HB 8625 Discussion Paper
HB 8625 Discussion Paper
HB 8625 Discussion Paper
RA 9297, or also known as “The Chemical Engineering Law of 2004”, is a passed law that
mandates the creation of the Board of Chemical Engineering and empowers the Board in
supervising and regulating the practice of the chemical engineering profession in the
Philippines. However, it was stated that from 2004 since the law has been passed up until the
present, there have been loose provisions which makes the law not fully achieved. The effects
of loose provisions are some of the industrial companies are operated without the guidance of
a chemical engineer; only a few hired chemical engineers; some do not require renewal of PRC
license. These loose provisions resulted in violations in terms of environmental concerns and
public safety.
Meanwhile, HB 8625 which shall be known as the “Comprehensive Chemical Engineering
Law of 2018” is requested to be passed to repeal the Chemical Engineering Law of 2004 or
RA 9297. HB 8625 includes: Addressing loose provisions of RA 9297; public safety in terms of
compliance of industrial facilities to process requirements under the guidance of Chemical
Engineers; making sure that all processes in industrial facilities safely operated.
Both RA 9297 and HB 8625 aim to regulate the chemical engineering profession in the
Philippines. However, both have their differences. First, RA 9297 has been passed already
since 2004, and it has only five (5) Articles and 39 Sections. Meanwhile, HB 8625 is still under
review, and it has seven (7) Articles and 52 Sections. Next, RA 9297 has loose provisions while
HB 8625 aims to revise or repeal the law to fully implement the law in the interest of public
safety, national development, and environmental sustainability.
RA 9297 needs changes due to some lapses. It has not achieved its fullest implementation
due to lack of provisions. Industrial facilities were built and run without any provision and
expertise of chemical engineers. This resulted in environmental violations and exposed the
public to unsafe practices in the operation of manufacturing processes without proper control.
According to the House Bill 8625, the provisions in the current law need to be amended to
include the adaptation of the outcomes-based engineering educational parameters which
highlight the attainment of skills and attributes of engineers under the Washington Accord. This
would help Filipino Chemical Engineers to be more competent locally and internationally and
to distinguish the skills and attributes of Chemical Engineers and technicians level.
3. Are these changes reflected in HB 8625 necessary to the practice of the Chemical
Engineering profession?
Yes, HB 8625 known as the "Comprehensive Chemical Engineering Law of 2018" declared
the policy of the State to supervise, regulate and uphold the practice of chemical engineering
in the interest of public safety recognizing it as vital to national development, upgrade chemical
engineering education to guarantee attainment of internationally accepted skills and attributes
of engineers, and to reserve the practice of such profession to Filipino Chemical Engineers.
RA 9297 known as ‘’Chemical Engineering Law of 2004’’ resulted in a lot of violations in
terms of environmental concerns and has exposed the public to unsafe practices in the
operation of manufacturing processes without proper control. Also, RA 9297 loose provisions
some of the industrial companies that are operated without the guidance of a chemical
engineer; only a few hired chemical engineers; some do not require renewal of PRC license.
With HB 8625, this would change the engineering education, professional fields of
specialization of Chemical Engineers, industrial facilities operational requirements, recognition
of qualifications and achievements and the full implementation of the law in the interest of
national development, public safety and environmental sustainability.
4. What will be the impact of HB 8625 to the practice of the Chemical Engineering
There is a high possibility that this bill will be put to law because it has more strong points
than weak points. One of the strong points of HB 8625 is that it clearly defines the fields of
specialization of Chemical Engineers. Aside from Professional Chemical Engineers, the bill
also includes the scope of practices of Chemical Engineering Technologists and Technicians.
Another strong point of this bill is that it includes the number of required professional chemical
engineers to supervise the workplace and to address the process safety requirements in
industrial plant operations. This is a good point because it gives high regard and consideration
to public safety and environmental protection and sustainability for the betterment of humanity.
The next good point is that it has a smooth transitory provision. Inside the bill, it says that all
chemical engineers who are registered under Republic Act 9297 at the time of effectivity of this
Act will be automatically considered Professional Chemical Engineers and will hold the same
registration number. Overall, the bill is commendable; except for the overlapping works of ChE
Technologists and Technicians.
6. Give suggestions/recommendations on how to improve the HB 8625.
As discussed in our group, we had a hard time on what to improve in HB 8625 since the bill
is already commendable to become a law. However, we came up with some
12263/irr_of_ra_9297_che_law_signed2.pdf (Date accessed 19 January 2021)