Heatsink Efficiency
Heatsink Efficiency
Heatsink Efficiency
1, 2014
1Abstract—Research and optimisation of cooling of electronic II. COMPONENTS USED FOR THE EXPERIMENTS
components using heat sinks becomes increasingly important in
The heat sink made by company Wakefield Thermal
modern industry. Numerical methods with experimental real-
world verification are the main tools to evaluate efficiency of Solution was selected (Table I) [2].
heat sinks or heat sink systems. Here the investigation of
relatively simple heat sink application is performed using
modelling based on finite element method, and also the Forced
potential of such analysis was demonstrated by real-world convection
measurements and comparing obtained results. Thermal Dimensions Thermal
Standard Number dissipation
modelling was accomplished using finite element analysis of heat sink, resistance
P/N of fins [W],
(mm) at 300
software COMSOL and thermo-imaging camera was used to 60 ºC rise
measure the thermal field distribution. Ideas for future heat sink to
research involving improvement of the experimental setup and ambient
modelling verification are given. 57.9x61x24.
517-95AB 8 11 W 2 ºC/W
Index Terms—Finite Element Method, heat sinks,
temperature measurement. After heat sink selection the transistor and the diode were
selected. In this work the heat sink is investigated in
I. INTRODUCTION environments containing natural and forced convection
All components including capacitors, inductors and types. From the specifications of heat sink it is known, that
semiconductor devices which are used in power converters the dissipated power of heat sink is 11 W when the natural
have maximum operating temperatures defined by convection is used. Also from specifications we know that
manufacturer. Increased power density is the main factor the thermal resistance is equal to 5.45 ºC/W. As it can be
which influences the thermal management to become so seen from Table I the thermal resistance of the forced
important. Researchers look for new methods how to convection is equal 2 ºC/W which means that the dissipated
increase the systems cooling efficiency and engineers try to power can be 2.72 times larger than under natural
optimize the placement of components on PCB which convection. So, the theoretical total dissipated power can be
improves cooling possibilities as well. In modern industry, achieved around 30 W. When the maximum dissipated
the cooling efficiency of a system is primarily determined by power is known, the transistor and the diode can be chosen.
using numerical modelling techniques [1]. In order to investigate the thermal management, it is better to
There is a wide range of numerical methods used in choose the transistor with larger on-resistance value.
thermal analysis like boundary element method, finite TABLE II. SPECIFICATIONS OF THE USED
difference method, and finite element method. Nowadays the TRANSISTOR AT TC = 25 ºC.
finite element method is most widely used to analyse, Maxi-
Maxi- Thermal
simulate, optimize and design electronic devices and their mum Opera- Thermal Max
mum resistance
On- conti- ting and resistance Drain to
systems. Most material properties are temperature- power junction
resistan- nuous storage junction source
dissipat to
dependent, and this effect introduces multi-physics ce, [Ω] drain temperatu
to case,
modelling, for example connecting electrics and heat transfer current, re, ºC ºC/W [V]
[W] ºC/W
physics in one area. Finite element analysis software 0.85 8 -55 to 150 125 1 62.5 500
COMSOL Multiphysics was selected to perform modelling in
our case. Of course, transistor typically dissipates much more
power than the diode. In this case, when the 30 W power is
required, the diode power loss almost doesn’t influence the
Manuscript received January 28, 2013; accepted April 4, 2013. total power. Thus, transistor is the predominant power
dissipator and should be selected primarily. Both The thermal circuit of the experimental system is shown in
components were selected to produce the total dissipated Fig. 1, where TJ – junction temperature [ºC], TA – ambient
power a little larger than 30 W. temperature [ºC], RSA – heat sink thermal resistance [ºC/W],
The chosen transistor is IRF840 with TO-220 package RJC – thermal resistance of junction to case [ºC/W] which is
type, produced by Fairchild semiconductor and the main defined by the manufacturer, RCS – thermal resistance case to
specifications of the transistor regarding to thermal heat sink [ºC/W]. RCS resistance is user defined and it is
management are presented in Table II [3]. defined by thermal interface material which is used between
When the transistor is chosen, the diode can be selected. component and heat sink. This resistance is very small and
The diode was selected regarding to the maximum current of sometimes is neglected in the calculation. The thermal
the transistor. The diode is 10TQ045 with TO-220 package circuit is shown without resistances values, because it
type from International Rectifier. The main specifications of represents only how the resistances of the all system are
the diode regarding thermal management are presented in interconnected. Certainly, values of some resistances are
Table III [4]. fixed and don’t change in the circuit. These resistances are
the junction to case and case to heat sink (TMI resistance).
The ground of the thermal circuit is chosen equal to the
Maximum Maximum
Thermal ambient temperature.
IF(AV) at 50 % forward Operating and
rectangular voltage drop storage
junction to
Before experiments and simulations in COMSOL
waveform and at TJ=125 ºC temperature, ºC Multiphysics the flow rate of the fan is estimated (expressed
case, ºC/W
TJ=151 ºC, [A] and 10 A, [V]
10 0.49 -55 to 175 2
in m/s). The radiation emissivity of the black anodized heat
sink is in the range from 0.82 to 0.86 and in the emissivity
As it can be seen, the diode dissipated power could be for experiment setup is chosen equal to 0.85 [6]. These
around 2 W in this case. So, it is just few watts comparing values have to be defined during the modeling. The same
with the theoretical total dissipated power. 0.85 emissivity is defined in thermo-camera.
Firstly the flow rate it is converted from CFM into m/s.
TABLE IV. SPECIFICATIONS OF THE USED FAN. The square-shaped fan has dimensions 50 mm x 50 mm.
Static Then LFM is estimated and the correction factor is chosen
Voltage Consumed Air
Size, Current, Speed, pressure,
[Inch- equal to 80 % which is introduced into the equation
[V] [W] [CFM]
50x5 CFM
5 181 0.9 4300 11 0.11 LFM , (1)
Eventually, the DC axial flow fan was chosen from where A is fan area.
Multicomp. The main specifications of the fan are given in Value of LFM is recalculated into m/s (1.66 m/s) has to be
Table IV [5]. applied when the forced convection is investigated.
Detailed experimental system modelling algorithm using
The experiments and simulations were accomplished
using selected transistor, diode, heat sink and fan. Additional IV. SYSTEM MODEL IN COMSOL
thermal interface material (TMI) of type MK3306-Insulating Dimensions of components are presented in [2]–[5]. Exact
kit from Multicomp was used between the transistor or diode dimensions are used to develop the spatial model in the
and the heat sink and was applied to TO-220 components. COMSOL Multiphysics [7], [8]. M3 type screw is used. The
The TMI is made from mica which has the thermal silicon chip of the transistor and the diode has dimensions
conductivity equal to 0.71 (W/m*K) and its dimensions are 3 mm x 3 mm x 0.3 mm. In Fig. 2 the created spatial model
19mm x 15 mm x 0.1 mm. The transistor and the diode are of experimental system is presented with designated
screwed to the heat sink. For experiments the thermo- materials. The geometry model with generated finite element
imaging camera was used and all experiments were made mesh is shown in Fig. 3. The thermal conductivities of all
under steady state condition. Gate to source voltage applied designated materials in COMSOL are given in Table V.
to the transistor is equal to 12 V.
Ptransistor TA
Fig. 1. Thermal circuit of the experimental system. Fig. 2. Geometry model with designated materials.
measured at the centre of the heat sink. The results when the
distance between components is equal to 26 mm are given in
Table VII, and for distance equal to 33.5 mm are given in
Table VIII.
Fig. 3. Model with finite element mesh. 2.0 1.791 0.396 0.896 3.582 0.791 61.4 48.5 47.5
2.498 2.910 0.391 1.165 7.269 0.976 86.3 60.8 60.1
2.855 4.327 0.38 1.516 12.354 1.085 123.0 78.0 77.4
Material Thermal conductivity (W/m*K)
Silica glass 1.38
Aluminium alloy 6063 200 Vtransistor, Vdiode, RON, Ptransistor, Pdiode, Ttransistor, Tdiode, THeatsink,
Mica 0.71 I, [A]
[V] [V] [Ω] [W] [W] [ºC] [ºC] [ºC]
Copper 400 0.521 0.349 0.371 0.670 0.182 0.193 33.2 31.9 31.3
Steel AISI 4340 54
Silicon 150 1.010 0.7048 0.390 0.698 0.712 0.394 35.1 33.6 32.3
Nylon 66 33 % glass fill 0.27 1.498 1.167 0.395 0.779 1.748 0.591 44.9 39.0 37.9
FR4 0.3 2.012 1.837 0.396 0.913 3.696 0.797 60.4 47.5 46.9
2.504 2.912 0.390 1.193 7.292 0.977 86.2 60.5 60.1
Real measurements were taken when the system was 2.814 4.293 0.382 1.526 12.081 1.075 123.0 75.5 77.6
placed on top of paper book; during modeling PCB made
from FR4 was used as a base. Its conductivity is poor (0.03 TABLE VIII. RESULTS WHEN THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE
W/m*K) and it was assumed that it doesn’t influence the TRANSISTOR AND THE DIODE IS EQUAL TO 33.5 MM.
Vtransistor, Vdiode, RON, Ptransistor, Pdiode, Ttransistor, Tdiode, THeatsink,
thermal distribution. Additional verification of thermal I, [A]
[V] [V] [Ω] [W] [W] [ºC] [ºC] [ºC]
conductivity of different base materials should be made in 0.510 0.338 0.373 0.663 0.172 0.190 33.9 32.1 30.9
future investigations. 1.005 0.694 0.391 0.690 0.697 0.393 35.8 33.7 32.9
The estimated convective coefficient is applied for 1.492 1.135 0.397 0.761 1.693 0.592 43.4 38.0 37.2
vertical orientation and the radiation is used 0.85 for 1.990 1.743 0.398 0.876 3.469 0.792 58.3 46.4 45.1
transistor encapsulation, heat sink, the top of the surface of
2.501 2.890 0.394 1.156 7.228 0.986 86.2 59.0 59.1
PCB and bush, because they are main contributors of the
2.833 4.309 0.381 1.521 12.207 1.079 123.0 74.4 77.0
radiation. It is assumed that other surfaces don’t radiate the
power. The average ambient temperature for all simulations
cases is applied equal to 27 ºC which is chosen from
measurements with the FLIR T200 thermo-camera. However
in each case the boundary conditions can vary dependent on
the situation. The variable parameter is the dissipated power
of each component chip. In simulations the current is not
applied to pins of the transistor and the diode (the total
resistance of all pins approaches zero), because silicon chips
of both components dissipate relatively a lot of power.
V. MEASUREMENTS UNDER NATURAL CONVECTION Fig. 4. The temperature distribution when the distance between the
transistor and the diode is 16.51 mm, one outflow covered.
At first measurements were made without fan. The results
were measured using thermo-camera and the multimeter Picture of thermal field measured using thermo-camera is
AMPROBE 38XR-A. The emissivity in thermo-camera was shown in Fig. 4. The temperature increase of the diode in
defined equal to 0.85. The voltage drop on the diode and the respect of the distance between the transistor and the diode
transistor was measured using multimeter. is shown in Fig. 5. The dissipated power dependent on
All experiments are done when heat sink is placed on the distance at 123 ºC transistor temperature is shown in Fig. 6.
plane as it is shown in Fig. 2. Three distances between the
transistor and the diode were used (16.51 mm, 26.00 mm,
33.50 mm). The maximum temperature of the transistor
reached close to 123 ºC in all experiments.
At first analysis was performed when one heat sink
outflow is covered and the distance between the transistor
and the diode is equal to 16.51 mm (first case). The results
are presented in Table VI. The heat sink temperature is Fig. 5. Temperature of the diode: dependency on distances.
Also the experiment was made when both heat sink sides
were open for airflow (Fig. 8). Firstly the maximum
temperature of transistor (123 ºC) was reached and then the
orientation of heat sink was changed. Then the temperature
increased to 127 ºC and current dropped from 2.855 A to
2.72 A.
Fig. 6. Dissipated power of the transistor in respect of distances from the
The largest dissipated power can be achieved when the
After experiments under natural convection the reference
distance between components is 16.51 mm and the transistor
point measurement was made. This measurement was done
is placed almost in the centre of the heat sink.
to find approximate value of maximum temperature of
In simulation the heat conduction, heat convection and the
transistor chip. The temperature was compared with the
radiation are used. The convection coefficient comprised of
thermocouple readings. The thermocouple was inserted
limited (between fins) and free convection is applied equal
under the screw on the transistor. The picture of the
to 4 (W/m2*K). The radiation coefficient is used 0.85 as in
measurement setup is shown in Fig. 9.
experiments case. The dissipated power for diode is applied
equal to 1.1 W and for transistor it is chosen to use 12.2 W.
These dissipated powers are chosen same for all three
distance values for the purpose of comparison of the
temperature distribution. The result of simulation when the
distance between the transistor and the diode is equal to
26 mm is presented in Fig. 7.
Fig. 8. Measured temperature distribution with both heat sink outflows The temperature of transistor case was measured when the
open. distance between the transistor and the diode was the largest.
The current of 2.5 A was applied. It is known that the The next experiment was made when the heat sink base
encapsulation of the TO-220 package has emissivity around was perpendicular to air flow and both air outflows were
0.92 [6]. Thermal images made with the thermo-camera at open.
different emissivity are shown in Fig. 10. The error of
temperature measurements due to difference of emissivity
(0.85 and 0.92) was checked for ambient temperature and I, [A] 3.326 3.432 3.587
maximum operating temperature of transistor encapsulation Vtransistor, [V] 4.078 4.636 6.007
and it ranged from 2 ºC to 5 ºC. Vdiode, [V] 0.428 0.427 0.424
From IRF840 transistor datasheet it is known that the RON, [Ω] 1.226 1.351 1.675
Ptransistor, [W] 13.563 15.911 21.547
junction to case thermal resistance is equal to 1º C/W. The
Pdiode, [W] 1.422 1.465 1.521
thermocouple mounted on the case of the transistor is very
Ttransistor, [ºC] 87.7 98.2 123.0
close to the chip and the maximum temperature point of the Tdiode, [ºC] 39.5 44.2 47.9
transistor. It can be assumed that the thermal resistance THeatsink, [ºC] 40 42 46
junction to case is the same (1º C/W) on that point. The
temperature measured with thermocouple at that point was It can be seen from Table X that applied current is a little
74 ºC. In this case the dissipated power in the transistor was larger than before, because we have airflow flowing through
estimated equal to 7 W. When the necessary values are both sides of the heat sink.
known the junction temperature can be calculated The last experiment with fan was when airflow is parallel
to the heat sink base, i.e. fan attached to the side of heat
TJ 7 1 74 81C . (2) sink.
It can be seen from Fig. 11 that the reference temperature TABLE XI. RESULTS WHEN THE HEAT SINK BASE IS PARALLEL TO
measured by thermo-camera very close to thermocouple is I, [A] 3.315 3.441 3.565
around to 75 ºC. The emissivity of the copper was used Vtransistor, [V] 4.167 4.801 5.595
equal to 0.23. Vdiode, [V] 0.425 0.424 0.425
RON, [Ω] 1.257 1.395 1.569
VII. MEASUREMENTS UNDER FORCED CONVECTION Ptransistor, [W] 13.814 16.520 19.946
Pdiode, [W] 1.407 1.459 1.515
Measurements with fan were made when the distance Ttransistor, [ºC] 87.5 101.0 123.0
between the transistor and the diode is shortest (16.51 mm), Tdiode, [ºC] 42.1 43.9 49.3
because from earlier results it could be seen that it is the best THeatsink, [ºC] 41 45 48
choice in order to have better thermal distribution.
Three measurement cases were selected: 1) Fan placed on
top of heat sink, both sides open for airflow; 2) Fan placed
on top, one heat sink air outflow side covered; 3) Fan
mounted on the side of heat sink and airflow is parallel to
base of heat sink.
At first the fan was attached to the top of the heat sink and
for the first case the analysis was made when the heat sink
base is perpendicular to airflow with one outflow covered.
Firstly the maximum temperature of the transistor was
reached around 123 ºC and after that the fan was switched
on. At the maximum temperature of the transistor the current
reached 2.810 A. When the fan was turned on, the
temperature was lowered and transistor current capacity
increased until the maximum temperature (123 ºC) was
reached again. The same method is used for other cases of
investigation. Results are presented in Table IX.
regarding theory, because the airflow is in parallel to fins power was achieved when the transistor was in the centre of
and therefore can dissipate more power. Images made by the heat sink with distance between transistor and diode
thermo-camera for this are shown in Fig. 12. equal to 16.51 mm. In this case the dissipated power of the
transistor was by 0.147 W larger compared to case when
distance was 33.5 mm and by 0.273 W when distance was
26 mm. When the distance between components was
changed, the diode temperature was by 3.6 ºC larger
compared to distance of 26 mm.
By comparing results obtained with one and two air
outflows (when the temperature of the transistor reached
123 ºC with one outflow covered) the temperature with both
outflows open was 4 ºC larger. The dissipated power was
0.64 W lower as well. This may be influenced by varied
component placement locations in respect of air movement
under natural convection. This factor should be investigated
Fig. 13. Dissipated power of the transistor vs. temperature.
thoroughly in future.
In Fig. 13 the dissipated power of the transistor vs. Comparing the theoretical dissipated power calculation of
temperature of each type of experiment is shown. The the heat sink with the real dissipated power, in real case the
dissipated powers of the diode are also not compared, dissipated power was by 2.5 W larger because in this case
because the powers are almost equal. we also have the cooling through the plane where the
As it can be seen from Fig. 13, the dissipated power is the components are placed. In theoretical case it is assumed that
largest when airflow is perpendicular to the heat sink base the back side of the heat sink has perfect connection with
and heat sink fins are horizontal. component.
In case of forced convection it was obtained that the
largest power was dissipated with both outflows open and
with the airflow perpendicular to heat sink base. The
dissipated power of the transistor is by 0.897 W larger
compared to test with one outflow covered and by 0.518 W
larger compared to case when airflow was parallel to the
heat sink base.
Comparing the theoretical dissipated power calculation
under airflow given by manufacturer with the real dissipated
power, the dissipated power was approximately 8 W less.
That was due to smaller fan attached compared to heat sink
specifications. The heat sink area was 1.5 times larger than
area of the fan.
In future research a detailed comparison of measurement
Fig. 14. Temperature distribution of the heat sink when the total dissipated
and simulation results should be performed using fine-tuned
power is equal to 23.5 W.
heat sink test system with minimized number of uncontrolled
In simulation the velocity of air was applied equal to experimental variables, such as electronic component
1.66 m/s and the maximum dissipated power was selected location in relation to the heat sink or control of ambient
according to measured value. Figure 14 shows the temperature. Also, a method for real-world verification of
simulation results, i.e. temperature distribution when with modelling results should be developed.
airflow perpendicular to heat sink base and with one
outflow. In simulation the PCB was not evaluated (only heat REFERENCES
sink with the transistor and the diode). The applied [1] P. Tarvydas, A. Noreika, Z. Staliulionis, “Analysis of heat sink
dissipated power for transistor and the diode was 22 W and modeling performance”, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika (Electronics
and Electrical Engineering), no. 3, pp. 49–52, 2013.
1.5 W. [2] Wakefield thermal solutions. Extruded heat sinks. Chapter: Extruded
Since the real values of main heat sink parameters were heat sinks for DC/DC converters, series 517, 527, 518 & 528.
used in simulations (dissipated power, fan air velocity), such [3] Fairchild Semiconductor. IRF840 Data sheet, Jan. 2002.
[4] International rectifier, 10TQ data sheet Bulletin PD-20057 rev. B
FEM-based model with certain improvements could be used 06/06.
to verify the cooling capacity of different heat sink and fan [5] DC Axial Flow Fan MCKD0505PFS2.11.GN datasheet, Multicomp.
combinations. [Online]. Available: http://datasheet.octopart.com/MCKD0505
[6] Material Emissivity Properties [Online]. Available:
VIII. CONCLUSIONS http://snap.fnal.gov/crshield/crs-mech/emissivity-eoi.html
Three setup types with different distances between [7] COMSOL Heat Transfer Module User’s Guide, COMSOL, Apr.
2010, p.184.
components and one or to air outflows open were [8] COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Guide, COMSOL, Apr. 2010, p.
investigated under natural convection. The largest dissipated 426.