7suitablity of DB Functionality

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Adama Polytechnic College

UC: Determine Suitability of Database Functionality and Scalability

LO1: Determine database functionality
The suitability of a system should be assessed from early development through fielding, even though all
elements of suitability may not be demonstrable at all times. The reliability of key equipment, especially
critical components, can be demonstrated relatively early in a system's development, but some questions
about logistics supportability can only be definitively answered after a system is fielded. Because the
assessment of suitability after an operational test is performed is limited by the scope of such testing, it may
be desirable to augment the test results with modeling and simulation, test and field data from other sources,
and related analyses.
Before a database can be designed, all the requirements for the database must be gathered. If a problem has
arisen and a new database is needed; this must meet certain requirements. Many questions related to the
problem must be listed i.e. who will build /design the database? How will the database be built? When must
the database be built? What is the budget for the database? Are all desired features of the database doable?
Of those doable features, which are practical, and what can the couple actually afford? etc. Because database
can be thrown together haphazardly if it does not meet/satisfy the customer’s needs. Most of the questions
rose in this scenario are most common and can be paralleled to the preliminary questions involved to gather
requirements in order to build a functional information system. The process of database design should be as
cost-effective as possible for the firm spearheading the design effort, as well as for the customer.
Types of Requirements
The process of gathering requirements is imperative to the successful design of any database. In requirements
gathering process, the basic requirements are the rules, processes, and data within an organization that are
used to devise an information system. Two types of requirements are used to design an information system:
 business requirements and
 System requirements.
The process of gathering requirements is broken into the following three stages:
 Establishing business requirements
 Establishing system requirements
 Performing requirements analysis
Requirements analysis is the process of reviewing the activities that took place and the data that was gathered
during requirements gathering. Requirements analysis is a final evaluation that should take place before
database design begins.
Business Requirements
Business requirements are those requirements that are related directly to business processes, business data,
and business rules. It related to how a business functions on a daily basis or the tasks performed by
individuals within an organization.
Business requirements deal with how the business functions currently, as well as how the business plans to
work or conduct business in a future.
As technology and information needs are constantly advancing, it is very important to consider the future
needs of the business, which turns out to be a common point of failure for many inexperienced firms
attempting to design a database for the first time. All organizations deal with data, whether an existing
information system is in place or not. It is the responsibility of the development team to find out what the
data is and how the business uses the data.
Data and processes within an organization are always closely related. Processes can be used to determine
data, as data can be used to determine processes. It is important to perform check-and-balance by comparing
processes to data during modeling to ensure that all requirements have been completely gathered.
Processes are performed by individuals who belong to organizational units / departments. For example,
common organizational units that exist in many organizations include human resources, data entry, customer
service, accounting, mail room, and management.
After the basic data and processes are determined, business rules must also be determined. Business rules are
directly associated with data and processes that are used to manage the data. Different forces are involved in

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the establishment of business rules. Primarily, business rules are molded around the data by the customer
because the database belongs to the customer. Business rules established affect the way data can be accessed
for operations such as queries, inserts, updates, and deletions. Business rules also help determine how data
relates to other data, and will eventually be used to design entities and their relationships. Business rules are
also the greatest factor in determining the use of referential integrity and other constraints in a database.
Some of the following basic questions can be used to begin the process of determining business
 Who will perform the tasks?
 How are tasks performed?
 What different organizational units will deal with business data?
 What processes are specific to certain organizational units?
 What data is associated with each individual process?
 How do the processes interact with one another?
 How do the organizational units interact with one another?
 What outside factors exist that affect business processes and data?, etc
Determining Business Requirements
In actually gathering these requirements it is important that the development team is educated before
requirements gathering is attempted. Additionally, a plan should be devised to guide members of the
development team through the initial information gathering phase.
There are various determinants for gathering business requirements, these include:
 Evaluating the origination points of information
 Management’s knowledge of the business goals
 Customer’s knowledge of requirements, processes, and data
 End user’s knowledge of processes and data
 Existing processes in place
One question that must be answered before gathering business requirements is “Who has say so?” Who
knows the business? Who knows the data best? Who has the authority to make decisions based on the goals
and objectives of the business and the way the system is designed?
Various individuals are allowed input into the requirements that are used to model the business and the
system. The primary informational resources for requirements gathering include the following:
 The customer
 The end user
 Internal management
 External management
In addition to compiling a business model based on the information gathered from these individuals, the
derived information will also be used to begin creating documentation for the business if it does not exist and
if the system is the new system.
Now is the time to begin the documentation process. Also, it is important to interview different types of
parties individually. For example, management and end users should be interviewed individually because
their goals and perceptions of the new system might differ dramatically. it might be best to involve all parties
in an initial interview or group discussion, as well as having a sort of grand finale meeting at the end of the
information gathering phase.
Customer and end user might or might not be the same individual.
Studying the Existing Processes
An essential piece of requirements gathering is studying existing processes. Whether a database currently
exists, business processes will exist that affect the design of the new database. Based on the need of a new
database, processes can be added, eliminated, or refined. Processes must be defined by management, the
customer, and the end user. The developer does not define process details, but rather captures all the steps
involved in each process, called process steps. Interviews should reveal all processes and their relationships
to one another. Interviews should also reveal the need for new or refined processes in conjunction with the
goals of the proposed database. The following are considerations for evaluating existing processes:
 Has a walk-through with the customer and end user been performed for each process?

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 How are business transactions currently handled?
 What is the goal of each process?
 Are the goals currently being met?
 How will the goals change based on the need for a new database?
 What unnecessary process steps currently exist?
 Which process steps are mandatory for the framework of the new database?
 Do the processes defined imply the use of data that has not yet been defined?
 Can processes be streamlined so that users can make better use of their time?
 What processes can be automated that are not already?
 Business requirements, once established, are used to define system requirements.
System Requirements
System requirements are those requirements that related to the system, referring to the database and the
application interface through which the user accesses the database. System requirements are those details,
many of which are associated with business requirements, which are used to actually design the system.
System requirements cannot be determined without the existence of business requirements because business
requirements are used to establish the needs for an information system. If a new system is being designed, the
requirements for the system are based solely on the business requirements that have been defined according
to the needs of the end user. If a system is being modified or redesigned, the requirements for the system are
based on business requirements, the requirements of the old system, the needs of the end user and business,
and proposed remedies for deficiencies in the old system.
With the assumption that all business requirements have been completely gathered, the development team
should feel confident about the conversion of business needs into system needs. The most difficult part of
designing a system is outlining the requirements and devising a plan in which to design the system. The
process of defining system requirements should, without question, simplify the process of physically
designing the database. If business needs have been converted into system needs accurately, the physical
design of the database should nearly take care of itself. There should be much tedious work involved in the
physical design of a database, which is why most developers tend to use some form of automated design tool.
Some of the following basic questions can be used to begin the process of determining system requirements
based on the business requirements that have partly been defined.
 How do the defined business requirements relate to the needs that a user has for a system?
 How will business needs be converted into system needs?
 Which processes are the most critical?
 Are all defined business processes associated with the needs of the system?
 Will all organizational units share the same system?
 Will information be gathered from an existing system?
 From what types of systems will information be gathered and used to populate the new system?
 Can processes, outlined in business requirements gathering, be simplified through the use of the
 Who are the users of the new system?
 If the end user and the customer are different individuals, how will these individuals interact with one
Determining System Requirements
System requirements refer to the combination of the back-end database and the application interface to the
database. The database is responsible for storing the data. The application is a mechanism through which the
end user can interact with the database. A typical application is comprised of ad hoc queries, reports, and
user input forms.
Although at this point in the design process, the focus is still on gathering the requirements for the business,
the developers should look ahead and begin thinking about how these requirements will apply to the
database. How will the business rules, processes, and data affect the forward motion of the design of the

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System requirements are derived from the information gathered from the interviews. In other words, business
requirements are converted into system requirements. The conversion of business requirements into system
requirements involves the following steps;
 Identifying the data
 Grouping the data that has been defined
 Establishing a list of fields
 Establishing data relationships

Requirements Analysis
The process of deciphering the requirements that have been gathered is called requirements analysis.
Supposing that all business and system requirements have been completely defined; it is time to start
modeling the database. However, before modeling and design begin, requirements analysis must first occur.
Requirements analysis is the process of analyzing the business and system requirements that have been
established. Requirements analysis is a sort of evaluation of the work that took place during the analysis
phase (information gathering). Different parties should be involved in the requirements analysis process. As
stated before, the end user and customer (they are sometimes the same individual) should have continual
input in the development process. Management and members of the development team also play a role
during requirements analysis.
The customer and end user are offered the chance to provide input by interviews and end-user feedback
sessions that are administered by members of the development team. The customer should verify that all
needs of the business have been considered, as the end user should verify that the needs of the information
system have been properly converted from the needs of the business.
Members of the development team have deliverables that must be turned in to their supervisor or the team
leader. The team leader is responsible for insuring that all objectives have been met within the scope of the
work has been assigned to the team. The team leader also has deliverables that are passed up to the project
lead, who passes deliverables up to management.
The project lead determines if the objectives have been met for the project from an overall perspective.
Management ensures that the objectives of the project have been met as promised to the customer.

Existing and proposed business models are identified.

A business model is an "abstract representation of a business, be it conceptual, textual, and/or graphical, of all
core interrelated architectural, co-operational, and financial arrangements designed and developed by an
organization presently and in the future, as well as all core products and/or services the organization offers, or
will offer, based on these arrangements that are needed to achieve its strategic goals and objectives.
"[5][6] This definition by Al-Debei, El-Haddadeh and Avison (2008) indicates that value proposition, value
architecture (the organizational infrastructure and technological architecture that allows the movement of
products, services, and information), value finance (modeling information related to total cost of ownership,
pricing methods, and revenue structure), and value network articulate the primary constructs or dimensions of
business models
Existing database and environment are documented according to work place procedure.


Understanding what you want from a system, before you create it.
We have a solution and intend to help those who are planning to document the existing legacy systems in
order to properly maintain, transform or migrate the legacy environment using latest technology.

Determine Suitability of Database Functionality and Scalability 4

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The concept of creating abstract plans before building a house is commonly understood and accepted. Similar
is the case with our system documentations. Despite this many software systems are still built without the
proper requirements being properly understood, gathered of documented for further references or feature.

Systems may have from dozens to thousands of requirements. The process whereby requirements are
Gathered, defined and described can be very simple, or very complex, based on the system under
Investigation. However the simple answer to all is to document the necessary.

So is your legacy application documentation non-existent or out dated? Is it becoming more and more
difficult to enhance your system or answer audit questions given the lack of documentation? Well often we
ignore these and it results in software that is difficult to use, fall short of expectations and or are expensive
due to extensive rework.

We are here ready to fill the gap and provide you with the necessary tools and know-how to generate
complete and accurate documentation, which will ease your life and the corporate pressure mounting.

Database functionality is confirmed with client.

LO2: Identify scalability and functionality requirements

Capacity of the database
The capability of database implies the capacity of a server to handle increasing numbers of users and data.
Ensure that the system has the capacity to grow with your data and your business. Remember you are likely to be
adding to the data all the time, so even though your requirement may not be huge right now, this can grow very
quickly if you are gathering and updating your data regularly as planned. Storage capacity planning is the practice of
assessing and forecasting future storage requirements so that just enough disk space can be purchased to meet the
needs of users and applications.

Factors that determine Database Capacity Planning

1. Working set size:
This is the set of data a system needs to address during normal operation. A complex system will have many
distinct working sets, but one or two of them usually dominate. In stream like applications such as email or a
news feed, the worki ng set can be much smaller than the total set.
2. Average transaction size:
This can be thought of as the working set of a single transaction performed by the system. How much data
does the system have to touch in order to serve a transaction? Downloading a photo and running a web
search involve similar sized answers sent to the client. However, the amounts of data touched in the
background are very different.
Request rate:

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How many transactions are expected per hour / minute / second? Is there a peak hour, or is demand steady?
In a search engine you may have 5 to 10 queries per user over a period of minutes. An online ebook reader
might see constant but low volumes of traffic. A game may require multiple transactions per second per user.
In short, the expected
throughput. The combination of thro
ughput and transaction size governs most of the total
data flow of the system.
Update rate:
This is a measure of how often data is added, deleted, and edited. An email
system has a high add rate, a low deletion rate, and an almost
zero edit rate. An ad auct
use case has ridiculously high rates for all three. A useful way to gauge how much to worry
about the update rate is to compare it to the read throughput. The growth rate of the data
also ties into the working set size or retention policy. A 0.1% growt
h rate implies a three
retention (365 * 3 is about 1,000), and vice
versa. A 1% rate implies 100 days.
Cheat Sheet: 8 Factors to Consider for Database
How quickly does an update have to spread through the system? For a
keyword advertising bid, a few minutes might be acceptable. Stock tr
ading systems have to
reconcile in milliseconds. A comments system is generally expected to show new comments
within a second or two, with frantic work backstage to provide the illusion of immediacy to
the commenter. Consistency is a critical factor if the
update rate is a significant portion of
the request rate. It is also critical if propagating updates is especially important to the
business, e.g. account signups or price and inventory changes.
What portion of the working set does one request ne
ed access to? How is that
portion defined? What is the overlap between requests? On one extreme you have search
engines: a user might want to query bits from anywhere in your system. In an email
application, the user is guaranteed to only access their inbo
x, a tiny well
defined slice of the
whole. In another instance, you may have a deduplicated storage for email attachments,

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leaving you prey to hot spots.
What math do you need to run on the da
ta? Can it be pre
computed and
cached? Are you doing
intersections of large arrays? Are you bringing the computation to
the data, or the other way around? Why?
How quickly are transactions supposed to return success or failure? Users seem to
be ok with a flight search or a credit card transaction taking several seconds. A web search
has to return within a few hundred milliseconds. An API that outside sys
tems depend on
should return in 100 milliseconds or less. It’s also important to think about the variance. It’s
arguably worse to answer 90% of queries in 0.1 seconds and the rest in 2 seconds, rather
than all requests in 0.2 seconds.

Database Scalability
Scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to
be enlarged to accommodate that growth.
Scalability means moving from a small scale database to a large scale database which can be addressed by
scaling out or by scaling up. The most scalable database will be one with a simplified schema, well-crafted
set-based code, excellent indexing, and minimal concurrency conflicts. When these four levels are all
optimized, we can then focus on the advanced scalability technologies.
There are two kinds of scalability: vertical and horizontal. Vertical scaling is just adding more capacity to a single
machine. Virtually every database product is vertically scalable to the extent that they can make good use of more
CPU cores[1], RAM, and disk space. With a horizontally scalable system, it's possible to add capacity by adding more
machines. By far, most database products are not horizontally scalable.

Scalability means the ability to expand the computer resources to handle the exponential growth   of work. It
refers to the system’s capacity to handle an increase in load by increasing the total output when resources are
added. Database scalability means the ability of a system’s database to scale up or down as per the
requirement. If the database isn’t scalable, then the processes can slow down or even fail which can be quite
detrimental to the business operations. Further, it enables the database to grow to a larger size to support
more transactions as the volume of business and/or customer count grows.
There are two types of database scalability :

1. Vertical Scaling or Scale-up

2. Horizontal Scaling or Scale-out

Let us look at each of them in detail.

Scale-up or Vertical Scaling

It refers to the process of adding more physical resources such as memory, storage and CPU to the existing
database server for improving the performance. Vertical scaling helps in upgrading the capacity of the
existing database server. It results in a robust system. Some of its pros include:

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Pros of Scaling-Up

 It consumes less power as compared to running multiple servers

 Administrative efforts will be reduced as you need to handle and manage just one system
 Cooling costs are lesser than horizontal scaling
 Reduced software costs
 Implementation isn’t difficult
 The licensing costs are less
 The application compatibility is retained

Cons of Scaling up

 There is a greater risk of hardware failure which can cause bigger outages
 Limited scope of upgradeability in the future
 Severe vendor lock-in
 The overall cost of implementing is really expensive

Scale-Out or Horizontal Scaling

When you add more servers with less RAM and processors, it is known as horizontal scaling. It can also be
defined as the ability to increase the capacity by connecting multiple software or hardware entities in such a
manner that they function as a single logical unit. It is cheaper as a whole and it can literally scale infinitely,
however, there are some limits imposed by software or other attributes of an environment’s infrastructure.
When the servers are clustered, the original server is scaled out horizontally. If a cluster requires more
resources to improve its performance and provide high availability, then the administrator can scale-out by
adding more servers to the cluster.

Pros of Scaling-out

 Much cheaper compared to scaling-up

 Takes advantage of smaller systems
 Easy to upgrade
 Resilience is improved due to the presence of discrete, multiple systems
 Easier to run fault-tolerance
 Supporting linear increases in capacity

Cons of Scaling-out

 The licensing fees are more

 Utility costs such as cooling and electricity are high
 It has a bigger footprint in the Data Center
 More networking equipment such as routers and switches may be needed

Scaling out is not a new concept but it has gained momentum as the storage startups create new structures
that leverage the power of modern x86 servers. This addresses various limitations of the older scale-up
architectures. However, there are some risks of this model. Each of the x86 servers is a failure domain that
doesn’t’t exist in a scale-up environment, which is usually handled by the layout of data on the array, where
the copies of data are kept on at least two nodes. Another risk of scaling-out is that upgrading the nodes is
quite complex and if you want to roll out new software to a hundred nodes, it becomes quite a tedious task.

Database scalability helps in eliminating performance bottlenecks. Understand your company’s scalability
needs and implement the same. It is critical that you the weigh the pros and cons of both vertical and
horizontal scaling before you decide on what to implement. What works for other companies may not work

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for you. Check the benefits of both the types against your requirements and you implement the right one.
Undoubtedly, you will be amazed by the results you achieve.

Scaling Out the Platform

The database has also been optimized by scaling hardware platform. In this case, Scaling is adding more
hardware to handle an increased load without modifying the database in order to move from a small scale
database to a large scale database.
The scalability bottleneck is typically the disk subsystem throughput. If you can use a SAN for your disk
subsystem, do so. A properly configured SAN will scale further than local disk subsystems. SANs offer four
significant benefits. They spread the files across several disk spindles. They use a high-speed fiber optic
connection. They typically include a very large RAM buffer to absorb bursts of traffic. And SANs can
usually perform a hardware level snapshot backup and restore.
Data models and Data structures
The processes of designing and redesigning a relational database involve the same basic steps. If the legacy
database is a relational database, then tables will still be tables. These tables, however, will be redesigned.
Some tables might look the same; others might be normalized or denormalized where appropriate. Views can
also be defined or refined during redesign. Depending on the RDBMS software used, new features and object
types can be integrated into the design.
If the legacy database differs from the relational model, such as a flat-file system, then flat files will have to
be converted into relational tables. For example, a file containing customer contact information can be
thought of as a table. Fields in the file can be thought of as columns. Normalization might be required to
optimally transform the flat-file database into a relational database. Denormalization might also occur at a
later date.
A legacy database can be used to feed the new database with data. For example, the legacy database might be
a combination of transactional (OLTP) and analytical processing (OLAP). The database might be redesigned
so that it is split into two separate databases, in which the OLAP feeds from the OLTP for historic and
summarized data. Or, the OLTP portion of the legacy database might stay intact, and the new database might
consist only of the OLAP portion of the legacy database. In any case, the basic design of data structures is the
same during legacy redesign.
Hardware and Software Requirements
Any proposal to redesign a legacy database comes with the possible need to upgrade hardware and software.
So we must have to assess and determine whether the newer equipment and software really necessary, if the
old equipment is obsolete, or of very little use, Or maybe the current configuration meets the needs of the
current information system, and will suffice for any near-future redesigns, if the old equipment meet the
organization’s needs performance-wise, if the organization actually use the new features in the latest version
of the desired software, if benefits will really be gained by investing in hardware and software upgrades, etc.
Then after, when upgrade is mandatory we invest a little bit more to improve the hardware components and
software that let us enhance database performance. However, the investments in new hardware and software
will yield only temporary improvements as compared to a quality database design.
Many organizations are becoming more willing to rely on new hardware and software to solve their design
and performance problems because of the plummeting costs of hardware and the increasing costs of
consulting and training. Too much focus on hardware, software, and tools, and too little focus on effort to
improve design, will diminish the value of the overall investment made by an organization. More hardware is
often a very temporary fix and might not at all solve the issues at hand. Yet many companies choose this path
and then when no other choice remains will redesign anyway, and of course balk at even more cost.
Database redesign might prompt us to consider the modifications of hardware components that include:
 Replace the host server
 Replace end-user workstations
 Increase host server disk space for growing data
 Increase host server memory
 Increase the number of CPUs on the host server

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 Upgrade network components
 Upgrade network cards in end-user workstations
Software to consider replacing with upgraded models includes:
Operating system software
Database software
Database design tools
Database administration software
Application development software
Redesign considerations relate to the database’s business function. The decision to redesign a database is a
simple yes or no answer when analysis facts are available. The most prevalent question to consider is: “Are
the potential improvements to business functions associated with the database worth the monetary cost to
redesign them?” There are several monetary costs to contemplate when a database has been selected for
possible redesign. Potential costs would fall into one of the following categories:
 Hardware purchases
 Software licensing for the RDBMS
 Software licensing for development and testing tools
 Employee and contracting manpower resources
The scope of the financial obligation depends on the size of the database redesign, the expected release date,
unexpected bottlenecks, and continued future enhancements and releases.
Future of the New Database
What is the future of the new database? You might begin to wonder whether any database has a real future
because of all the changes that the information technology world is experiencing. However, if a database is
well designed, it always has a future in an organization. In the event that a database is redesigned, the legacy
database gives life to the new database. The structure of the database might change, but the data lives. The
following catalysts affect the future of any database:
 Projection of new features
 Future releases of database
 Future releases of RDBMS software
 Future releases of other software
 The growth of the database
Redesigning a database will enable developers to use new RDBMS features.
Computer technology is moving so fast that by the time a new database is designed and implemented
into production, newer RDBMS features have since been introduced. Try to stay close enough to the
technology so that the newly redesigned database does not become a legacy database before its release.
The growth of the database, also affects the future of the database. As a database grows, more storage is
required. This means that it might be necessary to invest in additional hardware devices. As an alternative to
additional hardware, you could get rid of the old data to make room for the new. This involves archiving or
purging data, or a combination of both. If a particular database (that is, the way a database is designed) or an
RDBMS cannot handle the amount of data being generated, then the future of the database might be looking
somewhat grim. Luckily, data growth can usually be accommodated by increased physical disk space (which
is much less expensive than it used to be), or by archiving to tape (which can be read back to disk and
accessed when necessary).

Database replication
In environment where the database administrator has to manage more than one Server, the DBA will have to
distribute data from one Server to another Server, or another RDBMS. There are several reasons why a DBA
might want to replicate data. Some of them include:
 Fault tolerance/disaster recovery
 Application requirements
 Performance gains
 Data distribution

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Fault Tolerance/Disaster Recovery
Fault tolerance refers to the degree to which a system can withstand errors or problems. Faults generally fall
into two categories:
Local: These are confined to the server or server enclosure, e.g., hardware failure, OS or SQL Server crash,
human actions, and so on.
Regional: These are major disruptions such as earthquake, power failure, terrorist attack, and so on.
Such a solution would provide automatic failover; in the event of failure (regional or local), clients
connecting to one server will be seamlessly redirected to servers running in another location with minimal
data loss.
Application requirements
Replication is frequently used when applications require data to be consolidated from one or more servers to
a central repository; and/or to be transformed as it travels from one server to another. Frequently, DBAs will
work in environments where they have a central office with multiple branch offices and they need to
consolidate data centrally (often called point-of-sale, or POS, applications), or to distribute data to each
branch office. Replication can be used to replicate to the same database.
Performance gains
Replication is frequently used when we need to move our reporting functionality off our main SQL Server to
a separate SQL Server. With replication, we can have different indexes or even tables on our reporting server
and keep both servers in sync with the same data. We can also improve aggregate read performance by
replicating the same data to a bank of SQL Servers. For example instead of having 1,000 users reading a
single server, the load is distributed over 10 SQL Servers so that 100 users read a single server, achieving 10
times the read performance.
Data Distribution
Replication is often used when you need to support a large group of users from multiple servers. Each server
contains a copy of the same data, so it doesn’t matter which server a user relies on to obtain data. Distributing
the data also enhances many of the other reasons for using replication. We obtain fault tolerance by having
multiple copies of the data available on a number of machines. Even if one machine experiences downtime,
users can still access the data on another machine. Often, this redundancy addresses specific application
needs, such as performance or uptime requirements. Finally, by enabling users to access data from a
distributed source, the system can enhance performance by accessing the least loaded machine. There are
three basic replication types:
 Snapshot
 Transactional
 Merge
Distributed databases
SQL Server offers several methods of accessing data external to the current database. From simply
referencing another local database to executing pass-through queries that engage another client/server
database. Distribute system is a collection of independent computers that appear to the users of the system as a
single computer. Independent means that, architecturally, the machines are capable of operating
independently. The software enables this set of connected machines to appear as a single computer to the
users of the system.

Server clustering
Clustering is a technology that provides automatic failover. Failover clusters configure multiple servers that
share a single disk subsystem into a single virtual server, which provides a seamless switch from one
physical server to another in case of a server fault. Clustering involves sharing a database, SQL Server, or
resource between nodes. Clustering involves grouping two or more servers (called nodes) together to act as a
single virtual server.
Clustering is not a data distribution technology, rather a fault-tolerant solution designed to minimize
downtime or provide high availability. The nodes share resources among themselves.

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Clients connect to a virtualized SQL Server, which will connect to an underlying node to access the shared
resource. If a resource fails, the virtualized SQL Server/resource will be migrated to the failover node, with
little impact on the clients. In other word, if node experiences hardware failure or goes offline for
maintenance, then another node will host the virtual server, with minimal downtime for the clients. But
Clustering is limited by the distance between the nodes (typically, a distance that will allow 500 ms. round-
trips for pings).
The best method to achieve high-availability recovery is to implement failover servers by clustering. The
user connects to the virtual SQL Server and is unaware of which physical server is processing the request. A
SQL Server cluster is not a network load balancing cluster, which provides scalability for web servers. SQL
Server clusters provide redundancy, not scalability. Clusters do not balance the SQL load.
Each server in the cluster may be active or passive. An active/passive cluster is referred to as a single-
instance cluster. A cluster with multiple active servers (at least one database per server) is a multiple-instance
cluster. If an active server fails, a designated passive server automatically becomes active and takes over
from the shared transaction log and data file.
Database Mirroring
Database mirroring can be the next best thing for geographical load balancing and disaster planning. The
solution that resides between clustering and log shipping is the very exciting capability to mirror a database
from the primary server to a secondary server and switch from the primary to the secondary almost
seamlessly. A third server, called the witness, watches both the primary server and secondary server and then
notifies the secondary server to activate if the primary server goes down.
What makes database mirroring such a cool and flexible feature is that it does not depend on specific
hardware or the distance between nodes. Database mirroring is the combination of failover clustering without
the expensive hardware, and log shipping without all the manual intervention. For added redundancy,
database mirroring can be used in combination with log shipping and clustering.
Like transaction log shipping, database mirroring relies on the transaction logs to keep the mirror data
current. Because of this, the database that is going to be mirrored must be in full recovery mode.
Each database that is going to participate in database mirroring needs to have database endpoints configured.
The best way to do this is to back up the principal server and then restore it on the mirror. When the database
is restored, it should be done in no recovery mode.
The term architecture takes on varied meanings depending on who’s using the term, and their view, or scope.
For example:
Product architecture means designing a single application that solves a problem using multiple components.
Infrastructure architecture is the design of the network using routers, switches, firewalls, SANs &servers.
Data architecture is the organization and configuration of data stores.
Enterprise architecture attempts to manage all of these architectures for an entire organization, and is
commonly divided into three areas: infrastructure, application, and data.
The data abstraction layer is a key component of database architecture plan and it plays a major role in
determining the future extensibility and maintenance costs of the database.
Information Architecture: Information is an organizational asset, and, according to its value and scope, must
be organized, inventoried, secured, and made readily available in a usable format for daily operations and
analysis by individuals, groups, and processes, both today and in the future. The information architecture
principle states that the information must be readily available today and in the future, which requires that the
data store is extensible, able to be easily adapted to meet new requirements.
Since system architecture determine the way of functioning database as well as the scalability of database we
must have to identify the conceptual structure, logical organization and physical placement of system
(database system). Database system architecture includes Operating system on which DB server is installed
and which supports a server and DBMS software to perform computer’s basic function. There are various
operating systems such as Novell NetWare, Linux, Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Window 7, window 8, etc.
Database management software may also be considered as system architecture since it determines the way
that the computer performs the transaction and how client interact with the server. These softwareincludes
Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL server, Ingres, DB2, Informix, mSQL, MySQL, SQL server, etc.

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Thread and Task Architecture
Threads are an operating system feature that lets application logic be separated into several concurrent
execution paths. This feature is useful when complex applications have many tasks that can be performed at
the same time. When an operating system executes an instance of an application, it creates a unit called a
process to manage the instance. The process has a thread of execution. This is the series of programming
instructions performed by the application code. For example, if a simple application has a single set of
instructions that can be performed serially; there is just one execution path or thread through the application.
More complex applications may have several tasks that can be performed in tandem, instead of serially. The
application can do this by starting separate processes for each task.
Threads allow complex applications to make more effective use of a CPU, even on computers that have a
single CPU. With one CPU, only one thread can execute at a time. If one thread executes a long-running
operation that does not use the CPU, such as a disk read or write, another one of the threads can execute until
the first operation is completed. By being able to execute threads while other threads are waiting for an
operation to be completed, an application can maximize its use of the CPU. This is especially true for multi-
user, disk I/O intensive applications such as a database server. Computers that have multiple microprocessors
or CPUs can execute one thread per CPU at the same time. For example, if a computer has eight CPUs, it can
execute eight threads at the same time.
Memory Architecture
One of the primary design goals of all database software is to minimize disk I/O because disk reads and
writes are among the most resource-intensive operations. SQL Server builds a buffer pool in memory to hold
pages read from the database. Much of the code in SQL Server is dedicated to minimizing the number of
physical reads and writes between the disk and the buffer pool. SQL Server tries to reach a balance between
two goals:
 Keep the buffer pool from becoming so big that the entire system is low on memory.
 Minimize physical I/O to the database files by maximizing the size of the buffer pool.

Data Access Architectures

The Client/Server Database Model
The term client/server refers to any two cooperating processes. The client process requests a service from the
server process, which in turn handles the request for the client. The client process and the server process may
be on different computers or on the same computer: It’s the cooperation between the processes that is
significant, not the physical location.
The term client/server applies to many aspects of computing. File servers, print servers, and Internet service
providers (ISPs) are all client/server models. File servers provide files, print servers handle print requests,
and ISPs handle requests for Internet service. In the area of client/server databases, a database server process
handles database requests from the database client process.
Client/Server Databases
In a client/server database, the database client prepares a SQL request and sends it to the database server,
which in turn reads and processes the request. Inside the server, the security is checked, the indexes are
searched, the data is retrieved or manipulated, any server-side code is executed, and the final results are sent
back to the client.
All the database work is performed within the database server. If the client requests a data set, the data set is
prepared within the server and a copy of the data is sent to the client. The actual data and indexes never leave
the server. When the client requests an insert, update, or deletes operation, the server receives the SQL
request and processes the request internally.
The client/server–database model offers several benefits over the desktop database model:
 It improves reliability since the data is not spread across the network and several applications. Only one
process handles the data.
 Data integrity constraints and business rules can be enforced at the server level, resulting in a more
thorough implementation of the rules.
 Security is improved because the database keeps the data within a single server. Hacking into a data file
that’s protected within the server is much more difficult than hacking into a data file on a workstation.

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 It improve performance since it balance work load among workstations and server. In other word half,
of the workload, (database processing), is being handled by the server, and the workstations are only
handling the user-interface half.
 It reduces network traffic.
Client/Server Roles
In a client/server database configuration, each side plays a specific role. If the roles are confused, then the
performance and integrity of the client/server database application will suffer.
The database server is responsible for the following roles:
 Processing data modification and retrieval requests
 Performing data-intensive processing
 Enforcing all database rules and constraints
 Enforcing data security
The database client process should be responsible for the following roles:
 Presenting the data to the user in an easily recognizable, inviting, and useful format
 Providing an interface to the various tools, data, and reports
 Submitting requests to the server
N-Tier Design
In a client/server application, more processes are involved besides the database client and the database-
server process. Middle tiers are often employed to handle connection handling, connection pooling, and
business logic.
A middle tier that handles connections is useful because multiple users can take advantage of a few
constantly open connections to the database server. This type of connection, however, affects the way the
database server can authenticate individual users. The database-security plan will have to take this into

Determine Suitability of Database Functionality and Scalability 14

Adama Polytechnic College
LO3: Prepare report
Documented database is a well designed database. Because documentation provides an overall picture of the
database as a whole, it must be updated as well. It is accumulated during the design phases and life of a
database and it should be modified as long as changes are being made to the database. Documentation is an
on-going process, which means that in order to be managed properly; it must be integrated from the
beginning and constantly revised throughout the life of a database. Management should be provided
documentation that outlines the work accomplished during a design effort. Through the use of the
documentation, management should gain an understanding of the layout of the database and measure the
worth of the database as it applies to the goals of the business. The customer documentation should pertain to
the business and the application of the database to meet the goals of the business. Design team management
should be provided documentation concerning the existing state of the database and all deliverables, so future
design efforts of the current or new database can be more easily managed.
Documentation is valuable to individual design team members because they must learn and maintain an
understanding of the business during development. As new members are added to the design team, they need
to be brought up to speed as quickly as possible, especially when dealing with high-priced consultants. The
documentation compiled throughout the design effort will be used in the end to formulate end-user
documentation that can be used during training and as a reference to the end user.
Lack of documentation causes duplicated effort and wastes valuable time& leads to one of the major pitfalls:
 Database design
 Database implementation
 End-user training
 Transition during database changes
 Job turnover and training
Documentation involved in the information gathering stage of database design includes:
 A high-level work plan
 A strategy document
 A detailed requirements document
Redesigning brings new business rules and architecture that should be thoroughly documented. Thorough
documentation is always a complement to a database. It is an essential part of the initial analysis and redesign
strategy. It is necessary to review the existing documentation to analyze existing business processes.
Documentation can help reveal deficiencies and bottlenecks with the legacy system. The two most important
types of documentation are:
System documentation
System documentation contains information about the system itself. It contains design plans, diagrams, and
other information associated with the structure of the system. The system is made up of both the back-end
database and the user application. System documentation should include information about the interaction
between the database and the application, as well as proposed hardware and software configurations. System
documentation is used mainly by the technical team in understanding the system. This documentation also
helps in the event that the system is redesigned in the future, or used as a reference to design a similar
End-user documentation
End-user documentation should be brought up-to-date as well. End-user documentation contains information
about the application interface to the database. This documentation describes the features and uses of the
application, as related to the database. End-user documentation is a good source for end-user training. This
documentation is also useful in gathering information about an existing system during redesign, and
understanding the end users’ daily functions.
Prepare Report
After you document database functionality and scalability; you must have to prepare report on database
functionality and scalability which is submitted to client for review. Then after the necessary adjustments
take place for final approval.

Determine Suitability of Database Functionality and Scalability 15

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The project report is a document, which gives an account of the project proposal to ascertain the prospects of the
proposed plan/activity. The project report contains detailed information about: Land & building required.
Manufacturing Capacity per annum. Manufacturing Process

Determine Suitability of Database Functionality and Scalability 16

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