Ship in Operation Renewal Criteria
Ship in Operation Renewal Criteria
Ship in Operation Renewal Criteria
1.1.1 Applicability The purpose of this Section is to provide criteria for the allowable thickness
diminution of the ships’ hull structure. The criteria apply only to ships in operation that are designed and built in
accordance with these Rules. Thickness measurements are to be used to assess the ships’ structure against the
specified renewal criteria.
1.2.1 General The minimum survey requirements for the maintenance of class of double hull oil
tankers are defined in IACS Unified Requirement Z10.4. Thickness measurements are to be conducted in accordance with the requirements
of the individual Classification Society and IACS Unified Requirement Z10.4. When a survey identifies that steel renewal is required or structural defects are
present which, in the opinion of the Surveyor, will impair the ships’ fitness for
continued service, remedial measures are to be implemented before the ship
continues in service. Re-examination and additional thickness measurements at Annual and
Intermediate Surveys are required where the measured thickness, tm, is less than the
allowable thickness at annual survey, tannual, defined as:
t annual = t as −built − t own − t was mm
tas-.built as built thickness, in mm
twas wastage allowance, as defined in
town owner/builder specified additional wastage allowance, if
applicable, in mm
Table 12.1.1
Additional Thickness Measurement in way of Structure Identified with tm < tannual
Structural Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Plating Suspect areas and adjacent plates 5 point pattern over 1m2 At each Special Survey, thickness measurements are to be taken in way of critical
areas, as considered necessary by the Surveyor. Critical areas are to include
locations throughout the ship with corrosion levels that are likely to contravene and/or are considered prone to rapid wastage.
Figure 12.1.1
Pitting Intensity Diagrams
5% Scattered
10% Scattered
20% Scattered
30% Scattered
50% Scattered
Figure 12.1.2
Edge Corrosion
Attached plating Attached plating
hstf Flatbar
stiffener Inverted angle or
built-up stiffener
Figure 12.1.3
Groove Corrosion
Groove Groove
breadth breadth
Attached plating
Flatbar stiffener
1.4.1 Application The renewal criteria in 1.4.2 generally apply to areas of structural members with
general corrosion.
tas-.built as built thickness, in mm
twas wastage allowance, as defined in
town owner/builder specified additional wastage allowance, if
applicable, in mm
tcorr-2.5 0.5mm, wastage allowance in reserve for corrosion occurring
in the two and a half years between Intermediate and Special
twas total wastage allowance of the considered structural member,
in mm
twas-1 wastage allowance for side one of the structural member
considering the contents of the compartment to which it is
exposed, in mm, as given Table 12.1.2
twas-2 wastage allowance for side two of the structural member
considering the contents of the compartment to which it is
exposed, in mm, as given Table 12.1.2 In no case is the wastage allowance, twas, to be less than 1.5mm, except in way
of internals of dry spaces and pump room where 1.0mm is applicable. Wastage allowances for compartments not listed in Table 12.1.2 will be
subject to special consideration. Areas which need to be renewed based on the renewal criteria in are, in
general, to be repaired with inserted material which is to have the same or greater
grade/strength as the original and to have a thickness, trepair, not less than:
t repair = t as −built − t own mm
tas-built as built thickness, in mm
town owner/builder specified additional wastage allowance, if
applicable, in mm
Table 12.1.2
Local Wastage Allowance for One Side of Structural Elements
Ship in Operation
Component Wastage
Compartment Type Structural Member
Allowance, twas-1 or twas-2
Within 3m below
Face plate of 2.0
top of tank (1)
Ballast water tank and chain Elsewhere 1.5
locker Within 3m below
Other members top of tank (1)
Elsewhere 1.2
Within 3m below
Face plate of 1.7
top of tank (1)
Elsewhere 1.4
Cargo oil tank (3) Inner-bottom plating/bottom of tank 2.1
Within 3m below
Other members top of tank (1)
Elsewhere 1.0
Weather deck plating 1.7
Exposed to atmosphere
Other members 1.0
Exposed to sea water Shell plating(2) 1.0
Top of tank and attached internal
Fuel and lube oil 1.0
tank (3),
Elsewhere 0.7
Top of tank and attached internal
Fresh water tank stiffeners
Elsewhere 0.7
Spaces not normally accessed, e.g. access
Void spaces only via bolted manhole openings, pipe 0.7
tunnels, etc.
Internals of deckhouses, machinery
Dry spaces spaces, pump room, store rooms, 0.5
steering gear space, etc.
1. Only applicable to cargo and ballast tanks with weather deck as the tank top.
2. 0.5mm to be added for side plating in the quay contact region as defined in Section 8/Figure 8.2.2.
3. 0.3mm to be added for tanks arranged with heating coils
1.5 Renewal Criteria of Hull Girder Sectional Properties for General Corrosion
1.5.1 General The following actual hull girder sectional properties are required to be verified, see
(a) vertical hull girder moment of inertia, about the horizontal axis, Iv
(b) hull girder section modulus about the horizontal axis - at deck-at-side, Zv- dk
(c) hull girder section modulus about the horizontal axis - at keel, Zv- kl
(d) hull girder section modulus about the vertical axis - at side, Zh- side
(e) hull girder vertical shear area, Av- shr The actual hull girder sectional properties listed in are to be calculated in
accordance with Section 4/2.6, using the measured thicknesses. If steel renewal is required due to reduced hull girder sectional properties this is to
be done by replacing local corroded structural elements. Any combination of
structural elements may be replaced provided that the resulting hull girder
sectional properties satisfy Local structural elements being renewed are to be
replaced in accordance with the requirements of
1.6 Allowable Material Diminution for Pitting, Grooving and Edge Corrosion
1.6.1 General Steel renewal for pitting, grooving and edge corrosion is required if the measured
thickness is less than the criteria defined in 1.6.2, 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 respectively.
1.6.2 Pitting For plates with pitting intensity less than 20%, see Figure 12.1.1, the measured
thickness, ttm, of any individual measurement is to meet the lesser of the following
t tm ≥ 0.7 (t as −built − t own ) mm
ttm ≥ tren − 1 mm
tas-built as built thickness of the member, in mm
town owner/builder specified additional wastage allowance, if
applicable, in mm
tren renewal criteria for general corrosion as defined in The average thickness across any cross section in the plating is not to be less than
the renewal criteria for general corrosion given in The average measured thickness across the breadth or height of the stiffener is not
to be less than that defined in 1.4.2. Plate edges at openings for manholes, lightening holes etc. may be below the
minimum thickness given in 1.4.2 provided that:
(a) the maximum extent of the reduced plate thickness, below the minimum given
in 1.4.2, from the opening edge is not more than 20% of the smallest dimension
of the opening and does not exceed 100mm
(b) rough or uneven edges may be cropped-back provided that the maximum
dimension of the opening is not increased by more than 10%.
1.6.4 Grooving Where the groove breadth is a maximum of 15% of the web height, but not more
than 30mm, see Figure 12.1.3, the measured thickness, ttm, in the grooved area is to
meet the lesser of the following criteria:
t tm ≥ 0.75(t as −built − t own ) mm
ttm ≥ tren − 0.5 mm
but is not to be less than
ttm = 6 mm
tas-built as built thickness of the member, in mm
town owner/builder specified additional wastage allowance, if
applicable, in mm
tren renewal criteria for general corrosion as defined in Members with areas of grooving greater than those in are to be assessed
based on the criteria for general corrosion as defined in 1.4.2 using the average
measured thickness across the plating/stiffener.