Aquaculture: Huynh Thanh Toi, Pascal Boeckx, Patrick Sorgeloos, Peter Bossier, Gilbert Van Stappen
Aquaculture: Huynh Thanh Toi, Pascal Boeckx, Patrick Sorgeloos, Peter Bossier, Gilbert Van Stappen
Aquaculture: Huynh Thanh Toi, Pascal Boeckx, Patrick Sorgeloos, Peter Bossier, Gilbert Van Stappen
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Article history: This study investigated the effect of the co-feeding of bacteria and microalgae on nitrogen (N) assimilation in an
Received 31 July 2013 Artemia franciscana gnotobiotic laboratory culture test. Two strains of bacteria were used, HT3 and HT6, isolated
Received in revised form 6 December 2013 from previous Artemia laboratory cultures. These were fed in combination with microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta
Accepted 9 December 2013
strains, either the high quality DT 19/6B or the low quality DT 19/27 strain. Each combination of algae and bac-
Available online 14 December 2013
teria was offered in different proportions, i.e. 10/90, 50/50 and 90/10% on a dry weight basis, while the total
amount of food supplied, which was based on a reference algae mono-diet, was kept constant. Mono-diets
Artemia consisting of 100% algae and 100% bacteria were added as controls. N assimilation from either food source was
Bacteria determined by feeding in separate tests 15N labeled microalgae with non-labeled bacteria and vice versa. Axeni-
Dunaliella tertiolecta cally hatched Artemia nauplii were fed these diets for 24 h, after which they were analyzed for 15N content. The
N results of 15N analysis showed that the N assimilation from bacteria in Artemia was improved when the bacteria
Trypsin were 10% replaced by microalgae, and for the combination of DT 19/6B and HT6 this increase was significant
(P b 0.05). Also 50% replacement of HT6 by DT 19/6B resulted in higher, but non-significant, N assimilation
from the bacteria as compared to the 100% bacteria mono-diet. A similar non-significant increase of N assimila-
tion from DT 19/6B was observed as compared to the 100% algae diet when these algae were up to 50% replaced
by HT6 bacteria. Other combinations of bacterial and microalgal strains generally produced similar or lower N as-
similation as compared to the labeled mono-diet, when the labeled food component (bacteria or algae) was grad-
ually replaced by the other (algae or bacteria). This study shows that, provided suitable strains are used, offering
microalgae and bacteria together as food for Artemia may result in a synergistic effect in how this filter-feeding
organism takes advantage of the respective food sources. This Artemia study can also be considered as a model
for future research on the feeding biology of other filter-feeding aquaculture organisms.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction (chicken manure, pig dung) (Anh et al., 2009; Baert et al., 1997). In
such open systems, the naturally occurring bacterial flora growing on
Being among the best sources of live food for cultured fish and shell- the non-consumed and decomposing nutritionally rich food can also
fish species around the globe, the brine shrimp Artemia is demanded ex- be a direct source of food for Artemia, considering the abundant avail-
tensively by the ever growing world aquaculture industry (2001). To ability of bacteria and the ability of Artemia to ingest them by filter feed-
match this increasing demand and to diversify the Artemia resources, ing. Though bacteria are believed to be an important food source for
Artemia has been introduced into coastal solar saltworks in countries filter feeding Artemia, the exact dietary role of bacteria in open culture
such as Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines where there is no natural systems, or whether they can be effectively utilized by Artemia is poorly
distribution of Artemia. understood.
In the typical pond production system of Artemia in saltworks in the In laboratory conditions, however, the nutritional role of bacteria has
Mekong delta, south Vietnam, Artemia is fed with algae-rich water from been demonstrated by various studies (Gorospe and Nakamura, 1996;
fertilized ponds as a main food source, alternatively supplemented with Gorospe et al., 1996; Intriago and Jones, 1993; Verschuere et al., 1999;
inert feeds (such as rice bran and soybean meal) and animal wastes Yasuda and Taga, 1980). The ability of Artemia to survive on bacteria
alone has been shown previously (Gorospe and Nakamura, 1996;
⁎ Corresponding author at: Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center, Gent
Intriago and Jones, 1993; Verschuere et al., 2000; Yasuda and Taga,
University, Rozier 44, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Tel.: +32 926 43754; fax: +32 926 44193. 1980), and similarly when using bacteria combined with algae
E-mail address: (H.T. Toi). (Intriago and Jones, 1993) or dry inert feeds (Douillet, 1987). Bacteria
0044-8486/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
110 H.T. Toi et al. / Aquaculture 422–423 (2014) 109–114
are considered to be a good source of essential nutrients such as vita- chosen for a preliminary feeding test, which showed that the survival
mins, fatty acids and amino acids (Austin, 1988; Gorospe and at day 6 of Artemia, fed on HT3 and HT6, was 35% and 46% and body
Nakamura, 1996; Verschuere et al., 2000; Yu et al., 1988, 1989). More- length was 1.1 and 1.0 mm, respectively, under gnotobiotic culture con-
over, bacterial enzymes are believed to play a prominent role in break- ditions. These survival and length values were the best among nine iso-
ing down large food particles and make them easy to absorb by Artemia. lates, and comparable with results obtained with probiotic bacteria
Such enzyme degradation using bacterial enzymes has been demon- LVS3 (Aeromonas hydrophila) (Verschuere et al., 2000; Marques et al.,
strated for example for digestion of algae cells by Artemia (Intriago 2005, 2006b).
and Jones, 1993). The presence of bacteria in the culture medium has Two axenic microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher 1959 strains DT
been proven to improve growth performance of aquatic animals in gen- CCAP 19/6B (henceforth abbreviated DT 19/6B) and DT CCAP 19/27 (DT
eral (Intriago and Jones, 1993; Marques et al., 2004a). Associated bacte- 19/27) were obtained from the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa
ria are believed to remove toxic metabolites in aquaculture production Department (CCAP), Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Scotland, UK.
systems, act as a direct source of nutrients and/or as a promoter of Marques et al. (2006b) confirmed that both D. tertiolecta strains are
food assimilation. Additionally, beneficial probiotic strains protect the very similar in terms of DNA sequence using the nuclear rRNA gene in-
host against infection from pathogenic bacteria (Austin, 1988). ternal transcribed spacer region 2, though phenotypic differences have
However, literature data do not provide reliable information on the not been described (Marques et al., 2004a). The DT 19/6B strain had
effect of the bacteria, associated with Artemia laboratory or pond cul- been proven as good-quality food for Artemia and DT 19/27 as lower-
ture, on food assimilation in Artemia. quality food (Marques et al., 2004a), for which reason they were includ-
To optimize the biomass and cyst production in pond based Artemia ed in our experiments.
culture systems, utilization of these associated bacteria may play a sig-
nificant role. But in these open systems uncontrollable variations in
many parameters, such as in the availability of different food sources 2.2. Experimental design
(bacteria or algae) make it extremely difficult to evaluate the contribu-
tion of single diet among a wide variety of foods available at the same Two experiments were conducted to determine the contribution of
time. In laboratory co-feeding tests, Artemia has been proven to get bacteria versus microalgae on nitrogen assimilation in Artemia nauplii.
more nutrients from bacteria in case of lack of microalgae supply (Toi In experiment 1, aiming to measure the N assimilation from bacteria
et al., 2013), but only when isolating associated bacteria and offering in the presence of microalgae, the 15N labeled bacteria HT3 or HT6
them as food for Artemia under gnotobiotic culture conditions their nu- were fed together with an unlabeled microalgae strain, DT 19/6B or
tritional role can be studied. DT 19/27, resulting in four dietary combinations. For each combination
This study was therefore aiming at elucidating the effect of bacterial bacteria–algae, different feeding tests were run corresponding with dif-
strains, isolated from Artemia cultures, on nitrogen (N) assimilation in ferent proportions of each food source. Analogously in the inverse ex-
Artemia. For this purpose, both bacteria and algae were offered as periment 2, the 15N labeled microalgae strains, DT 19/6B or DT 19/27,
mixed diets in different proportions to Artemia in gnotobiotic condi- were fed to Artemia together with an unlabeled bacteria strain, HT3 or
tions. The 15N stable isotope was used as a tool to measure N assimila- HT6.
tion of either food source in the presence of the other, as this Hatched bacteria-free Artemia nauplii were manipulated under the
technique had been proven a valuable tool to assess protein assimilation laminar flow hood for the experimental set-up. The nauplii were first
in other studies (Avnimelech and Kochba, 2009; Burford et al., 2004; harvested on a sterile sieve and washed thoroughly with filtered
Preston et al., 1996). In addition, trypsin activity was measured to eval- (0.2 μm) autoclaved artificial seawater (FAASW) containing 30 g/L of
uate the digestive response in Artemia (Rojas-García et al., 2009) when Instant Ocean® synthetic sea salt to get rid of hatching waste products.
bacteria and microalgae were offered together as food. Artemia nauplii were then diluted by FAASW in a sterile 500 mL beaker.
Sub-samples of Artemia were collected (n = 4) to determine their den-
2. Materials and methods sity in 1 mL. Afterwards, the Artemia nauplii were distributed in 1 L
sterile screw-cap bottles containing 1 L of FAASW at a stocking density
2.1. Source of bacteria and microalgae of 20 nauplii/mL, and 9.1 mg (dry matter intake) of food was offered to
each bottle, based on the feeding regime for Artemia as described by
Two bacteria strains HT3 and HT6, associated with Artemia culture, Coutteau et al. (1990). The proportion of each food in the mixed diets
were used in the experiments. These bacterial strains were sequenced
and blasted with and aligned in http:// Table 1
Feeding regime for Artemia (adapted from Coutteau et al., 1990), expressing different The HT6 and HT3 strains showed 99% similar-
portions (%) of each food type (bacteria versus microalgae). Experiment 1: Artemia fed
ity with Bacillus subtilis 168 and Tamlana sp. ZJU HZ22, respectively. on mixed diets consisting of 15N labeled bacteria (15N HT3 or 15N HT6) and unlabeled
These bacteria were isolated from the culture medium from a test run microalgae (DT 19/6B or DT 19/27). Experiment 2: Artemia fed on mixed diets of 15N la-
where Artemia had shown good performance in terms of survival and beled microalgae (15N DT 19/6B or 15N DT 19/27) and unlabeled bacteria HT3 or HT6.
body length. The culture medium was spread in sterile marine agar Treatment code 15
N microalgae Bacteria 15
N bacteria Microalgae
(MA) 2216 plates (55.1 g/L; Difco™) and incubated in an incubator at
Experiment 1
28 °C for 2–3 days. Colonies were distinguished by size, shape, color E1-FR1 (control 1) 0 0 100 0
etc.; then a separated colony forming unit (CFU) was picked up by a E1-FR2 0 0 90 10
sterile loop, streaked on other sterile MA plates (n = 2) and incubated E1-FR3 0 0 50 50
in the same conditions. The CFU's uniform in size, color and shape were E1-FR4 0 0 10 90
E1-FR5 (control 2)a 0 0 0 100
selected, then a single CFU was picked by sterile loop and inoculated in a
sterile 50 mL Erlenmeyer with 20 mL of autoclaved marine broth (MB) Experiment 2
2216 (37.4 g/L; Difco™). Subsequently, the Erlenmeyer was closed with E2-FR1 (control 1) 100 0 0 0
E2-FR2 90 10 0 0
a sterile cotton cap. After inoculation, the culture was incubated in a
E2-FR3 50 50 0 0
shaker (28 °C; 150 rpm) for 24–48 h. When a visible color appeared, E2-FR4 10 90 0 0
bacteria were harvested and stored in glycerol solution (20%) at − E2-FR5 (control 2)a 0 100 0 0
80 °C for further use. Before feeding to Artemia nauplii, the purity of iso- a
The 15N natural abundance of Artemia fed solely unlabeled microalgae (Experiment 1)
lates was confirmed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). or unlabeled bacteria (Experiment 2) was used as a background to calculate the excess of
The bacteria strain with a single band appearing on the DGGE gel was 15
N in Artemia.
H.T. Toi et al. / Aquaculture 422–423 (2014) 109–114 111
was prepared according to Table 1. In addition to the different propor- washed with ammonium formate solution (0.5 M) to remove the salt,
tions supplied (90/10, 50/50 and 10/90), cultures with the pure diets placed into an aluminum pre-tared cup and dried in an oven at
(100% microalgae or 100% bacteria) were used as controls. Three repli- 104 ± 1 °C for 4 h. The samples were then removed from the oven,
cates were conducted for each treatment and for the controls. After placed in a desiccator for cooling down, and weighed with an analytical
feeding manipulation, the culture bottles were tightly closed by special balance (precision 0.1 mg).
screw caps supplied with an air inlet and outlet.
The cultures were run in darkness to prevent uptake of nitrogen 2.4. Preparation of Artemia nauplii
from the culture medium by the microalgae and lasted 24 h. Rifamycine
(Sigma), as bacteriostatic agent, was added to each culture at a concen- For preparation of bacteria-free nauplii, cysts of Artemia franciscana
tration of 0.05 g/L; preliminary tests using different Rifamycine concen- Kellogg 1906 (EG® Type, INVE Aquaculture, Baasrode, Belgium) were
trations had shown that this concentration was efficient in suppressing decapsulated according to the protocol as described by Sorgeloos et al.
bacterial growth while having no effect on Artemia performance. The (1977) and Marques et al. (2006a). Briefly, the dry cysts were first
cultures were partially submerged in a temperature-controlled water soaked in tap water for 1 h and then transferred to a laminar flow
bath at 28 °C with continuous 0.2 μm filtered aeration. After the 24 h hood for decapsulation. The Artemia cyst shell was removed by reaction
culture period, Artemia nauplii were harvested on a sieve and washed with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Decapsulated cysts were harvested
gently as much as possible in FAASW to get rid of un-eaten feed and on a sterile sieve, and washed with FAASW as much as possible to re-
waste. move all residual bleach. Decapsulated cysts were transferred into 1 L
sterile bottles containing 1 L FAASW (Marques et al., 2006a) for hatch-
2.3. Diet preparation ing at 28 °C during 24 h under standardized hatching conditions
(Sorgeloos et al., 1986).
2.3.1. Culturing, labeling and harvesting of microalgae
Microalgae were axenically grown in sterile 2 L bottles. Each bottle 2.5. Method used to verify axenity
contained 2 L of FAASW enriched with 1 mL of standard Walne's medi-
um, supplied with 0.2 μm filtered aeration at 19 °C and continuous light Axenity of food, Artemia nauplii and Artemia culture medium was
(± 41 μE/m2 S) (Marques et al., 2004a). For labeling the microalgae, checked by the methodology as described by Marques et al. (2004a,
0.01 g/L 15N NaNO3 (98 atom%, Sigma) was used to tag the algal pro- 2004b). Briefly, food, Artemia, hatching and culture water were checked
teins. Microalgae were harvested at the exponential growth phase by for contamination by plating on MA plates (n = 2). The plates were
centrifuging. The algal cell pellet was washed twice in FAASW. Accord- checked for absence of bacteria after incubation at 28 °C for 5 days.
ing to Sorgeloos (1974) algae store enough photo-energy temporarily The experiment was discarded whenever the Artemia nauplii, water or
allowing cell division when transferred from light to darkness. There- food were found to be contaminated.
fore, after harvesting the microalgae cell pellets were suspended in
FAASW and the algal solution was stored at 4 °C for 24 h in darkness 2.6. Sample collection and data analysis
for cells to complete cell division before counting and offering to
Artemia. The concentration of the algal suspension was determined by 2.6.1. Pre-sampling treatment
cell counting using a Burker haemocytometer chamber. To prevent interference of undigested 15N labeled food in the diges-
tive tract of Artemia with the results of 15N accumulation in Artemia tis-
2.3.2. Culturing, labeling and harvesting of bacteria sue, the undigested food was biologically evacuated from the gut before
For mass culturing, each strain of bacteria, stored at − 80 °C was N analysis. This was done by placing the Artemia in a 1 L beaker con-
streaked on MA (BD Difco™) plates (n = 2). Visible colonies appeared taining 500 mL of FAASW and cellulose particles (20 μm; Sigma). The
after two days of incubation at 28 °C. A single colony from each bacterial cellulose powder had been diluted in FAASW and sieved through a
strain was picked by a sterile loop and transferred to a sterile Erlenmey- 50 μm net to prevent particle clumping. Cellulose was provided to the
er containing autoclaved modified marine broth (M-MB). Briefly, M–MB beakers with Artemia at a concentration three times higher than the
was prepared using 0.1 g/L NaNO3, 2.0 g/L yeast extract, 0.1 g/L Fe(III) feeding ration. Aeration was provided continuously to ensure homoge-
citrate, 19.45 g/L NaCl, 5.9 g/L MgCl2 (anhydrous), 3.24 g/L NaSO4, neous distribution of the cellulose in the water. Artemia was regularly
1.8 g/L CaCl2, 0.55 g KCl, 0.16 g/L Na2CO3, 0.08 g/L KBr, 0.034 g/L SrCl2, checked under a binocular microscope for observation of the ingestion
0.022 g/L H3BO3, 0.004 g/L Na-silicate, 0.0024 g/L NaF, 0.0016 g/L status. Artemia were harvested when the digestive tract was completely
NH4NO3, and 0.008 g/L Na2PO4, with a final pH of 7.6. For labeling the filled with cellulose.
bacteria, the M-MB ingredients were identical but 0.01 g/L NaNO3 was After the evacuation step, Artemia were harvested on a sieve and
replaced by 15N NaNO3 (Sigma). After inoculation, the inoculated flasks rinsed with FAASW to remove all uneaten cellulose and wastes. After
were carefully closed by sterile cotton caps and incubated in a shaker washing, Artemia was first soaked in a benzocaine solution (Sigma,
(28 °C; 150 rpm) for 24–48 h. 0.1%) for 10 s and then transferred to a benzalkonium chloride solution
When visible growth appeared, the bacterial suspension in the incu- (Sigma, 0.1%) for 10 s to kill all the attached bacteria on the exoskeleton
bated flasks was transferred to sterile 50 mL screw-cap falcon tubes (Chládková et al., 2004). Afterwards, Artemia was washed as much as
under laminar flow hood conditions. The cells were harvested at the sta- possible with de-ionized water (DEMI-water). Artemia were then quick-
tionary growth phase by centrifugation (±4400 × g; 15 min). Bacterial ly stored in a freezer (−20 °C) to prevent leaking of 15N caused by the
cell pellets were washed twice in FAASW. The bacterial cell pellets were metabolism.
then re-suspended in FAASW and the density of bacteria was deter-
mined by measuring its turbidity using a spectrophotometer set at 2.6.2. The accumulation of nitrogen from food in Artemia
550 nm, assuming that an optical density of 1.000 corresponds to After thawing, Artemia were placed into a Petri dish with DEMI-
1.2 × 109 cells/mL, according to the McFarland standard (BioMerieux, water, and 200 to 600 Artemia nauplii from each replicate were sampled
Marcy L'Etoile, France). by a Pasteur pipette and rinsed on a metal mesh sieve (250 μm pore
The dry weight (DW) of bacteria and microalgae was determined ac- size). Artemia were then gently transferred using a small forceps onto
cording to the methodology described by Soltanian et al. (2007). Briefly, a pre-weighed tin capsule cup of 8 × 5 mm. The wet samples were
50 mL of culture suspension of each microalgae and bacteria strain was oven-dried at 70 °C for a day (De Troch et al., 2007), placed in the des-
filtered through a pre-weighed 0.45 μm Whatman membrane using a iccator for cooling and weighed with an analytical balance (precision
Buchner funnel connected to a vacuum pump. The filter was then 0.1 mg). Subsequently, the 15N assimilation in Artemia was measured
112 H.T. Toi et al. / Aquaculture 422–423 (2014) 109–114
The data of nitrogen assimilation and trypsin-L were checked for ho- 15N DT19/27+HT3
Amount of N derived from microalgae in
distribution and to homogenize variance. For all datasets, one-way anal- b 15N DT19/6B+HT6
ysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's honestly significant dif-
80.0 b
ference (HSD) post-hoc test at 0.05 probability level was employed.
60.0 b a
3. Results B b
3.1. Effect of the presence of microalgae on N assimilation from bacteria in 40.0 a
Artemia B B
Assimilation of N from HT6 was evidently higher than that from HT3 A
in 100% bacteria-fed Artemia. The N assimilation from either HT6 or HT3 0.0
was not reduced proportionately with the reduction of HT3 or HT6 in 100% 90% 50% 10%
the mixed diets with microalgae (Fig. 1). In the case of co-feeding Proportion of microalgae in the food on dry weight basis
with DT 19/27, N assimilation for either HT3 or HT6 steadily reduced
with the reduction of the amount of bacteria from 100% to 10%. For Fig. 2. Effect of the presence of bacteria on nitrogen assimilation from microalgae (ng/
individual) in Artemia. The values are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). Different su-
HT3 and HT6 this reduction was significantly different (P b 0.05) from perscripts of DT 19/27 treatments or DT 19/6B treatments indicate significant difference
the respective controls (100% bacteria) from 50% and 90% replacement (P b 0.05) between the treatments. For the proportion of microalgae in the mixed diets,
with DT 19/27, respectively, onwards. In contrast, co-feeding with DT see Table 1.
H.T. Toi et al. / Aquaculture 422–423 (2014) 109–114 113
3.3. Trypsin activity of Artemia fed mixed diets of microalgae and bacteria replacement by DT 19/27. Berges and Falkowski (1996) reported that
proteases are present in D. tertiolecta cells. The enzymes may be re-
Trypsin-L activity in 100% microalgae fed Artemia was similar for leased from broken cells of DT 19/6B, and together with the matching
both strains of microalgae DT 19/27 (Fig. 3A) and DT 19/6B (Fig. 3B) enzymes of Artemia they may degrade bacteria making them easier to
and was similar to the values obtained for 100% HT6 fed Artemia or for absorb by Artemia. Alternatively, the presence of microalgae may also
Artemia fed with any combination of algae and HT3 or HT6. Only the trigger the digestion process by stimulating enzymatic activity in the
values for 100% HT3 fed Artemia were significantly lower (P b 0.05) Artemia gut. Also in sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax larvae the addition of
than in the other feeding regimes. microalgae in the rearing water has been demonstrated to induce the
release of digestive enzymes (Cahu et al., 1998).
Our results further show that the presence of any type of bacteria
4. Discussion slightly increased or was identical to the N assimilation from microalgae
compared to solely microalgae fed Artemia, although the concentration
In the current study, the effect of mixed diets of microalgae and bac- of microalgae was reduced with 10% and 50% in the mixed diets. The ad-
teria on N assimilation in Artemia was investigated. When microalgae dition of live bacteria in the Artemia cultures may provide the host with
were offered as mono-diet to Artemia, this study is the first to show exogenous extracellular enzymes such as inter- or extra-cellular β-
that higher N assimilation was obtained from DT 19/6B as compared glucosidase (cellulolytic activity) as previously reported (Verschuere
to DT 19/27. Marques et al. (2006b) reported that there are no records et al., 1999; Maki et al., 2009). Together with the host's enzymes,
of genotypic or phenotypic difference between the DT 19/6B and DT these enzymes may allow for better degradation of algal cells (Intriago
19/27 strains of D. tertiolecta, though Artemia fed on the former is always and Jones, 1993; Marques et al., 2005; Sander and Murthy, 1999). Anal-
performing better than on the latter. This may be related to the higher ogously it has been demonstrated that the administration of bacteria to
nutrient content of DT 19/6B (Marques et al., 2004a). juvenile Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858) positively in-
Our results of assimilation of 15N, which was used to label bacteria creased its enzymatic activity (Sáenz de Rodrigáñez et al., 2009).
(food) and which was found to accumulate in Artemia tissue, also con- Nevertheless, no obvious relationship was found between trypsin-L
firm that Artemia can ingest and assimilate associated bacteria. The N as- activities and N assimilation in Artemia in this study. Significantly higher
similation from HT6 was always higher than that from HT3, although trypsin-L activity was obtained in all treatments where Artemia was fed
equal amounts (on dry weight basis) were offered to Artemia, probably on mixed diets of bacteria and microalgae, as compared to solely HT3
due to the higher digestibility and/or nutrient levels in the former strain. fed Artemia, while there was no difference with solely HT6 fed Artemia,
Moore and Jaeckle (2010) stated that bacteria are not high-energy food which confirms the lower nutritional value of HT3. But no significant
for Artemia as compared to microalgae. The clearance rate (volume of differences in trypsin-L activity were found among the mixed diets
cleared particles per unit of time) of Artemia larvae fed bacterial particle and the 100% microalgae control for any type of microalgae used.
size (0.5 μm) is 69 times less than that when fed algal particle size This study shows that, provided suitable strains are used, offering
(12 μm) (Seixas et al., 2009). In our study N assimilation from the microalgae and bacteria together as food for Artemia may result in a syn-
microalga D. tertiolecta in Artemia is more than 10 times higher than ergistic effect in how this filter-feeding organism takes advantage of the
that from bacteria, although equal amounts (on dry weight basis) of respective food sources. This is of immediate relevance for Artemia lab-
microalgae and bacteria were offered to Artemia. These results suggest oratory cultures, where generally algae diets are used in xenic condi-
that microalgae are an overall better nutritional source for Artemia tions, but also for Artemia pond production procedures, which
than bacteria. emphasize the induction of phytoplankton blooms but overlook the
When bacteria were offered to Artemia together with microalgae, N role of the aquatic bacterial communities. Finally, our tests with Artemia
assimilation from bacteria was firstly related to the degree of replace- can be considered as a model for future research on the feeding biology
ment of bacteria by microalgae, and secondly to the strain of microalgae. of other filter-feeding aquaculture organisms.
In mixed diets with any type of bacterial strains, the presence of DT 19/
6B always induced better N assimilation from the bacteria than DT 19/
27. At any proportion of bacteria in the food the N assimilation from ei- Acknowledgments
ther bacteria strain was higher with DT 19/6B than with DT 19/27 re-
placement. At 10% HT6 replacement by DT 19/6B, the N assimilation This study has been supported by a Vietnamese Government PhD
from either bacteria strain nearly doubled. A first possible explanation scholarship (322 projects). Special thanks go to Prof. Marleen De
for this difference between both microalgae could be that the presence Troch, Department of Biology, Ghent University, for guidance on 15N sta-
of DT 19/6B as replacement provides more digestive enzymes than ble isotope sample preparing. Special thanks go to Dr. Chaminda
DT19/27 DT 19/27+HT3 DT 19/27+HT6 HT3 HT6 DT 19/6B DT 19/6B+HT3 DT 19/6B+HT6 HT3 HT6
1.2 1.2
1.0 b bb bb bb b 1.0 b bb bb bb b
a a
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
2B-FR1 2B-FR2 2B-FR3 2B-FR4 2B-FR5 2B-FR1 2B-FR2 2B-FR3 2B-FR4 2B-FR5
(control 1) (control 2) (control 1) (control 2)
Treatments Treatments
Fig. 3. Effect of DT 19/27 (panel A) and DT 19/6B (panel B) diets (pure and mixed with bacteria) on trypsin-L activity in Artemia nauplii. Values are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
Different superscripts within each figure indicate significant difference (P b 0.05) between the treatments. For abbreviation of the treatments, see Table 1. Also trypsin-L values of control 2
(100% HT3 or HT6) are shown on each graph.
114 H.T. Toi et al. / Aquaculture 422–423 (2014) 109–114
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sity, for bacterial sequencing. to enhance protection of gnotobiotic Artemia against different pathogens. Aquacul-
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