NPM : 20330002
PRODI : Dlll keperawatan
Unit : 18.
1.What are the good and bad aspects of antibiotics?. 2.What is negative impact
of bacteria?.
Let’s read.
Many people take antibiotics. However, we should be aware that antibiotics
bring negative side effects.Given heavy exposure to modern
pharmaceuticeuticals, somebacteria have adopted to Staphyloccocus Aureus
( MRSA ) is the most famous example.It was especially deadly in 2007.The
point of an antibiotics or an antibiotics bland is to kill bad bacteria.
Millians of people are halped every month, but antibiotics also killgood
bacteria, and this impairs nutrient assimilation.Ironicaly, even as antibiotics are
doing their job, they also destroy important bacteria, which are called flora.
The loss of beneficial flora is a problem in the short term as the body is
struggling to recover from the illness being treated: but longer term effects
must be considered as well
When the body’s intestinal ecology is disturbed new health problems become
more likely.
A digestive system depleted friendy bacteria becomes in effect “ vulnerable
zone” where new illness can get their start.
As precaution against what may be called “the antibiotics penalty” a patient is
taking antibiotics should ask to be coachedby this physician on how to
replenish his good intestinal flora with supplement and flora supportive foods.
This type of proactive approach aids in recovery from the current illness and
helps prevent future health problems.Bacteria are everywhere. We swallow
them with foods,drink themwith water and inhale them in the air we breathe.
The dirtier our air and water, the more we are exposed.
Bacteria on our skin and our mouths). They line the walls of our digestive
passage, sinuses, and ears. Some are neutral, and some are literallyessentialfor
All in all, an adult human body contains of bacteria billions.
Cosidering the facts above, it is true that antibiotics can bring negative effects.
Manual of Midwifery 1. Antepartum & Geonaecological. Author: ROSHANI
Tuitui. Editor : Dr. S.N.Suwal.
Mari membaca.
Banyak orang minum antibiotik. Namun, kita harus menyadari bahwa antibiotik
membawa efek samping negatif Mengingat paparan yang banyak terhadap
farmaseutikalis modern, beberapa bakteri telah mengadopsi Staphyloccocus
Aureus (MRSA) adalah contoh yang paling terkenal, terutama mematikan pada
tahun 2007. Intinya antibiotik atau antibiotik hambar adalah membunuh
bakteri jahat.
Jutaan orang dikurangi setengahnya setiap bulan, tetapi antibiotik juga
membunuh bakteri baik, dan ini mengganggu asimilasi nutrisi. Ironisnya,
meskipun antibiotik melakukan tugasnya, mereka juga menghancurkan bakteri
penting, yang disebut flora.
Hilangnya flora yang bermanfaat merupakan masalah dalam jangka pendek
karena tubuh sedang berjuang untuk pulih dari penyakit yang dirawat: tetapi
efek jangka panjang juga harus dipertimbangkan
Ketika ekologi usus tubuh terganggu, masalah kesehatan baru menjadi lebih
mungkin terjadi.
Sistem pencernaan yang menipiskan bakteri ramah menjadi “zona rentan” di
mana penyakit baru bisa muncul.
Sebagai tindakan pencegahan terhadap apa yang disebut sebagai "hukuman
antibiotik", pasien yang mengonsumsi antibiotik harus meminta untuk dilatih
oleh dokter ini tentang cara mengisi kembali flora usus baiknya dengan
suplemen dan makanan yang mendukung flora.
Jenis pendekatan proaktif ini membantu pemulihan dari penyakit saat ini dan
membantu mencegah masalah kesehatan di masa depan. Bakteri ada di mana-
mana. Kita menelannya dengan makanan, meminumnya dengan air dan
menghirupnya di udara yang kita hirup. Semakin kotor udara dan air kita,
semakin banyak kita terpapar.
Bakteri di kulit dan mulut kita). Mereka melapisi dinding saluran pencernaan,
sinus, dan telinga kita. Beberapa netral, dan beberapa secara harfiah penting
untuk kehidupan.
Secara keseluruhan, tubuh manusia dewasa mengandung miliaran bakteri.
Mengingat fakta di atas, memang benar antibiotik dapat membawa dampak
Task : 1.
Translated the following vocabulary related to: Antibiotics.
1. Exposure.
4. Ironically.
7. Considered. 10. Precaution.
2. Adopted. 5. Beneficials. 8. Intestinal.
11. Physician.
3. Impairs. 6. Struggling.
9. Digestive. 12 Approach.
Tugas 1.
Menerjemahkan kosakata berikut terkait dengan: Antibiotik.
1. Eksposur.
4. Ironisnya
7. Dianggap. 10. Perhatian.
2. Diadopsi. 5. Bermanfaat. 8. Usus.
11. Dokter.
3. Kerusakan. 6. Berjuang.
9. Pencernaan.
Task : 2.
Write two sentences based on each of vocabulary above. Than, translated.
Tugas: 2.
Tulis dua kalimat berdasarkan masing-masing kosakata di atas. Dari,
1.Ironicaly, even as antibiotics are doing their job, they also destroy important
bacteria, which are called flora.
2. a patient is taking antibiotics should ask to be coachedby this physician on
how to replenish his good intestinal flora with supplement and flora supportive
1. Ironisnya, ketika antibiotik melakukan tugasnya, mereka juga
menghancurkan bakteri penting, yang disebut flora.
2. Seorang pasien yang meminum antibiotik harus diminta untuk dilatih oleh
dokter ini tentang bagaimana mengisi kembali flora usus baiknya dengan
suplemen dan makanan yang mendukung flora.
Task : 3.
Please, translate your questions and answers.
Then, answer the questions to check your comprehension on the text.
1.What are antibiotics and bacteria for?.
2.What are your comments on flora?.
3.What will happen if the antibiotics destroy important bacteria?.
4..What is the problem if the loss of beneficial flora for life?.
5..What do you have in mind about “the antibiotics pinalty”?.
6. What thing do you aid support in recovery from illness?.
7.Where do you find bacteria?.
8.How the way do you get bacteria to your body?.
9.Can you describe how many bacteria in human body?.
10. Is it true that antibiotics bring negative effects?. Why?.
( Pr 1. ). ( Pr 1. ). ( Pr 1. ). ( Pr 2. ). ( Pr 2. ). ( Pr 2. ). ( Pr 3. ). ( Pr 3. ). ( Pr 3. ). ( Pr
3. ).
Tugas: 3.
Tolong terjemahkan pertanyaan dan jawaban Anda.
Kemudian, jawab pertanyaan untuk memeriksa pemahaman Anda tentang teks
1. Untuk apa antibiotik dan bakteri itu ?.
2. Apa komentar Anda tentang flora ?.
3. Apa yang akan terjadi jika antibiotik menghancurkan bakteri penting ?.
4. Apa masalahnya jika hilangnya flora bermanfaat bagi kehidupan ?.
5. Apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang "pinalty antibiotik" ?.
6. Hal apa yang Anda bantu dukung dalam pemulihan dari penyakit ?.
7. Di mana Anda menemukan bakteri?
8. Bagaimana cara Anda memasukkan bakteri ke tubuh Anda?
9. Bisakah Anda menggambarkan berapa banyak bakteri dalam tubuh
manusia ?.
10. Benarkah antibiotik membawa efek negatif ?. Mengapa?.
(Pr 1.). (Pr 1.). (Pr 1.). (Pr 2.). (Pr 2.). (Pr 2.). (Pr 3.). (Pr 3.). (Pr 3.). (Pr 3.).
1. To kil/ destroy bacteria.
2. Beneficial because it is a problem in the short term as the body is
struggling to recover from illness.
3. Loss of beneficial flora in the short term as the body is struggling from
the disease being treated.
4. cannot destroy the important bacteria
5. antibiotics killgood bacteria, and thisIimpairs nutrient
assimilation.Ironicaly, even as antibiotics are doing their job, they also
destroy important bacteria, which are called flora.
6. Millians of people are halped every month.
7. Where do you find bacteria? (Pr 3.). Bacteria are everywhere.
8. How do you introduce bacteria into your body? (Pr 3.).
We feed it with food, drink it with water and inhale it in the air we
breathe. The dirtier our air and air are, the more exposed we are.
Bacteria in our skin and mouth).
9. Can you describe how many bacteria are in the human body? (Pr 3.).
Overall, the adult human body contains billions of bacteria.
10. Is it true that antibiotics have a negative effect? Why ?. (Pr 3.).
Indigestion is the most common side effect of antibiotics
Pre- test.
1.Have you ever got X- Ray in the hospital?. Why?.
2.What are the advantages or disadvantages of having X-Ray?.
X- Ray examination.
Let’s read.
Students, can you show me your stamach. Can you show me your lung?.
No, why? Because they are inside of our body.
So what do you think, how can we see the internal parts of our body?.
Yes. We use an X-Ray. So what is an X-Ray? ( lalu apa itu alat sinar
ronsen? ). Well, an X-Ray isspectrum of light, radiated through our body.
It used for detecting organ our internal body organs. Where can you find
an X-Ray? ronsen itu? ). It is in the hospital. The X-Ray was invented by a
German scientist, William Conrad Rontgen When do people use an X-
Of course, when they ill and something wrong in thier internal parts of
thier body.
When the people have these diseases, they need an X-Ray to check.
Likes, cancer....kidney trouble...... heart trouble..... tumors, etc.
Students, do youknow that there many conflicting opinions about the
use of X-Ray in hospital?.Well, look at the chart! 60% of people agree
that an X-Ray in examination is beneficials. They say that doctors should
use an X-Ray, they could miss some important information which is very
useful in making a diagnosis on a patient’s disease.
And these will sometimes cause a doctor to be inacurrate in prescribing
medicine to cure an illness.
However, not all patients agree with the use an X-Ray examination.Look
at the chart again. 40% of patients disagree with the use of an X-Ray
examination.They think that using an X-Ray will cost them a lot of
money. I’m not surprised.They is true.Another reason is the radiation of
an X-Ray has some risks to body tissues
As a result of this, controversy many people use a tradisional health cure
to avoid the high cost of hospital care.However, hospitals still insist on
having X-Ray examinations on patients to get an accurate diagnosis
although the cost is very high.
unit 19
1. Apakah Anda pernah melakukan rontgen di rumah sakit ?. Mengapa?.
2. Apa keuntungan atau kerugian memiliki X-ray ?.
Pemeriksaan X-Ray.
Mari membaca.
Murid-murid, bisakah Anda tunjukkan stamach Anda. Bisakah Anda
menunjukkan paru-paru Anda? Tidak Memangnya kenapa? Karena
mereka ada di dalam tubuh kita.
Jadi bagaimana menurut Anda, bagaimana kita bisa melihat bagian
dalam tubuh kita ?. Iya. Kami menggunakan X-Ray. Jadi apa itu X-Ray?
(lalu apa itu alat sinar ronsen?). Nah, spektrum sinar X-ray, dipancarkan
ke seluruh tubuh kita.
Task : 1.
Translated the following vocabularies related to: X- RAY examination.
1. Stamach. 4Radiates. 7. Conflicting. 10. Surprised.
2. Inside.
5. Invented. 8.Beneficials. 11. Controversy.
3. Internal. 6. Scientist. 9. Miss. 12. Insist.
Tugas 1.
Menerjemahkan kosakata berikut yang berkaitan dengan: Ujian X-RAY.
1. Stamach. 4. Memancar. 7. Bertentangan. 10. Terkejut.
2. Di dalam.
5. Diciptakan. 8. Bermanfaat. 11. Kontroversi.
3. Internal. 6. Ilmuwan. 9. Nona 12. Bersikeras.
Task : 2.
Write two correct sentences based on each of the vocabulary
above.Than,translated them
Tugas : 2
tulis untuk mengoreksi kalimat berdasarkan masing-masing di atas. lalu,
Answer :
8.60% of people agreed that the x-rays in the test were useful
Task 3
Task : 3.
5. How many kinds of diseases do you know to use X-Ray examination?. 6.What
are the risks of using X-Ray to body tissues?.
Tugas: 3.
5. Jenis penyakit apa yang anda ketahui dengan pemeriksaan X-ray?. 6. Apa risiko
menggunakan sinar-X pada jaringan tubuh?
Assignments: 3.Unit 19
Answer: X-tau rays are rays that are emitted to our bodies, to detect our internal
Answer: The function of x rays is to detect diseases that exist in the internal organs
of the body
Answer: Look at the chart! 60% of people agree that the X-rays in the examination
are useful. They say that doctors should use X-Ray, they can miss some important
information that is very useful in making a patient diagnosis.
Ans: The gamma ray radiation emitted by x-rays gives little interference to the
performance of the brain
7. Why don't many people receive X-ray examinations?
Ans: They think that using X-rays will cost a lot of money. I'm not surprised, it's
true. Another reason is that X-ray radiation poses several risks to body tissues.
Ans: to get an accurate diagnosis even though the costs are very high
9. How expensive is the X-ray examination? X-ray examination, the nominal can
vary according to which part of the body to be scanned and examined. It also
depends on the hospital or the place where you take the x-rays.
Penugasan: 3. Unit 19
Jawab: Sinar X-tau adalah sinar yang dipancarkan ke tubuh kita, untuk mendeteksi
organ dalam kita
Jawaban: Lihat grafik! 60% orang setuju bahwa sinar-X dalam pemeriksaan itu
bermanfaat. Mereka mengatakan bahwa dokter harus menggunakan X-Ray, mereka
dapat melewatkan beberapa informasi penting yang sangat berguna dalam
membuat diagnosis pasien.
Jawaban: Sinar-X ditemukan oleh seorang ilmuwan Jerman, William Conrad. Sinar
X. Kapan orang menggunakan sinar-X
Jawab: untuk mendapatkan diagnosa yang akurat meskipun biayanya sangat tinggi