Analysis, Nutrition, and Health Benefits of Tryptophan: Mendel Friedman

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TRY0010.1177/1178646918802282International Journal of Tryptophan ResearchFriedman

Analysis, Nutrition, and Health Benefits of Tryptophan International Journal of Tryptophan Research
Volume 11: 1–12
© The Author(s) 2018
Mendel Friedman Article reuse guidelines:
Healthy Processed Foods Research and Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural DOI: 10.1177/1178646918802282
Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Albany, CA, USA.

ABSTRACT: Tryptophan is an essential plant-derived amino acid that is needed for the in vivo biosynthesis of proteins. After consumption,
it is metabolically transformed to bioactive metabolites, including serotonin, melatonin, kynurenine, and the vitamin niacin (nicotinamide).
This brief integrated overview surveys and interprets our current knowledge of the reported multiple analytical methods for free and protein-
bound tryptophan in pure proteins, protein-containing foods, and in human fluids and tissues, the nutritional significance of l-tryptophan
and its isomer d-tryptophan in fortified infant foods and corn tortillas as well the possible function of tryptophan in the diagnosis and
mitigation of multiple human diseases. Analytical methods include the use of acid ninhydrin, near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy,
colorimetry, basic hydrolysis; acid hydrolysis of S-pyridylethylated proteins, and high-performance liquid and gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry. Also covered are the nutritional values of tryptophan-fortified infant formulas and corn-based tortillas, safety of tryptophan
for human consumption and the analysis of maize (corn), rice, and soybean plants that have been successfully genetically engineered to
produce increasing tryptophan. Dietary tryptophan and its metabolites seem to have the potential to contribute to the therapy of autism,
cardiovascular disease, cognitive function, chronic kidney disease, depression, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, sleep,
social function, and microbial infections. Tryptophan can also facilitate the diagnosis of certain conditions such as human cataracts, colon
neoplasms, renal cell carcinoma, and the prognosis of diabetic nephropathy. The described findings are not only of fundamental scientific
interest but also have practical implications for agriculture, food processing, food safety, nutrition, and animal and human health. The
collated information and suggested research need will hopefully facilitate and guide further studies needed to optimize the use of free and
protein-bound tryptophan and metabolites to help improve animal and human nutrition and health.

Keywords: l-tryptophan, d -tryptophan, proteins, tryptophan metabolites, analysis, plant genetic engineering, high-tryptophan proteins,
fortified infant foods, fortified tortillas, absorption, nutrition, safety, health benefits, research needs

RECEIVED: August 28, 2018. ACCEPTED: August 29, 2018. Declaration of conflicting interests: The author(s) declared no potential
conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Type: Review article.

Funding: The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Mendel Friedman, Healthy Processed Foods Research
publication of this article. and Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, United States
Department of Agriculture, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710, USA.

Introduction replacement of d-tryptophan produced during food processing

A total of 20 naturally occurring amino acids play a fundamen- for the l-isomer in mice; and (c) brief descriptions of some of
tal role in animal and human nutrition and health.1 Tryptophan the reported health-promoting aspects of tryptophan, trypto-
is an essential amino acid required for normal growth and it phan-containing foods, and foods with added (supplemented)
serves as an in vivo precursor for several bioactive compounds tryptophan. Here, tryptophan refers to l-tryptophan and the
including nicotinamide (vitamin B6), serotonin, melatonin, isomeric form produced during food processing and by
tryptamine, kynurenine, 3-hydroxykynurenine, and quinolinic microbes is designated as d-tryptophan.
and xanthurenic acids (Figure 1). Its role in animal and human
health can therefore impact on many diseases and conditions. The Analysis of Tryptophan in Food, Body Fluids,
Because the indole ring of tryptophan is degraded under the and Tissues
acid condition used for protein hydrolysis, tryptophan cannot be Numerous methods have been proposed to combat the issue that
analyzed by standard amino acid analysis methods. There is, tryptophan is destroyed during the acid hydrolysis of a protein by
therefore, a need for alternate quantitative methods to assess the 6N HCl at high temperature that precedes the analysis of the
multiple functions of tryptophan in proteins, foods including liberated amino acids by chromatography. Here, we present brief
dietary supplements, and in animal and human fluids and tissues overview of some of the promising techniques for the analysis of
(reviewed in the works by Friedman and Finley,2 Finley et al,3 free and protein-bound tryptophan in food matrices and in body
Friedman and Cuq,4 Cuq and Friedman,5 Molnár-Perl6,7). fluids and tissues that is designed to overcome this problem.
This overview consists of the following 3 parts: (a) the eval-
uation of selected reported analytical methods used to deter-
mine the tryptophan content of pure proteins and Acid ninhydrin method
protein-containing foods, including high-tryptophan corn, One of the methods for the determination of protein-bound
rice, and soybean varieties being developed using plant genetic tryptophan discussed here is that proposed by Gaitonde and
engineering methods; (b) the human nutritional function and Dovey8 in which they proposed a method in which the reaction
safety of dietary tryptophan and the assessment of the with ninhydrin in a mixture of formic and hydrochloric acid for

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2 International Journal of Tryptophan Research 

Figure 1.  Structures of l- and d-tryptophan and 8 bioactive metabolites.

Table 1.  Tryptophan content of proteins and foods (values in g/16 g N).a,b

Analytical method Lysozyme Casein Milk powder Soy protein Soy flour

Acid hydrolysis

 Thioglycolic 5.84 1.27 nd 0.33 nd

 Mercaptoethane-sulfonic 6.69 1.26 0.09 1.24 0.31

 Methanesulfonic 5.72 0.71 nd 0.65 nd

  p-toluenesulfonic 6.64 1.07 nd 1.01 nd

Basic hydrolysis

  Sodium hydroxide 5.65 1.01 1.26 1.01 1.07

  Barium hydroxide — 1.30 1.25 1.81 0.81


  Acid ninhydrinc 7.66 1.70 1.73 1.36 1.91

aValues are averages from 3 separate determinations except for a single assay by the acid ninhydrin procedure; nd, not detected.
bNitrogen content (~): lysozyme, 16.2; casein, 13.6; milk powder, 5.32; soybean protein, 14.0; soybean flour, 8.32.
cThe tryptophan content of lysozyme was calculated to be 7.66 g/16 g N from its known amino acid sequence and determined nitrogen content. Observed values were
corrected for contributions of tyrosine to the absorbance at 385 nm by the following formula9: tryptophan (observed)/tryptophan expected = 1.013 + 0.034 (tyrosine/

10 minutes at 100°C transforms tryptophan to a yellow product ninhydrin assay was reproducible with a wide range of commonly
(λmax = 390 nm; ε = 7120). Zahnley and Davis9 in this laboratory use food products, it seems useful for complex foods.
subsequently modified this method by correcting for tyrosine Reports of the use of the acid ninhydrin method in practice
absorption. include that by Sodek et al13 to measure the tryptophan content
To help quantify this assay further, we compared the results of beans, maize, and wheat and those of Molnár-Perl and
from 6 acid hydrolytic procedures and the modified nonhydro- Pintér-Szakács14 and Pintér-Szakács and Molnár-Perl15 to
lytic acid ninhydrin method for 3 proteins (casein, lysozyme, and determine tryptophan content of pure proteins, feeds, and foods.
soybean protein) and 10 carbohydrate-containing widely con-
sumed foods (see the works by Friedman et al10 and Friedman11).
Improved tryptophan-cysteine assay
The results in Tables 1 and 2 show that for carbohydrate-con-
taining foods, the thioglycolic and organic acid methods appear Because the SH group of cysteine seems to favor the degrada-
ineffective, basic hydrolysis by NaOH or Ba(OH)2 might be pref- tion of tryptophan, Inglis16 developed a procedure for the com-
erable over hydrolysis by organic acids, and because the acid plete analysis of the amino acid composition of a
Friedman 3

Table 2.  Tryptophan content of proteins and flours determined by an Rapid colorimetric method for free tryptophan
acid ninhydrin assay without hydrolysis.a
Wu et al23 developed a method for free tryptophan based on a
Protein source N (%) Tryptophan tryptophanase-derived tryptophan-to-indole conversion fol-
(g/16 g N)
lowed by the reaction with hydroxylamine to form a pink prod-
Proteins uct with a λmax value of 530 nm. A 96-well throughput assay
 Casein 13.6 1.70 was then used to quantify free tryptophan, protein-bound tryp-
tophan, and tryptophan in biological samples.
 Lysozyme 16.2 7.66

  Soy protein 14.0 1.36 Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for

Foods tryptophan
  Barley flour 1.26 1.55 (1.27)b Because the chemical analysis of free and protein-bound amino
acids is complicated, Fontaine et al24 describe the use of near-
  Beef, minced 13.6 1.25 (1.40)
infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure trypto-
  Corn flour 1.46 1.85 (1.28) phan, other essential amino acids, and protein content of 1100
  Cottonseed flour 10.0 1.37 food samples of global origin collected during a 5-year period.
The NIRS was validated with 98 wheat and 78 corn samples
 Lima bean flour 3.32 1.42 (1.31)
and compared with amino acid predictions using linear crude
 Oat flour 2.56 1.68 (1.33) protein. Readers should consult the cited manuscript for
  Rice flour 0.98 1.72 (1.37) detailed descriptions of NIRS sample measurements and cali-
brations. The authors conclude that the developed NIRS cali-
  Soybean flour 8.32 1.43 (1.33)
brations enable fast and accurate predictions of essential amino
aAdapted from Friedman et al.10,11 Listed values are from duplicate experiments acids in cereals.
and are not corrected for tyrosine absorption.
bProtein extractions of flours were carried out using the method of Concon.12
Zhang et al25 used NIRS to measure the tryptophan content
of 272 milled rice samples. The method was less reliable for
brown than for white rice. The authors suggest that the method
protein-containing cysteine, cystine, and tryptophan on a single could be used to select rice seeds with high tryptophan content
run of the amino acid analyzer by first modifying the SH groups and for quality control during rice processing.
with 4-vinylapyridine to the acid-stable 4-S-pyridylethyl-l-
cysteine (4-PEC) side chain17–19 and using tryptamine to pro-
tect tryptophan against degradation during the acid hydrolysis Analysis of tryptophan metabolites in human
of the modified protein. The method was used effectively with
β-lactoglobulin and ovalbumin. The method was further modi- Because tryptophan catabolism via the kynurenine pathway
fied by Yamada et  al20 who reported high recoveries of both seems to link inflammation to cancer, cardiovascular diseases,
cysteine and tryptophan by vapor-phase S-pyridylethylation depression, and multiple sclerosis, Arnhard et al26 validated an
before hydrolysis with 2.5 M mercaptoethanesulfonic acid vapor HPLC/MS method for the simultaneous quantitation of tryp-
at 176°C for 12.5 minutes.21 The vapor phase method was tophan and the metabolites kynurenine, kynurenic acid, and
applied to lysozyme and myoglobin. quinolinic acids. The method with stable isotope-labeled ana-
logues as internal standards was used to determine the concen-
High-performance liquid chromatography method trations of the metabolites in 100 human plasma samples.
for free tryptophan in cereals and legumes
Çevikkalp et al22 developed a simple procedure for the deter- Isotope-labeled and unlabeled method for
tryptophan and metabolites
mination tryptophan in cereals and legume grown in Turkey. In
this method, following alkaline hydrolysis in 5 N NaOH solu- Another assay developed for use in animal systems was devel-
tion (120°C for 12  hours), the hydrolysates were filtered oped by Sano et al27 who devised a method for the detection of
through ashless filter paper, the pH was adjusted with HCl to 15N2-labeled tryptophan, l-kynurenine, serotonin, and quino-
6.3, and the hydrolysates were separated within 10 minutes on linic acid in rat plasma. These compounds were first trans-
a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column formed to acylated derivatives using pentafluoropropionic
with fluorescence detection. The method was used to deter- anhydride and pentafluoro-1-propanol. The derivatives were
mine the following concentrations of tryptophan (in mg/100 g) then analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
in 6 food products: durum wheat, barley, 165; rye, 125; kidney (GC/MS). The method was used to determine the isotope
beans, 240; chickpeas, 220; and red lentils, 129. The high values enrichment in plasma tryptophan over the course of a continu-
in kidney beans and chickpeas are noteworthy. ous infusion in pregnant rats. The authors suggest that the
4 International Journal of Tryptophan Research 

method has the potential to facilitate our understanding of the analyze the isomeric forms of amino acids simultaneously is
4 tryptophan metabolism pathways in animals and humans. beyond the scope of this article.
By contributing to food security, a major worldwide chal-
Analysis of high-tryptophan transgenic seeds lenge, these selected results, and related ongoing studies sug-
gest that the production of novel nutritionally enhanced major
Analytical methods have also been developed and used for food crops via genetic engineering might help meet the world-
determining free and protein-bound tryptophan in new varie- wide need for inexpensive better-quality foods.35
ties of maize, rice, and soybeans. Indeed, the production of
novel nutritionally enhanced major food crops via genetic engi-
neering might help meet the worldwide need for inexpensive Tryptophan in Nutrition: Absorption, Availability,
better-quality foods. Sources, and Safety
There have been many studies on the utilization of tryptophan
Maize.  Rosales et al28 and Sarika et al29 used the nonhydro- from different sources by humans and animals and some of
lytic NIRS method to determine the protein, tryptophan, these reports are included here to highlight the potential for
and lysine content of 266 samples of quality protein maize tryptophan supplementation (fortification).
that has on average twice the tryptophan content of normal Various studies have investigated the absorption of trypto-
maize. The authors suggest that the efficient NIRS method phan into the human body. For example, the effect of the veg-
is preferable to wet chemistry methods for the analysis of etable (V-8) juice containing 40 g of α-lactalbumin (a protein
large numbers of samples generated in plant breeding pro- rich in tryptophan) on plasma tryptophan levels in fasting
grams. Sarika et al29 found that despite the nutritional supe- males (n = 6) was investigated. The α-lactalbumin produced an
riority of Opaque-16, a high-tryptophan and high-lysine increase in plasma tryptophan of up to 3-fold over fasting val-
maize mutant, the physico-biochemical characteristics of its ues within 90 minutes, declining rapidly by 240 minutes.36 In
endosperm are not affected. the same study, a gluten-containing beverage raised the plasma
tryptophan level by 25%, whereas a zein-containing drink low-
Rice.  In an analysis of rice, Wakasa et al30 found the amount of ered the level to about 50% of the fasting value. The authors
free tryptophan in a transgenic rice variety was about twice that suggest that negative effect of the corn protein zein probably
in seeds in wild-type plants. The protein-bound tryptophan reflects its poor digestibility, resulting in slower absorption of
level was also enhanced. This observation led the authors to the amino acids from the gut.
suggest that the tryptophan content of rice seeds could be The effects of dietary tryptophan on the immune system
increased transgenetically to improve the nutritional value of have also been investigated. Tryptophan catabolites can have
the human diet and also animal feeds. By contrast, Dubouzet immunomodulatory functions, such as via the kynurenine
et al31 described a metabolic engineering method used to pro- pathway. The dietary role of tryptophan in the immune system
mote the transformation of tryptophan to serotonin and to has therefore been the subject of study. For example, it has been
serotonin-derived indole compounds in rice calli, suggesting reported that the dietary supplementation of tryptophan to
that the method provides a novel approach for the production healthy adults (n = 35) for the study period did not result in
of tryptophan-derived bioactive compounds. significant changes in serum cytokine concentrations for the
entire study or in male and female subgroups, suggesting that
Soybeans. Kita et  al32 discovered that transgenic soybean depletion of central nervous system 5-HT via dietary trypto-
plants were found to accumulate free tryptophan to levels as phan depletion does not seem to affect the immune system.37
high as 3.8 to 4.8 mg/g dry weight of seed flour, up to a 12-fold The results suggest that depletion of central nervous system
increase compared with tryptophan levels in nontransgenic serotonin (5-HT) via dietary tryptophan depletion does not
seeds. For analysis, free tryptophan and other amino acids seem to affect the immune system in the short term.
were extracted with sulfosalicylic acid and analyzed by the Brain serotonin, derived from tryptophan, is known to influ-
ninhydrin method using an automated amino acid analyzer. ence affective events, such as mood disorders. In a study to inves-
The high-tryptophan soybeans can be used to increase the tigate the effects of different forms of dietary tryptophan,
tryptophan content of mixed diets. Markus et  al38 tested whether hydrolyzed protein had greater
effects on the plasma tryptophan/large neutral amino acid ratio
and mood than intact protein in healthy volunteers (n = 18).
Analysis of d-tryptophan
They observed significant faster increases and longer-lasting
As reviewed in detail elsewhere,33 because all amino acids resi- improvement in the ratio with the hydrolyzed tryptophan source
dues in a protein undergo racemization simultaneously, but at versus the intact or pure tryptophan. In a related study, Markus
different rates,34 assessment of the extent of racemization in a et al39 found that consumption of a tryptophan-rich egg protein
protein requires quantitative measurement of ~40 l- and hydrolysate by 17 participants with high and 18 with low chronic
d-optical isomers. A discussion of reported methods used to stress resulted in an increase in plasma tryptophan uptake into
Friedman 5

the brain and in improved mood and performance under acute of infants. Finally, Draher and White48 validated a method for
stress exposure, suggesting the therapeutic value of the hydro- determining the tryptophan content of infant and adult/pedi-
lysate. Similarly, Mitchell et  al40 investigated, using a double- atric formulae that uses enzymatic (instead of alkaline) protein
blind crossover design, the dose-dependent effects of a hydrolysis that releases intact tryptophan with mean recover-
tryptophan-rich egg protein hydrolysate on brain tryptophan ies ranging from 93.8% to 104.9%.
availability. The results suggest that the hydrolysate is a useful
food ingredient that can increase tryptophan availability. Tryptophan-fortified corn tortillas
The availability of tryptophan in animal feed has also
been investigated. For example, the results of a study by Iji According to Bressani et  al,49 in most Central American
et al41 designed to determine tryptophan transport in broiler countries, lime-treated corn provides 31% of the total protein
chicks show that (a) the rate of tryptophan uptake declined and 45% of the energy intake and beans 24% of the protein
with age, (b) tryptophan uptake occurred mainly in the ileum and 12% of the calories. These diets are low in protein quality
and less in the jejunum, (c) the Na+-independent uptake of and quantity and in energy. To overcome these deficiencies,
tryptophan into jejunal vesicles was lower in the presence of corn can be supplemented either with 2 limiting amino acids
d-tryptophan, and (d) the uptake dependent on the concen- tryptophan and lysine or high-quality proteins such as soy-
trations of other dietary amino acids as well as other factors bean flour. Serna-Saldivar50 note that the consumption of tor-
in the diet. These facts should be taken into account in the tillas (flat cakes baked from lime-treated corn) without
design of nutritionally improved poultry feed diets supple- supplementation with high-quality protein foods can lead to
mented with tryptophan. the Kwashiorkor disease in infants. This is due to the lack of 2
Reichl42 has provided a comprehensive discussion of the mentioned essential amino acids. These facts stimulated inter-
kinetics of the absorption and metabolism of amino acids in est in exploring the nutritional potential of widely consumed
tissues from the gut into the bloodstream in rodents, cows, pigs, corn flour-based tortillas fortified with lysine, tryptophan, and
and sheep. The described results indicate that although trypto- high-quality protein flours. Here, we briefly mention some of
phan is well absorbed, its absorption is reduced by the presence the reported studies,
of other amino acids. Tovar and Carpenter51 found that it appears that the higher
protein efficiency ratio, a measure of protein nutritional quality
in rats, for corn with added tryptophan as the limiting amino
Infant nutrition
acid as compared with added lysine was due to lower ad libitum
The following observations indicate that tryptophan has been food intake with the same weight gain.
shown to be of paramount importance in infant nutrition. For Waliszewski et al52 showed that addition of lysine and tryp-
example, Huang et al43 discuss the tryptophan requirement of tophan to corn flour at concentrations of 83%, 100%, or 150%
infants in the first month of life. Shibui et al44 reported that the that correspond to the values recommended by the Food and
high-tryptophan protein α-lactalbumin, a whey protein that Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations did
constitutes 22% of the proteins in human milk and 3.5% in not seem to significantly affect the sensory properties of the
bovine milk, plays an important function in milk production prepared tortillas.
and in infant nutrition, including as a supplement in infant An evaluation of the effect of consumption of corn tortillas
milk formulas. A study by Dowlati et al45 revealed that dietary fortified with lysine and tryptophan on the growth of Mexican
supplementation with 2 or 4 g tryptophan or 20 or 40 g high- malnourished preschool children for 12 months found that the
tryptophan α-lactalbumin had no measurable effect on total fortification resulted in better weight gain as compared with
tryptophan levels of breast milk. the group consuming unfortified tortillas.53
This observation is reinforced by a study with infants Amaya-Guerra et  al54 found that soybean fortification of
breast-fed or fed with a tryptophan-fortified formula.46 The corn tortillas with high-tryptophan soy flour improved brain
concentration of total plasma tryptophan was significantly development of rats, suggesting that the fortification has the
higher in the breast-fed group than in the group fed trypto- potential to enhance the nutrition quality of widely consumed
phan-unfortified formula. By contrast, no significant differ- corn tortillas.
ence was apparent between the breast-fed group and the group The cited studies suggest that fortifications of tortillas with
fed the tryptophan-fortified formula, suggesting the need for tryptophan or with high-tryptophan soy proteins55 have the
tryptophan fortification to achieve plasma tryptophan levels potential to enhance the nutritional quality and health benefits
similar to those in breast-fed infants. Another study reported of corn tortillas. It is also worth noting that Delgado et  al56
that cereals fortified with tryptophan and other nutrients found that tortillas prepared from high-anthocyanin pig-
improved the sleep of 30 infants aged 8 to 16 months with mented maize have lower levels of potentially toxic acrylamide
sleep disorder involving excessive nocturnal waking.47 The compared with those prepared from nonpigmented corn ker-
authors suggest that these results support the concept of nels, suggesting that the phenolic compounds are most likely
chrononutrition via dietary effects on the sleep/wake rhythm responsible for the beneficial effect.
6 International Journal of Tryptophan Research 

Safety of tryptophan
Because tryptophan is widely used a dietary supplement for
perceived benefits including sleep and mood regulation, there
is a need for assessing its safety. On the basis of research pre-
sented at the 9th Amino Acid Assessment Workshop,57 a No
Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) for diet-added
tryptophan of 4.5 g/d has been proposed for young adults. This
value is generally reinforced by the following experimental
observations on the safety of tryptophan in young women and
Two studies by Hiratsuka et al58,59 showed that oral admin-
istration of tryptophan to 17 healthy Japanese young women at
concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 g/d for 21 days did not
affect food intake, body weight, general biomarkers, and amino
acid composition in blood and urine or a profile of mood states.
Figure 2.  Relationship of weight gains to percent of l- and d-tryptophan
The urinary excretion of nicotinamide and several other isomers in amino acid diets fed to mice for 14 days.
metabolites was directly related to consumed tryptophan levels. Adapted using methods described in Friedman and Gumbmann62 and Friedman
and Levin.60,61
The authors suggest that because 3-hydroxykinurenine was the
most characteristic excreted urinary metabolite, it could serve
as a surrogate biomarker for excess intake of tryptophan. These Friedman and Levin60,61). The results indicate that the mice
observations imply that use of tryptophan as a human food or can utilize supplied d-tryptophan in the absence of l-trypto-
animal feed dietary supplement might not have adverse effects. phan; ie, the mice must meet the entire need for l-tryptophan
Shibui et al44 examined the safety of tryptophan in rats. Feeding from the d-isomer. The relative nutritional potency of d-tryp-
an experimental diet with added tryptophan at doses 0 (basal tophan compared with l-tryptophan in mice is strongly dose
diet), 1.25%, 2.5%, and 5.0% for 13 weeks resulted in no toxi- dependent. It is inversely related to dietary concentration and
cologic changes in clinical signs, ophthalmology, urinalysis, ranges from 29% to 64%. The maximum growth (weight gain)
hematology, organ weight, and histopathology. However, body of the mice with l-tryptophan was at concentrations of 0.174%
weight gain and food consumption significantly decreased in in the diet, whereas the concentration of d-tryptophan up to
men in the 2.5% group and in both sexes in the 5.0% group, 0.52% resulted in a maximum weight gain of 82% of that
accompanied by decrease in serum glucose in women in the observed with l-tryptophan. Thus, the maximum growth of
5.0% group. These adverse effects were not observed after a the mice when supplied with d-tryptophan was not achieved
5-week recovery period, suggesting reversibility of the adverse until its concentration was 2.5-fold higher than the corre-
effects. The no-observed-adverse-effect level was 1.25% for sponding level of l-tryptophan (Figure 2).
men and 2.5% for women. The authors concluded that trypto- Using mostly methods of supplementing food proteins with
phan has a low toxicity profile in rats. free-d-tryptophan, Baker63 describes variable outcomes for the
utilization of d-tryptophan by different animal species. The
relative potency for chicks was 20% of that of l-tryptophan.
Nutritional and safety aspects of d-tryptophan
d-tryptophan is well utilized in growing pigs. Czarnecki and
l-amino acid residues in food proteins may be transformed to Baker64 reported that the potency of d-tryptophan relative to
d-isomers during food processing under the influence of high l-tryptophan for dogs was 35%.
pH and heat. Although racemization rates of the 18 different Another study reported that feeding male rats test diets sup-
l-amino acid residues in a protein vary, the relative rates in plemented with several concentrations of d-tryptophan ranging
different proteins are similar. Because the formation d-pep- from 0% to 0.5% for 21 days induced adverse effects of weight
tide bonds and cross-linked amino acids such as lanthionine gain and in urinary metabolites, suggesting a safe level of <0.2%
and lysinoalanine can impair digestibility and nutritional of dietary d-tryptophan.65 These observations imply that
quality, there is need to develop a better understanding of humans and rodents might not show the same susceptibility to
these events in order minimize adverse effects on protein possible adverse effects of tryptophan and possibly also trypto-
nutritional quality and safety. phan metabolites. In humans, the biological utilization of
As part of a program to evaluate the chemistry and the d-tryptophan in the male infant seems to be low,66 suggesting
nutritional and toxicologic aspects of novel amino acids formed the need for further exploration of the nutritional utilization in
during food processing, including d-amino acids, we compared humans of pure d-tryptophan and of d-tryptophan–containing
the weight gain in mice fed with free amino acid diets in which peptides and food proteins. There is also a need to find out how
d-tryptophan was substituted for l-tryptophan (reviewed by the biological and nutritional effects of d-tryptophan vary,
Friedman 7

depending on whether they are consumed in the free state or as <44.20 µmol/L is a potential surrogate prognostic marker
part of a peptide or food protein. for the disease.

Niacin source Imaging of neoplasms of the human colon.  Using a photo-type mul-
tispectral imaging system optimized for the macroscopic imaging
An investigation in weanling rats of the efficiency of transfor- of tissues, Baner et al74 found that tryptophan fluorescence of sur-
mation of d-tryptophan to the vitamin niacin (nicotinamide) gical specimens of colonic neoplasms and normal mucosa after
showed that the availability of d-tryptophan was almost the resection could be useful in differentiating normal and cancerous
same as that of l-tryptophan and was 1/6 as active as nia- cells because there is an increase in emission intensity from can-
cin.67–69 Other researchers reported that the 2 oxidative cerous cells. They also reported that in tissues tryptophan auto-
enzymes, tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase and indoleamine fluorescence images corrected using green reflectance images
2,3-doxygenase, contribute equally to the biosynthesis of nico- might also be useful for displaying neoplasms.
tinamide from both d-tryptophan and l-tryptophan.70 A relevant study by Albani et al75 revealed that the fluores-
Williams and Hill71 propose a biochemical mechanism cence of the protein β-lactoglobulin, a single polypeptide con-
that operates through evolution, whereby high nicotinamide sisting of 162 amino acid residues with 2 tryptophan residues,
in the diet switches off the “de novo” pathway stopping in- is associated exclusively with the tryptophan at position 19 and
house production of nicotinamide from tryptophan through not at all at position 61 of the protein chain, suggesting that the
kynurenine and causing immune intolerance, including of the structural microenvironment of protein-bound tryptophan
fetus and dietary-induced infertility. Based on persuasive evi- residues seem to affect fluorescence emission. Whether this is
dence, the authors suggest that fertility drops to below generally the case with other proteins merits study.
replacement levels owing to a high meat diet and that reduc-
ing variance in meat consumption might help stabilize the Biomarker for clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Based on an
world population growth, a possible major challenge for examination of serum-free amino acid and plasma-free
future generations. It is noteworthy that we found that the amino acid profiles in 484 samples from 124 healthy controls
tryptophan content of minced beef is somewhat lower than in and 56 patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma, Lee
several widely consumed plant foods (Table 2). et al76 discovered that a combination of serum histidine and
plasma tryptophan may be a useful biomarker to detect the
Possible Roles of Tryptophan in the Diagnosis and renal carcinoma.
Mitigation of Human Diseases
Tryptophan has been implicated in a plethora of diseases and Breath test for tryptophan metabolism.  A study by Teraishi et al77
conditions because of its fundamental role as a precursor to showed that the oral administration of 13C-tryptophan to
many bioactive metabolites, leading to its consideration in the human volunteers having a major depressive disorder and con-
improvement of health and nutrition, and as a diagnostic tool. trols correlated negatively with exhaled maximum 13CO2 lev-
els, suggesting that the 13C-tryptophan breath test could serve
Diagnostic aspects as a novel biomarker for detecting a subgroup of patients with
altered (increased) tryptophan-kynurenine metabolism.
The properties of tryptophan and its involvement in metabolic
processes make it a suitable candidate for its investigation as a
Mitigation of the adverse effects of human diseases
biomarker for diagnosis, examples of which are provided below.
and conditions
Cataract diagnosis at the molecular level. Cataracts remain a The use of tryptophan to help combat diseases and conditions
global health issue and their sensitive detection is important. has also been extensively investigated in a variety of clinical
Gakamsky et  al72 found using MS and fluorescence steady- areas.
state and lifetime spectroscopy that fluorescence of tryptophan
and its derivatives in the postsurgical human and porcine lens Autism spectrum disorder in children.  To help clarify the poten-
samples correlates strongly with cataract grade and age, sug- tial relationship between tryptophan impairment and the
gesting that the method can be used to diagnose cataracts at severity of autistic symptoms, Kałużna-Czaplińska et  al78
the molecular level. examined the retention status of supplemented tryptophan and
the correlation between the supplementation of the diet with B
Biomarker for diabetic nephropathy. A prospective study by vitamins and magnesium and the level of the excreted (excess)
Chou et al73 on the correlation of serum metabolites and the tryptophan in patients with autism spectrum disorder. Statisti-
annual change of estimated glomerular filtration in patients cal correlations were observed between tryptophan levels and
with diabetic nephropathy, a leading cause of end-stage renal the severity of symptoms in different groups of patients. The
disease, revealed that the serum concentration of tryptophan authors conclude that the tryptophan level is critical and that
8 International Journal of Tryptophan Research 

intake of B vitamins and magnesium with the diet might influ- aged rats and partially rescued the age-induced inhibition of
ence its metabolic homeostasis. transcription factors involved in synaptic plasticity and mem-
ory. The authors suggest that the results indicate that enhanced
Cardiovascular disease.  Murr et al79 found in a study with 1106 tryptophan intake and the potential increases in 5-HT neuro-
patients with coronary artery disease that low serum trypto- transmission might help prevent age-related detrimental aspect
phan is associated with immune activation and indicates by inhibiting hippocampal apoptosis.
reduced life expectancy. Mangge et al80 hypothesize that dis- Because excess tryptophan inhibits the 2 enzymes involved
turbed tryptophan metabolism (breakdown) triggered by pro- in serotonin synthesis, and increased cerebral levels of neuroac-
inflammatory cascades in obese individuals seems to be tive kynurenine, Badawy85 hypothesizes that moderate use of
associated with cardiovascular disease. This results in an tryptophan and decreased anxiety associated with exercise
increased serum kynurenine to tryptophan ratios, which can be could explain behavioral effects of androgenic anabolic steroids
measured for a better understanding of cardiovascular disease. associated with tryptophan metabolism. In a related study,
In addition, the depletion of tryptophan limits protein synthe- Badawy86 discusses the utilization and function of tryptophan
sis, including hemoglobin production that may be associated in pregnancy.
with a likelihood of fatal cardiovascular events through the
reduction in oxygen supply causing anemia. Because the break- Diabetes.  Because the available evidence indicates that a high-
down of tryptophan is accelerated by exercise, the authors sug- protein/low-carbohydrate diet increases the expenditure of
gest that obese individuals should strive for a balance between glucose energy and is therefore beneficial in patients with
food consumption and physical activity. It is worth mentioning type-2 diabetes, Inubushi et al87 examined the effect of trypto-
that we previously suggested that acrylamide, a reactive mole- phan on glucose absorption in the small rat intestine. They
cule that is present in numerous processed plant foods that found that tryptophan suppressed both serum glucose and
modifies hemoglobin after consumption, could also adversely insulin levels and inhibited glucose absorption from the intes-
affect oxygen transport to tissues.81 tine, suggesting that the amino acid suppressed the elevation of
An epidemiology study by Yu et al82 that examined 231 car- the blood glucose levels and reduced the adverse effects associ-
diovascular disease cases shows that (a) interferon γ–mediated ated with insulin secretion from the β-cell pancreatic cells.
inflammation accelerates degradation of tryptophan into Chen et al88 assessed the possible association of tryptophan
downstream metabolites, (b) increases in tryptophan consump- with the development of type 2 diabetes in 213 individuals in
tion after 1 year were associated with a lower risk of the disease, China, 51 with diabetes and 163 who remained healthy during
(c) the baseline levels of the tryptophan metabolite kynurenic a 10-year period. They determined tryptophan levels using
acid were associated with a higher risk of myocardial infarction ultra-performance liquid chromatography triple quadrupole
and coronary artery disease death but not stroke, and (d) MS and found that (a) the serum tryptophan level was posi-
adjustment for changes in plasma tryptophan attenuated the tively and independently associated with the onset risk of dia-
inverse association between a Mediterranean diet and the car- betes; (b) patients with higher tryptophan levels had a higher
diovascular disease. The authors conclude that an increase in degree of insulin resistance, secretion of triglycerides, and blood
the plasma tryptophan level was significantly associated with a pressure; and (c) the addition of tryptophan seems to enhance
decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and that the the value of existing acid predictors, suggesting that tryptophan
Mediterranean diet consisting of extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, might represent a new biomarker associated with diabetes risk,
fruits, vegetables, and cereals might counteract the deleterious but this awaits validation in other and larger populations.
effect of a high kynurenine risk score. In the consideration of diabetes, it is also worth mentioning
that Imahori et al89 isolated 2 known compounds (4-quinlylal-
Chronic kidney disease. Schulman83 describes the molecular doxime and indole-3-aldehyde) and 2 novel compounds
events that take place during the inhibition of intestinal absorp- formed during the in vitro reaction of tryptophan and glucose
tion of a tryptophan derivative by the drug AST-120 that is at physiological temperature and pH. One of the novel com-
expected to slow the progression of the chronic kidney disease in pounds, indole-3-aldehyde, was mutagenic in the Salmonella
humans. The author mentions a phase 3 trial in progress with Typhimurium assay. Although 4-quinlylaldoxime was detected
about 2000 subjects designed to confirm the preliminary data. in rat diabetes extracts, the isolated new compounds were not
detected in rat plasma. The authors suggest that genotoxic
Cognitive decline. Because a tryptophan-enriched diet is amino-carbonyl reaction products may be formed under dia-
reported to prevent the age-induced decline of hippocampal betic conditions that can induce genetic damage to tissues.
serotonin (5-HT) production that may contribute to age-
related cognitive decline, Musumeci et al84 further investigated Depression and other affective disorders.  Strasser et  al90 discuss
the effect of tryptophan diets on these cellular events and asso- the bioanalytical procedures for the determination of the con-
ciated multiple biomarkers in rats. They found that a high centrations of tryptophan and phenylalanine and their respec-
tryptophan diet improved passive avoidance impairment of tive first stable intermediates kynurenine and tyrosine. The
Friedman 9

authors suggest that these immunometabolic parameters, along system that helps protect against infections. Also worth noting
with other biomarkers, should be monitored in studies of the are related studies on the complex mechanistic relationship
mechanisms of progression of inflammation-associated with between tryptophan metabolism, exercise, weight loss, and
depression and potential therapy. inflammation-associated depression.95,96
Lindseth et al91 found that the consumption of a high-tryp- Chacko et al97 discovered that the greater sensitivity of the
tophan diet by 25 healthy young adults for 4 days indicated sig- human Chlamydia pneumoniae pathogenic microorganism than
nificantly greater positive affect than those on a low-tryptophan animal strains to tryptophan availability appears to be an adap-
diet, suggesting that tryptophan consumption has the potential tation that reflects the chronic nature of the infection in the
to reduce depressive symptoms and anxiety. human host. The human strain has sensitivity to tryptophan
deficiency and can adapt accordingly. This observation suggests
Inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn disease.  Nikolaus et al92 the possibility that tryptophan might help in the treatment of
reported that the serum levels of tryptophan were significantly individuals having pneumonia.
lower in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) than
in controls, with a stronger reduction in levels in patients with Multiple sclerosis.  An investigation of the effect of dietary tryp-
Crohn disease. These observations and a detailed examination tophan enrichment (0.03-0.04  g of tryptophan/kg body
of associated biomarkers and metabolites, especially quinolinic weight) of whey protein on affective and cognitive functions in
acid, show a high activity of tryptophan degradation in patients patients with multiple sclerosis showed that the tryptophan-
with IBD, suggesting that tryptophan deficiency could con- fortified diet enhanced memory processes without improving
tribute to the development or aggravation of the disease. the mood states.98
Administration of high doses of metabolites (nicotinamide,
indole-3-aldehyde) might modify the microbiome and shunt Sleep. Lieberman et  al99 used available data for 29 687 US
tryptophan metabolism toward anti-inflammatory pathways. adults to determine the effect of the average daily intake of
826 mg/d of tryptophan on liver and kidney function, depres-
HIV and microbial infections.  Because the oxidation of trypto- sion, and sleep outcomes. The authors conclude that the high
phan owing to immune induction of the enzyme indoleamine intake of tryptophan does not seem to affect liver and kidney
2,3 dioxygenase is considered the main cause of tryptophan function or carbohydrate metabolism but was inversely associ-
depletion in patients with HIV, Bipath et al93 examined plasma ated with the self-reported level of depression and positively
tryptophan levels in 105 low-income sub-Saharan HIV- associated with sleep duration. In a related investigation, Bravo
infected patients and 60 HIV-negative controls. The results et al100 analyzed whether consumption of cereals enriched with
show that the plasma tryptophan levels of the South African tryptophan might facilitate the reconsolidation of the sleep/
patients were 44.1% lower than in the HIV-free controls. The wake cycle and counteract depression and anxiety. In the study
decrease in tryptophan levels in patients with HIV from devel- by Wenefrida et  al,35 middle-aged/elderly individuals con-
oped countries was much lower, 18.8% compared with controls. sumed standard cereals with a tryptophan content of
Tryptophan levels correlated with the pro-inflammatory indi- 22.5 mg/30 g at breakfast and dinner in the control and cereals
cators neopterin, interleukin-6, and C-reactive protein. The with a tryptophan content of 60 mg/30 g in the treatment week.
authors suggest that the most probable causes in the lower The results show that consumption of the higher tryptophan
tryptophan levels are food insecurity and higher levels of cereals increased sleep efficiency and sleep time and improved
inflammatory activity and that inflammation-induced trypto- anxiety and depression symptoms. The authors suggest that
phan depletion in the patients with HIV forms a much wider high-tryptophan cereals might be useful as a chrononutrition
effect of pro-inflammatory activity on the nutritional profile of treatment that can alter the age-related sleep/wake cycle.
HIV-infected patients. Will dietary tryptophan supplementa-
tion help mitigate the course of the HIV infection? Social behavior.  A review by Steenbergen et al101 concludes that
Strasser et al94 found that daily administration of a probiotic tryptophan supplementation seems to improve control over
formulation for 12 weeks to highly trained athletes (n = 17) social behavior in individuals having disorders associated with
resulted in a significant (11%) reduction in serum tryptophan dysfunctions in serotogenic functioning, presumably by affecting
levels compared with the placebo control group (n = 16) that 5-HT brain levels, whereas it seems to promote social behavior
remained unchanged. The data also show that the ratio of sub- in healthy individuals. The authors suggest that tryptophan
jects taking the placebo who experienced upper respiratory could be a promising tool for modulating social behavior.
tract infections was increased 2.2-fold compared with the indi-
viduals on probiotics, suggesting that the daily consumption of Conclusions and Future Research
probiotics limited exercise-induced reductions in tryptophan The nutritionally essential amino acid tryptophan contributes
levels and reduced the incidence of the infection without to protein synthesis and the regulation of numerous physiolog-
affecting athletic performance. It seems that catabolism of ical mechanisms. These include serving as a precursor for the
tryptophan might contribute to the function of the immune neurotransmitter serotonin and the vitamin niacin. It is
10 International Journal of Tryptophan Research 

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