Mur Aqaba
Mur Aqaba
Mur Aqaba
The Art and Science
Sufi Meditation
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
of the Sufi Order of Azeemia
Translated by:
Syed Shahzad Reaz
ISBN: 0-9758875-4-8
The author of this book does not give out medical advice or
prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for
physical or mental problems without the advice of a physician.
yourself or your loved one, the author and the publisher assume
no responsibility for your actions.
Contents 4
Introduction 7
Mental Concentration 20
Spiritual Brain 25
Waves of Thought 28
Third Eye 32
Electrical System 46
Three Layers 51
Concept of Unity 59
Benefits of Muraqaba 78
Levels 83
Subtle Sensations 99
Glossary 199
Index 209
Shaykh Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Silsila-e-Aaliya Azeemia
When we try to learn a new skill or try to gain knowledge
about it specific subject, we follow a guideline or a system, which
demands that we pay attention to the subject to fully understand
it. Our mind becomes curious to know the where, how and what
of it. When we pay attention to the minor details, that minor
point itself gains value. However, when we ignore the most
important part and do not pay any cognitive attention to it then
even that major point loses its value and importance. Through
contemplation we gain knowledge about any object and the
deeper that knowledge the more we learn about that object and
its qualities.
herself from outward (zahir) senses and begins thrir .jounry in the
inward (batin) senses.
The notion that dreams are nothing but thoughts is not correct.
In all scriptures including the Qur'an (Koran), dreams have been
mentioned. The dreams that were mentioned in the Qur'an show
unable to act on its own. As long as the Spirit is attached with the
body, all the needs, and functions necessary for life are present. In
other words, Spirit (ruh) is the foundation of the body.
only possible when the vision that sees Time and Space frees itself
from its boundaries. To activate that vision, certain exercises have
been created through which even if the human mind is not totally
free at least it is able to come close to it.
Now the next question is how and when the human senses
could be freed from that restriction. One example is the state of
dreaming. Sleeping actually is getting freedom from the diurnal
senses, which are Time and Space. When we go to sleep then our
senses are transferred to a realm where the state of Time and
Space do exist but not in the chronological order in which we spend
our life. The Second way is that while wake human mind could
focus on any object with full concentration. For example when we
read an interesting book, we often lost track of the time. When we
finally look at our watch, we then realize that so much time has
elapsed, though we were not aware of it.
"And We enter night into the dray and let the clay enter into the
night." "We take the night out of the day and take the day out of
the night." "We cover the clay onto night and night into the day..."
During the day senses (diurnal senses) restricted with Time and
Space while during night senses (nocturnal senses) we are free
from these restrictions.
Imam Ali began his prayer. When Imam Ali began his prayer, the
surgeons were able to operate on him without him showing any
sign of pain. By the time he was done with his prayers, Imam Ali
realized that the surgeon had already performed the surgery and the
called the shaykh (Sufi Master), pir, or murshid. The person who
receives that training is referred as murid.
What sets this Sufi Order apart from most of the other Orders is
that it is available to people from all the faiths. Hence, it number of
Shaykh Azeemi's students are Hindus, Christians and Zoroastrian as
well as members of other faiths. The main headquarters of the Sufi
Order of Azeemia is its convent (khanqah) at Surjani Town,
subdivision of Karachi, where Shaykh Azeemi still receives and gives
free advice to people daily. The convent holds weekly Muraqaba
sessions as well as training classes and hangar.
pray for them, I too got my turn. I then realized why people were
waiting so anxiously for so long. It was a very brief hug but I felt
something. It wasn't that I hadn't hugged anyone before but this was
Last but not least, I would like to show my gratitude for Shaykh
Azeemi for entrusting me with this task and giving me the permission
to translate his book and to God for giving me the ability to do and
complete this job.
In the current information age, the very question of what Man is,
and to what extent his abilities go, has gained prominence.
Metaphysical knowledge tells us that Man is not just a mass of
muscles and bones but in fact is a living universe or microcosm (a'lam
asghar) itself. His life is primarily relying on information. As a matter
of fact his life is nothing but a collection of thoughts and imagination.
His every movement is influenced by information and thoughts.
Every human achievement is circled around the unseen world of
cognition, imagination and creative thoughts. By giving new meaning
to this idea, Man creates and invents new things out of nothing.
Every day discoveries about the mind and inner dimensions are
showing that human existence is divided into two. One half is its
outer layer and the second half is the movement in its inner plane.
These two sides are linked with each other. The idea that Man is not
simply confined to his physical side and outward feelings has
surfaced from time to time in all phases of human history. There is
an internal sphere in humans which is independent of material
needs. This is the sphere that is behind sending the entire cognitive
stimulus to the physical sphere. That internal sphere is actually what
Man is and is commonly known as the Soul (nafas) or Spirit (ruh).
Spiritualists of all times have maintained that if we focus on our inner
All five of these senses have limits within the physical realm but
they are limitless in the spiritual realm. The spiritual senses usually
Mental Concentration
We all know for a fact that unless any work is done using the full
concentration, desired results would never be achieved. Whether it
is educational, sports or spiritual, mental concentration is the
backbone of all the achievements. To learn something we need an
environment where there is least distraction. When we learn
something new using full concentration, we usually achieve the
desired results. On the other hand if the environment is full of
distraction then our objective could not he achieved, no matter great
our ability to learn it.
Law of Inventions
First, the idea about an invention enters the mind of the inventor
and his mind starts to focus on it. The deeper the mind descends into
the thought, the greater the thought broadens; and the form and
figures of that thought begin to form. Eventually it manifests as the
gave away its conscious inheri tance to the new generation. First,
humans tried to imitate the birds by attaching wings to their bodies,
but that did not work. Nevertheless, that failure did not stop the
desire and so the process continued for centuries. Some like
Leonardo Da Vinci came very close but the end product was still far
away. Little by little, the mechanics of flight started to emerge in the
mind and the concepts of air pressure and aerodynamics were finally
revealed. And as we know it, the Wright brothers finally succeeded
in making a machine that could fly and the rest is history.
Spiritual Brain
Many life experiences and events point to the fact that there are
perceptual resources available besides the physical senses in humans
whose capability and attributes are much higher and greater than
normal senses. Based on the way with which these perceptual
resources are exposed to us, different terms have been assigned to
them, for example sixth sense, Extra Sensory Perception or ESP, intu-
ition, conscience, inner voice and spiritual flight among others.
Example I:
You suddenly start thinking about a relative whom you have not
seen in years. From time to time, his or her picture appears in your
mind though there is no apparent reason for it. You began
questioning yourself why it was happening. Sometimes it may also
Example II:
Waves of Thought
buddies until it gets late and then we finally go to our bed. The next
day is spent more or less in the same way.
The same goes for driving. While driving a vehicle, our entire
focus remains on the traffic as well as the mechanical aspect of
driving. Moreover, because of that mental focus our body is able
to control and operate the vehicle. During driving we try our best
to remain focused on the road and the incoming traffic; while at
the same time we chat with the passengers in the vehicle, listen to
our favorite radio or music and various thoughts cross our minds,
but our intentional focus never shifts from driving.
Third Eye
It is often stated that we see through our eyes but if we had paid
attention, we would have come to realize that eyes are not the only
thing needed for vision. If the system that transports the information
from the sight screen to the brain were suspended then the person
would be unable to see even with perfect eyes. This suggests that
eyes are only a part in the mechanism of vision. They are not
mental screen then the light of the outward plays no part in it. We
feel the reflection of the imagination in the same way as we do for
the reflection of the outward image. The reflection of the
imagination may be dim though it contains the same meaning as
the image of the outward. Hence, we can say that the process of
vision occurred in both instances.
In the same way when we are asleep, our eyes are closed and yet
we behold different scenes in the dream. It has happened in our
experience that sometimes when we see an event-taking place in a
dream or semi-drowsiness, a few days later the same event actually
takes place.
The above examples from daily life illustrate the fact that in
seeing those images or feeling the reflection of those images the
involvement of our physical eye is absolutely nothing. What we are
trying to explain is that human vision is independent of any
material elements for its true functioning. In one manner, it works
through the means of physical eye and in the other style or manner
Unless the sense of sight performs its entire function, its role
remains incomplete. Under the Laws of Creation, it is bound to
perform its given function. When the sense of sight ascends, man
starts to see with eyes closed the hidden realm. At that moment,
the vision observes all the different dimensions of the entire
Universe. Those are the forms and figures that a step later
manifest as material forms. These figures are called the esoteric
or spiritual world. Consistency in Muraqaba forces the sense of
vision to hide behind the physical world and turn the focus of the
vision toward the world, which could not be seen with the physical
When we see from our eyes, eyelids move and the process of
winking happens. Continuously doing so puts a pressure on
this suspension stays past its limits, the angle of vision or sight
alters and inner vision or sight comes into motion. When a person
does Muraqaba, all those factors come into motion that activates
the inner sight (vision) by suspending the outward vision.
objects. We could not even see the trees and its leaves. Due to the
visionary limitations, buildings and their features appear to be
misty and hazy.
This is the story of the light that works in the outward world.
When the angle of the outward light is altered, our vision changes
with it. In the same manner the inner information that comes into
the mind is also dependent on the workings of light. By closing the
eyes, the mind is being focused and the flow of outward light is
stopped. Then inward light takes it place by infusing into the
space between the projector and the screen all we see is a stream
of light coming out of the area where projector is working. Those
rays of light carry all the images visible on the screen. Hence, this
process could be divided into three parts. First, the images of the
film; second, the light on which those images travel and eventu-
ally fall on the screen; and third, the screen itself on which those
images are displayed. When physical senses move inside us then
we see the film on our physical screen.
Our mind also carries a screen of light in which the cosmic film is
displayed. On that screen, we can even see those objects that are
otherwise hidden from our physical eye. Under this method of
observation, the restriction of time and space plays no part. In the
present moment, we can see any moment, whether it is past or
future, near or far.
'past' and those which are called 'future' in the 'present moment.
senses are unable to see them, but we simply cannot deny their
existence. The level of this attribute exists in its proper form in the
realm of lights (Non-physical world). This system acts through
waves or through the chemical properties of the cell.
When we see someone, for example John Doe, our eyes could
only see the body made out of flesh and bones. The personal
attributes of John Doe remain hidden from our sight. For example,
whether John Doe is kind hearted, well-behaved, is or is not
sensitive and so on. His brain contains unlimited information of
scientific knowledge. his memory has registered millions of
images. There are numerous activities going on inside John's body
and mind which remain hidden.
The hidden life of John Doe and all of his qualities exist in the
The hidden record or the film always coexists with the mind. For
example, when we see someone whom we had not seen in twenty
five years then we do not have to memorize the events of the past
twenty five years nor do we physically enter the time zone of
twenty five years ago, instead we instantly recognize that person.
This means that the subconscious has the record of those twenty
five years. When the record came into motion then the interim
period simply is deleted in order to bring back the twenty five year-
old personality. And our mind was able to see that 'moment' which
exists in the record in which the twenty five year-old personality is
whole tree.
of watching the 'inner movie' is to move the sight (or vision) away
from the physical screen. In this practice all those methods are
used upon which the sight shifts its interest from watching the
outer screen to the inner screen. During this attempt, the
consciousness become subdued and the sight rejects that screen
that usually comes in front of the vision during the conscious state
of mind. Through consistent practice, the focus of the sight shifts
to the screen which exists in the inner layer of the mind and on
which the film or movie of the hidden reality of the universe is dis-
The 'Point of Essence' (nuqta dhat) that lies inside the Man, can
observe the wonders of the Universe on both screens. The reason
why we are unaware of the inner screen is that all of our interests
lie with the outer screen. We simply do not get interested in
watching the inner screen.
reading, it seems like only a few minutes have passed, but only after
looking at our watch do we realize that a lot of time has passed. In
the same manner while waiting for someone, a few minutes feels like
agency through which man can access the realms of the unseen and
the ability to dream (vision) provides the man, the knowledge of the
unseen or paranormal in his normal physical level of existence.
The prophet Joseph saw in his dream that the Sun, moon and
eleven stars prostrating before him which suggested that in due
future he will be given the gift of prophecy and Divine Knowledge
(ilm ladani). Years later in prison, he interpreted the dreams of his
fellow inmates, the royal cook and the bartender, and correctly
predicted their future. When the king saw a dream, Prophet
Joseph predicted that there would be a famine followed by surplus
of grains. All of which came true the way Prophet Joseph had
predicted it. Notable to mention is the fact that among these
dreams that we just discussed one of them is of a Prophet,
however the other three are of ordinary folks. All of these dreams
were carrying news of the future.
when he comes out of sleep into the physical world, he finds himself
with renewed energy for the fulfillment of his physical action (or
life). Nocturnal senses are such it unique gift of Nature that every one
has it. We can benefit from it even further if we so desire.
Spiritual science begins with this basic lesson: we are not just a
body of flesh and bones. Along with the body there is an agency
attached to it known as spirit (ruh), which is really its essence. The
human spirit is able to move without the body and if we can rise to a
certain level, we can go on a spiritual journey without our body.
the affairs of nocturnal actions just the way it is aware of the diurnal
actions. Hence under nocturnal senses, we can use our own spirit
(ruh) to carry out our wishes.
Electrical System
Generators (latifa)
The Divine Will (amr) or Divine Light (tadjalli) carries the entire
knowledge or science in the form of a record. When this record is
activated, it turns into a whim. This action is called the current no 1.
The negative wave of current no.2 gives whim the forms and
figure of a thought. Through thought, all creatures are connected in
one chain. 'I'hat is why all creatures share the basic needs, for
example, hunger, thirst, anger; need to reproduce and so on.
The positive now of current no.2 gives you the awareness of the
imaginations of your own kind (species).
All three currents pass through the mind and it moves in all three
thought and whim and all hidden information are received in the
form of a film.
3 currents:
Spiritual beings travel with their luminous and pure light bodies
by achieving perfection in Muraqaba. Through Muraqaba, the
conscious state of humans is dissolved into the luminous body. You
then become aware of all the information that is already loaded in
the luminous body. Here we would like to clarify that this light is
not the light we see with our naked eves. Instead this light is
unseen by our physical eye.
Three Layers
These six subtle substances (or chakra, which we are going to call
spheres) are further divided into six more layers of light and pure
light (nur). From the three waves of light, diurnal senses are formed
while through three pure-light (nur) waves nocturnal senses are
formed. The layers of light are necessary for the diurnal senses while
the pure-light waves are needed for the functioning of the nocturnal
our eves first open, we enter into the conscious senses. We can call
this state as semi-awakening. What we mean by semi-awakening is
that during this stage we are not yet fully entered into consciousness.
However, the moment we wake up from sleeping and enter the first
state of awakening, our soul is inundated by thoughts and actions;
First stage:
Second stage:
Third stage:
Laws of vision
sleep. This means that the same kinds of senses are interchanging
between waking and sleeping. This interchanging of senses is in fact
life. When one kind of senses becomes dormant inside the brain, the
other kind of senses simply takes over. During wakefulness the
senses start working right when blinking starts that is the eyelids
start hitting the eyeballs. When this process happens to us, We get
out of sleep and enter the waking state. In our present time, we (an
use the example of a still camera as a metaphor. Even when there
is film inside the camera and it has the lens as well, the camera is
not going to work unless the button is pressed, causing the shutter
to open and close within a tenth of a second or so.
The law of sight is that brain not only receives the picture of the
outward image it also receives the information with it. By seeing,
the mind puts meaning to that information. The image that falls on
the screen of the mind through winking usually lasts for 15 seconds.
Before those 15 seconds pass, the other images one by one fall on
the screen and take over the previous image. That process remains
consistent throughout waking period.
The entire Universe and all the creatures in this Universe are
linked together in a cohesive manner. Different stages of life and the
different times seem separated if seen from the outward eyes.
However, the different stages of time and the various stages of life,
no matter how different they may seem, are all linked to the center.
Rays or waves serve as the communicator between the inhabitants
of the Universe and the center. On the one hand, the waves from its
central source descend and feed the individuals of the Universe and
maintain centralization. On the other hand, after feeding the
creatures of the Universe, these waves ascend back to their source.
This never-ending process of ascent and descent is life. The distance
that these waves cover ends up making this Universe look like a loop.
With ascending and descending movements, this loop further divides
into six more loops. The first circle of the Universe and the
inhabitants of the Universe are called Soul (naffs). The Soul is like it
and from which the light is being emitted. The light or wave of this
lamp is in fact vision or sight.
going through the other three stages that object could be seen in the
dimension of a form and figure with all its colorfulness.
The way we have described the rule of vision, all senses work in
the same fashion. These senses are of smell, hearing, taste, and
touch. All the interests and activities of life, events, actions, and
entire system are based on the same above mentioned rule.
The second consciousness lets the Self be aware of its own kind.
For example, when this consciousness works inside a human being,
humans beget other humans, just as from a cat spring other cats. The
feelings of a human child are the same as its parents and the kitten
has all those feelings that exist in a cat.
eternity to the modern day. Change of space also does not affect its
role either.
The cosmic mind is like a seed of a tree. The stem of the tree, its
branches, flower, fruits, everything has its foundation in that tiny
this even further. If for instance the mind of the species is considered
as an electrical current and all the species as bulbs, then just as the
electrical current goes to millions and trillions of electric bulbs from
the power station; in the same manner the information from the
cosmic mind (consciousness) reaches the species and its individuals.
Since this information system works like the electrical system, the
mind of all the species are interconnected with each other.
When we look into life itself, it becomes evident that one side
of our mind functions in the physical life while the other side is the
source of the information of life, in which all the information and
actions are stored. That side influences our conscious life. In our
physical body, numerous bodily functions are carried out without
the conscious will or intention. For example in order to breathe, or
to blink, or for the heart to beat, we do not need our will power.
These functions are performed on their own in an orderly fashion.
the child. Both of these records are stored in every newborn child.
As the child grows, his consciousness broadens.
This means that that person activated the skill that already
existed inside him or her and made it part of his or her
consciousness. In the sane way that person can learn any skill or
trade of his or her own Species. This skill is stored in their species-
Concept of Unity
borne out of assumption or fiction can only stand and support other
ideologies for a short while, but eventually it fails because it is an
ideology based on supposition. On the other hand, the concept of
Divine Unity presented by the prophets is not based on postulation.
When we discuss humanity and wish for its welfare then we have
to come to the conclusion that the human race is a family. The head
of this family is the One, who is beyond any doubts and suspicions.
beyond the physical appearance, into the inner Self then we see that
beneath the physical differences, members of human race do have a
common spiritual denominator. It is the belief that all creatures are
one and the Being that meets the need of creatures is also One. All
the advancement, development of the human race, and branches of
knowledge are linked to that single Source. No branch of knowledge
could become knowledge unless it Being inspired that knowledge in
the human mind.
aside. We have to free ourselves from hatred. The time is not far
when the human race after going through the dreadful conflicts of
the future whether they are ideological or economic, will be forced
During the time of the prophet Muhammad, the faithful had his
glorious company. The spirits of his companions were enlightened
with his love. Most of their time was spent in the contemplation on
his personality and essence. They were always busy finding the
wisdom through his W1,rtls and actions. Because of this focused life,
they were able to gain the '.Piritual awareness. Moreover because
of his company they had involunt;trily gained the cognitive and
intuitive angle of perception without much effort.
collection of outward rituals and traditions. Ahlul Bayt and later Sufi
saints then tried to popularize the inner mode of religion and created
a system (silila; Sufi orders) through which gaining that awareness
was made possible. Its purpose was to combine dhikr
(remembrance) with fikr ((ontemplation). The practical form of fikr
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
"In the creation of earth and skies and in the daily routine of
day and night, there are signs for those wise people who
remember God, standing, sitting and resting and those who
contemplate on the creation of skies and earth and as a result
come to conclusion that ‘O’ Our Lord, Thou has not created these
with no purpose." [aal-irnran}
Besides the universe, the Qur'an (Koran) has also disclosed the
Divine Essence and Attributes, as in these verses:
"Wherever you turn, you see the Face of God." "Be aware; be
certain that God is seeing you." "God engulfs everything."
"Did you not see that person (Ezra) who was walking by a city
(Jerusalem) the roofs of which had collapsed? Said he, How would
God revive that city after it has been completely destroyed? So God
kept him dead for a hundred years and then gave him back life. God
said, since how long have you stayed here. He replied, maybe a day
or two. God said nay. You were dead for a hundred years. Look at
your food and drink, has it not been decayed? Look at your mule.
We did that to show you Our sign for the people. And watch these
bones how We are going to connect them. Then We will dress them
with flesh. Then when the Reality was revealed to him he said, now
I know that God is omnipotent."
"He, who created seven skies on top of each other, you would
not be able to find any error in the creative work of the Merciful. See
it again. Have you found an fault? Look at it again and again, your
sight would return back to you after having failed, it would be tired
as well."
"In fact these are the bright verses(ayaat) which are saved in
their bosoms, those have been given the knowledge. And no one
could deny Our verses except the unjust." [Sura Ankaboot]
"O' throng of humans and jinns! If you have the power to cross
the boundaries of the Universe, then do so. You could not except
through Sultan (spiritual ability)."
Saints, this level is the attestation of the heart that comes after the
verbal affirmation of faith. The idea is to make them aware of the
vision of their heart through which they will be able to witness
matters that are the foundation of the faith (iman).
This is the way of the prophets of God that they locate the
"Fear the insight of the faithful (mo'min) for he sees through the
Light of God."
"We are closer to you than your cardinal vein." "He is inside
your soul. Why don't you see?" "We will soon reveal to them
Our signs in the cosmos and in the souls."
Muraqaba is an act of the Heart. The word itself came from the
Arabic word rageeb. Raqeeb is one of the Divine Names listed in
the Qur'an (Koran) and its literal meaning is protector or caretaker.
This indicates protecting the mind from the negative and worrying
thoughts and focusing on God or His attributes or signs.
senses become dormant to this focus. And the thing that does not
feel becomes known without ever being felt."
In order to observe the hidden realm, all the saints, prophets and
apostles have applied cognition and spent months or years with their
abilities practicing Muraqaba. It should not be assumed that
prophet-hood can be achieved merely by trying. This is a special
privilege that God bestows on a chosen few. The system of
prophethood and apostle-hood has ended, however revelation
(il'haam) and awakening of consciousness (roshan zarneeri)
the very thought of who his Creator was and where He was. That
became a focal point of his quest. The depth of the awareness finally
created a way towards gnosis and he directly received the Divine
Guidance (hidaya). In the Quran(Koran), the quest of Abraham is
related as follows:
"Then when he saw the moon, the bright, and glowing, said he,
this is my Creator. When that fell too Abraham said, if my God would
not guide me then I would be among those who have gone astray.
Then when saw the sun, he said, this is my God. This is the biggest
one. So when that went down, he said, O' my people, no doubt I am
disgusted with your infidelity. I turn my way towards the One who
created this earth and the skies and I am not among those who
worship idols."
[Sura Inaam]
on his was' towards the Promised Land spent some time in the Sinai
Desert. There he left his brother Aaron in charge of the community
and went towards what is known today as Mount of Moses (jabal
al musa, koh-e-toor) on God's Will. There, he spent forty days and
forty nights and received the Torah.
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
Moses spent the entire forty days and nights there but what is
interesting is that God only used the term 'night' but the day was
not even mentioned. According to Sufism, 'night' is the name of
those senses (nocturnal senses) that are responsible for the
hidden revelations. During Muraqaba, the human senses are
influenced by the nocturnal senses and the person is then able to
observe the world after freeing himself from the clutches of Time
and Space. During those forty days and nights, Moses was
dominated by the nocturnal senses and therefore his mind was
able to witness the hidden Reality and Divine Messages.
'I'he Mother of Mary had prayed to God that if she had a child,
she would dedicate him to the Solomon's Temple of Jerusalem. She
was expecting that she would bear a boy; instead, she gave birth to
a daughter (Mary). Acting on her promise to God that she would
devote Mary to the Temple, she sent Mary to live in the Temple
and her Uncle Prophet Zachariah (father of John the Baptist)
became her custodian. Her reclusive life (khilwat) was for achieving
mental concentration (Muraqaba). During her stay she
involuntarily began performing miracles and other supernatural
acts. In the Qur'an (Koran), it is mentioned that whenever her Uncle
Prophet Zachariah would go to see her in the Temple, he would be
Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness praying. During his stay,
He was tempted by Satan, who used greed and other tactics to lead
him astray. However, Jesus paid no attention to his follies. Eventually
Jesus was able to receive the divine favors.
"And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth
of Galilee and was baptized of John in Jordan. And straightway
coming up out of the water, saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit
like a dove descending upon him. And immediately the Spirit driveth
him into the wilderness. And he was there in the wilderness for forty
days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels
ministered unto him." [1:9-13]
Cave of Hira
"Pure is the Essence which took His servant at night from the
Mosque of Mecca (Masjid-al-haram ) to the Mosque of .Jerusalem ( Dome of
the Rock ), so that he could witness the signs of Our might."
Attention to God
"O' who covers with clothes! Spend thy night in vigil but a small
portion, meaning the half night or even smaller portion. Or increased
slightly from half and recite the Qur'an (Koran) very clearly. We are
going to descend a heavy order on thee."
[Sura Muzammil]
During the hours of night when the outward senses get groggy
and the inner senses are activated, Prophet Muhammad used to
keep night vigil. Because of long hours of standing, his feet would get
"Sever from the rest and focus on Ilim, the Lord of the East and
of the West."
"These are the people whom the trade and business of worldly
life could not distract them in their remembrance (dhikr) of God."
[Sura Nur]
Just like all other Prophets before hint, the prophet Muhammad
also devised a system of prayers based on Divine Commandments.
This system was devised so that people of all levels of society and
ability could perform it and because of that could establish a
connection with God. After Unity (tow/wed), prayer (salat) is the
most important pillar of Islam. Salat reinforces the idea of God's
omnipresence and by simply repeating it creates God-awareness.
In the salat all the movements of daily life are assembled so that a
person, no matter what he is doing, remains at the higher level of
God's awareness.
The center of religious teaching is the Essence of God and its pur-
pose is to establish a link between the created and the Creator. In
addition, it is to strengthen that relationship to a point where the
heart can witness the Divine Light (tadjalli). Therefore, all functions,
whether they are physical or rational are connected with the Divine
so that consciously and subconsciously the thought of God encircles
the mind.
When you say the same name repeatedly then that single
thought registers in the mind. Concentration is enhanced and the
mind is able to maintain a focus on a single thought. When this
occurs then the person feels a burden in repeating the Name with
Then comes a moment when the person even feels a burden with
the dhikr by heart as well. At that point the thought of that Name
encircles him and he becomes totally immersed in the archetypal
world of imagination (alam al-mithal). This state is called dhikr roohi
(spiritual); its other name is Muraqaba. Muraqaba in this case is
defined as a thought of God established in such a way that
focuses on, and never deviates from Him.
World Religions
Benefits of Muraqaba
Due to weak will power, success in life can not be achieved. Life
experiences have shown that mental stress eventually leads to
diseases and physical ailments. Mental complications directly or
To get mental peace most people try those methods that often
suspend the consciousness temporarily such as alcohol, drugs, and
tran(luilizers. These drugs do nothing but create a feeling of self-
negation temporarily. These sources not only damage health but also
the nervous systenm and speed up the aging process.
The other negative effects of these medicines are that the patient
tu'cunles dependent on them as well. Prolonged use may also
necessitate Ih(, increase of dosage since after a while the usual
dosage fails to be as eltCctive as the original dose. Tranquilizers
should never be stopped instantly as this could lead to other serious
— Enhanced creativity.
— Less irritability.
— Improvement in hearing.
— Increased immunity.
— Reduction of stress.
— Improved memory.
— End of doubt.
The point we are trying to make is that when any new ability
grows, the consciousness absorbs it gradually. Just as a child goes
through different stages of learning to acquire full knowledge about
any subject, in the same manner, an adult also has to go through
various learning levels in order to acquire any new skill. More or less
the same condition prevails when someone tries to activate (awaken) esoteric or
hidden senses. Since learning hidden senses is it relatively new
process for the consciousness, in the beginning it faces some
difficulties and challenges in understanding and using them.
Once fully achieved the spiritual abilities can be used at will just
as other physical abilities.
Muraqaba, one feels like he or she saw something but are unable to
remember it.
Then during the drowsy state, 1 saw a black shadow (which was not
solid) left Out from my body, and was absorbed into the front wall.
(Akmal, Lahore)
(Tahir Jalil)
Colorful Dreams
sleep and continues the entire night. Different scenes come and go
in which he sees trees, flowers, greenery, mountains, lush green
valleys, lakes, rivers, buildings, birds and so on. These dreams
usually have more depth and detail. Even after waking up their
effect lasts for a while.
Using his spiritual power the master cleans the mind of his
student. Impurity is washed and converted into subtlety.
student journey into the spiritual world. In the spiritual world, the
students glimpse and have audience with prophets, saints, and other
spiritual personalities. Such matters come before observation so that
the student has no choice but to remember them. The images of roya
sadiga (true dream) are so deep that mind is forced to repeat them.
I saw a huge. field. In the middle of that field there is a hole similar
to a grate. The field is lush green. However, in that grave a red liquid
seemed to be present. Within moments, that liquid turned into a
Dream 2:
Dream 3
Dream 4
After doing the Muraqaba, I lay down and went to sleep right
away. I saw that I was told by my parents to polish the cooking pot
from the polish shop. I told the person doing the polish that I
would be lack with my cousin. When I got to home, my rnont gave
saw myself strolling somewhere and I have a cooking pot with me.
I also saw black stains in my clothes.
Dream 5
You made a promise to someone but have not fulfilled it. Your
conscience is reminding you of your obligation. Listen to your
conscience or else you may have a nervous breakdown eventually.
Dream 6
Last night after doing the Muraqaba I went to sleep right away.
I saw that my neighbor's house was on fire and the fire eventually
reaching our home and part of it was being burnt. I, instead of
This dream is a warning. The person who saw that dream should
avoid a behavior that led to a situation in his business and on which
he is wrongly insisting. He should rethink and change his behavior.
Dream 7
Dream 8
the pre-drawn prayers. The other night I saw in my dream that Jam
going to Karachi. On my way to Karachi, I met several people who
stabbed inc,. My whole body was blooded. Then I saw that they
locked me in a room. When I was stabbed, I shouted and cried,
Dream 9
nighttime. Vie sky was of light blue color. When I looked up to see
the sky I saw bright stars. In the middle of stars was a big moon.
Near the moon, there is a fairy standing, wearing a glittery dress.
She is wearing a shiny crown and has a white stick in her hand.
There are stars in that stick as well and she is smiling at me.
Even since early childhood, you have a habit of thinking and day-
dreaming. Due to the overindulgence of that behavior you have
become ultra-sensitive. Because of which you have become unhappy
and depressed, life seems like a collection of unhappy events. When
that condition became serious and the nervous system itself was
being a effected then it showed you this pleasant dream so that you
may feel lighthearted. The dream you saw must have been quite a
while ago because it does not reflect any thing about the practice of
Muraqaba that you have been doing.
Levels 69
Dream 10
kind of friends who give you wrong advice and are bad influence.
Dream 11
I pray for you that God may make you the source of peace and
serenity for His creatures and the medium through which the
spiritual mission of Prophet Muhammad is spread across the globe
The interpretation of all the dreams that you have seen is what I
just stated above.
Dream 12
Ifelt like we were sinking in the sands while running. Then I felt as
if we were not the only ones instead there were thousands of
men and women. livery one was holding each others hand and
though sand was up to their neck, they kept running. I could not
tell how exciting it was. Suddenly I felt like we were circling the
Holy Kaaba. It was very dark but I knew that my family was there
too. Though I could not tell which members of my family were
there, I did know that my aunt was there. Then a white pigeon
came and the entire place was lit. In the dark I could only see that
pigeon; then I heard that voice of my aunt asking, "did (page 29)
you know who that pigeon was?" I then asked her who it was and
she said it was Sufi Master Muhammad Zachariah. I woke up right
then. This is the second time in the six months that I have seen
him. In the first dream, I sate his tomb.
Dream 13
I have been doing Muraqaba twice: first before going to bed and
Before seeing these dreams I saw a long time ago that some Sufi
saints were descending from the sky in ajeep, their faces were
glowing. They saw me and then went away. Then came back and
returned towards the sky in the sale jeep.
Dream 14
our terrace. We all are chatting. Then I informed all my friends that
our Sufi shaykh is visiting and they all came to see him. My mom
expressed the desire to visit Karachi and the Sufi shaykh invited us as
well and said he would send his men to pick us up from the station.
Their sign would be that they would be carrying Olive oil. Then my
younger sister, and I went to see Sufi Shaykh with our relative and
then I shouted, "Look who is here" after seeing the dream my morn
woke me up. It was the time of dawn prayers.
The dream will manifest in reality exactly the way you have seen
it. In fact, your devotion has activated your inner eye in your dream.
May ( god give you spiritual improvement immensely (Amen)
Dream 15
advice and ivent anyway. One of them was attacked by the lion
and took her feet into its mouth. People were gathered at the
scene however no one had the courage to intervene. I went ahead
and saved her from the clutches of the lion. She looked at me
thankfully. I took her into my arm, and sent her home.
Dream 16
Dream 17
Dream 18
The dream is about your future. Your married life will be happy
and good. In addition, from your maternal side a spirit will take a
physical form and will be a source of pride for the whole family. I pray
to God that what this dream is informing us, is fulfilled and no family
dispute will twin it.
Dream 19
For the last month, I have been doing Mur•agaba before going
to !u d. 1 have seen many dreams so far. Someone donning a white
dress carne to see my father and silently fetched some documents
from the drawer and put them in his pocket and left. My father
did not ask him uny questions either; then I woke up.
taken aback by this market. 1 was wishing that I could climb to the
top of the building when I wokeup. The next morning I tuent to see
if there was anything out there but there was nothing.
In the first dream those papers symbolize money which you are
about to get, out of nowhere. It is going to be a huge amount. Second
dream is also similar to the first, which suggests how the money will
bring more prosperity.
Dream 20
Four friends are the symbols of many plans and ideas that are
stuck in the mind. These plans are for one thing only because all
friends are in the same ship. In order to fulfill the plans there were
some obstacles, which had caused hopelessness. Then the help
came from a hidden source and things were getting better. This is
Subtle Sensations
eyes and open eyes as well, lights of various colors are seen. Flashes
of light, similar to a camera flash is felt inside the brain. Body
sometimes become oversensitive and the electrical flow inside ones
body is felt as well. Because of this concentration of lights,
sometimes the body gets a shock too. Feelings of peace and serenity
get stronger and deeper. Cognitive and problem solving abilities are
enhanced. This and other similar conditions and sensations show the
colorfulness of the luminous system and the enhancement of
spiritual energy.
Report I
Report II
a shock in my body.
(Misbahuddin, Karachi)
Report III
Idraak (awareness)
Speed of mind meets its form. For example, when someone say
"apple", the picture of apple does appear in the mind. These
pictorials are so light, the sight could not see it; however, senses do
Report IV
(M. Salam)
Report V
Report VI
Report VII
Report VIII
Report IX
at one point then the sight is stuck and becomes deeper and the
esoteric eve starts seeing things. During prayers holy places come
before my eyes.
Today all day, my mind remained focused. I have also noticed that
when I am thinking about something that thing or event comes
right before my eyes. Mind negated the space to such an extent
that every country, every city seems to be just few steps away.
Karachi, Lahore etc all of them seem so close. My mind has gone
through an unbridled expansion and speed.
(Ehsan, Swat)
Report X
I saw during the Muraqaba that there is a luminous body just few
steps from my body. The more my focus was enhanced, the more
that body became luminous. Even the heart seems luminous. I felt
that if my forehead has an eye. During the Muraqaba, I felt like if I
am seeing with nw forehead eve. Wherever I see, things appeared to
be collection of various colors. (Waqar Ahmed)
Report XI
(M. Aslam)
Ilhaam (revelation)
You are sitting in your living room. Suddenly an old friend comes
to your mind and hours later, either he or she comes to visit you or
calls you unexpectedly. The second condition is that you hear a voice
announcig the arrival of your friend or the third condition is that you
actually see him or her coming way ahead of their actual arrival.
Proof of Vahii
According to the above verse, the vahii comes from God. Vahii
is that form of pure light (nur) that carries esoteric information.
This information may be of past events or of future happenings.
That is why God has informed His prophets and apostles of both
the past (history) and the future. Other than that vahii has nothing
to do with the individual's consciousness or discretion. Instead,
vahii is in fact Divine Wisdom.
"And when you do not bring any ayat to them- they say-why
did you not make it Qn your own? Say, I only follow what was vahii
to me from my Lord. These are the bright signs from your Lord.
They are guidance and blessing for those people who are of faith."
In these verses, all types of vahii are discussed. God has called
vahii His words. The word of God is revealed in many different
ways. Sometimes through vahii while at others, mysteriously. For
instance, Moses glimpsed the Divine Light (tadjalli). On Mount
Sinai God revealed His Divine Light in the burning bush. Moses
conversed with God. This type of vahii is known as the hidden or
veiled one. This Divine Light became the veil between God and
Moses. So that he was not able to see God, instead he only
glimpsed the Divine Veil. Through this Veil, he communicated with
God is pure light (nur). His words are also nur. Although God is
as close to us as our jugular nerve, we are unable to comprehend
His Essence with our conscious (physical) senses. Which means
that for us to absorb vahii, which is the light (nur) of the Word of
God, our consciousness has to be powerful or strong enough so
that it can withstand its impact. Based on these levels of
consciousness, there are several forms of vahii.
The zones that are hidden from the sight are the subconscious.
The sight of the spirit (ruh) that functions in the subconscious and
works in multiple layers of the spirit continuously sends
information to the consciousness. Every layer of the spirit is in
constant motion by the Divine Will. Hence information of every
movement is being transferred from the subconscious. This is what
is known as the news of the hidden.
The news that comes from the layer of Divine light (tadjalli) to
the consciousness is vahii. Cognition in the sphere of Divine Light
enables the consciousness to observe the descending state of the
universe. God has given the spirit His creative knowledge. When
the Divine light goes through the layers of the spirit then the
cognition of the spirit transforms it into a creative form. This form
goes through pure light (nur) and lights and then eventually takes
it physical form and comes before the eye.
The Divine light is not God but the reflection of His Essence.
The Divine light is His Veil (hijab e'lahi). No one can glimpse God
beyond His Divine Veil nor can any of His creatures access Him
without it.
The universe is the creation of God. The vision of the spirit sees
and recognizes every being in its creative form. For unless a being
becomes a created figure, it remains unrecognized and unnamed.
Spirit (ruh) is the Divine Will (amr). Human Spirit spreads God'
Will into the universe. First, the Spirit transforms itself into the
ultrapure-light (tadjalli) of the Divine Will. Just as when software
is downloaded into the computer, its hardware converts the
cryptic script into a creative picture (or design) and displays it into
the monitor. The cryptic script of the software is nothing but
numbers or alphabets (formulas). That formula or language then is
read by the hardware, which in turn displays the creative graphics.
In the same manner, a whole being in the complete shape and
form is recognized.
Report XII
I saw the tomb of the Prophet during Muraqaba and then saw
a chain of mountains. In its valley, there was a beautiful garden.
Everywhere I saw greenery. It was a magnificent view. One day, I
became so engrossed during Muraqaba that I became unaware of
the surroundings. When for a moment my mind got distracted,
even the breathing moments seem to be interrupting. When a
thought of an old friend came to my mind it appeared as if he were
standing there and I was watching him clearly.
Report XIII
My entire attention was on him. That is why I was not able to see
the faces of those people who were there.
Report XIV
Report XV
moving from one end to the other. The room was lit by mercury
lights (tube lights) but the lights emitting from that circle were
brighter. This continued for about to minutes. Suddenly a new
figure emerged which was even brighter than the previous one.
Report XVI
Report XVII
Report XVIII
through clouds of very bright lights which lead to a very clear space.
Below there are different cities. Many people were seen working in
their field. It was lush green. Big clean rivers were running as well.
On the banks of the river, people had crops of different vegetables,
fruits, and stuff. We saw all that in one blink of an eye and resumed
our upward flight. We entered the clouds of light again and later
moved on to another clear space, which had valleys and towns all
over the place. We then moved on to another clear space after
going through other clouds of light. As we sent through the clouds
it felt as if this were the border of the heavens.
But when someone gains the knowledge of the Laws of the Divine
Names, he or she then can enter the realm of subconscious at will
and consciously. They then can observe the realm of the hidden
(a'lani a!ghayb) without any hurdle with their 'inner' vision.
Every level of sky is made of those lights of Divine Names that are
responsible for its creation. Due to the concentration of lights of
Divine Names at the border of the sky, our regular vision is unable to
see anything beyond that.
be able to have access to this realm upon his or her death. That is
why God has created seven skies so that the individual be able to
learn the science of each and every light of Divine Names working in
each level of sky and slowly their consciousness able to absorb these
lights. Every sky is the level of growth of consciousness. Each sky
In the dream I see that the Baba Ji (author) hand is on the top of
my head like an umbrella. From his fingers the lights are being
transferred to my brain because of which my brain becomes
extremely bright and I started to fly in the space like a bird. Even
during the flight, I saw his hand on top of my head. During the flight
I kept the dhikr and offered thanks and praise to God Almighty. At
the same time, I kept looking below to see where I was flying. I saw
the land of aeraaf below. I then decided to visit it. I landed on its
soil and started walking around to see things. It was a very beautiful
city. There were garden lakes everywhere.
The weather was nice. I kept praising and thanking the Lord.
During tluit time, I entered an area where there were small houses
and even with this nice weather and greenery, every one was
staying inside. My vision went inside and I saw people were sitting
Then after that, I came across a very modern housing area. Big
castles like homes and their designs resemble geometric figures.
They were colored with very light paints and looked fabulous. Then I
saw someone whom I had known. He had died few weeks ago. He
was very glad to see me and then he said, "Auntie! You are here. How
He was wearing a tailored suit. I was glad to see him too. I said
to him that I went to the other end of aeraaf where instead of
happiness all I saw was misery. It is a good thing that I see you. He
then said let's go and see things. First, he said he was going to take
me to his home. We sat in the car. He told me that he had designed
the car himself. That car resembled a flying saucer. Very beautiful,
however there was no steering wheel, no gear, nothing in it except
a few buttons. I then asked him how it was going to run.
figures but looked very elegant. He showed me his home, his cars,
everything, was very advanced. He said that the mental speed of
the people here was far greater than those of Earth. However, even
here there were towns where people were living primitively. I then
felt that those people who remain ignorant of God's Knowledge
willingly are leading an even more morose living here. Because the
speed of this world was at least 10,000 times faster then our world
(Earth), nothipg can increase the speed of mind but knowledge and
the faster the mind gets, the more practical the individual becomes.
Then in this fast-paced society every one has to catch up in order to
fit in. Otherwise they become isolated and depressed and find no
one but themselves for pity. After watching all this, I thanked God
for letting me acquire all these branches of knowledge.
Spiritual Journey
One of the rays of this light is vision. This ray travels from the far
corners of the universe. In other words, the entire universe is a circle
and this light is a lamp. The rays of this lamp are vision. Wherever
this ray falls, it beholds the surroundings near and far. The rays of the
lamp have different levels. Sometimes the rays that fall vary from
being very low, to intense and very intense.
Objects on which very low ray falls create a whim in our mind
about those things. A whim is actually the most subtle thought,
which can only he felt in the depth of perception.
When vision reaches the rays, whether very low or very intense,
it is called shahood. It is an ability that brings even the very low beam
of rays into the vision so that those objects that were at this point
merely whims could now be seen as holding form and figure, color
and shape.
Shahood is that power of the Spirit that brings the whim, thought
or imagination towards the vision and downloads its details into it.
In it, the electrical system of the Spirit intensifies and the senses are
able to store more and more lights, to a point where the unseen (a(-
ghatjb) features becomes visible. This stage is the first step of shahood.
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
In this stage all functions are related to vision, meaning the person
with shahood (sahib shahood) witnesses the affairs of the unseen,
Prophet Muhammad replied, "If you had kept the night vigils, you
would have been able to shake hands with angels as well."
the body of the master, which was not there a day before and
inquired him about that.
the end of time, whatever existed before or will happen exists at this
contrary, all those realities that exist as forms and figures exist in this
world as well."
Fatah (Exploration)
'And We have revealed this during the night of power. And what
dost thou sense what night of power is? That night of power is better
than thousands of months. Angels and the Holy Spirit descend on
that night by the Will of their Lord to do the work. That night is all
peace till dawn.
was all over the bus. Every time when the bus would restart after the
stops, the air filtering through the sweats of passengers would make
my brain explode.
The circle (chakra) at the navel was dark and dingy. I was a bit
surprised to find that in the middle of all those bright circle
(chukra)s there existed this dark, polluted and dingy circle (chukra)
but why? I felt as if my mind had already left my body. 'l'he body of
bones and flesh felt like an empty envelope. I was no longer aware
These three men acted on their will and the way they had
planned the outcome in their mind and acted on their schemes,
every action and every movement became an image that was
The moment focus shifted to heaven, the entire heaven with its
trees, fruits, creatures, lakes of honey, the well of kauthar, they all
came into my vision. When consciousness was able to witness all
that, then the angel turned his focus on the film and this entire
episode was recorded in his film as well.
On the other hand, there was another man who also left his
home for prayer. His mind is filled with filth and hatred for God's
creatures. Injustice is his hobby. Cruelty, insensitivity, and violence
are his favorite actions. He entered the mosque and prayed for a
while; however, his conscience is not satisfied. This unsatisfactory
condition of conscience can be labeled nothing but the condition of
hell. This person finished his prayers but his conscience was not
content. The angel in his film also recorded this state.
"God has sealed their hearts, their ears and their sight with a
heavy curtain, for these disobedient the punishment is everlasting
some crazy person. Some were even sarcastic and made fun of me.
How unfortunate it was that not a single person expressed any
sympathy towards me. I then left the bus and started walking
towards my home.
When I got home it was dark, but I was so morose from the
experience that I went straight to bed. I was really hurting. It felt
like someone had nailed my heart. Suddenly my focus turned
towards the mercifulness and kindness of the Prophet Muhammad.
I saw those two angels were still present and trying to comfort me.
The angel, who was making the film of good deeds, started to open
his film right in front of me and that film turned into a screen.
That person who had offered his prayers with purity and had in
his heart respect for the laws created by God was also present. The
rays from the bright circle (chakra) inside that man were revolving
like the rays from the sun. It was placid almost like a still ocean. The
bright and shins' heart was festive and intoxicated with ecstasy and
in this joyous occasion that person was strolling in the valley of
there were hoorins and different types of birds were busy - singing
as if they were singing his praise. The pools were made of rare
pearls and precious stones whose beauty far exceeds any worldly
Classification of Muraqaba
These different levels and their goals are based on the types of
imagination that a student has to focus on during the Muraqaba.
For instance, the Muraqaba of kashaf ul qaboor (vision of the
grave) is to reveal the life after death to the student. To strengthen
their aura, the student practice Muraqaba of different colors of
light and to observe the pure light, they perform Muraqaba of nur.
Some programs for the Muraqabas are for special purposes. For
instance, Muraqaba to observe life after death (kashaf ul gaboor),
Muraqaba of voice of cosmos (haatif ghaybi), Muraqaba for mental
peace and so on and so forth. These specialized Muraqaba can
awaken any unique and hidden ability of the student so as to get
specific benefit from it. While other Muraqabas work to activate
the hidden senses of the student, these Muraqaba activate the so-
called third eye by using specialized methods.
Practical Program
To perform Muraqaba, you would first close your eyes and then
free your mind of all the incoming thoughts. Then focus on a single
Styles of Posture
Make the surroundings and the place to sit for Muraqaba as com-
Iurtable and serene as possible, to avoid tension in the nerves and
physical fatigue. Based on your physique and natural tendencies, you
can adopt any of the following sitting styles.
Cross-legged Position
Other Styles:
before dawn
after midnight
human senses and that is why doing Muraqaba during these times is
more productive than the others. All these times have some specific
benefits; however, the period between sundown and sunrise is
Our world is moving in two ways, first in its own axis and second
in its orbit. After reaching the zenith, the speed of orbiting starts
slowing. Around a couple of hours before sundown, the speed slows
down to a point where senses start feeling the pressure. Human and
animal senses begin converting from the diurnal senses to the
nocturnal senses. Every sensible person could tell you that during
these hours we enter a state in which we feel tired or exhausted. This
condition is the beginning of subconscious impulses on the
consciousness. After midnight, the nocturnal senses get stronger and
that is why it is the best period for Muraqaba.
passes so swiftly that after finishing the Muraqaba when one looks
at the watch, it is way past the intended time. While on other
occasions, the person's eyes open before the scheduled time with no
desire to continue. However, keep the duration of the Muraqaba to
an average 20 to 45 minutes.
You should fully utilize the time reserved for Muraqaba. Perform
Muraqaba peacefully with ease. Prepare yourself for the heightened
mental focus the way we prepare ourselves before starting to read a
hook. Just as for book reading we make the environment peaceful
and quiet, so make the surroundings for Muraqaba also noise-free
and serene so you can achieve maximum concentration. Right before
beginning the Muraqaba let the mind he free of any thoughts and he
peaceful. To achieve that state words can used as well ...for example:
Say to yourself... everything is still and quiet and this stillness and
serenity is entering inside me.
Material Help
the eyes make sure to secure the eyeballs with it. This grip should be
neither too light nor so tight that it would cause pain in the eyes. The
point is to make eyeballs feel some pressure during the Muraqaba.
With enough pressure, you can control the movement of the
eyeballs. During this suspended state, the esoteric vision, which we
can call the spiritual eyes, becomes functional.
that light with closed eves. This is not what imagination (tassawar)
is. Since that person is trying to see that subject or idea in his mind,
the process of viewing is not over yet. As long as you keep beholding,
imagination will not form.
The real idea behind imagination is that you should surrender all
your thoughts and then just focus on a single thought or idea. You
should not put meaning into that thought nor should try to see
anything. For instance if you are doing a Muragaba of your teacher
then after closing your eves, you should concentrate as if you were
focusing on your spiritual teacher or your teacher as the center of
your attention. You should avoid imagining the facial or physical
features of the teacher. similarly, on Muraqaba of lights, imagine
lights are shining on you. Do not focus on the color or the types of
lights they are.
Here the analogy of a horse would best clarify it. Just like a horse,
which at first gives stiff resistance to any attempt to tame it, but later
gives in, the mind also needs persistent hard work to control it. When
EXAMPLE-i: Two people are in love with each other. When mutual
love between the two is established then they increasingly spend
time thinking about the other. Their thoughts do interchange,
however it does not affect the normal routine of daily life.
In the above example we showed that even with all the physical
activities and thoughts, the mind is usually focused on something
else. In the same manner during Muraqaba the mind keeps
focusing on one idea regardless of the other incoming thoughts.
During Muraqaba different thoughts descends into the mind
without intention. It is the duty of the person doing Muraqaba to
keep himself or herself focused on the given idea or imagination
without paying attention to the incoming thoughts.
EXAMPLE-5: You leave your home for a stroll in the park. You
remain aware of the fact that you are heading towards the park. If
your brain deletes this idea then you would never be able to reach
the park. On your way to the park you come across beautiful
houses, street lined with trees, sometimes even garbage in the
streets. Nevertheless, regardless of what you see, you are not
distracted and keep on going towards the park. If for some reason
you had decided to stop to see a beautiful house or to show your
disgust at the garbage, you would not have reached the park. On
the other hand, if the thought of that beautiful house or that
repulsive garbage overwhelms your mind then you would not he
able to enjoy the park even after on reaching it.
(average 15-2o minutes) and gradually increase it, when the need
arise. It is also important to perform Muraqaba in a timely fashion.
Some people have the tendency to do long Muraqaba some days,
while on other days, short ones, and then some days they even
miss it.
Do not combine Muraqaba and sleep. This means that you should
avoid doing Muraqaba when you are feeling groggy. If there is
mental or physical fatigue then perform Muraqaba after a short rest
or nap so the regular program should continue and sleep should not
take over. To get rid of nervous and physical fatigue, close your eves
before starting Muraqaba and let the body relax. Slowly take a deep
breath and imagine the waves of energy are entering your body.
Keep on doing this for it feN% minutes to remove the physical and
mental fatigue.
remains high.
exercises when you are full. It should he done at least two and half-
hours after the last meal.
Storage of Energy
If we are not going to control our mental state then the energy
will flow from the higher (a aIa) to the lowest (iss' al) senses and
eventually he lost in the lower senses. That is why the mind needs
to be controlled and focus on one point as much as possible. In the
beginning apathy, confusion and irritability come to play and you
feel heaviness or burden but later on it gets normal.
The mind remains active subconsciously all the time and it influ-
ences all our activities. When the mind accepts the influence of
Muraqaba then even subconsciously it remains focused. However,
factors like the way of thinking, environment, and worry are
hurdles to this focused state. It is impossible to control the effect
of environment beyond a certain point. However, you can change
the way of thinking so that the mental concentration is not
compromised. Patience, thankfulness, faith, reliance, and
detachment are those qualities that free the mind from doubts and
worries and take it to the highest level. By adopting good manners
and courtesy, you can move the mind away from evil and lower
thoughts. By using the will power, you can keep the mind away
from undesired and evil thoughts. When you are confused, you will
remain confused wherever you may go.
Divide the daily routine so the mind will not go astray by being
idle for long. Spend free time on positive hobbies and avoid waste
of the mental and physical energy on trivial activities. Reading
good books of knowledge or of literature, writing, painting, or
similar activities are helpful. Engage in routine exercises and
athletics. Avoiding banal talk helps in increasing spiritual
Helpful Exercises
inhale through nostrils. When the lungs the lungs become full,
exhale through the mouth without holding it. During exhaling
keep your lips round as if whistling, without holding it. This
thumb and inhale through the left nostril for four seconds. Hold
it for four seconds. Now using the last two fingers of your hand
closed the left nostril while the right nostril is still closed with the
thumb. In this way, the remaining two middle fingers will be
resting between the eyebrows. At this point release only the
thumb from the right nostril and exhale from that nostril for four
seconds and without stopping inhale from it for four seconds.
Again, hold it for four seconds and close the right nostril with the
thumb. Then from the left nostrils release those fingers and exhale
for four seconds. This constitutes one cycle. After a few moments
rest repeat it three times. Increase one cycle ever- day until you
reach seven cycles.
When the seven cycles and holding time of sixteen seconds get
easy then increase the exhale time to eight seconds. Final figures
should be four seconds inhaling, sixteen seconds holding and then
eight seconds exhaling.
physically alert but the ratio of oxygen in the air is also the highest.
The electro-magnetic activity in the atmosphere is also at its zenith
during that time. The second best time for breathing exercises is
before going to bed at night.
ISTAGHRAAQ (immersion):
tensions in the nerves. Close your eyes and shift the focus to the
right toe. After that move your focus to the left toe.
from vour feet. Now focus on the inhaling and exhaling and start
counting each breath. Each set of inhaling and exhaling will
constitute one cycle. wring the breathing, the eyes should be fixed
on the floor. It is imperative that breathing not be forced. Normal
breathing is recommended. ('ounting should end at ten. When the
mind moves its focus away from the breathing, then softly move
your focus back to breathing, and restart from first count. If the
count to ten is finished without losing focus then do one more
round of ten; totaling the count to twenty. After that keep adding
ten counts until the total reaches a hundred count. At this point do
three rounds of hundreds. The final exercise should be over in five
darker the room the better. Sit in a squat position and fix your eyes
at any given point. Do not blink. In the beginning blinking will happen
and the eyes get watery as well but after a few days the focus will be
achieved. After finishing the exercise close your eyes for few
moments and let your mind be free of any thoughts so that the
optical nerves get some rest. After that, wash your eyes with cold
16-Week Program
Every Muraqaba gives you the needed peace of mind and higher
concentration. However, this i6-week program is especially designed
to give you even more. When this sixteen-week program is followed
the way it is recommended, it results in removing and curing the
1-4 Weeks:
Your head should be facing north. I)o this practice for ten
minutes. ;;. After that do the Muraqaba and in it imagine lights
5-8 Weeks:
9-12 Weeks:
13 -16 Weeks:
Sit in the squat position and slowly inhale and imagine that
through breath waves of energy and health are coming inside
your body from the atmosphere and are being absorbed. Exhale
without holding the breath. The duration of the exercise is five
Food Precautions
our solar system and is a source of light and energy. Its light is
instrumental in preserving life on our planet. Animal and plants
alike benefit from it. Over the years, the spiritual masters have
created various methods to store and use as much solar energy as
possible. These methods help not only the nervous system but also
create magnetism. A strong and energetic nervous system is
essential in both worldly and spiritual matters.
Food Precautions
Mental Weakness
Get up early in the morning before sunrise and sit in the squat
position facing the North. Do breathing exercise no.i and then close
your eyes. Imagine the lights of blue color falling on your head like
raindrops. Duration of the Muraqaba is between 15-20 minutes.
Repeat this Muraqaba before going to bed at night. Within a few
weeks, results will come however, for best results do this for a few
more months.
When all diseases and ailments are counted their total exceeds
hundreds. The nature and causes of these ailments vary. According
to the "spiritual concept of healing" all diseases and ailments consist
of two sides. One is physical and the other is either mental or
spiritual. Extremities and other physical or chemical changes in the
body cause sickness. Based on the spiritual concept of healing, all
diseases have forms and figure and spiritual existence. These two
sides do coexist. Because of the rise of psychological and physical
ailments in our time, it is no longer difficult to grasp this idea.
According to this spiritual idea, disease should be attacked not only
on its physical side but also on its spiritual or mental side. When it is
mentally negated, healing happens quickly. Not only healing is
achieved but often complicated and incurable diseases are cured as
The theory of colors and lights states that those specific amounts
of colors are prevalent not only in the physical body of humans but
also in their senses. If for any given reason, the system of colors is
changed or any specific color is increased or decreased or their ratio
is changed, it leads to a change of feelings and emotions in an
Imagine that you are sitting beneath the sky and the blue light is
falling from the sky into your head and after passing through your
entire body is going to the earth through the feet.
Case History
I have been doing the Muraqaba of blue lights for my back and
neck pain as prescribed by you. The first day the image of blue
lights was a hit dim but the next day Ifelt a stream of blue light
entering my brain from the sky. Ifelt my whole brain was filled
with that light. Then these lights entered my heart, then through
the stomach went to my /et, and finally were descending through
the floor. My vision went towards the light, which was entering
the end of the Muraqaba I also felt the pain had lessened. Now
after a whole month of doing the Muraqaba, the pain is gone.
The author of this book prescribed the Muraqaba of blue light for
him. A month later he responded in these words:
Case History
"I had stomach ulcer for over two years. You told me to do
Muraqaba of yellow-light, which I did. I was imagining that I was
sitting beneath the sky and the lights of yellow color were falling
into my head and were finally being stored in the stomach and the
ulcer was being removed by it. For two weeks, I sensed that those
lights are gradually reducing the ulcer. On the third week while
doing Muraqaba, a thought crossed my mind that the ulcer had
been removed and now only the bright yellow lights were in my
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
stomach. It has been a month since but I still get those feelings
during nuragba. I am no longer taking medicine for the ulcer and
doing only the yellow-light Muraqaba. I do not know how to thank
you. You have given me a new life."
"For the last three years I was inflicted with intestinal pain. I
went to a different doctor but the only way I could avoid the pain
was to be on strict diet. Finally. I was told to do Muraqaba of
yellow light. The burning sensation and the pain are almost gone.
The other day I went to a doctor who said I no longer have the
disease. I could not tell you how happy I was on that day. Now in
every social gathering I tried to discuss the Muraqaba with the
friends and family. In my view the best form of thankfulness is to
promote the use of Muraqaba so that more and more people
could benefit form it."
Case History
"I have had asthma for the past twelve years and now ant
hopeless. I am writing you with hope that you will pay attention to
my misery."
Case History
"I had itching all over my body. For three years, I got treatment
at various places. However, often the itching turned into a wound
and the pain was agonizing. Nevertheless after doing Muraqaba of
green-light for six months I was fully cured by it. "
Case History
"For the past twelve months my wife was the victim of nervous
breakdowns. In medicine, tranquilizers usually are given to treat this
disorder. Sleep helps in removing the nervous tension, however; the
downside is that it is habit -/arming. I gate my wile those sleeping
pills jar six months but then she became addicted to them.
Stopping the medicine would always result in even more severe
seizures. Finally, I told her to do the Muraqaba of red light. No
doubt, Muraqaba is the most effective and harmless way of
treatment. Now I often prescribe Muraqaba my own patients
besides giving them medicines so humanity would get benefit
front it."
Case History
lights and the massage of purple-light oil have pretty much removed
this weakness from me."
"I have been married for• five years but was childless. Doctors
had told me that my uterus was swollen. I went through different
treat-merits but with no results. Finally the Muraqaba of violet
light and the massage with its oil has removed the uterine
swelling and I am now pregnant."
Case History
"I used to get seizures all the time. I went through some tough
times. Often it happened while I was at the market. Because of
falls, I was injured several times as well. On one occasion, it
happened during a shower. After about an hour people took
notice of that. Thereafter someone was with me all the time. God
bless Azeemi Sahib who prescribed for me the Muraqaba of pink
light. I have total confidence now that God willing I will be cured
by it."
Station of Ihsaan
Recite ioo times the Darood-Sharif and ioo times the Divine
Name-Ya'Haiyu Ya'Qayyumu and then close your eves and imagine
you are watching God or that God is watching you. This Muraqaba
helps create the link between you and God and keeps fear and grief
away from you.
falling on me. A thought came that this is the light of Divine Vision
and God is watching me. I saw in His vision great love and
compassion. Ifelt like a little girl and I had a desire to see Him. I
asked Him, 'When can I see You, O' Lord!"
He replied, `Thou art too young to see us. When thou art old
enough then we will grant thee Our glimpse.'
There were in total thirty-five sheets all over me and for a long
time the Divine Light kept shining into my eyes. Then my vision
started seeing the Divine Throne (arsh), sud denly the flow of the
light stopped. Ifelt that God was on the Throne (arsh). I glanced at
Him and was lost. Then Ifelt the Divine Light com ing directly out of
Him and entering me. This light was even brighter and more
delicate than the previous one. With this light my face lit up like a
star. Ifelt Him very close to me. In my mind, I had the echo of the
following verse of the Qur'an (Koran):
When you are not enthusiastic about the prayer or you miss it
often then for forty days perform the Fajr prayer in the mosque with
When Abraham sent his son to live near Mecca, he reasoned his
decision with God in these words. “O” our Lord! So that they will
establish Salat (communication with You).
The Qur'an (Koran) has mentioned Lot, Isaac, Jacob, and their
progeny in these words,
"Among the People of the Book, there are those who at night
recite God's Word while standing and prostrating." [Qur'an (Koran),
Chapter Family of Imran: 113]
"And those people who obey the scriptures (Divine Laws) and
establish the salat, We do not dispose the reward of those who do
good deeds."
When you connect with God then a door is opened in your mind
that takes you to the hidden unseen world to explore it.
the purpose of Muraqaba is all about, to let you get familiar with the
subconscious realm, the so called unseen world, with the help of
higher concentration. When you are able to connect with God
through the Salat or prayer then, the whole prayer becomes
When you are able to perform the prayer (Salat) the way you do
Muraqaba then is called Muraqaba of forming Salat (Qayam ul Salat).
Human life does not end with death. After death, the human ego,
takes on the form of an illuminating body upon leaving the physical
body. Through the illuminating body, it remains active. Much like in
dreams, where the physical senses (physical world) become
subordinated to the subconscious senses (senses of world of lights)
but do not become idle. Our condition during sleep resembles death.
However when the dominant senses of body of light take over the
senses of physical body in a way that the physical senses are unable
to regain dominance then the physical body becomes permanently
idle. This is what death is.
"Die, before death clutches thee." This hadith also points to this
idea of experiencing the life after death while you are still alive and
well by simply subordinating your physical senses to the
subconscious. This way you can discover the world where souls live
after the death of their bodies."
Let' go and find the secrets of life after death! Sit in a squat
position, close your mouth, and inhale slowly through your nostrils
and hold. Keep on holding as long as you can then open your mouth
and slowly exhale. Imagine the depth of the grave and spiritually step
inside the grave.
I was curious to see what was inside those caves. When I looked
inside, it was a very dark cave where human souls were resting. How
shameful it was that in this part of the supernatural world everyone
was nude. They were not even aware of the idea of clothing. These
nude people were watching me in utter amazement. Finally, one of
them asked me the reason I bothered to put this load (of clothing)
on my soft body, though by appearance I looked just like them.
Magnificent City
Also in that city there are those who had control over time and
space and were able to know what angels were doing while they
were still living on earth. Through their inventions they were able to
avert the winds and were able to reduce the intensity of the high
winds. In this city, there are the guest of gods in the Heaven and
those who are waiting for their turn to become the fuel of Hell.
There was this person sitting in his shop, where there were boxes
everywhere but nothing was in them. He looked sad and gloomy. I
said, "How are you?" He replied, "I am sad because it's been five
hundred years and not a single customer has come in yet." After
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
In the next shop, there was another person, an old one. His hair
was dry and uncombed. His face showed signs of fear and anxiety.
In front of him were papers and account books. The shop was big
and clean. This person was busy calculating something in the book
and would say the numbers aloud. He would keep saying the
numbers and calculating over and over and every time the final
figure would turn out to be wrong. Every time he realized the total
was wrong he would start screaming, crying, cursing himself, and
then go back to calculating. I asked him, "what are doing and how
long have you been doing this?"
He looked at me for a few seconds and said, "I could not tell you
my condition. I have been trying to calculate correctly for the past
three thousand years but have not been able to do so because in my
life I was the accountant and used to cook other people's books."
There was this person, the mullah (priest). His beard was long like
ropes. When he walks he gathers his beard and wraps it around his
hips. But when he starts walking the wrapped beard opens and he
falls on his face. To my inquiry he said, "In my life on earth I had a
long beard so that I could deceive people. Having a long beard was
something I considered important. Through it, I could easily deceive
naive and good people.
Then I saw another person shouting loudly saving, "0 people, let
me tell you what God has said, come on people I will tell you
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
everything that God has said." No one paid attention to him but I saw
a group of angels heading towards him.
They said to him, "Tell us what God has said." The mullah
(priest) replied immediately, "I have been thirsty for a long time,
give me some water and then I will tell you everything." Then the
angels give him hot boiling water. When he refuses, they pour the
water on his face and then laugh at him, saying loudly, "Curses on
him, he was saying that he is going to tell the word of God. In the
world as well he used God's name for his hidden motives. Here he
is doing the same." From his burned mouth come unbearable
screams. I then went away from him. It was horrible to watch.
In this huge city, there is a dark and congested street. At the end
of the street, there are fields of crops and jungle. Here there is a
house made up of walls and a fishnet like roof. There is no protection
from rain or sunlight. In this house, I saw only women. The
environment was tense and suffocating. One woman was sitting
there. Surprisingly her upper body was normal but her legs were ten
feet long.
gossiping. Now she was incapable of walking and her legs were
burning like charcoal. No one was there to sympathize with her.
There was this person walking with fear and had a knife with him.
0 God, he stabbed another person with his knife and started drinking
the blood. Because of drinking the blood he started vomiting. He got
very weak and said, "I wish I had known in the finite world that this
would be the punishment for backbiting."
Tall Buildings
There were these tall men, about twenty feet tall with wide
bodies. Because of their length and width they could not enter any
buildings of the area. They were walking, jumping from one roof
to the other but were not able to sit and relax. Sometimes they
cry or hit their head in distress.
I asked them, "What is going on here, why are you so sad and
One of them replied, "In the world I seized the rights of orphans
and made buildings out of that wealth. These are the same buildings,
now their doors are closed to me. Delicious and greasy food has put
air and fire in my stomach. The air has made my body so big that I
can no longer enter my building and the fire...this fire is burning me.
I want to flee but there is no escape."
Now let us see the other side of the life after death.
Angel of Death
During the Muraqaba of life after death, I saw a home at the end
of a field. Inside the walls, there is a big tree. There are many people
standing under that tree. I went there as well. I saw a woman arguing
with someone saying that she would not allow him to take away her
husband. That man replied that he could not help her as he was
acting on Divine Command. He said, "These are the matters of God,
He does what He wishes." The woman then shouted, "Ah!" and
began crying. I went ahead and asked the man why he was harassing
her. He looked at me and said, "Look at me closely and recognize
who I am."
leaves. His beard was short and round. He had a tall muscular body,
broad forehead with big bright eyes. One thing I noticed as well was
that his forehead was so bright as if the rays of the sun were coming
from it. It was so bright that I could hardly stare at it. Upon entering
Muraqaba Nur
Nur is that special form of light that not only can be seen but
is also a source of guidance to other lights. Light, waves, color,
these are all the attributes of nur. One of the other main qualities
of nur is that it can run simultaneously in both the present and
the past and connects past and present. If this connection did not
going work, then the universe's connection with the past would
be disconnected resulting in its annihilation. We can use the
analogy of memory here. We are individually and collectively in
every moment of our time are connected with our past. When we
reminisce about our childhood or any other event of our past then
through nur, the past enters the present and we are able to
remember the events the way they happened. Besides humans,
the senses of angels, genies and other creatures are also based
on the nur. In spirituality the Muraqaba of Nur is given to students
so that they may familiarize themselves with it. There are several
ways of doing this Muraqaba:
"God is the nur of skies and the earth, its example is like a tray in
which a lamp is placed and that lamp is inside the case of glass."
[Chapter: Nur]
the Bible,
Moses first saw the light in the burning bush in the Sinai and
through that light conversed with God. In Hinduism that light is
called Jot.
Kashaf ul Qaboor
After death, life shifts from the material world to the spiritual
realnm where it continues in a new dimension and the ego remains
active in the other world as well. This world is called in the Qur'an
(Koran) the aeraaf Its condition depends on the deeds of the
individual in the material world. If at the time of death one is
peaceful and free of mental impurities and filth then his or her state
in the hereafter will be peaceful and serene as well. On the other
hand, when one leaves this world with anxiety, guilty conscience, or
mental suffocation then the same conditions will greet that person
in the aeraaf.
When this Muraqaba is done at the tomb of saints (wall) the pur-
pose is to gain spiritual blessing (faidh) from them and a glimpse of
them (ziarat) as well.
Sit towards the end of the grave (as opposed to towards the
tombstone). Inhale through the nose slowly and when you are full
then exhale slowly without holding the breath. Repeat this eleven
times. After that close your eyes and shift your focus inside the
grave. After few moments let your mind go deep in the grave, as if
that grave were a depth and your attention were falling in it. Keep
this focus during the Muraqaba. The esoteric vision will eventually
be activated and the soul of the deceased will show up. Depending
on the mental capacity and strength, success comes with
consistent practice and efforts.
When I was doing the Muraqaba towards the end of the grave, I
saw a layer of soul leave my body and go inside the grave. I saw His
Highness Saint Lal Shahbaz Qalander sitting there. The grave looked
like a big room. On the left hand side of the grave there was a
window or small door. Lal Shahbaz Qalander said to me, "Go see
what's inside that door, you are free."
The garden had many birds but I did not see any animals. I
asked a parrot who was sitting in a beautiful tree where this park
was situated. The parrot replied in a human language that this is
heaven and the garden of God's friend Lal Shahbaz Qalander. After
saying that, it flew through the air singing hymns. In short, what I
saw there is hard to describe in words. I took a branch of grapes
and went back to Lal Shahbaz Qalander. The grand Saint asked me
if liked the garden. I replied, "Your Highness, no one has ever seen
or heard of this garden. I could not even fully appreciate it."
Ile then said, "I used to live in Lukhnow. I had a job; things were
great. Then my luck went sour and my economic conditions
worsened to a point where I became jobless and could not find any
work. Then I said to myself that instead of sitting idle why not try my
luck in a different city. I took some money for traveling expenses and
set off towards Odhaypour. On my way, I rested at a place called
Rewari. At the time that place had nothing but a tent and an inn. A
few prostitutes used to live there. I was sitting outside the inn
wondering what to do because all my money had gone and I was not
able to find any work. One of the prostitutes came towards me and
asked me why I was not eating, as it was past the dinner hour. I told
her I was tired from the journey and would eat after resting. She
then went back to the inn. A few hours later she came back and asked
the same question and I gave her the same reply.
Nevertheless, on the third time when she asked me I told her the
whole story how I had ran out of the money and now I was thinking
that she had saved it for her funeral. She said that she was giving me
an interest-free loan and that I could return it whenever I was able
to do so.
"I took the money and after spending it on my way finally got to
Odhaypour. There fortunately I got a job at the royal post. Quickly I
was promoted and in short period of time because of good pay and
free housing I was able to make and save money. After spending a
few years there I got a letter from home that my eldest son was now
old enough to marry and that his would be in-laws were insisting on
an early wedding. I had to be there to fulfill my duty as a father.
"I applied for a leave and it was granted shortly thereafter and
I left for home. When I reached Rewari, the memories of the old
days flashed right before my eyes. When I reached the inn and
asked about that prostitute, I was told that she was sick and dying.
When I got to her room she was breathing her last and moments
later died right before my eyes. I arranged for her funeral and took
her lifeless body to the grave myself. On returning from the funeral
I went to the motel and slept. At midnight, I realized that my wallet,
which had a draft of five thousand rupees, was missing. I looked for
it but could not find it. Then I realized that I must have dropped it
when I was loading her body in the grave. I went to the cemetery
in the middle of the night and opened her grave.
"I said I wanted to see her garden for a while. That beautiful
woman said I would not be able to see it entirely even if I stayed
there until Day of Judgment. She said, `Leave immediately, you
have no idea how far ahead the world must have gone by now.' I
followed her advice and left the grave. Now there was neither the
inn nor the tent nor that old township. Instead, a new city had
sprung around it. When I asked some people about the inn, they
were all unaware of it. When I told my story to some people they
thought 1 was crazy. Eventually one of the people told me that he
would take me to an old person who might know something about
it. After listening to my story and after a brief pause he told me that
his grandfather had told that some time ago there used to be an
inn there. One night, a rich man had stayed in it and then
mysteriously vanished. No one ever saw him or heard anything
about him. I then told him that I was that rich man. After listening
to me, the old man and his company were all taken aback."
After relating this story the rich man asked Hadrat Shah Abdul
Aziz, "Please tell me what I should do now, where I should go. I have
no home, no family. This whole event has crippled me."
Shah Sahib then said, "What you have seen is true. The scale of
measurement of time in our world and that world is different." tie
then advised that man, "Go to Mecca and spend your remaining days
in the remembrance of God."
Dress of Soul
This body of bones and flesh is merely a dress for the soul. When
the soul ends its attachment to its dress then the dress itself
becomes of no value. You can burn it (cremation), mutilate it, or
dump it in the ground (grave); it would not be able to resist any of it.
Over there (aeraaf) people do recognize one another and are aware
of what happiness and sadness is. These people do distinguish those
who are bound for hell from those who will eventually go to heaven.
anything that was promised by thy Lord? And verily they said yea.
Then a caller called down on them that curse of God to the unjust
who shun the way of God and look for fault in it and deny the Day of
"So thou finally seest, today neither thy wealth nor thv material
goods which thou hast considered prominent is of any use. And are
not the people of Heaven those for whom thou used to swear that
God will not give them any of His blessings. Today they are told to
enter Heaven. Thou art not, but will know only fear and grief." [Sura
Aeraaf: Qur an (Koran)]
In the same way, every action is being recorded. After the death
John Doe, the deceased, will behold that film; in other words,
under a special program he will have to watch that film. At this
level, John Doe will go through two states. First, he will forget that
he is watching a film, and from here if he sees any pain he will feel
it as well. The same way when we see a movie in theater or at
home, so we respond to whatever is shown on the screen. If it is a
comedy then we laugh and giggle, but if it is a movie about a
The second state the deceased goes through while watching that
film is that he becomes aware what lies ahead for him as result of
what he did. He also goes through the guilt that he could have lived
without committing those crimes whether it was murder, stealing,
bribery or whatever. Besides, those for whom he committed those
crimes are no longer in a position to help him.
A capitalist and greedy lover of wealth will see his film showing
him usurping other people rights and money. And because of that
people are hungry, worried, and deprived of essentials. Because of
poverty, their own existence is a burden on them. Because he is the
one who has total control over the resources. He will see that
because of his greed people are suffering, they are hungry and
destitute. And then he will realize that he is the one responsible for
that suffering. Justice will be served when he goes through the
same affliction they went through. The moment he realizes that he
will see himself in the film being poor, destitute, worried, and
anxious he will scream and cry but will find no one sympathetic to
1 45
Haatif Ghaybi
This voice gave the created ones the vision and the visionary
senses were activated. With that, other senses followed. The created
recognized the Divine after witnessing and realizing.
1. Sit in the meditation style and put cotton balls in your ear.
Then turn the focus to your inner self and imagine a sound of one
of the following.
The sound of the waterfalls. As when the water hits the ground.
Sound of flute.
TAFHEEM (Wisdom):
The way the Prophets of God and His saints have access to that
memory or stored information is known in Sufism as Tarze Tafheem
(Cognitive Mode). It is also referred as Sayr or Fatah. The literal
meaning of tafheem is to gain understanding through awareness or
to awaken it. From here through its Muraqaba, the knowledge of
Divine Names (ibn Ladani) and those creative formulas are revealed
which is the basis of the creation of this universe.
When someone reaches the level where his or her inner vision
is activated then they are given the Muraqaba to imagine the entire
cosmos is a mirror in which the Divine Lights are being reflected.
Through this imagination, SayrAfaagi begins. In the later stage, the
"He liveth with thee, wherever thou art" "He is closer to your
The other analogy would he that of it seed of a tree. That tiny seed,
which is nothing but a circle, contains its entire history, leaves,
flowers, fruits, branches and the future generation of that tree.
That same seed eventually becomes the tree. in Sufism, that circle
created. Nature takes care of all the needs of the creatures before
after their birth. Water converts into vapors that form clouds in
the atmosphere and the same clouds unload all that moisture in
the form of rain. This water is essential for preserving life. The
extra water that falls during rainfall is either absorbed by the land
or is added to the bayous and river and eventually flows into the
Angels into the language of the Gnostic into his or her hearing.
Gradually a full line of communication is developed and with the
help of Angels, numerous hidden affairs are revealed.
If this did not exist then the essay would not have been able to
take the form of words. Therefore, there are three stages in this
writing process. The first stage is the one where the content of the
essay exists in unwritten form; the second, where it is transformed
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
into words; and third, where the pen writes down those words on
the paper and therefore gives it a material form.
Just as the essay has three forms and it takes three stages to
reach its final ge, all outward phenomena exist in three spheres.
Any existence orovement whether it belongs to past, present or
future is not outside these three spheres. This could further be
explained by the example of an artist. This artist makes a painting
of an eagle on a canvas. If he wants to paint another painting of
the same bird, he can. The reason is because the forms and figure
of eagle is stored in his mind. What displays on the canvas is merely
a reflection of that. The picture does not. He can make as many
paintings as he wants; however, the knowledge of that bird never
leaves his mind.
The student after closing his or her eyes imagines that all the
signs of their life are wiped out and there exists only in the form of
a point of light. They try to force the idea into their mind that they
are free from their self and are now connected only with the world
whose boundary contains the events from the beginning of the time
(a'zal) to the end time(ab ed).
the attributes in the depth of creation and have given them various
single Being, meaning He is the only Lord of all the creatures. Due
to this Reality all creatures are aware of one another and are in
the service to one another. If this universe had not belonged to a
single Being, then there would not have been any link between
the creatures. This Lord of the Universe is called Al-I.ah and in the
Divine Names this is the Name of Essence. Other names show the
Divine Attributes. In the name of AlLah a certain Light is hidden
which reveals the creativeness and the sovereignty. Through this
Light, a person is able to see the foundation of the Universe,
because creativity and sovereignty are extended to all the crea-
Tassawar Shaykh
the point of feeling is another matter, but it does happen. With the
imagination of fire, we sense heat and light. In the same way, just
by hearing about a lush green place (for instance, Hawaii), a sense
of calm and serenity overcomes us.
Based on this rule when we see ,John Doe or hear about him,
then what appears in our mind is not his name or its spelling,
instead what appears is his image and personality, which is a
collection of unlimited attributes.
sentences of the language the way other people do. Not only the
native language but also many other skills and habits are transferred
to the child from his environment as well. The child does not have to
go through the usual role of a student.
The love (ishq) for the Spiritual Master also serves as the tonic
for the mind of the student. As the student joins the company of
the Master, asks questions, and learns from the directions (irshad)
of the Master, then based on the above mentioned Creative Rule,
the personality and qualities of the Master start flowing into the
inner self of the student (murid). That is why being often in the
company of the Spiritual Master is always strongly encouraged.
The other aspect of this Rule is for the student to use that
power of imagination to absorb the qualities of the Master. To
their soul. The longer the focus the more the attributes and his light
of knowledge fall on the mental screen of the student. Continued
practice of the imagination of the Master creates a state in which
the spiritual link with the Master is established permanently.
Through this link the capacity of Divine Cognizance is gained as well
until a point is reached when the student (nlrid) becomes the
reflection of his Master (niuraad). In Sufism, this station is referred
as fana fi sheykh and the imagination of the Master itself as
tassawar shegkh.
Tasawwar Rasul
Divine Essence
[Sura Shura:51].
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
The student visualizes that in his heart the Divine Name Al-Lah
is written in a numinous way , and through its light the entire
cosmos brightens.
"We are closer to thee than thy cardinal vein." This Muraqaba is
called the Muraqaba of aqrab.
"Wherever thou facest, thou seest God." Based on this verse, the
student visualizes that God is everywhere.
daughter Fatima Zehra, her husband Imam Ali and their two sons
Baqa: Survival. This stage come after fana, when the Gnostic
return to his or her improved Self after being absorbed in
religion or tradition.
Farsi: Persian.
Ishq: Spiritual, selfless love (verses hu'b= love that longs for
physical contact, ageedat=devotional love that relies on
Jamal: Beauty.
Khalifa: In Sufism. A person who has received the ilm from his
Shavkh. Also used to denote successor of a Shavkh.
Nafs: Soul.
Urs: lit. Wedding. Passing away of the Sufi Saint, thus a union
with God, the Beloved. Also used for the death anniversary of the
saint, which is usually a time of celebration for the devotees.
Suggested Reading
Baba, 1980.
Publications, 1997.
Dyer, Wayne W. The Power of Intention. Carlsbad, Hay House USA, 2004. ,
io Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. Carlsbad, Hay House USA, 2001.
HarperCollins, 1997.
Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla. The elements of Sufism. Boston, Elements Books, 1990.
Elements Books,2004.
Shambhala, 2003.
Quadiri, Syed Fazl Kareem. Maye Haqiqat Bajam-e-Shariat. (Urdu) Karachi, 1979.
Redfield, James. The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure (fiction). New York, Warner Books,
The Secrets of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight (fiction). New York, Warner
Books, 1999.
Sadiq, Imam Ja'far al-. The Lantern of the Path. Shaftesbury, England: Elements Books,
Stepaniants, Marietta T. Sufi Wisdom. Albany, State University of New York, 1994.
Wolfe, Michael. Taking Back Islam: American Muslims Reclaim Their Faith. Rodale Books,
a'alm akbar 2
Abraham 48, 128, 160 Adam ix, 40, 96, 119, 16o
Aeraaf 79, 86, 87, 129, 131, 138, 39, 142, 43 Afaaq 147, 148
1 1
al-Baqara 44 al-dhat 51 al-ghayb ix, x, 85, 86, 88, 159 AI-Lah viii,
47, 48, 71, 74, 127, 153, 157, 158,
Anfas 148 angels 3, 12, 39, 48, 50, 68, 84, 85, 89, 90, 92, 93,
94, 95, 96, 133, 134, 136, 145, 150, 16o
anxiety 59, 6o, 67, 112, 133, 138 arif 90, 148, 159
Arjuna 55
Benzene to
Bhagavad Gita 55
Buddhism 55
chakra 18, 33, 75, 92, 93, 94, 95, 148, 149
chemia sa'adat 48
Christianity 55
Colorful Dreams 63
Consciousness x, xi, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27,
28, 30, 31, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 47, 48, 54, 55, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64,
75, 77, 78, 79, 8o, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 93, 94, 101, 103, 104, 105,
108, 109, 110, 117, 131, 139, 145, 147, 50, 151, 52, 55, 157, 16o,
1 1 1
C o sm i c film 2 0 '
Cosmos 1, A4 3, 37, 3 8, 4 6, 97, 1 46, 149, 1
53, 54,
5 ,
1 8
Day of Judgement 45
dhikr 43, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 63, 74, 76, 86, 116, 127, 159, 162
dhikr khaf I 54
dhikr lisani 54
dhikr qalbi 54
dhikr roohi 54
Divine Cognition 82
Divine Commandments 52
Divine Help 73
Divine Light 30, 54, 8o, 81, 82, 90, 125, 126, 146, 147, 148, 153
Divine Name ix, 48, 54, 116, 125, 146, 147, 153, 158, 159
Divine Names ix, 47, 54, 81, 82, 85, 86, 4 , 147, 152, 153
1 6
Divine Revelation 40
Ego vii, 24, 26, 33, 46, 131, 138, 155, 161
Ezra 44
fawwad 148
fikr vii, 43, 46, 52, 64, 156
fikr lateef 64
Freudian Psychology 25
Ga'yan 45
Gaya, India 56
ghanood 34
hajj 51
haqiqat kubra 52
Heaven 12, 68, 93, 94, 9 6 , 133, 139, 142, 143, 147
hijab 157
hidaya 48
hijab ilahi 82
Holy Scriptures 82
Imam Ghazali 48
iman 45
infas 147
inner dimensions 2, 46
inner plane 2, 7
insomnia 59, 6o
Intuitive ecstasy 33
Isaac 128
Islam 43, 45, 50, 53, 55, 16o, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166
ism e'lahi 54
iss'fal 107
istaghraaq 110, 112, 113
jaundice 59
jism mithali 32
Jot 137
Judaism 55
Karachi xii, xiv, 67, 70, 75, 77, 119, 163, 164, 165
kashaf 11, 27, 55, 78, 79, 8o, 83, 97, 98, 138, 16o
khafi 33, 34
khilwat 49
khumaar 33
koh-e-toor 49
kramin katibeen 96
la 15o, 157
latifa qalbi 8o
Laws of Creation 17
Laws of Creativity 46
Maghrib 127
Mahabharata, Battle of 55
makaan 91
Mania 58, 59
Mark 50
Marx, Karl 11
mashiat ix
masjid al-haram 51
Medina 156
Mental emptiness 14
meraj 50
microcosm 1, 2, 46
mo'min 46
Moses ix, x, 40, 49, 50, 55, 80, 128, 129, 137, 156, 161
Mosque of Mecca 51
Muhammad xii, 40, 4 2, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 68, 69, 71, 72, 83, 84, 89, 95, 119,
125, 126, 129, 131, 156, 57, 158, 159, 16o, 161, 163, 165
nafas 2, 25
nafsi 80
nausea 59
Nazareth 5o
noesis 43
nur viii, 31, 32, 33, 40, 44, 46, 47, 52, 79, 8o, 81, 90, 97, 126, 136, 137, 156, 157, 161 nur
nabuwat 47, 156, 157
Parasympathetic System 59
Parkinson's disease 59
Physics 2, 19, 29
Point of Cognition 46
prayer x, 3, 42, 50, 51, 52, 53, 76,83, 94, 116, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 159
Psychosis 57, 59
qayam 53, 129 Qayam ul Salat 129 Qur'an viii, ix, x, 25, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 52, 53,
68, 70, 71, 72, 79, 8o, 92, 126, 128, 129, 130, 136, 138, 143, 145, 148, 157, 158, 159,
16o, 162
Qutb 70
Ram 156
raqeeb 47
revelation 7, 40, 48, 55, 78, 148, 153, 159, 16o, 163
roya 26, 64
roya sadiqa 64
royet 158
ruh viii, ix, 2, 27, 28, 30, 33, 38, 81, 82, 147, 161
ruku 53
Sabi 45
Sadiqabad xii
sahib shahood 89
sajada 53
Sajjeen 143
Sanskrit 55
Schizophrenia 58, 59
Self vii, xiv, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 22, 33, 37, 41, 46, 47, 52, 55, 57, 61, 74, 76, 83, 113, 122,
146, 148,
shariah 40
shaykh iii, vii, xi, xii, xiv, xv, 70, 71, 89, 102, 119, 120, 154, 155, 156, 159, 16o, 161,
164, 165
sifat ix
Siharanpur xii
Soul vii, 2, 4, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36, 45, 46, 47, 55, 70, 80, 90, 130, 135, 136,
138, 139,142, 155, 161
sphere of sirr 34
Spirit viii, ix, 2, 11, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 46, 50, 59, 73, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89,
Spiritual Iaws 46
Spirituality x, xii, 45, 1o6, 126, 129, 136, 137, 162, 163, 164 Sufi orders 43, 164
Sura 44, 45, 49, 51, 52, 79, 8o, 92, 143, 157
Sura Inaam 49
Sura Mulk 44
Sura Muzammil 51
Sura Najam 51
Sura Nur 52
Sura Rahman 45
tadjalli 30, 54, 8o, 81, 82, 84, 90, 129,146, 47,148, 57,158
1 1
tafakkur vii
Taleem Ghauthia 47
Telepathy xii, 11, 39, 98, X64 the Temple 49 Torah ix, 49,
Ultimate Reality 52
Unity 40, 41, 52, 53, 90, 49, 150 Unity of Being 90
Urdu xii, xiv, xv, 90, 92, 162, 163, 164, 165
wandat ul wajud 90
wahma 30
weightlessness 74
Ya Hafeez'u 116
Ya'Haiyu Ya'Qayyumu 74, 125 YELLOW LIGHT 75, 120, 121 Yoga
yoga savitra 55
ziarat 138
Zoroaster 156
Surjani Town