Supplementary Material For: Fungal Small Rnas Suppress Plant Immunity by Hijacking Host Rna Interference Pathways

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Supplementary Material for

Fungal Small RNAs Suppress Plant Immunity by Hijacking Host RNA
Interference Pathways
Arne Weiberg, Ming Wang, Feng-Mao Lin, Hongwei Zhao, Zhihong Zhang, Isgouhi
Kaloshian, Hsien-Da Huang, Hailing Jin*

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Published 4 October 2013, Science 342, 118 (2013)
DOI: 10.1126/science.1239705

This PDF file includes:

Materials and Methods

Fig. S1 to S10
Tables S1 and S2
References (29–32)
Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
(available at

Tables S3 and S4 as Excel files

Supplementary Material:

Material and Methods

Generate dcl1, dcl2 single and double mutants of B. cinerea

By using homologous recombination and the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated
transformation system adapted from Utermark and Karlovsky (29), we generated dcl1, dcl2
and dcl1 dcl2 deletion mutants in B. cinerea strain B05.10. Transformants were selected with
70 ppm hygromycin or 100 ppm NH4-glufosinate.

Plant materials and protocols

Plant materials used in this study are: Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Col-0, Solanum
lycopersicum (tomato) cultivar Moneymaker, and Nicotiana benthamiana, Arabidopsis
knockout mutants mpk1 mpk2 (SALK_063847xSALK_019507) (18) and wak
The Gateway pEarley vectors (with YFP & HA tags) were used for expression of Bc-
sRNA target genes (30). Bc-sRNAs were cloned into the miRNA319a backbone vector (17)
and transferred into the Gateway vector pEarley100 (without tag) for expression.
Transient co-expression assays in N. benthamiana were performed as described in (8).
Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) was performed by cloning a 294-bp MPKKK4
gene fragment into the TRV2 vector (19).

Pathogen assay
Four-week-old plants were inoculated by applying a single 20 μl droplet per leaf or by
spray-inoculating the entire plant, using 2x105 spores /ml for Arabidopsis and 1x104 spores
/ml for S. lycopersicum and N. benthamiana. Disease was assessed by measuring lesion size
(ImageJ software) and/or by quantifying B. cinerea biomass using quantitative PCR with B.
cinerea-specific ITS primers (fig. S4).

Confocal microscopy
YFP-tagged protein expression in N. benthamiana was quantified using the confocal
microscopy system Leica SP2. Z-series images (10 images in a distance of 0.7μM) were
merged to gain average signal intensity. Merged images were exported as TIFF files and YFP
quantity was measured using the ImageJ software.

AGO immunoprecipitation (IP)
Arabidopsis AGO IP (8) was conducted with 5 g fresh leaves collected at 24, 32 and
48 h after spray inoculation with B. cinerea. Uninfected leaves mixed with at least double
amount of B. cinerea biomass as in 48 hpi samples were used as a control. AGO1 was
purified with a peptide-specific antibody. AGO2 and AGO4 IPs were conducted using native
promoter-driven transgenic epitope HA-tagged and c-MYC-tagged lines, respectively and
commercial HA and c-MYC antibodies.

RNA was extracted from B. cinerea-infected plant tissue or the AGO pull-down
fraction using the Trizol method. Purified RNA was treated with DNase I and then used in
RT-PCR (31) to detect Bc-sRNAs. 35-40 cycles were used for detecting Bc-sRNAs, 22-28
cycles were used for detecting actin genes from Arabidopsis, S. lycopersicum and B. cinerea.
Primers used for reverse transcription and amplification of Bc-siRNAs are listed in Table S4.

sRNA cloning and Illumina HiSeq data analysis

sRNAs (18-28 nucleotides) were isolated by 15% PAGE and libraries were
constructed using the miRCat cloning system and deep sequencing was performed on an
Illumina HiSeq 2000. The sequence datasets of sRNA libraries from B. cinerea (GSE45320),
B. cinerea-infected Arabidopsis (GSE45323) and B. cinerea-infected S. lycopersicum
(GSE45321) are available at the NCBI database. The sRNA sequencing reads were
preprocessed with the procedure of quality control and adapter trimming by using fastx-
toolkit ( Following adapter trimming,
sequences were mapped to B. cinerea B05.10, Arabidopsis (TAIR10), or S. lycopersicum
(ITAG_SL2.40) genomes and only the reads that matched perfectly to each genome were
used for further analysis. The read number for each distinct sRNA was normalized to the total
B. cinerea mapped reads in B. cinerea-infected A. thaliana and S. lycopersicum libraries. The
ratio of total B. cinerea mapped reads of A. thaliana and S. lycopersicum libraries is 2.5:1, so
we divide the normalized siRNA read number of S. lycopersicum by 2.5.
The sRNAs we selected have satisfied the following conditions: 1) it must be present
in both B. cinerea-infected A. thaliana and S. lycopersicum libraries; 2) its normalized read
number was larger than 100 in A. thaliana or S. lycopersicum libraries; 3) its normalized

reads must be higher than that in cultured B. cinerea libraries and 4) it has predicted targets in
both A. thaliana and S. lycopersicum.
Target gene prediction for Bc-sRNA was performed using TAPIR1.1 (32) with more
stringent requirement than described in (32). No gap or bulge within the alignment between
the sRNA and the target was allowed, and the 10th nucleotide of the sRNA must perfectly
match its target. At most one mismatch or two wobbles was allowed from position 2 to 12. A
maximum of two continuous mismatches was allowed and a score of 4.5 was used as a cut-
off. If a sRNA has predicted targets in both A. thaliana and S. lycopersicum, it was selected.
The sRNAs were grouped if their 5’ end position and 3’ end position were within 3
nucleotides on the genomic loci. We presented the selected sRNAs with targets in both A.
thaliana and S. lycopersicum in table S3.

Supplementary figures
Figure legends:
Fig. S1. Genomic map and read distribution of Bc-SIR3 and Bc-SIR5 loci. The genomic
regions of 60 nt up- and downstream of the Bc-sRNA of interest were included. Sequence
reads of Bc-siR3 and Bc-siR5 in B. cinerea-infected Arabidopsis (0, 24, 48, 72 hpi), B.
cinerea-infected S. lycopersicum (leaf/fruit 0, 24, 72 hpi), or in vitro culture B. cinerea sRNA
libraries (conidiospores, mycelia, total biomass) (see table S1) are shown in three individual
panels. Bc-siR3 and Bc-siR5 reads are in red. In vitro culture B. cinerea sRNA libraries did
not show a clear peak for Bc-siR3.1 or Bc-siR3.2 compared to B. cinerea-infected
Arabidopsis and S. lycopersicum libraries, indicating that those Bc-siRNAs were induced
during infection. Similarly, Bc-SIR5 showed induction upon infection.

Fig. S2. A. Target site and target site mutated versions of Bc-siRNA Arabidopsis target genes
that were used in this study. B. B. cinerea mycelium coincided with target gene suppression
of YFP-MPK2 (center), but not YFP-MPK2-m (right) in N. benthamiana at 24 hpi; YFP-
MPK2 without fungal infection was used as a control (left). Upper panel: YFP; bottom panel:
YFP/bright field overlay; scale bar: 50 μm. C. A schematic diagram of the YFP sensor
carrying a Bc-siR3.2 target site.

Fig. S3. Isolation and characterization of Bc-siRNA target mutants and Bc-siRNAox lines. A.
Isolation of a loss-of function mutant line for WAK gene. Expression of WAK was completely
knocked out in the T-DNA insertion line shown by RT-PCR. B. Induction of BIK1 expression
in response to B. cinerea infection was reduced in Bc-siR3.1ox and Bc-iR3.2ox lines, mpk1
mpk2, and wak mutant lines. Relative transcript levels of BIK1 were measured by real time
RT-PCR. Error bars indicate standard deviation (SD) of three technical replicates. Similar
results were obtained from two biological repeats.

Fig. S4. S. lycopersicum MAPKKK4 gene knockdown by TRV-induced gene silencing.

A. Expression of MAPKKK in S. lycopersicum TRV-MAPKKK4 silenced plants was
measured by qRT-PCR using actin as an internal control. Error bars indicate SD of three
technical replicates. Similar results were obtained from three biological repeats. B. TRV-
MAPKKK4 silenced plants exhibited a dwarf phenotype as compared with control plants

Fig. S5. Bc-siR3.1 and Bc-siR5 were specifically loaded into Arabidopsis AGO1 during
infection, but not into AGO2 or AGO4, as revealed by AGO-IP followed by RT-PCR.
Endogenous plant sRNAs were used as internal controls for IP: At-miR398a for AGO1, At-
miR393b* for AGO2, and At-siR1003 for AGO4.

Fig. S6. The sRNAs that have no predicted plant targets (Bc-siR394, Bc-siR233, Bc-siR269)
or have predicted targets that were not down-regulated (Bc-siR9, Bc-siR24, Bc-siR67) by B.
cinerea infection are not present in the AGO-associated fractions.

Fig. S7. Arabidopsis ago1-27 is more resistant to B. cinerea infection than wild-type. A.
ago1-27 displayed reduced disease phenotype upon B. cinerea infection. B. Induction of
BIK1 in response to B. cinerea infection was increased in ago1-27.

Fig. S8. The phylogenetic tree of DCL proteins in pathogenic fungi. Schizosaccharomyces
pombe and Neurospora crassa were used as references. An oomycete pathogen Phytophthora
infestans was also included.

Fig. S9. Generation of B. cinerea dcl1, dcl2 single mutants and the dcl1 dcl2 double mutant
by homologous recombination. A. Schematic diagram of Bc-DCL1 and Bc-DCL2 knockout
strategy by homologous recombination. Black arrows indicate primers used for genotyping. B.
The dcl1, dcl2, and dcl1 dcl2 knockout strains were confirmed by RT-PCR. C. B. cinerea
dcl1, dcl2, and dcl1 dcl2 mutant strains showed gradual growth retardation and delayed
development of conidiospores: upper panel shows radial growth after 3 days, bottom panel
shows conidiation at 21 days. D. Two Bc-sRNAs, Bc-microRNA-like RNA2 (Bc-milR2) and
Bc-siR1498, were identified as Dicer-independent and were expressed in dcl1 dcl2.

Fig. S10. The biomass of the B. cinerea dcl1 dcl2 mutant strain was strongly reduced as
compared with the wild-type strain during infection of both Arabidopsis (A) and S.
lycopersicum (B), as quantified by qPCR at 72 hpi and 48 hpi, respectively.

Table S1. Statistical analysis of the sRNA libraries from cultured B. cinerea, B. cinerea-infected
Arabidopsis, and B. cinerea-infected S. lycopersicum.

Table S2. The predicted host targets of Bc-siR3.1, Bc-siR3.2, and Bc-siR5. Normalized read
counts are given in reads per million B. cinerea sRNAs. Reads were summed from individual
sRNA libraries for each category: cultured B. cinerea, B. cinerea-infected Arabidopsis, B.
cinerea-infected S. lycopersicum. Target gene alignment was scored as described in Materials
and Methods.

Table S3. The list of Bc-sRNAs that have predicted targets in both Arabidopsis and S.
lycopersicum. (Uploaded as an excel file). Normalized read counts are given in reads per million
B. cinerea sRNAs. Reads were summed from individual sRNA libraries for each category:
cultured B. cinerea, B. cinerea-infected Arabidopsis, B. cinerea-infected S. lycopersicum. Target
gene alignment was scored as described in Materials and Methods.

Table S4. Oligos and primers used in this study (Uploaded as an excel file).
Table  S1  
Library Total reads Total reads B. cinerea % B. cinerea reads

Arabidopsis, 0 hpi (B. cinerea) 71,793,267 68,811 0.14

Arabidopsis, 24 hpi (B. cinerea) 101,220,872 609,204 0.65

Arabidopsis, 48 hpi (B. cinerea) 59,594,013 296,764 0.53

Arabidopsis, 72 hpi (B. cinerea) 41,478,258 338,325 0.82

S. lycopersicum leaf, 0 hpi (B. cinerea) 2,630,614 623 0.02

S. lycopersicum leaf, 24 hpi (B. cinerea) 1,586,314 6,315 0.28

S. lycopersicum leaf, 72 hpi (B. cinerea) 1,580,667 5,918 0.37

S. lycopersicum fruit, 0 hpi (B. cinerea) 6,334,100 1,381 0.02

S. lycopersicum fruit, 24 hpi (B. cinerea) 6,021,895 14,908 0.25

S. lycopersicum fruit, 72 hpi (B. cinerea) 3,617,356 458,590 12.68

B. cinerea, in vitro culture, conidiospores 787,441 787,441 100.0

B. cinerea, in vitro culture, mycelia 1,716,701 1,716,701 100.0

B. cinerea, in vitro culture, total biomass 18,086,243 18,086,243 100.0

Table  S2  

Normalized read counts

ID Arabidopsis S.lycopersicum B.cinerea Alignment Score Predicted target gene
|:| | ||||||||||||||:
|:| | |||||:||||||||
Bc-siR3.2 202 997 33 Bc-siR3.2 3`UGGAUGUUCUAGGUGUUACAU Sl F-box
|:||| |||||||| ||||||
||::|| ||||||||| ||||
Bc-siR3.1 3`CGGGUGGAUGUUCUAGGUGUU 2.5 At Aminotransferase-like
:|||| ||||||||||||||
Bc-siR3.1 3`CGGGUGGAUGUUCUAGGUGUU 4.0 At Microspore-specific
|:|| |:||||| ||||||||
|||:| |||||||| |||||
Bc-siR3.1 812 1231 50
Bc-siR3.1 3`CGGGUGGAUGUUCUAGGUGUU 4.25 Sl Autophagy ATG2-like
:||||:| |||||||||||:
Bc-siR3.1 3`CGGGUGGAUGUUCUAGGUGUU 4.5 Sl Vacuolar protein-sorting
|||||||:||| ||||||:|
|| | || ||||||||||||
Bc-siR5 3`UUCAUAUGUAAGGCUCAGUUU 4.0 At Clathrin, heavy-chain
:||| |:|||||||:|||:||
Bc-siR5 3`UUCAUAUGUAAGGCUCAGUUU 4.25 At Cell wall-associated kinase
Bc-siR5 1,710 1,380 303 Bc-siR5 3`UUCAUAUGUAAGGCUCAGUUU 4.5 At MADS transcription factor
:| | |||| |||||||||||
|||||| |||||| ||||||
Bc-siR5 3`UUCAUAUGUAAGGCUCAGUUU 4.5 Sl Pentatricopeptide
|:||| ||||||:||| ||||
Figure  S1  
B. cinerea-infected B. cinerea-infected B. cinerea B. cinerea-infected B. cinerea-infected B. cinerea
Arabidopsis S. lycopersicum in vitro culture Arabidopsis S. lycopersicum in vitro culture
sense sense

antisense antisense

Bc-siR3.1 and Bc-siR3.2 Bc-siR5

One bar represents 10 reads

Figure  S2  

B. cinerea
|:| | ||||||||||||||:
|: | || || ||:|| ||

|:| | |||||:||||||||
|: | || || ||:|| ||
:| || || || |: || ::

Bc-siR3.2 target site


pS35 YFP 3`UTR

Figure  S3  


At5g50290 (WAK)
0.5 kb
WT #1 #2


1.5 BIK1
Rel. mRNA level


Figure  S4  

Rel. mRNA level


1 2 1 2 3 4
Figure  S5  


Figure  S6  

infected control infected










Figure  S7   A
WT ago1-27

Rel. mRNA level

0 WT ago1-27
Figure  S8  
Figure  S9   A B
5`flank   PtrpC::hph   3`flank   WT dcl1 dcl2 dcl1 dcl2


5`flank   PtrpC::bar   3`flank  


1 kb
In  red:  func>onal  domains  

WT dcl1 dcl2 dcl1 dcl2
WT dcl1 dcl2

Figure  S10  

Arabidopsis S. lycopersicum

B. cinerea biomass
B. cinerea biomass
1 1

0.5 0.5
* *
0 0
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doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq233 Medline

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