Wedding and Event Planning App

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are that the app aims to help users successfully plan weddings and events by providing a platform to find venues, planners and other services. It allows both customers and service providers to access each other through a single application.

The purpose of the wedding and event planning app is to provide a platform for users to access venues, event organizers and other services to plan weddings and events successfully through a single application.

The main features of the app include allowing users to add event details, select venues and services, view venue listings, communicate with administrators and service providers, and make payments. It also aims to provide recommendations based on location and other preferences.

COMSATS University Islamabad,

Attock Campus

Wedding and Event Planning App

A project presented to
COMSATS University Islamabad, Attock Campus

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (2017-2021)


Salman Arshad (CUI/ FA17-BSE-071/ATK)

Usman Hussain Siddiqui (CUI/ FA17-BSE-036/ATK)

We hereby declare that this software, neither whole nor as a part, has been copied
out from any source. It is further stated that we have developed this software and
accompanied the report completely based on our efforts. If any part of this project
is proved to be copied out from any source or found to be reproduced from some
other source, we will stand by the consequences. No portion of the work presented
has been submitted of any application for any other degree or qualification of this
or any other university or institute of learning.

Salman Arshad Usman Hussain


Certificate of Approval

It is to certify that the final year project of BS (SE) “Wedding and event planning
app” was developed by Salman Arshad (CUI/FA17-BSE-071/ATK) and Usman
Hussain Siddiqui (CUI/ FA17-BSE-036/ATK) under the supervision of Mr. Saleem
Khan and that in opinion; it is fully adequate, in scope and quality for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.


External Examiner

Head of Department (Department of Computer Science)

Executive Summary
Our main aim with wedding and event planning app is to help people successfully organize
weddings and other events. It is a java-based web application. This application provides an easy
interface for anyone willing to plan their special event to find top venues and planners of their
choice. The customer will register through our system, and all the functionalities will be available
to them on a single platform. The customer can get the service by adding all the details of the
event. The customer can select the type of event, type of decoration and calculate their estimated
budget. The admin will verify all the details provided by the customer. Admin will add all the
planner's details based on the customer's requirement and send the customer’s event details to the
planner. The planner will verify & send his response with a call. To confirm the order, the
customer needs to complete the payment process.
The proposed system will also provide customer-to-planner communication. There will be an
admin panel in our system. And this panel will update the information regarding venues, it’s
location, it’s availability, and budget calculations. The system will recommend the best venues to
the customer based on their location. If the customer wants to search venue in a specific area, the
system will display all the available venues in that area.
Our project is a new and almost only platform to provide wedding and event planning in Pakistan
on a single application. It tackles out all the problems of poorly organized weddings or
unscheduled and out of budget venues. It provides a call feature to keep both parties updated
about the information regarding event. This site enlists the venues to the customers. Customers
can search and view the venue list based on their needs. The customer's job is to select the venue,
confirm the details about the event, and confirm their payment to proceed further. Admin’s role is
to collect all the input details of the event provided by the customer and forward them to the
respective planner. Finally, the planner will verify, check, and update on the confirmation about
the event. Our system will also provide customer-to-planner communication through call or
Gmail. This communication will help our customer stay updated about the event, and the admin
can forward information about the event from planner to customer and vice versa. All of the
information about the venue, services, locations, and budget is provided in one place and
accessible to each of them. Instruction option is also available for the ease of using our interface
to new customers or users. Our system will also display the list of wedding hotels with their
prices in each hotel’s profile.

All praise is to Almighty Allah who bestowed upon us a portion of His boundless knowledge by
virtue of which we were able to accomplish this challenging task.
We are greatly indebted to our project supervisor Mr. Saleem Khan. Without his supervision,
advice, and valuable guidance, the completion of this project would have been doubtful. We are
deeply indebted to them for their encouragement and continual help during this work.
And we are also thankful to our parents and family, who have been a constant source of
encouragement for us and brought us the values of honesty & hard work.

Salman Arshad Usman Hussain Siddiqui


SDLC Software Development Life Cycle

WEP Wedding and event planning
UML Unified Modeling Language
DFD Data Flow Diagram

Table of Contents
1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Brief................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Relevance to course modules...............................................................................................................................3
1.2.1 Web Engineering...........................................................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Database Management System...................................................................................................................3
1.2.3 Software Project Management.....................................................................................................................3
1.2.4 Software Requirement Engineering..............................................................................................................3
1.2.5 Software Quality Assurance..........................................................................................................................3
1.2.6 Software Design and Architecture................................................................................................................3
1.2.7 Data Mining...........................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Project background...............................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Goals and Objectives.............................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Literature Review..................................................................................................................................................4
1.5.1 Event Planner (Party Planning).....................................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Comparison Table.........................................................................................................................................5
1.6 Methodology.........................................................................................................................................................5
1.6.1 Rationale behind Selected Methodology..............................................................................................6
2 Problem Definition............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Problem Statement...............................................................................................................................................8
2.2 Proposed Solution.................................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Deliverables...........................................................................................................................................................8
2.4 Development Requirements.................................................................................................................................8
2.4.1 Tools and technologies.................................................................................................................................9
3 Requirement Analysis..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Functional requirements.....................................................................................................................................11
3.1.1 FR-01 Sign in...............................................................................................................................................11
3.1.2 FR-02 Select Wedding Hotel........................................................................................................................11
3.1.3 FR-03 Select Restaurant..............................................................................................................................12
3.1.4 FR-04 Select Tent Service............................................................................................................................12
3.1.5 FR-05 Select Location..........................................................................................................................13
3.1.6 FR-06 Calculate Budget...............................................................................................................................13
3.1.7 FR-07 Confirm Payment..............................................................................................................................14
3.1.8 FR-08 View Instructions..............................................................................................................................14
3.1.9 FR-09 Watch Ads........................................................................................................................................15
3.1.10 FR-10 Communication via call..................................................................................................................15
3.1.11 FR-11 Feedback.........................................................................................................................................16
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements............................................................................................................................17
3.2.1 NFR-01 Performance...................................................................................................................................17
3.2.2 NFR-02 Security...........................................................................................................................................17
3.2.3 NFR-03 Reliability.......................................................................................................................................17
3.2.4 NFR-04 Portability.......................................................................................................................................17
3.3.2 Admin Use Case Diagram...........................................................................................................................22
3.3.3 Planner Use Case Diagram.........................................................................................................................25
4 Design and Architecture.................................................................................................................................. 29

4.1 Project Design.....................................................................................................................................................29
4.2 Data Modeling (Diagram)....................................................................................................................................29
4.2.1 Data Flow Diagram.....................................................................................................................................29
4.2.2 Class Diagram.............................................................................................................................................30
4.2.3 Activity Diagram.........................................................................................................................................30
4.2.4 Sequence Diagram......................................................................................................................................34
5 Implementation.............................................................................................................................................. 38
5.1 Tools....................................................................................................................................................................38
5.1.1 Android Studio............................................................................................................................................38
5.2 Technologies.......................................................................................................................................................38
5.2.1 Firebase.......................................................................................................................................................38
5.3 Component of System.........................................................................................................................................38
5.3.1 Database.....................................................................................................................................................38
5.3.2 Mobile Interface.........................................................................................................................................38
5.3.3 Admin Implementation...............................................................................................................................44
6 Testing............................................................................................................................................................ 47
6.1 Unit Testing.........................................................................................................................................................47
6.2 System Testing.....................................................................................................................................................47
6.3 Test Cases............................................................................................................................................................47
6.2.1 Test Case (Sign in Valid)..............................................................................................................................47
6.2.2 Test Case (Hotel Selection Valid)................................................................................................................47
6.2.3 Test Case (Restaurant Selection Valid).......................................................................................................48
6.2.4 Test Case (Catering Service Selection Valid)...............................................................................................48
6.2.5 Test Case (Call Valid)...................................................................................................................................48
6.2.6 Test Case (Payment Service Valid)..............................................................................................................48
6.2.7 Test Case (Feedback Valid).........................................................................................................................49
6.2.7 Test Case (Feedback Invalid).......................................................................................................................49
7 Conclusion and Future Work........................................................................................................................... 51
7.1 Future Work........................................................................................................................................................51
7.2.1 UI.................................................................................................................................................................51
7.2.2 Updating Database.....................................................................................................................................51
7.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................................51
8 References...................................................................................................................................................... 53

Table of Figures
Figure 1-1 Agile SDLC .................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3-1 Customer Use Case Diagram ...................................................................................... 18
Figure 3-2 Admin Use Case Diagram ............................................................................................
Figure 3-3 Planner Use Case Diagram ..........................................................................................
Figure 4-1 Data Flow Diagram ..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 4-2 Class Diagram ............................................................................................................. 30
Figure 4-3 Planner Activity Diagram ............................................................................................
Figure 4-4 Admin Activity Diagram .............................................................................................
Figure 4-5 Customer Activity Diagram ........................................................................................ 33
Figure 4-6 Sign in Sequence Diagram .......................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-7 Gmail Sequence Diagram ............................................................................................
Figure 4-8 Call Sequence Diagram ............................................................................................... 35
Figure 4-9 Location Sequence Diagram ........................................................................................
Figure 5-1 Login through
Gmail .....................................................................................................39
Figure 5-2 Home Page ...................................................................................................................
Figure 5-3 Hotel list.......................................................................................................................
Figure 5-4 Restaurant List.............................................................................................................
Figure 5-5 Catering Service list..................................................................................................... 40
Figure 5-6 Catering Service List.................................................................................................... 40
Figure 5-7 Budget Calculator......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 5-8 Details of Hotels........................................................................................................... 41
Figure 5-9 Payment Bank Alfalah................................................................................................. 41
Figure 5-10 Call Function.............................................................................................................. 41
Figure 5-11 Option List................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 5-12 Review Page............................................................................................................... 42
Figure 5-13 Rating Page................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 5-14 Qr Code Machine Learning........................................................................................ 42
Figure 5-15 Google Map................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 5-16 Add Mob.................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 5-17 Restaurant Menu List................................................................................................. 43

Figure 5-18 Instructions through video recording..........................................................................43
Figure 5-19 Location tracking........................................................................................................43
Figure 5-20 Adding Project to Firebase......................................................................................... 44
Figure 5-21 Choosing Authentication Method ............................................................................. 44
Figure 5-22 Creating Gmail Account ........................................................................................... 45
Figure 5-23 Gmail Login .............................................................................................................. 45

List of Tables
Table 1-1 Comparison Table .......................................................................................................... 5
Table 3-1 FR-01 Sign in.................................................................................................................
Table 3-2 FR-02 Select Wedding Hotel.........................................................................................
Table 3-3 FR-03 Select Restaurant................................................................................................ 12
Table 3-4 FR-04 Select Tent Service............................................................................................. 12
Table 3-5 FR-05 Select Location ...................................................................................................
Table 3-6 FR-06 Calculate Budget.................................................................................................
Table 3-7 FR-07 Confirm Payment................................................................................................
Table 3-8 FR-08 View Instructions................................................................................................
Table 3-9 FR-09 Watch
Table 3-10 FR-10 Communication via call....................................................................................
Table 3-11 FR-11 Feedback...........................................................................................................
Table 3-12 Customer Sign in Use Case ..........................................................................................
Table 3-13 Customer Search Use Case.......................................................................................... 19
Table 3-14 Customer Select Use Case............................................................................................
Table 3-15 Customer Calculate Use Case......................................................................................
Table 3-16 Customer View Use Case.............................................................................................
Table 3-17 Customer Pay Use Case ..............................................................................................
Table 3-18 Customer Communication Use Case .......................................................................... 22
Table 3-19 Admin Sign in Use Case..............................................................................................
Table 3-20 Admin Shows Use Case...............................................................................................
Table 3-21 Admin Adds Use Case.................................................................................................
Table 3-22 Admin Verify Use Case...............................................................................................

Table 3-23 Planner Sign in Use Case.............................................................................................
Table 3-24 Planner Calculate Requirements Use Case...................................................................
Table 3-25 Planner Send Staff Use Case........................................................................................
Table 3-26 Planner Communication Use Case ..............................................................................

Chapter 1

1 Introduction
Living in the 21st century, we see the world evolving at its best, given all the advancement in
technology; we find efficient ways to divide and manage our tasks. Since the rise of active
interaction via social media, Pakistan has also seen an uprise in wedding and event planning.
Event planning, mainly wedding planning, has always been the most tedious and time intensive
task to anyone who is either organizing or planning it. It is the business of organizing,
managing, and conducting the tasks of events smoothly and efficiently without the customer
worrying about it. From venue selection to budget, building the hustling task for performing all
the tasks perfectly at the right time might make them miss out on moments they should be
cherishing. In order to overcome the unscheduled and unorganized event planning, we came up
with the Wedding and Event Planning App, which is an Event Management System. Our project
is web-based so that everyone can access it through the internet. We will bring wedding
planners, organizers, customer, and budget calculations all on a single platform. Anyone who is
interested in having their event planned will register through the system, and all the
functionalities will be available on our platform. To control all the activities on the website, the
admin panel in our system will be responsible for fetching all the details from customers and
provide them to the planner. In other words, the admin will act as an intermediator. The
customer can get the service by adding all the details of the event. The customer can select the
type of event, type of decoration, and estimated budget. The admin will then verify all the
details given by the customer. Admin will add all the details of the event to the customer's
requirement and send the customer’s event details to the planner. The planner will verify & send
his response with a call. To confirm the order, the customer needs to complete the payment
process. Our system makes the customer choose from the top available event planner based on
their location. A searching facility is also available to the customer to search for a specific area,
and the system will display all the venues available for booking.

1.1 Brief
This project aims to provide the venues and organizers by accessing top planners and event
organizers to organize a wedding successfully and other events all while keeping in mind the
budget respective to buyer's needs all through a single platform. The customer can get the
service by adding all the details of the event. The customer can select the type of event, type of
decoration, and estimated budget. After the selection, all the customer’s details about the event
will be verified by the admin and forwarded to respective planners based on location. Similarly,
after receiving the information about the event, decoration type, and price of the event, the
planner's response will be shared with the respective customer. The proposed system will also
provide customer -to-admin communication via call or Gmail. The admin panel in our system
will act as an intermediator and update the planner and customer's information. The system will
recommend the best venues, location of the venues, service charges, budget calculations, and
payment methods. If the customer wants to venue in a specific area, the system will display all
the available venues in that area.

1.2 Relevance to course modules
In this section, we discuss some of our courses in program that helped us in making this project.

1.2.1 Web Engineering

Web Engineering is a fundamental course for us to develop a website. This course helped us
become an amateur web developer. In this course, we learned two things, the first is web
designing, and the other is backend implementation. In the designing phase, we learned HTML,
CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and in the backend, we learn PHP and use apache as a web server to
host a website locally on our computer.

1.2.2 Database Management System

Database Management System is one of the core courses of our program that we have studied so
far. This course helps in interacting with the relational databases that is used by most of the
applications nowadays. It helps us in understanding queries, joins, constraints, stored
procedures, functions, etc. These all are the techniques that we’ve used in this project.

1.2.3 Software Project Management

Software Project Management helps us understand how the organization manages a project and
how they develop their project. We used teamwork to set the time, objectives, goals, and the
useful information we learned from this course.

1.2.4 Software Requirement Engineering

Software Requirement Engineering is one of the most important courses that we learn in our
degree, this program tells us the importance of requirement in Software Development Life
Cycle. How to write requirements and what is the difference between functional and non-
functional requirements.

1.2.5 Software Quality Assurance

This course enables us to understand what quality of software is and how we measure it using
quantitative and qualitative data. How a software project is evaluated? What are the types and
techniques of testing? Also, we study test cases that are useful in evaluation phase of our project.

1.2.6 Software Design and Architecture

This course enables us to learn the Unified Modeling Language Diagrams. How to design a
software system based on requirement. This course helped in our project to design a system. We
learned following diagram from this course.

• Activity Diagram
• Use Case Diagram
• Sequence Diagram
• Class Diagram
• Communication Diagram

1.2.7 Data Mining
In this course we studied about the data and analytics on data. How data become more useful
using computer programming algorithms. In this course, we understand and implement
algorithms on datasets to check the prediction of our result with actual results. Our project
involves recommendation system, so it helps us in designing and developing recommendation

1.3 Project background

The world has become a global village with the help of all the tech giants working day and night
to provide humans with all their necessities in under a second with convenience. Leading this
concept, we aim to develop a system where every customer can get their weddings and events
organized by selecting top venues and planner in Pakistan. Also, any customer can select venues
and type of service along with budget calculation through our system but to confirm order they
have to complete payment method. The customer will have to Sign in using their Gmail for using
the services provided by our system. They can locate and calculate the distance between venue
and their location based on their interest. Searching for venues and the list of top hotels and
event planner would also be available through our system.

1.4 Goals and Objectives

Our goals and objectives are mentioned as follow:
• Provide a secure platform for renting services and venues for any sort of event.
• Platform to help people get free from hustle of planning and organizing wedding or an
• Provide an interface where admin act as intermediator and perform all the crucial tasks
and keeps customer updated.
• Provides an ease in planning and managing events all via using single system instead of
hustling in person and searching for venues and tent services.

1.5 Literature Review

In this section, we will highlight some of the previous application that already exist in the market
and compare it with our application.

1.5.1 Event Planner (Party Planning)

Event planner is a party planning app but it only acts as a database to keep all the data about the
event saved in one place. In event planner app following features are incorporated:
▪ Guest list with invitations and RSVP.
▪ To-do list.
▪ Shopping list
▪ Budget Planner

1.5.2 Comparison Table
Table 1-1 Comparison Table
Features Wedding and Event Planning Event Planner
Call Feature Yes No

Customer -to-admin Yes No

Venue Selection Yes No

Budget Planning Yes Yes

Hiring Planner Yes No
Tent Service selection Yes No

1.6 Methodology
This project is built in agile manner as shown in figure. Thus, WEP app is built using agile
model by completing each phase and integrating them as a whole project. It is software
development life cycle model where projects/system is designed, built and tested using a
combination of iterative and incremental process models with focus on process adaptability and
customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of working software product. At the end of the iteration,
a working product is displayed to the customer and important stakeholders. This model is the
combination of iterative and incremental process models.


Testing Back To
4 Define Requirements


Development 3 1 Requirement

UI Design

Figure 1-1 Agile SDLC

1.6.1 Rationale behind Selected Methodology
Our project contains several tasks, but each task is performed in its specific phase with iteration.
Characteristics of agile SDLC are:
1. Realistic approach to software development.
2. Promotes teamwork and cross training.
3. Continuous Improvement of both system and the project.

Chapter 2
Problem Definition

2 Problem Definition
2.1 Problem Statement
In the age of information and technology, people tend to move towards information and services
that are provided online by many registered websites. But problem still lies in renting hotels,
restaurants and tent service ahead of schedule that too online. Many of the websites provides
search-based option to look for venues independently in location where they are interested. But
in the meantime, there is no member to whom they can communicate with and ask about service
charges or planning of certain events.

2.2 Proposed Solution

Our main aim in this project is to plan any event or wedding through admin and planner for
respective customers in a single platform. The customer will register through our system and all
the functionalities will be available on a single platform. The customer can select the type of
event, type of decoration, and estimated budget. After the selection, all the customer’s details
about the event will be verified by the admin and forwarded to respective planners based on
location. The planner will verify and send staff for the particular event. The admin panel in our
system will act as an intermediator and update the planner and customer's information. The
system will recommend the best venues, location of the venues, service charges, budget
calculations, and payment methods. If the customer wants to venue in a specific area, the system
will display all the available venues in that area.

2.3 Deliverables
Deliverables after the end of Final Year project to the FYP committee are as follows.
• Design File (XML)
• Database (Firebase)
• Documentation (pdf)

2.4 Development Requirements

To develop this website, we need the following gadget that matches these features or above.

• 7th Generation Laptop • 4.9 Or above GHz processor.

• Minimum of 6 GB of RAM or maximum 8 GB.

2.4.1 Tools and technologies Tools
Tools are as under!

• Brackets
• Xampp Server
• MS Word
• MS PowerPoint
• Android Studio Technology
• Firebase
• JavaScript
• jQuery

Chapter 3
Requirement Analysis

3 Requirement Analysis
In this chapter, we are going to discuss requirements of our project. In the sub section, we will
also discuss functional and non-functional requirements of our project. Requirement gathering
and analysis is one of the most important steps of project’s development lifecycle. Software
requirement specification defines the requirement that are being designed and then developed to
make a workable product. Requirement specifications are divided into two main categories.

3.1 Functional requirements

As the name suggests, function means those operation that a system perform on a specific
situation. The operation and functions are performed as a specific set of behavior between
outputs and inputs. Functional requirements involve technical details, calculations, logic,
processing, and data manipulation of a system.

3.1.1 FR-01 Sign in

Table 3-1 FR-01 Sign in
Name FR-01 Sign in
Summary This interface gives customer to Sign in to our portal using Gmail.
Rationale Provide customer an interface to Sign in it on our system.

a) Customer must be at Sign in via Gmail.

b) Customer has valid email address.
c) Customer/Admin data is added in the database.
d) Click Sign in button.
References [1]

3.1.2 FR-02 Select Wedding Hotel

Table 3-2 FR-02 Select Wedding Hotel
Name FR-02 Select Wedding Hotel
Summary This interface allows customer to select wedding hotel available on our
Rationale Provides customer an interface to select a wedding hotel on our platform.
a) Customer must be at main page of website.
Requirements b) Customer must Sign in via Gmail.
c) Click on wedding hotel button.
References [1]

3.1.3 FR-03 Select Restaurant

Table 3-3 FR-03 Select Restaurant

Name FR-03 Select Restaurant
Summary This interface allows customer to select restaurant from our portal.
Rationale Provide customer an interface to select a restaurant for event from our
a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.
b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Restaurant button.

References [1]



3.1.4 FR-04 Select Tent Service

Table 3-4 FR-04 Select Tent Service

Name FR-04 Select Tent Service
Summary This interface allows customer to select tent service from our portal.
Rationale Provide customer an interface to select the tent service of their choice from
our platform.
a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.
b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Tent Service button.

References [1]



3.1.5 FR-05 Select Location

Table 3-5 FR-05 Select Location

Name FR-05 Select Location
Summary This interface allows customer to select the location to calculate the
distance between their location and venue from our portal.
Rationale Provide customer an interface to select the location and calculate distance
from our platform.

a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.

Requirements b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Location button.

References [1]



3.1.6 FR-06 Calculate Budget

Table 3-6 FR-06 Calculate Budget

Name FR-06 Calculate Budget
Summary This interface allows customer to calculate the budget of the event in our
Rationale Provide customer an interface where customer can calculate the budget by
inputting their requirements.

a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.

Requirements b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Budget button.

References [1]



3.1.7 FR-07 Confirm Payment

Table 3-7 FR-07 Confirm Payment

Name FR-07 Confirm Payment

Summary This interface allows customer to place order by confirming payment.
Rationale Provide customer an interface to complete payment method.

a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.

Requirements b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Payment button.

References [1]


3.1.8 FR-08 View Instructions

Table 3-8 FR-08 View Instructions

Name FR-08 View Instructions
Summary This interface allows customer to view instructions on how the app works.
Rationale Provide customer an interface to understand workings of app.

a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.

Requirements b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Instructions button.

References [1]


3.1.9 FR-09 Watch Ads

Table 3-9 FR-09 Watch Ads

Name FR-10 Watch Ads
Summary This interface allows customer to watch ads to earn coins which will be
further used.
Rationale Provide customer an interface where they can earn coins by watching ads.

a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.

Requirements b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Ads button.
References [1]

3.1.10 FR-10 Communication via call

Table 3-10 FR-10 Communication via call

Name FR-10 Communication via call
Summary This interface gives customer access to communicate with admin/planner.
Rationale Provide customer an interface where they can communicate with

a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.

Requirements b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Call button.
d) Enter number to initiate a call.
References [1]

3.1.11 FR-11 Feedback

Table 3-11 FR-11 Feedback

Name FR-11 Feedback
Summary This interface allows customer to leave feedback about the event or their
experience with our portal.
Rationale Provide customer an interface where they can leave feedback about their
experience with our application.
a) Customer must have Signed in to our portal.
b) Customer must be at main page of website.
c) Click Call button.
d) Enter number to initiate a call.
References [1]

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements are those requirements which describes how a system should behave
when a certain function is performed. They take part with functional requirements to help and
define the system quality with respect to the following parameters:

3.2.1 NFR-01 Performance

• Project start up time
o Project start up time is minimum 5 seconds but it usually depends on the internet
of user.
• JavaScript validation message o Shows in 0.2 seconds.
• Sign in
• Track display

3.2.2 NFR-02 Security

Security constraints are as follows
• Customer must enter valid email address.
• Customer must enter valid mobile number.
• Customer data cannot be shared with any third party.
• After Sign in, customer states are maintained.
• Session will expire after application is closed.

3.2.3 NFR-03 Reliability

• Website is available 24/7.
• Location information source is authentic.
• Customer must trust admin by using call.

3.2.4 NFR-04 Portability

• Website is responsive enough for different screen sizes.
• Website is compatible with all popular browsers. (Firefox, chrome, safari, opera etc.)

3.3 Use Case Diagram

3.3.1 Customer Use Case Diagram


Figure 3-1 Customer Use Case Diagram

18 Detail Customer Use Case Diagram
Table 3-12 Customer Sign in Use Case
Use case name Sign in
Actor Customer
Summary Customer can Sign in to the portal.
Pre-condition Customer should be on the Sign in page.
Customer must have valid Gmail address.
Customer record must be in the database.
Post-condition Customer will be redirected to the dashboard.
Includes Gmail Id
Normal course 1. Launch application.
of events 2. Click on Sign in.
3. Enter Gmail Credentials
4. Click on Sign in button to proceed.

Table 3-13 Customer Search Use Case

Use case name Search
Actor Customer
Summary Customer can search wedding hotels/ restaurants / tent service from
the dashboard.
Pre-condition Customer should be at the dashboard page.
Customer must Sign in to the portal.
Post-condition Customer will be redirected to wedding hotel list or restaurants list or
tent services list depending on search.
Includes Wedding Hotel / Restaurants / Tent Service
Normal course 1. Click on Sign in.
of events 2. Click on Wedding hotels to proceed.
 Choose a hotel of their choice.
3. Click on Restaurants to proceed.
 Choose a restaurant of their choice.
4. Click on Tent Services.
 Choose tent service for their event.

Table 3-14 Customer Select Use Case

Use case name Select
Actor Customer
Summary Customer can select location in the portal using Google maps to calculate
the distance between their location and venue’s.
Pre-condition Customer should be at the dashboard.
Customer must Sign in to the portal.
Post-condition Customer will be redirected to the Google maps.
Include Location
Normal course 1. Sign In
of events 2. Click on Location button.
3. Enter your location in source location and venue’s location at
destination location.
4. Click display track button to proceed.

Table 3-15 Customer Calculate Use Case

Use case name Budget
Actor Customer
Summary Customer can calculate the budget of the event in the portal.
Pre-condition Customer should be at the dashboard.
Customer must Sign in to the portal.
Post-condition Customer will be redirected to budget calculator.

Include Budget
Normal course 1. Sign In.
of events 2. Click on Budget button.
3. Enter details about event financial estimates.
4. Results will be displayed.

Table 3-16 Customer View Use Case
Use case name View
Actor Customer
Summary Customer can view instructions or watch ads within the portal.
Pre-condition Customer should be at the dashboard.
Customer must Sign in to the portal.
Post-condition Customer will be redirected to the instruction page or to watch an ad.
Extend Instructions
Include Ads
Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events 2. Click on Instruction to view instructions on how to use the app
3. Click on ads button and proceed to watch an ad.

Table 3-17 Customer Pay Use Case

Use case name Pay
Actor Customer
Summary Customer can view the recommended property in the portal.
Pre-condition Customer should be at the dashboard.
Customer must Sign in to the portal.
Post-condition Customer will redirect to payment methods.
Include Card/ Bank Alfalah/ Net Banking
Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events 2. Click on pay button.
3. List of payment methods to proceed and confirm payments.

Table 3-18 Customer Communication Case Diagram

Use case name Communication

Actor Customer
Summary Customer can call the planner.
Pre-condition Customer should be at dashboard.
Customer must Sign in to the portal.
Post-condition Customer will be redirected to the page where number input would be
Extend Gmail
Include Call
Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events 2. Click on call button to communicate with planner.
3. Click on Gmail button to leave a feedback.

3.3.2 Admin Use Case Diagram

Sign In <<include>> Gmail

Venue Location

Show <<include>>
Venue List


Adds <<include>>


Phone Number

<<include>> <<include>>


Figure 3-2 Admin Use Case Diagram Detail Admin Use Case Diagram
Table 3-19 Admin Sign in Use Case

Use case name Sign in
Actor Admin
Summary Admin can Sign in to the portal.
Pre-condition Admin must have valid email address.
Admin record must be in the database.

Post-condition Admin will redirect to the dashboard page.

Include Gmail
Normal course 1. Launch Application.
of events 2. Click on Sign in.
3. Enter Credentials.
4. Click on Sign in button to proceed.

Table 3-20 Admin Shows Use Case

Use case name Sign Up
Actor Admin
Summary Admin can Sign in to the portal.
Pre-condition Admin should be in the sign-in page.
Admin must have valid email address.
Post-condition Admin will redirect to the Sign in page.
Include Venue location, Venue list, Feedback
Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events 2. Show the venue list option.
3. Show the venue location option.
4. Show feedback provided by customers.

Table 3-21 Admin Adds Use Case

Use case name Communication

Actor Admin
Summary Admin can add planners and their number with in the portal.
Pre-condition Admin must Sign in to the portal.

Post-condition Admin will be redirected to main page.

Includes Planner
Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events 2. Add planner.
3. Add planner’s phone number.

Table 3-22 Admin Verify Use Case

Use case name Recommendation
Actor Admin
Summary Admin can view and verify the details input by customer and the
payments in the portal.
Pre-condition Admin must Sign in to the portal.

Post-condition Admin will collect all the information about event and payment.
Include Payment, Customer details
Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events 2. Verify events details input by customer.
3. Verify and confirm customer’s payment.

3.3.3 Planner Use Case Diagram

Sign In <<include>> Gmail

Calculate Requirements

Send Staff

Communication <<include>> Call

Figure 3-3 Planner Use Case Diagram Detail Planner Use Case Diagram

Table 3-23 Planner Sign in Use Case
Use case name Sign in
Actor Planner
Summary Planner can sign in to the portal.
Pre-condition Planner should have a valid email address.
Planner must Sign in to the portal.
Post-condition Planner will be redirected to the dashboard.
Use case name Gmail
Calculate Requirements
Actor course 1. Write Web URL.
of events 2. Launch
Summary Planner shouldapplication.
calculate requirements and inform the admin/customer
3. portal.
Enter credential.
Pre-condition Planner should
4. Click on be inin
sign thebutton.
main page.
Planner must Sign in to the portal.
Post-condition Planner will calculate and inform about requirements revenue.
Extend Nil
Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events 25
2. Calculate requirement budget and revenue.
Table 3-24 Planner Calculate Requirements Use Case

Table 3-25 Planner Send Staff Use Case

Use case name Send Staff

Actor Planner
Summary Planner can send the staff on decided date for the event to the customers
location after payment verification.
Pre-condition Planner must Sign in to the portal.

Post-condition Planner will provide the staff for the event.

Extend Nil
Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events
2. Update about the event.
3. Click on the call button to proceed.
4. Send the staff for the decided event.

Table 3-26 Planner Communication Use Case

Use case name Communication

Actor Planner
Summary Planner can communicate with in the portal.
Pre-condition Planner must Sign in to the portal.

Post-condition Planner will redirect to dashboard.

Include Call

Normal course 1. Sign in.
of events 2. Click on call button.
3. Enter receiver name.
4. Click on call button to make a call.

Chapter 4
Design and Architecture

4 Design and Architecture
4.1 Project Design
This chapter offers the complete design of our project. Project design is an important part to
develop a pictorial representation of requirement based on the detailed functional and non-
functional requirements which we mentioned in the previous chapter. Project design is only
acceptable and marked authentic after understanding the requirements of the project, provided for
development. It is always good practice to start from making a high-level design and then
advance to low-level designs.

4.2 Data Modeling (Diagram)

In this sub section, we will present the project design of our web application. Data modeling is a
type of software modeling techniques in which we conceptually represent the data objects,
associations between different data objects, and the instructions. Diagrams in the subsection are

• Data Flow Diagram

• Class Diagram
• Activity Diagram
• Sequence Diagram
4.2.1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4-1 Data Flow Diagram

4.2.2 Class Diagram

This is a type of structural modeling diagram in which classes are linked with each other in terms
or relationship. There are six types of relationship in class diagram:

• Association
• Directed association
• Dependency
• Aggregation
• Composition
• Generalization

Figure 4-2 Class Diagram

4.2.3 Activity Diagram

It is a type of UML behavioral diagram. We have three actors in system that performs different
activities in the system.
1. Planner
2. Admin
3. Customer

30 Planner Activity Diagram

Figure 4-3 Planner Activity Diagram

31 Admin Activity Diagram

Figure 4-4 Admin Activity Diagram

32 Customer Activity Diagram

Figure 4-5 Customer Activity Diagram

4.2.4 Sequence Diagram
It is a type of behavioral UML diagram. It gives understanding of the logical view of the system
under development. It also shows the message that that are being passed between the system and
the lifelines as they perform specific operations. Messages are arranged in ascending order to
maintain the flow of the system. It shows the dynamic behavior of system according to the
messages that are being passed. Sign in sequence diagram

Figure 4-6 Sign in Sequence Diagram

• Admin
• Customer
• Planner

• User Interface
• Web Server
• Database

34 Gmail sequence diagram

Figure 4-7 Gmail Sequence Diagram


• Planner
• Customer

• User Interface
• Web server
• Database Call Sequence Diagram

Figure 4-8 Call Sequence Diagram


• Customer

• Planner


• User Interface
• Web Server
• Database Location Sequence Diagram

Figure 4-9 Location Sequence Diagram


• Customer


• User Interface
• Web Server
• Database

Chapter 5

5 Implementation
This chapter will demonstrate the vital implementation tools and technologies that are used to
build this application. Implementation include application designing, database schema creation,
and server-side implementation.

5.1 Tools
Tools are essential requirements for any developers to build a software, write code and develop a
system according to their requirements. The tools that were used to build WEP app are as follow:

5.1.1 Android Studio

Android studio code is an Integrated Development Environment for building mobile applications.
It is used to develop apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear, and Android TV.

5.2 Technologies
Alongside the technologies and IDEs used to build software, there exists several technologies that
are used by developers to store, grow and update their system. Technology used by WEP app are
as follow:

5.2.1 Firebase
Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (Baas). Firebase is categorized as a NoSQL database program,
which stores data in JSON-like documents. The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted
NoSQL database that lets you store and sync data between your users in real-time.

5.3 Component of System

This section discusses the key components of WEP app.

5.3.1 Database
For building a real-time database application, first approach is to make a database schema that is
used by system for its record maintenance and administration. We structured, designed and
developed our database schema in Firebase Realtime database.

5.3.2 Mobile Interface

Below are the screenshots of the Mobile interface

Figure 5-1 Login through Gmail

Figure 5-2 Home Page Figure 5-3 Hotel list

Figure 5-4 Restaurant List Figure 5-5 Catering Service list

Figure 5-6 Catering Service List Figure 5-7 Budget Calculator

Figure 5-8 Details of Hotels Figure 5-9 Payment Bank Alfalah

Figure 5-10 Call Function Figure 5-11 Option List

Figure 5-12 Review Page Figure 5-13 Rating Page

Figure 5-14 Qr Code Machine Learning Figure 5-15 Google Map

Figure 5-16 Add Mob Figure 5-17 Restaurant Menu List

Figure 5-18 Instructions through video recording Figure 5-19 Location tracking

5.3.3 Admin Implementation

Figure 5-20 Adding Project to Firebase

Figure 5-21 Choosing Authentication Method

Figure 5-22 Creating Gmail account

Figure 5-23 Gmail Login

Chapter 6

6 Testing
In this chapter we will evaluate certain test cases that we ran through our project, in order to
ensure everything is working and in order as per requirement. In this chapter, we will illustrate
test cases along with their results.

6.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is a level-based testing where we test every individual component while it is being
developed to conform its functionality to our desired requirement. This testing was applied to
both feedback and admin implementation section, in case our user enters some incorrect value
then a message will be shown to put correct entry. We applied validation process on our input
field. we also check the conformance of correct value to be entered in database.

6.2 System Testing

In system testing a complete and integrated system is tested. Our focal point throughout the
designing and implementation was to test each unit. User activities regarding with user’s
registration properly tested and stored in database. Validation and verification are very important
process where we will validate each module in case if user enter any wrong entry in desired field.
We have focused on thorough testing through-out the design and implementation phase while
testing the user and admin all the other activity that they perform should be stored in database.
Evaluation contains the testing of each and every module of the system and checking the errors
which occur into the database while putting some entries into it or the interface problem.

6.3 Test Cases

Test cases for our project are as follows

6.2.1 Test Case (Sign in Valid)

Steps Actions Expected System Response Pass/fail Comments
1 Click on “Sign in” Button Application displays a sign in method pass
2 User select their Gmail Login Successful. pass

6.2.2 Test Case (Hotel Selection Valid)

Steps Actions Expected System Response Pass/fail Comments
1 Click on “Sign in” Button Application displays a sign in method Pass
User Logged In
2 Dashboard is displayed Pass
3 User clicks on “Hotel” Application display hotel list. Pass
4 User clicks on displayed Displayed successfully Pass

6.2.3 Test Case (Restaurant Selection Valid)
Steps Actions Expected System Response Pass/fail Comments
1 Click on “Sign in” Button Application displays a sign in method pass
User Logged In
2 Dashboard is displayed Pass
3 User clicks on “Restaurant” Application display Restaurant list. Pass
4 User clicks on displayed Displayed successfully Pass

6.2.4 Test Case (Catering Service Selection Valid)

Steps Actions Expected System Response Pass/fail Comments
1 Click on “Sign in” Button Application displays a sign in method pass
User Logged In
2 Dashboard is displayed Pass
3 User clicks on “Tent” Button. Application display Tent services list. Pass
4 User clicks on displayed Displayed successfully Pass

6.2.5 Test Case (Call Valid)

Steps Actions Expected System Response Pass/fail Comments
1 Click on “Sign in” Button Application displays a sign in method pass
User Logged In
2 Dashboard is displayed Pass
3 User clicks on “Phone” Application display text field. Pass
4 User enters details. Valid phone number is required Pass
5 User clicks on call. Call placed successfully Pass

6.2.6 Test Case (Payment Service Valid)

Steps Actions Expected System Response Pass/fail Comments
1 Click on “Sign in” Button Application displays a sign in method pass

User Logged In
2 Dashboard is displayed Pass
3 User clicks on “Payment” Application displays Bank Alfalah Pass
Button. payment methods successfully.

6.2.7 Test Case (Feedback Valid)

Steps Actions Expected System Response Pass/fail Comments
1 Click on “Sign in” Button Application displays a sign in method pass
User Logged In
2 Dashboard is displayed Pass
3 User clicks on “Rating Star” Application displays rating page. Pass
4 User rate. At least one star rating is required. Pass
5 User writes a review. Minimum 4 characters is required. Pass
6 User submit button Rating submitted successfully Pass

6.2.7 Test Case (Feedback Invalid)

Steps Actions Expected System Response Pass/fail Comments
1 Click on “Sign in” Button Application displays a sign in method pass
User Logged In
2 Dashboard is displayed Pass
3 User clicks on “Rating Star” Application displays rating page. Pass
4 User rate. At least one star rating is required. Pass
5 User doesn’t write a review. Error: “Minimum 4 characters is Pass Kindly add
required.” a review.
6 User submit button Rating submitted successfully Pass

Chapter 7
Conclusion and Future Work

7 Conclusion and Future Work
In this chapter, we briefly write the conclusion we make after we built the Wedding and Event
Planning app.

7.1 Future Work

There could be some possible improvement that can be added in future. Some of the
improvements for future development are mentioned below:

7.2.1 UI
We will upgrade the current UI with a more seamless and user-friendly one. We aim to add more
functionality in our application to turn this app into a lucrative business application.

7.2.2 Updating Database

We would like to update and increase the availability of services throughout several region rather
than selective few. Updated database will have more of hotels, restaurant and catering service
providers added to the list.

7.2 Conclusion
Our main goal through this project is to provide a platform for both clients and service providers.
The user will be able to access venues and event organizers by accessing top planners and event
organizers to organize a wedding or an event successfully through a single platform. The
customer can get the service by adding all the details of the event. The customer can select the
type of event, type of decoration, and estimated budget. After the selection, all the customer’s
details about the event will be verified by the admin and forwarded to respective planners based
on location. Similarly, after receiving the information about the event, decoration type, and price
of the event, the planner's response will be shared with the respective customer. The proposed
system will also provide customer -to-admin communication via call or Gmail. The admin panel
in our system will act as an intermediator and update the planner and customer's information.
The system will recommend the best venues, location of the venues, service charges, budget
calculations, and payment methods. If the customer wants to venue in a specific area, the system
will display all the available venues in that area.

Chapter 8

8 References



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