Craft Activity Report
Craft Activity Report
Craft Activity Report
Children between the ages of 6 months and 1 year are already growing children who tend to be
mobile in every means possible; they tend to crawl and sometimes try to lift themselves in a
process of walking. Children within these age range are tough people to entertain. They're not
babies anymore: they sometimes have preferences for how they want to spend their time and
their brains and bodies need stimulation. The good news is you don't need a lot of fancy toys or
games to keep them occupied. The best activities can often be thrown together with items you
have around the house. These activities keep little one busy, and help develop those growing
muscles and minds. Of course, this comes with some sort of caution, they can't play
unsupervised. (You know that already, but we have to say it.) Keep an eye out on them for
anything they can put in their mouths (because they will put everything in their mouths).
Examples of the craft activities which can help to build the children of these age range
intellectually and physically are described below:
This is a natural form of learning for children of this age and it is typically how they learn to do
anything during this stage of their development , they learn a new skill by exploring and figuring
it out on their own through trial and error allowing them to build more confidence and long term
skills .They explore new food by determining the look of the food, the smell of the food and
how it feels ,this is how they gather information and learning to like new foods and how to eat
them in no exception .
Children of this age are likely to be guided to play with their food by encouraging them to get
creative and get own to the basic sensory level of food-The taste, smell, sound and texture .This
help them work towards the main goal which is eventually to eat it prompting them to play with
their food and allowing them to squish the food on their hands and face to compare their food to
test... ‘what happens if I do this’? what happens if I do that ?can help them become more
comfortable and get over any hesitation they may have.
Using green peas to make a happy face on the table for them to explore
Sword fight- using veggie sticks for sword
Tower Building-using carrots or radish coins to make a tower building
using mashed foods like potatoes squash or hummus to make fun landscapes with mud or
13 months to 2-year-olds develop quickly both intellectually and physically, certain projects,
games and crafts can further improve their growth and development helping your child reach
milestone quicker. Examples of crafts suitable for children in this age group are explained below.
Mixing Colors in this age could be messy and irritating because it may never turn out like
planned .Creating their own colors is a wonderful mix of science and art and allows children to
learn through a meaningful way. These color mixing activities are all fun ways for children to
learn about colors as well as get a chance to be what I call a color scientist ,children begin to
learn colors and their ability to identify color is considered a milestone in their cognitive
development, although differentiating between colors could be difficult at this age but when
they attain age 2 and above they begin to differentiate which is primary color and knowing fully
the results when two different colors are mixed to make secondary color perhaps the idea gotten
from color mixing during their age 13months to 2years would serves as a guide to acquire
broader knowledge of color mixing in subsequent ages.
Young children aged 13months to 2years are still young to coordinate themselves during this
activity, teachers and parents are adviced to put them through color mixing craft activity.
How children play, learn, speak, act, and move offers important clues about their development.
Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. At this age range,
children have grown and they continue to develop certain skills such as emotional/social skills,
cognitive skills, language and communication skills among others but they can fast learn each of
these skills mainly through art works such as paper crafts, flower crafts, toy cameras, singing and
recitation among others.
This is a collection of art formed from employing paper or card as the primary artistic medium
for the creation of one ,two or three-dimensional objects . It involves drawing, design and
complex interlocking pattern making skills, paper and card stock are the most widely used
materials in arts And crafts , this activity enables children of this age develop motor skills and
their psychomotor techniques the way they uses paper in their best imagination to create things
of different kinds by folding, curving, cutting, gluing ,molding ,stitching and painting ,children
enjoy crafting with paper because it is readily available , does not cost much and no special
talents are needed . Paper craft develops cognitive ability of a child enabling them cultivate
critical thinking habit to creativity, paper crafts may also be used in therapeutic settings
providing children with a safe and uncomplicated creative outlet to express feelings, here is a list
of paper craft techniques for children of this age.
Materials needed for paper crafts: pencil, scissors, paintbrush, large pieces of craft foam, small
pieces of craft foam, paint, glue etc
Flowers made from paper crafting are beautiful , the best thing about it is that they don’t die
they serves a long lasting memories, kids will enjoy creating lovely gifts from flower craft
,paper flowers can look the real thing or be fantasy , depending on what type of paper one uses,
these craft are perfect for Mothers day, valentines day, eid festival and can serve as gift for any
Children can make a toy camera out of their own Imaginations with paper ,teachers and parents
encourages children to experiment paper craft camera from the experience of a real life camera
and decorate it in their own way to suit their taste.
Babies don’t learn by listening to a lecture or reading a textbook they learn through sensory
experiences like sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. The more a child explores food the more
they learn and can enable them identify and name various food earlier.
Babies might mess around with their food and eventually they will figure out how to get it into
their mouth some children may even begin to reject being spoon-fed in favor of picking up food
by themselves.
If a child is having a blast poking ,squishing and plopping their breakfast , chances are they will
be more likely to eat and enjoy what you are serving they will probably be willing to try new and
unexpected foods. Getting their hands in the food help them explore new texture , strong flavors
and new food combination.
Children of this age are learning colors for the first time ,this familiarize them with the kinds of
color things are made of aside using a crayon to demonstrate on a plane sheet ,teachers and
parents are advised to provide conversant things like fruits such as green apple ,banana, red apple
e.t.c to teach young people the basis of colors.
Children of this age begin to imagine how two different colors forms another color entirely ,they
begin the habit of observing things ,comparing result of their experiment ,they also use problem
solving skills and come up with ideas for what to do when mixing colors.
They begin to learn new discoveries, color recognition and naming by use of natural things in
their environment such as leaves ,fruits, animals etc, they could also learn through the use of
songs describing results of color mixture.
Paper crafts encourage children to draw, tear, glue, and paint, along with several other exercises
that promote dexterity. These activities develop children fine motor skills and strengthen their
ability to concentrate for longer periods. Paper crafts put tangible building blocks in children
hands, allowing them to focus on each step separately, and using their motor skills to make
Are we making a flower? An animal? A spaceship? Whatever the result of your child’s paper
craft, the journey began with a piece of paper and follows their imagination through to the final
product. Every decision your child makes along the way is developing their creativity and
discovering their preferences. From color choice to the types of materials they prefer to use, the
seemingly-small decisions make the biggest impact on their project’s outcome.
With a goal in mind, children can work on following a step-by-step process to complete a project
from beginning to end. Working through this with your child, while allowing them to have
creative input, you’re showing them what can be accomplished if they set their mind to it. This
lesson also illustrates how our choices—and how much we deviate from the “rules”—affects the
outcome of any situation.
Paper crafts inspire children to think critically. They have endless possibilities as they work
through their project, so this is an excellent learning opportunity to see how their choices affect
the outcome. If they do something well or make a choice that they like, they are likely to repeat
it. On the other hand, if they see that a decision didn’t have the outcome they wanted, they can
adjust to improve the next time. Critical thinking activities make your child more likely to
explore their own ideas and find new, creative ways to reach a goal.
parents and teachers should provide apron or baby bib for each child
wash their hand thoroughly before the activity
keep surface where food are placed clean and as well the environment before the activity
make sure the food is cool before the activity
wash and peel food and vegetables before presenting to babies
Teachers should ensure parents are pre-informed before the activity
wash babies hands and take off the apron after the activity.
ensure the environment where the activity is to be done is well ventilated and free of any
obstacles to hinder the activity
Ensure every child is provided with personal coloring materials
take away every sharp objects
crayon do not present an inhalation hazard and thus are much safer for children of this
age during color mixing
eating and drinking should be strictly prohibited
keeping work area clean
Beware of toxic materials
Be careful when using heat
More frequent cleaning of surface is required due to the type of craft activity involved, young
children aged 6 months to 1 year cant do this on their owm, an adult is required to often clean uo
the surface where food is placed and picked around the area where this activity is done to avoid
any form of accident and to keep the hygiene intact.
Parents should ensure the bid or apron is fixed perfectly on the child to avoid getting messy or to
ensure their cloth is not stained during the activity.
Food poisoning is common for babies therefore, their ingestions should be monitored adequately
by an adult as they cant do this themselves. Thorogh washing of vegetables and food is required
before peeling so as to help remove bacteria from the surface, wash them under a running tap and
rub them under water, use different chopping boards, knives and utensils for raw and ready to eat
foods or wash these items thoroughly in between
Young children especially the EYFS tends to be very young in carrying out craft activities on
their own ,therefore a close supervision by an adult is ultimately required to lend an helping
hands to the kids ,close observation and intervention helps prevent safety problems and ensures
appropriate use of art and craft materials. No sharp objects should be around kids during craft
activities as this might cause accident, Parents should gather everything needed for the project so
one don’t have to leave the kids unsupervised. Parents should endeavor to monitor young
children ingestion to avoid ingesting harmful substances; some arts and crafts materials damage
the skin by causing cuts, irritations, allergic reactions and burns. Scissors, hot glue gums, and
solvents can cause injuries therefore, protective clothing such as apron, bib, goggles, gloves, are
advised to be used before the action.