Adenocarcinoma of Nasal Pits Rare Location About A Case
Adenocarcinoma of Nasal Pits Rare Location About A Case
Adenocarcinoma of Nasal Pits Rare Location About A Case
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Primary adenocarcinomas of the sinuses and We report in this work the observation of a 38-year-old
nasal pits are rare tumors, accounting for 13% of patient who presented in a table of low abundance
nasosinusian carcinomas. We report in this work the individuals repeated unilaterally with homolateral nasal
observation of a young patient with no notable obstruction.
pathological history who presented one year prior to his
consultation a history of right unilateral nasal II. CASE REPORT
obstruction associated with a history of low homolateral
abundance epistaxis. Clinical and endoscopic This is a 37-year-old patient with no notable
examination objectified a red polypoid formation pathological history, occupation trader with a history of
occupying the majority of the right nasal cavity; on data straight unilateral nasal obstruction and a repeated low
from nasal imaging and endoscopy; the tumor is abundance epistaxis for a year; without other rhinological or
classified as T1N0M0; the patient benefited from an associated ophthalmological signs.
endoscopic first with a homolateral middle meatotomy; The clinical examination finds, on the general level a
the anatomopathological study objectified low-grade patient was in good hemodynamic state slightly discolored
adenocarcinoma. Post-operative surveillance based on with anemia at 10, on the rhinological plane, the
nasal endoscopy and imaging did not show signs of examination did not find deformation of the nasal pyramid
recurrence. or the nasogenian furrow with a nasal flow decreased to the
right relative to the left side where it was preserved, at the
I. INTRODUCTION nasal endoscopy an inflamed nasal mucosa was objectified
with the presence at the right nasal cavity of a polypoid
Adenocarcinoma originates in the glandular cells of formation with a base of implantation at the middle meat
nasal pits or paranasal sinuses. This type of tumor is most level, the cavum is free.
commonly seen in the upper nasal cavities and ethmoid
sinuses. Adenocarcinoma can develop slowly (low grade) or The rest of the clinical examination was normal, no
rapidly (high grade). Most adenocarcinomas of nasal pits or palpable cervical adenopathy.
paranasal sinuses are diagnosed in men and are strongly
associated with exposure to wood dust. Primary The injected naso-sinusian scanner objectified a mass
adenocarcinomas of the sinuses and nasal pits are rare of tissue density at the middle meat of the bulging right
tumors, accounting for 13% of nasosinusian carcinomas. nasal cavity in the choanas exerting a mass effect on the
The latest WHO 2005 classification distinguishes two types: sinus. Right maxilla with deviation from the media
intestinal type adenocarcinomas (ACTs) and non-intestinal wall.(figure1.2)
types, mainly represented by low-grade adenocarcinomas.
Figure 1 and 2: coronal and axial cuts of the patient's nasosinusian CT disease showing tissue density mass at the right nasal