CMDM Jun08
CMDM Jun08
CMDM Jun08
Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051 INDIA
All content included in this book, such as text, graphics, logos, images, data compilation
etc. are the property of NSE. This book or any part thereof should not be copied,
reproduced, duplicated, sold, resold or exploited for any commercial purposes.
Furthermore, the book in its entirety or any part cannot be stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise.
CONTENT ................................................................................................................................PAGE NO.S
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .....................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................................7
1.13 AUCTION ...............................................................................................................................54
1.13.1 Entering Auction Orders ..............................................................................................55
1.13.2 Auction Order Modification.........................................................................................56
1.13.3 Auction Order Cancellation.........................................................................................56
1.13.4 Auction Order Matching...............................................................................................57
1.14 LIMITED PHYSICAL MARKET .....................................................................................57
1.15 RETDEBT MARKET (RDM) ...........................................................................................57
1.17 INTERNET BROKING .....................................................................................................63
Model Questions..................................................................................................................................63
CHAPTER 2..................................................................................................................................................66
CLEARING AND SETTLEMENT ........................................................................................................66
Model questions................................................................................................................................ 112
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................................................... 115
5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................208
5.2 MARKET SEGMENTS .......................................................................................................208
5.2.1 Primary Market............................................................................................................... 208
5.2.2 Secondary Market ........................................................................................................... 209
5.3 PRODUCTS AND PARTICIPANTS .............................................................................211
MARKET .................................................................................................212
5.5 A PROFILE .............................................................................................................................212
MARKETS ..................................................213
5.6.1 Corporate Securities Market......................................................................................... 213
5.6.2 Government Securities Market ..................................................................................... 217
MARKETS ...................................................................219
5.8 TESTING AND CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................219
Model Questions............................................................................................................................... 219
CHAPTER 6............................................................................................................................................... 221
List of Abbreviations
ABC Additional Base Capital
B/G Bank Guarantee
BMC Base Minimum Capital
BSE Bombay Stock Exchange
CDSL Central Depositories Services Ltd.
CM Capital Market
Co. Company
DCA Department of Company Affairs
DEA Department of Economic Affairs
DP Depository Participant
DPG Dominant Promoter Group
DQ Disclosed Quantity
DvP Delivery versus Payment
FDR Fixed Deposit Receipt
FI Financial Institution
FII Foreign Institutional Investors
F&O Futures and Options
FTP File Transfer Protocol
IFSD Interest Free Security Deposit
IOC Immediate or Cancel
IPF Investor Protection Fund
ISIN International Securities Identification Number
LTP Last Trade Price
MBP Market By Price
MRC Membership Recommendation Committee
MTM Mark To Market
NSE National Stock Exchange
NSCCL National Securities Clearing Corporation Limited
NSDL National Securities Depository Ltd.
OTC Over The Counter
NEAT National Exchange for Automated Trading
NCFM NSE's Certification in Financial Markets
NSCCL National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd.
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RDM Retail Debt Market
SAT Securities Appellate Tribunal
SBTS Screen Based Trading System
SC(R)A Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
SC(R)R Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957
SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
SGF Settlement Guarantee Fund
SRO Self Regulatory Organisation
T+2 Second day from the trading day
TM Trading Member
UTI Unit Trust of India
VaR Value at Risk
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
WDM Wholesale Debt Market
No. Title Weights (%)
1 Trading 30
3 Trading Membership 20
4 Legal Framework 15
The trading on stock exchanges in India used to take place through open
outcry without use of information technology for immediate matching or
recording of trades. This was time consuming and inefficient. This imposed
limits on trading volumes and efficiency. In order to provide efficiency,
liquidity and transparency, NSE introduced a nation- wide on-line fully -
automated screen based trading system (SBTS) where a member can punch
into the computer quantities of securities and the prices at which he likes to
transact and the transaction is executed as soon as it finds a matching sale or
buy order from a count er party. SBTS electronically matches orders on a strict
price/time priority and hence cuts down on time, cost and risk of error, as
well as on fraud resulting in improved operational efficiency. It allows faster
incorporation of price sensitive informatio n into prevailing prices, thus
increasing the informational efficiency of markets. It enables market
participants, irrespective of their geographical locations, to trade with one
another simultaneously, improving the depth and liquidity of the market. It
provides full anonymity by accepting orders, big or small, from members
without revealing their identity, thus providing equal access to everybody. It
also provides a perfect audit trail, which helps to resolve disputes by logging
in the trade execution pro cess in entirety. This sucked liquidity from other
exchanges and in the very first year of its operation, NSE became the leading
stock exchange in the country, impacting the fortunes of other exchanges and
forcing them to adopt SBTS also. Today India can boast that almost 100%
trading take place through electronic order matching.
Technology was used to carry the trading platform from the trading hall of
stock exchanges to the premises of brokers. NSE carried the trading platform
further to the PCs at the residence of investors through the Internet and to
handheld devices through WAP for convenience of mobile investors. This
made a huge difference in terms of equal access to investors in a
geographically vast country like India.
The trading network is depicted in Figure 1.1. NSE has main computer which
is connected through Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) installed at its
office. The main computer runs on a fault tolerant STRATUS mainframe
computer at the Exchange. Brokers have terminals (identified as the PCs in
the Figure 1.1) installed at their premises which are connected through
VSATs/leased lines/modems.
Figure 1.1: Trading Network
IN SAT - 2 B
The trading system operates on a strict price time priority. All orders received
on the system are sorted with the best priced order getting the first priority
for matching i.e., the best buy orders match with the best sell order. Similar
priced orders are sorted on time priority basis, i.e. the one that came in early
gets priority over the later one. Orders are matched automatically by the
computer keeping the system transparent, objective and fair. Where an order
does not find a match, it remains in the system and is displayed to the whole
market, till a fresh order comes in or the earlier order is cancelled or
modified. The trading system provides tremendous flexibility to the users in
terms of kinds of orders that can be placed on the system. Several time -
related (immediate or cancel), price-related (buy/sell limit and stop loss
orders) or volume related (Disclosed Quantity) conditions can be easily built
into an order. The trading system also provides complete market information
on-line. The market screens at any point of time provide complete information
on total order depth in a security, the five best buys and sells available in the
market, the quantity traded during the day in that security, the high and the
low, the last traded price, etc. Investors can also know the fate of the orders
almost as soon as they are placed with the trading members. Thus the NEAT
system provides an Open Electronic Consolidated Limit Order Book (OECLOB).
Limit orders are orders to buy or sell shares at a stated quantity and stated
price. If the price quantity conditions do not match, the limit order will not be
executed. The term ‘limit order book’ refers to the fact that only limit orders
are stored in the book and all market orders are crossed against the limit
orders sitting in the book. Since the order book is visible to all market
participants, it is termed as an ‘Open Book’.
The NEAT system supports an order driven market, wherein orders match on
the basis of time and price priority. All quantity fields are in units and prices
are quoted in Indian Rupees. The regular lot size and tick size for various
securities traded is notified by the Exchange from time to time.
Normal market consists of various book types wherein orders are segregated
as Regular Lot Orders, Special Term Orders, Negotiated Trade Orders and
Stop Loss Orders depending on their order attributes.
The odd lot market facility is used for the Limited Physical Market. The main
features of the Limited Physical Market are detailed in a separate section
1.3.3 Retdebt Market
The RETDEBT market facility on the NEAT system of capital market segment
is used for transactions in Retail Debt Market session. Trading in Retail Detail
Market takes place in the same manner as in equities (capital market)
segment. The main features of this market are detailed in a separate section
(1.15) on RETDEBT market.
The trading member has the facility of defining a hierarchy amongst its users
of the NEAT system. This hierarchy comprises:
Corporate Manager
Branch 1 Branch 2
The users of the trading system can logon as either of the user type. The
significance of each type is explained below:
Day reports for all the dealers under that branch. The branch manager can
set user order value limit for each of his branch. Branch Manager can view
outstanding order and trade of all users of his branch. He can cancel/modify
outstanding order of all user of his branch.
Dealer: Dealers are users at the lower most level of the hierarchy. A dealer
can view and perform order and trade related activities only for oneself and
does not have access to information on other dealers under either the same
branch or other branches.
The Local Database provides faster response time to users. All inquiries made
by a user for own orders/trades are serviced through the local database. If
however, a corporate manager/branch manager makes inquiries for orders of
any dealer/branch manager of the trading firm, then the inquiry is serviced by
the host. The data stored in the local database include system messages,
security related information and order/trade related data of the user.
The system is normally made available for trading on all days except
Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays. Holidays are declared by the
exchange from time to time. A trading day typically consists of a number of
discrete stages as explained in the subsequent section.
1.6.1 Opening
The trading member can carry out the following activities after login to the
NEAT system and before the market opens for trading:
(i) Set up Market Watch (the securities which the user would like to view
on the screen)
(ii) Viewing Inquiry screens.
At the point of time when the market is opening for trading, the trading
member cannot login to the system. A message ‘Market status is changing.
Cannot logon for sometime ’ is displayed. If the member is already logged in,
he cannot perform trading activities till market is opened.
trading members. Order entry is allowed when all the securities have been
opened. During this phase, orders are matched on a continuous basis. Trading
in all the instruments is allowed unless they are specifically prohibited by the
exchange. The activities that are allowed at this stage are Inquiry, Order
Entry, Order Modification, Order Cancellation (including quick order
cancellation) Order Matching and trade cancellation.
When the market closes, trading in all instruments for that market comes to
an end. A message to this effect is sent to all trading members. No further
orders are accepted, but the user is permitted to perform activities like
inquiries and trade cancellation.
1.6.4 Surcon
Surveillance and Control (SURCON) is that period after market close during
which, the users have inquiry access only. After the end of SURCON period,
the system processes the data for making the system available for the next
trading day. When the system starts processing data, the interactive
connection with the NEAT system is lost and the message to that effect is
displayed at the trader workstation.
On starting NEAT application, the logon scre en appears with the following
a) User ID
b) Trading Member ID
c) Password
d) New Password
In order to sign on to the system, the user must specify a valid User ID,
Trading Member ID and the corresponding password. A valid combination of
User ID, Trading Member ID and the password is needed to access the
a) User ID
Each trading member can have more than one user. The number of users
allowed for each trading member is notified by the Exchange from time to
time. Each user of a trading member must be registered with the exchange
and is assigned an unique user id.
b) Trading Member ID
c) Password
When a user logs in for the first time, he has to enter the default password
'NEATCM' provided by the Exchange. On entering this password, the system
requests the user to enter a new password in the `New Password' field. On
entering the new password, the system requests for confirmation of this new
password. This new password is known to the user only.
Earlier, it was possible for the members having VSATs at more than one
location to use the allotted user ids interchangeably from either location. This
gives rise to various systems security related problems. To reduce such
potential risks associated with the member’s workstation, the Exchange
assigns user id to a specific location. On account of it, whenever a user
attempts to log on to the trader workstation, the system checks for a valid
location for that user id in the database at the host end.
In case there is a mismatch between the user id and corresponding VSAT id,
the message is flashed on the log on screen, ‘You are trying to sign on from a
different location. Sign on is not allowed’. Members connected through leased
lines, high speed dial up modems are also checked for the local address of
their trading terminals and the corresponding user ids. In case of mismatch
between the two the message ‘You are trying to sign on from a differe nt
location. Sign on is not allowed’ is flashed on the log on screen. Members
maybe allowed logging in from different VSAT ids only on specific written
requests, which may be verified by the Exchange with reference to the
problem specified.
One can exit from the application as and when one desires before the surcon
period. On invoking the log off screen, the following options are displayed to
the user:
a) Permanent sign off,
b) Temporary sign off, and
c) Exit
As the name suggests, a user can log off permanently from the trading
system by selecting this option. The user is logged off and the log on screen
Temporary sign off is a useful feature that allows the user to disallow the use
of the trading software without actually logging off. During a temporary sign-
off period, the application continues to receive all market updates in the
background. However, the user cannot enter orders or make inquiries. This
allo ws the user to leave the trading system temporarily inactive and prevents
unauthorized access to the system. On selecting the temporary sign off
option, a password entry screen is displayed. The use of the NEAT system is
enabled on entering the correct password. The temporary sign off is
automatically activated when the user is inactive for a period of 5 minutes.
The user has to enter the password to resume activities. If three attempts are
made to sign on with an incorrect password, the user is permanently logged
off. In this case the user has to log on again.
c) Exit
On selection of this option, the user comes out of sign off screen.
The Trader Workstation screen of the trading member is divided into the
following windows:
(a) Title bar: It displays trading system name i.e. NEAT, the date and the
current time.
(b) Ticker Window: The ticker displays information of all trades in the
system as and when it takes place. The user has the option of
selecting the securities that should appear in the ticker. Securities in
ticker can be selected for each market type. On the extreme right
hand of the ticker is the on-line index window that displays the current
index value of NSE indices namely S&P CNX Nifty, S&P CNX Defty, CNX
Nifty Junior, S&P CNX500, CNX Midcap, CNX IT, Bank Nifty, CNX 100
and Nifty Midcap 50. The user can scroll within these indices and view
the index values respectively. Index point change with reference to the
previous close is displayed along with the current index value. The
difference between the previous close index value and the current
index value becomes zero when the Nifty closing index is computed for
the day.
(c) Tool Bar : The toolbar has functional buttons which can be used with
the mouse for quick access to various functions such as Buy Order
Entry, Sell Order Entry, Market By Price (MBP), Previous Trades (PT),
Outstanding Order (OO), Activity Log (AL), Order Status (OS), Market
Watch (MW), Snap Quote (SQ), Market Movement (MM), Market
Inq uiry (MI), Auction Inquiry (AI), Order Modification (OM), Order
Cancellation (OCXL), Security List, Net Position, Online Backup,
Supplementary Menu, Index Inquiry, Index Broadcast and Help. All
these functions are also accessible through the keyboard.
(d) Market Watch Window : The Market Watch window is the main area
of focus for a trading member. This screen allows continuous
monitoring of the securities that are of specific interest to the user. It
displays trading information for the selected securities.
(e) Inquiry Window: This screen enables the user to view information
such as Market By Price (MBP), Previous Trades (PT), Outstanding
Orders (OO), Activity Log (AL) and so on. Relevant information for the
selected security can be viewed.
(f) Snap Quote: The snap quote feature allows a trading member to get
instantaneous market information on any desired security. This is
normally used for securities that are not already set in the Market
Watch window. The information presented is the same as that of the
Marker Watch window.
(h) Message Window : This enables the user to view messages broadcast
by the Exchange such as corporate actions, any market news, auctions
related information etc. and other messages like order confirmation,
order modification, order cancellation, orders which have resulted in
quantity freezes/price freezes and the Exchange action on them, trade
confirmation, trade cancellation/modification requests and Exchange
action on them, name and time when the user logs in/logs off from the
system, messages specific to the trading member, etc. These
messages appear as and when the event takes place in a chronological
All Inquiry screens have a selection where the security viewed can be
selected. The screen shows the details of the security selected for that
inquiry. The details for each inquiry screens are discussed further in this
The Market Watch window is the third window from the top of the screen that
is always visible to the user. The Market Watch is the focal area for users. The
purpose of Market Watch is to setup and view trading details of securities that
are of interest to users. For each security in the Market Watch, market
information is dynamically updated.
Market Information Displayed: The one line market information displayed
in the market watch screen is for current best price orders available in the
Regular Lot book. For each security the following information is displayed:
a) the corporate action indicator "Ex/Cum"
b) the total buy order quantity available at best buy price
c) best buy price
d) best sell price
e) total sell order quantity available at best sell price
f) the last traded price
g) the last trade price change indicator and
h) the no delivery period indicator "ND"
Information Update: In the Market Watch screen, changes in the best price
and quantities are highlighted on a dynamic basis (in all pages of Market
Watch). For example, if the best price changes as a result of a new order in
the market, the new details are immediately displayed. The changed details
are highlighted with a change of colour for a few seconds to signify that a
change has occurred. The blue colour indicates that price/quantities have
improved, while the red colour indicates that the price/quantities have
If the last traded price is better than the previous last traded price then the
indicator `+' appears or if the last traded price is worse than the previous last
traded price then the indicator `-' appears. If there is no change in the last
traded price, no indicator is displayed.
The list of securities that are available for trading on Capital Market segment
is available in the Security List box. The user has the option to setup
securities directly from the Security List without typing a single character on
the market watch screen. This is a quick facility to setup securities. If the user
tries to setup a security which is already present in the market watch one
gets a message that the security is already setup. The user also has the
option to add and delete the security set up in the market watch screen as
many times as one desires. The user can print the contents of the Market
Watch setup by the user. The user can either print the Market Watch on
display or the Full Market Watch.
Market Watch Download: A user has to set up securities after the first
download of the software. After setting up the market watch, it is suggested
that the user should log out normally. This will help the user to save the
freshly set up market watch securities in a file. If at any given time, when the
user has freshly set up a few securities and encounters an abnormal exit, the
newly set up securities are not saved and the user may have to repeat the
process of setting up securities. The Market Watch setup is carried over to
subsequent days, thus averting the need to set up the Market Watch on daily
basis. During the logon stage, the relevant Market Watch details are
downloaded from the trading system. The message displayed is `Market
Watch download is in progress'. The time taken for the Market Watch
download depends on the number of securities set up.
a) One of the best features of this software is that the user has the
facility to set up 500 securities in the market watch. The user can set
up a maximum of 30 securities in one page of the market watch
b) The details of the current position in the Market Watch defaults in the
order entry screen and the inquiry selection screen. It is therefore
possible to do quick order entries and inquiries using this feature. The
default details can also be overwritten.
c) Market Watch setup can be sorted alphabetically.
d) An indicator for corporate actions for a security is another feature in
market watch. The indicators are as follows:
'XD' - ex-dividend
'XB' - ex-bonus
'XI' - ex-interest
'XR' - ex-rights
'CD' - cum-dividend
'CR' - cum-rights
'CB' - cum-bonus
'CI' - cum-interest
'C*' - in case of more than one of CD, CR, CB, CI
'X*' - in case of more than one of XD, XR, XB, XI
e) The ex indicator in the market watch screen appears till the end of no
delivery period in which the security goes ex benefit. In case, a
security goes ex benefit without having any no delivery period, ex
indicator is displayed only on the ex day.
1.10.3 Market by Price
The fields that are available on the selection screen are Symbol, Series and
Book Type. The options available in the book type field are Regular Lot and
The detailed MBP screen is split into First Line, Detail Line and Summary Line.
The first line displays Market Type, Symbol, Series, Total Traded Quantity,
Highest Trade Price, Lowest Trade Price, Last Trade Price, % Change in LTP
from Previous Day Close and Average Traded Price. The detail line displays
Number of Buy Orders, Total Buy Order Quantity at that price, Buy Order
Price, Sell Order Price, Total Sell Order Quantity at that price and Number of
Sell Orders. The summary line displays Total Buy Order Quantity and Total
Sell Order Quantity. For special term orders, the terms are not reflected in the
MBP screen. Buy orders are displa yed on the left side of the window and sell
orders on the right. The orders appear in a price/time priority with the "best
priced" order at the top. When any Regular Lot information, currently
displayed on the window, is changed (for example as the result of a trade),
this information is automatically reflected in the MBP i.e. dynamic updation of
MBP screen is present.
All buyback orders are identified by an ‘*’ in the MBP screen. In case a
buyback order appears in the best orders in the MBP an ‘*’ will precede such
an order record. In addition, an ‘*’ will appear against the ‘Total Buy’ field in
the MBP. Similarly if a buyback order price is among the best five prices in the
order book an ‘*’ will appear against the appropriate price and also in the
‘Total Buy’ field. In case a buyback order is present in the order book but
does not appear in the MBP, an ‘*’ will precede the ‘Total Buy’ field in the MBP
1) Regular lot & special term orders can be viewed in the MBP.
2) The status of a security is indicated in this screen. 'P' indicates that the
security is in the pre -open phase and 'S' indicates that the security is
3) The percentage change for last trade price with respect to previous
day's closing price and the average trade price of the security in the
given market are the additional fields in the screen.
4) No untriggered stop-loss order will be displayed on the MBP screen.
5) Only orders for the best 5 prices, information is displayed.
1.10.4 Previous Trades
The detailed Previous Trade screen information is split into First Line, Detail
Line and Summary Line. The first line displays Market Type, Symbol, Series,
Last Trade Price, Last Trade Quantity, Last Trade Time and Total Traded
Quantity. The detail line contains Buy/Sell Indicator, PRO /CLI indicator (where
P – PRO and C - CLI), Order Number, Trade Number, Trade Quantity, Trade
Price and Trade Time. The summary line contains Total Number of Buy
Trades, Total Buy Quantity Traded, Total Buy Traded Value, Average Buy
Traded Pric e, Total Number of Sell Trades, Total Sell Quantity Traded, Total
Sell Traded Value and Average Sell Traded Price. Previous Trade Screen
displays the client account number also.
Trades are displayed in a reverse chronological order. First all buy trades are
displayed and then sell trades are displayed.
(a) Trade cancellation can be requested from the Previous Trade screen.
This facility is available only for member’s own trades. The Corporate
Manager can request for trade cancellation for any branch or any
dealer. The Branch Manager can request for trade cancellation for any
dealer under that branch. The dealer can request for trade cancellation
only for trades under that user id.
(b) Trade modification can be requested from the Previous Trade screen.
The user can request the Exchange to modify only the trade quantity
field. Moreover, the new quantity requested must be lower than the
original trade quantity. Currently trade modification facility is not
1.10.5 Outstanding Orders
The purpose of Outstanding Orders (OO) is to enable the user to view the
outstanding orders for a security. An outstanding order is an order that has
been entered by the user, but which has not yet been completely traded or
cancelled. The user is permitted to see his own orders.
The fields which are available on the selection screen are Symbol, Series,
Book type, Auction Number, Branch Id, Dealer, PRO/CLI and Time. The
options available in the Book type field are Regular Lot, RETDEBT, Odd Lot,
Negotiated Trade, Stop Loss and Auction. If the user selects the option to
view Auction Market trade details, the Auction Number has to be compulsorily
The corporate manager can view all the OO for all branches or for a specific
branch. Under the specific branch, the user can view OO details for a specific
dealer or for all dealers. Similarly it is possible to view all OO for a particular
client or for all clients under a dealer. The Branch Manager can view all OO
details under that Branch i.e. all OO for all dealers and for all clients or for all
dealers or for a specific dealer. The dealer can view OO for own user id only.
The detailed outstanding orders screen is split into First Line and Detail Line.
The first line contains Symbol, Series, Market Type, Security Status, Label,
Current Time and Current Date. The detail line contains Book Type, User Id,
Client A/C Number, Order Number, Order Quantity Pending and Order Price.
The orders are listed on the basis of price/time priority. The orders are
displayed in order of Regular Lot orders and then Stop Loss orders.
Outstanding order screen is not dynamically updated, but the user has option
to refresh the OO screen by reinvoking the inquiry.
(a) The user can modify orders from the outstanding orders screen.
(b) The user can cancel orders from the outstanding orders screen.
(c) The user can view status of a particular order from the outstanding
orders screen.
The Activity Log (AL) shows all the activities that have been performed on any
order belonging to that user. These activities include order
modification/cancellation, partial/full trade, trade modification/cancellation. It
displays information of only those orders in which some activity has taken
place. It does not display those orders on which no activity has taken place.
The fields that are available on the selection screen are Symbol, Series,
Market Type, Branch Id, Dealer, PRO/CLI and Client Account Number. The
Symb ol, Series and Market Type fields are compulsory. The options available
in the Market Type field are Normal Market, RETDEBT, Odd Lot and Auction.
The detailed AL screen is split into first line and detail line. The first line
displays Market Type,Symbol, Series, Current Time and Current Date. The
detail line contains User Id, Order Number, PRO/CLI indicator (where P-PRO,
C-CLI), Buy/Sell Indicator, Order quantity, Order price, Order Terms/Trade
Number, Disclosed Quantity, MF Indicator, MF Quantity, Activity Indicator and
Activity Time. One line appears for each activity that has taken place today.
For example, if a buy order is traded against three separate sell orders, then
the activity log for the buy order shows three separate lines and the original
order details.
The purpose of the Order Status (OS) is to look into the status of one of
dealer’s own specific orders. The screen provides the current status of orders
and other order details. The order status screen is not dynamically updated.
In case the order is traded, the trade details are also displayed. In case of
multiple trades the display is scrolled.
To view the status of a particular order, enter the order number for which the
order status is to be viewed in the selection screen of OS. The first part of the
order number (i.e. today's date) is defaulted. The user has to enter the
second part of the order number. If the user does not know the order
number, then the user can position the highlight bar on the desired order on
the Outstanding Order screen and then invoke the OS screen. The order
number is directly defaulted in the Order Status selection screen.
The detailed OS screen is divided into three parts. The first part covers order
related information, the second part covers the trade related information if
the order has resulted in a trade and the third part gives summary details.
The first part details are in two lines. The first line gives Book Type, Symbol,
Series, Order Number, Type (Buy/Sell), Total Order Quantity, Order Price,
PRO/CLI, Client A/C Number and Participant Id. The second line gives
Disclosed Quantity, MF/AON Indicator, MF Quantity, Trigger Price, Day ,
Indicator 1 (Order Modified - MOD), Indicator 2 (Order Cancelled - CXL) and
Indicator 3 (Order Traded - TRD). The second part details are Trade Quantity,
Trade Price, Trade Time and Trade Number. The third part details are
Quantity Traded Today and Balance Quantity (remaining quantity).
(a) The OS provides the user the current status of the order i.e. whether
order has been modified, order was cancelled, order was traded, order
has been partially traded on the previous day.
(b) It shows all the order details. It also shows the trade details for each
trade done against this order.
(c) The data is presented in chronological order. One line appears for each
activity that has taken place today.
(d) The dealer can view order status of orders entered under that Dealer
Id only.
(e) This Inquiry option is not available to Users in Inquiry mode.
1.10.9 Market Movement
The detailed output screen is given in two parts. The first part gives
information regarding the security for the entire day namely Symbol, Series,
Market Type, Total Buy Order Quantity, Total Sell Order Quantity, Total
Traded Quantity, High Price, Low Price, Open Price and Last Traded Price. The
second part gives information for a particular time interval namely Time
Interval, Buy Order Quantity, Sell Order Quantity, Traded Quantity, High Price
and Low Price.
The user can save the Market Movement screen by specifying the directory
and file name to save the information. This file can be viewed in MSDOS
The purpose of the Market Inquiry is to enable the user to view the market
statistics, for a particular market, for a security. It also displays the open
price and previous close price for a security.
The fields that are available on the selection screen are Symbol, Series and
Market type. The user can select market type as Normal, RETDEBT and Odd
The detailed output screen is given in two parts. The first line displays
Symbol, Series, Security Status, Corporate Actions Indicator 1, Corporate
Actions Indicator 2, Corporate Actions Indicator 3, Total Traded Quantity, 52
Week High and 52 Week Low. The second line displays Closing Price, Opening
Price, High Price, Low Price, Last Traded Price and Net change from closing
price. The third line displays Last Traded Quantity, Last Traded Time and Last
Traded Date. The fourth line displays Best Buy Order Quantity, Best Buy
Order Price, Best Sell Order Price and Best Sell Order Quantity.
(a) This screen is not dynamically updated. It displays the security status
of the security selected. 'S' indicates that the security is suspended, ‘P’
indicates that the security is in pre open (only for normal market) and
in absence of the above indicators the security is open for trading.
(b) An indicator for corporate actions for a security is displayed on the
screen. The indicators are as follows:
"CD" = cum- dividend "XD" = ex- dividend
"CR" = cum-rights "XR" = ex-rights
"CB" = cum-bonus "XB" = ex-bonus
"CI” = cum- interest "XI” = ex- interest
(c) The net change indicator for last trade price with respect to the
previous day's closing price and the net change percentage for the last
trade price with respect to the previous day's closing price are
(d) The base price of a security for the day is equal to the previous day's
closing price of the security in normal circumstances. Thus, in the
market inquiry screen the field indicating the closing price also gives
the base price for the day.
(e) If the base price is manually changed (due to a corporate action) then
the market inquiry will not display the new base price in the closing
price field.
The purpose of Auction Inquiry (AI) is to enable the users to view the auction
activities for the current trading day. This window displays information about
auctions currently going on and auctions that have been completed.
The detailed line in the auction inquiry screen displays No. - Serial Number,
St. - Status of the auction security, Type - Buy/Sell auction, Symbol, Series,
Best Buy Qty, Best Buy Price, Best Sell Price, Best Sell Qty, Auction Qty,
Auction Price and Settlement Period.
The following are the different status displayed for an auction security:
S - Auction is in Solicitor Period
M - System is matching the orders
F - Auction is over
X - Auction is deleted
P - Auction is pending and yet to begin.
The user can view the auction details of a security setup in the market watch,
by invoking the auction inquiry screen after highlighting the auction security.
To view the auction details for all the securities, the user should blank out the
contents of all the fields in the auction inquiry selection screen. To view the
auctions after a particular number, the user should blank out the contents in
Symbol & Series field and enter the number in the auction number field on
the selection screen. The auction inquiry screen then displays all auctions
from that number onwards. This window is dynamically updated.
This is a facility for the user for setting up the securities in the market watch
screen. This screen is also has a new facility of allowing the user to setup his
own portfolio.
Security List : The user can select securities based on Symbol, Series,
Instrument Type and Market Type. A blank/partial search for Symbol and
Series is also possible. The Symbol, Series, Market Type and Security Name
are displayed based on the selection criteria. The user can also print the
selected securities.
Portfolio List : Once the security is selected, the same can be used for setting
up a portfolio. The user can give a name to the list so selected. The existing
portfolio can be modified and/or removed. The user can also set- up a
particular portfolio in market watch. Portfolio created can be used for basket
order entry also. Order files can be generated based on the portfolio created
using basket trading option.
This screen displays information of NSE indices namely S&P CNX Nifty, S&P
CNX Defty, CNX Nifty Junior, S&P CNX 500 and CNX Midcap CNX IT, Bank
Nifty and CNX 100. The indices are labeled vertically and the information is
displayed against each index horizontally. The data displayed for each index is
as follows:
- Current Index
- High Index
- Low Index
- Open Index
- Close Index
- % change in Current Index (w.r.t. previous close index)
- 52 week High
- 52 week low
- Up Moves
- Down Moves
- Market Capitalisation (in Rs. Lakh)
Index Graph displays all the indices on a real time basis to the market.
On Line Backup is a facility that the user can invoke to take a backup of all
order and trade related information for the user. The information available is
for the current day only.
On the selection screen the user can select the various fields on which the
output will be filtered. The fields that can be filtered are CLI, Market Type,
Book Type, Symbol, Series, Instrument Type, Date, Time, Order Indicat or,
Trade Indicator, Buy/Sell Indicator, Order Numbers and Trade Numbers
The user is provided the option to copy the files to any drive of the computer
or on a floppy diskette. This utility generates two ASCII files namely Order.txt
and Trade.txt. The user can specify any filename for Orders and Trades. This
utility will help the user to generate the Contract Notes. The user is requested
to take backup first on the C:\drive and subsequently copy to A:\drive to
avoid overloading PC capacity and abnormal log-off.
In the Basket Trading functionality, the User First Selects a Portfolio from
combo box. The Portfolio in the combo box is user defined portfolios (which
can be created or edited from the Security List screen which is an existing
functionality). All Users defined Portfolios are automatically loaded in to the
combo box. The User then allocates an amount to the portfolio by mentioning
the amount in the 'Amount' edit box. The amount entered is in lakh and must
be less than or equal to Rs. 3000 lakh. If the amount entered is not sufficient
to buy/sell a complete basket, a message "Insufficient amount for creating
the basket" is displayed. Then, the User mentions whether he wants to buy or
sell the Portfolio by selecting a choice from BUY/SELL combo box. The User
has to mention the name of offline order file which would be generated. The
Output Offline order file is always generated in the Basket directory of the
current selected login drive. If a file with the given name already exists then
it asks for overwriting the old file. A Reverse File with the same name is also
generated in 'R_Basket' directory of the current login drive. The Reverse File
contains reverse order (if user has selected buy then it contains sell orders
and vice-versa). The user can mention order’s duration (IOC or day) by
selecting from a check box. The User can also specify PRO/C LI orders by
selecting from the combo box. In case of CLI orders it is compulsory to
mention the account number in the edit box. The Participant name can be
mentioned. If mentioned it is verified whether it is a valid participant or not.
The amount mentioned in the 'Amount Edit' Box is divided among the
securities of the portfolio, depending on their current market capitalisation,
and the amount allocated per security is used to calculate the number of
shares to be bought / sold for that security which is reflected in the offline
order file. The number of shares is rounded off to the nearest integer. If the
basket contains any security whose regular lot is not one, then the file will
need to be corrected by the user to accommodate shares in tradable lots. If
the portfolio contains a security which is suspended/not eligible in the chosen
market then an error message is displayed on the screen.
All the orders generated through the offline order file are priced at the
available market price.
Current Portfolio = Summation [Last Traded Price (Previous
Capitalisation close if not traded) * Number of Issued shares]
In case at the time of generating the basket if any of the constituents are not
traded, the weightage of the security in the basket is determined using the
previous close price. This price may become irrelevant if there has been a
corporate action in the security for the day and the same has not yet been
traded before generation of the file. Similarly, basket facility will not be
available for a new listed security till the time it is traded.
The purpose of Buy Back Trade functionality is to give information to the
market about the buy back trades executed from the start of the buy back
period till current trading date in the securities whose buyback period is
currently on. It provides information about Symbol, Series, Day's high price,
Day's Low Price, Day’s Weighted Average Price, Day’s Volume, Total Volume,
Highest/Lowest/Weighted Average Prices till previous day, Buy Back Start &
End date.
The Buyback Trade functionality provides users with the information about
the buyback trades going in various securities. The front screen shows
Symbol, Series, Low price (Today), High price (Today), Weightage. Average
price, Volume (Today) and Previous day Volume.
The user after selecting a particular row from the buyback list box can view
further information viz. Symbol, Series, Start date, End date, Total Traded
Qty (Till date), Previous High price, Previous Low price and Wt avg. Price till
date of buyback scheme. The Buyback broadcast updates the information.
• Reverse Basket on traded quantity
• Reset User id
• About
Report Selection
Report selection window allows the user (corporate manager and branch
manager) to specify the number of copies to be printed for each report. The
user can update the number of copies for a report. The Report Selection
screen allows the user (Corporate manager and Branch Manager only) to
specify the number of copies to be printed for each report. All the reports are
generated at the end of day. Once the reports are printed, the Report
Selection screen shows the date and the time the reports were printed. The
user can request for reprinting any of the reports.
The reports that are available to the trading member are Open Order Today,
Order Log, Trades Done Today, Market Statistics and Market Indices.
Open Order: This report gives details for all dealers belonging to the trading
member that are currently outstanding or unmatched orders. Regular lot,
special terms, odd lot and stop loss outstanding orders are presented in this
Order Log: The purpose of this report is to give the activity log of the orders
for the dealers belonging to a trading member. This report shows Orders
placed today, Orders modified today, Orders canceled and Orders deleted by
the system. This report shows the activity log for the orders of a trading
member. It shows the details of the orders which are entered today, modified
today, canceled by the dealer today. For order modification, the modified
order details are shown for each modification done.
Trades Done Today: The purpose of this report is to show the details of the
trading activity by the trading member. This report gives details of trades
done today for all dealers belonging to the trading member firm. The report
has details for all the types of trades i.e. Normal market trade, Odd Lot trade,
RETDEBT trade and Auction trade.
Market Statistics: The purpose of this report is to show the market statistics
of that trading day. This report gives details related to all the securities
traded on that day for all markets. A separate Market Indices Report is also
disseminated to members which contains details regarding the Open, High,
Low, Close, Previous Close and % change over the Previous Close of S&P CNX
Nifty, S&P CNX Defty, CNX Nifty Junior, S&P CNX500, CNX Midcap, CNX IT,
Bank Nifty, CNX 100 and Nifty Midcap 50 indices.
This option enables the display of all the system messages right from the
start of the Opening Phase. It is also possible to filter the messages
depending on the message code, symbol, series, PRO/CLI, Client, date and
time. The system messages can be printed, if needed.
The user can filter, print and save messages. In the message filtering screen
the message code by default shows All . The user has the option to select the
desired message code on which the messages can be filtered. The messages
can also be filtered on Symbol, Series, Trading member Code, PRO/CLI/ ALL,
Client A/C Number, Date and Time fields.
In case the user desires to filter messages for trading member's own
order/trade related messages, ‘PRO ’ has to be specified with the trading
member code defaulting in the ‘Client Account ’ field. In case the user desires
to filter messages for a particular client, ‘CLI’ has to be specified with the
client account code in the ‘Client Account’ field. In case the user desires to
view all messages, ‘All ’ has to be specified and the ‘Client Account ’ field
should be blank. The message filter displays ‘All’ by default when the user
invokes the full message display screen.
Message area will contain the machine number along with the message
specifying from which machine the message have been generated. An extra
filter code has been provided in the message area to filter messages on the
machine number parameter.
The messages are filtered as per the selection criteria. The message codes on
which the selection can be made are:
Message Code Description of Messages Selected
ALL All messages
AUC Auction order/trade messages
AUI Auction initiation messages
LIS All listing relat ed messages
ORD Order Related messages
OTH Miscellaneous
SPD Security Suspension/De- suspension
SYS System Messages
TRD Trades
The full message display and filtered messages can be printed by invoking the
print command by ensuring that the printer is online. The user can save
messages by invoking the Save option on the Full Message Display screen and
by specifying the directory and file name in the pop up box. Here an option is
available to the user to both specify the directory and file name to save
messages, or to choose the default directory i.e. nsecm\user directory. This
file can be viewed in MS- DOS editor.
Colour Selection
The user can customise the colours for various inquiry and other trader
workstation screens as per choice. The backgro und and the foreground
colours can be selected by invoking the Colour Selection option. The following
is displayed on the colour selection listbox:
List of Screens: Lists all the screens in NEAT system. The user has the option
of changing both the foreground and the background colours of any screen.
Display Window: Displays the screen with the changed colours. To change the
colour of a particular screen, the user has to position the highlight bar on the
desired screen and select any one of the sixteen colour buttons. The change
in the colour can be seen in the Display window. The user can reset the colour
to default setting by selecting the Default option. It is to be noted that the
user cannot select the same colour for foreground of an inquiry screen.
Ticker Selection
The ticker selection screen allows the user to set up the securities that should
appear in the user’s ticker window. All the securities available in the system
for a particular market are displayed. If a security is deleted from the system,
it is also removed from the ticker selection display. The selection of securities
can be done for each market separately. The user can select one or all
security type for display.
Market Movement
This screen displays the details of the most active securities based on the
total traded value during the day. The number `N' is parameterised by the
Exchange. The information provided on this screen is not dynamically
updated. However, the user can get the latest information by refreshing the
Index Inquiry
Index Inquiry gives information on Previous Close, Open, High, Low and
Current Index values of S&P CNX Nifty at the time of invoking this inquiry
screen. This screen displays information of S&P CNX Nifty as of the time the
screen was invoked on the current trading day. The data displayed is as
- 52 week High
- 52 week Low
- Closing Index
- Opening Index
- High Index
- Low Index
- Current Index
- Net Change
- % Change
At the end of day after market closure the Previous Close field will display
current day's closing index value. The user requires to refresh the details of
the screen by re -invoking the screen.
A facility ‘Offline Order Entry’ has been incorporated in the trading software
where the user can generate order file in a specific format outside the trading
system and upload the file in the system by invoking this facility. The user
has to specify the exact file location that can be a hard disk drive or a floppy
drive. The status of the orders so uploaded is recorded in last two fields of the
same file. Once the order processing is complete, the user can open the same
file in MS- DOS editor. If the system assigns an order number, the same is
written against the record. In case of any error(s), the corresponding error
code is written against the record. Offline order entry is also available for
RETDEBT market.
The user has to specify the relevant order file name in the Offline Order Entry
pop-up box and then initiate the upload process. The user can also interrupt
the injection of the orders. It should be noted that the file has to be in the
format as specified by the Exchange. The offline order entry facility accepts
comma separated file structure (file saved as *.csv where * is the file name).
Order Limits
Order limits is a facility to enable the user to specify maximum value per
order and maximum quantity per order that can be entered from the trader
workstation. At the time of order entry and order modification this limit is
checked by the system. Order limits are set by individual users and are
provided as safety measure against any inadvertent error during data entry
while entering orders.
For a user logging in for the first time, order limits are specified as unlimited
by default. In case specific value/quantity is to be specified, data has to be
entered in the respective input fields namely ‘Order Value (in lakh)’ & ‘Order
Quantity’. In case unlimited is to be specified, the checkbox allows the user to
set ‘Unlimited’ as his limit.
The order limits can be modified during market hours. When the user
modifies these limits, a message ‘Max. Value/Qty for one order has been set
to Rs.......Lakh/......’ is displayed on the message window screen. When the
user sets the limit as unlimited, a message ‘Max. Value/Qty for one order has
been set to unlimited’ is displayed on the message window screen. While
modifying the values if either of the input fields is left blank, the dealer gets
an error message, either ‘Quantity Limit not Entered’ or ‘Value Limit not
Entered’ respectively. In case the user tries to modify without entering any
new values, a message ‘Values not changed’ is displayed.
Whenever the user places an order, the order values are validated against
these values to confine the checking to the trader workstation. In case the
user ent ers an order that exceeds the specified quantity limit, a message
‘Order quantity entered exceeds the order limit quantity’ is displayed. In case
the user enters an order which exceeds specified order value (order price x
order quantity) a message ‘Order value exceeds order value limit’ is
displayed. The quantity check is always done prior to order value check. Only
if both values are not exceeded, the order is sent to the system for further
processing. In case of a market order if the order quantity exceeds the order
quantity limit, the checking is done at the trader workstation itself as in the
case of priced orders. However, for order value check, the check is performed
by the Host.
Market Price protection functionality : This functionality gives an option to a
Trader to limit the risk of a market order, within a pre -set percentage of the
Last Trade Price (LTP).The pre -set Market price protection percentage is by
default set to 5% of the LTP. The users can change the pre- set Market price
protection percentage from the Order Limit Screen which can be invoked from
the Supplementary Menu. The set percentage will be applicable till the
Ntreltdr EXE is re- inflated.
At the time of order entry, the user can check the cursor is in the price field.
In case of a buy order, the price value shown is taken as the default price,
which is greater than LTP by a pre- set percentage. In case of a sell order the
default value will be lesser than the LTP by a pre set percentage. The time
condition in both cases will automatically change to IOC. The user has the
option to change any of the fields. Since the calculations are based on LTP if
broadcast for the security is not received, the default value will be 'MARKET'.
Security wise User Order Quantity Limit & SUOQL Bulk Upload
The trading system has a facility for setting up Branch Order Value Limit
(BOVL) and User Order Value Limit (UOVL). The Corporate Manager (CM) can
set up BOVL for each branch and UOVL for all the users (dealers and BMs)
under him. The Branch Manager (BM) can set the UOVL of the dealers in his
branch. Sum of the UOVLs of all the users under a particular branch cannot
exceed BOVL, set by the CM. While this enables the CM and BM to restrict the
total value of order entered by the users, it is not possible to restrict buying
or selling in specific securities.
An additional facility for setting up Security wise User wise Order Quantity
Limits (SUOQL) for buy and/or sell has been provided. This function will be
available only to the NEAT users. Salient features of the functionality are
given below:
(1) The CM is allowed to set the SUOQL separately for buy and sell orders
for each security for all the BMs and Dealers (except inquiry only
users) under him including himself.
(2) A view only facility is given to the BM for his own limit and the dealers
under him.
(3) View only facility is given to the dealer for his own limit.
(4) For the newly added user or security the SUOQLs record is not to be
added by default (i.e. No SUOQL will be set for new security or user).
(5) It is possible to modify the SUOQL anytime during trading hours and it
should not be set less than the used limit for that security.
(6) The used limit field is displayed for buy and sell separately for each
(7) Any activity like order modif ication or cancellation is reflected in used
limit figure for the respective security and respective side.
(8) This limit is applicable for a symbol across all series, across all the
(9) The set value is not less than zero.
(10) Modification of set limits for a security is possible multiple times.
(11) SUOQL setting option is given in supplementary menu.
(12) A bulk upload facility to set the security wise buy sell limit through a
csv file is provided. In case of failure to upload a particular record/s,
failure message will be written in the input file in the form of an error
code. The file is reusable.
(13) SUOQL bulk upload facility is not available during the market hours.
(14) After the limit is set successfully, the message will be sent to the
respective CM/BM/dealer.
(15) For a symbol both buy and sell quantity can be set to unlimited.
(16) The facility to print the set SUOQL limits is provided.
(17) A facility to limit trading to the securities set up in the SUOQL is
provided. If limit trading option is set for the user, the user is allowed
to place orders only for symbols set in his SUOQL list by the CM. It is
however possible to enable this facility without having any security in
the SUOQL list, which prevents the user from entering any fresh
(18) Corporate Manager is given a facility to allow or disallow a user from
entering Index orders. By default all dealers are allowed to place index
orders. Index orders are not validated for SUOQL limits. However,
orders once entered are updated in the used limits.
(19) Set limits can be set equal to or greater than used limits.
(20) If a symbol is added/set in SUOQL list during the market hrs,
previously used quantities, till that time would be taken into account.
(21) It is possible that dealer is restricted to enter order in particular
security, but allowed to enter index order and that restricted security
is a part of Nifty.
(22) If the order is modified by CM/BM for a respective dealer then the used
limit will be updated accordingly, but in this case it can exceed the set
(23) SUOQL used limit is not validated and updated for Auction orders.
Bulk upload by CM for setting SUOVL for dealers is allowed after
receiving the message in the TWS after market close and in morning
till cut off time set by the exchange before the market opens.
Order Attribute Selection
The order attribute selection enables user to set default parameters for two
fields – PRO/CLI and Custodial Participant id fields in the order entry screens.
The selection screen provides a facility whereby users can select or deselect
required options. The PRO/CLI and custodial participant id options as selected
by the user is available in the order entry screen. In case the user deselects
all options for PRO/CLI the following error message is displayed "Either PRO
or CLI must be selected”. If a member sets the default option in the PRO/CLI
field as ‘PRO’, then each time the order entry screen is invoked, ‘PRO’ will be
displayed and ‘CLI’ will not be available to the user for order entry. If a
member selects ‘PRO’ and ‘CLI’, then each time the order entry screen is
invoked, ‘PRO ’ and ‘CLI’ will be available to the user for order entry. Similarly,
if a member selects ‘NCIT’ in the custodial participant field, only ‘NCIT’ will be
displayed on invoking the order entry screen. If a member selects broker id
as default option in the custodial participant field, then only the broker id will
be displayed in the order entry screen.
By default this screen has all the options marked for display in the order entry
screen. Options can be changed during trading hours. However, if a user exits
the NEAT application and logs in again, the required parameters will have to
be selected again for order entry.
The users have been provided with a facility to set up the last entered Client
account number, Participant & remarks fields in the order entry screens as
the default values. These values will be taken as default till the time the fields
in the order entry screens are not altered or the NEAT front end is not closed.
On setting the checkboxes, the values entered in the previous order will be
taken as default in the relevant fields. These fields will continue to have the
default values till any one of the fields is toggled, or a different order is
placed. Each of these three fields can be taken as default individually or in
any desired combination.
An option has also been provided to warn the user if the account number
being entered for the client is not present in the client master file. A checkbox
has been provided in the Order Attribute Selection screen to enable or disable
this facility. Once the User receives a warning, he has the option of entering
the client account number and details in the client master and resumes order
entry or skip this. In case of offline order entry, the warning is for each order
in the input file. The User has the option of stopping the offline file by clicking
on the Offline order entry screen and clicking on the Stop button.
operation is performed. However, the user can reprint these slips later during
the trading day by using this option.
The user can select the order or trade and the type of slips i.e. confirmation,
modificatio n, cancellation or rejection. There is facility to select one or more
operations for printing the slips. For example one can select ‘confirmation’ as
well as ‘modification’ at a time. After the user specifies the type of slip to be
printed, the start and end order/trade numbers are automatically filled. The
user has to specify the range of order or trade numbers by appropriately
selecting the start and the end order/trade numbers. Initially, the options
have such values that all the order related slips can be printed. The start and
the end order numbers contain order numbers that was entered by the user
on the current day. On selecting Print option all the selected order/trade slips
are printed and on selecting the Cancel option, no slips are printed.
To change the limit for a branch, the user has to select the ‘Limited’ option
and enter the new limit in the ‘New Limit Value’. The new limits are then
updated by the system.
The corporate manager can also authorize a branch with unlimited order entry
by clicking on ‘Unlimited’. The user can also print the details of a branch by
selecting the Print option. Viewing and modification is possible during market
hours. A corporate manager can set the branch order value limit for any/all
branches either before or during trading hours. Also, the corporate manager
can view the set limit and the used limit any time during the trading day.
Whenever the corporate manager modifies the branch order limit of any of his
branches, the branch manager receives a message to that effect at his trader
The user can interactively view his net position across securities. The Net
Position screen displays Symbol, Series, Buy Value (in lacs), Buy Qty, Buy
Avg Price, Sell Avg Price, Sell Qty, Sell Value (in lacs), Net Qty and Net Value
(in lacs). It also displays the Grand Total of Buy Value (in lacs), Buy Qty, Sell
Qty, Sell Value (in lacs), Net Value (in lacs) and Net Value Mark to Market (in
lacs). Net position screen displays the Net Mark to market value scrip wise as
well as total net mark to market value.
The user has the option for selecting market type as Normal/RETDEBT/Odd
Lot/All. The user can also select Client Type as CLI/PRO/All. The user can
refresh the screen to update the Net Position and can also print the details of
the Net Position screen at any point of time. Net position backup is available
from the Net position screen. The User can select the fields as Symbol,
Series, PRO/CLI and CLI A/c Number on which the output would be filtered.
By default the output file is generated and stored as 'Netpos.txt'. The user
can overwrite and specify any other file name also. The user has a option of
generating the output file in any directory he wants to or on a floppy diskette.
Online Backup
On Line Backup is a facility which the User can invoke to take a backup of all
order and trade related information for the User. The information available is
for the current day only.
The 'One Line or Tabular slips' is used to select the format for printing
confirmation slips. By default the option is set to 'One Line'. The user can
change the format to 'Tabular slip' by pressing the spacebar. The current
mode is displayed on the Supplementary Menu screen.
User order value limit is the cumulative value of orders placed by the user
during the day across all securities. This enables the corporate manager to
set up different limits among the users depending upon the permitted user
activity in single/multiple scrips. For a new user the user order value limit is
set as zero by default.
Every order entry will be checked for user order value limit. A user is
restricted to enter orders greater than the order value limit specified by his
corporate manager. In case the user order value limit is exhausted a message
“Order number.........request rejected. Used limit cannot exceed the user
order value limit.” is displayed on the message window screen.
Following are the main features of user order value limit functionality:
a) A corporate manager can set up branch order value limit and user
order value limit for all users. A branch manager can also set up the
user order value limit for the users under his branch. The corporate
manager can also query for order limits of any user under the trading
member firm. While the branch manager can view the user order limits
of the users under his branch only.
b) User order value limits are dependent on branch order value limit. It is
not possible for a corporate manager to set only branch order value
limit and not assign any user order value limit. It is mandatory for the
corporate manager to configure user order value limit. The branch
manager may a lso set up the user order value limit for users under his
c) If a corporate manager sets the branch order value limit as unlimited
then the user order value limit can either be set unlimited or a
specified limit. The cumulative value of user order value limit should
not exceed the corresponding branch order value limit. Also, user
order value limit cannot be set as unlimited if branch order value limit
is set as specific value. In case the corporate manager tries to revise
the branch order value limit to a value less than the user order value
limit a message “Cumulative user limit exceeded the branch limit” is
displayed on the branch order value limit screen.
d) When the corporate manager sets up the user order value limit as
specified/unlimited, a message "User order value limit for user number
..... has been set to Rs. ...... lakh/unlimited" is displayed on the
message window screen of the corporate manager, respective Branch
Manager and the concerned user.
e) The user order value limit can be revised during trading hours.
f) The corporate manager/branch manager can also print the user order
value limit details.
Example: M/s. Agre Financial Services, a trading member on the NSE,
has a branch order value of Rs. 700 lakh for his Chennai branch and
Rs. 650 lakh for Kolkata branch. Chennai branch has two users 'X' and
'Y' with user order value limits of Rs. 250 lakh and Rs. 300 lakh
respectively. Kolkata branch has one user 'Z' with user order value
limit of Rs. 350 lakh. The member applies for a new user at Chennai.
What is the maximum user order value that can be set for the new
The maximum User Order Value limit for Chennai is
= Rs. 700 - (Rs. 250 + Rs. 300) = Rs.150 lakh
This facility allows the user to have a drop down list of client codes at the
account field. The user can add, modify, upload or delete clients.
Index Trading
the amount, and other inputs which are sent to the host, and the host
generates the orders.
The Host End divides the input amount mentioned in the Amount Edit Box
among the securities of Index according to their weightage, and generates
orders priced as market orders.
Current Market Capitalisation = Summation [Last Traded Price (Previous close
of the Index if not traded) * Number of Issued Shares]
The Purpose of Reverse Basket Trading is to provide the users with an offline
file for reversing the trades that have taken place for a basket order. This file
will contain orders for different securities of the selected basket file. The
Orders will be created according to the volume of trade that has taken place
for that basket. This feature can also be used to monitor the current status of
the basket file as the latest statuses of the orders are displayed in the list
box. The functionality of creating reverse basket offline order file based on
Qty :Regular lot quantity available at best price on counter
Order Books
As and when valid orders are entered or received by the trading system, they
are first numbered, time stamped and then scanned for a potential match.
This means that each order has a distinctive order number and a unique time
stamp on it. If a match is not found, then the orders are stored in the books
as per the price/time priority. Price priority means that if two orders are
entered into the system, the order having the best price gets the higher
priority. Time priority means if two orders having the same price is entered,
the order that is entered first gets the higher priority. Best price for a sell
order is the lowest price and for a buy order, it is the highest price.
The different order books in the NEAT system are as detailed below:
(a) Regular Lot Book: An order that has no special condition associated
with it is a Regular Lot order. When a dealer places this order, the
system looks for a corresponding Regular Lot order existing in that
market (Passive orders). If it does not find a match at the time it
enters the system, the order is stacked in the Regular Lot book as a
passive order. By default, the Regular Lot book appears in the order
entry screen in the normal market. Buyback orders can be placed
through the Regular Lot (RL) book in the Normal Market. The member
can place a buyback order by specifying ‘BUYBACKORD’ in the Client
Account field in the order entry screen. Such company buyback orders
will be identified in MBP screen by an ‘*’ (asterisk) indicator against
such orders.
(b) Special Terms Book : Orders which have a special term attribute
attached to it are known as special terms orders. When a special term
order enters the system, it scans the orders existing in the Regular Lot
book as well as Special Terms Book. Currently this facility is not
available in the trading system.
(c) Stop Loss Book : Stop Loss orders are released into the market when
the last traded price for that securit y in the normal market reaches or
surpasses the trigger price. Before triggering, the order does not
participate in matching and the order cannot get traded. Untriggered
stop loss orders are stacked in the stop loss book. The stop loss orders
can be either a market order or a limit price order. For buy SL orders,
the trigger price has to be less than or equal to the limit price.
Similarly, for sell SL orders, the trigger price has to be greater than or
equal to the limit price.
(d) Negotiated Trade Book : Two trading members can negotiate a trade
outside the Exchange. To regularise the trade each trading member
has to enter the respective order in the system. To enter Negotiated
Trade order details, select book type as NT. It is mandatory for the
trading member to enter the counterparty trading member id. When
both parties to a trade enter orders, then the request goes to the
Exchange for approval. The Exchange can either approve the request
or reject it. Further, the Exchange has the discretion to send either of
the two orders or both the orders to the Regular Lot book so that the
orders are available to the entire market. Currently this facility is not
available in the trading system.
(e) Odd Lot Book: The Odd Lot book can be selected in the order entry
scre en in order to trade in the Odd Lot market. Order matching in this
market takes place between two orders on the basis of quantity and
price. To enter orders in the odd lot market, select the book type as
(f) RETDEBT Order Book: RETDEBT market orders can be entered into the
system by selecting the RETDEBT Order book. These orders scan only
the RETDEBT Order book for potential matches. If no suitable match
can be found, the order is stored in the book as a passive order. To
enter orders in the RETDEBT market, select the book type as 'D'.
(g) Auction Order Book : Auction order book stores orders entered by the
trading members to participate in the Exchange initiated auctions.
Auction orders can be initiator orders, competitor orders and solicitor
orders. For further details kindly refer to section on 'Auction'.
Securities can be taken as default values from the order entry screen from
any of the inquiry screens such as MBP, OO, PT, AL, MI and SQ. In case the
security is not set up in the Ma rket Watch screen, the Security List can also
be used to take the codes as default values.
Order entry in a security is not possible if that security is suspended from
trading. E.g. If a security is suspended in the normal market a message
“Security is suspended in the normal market” is displayed on the order entry
screen. The label ‘Suspended’ is also displayed in the market watch screen for
the setup security.
Order entry is also not possible in case the security is not eligible to trade in a
particula r market. E.g. If a security is not eligible to trade in the normal
market a message “Security is not allowed to trade in normal market” is
displayed on the order entry screen. In case the user types the symbol series
incorrectly a message “Invalid symbol series” is displayed on the screen.
When the buy/sell order entry screen is invoked, the regular lot size available
at the best price on the counter side gets defaulted in the order entry screen.
In case of negotiated trade or auction book is selected for display, the
quantity has to be specifically mentioned by the user. Quantity mentioned
should be in multiples of regular lot size for that security.
Quantity Freeze
All orders with very large quantit ies will receive quantity alert at member
t erminal. Currently, if member entered any order exceeding the lowest of the
quantity given below, result in an alert which will read as “Order entered
exceeds alert quantity limit. Confirm availability of adequate capital to
proceed” and only after the member clicks the button ‘Yes’ the order will be
further processed for execution.
Quantity Freeze parameters:-
• 0.5% of the issue size of the security or
• value of the order is around Rs. 2.5 crores or
• a global alert quantity limit of more than 25000 irrespective of the
issue size of the security, whichever is less.
Along with the regular lot quantity, the best price on the counterside is also
taken as default value in the order entry screen. A user has the option to
either enter the order at the default price or overwrite it with any other
desired price. If a user mentions a price, it should be in multiples of the tick
size for that particular security and within the day’s minimum/maximum price
range, otherwise the order is not accepted by the system and an order
rejection message/confirmation slip is generated. For a No price band scrips,
if a price outside the Operational Range is entered, the order results in a price
freeze and is not accepted as a valid order till the time the Exchange
approves it. All auction orders require the user to mention a price.
In case the user enters an order with a ‘Market’ price the order takes the last
traded price in the respective market as the market price, provided no
passive order exists on the same side or the counter side in that security and
in that market. However, if suitable orders exist on the counter side, then the
order takes the price of the counter order and a trade is generated. If an
order exists on the same side but no orders exists on the counter side, then
the order takes the price of the best order on that side and is stacked
immediately below it. If the security has never been traded, then the market
order takes the value of the base price and sits in the books as a passive
In case of stop loss orders, a user has the flexibility of specifying a limit price
along with the trigger price. This limit price can be selected as equal to the
trigger price in the price field so as to leave it with the word ‘Price’.
Alternatively, a user can specify a limit price as ‘Market’ price.
Circuit Breakers
These percentages are translated into absolute points of index variations on a
quarterly basis. At the end of each quarter, these absolute points of index
variations are revised for the applicability for the next quarter. The absolute
points are calculated based on closing level of index on the last day of the
trading in a quarter and rounded off to the nearest 10 points in case of S&P
CNX Nifty.
Price Bands
The price bands for the securities in the Limited Physical Market are the same
as those applicable for the securities in the Normal Market. For auction
market the price bands of 20% are applicable.
There are no price bands for those securities which are available for trading in
the Futures and Options segment and securities which form part of the indices
on which trading is available in the Futures and Options segment.
The system allows the trading members to enter orders with various
conditions attached to them as per their requirements. These conditions are
broadly divided into Time Conditions, Quantity Conditions, Price Conditions
and Other Conditions. Several combinations of the above are allowed thereby
providing enormous flexibility to the users. The order types and conditions are
summarised below:
a) Time Conditions
DAY : All orders entered into the system are presently considered as
Day orders only.
IOC : An Immediate or Cancel (IOC) order allows the user to buy or sell
a security as soon as the order is released int o the system, failing
which the order is cancelled from the system. Partial match is possible
for the order, and the unmatched portion of the order is cancelled
b) Quantity Conditions
DQ : An order with a Disclosed Quantity (DQ) allows the user to
disclose only a portion of the order quantity to the market. For e.g. if
the order quantity is 10,000 and the disclosed quantity is 2,000, then
only 2,000 is released to the market. After this quantity is fully
matched, a subsequent quantity of 2,000 is disclosed. Thus, totally
five disclosures with the same order number are shown one after the
other in the market.
c) Price Conditions
Market : Market orders are orders for which price is specified as 'MKT'
at the time the order is entered. For such orders, the system
determines the price.
Stop-Loss : This facility allows the user to release an order into the
system, after the market price of the security reaches or crosses a
threshold price called trigger price.
Example: If for stop loss buy order, the trigger is Rs.93.00, the limit
price is Rs.95.00 and the market (last traded) price is Rs.90.00, then
this order is released into the system once the market price reaches or
exceeds Rs.93.00. This order is added to the regular lot book with time
of triggering as the time stamp, as a limit order of Rs.95.00.
All stop loss orders are kept in a separate book (stop loss book) in the
system until they are triggered.
: Price Price at which an order gets triggered from the stop loss
Limit Price : Price of the orders after triggering from stop loss book.
d) Other Conditions
PRO/CLI : A user can enter orders on his own account or on behalf of
clients. By default, the system assumes that the user is entering
orders on the trading member’s own account.
The client account field is an alphanumeric field. It is mandatory to
enter the client account number in the field provided in case the user
enters orders on behalf of clients. The system will assign a code ‘Cli’
to such an order. The user cannot specify the trading member code in
the client account field.
Counterparty ID: In case a negotiated trade order is entered, the
system requests the user to enter the counterparty trading member id
which is to be obtained by the user from the counter party itself.
Currently this facility is not available in the trading system.
Participant Code : By default, the system displays the trading member
id of the user in the participant field. Thus, all trades resulting from an
order are to be settled by that trading member. NCIT orders can be
marked by the user at the order entry level itself. Only a valid
participant code can be entered. In case the participant is suspended a
message to this effect is displayed to the user on the order entry
Remarks: The remarks field is a description field within the order entry
screen provided to incorporate any remarks to be specified by the user
at the time of order entry.
All orders can be modified in the system till the time they do not get fully
t raded and only during market hours & preopen stage. Once an order is
modified, the branch order value limit for the branch gets adjusted
Following is the corporate hierarchy for performing order modification
• A dealer can modify only the orders entered by him.
• A branch manager can modify his own orders or orders of any dealer
under his branch.
• A corporate manager can modify his own orders or orders of all dealers
and branch managers of the trading member firm.
However, the corporate manager/branch manager cannot modify order details
such that it exceeds the branch order value limit set for the day. Order
modification cannot be performed by/for a trading member who is suspended
or de-activated by the Exchange for any reason.
Order cancellation functionality can be performed only for orders which have
not been fully or partially traded (for the untraded part of partially traded
orders only) and only during market hours and in preopen period.
Single order cancellation can be done during trading hours either by selecting
the order from the outstanding order screen or from the function key
provided. Order cancellation functionality is available for all book types. But
t he user is not allowed to cancel auction initiation and competitor orders in
auction market. Order cancellation is also not allowed for those negotiated
trade orders that have not resulted as an alert.
Quick Order Cancellation
The buy and sell orders are matched on Book Type, Symbol, Series, Quantity
and Price.
Matching Priority
The best sell order is the order with the lowest price and a best buy order is
the order with the highest price. The unmatched orders are queued in the
system by the following priority:
(a) By Price: A buy order with a higher price gets a higher priority and
similarly, a sell order with a lower price gets a higher priority. E.g.
Consider the following buy orders:
1) 100 shares @ Rs. 35 at time 9:30 a.m.
2) 500 shares @ Rs. 35.05 at time 9:43 a.m.
The second order price is greater than the first order price and
therefore is the best buy order.
(b) By Time: If there is more than one order at the same price, the order
entered earlier gets a higher priority. E.g. consider the following sell
1) 200 shares @ Rs. 72.75 at time 9:30 a.m.
2) 300 shares @ Rs. 72.75 at time 9:35 a.m.
Both orders have the same price but they were entered in the system
at different time. The first order was entered before the second order
and therefore is the best sell order.
As and when valid orders are entered or received by the system, they
are first numbered, time stamped and then scanned for a potential
match. This means that each order has a distinctive order number and
a unique time stamp on it. If a match is not found, then the orders are
stored in the books as per the price/time priority.
An active buy order matches with the best passive sell order if the
price of the passive sell order is less than or equal to the price of the
active buy order. Similarly, an active sell order matches with the best
passive buy order if the price of the passive buy order is greater than
or equal to the price of the active sell order.
If the combined quantity of one or more matching orders on the opposite side
of the regular lot book is equal to or more than the quantity of active order,
the active order is completely traded.
If the combined quantity of one or more matching orders on the opposite side
of the regular lot book is equal to or less than the quantity of active order, the
active order is partially traded.
If after trading any quantity is left untraded, the order is added to the regular
lot book in the price/time priority.
The orders with the IOC attribute try to match maximum possible quantity
after they are entered. Any remaining quantity is cancelled.
The orders with DQ attribute disclose only a part of the total order quantity to
the market.
If an active order with the disclosed quantity cannot trade its total quantity, it
is added to the regular lot book in the price/time priority. The disclosed order
quantity is determined as follows:
a) If the remaining order quantity is less than or equal to the original
disclosed quantity, the disclosed order quantity is set as equal to
remaining order quantity.
b) If the remaining order quantity is more than the original disclosed
quantity, the disclosed order quantity is set to the original disclosed
Once an order with the disclosed quantity has become a passive order, it
trades only in units of disclosed quantity or less. However, if there is no other
competing order with the same price, a single trade of as much quantity as
possible takes place between the two orders.
When the entire disclosed order quantity is fully traded the disclosed quantity
gets replenished and this continues till the entire order quantity is fully
traded. Each time the disclosed quantity is replenished, the order is stamped
with the current trading time and added to the regular order book as fresh
All stop loss orders entered into the system are stored in the stop loss book.
These orders can contain two prices.
Trigger Price . It is the price at which the order gets triggered from the stop
loss book.
Limit Price . It is the price for orders after the orders get triggered from the
stop loss book. If the limit price is not specified, the trigger price is taken as
the limit price for the order. The stop loss orders are prioritised in the stop
loss book with the most likely order to trigger first and the least likely to
trigger last. The priority is same as that of the regular lot book.
The rules for matching the RETDEBT orders are simila r to the Regular Lot
book except that RETDEBT order matching takes place only for orders in the
RETDEBT order book.
Odd Lot Order Matching
Odd Lot matching takes place only for orders in Odd Lot book. There are no
partial trades for an Odd Lot order i.e. each match is an exact match where
the quantity of the passive order is equal to that of the active order.
Auction Matching
All auction orders are entered into the auction order book. The rules for
matching of auctions are similar to that of the regular lot book except for the
following points:-
a) Auction order matching takes place at the end of the solicitor period
for the auction.
b) Auction matching takes place only across orders belonging to the same
c) All auction trades take place at the auction price.
Validation Check
While matching orders, the system performs the following validation check: if
the participant of any of the orders is 'Suspended', the trade does not go
A trade is an activity in which a buy and a sell order match with each other.
Matching of two orders is done automatically by the system. Whenever a
trade takes place, the system sends a trade confirmation message to each of
the users involved in the trade. The trade confirmation slip gets printed at the
trader workstation of the user with a unique trade number. The system also
broadcasts a message to the entire market through the ticker window
displaying the details of the trade.
This section describes trade-related activities l ike viewing the trades, trade
cancellation, etc. Before the trade is effected, the system performs checks
with respect to the following parameters:
Once the trade for an order entered is confirmed by the system, a message is
sent to the trader workstation. The system generates a Trade Confirmation
Slip that is printed on the printer of the trader workstation.
The user can use trade cancellation screen for cancelling trades done during
the day. If the user is a corporate manager of a trading member firm, he can
request for trade cancellation for the trades of any dealer of the trading
members firm and if he is a branch manager of a branch, then he can request
for trade cancellation for the trades for any dealer of the branch of the trading
member firm.
The user can request for trade cancellation either from the previous trades
screen or by using the function key provided in the workstation. The trade
cancellation request is sent to the Exchange for approval and message to that
effect is displayed in the message window. The counterparty to the trade also
receives the message. The counterparty then has to make similar request on
the same trading day. Once both the parties to trade send the trade
cancellation request, the Exchange either approves or rejects it. The message
to that effect is displayed in the message window.
When a request for the trade cancellation is approved by the Exchange, the
parties to trade receive a system message confirming the trade cancellation
and the trade cancellation slip is printed at their respective trader
workstations. If the Exchange rejects the trade cancellation request, the trade
cancellation rejection slip is printed at their respective trader workstations.
If counter party to the trade does not enter a trade cancellation request the
Exchange reject the trade cancellation request.
When the auction starts, the competitor period for that auction also starts.
Competitor period is the period during which competitor order entries are
allowed. Competitor orders are the orders which compete with the initiator’s
order i.e. if the initiator’s order is a buy order, then all the buy orders for that
auction other than the initiator’s order are competitor orders. And if the
initiator order is a sell order then all the sell orders for that auction other than
the initiators order are competitor orders.
After the competitor period ends, the solicitor period for that auction starts.
Solicitor period is the period during which solicitor order entries are allowed.
Solicitor orders are the orders which are opposite to the initiator order i.e. if
the initiator order is a buy order, then all the sell orders for that auction are
solicitor orders and if the initiator order is a sell order, then all the buy orders
for that auction are solicitor orders.
After the solicitor period, order matching takes place. The system calculates
trading price for the auction and all possible trades for the auction are
generated at the calculated trading price. After this the auction is said to be
complete. Competitor period and solicitor period for any auction are set by
the Exchange.
Auction order entry allows the user to enter orders into auctions that are
currently running. To view the information about currently running auctions
invoke ‘Auction Inquiry’ screen. Further one can view one's own outstanding
orders for any auction by invoking ‘Outstanding Order Inquiry’ for auction
market. All auction orders are valid for the trading day only.
The user can do auction order entry by entering ‘AU’ in the book type of the
order entry screen. Symbol and Series that is currently selected in any of the
market information windows (i.e. MW) provides the defaults in the auction
order entry screen. If Auction OO is up for an auction that is either in a
competitor or solicitor period, then the auction number has to be entered. All
fields in the auction order entry screen except auction number and settlement
days are same as normal market order entry screen. The screen also displays
competitor period and solicitor period.
The defaults that are provided on the auction inquiry screen are symbol,
series, auction number, settlement days and quantity (available for auction).
The user can edit the default values if required. The fields in the auction
order entry screen that has to be entered are PRO/CLI selection, account
number (not mandatory), participant and remarks.
Solicitor period for an auction starts as soon as the auction starts. The
duration of the solicitor period is set by the Exchange. The system accepts
the solicitor orders in any currently running auction only if the solicitor period
for that auction is in progress. Presently the trading members cannot initiate
auctions in any security. They can only participate as solicitors in auctions
initiated by the Exchange. In Exchange initiated auctions, the competitor
period is set to zero and therefore only solicitor period is available.
Entering Solicitor Order: To enter a solicitor order invoke auction order entry
screen and enter the auction number or symbol series in AUC No. (auction
number) field. The AUC No. and symbol series combination is validated and if
an error is encountered then an appropriate error message is displayed in the
message window and the focus is set on the AUC No. When the order details
are found to be correct, the system assigns a uni que order number to the
order and sends an order confirmation message to the trader workstation. If
the solicitor period for that auction is over, the order is not accepted. Auction
number for each security is displayed in the Auction Inquiry screen.
Following validation checks are performed to verify the competitor and the
solicitor orders:
• If a competitor order is entered, then a check is made if the auction in
which order entry is desired is in the competitor period.
• If a solicitor order is entered, then a check is made if the auction in
which order entry is desired is either in competitor period or solicitor
• The Trading Member cannot enter order for a security in which initiator
order is entered against him.
• Auction order entry in auctions which are yet in a pending state or
which are cancelled is prohibited.
The user can cancel any solicitor order placed by him in any auction provided
the solicitor period for that auction is not over. The order cancellation
procedure is similar to that of normal market. The user can also use quick
order cancellation key to cancel his outstanding auction orders.
1.13.4 Auction Order Matching
When the solicitor period for an auction is over, auction order matching starts
for that auction. During this process, the system calculates the trading price
for the auction based on the initiator order and the orders entered during the
competitor and the solicitor period. At present for Exchange initiated auctions,
the matching takes place at the respective solicitor order prices.
Pursuant to the directive of SEBI to provide an exit route for small investors
holding physical shares in securities mandated for compulsory dematerialised
settlement, the Exchange has provided a facility for such trading in physical
shares not exceeding 500 shares. This market segment is referred to as
'Limited Physical Market' (small window). The Limited Physical Market was
introduced on June 7, 1999.
Trading in the Retail Debt Market takes place in the same manner in which
the trading takes place in the equities (Capital Market) segment. The
RETDEBT Market facility on the NEAT system of Capital Market Segment is
used for entering transactions in RDM session.
Members eligible for trading in RDM segment : Trading Members who are
registered members of NSE in the Capital Market segment or Wholesale Debt
Market segment are allowed to trade in Retail Debt Market (RDM) subject to
fulfilling the capital adequacy norms.
Trading Parameters
Market Timings and Market Holidays: Trading in RDM segment takes place on
all days of the week, except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by
the Exchange in advance (The holidays on the RDM segment shall be the
same as those on the Equities segment). The market timings of the RDM
segment are the same as the Equities segment. The Exchange may however
close the market on days other than the above schedule holidays or may
open the market on days originally declared as holidays. The Exchange may
also extend, advance or reduce trading hours when it deems fit and
Trading System: The RETDEBT Market facility on the NEAT system of Capital
Market Segment is used for entering transactions in RDM session.
The trading system features and user navigation for RETDEBT Market are
described below. Further details are available on the on-line help facility of
NEAT system.
(a) Setting up Securities in Market Watch – For setting up securities in
the Market Watch screen, the user can enter the required details in
Symbol, Series and Market Type fields.
(b) Order Entry – Buy/ Sell orders can be entered in RETDEBT Market by
selecting ‘RD’ in the Book Type field.
(c) Quantity – Order quantity should be in multiples of Market Lot.
Quantity conditions such as MF, AON and DQ are not allowed.
(d) Price - Members can enter either market orders or limit price orders.
Order price for limit price orders should be in multiples of tick size.
(e) PRO/CLI – In the PRO/CLI field only ‘P RO’ and ‘CLI’ orders are
(f) Time Conditions – Members can specify time conditions as ‘Day’ or
(g) Participant Code – A valid Participant Code can be entered in this
field. Other options allowed are ‘O’, ‘C’, ‘NCIT’ 'INST' and the trading
member’s own id. Orders in book type NT and SL are not allowed.
(h) Order Cancellation/Modification – Order cancellation and
modification is allowed for orders entered in the RETDEBT Market.
Both Single and Quick Order Cancellation functions are available. Quick
Cancellation can also be done for all securities in the RETDEBT Market
by selecting the Book Type as ‘RD’ and other parameters as relevant.
(i) MBP - Member can query order information for the RETDEBT Market in
MBP by selecting ‘RETDEBT’ as book type in the selection screen.
Orders are stacked according to price in MBP. The high, low, last trade
price, percentage change and average trade price figures are
calculated with respect to trades in RETDEBT Market.
(j) Market Inquiry - Security statistics for RETDEBT market can be
viewed by selecting ‘RETDEBT’ as market type.
(k) Outstanding Orders/Activity log/ Previous Trade - Outstanding
order/ Activity log/ Previous Trade information in a particular security
can be viewed for RETDEBT Market by selecting the book type
‘RETDEBT’ in the respective selection screens.
(l) Order and Trade Confirmation Slips - The order confirmation slip
for orders entered in RETDEBT Market displays ‘RD’ as Book Type field.
Similarly, trade confirmation slip generated for RETDEBT Market tra des
show ‘D’ in the Market Type field.
(m) Net Position – The Net Position screen displays consolidated statistics
for all markets as well as separately for each market.
(n) Market Movement – Market Movement statistics for a security can be
viewed by selecting market type as ‘RETDEBT’.
(o) On-line Backup – In the On- line Backup function a facility is provided
to select order/trades based on Market Type. Alternately, members
can take a backup for all markets by selecting ‘All’ in the Market Type
(p) Full Message Display – In Full Message Display, messages can be
filtered on Symbol and Series. The option to filter messages for a
market type is presently not available.
(q) Offline Order Entry – This function is available for RETDEBT Market.
The structure for the input file is given in the online help.
(r) Branch/User Order Value Limit - Branch/User Order Limit is
applicable for a particular Branch/User for orders across all Markets.
(s) Securities Order Quantity Limit - Securities Order Quantity Limit is
applicable for a particular security across all Markets.
(t) Order Limits - Order limits set by a user are applicable for a single
order across all Markets.
(u) Ticker Selection – A facility is provided for filtering securities in the
ticker for RETDEBT market.
(v) Reports – Trades report generated for members i.e. Trades Done,
Order Log and Open Orders report, displays records in ascending order
of security name. Within a security records are displayed by Market
(w) Bhav Copy - Security statistics pert aining to RETDEBT Market trades
are shown separately in the Market Statistics report.
The Exchange downloads certain trading related reports and files to the
trading member on a regular basis. Following is the list of reports and files
downloaded to the members.
On-line Backup: The files are Trade.txt and Order.txt or file with user
defined name. Member can take on-line backup of orders and trades for the
current trading day only. The backup can be taken during market hours and
till approximately 1 hour after the market close time. Refer to section trading
for on- line backup screen.
Trader messages in Full message display: Full message area contains
member's own order and trade information across all securities. It is available
for current trading day only. An option to save as a text file is also provided.
The trading members are required to keep copy of full message area for a
period as per NSE regulations. Refer to section Full Message Display screen.
Bhav copy: Bhav copy is downloaded in \nsecmtdr\reports directory on a
daily basis. It is downloaded two times after market close. First bhavcopy
(Interim bhavcopy) downloaded approximately 20 minutes after the market
close time. The second bhavcopy (final bhavcopy) downloaded 20 minutes
after the post close market. The interim bhavcopy is overwrite by final
bhavcopy. Users are advised to check for message to this effect. The files
downloaded are and where xxxx is the user id.
The ms extension file is formatted txt file whereas the md extension file has
bhav copy records in csv (comma separated value) format. Only the last
seven bhavcopy files are stored in the reports directory. When bhav copy is
broadcast, the system checks for the number of bhav copy files. If it is seven
the system deletes the earliest received file and stores the current day’s file.
Security Information: The nttdrldb.exe file containing security information
is available to the member on the intranet in the common\ntneat directory.
Members should check for date and size of the file to ensure receipt of latest
file. It contains the updated security list and the latest data on corporate
actions in securities. This file shoul d be inflated by member using nttdrldb -d -
o command from the root directory i.e. c:\. The new nttdrldb.exe file
overwrites the previous file.
Circulars: Circulars as and when issued by NSE, are available to members on
the intranet in their respective tra ding member directory identified by their
trading member id. A message is flashed on the screen when the circular is
downloaded. The circular file is ********.wri where ******** is the
department and circular number.
Order/Trade slips: The order/trade slips are Confirmation/Modification/
Cancellation/Rejection slips. The trade and order slips are generated on-line.
E.g. The trade confirmation is generated when a trade is executed and order
slip when a member places an order. The option at the supplementary menu
‘Print Trade and Order confirmation’ should be set ‘ON’. Members can also
take print of confirmation slips at the end of the day from the reprint option in
the supplementary menu. The trading members are required to keep copy of
the trade confirmation slip for a period as per NSE regulations.
Reports: Once the market closes, the details of trading activities done by the
user are generated as trade reports. They are downloaded on the workstation
of Corporate/Branch manager. Downloaded reports are stored at the
workstation as well as sent to the printer. This allows the user to reprint any
report any time.
Members can request for reports after the reports are generated by the
system and before the market opens for trading on the next trading day. A
separate button ‘Report’ has been provided on the logon screen for requesting
report download. After reports are generated by the Exchange, a message
“Interactive reports can be taken now” is displayed on the message window in
the market watch screen. The member has to then request for the reports
from the logon screen by entering the user id, trading member id and
password and by invoking ‘Report’. A message “Downloading reports in
nsecmtdr\reports directory. Please wait.” is then displayed. In case of
incorrect logon details a message “Invalid sign on” is displayed.
The x25 address check is also performed by the system for report download
and therefore, allotted user ids cannot be used interchangeably from any
other location apart from the specified location. In case a user attempts to
request for reports from a location other than that specified to the user id a
message “You are trying to sign on from a different location. Sign on is not
allowed.” is displayed at the logon screen.
At the exact time of receipt of reports a pop up box stating the report name
and its receipt status appears. Check for the user id and the report receipt
status for all the three reports. A message “Report downloaded successfully”
is displayed. The reports are downloaded in NSECMTDR\ REPORTS
for the given trading day and user id. Members can also view their reports in
MSDOS editor.
The printer must be kept on-line at the time of report request for printing
reports. Reports can also printed later by invoking report requester. If a user
attempts to request for reports during market hours a message “Connection
to the system cannot be established. Report process may not be up on the
host” is displayed.
Reports are downloaded on request only from corporate manager and branch
manager. Reports are available as a spool file (printable format) and also as a
data file (comma delimited format). The corporate manager receives reports
with extension coo, col, ctd (printable format) and cod, cld, ctt (comma
delimited format). These reports contain branch-wise details of trades and
orders of all branches of the trading member and further, for all dealers of the
firm. The branch manager receives reports with extension boo, bol, btd
(printable format) and bod, bld, btt (comma delimited format). These reports
contain dealer-wise details of trades and orders for all dealers placed under
that branch. The dealers are users at the lower most level of the hierarchy.
They do not have access to information on other dealers, on the same branch
or other branches of the same firm and therefore, do not receive any reports.
In case an inquiry user or dealer requests for report download, a message
“Only Corporate and Branch Managers are allowed to request for reports” is
Trade Verification: A facility to verify trades is available on the NSE
website. Using this facility, an investor who has received a contract note from
a trading member of the Exchange, can check whether the trade has been
executed on the Exchange.
This facility is available on the NSE website for the Capital Market segment,
F & O (Derivatives) segment and Retail Debt Market segment.
Special features:
• Trade details are available for verification on the same day (i.e. T
itself) after 19:00 hours IST.
• The investor needs to input minimum details of the trade viz. client
code (provided by the trading member), security details (symbol and
series), order number, trade number, trade quantity and price
(excluding brokerage). All the above details are mandatory.
• If an identical match is found for the details provided, a confirmation
along with the details of the trade are displayed to the investor. If no
match is found, a message is displayed to that effect.
• Where no match is found, investors are advised to contact their
trading member for clarification. For further assistance, the Investor
Grievance Cell of the Exchange may be contacted.
• Trade details for the last 5 trading days would be available on the
website. That is, trades executed on 'T' day, can be verified till the
T+4 day.
• All trades can be verified.
NSE launched internet trading in early February 2000. It is the first stock
exchange in the country to provide web-based access to investors to trade
directly on the exchange. The orders originating from the PCs of the investors
are routed through the Internet to the trading terminals of the designated
brokers with whom they are connected and further to the exchange for trade
execution. Soon after these orders get matched and result into trades, the
investors get confirmation about them on their PCs through the same internet
SEBI has also approved trading through wireless medium on WAP Platform.
NSE.IT launched the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) in November 2000.
This provides access to its order book through the hand held devices, which
use WAP technology. This serves primarily retail investors who are mobile and
want to trade from any place when the market prices for stocks at their
choice are attractive. Only SEBI registered members who have been granted
permission by the Exchange for providing Internet based trading services can
introduce the service after obtaining permission from the Exchange.
Model Questions
1. Which of the following activities the user can carry out during Open
phase in the normal market on the NEAT system?
(a) Inquiry of different screens only.
(b) Order Entry, Order Modification and Order Cancellation only.
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
2. What is the purpose of 'Market Statistics' report on the NEAT system?
(a) To show the trades that was done by the trading member for the
current trading day.
(b) To show the market movement information for the current trading
(c) To show the details related to all the securities traded on a specific
(d) There is no report as Market Statistics report.
Ans. (c)
3. x.25 address check is performed in the NEAT system when the user
(a) logs in for the first time in the NEAT system only.
(b) logs in to the NEAT system only.
(c) requests for report download only.
(d) logs in to the NEAT system and during report download request.
Ans. (d)
6. Auction is held in XYZ for 5,000 shares. The closing price of XYZ on
that day was Rs. 155. The last traded price of XYZ on that day was Rs.
150. The price of XYZ last Friday was Rs. 151. The previous day’s close
price of XYZ was Rs. 160. What is the maximum allowable price at
which the member can put a sell order in the auction for XYZ? (The
price band applicable for auction market is +/- 20%)
(a) Rs. 192
(b) Rs. 155
(c) Rs. 150
(d) Rs. 160
Ans. (a)
Maximum price applicable in auction=Previous day’s close price*price
= Rs. 160*1.20
= Rs. 192
Till recently, the stock exchanges in India were following a system of account
period settlement for cash market transactions. T+2 rolling settlement has
now been introduced for all securities. The members receive the
funds/securities in accordance with the pay-in/pay-out schedules notified by
the respective exchanges. Given the growing volume of trades and market
volatility, the time gap between trading and settlement gives rise to
settlement risk. In recognition of this, the exchanges and their clearing
corporations employ risk management practices to ensure timely settlement
of trades. The regulators have also prescribed elaborate margining and capital
adequacy standards to secure market integrity and protect the interests of
investors. The trades are settled irrespective of default by a member and the
exchange follows up with the defaulting member subsequently for recovery of
his dues to the exchange. Due to setting up of the Clearing Corporation, the
market has full confidence that settlements will take place on time and will be
completed irrespective of possible default by isolated trading members.
depository from the settlement account of the clearing agency to the pool
accounts of members/custodians. The pay-in and pay-out of securities is
effected on the same day for all settlements.
Select banks have been empanelled by clearing agency for electronic transfer
of funds. The members are required to maintain accounts with any of these
banks. The members are informed electronically of their pay-in obligations of
funds. The members make available required funds in their accounts with
clearing banks by the prescribed pay-in day. The clearing agency forwards
funds obligations file to clearing banks which, in turn, debit the accounts of
members and credit the account of the clearing agency. In some cases, the
clearing agency runs an electronic file to debit members’ accounts with
clearing banks and credit its own account. On pay-out day, the funds are
transferred by the clearing banks from the account of the clearing agency to
the accounts of members as per the member’s obligations. In the T+2 rolling
settlement, the pay-in and pay- out of funds as well as securities take place 2
working days after the trade date.
Placing Order
Decision to
Transaction Cycle
of Trades
Clearing of
A person holding assets (securities/funds), either to meet his liquidity needs
or to reshuffle his holdings in response to changes in his perception about risk
and return of the assets, dec ides to buy or sell the securities. He selects a
broker and instructs him to place buy/sell order on an exchange. The order is
converted to a trade as soon as it finds a matching sell/buy order. At the end
of the trade cycle, the trades are netted to determine the obligations of the
trading members to deliver securities/funds as per settlement schedule.
Buyer/seller delivers funds/securities and receives securities/ funds and
acquires ownership of the securities. A securities transaction cycle is
presented in Figure 2.1.
While NSE provides a platform for trading to its trading members, the
National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd. (NSCCL) determines the
funds/securities obligations of the trading members and ensures that trading
members meet their obligations. NSCCL becomes the legal counterparty to
the net settlement obligations of every member. This principle is called
`novation' and NSCCL is obligated to meet all settlement obligations,
regardless of member defaults, without any discretion. Once a member fails
on any obligations, NSCCL immediately cuts off trading and initiates recovery.
The clearing banks and depositories provide the necessary interface between
the custodians/clearing members (who clear for the trading members or their
own transactions) for settlement of funds/securities obligations of trading
members. The core processes involved in the settlement process are:
(c) Pay-out of Funds and Securities : After processing for shortages of
funds/securities and arranging for movement of funds from surplus banks to
deficit banks through RBI clearing, the NSCCL sends electronic instructions to
the depositories/clearing banks to release pay-out of securities/funds. The
depositories and clearing banks debit accounts of NSCCL and credit
settlement accounts of members. Settlement is complete upon release of pay-
out of funds and securities to custodians/members. The settlement process
for transactions in securities in the CM segme nt of NSE is presented in the
Figure 2.2.
The NSCCL, with the help of clearing members, custodians, clearing banks
and depositories settles the trades executed on exchanges. The roles of each
of these entities are explained below:
(a) NSCCL : The NSCCL is responsible for post -trade activities of a stock
exchange. Clearing and settlement of trades and risk management are
its central functions. It clears all trades, determines obligations of
members, arranges for pay-in of funds/securities, receives
funds/securities, processes for shortages in funds/securities, arranges
for pay- out of funds/securities to members, guarantees settlement,
and collects and maintains margins/collateral/base capital/other funds.
(b) Clearing Members : They are responsible for settling their obligations
as determined by the NSCCL. They have to make available funds
and/or securities in the designated accounts with clearing
bank/depository participant, as the case may be, to meet their
obligations on the settlement day. In the capital market segment, all
trading members of the Exchange are required to become the Clearing
Member of the Clearing Corporation.
a trading member. He settles trades assigned to him by trading
members. He is required to confirm whether he is going to settle a
particular trade or not. If it is confirmed, the NSCCL assigns that
obligation to that custodian and the custodian is required to settle it on
the settlement day. If the custodian rejects the trade, the obligation is
assigned back to the trading / clearing member.
2 3
5 Custodians/CMs 4
10 11
(1) Trade details from Exchange to NSCCL (real-time and end of day trade
(2) NSCCL notifies the consummated trade details to CMs/custodians who
affirm back. Based on the affirmation, NSCCL applies multilateral
netting and determines obligations.
(3) Download of obligation and pay- in advice of funds/securities.
(4) Instructions to clearing banks to make funds available by pay-in time.
(5) Instructions to depositories to make securities available by pay- in-
(6) Pay-in of securities (NSCCL advises depository to debit pool account of
custodians/CMs and credit its account and depository does it).
(7) Pay-in of funds (NSCCL advises Clearing Banks to debit account of
custodians/CMs and credit its account and clearing bank does it).
(8) Pay-out of securities (NSCCL advises depository to credit pool account
of custodians/CMs and debit its account and depository does it).
(9) Pay-out of funds (NSCCL advises Clearing Banks to credit account of
custodians/CMs and debit its account and clearing bank does it).
(10) Depository informs custodians/CMs through DPs.
(11) Clearing Banks inform custodians/CMs.
(d) Clearing Banks : Clearing banks are a key link between the clearing
members and NSCCL for funds settlement. Every clearing member is
required to open a dedicated settlement account with one of the
clearing banks. Based on his obligation as determined through
clearing, the clearing member makes funds available in the clearing
account for the pay- in and receives funds in case of a pay- out. Multiple
clearing banks provide advantages of competitive forces, facilitate
introduction of new products viz. working capital funding, anywhere
banking facilities, the option to members to settle funds through a
bank, which provides the maximum services suitable to the member.
• Branch network in cities that cover bulk of the trading cum clearing
• High level automation including electronic funds transfer (EFT)
• Facilities like (a) dedicated branch facilities (b) software to
interface with the Clearing Corporation (c) access to accounts
information on a real time basis
• Value-added services to members such as free-of-cost funds
transfer across centers etc.
• Providing working capital funds
• Stock lending facilities
• Services as Professional Clearing Members
• Services as Depository Participants
• Other Capital Market related facilities
• All other banking facilities like issuing bank guarantees / credit
facilities etc.
(f) Professional Clearing Member : NSCCL admits special category of
members namely, professional clearing members. Professional
Clearing Member (PCM) may clear and settle trades executed for their
clients (individuals, institutions etc.). In such an event, the functions
and responsibilities of the PCM would be similar to Custodians. PCMs
may also undertake clearing and settlement responsibility for trading
members. In such a case, the PCM would settle the trades carried out
by the trading members connected to them. The onus for settling the
trade would be thus on the PCM and not the trading member. A PCM
has no trading rights but has only clearing rights, i.e. he just clears the
trades of his associate trading members and institutional clients.
(2) System Risk : This comprises of operational, legal and systemic risks.
The operational risk arises from possible operational failures such as
errors, fraud, outages etc. The legal risk arises if the laws or
regulations do not support enforcement of settlement obligations or
are uncertain. Systemic risk arises when failure of one of the parties to
discharge his obligations leads to failure by other parties. The domino
effect of successive failures can cause a failure of the settlement
system. These risks have been contained by enforcement of an
elaborate margining and capital adequacy standards to secure market
integrity, settlement guarantee funds to provide counter- party
guarantee, legal backing for settlement activities and business
continuity plan, etc.
At the end of each trading day, concluded or locked-in trades are received
from NSE by NSCCL. NSCCL determines the cumulative obligations of each
member and electronically transfers the data to Clearing Members (CMs). All
trades concluded during a particular trading period are settled together. A
multilateral netting procedure is adopted to determine the net settlement
obligations (delivery/receipt positions) of CMs. NSCCL then allocates or
assigns delivery of securities inter se the members to arrive at the delivery
and receipt obligation of funds and securities by each member. On the
securities pay-in day, delivering members are required to bring in securities
to NSCCL. On pay out day the securities are delivered to the respective
receiving members. Settlement is deemed to be complete upon declaration
and release of pay-out of funds and securities. Exceptions may arise because
of short delivery of securities by CMs, bad deliv eries or company objections
on the pay-out day.
NSCCL identifies short deliveries and conducts a buying-in auction on the day
after the pay-out day through the NSE trading system. The delivering CM is
debited by an amount equivalent to the securities not delivered and valued at
a valuation price (the closing price as announced by NSE on the day previous
to the day of the valuation). If the buy -in auction price is more than the
valuation price, the CM is required to make good the difference. All shortages
not bought- in are deemed closed out at the highest price between the first
day of the trading period till the day of squaring off or closing price on the
auction day plus 20%, whichever is higher. This amount is credited to the
receiving member's account on the auction pay-out day.
Bad Deliveries (in case of physical settlement)
Bad deliveries (deliveries which are prima facie defective) are required to be
reported to the clearing house within two days from the receipt of documents.
The delivering member is required to rectify these within two days. Un-
rectified bad deliveries are assigned to auction on the next day.
With effect from April 1, 2003 the settlement cycle has been further reduced
from T+3 to T+2.
Normal Market
The trades executed each trading day are considered as a trading period and
trades executed during the day are settled based on the net obligations for
the day.
At NSE, trades in rolling settlement are settled on a T+2 basis i.e. on the 2nd
working day. Typically trades taking place on Monday are settled on
Wednesday, Tuesday's trades settled on Thursday and so on.
A tabular representation of the settlement cycle for rolling settlement is given
Activity Day
Trading Rolling Settlement Trading T
Clearing Custodial Confirmation T+1 working days
Delivery Generation T+1 working days
Settlement Securities and Funds pay in T+2 working days
Securities and Funds pay out T+2 working days
at T+1 closing
Valuation of shortages based on closing
prices prices
Settlement Auction T+3 working days
Bad Delivery Reporting T+4 working days
Auction settlement T+5 working days
Rectified bad delivery pay-in and pay-out T+6 working days
Re-bad delivery reporting and pickup T+8 working days
• All deliveries are compulsorily be required to be attested by the
introducing/ delivering member.
• The buyer must compulsorily send the securities for transfer and
dematerialisation, latest within 3 months from the date of pay-out.
• Company objections arising out of such trading and settlement in this
market are reported in the same manner as is currently being done for
normal market segment. However securities would be accepted as
valid company objection, only if the securities are lodged for transfer
within 3 months from the date of pay-out.
The sett lement cycle for this segment is same as for the rolling settlement
Activity Day
Trading Rolling Settlement Trading T
Clearing Custodial Confirmation T+1 working days
Delivery Generation T+1 working days
Settlement Securities and Funds pay in T+2 working days
Deals executed in this segment are cleared on a T+2 rolling basis. Settlement
of all transactions is compulsorily in demat mode only.
Activity Day
Trading Rolling Settlement Trading T
Clearing Custodial Confirmation T+1 working days
Delivery Generation T+1 working days
Settlement Securities and Funds pay in T+2 working days
Securities and Funds pay out T+2 working days
at T+1 closing
Valuation of shortages based on
closing prices prices
Post Settlement Close out T+2 working days
Direct Payout to Investors
If the member receives entire shares in NSDL the same will be transferred to
members pool account in NSDL.
(a) Where the clearing members fail to provide the details of the
beneficiary account or where the credit to the beneficiary
accounts of the clients fail, or any account whatsoever
• If the member's client has not paid the dues to the member for the
said securities or for any other reason, the member has valid
justification not to release the payout of a client direct in such a
situation the member may not be giving the beneficiary account details
of such client's in the file. In case the investor has paid the dues for
delivery of securities and there is no valid justification for not releasing
pay-out directly to the client, the member has to provide the details of
its client s beneficiary account so that direct credit can be given to the
Clearing Account
other information as may be required by NSCCL from time to time as per the
specified format . The Clearing Bank will debit/ credit the clearing account of
clearing members as per instructions received from the Clearing Corporation.
A Clearing member can deposit funds into this account in any form, but can
withdraw funds from this account only in self -name.
(1) The CM clearing member while requesting the Clearing Corporation for
a change in the clearing bank account shall either
(3) On opening the account with the other designated clearing bank, the
clearing member shall submit to the Clearing Corporation the account
particulars issued by the bank and also the acknowledged copy of the
letter issued by the clearing member to the clearing bank.
(4) The Clearing Corporation shall thereon communicate the date from
which the new clearing account will be operational and also the date
after which the existing clearing account may be closed by the clearing
Funds settlement
obligations, members may avail of the facility of standing instructions to
transfer the requisite amount from some other account to the clearing
account or a Temporary Overdraft facility from the bank. In case the member
has availed such a facility, the member may furnish details of his obligation to
the bank to ensure timely transfer of funds towards the same to avoid
inconvenience. The member with a funds pay-in obligation is required to have
clear funds in his account on or before 11.00 a.m. on the scheduled pay-in
day. The payout of funds is credited to the clearing account of the members
on or after 1.30 p.m. on the scheduled payout day.
Funds shortages
Penal Charges
On the securities pay- in day, NSCCL identifies short deliveries and the
respective clearing member is debited by an amount equivalent to the
securities not delivered by him and valued at a valuation price. This is called a
valuation debit. A valuation debit is also conducted for bad delivery by
clearing members.
NSCCL conducts a buying-in auction for security shortages on the day after
the pay- out day through the NSE trading system. If the buy -in auction price is
more than the valuation price, the member is required to make good the
2.5.1 Valuation Prices
The valuat ion price for securities which were not delivered on the settlement
day for securities, shall be the closing price of such securities, on the
immediate trading day preceding the pay-in day for the securities unless
prescribed otherwise from time to time by the relevant authority.
The valuation price for securities which were not delivered on the settlement
day for securities, shall be the closing price of such securities, on the
immediate trading day preceding the pay-in day for the securities unless
prescribed otherwise from time to time by the relevant authority.
The valuation price for securities which constitute bad deliverie s, shall be the
closing price of such securities, on the immediate trading day preceding the
bad delivery rectification day for the securities unless prescribed otherwise
from time to time by the relevant authority.
The valuation price for securities which constitute bad deliveries, shall be the
closing price of such securities, on the immediate trading day preceding the
bad delivery rectification day for the securities unless prescribed otherwise
from time to time by the relevant authority.
All shortages not bought- in are deemed closed out at the highest price
between the first day of the trading period till the day of squaring off or
closing price on the auctio n day plus 10%/20% (as the case may be). This
amount is credited to the receiving member's account on the auction pay-out
For Regular Market, Depository Deals:
• In the case of failure to give delivery : At 20% over the actual trade
• In the case of non rectification/replacement for bad delivery: 20%
over the actual trade price
• In the case of non rectification/replacement for objection cases: At
20% above the official closing price in Regular Market on the auction
Auction Market:
• In the case of auction non delivery: When the auction seller fails to
deliver in part or full on auction pay-in day, the deal will be squared up
at the highest price prevailing in the NSE from the first day of the
relevant trading period till the day of closing out or 20% over the
official closing price on the close out day whichever is higher and will
be charged to the auction seller unless otherwise specified.
• In the case of an auction bad delivery: An auction delivery reported as
bad delivery shall be squared up at the highest price prevailing in the
NSE from the first day of the relevant trading period till the day of
closing out or 10% over the official closing price on the close out day,
whichever is higher and will be charged to the auction seller unless
otherwise specified.
Rectified/Replaced bad deliveries reported as bad delivery (Rebad
• For Regular Market Deals: At the highest price prevailing in the NSE
from the first day of the relevant trading period till the day of the
closing out or 10% above the official closing price on the auction day
whichever is higher.
• For Limited Physical Deals: Rectified / replaced shares reported as bad
delivery (Rebad delivery) shall be squared up at 10% over the actual
trade price
In the case of securities for which trading has been discontinued on the
Exchange on account of payment of additiona l call money (deleted security),
the security where the respective call money has been paid (new security) will
be considered to arrive at the closing price.
In the case of securitie s for which trading has been discontinued on the
Exchange on account of redemption (deleted security), the security (with the
new face value after redemption) introduced for trading by the Exchange
(new security) will be considered to arrive at the closing price.
Company objections received in the 'deleted security' will be required to be
reported in the new security symbol / series and members will be entitled to
claim redemption amount as corporate benefit.
In case the 'new security' is not available for the reason of such security not
being introduced for trading on the Exchange / trading being discontinued on
the Exchange on account of full redemption, company objections will be
required to be reported in the 'deleted security' and closing price for such
deleted security will be at 20 % over the official closing price on the last
traded day of the 'deleted security' on the Exchange.
In the case of securities for which trading has been discontinued on the
Exchange on account of merger / amalgamation/ scheme of restructuring
('deleted security'), the security with which the deleted security is merged /
amalgamated / hived off / restructured into ('new security') will be considered
to arrive at the closing price. Closing price for such 'deleted security' will be
the official closing price of the new security on the auction day prevalent on
the Exchange. In case where the price of the 'new security' is not available for
the reason of such security not being traded on the Exchange, the closing
price for such deleted security will be at 20 % over the official closing price on
the last traded day of 'deleted security' on the Exchange. In case, where more
than one security ('additional securities') is being given by the company in
lieu of the 'deleted security', the claim of company objection lodged for such
'deleted security' shall be settled as follows:
(i) if such 'additional securities' are traded on the Exchange, in the
ratio in which they have been issued by the company.
(ii) If any one or more of these 'additional securities' are not traded
on any Stock Exchange, no claim shall arise, for such security
not traded.
(iii) If any one or more of these 'additional securities' are not traded
on the Exchange but traded on some other Stock Exchanges,
the relevant closing price of such securities shall be the closing
price on the Regional Exchange, to be notified by NSCCL.
• In case of non rectification / replacement of company objection and
rectified/replaced company objections reported as bad delivery, closing
price will be 5% over the official closing price on the auction day.
The core of the risk management is the liquid assets deposited by members
with the exchange / clearing corporation. The trading members are required
to provide liquid assets which adequately cover various margins & base
minimum capital requirements. Liquid assets of the member include their
Initial membership deposits including the securit y deposits. Members may
provide additional collateral deposit towards liquid assets, over and above
their minimum membership deposit requirements.
The acceptable forms of capital towards liquid assets and the applicable
haircuts are listed below:
1. Cash Equivalents: Cash, Bank Fixed Deposits with approved
custodians, Bank Guarantees from approved banks, Government
Securities with 10% haircut, Units of liquid mutual funds or
government securities mutual funds with 10% haircut.
Annual subscription 1 2
2 & 3: Additional Rs. 25 Lakh is required for clearing memberships (SCM, TM-
CM). In addition, the clearing member is required to bring in IFSD of
Rs. 2 Lakh and CSD of Rs. 8 Lakh per trading member he undertakes
to clear and settle.
• Cash
• Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDRs) issued by approved banks and deposited
with approved Custodians or NSCCL
• Bank Guarantee in favour of NSCCL from approved banks in the specified
format. If a Bank guarantee is submitted from bank, whose networth is
above Rs.500 crores, then the same is considered as cash component and
all other Bank guarantees will be considered as non-cash component as
per past procedures.
• Approved securities in demat form deposited with approved Custodians.
• Government Securities, the haircut for the Government Securities shall be
• Units of the schemes of liquid mutual funds or government securities
mutual funds. The haircuts for units of liquid funds or government
securities mutual funds shall be 10% of Net Asset Value (NAV). Units of all
Mutual Funds schemes except Liquid Mutual Funds and Government
Securities Mutual Funds (in demat) are eligible security for the purpose of
non-cash component of additional capital and margin.
• All Additional Base Capital (ABC) given in the form of cash / FDR/BG’s
from approved Banks (hereinafter referred to as 'Cash Component')
should be atleast 50% of the capital in respect of every trading member.
Incase where non - cash component is more than 50 % of the total
capital, the excess non-cash component is ignored for the purpose
margins requirements.
2.6.2 Margins
Margins form a key part of the risk management system. In the stock
markets there is always an uncertainty in the movement of share prices. This
uncertainty leads to risk which is addressed by margining system of stock
markets. Let us understand the concept of margins with the help of a
following example.
In the above example, assume that margin was 15%. That is investor has to
give Rs.15,000/-(15% of Rs.1,00,000/) to the broker before buying. Now
suppose that investor bought the shares at 11 am on January 1, 2008.
Assume that by the end of the day price of the share falls by Rs.25/-. That is
total value of the shares has come down to Rs.75,000/- . That is buyer has
suffered a notional loss of Rs.25,000/-. In our example buyer has paid
Rs.15,000/- as margin but the notional loss, because of fall in price, is
Rs.25,000/-. That is notional loss is more than the margin given.
In such a situation, the buyer may not want to pay Rs.1,00,000/- for the
shares whose value has come down to Rs.75,000/-. Similarly, if the price has
gone up by Rs.25/- , the seller may not want to give the shares at
Rs.1,00,000/- . To ensure that both buyers and sellers fulfill their obligations
irrespective of price movements, notional losses are also need to be collected.
Prices of shares keep on moving every day. Margins ensure that buyers bring
money and sellers bring shares to complete their obligations even though the
prices have moved down or up.
For imposition of margins, the stocks are categorized on basis of their trading
frequency and impact cost. The criteria for categorization of stocks for
imposition of margins is mentioned below :
The securities are classified into three groups based on their liquidity .
• The Stocks which have traded atleast 80% of the days for the previous
six months constitute Group I (Liquid Securities) and Group II (Less
Liquid Securities). Out of the scrips identified above, the scrips having
mean impact cost of less than or equal to 1% are categorized under
Group I and the scrips where the impact cost is more than 1, are
categorized under Group II. The remaining stocks are classified into
Group III (Illiquid Securities).
• The impact cost is calculated on the 15th of each month on a rolling
basis considering the order book snapshots of the previous six months.
On the basis of the impact cost so calculated, the scrips are moved
from one group to another group from the 1st of the next month.
Group Trading frequency (over Impact Cost (over the
the previous six previous six months*)
Liquid Securities (Group At least 80 % of the Less than or equal to 1
I) days %
Less Liquid Securities At least 80 % of the More than 1 %.
(Group II) days
Illiquid Securities Less tha 80 % of the N/A
(Group III) days
* For securities that have been listed for less than 6 months, the trading
frequency and the impact cost is computed using the history of the scrip.
Let us deal with this aspect in more detail while exploring different types of
Daily margins payable by the trading members in the Cash ma rket consists of
the following:
The margins are computed at client level. A member entering an order, needs
to enter the client code. Based on this information, margin is computed at the
client level, which will be payable by the trading members on upfront basis.
Let us see in details what is meant by these margins.
VaR is a single number, which encapsulates whole information about the risk
in a portfolio. It measures potential loss from an unlikely adverse event in a
normal market environment. It involves using historical data on market prices
and rates, the current portfolio positions, and models (e.g., option models,
bond models) for pricing those positions. These inputs are then combined in
different ways, depending on the method, to derive an estimate of a
particular percentile of the loss distribution, typically the 99 th percentile loss.
VaR Margin is a margin intended to cover the largest loss that can be
encountered on 99% of the days (99% Value at Risk). For liquid securities, the
margin covers one- day losses while for illiquid securities; it covers three- day
losses so as to allow the clearing corporation to liquidate the position over three
days. This leads to a scaling factor of square root of three for illiquid securities.
For liquid securities, the VaR margins are based only on the volatility of the
security while for other securities, the volatility of the market index is als o used
in the computation.
Security sigma means the volatility of the security computed as at the end of
the previous trading day. The computation uses the exponentially weighted
moving average method applied to daily returns in the same manner as in the
derivatives market.
Security VaR means the higher of 7.5% or 3.5 security sigmas.
Index sigma means the daily volatility of the market index (S&P CNX Nifty or
BSE Sensex) computed as at the end of the previous trading day. The
computation uses the exponentially weighted moving average method applied to
daily returns in the same manner as in the derivatives market.
Index VaR means the higher of 5% or 3 index sigmas. The higher of the Sensex
VaR or Nifty VaR would be used for this purpose.
The VaR Margins are specified as follows for different groups of securities:
All securities are classified into three groups for the purpose of VaR margin as
discussed above.
For the securities listed in Group I, scrip wise daily volatility calculated using
the exponentially weighted moving average methodology is applied to daily
returns. The scrip wise daily VaR would be 3.5 times the volatility so
calculated subject to a minimum of 7.5%. For the securities listed in Group II,
the VaR margin is higher of scrip VaR (3.5 sigma) or three times the index
VaR, and it shall be scaled up by root 3. For the securities listed in Group III,
the VaR margin would be equal to five times the index VaR and scaled up by
root 3.
Upfront margin rates (VaR margin + Extreme Loss Margin ) applicable for all
securities in Trade for Trade- Surveillance (TFTS) shall be 100 %.
VaR margin rate for a security constitutes the following:
Value at Risk (VaR) based margin, which is arrived at, based on the methods
stated above. The index VaR, for the purpose, would be the higher of the
daily Index VaR based on S&P CNX NIFTY or BSE SENSEX. The index VaR
would be subject to a minimum of 5%.
Security specific Margin: NSCCL may stipulate security specific margins for
the securities from time to time.
The VaR margin rate computed as mentioned above will be charged on the
net outstanding position (buy value-sell ) of the respective clients on the
respective securities across all open settlements. There would be no netting
off of positions across different settlements. The net position at a client level
for a member are arrived at and thereafter, it is grossed across all the clients
including proprietary position to arrive at the gross open position.
The VaR margin is collected on an upfront basis by adjusting against the total
liquid assets of the member at the time of trade. The VaR margin is collected on
the gross open position of the member. The gross open position for this purpose
would mean the gross of all net positions across all the clients of a member
including its proprietary position. For this purpose, there would be no netting of
positions across different settlements.
Upfront margin rates ( VaR margin + Extreme Loss Margin ) applicable for all
securities in Trade for Trade- Surveillance (TFTS) shall be 100 %. The Intra -
day VAR files shall be generated based on the prices at 11.00 a.m., 12.30
p.m., 2.00 p.m., and 3.30 p.m. everyday. Such intra -day VAR files shall be
used for margining of intra -day member positions. In addition to the above, a
VAR file at end of day and begin of day shall be provided. and the same is
applicable on the positions for next trading day
Mark-to-Market Margin
is considered as notional loss for the purpose of calculating the mark to
market margin payable.
The mark to market margin (MTM) is collected from the member before the
start of the trading of the next day. The MTM margin is collected/adjusted
from/against the cash/cash equivalent component of the liquid net worth
deposited with the Exchange.
The MTM margin is collected on the gross open position of the member. The
gross open position for this purpose would mean the gross of all net positions
across all the clients of a member including its proprietary position. For this
purpose, the position of a client would be netted across its various securities
and the positions of all the clients of a broker would be grossed.
There would be no netting off of the positions and setoff against MTM profits
across two rolling settlement s i.e. T day and T- 1 day. However, for
computation of MTM profits/losses for the day, netting or setoff against MTM
profits would be permitted.
In case of Trade for Trade Segment (TFT segment) each trade is marked to
market based on the closing price of t hat security. The MTM margin so
collected is released on completion of pay-in of the settlement.
Lets us understand the MTM computation with the help of the following
T-1 profit/loss MTM for
Client Security day T day of Client broker
Clien t A Security X 800 300
Security Y -500 -1200
Total 300 -900 -900
For a Client A, his MTM profit/ loss would be calculated separately for his
positions on T-1 and T day (two different rolling settlements). For the same day
positions of the client, his losses in some securities can be set off/netted against
profits of some other securities. Thus, we would arrive at the MTM loss/profit
figures of the two different days T and T- 1. These two figures cannot be netted.
Any loss will have to be collected and same will not be setoff against profit
arising out of positions of the other day.
Thus, as stated above MTM profits / losses would be computed for each of the
clients; Client A, Client B, Client C etc. As regards collection of margin from the
broker, the MTM would be grossed across all the clients i.e. no setoff of loss of
one client with the profit of another client. In other words, only the losses will be
added to give the total MTM loss that the broker has to deposit with the
1. 5%, or
The Extreme Loss Margin is collected/ adjusted against the total liquid assets
of the member on a real time basis.
The Extreme Loss Margin is collected on the gross open position of the
member. The gross open position for this purpose would mean the gross of all
net positions across all the clients of a member including its proprietary
Margin Shortfall
Instances of
Disablement Penalty to be levied
1st instance 0.07% per day
2nd to 5th
0.07% per day +Rs.5000/- per instance from 2nd to 5th
instance of
6th to 10th
0.07% per day+ Rs. 20000 ( for 2nd to 5th instance)
instance of
+Rs.10000/- per instance from 6th to 10th instance
0.07% per day +Rs. 70,000/- (for 2nd to 10th instance)
11th instance +Rs.10000/- per instance from 11th instance onwards.
onwards Additionally, the member will be referred to the Disciplinary
Action Committee for suitable action
• Banks, i.e., a banking company as defined under Section 5(1)(c) of the
Banking Regulations Act, 1949. (BNK)
• Insurance companies registered with IRDA. (INS)
Levy of margins:
Exemption upon early pay- in of funds
In cases where early pay-in of funds is made prior to the funds pay-in,
such positions for which early pay- in (EPI) of funds is made shall be
exempt from margins based on the client details provided by the member/
custodian. Early pay-in of funds specified by the member/custodians for a
specific client and for a settlement shall be allocated against the securities
in the descending order of the net buy value of outstanding position of the
2.6.5 Index-based Market-wide Circuit Breakers/ Price Bands
for Securities
An index based market -wide circuit breaker system applies at three stages of
the index movement either way at 10%, 15% and 20%. These circuit
breakers bring about a coordinated trading halt in trading on all equity and
equity derivatives market s across the country. The breakers are triggered by
movements in either Nifty 50 or Sensex, whichever is breached earlier.
NSE may suo moto cancel the orders in the absence of any immediate
confirmation from the me mbers that these orders are genuine or for any
other reason as it may deem fit. The Exchange views entries of non-genuine
orders with utmost seriousness as this has market –wide repercussion. As an
additional measure of safety, individual scrip- wise price bands have been
fixed as below:
Price bands of 20% (either way) on all the remaining securities (including
debentures, warrants, preference shares etc. which are traded on CM
segment of NSE),
genuine prices in such securities, the Exchange has fixed operating range of
20% for such securities.
The price bands for the securities in the Limited Physical Market are the same
as those applicable for the securities in the Normal Market. For Auction
market the price bands of 20% are applicable.
NSCCL assumes the counter party risk of each member and guarantees
financial settlement. Counter party risk is guaranteed through a fine tuned
risk management system and an innovative method of on- line position
monitoring and automatic disablement. A large Settlement Guarantee Fund
provides the cushion for any residual risk. In the event of failure of a trading
member to meet settlement obligations or committing default, the Fund is
utilized to the extent required for successful completion of the settlement.
This has eliminated counter party risk of trading on the Exchange. The market
has now full confidence that settlements will take place in time and will be
completed irrespective of possible default by isolated trading members. The
concept of guaranteed settlements has completely changed the way market
safety is perceived.
A part of the cash deposit and the entire security deposit of every clearing
member with the Exchange has been converted into an initial contribution
towards the Settlement Guarantee Fund, as indicated below:
Equity Segment
Security Deposit in the
Type of Member Cash
form of Bank FDR/
guarantee or securities
(Rs. Lakh) (Rs. Lakh)
2.6.7 No-delivery Period
SEBI being the National Numbering Agency for India has permitted NSDL to
allot International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) for demat shares.
While allotting ISINs, NSDL observes that:
(i) The ISINs allotted by NSDL does not at any point of time breach the
uniqueness of ISIN of physical form for the same security.
(ii) ISIN for a security is allotted only when the security is admitted to
NSDL or on receipt of request for ISIN from CDSL.
(iii) The numbering system is simple.
(iv) The numbering system of ISIN is in compliance with the structure of
ISIN adopted by SEBI.
The list may be expanded as per need. Maximum issuer types can be 35 (A
to Z and 0 to 8. The partly paid up shares are identified by 9). The next 4
characters (fourth to seventh character) represent company identity of which
first 3 characters are numeric and fourth character is alpha character. The
numbering begins with ‘001A’ and continues till ‘999A’ and proceeds to
‘001B’. The next two characters (the eight and ninth characters) represent
security type for a given issuer. Both the characters are numeric. The next
two characters (the tenth and eleventh characters) are serially issued for
each security of the issuer entering the system. Last digit is check digit.
The security types are planned which may be expanded as per the need as
detailed in Table 2.3.
his broker to Clearing Corporation to the buyer’s broker and finally to the
buyer took time with the risk of delay somewhere along the chain. The second
aspect related to transfer of shares in favour of the purchaser by the issuer.
This system of transfer of ownership was grossly inefficient as every transfer
involved the physical movement of paper securities to the issuer for
registration, with the change of ownership being evidenced by an
endorsement on the security certificate. In many cases the process of transfer
took much longer than the two months as stipulated in the Companies Act,
and a significant proportion of transactions wound up as bad delivery due to
faulty compliance of paper work. Theft, mutilation of certificates and other
irregularities were rampant, and in addition the issuer had the right to refuse
the transfer of a security. Thus the buyer did not get good title of the
securities after parting with good money. All this added to the costs and
delays in settlement, restricted liquidity and made investor grievance
redressal time- consuming and at times intractable.
To obviate these problems, the Depositories Act, 1996 was passed to provide
for the establishment of depositories in securities with the objective of
ensuring free transferability of securities with speed, accuracy and security by
(a) making securities of all companies whether listed or unlisted , freely
transferable subject to certain exceptions;
(b) dematerializing the securities in the depository mode; and
(c) providing for maintenance of ownership records in a book entry form.
In order to promote dematerialisation of securities, NSE joined hands with
leading financial institutions to establish the National Securities Depository
Ltd. (NSDL), the first depository in the country, with the objective of
enhancing the efficiency in settlement systems as also to reduce the menace
of fake/forged and stolen securities. This has ushered in an era of
dematerialised trading and settlement. SEBI has made dematerialised
settlement mandatory in an ever-increasing number of securities in a phased
manner, thus bringing about an increase in the proportion of shares delivered
in dematerialised form. The settlement of trades on stock exchanges is almost
100 % in demat form.
CDSL was set up in February, 1999 to provide depository services. All leading
stock exchanges like the National Stock Exchange, Calcutta Stock Exchange,
Delhi Stock Exchange, The Stock Exchange, Ahmedabad, etc have established
connectivity with CDSL.
Investor Protection Fund (IPF) has been set up as a trust under Bombay
Public Trust Act, 1950 under the name and style of National Stock Exchange
Investor Protection Fund Trust and is administere d by the Trustees. The IPF is
maintained by NSE to make good investor claims, which may arise out of
non-settlement of obligations by the trading member, who has been declared
defaulter / expelled, in respect of trades executed on the Exchange. The IPF
is utilised to settle claims of such investors where the trading member
through whom the investor has dealt has been declared a defaulter or
expelled by the Exchange. Payments out of the IPF may include claims
arising on account of non payment of funds by the defaulter /expelled
member or non receipt of securities purchased by the investor through the
trading member who has been declared a defaulter/expelled member .
time to time require any person to produce and deliver any documents or
statements of evidence necessary to support any claim made or necessary for
the purpose of establishing his claim. In default of delivery of such
documents, the Committee and the Trustees may disallow (wholly or partly)
any claim made by him.
NSCCL downloads the data for the day in a consolidated file, which is a DAT
file. The DAT file contains data regarding trades, obligations, deliveries,
auctions, corporate actions and valuation prices for the day. It is generated
and downloaded to members through V-SAT into their PC’s directly. The file is
downloaded to C:\CMCLRG\ DNLD by 8.00 p.m. every day. The DAT files are
also available on the EXTRANET in the folder/member/clearing.
The clearing software provides a number of reports useful for the trading
For all the types of Obligations Reports described below, the member has to
select settlement type, settlement number, and trade date for which the
report is needed
(c) Cumulative net purchases or net sales and their value for the
trading period.
2) Trades Rejected by Custodian : This report contains all the trades that
have been rejected by the custodian.
5) Security-wise daily trades statement for CP (No delivery) : This report
gives the statement of all the securities which are in no deliveries and
traded by the Clearing Member for the respective Custodial
code and the name of the delivering Trading Member. The report gives the
break up of quantity of shares received in electronic form and physical form.
(1) Unrectified Bad Delivery Statement : This report contains the list of
deliveries reported as bad against a delivering member and not
rectified by the trading member. The details given in the list contain
the delivering centre, receiving centre, delivery number for which the
shares are not rectified, the security, the quantity of shares not
rectified, the Valuation price and the amount to be debited to the
delivering members account for the quantity of shares not rectified,
the receipt number, the counter party receiving members name/code
and the reason code of bad delivery.
(3) Rectified Bad Delivery Pay-out Statement : The Rectified Bad Delivery
Pay-out Statement gives the receiving centre, delivering centre, list of
the deliveries reported as bad by the receiving member and whether
subsequently they have been rectified by the delivering member. It
gives the status of which bad deliveries reported by the trading
member have been rectified (in electronic and/or in physical form) and
which have not been rectified.
Two Funds Reports are being provided through the clearing software i.e.,
Daily Funds Summary Statement and Daily Funds Statement.
Daily funds summary statement provides details about the transactions
effected in the trading members clearing account at the Clearing Bank. This
statement is similar to the Bank statement provided by the Clearing Bank.
The debit appearing in the summary statement is equal to the withdrawals as
per the bank statement and the credit is equal to the deposits as per the bank
Daily funds statement provides the break-up for each debit and credit
appearing in the Daily funds summary statement. Both the reports are
downloaded on a daily basis after the debits/credits have been effected by the
clearing bank.
2.10.7 Auction Reports
the settlement or away from the settlement, Objection number,
delivery number, original rectification pay- in date and the original
objection settlement, revised rectification pay-in date and the revised
objection settlement, security symbol and series, objection quantity,
receiving/introducing member code and name and the receipt number.
Introducing member / receiving member code and name. The report
can be printed for objection cases where the trading member is
the introducing member as well as for cases where the trading
member is the receiving member.
2.10.10 Securities Reports
• Client Allocation Details (CADT): This report provides details of pay out
directly credited to the client’s beneficiary account. It gives details of
DP ID and Beneficiary account where the pay out is credited and also
details of securities, which have not been credited to client account.
Model questions
(b) NSE does not provide an option to settle trades in demat securities on
rolling basis.
(c) For arriving at the settlement day, all intervening holidays such as
bank holiday are included.
(d) None of the above statements are true.
Ans. (a)
4. Which of the following is true about settlement for the Limited Physical
Market segment?
(a) Delivery of shares in street name and market delivery is treated as
good delivery.
(b) Any delivery less than 500 shares is marked as short and such
deliveries are compulsorily closed out.
(c) Settlement for trades is carried out on a tra de for trade basis.
(d) Securities and funds pay in takes place on ‘T+1’ working days after the
trade date.
Ans. (c)
8. Members can submit which of the following as additional base capital
(a) Cash
(b) Bank Fixed Deposits with approved custodians
(c) Bank Guarantee
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
3.1.1 Introduction
d) is being subjected to any disciplinary proceedings under the rules,
regulations and bye-laws of a stock exchange with respect to his
business as a stock-broker involving either himself or any of his
partners, directors or employees.
The members are admitted to the different segments of the Exchange subject
to the provisions of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, the
Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, the Rules, circulars,
notifications, guidelines, etc., issued thereunder and the Bye laws, Rules and
Regulations of the Exchange.
The standards for admission of members laid down by the Exchange stress on
factors such as, corporate structure, capital adequacy, track record,
education, experience, etc. and reflect a conscious effort on the part of NSE
to ensure quality broking services so as to build and sustain confidence
among investors in the Exchange’s operations.
1) access to a nation- wide trading facility for equities, derivat ives, debt
and hybrid instruments / products,
2) ability to provide a fair, efficient and transparent securities market to
the investors,
3) use of state- of-the-art electronic trading systems and technology,
4) dealing with an organisation which follows strict standards for trading
& settlement at par with those available at the top international
5) a demutualised Exchange which is managed by independent and
experienced professionals, and
6) Dealing with an organization which is constantly striving to move
towards a global marketplace in the securities industry.
The different segments currently available on the Exchange for trading are:
• Capital Market (Equities and Retail Debt)
• Wholesale Debt Market
• Derivatives (Futures and Options) Market
(e) Such other persons or entities as may be permitted from time
to time by RBI/SEBI under the Securities Contracts
(Regulations) Rules, 1957.
Provided that in case of registered firms, body corporates and companies, the
condition from (a) to (h) above will apply to all part ners in case of partnership
firms, and all directors in case of companies;
Education and Experience
Where an applicant is a corporate, not less than two directors of the company
(in case of a sole proprietorship, individual and in case of a partnership firm,
two partners) should satisfy the following criteria:
They should be at least graduates and each of them should possess at least
two years' experience in an activity related to broker, sub-broker, authorised
agent or authorised clerk or authorised representative or remisier or
apprentice to a member of a recognized stock exchange. Such experience will
include working as a dealer, jobber, market maker, or in any other manner in
the dealing in securities or clearing and settlement thereof, as portfolio
manager or merchant bankers or as a researcher with any individual or
organization operating in the securities market.
Shareholding Pattern
Sr. Category Norms
Sr. Category Norms
dominant shareholders group (DPG) provided:
Sr. Category Norms
under the automatic approval route permitted by
the Government (i.e., without approaching the
FIPB), subject to compliance with the guidelines
of the RBI in this regard:
Corporate shareholders of the trading member company can also extend their
support to the DPG, provided the shareholding of the dominant promoter
group along with the support of their specified relatives in the corporate
shareholder is not less than 51% or 40% if listed corporate as the case may
be. The indirect shareholding shall be calculated proportionately by reckoning
the direct shareholding of the DPG along with the support of their specified
relatives in the corporate shareholder of the trading member company.
Trading members are also requested to note that any change in shareholding
requires prior approval from the Exchange, except in case of shareholding
changes related to public shareholding in a listed company.
b) Such other persons or entities as may be permitted from time to time
by RBI / SEBI under the Securities Contracts (Regulations) Rules,
The NSE would from time to time indicate the qualifications that could be
considered relevant for the purpose.
Where an applicant is a corporate, not less than two directors of the company
as well as the core staff who will be dealing in the Wholesale Debt Market
segment should satisfy the following criteria:
They should be at least graduates and each of them should possess at least
two years experience in an activity related to banking services, financial
services or treasury, broker, sub-broker, authorised agent or authorised clerk
or authorised representative or remisier or apprentice to a member of a
recognized stock exchange. Such experience will include working as a dealer,
jobber, market maker, or in any other manner in the dealing in securities or
clearing and settlement thereof, as portfolio manager or merchant bankers or
as a researcher with any individual or organization operating in the securities
market. The NSE may from time to time modify / expand the scope of
activities that could be considered relevant experience for the above purpose.
Provided that the relevant authorities may waive compliance with any or all of
the foregoing conditions and at their discretion waive the requirements set
out above, if they are of the opinion that the person seeking admission is
considered by the relevant authority to be otherwise qualified to be admitted
as a Trading Member by reason of his means, position, integrity, knowledge
and experience of business in securities.
Shareholding Pattern
Any change in the dominant group would require the Trading Member to seek
fresh approval of the Exchange as if for admission of new Trading Member
and to pay approval fee and/or additional deposits to the Exchange and also
abide by such conditions as the Exchange may stipulate while granting such
(Amount in Rs. lakh)
Advance annual subscription 1.00
Interest free security deposit 150.00
Annual subscription fee 1.00
4 Collateral Security
Deposit with NSCCL 25 25 50
5 Annual Subscription
Charges 1 - 1
6 Advance Minimum
Transaction Charges 1 - 1
CM and
requirements for Total for CM and
Sr. Clearing Trading & Clearing
Membership of
No. Particulars Membership of Membership of F&O
NSCCL (F&O Segment
for Futures & Options
300 300
7 Networth (100 for self-clearing (100 for self-clearing
Req uirement 100
members in F&O) members in F&O)
Formula/ Methodology
As prescribed by As per Dr. L. C. Gupta As per Dr. L. C. Gupta
applicable for
8 NSE for trading Committee Committee
calculation of
members recommendation. recommendation.
Deposit for setting up VSAT terminals and operating cost for the VSAT
network will be levied separately as per the policy prevailing from time to
It is pertinent to note that for the Futures & Options Segment, though the
clearing members will not be required to bring in any additional interest -free
cash deposit or maintain collateral security with NSCCL for clearing and
settling their trades in the segment; they are required to bring in additional
security as specified below only in respect of other trading members whose
trades they undertake to settle in the Futures & Options Segment.
(i) Interest Free Security Deposit with NSCCL (Cash): Rs.2 lakh per
trading member.
(ii) Collateral Security Deposit with NSCCL (by way of cash or bank
guarantees or fixed deposits or select demat securities with appropriate hair
cuts): Rs.8 lakh per trading member.
Exchanges including NSEIL. The minimum paid up capital of a corporate
applicant for trading membership should be Rs.30 lakh.
Clearing Clearing Membership of
Membership of
Sr. Membership of Capital Market &
Futures &
No. Particulars Capital Market Futures & Options
Segment Segment
2 Collateral Security
Deposit with NSCCL * 25 25 50
3 Advance Annual
Subscription - 2.5 2.5
4 Networth Requirement 300 300 300
Formula/ Methodology As prescribed by As per Dr. L C Gupta As per Dr. L C Gupta
5 applicable for NSE for tradingCommittee Committee
calculation of networth
members recommendation recommendation
For the Futures & Options Segment, the clearing members (PCMs) are
required to bring in additional security deposits as specified below only in
respect of trading members whose trades they undertake to clear and settle
in this segment:
(i) Interest Free Security Deposit with NSCCL (Cash): Rs.2 lakhs per
trading member.
(ii) Collateral Security Deposit with NSCCL (by way of cash or bank
guarantees or fixed deposits or select demat securities with appropriate hair
cuts): Rs.8 lakhs per trading member.
For Capital Market Segment, the clearing members (PCMs) are required to
bring in additional security deposits as specified below only in respect of
trading members whose trades they undertake to clear and settle in this
For corporate
trading members Rs.9 lakh
Interest Free Cash deposit with NSCCL
For non- corporate
trading members Rs.6 lakh
Collateral security with NSCCL For corporate
(by way of cash or bank guarantees or tra ding members Rs.25 lakh
fixed deposits or select demat securities For non- corporate
with appropriate hair cuts) trading members Rs.17.5 lakh
In cases, where the cash and collateral deposit are already available with
NSCCL for a trading member, the Professional Clearing Members shall not be
required (to the extent available) to bring in cash and collateral as
aforementioned for settling the trades of that trading member. In case the
trading member is required to have deposits with NSCCL greater than the
amounts as stated above, the same would have to be brought in by the
Professional Clearing Member.
All applicants must be in a position to pay the membership and other fees,
deposits etc, as applicable at the time of admission, within the time schedule
as specified by NSCCL. The security deposit will be included in determining
the networth of the clearing member, however, the annual subscription fee /
other periodical charges would be excluded for this purpose. Clearing in
Futures & Options Segment will be permitted after obtaining the required
regulatory approvals.
(c) Membership Recommendation Committee (MRC)
(d) MRC/Board approval
(e) SEBI Registration
(f) Formalities for enablement
Applicants should submit their application form complete in all respects in the
prescribed format along with other relevant documents and accompanied by a
demand draft for Rs. 10,000/- drawn in favour of National Stock Exchange of
India Limited, payable at Mumbai. This amount of Rs. 10,000/- would be
appropriated towards the Processing Fees and is non-refundable. Applications
which are not complete in all respects and multiple applications are liable to
be rejected. Applicants are requested to refer to the ‘Note to Applicants’ in
the application form while filling the application forms.
The application along with relevant documents and the demand draft can be
submitted at any of the offices of the Exchange during the working hours.
At any point of time the applicant has to ensure that at least the sole
proprietor/one of the designated partner/one of the designated
director/compliance officer would have a valid certificate for at least one of
the following NCFM Modules :
The dealers on CM segment are required to clear the Capital Market (Dealers)
Module of NCFM while dealers on Futures & Options Segment are required to
clear the Derivatives Market (Dealers) Module of NCFM. This is a pre- requisite
without which user- ids are not issued. ( Kindly refer to circular no. 550-
NSE/MEM/7992 dated October 10, 2006 for more details)
Exchange. The MRC conducts interviews with the applicants for trading
The applicants are required to remit the necessary fees/deposits as per the
demand advice failing which the applications may not be sent to SEBI for
(3) Memorandum or Articles of association or Partnership deed, as the
case may be.
It must be noted that the applicant has to remit the prescribed membership
deposits (as required by the demand advice attached to the provisional offer
letter) before their application is forwarded to SEBI.
(1) For installation of VSAT the following has to be submitted (they can
also be submitted while giving documents for SEBI Registration):
Application for installation as per Annexure 3 of Circular No.163
VSAT Undertaking duly notarised
NOC from the owner of Premises where VSAT is going to be
Payment of Rs. 2 lakh favouring 'National Stock Exchange of India
Limited' payable at Mumbai, towards Interest -free VSAT Deposit.
(2) Every Trading Member has to necessarily take Insurance cover with
either New India Assurance Company Ltd. or Oriental Insurance
Company Ltd. or National Insurance Company Ltd. The policy covers
claims for:
Fake/Forged/Counterfeit/Stolen securities
Loss of Securities / Cash
Errors & Omission
Emp loyees Infidelity / fraud
The proof of Insurance cover taken up by the member has to be
submitted to the Exchange.
(3) The member should all submit proof of:
Opening of Exchange Dues accounts, Client account and Own
Opening of Depository part icipant account with NSDL and CDSL
Registration with Central Excise authorities
(4) Application for approval as user for 2 people as per specified format.
The authorised dealers / approved users on the Capital Market
segment are required to clear the Capital Market (Dealers) Module of
NCFM. Dealers on Futures & Options Segment are required to clear the
Derivatives Market (Dealers) Module of NCFM. This is a pre- requisite
without which User- ids will not be issued.
(5) Trading Members are required to submit a Broker Database specified
by SEBI. One soft copy and two hard copies of the same are to be
submitted to the Exchange.
(6) Trading Members have to submit the following documents duly
certified by the statutory auditor in the prescribed format:
Audited accounts
Networth certificate
Details of Directors
Details of shareholding
Details of dominant promoter group
(7) Submission of Trading Membership Undertaking.
After satisfying that all the formalities and requirements are complied with
regard to the Exchange, the Trading Member is enabled to trade on the
system and issued user ids .
133 Multiple Memberships
The Exchange does not permit multiple memberships among the same set of
dominant promoters/shareholders. However, there may be a need for the
existing trading members to take up more than one membership on the NSE
for various reasons like client segregation, market or business segregation,
etc. In such cases, multiple memberships may be permitted by the Exchange
only in cases where the existing trading member corporate forms a
(g) In case of default or failure to meet the obligations towards NSEIL /
NSCCL by one company, the deposits of other company may be
(h) In case of investor grievances & arbitration awards, the holding
company shall ho nour the obligations of the subsidiary company and
vice versa.
(i) The new applicant company shall be required to take up the combined
membership of Capital Market Segment and Futures & Options
Segment as in the case of new applicants.
(c) In case of merger between two or more Individual / partnership firms
Trading Members resulting in the formation of a new partnership firm
or corporate; the dominant group of partners / shareholders in such
emerging firms or corporate Trading Member shall comprise of any or
all the dominant partners / shareholders of such merging Trading
(d) In case of merger between two or more corporate trading members,
the dominant group of shareholders in such emerging corporate
Trading Member shall comprise of any or all the dominant shareholders
of such merging Trading Members.
(e) The merged entity shall at all times consist of at least one or more
members of the dominant promoter group of the merging Trading
Members who would hold at least 51% of its total paid up capital (40%
in case of listed companies) / profit sharing ratio.
(f) The scheme of merger shall provide for the appropriation / transfer of
the entire amount of security deposits of the extinguishing Trading
Members with the Exchange / NSCCL in favour of the merged entity.
Such deposits of the extinguishing Trading Members will be refunded
to the merged entity only after the expiry of the respective lock in
period of each of the extinguishing Trading Members. No interest shall
be paid by the Exchange /NSCC L on such deposits. These deposits
may however be considered towards net worth / capital adequacy
requirements / exposure limits of the merged entity, as also for
margin purposes.
(g) The scheme of merger shall provide that the merged entity shall
honour all the financial commitments / obligations/ liabilities of all the
extinguishing Trading Members that devolved prior to merger or may
devolve subsequent to the merger and shall be treated as if it were the
liability of the merged entity.
(h) As soon as the application for merger is filed before the High Court,
the extinguishing broking entity should approach SEBI through the
Stock Exchange for obtaining prior permission, to the scheme of
merger, giving all necessary details of the proposal.
(i) The emerging entity would be allowed to trade on the registration of
the extinguishing entity for a period of 45 days. However, the
emerging entity should apply to SEBI at the earliest and give an
undertaking to be liable for the act of the extinguishing entity and such
applications in any case should be made not later than 30 days of the
registration granted by the Registrar of companies to the emerging
corporates) which means that effectively they are no more in control of the
trading member entity.
(a) The trading member would be required to comply with the prevalent
net worth norms of the Exchange as applicable to corporate Trading
(b) A processing fee of Rs.1 lakh would be payable on approval of proposal
for transfer.
(c) The trading member would be required to pay the differential between
the deposit paid by them for the membership of the relevant market
segments and the deposit payable for a corporate trading membership
as per the prevailing entry norms for membership of the segment.
(d) The transfer proposal would be subject to recommendation by the
Membership Recommendation Committee (MRC) and approval by the
Board of the Exchange, and, for this purpose, the Exchange's
requirements of online test and an interview by MRC, will apply.
NSE provides a scheme for enabling the trading member to surrender their
membership on the Exchange. Details of the norms and procedures related
to the surrender of membership of the Exchange are prescribed as below:
o who owes dues to the Exchange/ NSCCL,
o against whom claims by investors of value of Rs.10 lakh or more
are pending or any claim for any amount is pending for a period
more than 6 months,
o against whom any other claim /complaint is pending which, in the
opinion of the Exchange/ NSCCL, needs to be resolved by the
concerned trading member,
o whose turnover fees liability to SEBI is still outstanding,
o Meeting /clearing all the dues of the trading member towards NSE
and NSCCL as well as all the obligations in respect of Arbitration
awards, investor complaints etc.
(7) Surrender of VSATs and Leased Lines
o The trading member should request the Exchange through their
surrender application to dismantle and recover all the Leased
Line(s)/ VSAT(s) and other equipments given to them at their
dealing offices.
(8) The Exchange's annual subscription would be charged pro rata upto
and including the date of receipt of complete surrender application by
the Exchange.
1 A) Trading Members who are not SEBI- Extension of Collateral security deposit not
registered, SEBI-registered but not applicable
enabled or enabled but have not traded at
all in the Capital Market/ Futures & Options
2 Those Trading members who have not Extension of Collateral security deposit not
traded in the Capital Market/ Futures & required
Options segment during last 6 months
preceding the date of receipt of surrender
Applicability of extension of Collateral
Security Deposit (Bank Guarantee or
No. Trading Member Category
Fixed Deposit Receipt)
3 Those Trading members who have traded Collateral in the form of B/G or FDR to be
in the Capital Market/ Futures & Options brought in / extended for 6 months (with an
segment during last 6 months preceding additional 3 month invocation/ claim period)
the date of receipt of surrender application from last trade date. In case the Trading
Member has deposited securities with the
custodian towards collateral security deposit
(instead of cash/bank guarantee/FDR), they
shall replace the securities with cash/ bank
(13) Upon the application for surrender being approved, the Exchange shall
notify to all the Trading Members the fact of such approval.
(17) Refund of any part component of the Interest Free Security Deposit
that is locked-in as well as that portion which could be released earlier
is subject to the Trading Member:
(i) Making payment to SEBI of all the turnover fees, interest
payable thereon etc. as may be applicable to such trading
members in respect of all the segments they have been
admitted to.
(ii) Obtaining No Dues Certificate from SEBI.
(iii) Redressing, to the satisfaction of the Exchange, all investors’
complaints and other grievances pending against the trading
(iv) Making, in respect of arbitration proceedings, suitable
arrangements to the satisfaction of the Exchange so as to meet
any obligation that may arise out of awards that may be made
against them.
(20) No trading member, who has surrendered its trading membe rship,
their partners (in case of partnership firm) and/or dominant
shareholders (in case of corporates) would be eligible to be readmitted
to the Trading Membership of the Exchange in any form for a period of
one year from the date of cessation of trading membership (i.e. from
the date of expiry of the lock- in period of the deposits).
(21) Cessation of membership consequent upon surrender will become final
and effective after expiry of the lock-in period provided all the terms
and conditions stipulated by the Exchange/NSCCL are complied with in
its entirety.
o Capital Market and Futures & Options segment (composite)
o Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment
(2) A trading member desirous of surrendering their trading membership
of one of the segments of the Exchange shall send their request in
writing in the prescribed format.
(3) In respect of an application for segmental surrender from a trading
(a) who has been suspended/disciplinary action taken by the
(b) in respect of whom any investigation/action consequent to a
default has been initiated by the Exchange/SEBI,
(c) who is falling within the category of ‘associates’ as defined by
(d) who owes dues to the Exchange/ NSCCL,
(e) against whom claims by investors of value of Rs.10 lakh or
more are pending or any claim for any amount is pending for a
period more than 6 months,
(f) against whom any other claim /complaint is pending which, in
the opinion of the Exchange/ NSCCL, needs to be resolved by
the concerned trading member,
(g) whose turnover fees liability to SEBI is still outstanding,
(d) Submission of details of Directors and shareholders (in the
format as prescribed in our circular no.272 dated July 22, 2002
download no. NSE/MEMB/3509) as on date of segmental
surrender application.
(f) Meeting /clearing all the dues of the trading member towards
NSE and NSCCL as well as all other obligations including those
of arbitration awards, inv estor complaints, etc.
Applicability of extension of
Sr. Collateral Security Deposit (Bank
No. Trading Member Category Guarantee or Fixed Deposit
Applicability of extension of
Sr. Collateral Security Deposit (Bank
No. Trading Member Category Guarantee or Fixed Deposit
3 Those trading members who have Collateral in the form of B/G or FDR
traded in the Capital Market/ to be brought in / extended for 6
Futures & Options segment during months (with an additional 3 month
last 6 months preceding the date invocation/ claim period) from last
of receipt of segmental surrender trade date. In case the trading
application member has deposited securities
with the custodian towards collateral
security deposit (instead of
cash/bank guarantee/FDR), they
would be required to repla ce the
securities with cash/ bank
(10) Upon the application for segmental surrender being approved, the
Exchange shall notify to all the trading members the fact of such
(14) Refund of any part component of the interest free security deposit that
is locked- in as well as that portion which could be released earlier is
subject to the trading member:
o Making payment to SEBI of all the turnover fees, interest payable
thereon etc. as may be applicable to such trading members.
o Obtaining a No Dues Certificate from SEBI.
o Redressing, to the satisfaction of the Exchange, all investor
complaints and other grievances pending against the trading
o Making, in respect of arbitration proceedings, suitable
arrangements to the satisfac tion of the Exchange, so as to meet
any obligation that may arise out of awards that may be made
against them.
(18) The segmental surrender of the membership will become final and
effective after expiry of the lock- in period provided all the terms and
conditions stipulated by the Exchange/NSCCL are complied with in its
(19) It may be noted that in case the trading member desires to surrender
their trading membership of the Exchange for all the segments on
which they are registered, they would be required to comply with all
the requirements laid down in Circular 281 for surrender of their
trading membership.
(20) For terms and conditions pertaining lock- in period and amount
applicable and other provisions please refer Circular 315 dated
December 06, 2002 (Ref.No.NSE/MEM/3788)
The Exchange may expel or suspend and/or fine under censure and/or warn
and/or withdraw any of the membership rights of a trading member if it be
guilty of contravention, non-compliance, disobedience, disregard or evasion of
any of the Bye Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Exchange or of any
resolutions, orders, notices, directions or decisions or rulings of the Exchange
or the relevant authority or of any other Committee or officer of the Exchange
authorised on that behalf or of any conduct, proceeding or method of
business which the relevant aut hority in its absolute discretion deems
dishonorable, disgraceful or unbecoming of a trading member of the
Exchange or inconsistent with just and equitable principles of trade or
detrimental to the interests, good name or welfare of the Exchange or
prejudicial or subversive to its objects and purposes.
(f) Failure to submit to or abide by Arbitration : If it neglects or
fails or refuses to submit to arbitration or to abide by or carry
out any award, decision or order of the relevant authority or
the Arbitration Committee or the arbitrators made in connection
with a reference under the Bye Laws, Rules and Regulations of
the Exchange;
(g) Failure to testify or give information : If it neglects or fails or
refuses to submit to the relevant authority or to a Committee or
an officer of the Exchange authorised in that behalf, such
books, correspondence, documents and papers or any part
thereof as may be required to be produced or to appeal and
testify before or cause any of its partners, attorneys, agents,
authorised representatives or employees to appear and testify
before the relevant authority or such Committee or officer of
the Exchange or other person authorised in that behalf;
(h) Failure to submit Special Returns : If it neglects or fails or
refuses to submit to the relevant authority within the time
notified in that behalf special returns in such form as the
relevant authority may from time to time prescribe together
with such other information as the relevant authority may
require whenever circumstances arise which in the opinion of
the relevant authority make it desirable that such special
returns or information should be furnished by any or all the
trading members;
(i) Failure to submit Audited Accounts : If it neglects or fails or
refuses to submit its audited accounts to the Exchange within
such time as may be prescribed by the relevant authority from
time to time,
(j) Failure to compare or submit accounts with Defaulter : If it
neglects or fails to compare its accounts with the Defaulters'
Committee or to submit to it a statement of its accounts with a
defaulter or a certificate that it has no such account or if it
makes a false or misleading statement therein;
(k) False or misleading Returns : If it neglects or fails or refuses to
submit or makes any false or misleading statement in its
clearing forms or returns required to be submitted to the
Exchange under the Bye Laws, Rules and Regulations;
(l) Vexatious complaints : If it or its agent brings before the
relevant authority or a Committee or an officer of the Exchange
or other person authorised in that behalf a charge, complaint or
suit which in the opinion of the relevant authority is frivolous,
vexatious or malicious;
(m) Failure to pay dues and fees : If it fails to pay its subscription,
fees, arbitration charges or any other money which may be due
by it or any fine or penalty imposed on it.
2) Un- businesslike Conduct : A trading member shall be deemed guilty
of un-businesslike conduct for any of the following or similar acts or
omissions namely:
(a) Business in Securities in which dealings not permitted : If it
ent ers into dealings in securities in which dealings are not
(b) Business for Defaulting Constituent : If it deals or transacts
business directly or indirectly or executes an order for a
constituent who has within its knowledge failed to carry out
engagements relating to securities and is in default to another
trading member unless such constituent shall have made a
satisfactory arrangement with the trading member who is its
(c) Business for Insolvent : If without first obtaining the consent of
the relevant authority it directly or indirectly is interested in or
associated in business with or transacts any business with or
for any individual who has been bankrupt or insolvent even
though such individual shall have obtained his final discharge
from an Insolvency Court;
(d) Business without permission when under suspension : If without
the permission of the relevant authority it does business on its
own account or on account of a principal with or through a
trading member during the period it is required by the relevant
authority to suspend business on the Exchange;
(e) Business for or with suspended, expelled and defaulter trading
members : If without the special permission of the relevant
authority it shares brokerage with or carries on business or
makes any deal for or with any trading member who has been
suspended, expelled or declared a defaulter;
(f) Business for Employees of other trading members : If it
transacts business directly or indirectly for or with or executes
an order for an authorised representative or employee of
another trading member without the written consent of such
employing trading member;
(g) Business for Exchange Employees : If it makes a speculative
transaction in which an employee of the Exchange is directly or
indirectly interested;
(h) Advertisement : If it advertises for business purposes or issue
regularly circular or other business communications to persons
other than its own constituents, trading members of the
Exchange, Banks and Joint Stock Companies or publishes
pamphlets, circular or any other literature or report or
information relating to the stock markets with its name
(i) Evasion of Margin Requirements : If it willfully evades or
attempts to evade or assists in evading the margin
requirements prescribed in these Bye Laws and Regulations;
(j) Brokerage Charge : If it willfully deviates from or evades or
attempts to evade the Bye Laws and Regulations relating to
charging and sharing of brokerage.
(k) Dealings with entities prohibited to buy or sell or deal in
securities market. If it deals, directly or indirectly, in the
course of its business with or transacts any business with or for
any entity, which has been prohibited by SEBI to buy or sell or
deal in the securities market.
7) Removal of Suspension : The suspension of business as above shall
continue until the trading member has been allowed by the relevant
authority to resume business on its paying such deposit or on its doing
such act or providing such thing as the relevant authority may require.
(c) Rights of Creditors unimpaired : The expulsion shall not affect
the rights of the trading members who are creditors of the
expelled trading member;
(d) Fulfillment of Contracts : The expelled trading member shall be
bound to fulfil transactions outstanding at the time of his
expulsion and it may with the permission of the relevant
authority close such outstanding transactions with or through a
trading member;
(e) Trading members not to deal : No trading member shall transact
business for or with or share brokerage with the expelled
trading member except with the previous permission of the
relevant authority.
(f) Consequences of declaration of defaulter to follow : The
provisions of Chapter XII and Chapter XII of the Bye Laws
pertaining to default and Protection Fund respectively shall
become applicable to the trading member expelled from the
Exchange as if such trading member has been declared a
Failure to fulfill Obligations
Insolvent a Defaulter
A trading member who has been adjudicated an insolvent shall be ipso factor
declared a defaulter although he may not be at the same time a defaulter on
the Exchange.
Compromise Forbidden
A trading member guilty of accepting from any trading member anything less
than a full and bona fide money payment in settlement of a debt arising out
of a transaction in securities shall be suspended for such period as the
relevant authority may determine.
TMs can apply for surrender of their trading membership once admitted on
the Exchange. Surrender of trading membership can be permitted by the
Exchange after fulfilling certain conditions by the member such as, clearing
off all the dues to the Exchange and NSCCL, notifying all other TMs of the
approval of surrender, obtaining No dues certificate from SEBI, issuance of a
public notification in leading dailies etc. The deposits of the trading members
would be released by the Exchange/NSCCL after a prescribed lock-in period.
However, there is no lock- in period applicable in case of trading member, who
(i) Not SEBI registered
(ii) SEBI registered but not enabled
(iii) SEBI registered and enabled but not traded at all
Trading members of the Exchange may appoint authorised persons who are
individuals, registered partnership firms, bodies corporate or companies as
defined under the Companies Act, 1956 in the Capital Market (CM) segment
or Futures & Options (F&O) segment or in both CM and F&O segments.
An authorised person may introduce clients to the trading member for whom
they may receive remuneration / commission / compensation from the
trading member and not from the clients.
The clients introduced by the authorised person will have a direct relationship
with the trading member i.e. the member-constituent agreement, know your
client forms, risk disclosure document, etc. shall be executed between the
client and the trading member i.e., the authorised person shall not be allowed
to have any trading relationship with the clients. The trading member shall
issue the contract notes and/or bills directly to the client i.e. the authorized
person shall not issue contract notes, confirmation memo and/or bills in their
The trading members of the Exchange may appoint sub- brokers to act as
agents of the concerned trading member for assisting the investors in buying,
selling or dealing in securities. The sub-brokers would be affiliated to the
trading members and are required to be registered with SEBI. A sub-broker
would be allowed to be associated with only one trading member of the
Circular No. Download No. Date
1) 60 NSE/MEM/275 12-Jun-1997
2) 63 NSE/MEM/282 25-Jun-1997
3) 69 NSE/MEM/311 23-Jul-1997
4) 168 NSE/MEM/1708 19-Jun-2000
The trading member shall issue contract notes for all trades in respect of its
sub- broker in the name of the sub-broker and the sub-broker shall in turn
issue purchase / sale notes to his clients as per the format prescribed by the
Exchange. The sub-broker shall split the contract client wise and scrip wise
and issue promptly the purchase / sale note accordingly.
Sub-brokers are required to obtain certificate of registration from SEBI in
accordance with SEBI (Stock Brokers & Sub-brokers) Rules and Regulations,
1992, without which they are not permitted to buy, sell or deal in securities.
The applicant sub- broker shall submit the required documents to the stock
exchange with the recommendation of a Trading Member. After verifying the
documents, the stock exchange may forward the documents of the applicant
sub- broker to SEBI for registration. A sub- broker can trade in that capacity
after getting himself registered with SEBI. The Exchange may not forward the
said application of the sub-broker to SEBI for registration if the applicant is
found to have introduced or otherwise dealt with fake, forged, stolen,
count erfeit etc. shares and securities in the market.
Other Requirements
The Trading Member has to issue contract notes for all trades in respect of its
sub- broker in the name of the sub- broker and the sub-broker shall, in turn
issue purchase/sale notes to his clients as per the format prescribed by the
The Trading Member with whom the sub- broker is affiliated is responsible for:
(1) ensuring the compliance by a sub-broker of the Rules, Bye-laws and
Regulations of the Exchange
(2) inspecting that the sub-brokers are registered and recognized
(3) Ensuring that the sub-brokers function in accordance with the Scheme,
Rules, Byelaws, Regulations etc. of the Exchange/NSCCL and the SEBI
Regulations etc.
(4) Informing the sub-broker and keeping him apprised about
trading/settlement cycles, delivery/payment schedules and any
changes therein from time to time.
(5) Reporting any default or delay in carrying out obligations by any of the
sub- brokers affiliated to him, to all other stock brokers with whom the
said sub-broker is affiliated.
Cancellation of Registration
For further details, Circular No. 199 dated June 15, 2001 (Ref.No.:
NSE/MEM/2618) may be referred to.
The TM shall enter into an agreement in the specified format provided by NSE
with the client before accepting orders on latter’s behalf. The said agreement
shall be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of adequate value, duly signed
by both the parties on all the pages. Copy of the said agreement is to be kept
with the TM permanently.
In addition to the agreement, the TM shall seek inf ormation from the client in
the 'Client Registration Application Form' obtaining information like: investor
risk profile, financial profile, investor identification details, address details,
income, PAN number, employment, age, investments, other assets and
financial liabilities. The TM shall obtain recent passport size photographs
of each of their clients in case of individual clients and of all partners
in case of partnership firms and of the dominant promoter in case of
corporate clients. The TM shall also take proof of identification and address of
the client.
as may be prescribed by the Exchange from time to time and shall obtain the
same from his Constituents duly signed.
SEBI made it mandatory for all brokers to use unique client codes for all
clients. Brokers shall collect and maintain in their back office the Permanent
Account Number (PAN) allotted by Income Tax Department for all their
Brokers shall verify the documents with respect to the unique code and retain
a copy of the document. They shall also be required to furnish the above
particulars of their clients to the stock exchanges/clearing corporations and
the same would be updated before placing orders for the clients. The stock
exchanges shall be required to maintain a database of client details submitted
by brokers.
Where the constituent requires any of his orders to be cancelled after the
order has been entered in the system but has not been executed, the Trading
Member may, if it so desires, obtain the order cancellation details in writing
from the constituent. The Trading Member shall accordingly provide the
constituent with the relevant order cancellation details, forthwith, if so
required by the constituent. The Trading Member may, if it so desires, obtain
in writing, the delivery and payment requirement in any instructions of an
order that it receives from the constituent.
The contract note should contain name and address (registered office address
as well as dealing office address) of the TM, the SEBI registration number of
the TM, details of trade viz. order number, trade number, order time, trade
time, security name, quantity, trade price, brokerage, settlement number and
details of other levies.
3.3.6 Payments/Delivery of Securities to the Clients
3.3.7 Brokerage
The TM should maintain separate bank accounts for client’s funds and own
funds. It shall be compulsory for all TMs to keep the money of the clients in a
separate account and their own money in a separate account. Funds shall be
transferred from the client account to the clearing account for the purpose of
funds pay-in obligations on behalf of the clients and vice-versa in case of
funds pay-out. No payment for transaction in which the TM is taking position
as a principal will be allowed to be made from the client’s account.
3.4.1 Sub-broker
“Sub- broker” means any person not being a member of a stock exchange who
acts on behalf of a stock broker as an agent or otherwise for assisting the
investors in buying, selling or dealing in securities through such stock
3.4.2 Registration
A broker shall deal with a person who is acting as a sub-broker only if such
person is registered with SEBI as a sub- broker. It is a responsibility of a
A sub- broker shall have to enter into a tripartite agreement with its clients
and the stock broker specifying the scope of rights and obligations of the sub-
broker, stock broker and such client of the sub-broker as per format
prescribed by SEBI for dealing in securities in cash segment. There shall be
privity of contract between the stock broker and the sub- broker’s client. A
separate agreement has to be executed for each Exchange.
broker and shall be jointly / severally liable to implement the arbitration
A stock broker shall issue contract note as per the format prescribed by the
Exchange to client introduced through a sub-broker. A sub-broker shall render
necessary assistance to its client in obtaining the contract note from the stock
broker. Sub-broker shall not issue any purchase/sale note or confirmation
memo to its client.
3.4.6 Sub-brokerage
Arbitration, which is a quasi judicial process, is an alternate dispute resolution
mechanism prescribed under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The
Exchange Bye Laws prescribe the provisions in respect of Arbitration and the
procedure therein has been prescribed in the Regulations.
The claim, difference or dispute between the trading members inter se,
between trading members and constituents/registered sub- brokers between
investors and listed companies arising out of transactions executed on the
Exchange can be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions
prescribed under the Byelaws and Regulations of the Exchange. To establish
that the disputes have arisen out of trades done on the Exchange, it is
essential that the parties produce adequate documents viz. contract notes,
bills, ledger accounts, etc.
The aggrieved parties can file for arbitration at the regional centres viz.
Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai based on the region where the
constituent ordinarily resides. The reference for arbitration should be filed
within six months from the date when the dispute arose between the parties
in the prescribed form along with a list of Arbitrators (selected from the
names of persons who are eligible to act as Arbitrators provided by the
Exchange). The time taken by ISC for resolution of the complaint is excluded
by the Arbitrator, while considering the issue of limitation.
The sole arbitrator or panel of arbitrators to whom the highest preference has
been given by both the parties is/are appointed by the Exchange to conduct
the arbitration proceeding and pass the award in the respective arbitration
matter. If no common person/s are identifiable from the list submitted by
both the parties, the sole arbitrator or panel of Arbitrators is/are appointed by
the Exchange from the list of persons eligible to act as Arbitrators after
excluding the names of Arbitrators given by the parties. Sole Arbitrator is
appointed if the claim amount is upto Rs.25 lakhs and panel of Arbitrators
comprising of three persons are appointed if the claim amount is more than
Rs.25 lakhs based on the list of Arbitrators submitted by the parties. The sole
Arbitrator/panel of Arbitrators would fix a hearing in the matter unless both
parties waive their right for such hearing in writing. In cases the claim
amount is Rs. 25,000/- or less, it is not mandatory to hold a hearing of the
parties and the matter is decided based on the documents and submissions
made by the parties. In case, either of the parties fails to make
submissions/be present for the hearing repeatedly, even though notices has
been issued, the Arbitrator may proceed to decide the matter ex-parte.
Based on the submissions made by the parties and the documentary evidence
produced before the Arbitrator, the award is passed by the Arbitrator. The
award is pronounced in writing and signed by the sole Arbitrator or in case of
a panel of Arbitrators by all the three Arbitrators. The Arbitrator may include
an interest component on the amount awarded, at such rate and for such
period, as the Arbitrator deems reasonable. In case the award is passed in
favor of the constituent (investor) the trading member is requested to comply
with the award failing which the award amount is debited and set aside from
the available deposit of the trading member.
The party who is aggrieved with the arbitration award can initiate appropriate
steps for setting aside the award by filing a petition in the appropriate court
under section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The petition
has to be filed normally within a period three months from the date of receipt
of the award. On expiry of three months, the award amount set aside shall be
released to the constituent incase petition is not filed under section 34 of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by either of the parties. In case petition
is filed, the award amount set aside is dealt in accordance with the court
Trading members not complying with the Code of Advertisement may have to
face disciplinary proceedings. The code of advertisement is as under:
(1) The term advertisement as referred in this code shall have the
following meaning: Advertisement means and includes any document,
pamphlets, circulars, brochures, notice or any research re ports,
material published, or designed for use in a newspaper, magazine or
other periodical, radio, television, telephone or tape recording, video
tape display, signs or bill boards, motion pictures, telephone
directories (other than routine listings) or other public media, whether
in print or audio visual form.
(2) The trading member should designate and authorise a person to
ensure the correctness of the information given in any advertisement.
(3) The trading member issuing any such advertisement should inform the
name of such authorized person to the Exchange.
(4) The advertisement should be related to the nature of services that the
trading member can offer. If the trading member is engaged in any
other business then any advertisement if permissible for such business
should not indicate the name of the Trading member as a member of
the Exchange.
(5) The advertisement should be written in clear language and should not
be such which may prejudice interest of the investors in general.
(6) The advertisement should not contain any confusing, misleading or
offensive information.
(7) It should be free from inaccuracies.
(8) The advertisement should not contain a recommendation regarding
purchase or sale of any particular share or security of any company. It
should not make any promise including guaranteeing of any return to
the investing public.
(9) The material should not contain anything which is otherwise
(10) The Advertisement shall contain:
a) Name and/or his logo, code of National Stock Exchange
b) Registration Number allotted by the Securities and Exchange
Board of India.
(11) The Advertisement may be issued individually or jointly with other
Trading members provided that the trading member shall not allow its
name to be advertised or caused to be published in the advertisement
of other trading members, unless such advertisement is issued by it.
(12) In the event of suspension of any trading member by the Exchange,
the trading member so suspended shall not issue any advertisement
either singly or jointly with any other trading member, during the
period of suspension.
(13) In the event of any proceeding/action initiated against a Trading
member by a regulatory body other than National Stock Exchange,
National Stock Exchange reserves the right to direct the trading
member to refrain from issuing any advertisement for such a period as
it may deem fit.
(14) National Stock Exchange reserves the right to call for the
advertisement and/or such other information/explanation as it may
require, after the publication of the said advertisement. National Stock
Exchange shall have cease and desist powers in this behalf.
SEBI has advised the Stock Exchanges to ensure that their brokers/sub-
brokers do not advertise their business, including in their internet sites, by
subsidiaries, group companies etc., in prohibition of code of conduct specified
in the Schedule II of the SEBI (Stock Brokers and Sub-brokers) Regulations,
1992 ( SEBI circular Ref. No. SMDRP/Policy/Cir-49/2001 Dated October 22,
2001). The code of conduct in the regulations require a stock broker/sub-
broker not to advertise his business publicly unless permitted by the stock
exchange and not to resort to unfair means inducing clients from other stock
Model Questions
5. SEBI made it mandatory for all brokers to use __________ for all
(a) Permanent account number
(b) Driving license number
(c) Bank account number
(d) Unique client code
Ans. (d)
6. As per the Code of Conduct prescribed in the SEBI (Stock Brokers and
Sub-Brokers) Regulations, 1992, a stock broker/sub-broker should
seek permission from ______ for advertising business publicly.
(a) the stock exchange
(b) SEBI
(c) The Brokers' Association
(d) SAT
Ans. (a)
8. If a client has sold 10000 shares of a scrip @ Rs. 50, what is the
maximum brokerage that the client can be charged?
(a) Rs. 2,500
(b) Rs. 12,500
(c) Rs. 7,500
(d) no limit
Ans. (b)
Maximum brokerage = brokerage rate*value of the transaction
=2.5 %*( 10000 shares*Rs. 50) = Rs. 12,500
This section deals with legislative and regulatory provisions relevant from the
viewpoint of a trading member. The five main legislations governing the
securities market are:(a) the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956,
which provides for regulation of transactions in securities through control over
stock exchanges; (b) the Companies Act, 1956, which sets out the code of
conduct for the corporate sector in relation to issue, allotment and transfer of
securities, and disclosures to be made in public issues; (c) the SEBI Act, 1992
which establishes SEBI to protect investors and develop and re gulate
securities market; (d) the Depositories Act, 1996 which provides for electronic
maintenance and transfer of ownership of dematerialised securities and (e)
the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 which prevents money
laundering and provides for confiscation of property derived from or involved
in money laundering.
The Act had its origin during the war in 1943 when the objective was to
channel resources to support the war effort. It was retained with some
modifications as a means of controlling the raising of capital by companies
and to ensure that national resources were channelled into proper lines, i.e.,
for desirable purposes to serve goals and priorities of the government, and to
pro tect the interests of investors. Under the Act, any firm wishing to issue
securities had to obtain approval from the Central Government, which also
determined the amount, type and price of the issue. As a part of the
liberalisation process, the Act was repealed in 1992 paving way for market
determined allocation of resources.
It provides for direct and indirect control of virtually all aspects of securities
trading and the running of stock exchanges and aims to prevent undesirable
transactions in securities. It gives Central Government regulatory jurisdiction
over (a) stock exchanges through a process of recognition and continued
supervision, (b) contracts in securities, and (c) listing of securities on stock
exchanges. As a condition of recognition, a stock exchange complies with
conditions prescribed by Central Government. Organised trading activity in
securities takes place on a specified recognised stock exchange. The stock
The SEBI Act, 1992 was enacted to empower SEBI with statutory powers for
(a) protecting the interests of investors in securities, (b) promoting the
development of the securities market, and (c) regulating the securities
market. Its regulatory jurisdiction extends over corporates in the issuance of
capital and transfer of securities, in addition to all intermediaries and persons
associated with securities market. It can conduct enquiries, audits and
inspection of all concerned and adjudicate offences under the Act. It has
powers to register and regulate all market intermediaries and also to penalise
them in case of violations of the provisions of the Act, Rules and Regulations
made thereunder. SEBI has full autonomy and authority to regulate and
develop an orderly securities market.
The Depositories Act, 1996 provides for the establishment of deposit ories in
securities with the objective of ensuring free transferability of securities with
speed, accuracy and security by (a) making securities of public limited
companies freely transferable subject to certain exceptions; (b)
dematerialising the securities in the depository mode; and (c) providing for
maintenance of ownership records in a book entry form. In order to
streamline the settlement process, the Act envisages transfer of ownership of
securities electronically by book entry without making the securities move
from person to person. The Act has made the securities of all public limited
companies freely transferable, restricting the company’s right to use
discretion in effecting the transfer of securities, and the transfer deed and
other procedural requirements under the Companies Act have been dispensed
It deals with issue, allotment and transfer of securities and various aspects
relating to company management. It provides for standard of disclosure in
public issues of capital, particularly in the fields of company management and
projects, information about other listed companies under the same
management, and management perception of risk factors. It also regulates
underwriting, the use of premium and discounts on issues, rights and bonus
issues, payment of interest and dividends, supply of annual report and other
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
The Government has framed rules under the SC(R)A, SEBI Act and the
Depositories Act. SEBI has framed regulations under the SEBI Act and the
Depositories Act for registration and regulation of all market intermediaries,
for prevention of unfair trade practices, insider trading, etc.
Under these Acts, Government and SEBI issue notifications, guidelines, and
circulars, which need to be complied with by market participants.
The self-regulatory organisaitons (SROs) like stock exchanges have also laid
down their rules and regulations for market participants.
Table 4.1: Regulation of the securities market
Acts Section Powers Exercisable by
Securities 4A Corporatisation and demutualisation of SEBI
Contracts stock exchanges
(Regulation) 4B Procedure for Corporatisation and
Act, 1956 demutualisation
Acts Sections Powers Exercisable by
SEBI Act, 3, 5 & 6 Establishment and Management Central Government
1992 of SEBI
15K to 15S Establishment of SAT
16 To issue directions
17 To supersede SEBI
18 SEBI to submit returns and
29 To make rules
31 Rules and Regulations to be laid
before Parliament
15T & 15U Appellate powers SAT
24A Composition of certain offences
4 Management of Board Central Government
and RBI
15Z Appeal to Supreme Court Supreme Court
All other powers SEBI
Depositories 22B Power to grant immunity Central Government
Act, 1996 23 Appeals
24 To make rules
27 Rules and Regulations to be laid
29 before the Parliament
Removal of difficulties
23A & 23B Appellate powers SAT
22A Composition of certain offences
23F Appeal against order or decision Supreme Court
of SAT
26 To make bye -laws Depositories
All other powers SEBI
Companies 55 to 58, 59 to Issue of securities, transfer of SEBI
Act, 1956 81, securities, and non-payment of
108 to 110, 112, dividend in case of listed public
113, 116 to 122, companies and in case of those
206, 206A, 207 public companies which intend to
get their securities listed on any
recognised stock exchange in
* Government has issued notifications providing that the contracts for sale and purchase of
government securities, gold-related securities, money market securities and securities derived
from these securities and ready forward contracts in debt securities shall be regulated by RBI.
Such contracts, if executed on stock exchanges, shall, however, be regulated by SEBI in a
manner that is consistent with the guidelines issued by RBI.
Most of the powers under the SC(R)A are excercisable by Central
Government, while a few others by SEBI. The powers of the Central
Government under the SC(R)A are also con-currently exercised by SEBI. The
powers in respect of the contracts for sale and purchase of securities, gold-
related securities, money market securities and securities derived from these
securities and ready forward contracts in debt securities are exercised
concurrently by RBI. The SEBI Act and the Depositories Act are mostly
administered by SEBI. All these are administered by SEBI. The powers under
the Companies Act relating to issue and transfer of securities and non-
payment of dividend are administered by SEBI in case of listed public
companies and public companies proposing to get their securities listed. The
SROs ensure compliance with their own rules relevant for them under the
securities laws.
(vi) any certificate or instrument issued to an investor by any issuer being a
special purpose distinct entity which possesses any debt or receivable,
including mortgage debt, assigned to such entity, and acknowledging
Section 4A of the Act was added in the year 2004 for the purpose of
corporatisation and demutualisation of stock exchange. Under section 4A of
the Act, SEBI by notification in the official gazette may specify an appointed
date on and from which date all recognised stock exchanges have to
corporatise and demutualise their stock exchanges. Each of the Recognised
stock exchanges which have not already being corporatised and demutualised
by the appointed date are required to submit a scheme for corporatisation
and demutualization for SEBI’s approval. After receiving the scheme SEBI
may conduct such enquiry and obtain such information as be may be required
by it and after satisfying that the scheme is in the interest of the trade and
also in the public interest, SEBI may approve the scheme.
SEBI is authorised to call for periodical returns from the recognised Stock
Exchanges and make enquiries in relation to their affairs. Every Stock
Exchange is obliged to furnish annual reports to SEBI. Recognised Stock
Exchanges are allowed to make bylaws for the regulation and control of
contracts but subject to the previous approval of SEBI and SEBI has the
power to amend the said bylaws. The Central Government and SEBI have the
power to supersede the governing body of any recognised stock exchange.
The Central Government and SEBI also have power to suspend the business
of the recognised stock exchange to meet any emergency as and when it
arises, by notifying in the official gazette.
Contracts and Options in Securities
Organised trading activity in securities takes place on a recognised stock
exchange. If the Central Government is satisfied, having regard to the nature
or the volume of transactions in securities in any State or States or area, that
it is necessary so to do, it may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare
provisions of section 13 to apply to such State or States or area, and
thereupon every contract in such State or States or area which is entered into
after date of the notification otherwise than between members of a
recognised stock exchange or recognised in stock exchanges in such State or
States or area or through or with such member shall be illegal. The effect of
this provision clearly is that if a transaction in securities has to be validly
entered into, such a transaction has to be either between the members of a
recognised stock exchange or through a member of a Stock Exchange.
Listing of Securities
Where securities are listed on the application of any person in any recognised
stock exchange, such person shall comply with the conditions of the listing
agreement with that stock exchange (Section 21). Where a recognised stock
exchange acting in pursuance of any power given to it by its bye- laws,
refuses to list the securities of any company, the company shall be entitled to
be furnished with reasons for such refusal and the company may appeal to
Securities Appe llate Tribunal (SAT) against such refusal.
Delisting of Securities
A recognised stock exchange may delist the securities of any listed companies
on such grounds as are prescribed under the Act. Before delisting any
company from its exchange, the recognised stock exchange has to give the
concerned company a reasonable opportunity of being heard and has to
record the reasons for delisting that concerned company. The concerned
company or any aggrieved investor may appeal to SAT against such delisting.
(Section 21A)
Major part of the liberalisation process was the repeal of the Capital Issues
(Control) Act, 1947, in May 1992. With this, Government’s control over issues
of capital, pricing of the issues, fixing of premia and rates of interest on
debentures etc. ceased, and the office which administered the Act was
abolished: the market was allowed to allocate resources to competing uses.
However, to ensure effective regulation of the market, SEBI Act, 1992 was
enacted to establish SEBI with statutory powers for:
(a) protecting the interests of investors in securities,
(b) promoting the development of the securities market, and
(c) regulating the securities marke t.
Its regulatory jurisdiction extends over companies listed on Stock Exchanges
and companies intending to get their securities listed on any recognized stock
exchange in the issuance of securities and transfer of securities, in addition to
all intermediaries and persons associated with securities market. SEBI can
specify the matters to be disclosed and the standards of disclosure required
for the protection of investors in respect of issues; can issue directions to all
intermediaries and other persons associated with the securities market in the
interest of investors or of orderly development of the securities market; and
can conduct enquiries, audits and inspection of all concerned and adjudicate
offences under the Act. In short, it has been given necessary autonomy and
authority to regulate and develop an orderly securities market. All the
intermediaries and persons associated with securities market, viz., brokers
and sub-brokers, underwriters, merchant bankers, bankers to the issue, share
transfer agents and registrars to the issue, depositories, Participants, portfolio
managers, debentures trustees, foreign institutional investors, custodians,
venture capital funds, mutual funds, collective investments schemes, credit
rating agencies, etc., shall be registered with SEBI and shall be governed by
the SEBI Regulations pertaining to respective market intermediary.
Constitution of SEBI
The Central Government has constituted a Board by the name of SEBI under
Section 3 of SEBI Act. The head office of SEBI is in Mumbai. SEBI may
establish offices at other places in India.
SEBI consists of the following members, namely:-
(a) a Chairman;
(b) two members from amongst the officials of the Ministry of the Central
Government dealing with Finance and administration of Companies Act,
(c) one member from amongst the officials of the Reserve Bank of India;
(d) five other members of whom at least three shall be whole time members
to be appointed by the Central Government.
The general superintendence, direction and management of the affairs of
SEBI vests in a Board of Members, which exercises all powers and do all acts
and things which may be exercised or done by SEBI.
The Chairman also have powers of general superintendence and direction of
the affairs of the Board and may also exercise all powers and do all acts and
things which may be exercised or done by the Board.
The Chairman and members referred to in (a) and (d) above shall be
appointed by the Central Government and the members referred to in (b) and
(c) shall be nominated by the Central Government and the Reserve Bank
The Chairman and the other members are from amongst the persons of
ability, integrity and standing who have shown capacity in dealing with
problems relating to securities market or have special knowledge or
experience of law, finance, economics, accountancy, administration or in any
other discipline which, in the opinion of the Central Government, shall be
useful to SEBI.
Functions of SEBI
SEBI has been obligated to protect the interests of the investors in securities
and to promote and development of, and to regulate the securities market by
such measures as it thinks fit. The measures referred to therein may provide
(a) regulating the business in stock exchanges and any other securities
marke ts;
(b) registering and regulating the working of stock brokers, sub-brokers,
share transfer agents, bankers to an issue, trustees of trust deeds,
registrars to an issue, merchant bankers, underwriters, portfolio
managers, investment advisers and such other intermediaries who may be
associated with securities markets in any manner;
(c) registering and regulating the working of the depositories, participants,
custodians of securities, foreign institutional investors, credit rating
agencies and such other intermedia ries as SEBI may, by notification,
specify in this behalf;
(d) registering and regulating the working of venture capital funds and
collective investment schemes including mutual funds;
(e) promoting and regulating self -regulatory organisations;
(f) prohibiting fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities
(g) promoting investors' education and training of intermediaries of securities
(h) prohibiting insider trading in securities;
(i) regulating substantial acquisition of shares and take -over of companies;
(j) calling for information from, undertaking inspection, conducting inquiries
and audits of the stock exchanges, mutual funds, other persons associated
with the securities market, intermediaries and self- regulatory
organisations in the securit ies market;
(k) calling for information and record from any bank or any other authority or
board or corporation established or constituted by or under any Central,
State or Provincial Act in respect of any transaction in securities which is
under investigation or inquiry by the Board;
(l) performing such functions and exercising according to Securities Contracts
(Regulation) Act, 1956, as may be delegated to it by the Central
(m) levying fees or other charges for carrying out the purpose of this
(n) conducting research for the above purposes;
(o) calling from or furnishing to any such agencies, as may be specified by
SEBI, such information as may be considered necessary by it for the
efficient discharge of its functions;
(p) performing such other functions as may be prescribed.
SEBI may, for the protection of investors, (a) specify, by regulations for (i)
the matters relating to issue of capital, transfer of securities and other
matters incidental thereto; and (ii) the manner in which such matters, shall
be disclosed by the companies and (b) by general or special orders : (i)
prohibit any company from issuing of prospectus, any offer document, or
advertisement soliciting money from the public for the issue of securities, (ii)
specify the conditions subject to which the prospectus, such offer document
or advertisement, if not prohibited may be issued. (Section 11A).
SEBI may issue directions to any person or class of persons referred to in
section 12, or associated with the securities market or to any company in
respect of matters specified in section 11A. if it is in the interest of investors,
or orderly development of securities market to prevent the affairs of any
intermediary or other persons referred to in section 12 being conducted in a
manner detrimental to the interests of investors or securities market to
secure the proper management of any such intermediary or person (Section
Registration of Intermediaries
The intermediaries and persons associated with securities market shall buy,
sell or deal in securities after obtaining a certificate of registration from SEBI,
as required by Section 12:
1) Stock-broker,
2) Sub- broker,
3) Share transfer agent,
4) Banker to an issue,
5) Trustee of trust deed,
6) Registrar to an issue,
7) Merchant banker,
8) Underwriter,
9) Portfolio manager,
10) Investment adviser
11) Depository,
12) Participant
13) Custodian of securities,
14) Foreign institutional investor,
15) Credit rating agency or
16) Collective investment schemes,
17) Venture capital funds,
18) Mutual fund, and
19) Any other intermediary associated with the securities market
and independently report to SEBI any non-compliance observed by him
(Regulation 18A).
Code of conduct
The stock-broker holding a certificate at all times abides by the Code of
Conduct as given hereunder:
I. General
1. Integrity : A stock-broker, shall maintain high standards of integrity,
promptitude and fairness in the conduct of all his business.
2. Exercise of Due Skill and Care : A stock- broker, shall act with due skill,
care and diligence in the conduct of all his business.
3. Manipulation : A stock- broker shall not indulge in manipulative, fraudulent
or deceptive transactions or schemes or spread rumours with a view to
distorting market equilibrium or making personal gains.
4. Malpractices : A stock-broker shall not create false market either singly or
in concert with others or indulge in any act detrimental to the investors'
interest or which leads to interference with the fair and smooth
functioning of the market. A stock-broker shall not involve himself in
excessive speculative business in the market beyond reasonable levels not
commensurate with his financial soundness.
5. Compliance with Statutory Requirements : A stock-broker shall abide by all
the provisions of the Act and the rules, regulations issued by the
Government, SEBI and the stock exchange from time to time as may be
applicable to him.
II. Duty to the investor
1. Execution of Orders : A stock-broker, in his dealings with the clients and
the general investing public, shall faithfully execute the orders for buying
and selling of securities at the best available market price and not refuse
to deal with a small investor merely on the ground of the volume of
business involved. A stock-broker shall promptly inform his client about
the execution or non-execution of an order, and make prompt payment in
respect of securities sold and arrange for prompt delivery of securities
purchased by clients.
2. Issue of Contract Note : A stock-broker shall issue without delay to his
client or client of the sub-broker, as the case may be a contract note for
all transactions in the form specified by the stock exchange.
3. Breach of Trust : A stock-broker shall not disclose or discuss with any
other person or make improper use of the details of personal investments
and other information of a confidential nature of the client which he comes
to know in his business relationship.
4. Business and Commission :
(a) A stock-broker shall not encourage sales or purchases of securities with
the sole object of generating brokerage or commission.
(b) A stock- broker shall not furnish false or misleading quotations or give any
other false or misleading advice or information to the clients with a view of
inducing him to do business in particular securities and enabling himself to
earn brokerage or commission thereby.
5. Business of Defaulting Clients : A stock- broker shall not deal or transact
business knowingly, directly or indirectly or execute an order for a client
who has failed to carry out his commitments in relation to securities with
another stock-broker.
6. Fairness to Clients : A stock-broker, when dealing with a client, shall
disclose whether he is acting as a principal or as an agent and shall ensure
at the same time that no conflict of interest arises between him and the
client. In the event of a conflict of interest, he shall inform the client
accordingly and shall not seek to gain a direct or indirect personal
advantage from the situation and shall not consider clients' interest
inferior to his own.
7. Investment Advice : A stock- broker shall not make a recommendation to
any client who might be expected to rely thereon to acquire, dispose of,
retain any securities unless he has reasonable grounds for believing that
the recommendation is suitable for such a client upon the basis of the
facts, if disclosed by such a client as to his own security holdings, financial
situation and objectives of such investment. The stock-broker should seek
such information from clients, wherever he feels it is appropriate to do so.
7A. Investment Advice in publicly accessible media :
(a) A stock broker or any of his employees shall not render, directly or
indirectly, any investment advice about any security in the publicly accessible
media, whether real - time or non real-time, unless a disclosure of his interest
including the interest of his dependent family members and the employer
including their long or short position in the said security has been made, while
rendering such advice.
(b) In case, an employee of the stock broker is rendering such advice, he
shall also disclose the interest of his dependent family members and the
employer including their long or short position in the said security, while
rendering such advice.
8. Competence of Stock Broker : A stock-broker should have adequately
trained staff and arrangements to render fair, prompt and competent
services to his clients.
III. Stock-brokers vis-a-vis other stock-brokers
1. Conduct of Dealings : A stock- broker shall co- operate with the other
contracting party in comparing unmatched transactions. A stock- broker
shall not knowingly and willfully deliver documents which constitute bad
delivery and shall co- operate with other contracting parties for prompt
replacement of documents which are declared as bad delivery.
2. Protection of Clients Interests : A stock-broker shall extend fullest co-
operation to other stock- brokers in protecting the interests of his clients
regarding their rights to dividends, bonus shares, right shares and any
other rights related to such securities.
3. Transactions with Stock-Brokers : A stock- broker shall carry out his
transactions with other stock- brokers and shall comply with his obligations
in completing the settlement of transactions with them.
4. Advertisement and Publicity : A stock- broker shall not advertise his
business publicly unless permitted by the stock exchange.
5. Inducement of Clients : A stock-broker shall not resort to unfair means of
inducing clients from other stock- brokers.
6. False or Misleading Returns : A stock- broker shall not neglect or fail or
refuse to submit the required returns and not make any false or
misleading statement on any returns required to be submitted to the
Board and the stock exchange.
IV . 1. A stock broker, shall enter into an agreement as specified by the Board
with his client.
2. A stock broker shall also enter into an agreement as specified by the Board
with the client of the sub- broker.
stock exchanges as the case may be. SEBI grants a certificate of registration
to the appellant subject to the terms and conditions.
Where an application does not fulfill the requirements, SEBI may reject the
application after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
The sub-broker shall -
(a) pay the fees as specified in Schedule III,
(b) abide by the Code of Conduct specified in Schedule II,
(c) enter into an agreement with the stock-broker for specifying the scope
of his authority and responsibilities.
(d) comply with the rules, regulations and bye-laws of the stock exchange.
(e) not be affiliated to more than one stock broker of one stock exchange.
Code of conduct
The sub- broker at all times abides by the Code of Conduct as given
I. General
1. Integrity : A sub-broker, shall maintain high standards of integrity,
promptitude and fairness in the conduct of all investment business.
2. Exercise of Due Skill and Care : A sub- broker, shall act with due skill, care
and diligence in the conduct of all investment business.
II. Duty to the Investor
1. Execution of Orders : A sub-broker, in his dealings with the client s and the
general investing public, shall faithfully execute the orders for buying and
selling of securities at the best available market price. A sub-broker shall
promptly inform his client about the execution or non- execution of an
2. A sub- broker shall render necessary assistance to his client in obtaining
the contract note from the stock-broker.
3. Breach of Trust : A sub- broker shall not disclose or discuss with any other
person or make improper use of the details of personal investments and
other information of a confidential nature of the client which he comes to
know in his business relationship.
4. Business and Commission :
a) A sub-broker shall not encourage sales or purchases of securities with
the sole object of generating brokerage or commission.
b) A sub- broker shall not furnish false or misleading quotations or give
any other false or misleading advice or information to the clients with
a view of inducing him to do business in particular securities and
enabling himself to earn brokerage or commission thereby.
c) A sub-broker shall not charge from his clients a commission exceeding
one and one-half of one percent of the value mentioned in the
respective sale or purchase notes.
5. Business of Defaulting Clients : A sub-broker shall not deal or transact
business knowingly, directly or indirectly or execute an order for a client
who has failed to carry out his commitments in relation to securities and is
in default with another broker or sub- broker.
6. Fairness to Clients : A sub- broker, when dealing with a client, shall disclose
that he is acting as an agent ensuring at the same time, that no conflict of
interest arises between him and the client. In the event of a conflict of
interest, he shall inform the client accordingly and shall not seek to gain a
direct or indirect personal advantage from the situation and shall not
consider clients' interest inferior to his own.
7. Investment Advice : A sub-broker shall not make a recommendation to any
client who might be expected to rely thereon to acquire, dispose of, retain
any securities unless he has reasonable grounds for believing that the
recommendation is suitable for such a client upon the basis of the facts, if
disclosed by such a client as to his own security holdings, financial
situation and objectives of such investment . The sub- broker should seek
such information from clients, wherever they feel it is appropriate to do
7A. Investment Advice in publicly accessible media -
a) A sub- broker or any of his employees shall not render, directly and
indirectly any investment advice about any security in the publicly
accessible media, whether real-time or non-real-time, unless a
disclosure of his interest including his long or short position in the
said security has been made, while rendering such advice.
b) In case, an employee of the sub-broker is rendering such advice, he
shall also disclose the interest of his dependent family members and
the employer including their long or short position in the said
security, while rendering such advice.
8. Competence of Sub-broker : A sub-broker should have adequately trained
staff and arrangements to render fair, prompt and competent services to
his clients and continuous compliance with the regulatory system.
III. Sub- Brokers vis-à-vis Stock Brokers
1. Conduct of Dealings : A sub-broker shall co-operate with his broker in
comparing unmatched transactions. A sub- broker shall not knowingly and
willfully deliver documents, which constitute bad delivery. A sub-broker
shall co-operate with other contracting party for prompt replacement of
documents, whic h are declared as bad delivery.
2. P rotection of Clients Interests : A sub-broker shall extend fullest co-
operation to his stock-broker in protecting the interests of their clients
regarding their rights to dividends, right or bonus shares or any other
rights relatable to such securities.
3. Transaction with Brokers : A sub-broker shall not fail to carry out his stock
broking transactions with his broker nor shall he fail to meet his business
liabilities or show negligence in completing the settlement of transactions
with them.
4. Agreement between sub-broker, client of the sub-broker and main broker :
A sub-broker shall enter into a tripartite agreement with his client and
with the main stock broker specifying the scope of rights and obligations
of the stock broker, sub-broker and such client of the sub-broker.
5. Advertisement and Publicity : A sub-broker shall not advertise his business
publicly unless permitted by the stock exchange.
6. Inducement of Clients : A sub-broker shall not resort to unfair means of
inducing client s from other brokers.
IV. Sub-brokers vis-a-vis Regulatory Authorities
1. General Conduct : A sub-broker shall not indulge in dishonourable,
disgraceful or disorderly or improper conduct on the stock exchange nor
shall he willfully obstruct the business of the stock exchange. He shall
comply with the rules, bye-laws and regulations of the stock exchange.
2. Failure to give Information : A sub-broker shall not neglect or fail or refuse
to submit to SEBI or the stock exchange with which he is registered, such
books , special returns, correspondence, documents, and papers or any
part thereof as may be required.
3. False or Misleading Returns : A sub-broker shall not neglect or fail or
refuse to submit the required returns and not make any false or
misleading statement on any returns required to be submitted to SEBI or
the stock exchanges.
4. Manipulation : A sub-broker shall not indulge in manipulative, fraudulent or
deceptive transactions or schemes or spread rumours with a view to
distorting market equilibrium or making personal gains.
5. Malpractices : A sub-broker shall not create false market either singly or in
concert with others or indulge in any act detrimental to the public interest
or which leads to interference with the fair and smooth functions of the
market mechanism of the stock exchanges. A sub- broker shall not involve
himself in excessive speculative business in the market beyond reasonable
levels not commensurate with his financial soundness.
Insider tra ding is prohibited and is considered an offence vide SEBI (Insider
Trading) Regulations, 1992.
The definitions of some of the important terms are given below :
‘Dealing in securities’ means an act of subscribing, buying, selling or
agreeing to subscribe, buy, sell or deal in any securities by any person either
as principal or agent.
‘Insider’ means any person who, is or was connected with the company or is
deemed to have been connected with the company, and who is reasonably
expected to have access to unpublished price sensitive information in respect
of securities of a company, or who has received or has had access to such
unpublished price sensitive information.
A “connected person” means any person who-
(i) is a director, as defined in clause (13) of section 2 of the Companies Act,
1956 of a company, or is deemed to be a director of that company by
virtue of sub-clause (10) of section 307 of that Act, or
(ii) occupies the position as an officer or an employee of the company or
holds a position involv ing a professional or business relationship between
himself and the company whether temporary or permanent and who may
reasonably be expected to have an access to unpublished price sensitive
information in relation to that company.
A person is ‘deemed to be a connected person’ if such person-
(i) is a company under the same management or group or any subsidiary
company thereof within the meaning of section (1B) of section 370, or
sub- section (11) of section 372, of the Companies Act, 1956 or sub-
clause (g) of section 2 of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade
Practices Act, 1969 as the case may be; or
(ii) is an intermediary as specified in section 12 of SEBI Act, 1992,
Investment company, Trustee Company, Asset Management Company
or an employee or director thereof or an official of a stock exchange or
of clearing house or corporation;
(iii) is a merchant banker, share transfer agent, registrar to an issue,
debenture trustee, broker, portfolio manager, Investment Advisor,
sub- broker, Investment Company or an employee thereof, or, is a
member of the Board of Trustees of a mutual fund or a member of the
Board of Directors of the Asset Management Company of a mutual
fund or is an employee thereof who have a fiduciary relationship with
the company;
(iv) is a member of the Board of Directors, or an employee, of a public
financial institution as defined in Section 4A of the Companies Act,
(v) is an official or an employee of a self regulatory organisation
recognised or authorised by the Board of a regulatory body;
(vi) is a relative of any of the aforementioned persons;
(vii) is a banker of the company.
(viii) Relatives of the connected person; or
(ix) is a concern, firm, trust, Hindu Undivided Family, company or
association of persons wherein any of the connected persons
mentioned in sub- clause (i) of clause (c) of this regulation or any of
the persons mentioned in sub- clauses (vi), (vii) or (viii) of this clause
have more than 10% of the holding or interest
“Price sensitive information" means any information which relates directly
or indirectly to a company and which if published is likely to materially affect
the price of securities of that company.
The following shall be deemed to be price sensitive information: -
(i) periodical financial results of the company;
(ii) intended declaration of dividends (both interim and final);
(iii) issue of securities or buy -back of securities;
(iv) any major expansion plans or execution of new projects;
(v) amalgamation, mergers or takeovers;
(vi) disposal of the whole or substantial part of the undertaking;
(vii) any significant changes in policies, plans or operations of the company.
Unpublished means information which is not published by the company or its
agents and is not specific in nature.
Speculative reports in print or electronic media shall not be considered as
published information.
Prohibition on dealing, communicating or counseling (Regulation 3)
No insider shall–
• either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person, deal in
securities of a company listed on any stock exchange when in possession
of any unpublished price sensitive information;
• communicate, counsel or procure, directly or indirectly, any unpublished
price sensitive information to any person who while in possession of such
unpublished price sensitive information shall not deal in securities;
Provided that nothing contained above shall be applicable to any
communication required in the ordinary course of business or profession
or employment or under any law.
Regulation 3A
No company shall deal in the securities of another company or associate of
that other company while in possession of any unpublished price sensitive
Violation of provisions relating to insider trading
Any insider, who deals in securities in contravention of the provisions of
regulation 3 or 3A shall be guilty of insider trading (regulation 4).
If SEBI suspects any person of having violated the provisions of insider
regulation, it may make inquiries with such person or with the stock
exchanges, mutual funds, other persons associated with the securities
market, intermediaries and self -regulatory organisation in the securities
market to form a prima facie opinion as to whether there is any violation of
insider regulations.
Where SEBI forms a prima facie opinion that it is necessary to investigate and
inspect the books of accounts, either documents and records of an insider or
the stock exchanges, mutual funds, other persons associated with the
securities market, intermediaries and self- regulatory organisation in the
securities market, it may appoint an inv estigating authority for the following
SEBI after considering the report shall communicate its findings to the
suspected person and seek a reply from such person. Such suspected person
shall reply to the findings within 21 days to SEBI. After receipt of such reply,
SEBI may take such measures to safeguard and protect the interest of
investors, securities market and for due compliance with the insider trading
SEBI also has powers to appoint an auditor to investigate into the books of
accounts or the affairs of the insider or the stock exchanges, mutual funds,
other persons associated with the securities market, intermediaries and self -
regulatory organisation in the securities market.
To protect the interest of investor and securities market and for due
compliance of the inside r trading regulations, SEBI may issue order as per
Regulation 11 in accordance with SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 1992 , or initiate criminal prosecution under Section 24 or any
action under Chapter VIA of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,
Continual Disclosure
(3) Any person who holds more than 5% shares or voting rights in any listed
company shall disclose to the company in Form C the number of shares or
voting rights held and change in shareholding or voting rights, even if such
change results in shareholding falling below 5%, if there has been change in
such holdings from the last disclosure made under sub-regulation (1) or
under this sub-regulation; and such change exceeds 2% of total shareholding
or voting rights in the company.
(4) Any person who is a director or officer of a listed company, shall disclose
to the company in Form D, the total number of shares or voting rights held
and change in shareholding or voting rights, if there has been a change in
such holdings from the last disclosure made under sub-regulation (2) or
under this sub-regulation, and the change exceeds Rupees 5 lakh in value
or 25000 shares or 1% of total shareholding or voting rights, whichever is
(5) The disclosure mentioned in sub-regulations (3) and (4) shall be made
within 4 working days of :
(a) the receipt of intimation of allotment of shares, or
(b) the acquisition or sale of shares or voting rights, as the case may be.
Disclosure by company to stock exchanges
(6) Every listed company, within five days of receipt, shall disclose to all stock
exchanges on which the company is listed, the information received under
sub- regulations (1), (2),(3) and (4) of Regulation 13.
Code of Ethics
SEBI has advised stock exchanges to adopt the Code of Ethics for their
directories and functionaries with effect from 31 May 2001. This is aimed at
improving the professional and ethical standards in the functioning of
exchanges thereby creating better investors confidence in the integrity of the
The SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices relating to the
Securities Market) Regulations, 2003 enable SEBI to investigate into cases of
market manipulation and fraudulent and unfair trade practices. The
regulations specifically prohibit market manipulation, misleading statements
to induce sale or purchase of securities, unfair trade practices relating to
securities. SEBI can conduct investigation, suo moto or upon information
received by it, by an investigating officer in respect of conduct and affairs of
any person dealing, buying/selling/dealing in securities. Based on the report
of the investigating officer, SEBI can initiate action for suspension or
cancellation of registration of an intermediary.
The term “ fraud ” has been defined by Regulation 2(1)(c). Fraud includes any
act, expression, omission or concealment committed whether in a deceitful
manner or not by a person or by any other person or his agent while dealing
in securities in order to induce another person with his connivance or his
agent to deal in securities, whether or not there is any wrongful gain or
avoidance of any loss, and shall also include -
Nothing contained in this clause shall apply to any general comments made in
good faith in regard to –
(b) use or employ, in connection with issue, purchase or sale of any security
listed or proposed to be listed in a recognised stock exchange, any
manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in contravention of the
provisions of the Act or the rules or the regulations made thereunder.
(c) employ any device, scheme or artifice to degraud in connection with
dealing in or issue of securities which are listed or proposed to be listed on a
recognised stock exchange;
(d) engage in any act, practice, course of business which operates or would
operate as fraud or deceit upon any person in connection with any dealing in
or issue of securities which are listed or proposed to be listed on a recognised
stock exchange in contravention of the act, rules and regulations. (Regulation
(x) an intermediary providing his clients with such information relating to a
security as cannot be verified by the clients before their dealing in such
(xi) an advertisement that is misleading or that contains information in a
distorted manner and which may influence the decision of the investors.
(xii) an intermediary reporting trading transactions to his clients entered into
on their behalf in an inflated manner in order to increase his commission and
(xiii) an intermediary not disclosing to his client transactions entered into on
his behalf including taking an option position.
(xiv) circular transactions in respect of a security entered into between
intermediaries in order to increase commission to provide a false appearance
of trading in such security or to inflate, depress or cause fluctuations in the
price of such security.
(xv) encouraging the clients by an intermediary to deal in securities solely
with the object of enhancing his brokerage or commission.
(xvi) an intermediary predating or otherwise falsifying records such as
contract notes.
(xvii) an intermediary buying or selling securities in advance of a substantial
client order or whereby a futures or option position is taken about an
impending transaction in the same or related futures or options contract.
(xviii) planting false or misleading news which may induce sale or purchase of
Any person, through a participant, may enter into an agreement, in such form
as may be specified by the bye-laws, with any depository for availing its
Surrender of c ertificate of security
Any person who has entered into an agreement with a depository shall
surrender the certificate of security, for which he seeks to avail the services of
a depository, to the issuer in such manner as may be specified by the
regulations. The issuer, on receipt of certificate of security, shall cancel the
certificate of security and substitute in its records the name of the depository
as a registered owner in respect of that security and inform the depository
accordingly. A depository shall, on receipt of information enter the name of
the person in its records, as the beneficial owner.
Registration of transfer of securities with depository
Every depository shall, on receipt of intimation from a participant, register the
transfer of security in the name of the transferee. If a beneficial owner or a
transferee of any security seeks to have custody of such security, the
depository shall inform the issuer accordingly.
Options to receive security certificate or hold securities with
Every person subscribing to securities offered by an issuer shall have the
option either to receive the security certificates or hold securities with a
depository. Where a person opts to hold a security with a depository, the
issuer shall intimate such depository the details of allotment of the security,
and on receipt of such information the depository shall enter in its records the
name of the allottee as the beneficial owner of that security.
Securities in depositories to be in fungible form
All securities held by a depository shall be dematerialised and shall be in a
fungible form.
Rights of depositories and beneficial owner
A depository shall be deemed to be the registered owner for the purposes of
effecting transfer of ownership of security on behalf of a beneficial owner. The
depository as a registered owner shall not have any voting rights or any other
rights in respect of securities held by it. The beneficial owner shall be entitled
to all the rights and benefits and be subjected to all the liabilities in respect of
his securities held by a depository.
Pledge or hypothecation of securities held in a depository
A beneficial owner may with the previous approval of the depository create a
pledge or hypothecation in respect of a security owned by him through a
depository. Every beneficial owner shall give intimation of such pledge or
hypothecation to the depository and such depository shall thereupon make
entries in its records accordingly. Any entry in the records of a depository
under Section 12 (2) shall be evidence of a pledge or hypothecation.
Furnishing of information and records by depository and issuer
Every depository shall furnish to the issuer information about the transfer of
securities in the name of beneficial owners at such intervals and in such
manner as may be specified by the bye-laws. Every issuer shall make
available to the depository copies of the relevant records in respect of
securities held by such depository.
Option to opt out in respect of any security
If a beneficial owner seeks to opt out of a depository in respect of any
security he shall inform the depository accordingly. The depository shall on
receipt of intimation make appropriate entries in its records and shall inform
the issuer. Every issuer shall, within thirty days of the receipt of intimation
from the depository and on fulfillment of such conditions and on payment of
such fees as may be specified by the regulations, issue the certificate of
securities to the beneficial owner or the transferee, as the case may be.
Depository to indemnify loss in certain cases
Any loss caused to the beneficial owner due to the negligence of the
depository or the participant, the depository shall indemnify such beneficial
owner. Where the loss due to the negligence of the participant is indemnified
by the depository, the depository shall have the right to recover the same
from such participant.
Securities not liable to stamp duty
As per Section 8-A of Indian Stamp Act, 1899:
a) an issuer, by the issue of securities to one or more depositories shall, in
respect of such issue, be chargeable with duty on the total amount of security
issued by it and such securities need not be stamped;
b) where an issuer issues certificate of security under sub- section (3) of
Section 14 of the Depositories Act, 1996, on such certificate duty shall be
payable as is payable on the issue of duplicate certificate under the Indian
Stamp Act, 1899;
c) transfer of registered ownership of securities from a person to a depository
or from a depository to a beneficial owner shall not be liable to any stamp
d) transfer of beneficial ownership of shares, such securities dealt with by a
depository shall not be liable to duty under Article 62 of Schedule I of the
Indian Stamp Act, 1899;
e) transfer of beneficial ownership of units, such units being units of mutual
fund including units of the Unit Trust of India, dealt with by a depository shall
not be liable to duty under Article 62 of Schedule I of the Indian Stamp Act,
According to section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, a contract is an
agreement enforceable by law. Therefore, there has to be an agreement to
create a contract and secondly, it has to satisfy certain requirements
mentioned in section 10 of the Act, i.e., the agreement has to be between
parties competent to contract, with their free consent, for a lawful object and
with lawful consideration, and it should not have been expressly declared as
void agreement.
Standard Form Contracts
With an enormous increase in commercial transactions, the concept of
Standard Form Contracts has come into existence. Various business
organisations like insurance companies, airways, securities market regulator,
other businessman etc. generally get the terms of the contract printed on a
standard form and the other side is simply required to agree to the same, or
sometimes to sign in token of his having agreed to the terms of the contract
so drafted. A standard form contract is a pre -established record of legal terms
regularly used by a business entity or firm in transactions with customers.
The record specifies the legal terms governing the relationship between the
firm and another party. The firm requires the other party to accept the
record without amendment and without expecting the other party to know or
understand its terms. A Standard Form Contract is effective upon acceptance.
Agency contract
An agent is a person employed to do any act for another or to represent
another in dealings with third persons, as per section 182 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872. The person for whom such act is done, or who is so
represented, is called the Principal. Principal is bound by the acts done by an
agent or the contracts entered into by him on behalf of the principal in the
same manner, as if the acts had been done or the contracts had been entered
into by the principal himself, in person.
An agent has a dual capacity: one, he serves as a connecting link between his
principal and the third person, and second, he can have a contract ual
relationship with his principal.
An agent, having an authority to do an act, has authority to do every lawful
thing which is necessary in order to do such act. An agent having authority to
carry on a business, has authority to do every lawful thing necessary for the
purpose, or usually done in the course, of conducting such business.
Sub- agent
A sub- agent is a person employed by, and acting under the control of, the
original agent in the business of the agency. Though the general rule is
against delegat ion of authority by an agent or the appointment of a sub-
agent, there could be such an appointment in exceptional situations
recognised by law. Thus, when any act does not need personal performance
by the agent himself, or the principal agrees to the appointment of a sub-
agent, or the ordinary custom of trade permits the same, or the nature of the
business of agency so warrants, nature of the agency so warrants, a sub-
agent may be validly appointed by an agent.
When a sub- agent has been properly appointed the position of various parties
is as under:
(i) The principal is, so far as regards third persons, represented by the
sub- agent, and is bound by and responsible for his acts, as if he were
an agent originally appointed by the principal.
(ii) The agent is responsible to the principal for the acts of the sub- agent.
(iii) The sub-agent is responsible for his acts to the agent, but not to the
principal except in case of fraud or willful wrong.
(vii) the buy- back of un- listed securities is in accordance with guidelines
prescribed by Central Government.
Every buy -back shall be completed within twelve months from the date of
passing the special resolution or a resolution passed by the Board.
Share Capital
According to section 86, the share capital of a company limited by shares
formed after the commencement of this Act, or issued after such
commencement, shall be of two kinds only, namely:
a) equity share capital with voting rights; or with differential rights as to
dividend, voting or otherwise, and
b) preference share capital.
As per section 85, pre ference share capital means, with reference to any
company limited by shares, whether formed before or after the
commencement of this Act, that part of the share capital of the company
which fulfils both the following requirements, namely:
a) that as respects dividends, it carries or will carry a preferential right to be
paid a fixed amount or an amount calculated at a fixed rate, which may be
either free of or subject to income tax, and
b) that as respects capital, it carries or will carry, on a winding-up or
repayment of capital, a preferential right to be repaid the amount of the
capital paid-up or deemed to have been paid- up, whether or not there is a
preferential right to the payment of either or both of the following amounts,
(i) any money rema ining unpaid, in respect of the amounts specified in clause
(a), up to the date of the winding-up or repayment of capital, and
(ii) any fixed premium or premium on any fixed scale, specified in the
memorandum or articles of the company.
Equity share capital means with reference to any such company, all share
capital which is not preference share capital.
Every public listed company, making initial public offer of any security for a
sum of rupees of ten crores or more, shall issue the same only in
dematerialized form by complying with the requisite provisions of the
Depositories Act, 1996 and the regulations made thereunder.
No allotment shall be made of any shares in or debentures of a company in
pursuance of a prospectus issued generally, and no proceedings shall be
taken on applications made in pursuance of a prospectus so issued, until the
beginning of the fifth day after that on which the prospectus is first so issued
or such later time, if any, as may be specified in the prospectus (section 72).
Every company intending to offer shares or debentures to the public for
subscription by the issue of a prospectus shall, before such issue, make an
application to one or more recognised stock exchanges for permission for the
shares or debentures intending to be so offered to be dealt with in the stock
exchange or each such stock exchange (section 73).
Transfer of shares (Section 108)
A company shall register a transfer of shares in, or debentures of, the
company, if a proper instrument of transfer duly stamped and executed by or
on behalf of the transferor and by or on behalf of the transferee and
specifying the name, address and occupation, if any, of the transferee, has
been delivered to the company along with the certificate relating to the
shares or debentures, or if no such certificate is in existence, along with the
letter of allotment of the shares or debentures.
Section 108, however, does not apply to transfer of securities affected by the
transferor and the transferee both of whom are entered as beneficial owners
in the records of a depository.
As per section 111A, the shares or debentures and any interest therein of a
public limited company are freely transferable.
Annual Return (Sections 159 & 160)
Every Company shall within sixty days from the day on which the Annual
General Meeting is held, prepare and file Annual Return with Registrar of
Annual General Meeting (Section 166)
Every company shall in each year hold in addition to any other meetings a
general meeting as its annual general meeting and shall specify the meeting
as such in the notices calling it. Every AGM shall be called for a time during
business hours, on a day that is not a public holiday, and shall be held either
at the registered office of the company or at some other place within the city,
town or village in which the registered office of the company is situated. The
annual general meeting should be held on the earliest of the three relevant
dates as prescribed under section 166 together with section 210:
a) 15 months from the previous annual general meeting;
b) last day of the calendar year.
c) 6 months from the close of the financial year,
A general meeting of a company may be called by giving at least twenty-one
days’ notice in writing.
Dividend (Section 205)
Dividend shall be declared or paid by a company for any financial year
(a) out of the profits of the company for that year arrived at after providing
for depreciation in accordance with the provisions of section 205 (2) of
the Act, or
(b) out of the profits of the company for any previous financial year or years
arrived at after providing for depreciation in accordance with those
provisions and remaining undistributed, or
(c) out of both (a and b above), or
(d) out of moneys provided by the Central Government or a State
Government for the payment of dividend in pursuance of a guarantee
given by that Government.
The amount of dividend shall be deposited in a separate bank account within
five days from the date of declaration of dividend. The dividend shall be paid
within thirty days from the date of its declaration. (section 205A)
Investor Education and Protection Fund (Section 205C)
The Central Government notified the establishment of a Fund called the
Investor Education and Protection Fund. The fund shall be credited with:
a) amounts in the unpaid dividend accounts of companies,
b) application moneys received by companies for allotment of any
securities and due for refund,
c) matured deposits with companies,
d) matured debentures with companies,
e) the interest accrued on the amounts referred to above (a to d),
f) grants and donations given to the Fund by the Central Government,
State Governments, companies or any other institutions for the
purposes of the Fund; and
g) the interest or other income received out of the investments made
from the Fund: Provided that no such amounts referred to in clauses
(a) to (d) shall form part of the Fund unless such amounts have
remained unclaimed and unpaid for a period of seven years from the
date they became due for payment.
The Investor Educatio n and Protection Fund shall be utilised for promotion of
awareness amongst the investors and for the protection of the interests of
investors in accordance with such rules as may be prescribed.
May, 1987, by way of advance or loan to a shareholder, being a person
who is the beneficial owner of shares (not being shares entitled to a
fixed rate of dividend whether with or without a right to participate in
profits) holding not less than ten per cent of the voting power, or to any
concern in which such shareholder is a member or a partner and in
which he has a substantial interest (hereafter in this clause referred to
as the said concern) or any payment by any such company on behalf, or
for the individual benefit, of any such shareholder, to the extent to
which the company in either case possesses accumulated profits;
but ‘dividend’ does not include-
(a) a distribution made in accordance with sub-clause (c) or sub-clause (d)
in respect of any share issued for full cash consideration, where the
holder of the shares is not entitled in the event of liquidation to
participate in the surplus assets;
(b) a distribution made in accordance with sub-clause (c) or sub-clause (d)
in so far as such distribution is attributable to the capitalised profits of
the company representing bonus shares allotted to its equity
shareholders after the 31st day of March, 1964 (and before the 1 st day of
April, 1965);
(c) any advance or loan made to a shareholder (or the said concern) by a
company in the ordinary course of its business, where the lending of
money is a substantial part of the business of the company;
(d) any dividend paid by a company which is set off by the company against
the whole or any part of any sum previously paid by it and treated as a
dividend within the meaning of sub-clause (e), to the extent to which it
is so set off;
(e) any payment made by a company on purchase of its own shares from a
shareholder in accordance with the provisions of section 77A of the
Companies Act, 1956.
(f) any distribution of shares pursuant to a demerger by the resulting
company to the shareholders of the demerged company (whether or not
there is a reduction of capital in the demerged company).
Dividend income (Section 8): For the purposes of inclusion in the total
income of an assessee-
(a) any dividend declared by a company or distributed or paid by it within
the meaning of sub-clause (a) or sub-clause (b) or sub- clause (c) or
sub- clause (d) or sub-clause (e) of clause (22) of Section 2,shall be
deemed to be the income of the previous year in which it is so declared,
distributed or paid, as the case may be;
(b) any interim dividend shall be deemed to be the income of the previous
year, in which the amount of such dividend is unconditionally made
available by the company to the member who is entitled to it.
Interest on securities (Clause 28B of Section 2) means-
(i) interest on any security of the Central Government or a State
(ii) interest on debentures or other securities for money issued by or on
behalf of a local authority or a company or a corporation established by a
Central, State or provincial Act.
Capital asset
(i) Long term capital asset means a capital asset which is not a short term
capital asset, as per Clause 29A of Section 2.
(ii) Short term capital asset means a capital asset held by an assessee for
not more than thirty-six months* immediately preceding the date of its
transfer, (Clause 42A of Section 2)* twelve months in the case of a
share held in a company or any other security listed in a recognised
stock exchange in India or a unit of the Unit Trust of India established
under the Unit Trust of India Act, 1963 or a unit of a Mutual Fund
specified under clause (23D) of section 10 or a zero coupon bond.
gains 45)
Any profits or gains arising from the transfer of a capital asset effected in the
previous year shall, save as otherwise provided in sections (54, 54B, 54D,
54E, 54EA, 54EB, 54F, 54G and 54H), be chargeable to income -tax under the
head “Capital gains”, and shall be deemed to be the income of the previous
year in which the transfer took place.
Where any person has had at any time during previous year any beneficial
interest in any securities, then any profits or gains arising from transfer made
by the depository or participant of such beneficial interest in respect of
securities shall be chargeable to income -tax as the income of the beneficial
owner of the previous year in which such transfer took pla ce and shall not be
regarded as income of the depository who is deemed to be registered owner
of securities by virtue of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Depositories Act,
1996, and for the purposes of section 48 and proviso to clause ( 42A) of
section 2, the cost of acquisition and the period of holding of any securities
shall be determined on the basis of the first -in-first-out method.
Types of capital gains
1. Long term capital gain means capital gain arising from the transfer of a
long term capital asset, as per Clause 29B of Section 2.
2. Short term capital gain means capital gain arising from the transfer of a
short term capital asset, as per Clause 42B of Section 2.
PAN compulsory for Securities transaction
The Income -tax (Eighth Amendment) Rules, 2002 made it mandatory for a
person to quote permanent account numbers (PAN), issued by the income tax
department, for securities transactions of over Rs. 1 lakh.
Tax on long-term capital gains (Section 112)
Where the total income of an assessee includes any income, arising from the
transfer of along- term capital asset, which is chargeable under the head
‘Capital gains’, the tax payable by the assessee on the total income shall be
the aggregate of,-
(a) in the case of an individual or a Hindu undivided family, being a resident,-
i. the amount of income - tax payable on the total income as reduced by
the amount of such long- term capital gains, had the total income as so
reduced been his total income; and
ii. the amount of income -tax calculated on such long-term capital gains
at the rate of twenty per cent:
(b) in the case of a domestic company,-
i. the amount of income - tax payable on the total income as reduced by
the amount of such long- term capital gains, had the total income as so
reduced been its total income; and
ii. the amo unt of income -tax calculated on such long-term capital gains
at the rate of [twenty] per cent:
(c) in the case of a non-resident (not being a company) or a foreign
i. the amount of income -tax payable on the total income as reduced by
the amount of such long-term capital gains , had the total income as
so reduced been its total income; and
ii. the amount of income -tax calculated on such long- term capital gains at
the rate of twenty percent;]
(d) in any other case of a resident,-
i. the amount of income - tax payable on the total income as reduced by
the amount of long-term capital gains, had the total income as so
reduced been its total income; and
ii. the amount of income -tax calculated on such long-term capital gains at
the rate of twenty per cent
Where the gross total income of an assessee includes any income arising from
the transfer of along term capital asset, the gross total income shall be
reduced by the amount of such income and the deduction under Chapter VI-A
shall be allowed as if the gross total income as so reduced were the gross
total income of the assessee.
Where the total income of an assessee includes any income arising from the
transfer of a long-term capital asset, the total income shall be reduced by the
amount of such income and the rebate under section 88 shall be allowed from
the income -Tax on the total income as so reduced.
The Money Laundering Act, 2002 was enacted to prevent money laundering
and to provide for confiscation of property derived from, or involved in,
money-laundering and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
(2) “proceeds of crime” means any property or assets of every description,
whether corporeal or incorporeal, movable or immovable, tangible or
intangible and includes deeds and instruments evidencing title to, or
interest in, such property or assets, wherever located;
The term Money Laundering has been defined in Section 3 of the Act as
Whosoever directly or indirectly attempts to indulge or knowingly assists or
knowingly is a party or is actually involved in any process or activity
connected with the proceeds of crime and projecting it as untainted property
shall be guilty of offence of money- laundering.
(a) maintain a record of all transactions, the nature and value of which
may be prescribed, whether such transactions comprise of a single
transaction or a series of transactions integrally connected to each
other, and where such series of transactions take place within a
(b) furnish information of transactions referred to in clause (a) to the
Director within such time and as may be prescribed;
(c) verify and maintain the records of the identity of all its clients, in such
manner as may be prescribed:
(2) The records referred to in sub-section (1) shall be maintained for a period
of ten years from the date of cessation of the transactions between the clients
and the banking company or financial instit ution or intermediary, as the case
may be."
The Financial Intelligence Unit India (FIU- IND) has been set up as a multi-
disciplinary unit for establishing links between suspicious or unusual financial
transactions and underlying criminal activities. It coordinates and support
efforts of national and international intelligence, investigation and
enforcement agencies in pursuing the global efforts against money laundering
and related crimes. The FIU-IND is the central nodal agency responsible for
receiving, processing, analyzing and disseminating information relating to
suspect financial transactions to these agencies who shall protect the
information against misuse.
The following are classes of authorities for the purposes of the Act, namely:
(a) Director or Additional Director or Joint Director,
(b) Deputy Director,
(c) Assistant Director, and
(d) Such other class of officers as may be appointed for the purposes of
this Act.
Model questions
3. As per the provisions of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
any person who holds more than _______shares or voting rights in any
listed company shall make such disclosure to the company.
(a) 10 %
(b) 5%
(c) 2%
(d) 3%
Ans: 5%
9. The minimum number of persons required to form a public company is
(a) two
(b) ten
(c) five
(d) seven
Ans: seven
10. Every public company, making initial public offer of any security for a sum
of rupees of __________ or more, shall issue the same only in
dematerialized form.
(a) two crores
(b) fifty crores
(c) ten crores
(d) five crores.
Ans: ten crores
The securities market has two interdependent and inseparable segments: the
primary and the secondary market.
The primary market provides the channel for sale of new securities. Primary
market provides opport unity to issuers of securities; Government as well as
corporates, to raise resources to meet their requirements of investment
and/or discharge some obligation.
The primary market issuance is done either through public issues or private
placement. A public issue does not limit any entit y in investing while in
private placement, the issuance is done to select people. In terms of the
Companies Act, 1956, an issue becomes public if it results in allotment to
more than 50 persons. This means an issue resulting in allotment to less than
50 persons is private placement. There are two major types of issuers who
issue securities. The corporate entities issue mainly debt and equity
instruments (shares, debentures, etc.), while the governments (central and
state governments) issue debt securities (dated securities, treasury bills).
The price signals, which subsume all information about the issuer and his
business including associated risk, generated in the secondary market, help
the primary market in allocation of funds.
Secondary market refers to a market where securities are traded after being
initially offered to the public in the primary market and/or listed on the Stock
Exchange. Majority of the trading is done in the secondary market. Secondary
market comprises of equity markets and the debt markets.
The secondary market enables participants who hold securities to adjust their
holdings in response to changes in their assessment of risk and return. They
also sell securities for cash to meet their liquidity needs. Once the new
securities are issued in the primary market they are traded in the stock
(secondary) market. The secondary market is operated through two
mediums, namely, the Over-the-Counter (OTC) market and the Exchange-
Traded market. OTC markets are informa l markets where trades are
negotiated. Most of the trades in the government securities are in the OTC
market. All the spot trades where securities are traded for immediate delivery
and payment take place in the OTC market. The exchanges do not provide
facility for spot trades in a strict sense. Closest to spot market is the cash
market in exchanges where settlement takes place after some time. There
are 19 exchanges (at the end of March 2008) in India and all of them follow a
systematic settlement period. All the trades taking place over a trading cycle
(day=T) are settled together after a certain time (T+2 day). Trades executed
on NSE only are cleared and settled by a clearing corporation which provides
novation and settlement guarantee. Nearly 100% of the trades in capital
market segment are settled through demat delivery. NSE also provides a
formal trading platform for trading of a wide range of debt securities including
government securities in both retail and wholesale mode. NSE also provides
trading in derivatives of equities, interest rate as well indices. In derivatives
market (F&O market segment of NSE), standardised contracts are traded for
future settlement. These futures can be on a basket of securities like an index
or an individual security. In case of options, securities are traded for
conditional future delivery. There are two types of options – a put option
permits the owner to sell a security to the writer of options at a
predetermined price while a call option permits the owner to purchase a
security from the writer of the option at a predetermined price. These options
can also be on individual stocks or basket of stocks like index. Two
exchanges, namely NSE and the Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE) provide
trading of derivatives of securities. Today the market participants have the
flexibility of choosing from a basket of products like:
• Equities
• Bonds issued by both Government and Companies
• Futures on benchmark indices as well as stocks
• Options on benchmark indices as well as stocks
• Futures on interest rate products like Notional 91- day T-Bills, 10 year
notional zero coupon bond and 6% notional 10 year bond.
The past decade in many ways has been remarkable for securities market in
India. It has grown exponentially as measured in terms of amount raised
from the market, number of stock exchanges and other intermediaries, the
number of listed stocks, market capitalisation, trading volumes and turnover
on stock exchanges, and investor population. Along with this growth, the
profiles of the investors, issuers and intermediaries have changed
significantly. The market has witnessed several institutional changes resulting
in drastic reduction in transaction costs and significant improvements in
efficiency, transparency, liquidity and safety. In a short span of time, Indian
derivatives market has got a place in list of top global exchanges.
The market capitalization has grown over the period indicating more
companies using the trading platform of the stock exchange. As of March
2008, the market capitalization of NSE was Rs. 48,581,217 million. The
market capitalization ratio is defined as market capitalization of stocks divided
by GDP. It is used as a measure of stock market size. It is of economic
significance since market is positively correlated with the ability to mobilize
capital and diversify risk.
The movement of the NIFTY50, the most widely used indicator of the market,
has been responding to changes in the government’s economic policies, the
increase in FIIs inflows, etc.
Number as on
Particulars March 31, 2008
Securities Appellate Tribunal 1
Regulators* 4
Depositories 2
Stock Exchanges with equity trading 19
Brokers 9,487
Sub-brokers 44,073
FIIs 1,319
Portfolio Managers 205
Custodians 15
Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents 76
Merchant Bankers 155
Bankers to an Issue 50
Debenture Trustees 28
Underwriters 35
Venture Capital Funds 106
Mutual Funds 40
Collective Investment Schemes 0
Source: SEBI
It is not that the users and suppliers of funds meet each other and exchange
funds for securities. It is difficult to accomplish such double coincidence of
wants. The amount of funds supplied by the supplier may not be the amount
needed by the user. Similarly, the risk, liquidity and maturity characteristics
of the securities issued by the issuer may not match preference of the
supplier. In such cases, they incur substantial search costs to find each other.
Search costs are minimised by the intermediaries who match and bring the
suppliers and users of funds together. These intermediaries may act as
agents to match the needs of users and suppliers of funds for a commission,
help suppliers and users in creation and sale of securities for a fee or buy the
securities issued by users and in turn, sell their own securities to suppliers to
book profit. It is, thus, a misnomer that securities market dis-intermediates
by establishing a direct relationship between the savers and the users of
funds. The market does not work in a vacuum; it requires services of a large
variety of intermediaries. The disintermediation in the securities market is in
fact an intermediation with a difference, it is a risk-less intermediation, where
the ultimate risks are borne by the savers and not the intermediaries. A large
variety and number of intermediaries provide intermediation services in the
Indian securities market as may be seen from Table 5.1.
and those who receive securities in exchange for funds often need the
reassurance that it is safe to do so. This reassurance is provided by the law
and by custom, often enforced by the regulator. The regulator develops fair
market practices and regulates the conduct of issuers of securities and the
intermediaries so as to protect the interests of suppliers of funds. The
regulator ensures a high standard of service from intermediaries and supply
of quality securities and non- manipulated demand for them in the market.
The past decade in many ways has been remarkable for securities market in
India. It has grown exponentially as measured in terms of amount raised
from the market, number of stock exchanges and other intermediaries, the
number of listed stocks, market capitalisation, trading volumes and turnover
on stock exchanges, and investor population. Along with this growth, the
profiles of the investors, issuers and intermediaries have changed
significantly. The market has witnessed fundamental institutional changes
resulting in drastic reduction in transaction costs and significant
improvements in efficiency, transparency and safety.
During the last decade, there have been substantial regulatory, structural,
institutional and operational changes in the securities industry. These have
been brought in with the objective of improving market efficiency, enhancing
transparency, preventing unfair trade practices and bringing the Indian
market up to the international standards. The following paragraphs list the
principal reform measures undertaken since 1992.
SEBI Act, 1992: It created the securities ma rket regulator, the SEBI, with
the main objective and responsibility for (a) protecting the interests of
investors in securities, (b) promoting the development of the securities
market, and (c) regulating the securities market. Its regulatory jurisdiction
extends over corporate in the issuance of capital and transfer of securities, in
addition to all intermediaries and persons associated with securities market.
The courts have upheld the powers of SEBI to impose monetary penalties and
to levy fees from market intermediaries.
Enactment of the SEBI Act was the first attempt towards integrated regulation
of the securities market. SEBI was given full authority and jurisdiction over
the securities market under the Act, and was given concurrent/delegated
powers for various provisions under the Companies Act and the SCRA.
DIP Guidelines: With the repeal of the Capital Issues (Control) Act, 1947 in
May 1992, Government’s control over issue of capital, pricing of the issues,
fixing of premia and rates of interest on debentures etc. ceased. Thereafter,
the market has been allowed to allocate resources among the competing
uses. In the interest of investors, SEBI issued the Disclosure and Investor
Protection (DIP) guidelines. These guidelines contain a substantial body of
requirements for issuers/intermediaries, with a broad intention to ensure that
all the concerned entities observe high standards of integrity and fair dealing.
The guidelines cast a responsibility on the lead managers to issue a due
diligence certificate, stating that they have examined the prospectus and that
it brings out all the facts and does not contain anything wrong or misleading.
Issuers are now required to comply with the guidelines and then access the
market. The companies can access the market only if they fulfill minimum
eligibility norms in terms of their track record of distributable profits and net
Technology has been harnessed to carry the trading platform to the premises
of brokers. NSE carried the trading platform further to the PCs in the
residence of investors through the internet and to hand-held devises through
WAP for convenience of mobile investors. This has made a huge difference in
terms of equal access to investors in a geographically vast country like India.
Trading Cycle: Initially, the trading cycle varied from 14 days for specified
securit ies to 30 days for others and settlement took another fortnight. The
exchanges, however, continued to have different weekly trading cycles, which
enabled shifting of positions from one exchange to another. Rolling settlement
on T+5 basis was introduced in respect of specified scrips reducing the
trading cycle to one day. It was made mandatory for all exchanges to follow a
uniform weekly trading cycle in respect of scrips not under rolling settlement.
All scrips moved to rolling settlement from December 2001. The settlement
period has been reduced progressively from T+5 to T+3 days. Currently T+2
day settlement cycle is being followed.
Depositories Act: The earlier settlement system gave rise to settlement risk.
This was due to the time taken for settlement and due to the physical
movement of paper. Further, the transfer of shares in favour of the purchaser
by the company also consumed considerable amount of time. To obviate
these problems, the Depositories Act, 1996 was passed to provide for the
establishment of depositories in securities with the objective of ensuring free
transferability of securities with speed and accuracy. This act brought in
changes by (a) making securities of public limited companies freely
transferable subject to certain exceptions; (b) dematerialising of securities in
the depository mode; In order to promote dematerialisation, the regulator has
been promoting settlement in demat form in a phased manner in an ever-
increasing number of securities.
The stamp duty on transfer of demat securities has been waived. There are
two depositories in India,viz . NSDL and CDSL. They have been set up to
provide instantaneous electronic transfer of securities. All actively traded
scrips are held, traded and settled in demat form. Demat settlement accounts
for over 99.9% of turnover settled by delivery. This has eliminated the bad
deliveries and associated problems.
Risk Management: With a view to avoid any kind of market failures, the
regulator/exchanges have developed a comprehensive risk management
system. This system is constantly monitored and upgraded. It encompasses
capital adequacy of members, adequate margin requirements, limits on
exposure and turnover, indemnity insurance, on-line position monitoring and
automatic disablement, etc. They also administer an efficient market
surveillance system to detect and prevent price manipulations. The clearing
corporation has also put in place a system which tracks online real time clie nt
level portfolio based upfront margining. Exchanges have set up
trade/settlement guarantee funds for meeting shortages arising out of non-
fulfillment/partial fulfillment of funds obligations by the members in a
settlement. As a part of the risk management system, index based market
wide circuit breakers have also been put in place.
The anonymous electronic order book ushered in by the NSE did not permit
members to assess credit risk of the counter-party necessitated some
innovation in this area. To address this concern, NSE had set up the first
clearing corporation, viz . National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd.
(NSCCL), which commenced its operations in April 1996. The NSCCL assured
the counterparty risk of each member and guaranteed financial settlement.
NSCCL established a Settlement Guarantee Fund (SGF). The SGF provides a
cushion for any residual risk and operates like a self -insurance mechanism
wherein members contribute to the Fund. In event of failure of a trading
member to meet his obligations, the fund is utilized to the extent required for
successful completion of the settlement. This has eliminated counter- party
risk of trading on the Exchange.
Investor Protection: The SEBI Act established SEBI with the primary
objective of protecting the interests of investors in securities and empowers it
to achieve this objective. SEBI specifies that critical data should be disclosed
in the specified formats regarding all the concerned market participants. The
DEA, DCA, the SEBI and the stock exchanges have set up investor grievance
cells for redressal of investor grievance. The exchanges maintain investor
protection funds to take care of investor claims. The DCA has also set up an
investor education and protection fund for the promotion of investors’
awareness and protection of interest of investors. All these agencies and
investor associations are organising investor education and awareness
programmes. In January 2003, SEBI launched a nation- wide Securities
Market Awareness Campaign that aims at educating investors about the risks
associated with the market as well as the rights and obligations of investors.
The NSE have also taken special measures for educating the investors, it
conducts seminars, workshops and comes out with advertisement both in
print and electronic media to communicate to the investors.
RBI permitted two-way fungibility for ADRs/GDRs, which meant that the
investors (foreign institutional or domestic) who hold ADRs/GDRs can cancel
them with the depository and sell the underlying shares in the market. The
company can then issue fresh ADRs to the extent of the shares cancelled.
Previously, once a company issued ADR/GDR and if the holder wanted to
obtain the underlying equity shares of the Indian Company, then, such
ADR/GDR would be converted into share s of the Indian Company. Once such
conversion took place, it was not possible to reconvert the equity shares into
ADR/GDR. The result was, every time a conversion took place, companies had
to seek Government permission to reissue the depositories.
the government securities market. In the primary market, securities are
issued through the auction system by The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) at
market related rates. They are issued across maturities to develop a yield
curve from short to long end, which is used as a benchmark. Also, the types
of bonds issued have diversified include floating rate bonds, capital index
bonds, zero coupon bonds. Further, non-competitive bids are accepted from
retail investors in order to widen investor base. The reforms in the secondary
market include setting up a system of primary dealers, who provide with two
way quotes for transactions in securities, setting up of Clearing Corporation of
India as the central cle aring agency wherein delivery versus payment (D v P)
system is used for settlement, and negotiated dealing screen for reporting of
all the trades. Further, to facilitate retail investors to invest in government
securities, RBI permitted select entities to provide custody (Constituent SGL)
accounts. Other measures include abolition of TDS on government securities
and stamp duty on transfer of demat debt securities.
RBI has also introduced an electronic order matching system in the Indian
gilts market as a part of NDS which is referred to as the NDS- OM. This
system is purely order driven, has anonymous order matching, provides
timely information both pre -trade and post trade, allows straight- through
The major reforms planned include strengthening and modernizing legislative
framework through a government securities Act and switching over to order-
driven screen based trading in government securities on the stock exchanges.
NSE has evolved a testing and certification mechanism known as the National
Stock Exchange’s Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM). It is an on- line
fully automated nation-wide testing and certification system where the entire
process from generation of question paper, invigilation, testing, assessing,
scores reporting and certifying is fully automated. It tests practical knowledge
and skills, that are required to operate in financial markets. A certificate is
awarded to those personnel who qualify the tests, which indicates that they
have a proper understanding of the market and skills to service different
constituents of the market. It offers 14 securities market related modules .
Model Questions
2. It has been made compulsory for public listed companies making IPO
of any security for __________ or more only in dematerialised form.
(a) Rs. 5 crore
(b) Rs. 1 crore
(c) Rs. 10 crore
(d) Rs. 2 crore
Ans. (c)
6.1.1 Mean
Mean is the arithmetic average of all the values in a data set. If there are 'N'
elements of data (Xi) in the data set, then the mean ( X ) is given by
X = Xi/N, where i = 1, 2, 3, …..., n
Example 1: What is the average rate of return of XYZ if the returns during
the previous three years are 10%, 15% and 20%?
Average Return = (10% + 15% + 20%)/3
= 15%
Therefore, average rate of return during previous three years of XYZ is 15%.
GM = n v(X 1 )*(X 2
)*(X 3
)*… (Xn)
where X 1, X 2, X3……. refer to the various items of the series.
Return and risk are the two key determinants of security prices or values.
This calls for an explicit and quantitative understanding of the concepts.
For example, for a security if price at the beginning of the year is Rs. 50.00;
dividend receivable at the end of the year is Rs. 2.50; and price at the end of
the year is Rs. 55.00 then, the rate of return on this security is:
greater is the risk. In other words, the more certain the return from an asset,
lesser is the variability and thereby lesser is the risk.
Types of Risks
The risk of a security can be broadly classified into two types such as
systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Standard deviation has been used as a
proxy measure for total risk.
Systematic Risk
Unsystematic risk
Unsystematic Risk refers to that portion of total risk that is unique or peculiar
to a firm or an industry, above and beyond that affecting securities markets
in general. Factors li ke consumer preferences, labour strikes, management
capability etc. cause unsystematic risk (/variability of returns) for a
company’s stock. Unlike systematic risk, the unsystematic risk can be
reduced/avoided through diversification. Total risk of a fully diversified
portfolio equals to the market risk of the portfolio as its specific risk becomes
The statistical measures of a risk of an asset are: (a) Standard Deviation and
(b) Co-efficient of variation.
6.1.4 Standard Deviation of Return
n (Ri - R)2
sR =
Variance ( s 2
) on the other hand, equals to average of squares of deviations
Example 4 : The stock returns of the company A for past five years are 10%,
20% 5%, 30% and 35%. What is the standard deviation of the returns for the
returns of the company A?
10 + 20 + 5 + 30 + 35
R= =20
(Ri - R)2
sR= i =1
[(10 - 20)]2 + [(20 - 20)]2 + [(5 - 20)]2 + [( 30 - 20)]2 + [(35 - 20)]2
(- 10)2 + (0)2 + (- 15)2 + (10)2 + (15)2
100 + 0 + 225 + 100 + 225 650
sR= =
5 5
sR= 130 =11.40
6.1.5 Co-efficient of variation
expected value, . Symbolically,
CV =
It is generally expressed as a percentage. The larger the CV, the larger the
relative risk of the asset. A disadvantage of the coefficient of variation is that
it fails to be useful when R is close to zero.
6.1.6 Covariance
Example 6 : Following are the returns of two securities X and Y for 5 years:
5 + 7 + 9 + 11 +13 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12
X= =9 Y= =8
5 5
[ (Xi - X) (Yi - Y )]
covxy = i=1
= =1 0
N -1 5- 1
6.1.8 Normal Distribution
The stock price over a period of time tends to follow a pattern, which is
similar to the Normal Distribution. The mean of the sample data and the
standard deviation of the individual data points can define the Normal
Distribution. The Normal Distribution can be represented graphically by
symmetric, bell shaped curve described by mean and standard deviation.
Example 7: A stock is at Rs.1000 on day 1. The total risk ' s ' of the stock is
3% per day. What range of prices would be observed on day 2 with 99%
At 99% probability, the value can lie anywhere between ±3 s from the mean
That is, the price can vary from 1000 – (3 * 3% * 1000) = 1000 – 90 =
Rs.910 to 1000 + (3 * 3% * 1000) = 1000 + 90 = Rs.1090
Hence, the price can vary between Rs.910 to Rs.1090 on the next day.
cov( Rx , Rm )
Var (R )
Example 8: Given return on security-X and the return on Market portfolio,
calculate beta of the security X:
1 5 11 -2 2 -4 4
2 7 12 0 3 0 9
3 - 3 -9 -10 - 18 180 324
4 11 13 4 4 16 16
5 15 18 8 9 72 81
35 45 0 0 264 434
R 5 + 7 - 3 + 11 + 15 35 11 +12 - 9 +13 + 18 45
x = = =7 Rm = = =9
5 5 5 5
The covariance between return on security-X and the return on Market
portfolio is:
N ____
[(Rxi - Rx ) (Rmi - Rm ) ]
= = = 66
cov xm N -1 5- 1
Since Beta of Security X is 0.61 (which is less than 1), we may infer that its
return is less volatile than the return on the market portfolio. If the return on
market portfolio increases/decreases by 10% then return on security X would
be expected to increase/decrease by 6.1% (0.61*10%).
6.1.10 Relationship between Return and Risk
CAPM assumes that individuals are risk averse. CAPM describes the
relationship/trade-off between risk and expected/required return. It explains
the behaviour of security prices and provides mechanism to assess the impact
of an investment in a proposed security on risks and return of investors’
overall portfolio. The CAPM provides framework for understanding the basic
risk- return trade-offs involved in various types of investment decisions. It
enables drawing certain implications about risk and the size of risk premiums
necessary to compensate for bearing risks.
Using beta (ß) as the measure of non-diversifiable risk, the CAPM is used to
define the required return on a security according to the following equation:
R s =R + bs (R m
-R )
f f
R s
= the return required on the investment
Treasury bill)
R m
= the average return on all securities (e.g., S&P 500 Stock Index)
bs = the security’s bet a (systematic) risk
It is easy to see that the required return for a given security increases with
increases in its beta.
Example 9 : Assume that a security with a beta of 1.5 is being considered for
investment at a time when the risk- free rate of return is 8 % p.a. and the
market return is expected to be 20% p.a. The expected/required return can
be calculated by substituting the given data into the CAPM equation:
R s
= 8%+ [1.50* (20%-8%)]
= 8%+ [1.50* 12%]
= 8%+ 18% = 26%
The investor should, therefore, require a 26 percent return on this
investment, a compensation for the non-diversifiable risk assumed, given the
security’s beta of 1.5. Such security is aggressive security. If the beta is 1.00,
then the security is considered as neutral and the required return would be 20
percent [8%+ [1.00*(20%-8%)]: and if the beta had been lower, say 0.80,
then the security is considered as a defensive security and the required return
would be 17.6 percent [8%+ [0.80* (20%-8%)]. Thus, CAPM reflects a
positive mathematical relationship between risk and return, since the higher
the risk (beta) higher is the required return.
For example, when a portfolio consists of two securities, its expected return
R P = w1 R1 + (1 - w1 ) R2
RP = Expected return on a portfolio
w1 = proportion of portfolio invested in security 1
(1- w1 ) = proportion of portfolio invested in security 2.
In general, expected return on a portfolio consisting of ‘n’ securities is
expressed as:
RP = w i Ri
i =1
Example 10: What is the portfolio return, if expected returns for the three
assets such as A, B, and C, are 20%, 15% and 10% respectively, assuming
that the amount of investment made in these assets are Rs. 10,000, Rs.
20,000, and Rs. 30,000 respectively.
Weight for the asset A = 10000/60000 = 1/6 = 0.1667
Weight for the asset B = 20000/60000 = 1/3 = 0.3333
Weight for the asset C = 30000/60000 = 1/2 = 0.5
Given expected returns for the three assets A, B and C, as 20%, 15% and
10% respectively, Returns on Portfolio
= (0.1667*0. 20)+(0.3333*0.15)+(0.5*0.10)
= 0.13334*100 =13.33%
Given the covariance between the returns on the individual securities, the
portfolio variance consisting of ‘n’ securities is calculated as:
n n
Var (R
)= s P
= wa wb Cov (R a , R b ) …… (6.1)
a =1 b =1
Since the covariance between two variables is the product of their standard
deviations multiplied by their co-efficient of correlation, covariance between
the returns on two securities, [ Cov(Ra , Rb ) ] may be expressed as:
Cov(Ra ,Rb ) = r ab s a s b
r ab = coefficient of correlation between Ra and Rb
sa = standard deviation of Ra
sb = standard deviation of Rb
Hence, in case co-variances are not known and correlation co-efficients are
given, the Portfolio variance ( s 2
) can be calculated with following formula:
n n
s 2
= w w r s s …… (6.1a)
p a b ab a b
a =1 b= 1
Portfolio with Two Securities:
Var (R )=
s P 2 = w1 w1 r 1 .1 s 1 s 1 + w1 w2 r 1 .2 s 1 s 2 + w2 w1 r 2 .1 s 2 s 1 + w2 w2 r 2.2 s 2 s 2 .… (6.2)
The first and the last terms can be simplified. Clearly the return on a security
is perfectly (positively) correlated with itself. Thus, r 1.1 =1, as does r 2 .2 =1.
Because r 2.1 = r 1 .2 , the second terms can be combined. The result is:
Var (RP
Portfolio Variance, )= s 2
=w 2
s2 1 + w 2
s 2 2 +2 w 1
w2 r 1 .2 s 1 s 2
r 1.2
OR substituting s1s 2 by Cov. (1, 2), we get,
Var (RP ) = s 2
=w 2
s2 1 + w 2
s 2 2 +2 w 1
w2 Cov (1, 2)
Example 11 : The standard deviation of the two securities (a, b) are 20% and
10% respectively. The two securities in the portfolio are assigned equal
weights. If their correlation coefficient is +1, 0 or –1 what is the portfolio
(i) When the correlation is +1
Portfolio Variance = 0.5 2 *0.2 2 + 0.5 2 *0.10 2 +2 *0.5 *0.5* Cov (a, b)
= 0.25*0.04 +0.25*0.01+2 *0.25 *1*0.2*0.1
= 0.0100 +0.0025 +2 *0.25 *1*0.02
= 0.0100 +0.0025 +0.0100
Portfolio Risk (Standard Deviation) = PorfolioVa
riance = 0.15
Portfolio Risk (Standard Deviation) = PorfolioVa
riance = 0.05
Liabilities Assets
Share Capital Fixed Assets
Reserves and Surplus Investments
Secured loans Current Assets, loans and Advances
Unsecured loans Miscellaneous expenditure
Current liabilities and provisions
• Share Capital: Share capital has been divided into equity capital and
preference capital. The share capital represents the contribution of
owners of the company. Equity capital does not have fixed rate of
dividend. The preference capital represents contribution of preference
shareholders and has fixed rate of dividend.
• Reserves and Surplus: The re serves and surpluses are the profits
retained in the company. The reserves can be divided into revenue
reserves and capital reserves. Revenue reserves represent
accumulated retained earnings from the profits of business operations.
Capital reserves are those gained which are not related to business
operations. The premium on issue of shares and gain on revaluation of
assets are examples of the capital reserves.
financial institutions and loans from commercial banks. The unsecured
loans are the borrowings without a specific security. They are fixed
deposits, loans and advances from promoters, inter-corporate
borrowings, and unsecured loans from the banks.
• Current Assets, Loans, and Advances: This consists of cash and other
resources which can be converted into cash during the business
operation. Current assets are held for a short- term period. The current
assets are cash, debtors, inventories, loans and advances, and pre -
paid expenses.
6.2.2 Profit and Loss Account
Example 12: Financial statement of XYZ Ltd. for the years 2005 and 2006
are compared as under:
Particulars Amount (in Rs. Lakh) Increase/Decrease
2005 2006 Amount (%)_____________
Equity Share Capital 15.00 15.00 - -
Debentures 9.00 6.00 (-) 3.00 (-) 3 3.33
Current Liabilities 10.00 10.50 (+) 0.50 (+) 5.00
Land and Building 13.00 13.00 - -
Investments 8.00 10.00 (+) 2.00 (+) 25.00
Current Assets 13.00 8.50 (-) 4.50 (-) 34.62
Example 13: Common size statement of ABC Ltd. for the years 2005 and
2006 is as under:
Particulars Amount (in Rs. Lakh) Percentage
2005 2006 2005 2006__
Equity Share Capital 15.00 15.00 44.11 47.62
Debentures 9.00 6.00 26.47 19.05
Current Liabilities 10.00 10.50 29.42 33.33
Land and Building 13.00 13.00 38.23 41.27
Investments 8.00 10.00 23.53 31.75
Current Assets 13.00 8.50 38.24 26.98
Liquidity refers to the ability of a firm to meet its financial obligations in the
short -term which is less than a year. Certain ratios which indicate the liquidity
of a firm are: (i) Current Ratio, (ii) Acid Test Ratio, (iii) Turnover Ratios. It is
based upon the relationship between current assets and current liabilities.
Current .Assets
(i) Current ratio =
Current .Liabilitie s
The current ratio measures the ability of the firm to meet its current liabilities
from the current assets. Higher the current ratio, greater the short -term
solvency (i.e. larger is the amount of rupees available per rupee of liability).
Quick . Assets
(ii) Acid- test Ratio =
Current .Liabilitie s
Quick assets are defined as current assets excluding inventories and prepaid
expenses. The acid-test ratio is a measurement of firm’s ability to convert its
current assets quickly into cash in order to meet its current liabilities.
Generally speaking 1:1 ratio is considered to be satisfactory.
(iii) Turnover Ratios:
Turnover ratios measure how quickly certain current assets are converted into
cash or how efficiently the assets are employed by a firm. The important
turnover ratios are:
-Inventory Turnover Ratio,
-Debtors Turnover Ratio,
-Average Collection Period,
-Fixed Assets Turnover and
-Total Assets Turnover
Average Collection Period =
AverageDai lyCreditSa
Average Collection Period represents the number of days’ worth credit sales
that is locke d in debtors (accounts receivable).
Fixed Assets turnover ratio measures sales per rupee of investment in fixed
assets. In other words, how efficiently fixed assets are employed. Higher ratio
is preferred. It is calculated as follows:
Fixed Assets turnover ratio =
Total Assets turnover ratio measures how efficiently all types of assets are
Total Assets turnover ratio =
The second set or the coverage ratios measure the relationship between
proceeds from the operations of the firm and the claims of outsiders.
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes
(iii) Interest Coverage ratio =
Higher the interest coverage ratio better is the firm’s ability to meet its
interest burden. The lenders use this ratio to assess debt servicing capacity of
a firm.
(iv)Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is a more comprehensive and apt to
compute debt service capacity of a firm. Financial institutions calculate the
average DSCR for the period during which the term loan for the project is
repayable. The Debt Service Coverage Ratio is defined as follows:
(III) Profitability ratios
Gross Profit
(i) Gross Profit Ratio =
Net Sales
Net Pr ofit
(ii) Net Profit Ratio =
Net Sales
Net Income
(iii) Return on Total Assets =
Average Total Assets
Net Profit
(iv)Return on Capital Employed =
Capital Employed
(Net worth includes Shareholders ’ equity capital plus reserves and surplus)
(i) Earnings Per Share (EPS): EPS measures the profit available to the equity
shareholders per share, that is, the amount that they can get on every share
held. It is calculated by dividing the profits available to the shareholders by
number of outstanding shares. The profits available to the ordinary
shareholders are arrived at by net profits after taxes and preference dividend.
Net Profit
Number of Ordinary Shares Outs tanding
Illustration :
(Rs. in Crore)
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share Capital 16.00 Fixed Assets (net) 60.00
(1,00,00,000 equity shares
of Rs.10 each)
Reserves & Surplus 22.00 Current Assets: 23.40
Secured Loans 21.00 Cash & Bank 0.20
Unsecured Loans 25.00 Debtors 11.80
Current Liabilities & Provisions 16.00 Inventories 10.60
Pre -paid expenses 0.80
Investments 16.60
Total 100 Total 100
Profit & Loss Account of ABC Co. Ltd. for the year ending on March 31, 2006:
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Opening Stock 13.00 Sales (net) 105.00
Purchases 69.00 Closing Stock 15.00
Wages and Salaries 12.00
Other Mfg. Expenses 10.00
Gross Profit 16.00
Total 120.00 Total 120.00
Administrative and Personnel Expenses 1.50 Gross Profit 16.00
Selling and Distribution Expenses 2.00
Depreciation 2.50
Interest 1.00
Net Profit 9.00
Total 16.00 Total 16.00
Income Tax 4.00 Net Profit 9.00
Equity Dividend 3.00
Debt to Equity Ratio = Debt/ Equity
= (21.00+25.00)/(16.00+22.00) = 46/38 = 1.21
For a given present value (PV) of money, future value of money (FV) after a
period ‘t’ for which compounding is done at an interest rate of ‘r’, is given by
the equation
FV = PV (1+r) t
Where ‘e’ is a mathematical function called ‘exponential’ the value of
exponential (e) = 2.7183. The compounding factor is calculated by taking
natural logarithm (log to the base of 2.7183).
Example 15 : Find the value of Rs. 70,000 deposited for a period of 5 years
at the end of the period when the interest is 12% and continuous
compounding is done.
The future value (FV) of the present sum (PV) after a period ‘t’ for which
compounding is done ‘m’ times a year at an interest rate of ‘r’, is given by the
following equation:
FV = PV (1+(r/m))^mt
Example 16 : How much a deposit of Rs. 10,000 will grow at the end of 2
years, if the nominal rate of interest is 12 % and compounding is done
+ 0.12
Future value = 10,000 * 1 = Rs. 12,667.70
An annuity is a stream of equal annual cash flows. The future value (FVA) of a
uniform cash flow (CF) made at the end of each period till the time of
maturity ‘t’ for which compounding is done at the rate ‘r’ is calculated as
t-1 t-2 1
FVA = CF*(1+r)+ CF*(1+r) + ... + CF*(1+r)
- (1 + r)t 1
= CF
- (1 + r)t 1
The term is referred as the Future Value Interest Factor for
an Annuity (FVIFA). The same can be applied in a variety of contexts. For
e.g. to know accumulated amount after a certain period,; to know how much
to save annually to reach the targeted amount, to know the interest rate etc.
(1 + 0.12)5 - 1
FVIFA = =6.353
t =5 , r=12% 0.12
Present value of (PV) of the future sum (FV) to be received after a period ‘t’
for which discounting is done at an interest rate of ‘r’, is given by the
In case of discrete discounting : PV = FV / (1+r)
Example 19: What is the present value of Rs.5,000 payable 3 years hence, if
the interest rate is 10 % p.a.
PV = 5000 / (1.10) 3 i.e. = Rs.3756.57
In case of continuous discounting : PV = FV * e- rt OR PV =
Example 20: What is the present value of Rs. 10,000 receivable after 2
years at a discount rate of 10% under continuous discounting?
Present Value = 10,000/(exp^(0.1*2)) = Rs. 8187.297
The present value of annuity is the sum of the present values of all the cash
inflows of this annuity.
Present value of an annuity (in case of discrete discounting
t t
PVA = FV [{(1+r) - 1 }/ {r * (1+r)
t t
The term [(1+r)
- 1/ r*(1+r) ] is referred as the Present Value Interest factor
for an annuity (PVIFA).
Example 21: What is the present value of Rs. 2000/- received at the end of
each year for 3 continuous years
= 2000*[1/1.10]+2000*[1/1.10]^2+2000*[1/1.10]^3
= 2000*0.9091+2000*0.8264+2000*0.7513
= 1818.181818+1652.892562+1502.629602
= Rs. 4973.704
Example 22: Assume that you have taken housing loan of Rs.10 lakh at the
interest rate of Rs.11 percent per annum. What would be you equal annual
installment for repayment period of 15 years?
Loan amount = Installment (A) *PVIFA n=15, r=11%
t t
10,00,000 = A* [(1+r) - 1/ r*(1+r) ]
10,00,000 = A* [(1.11)^15 - 1/ 0.11(1.11^15]
10,00,000 = A* 7.19087
10,00,000/7.19087 = A
A = Rs. 1,39,065.24
For the purpose of equity research, numerous data sources like annual
reports of companies, stock exchange publications, CMIE publications, RBI
Economic Statistics, financial magazines, brochures, brokerage research
publications, information from various credit rating agencies, are used apart
from on-line data sources. The prominent on-line data sources are:
Bloomberg, Reuters, Bridge Indian Quotation Systems Pvt. Ltd., Asian CERC
Information Technology Ltd., etc.
NSE provides a lot of data useful for research. It produces one CD for each
month of the operations of NSE. Each CD is identified by the name of the
starting directory in yyyymm format. The CD has following directories:
(a) Bhav Copy: Summary information about each security for each day.
(b) Index: Information about stock market indexes.
(c) Snapshots: Snapshots of the limit order book at many time points in a
day, and
(d) Trades: A database of every single trade that takes place.
The bhav copy database contains a directory structure where the date is
represented as yyyymmdd. This gives one file for each trading day. The lines
in this file have 11 fields per line, delimited by the pipe “|” character. This
provides details like Open Price, High Price, Low Price, Closing Price, Last
Traded Price, Traded Quantity, Value of shares tra ded, Number of trades and
Corporate Action flags for each security for everyday.
The Index directory contains databases connected with stock market indices.
Both end- of- day and intra -day information is available. This also provides
index movement from second to second. The intra -day files show a fresh
calculation of the market index every time a trade takes place in a given
second, so multiple records are found for the same second. Three indices are
covered: S&P CNX Nifty, CNX Midcap and S&P CNX Defty. These are found in
directories called Nifty, CNX Midcap and Defty. S&P CNX Nifty is the main
stock market index in India; it is composed of the top fifty highly liquid stocks
in India which make up roughly half of the market capitalization of India. CNX
Defty is the same as Nifty, expressed in dollar terms.
NSE is a limit order book market, also known to economists as the ‘Open
electronic limit order book market' (OELOB) or to practitioners as a market
based on ‘electronic order matching’. The order book snapshots are stored in
a directory and have names hhmmss.gz to convey the time the snapshots
were taken. These files are databases with one record per line and each
record pertains to one limit order. The files are sorted by price. The main
fields per record are Order ID number, Symbol, Series, Quantity, Price, Time
stamp, Buy/Sell, Day flags, Quantity flags, Price flags, Book type, Minimum
Fill Quantity, Quantity Disclosed.
6.4.4 Trades Database
Trades database is about every trade that take place in the exchange. This
information is kept in a distinct file. The main fields available are Trade ID
number, Symbol, Series, Timestamp, Price and Quantity traded.
Model Questions
(a) Security A
(b) Security B
(c) Both securities are equally risky
(d) Neither of the securities are risky
Ans: (a)
2. The standard deviation of two securities ‘A’ and ‘B’ are 15% and 20%,
and their correlation coefficient is 0.5. What is the portfolio risk for
both the securities, if the investments are made equally?
(a) 15.21%
(b) 15%
(c) 20%
(d) 17.5%
Ans: (a)
(a) summary information about each security for each day.
(b) information about stock market indexes.
(c) snapshots of the limit order book at many time points in a day.
(d) a database of every single trade that takes place
Ans: (c)
6. Given the covariance between the return on Security A and the return
on the Market Portfolio is 14 and beta of the Security A is 0.5, what is
the variance of the return on the market portfolio?
(a) 7
(b) 0.036
(c) 28
(d) 5.29
Ans: (c)
8. What is the present value of Rs. 1,000 payable 3 years hence if the
interest rate is 9% per annum?
Ans: (d)
NCFM Model Test Paper
Q:2 The Order / Trade window in the NEAT system allows the __________
[1 Mark ]
Q:3 With effect from April 1, 2003 the settlement cycle moved from ?
[ 2 Marks ]
Q:4. _______ allows the user to disclose only a portion of the order quantity
to the market [ 2 Marks ]
Q:5 A __________ can modify his own orders or orders of any dealer under
his branch [ 2 Marks ]
(a) A dealer.
(b) A sub-broker
(c) Branch Manager.
(d) Any authorized user.
Q:6 A trading member entering an order needs to enter the __________
[ 2 Marks ]
Q:8 In case the net outstanding position in any security is nil, the difference
between the buy and sell values is considered as notional loss for the
purpose of calculating the __________ payable? [ 2 Marks ]
Q:10 A trading member on the NSE, has a branch order value of Rs. 850 lakh
for his Mumbai branch and Rs. 500 lakh for Delhi branch. Mumbai
branch has two users 'X' and 'Y' with user order value limits of Rs. 300
lakh and Rs. 400 lakh respectively. Delhi branch has one user 'Z' with
user order value limit of Rs. 450 lakh. The member applies for a new
user at Mumbai. What is the maximum user order value that can be set
for the new user? [ 3 Marks ]
(a) Rs. 500 lakh
(b) Any amount, as there is no restriction on User Order Value
(c) Rs. 150 lakh
(d) Rs. 250 lakh
Q:11 Securities and funds pay in takes place on ______ working days after
the trade date. [ 2 Marks ]
(a) ‘T+3’
(b) ‘T+1’
(c) ‘T+2’
(d) within 24 hours of sale
Q:13 The trading membe r shall issue the contract notes and/or bills
_______. [ 1 Mark ]
Q:14 All Auction orders are entered into the _________? [ 2 Marks ]
Q:15 Price bands for the Limited Physical Market is the same as the
_________? [ 1 Mark ]
(b) Mont hly report.
(c) Daily report.
(d) None of the above.
Q:17 If a client buys shares worth Rs. 2,25,000 and sells shares worth Rs.
1,75,000 through a broker, then the maximum brokerage payable to
him is ___. [ 2 Marks ]
(a) Rs. 24,000
(b) Rs. 16,000
(c) Rs. 10,000
(d) Rs. 20,000
Q:18 A trading member may face disciplinary proceedings for not complying
with the ___________ [ 2 Marks ]
(a) True, unless his clients request for opening a bank account
(b) True
(c) True, only if his clients are not his relatives
(d) False
(a) 8.1
(b) 56
(c) 13.10
(d) 3.10
Q:23 What does 'S' indicate as an activity in the 'Activity Log' screen in the
NEAT system? [1 Mark ]
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 0
(d) 2
(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 3
Q:27 Bank Pass Book shall be preserved for a period of _____ years by the
stock broker as per the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957
[ 2 Marks ]
(a) 7
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 6
Q:28 The Depository transfers the securities from the pool accounts of
members/custodians to the ________________. [ 2 Marks ]
Q:30 For liquid securities, the VaR margin covers ________ losses. [ 2 Marks ]
Q:31 The primary market issuance is done either through public issues or
___________? [ 1 Mark ]
Q:33 ______ or an individual can become member of an exchange [ 1 Mark ]
(a) depositories
(b) clearing Banks
(c) share transfer agents
(d) custodians
(a) 500
(b) 50
(c) unlimited
(d) 100
Q:38 Incase of any shortfall in margin, the members are not permitted to
_______ with immediate effect [ 2 Marks ]
Q:39 Bank Guarantee can be submitted as a(n) ___________ to NSCCL by
trading members. [ 2 Marks ]
(a) surety.
(b) indemnity
(c) warranty
(d) additional base capital
Q:40 A trading member on the NSE, has set the branch order value unlimited
for his Chennai branch and Rs. 1000 lakh for Kolkata branch. Chennai
branch has two users 'X' and 'Y' with user order limits of Rs. 250 lakh
and Rs. 300 lakh respectively. Kolkata branch has one user 'Z' with user
order value limit of Rs. 550 lakh. The member applies for a new user at
Kolkata. What is the maximum user order value that can be set for the
new user? [ 3 Marks ]
Q:41 Rs. 100 lakh is the _____________ for a corporate member in Capital
Market and F&O segments of NSEIL? [ 2 Marks ]
Q:42 Which is the principal Act that governs the trading in securities market in India?
[ 3 Marks ]
(a) Companies Act, 1956
(b) Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
(c) SEBI Act, 1992
(d) Depositories Act, 1996
Q:43 Rahul is supposed to receive Rs. 90,000 from Chandra after 3 years. If
the interest rate is 8%, what is the present value of the amount due
from Chandra? [ 2 Marks ]
(a) 81,444.9
(b) 71,444.9
(c) 86,444.9
(d) 91,444.9
Q:44 The user is not allowed to modify any auction orders. True or false?
[2 Marks ]
(a) false
(b) true, only if they are another user’s orders.
(c) true, only if the price of the order is above Rs. 500
(d) true
Q:46 The detailed outstanding orders screen is split into First Line and
_________? [ 2 Marks ]
Q:47 What does 'SPD' indicate as a message code in 'Full Message window' in
the NEAT system? [ 1 Mark ]
(a) false
(b) true
(c) true only equity trades
(d) true only for derivatives
Q:50 The me mbers/custodians make available the required securities in their
___________with depository participants (DPs) by the prescribed pay- in
time for securities. [ 2 Marks ]
Q:52 If a client buys shares worth Rs. 1,90,000 and sells shares worth Rs.
10,000 through a stock-broker, then the maximum brokerage payable is
_______. [ 3 Marks ]
(a) User ID
(b) Terminal ID
(c) Name of the Dealer who executed the trade
(d) Settlement number
Q:56 Mr. Desai has decided to deposit Rs. 200,000 in the bank annually. If
the bank has a policy of continuous compounding and the prevailing
interest rate is 10% how much would his deposit grow upto in 2 years?
[ 2 Marks ]
(a) 466,141.11
(b) 471,507.54
(c) 485,570.70
(d) 442,859.90
Q:58 What does 'F' indicate as a status in the 'Auction Inquiry' screen in the
NEAT system? [ 1 Mark ]
Q:59 A stock- broker shall not create false market either singly or in concert
with others or indulge in any act detrimental to the investors' interest or
which leads to interference with the fair and smooth functioning of the
market. True or False. [ 2 Marks ]
(a) False
(b) Partially true
(c) True
(d) Only if he is a large stock broker
(a) ticker
(b) snap quote
(c) inquiry window
(d) All of the above