This document contains assignments from three modules related to a Digital System Design course using Verilog. The assignments cover topics such as two-level logic thresholds, effects of capacitive loading and propagation delay, designing complex number multipliers and sequential circuits, design methodologies, embedded systems design, finite state machines, memory components, error detection and correction, integrated circuit manufacturing, programmable logic devices, packaging and interconnections. Students are asked to explain concepts, develop circuits and code, and solve problems related to digital design and Verilog.
This document contains assignments from three modules related to a Digital System Design course using Verilog. The assignments cover topics such as two-level logic thresholds, effects of capacitive loading and propagation delay, designing complex number multipliers and sequential circuits, design methodologies, embedded systems design, finite state machines, memory components, error detection and correction, integrated circuit manufacturing, programmable logic devices, packaging and interconnections. Students are asked to explain concepts, develop circuits and code, and solve problems related to digital design and Verilog.
This document contains assignments from three modules related to a Digital System Design course using Verilog. The assignments cover topics such as two-level logic thresholds, effects of capacitive loading and propagation delay, designing complex number multipliers and sequential circuits, design methodologies, embedded systems design, finite state machines, memory components, error detection and correction, integrated circuit manufacturing, programmable logic devices, packaging and interconnections. Students are asked to explain concepts, develop circuits and code, and solve problems related to digital design and Verilog.
This document contains assignments from three modules related to a Digital System Design course using Verilog. The assignments cover topics such as two-level logic thresholds, effects of capacitive loading and propagation delay, designing complex number multipliers and sequential circuits, design methodologies, embedded systems design, finite state machines, memory components, error detection and correction, integrated circuit manufacturing, programmable logic devices, packaging and interconnections. Students are asked to explain concepts, develop circuits and code, and solve problems related to digital design and Verilog.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Course Name: Digital System Design using Verilog Course Code: 17EC663 Sem: VI‘A & B’ Faculty Name: RNG Assignment–I Module 1 1. Explain the two level logic threshold with noise margin. 2. What are the effects of capacitive loading and propagation delay on signal transitions between logic levels? 3. Develop a circuit for datapath and control section to perform complex multiplication of two complex numbers a and b represented as a = ar + j ai and b = br + j bi. The data path need to perform sequential complex multiplication with shared resources and registers to store intermediate results. 4. What is meant by design methodology? Explain simple and hierarchical design methodology along with intermediate stages. 5. Describe Embedded Systems Design along with diagram. 6. Write verilog code for the 3:8 decoders. 7. What do you mean by Finite State Machine? Differentiate between Moore and Mealy finite-state machine. 8. Define the terms setup time, hold time and clock-to-output of a flip flop and what are the constraints imposed by these parameters on the circuit operations? 9. Develop a Verilog code for a 7-segment decoder. Include an additional input, blank that overrides the BCD input and causes all segments not to be lit. 10. Develop a sequential circuit that has a single data input signal, S, and produces an output Y. The output is 1 whenever S has the same value over three successive clock cycles, and 0 otherwise. Assume that the value of S for a given clock cycle is defined at the time of the rising clock edge at the end of the clock cycle. 11. Develop a Verilog model of a debouncer for a pushbutton switch that uses a debounce interval of 10ms. Assume the system clock frequency is 50MHz. 12. Explain Asynchronous Inputs of the Clocked Synchronous Timing Methodology with diagram. 13. Explain Switch Inputs and Debouncing along with diagram MODULE 2 1. What do you mean by memory? Describe the basic memory components along with diagram for read and write operations. 2. Design a 64K X 8-bit composite memory using four 16K X 8-bit components. 3. Explain bidirectional tristate data connections used in the output stage circuit. 4. Describe composite memory constructed using components with common data inputs and outputs with diagram 5. Explain Asynchronous Static RAM along with timing diagram for read and write operations 6. Explain Synchronous Static RAM along with timing diagram. 7. Design a circuit that computes the function y = ci * , where x is a binary-coded input value and ci is a coefficient stored in a flow-through SSRAM. x, ci and y are all signed fixed-point values with 8 pre-binary-point and 12 post-binary-point bits. The index i is also an input to the circuit, encoded as a 12-bit unsigned integer. Values for x and i arrive at the input during the cycle when a control input, start, is 1. The circuit should minimize by using a single multiplier to multiply ci by x and then by x again. 8. Describe dynamic RAM along diagram 9. Explain different ROM types. 10. Describe error detection and correction method used in memory components. 11. Compute the 12-bit ECC word corresponding to the 8-bit data word 01100001. 12. Determine whether there is an error in the ECC word 000111000100, and if so, correct it. 13. Using the Hamming code determine whether there is an error in each of the following ECC words, and if so, determine the corrected ECC word and the original data value. a) 100100011010 b) 000110111000 c) 111011011101 Module 3
1. Describe the manufacturing method of integrated circuits using photolithography
techniques. 2. Write short notes on SSI, MSI and ASIC logic families. 3. Write short notes on programmable logic devices. 4. Write short notes on complex PLDS 5. Explain the internal organization of an FPGA along with diagram 6. With neat diagram explain typical organization of an FPGA I/O block. 7. Explain different types of packaging and circuit boards. 8. Describe the need for interconnection and signal integrity along with diagram 9. Describe differential signaling 10. What are EMI and crosstalk?