Theme 1 - Rivers and Coasts Revision Notes
Theme 1 - Rivers and Coasts Revision Notes
Theme 1 - Rivers and Coasts Revision Notes
GCSE Geography Revision Pack:
Key Themes Paper
River and coasts
River and coasts ‐ need to know
• Processes within a river basin
• River flooding and management
• River landforms
• Coastal landforms
• Coastal management
These processes erode material at the
coast and in a river.
Hydraulic action
Eroded rocks rub
against the
The force of the water
breaks rock particles
against the cliff
away from the river
wearing it away.
River/sea dissolves
some types of rock
such as chalk and
Coastal erosion is affected by:
The point at which the wave breaks Eroded rocks picked
Steepness of the wave. up by the river/waves
Rock type and structure - (hard rock such as smash into each
granite is far more resistant to erosion than soft other.
rocks, such as clay).
These processes move
material at the coast and in a
Soluble materials
Small particles are
dissolve in water and
carried along by the
are carried along.
Destroys (takes beach
Strong backwash
Weak swash
Creates (put sand on
the beach)
Strong swash
Weak backwash
Weather weakens the top of the
cliff. 1
Expensive Gabions
Cages rust
The boulders
Can easily
are good at
be moved
They need
wave energy
to be Revetment
Sea wall
Prevents Creates a strong
erosion. Expensive backwash which
absorb the
Acts as a Need maintaining erodes under
flood Creates a strong the barrier.
barrier backwash
The purpose of soft engineering is
to work with the natural processes
of the coast.
Beach replenishment
Creates wider
Beach replenishment
beaches. Taking material can Adding sand and sediment to the
Protects from kill organisms
erosion and It is very expensive beach from the sea floor.
flooding It has to be repeated
Looks natural Could affect tourism
Managed retreat
flood barrier.
Loss of housing Deaths
Conflict from managed retreat
Old Management (all 40 years
old) ‐To repair revetment cost £5 million, not cost effective
‐Farmers lose land and livelihood
‐Revetments – now damaged ‐Insurance companies won’t pay out
(from a storm) and not effective ‐Increasing protest from locals to central government but g’ment has said no.
‐Groynes were placed to stop ‐Defences would cost more than the land and homes are worth.
the rate of erosion, however ‐Locals want compensation for the lack of management and for their homes collapsing
they are not helping enough. into the sea.
‐Rock Armour – now little
effectiveness ‐The historical lighthouse has had to be moved further back from the edge of the cliff.
‐local campaign ‘buy a rock for Happisburgh’ to raise money for private defences.
Increasing climate change and
sea level rise are impacting and
increasing erosion
Stores- Water Outputs-
stored. Water leaving.
Flows- Water
Inputs- Water moving.
coming in.
The area of land a river gets its water from. It is
defined by the watershed.
Eventually the material builds up so much The deposition that happens on the slip
Overtime the deposited material builds up
that low lying areas called deltas are off slopes of meanders also helps to build
creating levees along the channel edge.
formed. There are three types. up the flood plain.
85 miles in River Management
length ‐Long history of flash flooding
‐Cow green reservoir, controls water
supply for industries along the river
It drains an ‐Straighten the river for easier navigation
area of 710 during the industrial revolution
square Flood protection schemes in Yarn
Upper Course Lower Course
‐Source high in the Pennines (893m ‐Very urbanised and large populations. Eg Yarn
above sea level) ‐Important wildlife seals &
‐High run off as steep V shaped valleys of Middle Course migratory birds also SSSI
impermeable rock ‐Clear widening and meandering ‐Ox bow lakes
‐Meanders cut off in the 19th ‐Large oil, gas and petrochemical industries (as flat land)
‐High rainfall – good water supply ‐Natural Levees formed due to silt build up
‐Many tributaries ‐Mouth is in the North sea
‐Sides become less steep
‐Famous high fall waterfall – tallest in ‐Wide Mudflat estuary (tidal)
‐Lateral erosion
England 21 metres high ‐Huge water sports complex Tees Barrage
‐Gorges, rapids and potholes at Low
Snow melt
When a lot of snow or ice
melts it means a lot of water
goes into the river in a short
Urban areas have lots of
space of time.
impermeable surfaces such as
tarmac. This means the water
runs off the surface quickly and
to the river.
Relief Deforestation
Geology If the valley is steep the Trees intercept the rainwater. They
If the rock is rain just not have a also take up water. Cutting down the
impermeable water chance to infiltrate and it trees increases surface-runoff and
cannot infiltrate and goes runs off quickly. therefore the volume of water in the
to the river. river.
Heavy rainfall
Prolonged rainfall Heavy rainfall means that
After a period of long there is a lot of runoff This
rainfall the soil becomes increases the volume of
saturated, it can’t allow any
water in the river.
more infiltration.
A flood hydrograph shows whether a river has
flooded. The lag time shows how quickly the
water reached the river.
The time it takes for the
water to reach the river. When the river has
reached its capacity.
Don’t stop
Store water Very Impact of
the flood
Hydroelectric expensive flooding
LEDC lack of
power Flooding reduced
access to
Flow control downstream Evacuation
radio etc
Risk of Urban
Catastrophic expansion is
River can flooding if flooding
hold more reduced limited
levees break No help in
water Impermeable
surfaces not places
created already built
New Management & defence
Reasons for the flooding
‐£4.6m scheme includes: raise car park to safer level;
move & raise bridge; widen & lower the river bed to
PHYSICAL increase the amount of water it can hold
‐A very wet August (2 times average ‐Removing of dead vegetation to stop blocking of the
rain) SO the ground was already river
saturated Primary Impacts ‐‘At risk’ properties – encouraged to use more flood
‐Impermeable rocks & thin soils ‐50+ cars, and caravans were resistant material, raise height of electrical wiring etc
‐Steep slopes – rapid runoff swept out to sea ‐Environment Agency – flood warning system +
‐Confluence of Rivers Valency & ‐a wall of water swept through information
Jordan is just above the village the village destroying ‐Council runs special advice days, encouraging people
‐A very high tide – made it difficult everything in its path to have an emergency evacuation
for water to flow out to sea ‐6 buildings were swept away pack & to take out insurance. Council has an
‐Many other houses, shops etc emergency action plan.
were flooded, with mud +
HUMAN sewage as well as water; Since 2004 – flooding again, still damage but not as
‐Bridges were low so acted a a dam ‐ possessions also ruined damaging as this event
debris such as tree trunks caught on ‐Roads under 2.75m of water
them water piled up until it burst ‐No deaths, few serious injuries
through in a great wave
Secondary Impacts
‐Many buildings & roads were ‐90% of economy dependent on tourism > lost
positioned close to the river so more money >20 accommodation providers & tourist
property damage attractions/shops forced to shut
‐Insurance companies pay out £20 million
Characteristics of Bangladesh Social impacts Economic impacts
‐36 million people were made ‐serious damage to infrastructure – roads,
‐Lays mainly on floodplains, so flat land homeless bridges, embankments, railway lines,
Most of the land lies 6metres below sea ‐People died as a result of irrigation systems
‐3 main rivers‐ The Ganges, Brahmaputra and disease because they had no ‐All domestic and internal flights had to be
Meghna. access to clean water. suspended during July
‐Monsoon season evey year – high concentrated ‐Impacted on rural farmers ‐Value of damage was assessed as being in
rainfall in a few months (June to September). and urban slum dwellers the region of $2.2 billion of 4% of total GDP for
‐1,800mm and 2,600mm rain a year. most. 2004
‐Poverty is a huge issue in Bangladesh‐low literacy ‐Over 800 died with many
rate more from disease
‐Flooding occurs naturally in Bangladesh Response and management
‐Snow from the Himalayas melts each year and Environmental impacts ‐Reliance on Ngo support – financial and
increase river discharge During July and August emergency supplies –UN disaster
‐Sediment blocks up the river and causes flooding approximately 38% of the total management support
‐Deforestation in the forest increases run off and land area was flooded including ‐Self help schemes promoted
reduces lag time 800,000 ha of agricultural land ‐local community early warning system
‐Cyclones occur in the Bay of Benegal and causes and Dhaka implemented, plus shelters
coastal flooding Floods caused river bank ‐Increasing use of levees to protect field and
‐Densely populated areas meaning increase in erosion especially on villages
deaths embankment areas close to the
‐Increasing monitoring to reduce the impact
main channels, soil erosion,
as happens every year.
water‐logging, water
contamination ‐encourage farmers to build homes on stilts.