Skillspedia Eoi Pmkvy - 3 Rajasthan
Skillspedia Eoi Pmkvy - 3 Rajasthan
Skillspedia Eoi Pmkvy - 3 Rajasthan
s. No. Topics
Page No.
Abbreviations 03
Disclaime 04
Background 05
4 Eligibility Criteria 06
5 Proposal Processing Fee 07
5 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) 08
Performance Security Deposit(PSD) 08
Duration of the Project 08
FundingPattern 08
10 Submission of Proposal 08
11 Evaluation of Proposal 10
12 Important Links 10
13 Checklist for proposal submission 12
14 Annexure 1: Format of Covering letter 13-14
15 Annexure 2: Applicant Details 15
16 Annexure 3: Financial Details 16
Annexure 3a: Existing RSLDC training partner details 17
18 Annexure 4: Details of 3 skill development centers in Rajasthan or five out of 18
19 Annexure 5: Training and Placement details with required documents
20 Annexure 5a: Training and placement details(RSLDC- Other than PMKVY) 21
21 Annexure 5b: Training and placementdetails (PMKVY CSSM, Rajasthan) 22
22 Annexure 6:An affidavit for not being blacklisted 23
Annexure 7: Self Declaration 24
24 Annexure 8: Past performance, placement linkages and key project plan of PMKVY
02 of 26
1. Abbreviations:
03 of 26
2. Disclaimer:
04 of 26
2.14 In addition to above eligible agencies can submit the CA certified provisional balance
sheet of FY-2020-21
3 Background:
along with balance sheet of FY- 2018-19 & 2019-20
3.1 Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC) is mandated to
implement the sill development programmes in the State. RSLDC has been issuing EO0ls
under various central and state sponsored skill and livelihoods development programs
benefiting the unemployed youth of the state and to meet out the demand of skilled
manpower in various economic sectors by setting up Skill Development Centers (SDCs)
3.2 RSLDC is implementing skill training programmes in collaboration with large number of
gOvernment and private training partners. Rajasthan has been allocated target under
Centrally Sponsored and State Managed Component of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Yojna (PMKVY State Engagement). RSLDC is the executing agency for this scheme in
3.3 RSLDC invites the Expression of Interest (EOI) from interested and eligible agencies
for submission of proposal for empanelment to undertake project under CSSM
component of PMKVY for Short Term Training in the state.
4 Eligibility Criteria -
4.1 Should be an entity registered in India (including a firm registered under Indian
Partnership Act, 1932 or a Trust registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 ora trust act
applicable in a State in India or a Society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860
or a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 or 2013 or a LLP firm
registered under The Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008) in existence as such for a
period of at least five years. OR
Should be any organization (Company, Proprietor, Partnership, LLP, Private Limited etc.)
incorporated between 01 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 in the field of `killing/
Training/ Related segments etc.
4.2 The applying agency will submit the details of project with a covering letter Annexure-1
and submit applicant details with relevant documents as per Annexure-2.
4.3 In addition to above, agencles with background of skilling should
4.3.1 Have average annual turnover of Rs 50 lakh or more from skill development and
placement linked programs. Agency is required to submit copy of audited financials
for any three consecutive years (2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21) along with
Annexure 3
4.3.2 Have trained not less than 1200 youth and have provided placement to not less
than 840 youth in any three consecutive years i.e. from 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 &
2020-21(Existing training partners of RSLDC should have trained 900 or more youth
and have provided placement to 630 or more youth in last 3 consecutive years).
4.3.3 Agencies worked under PMKVY RSLDC must provide training and placemeht details
separately (Annexure-5b)
4.3.4 Client Certificate from respective state government is mandatory along with figures
of training and placement. Data of training and placement is required to submit as
per Annexure 5,5a and 5b.
4.4 All the agencies under mentioned above should:
4.4.1 Have been active and operational continuously anywhere in the country for the last
three years on the date of application.
4.4.2 The Applicant should not have been blacklisted/terminated by any Government
Agency/Public Sector Undertaking/autonomous bodies in last 3years. Aself-certificate
must be submitted as per Annexure-6.
4.4.3 Submit a self-declaration on assurance to follow RSLDC & PMKVY norms (as amended
from time to time) Annexure-7.
4.4.4 Submit past performance (program wise) Industry Linkages & basic project plan of
PMKVY (CSSM) information as per Annexure-8
4.4.5 Have positive net worth
consecutively from last two financial years.
4.4.6 Have state office in Rajasthan
4.5 Also, agencies without background of skilling under mentioned above should have
average annual turnover of Rs. 2.0 Crore or more from various
activities, in any past
three consecutive years from
2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21. (Eligible
agencies can submit the CA certified provisional balance sheet of FY-2020-21).
4.6 Agency is required to submit copy of audited financials for past three consecutive
years along with Annexure 3. Existing partner of RSLDC is to be furnished as per
Annexure 3a.
4.7 During the sanctioning of the projects, preferences would be given to Government
Agencies and Agencies having captive placements. The trades in more demand in the
market may be prioritized. Sectors and job roles recommended by the District Skill
Committee formed at district level wll be considered.
4.8 Joint Ventures (UVs) and Consortium are also permitted to applyfor the program-
4.8.1 JV/ Consortium members will be jointly & severally be liable. Agreement
(undertaking) of JV/Consortium must be submitted along with the proposal. Further,
V/Consortium agreement should be submitted before the signing of MoU under the
4.8.2 One organization must fulfil all financial requirements.
4.8 RSLDC will not be permitting franchisee/subletting of trainings by empaneled
partners under CSSM component of PMKVY.
4.9 Existing TP/PIAS working with PMKVY in any state may be given preference.
4.10 Government institutions may be empaneled directly and shall be exempted from all
the eligibility criteria.
4.11 Submission of proposal under EOl mode does not guarantee allocation of target under
PMKVY 3.0. This EOI does not encourage creation of any new training infrastructure
specifically for imparting training under the scheme. Any applicant organization that is
not qualifying the eligibility criteria wil be disqualified at any stage during evaluation or
due diligence. RSLDC shall in no case be responsible or liable for the conduct or outcome
of the proposal process.
4.12 Priority shall be given to the agencies establishing SDCs in
4.12.1 Aspirational Districts of the state.
4.12.2 Tribal districts of the state.
4.13 The proposals are invited to address following category under PMKVY in the state
4.13.1 Short Term Training.
4.13.2 Separate project proposals for persons with Disability(PWD)
4.13.3 Separate project proposals only for Minorities
4.13.4 Separate project proposals only for SC candidates
4.13.5 Separate project proposals only for ST candidates
4.13.6 Separate project proposals only for Females.
( Separate relaxation at the time of implementation may be given to the agencies applying project
dedicatedly for PWD/Minorities/ST/SC/Female, in such cases the agencies are directed to create
exclusive batches for the category in which project is allotted)
Rajasthan Skill & Livelihoods
Address where hard copy is to be
submitted: Development Corporation
Kaushal Bhawan, EMI Campus, J-8-A,
Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur - 302004
10.6 The proposal should carry following documents as per checklist and annexures
given in the Eol:
A Covering Letter Annexure-
B Applicant details along with required documents Annexure-2
Copy of audited financials for the last 3years along with required
C Annexure-3
D Existing RSLDC training patner details Annexure 3a
Details of 3 skill development centers in Rajasthan or five out of
E Annexure-4
FTraining and Placement detailswith required documents Annexure-5
G Training and Placement details(RSLDC- Otherthan PMKV) Annexure Sa
HTraining and Placementdetails(PMKVY CSSM,Rajasthan) Annexure Sb
An affidavitfor notbeingblacklisted Annexure-6
JA self-certificate/declaration Annexure-7
Past performance of conducting similar skill development training in
K Annexure-8
last 3 years
Note- The Managing Director, RSLDC reserves the right to accept or reject any
proposal without providing any reason, what so ever. The decision of RSLDC shall be
final and binding upon the Company/Agency.
For further details, visit website
11. Evaluation of Proposal
11.1 The Proposal Appraisal/ Evaluation Committee constituted by RSLDC shall evaluate the
Proposals and all supporting documents/ documentary evidence.
11.2 Presentation of the shortlisted applicants before
11.3 The decision of the Committee shall be final. The designated committee of RSLDC
Committee reserves the right to
any or all proposals on the basis of any deviations reject
11.4 The Committee, on approval by the MD,
RSLDC, may ask for clarifications and or
additional information from any or all applicants, if
11.5 The proposals would be evaluated based on
Post Approval by competent authority the successful
applicant will be issued work
orders/Sanction order
13.Applicant/ Training partner must strictly comply with all rules and regulations on
bribery,corruption and avoid unacceptable business practices.
Checklist for proposalssubmitted inresponseto Expression of Interest(Eol)to undertake the project
under Centrally Sponsored and State Managed Componentunder PradhanMantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna
(PMKVY3.0)in the Stateof Rajasthan
S. N. DocumentDeseription Page Number
Covering Letter as per Annexure 1 of Eol document
Applicant's Detailsas per Annexure2 of Eol document
Relevant document for Proprietorship/Partnership Firm/Private
Limited Company/ Public Limited Company/ Society/ Trust/
Association/ Government institutions/Public Sector Units/
Universities/ Higher educational institutes including technical and
professional institutes having affiliation or recognition of relevant
board or council
.Copy ofPAN Card
Trade license/Sales tax registration/IT registration(if any)
Audited Financials for any three consecutive years along with
Annexure 3
Balance sheet of :
2020-21 (provisional)
éase find enclosed Copy of our Proposal in respect of the Empanelment for "Centrally Sponsored and
State Managed Component under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY 3.0) in
Rajasthan' in RSLDC, in response to the Expression of Interest (EOI) Document issued by the Rajasthan
Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC), dated
Proposed Target:
Name of Type of distriet #Training Center
Total Target Proposed
Proposed District (Aspirational/TADD/ Other) Proposed
(Authorized Representative and Signature)
Annexure -2:
Applicant Details
Declaration to be submitted under the signature of Authorized Representative / Signatory of the
applicant agency on oficial Letterhead and official seal >>
Npte: Please provide all the supporting document as per the above information.
Name: Designation:
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)
Date: Place:
Annexure -3:
Financial Details
<< Declaration to be submitted under the signature of Chartered Accountant on Letterhead wilh his/her
dated Sign and Seal >>>
Annual Turnover(A)
S. Financial (From skill development Annual Turnover (B)| Total Turnover
and placement linked Net Worth for
No. Year (From other various
programs) (A+B) the Year
Registration No
Contact No.
Annexure -3a:
Empanelment Details for Existing TP/PIA'sof RSLDC
« Declaration to be submitted under the signature of
Authorized Representative /Signatony of the
applicant agency on official Letterhead and official seal >>
(Authorized Representative and Signature)
Training CentreDetails
< Declaration to he submitted under the signature of Authorized Representative / Signatory of the
Address of residential facility(if applicable)Residential
accommodation capacity Boys (lf applicable)
9.b Residential accor modation capacity -girls (If Applicable)
10. Current Status (Functional or Non-functional) *
*If not functional, please mention the date from which the centre was not functioning.
1. Please enclose Documentary Evidences regarding training Infrastructure available in the form of
a Two photos per Training Center. In the case oftraining centers with Residential.Facilities
separate photos for Residential accommodation including facilities such as Kitchen, Dining
Hall and Living Room should be provided
b. The Training Provider should have its own / rented space and facilities for conducting the
Training Programmes. The Training Provider should provide proof of availability of the
facility to the Training Provider in the form of ownership document/ lease agreement. In
case the facility is proposed to be taken by the Training Provider, document evidencing
payment of token advance and/or firm letter of commitment by the owner of the facility
along with ownership document shal be provided. In addition to status of the lease /ent
agreement should also be provided.
2. The Evaluation Committee may also inspect the premises of each institute for verifying the
Infrastructure Presented in the proposal. The documentary proof has to be made available at
respective training centers also for verification
Annexure -5:
Training and placement details
Note -Applicant is required to submit supportive documents of training and placement like Client
Certificate bystate government along with oU and Sanction order/ Work Order/allotment letter
Designation: (Company Seal)
(Authorized Representative and Signatory) Date:
Centificate from Govemment bodies indicating experience in conducting 'Placement Linked Training Programme'
in the related field of Sector with number of youths placed (self-attested printouts of verifiable information from
Government websites will be accepted)
Letter from the employer confirming employment of Trainees from the institute or agency clearly indicating the
date numbers recruited and sector/category of work.
of recruitment,
Original Certificateby a Chartered Accountant defining the number of youth placed by the Training Provi
during any three consecutive years (3) years (2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21)
Annexure -5a
Training and placement details
ss Declaration to be submitted under the signature of Authorized Representative/ Signatory ofthe
Applicant agency on official Letterhead and official seal
Details of Training & Placement of Various Schemes Conducted by TPs(nalproieets.other thun PMKVY CSSM,Roiustham
Total No.
Placement Provided Total No.
Targets Sanctioned Total Target Achieved
No. of of of Placem Remar
Year Candidate Nameof Scheme Candidate ent % ks
Name of Scheme Target Name of Scheme DDU
Name of Placed Trained Place of Place of Salary Phone No. E-mail ID Aadhar No.
No. trainee in trade training placement
trained (Yes/No)
District State District State
should submit the list of placed candidates in the format given above
state government along with Mot
Note -Applicant is required to submit supportive documents of training and placement like Clent Cernificate by
and Sanction order/ Work Order/ allotment letter
Annexure -5b
Training and placement details (PMKVY CSSM, Rajasthan)
*should submit the list of placed candidates in the format given below
Note- Applicantisrequired tosubmit suportve documents of training and placement like Client Cerificate by state government along with MoU and
Sanction order/ Work Order/ allotment leter
Sr. Name of| Placed Trained Place of Place of Salary Phone No. E-mail ID Aadhar No.
No. trainee in trade training placement
trained (Yes/No)
District State District | State
Annexure 6
An affidavit for not being blacklisted
A n affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper ofINR 1001- by Company Secretary/ Authorized Representative
and Signatory of the Applicant with his/her dated Sign and Seal >>
We, Mis Company name>, having its registered office at <<Office address>>, do hereby declare that the Applicant
hasn't been blacklisted/ debarred by any donor agency/ State Government/ Central Government authority for breach on our
On the basis of registration document/certificates, we M/s (Name of agency), having office at (Office
address). hereby give our consent for following as per norms of RSLDC (As amended from time to time):
1. To set-up dedicated Skill Development Center (SDC) as per given specification in the guideline with specified
2. To arrange sufficient space, furniture, equipment, tools, trainers, training aids, raw material, electricity,
water supply and other essentials required for imparting training to youth in the proposed course(s).
To mobilize and counsel youth for training and taking up a job, wherever available (wage/self- employment)
after training.
To hire/engage competent and eligible trainer(s) to undertake training in the proposed courses.
5. To install Attendance system and bio-metric devices as per PMKVY 3.0 guideline
6. To arrange assessment and certification of trained youth through as per the applicable guideline
7. To arange employment for trained youth as per PMKVY 3.0 guideline
8. To ensure tracking of youth as per PMKVY3.0 guideline.
9 To maintain records of trainings including the expenditure made for setting up and conducts of skill'training
programmes at least for 3 years.
Name: Designation:
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)
Annexure -8;
Past Performance, Placement Linkages & Key Project Plan of PMKVY 3.0
«Declaration to be submitted under the signature of Authorized Representative /Signatory of
the applicant agency on official Letterhead and official seal >>
Year Project Funding Key Project Total Total Placement Total Remarks
Name Ministry/ description duration Candidates candidates % candidates
Departments of (Start& Trained Placed (Placed/ tracked in
program End Certified) post
date) placement
*If project more than one in a year please furnished the information separately.
2. Industry Linkages:
Provide placement linkages / tie up's with industries for the purpose of providing placements
to the candidates
Only active linkages / tie-up's in last three years which led to candidate placements
should be reported
Industry linkage data may be verified on random basis and verification outcome may
be used for the proposal evaluation purpose
Attach supporting documents for the linkages tie-up's with the industry, i.e.
signed agreement/contract/ work order/ etc.
Note:- The shortlisted applicant will be required to make a detailed presentation to RSLDC aboutthe
Program/Project Plan.
Name: Designation:
(Authorized Representative and Signatory)