Herodotus and The Emergence of The Demag
Herodotus and The Emergence of The Demag
Herodotus and The Emergence of The Demag
Many scholars have argued that social resentment and division were among
the major causes of internal conflict in ancient Greece, and that civil strife was
in fact an issue of “class struggle.”1 Recently, however, a number of arguments
have been presented in opposition to this view.2
This perception of class conflict has been greatly influenced by the concept of
the power-loving demagogue, who exploits social animosities by manipula-
ting the lower classes with the aim of establishing tyranny. This concept
emerged only in the fourth century B.C. and was first put forward by Plato, who
influenced many Greek authors,3 and through them, modern scholarship.4 Re-
cently, however, scholars have expressed doubt over the historical foundation
of this concept.5
Cf. de Ste. Croix (1981); Austin/Vidal-Naquet (1984) 22-27, 114-117; Finley (1987) 1-23, 108-111.
Cf. Welwei (1975) 12f.; Nippel (1980) 120f.; Lintott (1982) 252-263; Gehrke (1985a) 309-354.
These counter-arguments should not be identified with the view that within the Greek
polis there was no social resentment or conflict; rather, they address the fact that the thesis
regarding class conflict is not historically grounded. It is necessary to bear in mind that the
separation between rich and poor presented in the sources was strongly influenced by the
personal, philosophical and political viewpoints of the authors. Cf. Gehrke (1985a) 320-325,
328-339; id. (1985b) 133-150; see also Ruschenbusch (1978) 24-54; Lintott (1982) 239-251;
Piepenbrink (2001) 37ff. Winterling argues that civil war was not a “class struggle” which
aimed at annulling social inequalities caused by economic differences, however, he does
not share Gehrke’s view that the classification of rich and poor is “an empty cliché”; see
Winterling (1993) 179-205.
Plat. Rep. 565e-566a, 566e, 568c-569c, Aristot. Pol. 1305a7-27, 1310b12ff., 1315a31ff.
Cf. Stroheker (1958) 37, 39ff., 53, 150ff.; Frolov (1973) 90f., 96ff., 106; Finley (1979) 89, 102f.;
Lintott (1982) 199f., 260f.; Austin/Vidal-Naquet (1984) 117-119; Sanders (1987) 133f.; Ber-
ger (1992) 41ff., 57f., 64; Sordi (1992) 20; O’Neil (1995) 44, 54, 73, 75, esp. 81; Demandt
(1995) 173; Zahrnt (1997) 162f.; see also Berve (1967) 216, 222-226; Deininger (1993) 58ff.;
Hofer (2000) 215.
Cf. Heuss (1971) 20; Spahn (1977) 79-83; Stahl (1987) 60-73, 105, 134f.; Stein-Hölkeskamp
(1989) 141-153; Barceló (1993) 84; de Libero (1996) 393f., 400-402; Schütrumpf/Gehrke
(1996) 487, 549; cf. also Nippel (1980) 120f.; Gehrke (1985a) 309-339; v. Wees (2002) 76f., 81. What
is most emphasized is the fact that Dionysius I, whom many scholars consider a role model for
the demagogue tyrant, did not rise to power as a champion of the poor (Aristot. Pol. 1305a26ff.,
1310b29ff.); cf. Jordović (2005) 255-262; id. (2007) 19-30; id. (2008) 136-146; contra Stroheker
If Plato’s concept of the demagogue tyrant was not historically grounded, then
debate concerning its origin must be reopened. The first aim of this paper is to
show that Herodotus laid the groundwork for Plato’s concept of the dema-
gogue tyrant.6 Herodotus’ well-known ‘Constitutional Debate’ will be a par-
ticularly useful piece of evidence in demonstrating this thesis since it is the re-
sult of Greek political thought and in it one can recognize a thought process
which contains all the essential elements of Plato’s concept of demagogue ty-
rant.7 The second aim is to identify the influences and motives that led Hero-
dotus to formulate the concept of the patron tyrant.8 In this respect the Athe-
nian political experience will be in the centre of attention.
In this fictitious debate between three Persian aristocrats over the best system
of government, democracy, oligarchy and monarchy, or tyranny, were for the
first time placed in opposition.9 Otanes, favouring democracy, expressed the
traditionally negative view of tyrannical rule.10 Darius replied that monarchy
in fact emerged from democracy. He argued that the rule of the people engen-
dered evil-mindedness (κακότης), causing the ‘bad’ to dominate and join forces
to the detriment of the commonwealth. This state of affairs continued until one
man became the leader of the people (προστάς τοῦ δήμου), bringing an end to
such evil-doing.11 The multitude paid tribute to him, ultimately electing him as
their monarch.12 Darius’ explanation implies that the said champion of the
people could not be included in the ‘bad’, since he must confront them in or-
(1958) 4; Heuss (1971) 29, 33ff.; Lintott (1982) 185f., 240, 246, 249; Gehrke (1985b) 150; Schüt-
rumpf/Gehrke (1996) 487; see also Berve (1967) 353; Ungern-Sternberg (1987) 1145f., 1151.
This paper does not question the fact that Plato was influenced by other authors such as
Aristophanes and Thucydides, as well as political figures like Pericles, Cleon and Alcibia-
des. However, such influences have already been thoroughly discussed, and therefore this
paper purposely focuses on Herodotus. Herodotus’ influence on Plato has been under-
emphasized, and thus a further aim is to highlight this influence.
Hdt. 3.80-82; cf. Bringmann (1976) 266-279; Bleicken (1979) 152f., 156; Alonso-Núñez (1998)
25-29; Mann (2007) 195f.; Maricki-Gadjanski (2004) 75ff.; Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 472f.
For the sake of clarity I shall use two termini technici: “demagogue tyrant” and “patron
tyrant”. The first term describes an unscrupulous demagogue who, out of utterly selfish
motives, incites the people against the elite by manipulating social animosities. It is thus that
he manages to become a tyrant, ultimately turning his back on the demos. The second term
implies a προστάτης τοῦ δήμου who also craves autocratic power, however, he protects
the people from the abuse of the ‘bad’ and powerful. As a result, he succeeds in seizing
absolute power, but even then, he keeps the well-being of the people in his mind. There-
fore, he is a tyrant who strongly resembles a good monarch.
Cf. Bleicken (1979) 151; Meier (31995) 489f. Herodotus predominantly used the terms τύραννος,
βασιλεύς and δεσπότης as synonyms (Berve [1967] 195, 627; Flory [1987] 120; Hartog [1988] 334).
Hdt. 3.80,2-6.
Cf. Zoepffel (1974) 76.
Hdt. 3.82,4-5.
Herodotus and the Emergence of the Demagogue Tyrant Concept 3
der to protect the demos.13 His rise to power is the outcome of his attempt to
achieve the good for all. Darius therefore does not contradict himself when he
states that an autocrat provides the best for his people and that monarchy had
in fact brought freedom to the Persians.14
In both goal and method, Plato’s “demagogue tyrant” is very similar to the
concept of the “patron tyrant” put forward by Darius in Herodotus’ account.
However, there is a significant difference between the two in terms of their
treatment of and motive towards the people. According to Plato, a dema-
gogue, or leader of the people, is the most immoral individual in the polis.
Based on purely selfish motives, he incites the demos against the elite, only to turn
his back on the former once he attains power, terminating the unrestricted free-
dom that had previously prevailed.15 Plato, it seems, has taken Herodotus’ line
of argumentation regarding a beneficent ruler and turned it around, thus trans-
forming the concept of the patron tyrant into that of the demagogue tyrant.
The question then arises regarding the origin of Herodotus’ concept of the
patron tyrant.16 Given the setting in which he placed his dialogue, it seems
reasonable to search for an answer in his logoi of the Asiatic despots. Among
those logoi, the one concerning Deioces is the most instructive, since the means
by which he became king of the Medes bears a strong resemblance to the con-
cept of the patron tyrant outlined in the ‘Constitutional Debate’.17 The logos of
Deioces is not merely an anecdote concerning the foundation of the Median
monarchy. In fact, along with the account of Peisistratus’ rise to power and
tyranny, it provides the most detailed description of the emergence of a par-
ticular system of government in Herodotus.18 This logos, like the ‘Constitutio-
nal Debate’, is distinguished by abstractness, rationality and the absence of
both divine and novelistic elements.19
Cf. Leppin (1999) 29.
Hdt. 3.82,2, 5.
Plat. Rep. 564a, 569b-c.
One option is the case of Pittacus, one of the seven sages, whom Aristotle took as a crown
example for his concept of the aisymnetes tyrant, elected by the people in order to fight the
emigrants (Aristot. Pol. 1284a35-1285b2); cf. Schütrumpf (1991) 542f., contra Libero (1996)
325-327; Hölkeskamp (1999) 219-223. Herodotus mentions Pittacus, but only briefly; he
does not mention his tyranny (Hdt. 1.27).
Hdt. 1.95,2-101; cf. Stroheker (1953) 386; Gammie (1986) 178; Sancisi-Weerdenburg (2000) 1-5.
Cf. Waters (1985) 131; Georges (1994) 176-181; Walter (2004) 78; Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 149.
See Barceló (1993) 167; Walter (2004) 79; Dewald (2003) 27.
4 Ivan Jordović
Herodotus characterizes Deioces as a wise man (ἀνὴρ σοφός), who from an ear-
ly stage secretly wanted to seize absolute power (ἐρασθεὶς τυράννιδος).20 Since
there was a great degree of lawlessness in Media at that time, Deioces endea-
voured to increase his reputation by exhibiting a love of justice. First elected as
a judge in his township, he then became famous throughout Media on account
of his just decisions. Other Medes began pleading their cases before him, until all
of Media relied on him alone for meting out justice. Deioces then announced
publicly that he no longer wished to occupy the seat of judgement, as it forced
him to neglect his personal affairs. This statement provoked a debate among
the Medes, and it was in this context that the friends of Deioces suggested he be
made king, arguing that such an action would put an end to the lawlessness in
Media. Their suggestion was widely approved by the Medes, and Deioces was
elected king.21 Once inaugurated, Deioces built Ecbatana and unified all the
Medes. He remained throughout his reign a rigorous protector of justice.22
Deioces came into power by acting for the good of all and supported by the
will of the people, remaining righteous and just even after he became the abso-
lute ruler of the Medes.23 The similarities to the concept of the patron tyrant
presented by Darius in the ‘Constitutional Debate’ are clear. The only depar-
ture from Darius’ thesis is that Deioces wanted tyrannical power for himself from
the very beginning, and that he intentionally deceived the people to achieve such
power. No special importance should be attached to this difference, however,
especially if the broader context of the Persian debate is taken into account.
Darius, elected king following the debate, also longed for absolute power at an
early stage and managed to obtain it through cunning.24 Deioces’ rise to power
was the starting point of the Median logos, employed by Herodotus as an in-
troduction to his account of the rise of Persia under Cyrus the Great,25 an
account which emphasizes the kinship between Astyages, the last king of the
Medes, and Cyrus, the first Persian monarch.26
Hdt. 1.96,1-2.
Hdt. 1.96,2-98,2.
Hdt. 1.98,3-101.
Hdt. 1.100; cf. Bichler (2000) 235.
Hdt. 3.82,1, 85; cf. Bringmann (1976) 267, 276, 278f.; Reinhardt (1989) 163; Dewald (2003) 30.
Hdt. 1.95; Dewald (2003) 28; Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 61.
Hdt. 1.108-117, 120-121.
Herodotus and the Emergence of the Demagogue Tyrant Concept 5
the concept of the patron tyrant in a Greek context as well. Plato alludes to He-
rodotus’ Lydian logos in his description of the manner in which the dema-
gogue becomes a tyrant by quoting Herodotus’ account of the oracle given to
Croesus by the Pythia in Delphi.27
There is a direct connection between Croesus’ logos and that of Deioces, indi-
cated by the place allotted by Herodotus to the latter in his Histories. Deioces’
rise to power separates the two central events of the first book: the downfall of
Croesus and the rise of Cyrus the Great. Herodotus associates Cyrus with So-
lon twice. First, directly, when Croesus’ story about his encounter with Solon
convinced Cyrus to spare the king, and second, indirectly, when Croesus
attempted to take over Solon’s role as a ‘wise counsellor’, having been unable
to prevent the Persian king, blinded by hubris, from falling victim to the self-
perpetuating dynamics of expansion.32
The parallels drawn between Solon and Deioces should dispel any remaining
doubts over whether Herodotus wanted his audience to establish a link between
the Lydian logos and his account of Deioces. Scholars have not given much
attention to this parallel, most likely because of Herodotus’ curiously ambiva-
Plat. Rep. 566c.
Cf. Pohlenz (1937) 11f.; Raaflaub (1987) 241-246.
Hdt. 1.5,3-6,1, 29-33; cf. Regenbogen (1961) 123f.; Raaflaub (1987) 241-246; Long (1987) 64f.; Erb-
se (1992) 10, 12, 29f.; Heuss (1995) 70f.; Dewald (2003) 33-35, 43; Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 66.
Cf. Erbse (1992) 14, 21; Bichler/Rollinger (2001) 86.
Hdt. 1.86,3-5.
Hdt. 1.86,3-6, 88-90,1, 207-208, 212-214, cf. Erbse (1992) 29; Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 65,
142, 212. This point is emphasized by the hubris of Cyrus the Great; cf. Flower (32008) 282.
6 Ivan Jordović
A fruitful comparison may be made between Deioces’ logos and the political
experience of the Athenians. As has already been noted, the two accounts of
Deioces and Peisistratus comprise the only thorough presentation of the emer-
gence of tyranny in Herodotus. It is clear that this is not a superficial overlap;
Herodotus notes that the Medes enjoyed freedom (ελευθερίη) and autonomy
(αὐτόνομος) before the monarchy was established, after they had been libe-
rated from Assyrian domination.42 The use here of the notions of freedom and
autonomy, central concepts of Athenian democratic ideology, cannot be dis-
carded as a coincidence.43 The links to Solon are even more apparent; Deioces
displays many central characteristics often attributed to famous Greek legis-
Cf. Raaflaub (2006) 399f.
Cf. Fornara (1971) 17ff., 36 n. 14; Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 60, 66, 97f., 141f.
Hdt. 1.29.
Cf. Chiasson (1986) 249-262; Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 98.
Sol. 33W.; Hdt. 1.32, 86,3-5; cf. Parker (1998) 155f. In dismissing the “blessing” of tyranny,
Solon establishes a causal connection between action and inevitable punishment, as in the
elegies of historical Solon.
Sol. 4, 32, 36W; Hdt. 1.30,3-4; cf. Immerwahr (31982) 531f. On Solon, see also Welwei (1992)
150-206; Raaflaub (2001) 89-99.
Sol. 4, 4b-c, 13, 23, 24W; Hdt. 1.31,2-5; cf. Scanlon (1994) 146f.
Sol. 13, 23W.; Hdt. 1.32,4-9. Solon’s negative attitude towards the wealthy is evident in his
statement that one of the advantages of the poor is that they have happiness and healthy
children (Hdt. 1.32,6).
Hdt. 1.33; Sol. 33W.
Hdt. 1.95,2.
Raaflaub (2004) 147-160, 203-247.
Herodotus and the Emergence of the Demagogue Tyrant Concept 7
Cf. Hölkeskamp (1999) 42, 48f.; see also Irwin (2005) 223ff.
This motive exists in Sisyphus’ fragment, credited to Critias, at Anonymus Iamblichi and Iso-
crates (DK 88 B25, 89,6,1ff.; Isokr. Or. 4,39); cf. Hölkeskamp (1999) 49. The same motive is also
attributed to Lycurgus (Hdt. 1.65,2, 4; Thuc. 1.18,1; Plut. Lyc. 2,5); see Hölkeskamp (1999) 49.
Hdt. 1.96,2, 97,2.
Sol. F4W.31 = F3D.31= 3.G.-Pr.31; cf. Stahl (1992) 396-398.
Cf. Raaflaub (2004) 55, 94, 252; Lewis (2006) 56f.
Sol. 4W.32; Hdt. 1.97,3; Lewis (2006) 57; Stahl (1992) 396-399; Walter (2004) 84.
Sol. 4W.32; Hdt. 1.97,3.
Hdt. 1.96,1-97,1; Sol. 4W, 13W; cf. Flory (1987) 124; Lateiner (1989) 276 n. 32; Walter (2004)
83; Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 149; Mülke (2002) 121, 251-255; Lewis (2006) 74-80; see
also Stahl (1987) 229f.
Hdt. 1.30,2, 86,3-4. Solon is directly linked to the seven sages in Herodotus as well (Hdt. 1.27).
This comparison is significant in that it illustrates that Herodotus deliberately avoided
using the term polis for Ecbatana. This is not unusual, since it was not a Greek city; how-
ever, a polis, when ruled by a tyrant, loses the characteristics which make it such an enti-
ty; see Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 149f.
Aristot. Pol. 1273b32ff., 1274b18f., 1296a18ff.; Schütrumpf (1991) 363; Hölkeskamp (1999)
42, 49f., 53.
Cf. Ruschenbusch (1958) 398-424; Mossé (2004) 242-259; Rhodes (1981) 345-347; Munn (2000) 135.
8 Ivan Jordović
Three parallels illustrate the emergence of the concept of the patron tyrant and
further emphasize the fact that Herodotus’ characterization of Deioces was
strongly influenced by Solon. Both Deioces and Solon were elected by the people
to influential positions within the community by broad public consensus, on
account of the exceptional reputation they enjoyed.56 In both cases, a smaller
group of powerful men were responsible for the tense socio-political situation,
and the majority suffered the consequences of the former’s injustice.57 Like Hero-
dotus, Solon indicated in his elegies that such a situation threatened to generate
tyranny.58 In both Herodotus’ Histories and Solon’s poems, the common people
contributed to the establishment of tyranny out of ignorance and imprudence,
and because they were discontented with the difficult state of affairs.59
It is here that the similarities end and the differences begin. The differences are
fewer but they are all the more remarkable because they paradoxically confirm
our results so far. In his elegies, Solon makes it clear that when he was chosen
as mediator he had an opportunity to get hold of tyrannical power with the
help of the people, and that the only reason why he did not was that he did
not want to harm his polis.60 He was willing to suffer being considered impru-
dent by some fellow citizens, and many of the common people were unsatisfied
with his reforms.61 The most famous instance of Solon’s moral fortitude was his
ten-year-long voluntary exile from Athens, during which time the laws he passed
would remain unchallenged.62 Herodotus was well aware of this action, best
illustrated by the fact that at the very beginning of Croesus’ logos, the only piece
of information provided about Solon is his departure from Athens.63 Deioces,
on the other hand, consciously abused his position as judge in order to win the
people’s support and seize power as tyrant.64 The difference between their ac-
tions becomes even more apparent if we take into account the fact that Deioces
accomplished his aim in almost the same way as Solon did. Whereas Solon left
Athens so that the laws would remain unchanged, Deioces withdrew from the
public life in order to become a tyrant.
Cf. Stahl (1987) 190.
The account of the rise of Deioces concerns total lawlessness. Nevertheless, it is a logical
conclusion since the connection between Deioces and the ‘Constitutional Debate’, in
which all the blame is attached to the unjust minority, was established earlier. In Solon’s
opinion, the people assume part of the blame, however the powerful minority are the
main culprits (Sol. 4, 9W).
Sol. 4, 9, 11, 32, 33, 34W; Hdt. 1.96,2-98,2, 3.82,4.
Sol. 4, 9, 11W; cf. Spahn (1977) 128; id. (1993) 361; Wallace (1997) 14.
Sol. 32, 33, 34W; cf. Cobet (1981) 51.
Sol. 7, 32, 33, 34, 36W; cf. Spahn (1977) 121f., 125, 127-130; Wallace (2007) 69ff.
Aristot. Athen. Pol. 11,1; Plut. Sol. 25,6-28.
Hdt. 1.29.
Hdt. 1.97,1-2; cf. Harris (2006) 297-299.
Herodotus and the Emergence of the Demagogue Tyrant Concept 9
Bearing in mind all the similarities and differences between Solon and Deioces
mentioned here, several conclusions seem justified. First, Herodotus’ concept of
the patron tyrant laid the foundation for Plato’s concept of the demagogue ty-
rant. Second, this concept was strongly influenced by Athenian political ex-
perience and Solon’s elegies. Third, by comparing Deioces with Solon, Herodo-
tus wished to prove that the differences between the Hellenes, or the Athenians,
and the Persians were much more significant than generally assumed, and that
they do not only boil down to differences in the system of government.65 The
‘Constitutional Debate’ and the account of Deioces make it clear that in Herodo-
tus’ opinion, the Medes, just like the Persians, enjoyed freedom of choice at one
point, but, unlike the Athenians, they chose despotism instead of freedom.66
This difference is all the more striking since Herodotus’ outline of Peisistratus’
tyranny reveals that the Athenians also faced this choice but, despite a long
struggle, they finally chose freedom and democracy. Fourth, the concept of the
patron tyrant can be applied to Herodotus’ portrayal of Peisistratus’ rise to po-
wer and his rule over Athens, despite some noticeable differences.67
Cf. Raaflaub (1981) 265.
Cf. Hunter (1982) 215f.; Immerwahr (1982) 528f.; Thomas (2000) 117; Asheri/Lloyd/Cor-
cella (2007) 67f.
First, Herodotus associates Solon with Croesus before Croesus’ death, although the connec-
tion is not historical. The encounter of Solon and Croesus thus took place at the same time as
Peisistratus’ rise to power (Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella [2007] 99). This placement was inten-
tional; Peisistratus’ rise to power is described precisely within the Lydian logos (Hdt. 1.59-64).
The prophecy which, according to Herodotus, convinced Peisistratus to attack the Athe-
nians without warning near Pallene is also significant, in that the last obstacle to Pei-
sistratus’ rise to power was removed in this way. In the prophecy, as in one of Solon’s elegies,
tyrannical power is compared to a fishing net (Hdt. 1.62,4; Sol. 33W). Apart from these cir-
cumstances, some considerable similarities exist between Herodotus’ Peisistratus and Deio-
ces. There was conflict in Attica even before Peisistratus became involved on the political
stage (Hdt. 1.59,3-4). Peisistratus became famous by capturing Nisaea in the war against
Megara, in addition to other accomplishments prior to his joining the struggle for power
(Hdt. 1.59,4; cf. Walter [2004] 87 and n. 57). Peisistratus came to power three times, each
time deceiving the Athenians; cf. Waters (1971) 21f. First, there was a fictitious assassination,
second, a religious ruse, and third, an olive branch extended to exiles of Attica, preventing
them from uniting against him (Hdt. 1.59,4-5, 60,3-5, 63,2-64,1). Peisistratus’ bodyguards also
played a prominent role. They were crucial when he carried out the first coup, and were cen-
tral to his regime after he achieved lasting power (Hdt. 1.59,5-6). Two parallels must be
highlighted. One is that Peisistratus did not repeal city government and laws, but ruled in
accordance with them, and the other is that the idea of one man holding power in Athens
had an effect contrary to the one it had in Media and Persia, in that the loss of freedom
caused Athens’ weakness (Hdt. 1.59, 64,3, 5.66,1, 78); Asheri/Lloyd/Corcella (2007) 67.
10 Ivan Jordović
Athens had not ended by the end of sixth century B.C.68 These parallels indi-
cate another possible motive for the emergence of the concept of patron tyrant.
The first Athenian democratic politician accused of aspiring to tyranny was
not Alcibiades, but Pericles, favoured by Herodotus.69 Unlike any other demo-
cratic leader either before or after his lifetime, Pericles dominated the political
life of his city. Due to his exceptional influence, Pericles’ opponents accused him
of seeking tyrannical power through the support of the people, and compared
him to Peisistratus.70 Herodotus himself made similar allusions.71 Therefore, it is
conceivable that the concept of the patron tyrant was also influenced by Pe-
ricles’ outstanding position in Athens.72 This implies that another purpose of the
patron tyrant concept was to illustrate that something similar could not occur
within the setting of Athenian democracy of the fifth century, but only in sixth
century B.C. In addition, Herodotus indicated that the Athenians, unlike the
Medes and the Persians, ultimately chose freedom and democracy, since auto-
cratic rule was not typical of them. As Herodotus repeatedly emphasizes, it was
the Alcmaeonidae with whom Pericles had strong family ties, and who were the
most ferocious opponents of Peisistratus’ tyranny and the fiercest fighters for
freedom and the rule of the people.73
Alonso-Núñez, J.M., Die Verfassungsdebatte bei Herodot, in: Schuller, W. (ed.), Poli-
tische Theorie und Praxis im Altertum (Darmstadt 1998) 19-29.
Asheri, D./Lloyd, A./Corcella A., A Commentary on Herodotus Books I-IV, ed. by
O. Murray & A. Moreno (Oxford 2007).
Austin, M./Vidal-Naquet, P., Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft im alten Griechenland
(München 1984).
Barceló, P., Basileia, Monarchia, Tyrannis. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung und Beur-
teilung von Alleinherrschaft im vorhellenistischen Griechenland (Stuttgart 1993).
Berger, S., Revolution and Society in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy (Stuttgart 1992).
Berve, H., Die Tyrannis bei den Griechen (München 1967).
Hdt. 6.131,1, 5.66, 69,2, 78; cf. Raaflaub (1995) 8f.; Scott (2005) 430.
Cf. Ehrenberg (1956) 106; Jordović (2005) 135-139; Lehmann (2008) 33f.
Plut. Per. 16,1-2; Telekleid. frg. 45 K.-A.; Kratin frg. 73, 114, 118, 171, 258 K.-A.; cf. Schwar-
ze (1971) 40ff., 59ff., 171f., 185ff., Klein (1979) 503ff.; Podlecki (1998) 175f.; Jordović (2005)
135f.; McGlew (2006) 164-173.
Hdt. 6.131,2, cf. 5.56,1, 92,3; cf. Schubert (1994) 7f.; Spahn (2000) 25; Jordović (2005) 135;
Scott (2005) 29f., 430f.
Thuc. 1.127,3, 139,4, 2.65,4-10; Plut. Per. 3, 8-9, 13, 16; cf. Wüst (1935) 55; Bringmann (1976) 274.
Hdt. 5.62-63,1, 6.121, 123-124; cf. Scott (2005) 405-408.
Herodotus and the Emergence of the Demagogue Tyrant Concept 11
Bichler, R., Herodots Welt. Der Aufbau der Historie am Bild der fremden Länder und
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