LAPORAN LENGKAP Pengenalan Mikroskop

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Complete report of basic Biology Experiment entitle “How To Use

Microscope and Observation of Microscope” which made by :
Name : Nia Anriyani
id : 1714440005
class : Education of Biology ICP
group :1
After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so the report accepted.

Makassar, November 9th 2017

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.Pd Nurainun Fitriani, S.Pd

Lecture of Responsibility

Drs. H. Hamka L, M.S

NIP : 19621231 198702 1 005

A. Background
Eyes are the one of five sense of human, by using eyes we could see
all what is arround us. We can see who the person in front of us, we can see
the light, we can see the beautiull skies. There are opininion that eyes has
been called as the most complex organ in our body, simultaneously as the
important organ. The general fungsion of eyes is how to see what we can see
clearly without any need tools.
Human eyes is consist from cornea, pupil, lens, iris, conjuctiva,
ciliary body, vitreaus body, anterior chamber, sclera, choroid, retina, optic
nerve, optic disc, and many more that couldn’t mention one bye one. But in
fact, Human senses have separate power capabilities are limited, because the
tools needed to observe objects whose size is small or microscopic. One of
the tools used to observe objects that are microscopic in size is called
microscopy. The microscope is an instrument for observing objects that
have a small size. Microscope serves to increase one's power split, making it
possible to be able to observe objects very smooth.
Microscope is a tool which help to see a microorganism thing that
couldn’t see with human eyes. Microscope can be find in every
laboratorium, such Laboratorium of Biology, Laboratorium of Chemistry,
Laboratorium of Pharmacy, Laboratorium of Medicine and the other. The
firs who discover a microscope was Zachras Janssen which is used to see
objects that are very small in size and difficult to reach when using the
naked eye. The discovery of this microscope greatly influences the
development of science.
Microscope is very useful in biological studies, actualy for another
dicipline knowladge such chemistry also which is to help observe objects
that are very small such as microorganisms and cell parts as like as this
oexperiment material.Therefore, as a practitioner we must first know what is
the microscope, what is that parts, functions and uses, as well as how the use
of a microscope. So this experiment is important to do.
B. Purpose
The university student have skilled to use a microschope quicly and
savely to see the simple preparation.
C. Benefict
Students can learn the parts of the microscope with its functions to know
how to use it, and learn some plant cell shape differences observed in the

The shape and type of microscope develops in line with the development of
science and technology. The simplest microscope is a light microscope, a
microscope to a modern one like an electron microscope. The more modern, the
larger the magnification becomes, the greater the magnification. Based on the
appearance of the observed object, the microscope is divided into two types,
namely a two dimensional microscope (light microscope) and  three-dimensional
microscope (stereo microscope). Based on the light source, the microscope
divided into light microscopes and electron microscopes. (Ary sugiarto, 2010 : 1)
Light of microscopy is one of the most commonplace and informative
techniques used in the biological science. Over the years, an enermous range of
michroscopy methods have been developmed. (M.A Le Gros, 2009)
Light miroscopy involves the use of visible light and glass lenses to
magnify and observe a specimen. Further advences in microscopy led to the
development of electron microscopy, which uses electron passing through or
bouncing off material. Electrons microscopy has revealed much greater detail
than observable with the light microscope. (Eric Wise, 2009:19)
Since an unaided eye cannot detect anything smaller than 0,1 mm (10 -4
merters) in diameter, cells, tissues, and many small organism are beyond our
visual capability. A light microscope extends our vission a thousand times, so that
objects as small as 0,2 micrometers (2 x 10-7 meteres) in diameter can be seen.
The electron microscope further extends our viewing capability down to 1
nanometer (10-9 meters). At this level, it is possible to see the outlines of
individual protein or nucleic acid molecules. Needless to say, microscopy has
greatly improved our understading of the normal and pathological funcitions of
organism. (Warren D. Dolphin, 2005:11)
Microscopists improve contrast by using stain that bind to cellular
structures and absord light to provide contrast. Some stains are specific for certain
chemicals. Other nonspecific and stain all structures. To summarize, good
microscopy involves three factors : Resolution, magnification, and contrast. A
beginning biologist must learn to manipulate a microscope with these factors in
mind to gain access to the world that exists beyond what can be seen with the
unaided eye. (Warren D. Dolphin, 2005:12)
Microschope Optic consist of two kind, that is : Biological Microschpe
and Streo Microschope. The Biological Microschope is using for thin transparant
object of observation or simple preparation. The lightning is given from bottom of
microschope with natural light or lamp. Generaly, a biological microschope has
an oculer lens and objective lens with magnification, such :
1. Objective 4x with oculer 10x, magnification 40x
2. Objective 10x with oculer 10x, magnification 100x
3. Objective 40x with oculer 10x, magnification 400x
4. Objective 100x with oculer 10x, magnification 1000x
The stronger objective in microschope is 1000x, called emersi objective,
because the way to using this must use an emersi oil with specifically. While the
microschpe streo is using for seing an object which is not large over, transparant
or not. (Tim Penyusun, 2017:1)
Microscopy can be defined as a techique to visualise the minute objects that
are not visible through naked eye. Light and electron microscopes are used to
examine the biological specimens for celluar details. There are three well-known
branches of microscopy: optical, electron, and scanning probe microscopy.
Optical and electron microscopy involve the diffraction, reflection, or refraction
of electromagnetic radiation/electron beams interacting with the specimen, and the
collection of the scattered radiation or another signal in order to create an image.
Scanning probe microscopy involves the interaction of a scanning probe with the
surface of the object of interest. (Peer reviewed journal, 2017)
The microba cell which have a very small size is the unit of biology
structure. There are lot of microba that only have one cell, so that all of
assignment is doing by its cell. But, therefor microba have a many cell
(multiseluler). In the body of microba, every section has an own job. Even though
the cell organisation is not complate yet. After discovering an electron
microschope, we could see the soft structure in the alive cell, so that we knew the
expansion of that cell there are two type of its body :
1. Prokariota (procariot body/ primitif), it is the uncomplate expansion of cell
2. Eukariota (eukariot body), is the complate expansion body. Which that
organsm complate. (sri sumarsih, 2003: 5)

A. Tools and Materials

1. Tools
a. Microscope
2. Materials
C. Work Procedure
1. Prepared Microscope
a. Put the microscope on the work table who presence with yourself
b. Cleaned the microscope and the tools (important to remember that
do not ever clean those lens with textile be sides Fanels)
c. Opened who consist Object Mirror and Close Mirror
d. Prepared all about your practicum’ss work like microscope, tool
box with its substance, guide book and note, the materials who
want to be you used
2. Arranged Enter Light On Tube
a. Noted the state in your lab space, where direction of a brighter
light. Point light source to the microscope mirror and open the
aperture at the position of the holes are. Microscope condenser
which has a dosage adjusted its position close to the table and use
a flat mirror.
b. Adjusted the position of the lens revolver so that the shortest
objective lens facing preparation table until a "click"
c. Tubus down until the end objective with a distance of 5-10mm
preparation table or tubus down maximum.
d. Observed through the eye piece with the left eye. If you move it
slightly uneven brightness mirror until its explained evenly. If
glare, narrow aperture or hole in the plate. if the field of view is
still obscure means less incoming light, aperture open and use a
larger hole in the plate
e. Microscope was ready to used
3. How to adjust the distance of the lens with the preparation
a. Rotated in the direction of the master regulator of rude finger,
tubus down, distance objective with a smaller dosage table, do the
opposite. The dosage table moves up and down when playing
macrometers and micrometers.
b. Pairs of glass objects on a table so that the preparation materials
observed in the middle of the table. Flops glass objects so as not
to shake.
c. Noted the distance objective with glass objects no more than 10
mm. If the distance is big, turn macrometer to reduce tubus while
viewed from the side glass objects approaching the end objective
to maximum 5-10 mm.
d. Observed through the eyepiece while hand turning tubus
macrometer and increase slowly. Observe terrain shadows of view
to emerge clearly.
e. Checked magnification eyepiece and objective. and note how the
f. If it is observed, removed the preparations.
4. Made simply preparations
Observed the object
a. Took the glass objects that have been cleaned
b. Material that had been put in very thin slices on glass objects and
used as drops with water
c. Put a cover glass on glass objects near the water droplets so that
appropriated cover then remove water droplets.
d. Tide preparations you made at the counter preparations and observe
as step 3b, 3c, 3d and 3e.
5. Changed Mixture
a. If the observations are successful, shadow grew longer visible.
Position preparations or tubus not touched
b. Rotated it so that the objective lens longer perpendicular to the
preparation table and a click
c. Telescoped while playing micrometer until a larger shadow
d. If it fails to find a bigger shadow. Tubus raised by turning the
master finger macrometer opposite direction. Roll back the
revolver to position the objective lens is weak in its original
position. Without changed the position of preparations, did return
3c treatment, 3d, 3e, go to 5a, 5b, 5c, until it works.
e. When will observed other objects, then raise the tubus. Take out
the preparation that already observed and clean the glass objects
and glass cover .
f. Created new dosage appropriate steps 4a up to 4f
g. At the end of the activity used the microscope, should paid
attention to the following matters :
1. Saved preparations preparations should not be on the table, should
be excluded
2. Cleaned the wet mount with filter paper or cotton cloth. Store it in
a petri dish and put into the gear box
3. Cleaned the microscope body with a flannel cloth. Lowering
tubus with as low as possible.
4. Saved the microscope in the box microscope
5. Cleaned all equipment that has been worn with cotton cloth and
keep it in its box
6. Kept your own equipment to be used in the next activity.
7. Discarded the rest of the ingredients that are not used again at
bins available

A. Observation Result
1. Microscope

Microscope Notes

1. Ocular lens
2. Macrometer
3. Micrometer
4. Handle
5. Mechanical drive
6. Inclination punk
7. base
4 8. Mirror
14 9. Kondensor regulator
13 5
12 10. Di
10 aphragm
9 6
8 11. C
12. se
diaan table
13. Cl
14. ob
jektif lens
15. Re
16. Tu

B. Discussion
Microscope is a tool that used to observe objects which are small
or micro-organisms. In this experiment the object that can be seen under a
microscope as a tool that is small in the the sharp of cell stomata,
trichomes, cytoplasm, nucleus, and the structure of preparations. The
component of microscope are Eyepiece, Tubus, Makrometer, Arm,
Micrometer, Revolver, Objective Lens, Sengkeling, Preparation Table,
Condensor, Diaphragm, Mirror and Legs.
Every section of microscope has a function there is :
1. Ocular Lens, Okuler lens is a lens that close to the observer’s eye to a
form a shadow
2. Macrometer, the fungtion is to move obejective lens
3. Mincrometer, the fugtion is same with macrometer but little softly
4. Handle, this is where we can hold when we take the microscop away
5. Mechanical drive, the fungtion is to keep the object
6. Inclination punk, the fungtion is to change the microscoper position
7. Base, the fungtion is to help the microscope to stand
8. Mirror, the fungtion is to refletion the light
9. Kondensor regulator, the fungtion is to change the position of
objective lens
10. Diaphragm, the fungtion is to change the position of objective lens
11. Condensor, the fungstion just the same with Kondensor regulator
12. Preparation table, the fungtion is as the place of the object
13. Clipis, the fungtion is to keep the position of the object
14. Objective lens, the fungtion is to observe the object
15. Tubus, is the place of oculer lens
There are 2 type of microscope, that is Biological Microscope and
Streo Microscope. And microscope also contains two section, : mecanical
section and optic section. The mecanical section such legs, arm, tube, base,
eyepiece or oculer, and stage. While the optic section such optic lens,
diaphragm, mirror, objective lens.

A. Conclusion
Microscope is a tool used to observe the structure of objects that
are small or micro-organisms that can’t be seen with the naked eye.
Microscope that uses light called an optical microscope that can be divided
into biological microscope or stereo or monocular and binocular
microscopes. Ther are two kind of microschpe section : The mecanical
section and the optic section. The components of the microscope are
Eyepiece, Tubus, Makrometer, Arm, Micrometer, Revolver, Objective
Lens, , Preparation Table, Condensor, Diaphragm, Mirror and Legs
B. Suggestion
1. For practioners need to be more carefully to take a data and not to
hurryhurry,so that the sample will be more accurate.
2. For assistant, need to be explain more about this theme of experiment
a nand give more direction for practioners. So that, the practioners can un
un dunderstand.
Ari, 2010. Jenis- enis Mikroskop accessed on 06 november 2017
Murphy, B Doughlas, 2001. Fundamental Of Light Microscopy and Electronic
Imaging. USA.
Wise, Eric. 2009. Anatomy And Psycology Manual Lab. USA
Dolphin, Warren D. Biological investigation seventh edition form fungtion
diversuty and process. USA
Le Gros, M A., McDermotte, G., 2009. Journal Of Microscopy. California USA
Penyusun, Tim. 2017. Penuntun Praktikum Biologi Umum. Makassar: Universitas
Negeri Makassar.
Sumarsi, Sri 2003. Buku Ajar Mikrobiologi, jurusan ilmu tahan faukultas
pertanian UP “veteran”: Yogyakarta.

Answer the question:

1. The names of the optical part of the microscope are:
a. The objective lens
b. ocular lens
c. condenser
d. mirror
2. The names of the mechanical parts of the microscope are:
a. base
b. pole
c. arm
d. regulator condenser
e. diaphragm
f. counter preparations
g. Sengkeling
h. mechanical propulsion
i. Hole preparation table
j. Makrometer
k. micrometer
l. Tube
m. Revolver
3. If the shadow in the left-field shifted to the front, then the glass objects /
preparation shifts to the rear right character shadow that appears real,
inverted, enlarged, so it should be shifted in the opposite direction.
4. The negative effects on a microscope lens when rubbed with a cloth or
paper plain / rough will cause blisters lens so as not to increase the
maximum in the object being observed.

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