The Effects of Interactive Learning Environments On Cooperative Learning Achievement and Student Anxiety in Environmental Education
The Effects of Interactive Learning Environments On Cooperative Learning Achievement and Student Anxiety in Environmental Education
The Effects of Interactive Learning Environments On Cooperative Learning Achievement and Student Anxiety in Environmental Education
All events in the world are caused by chemical events and reactions. One of the most
important aims of life chemistry is bringing up individuals who have sensitivity
towards the environment and environmental awareness; could apply their learnt
knowledge to daily issues and problems; have the ability to comment and adopt their
knowledge into different situations. In order to achieve these aims, it is of great
importance to train students of all levels and create awareness in the society.
Therefore, life chemistry has been emphasized together with what could be done
about it and how it could be integrated into the curriculum including which
applications should be done at which level. This study aimed to investigate the effect
of distance education and technology assisted cooperative learning projects on
students‘ achievement and attitude in ―Chemistry events and concepts in our life‖. In
the light of this aim, student achievement scores as outcomes of student cooperative
learning projects were evaluated together with technology attitude scale.
Life chemistry is one of the most important and required topics in the world. The
utilization of clean energy and environmental protection is emphasized all around the
world and studies are conducted on how resources could be utilized more efficiently. All
events in the world are caused by chemical events and reactions. These chemical
events and reactions are all involved in chemistry. One of the most important aims of
life chemistry is bringing up individuals who have sensitivity towards the environment
and environmental awareness; could apply their learnt knowledge to daily issues and
problems; have the ability to comment and adopt their knowledge into different
situations. In order to achieve these aims, it is of great importance to train students of
all levels and create awareness in the society. Therefore, life chemistry has been
emphasized together with what could be done about it and how it could be integrated
into the curriculum including which applications should be done at which level. The
factors affecting students‘ environmental knowledge, attitude, awareness and
behaviors are investigated at all levels of education by scientists, beginning in
According to the results, educational models and curriculum suggestions are prepared.
As an example we can cite the studies of Gillespie & deHaals (1979) and deHaals &
Gillespie (1979) that relate to planning environmental change and measuring
environmental awareness.
Palmer (1995) studied the effect of early childhood experiences, family and education
on environmental conception and behaviors. Howe & Disinger (1988) investigated the
variables in improving the responsible environmental behaviors. Musser & Diamond
(1999), in their study on the environmental awareness of kindergarten students,
examined the factors affecting the improvement of environmental knowledge and
They found that the behaviors of the students were not related to the private
applications that the parents actualize at home. Ballantyne (1998) examined the
improvement of the students‘ environmental knowledge through interactive study
Musser & Malkus (1994) developed a scale to assess the attitudes of school children
towards the environment. Ballantyne (1996) designed an environmental concept
improvement model in co-operation with environmental knowledge, attitude and
behaviors. Ballantyne et al. (2001) developed environmental education programs
focusing on the students‘ knowledge and attitudes related to the environment and their
environmental activities. Similarly, Thomas (1989-1990), Hites (2001) discussed the
context of environmental education curriculum, educational techniques, educational
tools and how to improve student motivation.
Wenzel & Austin (2001) evaluated an introductory chemistry course that had an
environmental awareness prior to 2001 in the field of environmental chemistry in the
undergraduate laboratory. They suggested that the students needed to address
sensitive issues more carefully. Randall (1997) recommends that environmental
education should be supported with activities that could be done within the natural
environment. Lee (1974), Davis (1974), Chrotowski (1985) and Stearns (1988)
prepared sample lesson plans on various suggestions and applications of environmental
chemistry in high school curriculum. Carlson (1993) describes a three-week intensive
course in a general chemistry class, which consisted of two distinct phases: a one-week
introduction to environmental chemistry and a two-week project involving a particular
environmental program. In his research related to science, technology and society, Uri
Zoller emphasized the global environmental issues and importance of environmental
chemistry in this context (Zoller, 2000; Zoller, 2001; Tal, Dori, Keiny, Zoller, 2001).
The utilization of clean energy resources that prevent environmental pollution could
also be included within his concept besides the various researches on environment and
environmental protection. Wenig (1981) prepared 25 class modules on renewable
energy among these clean energy resources. The prepared modules involved social
effects of energy, evaluation of alternative renewable energy resources, economical
aspects of energy resources, utilization of renewable alternatives and decreasing the
usage of energy at home. Moreover, Mumma et. al. (1996), Rowland (1985), Crelinsen
(1983), Theiss (1982) and Sarvis (1980) ran studies on energy to be included in the
curriculum and studied on activity and lesson plans about renewable energy. Apart
from these, there are many project studies on renewable energy.
Newson (1997) organized a project, which aimed to acknowledge students on
renewable energy. Nicholson (1996) integrated the utilization of technology in
education into the topic of renewable energy, and designed a project where students
built websites on renewable energy through using computers at the Internet class. A
company called Resources for the Future designed a project work on the protection and
improvement of natural resources within their study on environmental improvement. In
a project done in local technical schools, there were applications on environmental
administration and protection where 4 educational courses were organized in order to
explain the utilization of solar energy. The project designed at Missouri State Fair High
School, renewable energy resources was integrated into the field of agriculture.
Recently the Internet has become the most important development in the chemistry
field (Holmes, 1996). The Internet holds important educational promise for
engendering active and experiential learning, encouraging reflection and the
application and fostering of collaboration and individualized construction of meaning in
learning communities that extend beyond the boundaries of the traditional classroom
or campus (Eastmond, 1998).
According to CAST, the center for Applied Special Technology in Massachusetts reports
that the Internet offers a strong potential to break down the barriers and inequities
encountered by students of different socioeconomic, linguistic and disability
backgrounds (Bayha, 1998). Internet usage is a method that provides the correct
information within a short period. Internet supported learning provides learners with
interactive and collaborative environments. Tools such as chat rooms, discussion
groups, and video-sound conference and e-mail groups provide students with an
opportunity to share and discuss their ideas and opinions (Holmes, 1996). This learning
that takes part in a united atmosphere is an element of successful science education
(Penhale, 1994).
The recent introduction of the Internet into classrooms provides an opportunity for
learners to access a wide range of digital resources on the World Wide Web (Hoffman,
1997). For teachers, students, and parents this means access to information that is not
in textbooks or the local library (Haury, 1996).
The Internet also enables teachers and students to quickly access primary sources.
Introducing and using primary sources in the classroom leads to active learning and to
the development of critical thinking and the enhancement of learning processes by
allowing students to construct their own understandings (Shiroma, 2000).
chemistry programs (Carr, 1989). Students must be encouraged to execute the
computer based interactive research through various databases (Cooke, 1991). What a
database is and how to use it, and the types of databases must be described. By
creating and using databases, students develop research and organization skills. By
searching through databases, they learn to identify information needs, make problem
statements, retrieve and sort information, and design strategies for organizing data
(Parisi, 1985).
Web technology is only one alternative among the wide range of available media for
helping people learn (Boisvert, 2000). According to Sabry & Baldwin, (2003),
increasingly, web technology is used for learning interaction and is becoming
commonplace in educational institutions (Nielsen.NetRatings, 2002; McGraw-Hill,
2002; Collis et al, 2000).
Also, the PBL tool is the product of an extended investigation that is collaborative
(McGrath, 2003).
This study aimed to investigate the effect of distance education and technology
assisted cooperative learning projects on students‘ achievement and attitude in
―Chemistry events and concepts in our life‖. In the light of this aim, student
achievement scores as outcomes of student cooperative learning projects were
evaluated together with technology attitude scale in this research.
The samplings of the study were 31 3 rd year students from Zonguldak Karaelmas
University, Faculty of Education, Department of Primary School Education. In this
course, the students were instructed to teach about ―life chemistry― through course
content that was prepared by considering distance education approach and through
interactive projects that were prepared for cooperative learning activity.
The scale that is 5-point likert type includes 5 factors and 19 items; 13 of them are
positive and the rest is negative. The factors can be ordered as the follows; ―Not Using
Technological Tools In Education‖, ―Using Technological Tools In Education‖, ―The
Effects Of Technology In Educational Life‖, ―Teaching How To Use Technological Tools‖
and ―Evaluating Technological Tools‖. The reliability of the scale was found as 0,87 by
using Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The total correlations of 19 items for item
differentiation index and item difficulty ranged from 0,24 to 0,68.
In the scale, the choices and points for each item were determined as ―Strongly Agree‖
(5), ―Agree‖ (4), ―Undecided‖ (3), ―Disagree‖ (2) and ―Strongly Disagree‖ (1). The
coding process was carried out by giving points to choices of items that ranged from 5
to 1.
The maximum score on the scale is 71 that refer the highest positive attitude and the
minimum score on the scale is 43 that refer to the highest negative attitude toward
Application Procedure
Students were initially administered the ―Life Chemistry Knowledge Test‖ in order to
assess their knowledge related to the chemistry events in our life in addition to the
technology attitude scale as pretests.
The students were asked to prepare a project on their own topic about ―Chemistry
events and concepts in our life‖ by constructing 3-4 students group.
In Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Faculty of Education has been providing support to
the students by adding interactive course contents and materials the students will be
able to use, in order to strengthen their the ordinary courses by distance education
In this system, the students are able to reach course contents about their ordinary
semester courses by using their passwords and user names.
In addition, the lecturers can present additional materials via internet and can do
connection with the students. In the following figure (Figure: 1), an example of
interactive learning material and steps for reaching it by the students is presented.
The projects were prepared in the light of the knowledge attained with the help of
distance education materials and interactive environments in 1 month.
Students acquired various information related to their projects through their searches
on the Internet.
They organized the acquired information within their group and eliminated the useful
ones to be used in their projects.
After the projects were prepared and presented, the ―Life Chemistry Knowledge Test‖
was administered as the posttest together with technology attitude scale.
Figure: 1
Steps for using the system and example material for ―Life chemistry‖
Table: 1
The paired samples t-test results of students‘ life chemistry knowledge test scores
before and after the applications
n s t p
Pretest 49,38
31 5,23 -8,746 0,000
Posttest 78,42
The analysis results revealed that there was a significant increase in students‘
knowledge levels of life chemistry as a result of the cooperative learning projects in
distance education assisted interactive environments (t(31)= -8,746, p<0,05).
Before the cooperative learning projects, students‘ average in the life chemistry
knowledge test results was found to be pre=49,38, whereas the value increased up to
post= 78,42 after the application.
This finding shows that cooperative learning projects in interactive environments have
important effects on increasing students‘ knowledge levels about life chemistry.
Table: 2
The paired samples t-test results of students‘ technology attitude scale scores
before and after the applications
n s t p
pretest 48,37
31 7,62 -4,91 0,000
posttest 65,86
The analysis results displayed a significant increase in the technology attitude levels of
students as a result of the cooperative learning project application in distance
education assisted interactive learning environment (t(31)=-4,91, p<0,05). Before the
cooperative learning projects application, the average of students‘ technology attitude
results was pre= 48,37, whereas this value increased up to post= 65,86 after the
This finding indicates that cooperative learning projects in distance education assisted
interactive learning environments have an important effect on increasing students‘
technology attitude levels.
All applications throughout the study concluded that cooperative learning projects,
which are assisted by interactive environments, led to an important increase in
students knowledge levels related to life chemistry. This increase in the achievement
levels was determined through the difference between students‘ pre and posttest
results favoring the posttest.
Moreover, the difference between students‘ technology attitude scale pre and posttest
results favoring the posttest revealed that distance education assisted interactive
environments affected students‘ technology attitude positively.
These results are in coherence with the results of the study by Litteral (1998),
Ctrnactova (2001), Serapuu & Adojaan (1999), Blume et.all (2001) where the
increasing effect of interactive education on student achievement and course efficiency
was determined.
Interactive learning environments should be carefully designed to students‘ attitude
with these environments. Distance education instructors should consider the
characteristics of an interactive learning environment to develop successful distance
courses and to meet the expectations of their students. It is clear that other factors
may also contribute to distance education. Next research may include other
characteristics, such as computer and internet ownership, which may influence
students‘ anxiety toward interactive learning environments.
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