2, Extremely Inverse (Similar to GE IAC-77)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

612 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 356. Time Characteristic Curve C, Extremely Inverse (BS 142)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 613

Figure 357. Time Characteristic Curve C1, Extremely Inverse (IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

614 9424200994 Rev R




9.9 T
1.00 9.0 I
8.0 M
7.0 E
5.0 D
4.0 I
3.0 A
2.0 L

1 10 100


Figure 358. Time Characteristic Curve F1, Extremely Inverse (IEC 60255-151 Ed. 1)

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 615

Figure 359. Time Characteristic Curve D, Definite Time (Similar To ABB CO-6)

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

616 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 360. 46 Time Characteristic Curve

NOTE: Curves are shown as extending farther to the left than they will in practice. Curves stop at pickup
level. For example, if the user selects 5A FLC and a pickup setting of 0.5A, the per-unit pickup is 0.1A.
The BE1-11g will not pick up at less than 0.1 pu I2 for these settings.

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 617

Under/Overvoltage (27/59)
The 27 and 59 elements have independent user defined definite and inverse time delays. The inverse
time curves are defined below.

Undervoltage (27) Inverse Time Curve

The undervoltage inverse time curve is defined by Equation 34 and shown in Figure 361.
1 − � 𝑚𝑚 �
Equation 34. Undervoltage (27) Inverse Time Curve Definition

TT = Time to Trip
D = Time Dial
Vm = Measured Voltage
Vpu = Voltage Pickup Setting

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

618 9424200994 Rev R





0 1


Figure 361. Undervoltage (27) Inverse Time Curve

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 619

Overvoltage (59) Inverse Time Curve

The overvoltage inverse time curve is defined by Equation 35 and shown in Figure 362.
� 𝑚𝑚 − 1�
Equation 35. Overvoltage (59) Inverse Time Curve Definition

TT = Time to Trip
D = Time Dial
Vm = Measured Voltage
Vpu = Voltage Pickup Setting

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

620 9424200994 Rev R





1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2


Figure 362. Overvoltage (59) Inverse Time Curve

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 621

Overexcitation (24)
The inverse time curves for the overexcitation (24) element are defined below. Equation 36 and
Equation 37 represent the trip time and reset time for constant volts per hertz level. Normally, the V/Hz
pickup is set to a value greater than the V/Hz nominal. This ensures that V/Hz measured divided by V/Hz
nominal is always greater than 1.000 throughout the pickup range.

Curve Specifications
If the pickup is set less than nominal, then measured values above pickup and below nominal will result in
the maximum time delay. The maximum time delay is determined by Equation 37 with (V/Hz measured /
V/Hz nominal) set equal to 1.001. The overall inverse time delay range is limited to 1,000 seconds
maximum and 0.2 seconds minimum.

TT = n
V/Hz Measured Equation 36. Time to Trip
� − 1�
V/Hz Nominal

TR = DR × × 100 Equation 37. Time to Reset

TT = Time to trip
TR = Time to reset
DT = Time dial trip
DR = Time dial, reset
ET = Elapsed time
N = Curve exponent (0.5, 1, 2)
FST = Full scale trip time (TT)
ET/FST = Fraction of total travel toward trip that integration had progressed to. (After a trip, this
value will be equal to one.)

When the measured V/Hz rises above a pickup threshold, the pickup element becomes true and an
integrating or definite time timer starts. If the V/Hz remains above the pickup threshold and the integration
continues for the required time interval as defined by the equations shown above and the set time dial,
the trip output becomes true. If the measured V/Hz drops below pickup before timeout to trip, either an
instantaneous or a time delayed integrating reset can be selected.
The following sets of curves are shown first with the time axis on the vertical and then on the horizontal
for ease of use.

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

622 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 363. V/Hz Characteristic (M-1)^0.5 – Time on Vertical Axis

Figure 364. V/Hz Characteristic (M-1)^0.5 – Time on Horizontal Axis

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 623

Figure 365. V/Hz Characteristic (M-1)^1 – Time on Vertical Axis

Figure 366. V/Hz Characteristic (M-1)^1 – Time on Horizontal Axis

BE1-11g Time Curve Characteristics

624 9424200994 Rev R

Figure 367. V/Hz Characteristic (M-1)^2 – Time on Vertical Axis

Figure 368. V/Hz Characteristic (M-1)^2 – Time on Horizontal Axis

Time Curve Characteristics BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 625

RTD Module
The RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) module is an optional remote device that provides RTD
inputs, analog inputs, and analog outputs for generator protection applications.

RTD modules have the following features:
• 12 RTD Inputs
• 4 Analog Inputs
• 4 Analog Outputs
• Secured Read/Write Access*
• Reporting and Alarm Functions
• Communications via Ethernet or RS-485
* The default password for uploading settings to the RTD module is “OEM” in upper case letters.

Functional Description
A functional description of the RTD module’s inputs and outputs is provided below.

Analog Inputs
The RTD module provides four analog inputs that are user-selectable for 4 to 20 mAdc or 0 to 10 Vdc.
Each analog input has under/over thresholds that when exceeded, trip an analog input protection
element. The label text of each analog input is customizable.

RTD Inputs
The RTD module provides 12 user-configurable RTD inputs for monitoring system temperatures. Each
RTD input can be configured to protect against high or low temperature conditions. The label text of each
RTD input is customizable.

Analog Outputs
The RTD module provides four analog outputs that are user-selectable for 4 to 20 mAdc or 0 to 10 Vdc. A
wide selection of parameters including BE1-11g metered voltages and currents, analog inputs, and RTD
inputs can be configured as analog outputs. Refer to the Programmable Outputs, Remote Analog Outputs
screen in BESTCOMSPlus® for a full list of parameter selections.

Alarm Contact Functions

The RTD module provides form C (SPDT) alarm contacts that operate when an internal RTD module
failure exists. The contacts also operate when operating power is cycled.

Real-Time Status Functions

The RTD module is equipped with a multi-function LED with the following functions.
• Slow Flashing - Communications established
• Quick Flashing - Communications lost
• Steady On - Power applied

BE1-11g RTD Module

626 9424200994 Rev R

RTD modules are contained in a potted plastic case and may be mounted in any convenient position
using UNC ¼-20 or equivalent screws. Hardware selection should be based on any expected
shipping/transportation and operating conditions. The torque applied to the mounting hardware should not
exceed 65 in-lb (7.34 N•m).
See Figure 369 for RTD module overall dimensions. All dimensions are shown in inches with millimeters
in parenthesis.

6.38 [161.95]

8.38 [212.75]

6.75 [171.35] P0069-19

2.24 [56.84]

Figure 369. RTD Module Overall Dimensions

RTD Module BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 627

RTD module connections are dependent on the application. Incorrect wiring may result in damage to the

Be sure that the RTD module is hard-wired to earth ground with no
smaller than 12 AWG (3.31 mm ) copper wire attached to the chassis
ground terminal on the module.

The terminal interface consists of permanently mounted connectors with screw-down compression
RTD module connections are made with one 6-position connector, two 12-position connectors, and two
15-position connectors. Connector screw terminals accept a maximum wire size of 12 AWG (3.31 mm ).
Maximum screw torque is 5 inch-pounds (0.56 N•m) for the 12- and 15-position connectors. Maximum
screw torque is 9 inch-pounds (1.01 N•m) for the 6-position connector.

Operating Power
The RTD module operating power input accepts 125/250 Vac/dc and tolerates voltage over the range of
90 to 270 Vac or 90 to 300 Vdc. The operating power inputs are not polarity sensitive. Operating power
terminals are listed in Table 254.
Table 254. Operating Power Terminals
Terminal Description
TB1-1 Operating power input
TB1-2 Operating power input
TB1-3 Chassis ground connection

Alarm Contacts
These terminals provide form C (SPDT) alarm contacts. Alarm contact terminals are listed in Table 255.
Table 255. Alarm Contact Terminals
Terminal Description
TB1-4 Normally Open
TB1-5 Common
TB1-6 Normally Closed

RTD Module Inputs and Outputs

Input and output terminals are shown in Figure 370 and listed in Table 256.

BE1-11g RTD Module

628 9424200994 Rev R





N.O. 4
P4 P3
AIN4I+ 60 48 RS485 C
N.C. 6 AIN4- 59 47 RS485 B
AIN4V+ 58 46 RS485 A
AIN3I+ 57 45 NO CONN
AIN3- 56 44 AOUT4-
AIN3V+ 55 43 AOUT4+
J5 J4 AIN2I+ 54 42 AOUT3-
AIN2- 53 41 AOUT3+
RTD2+ 7 22 RTD1+ AIN2V+ 52 40 AOUT2-
RTD2- 8 23 RTD1- AIN1I+ 51 39 AOUT2+
COMM 9 24 COMM AIN1- 50 38 AOUT1-
RTD4- 10 25 RTD3- AIN1V+ 49 37 AOUT1+
RTD4+ 11 26 RTD3+
RTD6+ 12 27 RTD5+
RTD6- 13 28 RTD5-
RTD8- 15 30 RTD7-
RTD8+ 16 31 RTD7+
RTD10+ 17 32 RTD9+
RTD10- 18 33 RTD9-
RTD12- 20 35 RTD11-
RTD12+ 21 36 RTD11+


Figure 370. Input and Output Terminals

Table 256. Input and Output Terminals

Connector Description
TB1 Operating Power and Alarm Contacts
J4 RTD Inputs 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
J5 RTD Inputs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
P3 Analog Outputs 1 - 4 and RS485 Connection
P4 Analog Inputs 1 - 4

External Analog Input Connections

Voltage input connections are shown in Figure 371 and current input connections are shown in Figure
372. When using the current input, AIN V+ and AIN I+ must be tied together.

RTD Module BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 629

RTD Module

0 – 10 Vdc AIN –

Transducer AIN V+

Figure 371. Analog Inputs - Voltage Input Connections

RTD Module

4 – 20 mA AIN I+
Transducer AIN –


Figure 372. Analog Inputs - Current Input Connections

External RTD Input Connections

External 2-wire RTD input connections are shown in Figure 373. Figure 374 shows external 3-wire RTD
input connections.

RTD Module



Figure 373. External Two-Wire RTD Input Connections

BE1-11g RTD Module

630 9424200994 Rev R


RTD Module



Figure 374. External Three-Wire RTD Input Connections

RTD Module Communications Setup Procedure

Communication between the BE1-11g and the RTD module can be accomplished via Ethernet or RS-485.
Initial settings for the RTD module must be made via Ethernet.
An IP address is assigned to the RTD module in all cases even if the connection between the RTD
module and the BE1-11g will be RS-485. Assigning an IP address to the RTD module gives the user the
option to save a settings file and to view the serial number and firmware version of the RTD module using
Perform one of the following procedures to set up the RTD module. It is assumed that the BE1-11g is
already connected to the PC or network.

Procedure 1
The PC and BE1-11g are connected through a network or the PC is connected directly to the BE1-11g via
Ethernet cable or USB cable. The RTD module connects to the BE1-11g via Ethernet or RS-485. See
Figure 375.

Ethernet USB
w BE1-11g OR BE1-11g
RS-485 Ethernet

k RTD Module RTD Module

= Optional
Figure 375. Procedure 1

Connect to RTD Module

1. Connect an Ethernet cable directly between the PC and RTD module.
2. Apply operating power to the RTD module.
3. Determine the IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway of the PC Ethernet port for later use.
Open a Windows® command prompt by clicking Start > Run. Type “cmd”, and click OK. Type
“ipconfig” and press enter.
4. Record the IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway of the PC Ethernet port that is connected
to the RTD module. Close the Windows command prompt window.
RTD Module BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 631

5. Open the RTD Module plugin in BESTCOMSPlus.

6. Pull down the Communication menu and select New Connection > RTD Module. The RTD Module
Connection screen appears.
7. Under Device Discovery, click the Ethernet button to scan for connected devices.
8. After scanning for connected devices, the Device Discovery screen appears.
9. Use the computer mouse to highlight the desired RTD module and click the Configure button.
10. The Configure - RTD Module screen appears. The BE1-11g uses the Device Address (Remote
Module ID) to communicate with the RTD module. The RTD module comes with a default address of
255 (module disabled). Enter the desired device address between 1 and 254.
11. Assign an IP Address to the RTD module by entering an address in the same range as the IP
address of the PC recorded in Step 4. For example, if the IP address recorded in Step 4 was, you could enter or (The range is 1 to 255.)
12. The PC and RTD module must have the same Subnet Mask and Default Gateway. Assign the Subnet
Mask and Default Gateway to the RTD module using the values of the PC recorded in Step 4.
13. Click Send to Device. A password is required. The default password is “OEM”. Click Close.
14. Click Cancel on the Device Discovery screen.
15. Cycle power to the RTD module to activate the new IP address.

Verify RTD Module Communication and Save a Settings File

16. To verify that the IP address of the RTD module was correctly configured or to save a settings file for
the RTD module, click the Ethernet button under Device Discovery to scan for connected devices.
17. After scanning for connected devices, the Device Discovery screen appears.
18. Use the computer mouse to highlight the desired RTD module and click the Connect button. If the
Device Needs Activated screen appears, refer to RTD Module Plugin for BESTCOMSPlus, later in
this section for information on how to activate the plugin. If the connection was successful,
BESTCOMSPlus will show Online in the lower right corner.
19. Review settings or save a settings file if desired.
20. Click the Disconnect button near the top of BESTCOMSPlus to close the RTD module connection.

Configure the BE1-11g to Communicate with the RTD Module

21. Connect an Ethernet or USB cable between the PC and BE1-11g.
22. Open the BE1-11 plugin in BESTCOMSPlus and connect to the BE1-11g.
23. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Remote Module Communications screen under System
24. Set the Status to Enabled. Set Communication Type to Ethernet or RS485. Set Remote Module ID
to match the remote module ID entered in Step 10.
25. Perform this step if the RTD module is connected to the BE1-11g via RS-485. The RTD Module
communicates with the BE1-11g only at 19200 baud when using RS-485. Open the RS485 Setup
screen under Communications and set Baud Rate to 19200 Baud, Bits Per Character to 8 Bits,
Parity to No Parity, and Stop Bits to 1 stop bit.
26. Use BESTCOMSPlus to send settings to the BE1-11g.

Procedure 2
The PC, BE1-11g, and RTD module are connected through a network. See Figure 376.

BE1-11g RTD Module

632 9424200994 Rev R

w BE1-11g

k RTD Module

= Optional
Figure 376. Procedure 2

Connect to RTD Module

1. Connect an Ethernet cable directly between the PC and RTD module.
2. Apply operating power to the RTD module.
3. Open the RTD Module plugin in BESTCOMSPlus.
4. Pull down the Communication menu and select New Connection > RTD Module. The RTD Module
Connection screen appears.
5. Under Device Discovery, click the Ethernet button to scan for connected devices.
6. After scanning for connected devices, the Device Discovery screen appears.
7. Use the computer mouse to highlight the desired RTD module and click the Configure button.
8. The Configure - RTD Module screen appears. The BE1-11g uses the Device Address (Remote
Module ID) to communicate with the RTD module. The RTD module comes with a default address of
255 (module disabled). Enter the desired device address between 1 and 254.
9. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows the RTD module to send a broadcast request for
configuration information. The DHCP server receives the request and responds with configuration
information. DHCP is disabled by default. To enable, check the DHCP box.
If DHCP is not being used, use BESTCOMSPlus to configure the Ethernet port as described in the
following paragraphs.
Configurable Ethernet options include:
IP Address: Internet Protocol Address to be used by the RTD module.
Default Gateway: Default host to send data destined for a host not on the network subnet.
Subnet Mask: Mask used to determine the range of the current network subnet.
Use DHCP: When this box is checked, the IP Address, Default Gateway, and Subnet
Mask are automatically configured via DHCP. This can be used only if
the Ethernet network has a properly configured DHCP server running.
Uncheck the box if DHCP is not being used.
Obtain the values for these options from the site administrator if the RTD module is intended to share
the network with other devices.
If the RTD module is operating on an isolated network, the IP address can be chosen from one of the
following ranges as listed in IETF publication RFC 1918, Address Allocation for Private Networks.
• -
• -
• -

RTD Module BE1-11g

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10. Click Send to Device. A password is required. The default password is “OEM”. Click Close.
11. Click Cancel on the Device Discovery screen.
12. Remove operating power from the RTD module. Connect the RTD module to the network. Apply
operating power to the RTD module

Verify RTD Module Communication and Save a Settings File

13. Connect the PC to the same network as the RTD module.
14. To verify that the IP address of the RTD module was correctly configured or to save a settings file for
the RTD module, click the Ethernet button under Device Discovery to scan for connected devices.
15. After scanning for connected devices, the Device Discovery screen appears.
16. Use the computer mouse to highlight the desired RTD module and click the Connect button. If the
connection was successful, BESTCOMSPlus will show Online in the lower right corner.
17. Review settings or save a settings file if desired.
18. Click the Disconnect button near the top of BESTCOMSPlus to close the RTD module connection.

Configure the BE1-11g to Communicate with the RTD Module

19. Connect an Ethernet or USB cable between the PC and BE1-11g.
20. Open the BE1-11 plugin in BESTCOMSPlus and connect to the BE1-11g.
21. Use the Settings Explorer to open the Remote Module Communications screen under System
22. Set the Status to Enabled. Set Communication Type to Ethernet. Set Remote Module ID to match
the remote module ID entered in Step 8.
23. Use BESTCOMSPlus to send settings to the BE1-11g.

RTD Module Plugin for BESTCOMSPlus®

The setup utility that installs BESTCOMSPlus on your PC also installs the RTD Module plugin. The RTD
Module plugin is used to set the device address, set device security, and view device information such as
firmware version and serial number. RTD Module operational settings such as metering and protective
elements are found in the BE1-11 plugin for BESTCOMSPlus.
BESTCOMSPlus provides the user with a point-and-click means to set and monitor the RTD module.
Installation and operation of BESTCOMSPlus is described in the BESTCOMSPlus Software chapter.

Automatic Activation
To start BESTCOMSPlus, click the Windows® Start button, point to Programs, Basler Electric, and then
click the BESTCOMSPlus icon. During initial startup, the BESTCOMSPlus Select Language screen is
displayed (Figure 377). You can choose to have this screen displayed each time BESTCOMSPlus is
started, or you can select a preferred language and this screen will be bypassed in the future. Click OK to
continue. This screen can be accessed later by selecting Tools and Select Language from the menu bar.

BE1-11g RTD Module

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Figure 377. BESTCOMSPlus Select Language Screen

The BESTCOMSPlus splash screen is shown for a brief time. See Figure 378.

Figure 378. BESTCOMSPlus Splash Screen

The BESTCOMSPlus platform window opens. Select New Connection from the Communication pull-down
menu and select RTD Module. See Figure 379. The RTD Module plugin is activated automatically after
connecting to an RTD module.

Figure 379. Communication Pull-Down Menu

The RTD Module Connection screen shown in Figure 380 appears. Under Device Discovery, click the
Ethernet button.

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Figure 380. RTD Module Connection Screen

Wait until scanning is complete. See Figure 381.

Figure 381. Scanning for Connected Devices

The Device Discovery screen shown in Figure 382 appears. Use the computer mouse to highlight the
desired RTD module and click the Connect button (or proceed to configure communications as explained
in the next paragraph). The RTD Module plugin opens indicating that activation was successful. You can
now configure the RTD module settings.
Click the Configure button to change RTD module communication settings.

Figure 382. Device Discovery Screen

BE1-11g RTD Module

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The Configure - RTD Module screen shown in Figure 383 appears. The BE1-11g uses the Device
Address to communicate with the connected RTD module through Ethernet or RS-485. All other settings
are only for the Ethernet port. Program the desired settings and click Send to Device. A password is
required. The default password is “OEM”. Click the Close button.

Figure 383. Configure - RTD Module Screen

The Device Discovery screen shown in Figure 382 re-appears. Click the Connect button. The RTD
Module plugin opens indicating that activation was successful. You can now configure the RTD module

Manual Activation
Requesting an Activation Key
When initially running the RTD Module plugin, the Activate Device Plugin pop-up appears. You must
contact Basler Electric for an activation key before you can activate the RTD Module plugin. You can
request an activation key through email or the Basler Electric website. Click either the Website or Email
button. Click the Activate button when you are ready to enter the activation key you received from Basler
Electric. The Activate Device Plugin pop-up appears. Refer to Figure 384.

Figure 384. Activate Device Plugin

Entering an Activation Key
Select RTD Module from the Device pull-down menu. Enter your Email Address and Activation Key
provided by Basler Electric. If you received an email containing the Activation Key, you can select all of
the text in the email and copy it to the Windows clipboard using normal Windows techniques. The Get
Data button will extract the Device, Email Address, and Activation Key from the Windows clipboard and
paste it into the appropriate fields. Click the Activate button to continue. The Activate Device Plugin

RTD Module BE1-11g

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screen is found by selecting Activate Device from the Tools pull-down menu of the BESTCOMSPlus main

Device Info
Information about an RTD module communicating with BESTCOMSPlus can be obtained on the Device
Info screen of BESTCOMSPlus.
Select application version when configuring RTD module settings off-line. When on-line, read-only
information includes application version, boot code version, application build date, serial number,
application part number, and model number. A specific Device ID can be assigned by the user.
BESTCOMSPlus device information values and settings are illustrated in Figure 385.

Figure 385. Device Info Screen

Remote Module ID
The default setting is 255 (communications disabled). Assign a remote module ID (1 to 254) to the RTD
module. The BE1-11g uses this unique ID to communicate with the connected RTD module. To obtain
metering values in BESTCOMSPlus or through the BE1-11g front-panel display, the same ID must be
entered on the Remote Module Communications screen under System Parameters in the Settings
Explorer of the BE1-11 plugin. The Device Address screen is shown in Figure 386.

Figure 386. Device Address Screen

Device Security Setup

Password protection guards against unauthorized changing of RTD module settings. Passwords are case
sensitive. OEM Access is the only level of password protection available. This password level allows
access to all settings made using the RTD Module plugin for BESTCOMSPlus. The default, OEM-access
password is “OEM”.
Passwords can be changed only after communication between the PC and RTD module is established. A
change to the password is made through the Device Security Setup screen.
Use the Settings Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus to select Device Security Setup under General Settings.
The Login dialog box appears. See Figure 387.

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Figure 387. Login Screen

Enter the Password and then click the Log In button. The default password is “OEM”. The Device Security
Setup screen shown in Figure 388 appears.

Figure 388. Device Security Setup Screen

A password is changed by clicking on the access level and entering the new password. Click the Save
Password button to save the settings to BESTCOMSPlus memory.
Pull down the Communication menu and select Upload Security to Device. The Login dialog box pops up.
An OEM access level is required to upload security settings to the device.
Enter the password and then click the Log In button. The default password is “OEM”. BESTCOMSPlus
notifies you when the upload is successful.

Remote Analog Inputs Configuration

The RTD module provides four analog inputs. The BE1-11g supports two RTD modules at once. To make
identifying the analog inputs easier, a user-assigned name can be given to each input.
Protection settings for remote analog inputs are described in the Analog Input Protection chapter.

Configuration Settings
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Remote Analog Inputs
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Analog Inputs
Configuration settings are made using the BE1-11 plugin for BESTCOMSPlus. To program the
configuration settings, use the Settings Explorer to open the Programmable Inputs, Remote Analog Inputs
tree branch and select the module and input to be modified. Refer to Figure 389. Use the drop-down
menu under Type to select the type of configuration. The analog inputs are always monitored and their
status is displayed on the appropriate metering screens.
Ranges must be set for the selected input type. Param Min correlates to Min Input Current or Min Input
Voltage and Param Max correlates to Max Input Current or Max Input Voltage. Param Min and Param
Max are scaled values of the Min/Max Voltage/Current settings that are used for protection.

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Figure 389. Module 1 Input #1 Screen

Table 257 summarizes the configuration settings for remote analog inputs.
Table 257. Configuration Settings for Remote Analog Inputs
Setting Range Increment Unit of Measure Default
Module 1
Label Up to 64 alphanumeric characters n/a n/a
Input 1
Type Voltage or Current n/a n/a Voltage
Param Min –99,999.9 to 99,999.9 0.1 n/a –99,999.9
Param Max –99,999.9 to 99,999.9 0.1 n/a –99,999.9
Min Input Current 4 to 20 0.01 milliamps 4
Max Input Current 4 to 20 0.01 milliamps 20
Min Input Voltage 0 to 10 0.01 volts 0
Max Input Voltage 0 to 10 0.01 volts 10

Remote Analog Outputs Configuration

The RTD module provides four analog outputs. The BE1-11g supports two RTD modules at once.

Configuration Settings
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Programmable Outputs, Remote Analog Outputs
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Analog Outputs
Configuration settings are made using the BE1-11 plugin for BESTCOMSPlus. To program the
configuration settings, use the Settings Explorer to open the Programmable Outputs, Remote Analog
Outputs tree branch and select the module and output to be modified. Refer to Figure 390. Use the drop-
down menu under Param Selection to select a parameter. Select the Output Type. The analog outputs
are always monitored and their status is displayed on the appropriate metering screens.
Ranges must be set for the selected output type. Param Min correlates to Min Output Current or Min
Output Voltage and Param Max correlates to Max Output Current or Max Output Voltage.

BE1-11g RTD Module

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Figure 390. Module 1 Output #1 Screen

Table 258 summarizes the configuration settings for remote analog outputs.
Table 258. Configuration Settings for Remote Analog Outputs
Unit of
Setting Range Increment Default
Param Disabled, Voltages, Currents, Frequency,
n/a n/a VA
Selection Power, etc.
Output Type Voltage or Current n/a n/a Voltage

Param Min –99,999.9 to 99,999.9 0.1 n/a

Param Max –99,999.9 to 99,999.9 0.1 n/a
Min Input
4 to 20 0.01 milliamps 4
Max Input
4 to 20 0.01 milliamps 20
Min Input
0 to 10 0.01 volts 0
Max Input
0 to 10 0.01 volts 10

Table 259 defines the units of selectable parameters.

Table 259. Units of Selectable Parameters

Parameter Unit Note

VA, VB, VC, VAB, VBC, V (secondary)
VCA, 3V0, V1, V2, Vx, Vx 3
IA Circuit 1, IB Circuit 1, IC A (secondary)
Circuit 1, 3I0 Circuit 1, I1
Circuit 1, I2 Circuit 1, IG
Circuit 1
IA Circuit 2, IB Circuit 2, IC A (secondary)
Circuit 2, 3I0 Circuit 2, I1
Circuit 2, I2 Circuit 2, IG
Circuit 2
Phase Frequency, Aux Hz
Power Factor Per unit 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊

RTD Module BE1-11g

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Parameter Unit Note

Real Power kW (secondary) In the metering screen, the power values are
displayed in kW, kvar, and kVA primary. The
Reactive Power kvar (secondary) analog output values are displayed in
Apparent Power kVA (secondary) secondary. Secondary values must be
calculated using the CT and VT ratio.
Analog Input 1-1 through 1-4 Scale entered for When an analog output is used to repeat an
the analog input analog input, the scaled value is used (not the
raw 4-20 mA or 0-10 V signal).
Analog Input 2-1 through 2-4 Scale entered for
the analog input
RTD 1-1 through RTD 1-12 Degrees C or F
(depends on System
Units setting)
RTD 2-1 through RTD 2-12 Degrees C or F
(depends on System
Units setting)

Remote Analog Output Metering

Analog output metering values are obtained through BESTCOMSPlus by using the Metering Explorer to
open the Analog Metering, Analog Outputs tree branch. BESTCOMSPlus must be online with the BE1-
11g to view analog output metering. Alternately, values can be obtained through the front-panel display by
navigating to Metering > Analog Metering > Analog Output.

Remote RTDs Configuration

The RTD module provides 12 RTD inputs. The BE1-11g supports two RTD modules at once. The RTDs
are always monitored and their status is displayed on the appropriate metering screens.
Protection settings for remote RTDs are described in the Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD)
Protection chapter.

Out of Range Alarm

The BE1-11g reports an Out of Range alarm when the resistance from an RTD has exceeded an
expected range for a properly functioning RTD. Exceeding the range indicates that the RTD may be
shorted or open and cannot be relied on to provide thermal detection. Table 260 defines the resistance
and equivalent temperature levels that will result in an Out of Range alarm.
Table 260. Out of Range Alarm Resistance/Temperature Levels
RTD Type Min. Ohms Min. Temperature Max. Ohms Max. Temperature
10 Ω Cu 7Ω −61°C (−77.8°F) 20 Ω 261°C (501.8°F)
100 Ω Pt 76 Ω −61°C (−77.8°F) 198 Ω 261°C (501.8°F)
100 Ω Ni 69 Ω −61°C (−77.8°F) 224 Ω 181°C (357.8°F)
120 Ω Ni 79 Ω −61°C (−77.8°F) 383 Ω 261°C (501.8°F)

Configuration Settings
BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Remote RTD
HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, RTD Types
Configuration settings are made using the BE1-11 plugin for BESTCOMSPlus. Before making
configuration settings, remote module communications must be configured on the System Parameters,
Remote Module Communications screen. To program the configuration settings, use the Settings
BE1-11g RTD Module
642 9424200994 Rev R

Explorer to open the Programmable Outputs, Remote RTD, RTD Type Selection tree branch and select
RTD Type Selection. Use the drop-down menu to select RTD Type. Refer to Figure 391.

Figure 391. RTD Type Selection Screen

Use the Settings Explorer to open the Programmable Outputs, Remote RTD, RTD Block Configuration
tree branch and enter a user-defined name (up to 64 alphanumeric characters) for the RTD Configuration
Block selected. Check the boxes next to the RTDs to include in each configuration group. See Figure 392.
The source for the 49RTD protection elements can be set for RTD Group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. Refer to the
Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection chapter for information on setting 49RTD
protection elements.

Figure 392. RTD Configuration Block Screen

Operating Power
Nominal ...................................... 125/250 Vac/dc
Range ......................................... 90 to 270 Vac or 90 to 300 Vdc
Maximum Consumption ............. 9 W

Analog Inputs
The RTD module contains four programmable analog inputs.
Rating ......................................... 4 to 20 mAdc or 0 to 10 Vdc (user-selectable)

RTD Inputs
The RTD module contains 12 programmable RTD inputs.

RTD Module BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 643

User-Selectable Types ............... 100 Ω Platinum (DIN43760), 10 Ω Copper, 100 Ω Nickel, or 120 Ω Nickel
Range ......................................... –50 to 250°C (–58 to 482°F)
Accuracy..................................... ±2°C (3.6°F)
Maximum Lead Length............... 150 feet (4.25 km) with 22 AWG (0.326 mm ) wire
Sensing Current Level ................ 2.5 mA
Isolation ...................................... 35 Vpp

Analog Outputs
The RTD module contains four programmable analog outputs.
Rating ......................................... 4 to 20 mAdc or 0 to 10 Vdc (user-selectable)
Accuracy..................................... ±0.053% of full scale (10 V) at 25°C
Temperature Dependence ......... ±0.029% drift per degree Celsius
Accuracy..................................... ±0.055% of full scale (20 mA) at 25°C
Temperature Dependence ......... ±0.04% drift per degree Celsius

Alarm Contact
Type ........................................... Form C (SPDT)
Rating ......................................... 24/48/125/250 Vdc at:
o 30 A make for 0.2 seconds
o 7 A continuous
o 0.3 Adc Break (L/R = 0.04)

Communication Interface
An RTD module with part number 9444100101 is equipped with both fiber and copper Ethernet
connections. An RTD module with part number 9444100100 is equipped with only a copper Ethernet
Copper Type (RJ45 Connector)
Version ...................................................................... 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
Maximum Length (One Network Segment) ............... 328 ft (100 m)
Fiber Optic Type (ST Connector)
Version ...................................................................... 100BASE-FX, multimode
Maximum Length (Half-Duplex) ................................ 1,310 ft (399 m)
Maximum Length (Full-Duplex) ................................. 6,600 ft (2,011 m)

RS-485 19,200 baud

Operating Range ........................ –40°C to 70°C (–40°F to 158°F)
Storage Range ........................... –40°C to 70°C (–40°F to 158°F)

IEC 60068-1: Environmental Testing Part 1: General and Guidance. Temperature Test
IEC 60068-2-1: Basic Environmental Testing Procedures, Part 2: Tests - Test Ad: Cold (Type Test)
IEC 60068-2-2: Basic Environmental Testing Procedures, Part 2: Tests - Test Bd: Dry Heat (Type Test)
IEC 60068-2-28: Environmental Testing Part 2: Testing-Guidance for Damp Heat Tests

BE1-11g RTD Module

644 9424200994 Rev R

IEC 60068-2-38: Composite Temperature/Humidity Cyclic Test

IEC 60255-4: Single Input Energizing Quantity Measuring Relays with Dependent Specified Time
IEC 60255-5: Electrical Insulation Tests for Electrical Relays. Dielectric Test and Impulse Test
IEC 60255-6: Electrical Relays - Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment
IEC 60255-21-1: Vibration, Shock, Bump, and Seismic Tests on Measuring Relays and Protective
Equipment (Section 1 - Vibration Test - Sinusoidal). Class 1
IEC 60255-21-2: Vibration, Shock, Bump, and Seismic Tests on Measuring Relays and Protective
Equipment (Section 2 - Shock and Bump Test - Sinusoidal). Class 1
IEEE C37.90.1: Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
IEEE C37.90.2: Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from

UL Approval
“cURus” recognized to UL Standard 508 & CSA Standard C22.2 No.14
“cURus” recognized per Standard ISA 12.12.01, Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division
2, and Class III Division 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations. For use in Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D, Temperature Code - T4 & CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987 (Reaffirmed 1999). For use in
Class I, Division 2 Hazardous locations.

CSA Certification
CSA certified to Standard C22.2 No.14.

CE Compliance
This product meets or exceeds the standards required for distribution in the European Community.
This product complies with the requirements of the following EC Directives:
• LVD 2014/35/EU
• EMC 2014/30/EU
This product conforms to the following Harmonized Standards:
• EN 50178:1997 - Electronic Equipment for use in Power Installations
• EN 61000-6-4:2001 - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Generic Standards, Emission
Standard for Industrial Environments
• EN 61000-6-2:2001 - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Generic Standards, Immunity for
Industrial Environments
• EN 61000-4-2: Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
• EN 61000-4-3: Radiated, Radio-Frequency, Electromagnetic Field Immunity
• EN 61000-4-4: EFT Immunity
• EN 61000-4-5: Surge Immunity
• EN 61000-4-6: Conducted Immunity
• EN 61000-4-8: Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity
• EN 61000-4-11: Voltage Dips and Interrupts

HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing)

Basler Electric uses HALT to prove that our products will provide the user with many years of reliable
service. HALT subjects the device to extremes in temperature, shock, and vibration to simulate years of
operation, but in a much shorter period span. HALT allows Basler Electric to evaluate all possible design
elements that will add to the life of this device. As an example of some of the extreme testing conditions,
the RTD module was subjected to temperature extremes of –80°C to +130°C, vibration extremes of 5 to
RTD Module BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 645

45 G at +20°C, and temperature/vibration extremes of 45 G over a temperature range of –60°C to

+110°C. Combined temperature and vibration testing at these extremes proves that the RTD module is
expected to provide long-term operation in a rugged environment. Note that the vibration and temperature
extremes listed in this paragraph are specific to HALT and do not reflect recommended operation levels.
These operational ratings are listed under Temperature.

Weight ........................................ 2.15 lb (0.975 kg)
IP Class ...................................... IP50
Size ............................................ Refer to Mounting.

RTD modules are manufactured using state-of-the-art surface-mount technology. As such, Basler Electric
recommends that no repair procedures be attempted by anyone other than Basler Electric personnel.
Before returning the RTD module for repair, contact the Basler Electric Technical Services Department at
618-654-2341 for a return authorization number.

Preventive maintenance consists of periodically checking that the connections between the RTD module
and the system are clean and tight.

This device contains long-life aluminum electrolytic capacitors. For devices that are not in service (spares
in storage), the life of these capacitors can be maximized by energizing the device for 30 minutes once
per year.

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RTD Module BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 647

Digital Points
The status of all BE1-11g digital points is displayed in the Metering Explorer of BESTCOMSPlus® under
Status, Digital Points. Available digital points are listed in Table 261.
Table 261. Digital Points
Name Number Name Number
101 Blocking Tag Status 593 25A Volt Diff 1570
101 Close Input 583 25A Volt Lower 1567
101 Close Output 585 25A Volt Raise 1566
101 CSC Out 587 25A Zero Degrees Hit 1582
101 IEC 61850 Block 101 596 27P-1 A 39
101 IEC 61850 Trip 101 595 27P-1 B 40
101 Information Tag Status 594 27P-1 Block 36
101 Tag Block 589 27P-1 C 41
101 Tag Information 590 27P-1 Pickup 37
101 Trip Input 582 27P-1 Trip 38
101 Trip Output 584 27P-2 A 45
101 TSC Out 586 27P-2 B 46
101 Untag Block 591 27P-2 Block 42
101 Untag Information 592 27P-2 C 47
21-1 AB 1543 27P-2 Pickup 43
21-1 BC 1544 27P-2 Trip 44
21-1 Block 1540 27P-3 A 51
21-1 CA 1545 27P-3 B 52
21-1 Pickup 1541 27P-3 Block 48
21-1 Trip 1542 27P-3 C 53
21-2 AB 1549 27P-3 Pickup 49
21-2 BC 1550 27P-3 Trip 50
21-2 Block 1546 27P-4 A 57
21-2 CA 1551 27P-4 B 58
21-2 Pickup 1547 27P-4 Block 54
21-2 Trip 1548 27P-4 C 59
24 28 27P-4 Pickup 55
24 Block 25 27P-4 Trip 56
24 Pickup 26 27P-5 A 63
24 Trip 27 27P-5 B 64
24 Volts Per Hz 29 27P-5 Block 60
25 Angle Diff 34 27P-5 C 65
25 Block 30 27P-5 Pickup 61
25 Slip Diff 35 27P-5 Trip 62
25 Status 31 27X-1 3rd Harmonic 72
25 VM1 Status 32 27X-1 3V0 69
25 Volt Diff 33 27X-1 Aux 71
25A Angle Diff 1571 27X-1 Block 66
25A Block 1564 27X-1 Pickup 67
25A Close Breaker 1573 27X-1 Trip 68
25A Freq Lower 1569 27X-1 V1 73
25A Freq Raise 1568 27X-1 V2 70
25A Initiate 1575 27X-2 3rd Harmonic 80
25A Lowering Freq 1580 27X-2 3V0 77
25A Lowering Volts 1578 27X-2 Aux 79
25A Protection Initiated 1583 27X-2 Block 74
25A Raising Freq 1579 27X-2 Pickup 75
25A Raising Volts 1577 27X-2 Trip 76
25A Slip Diff 1572 27X-2 V1 81
25A Status 1565 27X-2 V2 78
25A Sync Failed 1576 27X-3 3rd Harmonic 88
25A Sync in Progress 1581 27X-3 3V0 85
25A VM1 Status 1574 27X-3 Aux 87

BE1-11g Digital Points

648 9424200994 Rev R

Name Number Name Number

27X-3 Block 82 43-2 Blocking Tag Status 541
27X-3 Pickup 83 43-2 Information Tag Status 542
27X-3 Trip 84 43-2 Pulse 532
27X-3 V1 89 43-2 Reset 533
27X-3 V2 86 43-2 Set 534
27X-4 3rd Harmonic 96 43-2 Tag Block 537
27X-4 3V0 93 43-2 Tag Information 538
27X-4 Aux 95 43-2 Untag Block 539
27X-4 Block 90 43-2 Untag Information 540
27X-4 Pickup 91 43-3 546
27X-4 Trip 92 43-3 Blocking Tag Status 552
27X-4 V1 97 43-3 Information Tag Status 553
27X-4 V2 94 43-3 Pulse 543
2nd Harmonic Inhibit 1221 43-3 Reset 544
32-1 A Over 430 43-3 Set 545
32-1 A Under 434 43-3 Tag Block 548
32-1 B Over 431 43-3 Tag Information 549
32-1 B Under 435 43-3 Untag Block 550
32-1 Block 427 43-3 Untag Information 551
32-1 C Over 432 43-4 557
32-1 C Under 436 43-4 Blocking Tag Status 563
32-1 Pickup 428 43-4 Information Tag Status 564
32-1 Prevent Config Option Change 438 43-4 Pulse 554
32-1 T Over 433 43-4 Reset 555
32-1 T Under 437 43-4 Set 556
32-1 Trip 429 43-4 Tag Block 559
32-2 A Over 442 43-4 Tag Information 560
32-2 A Under 446 43-4 Untag Block 561
32-2 B Over 443 43-4 Untag Information 562
32-2 B Under 447 43-5 568
32-2 Block 439 43-5 Blocking Tag Status 574
32-2 C Over 444 43-5 Information Tag Status 575
32-2 C Under 448 43-5 Pulse 565
32-2 Pickup 440 43-5 Reset 566
32-2 Prevent Config Option Change 450 43-5 Set 567
32-2 T Over 445 43-5 Tag Block 570
32-2 T Under 449 43-5 Tag Information 571
32-2 Trip 441 43-5 Untag Block 572
40Q 471 43-5 Untag Information 573
40Q Block 468 49RTD-1 Block 1038
40Q Pickup 469 49RTD-1 Pickup 1039
40Q Slope Disabled 472 49RTD-1 RTD 1-1 1041
40Q Trip 470 49RTD-1 RTD 1-10 1050
40Z Block 451 49RTD-1 RTD 1-11 1051
40Z Pickup 452 49RTD-1 RTD 1-12 1052
40Z Trip 453 49RTD-1 RTD 1-2 1042
40Z VC Pickup 454 49RTD-1 RTD 1-3 1043
40Z VC Trip 455 49RTD-1 RTD 1-4 1044
40Z Z1 458 49RTD-1 RTD 1-5 1045
40Z Z2 464 49RTD-1 RTD 1-6 1046
43-1 524 49RTD-1 RTD 1-7 1047
43-1 Blocking Tag Status 530 49RTD-1 RTD 1-8 1048
43-1 Information Tag Status 531 49RTD-1 RTD 1-9 1049
43-1 Pulse 521 49RTD-1 RTD 2-1 1053
43-1 Reset 522 49RTD-1 RTD 2-10 1062
43-1 Set 523 49RTD-1 RTD 2-11 1063
43-1 Tag Block 526 49RTD-1 RTD 2-12 1064
43-1 Tag Information 527 49RTD-1 RTD 2-2 1054
43-1 Untag Block 528 49RTD-1 RTD 2-3 1055
43-1 Untag Information 529 49RTD-1 RTD 2-4 1056
43-2 535 49RTD-1 RTD 2-5 1057
Digital Points BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 649

Name Number Name Number

49RTD-1 RTD 2-6 1058 49RTD-12 RTD 1-1 1958
49RTD-1 RTD 2-7 1059 49RTD-12 RTD 1-10 1967
49RTD-1 RTD 2-8 1060 49RTD-12 RTD 1-11 1968
49RTD-1 RTD 2-9 1061 49RTD-12 RTD 1-12 1969
49RTD-1 Trip 1040 49RTD-12 RTD 1-2 1959
49RTD-10 Block 1901 49RTD-12 RTD 1-3 1960
49RTD-10 Pickup 1902 49RTD-12 RTD 1-4 1961
49RTD-10 RTD 1-1 1904 49RTD-12 RTD 1-5 1962
49RTD-10 RTD 1-10 1913 49RTD-12 RTD 1-6 1963
49RTD-10 RTD 1-11 1914 49RTD-12 RTD 1-7 1964
49RTD-10 RTD 1-12 1915 49RTD-12 RTD 1-8 1965
49RTD-10 RTD 1-2 1905 49RTD-12 RTD 1-9 1966
49RTD-10 RTD 1-3 1906 49RTD-12 RTD 2-1 1970
49RTD-10 RTD 1-4 1907 49RTD-12 RTD 2-10 1979
49RTD-10 RTD 1-5 1908 49RTD-12 RTD 2-11 1980
49RTD-10 RTD 1-6 1909 49RTD-12 RTD 2-12 1981
49RTD-10 RTD 1-7 1910 49RTD-12 RTD 2-2 1971
49RTD-10 RTD 1-8 1911 49RTD-12 RTD 2-3 1972
49RTD-10 RTD 1-9 1912 49RTD-12 RTD 2-4 1973
49RTD-10 RTD 2-1 1916 49RTD-12 RTD 2-5 1974
49RTD-10 RTD 2-10 1925 49RTD-12 RTD 2-6 1975
49RTD-10 RTD 2-11 1926 49RTD-12 RTD 2-7 1976
49RTD-10 RTD 2-12 1927 49RTD-12 RTD 2-8 1977
49RTD-10 RTD 2-2 1917 49RTD-12 RTD 2-9 1978
49RTD-10 RTD 2-3 1918 49RTD-12 Trip 1957
49RTD-10 RTD 2-4 1919 49RTD-13 Block 1982
49RTD-10 RTD 2-5 1920 49RTD-13 Pickup 1983
49RTD-10 RTD 2-6 1921 49RTD-13 RTD 1-1 1985
49RTD-10 RTD 2-7 1922 49RTD-13 RTD 1-10 1994
49RTD-10 RTD 2-8 1923 49RTD-13 RTD 1-11 1995
49RTD-10 RTD 2-9 1924 49RTD-13 RTD 1-12 1996
49RTD-10 Trip 1903 49RTD-13 RTD 1-2 1986
49RTD-11 Block 1928 49RTD-13 RTD 1-3 1987
49RTD-11 Pickup 1929 49RTD-13 RTD 1-4 1988
49RTD-11 RTD 1-1 1931 49RTD-13 RTD 1-5 1989
49RTD-11 RTD 1-10 1940 49RTD-13 RTD 1-6 1990
49RTD-11 RTD 1-11 1941 49RTD-13 RTD 1-7 1991
49RTD-11 RTD 1-12 1942 49RTD-13 RTD 1-8 1992
49RTD-11 RTD 1-2 1932 49RTD-13 RTD 1-9 1993
49RTD-11 RTD 1-3 1933 49RTD-13 RTD 2-1 1997
49RTD-11 RTD 1-4 1934 49RTD-13 RTD 2-10 2006
49RTD-11 RTD 1-5 1935 49RTD-13 RTD 2-11 2007
49RTD-11 RTD 1-6 1936 49RTD-13 RTD 2-12 2008
49RTD-11 RTD 1-7 1937 49RTD-13 RTD 2-2 1998
49RTD-11 RTD 1-8 1938 49RTD-13 RTD 2-3 1999
49RTD-11 RTD 1-9 1939 49RTD-13 RTD 2-4 2000
49RTD-11 RTD 2-1 1943 49RTD-13 RTD 2-5 2001
49RTD-11 RTD 2-10 1952 49RTD-13 RTD 2-6 2002
49RTD-11 RTD 2-11 1953 49RTD-13 RTD 2-7 2003
49RTD-11 RTD 2-12 1954 49RTD-13 RTD 2-8 2004
49RTD-11 RTD 2-2 1944 49RTD-13 RTD 2-9 2005
49RTD-11 RTD 2-3 1945 49RTD-13 Trip 1984
49RTD-11 RTD 2-4 1946 49RTD-14 Block 2009
49RTD-11 RTD 2-5 1947 49RTD-14 Pickup 2010
49RTD-11 RTD 2-6 1948 49RTD-14 RTD 1-1 2012
49RTD-11 RTD 2-7 1949 49RTD-14 RTD 1-10 2021
49RTD-11 RTD 2-8 1950 49RTD-14 RTD 1-11 2022
49RTD-11 RTD 2-9 1951 49RTD-14 RTD 1-12 2023
49RTD-11 Trip 1930 49RTD-14 RTD 1-2 2013
49RTD-12 Block 1955 49RTD-14 RTD 1-3 2014
49RTD-12 Pickup 1956 49RTD-14 RTD 1-4 2015
BE1-11g Digital Points
650 9424200994 Rev R

Name Number Name Number

49RTD-14 RTD 1-5 2016 49RTD-3 RTD 2-11 1117
49RTD-14 RTD 1-6 2017 49RTD-3 RTD 2-12 1118
49RTD-14 RTD 1-7 2018 49RTD-3 RTD 2-2 1108
49RTD-14 RTD 1-8 2019 49RTD-3 RTD 2-3 1109
49RTD-14 RTD 1-9 2020 49RTD-3 RTD 2-4 1110
49RTD-14 RTD 2-1 2024 49RTD-3 RTD 2-5 1111
49RTD-14 RTD 2-10 2033 49RTD-3 RTD 2-6 1112
49RTD-14 RTD 2-11 2034 49RTD-3 RTD 2-7 1113
49RTD-14 RTD 2-12 2035 49RTD-3 RTD 2-8 1114
49RTD-14 RTD 2-2 2025 49RTD-3 RTD 2-9 1115
49RTD-14 RTD 2-3 2026 49RTD-3 Trip 1094
49RTD-14 RTD 2-4 2027 49RTD-4 Block 1119
49RTD-14 RTD 2-5 2028 49RTD-4 Pickup 1120
49RTD-14 RTD 2-6 2029 49RTD-4 RTD 1-1 1122
49RTD-14 RTD 2-7 2030 49RTD-4 RTD 1-10 1131
49RTD-14 RTD 2-8 2031 49RTD-4 RTD 1-11 1132
49RTD-14 RTD 2-9 2032 49RTD-4 RTD 1-12 1133
49RTD-14 Trip 2011 49RTD-4 RTD 1-2 1123
49RTD-2 Block 1065 49RTD-4 RTD 1-3 1124
49RTD-2 Pickup 1066 49RTD-4 RTD 1-4 1125
49RTD-2 RTD 1-1 1068 49RTD-4 RTD 1-5 1126
49RTD-2 RTD 1-10 1077 49RTD-4 RTD 1-6 1127
49RTD-2 RTD 1-11 1078 49RTD-4 RTD 1-7 1128
49RTD-2 RTD 1-12 1079 49RTD-4 RTD 1-8 1129
49RTD-2 RTD 1-2 1069 49RTD-4 RTD 1-9 1130
49RTD-2 RTD 1-3 1070 49RTD-4 RTD 2-1 1134
49RTD-2 RTD 1-4 1071 49RTD-4 RTD 2-10 1143
49RTD-2 RTD 1-5 1072 49RTD-4 RTD 2-11 1144
49RTD-2 RTD 1-6 1073 49RTD-4 RTD 2-12 1145
49RTD-2 RTD 1-7 1074 49RTD-4 RTD 2-2 1135
49RTD-2 RTD 1-8 1075 49RTD-4 RTD 2-3 1136
49RTD-2 RTD 1-9 1076 49RTD-4 RTD 2-4 1137
49RTD-2 RTD 2-1 1080 49RTD-4 RTD 2-5 1138
49RTD-2 RTD 2-10 1089 49RTD-4 RTD 2-6 1139
49RTD-2 RTD 2-11 1090 49RTD-4 RTD 2-7 1140
49RTD-2 RTD 2-12 1091 49RTD-4 RTD 2-8 1141
49RTD-2 RTD 2-2 1081 49RTD-4 RTD 2-9 1142
49RTD-2 RTD 2-3 1082 49RTD-4 Trip 1121
49RTD-2 RTD 2-4 1083 49RTD-5 Block 1146
49RTD-2 RTD 2-5 1084 49RTD-5 Pickup 1147
49RTD-2 RTD 2-6 1085 49RTD-5 RTD 1-1 1149
49RTD-2 RTD 2-7 1086 49RTD-5 RTD 1-10 1158
49RTD-2 RTD 2-8 1087 49RTD-5 RTD 1-11 1159
49RTD-2 RTD 2-9 1088 49RTD-5 RTD 1-12 1160
49RTD-2 Trip 1067 49RTD-5 RTD 1-2 1150
49RTD-3 Block 1092 49RTD-5 RTD 1-3 1151
49RTD-3 Pickup 1093 49RTD-5 RTD 1-4 1152
49RTD-3 RTD 1-1 1095 49RTD-5 RTD 1-5 1153
49RTD-3 RTD 1-10 1104 49RTD-5 RTD 1-6 1154
49RTD-3 RTD 1-11 1105 49RTD-5 RTD 1-7 1155
49RTD-3 RTD 1-12 1106 49RTD-5 RTD 1-8 1156
49RTD-3 RTD 1-2 1096 49RTD-5 RTD 1-9 1157
49RTD-3 RTD 1-3 1097 49RTD-5 RTD 2-1 1161
49RTD-3 RTD 1-4 1098 49RTD-5 RTD 2-10 1170
49RTD-3 RTD 1-5 1099 49RTD-5 RTD 2-11 1171
49RTD-3 RTD 1-6 1100 49RTD-5 RTD 2-12 1172
49RTD-3 RTD 1-7 1101 49RTD-5 RTD 2-2 1162
49RTD-3 RTD 1-8 1102 49RTD-5 RTD 2-3 1163
49RTD-3 RTD 1-9 1103 49RTD-5 RTD 2-4 1164
49RTD-3 RTD 2-1 1107 49RTD-5 RTD 2-5 1165
49RTD-3 RTD 2-10 1116 49RTD-5 RTD 2-6 1166
Digital Points BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 651

Name Number Name Number

49RTD-5 RTD 2-7 1167 49RTD-8 RTD 1-10 1859
49RTD-5 RTD 2-8 1168 49RTD-8 RTD 1-11 1860
49RTD-5 RTD 2-9 1169 49RTD-8 RTD 1-12 1861
49RTD-5 Trip 1148 49RTD-8 RTD 1-2 1851
49RTD-6 Block 1173 49RTD-8 RTD 1-3 1852
49RTD-6 Pickup 1174 49RTD-8 RTD 1-4 1853
49RTD-6 RTD 1-1 1176 49RTD-8 RTD 1-5 1854
49RTD-6 RTD 1-10 1185 49RTD-8 RTD 1-6 1855
49RTD-6 RTD 1-11 1186 49RTD-8 RTD 1-7 1856
49RTD-6 RTD 1-12 1187 49RTD-8 RTD 1-8 1857
49RTD-6 RTD 1-2 1177 49RTD-8 RTD 1-9 1858
49RTD-6 RTD 1-3 1178 49RTD-8 RTD 2-1 1862
49RTD-6 RTD 1-4 1179 49RTD-8 RTD 2-10 1871
49RTD-6 RTD 1-5 1180 49RTD-8 RTD 2-11 1872
49RTD-6 RTD 1-6 1181 49RTD-8 RTD 2-12 1873
49RTD-6 RTD 1-7 1182 49RTD-8 RTD 2-2 1863
49RTD-6 RTD 1-8 1183 49RTD-8 RTD 2-3 1864
49RTD-6 RTD 1-9 1184 49RTD-8 RTD 2-4 1865
49RTD-6 RTD 2-1 1188 49RTD-8 RTD 2-5 1866
49RTD-6 RTD 2-10 1197 49RTD-8 RTD 2-6 1867
49RTD-6 RTD 2-11 1198 49RTD-8 RTD 2-7 1868
49RTD-6 RTD 2-12 1199 49RTD-8 RTD 2-8 1869
49RTD-6 RTD 2-2 1189 49RTD-8 RTD 2-9 1870
49RTD-6 RTD 2-3 1190 49RTD-8 Trip 1849
49RTD-6 RTD 2-4 1191 49RTD-9 Block 1874
49RTD-6 RTD 2-5 1192 49RTD-9 Pickup 1875
49RTD-6 RTD 2-6 1193 49RTD-9 RTD 1-1 1877
49RTD-6 RTD 2-7 1194 49RTD-9 RTD 1-10 1886
49RTD-6 RTD 2-8 1195 49RTD-9 RTD 1-11 1887
49RTD-6 RTD 2-9 1196 49RTD-9 RTD 1-12 1888
49RTD-6 Trip 1175 49RTD-9 RTD 1-2 1878
49RTD-7 Block 1820 49RTD-9 RTD 1-3 1879
49RTD-7 Pickup 1821 49RTD-9 RTD 1-4 1880
49RTD-7 RTD 1-1 1823 49RTD-9 RTD 1-5 1881
49RTD-7 RTD 1-10 1832 49RTD-9 RTD 1-6 1882
49RTD-7 RTD 1-11 1833 49RTD-9 RTD 1-7 1883
49RTD-7 RTD 1-12 1834 49RTD-9 RTD 1-8 1884
49RTD-7 RTD 1-2 1824 49RTD-9 RTD 1-9 1885
49RTD-7 RTD 1-3 1825 49RTD-9 RTD 2-1 1889
49RTD-7 RTD 1-4 1826 49RTD-9 RTD 2-10 1898
49RTD-7 RTD 1-5 1827 49RTD-9 RTD 2-11 1899
49RTD-7 RTD 1-6 1828 49RTD-9 RTD 2-12 1900
49RTD-7 RTD 1-7 1829 49RTD-9 RTD 2-2 1890
49RTD-7 RTD 1-8 1830 49RTD-9 RTD 2-3 1891
49RTD-7 RTD 1-9 1831 49RTD-9 RTD 2-4 1892
49RTD-7 RTD 2-1 1835 49RTD-9 RTD 2-5 1893
49RTD-7 RTD 2-10 1844 49RTD-9 RTD 2-6 1894
49RTD-7 RTD 2-11 1845 49RTD-9 RTD 2-7 1895
49RTD-7 RTD 2-12 1846 49RTD-9 RTD 2-8 1896
49RTD-7 RTD 2-2 1836 49RTD-9 RTD 2-9 1897
49RTD-7 RTD 2-3 1837 49RTD-9 Trip 1876
49RTD-7 RTD 2-4 1838 50-1 67 A 176
49RTD-7 RTD 2-5 1839 50-1 67 B 177
49RTD-7 RTD 2-6 1840 50-1 67 C 178
49RTD-7 RTD 2-7 1841 50-1 67 Independent Ground 181
49RTD-7 RTD 2-8 1842 50-1 67 Negative Sequence 179
49RTD-7 RTD 2-9 1843 50-1 67 Positive Sequence 183
49RTD-7 Trip 1822 50-1 67 Residual 180
49RTD-8 Block 1847 50-1 67 Unbalance 185
49RTD-8 Pickup 1848 50-1 A 170
49RTD-8 RTD 1-1 1850 50-1 B 171
BE1-11g Digital Points
652 9424200994 Rev R

Name Number Name Number

50-1 Block 167 50-4 C 232
50-1 C 172 50-4 Independent Ground 235
50-1 Independent Ground 175 50-4 Negative Sequence 233
50-1 Negative Sequence 173 50-4 Pickup 228
50-1 Pickup 168 50-4 Positive Sequence 242
50-1 Positive Sequence 182 50-4 Prevent Config Option Change 246
50-1 Prevent Config Option Change 186 50-4 Residual 234
50-1 Residual 174 50-4 Trip 229
50-1 Trip 169 50-4 Unbalance 244
50-1 Unbalance 184 50-5 67 A 256
50-2 67 A 196 50-5 67 B 257
50-2 67 B 197 50-5 67 C 258
50-2 67 C 198 50-5 67 Independent Ground 261
50-2 67 Independent Ground 201 50-5 67 Negative Sequence 259
50-2 67 Negative Sequence 199 50-5 67 Positive Sequence 263
50-2 67 Positive Sequence 203 50-5 67 Residual 260
50-2 67 Residual 200 50-5 67 Unbalance 265
50-2 67 Unbalance 205 50-5 A 250
50-2 A 190 50-5 B 251
50-2 B 191 50-5 Block 247
50-2 Block 187 50-5 C 252
50-2 C 192 50-5 Independent Ground 255
50-2 Independent Ground 195 50-5 Negative Sequence 253
50-2 Negative Sequence 193 50-5 Pickup 248
50-2 Pickup 188 50-5 Positive Sequence 262
50-2 Positive Sequence 202 50-5 Prevent Config Option Change 266
50-2 Prevent Config Option Change 206 50-5 Residual 254
50-2 Residual 194 50-5 Trip 249
50-2 Trip 189 50-5 Unbalance 264
50-2 Unbalance 204 50-6 67 A 276
50-3 67 A 216 50-6 67 B 277
50-3 67 B 217 50-6 67 C 278
50-3 67 C 218 50-6 67 Independent Ground 281
50-3 67 Independent Ground 221 50-6 67 Negative Sequence 279
50-3 67 Negative Sequence 219 50-6 67 Positive Sequence 283
50-3 67 Positive Sequence 223 50-6 67 Residual 280
50-3 67 Residual 220 50-6 67 Unbalance 285
50-3 67 Unbalance 225 50-6 A 270
50-3 A 210 50-6 B 271
50-3 B 211 50-6 Block 267
50-3 Block 207 50-6 C 272
50-3 C 212 50-6 Independent Ground 275
50-3 Independent Ground 215 50-6 Negative Sequence 273
50-3 Negative Sequence 213 50-6 Pickup 268
50-3 Pickup 208 50-6 Positive Sequence 282
50-3 Positive Sequence 222 50-6 Prevent Config Option Change 286
50-3 Prevent Config Option Change 226 50-6 Residual 274
50-3 Residual 214 50-6 Trip 269
50-3 Trip 209 50-6 Unbalance 284
50-3 Unbalance 224 50BF 641
50-4 67 A 236 50BF BFI50 638
50-4 67 B 237 50BF BFI52 637
50-4 67 C 238 50BF BFRT 639
50-4 67 Independent Ground 241 50BF BFT 640
50-4 67 Negative Sequence 239 50BF Block 636
50-4 67 Positive Sequence 243 50BF Breaker Fail 642
50-4 67 Residual 240 50BF Current Detected 643
50-4 67 Unbalance 245 50BF Prevent Config Option Change 644
50-4 A 230 51-1 67 Unbalance 305
50-4 B 231 51-1 67T A 296
50-4 Block 227 51-1 67T B 297
Digital Points BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 653

Name Number Name Number

51-1 67T C 298 51-4 67T Independent Ground 361
51-1 67T Independent Ground 301 51-4 67T Negative Sequence 359
51-1 67T Negative Sequence 299 51-4 67T Positive Sequence 363
51-1 67T Positive Sequence 303 51-4 67T Residual 360
51-1 67T Residual 300 51-4 A 350
51-1 A 290 51-4 B 351
51-1 B 291 51-4 Block 347
51-1 Block 287 51-4 C 352
51-1 C 292 51-4 Independent Ground 355
51-1 Independent Ground 295 51-4 Negative Sequence 353
51-1 Negative Sequence 293 51-4 Pickup 348
51-1 Pickup 288 51-4 Positive Sequence 362
51-1 Positive Sequence 302 51-4 Prevent Config Option Change 366
51-1 Prevent Config Option Change 306 51-4 Residual 354
51-1 Residual 294 51-4 Trip 349
51-1 Trip 289 51-4 Unbalance 364
51-1 Unbalance 304 51-5 67 Unbalance 385
51-2 67 Unbalance 325 51-5 67T A 376
51-2 67T A 316 51-5 67T B 377
51-2 67T B 317 51-5 67T C 378
51-2 67T C 318 51-5 67T Independent Ground 381
51-2 67T Independent Ground 321 51-5 67T Negative Sequence 379
51-2 67T Negative Sequence 319 51-5 67T Positive Sequence 383
51-2 67T Positive Sequence 323 51-5 67T Residual 380
51-2 67T Residual 320 51-5 A 370
51-2 A 310 51-5 B 371
51-2 B 311 51-5 Block 367
51-2 Block 307 51-5 C 372
51-2 C 312 51-5 Independent Ground 375
51-2 Independent Ground 315 51-5 Negative Sequence 373
51-2 Negative Sequence 313 51-5 Pickup 368
51-2 Pickup 308 51-5 Positive Sequence 382
51-2 Positive Sequence 322 51-5 Prevent Config Option Change 386
51-2 Prevent Config Option Change 326 51-5 Residual 374
51-2 Residual 314 51-5 Trip 369
51-2 Trip 309 51-5 Unbalance 384
51-2 Unbalance 324 51-6 67 Unbalance 405
51-3 67 Unbalance 345 51-6 67T A 396
51-3 67T A 336 51-6 67T B 397
51-3 67T B 337 51-6 67T C 398
51-3 67T C 338 51-6 67T Independent Ground 401
51-3 67T Independent Ground 341 51-6 67T Negative Sequence 399
51-3 67T Negative Sequence 339 51-6 67T Positive Sequence 403
51-3 67T Positive Sequence 343 51-6 67T Residual 400
51-3 67T Residual 340 51-6 A 390
51-3 A 330 51-6 B 391
51-3 B 331 51-6 Block 387
51-3 Block 327 51-6 C 392
51-3 C 332 51-6 Independent Ground 395
51-3 Independent Ground 335 51-6 Negative Sequence 393
51-3 Negative Sequence 333 51-6 Pickup 388
51-3 Pickup 328 51-6 Positive Sequence 402
51-3 Positive Sequence 342 51-6 Prevent Config Option Change 406
51-3 Prevent Config Option Change 346 51-6 Residual 394
51-3 Residual 334 51-6 Trip 389
51-3 Trip 329 51-6 Unbalance 404
51-3 Unbalance 344 51-7 67 Unbalance 425
51-4 67 Unbalance 365 51-7 67T A 416
51-4 67T A 356 51-7 67T B 417
51-4 67T B 357 51-7 67T C 418
51-4 67T C 358 51-7 67T Independent Ground 421
BE1-11g Digital Points
654 9424200994 Rev R

Name Number Name Number

51-7 67T Negative Sequence 419 59X-3 Block 138
51-7 67T Positive Sequence 423 59X-3 Pickup 139
51-7 67T Residual 420 59X-3 Trip 140
51-7 A 410 59X-3 V1 145
51-7 B 411 59X-3 V2 142
51-7 Block 407 59X-4 3rd Harmonic 152
51-7 C 412 59X-4 3V0 149
51-7 Independent Ground 415 59X-4 Aux 151
51-7 Negative Sequence 413 59X-4 Block 146
51-7 Pickup 408 59X-4 Pickup 147
51-7 Positive Sequence 422 59X-4 Trip 148
51-7 Prevent Config Option Change 426 59X-4 V1 153
51-7 Residual 414 59X-4 V2 150
51-7 Trip 409 5th Harmonic Inhibit 1222
51-7 Unbalance 424 60FL 9
52 Contact 52 TCM 647 60FL 60FLI 5
52 Status 645 60FL 60FLN 7
52 Trip Coil Monitor 646 60FL 60FLP 6
59P-1 A 101 60FL 60FLQ 8
59P-1 B 102 60FL A State 12
59P-1 Block 98 60FL B State 13
59P-1 C 103 60FL C State 14
59P-1 Pickup 99 60FL D State 15
59P-1 Trip 100 60FL E State 16
59P-2 A 107 60FL F State 17
59P-2 B 108 60FL FLS 11
59P-2 Block 104 60FL FLZ 10
59P-2 C 109 60FL Fuse Loss 4
59P-2 Pickup 105 60FL H State 18
59P-2 Trip 106 60FL J State 19
59P-3 A 113 60FL K State 20
59P-3 B 114 60FL L State 21
59P-3 Block 110 60FL N State 22
59P-3 C 115 60FL P State 23
59P-3 Pickup 111 60FL R State 24
59P-3 Trip 112 62-1 599
59P-4 A 119 62-1 Block 597
59P-4 B 120 62-1 Initiate 598
59P-4 Block 116 62-2 602
59P-4 C 121 62-2 Block 600
59P-4 Pickup 117 62-2 Initiate 601
59P-4 Trip 118 62-3 605
59X-1 3rd Harmonic 128 62-3 Block 603
59X-1 3V0 125 62-3 Initiate 604
59X-1 Aux 127 62-4 608
59X-1 Block 122 62-4 Block 606
59X-1 Pickup 123 62-4 Initiate 607
59X-1 Trip 124 62-5 611
59X-1 V1 129 62-5 Block 609
59X-1 V2 126 62-5 Initiate 610
59X-2 3rd Harmonic 136 62-6 614
59X-2 3V0 133 62-6 Block 612
59X-2 Aux 135 62-6 Initiate 613
59X-2 Block 130 62-7 617
59X-2 Pickup 131 62-7 Block 615
59X-2 Trip 132 62-7 Initiate 616
59X-2 V1 137 62-8 620
59X-2 V2 134 62-8 Block 618
59X-3 3rd Harmonic 144 62-8 Initiate 619
59X-3 3V0 141 67-1 Negative Sequence Direction 157
59X-3 Aux 143 Forward
Digital Points BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 655

Name Number Name Number

67-1 Negative Sequence Direction None 159 81-5 Trip 499
67-1 Negative Sequence Direction 158 81-5 Under 501
Reverse 81-6 Block 503
67-1 Neutral Direction Both 163 81-6 Over 506
67-1 Neutral Direction Forward 160 81-6 Pickup 504
67-1 Neutral Direction None 162 81-6 ROC 508
67-1 Neutral Direction Reverse 161 81-6 Trip 505
67-1 Phase Direction Forward 154 81-6 Under 507
67-1 Phase Direction None 156 81-7 Block 509
67-1 Phase Direction Reverse 155 81-7 Over 512
67-2 Negative Sequence Direction 2043 81-7 Pickup 510
Forward 81-7 ROC 514
67-2 Negative Sequence Direction None 2045 81-7 Trip 511
67-2 Negative Sequence Direction 2044 81-7 Under 513
Reverse 81-8 Block 515
67-2 Neutral Direction Both 2049 81-8 Over 518
67-2 Neutral Direction Forward 2046 81-8 Pickup 516
67-2 Neutral Direction None 2048 81-8 ROC 520
67-2 Neutral Direction Reverse 2047 81-8 Trip 517
67-2 Phase Direction Forward 2040 81-8 Under 519
67-2 Phase Direction None 2042 86-1 578
67-2 Phase Direction Reverse 2041 86-1 Reset 576
78OOS 1560 86-1 Set 577
78OOS Blinder A Pickup 1562 86-2 581
78OOS Blinder B Pickup 1563 86-2 Reset 579
78OOS Block 1557 86-2 Set 580
78OOS MHO Pickup 1561 87 2nd Harmonic Inhibit A 1208
78OOS Pickup 1558 87 2nd Harmonic Inhibit B 1209
78OOS Trip 1559 87 2nd Harmonic Inhibit C 1210
78V 1556 87 5th Harmonic Inhibit A 1211
78V Block 1553 87 5th Harmonic Inhibit B 1212
78V Pickup 1554 87 5th Harmonic Inhibit C 1213
78V Trip 1555 87 A 1203
81-1 Block 473 87 Alarm 1206
81-1 Over 476 87 Alarm A 1215
81-1 Pickup 474 87 Alarm B 1216
81-1 ROC 478 87 Alarm C 1217
81-1 Trip 475 87 B 1204
81-1 Under 477 87 Block 1200
81-2 Block 479 87 C 1205
81-2 Over 482 87 Pickup 1201
81-2 Pickup 480 87 Transient Monitor 1214
81-2 ROC 484 87 Trip 1202
81-2 Trip 481 87 Unrestrained A 1218
81-2 Under 483 87 Unrestrained B 1219
81-3 Block 485 87 Unrestrained C 1220
81-3 Over 488 87N-1 834
81-3 Pickup 486 87N-1 Block 831
81-3 ROC 490 87N-1 Pickup 832
81-3 Trip 487 87N-1 Trip 833
81-3 Under 489 Access Control User Status Change 718
81-4 Block 491 Alarm Out State 676
81-4 Over 494 Alarm Output - Output Override Enabled 706
81-4 Pickup 492 Alarm
81-4 ROC 496 Alarm Output Logic State 694
81-4 Trip 493 Alarm Output Override Enable 682
81-4 Under 495 Alarm Output Override State 688
81-5 Block 497 Alarm Output Remote Control 700
81-5 Over 500 Analog 744
81-5 Pickup 498 Analog Input Protection 1 894
81-5 ROC 502 Analog Input Protection 1 Block 891
BE1-11g Digital Points
656 9424200994 Rev R

Name Number Name Number

Analog Input Protection 1 Pickup 892 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO12 Alarm 1619
Analog Input Protection 1 Trip 893 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO12 Default 1618
Analog Input Protection 2 898 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO13 1620
Analog Input Protection 2 Block 895 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO13 Alarm 1622
Analog Input Protection 2 Pickup 896 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO13 Default 1621
Analog Input Protection 2 Trip 897 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO14 1623
Analog Input Protection 3 998 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO14 Alarm 1625
Analog Input Protection 3 Block 995 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO14 Default 1624
Analog Input Protection 3 Pickup 996 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO15 1626
Analog Input Protection 3 Trip 997 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO15 Alarm 1628
Analog Input Protection 4 1002 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO15 Default 1627
Analog Input Protection 4 Block 999 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO16 1629
Analog Input Protection 4 Pickup 1000 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO16 Alarm 1631
Analog Input Protection 4 Trip 1001 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO16 Default 1630
Analog Input Protection 5 1006 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO2 1587
Analog Input Protection 5 Block 1003 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO2 Alarm 1589
Analog Input Protection 5 Pickup 1004 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO2 Default 1588
Analog Input Protection 5 Trip 1005 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO3 1590
Analog Input Protection 6 1010 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO3 Alarm 1592
Analog Input Protection 6 Block 1007 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO3 Default 1591
Analog Input Protection 6 Pickup 1008 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO4 1593
Analog Input Protection 6 Trip 1009 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO4 Alarm 1595
Analog Input Protection 7 1014 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO4 Default 1594
Analog Input Protection 7 Block 1011 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO5 1596
Analog Input Protection 7 Pickup 1012 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO5 Alarm 1598
Analog Input Protection 7 Trip 1013 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO5 Default 1597
Analog Input Protection 8 1018 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO6 1599
Analog Input Protection 8 Block 1015 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO6 Alarm 1601
Analog Input Protection 8 Pickup 1016 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO6 Default 1600
Analog Input Protection 8 Trip 1017 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO7 1602
Aux Bus Fast Current Detected 3 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO7 Alarm 1604
Aux Bus Frequency Valid 2 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO7 Default 1603
Breaker Monitor Block 648 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO8 1605
Breaker Monitor 1 746 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO8 Alarm 1607
Breaker Monitor 2 747 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO8 Default 1606
Breaker Monitor 3 748 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO9 1608
Calibration Defaults Loaded 726 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO9 Alarm 1610
Calibration Error 725 CTLGGIO1 SPCSO9 Default 1609
Changes Lost 730 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO1 1632
CT Circuit 1 3I0 Demand 650 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO1 Alarm 1634
CT Circuit 1 Fast Current Detected 844 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO1 Default 1633
CT Circuit 1 I2 Demand 652 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO10 1659
CT Circuit 1 IG Demand 649 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO10 Alarm 1661
CT Circuit 1 IP Demand 651 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO10 Default 1660
CT Circuit 1 Unbalance Block 845 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO11 1662
CT Circuit 2 3I0 Demand 840 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO11 Alarm 1664
CT Circuit 2 Fast Current Detected 846 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO11 Default 1663
CT Circuit 2 I2 Demand 842 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO12 1665
CT Circuit 2 IG Demand 843 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO12 Alarm 1667
CT Circuit 2 IP Demand 841 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO12 Default 1666
CT Circuit 2 Unbalance Block 847 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO13 1668
CTLGGIO1 SPCSO1 Alarm 1586 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO13 Default 1669
CTLGGIO1 SPCSO1 Default 1585 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO14 1671
CTLGGIO1 SPCSO10 Alarm 1613 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO14 Default 1672
CTLGGIO1 SPCSO10 Default 1612 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO15 1674
CTLGGIO1 SPCSO11 Alarm 1616 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO15 Default 1675
CTLGGIO1 SPCSO11 Default 1615 CTLGGIO2 SPCSO16 1677
Digital Points BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 657

Name Number Name Number

CTLGGIO2 SPCSO16 Default 1678 CTLGGIO3 SPCSO6 1695
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO2 Alarm 1637 CTLGGIO3 SPCSO6 Default 1696
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO3 Alarm 1640 CTLGGIO3 SPCSO7 Default 1699
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO4 Alarm 1643 CTLGGIO3 SPCSO8 Default 1702
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO5 Alarm 1646 CTLGGIO3 SPCSO9 Default 1705
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO6 Alarm 1649 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO1 Default 1729
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO6 Default 1648 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO10 1755
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO7 Alarm 1652 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO10 Default 1756
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO7 Default 1651 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO11 1758
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO8 Alarm 1655 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO11 Default 1759
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO8 Default 1654 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO12 1761
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO9 Alarm 1658 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO12 Default 1762
CTLGGIO2 SPCSO9 Default 1657 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO13 1764
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO1 Alarm 1682 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO13 Default 1765
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO1 Default 1681 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO14 1767
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO10 Alarm 1709 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO14 Default 1768
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO10 Default 1708 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO15 1770
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO11 Alarm 1712 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO15 Default 1771
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO11 Default 1711 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO16 1773
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO12 Alarm 1715 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO16 Default 1774
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO12 Default 1714 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO2 1731
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO13 Alarm 1718 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO2 Default 1732
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO13 Default 1717 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO3 1734
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO14 Alarm 1721 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO3 Default 1735
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO14 Default 1720 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO4 1737
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO15 Alarm 1724 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO4 Default 1738
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO15 Default 1723 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO5 1740
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO16 Alarm 1727 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO5 Default 1741
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO16 Default 1726 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO6 1743
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO2 Alarm 1685 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO6 Default 1744
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO3 Alarm 1688 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO7 Default 1747
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO4 Alarm 1691 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO8 Default 1750
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO5 Alarm 1694 CTLGGIO4 SPCSO9 Default 1753
CTLGGIO3 SPCSO5 Default 1693 Date Time Set 732
BE1-11g Digital Points
658 9424200994 Rev R

Name Number Name Number

Defaults Loaded 727 IEC 61850 Goose Sub Datset Mismatch 1346
Differential Report Trigger 1552 IEC 61850 Goose Sub GC Ref Mismatch 1344
DNP Polls Error 741 IEC 61850 Goose Sub Need 1342
Email Trigger 1 658 Commissioning
Email Trigger 2 659 IEC 61850 Goose Sub Test Mode 1343
Email Trigger 3 660 IEC 61850 Goose Sub TTL Timeout 1340
Email Trigger 4 661 IEC 61850 PTRC Operate General 1334
Email Trigger 5 662 IEC 61850 PTRC Operate Phase A 1335
Email Trigger 6 663 IEC 61850 PTRC Operate Phase B 1336
Email Trigger 7 664 IEC 61850 PTRC Operate Phase C 1337
Email Trigger 8 665 INDGGIO1 IND01 1266
Ethernet Excess Traffic 766 INDGGIO1 IND02 1267
Ethernet Link Lost 735 INDGGIO1 IND03 1268
Fault Report Timeout 749 INDGGIO1 IND04 1269
Firmware Change 733 INDGGIO1 IND05 1270
Flash Error 723 INDGGIO1 IND06 1271
Frequency Out Of Range 734 INDGGIO1 IND07 1272
Front Panel Indicator 1 1529 INDGGIO1 IND08 1273
Front Panel Indicator 2 1530 INDGGIO1 IND09 1274
Front Panel Indicator 3 1531 INDGGIO1 IND10 1275
Front Panel Indicator 4 1532 INDGGIO1 IND11 1276
Front Panel Indicator 5 1533 INDGGIO1 IND12 1277
Front Panel Indicator 6 1534 INDGGIO1 IND13 1278
Front Panel Indicator 7 1535 INDGGIO1 IND14 1279
Front Panel Keys KEY 0 783 INDGGIO1 IND15 1280
Front Panel Keys KEY 1 784 INDGGIO1 IND16 1281
Front Panel Keys KEY 10 793 INDGGIO2 IND01 1282
Front Panel Keys KEY 11 794 INDGGIO2 IND02 1283
Front Panel Keys KEY 12 795 INDGGIO2 IND03 1284
Front Panel Keys KEY 13 796 INDGGIO2 IND04 1285
Front Panel Keys KEY 14 797 INDGGIO2 IND05 1286
Front Panel Keys KEY 15 798 INDGGIO2 IND06 1287
Front Panel Keys KEY 2 785 INDGGIO2 IND07 1288
Front Panel Keys KEY 3 786 INDGGIO2 IND08 1289
Front Panel Keys KEY 4 787 INDGGIO2 IND09 1290
Front Panel Keys KEY 5 788 INDGGIO2 IND10 1291
Front Panel Keys KEY 6 789 INDGGIO2 IND11 1292
Front Panel Keys KEY 7 790 INDGGIO2 IND12 1293
Front Panel Keys KEY 8 791 INDGGIO2 IND13 1294
Front Panel Keys KEY 9 792 INDGGIO2 IND14 1295
Front Panel LED KEY 0 1797 INDGGIO2 IND15 1296
Front Panel LED KEY 1 1798 INDGGIO2 IND16 1297
Front Panel LED KEY 10 1807 INDGGIO3 IND01 1298
Front Panel LED KEY 11 1808 INDGGIO3 IND02 1299
Front Panel LED KEY 12 1809 INDGGIO3 IND03 1300
Front Panel LED KEY 13 1810 INDGGIO3 IND04 1301
Front Panel LED KEY 14 1811 INDGGIO3 IND05 1302
Front Panel LED KEY 15 1812 INDGGIO3 IND06 1303
Front Panel LED KEY 2 1799 INDGGIO3 IND07 1304
Front Panel LED KEY 3 1800 INDGGIO3 IND08 1305
Front Panel LED KEY 4 1801 INDGGIO3 IND09 1306
Front Panel LED KEY 5 1802 INDGGIO3 IND10 1307
Front Panel LED KEY 6 1803 INDGGIO3 IND11 1308
Front Panel LED KEY 7 1804 INDGGIO3 IND12 1309
Front Panel LED KEY 8 1805 INDGGIO3 IND13 1310
Front Panel LED KEY 9 1806 INDGGIO3 IND14 1311
IEC 61850 Config Error 1339 INDGGIO3 IND15 1312
IEC 61850 Goose Sub App ID Mismatch 1345 INDGGIO3 IND16 1313
IEC 61850 Goose Sub Confrev Mismatch 1341 INDGGIO4 IND01 1314
IEC 61850 Goose Sub Data Offset 1347 INDGGIO4 IND02 1315
Mismatch INDGGIO4 IND03 1316
Digital Points BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev R 659

Name Number Name Number

INDGGIO4 IND04 1317 Non-Volatile Memory Saving Blocks Error 721
INDGGIO4 IND05 1318 Non-Volatile Memory Settings File Not 719
INDGGIO4 IND06 1319 Opened
INDGGIO4 IND07 1320 Non-Volatile Memory Store Fat Error 777
INDGGIO4 IND08 1321 NTP Sync Lost 740
INDGGIO4 IND09 1322 NVMH Erase Err Bit 2054
INDGGIO4 IND10 1323 NVMH Erase Timeout 780
INDGGIO4 IND11 1324 NVMH Lock Bit 782
INDGGIO4 IND12 1325 NVMH VPP Bit 781
INDGGIO4 IND13 1326 NVMH Write Err Bit 2053
INDGGIO4 IND14 1327 Output 1 Logic State 689
INDGGIO4 IND15 1328 Output 1 Output Override Enabled Alarm 701
INDGGIO4 IND16 1329 Output 1 Override Enable 677
Input 1 State 666 Output 1 Override State 683
Input 10 State 883 Output 1 Remote Control 695
Input 2 State 667 Output 1 State 671
Input 3 State 668 Output 2 Logic State 690
Input 4 State 669 Output 2 Output Override Enabled Alarm 702
Input 5 State 878 Output 2 Override Enable 678
Input 6 State 879 Output 2 Override State 684
Input 7 State 880 Output 2 Remote Control 696
Input 8 State 881 Output 2 State 672
Input 9 State 882 Output 3 Logic State 691
Input Contact 52 TCM 670 Output 3 Output Override Enabled Alarm 703
IRIG Sync Lost 737 Output 3 Override Enable 679
Logic Alarms Alarm Output 1814 Output 3 Override State 685
Logic Alarms Alarm Reset 1813 Output 3 Remote Control 697
Logic Alarms New Event 1815 Output 3 State 673
Logic Equal None 738 Output 4 Logic State 692
Logic Label 1 1223 Output 4 Output Override Enabled Alarm 704
Logic Label 10 1232 Output 4 Override Enable 680
Logic Label 11 1233 Output 4 Override State 686
Logic Label 12 1234 Output 4 Remote Control 698
Logic Label 2 1224 Output 4 State 674
Logic Label 3 1225 Output 5 Logic State 693
Logic Label 4 1226 Output 5 Output Override Enabled Alarm 705
Logic Label 5 1227 Output 5 Override Enable 681
Logic Label 6 1228 Output 5 Override State 687
Logic Label 7 1229 Output 5 Remote Control 699
Logic Label 8 1230 Output 5 State 675
Logic Label 9 1231 Output 6 Logic State 866
Major Alarm 800 Output 6 Output Override Enabled Alarm 1423
Major Alarm Alarms Reset 799 Output 6 Override Enable 854
Major Alarm New Event 801 Output 6 Override State 860
Minor Alarm 803 Output 6 Remote Control 872
Minor Alarm Alarms Reset 802 Output 6 State 848
Minor Alarm New Event 804 Output 7 Logic State 867
No User Setting 739 Output 7 Output Override Enabled Alarm 1424
Non-Volatile Memory Driver Error 775 Output 7 Override Enable 855
Non-Volatile Memory Erase Block Error 778 Output 7 Override State 861
Non-Volatile Memory File Not Open 776 Output 7 Remote Control 873
Invalid Mode Output 7 State 849
Non-Volatile Memory Filed Opening File 769 Output 8 Logic State 868
Non-Volatile Memory Flash File Error 722 Output 8 Output Override Enabled Alarm 1425
Non-Volatile Memory Invalid Drive 772 Output 8 Override Enable 856
Non-Volatile Memory Invalid Drive State 774 Output 8 Override State 862
Non-Volatile Memory IOVec Error 770 Output 8 Remote Control 874
Non-Volatile Memory No Free Sectors 779 Output 8 State 850
Error Output Override 743
Non-Volatile Memory Not Formatted 773 Overrun Alarm 768
Non-Volatile Memory Not Open 771 Phase Bus Fast Current Detected 1
BE1-11g Digital Points
660 9424200994 Rev R

Name Number Name Number

Phase Bus Frequency Valid 0 Settings Group Change Auto 820
Power Loss Alarm 767 Settings Group Change D0 821
Power Supply 729 Settings Group Change D1 822
Programmable Alarm 1 750 Settings Group Change D2 823
Programmable Alarm 10 759 Settings Group Change D3 824
Programmable Alarm 11 760 SGC Active 825
Programmable Alarm 12 761 SGC Logic Override 826
Programmable Alarm 13 762 System Data Breaker Status 714
Programmable Alarm 14 763 System Data Forced Trigger 710
Programmable Alarm 15 764 System Data HMI Alarm Reset 716
Programmable Alarm 16 765 System Data HMI Target Reset 715
Programmable Alarm 2 751 System Data Logic 0 707
Programmable Alarm 3 752 System Data Logic 1 708
Programmable Alarm 4 753 System Data Logic Trigger 713
Programmable Alarm 5 754 System Data Pickup Logic 711
Programmable Alarm 6 755 System Data Power Up 709
Programmable Alarm 7 756 System Data Rotation Reversal 717
Programmable Alarm 8 757 System Data Trip Logic 712
Programmable Alarm 9 758 Target Reset 805
Real Time Clock 731 Targets Alarm Output 806
Relay Alarms 809 Targets New Event 807
Relay Alarms New Event 810 Unrestrained Trip 1207
Relay Alarms Reset 808 uP Overload 728
Remote Module 1 - Default Cal Loaded 1250 uP Reset 724
Remote Module 1 - Defaults Loaded 1251 uP Reset Alarm 745
Remote Module 1 - Flash Failure 1252 Update Non-Volatile Memory Blocks 720
Remote Module 1 - Reset 1256 Failed
Acknowledgement User Programmable Target 1 2055
Remote Module 1 - Reset RTD Alarms 1255 User Programmable Target 10 2064
Remote Module 1 - RTD Comm Recv Fail 1254 User Programmable Target 11 2065
Remote Module 1 - RTD Comm Send Fail 1253 User Programmable Target 12 2066
Remote Module 1 - RTD Out of Range 1249 User Programmable Target 2 2056
Remote Module 2 - Default Cal Loaded 1259 User Programmable Target 3 2057
Remote Module 2 - Defaults Loaded 1260 User Programmable Target 4 2058
Remote Module 2 - Flash Failure 1261 User Programmable Target 5 2059
Remote Module 2 - Reset 1265 User Programmable Target 6 2060
Acknowledgement User Programmable Target 7 2061
Remote Module 2 - Reset RTD Alarms 1264 User Programmable Target 8 2062
Remote Module 2 - RTD Comm Recv Fail 1263 User Programmable Target 9 2063
Remote Module 2 - RTD Comm Send Fail 1262 VA Demand 657
Remote Module 2 - RTD Out of Range 1258 var Negative Demand 654
Setting Change 742 var Positive Demand 653
Settings Group 0 827 Watt Forward Demand 655
Settings Group 1 828 Watt Reverse Demand 656
Settings Group 2 829
Settings Group 3 830

Digital Points BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 661

BESTCOMSPlus® Settings Loader Tool

The BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool is a software application which allows the user to instantly
upload settings to Basler BESTCOMSPlus-compatible products by scanning a pre-registered bar code
which promotes consistency, reduces potential errors, and saves time.

The BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool software and a bar code reader (acquired separately) must be
installed on the same PC.

BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool Installation

System Recommendations
The BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool is bundled with BESTCOMSPlus software. BESTCOMSPlus
software is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework. The setup utility that installs BESTCOMSPlus on your
PC also installs the BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool and the required version of .NET Framework
(if not already installed). BESTCOMSPlus operates with systems using Windows XP 32-bit SP3,
Windows Vista 32-bit SP1, Windows 7 32-bit (all editions), Windows 7 64-bit (all editions) and Windows 8.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later must be installed on your PC before installing BESTCOMSPlus.
System recommendations for the .NET Framework and BESTCOMSPlus are listed in Table 262.
Table 262. System Recommendations for BESTCOMSPlus and the .NET Framework
System Type Component Recommendation
32/64 bit Processor 2.0 GHz
32/64 bit RAM 1 GB (minimum), 2 GB (recommended)
32 bit Hard Drive 100 MB (if .NET Framework is already installed on PC)
950 MB (if .NET Framework is not already installed on PC)
64 bit Hard Drive 100 MB (if .NET Framework is already installed on PC)
2.1 GB (if .NET Framework is not already installed on PC)
To install and run BESTCOMSPlus, a Windows user must have Administrator rights.


Do not connect a USB cable until setup completes successfully.
Connecting a USB cable before setup is complete may result in errors.

1. Insert the BESTCOMSPlus CD-ROM into the PC CD-ROM drive.

2. When the BESTCOMSPlus Setup and Documentation CD menu appears, click the Install button for
the BESTCOMSPlus application. The setup utility installs BESTCOMSPlus, the .NET Framework (if
not already installed), the USB driver, and the BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool on your PC.
When BESTCOMSPlus installation is complete, a Basler Electric folder is added to the Windows
programs menu. This folder is accessed by clicking the Windows Start button and then accessing the
Basler Electric folder in the Programs menu. The Basler Electric folder contains an icon that starts the
BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool.

BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Settings Loader Tool

662 9424200994 Rev R

Bar Code Reader and Bar Codes

The BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool is compatible with bar code readers which conform to
UnifiedPOS specifications. Bar code readers and bar code labels are not provided and must be acquired
separately. Refer to the bar code reader’s documentation for installation instructions.
Any bar code compatible with your bar code reader may be used.

BESTCOMSPlus® Settings Loader Tool Settings

BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool settings are found on two main screens, the Loader Grid and
Configuration screen. The Loader Grid contains management options for the product settings files and
their associated bar codes. The Configuration screen contains product-specific options for the default
behavior of the BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool. These settings are described in the following

Loader Grid
One entry, or row, in the Loader Grid contains all of the necessary data to associate a product settings file
with a bar code. New entries can be added. Existing entries can be edited, deleted, and uploaded to a
Basler product.

Figure 393. Loader Grid

Scanning Bar Codes

Place the cursor in the text field, found at the top of the Loader Grid screen, and scan a bar code. If
successful, the digits which comprise the bar code appear in the text field. The BESTCOMSPlus Settings
Loader Tool automatically searches for this bar code among the entries in the Loader Grid and displays
the matching entry. Click Clear to remove the digits from the text field.

BESTCOMSPlus® Settings Loader Tool BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 663

Adding an Entry
Click Add to create an entry. The BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool: Add Device dialog box appears
(Figure 394).

Figure 394. Add Device Screen

Enter the name of the entry in the Name field. This appears in the first column of the Loader Grid.
Select the product type from the Type drop-down menu. This appears in the second column of the Loader
Enter the bar code of the entry in the UPC Barcode field by placing the cursor in the UPC Barcode field
and scanning the bar code.
To select the product settings file for the entry, click the browse (…) button in the Location field. Use
standard Windows methods to navigate to the desired product settings file and click Open. Ensure that
the selected product type in the Type field matches that of the product settings file specified in the
Location field.
Click OK when finished.

Editing an Entry
To Edit an existing entry, select the entry in the Loader Grid and click Edit. The BESTCOMSPlus Settings
Loader Tool: Edit Device dialog box appears. The options are identical to those of the Add Device dialog.
When the desired changes have been made, click OK.

Deleting an Entry
To delete an entry from the Loader Grid, select the entry and click the Delete button. A prompt appears
providing the option to confirm or cancel the deletion.

Uploading an Entry
Select an entry and click Upload. A dialog appears which provides connection options for the appropriate
type of device. Refer to the Basler product instruction manual for detailed connection information. Once a
connection is established, the product settings associated with the entry are uploaded.

Configuration Settings
For configuration settings, click the Configure button in the bottom left of the Loader Grid. The product
tabs on the left represent the compatible Basler products. Each product tab contains tabs for Settings
Files and Connection Options. The options on these tabs are described below.

Setting Files Options

Use Saved Path: When enabled, the path specified in the Loader Grid entry is used when uploading the
settings file.

BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Settings Loader Tool

664 9424200994 Rev R

Single Folder: When enabled, this specifies a single folder which contains all settings files for the
product. The Windows filename specified in the Location field of the Loader Grid entry is searched for in
the Single Folder location. For example, all settings files for a product are located in “C:\Files”. The
Location field in the Loader Grid entry for a device contains “C:\Documents\Settings\BE1-11
Settings.bstx”. The BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool searches in “C:\Files” for the filename “BE1-11
Append Bar-Code to Location: When enabled, the bar code is appended to the specified location when
uploading the settings file. For example, an entry with the bar code “0002” is located in C:\Files\0002 and
an entry with the bar code “0003” is located in C:\Files\0003.
Logon: If User Name and Password are specified, you will not be prompted for credentials when
Save After Upload: After uploading a settings file, the settings are downloaded from the connected
device and saved to the specified location, when enabled.
Upload Security: When enabled, the security settings stored in the settings file are uploaded to the
device. Credentials will be requested if not already specified.
Figure 395 illustrates the Setting Files tab.

Figure 395. Configuration, Settings Files Tab

Connection Options
Connection options consist of the three selections described below. Refer to the Basler product
instruction manual for detailed connection information.
Always Prompt for Connection: When enabled, a dialog appears which provides connection options for
the appropriate type of device each time a connection attempt is made.
Ethernet Connection: When enabled, the BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool automatically attempts
to connect to the specified IP address before uploading settings.

BESTCOMSPlus® Settings Loader Tool BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 665

USB Connection: When enabled, the BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool automatically attempts to
connect to the device via USB port before uploading settings.
Figure 396 illustrates the Connection Options tab.

Figure 396. Configuration, Connection Options Tab

General Operation
The steps listed below are provided as a general guideline for how to operate the BESTCOMSPlus
Settings Loader Tool when the initial setup is complete and the settings files are associated with bar
1. Power on the device which will receive the new settings. Ensure proper communication connections
have been made between the device and the PC running BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool.
2. Run BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool.
3. Place cursor in search bar.
4. Scan bar code.
5. Settings file is automatically highlighted and isolated in the grid.
6. Click Upload.
7. BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool automatically connects to device and uploads settings. Device
connection is automatic unless “Always prompt for connection” is enabled.

BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Settings Loader Tool

666 9424200994 Rev R

BESTCOMSPlus® Settings Loader Tool BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 667

Revision History
Table 263 provides a historical summary of the changes made to the BE1-11g hardware. Application
firmware changes are listed in Table 264 and BESTCOMSPlus® changes are listed in Table 265. The
corresponding revisions made to this instruction manual are summarized in Table 266. Revisions are
listed in chronological order.
Table 263. Hardware Revision History
Version and Date
D, Jun-09 • Initial release
E, Aug-09 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 2.05.00 and BE1-11g
firmware version 1.02.00
F, Jan-10 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 2.06.01 and BE1-11g
firmware version 1.03.00
G, Jun-10 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 2.07.03 and BE1-11g
firmware version 1.03.01
H, Jul-10 • Improved Ethernet module
J, Nov-10 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 2.08.01 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.04.00
K, Mar-11 • Improved digital board
L, Apr-11 • Replaced obsolete LCD
M, Sep-11 • Updated Ethernet board to prevent fast transient failures
• Updated T1 through T4 on the magnetics board to improve
N, Nov-11 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 2.11.01 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.05.00
O • This revision letter not used
P, Sep-12 • Improved keyboard
Q • This revision letter not used
R, Oct-12 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 3.00.02 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.06.00
S, Nov-12 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 3.01.01 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.06.01
T, Dec-12 • Released BE1-11g firmware version 2.06.02
U, Mar-13 • Maintenance release
V, Mar-13 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 3.03.00 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.06.03
W, Mar-13 • Released BE1-11g firmware version 2.06.04
X, Jul-13 • Changed component values on digital board to improve
RS-485 communications
Y, Aug-13 • Added a QR code to the front-panel label for H and P type cases
Z, Sep-13 • Added a QR code to the front-panel label for J type cases
AA, Dec-13 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 3.05.02 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.07.00
AB, Jan-14 • Maintenance release
AC, May-14 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 3.06.00 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.08.00
AD, May-14 • Released BE1-11g firmware version 2.08.01
AE, Jun-14 • Released BEST61850 version 2.02.00
AF, Jul-14 • Maintenance release
AG, Aug-14 • Released BE1-11g firmware version 2.08.02
AH, Sep-14 • Changed to support future style options
AI • This revision letter not used
BE1-11g Revision History
668 9424200994 Rev R

Version and Date
AJ, Jan-15 • Released BE1-11g firmware version 2.08.03
AK, Apr-15 • Released BE1-11g firmware version 2.08.04
AL, Jun-15 • Changed SEF analog boards to prevent crosstalk
AM, Dec-15 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 3.11.00 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.09.00
AN, Jul-16 • Released BESTCOMSPlus version 3.14.00 and BE1-11g
firmware version 2.10.00

Table 264. Application Firmware Revision History

Version and Date
1.01.00, Apr-09 • Initial release
1.02.00, Aug-09 • Made internal improvements invisible to the user
1.03.00, Nov-09 • Improved COMTRADE report
• Improved calculation of power values
• Improved access timeout length
• Improved sequence of events downloading/viewing
• Improved communications to prevent lockups
• Improved RAM write access during BE1-11g startup
• Improved operation of hold attribute on contact outputs
• Improved three-wire power metering
1.03.01, May-10 • Improved low-voltage metering
• Improved 81R (rate of change of frequency) function
• Improved resolution of values on COMTRADE report
2.04.00, Aug-10 • Implemented IEC 61850 protocol option
• Under Settings Explorer, moved Display Units from System
Parameters to General Settings
2.04.01, Mar-11 • Implemented Secure Access Login for Modbus
• Implemented Alarm Resetting function for Modbus
2.04.02, Jun-11 • Improved IEC 61850 communications
2.05.00, Oct-11 • Added Output Override Alarms
• Enhanced voltage settings resolution for 27, 59, and 81
2.05.01, Jun-12 • Improved target reporting
• Corrected issue where bad data in log file could prevent correct
power-up of relay
2.06.00, Sep-12 • Added support for RTD module (49RTD protection and analog
input protection elements)
• Added 78V Vector Jump protection, 21 Distance protection, 25A
Synchronizer, 87 Phase Differential protection, 87 Neutral
Differential protection, and 78OOS Out of Step protection
• Added unbalance current protection mode for the 50 and 51
• Added support for enhanced front panel in J type case
• Added security logging
2.06.01, Nov-12 • Added Delta/Wye Compensation Enable setting for the Distance
(21) element
2.06.02, Dec-12 • Improved 87N operation
• Improved logic timers
• Improved SEF pickups
• Improved output override operation through the front panel

Revision History BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 669

Version and Date
2.06.03, Mar-13 • Improved 51, 25, and 25A element operation
• Improved port access timers
• Improved angle compensation in differential report
• Added DNP data
2.06.04, Mar-13 • Improved 21 element operation
• Improved distance to fault measurement
2.07.00, Nov-13 • Made alarms available in BESTlogicPlus
• Expanded Target Reset logic point to operate from all target
reset requests
• Added an option to Modbus to perform group saves to reduce
write times
• Made Settings Group available in scrolling screens
• Added Power Loss alarm
• Eight additional 49RTD elements
• Improved 60FL coordination when upstream breakers open
• Improved tracking of failed login attempts with bad user names
• Improved reporting of breaker operate time
• Added logic nodes and made minor improvements to IEC 61850
2.08.00, Apr-14 • Added a Language Selection setting to choose language for the
front-panel display
• Added Russian language option
• Corrected accuracy of 25A voltage monitor dropout timer and
slip frequency
• Updated Time Dial range for IEC curves in the 51 element
• Improved 78V for frequency out-of-range operation
• Added output hold timer to 78V
• Improved Frequency Out-of-Range alarm to indicate when any
source is out of range instead of when all sources are out of
• Improved 60FL operation to prevent chance of nuisance alarm
during settings group change
• Improved 40Q operation for single-phase connections
• Improved Modbus response to reads with incorrect ID
• Changed clock priority setup to prevent user from accidentally
disabling internal real-time clock
2.08.01, May-14 • Corrected issue that prevented front-panel select and operate
switches from operating the 43 switches
• Corrected placement of data on scrolling metering screens
2.08.02, Aug-14 • Added missing characters to scrolled metering screen
• Corrected shifted HMI screen headings for Watts/vars, VA/PF,
and Dip/Swell
• Corrected unsecured access on non BESTCOMSPlus ports
• Made default state of 61850 inputs available at all times
• Improved IRIG accuracy
• Corrected the function of the Block input for Analog Input
Protection elements
• Improved display of oscillographic records for 3W and 4W
• Removed blank screen from scrolling metering when 6 metering
values are selected
• Corrected uploading of a blank CID file for 61850
2.08.03, Jan-15 • Corrected saving of large oscillographic files

BE1-11g Revision History

670 9424200994 Rev R

Version and Date
2.08.04, Mar-15 • Improved USB communication
2.08.05, May-15 • Corrected power metering issue after cycling power when Bus
CT Selection is CT2
2.08.06, Aug-15 • Corrected number of fault report items on front-panel screen
• Corrected logic alarms in DNP protocol
• Improved RTD module communications
2.09.00, Nov-15 • Added a second Directional element (67-2)
• Added ability to use complex passwords
• Added Disabled parameter selection for remote analog outputs
• Added saving of differential reports to non-volatile memory
• Changed to allow trip/retrip of Breaker Control Switch
• Improved PF analog output metering
• Improved password access
• Improved scrolled metering for long text strings
• Corrected activation of logic after making changes
• Corrected saving of front-panel settings while in Live mode in
• Corrected editing of IEC 61850 metering deadbands and
protection mode settings
• Corrected internal calculation of total kVA and total PF
• Corrected scaling of RTD analog outputs when English or Metric
units is selected
• Corrected issue with resetting alarm logic bits
• Corrected issue with access timeout and firmware upgrades
• Corrected Output Override alarms
• Corrected issue with using comma in Device ID, usernames, and
custom user labels
• Corrected active setting group on Front-panel fault report
• Corrected number of fault report items on front-panel screen
• Corrected binary protocol serial number command
• Corrected 40Q pickup and trip
2.09.01, May-16 • Corrected issue with Modbus over RS-485
2.10.00, Jul-16 • Added user programmable targets
• Added Initiated output to 25A logic element in BESTlogicPlus
• Added mail from domain setting for emails from device
• Added 50 Reset Delay setting
• Improved the 50 element time delay on J case systems
• Improved 3I0 metering on 1A, J case systems
• Improved web server reliability
• Improved security of IEC 61850
• Corrected power quality voltage harmonics metering on 3W
• Corrected oscillography analog channel number for IG when a
single CT was used
• Corrected syncing when 25A is in Anticipatory mode
• Corrected targets displaying as active after reset

Table 265. BESTCOMSPlus® Software Revision History

Version and Date
2.04.01, May-09 • Initial release

Revision History BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 671

Version and Date
2.05.00, Jul-09 • Updated Basler Electric Device Package Uploader screen
• Changed 40Q pickup range for 1A CTs from 0-6000 to 0-1200
• Added timing curve graphs for 27 and 59 functions when using
inverse timing mode
2.06.01, Dec-09 • Added Edit button to Analog Metering, Energy screen
• Added “0 = No Password Expiration” to Days to Expiration
setting on User Name Setup screen
• Removed USB COM alarm choice from Alarm Settings screen
• Improved Inverse Overcurrent settings screens
• Improved Table Curve screens for inverse overcurrent elements
• Changed the formatting/layout of the BESTCOMSPlus shell
• Added 25 Hz frequency option under Nominal Settings on the
Power System screen
• BESTCOMSPlus shell enhancements
• Added Windows® 7 32-bit compatibility
2.06.02, Jan-10 • Added Upgrade Style Number to the Communication pull-down
2.07.01, Mar-10 • Added Windows® 7 64-bit compatibility and removed Windows
2000 compatibility
2.07.03, Jun-10 • Added Option 2 to style number for custom builds
• Added 40Z targets to binary inputs and DNP binary user map
2.08.00, Aug-10 • Under Settings Explorer, moved Display Units from System
Parameters to General Settings
• Added Breaker Status, and 86 Lockout Status to Metering
Explorer under Status
• Added Edge Triggers to BESTLogicPlus (firmware dependent
• Added Logic Labels to BESTLogicPlus (firmware dependent)
• Added Auto Export Metering function
• Added “P” case option on Style Number screen
• Implemented IEC 61850 protocol option
2.08.01, Oct-10 • Improved Off-Page logic
• Enhanced IEC 61850 logic inputs and outputs
2.10.02, Jun-11 • Added the ability to select what data to view/export from the
Preview Metering and Export Metering buttons
• Added the ability to save workspace
• Added the ability to auto reconnect when connection is lost
• Added the ability to close multiple views
• Enhanced BESTLogicPlus
2.11.01, Nov-11 • Added Output Override Alarm settings
• Added IRIG Decoding setting on Clock Setup screen
• Enhanced voltage settings resolution for 27, 59, and 81
• Enhanced settings file printout
2.11.02, Dec-11 • Improved metering and settings file printouts
• Added options to print Modbus and DNP points in settings file
• Improved Phasor Diagrams in Metering
2.13.00, Apr-12 • Maintenance release
2.14.00, Jul-12 • Maintenance release
3.00.02, Sep-12 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.06.00
• Updated the settings compare feature to include Modbus™ and
DNP differences

BE1-11g Revision History

672 9424200994 Rev R

Version and Date
3.01.01, Nov-12 • Added Delta/Wye Compensation Enable setting on the Distance
(21) settings screen
3.02.00, Dec-12 • Added Windows 8 compatibility
3.03.00, Mar-13 • Maintenance release
3.03.03, Jun-13 • Updated PC requirements (See the BESTCOMSPlus chapter for
more information.)
3.04.00, Aug-13 • Renamed the Trip output to Sync on the 25 logic block
• Added default fixed 0 on logic block inputs in BESTlogicPlus
• Increased Breaker Close Time setting range to 1,000 ms for the
25A element
3.04.01, Oct-13 • Maintenance release
3.05.02, Dec-13 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.07.00
• Added primary ohms conversion for 21, 40Z, and 78OOS
elements when Display Units is set to Primary
• Added a feature to reset the BE1-11g to factory defaults
3.05.03, Feb-14 • Maintenance release
3.06.00, Apr-14 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.08.00
• Added Switch/Pulse drop-down selection on the Virtual Switches
Control screen
• Changed the Download button to Refresh and added a Toggle
Sorting button on the Sequence of Events screen and Security
Log screen
3.07.00, Oct-14 • Added Conformal Coating to Option 2 in style number
• Removed duplicate results in the device discovery list
• Changed to allow a comma in the Device ID
• Improved prompts to save settings when choosing to close all
open views
• Changed to hide security settings for the RTD module when
opening a settings file
• Changed to allow the middle mouse button to close the security
• Changed to make BESTlogicPlus status LEDs report all logic
• Changed to always show primary and secondary units in
settings views
• Improved analog output selection when an RTD module is
• Corrected errors when opening a workspace file
• Corrected saving of RTD module settings file
• Corrected logic compiler errors
• Corrected settings save cancel when entering live mode
• Corrected display of remote analog inputs when RTD module
communication is disabled
• Corrected uploading of logic while in live mode
• Corrected logic copy/paste errors
• Corrected filename mismatch after cancelling login
3.07.03, Jan-15 • Maintenance release

Revision History BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 673

Version and Date
3.08.00, Feb-15 • Added ability to jump to a protection settings screen by clicking
on an LED on the Protection Summary screen
• Added scaling capability to phasor diagrams in metering
• Added file save error message when trying to save an event log
with an invalid filename
• Improved Summary screen views
• Added the degrees symbol to displayed temperature values
• Added the ability to enter all zeroes for the gateway address
• Added automatic screen resizing of System Summary screen
• Added Display Units setting to the 40Z settings screen
3.08.02, Feb-15 • Maintenance release
3.09.00, Apr-15 • Maintenance release
3.10.00, Jun-15 • Maintenance release
3.11.00, Nov-15 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.09.00
• Added Sequence of Events filtering
3.12.00, Apr-16 • Changed to allow uploading of newer security settings into older
• Improved 43 switches screen layout
• Changed to prevent Offline Simulator button from disabling after
sending settings to the device
3.14.00, Jul-16 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.10.00
• Corrected duplication of style number options in settings printout

Table 266. Instruction Manual Revision History

Revision and Date
—, Jun-09 • Initial release
A, Aug-09 • Renamed “Neutral Current” option to “Ground Current” in Figure
1-1, Style Chart
• Updated Figure 3-25, Basler Electric Device Package Uploader
B, Oct-09 • Added Note #3 to Style Chart in Section 1 “If Phase Current
choice is 1, Ground Current choice must be B”
• Improved listing of Standards and CE Compliance in Section 1,
General Information, General Specifications
• Section 1: Added statement about an evaluation copy of
BESTWAVEPlus™ being included on the product CD
• In Section 9, changed 27 and 59 time delays from “0 or 50 to
600,000 ms” to “50 to 600,000 ms”
C, Jul-10 • Replaced Figures 13-17, 13-27, and 13-28. Added a connection
between C16 (VN) and C14 (VB)
D, Nov-10 • Added P Case Option and IEC 61850 Ethernet Protocol option
to the Style Chart in Section 1
• Added EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4 under General
Specifications, CE Compliance in Section 1
• Added DNP Certification, IEC 61850 Certification, and IP Class
under General Specifications in Section 1
• Added Display Units in Section 4
• Added Configure Ethernet Port under Ethernet in Section 5
• Added Breaker Status, and 86 Lockout Status under Status in
Section 8
• Added Figure 13-3, H1 Panel-Mount Case Dimensions

BE1-11g Revision History

674 9424200994 Rev R

Revision and Date
E, Mar-11 • Replaced Figure 3-13, Auto Export Metering (Added Filter button
on screen)
• Replaced Figure 13-18, Voltage Sensing, Alternate VTP Inputs
(Added connection between C14 & C16 in image B)
F, Sep-12 • Converted manual into new style and structure
• Added support for BE1-11m firmware version 2.06.00 and
BESTCOMSPlus version 3.00.02
G, Nov-12 • Added description of Delta/Wye Compensation Enable setting
and replaced Figure 84, Distance Settings Screen in the
Distance Protection (21) chapter
• Added Storage statement in the Quick Start chapter
• Minor text edits throughout manual
H, Jan-13 • Improved the 87N element equations and test procedure
• Improved the 40Z element test procedure
• Added case overlap in Figure 183, J Type Case - Cutout and
Drilling Dimensions in the Mounting chapter
• Added optional second set of CTs in Figure 204
• Added drawings in the Power System Applications chapter
• Added Storage statement in the RTD Module chapter
I • This revision letter not used
J, Mar-13 • Added 10-Second Frequency description in the Power Quality
• Added Figure 206, Single-Phase Current Sensing Connections
in the Typical Connections chapter
• Added Specifications - 25 Hz Operation chapter
• Added Digital Points chapter
K, Dec-13 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.07.00 and
BESTCOMSPlus version 3.05.02
• Moved revision history to the back of the manual
• Added description of QR code in Tables 2 and 3
• Added QR code in Figures 2, 23, and 24
• Updated PC requirements for BESTCOMSPlus software
• Moved Frequently Asked Questions from the Troubleshooting
chapter into a new chapter
• Added Table 11, Common System and Sensing Transformer
Combinations for the 25 element
• Corrected trip circuit monitor jumper illustration
L, Feb-14 • Removed product registration information
M, Apr-14 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.08.00 and
BESTCOMSPlus version 3.06.00
• Added a Stator Ground (64G) Protection chapter
• Added Step 2 and updated Step 3 under Element Operation,
Control of Virtual Control Switches in the Virtual Control
Switches (43) chapter
• Added total height to the H1 Panel-Mount Case Dimensions
figure in the Mounting chapter
• Added Offline Logic Simulator description in the BESTlogicPlus
• Changed the order of the Inverse Overcurrent (51) curves in the
Time Curve Characteristics chapter

Revision History BE1-11g

9424200994 Rev R 675

Revision and Date
N, Sep-14 • Added Conformal Coating to Option 2 in Figures 1 and 264
• Added power supply burden for J type case
• Corrected Figures 337 (A1 Curve), 348 (B1 Curve), and 353 (C1
Curve) in the Time Curve Characteristics chapter
• Text edits throughout manual
O • This revision letter not used
P, Dec-15 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.09.00 and
BESTCOMSPlus version 3.11.00
• Replaced several BESTCOMSPlus settings screens showing
primary and secondary values
• Added Units of Selectable Parameters table in the RTD Module
• Added BESTCOMSPlus Settings Loader Tool chapter
• Minor text edits
Q • This revision letter not used
R, Jul-16 • Added support for BE1-11g firmware version 2.10.00 and
BESTCOMSPlus version 3.14.00
• Minor text edits

BE1-11g Revision History

676 9424200994 Rev R

Revision History BE1-11g

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