Lectura1 OpenPLC Begin
Lectura1 OpenPLC Begin
Lectura1 OpenPLC Begin
Thiago Rodrigues Alves, Mario Buratto, Flavio Mauricio de Souza, Thelma Virginia Rodrigues
Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica e de Telecomunicações
PUC Minas
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
In early 60s, industrial automation was usually composed Like a human spine, the rack has a backplane at the rear
of electromechanical parts like relays, cam timers and drum allowing communication between every PLC module. The
sequencers. They were interconnected in electrical circuits to power supply plugs into the rack providing a regulated DC
perform the logical control of a machine. To change a power to the system.
machine logic was to make an intervention on its electrical The CPU is probably the most important module of a
circuit, which was a long and complicated process. PLC. It is responsible for processing the information received
In 1968, the Hydra-Matic of General Motors requested from input modules and, according to the programmed logic,
proposals for an electronic replacement for hard-wired relay send impulses to the output modules. The CPU holds its
systems. The winning proposal came from Bedford program on a permanent storage, and uses volatile memory to
Associates with their 084 project. The 084 was a digital perform operations. The logic stored in CPU’s memory is
controller made to be tolerant to plant floor conditions, and continuously processed in an infinite loop. The time needed to
was latter known as a Programmable Logic Controller, or complete a cycle of the infinite loop is called scan time. A
simply PLC [1]. faster CPU can achieve shorter scan time.
Within a few years, the PLC started to spread all over the Input modules are used to read signals of sensors installed
automotive industry, replacing relay logic machines as an at the field. There are many types of input modules,
easier and cheaper solution, and becoming a standard for depending on the sensor to be read, but they can generally be
industrial automation. split into two categories: analog and digital.
There is a strict relation between automation and Digital input modules can handle discrete signals,
development. In less developed countries, the greatest barriers generated by devices that are either on or off. Analog input
are knowledge and cost. Industrial controllers are still very modules convert a physical quantity to a digital number that
expensive. Companies don’t provide detailed information can be processed by the CPU. This process of conversion is
about how these controllers work internally as they are all usually made by an ADC [Analog to Digital Converter] inside
closed source. the analog input module. The type of the physical quantity to
The OpenPLC was created to break these two barriers, as be read determines the type of the analog input module. For
it is fully open source and open hardware. It means that example, depending on the sensor, the physical value can be
anyone can have access to all project files and information for expressed in voltage, current, resistance or capacitance.
free. This kind of project helps spread technology and Similarly to the input modules, output modules can
knowledge to places that need the most. Also, the OpenPLC control devices installed at the field. Digital output modules
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can control devices as if on-off switches. Analog output activating outputs. To achieve the effect of simultaneous and
modules can send different values of voltage or current to immediate execution, outputs are all toggled at the same time
control position, power, pressure or any other physical at the end of the scan cycle.
As the most significant feature of a PLC is robustness, III. THE OPENPLC HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE
each module must be designed with protections such as short The OpenPLC (see Fig. 2) was created based on the
circuit, over current and over voltage protections. It is also architecture of actual PLCs on the market. It is a modular
important to include filter against RF noise. system, with expansion capabilities, an RS-485 bus for
communication between modules and hardware protections.
B. Software To create the first OpenPLC prototype, four boards were
PCs, by design, are made to handle different tasks at the built:
same time. However, they have difficulty handling real time Bus Board
events. To have an effective control, PLCs must be real time.
A good definition of real time is “any information processing CPU Card
activity or system which has to respond to externally
generated input stimuli within a finite and specified period” Input Card
[2]. Real time systems don’t necessarily mean to be fast. They Output Card
just need to give an answer before the specified period known
as deadline. Systems without real time facilities cannot
guarantee a response within any timeframe. The deadline of a
PLC is its scan time, so that all responses must be given
before or at the moment scan reaches the end of the loop.
There are many accepted languages to program a PLC, but
the most widely used is called ladder logic, which follows the
IEC 61131-3 standard [3]. Ladder logic (see Fig. 1) was
originally created to document the design and construction of
relay logic circuits. The name came from the observation that
these diagrams resemble ladders, with two vertical bars
representing rails and many horizontal rungs between them.
These electrical schematics evolved into a programming
language right after the creation of the PLC, allowing
technicians and electrical engineers to develop software
without additional training to learn a computer language, such
A. Bus Board
The bus board acts like a rack, with an integrated 5VDC
power supply. Each module connects to the bus board through
a DB-25 connector. The communication between modules is
made over an RS-485 bus, whose lines are on the bus board.
Caution was taken, while routing the RS-485 lines, to avoid
communication problems. Fig. 3 shows the pins and
connections of each slot of the bus board. The 24V and RS-
485 ground was separated from the rest of the circuit ground
Fig. 1. Example of a ladder logic diagram to isolate short circuits on these lines.
To allow more current to flow through the power lines,
Every rung in the ladder logic represents a rule to the the respective pins were duplicated. Three pins were used for
program. When implemented with relays and other physical address, so that the module connected on a particular
electromechanical devices, all the rules execute slot would know its physical position on the bus board. These
simultaneously. However, when the diagram is implemented pins were called D0, D1 and D2, being hardcoded with logic
in software using a PLC, every rung is processed sequentially 1 or 0 in a binary sequence, creating different numbers from 0
in a continuous loop (scan). The scan is composed of three to 7, one number for each slot.
phases: 1) reading inputs, 2) processing ladder rungs, 3)
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written for the CPU card, especially code related to
communication over the RS-485 bus possible.
The input signal conditioning circuit is composed mainly
by an optocoupler, used to isolate the input signals and the
control signals. The circuit of each input can be seen on Fig.
When a stimulus is made between E1+ and E1-, a current
flow through the input resistor and activates the internal LED
of the optocoupler. The photons emitted by the internal LED
are sensed by the phototransistor, which creates a path for the
current from 5VCD to ground, sending logic 0 to inverter’s
input. As the inverter must invert the logic signal, a logic 1 is
received by the microcontroller, indicating that a digital
stimulus was made at the input.
The input card has 8 isolated input circuits, so that each
module can read up to 8 digital signals at the same time. The
state of each input is sent to the CPU card, over the RS-485
bus, to be processed according to the ladder logic.
Fig. 3. Bus Board DB-25 connections
B. CPU Card
The OpenPLC’s brain is the CPU card. It was important to
use a processor that was inexpensive, fast enough to handle
all PLC operations, and most importantly, actively supported
by the open source community. After some research, the
processor selected was the AVR ATmega2560. This
microcontroller is a “high-performance, low-power Atmel 8-
bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller that combines 256KB
ISP flash memory, 8KB SRAM, 4KB EEPROM, 86 general Fig. 4. Isolated input circuit from the Input Card
purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, real
time counter, six flexible timer/counters with compare modes,
PWM, 4 USARTs, byte oriented 2-wire serial interface, 16- D. Output Card
channel 10-bit A/D converter, and a JTAG interface for on- Each Output card has 8 relay-based outputs driving up to
chip debugging. The device achieves a throughput of 16 8 loads at the same time. It has double isolated outputs, as
MIPS at 16 MHz and operates between 4.5-5.5 volts” [4]. they are isolated by an optocoupler (just like the Input card)
The biggest reason for this choice was that the and the relay itself, which gives an additional layer of
ATmega2560 is used on the Arduino family [5], a large open isolation. Fig. 5 shows the circuit of one isolated output from
source community for rapid electronic prototyping, with an the Output card.
advanced programming language called Wiring. By using this As digital processors are better sinking current than
processor we made the OpenPLC compatible with Arduino sourcing, the cathode of the optocoupler’s internal LED is
code, including hundreds of libraries written for it. connected to an output pin on the ATmega328P. While the
The CPU card also includes another important IC output pin remains with logic 1, no current flows through the
(Integrated Circuit), the Wiznet W5100, responsible for LED. If the output pin goes to logic 0, a current is drawn on
Ethernet communication. The Wiznet W5100 supports that pin, activating the optocoupler’s internal LED. The
hardwired TCP/IP Protocols like TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4 internal phototransistor is connected to an external BC817
ARP, IGMP, PPPoE and Ethernet 10BaseT/100BaseTX, has transistor in a Darlington configuration to increase gain.
16KB of internal memory for Tx/Rx buffers and accepts When photons are sensed by the internal phototransistor, both
serial (over SPI) or parallel interface. This is also the Arduino transistors are polarized, energizing the relay’s coil. Without
Ethernet Shield official IC, enabling us to reuse all the code photons, there isn’t any current flowing through the coil, and
written for it on the OpenPLC. the relay remains off.
In order to communicate with the PC and download
programs, the OpenPLC uses an USB port. The FT232RL
from FTDI Devices converts Serial Rx/Tx lines to USB
standard. The Arduino Mega bootloader is used to upload
code to the CPU over the USB circuit.
C. Input Card
The Input card is a digital input module for the OpenPLC.
To process the digital inputs read by the conditioning signal
circuit and send them to the CPU card, the input card uses the Fig. 5. Isolated output circuit from the Output Card
AVR ATmega328P, a microcontroller with the same core of
the CPU card. This made the reutilization of parts of code
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E. Protections Ethernet for MODBUS-TCP supervisory systems, RS-485
There are five types of protections used in the OpenPLC and USB, individual modules control, error messages
circuit: generation and so on.
For this reason, it was necessary to create an intermediate
Current limiting protection with PPTC [Polymeric step before the final compilation in which the ladder diagram
Positive Temperature Coefficient] had to be combined with the OpenPLC firmware. Doing so,
the final program would contain both the ladder logic and the
Over-voltage protection with TVS [Transient Voltage OpenPLC functions. One of the outputs generated by the
Suppression diode] LDmicro for the Ladder Diagram was ANSI C code. So,
Ground isolation instead of having machine code for a specific processor, an
ANSI C code that could be compiled for any platform was
Reverse polarity protection generated. The only thing that had to be provided using this
Noise filters method was a C header to link the generated ANSI C
functions and the target system.
Every input and output (including the power input at the The OpenPLC Ladder Editor (Fig. 6) was created to fulfill
Bus board) has protection against over-voltage and short these tasks. Basically, the OpenPLC Ladder Editor is a
circuit. These protections are achieved by using a PPTC in modified version of the LDmicro, with reduced instructions
series with the circuit input and a TVS diode in parallel. (processor-specific instructions had to be removed), no
When a high current flows through the PPTC, it reaches a support to direct compiling (it only generates ANSI C code)
high resistance with a low holding current, protecting the and a tool that can automatically link the generated ANSI C
circuit in series. When the current is removed, it cycles back code with the OpenPLC firmware, compile everything using
to a conductive state, enabling the circuit to work properly. AVR GCC and upload the compiled software to the
Optocouplers and relays were used to isolate high power OpenPLC.
circuits from control logic. The filled zones were connected to The compiler tool is called every time the “compile”
ground and only the low power zones of the board were filled. button is clicked. While the code for the LDmicro was created
To isolate the communication and 24V grounds from the using C++, the compilation tool was created using C# .net, a
filled zone, zero ohm resistors were used. very robust and modern language.
To protect against reverse polarity on inputs, diodes were The final result is a binary program uploaded to the
connected in series to allow current flow in only one OpenPLC CPU, containing both the ladder logic and the
direction. Also, capacitors were used in parallel to ground to functions of the OpenPLC firmware.
filter noise from sensitive devices.
What differentiates a PLC from any other robust digital
controller is its ability to be programmed in some
standardized languages. According to [3], the IEC 61131-3
standard defines five languages on which PLCs can be
FBD [Function Block Diagram]
Ladder Diagram
Structured Text
Instruction List
SFC [Sequential Function Chart]
The most widely used language in PLC is the Ladder
Diagram. PLCs from different manufacturers might not have
all the five programming languages available, but they
certainly have the Ladder Diagram as one of the options.
For this reason, it was important to develop a software
that was able to compile a ladder diagram into a code that Fig. 6. OpenPLC Ladder Editor software running on a PC
could be understood by the CPU of the OpenPLC. The
solution was partially based on LDmicro [6], an open source A. MODBUS Communication
ladder editor, simulator and compiler for 8-bit
microcontrollers. It generates native code for Atmel AVR and MODBUS is an industry standard protocol for automation
Microchip PIC16 CPUs from a ladder diagram. devices. Although, the message format is maintained, there
Unfortunately, the OpenPLC CPU uses the ATmega2560, are some variations of this protocol depending on the physical
which is not supported by the original LDmicro software. interface it will be used on. As the OpenPLC has Ethernet
Also, the generated code contains only the ladder logic over TCP-IP, it was implemented support for the MODBUS-
converted to assembly instructions. The OpenPLC has many TCP protocol. Only the most used functions of the protocol
other functions to perform, such as communication over were implemented, as shown next:
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FC01 - Read Coil Status every floor to indicate elevator's position. Also, limit switches
were installed at the top and bottom of the building to prevent
FC02 - Read Input Status the elevator to move over the permitted range. Lights
FC03 - Read Holding Registers indicators on every floor were used to visually indicate when
the elevator stops at the respective floor. Five push buttons
FC05 - Force Single Coil were used to call the elevator to the desired floor.
The ladder diagram for this task was already written for
FC15 - Force Multiple Coils
the Siemens PLC using the Siemens Step 7 platform. It used
13 digital inputs and 10 digital outputs to fully control the
B. Boards Communication model. The diagram was printed and the exactly same
To become a modular system, each module of the diagram was written for the OpenPLC using the same logic
OpenPLC must have a way to communicate with the CPU. blocks, see Figure 10. The OpenPLC Ladder Editor was used
The RS-485 bus is the physical protocol through which to compile, simulate and upload the diagram to the OpenPLC.
messages are sent. But it was necessary to create a protocol During tests, a bug on the ladder diagram was found. If
on the application layer, to standardize the messages sent and the user held the push button related to the floor on which the
received. elevator was located while pushing another button to send it
The protocol created was called OPLC Protocol. It is a to another floor, the system hung with an infinite loop. As
simple protocol that encapsulates each message sent or expected, the OpenPLC behaved exactly the same way as the
received with information about destination, size of the Siemens PLC, presenting the same bug. After correcting the
message and function to be executed. ladder on both controllers, each one operated flawlessly. The
response of diverse stimulus on each PLC was identical on
TABLE I. OPLC PROTOCOL HEADER every tested situation.
Start Size Function Address Data
1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte n Bytes
The open source community is growing stronger every
day. There are many projects, from software to hardware with
Every message starts with a start byte, which is always contributions from people all around the world. Creating an
0x7E. The receiver will only process the message after open source industrial controller from scratch is a very bold
receiving the start byte. The size field must contain the size task. But thanks to the support of the open source community
(in bytes) of the Data field only. The function field is related like the Arduino and LDmicro it was possible to create a
to the data field. It means that what the receiver will do with prototype of a functional PLC comparable with a standardized
the data received depends on the function. Five functions industry controller. During tests, the OpenPLC behaved
were implemented for the OPLC Protocol: exactly the same way as other controllers, given the same
input impulses. The MODBUS-TCP communication was
0x01 – Ask for the card type tested using SCADA software from different vendors. It was
possible to read inputs and outputs and force outputs as it
0x02 – Change card logical address would be on any other PLC.
0x03 – Read discrete inputs Our next big step is to use our OpenPLC in a field
application, evaluating its robustness, versatility and ease of
0x04 – Set discrete outputs use for the user.
0x05 – error message REFERENCES
The address field may have the logic or the physical [1] P.E. Moody and R.E. Morley, “How Manufacturing Will
address of the card, according to the function requested. For Work in the Year 2020”, Simon and Schuster.
example, the functions 0x01 and 0x02 are addressed to the [2] R. Oshana and M. Kraeling, “Software Engineering for
physical address, because they are related to low level Embedded Systems: Methods, Practical Techniques, and
commands, such as get card information or change the logical Applications”, 1st ed. Newnes, 2013 pp.12-20.
address. [3] K.H. John and M. Tiegelkamp, “IEC 61131-3:
Programming Industrial Automation Systems,” 2nd ed.
Springer, 2010 pp.147-168.
[4] Atmel Corporation, “ATmega2560,” Atmel.com. 2014.
To evaluate the OpenPLC as a real PLC, a benchmark had 8 Jul. 2014.
to be made comparing it with another controller. This was http://www.atmel.com/devices/atmega2560.aspx.
achieved using a model of a five floor building with an [5] Arduino, “Arduino MEGA ADK,” arduino.cc. 2014. 8
elevator originally controlled by a Siemens S7-200 PLC. Jul. 2014.
Modifications were made to the model enabling it to
interchange PLCs easily for the tests. The elevator is moved [6] J. Westhues, “Ladder Logic for PIC and AVR,” cq.cx.
2014. 8 Jul. 2014. http://cq.cx/ladder.pl.
by a DC motor attached to it. There are limit switches on
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