The Quraan
The Quraan
The Quraan
This is something
Know the truth, if you are inclined to know it.
Saeed Khan
June 2021
THIS IS NOT A BOOK! This is something else!
As we all know that the most precious creature in this known world is human. Though
every creature has a purpose to serve in this world, hence every creature is very
important, but the human being has a bit different story. For every other creature the life
is once on this planet earth, while the human being is destined to live after this earthly
life. The human being is comprises of two things; one is his physical body and the other
is his soul or psyche (as commonly known but Quran recognized it as “Nafs” (self)
means the person in the physical body who makes choices). The human body is
perishable, while the human soul has eternity. Life after death is a reality whether one
beliefs or not. Ones’ believe has nothing to do with the scheme of the Creator.
Quran is neither a book of History & Philosophy nor a book on Science, but it is a set of
guidance from the Creator for entire humanity that is from Adam to the last man on
earth. This guidance is given by describing the historic and prehistoric events in a
Suggestive Phenomenon style; inviting the reader to apply his intellect to arrive on the
conclusion. The purpose of this guidance is to allow each and every individual to make
his life, alongwith others, pleasant and peaceful both in this world and hereafter.
Now the question arises here is, why should one believe on whatever is narrated
above? The answer to this question is that before arriving at the decision to ignore any
argument, we should examine the reasons brought forward by the one who stated it and
then to arrive at a considered decision.
When we see the definition of book in dictionary, it says “A set of pages containing
information, stories, poetry, etc., written or narrated by a person”. It means when we talk
about books, we have in mind that we are talking about written material of human
thoughts, imaginations, desires, experiences, etc. But there are books that claim that
they contain message of the Creator, the Sustainer such as Tora, Bible, Quran and
some others known as Old Testaments.
Unfortunately, these books are called religious books and every religion has a separate
book of its own. As a result of this sort of mind set among people, we arrive on a
conclusion that there is no need to read books of religion you do not follow.
Those who have reading habits, read books on their own choice made on the basis of
topics or Writers of their interest. Imagine when one comes across to a book whose
writer is not a human but the Creator of not only humans but entire universe and things
not in our notice as yet. What should be our attitude to such a book? Shouldn’t one
must read that book or at least preface of that book?
We all come to this world same: naked, scared and ignorant. After that grand entrance,
the life we end up with is simply an accumulation of all the choices we make. Our
choices can be our best friends or worst enemy. They can deliver us to our goals or
send us orbiting into a galaxy far, far away.
Think about it. Everything in your life exists because you first made a choice about
something. Choices are at the root of every one of your results. Each choice starts a
behavior that over time becomes a habit. Choose poorly, and you just might find
yourself back at the drawing board, force to make new, often harder choices. Don’t
chose at all, and you have made the choice to be the passive receiver of whatever
comes your way.
In essence you make your choices, and then your choices make you. Every decision,
no matter how slight, alters the trajectory of your life.
I hereby take the opportunity to introduce you with a unique book (which is actually NOT
A BOOK, but SOMETHING ELSE) This SOMETHING ELSE can be seen, find and can
be felt only after you read it with an open and un-biased mind set. It is a book for those
who want to know themselves, universe, life & life hereafter and about the Creator of all
the things we know and all things we still do not know.
Usually, the life of any book is around100 years, as the information, concepts & theories
narrated therein is finally proved to be wrong or invalid on the basis of knowledge
recently gained or some facts revealed to negate earlier theories.
Quran though known as a religious book; but is actually the words of the Creator; a
message of the Creator for human race, from Adam & Eve to the last person on earth. It
has been a practice of the Creator that he does not speak to humans by himself, but
sends his message through the most powerful angel named “Gabriel” to a person
selected among humans as his messenger. The messenger, on receiving the message,
becomes duty bound to convey the exact text of that message in letters and spirit to the
people of his time and also duty bond to present himself before the Creator and his
people as the best follower of the book. This process of communication is called
The Qur'an is the holy book for Muslims, revealed in stages to the Prophet Muhammad
over a period of 23 years. Qur'anic revelations are regarded by Muslims as the sacred
word of God, intended to correct any errors in previous holy books such as the Old and
New Testaments. Jul 14, 2011
Muslims believe that the Quran was orally revealed by God to the final prophet,
Muhammad, through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril), incrementally over a period of some
23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and
concluding in 632, the year of his death.
Among the books considered to be revealed, the four mentioned by name in the Quran
are the Torah or the Law) revealed to Moses, the Psalms revealed to David, the Bible
(the Gospel) revealed to Jesus.
The Quran mentions the Torah, the "Psalms" and the "Gospel" as being revealed by
God to the prophets Moses, David and Jesus respectively in the same way the Quran
was revealed to Muhammad, the final prophet and messenger of God according to
The truth is that the Quran is meant for each and every human being as the pure
guidance from the Creator. Whoever accepts this fact; Quran call him Muslim (The
Believer). The purpose of sending this message to mankind by the Creator was only
that each and every individual should be knowing the undeniable facts about life,
universe and creator of both and as a result thereof accept and follow this message for
success both in this material world and hereafter.
The Quran is divided into Surahs (chapters) and further divided into Ayahs
(verses). The real translation of the word Ayat is actually "Sign (of The Creator)".
There are 114 surahs in the Quran, each divided into ayahs (verses). The chapters
or surahs are of unequal length; the shortest chapter Al-Kousar (means
Abundance) has only three verses while the longest Al-Baqara (means The Cow)
contains 286 verses.
The text of Quran is not similar to that we found in common books. It is unique in its
style of narration. The most of the text is in the format of Dialogue, storytelling, assertive
statements, and interrogative statements. Conjugation of verses is the key to explain
and remind the message.
There has always been a debate amongst groups of people regarding existence of God
(as commonly said, but Quran termed it as “The Creator”, “The Sustainer”).
i) Firm believe that there is a Creator of life & universe and human will be
answerable to him on judgment day for our worldly deeds. (You know your
ii) To spend life on high moral grounds (You know yourself) for Socio-Economic
justice, the key element in maintaining peace on earth.
In order to ask the reader to establish firm belief on the text of Quran, the Creator in his
style guides as under:-
1- Introduces himself as the One & Only Creator & Sustainer titled as “Allah”.
2- The purpose of message (divine revelations) sent to humans through
Messengers in the present and past eras.
3- Authenticity of this book and those revealed earlier.
4- About creation of life & human being and its purpose.
5- Creation and functions of the universe.
6- Psychology of humans & reasons for their accountability.
7- History of old civilizations and how it vanished.
8- Life after death- the dooms day.
9- Rewards of good deeds and punishment for what is bad for humans.
From the Quran it is evident that there are three types of laws enforced or given by the
1. The first is where the Creator as unquestionable authority makes decisions such
as what to create, how to create and when to create. Whatever he decides is
become the law. This process of law making is known as Scheme of the Creator.
2. The second type is the physical world where every creation is given directly its
role to play in this universe under the scheme of the Creator. All things thereafter
comes under compulsion to act as per given guidance.
3. The third type is the human world where guidance is provided through the
Messengers to all from Adam to the last man on earth. In this type, human are
given the right to adapt or ignore the given laws which have guidance that helps
the people to establish justice and peace on earth and use natural resources for
the welfare of all and allowing each and every individual to maximize his potential
for the betterment of this earthly world and hereafter.
Like other books Quran has a preface (First Chapter (Surah) titled as
“The Opening”) which says:-
With the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the ever Merciful. (1:1)
All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The Most Gracious, the Ever
Merciful. Sovereign of the Day of Recompense. You alone we obey with
submissiveness and You alone we implore for help. Guide us to the
smooth way, course or direction in which life become established and
balanced with affairs in right state.
The way of those on whom You have awarded Your blessings, and not of
those who disobeyed your guidance and lost the prosperity and not of
those who have gone astray. (1:2-7)
(Allah is the name, the Creator of earth & skies given to himself, in Quran)
1. ALLAH (God) Introduces himself as the One & Only Creator & Sustainer
Say, He is Allah, the One / Unique / Incomparable. Allah, is the Eternal, the
absolute source of Power/Strength and all things depend on Him. He begets not,
nor is He begotten. And there is none equivalent to Him anyone. (112:1-4)
If there were gods in both of them (the skies and the earth) besides Allah,
certainly they would have fallen into disorder. So glorified is Allah, Possessor of
the Throne of power, far above what they attribute (to Him). (21:22)
• Allah- there is no other god (to be obeyed) except Him, the Ever Living, the
Everlasting. Slumber overtakes Him not, nor sleep. Whatsoever is in the
universes and whatsoever is in the earth belongs to Him. Who is the one who
can intercede with Him, expect with His leave? He knows what is before them
and what is behind them. And they do not encompass any thing of His
knowledge except of what He willed. His knowledge and Sovereignty extends
over the universes and the earth; and preserving them both does not weary
Him. He is the Supreme, the absolutely Great. (2:255)
• It is He Who has created the skies and the earth with truth. And the day He
says, "Be", and it is/originated. His Word is the truth. To Him belongs the
sovereignty on the day when the trumpet will be blown. He is All-Knower of
the unseen and the seen. And He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware. (6:73)
• (Human) Eyes comprehend Him not and all eyes are under his
comprehension and it is He who is innermost, All aware (6:103)
• Indeed, your Sustainer is Allah, the One Who created the skies and the earth
in six period of time and then He fashioned dominion in a suitable manner. He
covers the night with the day which follows it uninterruptedly; and the sun,
and the moon and the stars are subservient (to mankind) by His command.
Unquestionably, for Him is the creation and the command; exalted is Allah,
Sustainer of the universes. (7:54)
• He said, "Our Sustainer is the One Who gave to everything its proper form
and then provided guidance." (20:50)
• So absolute exalted is Allah, the True Authority. There is no Allah except Him,
the Owner of the Honorable Throne. (23:116)
• He (Allah) to Whom belongs the dominion of the skies and the earth and He
has not adopted a son, and He has not any partner with Him in the dominion
and He has created everything and determined its measure properly. (25:2)
• Or, Who responds to the distressed one when he calls Him, and removes the
suffering/evil and makes you successful on the earth? Is there any god with
Allah? Little is what you take heed. (27:62)
• To Allah belongs whatever is in the skies and the earth. Indeed, Allah is Free
of need, worthy of the all praise. (31:26)
• And if all the trees on the earth were pens and the sea (were ink), with seven
more seas to add to it, the Words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed,
Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (31:27)
• Absolutely limitless is Allah in His glory, absolutely above what they (Ignorant)
describe (to Him). (37:159)
• Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all
• That is Allah, your Sustainer, the Creator of all things, there is no Allah except
Him. So how are you perverted? (40:62)
• The Creator of the skies and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves,
mates, and among the cattle (also) mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is
nothing like Him, and He is the All- Hearer, the All-Seer. (42:11)
• He is the First and the Last, and the Apparent and the Hidden, and He is the
All-Knower of everything. (57:3)
2. Authenticity of this book and those revealed earlier. Quran also speaks
about the way revelation took place.
• This is the only Book, containing no doubt, and nothing uneasiness of mind. It
is a guidance for those who care for Allah laws / guidance / right way of life
and wish to guard against evil and calamity and regardful towards human
beings and Allah. (2:2)
• (This book is for) Those who accepting the hidden reality and fact with
commitment, and who establish the Allah laws and guidance and spend on
others the means of subsistence, which We have provided to them.(2:3)
• And (for those) who believe in the divine revelation which has been revealed
to you (The last Messenger) and in that which had been revealed before you,
and who have firm certainty in the Hereafter.(2:4)
• And if you are in doubt about what we have revealed to our Servant
(Messenger) Produce a single surah (Quran chapter) like it and call those of
you who possess more knowledge, besides Allah, if you are truthful . But if
you fail , and there is no doubt that you will fail, then protect yourself from hell
fire whose fuel is the men and the stones, which is being prepared for the
• Believe in what I have revealed in Qur’an which confirms the Divine source of
your own Scriptures. Do not be the first who reject (Quran Ayats) revelations.
Do not trade away my message for small profits and follow my guidance only
with care.(2:41)
• Seek help through patience and remain steadfast with your mind in desire for
Quran code of life to follow closely. Indeed it is difficult, but not for those
humbled by their reverence of Allah.(2:45)
• And We indeed have sent down to you clear verses which none but the
corrupt people reject (these verses). (2:99)
• He is the one Who has revealed to you the Book. There are verses which are
definite in meanings; these are the essence of the book. And other are
resembling one another, alike. Then as for those in whose hearts is
perversity/deviation, they desiring dissension, pursue the ambiguous meaning
in it. And no one knows its absolute proper, full/final interpretation except
Allah. And those who are deeply rooted in knowledge say: "We believe in it.
All is from our Sustainer." And none takes heed except those endowed with
pure and clear understanding with insight. (3:7)
• This Quran is a Manifest for the mankind, and guidance and teaching for
those who are mindful to be on the right path. (3:138)
• But Allah bears witness to what He has revealed to you. He has revealed it
with His knowledge, and the angels bear witness (as well). And Allah is
sufficient as a Witness. (4:166)
• Thus We explain the Verses in detail for a people who employ the mind.
• Indeed, We have sent down the Reminder (the Quran), and indeed, We are
surely its protector. (15:9)
• So when you study / effort to acquire knowledge of the Quran, seek refuge
with Allah (guidance) from corrupted thoughts / emotions / Satan. These are
offensive to senses. (16:98)
• Say, "The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down from your Sustainer in
truth to make firm those who believe and as guidance and glad tidings to the
believers." (16:102)
• Indeed, this Quran, guides to that which is most established / right / straight/
dignified/ regulated system having affairs in right and balanced state and
gives joyful news to the believers who do righteous/peace-making deeds that
for them is a magnificent reward. (17:9)
• Say, "Believe in it or do not believe. Indeed, those who were given the
knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, they fall on their faces in
submission." (17:107)
• So, We have made it (Quran) easy in your language that you may announce
good news with it to those who are mindful of His guidance, and warn hostile
people with it. (19:97)
• Indeed, in this (Quran), is certainly a Message for a people who obey with
submissiveness. (21:106)
• Allah guides towards His light (Quran) whoever desires (to be enlightened).
• The revelation of the Book, there is no doubt about it, has been from the
Sustainer of the universes. Or do they say, "He fabricated it?" Rather, it is the
truth from your Sustainer, that you may warn a people to whom no Warner
has come before you, so that they may follow right way. (32:2-3)
• And We have not taught him (the Messenger) poetry, nor is it befitting for him.
It is not but a Message and a Quran making things clear, (36:69)
• Allah has revealed the most beautiful Message statement (in the form of) a
Book, fully consistent in itself, and whose statements corroborate, expound
and refer to one another. The skins of those who stand in awe of their
Sustainer causes to shiver, then their skins and their minds / hearts soften at
the mention of Allah (message). That is the guidance of Allah, He guides him
who wishes (to be guided). And whoever (does not wishes) Allah lets go
astray, then there is no guide for him. (39:23)
• And indeed, We have put forth for the people, in this Quran every kind of
example, so that they may take heed. (39:27)
• (It is) a Quran in Arabic, without any distortion/crookedness, so that they may
be mindful of Allah guidance. (39:28)
• These are the Verses of Allah, which We recite to you with truth. Then in what
statement after Allah and His Verses will they believe? (45:6)
• The revelation of the Book is from Allah the All-Mighty, the All- Wise. (46:2)
• And before it was the Book of Musa as a guide and (as) a mercy. And this is a
Book confirming, in the Arabic language to warn those who do wrong and
glad tidings for the good- doers. (46:12)
And it is not a saying of a poet; little is what you accepts the facts and
realities! (69:41)
• Nor it is the saying of a soothsayer; little is what you take heed. (69:42)
A fascinating feature of the Qur’an is that it does not expect anyone to accept its claims
blindly. It provides logical reasoning to support its arguments. It asks us to consider its
claims on the basis of the knowledge we acquire, and to accept them only once we are
fully satisfied of their veracity. In the same breath it states that we should not reject any
of its claims without further investigation. If we reject the Qur’an’s claims, then answer
• Or, Who originates the creation then repeats it and Who sustains you from the
skies and the earth? Is there any god with Allah? Say, "Bring forth your proof if
you are truthful." (27:64)
As stated earlier that the Sustainer took it as his responsibility to guide all his creation in
order to make it easy for them to perform their assigned tasks successfully.
All creatures were given guidance by the Sustainer in the shape of instinct according to
their role in the universe.
The man had a different story, as he, after this worldly life, will enter into eternal life.
Therefore, guidance for him is given through Messenger with the distinction that he was
also given the liberty to accept or reject. For all other creations, the case is different as
they will live once only, therefore, no choice is given to them.
• And when there comes to you a guidance from Me, then, whoever follow My
guidance shall have nothing to fear and nothing to grieve at.(2:38)
• A Book which We have revealed to you so that you may bring mankind out of
darkness into light by the permission of their Sustainer, to the Path of the All-
Mighty, the Praiseworthy. (14:1)
• Say, "Come, I will recite what your Sustainer has prohibited to you. Do not
associate anything with Him, and be good to parents; and do not render your
children like the one killed by spoiling them for fear of poverty. We make
provision for you and for them too. And do not approach immoralities whether
apparent or hidden. And do not kill the person, which Allah has forbidden except
for the requirement of justice. This He has enjoined on you with it, so that you
may use your reason." (6:151)
• Indeed, this (Quran) is a reminder, so whoever makes a choice, than let him take
a way to his Sustainer. (76:29)
• Those are on (Quran) guidance from their sustainer, and it is these who will
prosper. (2:5)
• As for those who are bent upon denying the truth, they would not accept the facts
and realities with commitment (because the attitude of their hearts and minds).
For such tendency people, it is all the same to them whether you warn them or
do not warn them.(2:6)
• And when they are told: “Believe as the people believe”, they say: “should we
believe as believed by the ignorant?” Beware, certainly they themselves are the
ignorant, but they do not realize it.(2:13)
4. The Messengers
It can be said that every prophet was a part and parcel of strategy made by the
Sustainer to send his message to mankind of each and every era.
Before the last prophet Muhammad (PBUH), every prophet came towards his
people of that era and certain geographic region with the purpose to deliver the
message to that certain community and his teaching were amended after his
• "O community of Nomads and sociable people! Did not there come to you
Messengers from among you, imparting to you My Verses and warning you of
the meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say, "We bear witness against
ourselves,” and deluded them, the life of the world, and they will bear witness
against themselves that they were disbelievers. This is because your Sustainer
does not destroy the cities for their wrongdoing while their inhabitants are
unaware (of the Message). (6:130-131)
• (Let him bear in mind that) whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His
Messengers and Gabriel and Michael, then indeed Allah is an enemy to such
deniers. (2:98)
• The people of Noah denied the Messengers. When their brother Noah said to
them, "Will you not be mindful of Allah guidance? Indeed, I am a trustworthy
Messenger to you. So be regardful of Allah guidance, and obey me. And I do not
ask you for it any reward. My reward is only from the Sustainer of the universes.
So be regardful of Allah guidance, and obey me. They said: "Are we to believe in
you while the meanest people follow you?" He said, "And what do I know of what
they used to do? Indeed, their account is only with my Sustainer, if you
understand. And I am not the one to drive away the believers. "I am only a clear
Warner." They said, "If you do not desist, O Noah! Surely, you will be of those
who are stoned." He said, "My Sustainer! Indeed, my people have denied me.
"So decide between me and between them openly, and save me and those
believers who are with me." So We saved him and those with him in the laden
ship. Then We drowned thereafter the remaining ones. (26:105-120)
• And when you (Noah) and those with you have boarded the ship, then say,
"Praise be to Allah, Who has saved us from the wrongdoing people." And say,
"My Sustainer, disembark me at a blessed landing place, and You cause to
Disembark safely/with goodness." Indeed, in that there are Signs, and indeed,
We are surely testing (people). (23:28-30)
• And mention Abraham in the Book. Indeed, he was a truthful prophet. (19:41)
• When; he (Abraham) said to his father, "O my father! Why do you submit to
something which does not hear and does not see and does not benefit you in
anything?" O my father! Indeed, there has come to me of knowledge that which
has not come to you, so follow me; I will guide you to an even path. O my father!
Do not submit to the Satan. Indeed, Satan is disobedient to the Most Gracious.
"O my father! Indeed, I have concerned that a punishment will afflict you from the
Most Gracious, and you become a friend of Satan." (19:42-45)
• He (Abraham’s father) said, "Do you hate my gods, O Abraham? Certainly, If you
do not desist, I will surely stone you, and get away from me for a long while."He
(Abraham) said, "Peace be on you. I will ask forgiveness for you from my
Sustainer. Indeed, He is Ever Gracious to me." "And I will leave you and that
which you invoke besides Allah and I will invoke my Sustainer. It may be that I
will not be unblessed in my invocation to my Sustainer." So when he Abraham
left them and what they worshipped besides Allah, We bestowed on him Isaac
(Ishaq) and Jacob (Yaqoob), and each one of them We made a Prophet. And We
bestowed Our blessings upon them, and gave them a high and true noble
reputation. (19:46-50)
• And mention in the Book, Ismail. Indeed, he was true to his promise and was a
Prophethood Messenger. And he used to command his people with the
establishment of Allah guidance by following it closely / prayer, and to give away
the wealth/resources for nourishment and his Sustainer was well pleased with
him. (19:54-55)
• All Praise is for Allah, the One Who has given me (to Abraham) Ismail (Ishmael)
and Ishaq (Isaac) in old age. Indeed, my Sustainer is All-Hearer of the prayer.
• And when We made the House ( the Kabah at Makkah) a visit entitles for reward
to mankind and a place of peace and security, and (We commanded), Take to
yourselves the place of Abraham ( the Kabah) for a centre and follow closely
divine revelation and Prayer. And We enjoined Abraham and Ismail, Purify and
clean My House for those who orbit around Allah Laws and Kabah and those
who set the things in order for mankind and for those who bow down before Allah
and prostrate to divine revelations. (2:125)
• And when Abraham said, My Sustainer! make this (Makkah) a city of peace and
provide its people, such of them who believe in Allah and the Last Day, with
fruits. (Allah) said, And whoever denies, I will provide benefit for a little while,
then I will drive him to the punishment of the fire and towards bad end. (2:126)
• And mention in the Book, Idris (Enoch). Indeed, he was a truthful Prophet.
• Those were the ones upon whom Allah bestowed favour from among the
Prophets of the offspring of Adam and of those We carried (in the ship) with Nuh
(Noah) and of the offspring of Abraham (Abraham) and Israel and of those whom
We had guided and chosen. When the Verses of the Most Gracious were
delivered to them, they fell in submission and weeping. (19:58)
• Indeed, Abraham (Abraham) was a model obedient to Allah, upright, and he was
not of the polytheists. (16:120)
• Thankful for His blessings. He (Allah) chose him and guided him to a established
way. (16:121)
• And We gave him good in this world and in the Hereafter he will certainly be
among the righteous. (16:122)
• And his wife was standing (there), and she laughed: But we gave her glad tidings
of Isaac, and after him, of Jacob. She said: "Alas for me! shall I bear a child,
seeing I am an old woman, and my husband here is an old man? That would
indeed be a wonderful thing!" (11:71-72)
• "Praise be to Allah, Who hath granted unto me in old age Ismail and Isaac: for
truly my Lord is He, the Hearer of Prayer! (14:39)
• We gave him (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob: all (three) guided: and before him, We
guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and
Aaron: thus do We reward those who do good. (6:84)
• Also mention in the Book (the story of) Ismail: He was (strictly) true to what he
promised, and he was a messenger (and) a prophet. (19:54)
• And when Ibrahim raised the foundations of the House and Ismail saying, Our
Sustainer! accept this service from us, You indeed, You are the All-Hearing, the
• Were you there to bear witness when death came to Jacob? When he asked his
sons: “Who will you total submit after me? “ They replied: “We will pay total
submissiveness none but your Allah; the Allah of our forefathers: Abraham,
Ishmael and Isaac. He is the only Allah and to Whom we submit
• And mention in the Book, Moses. Indeed, he was sincere, and was a Prophet-
hood Messenger. And We called him from the right side of the Mount (Sinai), and
brought him near for deliverance. And We bestowed on him from Our Mercy his
brother Aaron as a Prophet. (19:51-53)
• When your sister went and said, "Shall, I show you someone who will nurse and
care him?" So We returned you to your mother that she might be cooled her eyes
and not get grieved. And you killed a man, but We saved you from the distress,
and We tried you with a trial. Then you remained some years with the people of
Madyan.. Then you came just as ordained, O Musa (Moses)! (20:40)
• And certainly We sent Moses with Our Signs and a clear authority, to Pharaoh,
Haman, and Korah (Qaroon), but they called (him), "A sorcerer and a liar."
• And when We gave Moses the Book and the criterion for distinguishing between
truth and falsehood, so that you might be guided rightly.(2:53)
• And when Moses said to his people, O my people! you have indeed acted
unjustly to your own selves by your taking (themselves away from guidance of
Allah by your Negative Emotions and started worshiping) the calf, "so turn to your
Creator Who gradually evolves you in your being, and become well acquainted /
look deeply within yourself .
• That indeed will be best for you in the sight of your Creator." He turned towards
you with compassion. Verily, He alone is the Most accepting of repentance/ever
absolving/pardoning, and is the Ever Merciful.(2:54)
• And when you had said, O Moses! we shall, by no means, believe you unless we
see Allah openly. Thereupon the terrified noise of thunderbolt seized you while
you were looking.(2:55)
• Moses did come to you with clear arguments yet you took to the calf (for worship)
in his absence and you were wrongdoers.(2:92)
• And We have not sent you except as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.
• Say, "I do not ask from you any reward for it, except that whoever wills, may take
a way to his Sustainer." (25:57)
• And We did not send any Messenger except in the language of his people so that
he might make (the Message) clear for them. Then Allah lets in error those who
wish to remain in error and guides him who wishes to be guided. And He is the
All- Mighty, the All-Wise. (14:4)
• And certainly We had sent (Messengers) before you in the sects of the former
people. (15:10)
• Indeed, We gave Moses the Book and sent Messengers after him in successive
series. We also gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear revelations and strengthened him
with the holy spirit. Is it not so that whenever a Messenger came to you with
divine principles which you did not desire, you acted arrogantly? You denied
some and killed other.(2:87).
• Indeed, the truth deny they who say, "Behold, God is the Christ, son of Mary."
Say: "And who could have prevailed with God in any way had it been His will to
destroy the Christ, son of Mary, and his mother, and everyone who is on earth-all
of them? For, God's is the dominion over the heavens and the earth and all that
is between them; He creates what He wills: and God has the power to will
anything!" (5:17)
your Sustainer, that I may bestow on you a prospered/righteous son." She said,
"How can I have a son when no man has touched me and I am not unchaste?"
He said, "Thus your Sustainer said: "It is easy for Me, and We will make him a
sign for mankind and a mercy from Us.
And it is a matter that has been decided." So she conceived him, and she
withdrew with him to a remote place. Then the labor pains drove her to the trunk
of a date- palm. She said, "O! I wish I had died before this, and been overlooked,
forgotten." Someone called out to her from declivity of a mountain. "Do not
grieve! Your Sustainer has created a fountain within close proximity to you." And
shake the trunk of the date-palm towards you, it will drop upon you fresh ripe
dates. So eat and drink and be cool. And if you see any man, say, "Indeed, I
have dedicated to the Most Gracious, a fast, so I will not speak today to any
human being." Then she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, "O
Mary (Mary)! Certainly, you have brought an amazing thing. "O descendant of
Aaron! Your father was not an evil man, nor was your mother unchaste."
Then she pointed to him. They said, "How can we speak to one who is a child in
the cradle?" He (Jesus) said, "Indeed, I am a servant of Allah. He gave me the
Book and made me a Prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and
has enjoined me with the establishment of His guidance by following it
closely/prayer, and to give away the wealth/resources for nourishment, as long
as I am alive. "And has made me dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me
inordinate, unblessed." "And peace be on me the day I was born, and the day I
will die, and the Day I will be raised alive." That was Isa (Jesus), the son of Mary
- a statement of truth about which they are in dispute. It is not for Allah to take a
son. Glory be to Him! When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be" and it
is. Isa (Jesus) said, "And indeed, Allah is my Sustainer and your Sustainer, so
submit to Him. This is a straight/established path." But the sects among them
differed, so woe to those who disbelieve from the witnessing of a great Day.
Listen to them and watch for the day when they will come to Us; but today,
however, these evildoers are obviously lost in error. And warn them of the Day of
Regret when the matter will be decided; and they are in heedlessness, and they
do not believe. Indeed, We will inherit the earth and whoever is on it, and they
will be returned to Us. (19:4-40)
• And when Jesus came with clear proofs, he said, "Certainly, I have come to you
with wisdom and to make clear to you some of that over which you differ. So be
mindful of Allah and obey me. (43:63)
• Surely, a Messenger has come unto you from among yourselves; grievous to him
is that you should fall into trouble; he is ardently desirous of your welfare; and to
the believers he is compassionate, merciful. (9:128)
• Say, "O mankind! Certainly, the truth has come to you from your Sustainer. So
whoever follows guidance then he follows guidance only for his own self, and
whoever goes astray then he only strays against itself. And I (Prophet) am not
over you a guardian." (10:108)
• (This was Our) way for those We had sent before you as Our Messengers
(Earlier Messengers were sent in similar fashion as Muhammad is sent as
Messenger) . And you will not find any change in Our way. (17:77)
• And with the truth We revealed it (the Quran), and with the truth it gradually
revealed. And We have not sent you (Muhammad), except as a bearer of glad
tidings and a Warner. (17:105)
• All Praise is for Allah, the One Who has revealed the Book to His servant
(Muhammad) and has not allowed therein any distortion. Be upright! Caution
them of a severe punishment from Him and to give glad tidings to the believers
who do righteous deeds, that for them is a good/pleasing reward. (18:1-2)
• And We have not sent you (Muhammad), except as a mercy/blessing for the
worlds. (21:107)
• Muhammad is not the father of anyone of your men, but Messenger of Allah and
the Seal/reaching the end of the Prophets. And Allah is All-Knower of everything.
• Follow those (Messengers) who do not ask of you any payment and they are
rightly guided. (36:21)
• "And we are not responsible except for the clear delivering (of the Message)."
• Blessed is He Who sent down the criterion (Quran) upon His servant
(Muhammad) that he may be a Warner to the human beings. (25:1)
• The one who made for you the earth a furnished place and the sky a canopy
for protection and sent down rain water from the sky then brought forth there
with the fruits for your sustenance. So do not set up opponent and equal to
Allah, while you are people of knowledge! (2:22)
• He is the one who( prepared the planet earth with suitable environment for
the life before he gave you life, and ) created all the things in the planet earth
, then he turned to the sky and made arrangements in the suitable manner for
large numbers of universes and firmly settled them and he is all knowing of
every thing. (2:29)
• He causes the dawn to break, and He has made the night for rest, and the
sun and the moon for calculation. That is the plan of the All-Mighty, the All-
Knowing. (6:96)
• And He is one Who has made the stars for you that you may guide
yourselves with them in the darkness of the land and the sea. We have
certainly explained the verses in detail for the people who have knowledge.
• He is the one Who pours down water from the clouds and then We bring out
with it every kind of vegetation. Then We bring out from it greenery from
which We produce clustered grain. And from the date-palm out of its spathes
bunches (of dates) hanging low and gardens of grapes and olives and
pomegranates resembling and not resembling. Look at its fruit when they
bear fruit and its ripening. Indeed, in that are signs for the people who accept
the facts and realities with commitment. (6:99)
• He is the One Who made the sun to light and the moon to reflect light and
determined for it phases, that you may know the numbers of years and the
count (of time). Allah has not created this except with truth. He explains the
Signs for a people of knowledge. (10:5)
• Allah is the One Who raised the skies without pillars that you see, then He
fashioned in a suitable manner upon raising the structure and put into service
the sun and the moon, each pursues a course for an appointed term. He
regulates the affair, explaining the signs, so that you may meet with your
Sustainer in state of certainty. (13:2)
• Allah is the One Who created the skies and the earth and sent down rain from
the sky, then brought forth from it fruits as a provision for you and made
subservient for you the ships that they may sail through the sea by His
command and made subservient for you the rivers. (14:32)
• And He is the One Who has made subservient the sea for you to eat fresh
meat from it and bring forth from it ornaments that you wear them. And you
see the sailing ships ploughing the waves through it, and that you may seek
of His benefit/grace, and that you may be grateful. (16:14)
• And We have placed in the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should quake
with them, and We made therein broad passes as ways so that they may be
guided. (21:31)
• And We have made the sky a protected roof (with ozone layers to protect the
life on earth). But they turn away from its Signs. (21:32)
• And He is the One Who created the night and the day and the sun and the
moon, each floating in an orbit. (21:33)
• Blessed is He Who has placed in the skies constellations and has placed
therein a sun/lamp and a shining moon. (25:61)
• Do not they ponder within themselves? Allah has not created the skies and
the earth and whatever is between them except in truth and for an appointed
term. And indeed, many of the people, surely disbelieve that they will meet
with their Sustainer. (30:8)
• Allah is the One Who created the skies and the earth and whatever is
between them in six periods. Then He fashioned dominion in a suitable
manner. You have not besides Him any protector or any intercessor. Then will
you not take heed? (32:4)
• Allah is the One Who made for you the night that you may rest in it, and the
Day giving light. Indeed, Allah is Full of Grace/bounty to people, but most
people are not grateful. (40:61)
• Say, "Do you indeed deny in the One Who created the earth in two periods
and you set up equal with Him? That is the Sustainer of the universes." (41:9)
• And He placed therein firmly mountains above it, and He blessed therein, and
means for all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four equal
periods, for those who interrogate. (41:10)
• (Allah) "Then designed in a suitable manner to the sky while it was smoke
and said to it and to the earth, "Come (into existence) both of you willingly or
unwillingly." They both said, "We come willingly." (41:11)
• Then formed them as seven skies in two periods and revealed in each sky its
affair. And We adorned the nearest sky with lamps (stars) and secure. That is
the decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. (41:12).
• And We did not create the skies and the earth and whatever is between them
without purpose. (44:38)
• We did not create both of them but with truth, but most of them do not
understand. (44:39)
• Indeed, in the skies and the earth, surely are Signs for those who accept the
facts and realities with commitment. (45:3)
• And Allah created the skies and the earth with truth and that every oneself
may be recompensed for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
• Say, "Have you considered what you call besides Allah? Show me what they
have created on the earth or have they any share in the skies? Bring me a
book before this or traces of knowledge, if you are truthful." (46:4)
• And the skies, He has raised it, and He has set up the balance, (55:7)
For instance, the Milky Way, the galaxy our solar system is a part thereof, has
a total length of around 100000 light years, while there are numerous galaxies
of similar nature created by Allah, that is way he named himself the greatest
creator (refer 32:4).
When we consider the orbits of planets, the orbits of the infinite number of the
stars and all the galaxies, we realize that they are all the result of very precise
balances. These very accurate balances are clear indications of the existence
of a supreme governing power that is responsible for creating as well as
sustaining the universe. The Quran speaks of these fine balances:
o And the skies, He has raised it, and He has set up the balance, (55:7)
The earth, during its formation was given very precise specifications; those
necessary for the development and support of life on earth. The following are
i) If the size of the earth was somewhat less than its present size, say the
size of the moon, its gravity would have been much weaker. This would
result in the failure of the earth to retain its atmosphere or water vapors.
Life would not have been possible. If the size of the earth, on the other
hand was larger than its present size, say the size of Saturn or Jupiter, the
gravity would have been too strong. This would cause the atmosphere to
be compressed too much resulting in much higher air pressure. This
would also abolish life on earth.
iii) If the earth was closer to the sun than its present distance of 93 million miles,
the temperature on earth would be higher, causing the evaporation of oceans
and rivers and the extermination of all life. If the sun was much further away
the earth would freeze to death.
iv) If the moon was closer to the earth, the tides would rise higher causing
gigantic waves that would destroy life on islands and coastal areas. If the
moon was farther away from the earth the tides would come to a standstill
leading to the stagnation of seas, the result of which would be grave damage
o The sun and the moon (follow the courses) by calculation, (55:5)
v) The earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours. If it didn't spin, the oceans
would empty all their waters and if it spun much faster it would disperse them
into space.
The spinning movement is also responsible for the night and day, without
which one half of the earth would be under continuous sunlight and heat up
excessively, while the other half would be submerged in total darkness and
freeze to death.
So we all can see the perfect balance of the universes. Who can make such
perfection in creation other than Allah, the Creator of everything?
• Allah (the Sustainer) is He Who created large number of skies and of the
earth the like of them. The Command descends between them so that you
may know that Allah has power over everything. And that Allah indeed,
encompasses knowledge of all things. (65:12)
• Do you not see how Allah has created large number skies in one above
another, (71:15)
• And made the moon therein a light and made the sun a lamp? (71:16)
b) Purpose of creation
And I have created the Jinn and the men (you all) only for this that they may
obey Me. And I ask for no provision from them, and nor I desire that they
should feed Me. (51:56 &57)
The one Who created death and life that He may give you chance to become
what The Creator set a purpose for you to become, which of you nurture
himself/ herself with best deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Most- Forgiving.
(Quran 67:2)
When body, mind, and soul are not working harmoniously and due to this
the chaos and frustration occurs in the mind and wishes circle become
never ending process and one cannot nurture his personality properly.
Allah has set the purpose to become wonderful human being by
performing best deeds consciously than you will get peace of mind and
joyful state easily which will make the life beautiful with pleasantness here
and hereafter.
• When your sustainer said to the angle indeed, I am going to place in earth
who will have choice to agree or disagree (with Allah guidance).They said
“will you place in it one who will spread corruption in it and will shed the
blood” while we, perform swiftly your orders, laws with your praises and
sanctity . "Surely I know what you do not know."(2:30)
• And He taught Adam the names, of all the things then He presented (the
objects of) these names to the angels and said, `Tell Me the names of these
things if what you say is right.(2:31)
• Allah said “O Adam! Inform them of their names.”And when he had informed
them of their names, He said “did not I say to you, surely I know the unseen
of the heavens and the earth and I know what opinions arising in the mind
and what you have concealed.”(2:33)
• And when We said to the angels, `Be submissive to Adam.´ So they obeyed
except Satan (Iblees), he refused and was arrogant, and became of the
deniers. (2:34)
• And we said, “O Adam! inhabit you and your wife in (earthly) paradise and
you eat from it freely in ease from wherever you wish. But do not approach
this (matter of controversy ) tree, and becoming among the wrongdoers.(2:35)
• But Satan(faculty of negative emotions caused them to slip out of it) and
removed them from that condition in which they had been. And We said, "You
all of inter into, as enemies to one another, and you will have upon the earth a
place of settlement and for you there is a temporary stay in this land and a
provision for a time.´(2:36)
• We said, `Go forth from this state, all of you, and when there comes to you a
guidance from Me, then, whoever follow My guidance shall have nothing to
fear and nothing to grieve at.(2:38)
• He is the One Who created you from soil, then from a small quantity (of
sperm) then into a clinging substance; then He brings you out as a child; then
lets you reach maturity /age of full strength, then lets you become old - and
among you there are some who die before-and lets you reach a specified
term, so that you may use reason. (40:67)
• And He is the One Who has created from water human being and has made
for him relationship with kindred nearness by marriage relationship (and thus
sought to establish a civilization and social life based on oneness of humanity
under oneness of Allah). And your Sustainer is All- Powerful. (25:54)
• Then We developed the small quantity fluid (of sperm) into a clinging
substance, then We developed the clinging substance into an embryonic
lump, then We developed the embryonic lump into bones, then We dressed
the bones with flesh; then We produced it as another creation. So blessed is
Allah, the Absolute Best of the Developer! (23:14)
• O mankind! Indeed, We have created you from a male and a female and
made you into races and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the
most productive / honorable / valuable near Allah of you, who is the most
mindful / regardful of his duty towards human beings and Allah. Indeed, Allah
is All-Knower, All-Aware. (49:13)
• And I have not created the jinn / human, but to obey his Creator (Who created
everything and follow closely the Creator Manual; the Quran,).I do not want
any favour of provision from them, and I do not want that they should provide
Me means of nourishment. Indeed, Allah is the All-Provider, the Possessor of
Absolute Power, the Absolute Strong. (51:56-58)
• And We have certainly honoured the mankind and We (made him able to)
travel on the land and the sea (in presence of powerful physical forces) and
provided for them of the good sustenance and preferred them over many of
those whom We have created, with grace. (17:70)
• Those who, when they take a measure from people, they take full, (83:2)
But when they give by measure to them or they weigh for them, they give
less. (83:3)
• And do not cause corruption/violence in the earth after its reformation. And
call Him in awe and hope. Indeed, the blessing/mercy of Allah is near for the
good /beautiful/ pleasing doers. (7:56)
• There is no compulsion of any sort (on you to believe in what is stated in this
book). True guidance has become distinct from misguidance. Then whoever
reject, "than he led to evil/ wandered from its orbit" and if he accepts the facts
and realities with commitment to Allah then surely he has grasped the firmest
everlasting support with no break in it. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
• And there is an appointed time for every nation. So when their appointed time
comes, they cannot delay a single moment nor advance it. (7:34)
• And We certainly destroyed the generations before you when they wronged,
and their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they were not to
accept the facts and realities. Thus We punished for bad deeds, the people
who are criminals. (10:13)
• Then We made you inherit in the earth after them so that We may see how
you do. (10:14)
• So do they wait except like the days of those who passed away before them?
Say, "Then wait, indeed, I am with you among those who wait." (10:102)
• And if they treat your (mission) as false, so, indeed, before them, did the
people of Noah and Aad (Ad), and Thamud. (22:42)
• And the people of Abraham (Abraham) and the people of Lut (Lot). (22:43)
• And the inhabitants of Madyan. And Musa (Moses) was denied, so I granted
respite to the deniers, then I seized them, and how was hardship (for them)!
• And how many a township We have destroyed, while they were doing wrong?
So their rafters have fallen in, and well abandoned, and a lofty castle (met the
same doom). (22:45)
• So have they not travelled around the earth so they may acquire minds to
reason with or ears to listen with? And indeed, their eyes are not blind, but
their minds in their heads which are blind. (22:46)
• And certainly, We have sent down to you clear Verses and the example of
those who passed away before you and an advise for those who are mindful
of his guidance. (24:34)
• Every soul will taste death. Then to Us you will be returned. (29:57)
• Then indeed, after that, you will certainly die. Again, you will certainly be
raised up on the Day of Resurrection. (23:15-16
• Their eyes will be humbled, they will come forth from the graves as like
locusts spreading, (54:7)
• Do they not see that Allah, the One Who created the skies and the earth and
was not tired by their creation, is able to give life to the dead? Yes, indeed,
He has absolute power over everything. (46:33)
• And human says, "What! When I am dead, will I be surely brought forth alive?"
• Does man not remember that We created him before, while he was nothing?
• Then certainly, We will drag out from every sect, those of them who were worst in
arrogance against the Most Gracious. (19:69)
• Then certainly, We will drag out from every sect, those of them who were worst in
arrogance against the Most Gracious. (19:69)
• And there is none of you but will led into it. This is upon your Sustainer, a
decree which must be accomplished. (19:71)
• Then We will save those who are mindful of Allah guidance and leave the
wrong doers therein kneeling. (19:72)
• And how many generations We have destroyed before them? Can you
perceive/trace anyone of them or hear a whisper from them? (19:98)
• Do they not think that they will be resurrected, For a Great Day, The Day
when mankind will stand before the Sustainer of the universes? No indeed!
Certainly, the record of the wicked is surely in a book in which the actions of
the wicked are recorded. (83:4-7)
• Woe that Day to the deniers, Those who deny the Day of Judgment. And
none can deny it except every sinful transgressor. (83:10-12)
• The righteousness is the belief in Allah, and the last day, and the angles, and
the Book and the prophets, and give the wealth in spite of his love for it to the
nearest ones, and the orphans, and the needy people, and the stranded
travelers and those who ask, and in freeing the war prisoners, and who
establish salat (discipline), and give the Zakah (social security contribution),
and honoring their words and pledges and patience in hardship, affliction of a
disaster and in despair. Such are the true ones and Allah laws caring people.
• And for you in the QISAAS (The Law of Retribution) is life. O people of
understanding ! So that you may become mindful of Allah laws. (2:179)
• O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice as witness to Allah, even as
against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against)
rich or poor: For Allah can protect both. Refrain from following your desire, so
that you can act justly. And if you distort (or neglect justice), then indeed,
Allah is aware of what you do. (4:135)
• O you who believe! be steadfast, for Allah as witnesses in justice, and do not
let hatred of a people incite you upon not to do justice. Establish justice; as it
is nearer to be mindful of Allah laws for protection, and take Allah laws as a
shield. Surely, Allah is Well-Aware of what you do. (5:8)
• And therein (Torah) We laid down (the following law) for them; life for life and
eye for eye, and nose for nose, and ear for ear, and tooth for tooth and for
(other) injuries an equitable retribution. But whoever gives it up as charity (to
forgo), then it is an expiration of sins for him. And whoever does not judge
according to (the law) which Allah has revealed, then those they are the
unjust. (5:45)
• Say, "Come, I will recite what your Sustainer has prohibited to you. Do not
associate anything with Him, and be good to parents; and do not render your
children like the one killed by spoiling them for fear of poverty. We make
provision for you and for them too. And do not approach immoralities whether
apparent or in-apparent. And do not kill the person, which Allah has forbidden
except for the requirement of justice. This He has enjoined on you with it, so
that you may use your reason." (6:151)
• And do not cause corruption/violence in the earth after its reformation. And
call Him in awe and hope. Indeed, the blessing/mercy of Allah is near for the
good /beautiful/ pleasing doers. (7:56)
• Indeed, "you approach the men lustfully instead of women. The fact is that
you are a people who are heedless/wasteful/acting immoderately." (7:81)
• Indeed, Allah commands justice and generosity, and giving to relatives and
forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He instructs you so that
you may take heed. (16:90)
• And do not (allow your sexual desire to hijack you to) seek the adultery.
Indeed, it is an immoderate act and an sorrowful way. (17:32)
• And the servants of the Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in
humbleness, and when the ignorant ones address them they say, "Peace."
• Say, "Are those who know equal to those who do not know?" Only those of
understanding will take heed. (39:9)
• Woe to every slanderer and backbiter. The one, who piles up wealth and
counts it (but does not keep it open for the needy of the society), Thinking that
his wealth will make him last forever. No indeed! He will surely be thrown into
the Inflamed wrath, (104:1-4)
• O mankind! obey your sustainer with total submissiveness Who has created
you as well as those before you, that you might be secure against evils and
calamities and may become mindful of Allah laws/Guidance, careful against
evil and against that which harms and injures and becoming regardful of his
duty towards human beings.(2:21)
• And give good news to those who accept the fact and do deeds of
righteousness, that there will be gardens for them, from beneath which the
streams flow. Every time they are provided any kind of fruit from them to eat,
they will say, `This is the same we were given before.´ They will be given from
there (things) in resemblance. They shall have therein companions purified
(spiritually and physically), and will stay therein forever. (2:25)
• The truth of the matter is, whosoever submits himself entirely to Allâh and he
is a doer of good to others shall have his reward with his Sustainer. They
shall have nothing to fear and nothing to grieve at. (2:112)
• They will rejoice of favor and bounty from Allah, and that Allah does not
deprive believers of their reward.(3:171)
• Whoever comes with a good deed will have ten times the like of it. And
whoever comes with an evil deed will not be recompensed except the like of
it, and they will not be dealt unjustly. (6:160)
• And We will remove whatever imprecation (which invoke evil) within their
minds. Rivers flow beneath them. And they will say, "All the praise is for Allah,
the One Who guided us to this, and we would not have received guidance if
Allah would not have guided us. Certainly, the Messengers of our Sustainer
had come with the truth." And they will be addressed, "This is Paradise, which
you have been made to inherit for what you used to do." (7:43)
• Whoever does righteous / uncorrupt deeds, whether male or female, and
he/she have accepted the facts and realities with commitment, then surely
We will give him life, a life having enviable state of bliss, and We will surely
pay them their reward to the best of what they used to do. (16:97)
• Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish the Salat / following
closely Allah guidance and spent out of what We have provided them,
secretly and openly, hope for a commerce that will never perish. (35:29)
• Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them is a never-
ending reward. (41:8)
• Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to Gardens
underneath it the streams flow, but those who deny enjoy themselves and eat
as the cattle eat, and the Fire will be their abode. (47:12)
• And do not let those who disbelieve think that the respite We give them is good
for them. Surely, We grant them respite but they do not avail it, with the result
that they add to their sins. And for them, is a humiliating punishment. (3:178)
• But those who denied Our Verses will be punished, because they become rotten
personalities. (6:49)
• Indeed, those who deny Our Verses and are arrogant towards them, the doors of
honour will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until a camel
passes through the eye of a needle. And thus We recompense the criminals.
• That is your (punishment), "so taste it." And that is for the deniers, the
punishment of the Fire. (8:14)
• And if Allah were to seize mankind for their wrongdoing, He would not have left
upon it any living creature, but He defers them for an appointed term. Then when
their term comes, they cannot delay it for a moment and nor can they bring it
forward. (16:61)
• And say, "The (Quran) truth is from your Sustainer, so whoever wills - let him
accept the fact and whoever wills - let him deny." Indeed, We have prepared for
the wrongdoers a Fire whose walls will surround them. And if they call for relief,
they will be relieved with water like molten brass, which will scald the faces.
Wretched is the drink, and evil is the resting place. (18:29)
• He said, "As for the one who wrongs, soon we will punish him. Then he will be
returned to his Sustainer, and He will punish him with a horrific punishment.
• And they ask you to hasten on the punishment. And if not for an appointed term,
the punishment would have certainly come to them. But it will surely come to
them suddenly while they do not perceive. They ask you to hasten on the
punishment. And indeed, Hell will surely encompass the deniers. (29:53-54)
• But those who strive against Our Verses to cause failure, for them is a torment of
painful suffering. (34:5)
• The Day they come forth, nothing is hidden from Allah about them anything. To
whom belongs the absolute dominion of this Day? For Allah, the One, the
supreme Master. (40:16)
• And it (wrong doings) will never benefit you that Day (judgment), when you have
wronged, that you will be sharing the punishment. (43:39)
• Indeed, the criminals will be in the punishment of Hell abiding forever. (43:74)
• This is guidance. And those who deny in the Verses of their Sustainer will have a
painful punishment of evil kind. (45:11)
• And the Day those who denied are exposed to the Fire, (it will be said to them),
"Is this not the truth?" They will say, "Yes, by our Sustainer." He will say, "Then
taste the punishment because you used to deny." (46:34)
• And indeed, for those who do wrong, there is a punishment before that (in the
world), but most of them do not know. (52:47)
• Then, indeed your Sustainer, to those who did evil in ignorance, then
repented after that and corrected themselves - indeed, your Sustainer,
thereafter, is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (16:119)
• Except those who repent and amend (themselves) and hold fast to Allah and
become sincere in their system for Allah, then those will be with the believers.
And Allah will soon grant these believers a great reward. What Allah has to do
with punishing you if you are grateful to Him and believe in Him? Allah is
Ever-Appreciating, All-Knowing. (4:146-147)
• That is because of what your hands have sent before. And indeed, Allah is
not unjust to His servants. (8:51)
This window of repentance opened by the Most Gracious is nothing but a golden
opportunity for each and every human being in order to make a escape from the wrong
way he had taken in ignorance.
• Indeed, this (Quran) is a reminder, so whoever makes a choice, than let him
take a way to his Sustainer. (76:29)
Before Quran all the existing religions had the claim that the followers thereof would
finally achieve salvation in their eternal life, but for their earthly life there was not much
to offer. The religious leaders had handed over the earthly matters to the King and kept
heaven in their own hands.
Quran, on the other hand, informed the humanity that they are destined to live on earth
for a stipulated period of time before entering into the eternal life that can be in heaven
or in hell according to the deeds one sent forth. For this earthly life, the Sustainer will
send you his guidance for all sphere of life. The key to success in both earthly and
eternal life is in strict following of the said guidance.
• and you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and for you there is a
temporary stay in this land and a provision for a time.´(2:36)
• Glorify the name of your Sustainer, the Most High, Who created, then
proportioned, And Who has ordained, and guided, (87:1-3)
• and when there comes to you a guidance from Me, then, whoever follow My
guidance shall have nothing to fear and nothing to grieve at. And those who deny
and falsify our signs, message; those are the companions of the fire; they will
abide therein forever.(2:38-39)
The basic and most common issue that is faced by mankind in this earthly life is how to
earn daily bread, how to use and distribute means of living such as natural resources
(Economics) among individuals and groups of people justifiably to ensure sustenance
for all and leaving behind no deprivation in order to cause physical and ethical growth of
individuals; by knowing the fact that personal and group interest can be contradictory
among individuals and groups of people.
The fact is that ‘human being’ is the name of both the body and the personality (self)
combined. The success in life depends on nourishment of both at the same place and
time. However the difficulty lies in the fact that the principle of ‘nourishing’ the body and
that of ‘nourishing’ the self stand in opposition. The principle of nourishing the body
requires that we consume. My body will develop only when I eat. My body will not be
nourished if I give my food to someone else instead of eating it myself. To keep up my
strength and grow, I must eat. Furthermore, the way my body develops is dependent on
what I eat, and not on what I give away to others. Hence the principle of nourishing the
body is totally individual-focused, and rests upon what and how much it can get. This is
a fixed law and no one can change it.
The principle of nourishing the self meanwhile is exactly the opposite. It is based on
how much we give for needy, and how we contribute to the beauty of the universe. In
other words, how do we contribute to the sustenance of the human race? The more we
give, the more the self will grow.
This is the paradox with which we have to contend and for which we have not been able
to find a solution. Humanity has spent most of its history struggling with striking a
balance, and has subsequently swung between deficiency and excess. One group tells
us to give away all our worldly goods and to willfully neglect the body’s demands. They
tell us that the secret to success lies in the destruction of the body. But this is a fallacy.
Another group tells us that we should take for ourselves and thereby attain physical
success. They tell us that the purpose of life is to develop our body and our strength,
and nothing else. But this too is a fallacy, since again the human being is both body and
self. If we neglect either one or the other, we fail in our purpose of life.
The Quran in order to remove ‘chaos’ or ‘corruption’ from the society; tells us how this
conflict can be easily resolved. It guides humanity to establish a system in which the
seemingly opposite demands of body and self are simultaneously met, and so both are
developed and strengthened. This type of system can be described as a Divine system
of universal sustenance.
The Quran reminds us that we are concerned solely with indulging our self-interests.
We continually hoard until our hunger for more becomes insatiable.
• [They] amass [wealth] and thereupon withhold [it from others] 70:18
• [He] who amasses wealth and counts it a safeguard /thinking that his wealth will
make him live forever! 104:2-3
• You love this fleeting life, / and give no thought to the afterlife [and to Judgment
Day]! 75:20-21
We hoard as much as we can and even become preoccupied with what we will inherit
from others:
• And you devour the inheritance [of others] with devouring greed 89:19
We don’t hoard merely to satisfy our needs, but merely for the sake of hoarding:
Everyone competes to become richer than everyone else, and this race continues to the
• You are obsessed by greed for more and more / until you go down to your graves
In such a society, certain groups lose touch with the rest of the community and its
Instead of working for the benefit of humanity, each nation aims solely to protect its own
• Yea, each one of them wants to be given scrolls spread out! 74:52
Any individual or any society or any nation of such mindset, do not wish to be subject
to a law that might hinder their excesses. They want a license to do as they please,
hence ‘scroll spread out’.) In this hellish existence, every nation also schemes to
deprive other nations (also distances itself from the rest):
• [Do not use] your pledges as a means of deceiving one another in order to
supersede them in wealth and power 16:92
Just as every individual feels that he does not need anyone else when he becomes self-
sufficient, every self-sufficient nation feels secure in the knowledge that it doesn’t need
help from other nations. Hence no nation respects the human rights of other nations.
• Does he, then, think that no one has power over him? 90:5
This mentality eventually reaches the stage whereby those at the top deem themselves
to be above the law, and so they will continually take as much from the others
(individuals or nations) as they can and simultaneously give back as little as possible.
Predators are constantly looking for ways to pounce and transfer money from others
(individuals or nations) to their own.
• When they receive their due from [other] people, [they] demand that it be given in
full / but when they have to measure or weigh whatever they owe to others, give
less than what is due! 83:2-3
It doesn’t take much imagination to see why such a society is doomed to self-destruct.
As we have already observed, the intellect is only concerned with protecting the self,
and since no one knows when he will die, he never places a limit on how much he
hoards. His intellect is driven by a fear of insecurity, and so it continues hoarding up to
the grave.
• Having more, feeling less and become diverted as to forget the true needs of self
and people, until you are inclined for burial in the graves. (102:1-2)
Of course, whilst his desire to acquire is unlimited, resources are in limited supply. Thus
every individual is obsessed with taking as much for him as possible; and this inevitably
leads to conflict. The wider implications of this are that conflicts occur not only at the
individual level, but between nations as well. Just as the individual intellect serves self-
interest, so national wisdom serves the national interest, and aims to take sole control
over available resources found anywhere in the world, leading to international conflict.
Human intellect justifies its refusal to abandon the selfish mentality with the argument
that every person has a different capacity to earn, and so whoever earns more should
have the right to own what he earns.
Now we turn our attention to investments (oil, land, property, industry) that we make
with existing capital, which then enable us to acquire even more. Every one of these
investments ultimately has a connection to the land, i.e. the resources of the earth.
The Qur’an asks: do humans contribute in any way to the creation of the earth and the
natural processes that produce its resources, such as, water, heat, light, air, minerals,
etc.? (Do humans truly do anything to justify a claim to owning these resources?) The
Qur’an makes this fundamental point in the following words:
• Have you ever considered the seed which you cast upon the soil? 56:63
The fact is that all we really do is prepare the field and plant the seed. Do we have the
power literally to germinate the seed and make it grow? The Qur’an asks whether we
have that power, or whether it is down to His laws over which we have no control:
• Is it you who cause it to grow – or are We the cause of its growth? 56:64
If God decided not to give the crop a chance to develop, and instead chose to destroy it
before it ripened, could we prevent this from happening? Not only our harvest, but the
time and effort we had spent on cultivating the crop would go to waste:
• For, were it Our will, We could indeed turn it into chaff, and you would be left
bewildered (56:65)
Moving on, the Qur’an asks us to consider the water upon which we depend for our
crops and indeed for our very lives.
• Have you ever considered the water which you drink? / Is it you who cause it to
come down from the clouds – or are We the cause of its coming down? (56:68-9)
The Qur’an also alludes to the water cycle, and the fact that seawater evaporates and
comes down again as fresh water, free of salt. If the salt remained in the water, could
we do anything about it?
• The rain comes down sweet – but] were it Our will, We could make it salty and
bitter: why, then, do you not give thanks (to Us)? 56:70
Finally the Qur’an also asks us whether the fuels that we derive from the earth are
created by us:
Have you ever considered the fire which you kindle? / Is it you who have brought into
being the tree that serves as its fuel – or are We the cause of its coming into being?
The Quran challenges us by asking how much of a part we really play in creating these
resources, compared with the part that the universal process of sustenance plays.
Everything owes its existence to Divine law. The only part that humans play is their
effort in procuring natural resources. The rest is down to God. We can liken this to a
business partnership in which humans are the workers, and God is the provider of
capital and resources. Therefore it is only natural that humans should keep a share of
what they earn, and God should also have His share. However God tells us that His
share is being put aside as a trust fund which will benefit humanity, and so it is our duty
to contribute to it.
• We freely endow with some of your Sustainer’s gifts, since your Sustainer’s
giving is never confined (to one kind of man). 17:20
d) Accumulation of Wealth
Quran warns those who accumulate wealth under selfish mindset and spend it contrary
to the guidance.
• Woe to every slanderer and backbiter! The one who piles up wealth and counts
it. Thinking that his wealth will make him last forever. No indeed! He will surely be
thrown into the Inflamed wrath, (104:1-4)
• And make rapid flow of your resources for good cause (attaining healthy
economic system) of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your)
destruction (with greedy materialistic approach); behave with goodness in a
pleasing manner towards everyone; indeed, this is harmonious to attributes of
Allah, who act graciously in a pleasing manner with the people. (2:195)
1. Land
2. Labour
3. Capital
4. Entrepreneur
And for each factor of production there is a reward i.e. rent for land, wages for labour,
and interest for capital and profit for entrepreneur. The Quran guidance revealed that
this concept is false on the basis of following facts:-
Land is a natural resource meant for all; hence no one can claim the ownership but a
right to reap benefits out of it for a stipulated period of time by his input of labour. As
there is no individual ownership of land, therefore, reward of it goes to the state for the
benefit of all, particularly for the deprived class of the society.
For, whatever good thing comes to you, comes from God 16:53
Entrepreneur is the person who uses his intellect and skills to produce goods and
services and his intellect and skills are the bounty of God, hence he is not entitled to
claim beyond his labour put in for production of goods and services.
• Do they distribute the Mercy of your Sustainer? We distribute among them their
livelihood in the life of this world, and We raise some of them above others in
ranks, so that some of them may take others service. But the Mercy of your
Sustainer is better than what they accumulate. (43:32)
With this fundamental principle, the more we contribute to the ‘collective interest’ the
more will be returned to us. As we have already discussed, when we spend our wealth it
appears to us as though we are giving it away with no return. In reality we don’t lose it at
all, but rather it is returned to us in a ‘pleasing’ (i.e. different yet beneficial) form. Take
the example of trees in autumn, which shed their leaves, and it may seem that they
have lost them forever. Yet in the spring, the same trees will produce fresh new foliage.
This analogy applies to human society as well, insofar as leaving the fruit of our labour
open to the society will benefit us and bring progress for all in the long term.
• "And they ask you how much resources they should spend. Say, “All the surplus
resources after your requirement ". Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses so
that you may thought upon it. (2:219)
• And whatever it be that you spend on others, He [always] replaces it: for He is
the best of providers. (34:39)
• The parable of those who spend their possessions for the sake of God (for the
entire human race) is that of a grain out of which grow seven ears, in every ear a
hundred grains: for God grants manifold increase to whomever He wills; and God
is infinite, all-knowing. (2:261)
The pivotal principle about which the entire teachings of the Qur’an revolve is that the
whole of humanity is one: one nation, and one party. However individual selfishness
and vested interests have divided humanity into factions of every kind. The teachings of
the Qur’an aim to abolish these differences and unite humanity as one family again.
Had restoring oneness not been the aim of the Divine program, then capitalism would
have been laid down as a permanent principle, thereby permitting the rich-poor divide,
and allowing the wealthy classes to become infinitely richer without any ill
consequences. Hence the Qur’an clearly states:
• And if it were not that mankind would become one community, We would have
made, for those who disbelieve in the Most Gracious, for their houses roofs of
silver and stairways upon which they go up, (43:33) And for their houses doors
and couches (of silver) upon which they could recline, (43:34) And adorning of
gold. But all that is nothing but benefit of the life of this world. And the Hereafter
with your Sustainer is for those who are regardful of their duty towards human
beings and Creator. (43:33-35)
And whatever you give for excessiveness to increase in the wealth of people, will not
increase with Allah. But what you give in contribution/giving away of wealth/resources
for nourishment, desiring the way/favour of Allah, then those will get multiplied gain.
O you who accepted the fact! do not practice usury and interest involving multiple
additions, and take Allah laws as a guidance / shield, so that you may prosper. (3:130)
Those who take the usury they will not be able to stand except like the standing of one
who is confused under the influence of Satan/blamable faculty of mind. That is because
they say; only the trade is like the usury. Whereas, Allah has made, trade lawful and
made usury unlawful.
Then whosoever has received this admonition from his Sustainer and refrained, (from
usury / interest) then he may keep whatever is a thing of the past, and his matter is with
Allah. And whoever reverts then those are the companions of the Fire, they in it will
abide forever. (2:275)
• O you who have attained to conviction! Shall I point out to you a bargain that will
save you from grievous suffering (in this world and in the life to come)? (61:10)
The economic system for a society that can be built in accordance with the guidance of
Quran seems to have basic theme that can be worded as said by Karl Marx:-
Karl Marx failed to give any logical reason that can motivate people to work according to
their ability for others, but Quran comes up with the rewarding reason,
• We freely endow with some of your Sustainer’s gifts, since your Sustainer’s
giving is never confined (to one kind of man). 17:20
• And whatever it be that you spend on others, He [always] replaces it: for He is
the best of providers. (34:39)
• For, whatever good thing comes to you, comes from God 16:53
• "But seek, through that which Allah has given you (resources), for the home of
the Hereafter, and do not forget your share of the world. And be gracious as
Allah has been gracious to you”. (28:77)
• The command is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you submit to none
but Him. That is the right system of life, but most people do not know." (12:40)
The message given in the above verse is very clearly guide the humanity to establish a
political system to manage and maintain a society in order to ensure justice and peace
for all segments of the society. The fundamental law that can be envisaged from the
above verse is that the laws that have been given by the Sustainer shall be the final
verdict and no law in contrast thereof can be promulgated on any basis.
The political system constitutes a balance among competing interests, capabilities, and
wills, a specific status quo. And this is a balance among individuals. A specific political
system is a particular definition of authoritative roles and law norms and an allocation of
rights and duties historically determined through conflict, a balancing of powers. Those
who fill these roles, who have the right to command others, are the political elite.
In the present world there are following types of political systems in many countries
named as:-
1. Kingdom
2. Republic
We know how above types of states run their affairs. All these types of political systems
are manmade. The message of Quran does not qualify all these system because in all
these systems men are ruled by men, which is in contrast of the will of the Sustainer.
Quran guides the humanity by saying that all humans are equal irrespective of their cast
and creed; hence no one is authorized to rule others, but by the rules of law given by
the Sustainer.
• "Shall I seek an authority / dominion other than Allah, when it is He, Who has
revealed to you this Book clearly explained?" (6:114)
From the above verse, it can be observed that the right to rule people pertains to the
Sustainer only and this rule of the Sustainer is executed by the men according to the
laws given by the Sustainer.
• And he who does not judge according to that (law) which Allah has revealed, it is
these who are the deniers. (5:44)
• O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those who are in
authority among you (to decide your affairs as per Quran). Then if you dispute
over something, refer it to Allah (Guidance) and The Messenger (and judge
according to Quran laws (4:105-33:2), if you believe in Allah and the Last Day.
That is better and fairer in the end. (4:59)
The above verses clearly guide that power to rule the society lies with the Messenger of
the Sustainer and after him by his Successors in strict conformity with the laws given in
Quran as practiced by the Messenger.
• And hold firmly to the rope (Quran) of Allah, all together; and do not split into
factions. (3:103)
• And those who respond to their Sustainer and establish a system to follow
closely Allah guidance, and (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation, and
spend from what We have provided them (for nourishment of others). (42:38)
• Hence pardon them and ask forgiveness/protection for them, and consult with
them in matters of public concern, and when you are determined after due
consultation, then place your trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah appreciates those who
place their trust in Him. (3:159)
In order to understand the political system guided by the above verses of Quran, we
need to study the State of Madina, the state formed and run by the Messenger
Muhammad PBUH in strict conformity with the Quran guidance.
1. Equal rights and opportunities for all citizens irrespective of cast & religion.
3. No authority was entitled to make laws in contrast of laws declared in Quran such
as “An eye for an eye”.
4. The Messenger was the Chief Executive of the state and after him his successor.
5. The role of CEO is to run the state in accordance with the Quran Laws
6. A council of opinion makers was there to discuss and recommend with mutual
consensus methods and procedures to execute the laws.
7. The Chief Executive was the final authority to make decisions, whether those
decisions are in accordance with the Council recommendations or against it.
10. The very first attribute for opinion makers was piety.
11. The opinion makers would be elected through a viable electoral system.
The formation of the Council of Opinion Makers was in compliance of verse 42:38 to
have mutual consensus on political and administrative issues of the state and law
making in accordance with the guidance of Quran. The Sustainer guided the humanity
on all aspects of life of individuals and communities. His message contains guidance on
following issues:-
a) Socio-economic Justice
b) Criminal Justice
d) Matrimonial Issues
e) Heirship
f) War
g) Labour
h) Slavery
i) Trade
j) Orphanhood
The objective of above noted guidance was to form and run state which aims at the
fulfillment of basic human needs of its people and transform it into a welfare state. In
addition to this its responsibility would be to promote peace and welfare for the entire
humanity on earth.
(2) The mathematical structure involving the numbers of chapters and verses.
For the first time in history we have a scripture with built-in proof of divine authorship —
a superhuman mathematical composition.
Any reader of this book can easily verify the Quran's mathematical miracle. The name of
the Creator Allah (God) is repeated in Quran 2698 times. It is interesting to note that the
number 2698 is a multiple of 19 that is 19 x 142 = 2698. It shows that nineteen is the
common denominator throughout the Quran’s mathematical system.
This phenomenon alone suffices as incontrovertible proof that the Quran is God's
message to the world. No human being(s) could have kept track of 2698 occurrences of
the word “God,” and the numbers of verses where they occur. This is especially
impossible in view of the age of ignorance during which the Quran was revealed, and
the fact that the suras and verses were widely separated in time and place of revelation
that was Makkah and Madina, two cities of Arabia 450 KM apart. The chronological
order of revelation was vastly different from the final format. However, the Quran's
mathematical system is not limited to the word “God;” it is extremely vast, extremely
intricate, and totally comprehensive.
Like the Quran itself, the Quran's mathematical coding ranges from the very simple, to
the very complex. The Simple Facts are those observations that can be ascertained
without using any tools. The complex facts require the assistance of a calculator or a
computer. The following facts do not require any tools to be verified:
1. The first verse known as "Bismalah,” (to begin with the name of
Allah) With the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the ever .
merciful,: consist of 19 Arabic letters.
2. The Quran consists of 114 Chapters (Suras), which is a multiple of (19x6).
4. The Bismalah occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 9
(while it occurs twice in Sura 27) 19 x 6 =114
5. The famous first revelation 96:1-5 consists of 19 words (in Arabic text).
10. The smallest chapter (Sura) in Quran is Al-Kausar contains only three verses.
Every verse has 10 words each.
Every verse ends on letter “r” which is 10th letter in the set of Arabic alphabets.
All verses of Quran ending on letter “r” are 10 in total and Al-Kausar is the last
The notable point is that the second verse is about ritual of animal sacrifice at the
occasion of Hajj (Pilgrimage at Makkah) which is the 10th month of Arabic
Calendar and rituals start from the 10th day of that month.
The Quran states in 10:20 and 25:4-6 that its miracle, i.e., proof of divine authorship,
was destined to remain secret for a specific predetermined interim: These verses were
answer to the deniers of prophet of that time from the Sustainer in order to conclude the
• They said, “Why hasn’t a miracle come down to him from his Lord?” Say, “Only
God knows the future. Therefore, wait and I will wait along with you.” (10:20)
• Those who disbelieved said, "This is no more than a fabrication by him, with the
help of other people.” Indeed, they uttered a blasphemy; a falsehood. Others
said, "Tales from the past that he wrote down; they were dictated to him day and
night.” Say, "This was sent down from the One who knows `the secret' in the
heavens and the earth.” Surely, He is Forgiving, Most Merciful. (25:4-6)
For instance, we can look into another scientific prove of Quran being the true book
revealed by the Sustainer on his last Messenger. There is a chapter (#57) in Quran
titled as “Al-Hadeed” means Iron. Quran says
• And We sent down iron, wherein is mighty strength and benefits for mankind, so
that Allah may make evident he who helps Him and His Messengers, emerging
hidden reality. Indeed, Allah is All- Strong, All-Mighty. (57:25)
For the people of today iron is a metal that is found on earth. However, it is the
scientists who have come to find the original source of iron as per which iron is not a
metal of this earth rather it came from space.
From this ayah it is clear that the metal iron was sent down by Allah Almighty, hence it
is not something of this world that grew or formed in it. According to scientists, billions of
years ago meteoroids hit earth and these meteoroids came with the metal iron which
then dispersed and immersed in different parts of the earth. Hence, in this regard as
14 hundreds years back when Quran was revealed, no one can say this fact except
Allah, the creator of everything.
• He is the One Who created the skies and the earth in six periods, then over the
Structure He fashioned in a suitable manner. He knows what penetrates into the
earth and what comes forth from it, and what descends from the skies and what
ascends therein. And He is with you wherever you are. And Allah is a Watcher of
what you do. (57:4)
As we know that Iron ore is mostly found neither on the top nor in the bottom of the
earth but in the middle, and the interesting fact is that Chapter Al-Hadeed is in the
middle of the Quran.
There are 114 chapters in Quran and Al-Hadeed is the 57th chapter in Quran 114
divided by 2 = 57.
Now if you sum up the total numerical value of Arabic alphabets used in Al-Hadeed, it
comes to number 57. Similarly, the numerical value as above for word Hadeed is 26,
which is the Atomic number of Iron. There are four paragraphs in this chapter and there
are four Isotopes in Iron and so much so the Mass Number of Isotopes of Iron is 57.
There are some other interesting numerical facts in Quran. For example:-
a) The word “Man” and the word “Woman” are mentioned: 24 times.
b) The word “Dunia” (one of the Arabic words for ‘life’) is mentioned 115 times, and
“Aakhira” (an Arabic word for ‘after life’) is also mentioned 115 times.
c) “Life” is mentioned 145 times. “Death” is mentioned 145 times.
d) “People”: 50 times. “Messengers”: 50 times.
e) “Corrupt”: 50 times. “Benefit”: 50 times.
How it was possible for a person 1400 year back to fabricate such a text, who was
not even learned enough to read and right prior to revelation.
• And if you are in doubt about what we have revealed to our Servant
(Messenger) Produce a single chapter like it and call those of you who
possess more knowledge, besides Allah, if you are truthful . But if you fail ,
and there is no doubt that you will fail, then protect yourself from hell fire
whose fuel is the men and the stones, which is being prepared for the
This book invites people to go out and learn about the world and ask to make this world
a better place. Whatever is written in it, it proves its authenticity beyond the shadow of
doubts. It actually encourage its’ readers to read, learn, ponder and question things. So
much so the first letter of this book revealed was “Read”, but it does not stop there, it
goes on and challenge its’ readers, (scientists & scholars in particular), by saying that
We will show them our signs in this universe and among themselves until it becomes
manifested that it is true.
This book may be sitting in your Book shelf or nearby Library; ignored by you with the
simple reason that this is a book for Muslims only, if it is so, then you made a big
mistake. This book is for you. This book is for everyone. This book is for entire
humanity. This book is not like other books, it is something else! You won’t be able to
find this something else until you go through it with an unbiased and scientific
approach. Then don’t wait … go for it.
• Do they just await for its result to which it will come on the Day (of resurrection)
when it is fulfilled. Those who had forgotten it before will say, "Verily, the
Messengers of our Sustainer had come with the truth, so are their any
intercessors to intercede for us or could we be sent back to do (deeds) other than
what we used to do." Verily, they have suffered loss themselves, and has strayed
from them what they used to fabricate. (7:53)
There is one more interesting fact about truthfulness of Quran is that this book was
revealed in Arabic language. The apparent reason for this was that the last Messenger
was an Arab so as the first addressees of the book.
• (It is) a Quran in Arabic, without any distortion/crookedness, so that they may
be mindful of Allah guidance. (39:28)
In addition to above, there were some other important facts such as that the Arabic
language is the most highly structured and self-defining language of all times. Prior to
Quran all divine revelation was in Hebrew language, which is the least used language
for centuries.
The notable thing here is that all the Messengers before the last Messenger came in the
off-spring of Isaac and books given to them were in Hebrew language. This period of
revelation is estimated around 4600 years. The last Messenger came in the off-spring of
Ishmael, the son of Abraham from Hagar and elder brother of Isaac. Now, the question
arise what the off-spring of Ishmael was kept doing during this period. The answer is
that they were destined to evolve a language that can be perfectly suitable to take the
burden of text of Quran. The only divine guidance, for all spheres of human life, to entire
mankind, up-till the last man on earth.
The most tragic fact about Quran is that it has always been recognized by all as the
book for the followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) only.
This very unfortunate misconception has resulted in keeping the world away from the
only authentic guidance for the entire humanity given by the Creator of all things. Alas!
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