Installation and Configuration Guide: Document Number: 09300812

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Installation and Configuration


Version: 8.1.2
Document Number: 09300812
Sixth Edition, July 2008, version 8.1.2
To ensure that you are using the documentation that corresponds to the software you are licensed to use, compare this version number
with the software version shown in “About MicroStrategy...” in the Help menu of your software.

Document number: 09300812

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XML parser Copyright © 2003-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Xalan XSLT processor. Copyright © 1999-2008. The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
Xerces XML parser. Copyright © 1999-2008. The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
FOP XSL formatting objects. Copyright © 2004-2008. The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
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Real Player and RealJukebox are included under license from Real Networks, Inc. Copyright © 1999-2008. All rights reserved.

Description of Guide ................................................................ xiii

About this book ............................................................................ xiv
How to find business scenarios and examples .......................xv
Prerequisites ...........................................................................xv
Who should use this guide......................................................xv
Resources.................................................................................... xvi
Documentation....................................................................... xvi
Education .............................................................................. xxii
Consulting ............................................................................. xxii
International support ............................................................ xxiii
Technical Support ................................................................ xxiv
Feedback ................................................................................... xxix

1. Planning Your Introduction.................................................................................. 1

Upgrade considerations................................................................. 2
MicroStrategy components ............................................................ 2
MicroStrategy Desktop products.............................................. 3
MicroStrategy Administrator..................................................... 4
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server ............................................ 5
MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal ................................... 7
MicroStrategy Web Services (ASP.NET) and Web
Services (J2EE) ....................................................................... 9
MicroStrategy Mobile ............................................................. 10
MicroStrategy SDK ................................................................ 10
MicroStrategy Integrity Manager............................................ 11
MicroStrategy Office .............................................................. 11
MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server .......................................... 13

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. v

Contents Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy eTrainer for MicroStrategy Web...................... 13

MicroStrategy Analytics Modules........................................... 14
MicroStrategy Tutorial Reporting ........................................... 14
SequeLink ODBC Socket Server ........................................... 15
Installation prerequisites .............................................................. 15
Recommended installation location and example
deployments .......................................................................... 17
Hardware requirements and recommendations..................... 20
Software requirements and recommendations ...................... 29
Installation considerations ........................................................... 44
System sizing guidelines........................................................ 45
MicroStrategy Web and Intelligence Server compatibility...... 51
Certified ODBC drivers for MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server .................................................................................... 51
Recommended system settings for UNIX and Linux ............. 53
Methods of installation ................................................................. 55
GUI ........................................................................................ 55
Command line........................................................................ 56
Silent installation .................................................................... 57
Licensing information................................................................... 57
Types of licenses ................................................................... 58
Installation and configuration checklists ...................................... 58
Installing and configuring MicroStrategy on Windows ........... 59
Installing and configuring MicroStrategy on UNIX and
Linux ...................................................................................... 60

2. Installing Introduction................................................................................ 63
MicroStrategy on
Installation procedure .................................................................. 65
Installing with the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.............. 66
Installation verification ........................................................... 81
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ................................. 81

3. Installing Introduction................................................................................ 83
MicroStrategy on
Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux ................................. 84
UNIX and Linux
Different methods of installation............................................. 85
Installing with the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.............. 86
Unique post-installation configurations. ................................. 96
Verifying installation ............................................................... 98
Directory structure.................................................................. 98
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 100

vi © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Contents

4. Activating Your Introduction.............................................................................. 101

Request an Activation Code ...................................................... 102
Activate your installation ............................................................ 104
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 105
Server Activation FAQ ............................................................... 106

5. Configuring and Introduction.............................................................................. 115

Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs ................... 116
Intelligence Server
Setting up ODBC ................................................................. 118
Defining DSNs ..................................................................... 123
Testing ODBC connectivity .................................................. 129
Initial MicroStrategy configuration.............................................. 131
Configuration Wizard prerequisites...................................... 132
Configuring MicroStrategy software..................................... 133
Creating metadata and statistics repositories ...................... 138
Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server....................... 145
Creating project sources ...................................................... 153
Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file ............... 158
Connecting to a data warehouse ............................................... 168
Specifying warehouse connection information..................... 168
Creating a project ...................................................................... 180
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 181

6. Deploying Introduction.............................................................................. 183

MicroStrategy Web
Deploying with IIS (Windows) .................................................... 185
and Web Universal
General steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal ............. 186
Directory structure after deploying the WAR file .................. 187
Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris)........................ 187
WebLogic paths and folder locations ................................... 188
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 189
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal ............................. 193
Re-deploy the application .................................................... 203
Performance-based setup information................................. 204
Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX).......... 211
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 211
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal ............................. 213
Performance-based setup information................................. 222
Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) ................................ 225

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. vii

Contents Installation and Configuration Guide

Preconfiguration information ................................................ 225

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal ............................. 227
Performance-based setup information................................. 235
Deploying with Tomcat (Windows) ............................................ 236
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 237
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal ............................. 240
Deploying with Tomcat (Linux) .................................................. 243
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 243
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal ............................. 248
Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX) ....................................... 250
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 251
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal ............................. 252
Deploying with Oracle 10g (Windows)....................................... 256
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 256
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal ............................. 257
Administering your MicroStrategy Web deployment.................. 261
Enabling users to install MicroStrategy Office from Web..... 261
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 263

7. Deploying Introduction.............................................................................. 265

MicroStrategy Web
Deploying with IIS (Windows) .................................................... 266
General steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE..... 267
Directory structure after deploying the WAR file .................. 267
Deploying with WebLogic .......................................................... 268
WebLogic paths and folder locations ................................... 269
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 270
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE ..................... 271
Redeploying the application................................................. 277
Performance-based setup information................................. 278
Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server ................... 279
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 279
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE ..................... 281
Performance-based setup information................................. 289
Deploying with Sun Java System .............................................. 290
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 291
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE ..................... 293
Performance-based setup information................................. 299
Deploying with Tomcat .............................................................. 301
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 301

viii © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Contents

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE ..................... 302

Deploying with SAP ................................................................... 304
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 305
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE ..................... 306
Deploying with Oracle 10g......................................................... 309
Preconfiguration information ................................................ 310
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE ..................... 311
Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE
deployment ................................................................................ 314
Validating your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE
deployment .......................................................................... 315
Editing the project sources file ............................................. 315
Verify Web Services connectivity with Intelligence
Server .................................................................................. 316
Administering your MicroStrategy Web Services deployment ... 317
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 317

8. Setting Up Documents Introduction.............................................................................. 319

and HTML Documents
Prerequisites.............................................................................. 320
Executing documents and HTML documents in UNIX/Linux ..... 320
Setup for creating and executing HTML documents............ 321
Setup for executing existing HTML documents ................... 326
Setup for executing Report Services documents................. 327
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 328

9. Automated Introduction.............................................................................. 329

Installation on
Installation log file ...................................................................... 330
Methods of installation ............................................................... 331
Installing and configuring with a response.ini file....................... 331
Configuring a response.ini file to install MicroStrategy ........ 332
Configuring your installation with a response.ini file ............ 366
Uninstalling with a response.ini file ...................................... 367
Silent installation........................................................................ 369
Silent installations through System Management Server
environments ....................................................................... 369
OEM silent installations........................................................ 370
Silent installation output ....................................................... 374
Activating silent installations ................................................ 375
Troubleshooting silent installations ...................................... 375

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. ix

Contents Installation and Configuration Guide

Silent installation of a hotfix ................................................. 376

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 376

10. Automated Introduction.............................................................................. 379

Installation on UNIX
Silent installation........................................................................ 380
and Linux
Creating an options file ........................................................ 380
Settings that can be changed .............................................. 381
Unique post-installation configurations ................................ 385
Silent installation output ....................................................... 385
Activating a silent installation ............................................... 385
Configuring MicroStrategy in command line mode .................... 385
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 386

11. Configuring Introduction.............................................................................. 387

MicroStrategy Using
Creating a DSN for a data source.............................................. 388
Command Line Tools
Testing and examining ODBC connectivity ............................... 389
Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file..................... 390
Creating a response.ini file .................................................. 391
Using the response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy......... 409
Parameters and options in the response.ini file ................... 410
Configuring and controlling Intelligence Server ......................... 410
Starting, configuring, and monitoring Intelligence
Server with mstrsvr .............................................................. 410
Configuring the default server instance with
mstrsvr-configure ................................................................. 412
Creating and configuring Intelligence Server instances
with mstrctl ........................................................................... 413
Configuring your MicroStrategy installation ............................... 415

12. Adding or Removing Introduction.............................................................................. 417

Adding or removing MicroStrategy components on
Windows .................................................................................... 418
Re-installing MicroStrategy components on Windows............... 419
Re-installing MicroStrategy Office........................................ 420
Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on Windows................ 421
Uninstalling MicroStrategy Office......................................... 422
Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on UNIX and Linux ..... 423
Uninstalling MicroStrategy Intelligence Server on UNIX

x © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Contents

and Linux ............................................................................. 423

Uninstalling MicroStrategy Web Universal on UNIX
and Linux ............................................................................. 424

A. Connecting to Introduction.............................................................................. 427

Databases: ODBC and
Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers ................................. 427
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Oracle Wire Protocol for
Windows and UNIX/Linux .................................................... 430
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for
UDB iSeries for Windows and UNIX/Linux .......................... 432
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for
UDB for UNIX/Linux ............................................................. 433
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix 8 for Windows ...... 433
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix Wire Protocol
for Windows and UNIX/Linux ............................................... 434
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Sybase ASE Wire
Protocol for Windows and UNIX/Linux................................. 435
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for
UDB for Windows................................................................. 436
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for MySQL Wire Protocol
for Windows and Linux ........................................................ 437
SQL Server for Windows and UNIX/Linux ........................... 437
Netezza SQL for Windows................................................... 438
ODBC Driver for Red Brick for UNIX/Linux.......................... 438
ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ for
UNIX/Linux........................................................................... 440
ODBC Driver for Teradata for UNIX/Linux ........................... 442
ODBC Driver for Informix 8 for UNIX/Linux.......................... 444
ODBC Driver for Netezza for UNIX/Linux ............................ 445
ODBC Driver for MySQL Community Server 5.0 for
Linux .................................................................................... 449
ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL for Linux ............................... 451
Other relational databases for Windows .............................. 454
Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini ............................. 455
Oracle Wire Protocol............................................................ 458
DB2 Wire Protocol ............................................................... 461
Informix 8 (XPS) .................................................................. 465
Informix Wire Protocol.......................................................... 467
Sybase ASE Wire Protocol .................................................. 468
SQL Server Wire Protocol.................................................... 471
MySQL Wire Protocol .......................................................... 472
ODBC .................................................................................. 475
Red Brick 6.x ....................................................................... 475

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. xi

Contents Installation and Configuration Guide

Sybase IQ ............................................................................ 476

Teradata Server ................................................................... 476
Netezza................................................................................ 477

B. Troubleshooting Introduction.............................................................................. 479

Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX............................................... 479
Mounting and unmounting CD-ROMs.................................. 480
Reviewing general installation errors......................................... 484
Graph and document support of non-Western European
fonts ........................................................................................... 484
Server port number errors ......................................................... 485
I forgot the server port number ............................................ 485
Port number is in use ........................................................... 485
DSN connection errors .............................................................. 486
Testing the DSN connection failed in DSN Creator ............. 486
Permission errors....................................................................... 486
Missing JVM file ................................................................... 486

C. Configuring a web.xml Introduction.............................................................................. 489

File to Use Absolute
Example of modified web.xml file .............................................. 489

Glossary ................................................................................... 499

Index ......................................................................................... 505

xii © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.


Description of Guide

The MicroStrategy Installation and Configuration Guide

provides comprehensive information on how to install and
configure MicroStrategy software, as well as basic
maintenance guidelines. This guide gets you started using the
UNIX, Linux, and Windows versions of the MicroStrategy

For UNIX and Linux installations, this guide assumes a basic

understanding of how to use UNIX and Linux either from a
UNIX/Linux server or by using a viewer on a PC.

For tasks that require advanced system administration

commands, this document assumes you are either familiar
with those commands or can contact your system

The main chapters of this guide follow the recommended

progression of steps to install and configure MicroStrategy.
You should refer to Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation,
for important installation prerequisites before you begin
installing MicroStrategy.

For details on how to progress through the remaining

chapters of this guide, see the section Installation and
configuration checklists, page 58 of Chapter 1,
Planning Your Installation.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. xiii

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

The appendixes contain the following additional reference

information, which you may require depending on your
specific needs:

• Appendix A, Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs,

provides details and steps to configure ODBC and DSNs
for your data warehouse connections.

• Appendix B, Troubleshooting, provides various

troubleshooting steps and techniques to take in certain
installation and configuration scenarios.

• Appendix C, Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute

Paths, provides a sample web.xml file configured to used
absolute paths. This modification is necessary for
MicroStrategy Web Universal to deploy correctly in
certain scenarios.

About this book

The chapters in this book provide conceptual information

• All MicroStrategy components

• Installation and configuration procedures

• System tuning considerations

• Troubleshooting and maintenance guidelines

Each chapter begins with a brief overview of the chapter’s


Dates in the MicroStrategy Tutorial project are

updated to reflect the current year. The sample
documents and images in this guide, as well as the
procedures, were created with dates that may no
longer be available in the Tutorial project. Replace
them with the first year of data in your Tutorial

xiv About this book © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Preface

How to find business scenarios and examples

Within this guide, many of the concepts discussed are
accompanied by business scenarios or other descriptive
examples, where applicable. Many of the examples use the
MicroStrategy Tutorial, which is MicroStrategy’s sample
warehouse, metadata, and project. Information about the
MicroStrategy Tutorial may be found in the MicroStrategy
Basic Reporting Guide.

Other examples in this book use the Analytics Modules,

which include a set of precreated sample reports, each from a
different business area. Sample reports present data for
analysis in such business areas as financial reporting, human
resources, and customer analysis. The Analytics Modules are
part of a product bundle called the MicroStrategy Business
Intelligence Developer Kit (BIDK).

Detailed examples of advanced reporting functionality can be

found in the MicroStrategy Advanced Reporting Guide.

Before working with this document, you should be familiar
• The nature and structure of the data to use for your
business intelligence application
• Your system’s configuration, including details such as
hardware configuration, installed applications, available
memory, and so on

• If installing on UNIX or Linux, the basics of the UNIX or

Linux operating system

Who should use this guide

This document is designed for system administrators who
install, configure, and maintain MicroStrategy software on
the UNIX, Linux, or Windows operating systems.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. About this book xv

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

This document discusses how to perform automated and

silent installations. Automated and silent installations
require advanced techniques such as creating and running
response.ini files. Therefore, automated and silent
installations should be handled by system administrators
with full knowledge of the environment and the desired
MicroStrategy installation.


MicroStrategy provides both manuals and online help; these
two information sources provide different types of
information, as described below.

Manuals: MicroStrategy manuals provide:

• Introductory information

• Concepts

• Checklists

• Examples

• High-level procedures to get started

Online help: MicroStrategy online help provides:

• Detailed steps to perform procedures

• Descriptions of each option on every software screen


The following manuals are available from your MicroStrategy

install disk or the machine where MicroStrategy was
installed. The procedure to access them is below.

xvi Resources © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Preface

Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher is required to

view these documents. If you do not have Acrobat
Reader installed on your computer, you can download
it from

The best place for all users to begin is with the MicroStrategy
Basic Reporting Guide.

MicroStrategy Overview
• Introduction to MicroStrategy: Evaluation Guide

Instructions for installing, configuring, and using the

MicroStrategy Evaluation Edition of the software.

• MicroStrategy Quick Start Guide

Overview of the installation and evaluation process, and

additional resources.

Manuals for Query, Reporting, and Analysis

• MicroStrategy Installation and Configuration Guide

Information to install and configure MicroStrategy

products on Windows, UNIX, Linux, and HP platforms, as
well as basic maintenance guidelines.

• MicroStrategy Upgrade Guide

Instructions to upgrade existing MicroStrategy products.

• MicroStrategy Project Design Guide

Information to create and modify MicroStrategy projects,

and understand facts, attributes, hierarchies,
transformations, advanced schemas, and project

• MicroStrategy Basic Reporting Guide

Instructions to get started with MicroStrategy Desktop

and MicroStrategy Web, and how to analyze data in a
report. Includes the basics for creating reports, metrics,
filters, and prompts.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Resources xvii

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

• MicroStrategy Advanced Reporting Guide

Instructions for advanced topics in the MicroStrategy

system, building on information in the Basic Reporting
Guide. Topics include reports, Freeform SQL reports,
Query Builder reports, OLAP Cube reports, filters,
metrics, Data Mining Services, custom groups,
consolidations, and prompts.

• MicroStrategy Report Services Document Creation


Instructions to design and create Report Services

documents, building on information in the Basic
Reporting Guide and Advanced Reporting Guide.

• MicroStrategy Office User Guide

Instructions for using MicroStrategy Office to work with

MicroStrategy reports and documents in Microsoft®
Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and Outlook, to analyze,
format, and distribute business data.

• MicroStrategy Mobile User Guide

Instructions for using MicroStrategy Mobile to view and

analyze data, and perform other business tasks with
MicroStrategy reports and documents on a mobile device.
Covers installation and configuration of MicroStrategy
Mobile and how a designer working in MicroStrategy
Desktop or MicroStrategy Web can create effective
reports and documents for use with MicroStrategy
• MicroStrategy System Administration Guide

Concepts and high-level steps to implement, deploy,

maintain, tune, and troubleshoot a MicroStrategy
business intelligence system.

• MicroStrategy Functions Reference

Function syntax and formula components; instructions to

use functions in metrics, filters, attribute forms; examples
of functions in business scenarios.

xviii Resources © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Preface

• MicroStrategy OLAP Cube Reporting Guide

Information to integrate MicroStrategy with OLAP cube

sources. You can integrate data from OLAP cube sources
such as SAP BI, Microsoft Analysis Services, and
Hyperion Essbase into your MicroStrategy projects and

• MicroStrategy Web Services Administration Guide

Concepts and tasks to install, configure, tune, and

troubleshoot MicroStrategy Web Services.

Manuals for Information Delivery and Alerting Products

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Getting Started Guide

Instructions to work with the tutorial to learn Narrowcast

Server interfaces and features.
• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Installation and
Configuration Guide

Information to install and configure Narrowcast Server.

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Application Designer


Fundamentals of designing Narrowcast Server

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server System
Administrator Guide
Concepts and high-level steps to implement, maintain,
tune, and troubleshoot Narrowcast Server.

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Upgrade Guide

Instructions to upgrade an existing Narrowcast Server.

Manuals for Analytics Modules

• Business Intelligence Developer Kit (BIDK) Installation
and Porting Guide

• Customer Analysis Module Reference

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Resources xix

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

• Sales Force Analysis Module Reference

• Financial Reporting Analysis Module Reference

• Sales and Distribution Analysis Module Reference

• Human Resources Analysis Module Reference

Software Development Kits

• MicroStrategy Developer Library (MSDL)

Information to understand the MicroStrategy SDK,

including details about architecture, object models,
customization scenarios, code samples, and so on.

• MicroStrategy Web SDK

The Web SDK is available in the MicroStrategy

Developer Library, which is sold as part of the
MicroStrategy SDK.

• Narrowcast Server SDK Guide

Instructions to customize Narrowcast Server

functionality, integrate Narrowcast Server with other
systems, and embed Narrowcast Server functionality
within other applications. Documents the Narrowcast
Server Delivery Engine and Subscription Portal APIs, and
the Narrowcast Server SPI.

To access installed online documentation

1 From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs,

MicroStrategy, then Product Manuals. A Web page
opens with a list of available manuals in PDF format.

2 Click the link for the desired manual.

3 The Narrowcast Server SDK Guide must be downloaded.

When you select this guide, the File Download dialog box
opens. Select Open this file from its current location,
and click OK.

xx Resources © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Preface

bookmarks are not visible on the left side of an
(PDF) document, from the View menu click
Bookmarks and Page. These steps may vary slightly
depending on your version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Online help

MicroStrategy provides several ways to access online help:

• Help button: Use the Help button at the bottom of most

software screens to see context-sensitive help.

• Help menu: Select Contents and Index to see the main

table of contents for the help system.

• F1 key: Press F1 to see context-sensitive help addressing

the function or task you are currently performing.

Documentation standards

MicroStrategy online help and PDF manuals (available both

online and in printed format) use standards to help you
identify certain types of content. The following table lists
these standards.

These standards may differ depending on the language

of this manual; some languages have rules that
supersede the table below.

Type Indicates

bold • button names, check boxes, dialog boxes, options, lists, and menus that are the
focus of actions or part of a list of such GUI elements and their definitions
• text to be entered by the user
Example: Click Select
Example: Type cmdmgr -f scriptfile.scp and press ENTER.

italic • new terms defined within the text and in the glossary
• names of other product manuals
• when part of a command syntax, indicates variable information to be replaced by the
Example: The aggregation level is the level of calculation for the metric.
Example: Type copy c:\filename d:\foldername\filename

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Resources xxi

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

Type Indicates

Courier • calculations
font • code samples
• registry keys
• path and file names
• URLs
• messages displayed in the screen
Sum(revenue)/number of months.
UPPERCASE • keyboard command key (such as ENTER)
• shortcut key (such as CTRL+V)
Example: To bold the selected text, press CTRL+B.

+ A keyboard command that calls for the use of more than one key (for example,

A note icon indicates helpful information for specific situations.

 A warning icon alerts you to important information such as potential security risks; these
should be read before continuing.

MicroStrategy Education Services provides a comprehensive
curriculum and highly skilled education consultants. Many
customers and partners from over 800 different
organizations have benefited from MicroStrategy instruction.
For a detailed description of education offerings and course
curriculums, visit

MicroStrategy Consulting Services provides proven methods
for delivering leading-edge technology solutions. Offerings
include complex security architecture designs, performance
and tuning, project and testing strategies and
recommendations, strategic planning, and more. For a
detailed description of consulting offerings, visit

xxii Resources © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Preface

International support
MicroStrategy supports several locales. Support for a locale
typically includes native database and operating system
support, support for date formats, numeric formats, currency
symbols etc. and availability of translated interfaces and

MicroStrategy is certified in homogeneous configurations

(where all the components lie in the same locale) in the
following languages—English (US), French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Chinese
(Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, and Swedish.

For information on the exact languages, see the

readme file.

MicroStrategy also provides limited support for

heterogeneous configurations (where some of the
components may lie in different locales). Please contact
MicroStrategy Technical Support for more details.

A translated user interface is available in each of the above

languages. In addition, translated versions of the online help
files and product documentation are available in several of
the above languages.

The following table lists the language selection possibilities

for different installation cases.

Installation Result

Fresh installation on a system in which The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard prompts you to select the
MicroStrategy application has never language from the drop-down list.
been installed before The user language in the product interface is the language that
you select during installation.
Once the product is installed, the Online Help is displayed in the
same language that the user selects in the language prompt of
the installation routine.

Repair or maintenance installation on a All subsequent executions of the installation routine are
system on which MicroStrategy displayed in the language that you selected the first time you
application has been installed before installed the product on the system.
The user language in the product interface is also the language
that you selected the first time you installed the product on the

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Resources xxiii

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation Result

Upgrading an earlier installation from The user language preference that was set previously in
version 7.2.3 version 7.2.3 is the language of display of the installation
routine and the user language of the product interface.

Upgrading an earlier installation from The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard prompts you to select the
version 7.2.2 or earlier, including 7.1.x language from the drop-down list. The installation routine is
displayed in the selected language.
However, the user language of the product interface language
remains the same as the one set in the product interface before
running the upgrade installation.
Besides, all subsequent executions of the installation routine for
maintenance or for upgrade, unless overridden by the
command line parameter, are displayed in the language that
you selected during the upgrade installation.

Completely uninstalling all the If you uninstall all the products and install either the same
MicroStrategy products and installing version or a higher version again, the MicroStrategy Installation
the same version or a newer version Wizard prompts you to select the language from the drop-down
Note: Even if you select a language from the language prompt
in the installation routine, it has no effect on the default
language of the product interfaces.

During installation, the installation Online Help is

displayed in English only.

Technical Support
If you have questions about a specific MicroStrategy product,
you should:

1 Consult the product guides, online help, and readme files.

Paths to access each are described above.

2 Consult the MicroStrategy Knowledge Base online at

Abetechnical administrator in your organization may

able to help you resolve your issues

xxiv Resources © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Preface

3 If the resources listed in the steps above do not provide a

solution, contact MicroStrategy Technical Support
directly. To ensure the most effective and productive
relationship with MicroStrategy Technical Support,
review the Policies and Procedures document posted at
Support/Policies. Refer to the terms of your
purchase agreement to determine the type of support
available to you.

MicroStrategy Technical Support can be contacted by your

company’s Support Liaison. A Support Liaison is a person
whom your company has designated as a point-of-contact
with MicroStrategy’s support personnel. All customer
inquiries and case communications must come through these
named individuals. Your company may designate two
employees to serve as their Support Liaisons, and can request
to change their Support Liaisons two times per year with
prior written notice to MicroStrategy Technical Support.

It is recommended that you designate Support Liaisons who

have MicroStrategy Administrator privileges. This can
eliminate security conflicts and improve case resolution time.
When troubleshooting and researching issues, MicroStrategy
Technical Support personnel may make recommendations
that require administrative privileges within MicroStrategy,
or that assume that the designated Support Liaison has a
security level that permits them to fully manipulate the
MicroStrategy projects and has access to potentially sensitive
project data such as security filter definitions.

Ensure issues are resolved quickly

Before logging a case with MicroStrategy Technical Support,

the Support Liaison may follow the steps below to ensure that
issues are resolved quickly:

1 Verify that the issue is with MicroStrategy software and

not a third party software.

2 Verify that the system is using a currently supported

version of MicroStrategy software by checking the
Product Support Expiration Schedule at

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Resources xxv

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

3 Attempt to reproduce the issue and determine whether it

occurs consistently.

4 Minimize the complexity of the system or project object

definition to isolate the cause.

5 Determine whether the issue occurs on a local machine or

on multiple machines in the customer environment.

6 Discuss the issue with other users by posting a question

about the issue on the MicroStrategy Customer Forum at

The following table shows where, when, and how to contact

MicroStrategy Technical Support. If your Support Liaison is
unable to reach MicroStrategy Technical Support by phone
during the hours of operation, they can leave a voicemail
message, send email or fax, or log a case using the Online
Support Interface. The individual Technical Support Centers
are closed on certain public holidays.

North America E-mail:

Fax: (703) 848–8709
Phone: (703) 848–8700
Hours: 9:00 A.M.–7:00 P.M. Eastern Time, Monday–Friday except holidays

EMEA: E-mail:

Europe Web:
The Middle East Fax: +44 (0) 208 711 2525
The European Technical Support Centre is closed on certain public holidays. These holidays
reflect the national public holidays in each country.
• United Kingdom: +44 (0) 208 3960085
• Poland: +48 22 321 8680
• France: +33 17 099 4737
• Germany: +49 22 16501 0609
• Ireland: +353 1436 0916
• Italy: +39 023626 9668
• Spain: +34 91788 9852
• Scandinavia & Finland: +46 8505 20421
• The Netherlands: +31 20 794 8425
• International distributors: +44 (0) 208 396 0080
• United Kingdom: 9:00 A.M.–6:00 P.M. GMT, Monday-Friday except holidays
• Mainland Europe: 9:00 A.M.–6:00 P.M. CET, Monday-Friday except holidays

xxvi Resources © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Preface

Asia Pacific E-mail:

• Korea: +82 2 560 6565 Fax: +82 2 560 6555
• Japan: +81 3 3511 6720 Fax: +81 3 3511 6740
• Asia Pacific (supporting all except Japan and Korea): +65 6303 8969 Fax: +65 6303 8999
Hours: 9:00 A.M.–6:00 P.M. JST (Tokyo), Monday-Friday except holidays

Latin America E-mail:

• LATAM (except Brazil & Argentina): +54 11 5222 9360 Fax: +54 11 5222 9355
• Argentina: 0 800 444 MSTR Fax: +54 11 5222 9355
• Brazil: +55 11 3054 1010 Fax: +55 11 3044 4088
Hours: 9:00 A.M.–7:00 P.M. BST (Sao Paulo), Monday–Friday except holidays

Support Liaisons should contact the Technical Support

Center from which they obtained their MicroStrategy
software licenses or the Technical Support Center to which
they have been designated.

Required information when calling

When contacting MicroStrategy Technical Support, please

provide the following information:

• Personal information:

Name (first and last)

Company and customer site (if different from

Contact information (phone and fax numbers, e-mail

• Case details:

Configuration information, including MicroStrategy

software product(s) and versions
Full description of the case including symptoms, error
messages(s), and steps taken to troubleshoot the case
thus far

• Business/system impact

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Resources xxvii

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

If this is the Support Liaison’s first call, they should also be

prepared to provide the following:

• Street address

• Phone number

• Fax number

• Email address

To help the Technical Support representative resolve the

problem promptly and effectively, be prepared to provide the
following additional information:

• Case number: Please keep a record of the number

assigned to each case logged with MicroStrategy Technical
Support, and be ready to provide it when inquiring about
an existing case

• Software version and product registration numbers of the

MicroStrategy software products you are using

• Case description:

What causes the condition to occur?

Does the condition occur sporadically or each time a

certain action is performed?

Does the condition occur on all machines or just on

When did the condition first occur?

What events took place immediately prior to the first

occurrence of the condition (for example, a major
database load, a database move, or a software

If there was an error message, what was its exact

What steps have you taken to isolate and resolve the
issue? What were the results?

• System configuration (the information needed depends

on the nature of the problem; not all items listed below
may be necessary):

xxviii Resources © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Preface

computer hardware specifications (processor speed,

RAM, disk space, and so on)

network protocol used

ODBC driver manufacturer and version

database gateway software version

(for MicroStrategy Web-related problems) browser

manufacturer and version

(for MicroStrategy Web-related problems) Web server

manufacturer and version

If the issue requires additional investigation or testing, the

Support Liaison and the MicroStrategy Technical Support
representative should agree on certain action items to be
performed. The Support Liaison should perform any
agreed-upon actions before contacting MicroStrategy
Technical Support again regarding the issue. If the Technical
Support representative is responsible for an action item, the
Support Liaison may call MicroStrategy Technical Support at
any time to inquire about the status of the issue.

Please send any comments or suggestions about user
documentation for MicroStrategy products to:

Send suggestions for product enhancements to:

When you provide feedback to us, please include the name

and version of the products you are currently using. Your
feedback is important to us as we prepare for future releases.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Feedback xxix

Preface Installation and Configuration Guide

xxx Feedback © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



MicroStrategy business intelligence tools help organizations

to monitor, report, and analyze all of their enterprise data.
MicroStrategy helps you make decisions based upon the data
within your organization’s enterprise data warehouse.

This chapter provides an overview of the different

MicroStrategy components and products so you can decide
what you need to install. It also provides details on supported
functionality and describes important installation
prerequisites that should be considered before you start
installing MicroStrategy products.

The MicroStrategy products that you can install

depend on your MicroStrategy license. Contact your
MicroStrategy account executive with MicroStrategy
licensing questions.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 1

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

This chapter provides the following information:

• Upgrade considerations, page 2

• MicroStrategy components, page 2

• Installation prerequisites, page 15

• Installation considerations, page 44

• Methods of installation, page 55

• Licensing information, page 57

• Installation and configuration checklists, page 58

Upgrade considerations
If you have MicroStrategy products installed and want to
upgrade them, refer to the MicroStrategy Upgrade Guide.
The upgrade procedures on Windows, UNIX, and Linux are
covered in this guide. It is recommended that you read this
guide before deciding to upgrade an existing metadata.

MicroStrategy components
MicroStrategy has a range of products that you can install on
different operating systems. Depending on the type of setup
you have, you can install various combinations of
MicroStrategy components. The components described in
this section offer a complete set of tools for creating,
deploying, supporting, and maintaining the business
intelligence applications. This section briefly describes the
most common setups and the components required for each.

are familiar with MicroStrategy components
you can skip this section and go
to Installation prerequisites, page 15.

 This section discusses MicroStrategy components and

their subcomponents in relation to how the
components are grouped together during the
installation routine. These groups are meant to help

2 Upgrade considerations © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

guide you in selecting MicroStrategy products during

your installation. The groups do NOT represent
MicroStrategy product license requirements. For
information on license requirements for
MicroStrategy products, contact your MicroStrategy
account executive.

MicroStrategy Desktop products

MicroStrategy Desktop provides analytical features designed
to facilitate and perform the deployment of reports. It
governs application objects such as reports, filters, and

Desktop also enables you to create application objects. The

application objects are built on the schema objects that are
created in MicroStrategy Architect. These application objects
are used to analyze and provide insight into relevant data.
The following sections provide a brief description of the
subcomponents for these products.

MicroStrategy Desktop products


For details about the specific features that the different

Desktop versions include, review the feature comparison
chart at the following website:

• MicroStrategy Desktop Analyst is a simplified version of

MicroStrategy Desktop, providing the basic interactive
reporting functionality required by managers.
• MicroStrategy Desktop Designer is a full-featured version
for power analysts and application developers. With a full
range of analytical functionality, a rich library of
functions, and intelligent workflow, Desktop Designer is
well suited for power users.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. MicroStrategy components 3

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

• MicroStrategy Architect provides project designer

functionality such as attribute, fact, hierarchy, and project
creation and modification. Architect contains the
following subcomponents:

MicroStrategy Project Builder allows quick creation of

simple projects. These projects can be used for easy
creation of prototypes for proof-of-concept purposes.

MicroStrategy Function Plug-in Wizard is an add-in to

the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, which comes with
a standard MicroStrategy installation. It allows you to
create a C++ project, with which you can implement
your own custom MicroStrategy function plug-in. The
option to install this component is enabled only if
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 is present on the system
where the installation is being performed.

• MicroStrategy Server Administrator is a MicroStrategy

Intelligence Server administrative console that provides
functionality such as system monitoring, cache
management, and user and group management.

For information on various options present in Desktop to

create and run reports, refer to the MicroStrategy Basic
Reporting Guide. After you are familiar with basic Desktop
concepts, refer to the MicroStrategy Advanced Reporting
Guide for information on advanced Desktop functionality.

MicroStrategy Administrator
MicroStrategy Administrator is a suite of tools that provide a
comprehensive systems management environment for
business intelligence. The subcomponents of MicroStrategy
Administrator are as follows:

• MicroStrategy Command Manager is an application

designed to simplify and automate administration tasks,
such as add, delete, or update enterprise-level data
associated with large numbers of users and user groups.
Additionally, Command Manager allows you to manage
various configuration settings within the MicroStrategy

4 MicroStrategy components © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

• MicroStrategy Object Manager provides complete life

cycle management capabilities for MicroStrategy

• MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager allows viewing and

analysis of MicroStrategy product usage and system

you install MicroStrategy Administrator on
XP, the option to install Enterprise
Manager is not displayed.

For more information about Administrator and its

components, see the MicroStrategy System Administration

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server provides the core analytical
processing and job management for all reporting, analysis,
and monitoring applications. The important functions of the
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server are:

• Sharing data

• Protecting the information in the metadata

• Sharing objects

Intelligence Server also provides a library of over 150

different sophisticated mathematical and statistical
functions, which can be added to. See the MicroStrategy
Analytical Functions Reference for details about these

All other products in the platform work in conjunction with

Intelligence Server and benefit from its broad functionality.

MicroStrategy has different editions of Intelligence Server,

which are

• Standard edition

• Enterprise edition

• Universal edition

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. MicroStrategy components 5

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

The Standard edition and Enterprise edition are Windows

versions of Intelligence Server, whereas the Universal edition
is platform-independent. The Universal edition can be
installed on various operating systems such as Windows,
UNIX, Linux, and so on. The Standard, Enterprise, and
Universal editions of Intelligence Server share a common
code base and run reports identically. However, there are a
few functionality differences. The following table highlights
the major differences between them.

Intelligence Server
Functionality Intelligence Server Universal Edition Standard and
Enterprise Editions

Windows Authentication Not supported as single sign-on, but Active Supported

Directory Services are supported

Custom Function Plug-in Not supported Supported

Performance Monitoring MicroStrategy Java-based Control Center Microsoft Windows

MMC Performance

Diagnostics Debug Monitor Not supported Supported

ETL Support Informatica MX2 not supported Informatica MX2


ODBC DSN Creation MicroStrategy ODBC Administrator Microsoft Windows

ODBC Data Source

Intelligence Server SDK MicroStrategy SDK applications can be run Supported

against Intelligence Server Universal Edition,
but they need to be executed from a Windows

Microsoft Access Not supported Supported

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server


The subcomponents of MicroStrategy Intelligence Server are

as follows:

• MicroStrategy OLAP Services uses the concept of

Intelligent Cube, an in-memory version of a report that
can be manipulated by the Analytical Engine.
MicroStrategy Desktop, MicroStrategy Web, and

6 MicroStrategy components © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

MicroStrategy Office users can slice and dice data in

reports within the Intelligent Cubes without having to
re-execute SQL against the data warehouse.

• MicroStrategy Report Services is the enterprise reporting

engine of the MicroStrategy business intelligence
platform. A MicroStrategy Report Services document
contains objects representing data coming from one or
more reports, as well as positioning and formatting
information. It is used to format data from multiple
reports in a single display of presentation quality.

For a detailed description of all the features of Intelligence

Server, refer to the MicroStrategy System Administration

MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal

MicroStrategy implements Web and Web Universal using the
.NET and JAVA technologies. MicroStrategy Web is .NET
(ASP.NET) and MicroStrategy Web Universal is Java (JSP)
based. Hence, MicroStrategy Web can be deployed only on
Windows environments, whereas MicroStrategy Web
Universal can be deployed on UNIX, Linux, and Windows.

MicroStrategy Web provides users with a highly interactive

environment and a low-maintenance interface for reporting
and analysis. Using the MicroStrategy Web interface, users
can access, analyze, and share corporate data through any
Web browser on any operating system. MicroStrategy Web
provides ad hoc querying, industry-leading analysis, quick
deployment, and rapid customization, making it even easier
for users to make informed business decisions.

In addition to the powerful functionality that MicroStrategy

Web offers, MicroStrategy Web Universal provides the added
benefit of working with:

• Operating systems such as Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, and

• Application servers such as BEA WebLogic and IBM

• Web servers and Web browsers

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. MicroStrategy components 7

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

For information on how to deploy MicroStrategy Web and

Web Universal, see Chapter 6, Deploying MicroStrategy
Web and Web Universal.

For detailed information about using the MicroStrategy Web

reporting environment, refer to the online help provided on
the MicroStrategy Web interface.

For information about configuring and tuning MicroStrategy

Web, refer to the MicroStrategy System Administration

MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal versions

MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal are available in the

following versions:
• Web Reporter: Business users are able to view all types of
reports and scorecards and also personalize reports, print,
drill, sort, export, choose between grid or graph format,
and schedule or immediately send reports via e-mail or to
a file server or a printer.

• Web Analyst: This version provides all the functionality of

Web Reporter plus the ability to drill anywhere, edit
totals, pivot reports, add or remove fields from reports,
create derived metrics, and create reports or ad hoc

• Web Professional: This full-featured version provides all

the functionality of Web Analyst plus the ability to design
scorecards, dashboards, and operational reports in design
mode or WYSIWYG view mode. Web Professional users
have advanced formatting capabilities as well as the
ability to perform calculations across multiple data

Intelligence Server license options provide access to

certain services in MicroStrategy Web and Web
Universal versions. For example, the Web Analyst
version allows for the creation of derived metrics only
if the Intelligence Server license includes OLAP

8 MicroStrategy components © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

MicroStrategy Web Services (ASP.NET) and Web Services

MicroStrategy Web Services (ASP.NET) and Web Services
(J2EE) are self-contained business functions that operate
over the Internet. They are based on industry standards and
are designed to work together with similar components. They
provide alternative ways to access the MicroStrategy business
intelligence platform using the latest technologies such as
ASP.NET, JNI, Java and Web protocols, such as Apache Axis.
MicroStrategy Web Services (ASP.NET) is an easy-to-deploy
service that is accessible through MicroStrategy Office. It also
implements an open API that allows customers to quickly
develop MicroStrategy Web reporting applications accessing
Intelligence Server. MicroStrategy Web Services (J2EE)
provides a servlet-based version of MicroStrategy Web
Services that is compatible with a UNIX, Linux, or a Windows
environment. MicroStrategy Web Services (ASP.NET) and
Web Services (J2EE) are discrete business processes that:

• Expose and describe their functionality

Other applications can understand and use this


• Easily allow other services to locate them on the Web

They can be easily located through a type of yellow pages.

• Can be invoked
After they are located and examined, other services can
invoke them using an Internet standard protocol.

• Return a response

When service is provided, the results are passed back to

the requesting application using the same Internet
standard protocol.

For information on deploying MicroStrategy Web Services

ASP.NET and J2EE versions, refer to Chapter 7, Deploying
MicroStrategy Web Services.

For more information on MicroStrategy Web Services

(ASP.NET) and Web Services (J2EE), refer to the
MicroStrategy Web Services Administration Guide.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. MicroStrategy components 9

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy Mobile
MicroStrategy Mobile is an interactive interface of the
MicroStrategy BI platform that lets mobile business users run
reports and dashboards directly from their BlackBerry®
mobile devices from Research in Motion.

With MicroStrategy Mobile, business users receive the same

reports on their BlackBerry mobile devices as they do via
MicroStrategy Web, MicroStrategy Office, or MicroStrategy
Desktop, without the need for reformatting or retrofitting
existing reports. The report manipulation features available
in MicroStrategy Mobile allow users to view even the largest
reports within the compact screen size of the BlackBerry

Designed for all levels of users, MicroStrategy Mobile reports

are displayed in an easy-to-view and easy-to-navigate format,
enabling users to review, analyze, and interact with
important data at their convenience. Users can also access
reports while they are offline or when their BlackBerry is not
within connectivity range. MicroStrategy Mobile leverages
the same robust security features of the MicroStrategy
platform as well as the security infrastructure provided by the
BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

To learn more about MicroStrategy Mobile, see the

MicroStrategy Mobile User Guide.

MicroStrategy SDK
The MicroStrategy SDK allows you to easily adapt and
integrate MicroStrategy functionality into your application or
modify the standard interface or functionality. It provides
access to the entire platform and includes the necessary
services and utilities for building a business
intelligence-enabled application.

The SDK consists of the following components:

• A comprehensive set of open Application Programming

Interfaces (APIs) that include:
The COM-based client-server API

10 MicroStrategy components © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

The XML-based MicroStrategy Web API with support

for Java/COM

The Narrowcast Server API

The Office API

• Complete SDK documentation for all the MicroStrategy

products and reference guides, such as Javadocs for the

• Development tools that contain the source code and

sample application code for typical customization tasks.
The SDK also provides development tools and
production-ready utilities that reduce code creation and
maintenance and help you build customized applications.

MicroStrategy Integrity Manager

MicroStrategy Integrity Manager is an automated report
comparison tool. Report SQL, report data, and graphs can be
executed and compared in Integrity Manager to help
customers verify change success. In addition, the report
comparison output can be analyzed at the report level in
MicroStrategy Integrity Manager, and as HTML and XML
summary files that are generated to provide easily distributed
results to other users.

To learn more about MicroStrategy Integrity Manager, see

the MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

MicroStrategy Office
MicroStrategy Office lets every Microsoft Office user run,
edit, and format any MicroStrategy report directly from
within Microsoft applications such as Excel, PowerPoint, and
Word. MicroStrategy Office is designed using Microsoft .NET
technology and accesses the MicroStrategy business
intelligence platform using XML and MicroStrategy Web

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. MicroStrategy components 11

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy Office gives business users open and

straightforward access to the full functionality of the
MicroStrategy platform from familiar Microsoft Office
applications. MicroStrategy Office serves as a Microsoft
add-in, with MicroStrategy functionality exposed as a single
toolbar in Microsoft Office applications.

To learn how to use MicroStrategy Office, refer to the

MicroStrategy Office User Guide and MicroStrategy Office
online help.

MicroStrategy Office requires that MicroStrategy Web

Services is also installed.

Allowing users to install MicroStrategy Office

from a network location

You can allow users to install MicroStrategy Office from a

network location, as described in the procedure below.

To allow users to install MicroStrategy Office from a network


1 Insert the MicroStrategy installation disk into the disk

drive and close the MicroStrategy Main Menu window
that opens automatically.

2 Browse to the Installations folder on the

MicroStrategy installation disk.

3 Copy the Office folder and paste it to a network location

of your choice.

ensure that ASP.NET Framework 1.1 and Web
Enhancements (WSE) are installed on
users’ machines when they install MicroStrategy
Office, copy the Utilities folder to the network
location so that it is on the same folder level as the
Office folder. ASP.NET Framework and WSE
are installed only if they are not already installed
on the user’s machine.

12 MicroStrategy components © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

4 Share the network location with any users who need to

install MicroStrategy Office.

5 Notify MicroStrategy Office users to run Setup.exe

from within the Office folder to install MicroStrategy

MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server

MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server proactively distributes
personalized information to employees, business partners,
and customers through a variety of devices, including mobile
phones, PDAs, e-mail, Web pages, and pagers. The
distribution of personalized messages and targeted offers is
triggered according to predefined schedules and exception
criteria, delivering information in a timely and convenient
manner. Narrowcast Server also provides a self-subscription
portal, easing administrative responsibilities and
empowering information consumers to choose the
information they receive. Narrowcast Server can draw
information from relational or non-relational sources.

For information on Narrowcast Server subcomponents, refer

to the MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Installation and
Configuration Guide.

MicroStrategy eTrainer for MicroStrategy Web

MicroStrategy eTrainer is a Web-based training module that
gives you the in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience
you require to work with MicroStrategy Web or Web

Each lesson of the eTrainer course describes a function of

MicroStrategy Web and breaks it into a combination of
informational screens and task-based tests. Each lesson has
an appropriate and graded activity. This training gives you
the option to pick and choose topics that enhance your
performance, ultimately leading to the success of the business
intelligence or e-business project. With the included database
feature, managers can control access to the training and

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. MicroStrategy components 13

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

monitor progress and achievement of users going through the

eTrainer module to learn about MicroStrategy Web or Web

For more information, refer to the MicroStrategy readme


MicroStrategy Analytics Modules

MicroStrategy Analytics Modules are a set of packaged
analytic components built using the MicroStrategy platform.
The modules can be mapped to a different warehouse or used
as starter kits to develop custom applications. Each module
consists of a MicroStrategy project in a metadata, a reference
guide, and a default data model.

Examples of the Analytics Modules are as follows:

• Customer Analysis Module— focuses on customer-centric


• Sales Analysis Module— focuses on information captured

during the sales process

• Financial Reporting Analysis Module— provides in-depth

analysis of financial information captured by general
ledgers, forecasting systems, and data on actual amounts,
payables, and receivables

MicroStrategy Tutorial Reporting

MicroStrategy Tutorial Reporting is a sample MicroStrategy
project with a metadata and warehouse, and a set of
demonstration applications designed to illustrate the
platform's rich functionality.

The theme of the Tutorial project is a retail store that sells

electronics, books, movies, and music. The key features

14 MicroStrategy components © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

• Five hierarchies: Customer, Geography, Products,

Promotions, and Time. Each hierarchy can be viewed
graphically through MicroStrategy Desktop and
MicroStrategy Web (through documents).

• A large number of customers and items purchased.

• Five reporting areas: Human Resources, Inventory,

Financial, Product Sales, and Supplier.

• Options to create reports from MicroStrategy Web or

Desktop focusing on a particular analysis area, such as
Customer, Inventory, Time, Products, Category,
Employee, or Call Center.

For more information on the Tutorial, refer to the

MicroStrategy Advanced Reporting Guide.

SequeLink ODBC Socket Server

SequeLink is a complete, end-to-end solution for configuring
and managing data access across virtually any number of
data stores, operating systems, and deployment options. It
provides a universal client for ODBC and JDBC, and a
centralized console for configuring and managing data access
from a single point of control. SequeLink creates two NT
services: SLAgent 54, which is the Administrator, and
SLSocket54, which is the Server.

SequeLink ODBC Socket Server is installed

automatically if you install MicroStrategy Narrowcast
Server. You do not need to install this if you are not
installing Narrowcast Server.

Installation prerequisites
Before you install MicroStrategy, you must have the

• Intelligence Server installation files

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 15

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

You can access the installation files from the

MicroStrategy disk or you can ask your system
administrator to share the files on a network
location. For information on mounting or
unmounting CD-ROM drives, see Mounting and
unmounting CD-ROMs, page 480, in Appendix B,

• License key from MicroStrategy

 Before you begin upgrading any MicroStrategy

systems, contact your MicroStrategy account
executive to obtain a new license key for the
version of software you are installing. To install
MicroStrategy products, you must first obtain a
license key specific to the version of MicroStrategy
software you intend to install.

• Installation location for your MicroStrategy products

To install MicroStrategy, you must have the following

permissions and privileges:

• Windows:

You must log on to your machine using a domain

account with Windows administrative privileges for
the domain or target machine. The domain must
include your database servers.

The user installing MicroStrategy needs write

permissions in the installation directory to complete
the installation; otherwise the installation fails
• UNIX and Linux:

You need root access permissions for installation if

you have purchased the CPU-based MicroStrategy

Apart from the information provided above, review the

following sections before you start the installation:

• Recommended installation location and example

deployments, page 17

• Hardware requirements and recommendations, page 20

• Software requirements and recommendations, page 29

16 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Recommended installation location and example deployments

There are a countless number of possible arrangements for
all the products available on the MicroStrategy platform, and
what you decide to do depends largely on your installation
environment and requirements. In general, though, the
following recommendations are usually true for a typical
business intelligence system:

• Intelligence Server should be installed on its own

dedicated server machine.

• MicroStrategy Web should be installed on its own

dedicated Web server machine.

• The rest of the products can be installed in varying

combinations depending on who intends to use them and
on what machines.

These are just suggestions to help you get started.

Read the rest of this chapter for more detailed

The following sections provide basic examples of differently

sized production deployments with MicroStrategy products.
The examples are generalized and do not include all of the
MicroStrategy products. You can use these examples to help
plan how to deploy MicroStrategy products.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 17

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Small production deployment

18 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Medium production deployment

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 19

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Large production deployment

Hardware requirements and recommendations

MicroStrategy acknowledges that variables, such as CPU
speed, CPU type, OS version, service upgrades, file space, and
physical and swap memory, are factors that play an
important role in making your deployment of Intelligence
Server Universal a successful one. This section lists the
hardware requirements and recommendations for Windows,
UNIX, and Linux platforms.

The following information is intended to give you

general guidance for hardware requirements. For
more details and exact information regarding
supported and certified OS versions for a particular
MicroStrategy release, see the readme files or contact
Technical Support.

For UNIX and Linux systems, a number of system settings

can affect the performance of MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server Universal. These settings do not need to be set prior to

20 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

a MicroStrategy installation. For more information on these

settings and their recommended values, see Recommended
system settings for UNIX and Linux, page 53.

System hardware requirements and

recommendations for Windows

The following table shows the recommended and minimum

hardware requirements for MicroStrategy products. See the
products’ readme files for the updated requirements.

MicroStrategy Product Processor Memory Storage

Administrator 1 GHz or higher x86 1 GB (minimum 512 1 GB

compatible MB)

Desktop Without Report 2 GHz or higher x86 1 GB or higher 1 GB

products Services compatible (minimum 1 (minimum 512 MB)

With Report 2 GHz or higher x86 2 GB or higher 1 GB

Services compatible (minimum 1 (minimum 1 GB)

Intelligence Server 1 GHz or higher x86 2 GB (minimum 1 GB) 2 GB

compatible (minimum 1

Integrity Manager 1 GHz or higher x86 2 GB (minimum 1 GB) 2 GB

compatible (minimum 1

MicroStrategy Office 1 GHz or higher x86 2 GB (minimum 1 GB) 1 GB


MicroStrategy Mobile Web Server The MicroStrategy Mobile Web Server hardware requirements are
the same as those for MicroStrategy Web Server hardware

Narrowcast Server 1 GHz x86 compatible 1 GB (minimum 512 2 GB

MB) (minimum 1

SDK N/A N/A 300 MB

MicroStrategy Tutorial 1 GHz or higher x86 1 GB (minimum 512 1 GB

compatible MB)

MicroStrategy BI Developer Kit N/A N/A N/A

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 21

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy Product Processor Memory Storage

MicroStrategy Web Server 2 GHz or higher x86 2 GB or higher 1 GB

Web without Report compatible (minimum 1 (minimum 1 GB) (minimum
Services GHz) 512 MB)

Web Server with 2 GHz or higher x86 4 GB or higher 1 GB

Report Services compatible (minimum 1 (minimum 1 GB)

Web Client 2 GHz or higher x86 512 MB or higher Additional

without Report compatible (minimum 1 space not
Services GHz) required

Web Client with 2 GHz or higher x86 2 GB or higher Additional

Report Services compatible (minimum 1 (minimum 512 MB) space not
GHz) required

MicroStrategy Web Server 2 GHz or higher (minimum 2 GB or higher 1 GB

Web without Report 1 GHz) (minimum 1 GB) (minimum
Universal Services 512 MB)

Web Server with 2 GHz or higher (minimum 4 GB or higher 1 GB

Report Services 1 GHz) (minimum 1 GB)

Web Client 2 GHz or higher (minimum 512 MB or higher Additional

without Report 1 GHz) space not
Services required

Web Client with 2 GHz or higher (minimum 2 GB or higher Additional

Report Services 1 GHz) (minimum 512 MB) space not

In addition to the MicroStrategy products listed above, the

database server on which your MicroStrategy metadata is
hosted should run on a computer with the following
minimum configuration:
• Processor: 400 MHz or higher x86 compatible

• Memory: 256 MB

• Storage: 200 MB

 Be aware of the following:

• Depending on the MicroStrategy products you intend
to install, you must have at least 400 MB to 830 MB of
free space for a set of common files that MicroStrategy
installs. If you only install MicroStrategy Web, you
need 400 MB of free space. However, the common
files for the entire MicroStrategy product suite

22 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

requires 830 MB of free space. You can store these

files in a directory of your choice by choosing an
advanced installation setup type (see Setup Type,
page 68). With a typical installation setup type, these
files are installed on the C: drive. This storage
requirement is in addition to the storage requirement
discussed in the above list.

• Intelligence Server is licensed based on CPU number

and clock speed. Thus, Intelligence Server can only be
installed on machines with a maximum clock speed
that equals the licensed clock speed. If you try to
install the product on a machine faster than what is
licensed, installation fails.

For example, if you are licensed only for 750 MHz

clock speed, you cannot install the software on a 1 GHz
machine. See the MicroStrategy System
Administration Guide for more information about

Intelligence Server Universal hardware

requirements on UNIX/Linux

For the exact information, such as version numbers and

space requirements, see the readme file.

Before you review the sections below, be aware that a

successful configuration of Intelligence Server Universal
depends on a valid combination of an operating system and a
CPU architecture. For example, Intelligence Server Universal
is certified to run on a machine with a Sun Solaris operating
system compatible with a SPARC CPU architecture.

Valid operating system and CPU architecture combinations

for Intelligence Server Universal are listed in the sections

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 23

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Sun Solaris

Hardware Configuration CPU Memory File Space Swap Disk Drive

Minimum 1 x 450 MHZ 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB Yes


Space requirements on Sun Solaris

Common files referred to in this table are installed no matter

which MicroStrategy products are selected.

Directory Common Files Intelligence Server Web Universal SDK

Home Directory 427 KB 107 KB 0 0

Install Directory 260 MB 340 MB 50 MB 0

Log Directory 2 KB 0 0 0

Web Universal Deploy Directory N/A N/A 26.4 MB N/A

SDK Install Directory N/A N/A N/A 281 MB

In addition to the space requirements listed above, you also

need 75 MB of free space in the temporary directory. The
default location of the temporary directory is /var/tmp. If
the space in the default temporary directory is inadequate,
you can use the is:tempdir command to change the
location of the temporary directory. This directory must
already exist and it must be specified using its absolute path,
for example:

./setupsol.bin –is:tempdir /home/user/tmp


Hardware Configuration CPU Memory File Space Swap Disk Drive

Minimum 1 x 1 GHz IBM POWER 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB Yes


24 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

The AIX kernel should be running only in 64-bit mode. You

can determine the mode by logging in as the root user and
entering bootinfo -K at the command prompt. The output
displays the mode.

Space requirements on IBM AIX

Common Files referred to in this table are installed no matter

which MicroStrategy products are selected.

Directory Common Files Intelligence Server Web Universal SDK

Home Directory 551 KB 103 KB 0 0

Install Directory 342 MB 1009 MB 60 MB 0

Log Directory 3 KB 0 0 0

Web Universal Deploy Directory N/A N/A 26.4 MB N/A

SDK Install Directory N/A N/A N/A 281 MB

In addition to the space requirements listed above, you also

need 55 MB of free space in the temporary directory. The
default location of the temporary directory is /tmp. If the
space in the default temporary directory is inadequate, you
can use the is:tempdir command to change the location of
the temporary directory. This directory must already exist
and it must be specified using its absolute path, for example:

./setupAIX.bin –is:tempdir /home/user/tmp


Hardware Configuration CPU Memory File Space Swap Disk Drive

Minimum 1 x 1 GHz Intel Itanium 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB Yes

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 25

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Space requirements on HP-UX

Common Files referred to in this table are installed no matter

which MicroStrategy products are selected.

Directory Common Files Intelligence Server Web Universal SDK

Home Directory 400 KB 85 KB 0 0

Install Directory 490 MB 302 MB 0 0

Log Directory 2 KB 0 0 0

Web Universal Deploy Directory N/A N/A 26.8 MB N/A

SDK Install Directory N/A N/A N/A 234 MB

In addition to the space requirements listed above, you also

need 230 MB of free space in the temporary directory. The
default location of the temporary directory is /tmp. If the
space in the default temporary directory is inadequate, you
can use the is:tempdir command to change the location of
the temporary directory. This directory must already exist
and it must be specified using its absolute path, for example:

./setupHPIA64.bin –is:tempdir /home/user/tmp

Red Hat and SUSE Linux

Hardware Configuration CPU Memory File Space Swap Disk Drive

Minimum 1 x 1.8 GHz x86-64 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB Yes


Space requirements for Red Hat and SUSE Linux

Common Files referred to in this table are installed no matter

which MicroStrategy products are selected.

Directory Common Files Intelligence Server Web Universal SDK

Home Directory 425 KB 112 KB 1 0

Install Directory 314.8 MB 465.2 MB 0 0

Log Directory 2 KB 1 0 0

26 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Directory Common Files Intelligence Server Web Universal SDK

Web Universal Deploy Directory N/A N/A 27.2 KB N/A

SDK Install Directory N/A N/A N/A 243.9 MB

In addition to the space requirements listed above, you also

need 60 MB of free space in the temporary directory. The
default location of the temporary directory is /tmp. If the
space in the default temporary directory is inadequate, you
can use the is:tempdir command to change the location of
the temporary directory. This directory must already exist
and it must be specified using its absolute path, for example:

./setupLinux.bin –is:tempdir /home/user/tmp

MicroStrategy Web Universal hardware

requirements and recommendations on

To verify updated requirement information, see the

MicroStrategy readme.

Web server without Report Services

Requirement Minimum Recommended

Processor 1 GHz 2 GHz or higher

RAM 1 GB 2 GB or higher

Hard disk space 512 MB 1 GB or higher

Web server with Report Services

Requirement Minimum Recommended

Processor 1 GHz 2 GHz or higher

RAM 1 GB 4 GB or higher

Hard disk space 1 GB 1 GB or higher

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 27

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Web client without Report Services

Requirement Minimum Recommended

Processor 1 GHz 2 GHz or higher

RAM 512 MB 512 MB or higher

Web client with Report Services

Requirement Minimum Recommended

Processor 1 GHz 2 GHz or higher

RAM 512 MB 2 GB or higher

MicroStrategy Mobile hardware requirements for

BlackBerry devices

The tables below list the MicroStrategy Mobile client

application hardware requirements for BlackBerry devices.
To verify updated requirement information, see the
MicroStrategy readme.

Flash memory

Requirement Minimum Recommended

Flash memory 32 MB 64 MB

BlackBerry devices

BlackBerry devices Status

BlackBerry 8800 Series Certified

BlackBerry 8700 Series Certified

Blackberry 8300 (Curve) Series Certified

BlackBerry 8100 (Pearl) Series Certified

BlackBerry 7100 Series Certified

BlackBerry 7200 Series Certified

28 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Software requirements and recommendations

This section lists the software requirements and
recommendations for MicroStrategy products on the
Windows, UNIX, and Linux platforms.

The following information is intended to give you

general guidance on software requirements. For
details regarding supported versions of the operating
system for a particular MicroStrategy release, see the
readme files or contact Technical Support.

System software requirements and

recommendations on Windows

For a successful installation of MicroStrategy products, the

following product-specific software requirements must be
satisfied. For more detailed information on product-specific
requirements, see the products’ readme files.

aware of the following before reviewing the sections

• The operating systems listed below are deemed

supported or certified to reflect the level of internal
testing that each configuration was exposed to for
the current release. MicroStrategy recommends
using certified configurations over the supported

• MicroStrategy certifies and supports operating

systems that are compatible with a set of CPU
chipsets, referred to as CPU architectures, that are
binary-compatible. MicroStrategy tests on at least
one of the CPU chipsets within a set of
binary-compatible CPU architectures for purposes
of certifying and supporting operating systems
with MicroStrategy products. A valid CPU
architecture is provided in parentheses () to clarify
the operating system software certified or
supported for MicroStrategy Administrator.

• All Windows operating systems are 32-bit.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 29

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy product: Administrator

Software Software Requirements

Operating system • Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (on x86)

• Windows 2000 Professional SP4 (on x86)
• Windows 2000 Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows XP Professional Edition SP3 (on x86) - Enterprise Manager not
• Windows Vista Business Edition SP1 (on x86) - Enterprise Manager not
• Windows Vista Enterprise Edition SP1 (on x86) - Enterprise Manager not

Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2, or 7.0

Export application Adobe Acrobat Reader 6, 7, 8, or 8.1

MicroStrategy product: Desktop

Software Software Requirements

Operating system • Windows 2000 Professional Edition SP4 (on x86)

• Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows 2000 Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows XP Professional Edition SP3 (on x86)
• Windows Vista Business Edition SP1 (on x86)
• Windows Vista Enterprise Edition SP1 (on x86)

Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2, or 7.0

Export application • Adobe Acrobat Reader 6, 7, 8, or 8.1

• Microsoft Office 2000 SP3
• Microsoft Office 2002 (XP) SP3
• Microsoft Office 2003 SP3
• Microsoft Office 2007 SP1

30 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

MicroStrategy product: Intelligence Server

Software Software Requirements

Windows 2000 • Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (on x86) - recommended with 4GT
• Windows 2000 Server SP4 (on x86)

Windows 2003 • Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 (on x86) - recommended with
4GT enabled
• Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 (on x86)

Windows XP For demonstration use only

Professional • Windows XP Professional SP3 (on x86)

Windows Vista For demonstration use only

• Windows Vista Business Edition SP1 (on x86)

LDAP Client SDK Native Windows 32 bits SDK for LDAP (Wldap32.dl version 5.0.2195.6666).
For more details, refer to TN5303-8X-0719.

MicroStrategy product: MicroStrategy Office

Software Software Requirements

Operating system • Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows 2000 Professional SP4 (on x86)
• Windows 2000 Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows XP Professional Edition SP3 (on x86)
• Windows Vista Ultimate Edition SP1 (on x86)
• Windows Vista Business Edition SP1 (on x86)
• Windows Vista Enterprise Edition SP1 (on x86)

Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, which is automatically installed with
MicroStrategy Office if not found on the client machine. The only
exception is when MicroStrategy Office is installed from MicroStrategy
Web. In that case, the user must follow the instructions provided to
download and install the .NET Framework.

Microsoft Web Services Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 2.0 SP3 which is
Enhancements automatically installed with MicroStrategy Office if not found on the
client machine.

Microsoft Office (Excel, • Microsoft Office 2007 SP1

Powerpoint, and Word) • Microsoft Office 2003 SP3
• Microsoft Office XP SP3
• Microsoft Office 2000 SP3 (supported - not certified)

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 31

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Software Software Requirements

Adobe Flash Player To include Flash-enabled documents in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word,
you must have Adobe Flash Player 9.0 installed on your machine. If
Flash Player is not installed, a dialog box is displayed when you execute
a document. The dialog box provides a link to the Adobe download
website, from which you can install Flash Player.

MicroStrategy Web Services MicroStrategy Web Services configured and running

Microsoft IIS Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0, 6.0, or 7.0

MicroStrategy product: MicroStrategy Web

For a list of software requirements and recommendations for

MicroStrategy Web Universal, see MicroStrategy Web
Universal software requirements and recommendations,
page 40.

Software Software Requirements

Operating System Web server:

• Windows 2003 Standard Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows 2000 Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows XP Professional Edition SP3 (on x86) - For demonstration
purposes only
• Windows Vista Business Edition SP1 (on x86) - For demonstration purposes
Web client:
• Windows 2003 SP2 all editions (on x86)
• Windows 2000 SP4 all editions (on x86)
• Windows XP SP3 all editions (on x86)
• Windows Vista SP1 all editions (on x86)

Web server Microsoft Internet Information Services 5, 6, or 7

Web browsers Windows client:

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2, and 7.0
• Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Note: Minimum resolution for the monitor is 800 x 600 or higher with 256 color
palette minimum, but the recommended resolution is 1024 x 768 or higher

Export application • Adobe Acrobat Reader 6, 7, and 8 or 8.1 (also used for viewing Report
Services documents)
• Microsoft Office 2007 SP1
• Microsoft Office 2003 SP3
• Microsoft Office 2002 (XP) SP3
• Microsoft Office 2000 SP3

32 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Software Software Requirements

.NET Framework .NET Framework 2.0

MicroStrategy automatically installs the version of .NET required for
MicroStrategy Web, if that version of .NET cannot be located on your installation
machine. MicroStrategy also automatically configures the MicroStrategy Web
virtual directory to run with the version of .NET that it requires.

Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player 9.0 and higher

MicroStrategy product: SDK

Software Software Requirements

MicroStrategy • Before you attempt to run MicroStrategy SDK 8.1.x, you need to have a
MicroStrategy 8.1.x project running in a server-based (three-tier or four-tier)
• MicroStrategy Web or Web Universal 8.1.x should also be installed in addition to
MicroStrategy SDK to perform custom application work on MicroStrategy Web or
Web APIs.

Portal Servers • IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0.1

• IBM WebSphere Portal 5.1
• Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2007
• Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003
• SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0
• SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.0 (2004s)
• BEA WebLogic Portal 8.1
• BEA WebLogic Portal 9.2
• BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2

IDEs for Flex Adobe Flex Builder 2.0.1


MicroStrategy product: Integrity Manager

For Integrity Manager requirements on UNIX and Linux

platforms, see Intelligence Server Universal software
requirements on UNIX/Linux, page 35.

Software Software Requirements

Windows 2000 • Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (on x86)

• Windows 2000 Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows 2000 Professional SP4 (on x86)

Windows 2003 • Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 (on x86)

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 33

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Software Software Requirements

Windows XP • Windows XP Professional SP3 (on x86)


Windows Vista Supported (not certified)

• Windows Vista Business Edition SP1 (on x86)
• Windows Vista Enterprise Edition SP1 (on x86)

MicroStrategy product: Tutorial

Software Software Requirements

MicroStrategy The MicroStrategy Tutorial project should only be used with the MicroStrategy 8.1.x
product suite. This project can only be installed on Windows 32-bit operating systems.
See the Introduction to MicroStrategy: Evaluation Guide for complete details

MicroStrategy product: BI Developer Kit

Software Software Requirements

MicroStrategy It is highly recommended you use the MicroStrategy Analytics Modules only with the
current release of MicroStrategy.

MicroStrategy product: Narrowcast Server

Software Software Requirements

Operating system • Windows 2000 Server SP4 (on x86)

• Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 (on x86)
• Windows XP Professional SP3 (on x86) - Supported for Narrowcast
Administrator only. All other components are supported only for
demonstration purposes.
• Windows Vista Business and Enterprise Edition SP1 (on x86) - Supported for
Narrowcast Administrator only.

Web browsers Subscription Portal and Portal Administrator: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.1,
6.0.2, and 7.0

34 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Software Software Requirements

Third party Adobe MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server can deliver Adobe Flash content as the body
Flash support of an email, as an email attachment, or to a file location. The support for Flash
content deliveries by some third-party products is discussed below.
Warning: The third-party products discussed below are manufactured by
vendors independent of MicroStrategy, and the information provided is subject
to change. Refer to the appropriate third-party vendor documentation for
updated Flash support information.
• Microsoft Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook 2003 support Flash
content both in the email body and as an attachment.
• Hotmail, YahooMail, and Gmail support Flash content only as a Flash.mht
attachment. Flash content in the body of an email is not supported.
• Web browsers: Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, and Firefox
1.59 support Flash content.

Web server Microsoft Internet Information Services 5, 6, or 7

ODBC connectivity Connectivity to the Object Repository, Subscription Book Repository, and Portal
Repository databases

JDBC connectivity Sequelink (installed with the product)

Export application • Adobe Acrobat Reader 6, 7, and 8

• Microsoft Office 2003 SP3
• Microsoft Office 2002 (XP) SP3
• Microsoft Office 2000 SP3
• Microsoft Office 2007 SP1 (Microsoft Office 2007 .xlsx files can be included
as a static attachment for a Narrowcast service. However, .xlsx files are not
supported as imported templates in Narrowcast Server. Save the Excel 2007
.xlsx file in "Excel 97-2003 workbook" format. You can then import the file as
a template. )

Intelligence Server Universal software

requirements on UNIX/Linux

For the exact information such as version numbers and space

requirements, see the MicroStrategy readme file.

MicroStrategy Integrity Manager for UNIX and Linux

platforms has the same requirements as Intelligence Server
Universal. Therefore, you can use the information in this
section for Intelligence Server Universal and Integrity
Manager requirements on UNIX and Linux platforms.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 35

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

The following MicroStrategy products require an

X-windows-enabled environment on all UNIX and Linux

• GUI-based MicroStrategy Installation Wizard

• MicroStrategy Control Center

• Diagnostics and Performance Logging tool

• Service Manager

The following requirements also apply to all UNIX and Linux


• A Web browser (for example, Firefox 2.0) is required for

viewing readme, release notes, and online help.

• Windows Services for UNIX

bb380242.aspx) or Samba (
is required for HTML document support. Samba 3.0 is
required for the support of HTML documents with
alphanumeric names.

The requirements listed below are specific to the UNIX and

Linux platforms.

aware of the following before reviewing the sections

• The operating systems listed below are deemed

supported or certified to reflect the level of internal
testing that each configuration was exposed to for
the current release. MicroStrategy recommends
using certified configurations over the supported

• MicroStrategy certifies and supports operating

systems that are compatible with a set of CPU
chipsets, referred to as CPU architectures, that are
binary-compatible. MicroStrategy tests on at least
one of the CPU chipsets within a set of
binary-compatible CPU architectures for purposes
of certifying and supporting operating systems
with MicroStrategy products. A valid CPU
architecture is provided in parentheses () to clarify
the operating system software certified or
supported for Intelligence Server Universal.

36 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

• All UNIX and Linux operating systems are 64-bit.

• For information on LDAP Servers certified and

supported for LDAP authentication with various
Intelligence Server machine environments, see the
MicroStrategy Readme.

Sun Solaris

Operating System Requirements

Sun Solaris 9.x Sun Solaris 9.x (on SPARC)

Patch requirements: Patch Cluster dated 01/31/2008 (kernel patch
122300-19) or later.

Sun Solaris 10.x Sun Solaris 10.x (on SPARC)

Patch requirements: Sun-recommended Patch Cluster dated
01/29/2008 (kernel patch 120011-14).
Other requirements: SmartHeap V8 is required for MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server 8.x operation on Solaris 10.x with T2000 Sun

Solaris Zones for Solaris 10.x MicroStrategy supports the installation of Intelligence Server Universal
on Solaris Zones which meet all applicable Solaris 10.x requirements.
Refer to your third-party Sun documentation for information on Solaris

Sun Solaris 8.x Sun Solaris 8.x (on SPARC) - Supported, not certified
Patch requirements: Sun-recommended Patch Cluster dated
02/11/2008 (kernel patch 117350-53) or later.
For details and installation information for each of the patches, refer to
the Patch Finder section of the Sun Microsystems website, which can
be found at

 On UltraSparc II-based systems that support both 32

and 64-bit modes, the kernel must be booted in 32-bit

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 37

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide


Operating Systems Requirements

IBM AIX 5.2 IBM AIX 5L Version 5.2 (on IBM POWER Architecture)
Patch requirements: Technology Level 10, with the following file sets:
• bos.rte.libc or higher
• Visual Age (xlC.aix50.rte) or higher
• bos.perf.libperfstat or higher

IBM AIX 5.3 IBM AIX 5L Version 5.3 (on IBM POWER Architecture)
Patch requirements: Technology Level 7, with the following file sets:
• bos.rte.libc or higher
• Visual Age (xlC.aix50.rte) or higher
• bos.perf.libperfstat or higher
Be aware of the following:
• To successfully register MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal
as a service on IBM AIX 5.3, you must obtain the IBM Authorized
Program Analysis Report (APAR) IY81136. Contact IBM Production
Support for help with obtaining and configuring this APAR. This
APAR is available at the following URL, which is valid as of the
release of this manual:
• To successfully use CPU licenses with Intelligence Server Universal
on AIX 5.3, please contact MicroStrategy Technical Support.

IBM AIX 6.1 IBM AIX 6.1 (on IBM POWER Architecture)
Patch requirements: Technology Level 0

LPAR for AIX MicroStrategy certifies the installation of Intelligence Server Universal
Refer to your third-party IBM on AIX 6.1 LPAR architecture for micropartitions, which meets all
documentation for information applicable AIX 6.1 requirements.
on LPAR.
MicroStrategy supports the installation of Intelligence Server Universal
on AIX LPAR architecture for dedicated partitions, which meets all
applicable AIX requirements.


Operating Systems Requirements

HP-UX 11i v2 HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation Operating Environment (on Intel Itanium)
Patch requirements: Base Quality Pack Bundle for HP-UX 11i v2 dated
December 2007

HP-UX 11i v2 Enterprise and Mission Critical Operating Environments

(on Intel Itanium) - Supported, not certified
Patch requirements: Base Quality Pack Bundle for HP-UX 11i v2 dated
December 2007

38 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Red Hat and SUSE Linux

Operating Systems Requirements

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and AS 4 update 6
and AS 4

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced
and Platform 5 (on x86-64)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Note: To support the use of a graphical user interface for MicroStrategy
Advanced Platform 5 tools and installing MicroStrategy products on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux AP 5, you must install the
libXp-1.0.0-8.x86_64.rpm package included with your Linux
install media.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Patchlevel 3 (on x86-64)
9 Warning: To support the installation of Intelligence Server Universal on
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, see Requirements to install on SUSE
Linux 9 or 10 below.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (on x86-64)
10 Warning: To support the installation of Intelligence Server Universal on
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, see Requirements to install on SUSE
Linux 9 or 10 below.

Oracle Enterprise Linux Oracle Enterprise Linux (on x86-64)

Note: Oracle Enterprise Linux is distributed through the Oracle
Unbreakable Linux program.

RedHat Enterprise Linux ES RedHat Enterprise Linux ES and AS 3 update 8 (on x86-64) -
and AS 3 Supported, not certified

Requirements to install on SUSE Linux 9 or 10

To support the installation of Intelligence Server Universal

on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 or 10, you must install a
required RPM and manually create two links, as described

1 Install the required RPM:

• For SUSE LINUX 9, install

openssl-0.9.7d-xxxx.x86_64.rpm, where xxxx
is the version number. For example,

• For SUSE LINUX 10, install

compat-openssl097g-xxxx.x86_64.rpm, where
xxxx is the version number.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 39

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

2 Use the following commands to manually create the two

required links:

• ln -s /usr/lib64/

• ln -s /usr/lib64/

MicroStrategy Web Universal software

requirements and recommendations

To confirm the latest requirement information, see the

MicroStrategy readme. For specific patches, filesets,
technology level, and other requirements for UNIX and Linux
operating systems, see Intelligence Server Universal
software requirements on UNIX/Linux, page 35.

40 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Web client software

Requirement Recommended

Operating system Certified:

• Windows 2000 SP4 all editions (on x86)
• Windows Server 2003 SP2 all editions (on x86)
• Windows XP SP3 all editions (on x86)
• Windows Vista SP1 all editions (on x86)
• Solaris 8.x (on SPARC)
• Solaris 9.x (on SPARC)
• Solaris 10.x (on SPARC)
• AIX 5L Version 5.2 (on IBM POWER Architecture)
• AIX 5L Version 5.3 (on IBM POWER Architecture)
• AIX 6.1 (on IBM POWER Architecture)
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 ES and AS 3 (on x86-64)
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and AS 4 (on x86-64)
• Red Hat Linux Enterprise Linux 5 (on x86-64)
Red Hat Linux Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 (on x86-64)
• Oracle Enterprise Linux (on x86-64) distributed through the Oracle
Unbreakable Linux program.
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (on x86-64)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (on x86-64)
• HP-UX 11i v2 (on Intel Itanium)
• Mac OS X

Web browser For UNIX and Linux operating systems:

• Mozilla 1.7
• Firefox 2.0
For Mac OS X:
• Safari 3.1.1 (Web Reporter only)
For iPhone:
• iPhone-packaged Safari browser (Web Reporter only)
At a minimum, you should have one of the following for a Windows
operating system:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2, or 7.0
• Firefox 2.0

Browser resolution Minimum resolution for the monitor is 800 x 600 or higher with 256 color
palette minimum, but the recommended resolution is 1024 x 768 or

Spreadsheet export Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet application that supports the CSV
application file type.

PDF viewer (for viewing and Adobe Acrobat Reader versions 6, 7, 8, or 8.1.
exporting PDF documents)

Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player 9.0 or higher

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 41

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Web server operating systems

MicroStrategy Web Universal is certified to work with the

following operating systems:

• Windows 2000 Server SP4 (on x86)

• Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 (on x86)

• Windows 2003 Standard Edition SP2 (on x86)

• Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 (on x86)

• Windows XP Professional SP3 (on x86) - For

demonstration purposes only

• Windows Vista Business Edition SP1 (on x86) - For

demonstration purposes only

• IBM AIX 5.2, 5.3, and 6.1 (on IBM POWER Architecture)

• Sun Solaris 9.x and 10.x (on SPARC)

• Sun Solaris 8.x (on SPARC) - Supported, not certified

• Hewlett Packard HP-UX 11i v2 (on Intel Itanium)

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and AS 4 update 6 (on


• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and RedHat Enterprise Linux

Advanced Platform 5 (on x86-64)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and 10 (on x86-64)

• Oracle Enterprise Linux (on x86-64) - distributed through

Oracle Unbreakable Linux

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and AS 3 update 8 (on

x86-64) - Supported, not certified

Application servers

MicroStrategy Web Universal is certified to work with the

following application servers:
• Oracle Application Server 10.g Release (10.1.3)

• BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP6

42 Installation prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

• BEA WebLogic 9.2

MicroStrategy certifies deploying MicroStrategy Web

Universal with WebLogic 9.2 only as an exploded
directory. For information on deploying MicroStrategy
Web Universal as an exploded directory, see Deploying
with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris), page 187.

• IBM WebSphere 6.0.2

• IBM WebSphere 6.1

• SAP NetWeaver Application Server 6.4

• Apache Tomcat 5.0.28

• Apache Tomcat 5.5.26

• Sun Java System Application Server 8.2 (formerly Sun

ONE (iPlanet) Application Server)

Throughout this guide Sun ONE is referred to as

Sun Java System. The application server changed
names from Sun iPlanet, then to Sun ONE, and
then to Sun Java System Application Server.

Web servers

MicroStrategy Web Universal is certified to work with the

following web servers:
• Apache 2.2.x

• Apache 2.0.x

• IBM HTTP Server 6.0.2.x

• IBM HTTP Server 6.1

• Sun Java System Web Server, Enterprise Edition 6.1

• Internet Information Services 5, 6, and 7

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation prerequisites 43

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Java development kits and .NET Runtime

MicroStrategy Web Universal is certified to use the following

Java development kits and .NET Runtime:

• IBM JDK 1.5

• Sun JDK 1.5

• HP-UX JDK 1.5

• IBM JDK 1.4.2

• Sun JDK 1.4.2

• HP-UX JDK 1.4.2

• .NET Runtime 2.0

For information on the exact version numbers, see the

MicroStrategy readme file.

MicroStrategy Mobile software requirements for

BlackBerry devices

The table below lists the MicroStrategy Mobile client

application software requirements for BlackBerry devices. To
verify updated requirement information, see the
MicroStrategy readme.

BlackBerry Operating System Status

BlackBerry OS v4.1 Certified

BlackBerry OS v4.2 SP1 Certified

Installation considerations
The following section contains guidelines and considerations
you must keep in mind during MicroStrategy installation.

44 Installation considerations © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

System sizing guidelines

The following topics describe sizing guidelines to consider
when you initially set up MicroStrategy with your system.
You should periodically reevaluate the system and update it
based on actual system performance and use.

This section describes only the most basic guidelines.

For detailed information refer to the MicroStrategy
System Administration Guide.

Number of users

The number of users can be measured in the following ways:

• Total users: Users that are registered in the system. For

example, if a corporate website is available to be viewed
by 950 individuals, the site has 950 total users.

• Active users: Users that are logged into the system. If a

site is available to be viewed by 950 total users and 30 of
them are logged in to the site, there are 30 active users.

• Concurrent users: Users that have jobs being processed by

a server (MicroStrategy Web, Intelligence Server, and so
on) at the same time. For example, a site is available to
950 total users, and 30 people are logged in. Of 30 active
users, 10 have jobs being processed by the server
simultaneously, hence there are 10 concurrent users.

Of these measures, the number of concurrent users is

important to consider. Your system must support the
maximum number of concurrent users you expect at any
given time.

Report complexity

The more complex a report, the more Intelligence Server

resources are required. In this context, a “complex” report is
one that requires a lot of analytical processing. While reports
with long, complicated SQL are certainly complex in nature,
they do not necessarily require additional Intelligence Server
resources to execute. It is the analytical processing in a report
that creates additional stress on an Intelligence Server.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation considerations 45

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Since analytically complex reports create a heavier load on

the Intelligence Server than simpler reports, you should have
a general idea of what the average report complexity is for
your system. Knowing this can help you decide on a caching
strategy. For example, you may decide to pre-cache complex
reports and determine the processing power your Intelligence
Server needs.

The database server processes the SQL that

Intelligence Server generates, so reports with
extremely complex SQL can place additional stress on
the database server. You should take this into account
when sizing your database server machine.

Ad hoc reports versus caches

Report caches store the results of previously executed

reports. If a client (MicroStrategy Web, Desktop, and so on)
requests a report that is cached, Intelligence Server simply
returns the cached report results to the client. For any ad hoc
reports that are not cached, Intelligence Server must go
through the entire report execution cycle before it can return
the results. For this reason, report caching allows better
response time while minimizing the load on the Intelligence

The benefits of caching are more apparent for complex

reports than for simple reports. While caching a complex
report may significantly improve execution time, a report
cache for a simple report may not make much difference in
this regard.

Therefore, the more complex the ad hoc reporting is in your

system, the greater the overall load on the Intelligence Server.
Be sure to take this into account when sizing your Intelligence
Server machine.

The process for element browsing is similar to ad hoc

reporting. Element browsing takes place when you
navigate through hierarchies of attribute elements, for
example, viewing the list of months in the year
attribute. By default, caching is enabled for element
browsing. In addition, you can limit the number of
elements to be retrieved at a time.

46 Installation considerations © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Report Services document

Report Services documents utilize MicroStrategy objects to

run complex and sophisticated reports. The datasets available
to a document determine its content. Each dataset represents
a report and its component objects, such as attributes,
metrics, custom groups, and consolidations. When a dataset
is available to a document, the entire report or any
component object from that dataset can be included in the
document output.

When creating a document, refer to the following guidelines

to avoid an increase in the Intelligence Server execution time
and the overall CPU usage:

• The datasets should be few in number, but large in size.

• The number of grids in the output document should be

less in number. Consolidate the data to fit into fewer grids
in the output document, where possible.

• Use of complex elements, such as consolidations, custom

groups, and smart metrics can increase the Intelligence
Server usage, especially if arithmetic operators are used in
element definitions.

• Use Custom formatting only when required.

OLAP Services

OLAP Services store reports as cubes in the physical memory

of the Intelligence Server. When these cubes are cached in
memory, report manipulations, such as adding derived
metrics, formatting, and drilling within the cube, take
considerably less time. This is the case because the new SQL
is not run against the database.

OLAP Services provide enhanced report manipulation

functionality at the cost of Intelligence Server resources, as
the cubes are stored in the memory of the Intelligence Server.
Consider the following factors to determine the size of the
Intelligent cubes:

• Intelligence Server resources

• Expected response time

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation considerations 47

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

• User concurrency

You must monitor Intelligence Server CPU utilization and

memory usage closely as OLAP Services might have an
impact on the performance of the platform, particularly the
memory and report response time.

Additional considerations

Numerous factors can affect system performance, most of

them related to system specifics, which makes them difficult
to predict. Listed below are items you might want to consider
when determining the requirements for your system:

• Desktop versus MicroStrategy Web usage—MicroStrategy

products are designed with the assumption that the
majority of users access the system through
MicroStrategy Web while a smaller percentage use the
Desktop products.

• Statistics logging—Statistics logging is very useful for

analyzing and further refining the system configuration
based on actual usage. However, logging all statistics all
the time can create a noticeable increase in system
response time. For this reason, you might choose to log
only a subset of the statistics generated or only log
statistics periodically.

• Backup frequency—Caches can be stored in memory and

on disk. When you enable backup, you allow the
Intelligence Server to write all cache files to disk. If the
backup frequency is set to the default of zero, backup files
are written to disk as soon as they are created. However,
writing all cache files to disk all the time can cause a
noticeable reduction in system performance.
Set the backup frequency to a value that minimizes disk
writes and optimizes memory usage for your system.

• Ratio of MicroStrategy Web servers to Intelligence

Servers—In a typical system you should have a 1:1 ratio of
Intelligence Servers to MicroStrategy Web servers. This
ensures that resources on both sides are optimized.
However, you might find it useful to add Intelligence
Servers or MicroStrategy Web servers depending on your
particular requirements.

48 Installation considerations © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

• Report Styles—MicroStrategy Web provides a set of

different XSL report styles. These styles provide an easy
way for you to customize how reports look. Due to the
varying complexity of these styles, some might require
more processing than others.

Common questions about sizing

Why should I increase the processor speed of Intelligence


Increasing the processor speed of Intelligence Server

enhances performance and reduces execution time for all
analytical tasks and for requests from the Extensible Markup
Language (XML) and Component Object Model (COM)
application programming interfaces (APIs).

Why should I add more processors to Intelligence Server?

Adding more processors to the Intelligence Server allows for

a better load distribution among the processors. This
provides an overall performance gain.

Why should I increase disk speed?

Increasing disk speed allows Intelligence Server to store and

retrieve caches faster, resulting in quicker response time.

What would more network bandwidth do for me?

For very large result sets, increasing network bandwidth

reduces bottlenecks created by network congestion. The
result is larger data flow and faster query response time.

How many CPUs can a user fully utilize?

One user can fully utilize up to one CPU, regardless of the

number of CPUs available in the server. The load is split
across multiple CPUs in multi-processor servers.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation considerations 49

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

What is the advantage of using hyper-threading for a dual


The advantage of using hyper-threading with a dual

processor is that it decreases the overall CPU usage. The use
of hyper-threading is recommended if you have a large
number of users.

What is the disadvantage of using hyper-threading for a dual


The disadvantage of using hyper-threading is that it increases

the Intelligence Server execution time slightly. Therefore, for
faster processing, the use of hyper-threading is not

How will I determine the size of the Intelligent Cube reports?

To determine the size of Intelligent Cube reports, view the

cache size of the Intelligent Cubes and Report Views. The
cache size reported in the Cache Monitor is generally 30-50%
smaller than the in-memory version because it is stored in a
compressed format.

What is the maximum Intelligent Cube cache size that I can store
in an Intelligence Server?

Intelligence Server can support a single Intelligent Cube with

a cache size up to 400MB. A cache of this size would be
created with a report of approximately 40 million data cells.
However, with an Intelligent Cube of this size, the
Intelligence Server’s memory resources will be limited for
other types of operations.

What is the recommended Intelligent Cube cache size?

It is recommend that an Intelligent Cube cache should not be

greater than 1MB in high concurrent environments. A cache
of this size would be created with a report of approximately
110,000 data cells.

50 Installation considerations © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

MicroStrategy Web and Intelligence Server compatibility

You must ensure the versions of MicroStrategy Web and
Intelligence Server are compatible. For example,
MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2 can only connect to Intelligence
Server 8.0.0 or later. For a complete list of compatible
MicroStrategy Web and Intelligence Server versions, refer to
the MicroStrategy readme.

Refer to the MicroStrategy 8 General Information

Readme for the complete MicroStrategy platform
compatibility and interoperability specification. In
addition, you can contact MicroStrategy Technical
Support for the latest information and updates.

Certified ODBC drivers for MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

The following table identifies the available ODBC drivers for
Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Redhat or SUSE Linux
that are certified for Intelligence Server and different DBMS
types. MicroStrategy-branded ODBC drivers are installed
with the MicroStrategy products.

aware of the following when reviewing the table

• An X in the table marks a certified configuration.

• MicroStrategy certifies 32-bit ODBC drivers for

connection to DBMSs on Windows, Solaris, AIX,
and Linux. MicroStrategy does not certify 64-bit
ODBC drivers for DBMSs on these operating

• MicroStrategy certifies 64-bit ODBC drivers for

connection to DBMSs on the HP-UX platform.

• Only certified configurations are listed in the table

below. For a complete list of certified and
supported configurations with exact version

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation considerations 51

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

numbers, refer to the certified and supported

configurations listed in the MicroStrategy General
Information readme.

32-bit ODBC drivers ODBC
DBMS Driver drivers

Windows Solaris AIX Linux HP-UX

Greenplum 3.1 PostgreSQL ODBC Driver X X

HP Neoview 2.2 ODBC Driver for HP Neoview X X X X

HP Neoview 2.3 ODBC Driver for HP Neoview X X X X

IBM DB2 for UDB: MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for X X X X X

• 8.1/8.2 with Fixpak 16 DB2 Wire Protocol
• 9.1 with Fixpak 4a
• 9.5 with Fixpak 1

IBM DB2 for UDB MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for X X X X X

iSeries: DB2 Wire Protocol
• V5R3 with minimum
of PTF SF99530
• V5R4

IBM DB2 for UDB iSeries System i Access for Windows X

V6R1 V6R1M0 SI31251

Informix IDS: MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for X X X X X

• 9.4 Informix Wire Protocol
• 10
• 11

Informix XPS 8.4/8.5 MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for X X X

Informix 8

Microsoft SQL Server: MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for X X X X

• 2000 SP3/SP3a/SP4 SQL Server Wire Protocol
• 2005 SP1/SP2
Microsoft SQL Server X

MySQL Community MySQL ODBC Driver X X

Server 5.0

MySQL Enterprise 5.0 MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for X X

MySQL Wire Protocol

Netezza: Netezza ODBC Driver X X X X X

• 3.1.x
• 4.0.x
• 4.5.x

52 Installation considerations © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

32-bit ODBC drivers ODBC
DBMS Driver drivers

Windows Solaris AIX Linux HP-UX

Oracle: MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for X X X X X

• 9i Oracle Wire Protocol
• 9iR2
• 10g
• 10gR2
• 11g

PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL ODBC Driver X X

• 8.1
• 8.2
• 8.3

Red Brick 6.3 Red Brick Driver X X X X

Sybase ASE: MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for X X X X X

• 12.5 Sybase ASE Wire Protocol
• 15

Sybase IQ 12.7 Sybase IQ ODBC Driver X X X X

Adaptive Server IQ ODBC X


Teradata: Teradata ODBC Driver X X X X X

• V2R6.x
• V2R6.1.x
• V2R6.2.x
• V12

The MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration Wizard

exposes only the MicroStrategy-branded ODBC
drivers. However, this guide also provides instructions
for drivers from other vendors, that you can install
separately and use with MicroStrategy. For more
information, refer to Appendix A, Connecting to
Databases: ODBC and DSNs.

Recommended system settings for UNIX and Linux

UNIX and Linux systems allow processes and applications to
run in a virtual environment. This means that each process,
depending on its owner and the settings for certain
environment variables, are run using a distinct set of

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation considerations 53

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

properties that affect how much memory the process can use,
how many CPU seconds it can use, what thread model it can
use, how many files it can open, and so on.

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal installs on UNIX

and Linux systems with the required environment variables
set to ensure that the server’s jobs are processed correctly.
However, as mentioned above, some settings are related to
the user who starts the process (also known as the owner of
the process) and other settings can only be set by the system
administrator. Some of these settings may also have limits
enforced for reasons unrelated to supporting MicroStrategy.

The table below lists MicroStrategy’s recommendations for

system settings that can affect the behavior of Intelligence
Server Universal.

 Modifying the system settings listed below can affect

system-wide behavior and therefore, steps to modify
these values are not given. You should refer to your
UNIX and Linux documentation and contact your
system administrator to modify these settings.

Setting Name
Description Recommended Value
ulimit name (limit name)

cputime (time) Maximum CPU seconds Unlimited.

per process.

filesize (file) Maximum size for a single Unlimited, or as large as the file system allows.
file. Your system administrator may enforce limits
on the maximum size of files for reasons
unrelated to MicroStrategy. This value must be
at least as large as the maximum size for core
dump files (coredumpsize).

datasize (data) Maximum heap size per Unlimited, or as large as the system virtual
process. memory allows. Your system's virtual memory
constraints affect the data size you can set for
a process’s heap size. The value should be the
same as the maximum size for core dump files

stacksize (stack) Maximum stack size per 200 MB.


coredumpsize Maximum size for a single Set this value to the same value as the
(coredump) core dump file. maximum heap size per process (datasize).
If core dump files are created that are larger
than this value, the files are corrupted and

54 Installation considerations © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Setting Name
Description Recommended Value
ulimit name (limit name)

memoryuse (memory) Maximum size of physical Unlimited, or as large as the physical memory
memory allotted per of your system allows.

vmemoryuse (vmemory) Maximum size of virtual Unlimited, or as large as your system virtual
memory allowed per memory allows.

descriptors (nofiles) Maximum number of file 8192.

descriptors (open files) per

Methods of installation
The methods of MicroStrategy installation are:

• GUI (Graphical User Interface)

• Command line

• Silent installation

The GUI mode presents a user interface for each page in the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard. You click the mouse to
place the cursor on the desired object, then proceed as
appropriate to complete the task. The following navigational
buttons are also displayed:
• Next: Click to proceed to the next page.

• Back: Click to return to the previous page.

• Cancel: Click to cancel the installation and close the

MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.

• Finish (only on the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard

Complete page): Click to complete the setup and close the

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Methods of installation 55

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy provides the following types of GUI


• Typical

• Advanced

For information on how to perform these installations, refer

to Chapter 2, Installing MicroStrategy on Windows and
Chapter 3, Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux.

Typical installation

This installation is interactive and prompts you for a License

Key, the products to be installed, the location for the
MicroStrategy home directory, and the name of the program
folder where the application shortcuts reside.

Advanced installation

This is similar to the Typical installation, except that you have

more control over the individual directories in which each
component is installed. The Advanced installation prompts
you for the target directory for each component being

Command line
In command line mode, you type the appropriate information
at the prompt and press ENTER. Instructions are included on
each page of the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.

In some cases, you are asked to make a selection by pressing 1

or 2, and ENTER. You then press 0 and ENTER to continue.

Defaults appear next to each prompt and are enclosed in

square brackets, for example, [1]. Press ENTER to use the
default, or type a different response to the prompt to override
the default.

56 Methods of installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

In addition, on the command line wizard pages, the following

options are available:

• Press 1 and then press ENTER to proceed to the next page.

• Press 2 and then press ENTER to return to the previous


• Press 3 and then press ENTER to cancel the installation

and close the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.

• On the last page, which is MicroStrategy Installation

Wizard Complete, press 3 and then press ENTER to
complete the setup and close the wizard.

For information on command line installation, refer to

Chapter 3, Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux.

Silent installation
A silent, or unattended, installation is one that presents no
graphical user interface (GUI). Silent installations are useful
for system administrators who do not want users to run the
installation themselves. It allows you to automate the
installation, so it can be called from a script and executed
without user interaction.

For information on silent installation, refer to Silent

installation, page 369, in Chapter 9, Automated Installation
on Windows and Silent installation, page 380, in Chapter
10, Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux.

Licensing information
If you have installed the Evaluation version of MicroStrategy,
you cannot use its license key with a Generally Available (GA)
license key in the same environment. Hence, the Evaluation
version of MicroStrategy cannot be used for your production

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Licensing information 57

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

For example, if you have MicroStrategy 7.5.0 installed, your

installation does not support MicroStrategy Office. This is
due to the fact that its license key does not contain the license
for MicroStrategy Office. If you want to test the capabilities of
MicroStrategy Office, you can run the evaluation license key
on your client computers. This can be done after
downloading MicroStrategy Office, to test it in your
environment. You must then configure MicroStrategy Office
to connect to your development Intelligence Server, which
was installed by the permanent GA license key, on the
MicroStrategy Server computer. However, after attempting to
run MicroStrategy Office, the following error message

The selected Login ID does not have privilege

to use MicroStrategy Office.

This message appears because the license keys on the client

machine and on the Intelligence Server are different.
Therefore, the same license key must be used on both
Intelligence Server and on the client machine for the client to
connect to Intelligence Server.

workaround for this scenario is to create a testing
built entirely on the Evaluation license
key. This enables customers to test any products they
want to evaluate.

Types of licenses
Refer to your MicroStrategy contract and any accompanying
contract documentation for descriptions of the different
MicroStrategy license types.

Installation and configuration checklists

This guide provides information on how to install and
configure MicroStrategy products on Windows, UNIX, and
Linux. To help you navigate through this guide, the following
sections in this chapter list the chapters that you should refer
to depending on the platform on which you are installing

58 Installation and configuration checklists © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

MicroStrategy products. Each list also provides a brief

overview of each chapter. It is recommended that you read
this section before performing an installation. You can use
the tables as checklists of installation and configuration tasks
to be completed.

The appendixes in this guide are not listed in the

checklists below. The checklists only cover the main
steps to install and configure MicroStrategy products.
The appendixes in this guide contain important
configuration details that are useful throughout the
life cycle of your MicroStrategy installation.

Installing and configuring MicroStrategy on Windows

If you are installing MicroStrategy on Windows, you should
refer to the following chapters sequentially.

Complete Chapter and Installation Task

Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation: Review this chapter for important installation
prerequisites and considerations.

Chapter 2, Installing MicroStrategy on Windows: This chapter describes the procedures for
installing the MicroStrategy products necessary to run your business intelligence application
in a Windows environment.
Chapter 9, Automated Installation on Windows: As an alternative to the regular installation,
you can perform a fully automated and unattended installation including customization
routines available with the product. This chapter describes different types of unattended and
automated installations and provides steps to perform these installations on Windows.

Chapter 4, Activating Your Installation: After installing MicroStrategy products, you have 30
days to activate your software installation. If you have not activated your software after these
30 days have passed, some MicroStrategy features may become unavailable until you
complete the software activation.

Chapter 5, Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server: After installing and activating
MicroStrategy products, you must use the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard to configure
the MicroStrategy metadata repository, statistics tables, history list tables, Intelligence
Server, and project sources. This chapter describes the steps used to configure an installed
MicroStrategy suite of products using the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation and configuration checklists 59

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Complete Chapter and Installation Task

Chapter 6, Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal: You can deploy your project to
your user community using MicroStrategy Web or Web Universal. This chapter provides
information on how to deploy and configure MicroStrategy Web or Web Universal on
Windows, UNIX, and Linux platforms with various Web and application servers.
You can deploy your project with either MicroStrategy Web or Web Universal. MicroStrategy
Web Universal is platform-independent, whereas MicroStrategy Web can be installed only
on Windows.

Chapter 7, Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services: This chapter describes the procedure to
deploy MicroStrategy Web Services for ASP.NET and J2EE platforms. MicroStrategy Web
Services provides a standard SOAP-based implementation of XML Web Services. It is used
by MicroStrategy Office and can also support MicroStrategy SDK programming.

Chapter 12, Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components: This chapter describes the
steps to add and remove MicroStrategy components on Windows, as well as other operating
systems. For Windows platforms, refer to the following sections:
• Adding or removing MicroStrategy components on Windows.
• Re-installing MicroStrategy components on Windows.
• Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on Windows.

Installing and configuring MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux

If you are installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux
operating systems, you should refer to the following chapters

Complete Chapter and Installation Task

Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation: Review this chapter for important installation
prerequisites and considerations.

Chapter 3, Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux: This chapter describes the
procedures for installing the MicroStrategy products necessary to run your business
intelligence application on a UNIX and Linux environment.
Chapter 10, Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux: As an alternative, you can
perform a fully automated and unattended installation without using the graphical user
interface. This chapter describes different types of unattended and automated
installations and steps to perform these installations on UNIX.

Chapter 4, Activating Your Installation: After installing MicroStrategy products, you have
30 days to activate your software installation. If you have not activated your software
after these 30 days have passed, some MicroStrategy features may become unavailable
until you complete the software activation.

60 Installation and configuration checklists © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Planning Your Installation 1

Complete Chapter and Installation Task

Chapter 5, Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server: After installing and

activating MicroStrategy products, you must use the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard
to configure the MicroStrategy metadata repository, statistics tables, history list tables,
Intelligence Server, and project sources. This chapter addresses the processes
necessary to configure an installed MicroStrategy suite of products using the
Configuration Wizard. If no project sources are defined, then MicroStrategy Control
Center opens the Configuration Wizard.
Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools: MicroStrategy tools
are provided in command line mode on UNIX and Linux so that you can perform various
configuration tasks through the operating system console. This enables you to perform
your required configurations even if you do not have access to the MicroStrategy

Chapter 6, Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal: You can deploy your
project to your user community using MicroStrategy Web Universal. This chapter
provides information on how to deploy and configure MicroStrategy Web and Web
Universal on Windows, UNIX, and Linux platforms with various Web and application
You can deploy your project with either MicroStrategy Web or Web Universal.
MicroStrategy Web Universal is platform-independent, whereas MicroStrategy Web can
be installed only on Windows.

Chapter 7, Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services: This chapter describes the

procedure to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services for ASP.NET and J2EE platforms.
MicroStrategy Web Services provides a standard SOAP-based implementation of XML
Web Services. It is used by MicroStrategy Office and can also support MicroStrategy
SDK programming.

Chapter 8, Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents: This chapter explains the
setup required for the Intelligence Server to create and execute HTML documents and
documents. It also describes the steps to create this setup, which are only necessary on
a UNIX or Linux environment.

Chapter 12, Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components: This chapter describes

the steps to add and remove MicroStrategy components on all supported operating
systems. For UNIX and Linux platforms, refer to the following section:
• Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on UNIX and Linux

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation and configuration checklists 61

1 Planning Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

62 Installation and configuration checklists © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



This chapter describes the procedures for installing the

MicroStrategy products that are necessary to run your
business intelligence application on a Windows environment.

Before installing MicroStrategy products, you should refer to

Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation for important
pre-installation information.

Some MicroStrategy products are available in two versions,

as described below.

• Windows only: The Windows only versions, labeled as

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, MicroStrategy Web,
and so on, are compatible only with a Windows platform.
With these versions, MicroStrategy Web can be deployed
quickly and easily using MicroStrategy’s Internet

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 63

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Information Services (IIS) Web Server. The drawback is

that IIS is the only Web server that can be used to deploy
the Windows only version of MicroStrategy Web.

The Windows only version of Intelligence Server

can be used with MicroStrategy Web Universal.

• Universal (platform independent): The universal

versions, labeled as MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
Universal, MicroStrategy Web Universal, and so on, are
compatible with Windows as well as UNIX/Linux
platforms. Installing the universal versions on Windows
lets you deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal with
different application and Web server combinations. For
example, instead of using IIS to deploy MicroStrategy
Web Universal, you can use Apache Tomcat, Oracle 10g,
and so on.

you have used the Evaluation Edition of the
platform, you may have installed most
of these products already. However, additional
considerations are important when you are setting up
a production business intelligence system as opposed
to running the evaluation software. You should read
this chapter carefully, even if you already have a
working system from your Evaluation Edition.

This chapter has the following sections:

• Installation procedure, page 65

• Configuring your MicroStrategy installation, page 81

If you are installing MicroStrategy on UNIX or Linux, refer to

Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84 in
Chapter 3, Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux.

64 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

Installation procedure
The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard provides steps to
guide you through installing one or more MicroStrategy
products in a Windows environment. The following sections
can assist you in installing MicroStrategy products:

• Installing with the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard,

page 66

• Installation verification, page 81

There are a number of installation alternatives and

procedures to support your MicroStrategy installation
documented in this guide, including the following:

• For information on installation prerequisites, see

Installation prerequisites, page 15 in Chapter 1, Planning
Your Installation.

• For information about advanced installation

functionality, such as installing in an SMS environment or
using installation response files, see Chapter 9,
Automated Installation on Windows.

• For information about installing and deploying

MicroStrategy Web Universal with other Web and
application servers, see Chapter 6, Deploying
MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal.

• For information about deploying MicroStrategy Web

Services ASP.NET and J2EE, see Chapter 7, Deploying
MicroStrategy Web Services.

Note the following:

• If you have not uninstalled previous versions of
MicroStrategy products, you are prompted to
overwrite them. Click Yes to ensure that all
products are installed properly. To retain the
existing Tutorial metadata repository and
warehouse, rename it or move it to another
location before you start the installation process.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedure 65

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

• Although MicroStrategy supports Windows

Terminal Services, using Windows Terminal
Services is not recommended for installation. It
can affect the functionality of some MicroStrategy

Installing with the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard

To install MicroStrategy products, you must log on to your
machine using a domain account with Windows
administrative privileges for the domain or target machine.
The domain must include your database servers.

To exit the installation process at any time, click Cancel.

To access the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard

1 Log on to the machine where you are installing one or

more MicroStrategy products.

2 Exit all Windows applications before beginning the

installation process.

3 You can access the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard in

the following ways:
• From the disk: Insert the disk into the disk drive and
wait for the MicroStrategy Main Menu window to
display automatically.

the MicroStrategy Main Menu does not display,
and run Setup.exe on the disk.
• From the download site: Download the files from the
MicroStrategy download site. Locate and run the
Setup.exe file.

Note the following:

– Contact your MicroStrategy sales representative to
determine the location and login credentials for the
MicroStrategy download site.

66 Installation procedure © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

– You may have to extract the downloaded files to

locate the Setup.exe file.

4 If this is the first time you have installed MicroStrategy,

you are prompted to choose the language for the wizard.
Select the appropriate language from the drop-down list
and click OK.

The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard opens and leads you

through the rest of the installation process. The sections
below describe the actions you must take for each page in the
wizard. After you enter all required information on an
installation page, click Next to proceed to the next page of the
installation routine.

If any services are running for previously installed

MicroStrategy products, you are prompted to stop them.
Click Yes to proceed. If you click No, you cannot install
MicroStrategy products until you stop all MicroStrategy


Read the information on the welcome screen and proceed to

the next step.

If you opened the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard through

the Microsoft Control Panel using the Add/Remove Programs
option, the wizard opens the Welcome page in maintenance
mode. For more information on modifying, repairing, or
removing all or part of your MicroStrategy installation, see
Chapter 12, Adding or Removing MicroStrategy

License Agreement

Read the license agreement, and accept or decline the

agreement by clicking the appropriate button. If you decline,
you cannot install MicroStrategy products.

Click Print to print a copy of the license agreement for

your records.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedure 67

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Customer Information

Enter the following customer information:

• User Name

• Company Name

• License Key

Licensed users can contact Technical Support to

obtain a license key.

Setup Type

Select a Typical or Advanced setup. The significant

differences between a Typical setup and an Advanced setup
are described below:

• Typical: With this option all products selected for

installation are installed in the same location. The
location of MicroStrategy common files are assigned by
the system to the directory C:\Program
Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy.

• Advanced: With this option you can select a different

installation location for all products selected for
installation. You can also select the installation location
for the MicroStrategy common files.

Choose Destination Location

Type or browse to the location where the MicroStrategy

products are to be installed.

Note the following:

• While this setting determines the default root
directory for the MicroStrategy products you
install, you can change the destination of an
individual product later if you choose an Advanced

• With both Typical and Advanced setup types, you

can choose the directory for a product only if that
product is not already installed on the server

68 Installation procedure © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

machine. Otherwise, the product can only be

installed in the same directory in which it already
exists. In that case this page is not displayed.

Select Components

Select the check box next to a MicroStrategy product to

include that product in the installation. Alternatively, you can
clear a check box to uninstall or exclude a MicroStrategy
product from the installation.

The installation pages you see after this step depend on the
products you choose to install. These instructions describe all
possible pages, but to perform the functions described in this
book, you must install the following components along with
all their subcomponents.

Depending on your license key, you can install the

Universal (platform independent) version of some of
the products listed below. For example, instead of
MicroStrategy Web you may see MicroStrategy Web

• MicroStrategy Desktop Products

• MicroStrategy Administrator

• MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

• MicroStrategy Web (ASP.NET version)

• MicroStrategy Web Services

 MicroStrategy Web Services is required to support

MicroStrategy Office.

• MicroStrategy Office

are a MicroStrategy Web administrator, you
Web users to install MicroStrategy Office
by making an ‘Install MicroStrategy Office’ link
available in MicroStrategy Web. When a user
chooses to install MicroStrategy Office,
MicroStrategy Office is installed as a stand-alone
product on his or her machine. MicroStrategy
Office can be installed even if no other
MicroStrategy products are available on his or her

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedure 69

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

machine. For steps to enable users to install

MicroStrategy Office from Web, see Enabling
users to install MicroStrategy Office from Web,
page 261 of Chapter 6, Deploying MicroStrategy
Web and Web Universal.

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server

• MicroStrategy Tutorial - Reporting

You do not have to install all of these products on the

same machine. In fact, this is strongly discouraged in a
production environment. For basic guidelines about
product deployments, see Recommended installation
location and example deployments, page 17 in
Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation.

Many of the platform components have subcomponents. If

you expand the different MicroStrategy products, you can
select the appropriate check boxes to specify the
subcomponents to install. For information on MicroStrategy
components and subcomponents, see MicroStrategy
components, page 2 in Chapter 1, Planning Your

you are prompted to stop your MicroStrategy Web
click Yes. If you click No, you cannot continue
with the installation until you stop your MicroStrategy
Web server.

CPU License Information

You see this page only if both of the following statements are

• You are installing MicroStrategy Intelligence Server on a

multi-processor machine.

• Your license is based on CPU and allows for more than

one CPU.

Specify the number of CPUs that Intelligence Server is

licensed to use.

70 Installation procedure © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

Select Multiple Target Directories (Advanced

Setup option only)

If you did not choose the Advanced Setup option, you skip
this page and its series of dialog boxes. If you select the
Advanced Setup option, you must specify the installation
location for each component you choose to install. The
system validates the space available for each destination
selected. This processing is transparent. You are notified of
the status only if the available space is insufficient.

MicroStrategy Web (ASP.NET) Setting

You see this page only if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Web (ASP.NET) and only if you do not have a previous
version of MicroStrategy Web installed.

Specify the Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual

directory to be created for MicroStrategy Web pages. The
default is MicroStrategy. In IIS, a virtual directory is the
home location for a set of Web pages that the Web server

Note the following:

• If you have a previous version of MicroStrategy
Web installed on the machine, the new version you
install uses the same virtual directory the previous
version is using. Therefore, you are not prompted
to specify the name of the virtual directory.

• The name provided for a virtual directory must be

unique. You cannot use the same name as the
default for other MicroStrategy products.

• MicroStrategy automatically installs the version of

.NET Framework required for MicroStrategy Web,
if that version of .NET Framework cannot be
located on your installation machine.
MicroStrategy also automatically configures the
MicroStrategy Web virtual directory to run with
the version of .NET Framework that it requires.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedure 71

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy Web (ASP.NET) CPU Affinity


You see this page only if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Web (ASP.NET) and if the MicroStrategy Web installation
detects that the license key entered is a CPU-based license.
This page is not displayed on single-processor machines.

Specify the number of CPUs that MicroStrategy Web is

licensed to use on the machine. You can specify only the
number of CPUs that are allowed by the license. If
MicroStrategy Web is installed on more than one machine,
the total number of CPUs should not exceed the maximum
number of CPUs specified by the license. For machines that
support hyper threading technology, the CPU counts
correspond to physical CPUs, not logical CPUs.

TostopsallowIIS.theAftersetting to take effect, the installation

IIS has been restarted, the
MicroStrategy Web application uses the specified
number of CPUs.

For more information on the MicroStrategy Web CPU affinity

feature, refer to the MicroStrategy System Administration

MicroStrategy Subscription Portal Setting

You see this page only if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Subscription Portal, which is a component of Narrowcast
Server, and only if you do not have a previous version of
Subscription Portal installed.

Specify the name of the IIS virtual directory to be created for

MicroStrategy Subscription Portal pages. The default is
NarrowcastServer. In IIS, a virtual directory is the home
location for a set of Web pages that the Web server hosts.

Subscription Portal offers you the ability to subscribe

to and view Narrowcast Server services, service
descriptions, and their most recent modification dates
on the Web. For complete information about

72 Installation procedure © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

Subscription Portal and other components of

Narrowcast Server, refer to the MicroStrategy
Narrowcast Server documentation.

 The name provided for a virtual directory must be

unique. You cannot use the same name as the default
for other MicroStrategy products.

MicroStrategy Web Services Setting

You see this page only if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Web Services, which is required to run MicroStrategy Office,
and only if you do not have a previous version of Web
Services installed.

Specify the IIS virtual directory to be created for

MicroStrategy Web Services pages. The default is
MicroStrategyWS. In IIS, a virtual directory is the home
location for a set of Web pages that the Web server hosts.

 The name provided for a virtual directory must be

unique. You cannot use the same name as the default
for other MicroStrategy products.

For information about deploying MicroStrategy Web Services

ASP.NET and J2EE, see Chapter 7, Deploying MicroStrategy
Web Services.

To learn more about MicroStrategy Web Services, refer to the

MicroStrategy Web Services Administration Guide.

MicroStrategy eTrainer for Web Setting

You see this page only if you choose to install MicroStrategy

eTrainer for MicroStrategy Web and if you do not have a
previous version of eTrainer installed.

Specify the IIS virtual directory to be created for

MicroStrategy eTrainer pages. The default is eTrainer. In
IIS, a virtual directory is the home location for a set of Web
pages that the Web server hosts.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedure 73

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

 The name provided for a virtual directory must be

unique. You cannot use the same name as the default
for other MicroStrategy products.

Select Program Folder

Specify the folder in your Windows Start menu from which

MicroStrategy products are to be accessed. It is
recommended that you accept the default program folder.

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Setting

You see this page if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Intelligence Server, and if you do not have a previous version
of Intelligence Server installed.

Select the check box to use the local system account as the
Intelligence Server service account. If you clear the check box
to set a different Intelligence Server service account, enter the
following information:

• Login: a Windows login of the form Domain\User with

full administrative privileges under which to run the
Intelligence Server service

 The user account used to run Intelligence Server

must have full administrator privileges for the local
machine. If the administrator default privileges
have been modified for the user account,
connection errors can occur. For example, if the
user account is denied access to the DSN accessed
by Intelligence Server, Intelligence Server
connection fails.

• Password: a valid password for the Windows login

entered in the Login box
• Confirmation: retype the password to confirm it is correct

the password you supply changes, you must
the Windows service to use the new
password. Otherwise, Intelligence Server connections
fail when the connection attempts to authenticate the
login and password.

74 Installation procedure © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Setting

You see this page if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Narrowcast Server, and if you do not have a previous version
of Narrowcast Server installed.

Select the check box to bypass the creation of a Narrowcast

Server service account.

It is recommend you create the Narrowcast Server service

account. Clear the check box, and enter the following

• Login: a Windows login of the form Domain\User with

administrative privileges under which to run the
Narrowcast Server service

• Password: a valid password for the Windows login

entered in the Login box
• Confirmation: retype the password to confirm that it is

you change the password for this account, you must
the Narrowcast Server Windows services
to use the new password.

Refer to the MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Installation

and Configuration Guide for additional details about this

MicroStrategy Web Universal Application


You see this page if you choose to install MicroStrategy Web


By default, the “Do not configure Web Universal deployment

location” check box is selected. If you are not deploying with
WebLogic Application Server, leave this check box as selected
and proceed to the next step in the installation.

If you are deploying with WebLogic Application Server, clear

the “Do not configure Web Universal deployment location”
check box. The MicroStrategy Web deployment descriptor

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedure 75

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

file (web.xml) for the MicroStrategy Web Universal WAR file

has to be modified to allow certain configuration files used by
MicroStrategy Web Universal to be created under an absolute
path. When the MicroStrategy Web Universal application is
started, several configuration files used by the application are
saved under this path. You can specify the path under the
MicroStrategy Web Universal Deployment location.

For information on deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal,

see Chapter 6, Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web

MicroStrategy Office URL Setting

You see this page if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Office, and if you do not have a previous version of
MicroStrategy Office installed.

Specify the URL for MicroStrategy Web Services. The

MicroStrategy Office client requires the MicroStrategy Web
Services URL to access MicroStrategy projects. The URL
depends on the name of the IIS virtual directory that you
specified on the MicroStrategy Web Services page. To review
the step in which the MicroStrategy Web Services page was
specified, see MicroStrategy Web Services Setting, page 73.

Assuming that you kept the default value on the

MicroStrategy Web Services page and you are installing on
the same Web server machine that is hosting MicroStrategy
Web, you should use the default URL provided:


MicroStrategy Office Configuration

You see this page if you choose to install MicroStrategy Office

and if you do not have a previous version of MicroStrategy
Office installed.

76 Installation procedure © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

Select the check boxes to enable MicroStrategy Office for the

associated Microsoft applications. You can configure
MicroStrategy Office to integrate with Microsoft Excel,
PowerPoint, or Word. The MicroStrategy Office toolbar is
added to the Microsoft Office applications that you select.

Start Copying Files

This page displays the following information about your


• Products that will be installed or updated

• Target directories in which the products are installed

• Name of the Windows Start menu program folder

• Virtual directories for MicroStrategy Web (ASP.NET),

Narrowcast Server Subscription Portal, Web Services, and

• URL for MicroStrategy Web Services

• Service accounts for MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server

and Intelligence Server
• Location of the installation log file

• License details

Click Install to continue with the installation process, which

can take several minutes depending on your computer’s
hardware configuration.

Click Print to print a copy of this information for your


Software Activation

If you have installed one or more MicroStrategy Server

products, you can request an Activation Code to activate your
MicroStrategy Server products before the installation process
ends. MicroStrategy Server products include:

• MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedure 77

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

• MicroStrategy Web or Web Universal

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server

The next few pages of the installation process guide you in

providing the information you must submit to MicroStrategy
to request an Activation Code.


Read the information on the Welcome screen and click Next

to proceed to the next step.

Server Information

Specify information about your Intelligence Server

installation. Enter the following characteristics:
• Name: distinguishes the name of this Intelligence Server
installation from any other Intelligence Server
installations in your company

• Location: physical location of the machine on which

Intelligence Server is installed
• Use: description of how Intelligence Server is used

Click Privacy Statement to view the MicroStrategy

Installer Information

Specify contact information of the person installing the

software. After your installation is complete an e-mail
containing the Activation Code is sent to the e-mail address
you confirm in this software activation step. Enter the
following installer information:

• Specify whether you are an employee of the licensed

company or installing on behalf of the licensed company.

78 Installation procedure © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

• For descriptions of what information to include in the

other text fields, press F1 to view the MicroStrategy online

Note the following:

• Select the check box at the bottom of the page to
receive notifications about product updates,
events, and special offers from MicroStrategy.

• Click Privacy Statement to view the

MicroStrategy Privacy Statement.

Contact Information

You see this page if you indicated that you are not an
employee of the company licensed to use this software, and
are installing the software on behalf of that company.

Specify contact information for the employee licensed to use

the software. After your installation is complete an e-mail
containing the Activation Code is sent to the e-mail address
you confirm in this software activation step. For descriptions
of what information to include in the text fields, press F1 to
view the MicroStrategy online help.

Note the following:

• Select the check box at the bottom of the page if
you want to receive notifications about product
updates, events, and special offers from

• Click Privacy Statement to view the

MicroStrategy Privacy Statement.

Request Activation Code

This page includes options to request an Activation Code now

or at a later time. This page provides the following options:

• Select Yes, I want to request an Activation Code now

and click Next to request an Activation Code. The
Activation Code is sent to the e-mail addresses specified
in the Installer Information and Contact Information

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedure 79

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

• Select No, I will request the Activation Code at a later

time and click Next to request an Activation Code at a
later time.

If you choose to request an Activation Code at a later time,

a message is displayed that instructs you how to request
an Activation Code after the installation procedure is
completed. For more instructions on requesting an
Activation Code at a later time, see Request an Activation
Code, page 102 in Chapter 4, Activating Your

You have a grace period of 30 calendar days to activate your

installation. If you do not complete the activation before the
grace period expires, your MicroStrategy products stop
functioning until you activate it. If you wait to activate your
installation, you receive periodic reminders.

Once you request an Activation Code, an e-mail is sent to the

e-mail addresses you specified in the Installer Information
and Contact Information pages of the software activation
procedure. The e-mail provides instructions on how to use
the requested Activation Code to activate your software. To
activate your installation, you can also use the steps given in
Activate your installation, page 104 in Chapter 4, Activating
Your Installation.

When the Activation Code request process is finished, you are

prompted to either view the readme file or go directly to the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard Complete page. Click Yes
to read the readme file or No to go to the MicroStrategy
Installation Wizard Complete page.

MicroStrategy Installation Wizard Complete

If the option to restart your machine appears, select Yes I

want to restart my computer now to ensure that the
installation process finishes correctly. This is the
recommended procedure, but you can also choose to
continue without restarting.

Click Finish to complete the installation.

If you encounter errors while installing MicroStrategy, refer

to Appendix B, Troubleshooting.

80 Installation procedure © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on Windows 2

Installation verification
During the installation routine, the MicroStrategy
Installation Wizard gathers and records information about
your system and your installation selections. You can verify
installation setup information through the installation log file
(install.log), located by default in C:\Program
Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy.

The installation log file includes the following information:

• Installation date

• Target directories

• Program folder name

• Operating system identification

• Hardware specifications

• Selected installation options

• Registry paths

• List of registered files

The installation log file can be helpful if you encounter

errors during the installation process. For example,
the log can tell you if a registry key or path was not
added or if a critical file was not registered

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

After completing the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard steps
to install MicroStrategy products, you can set up and
configure your installation. To help guide the rest of your
installation and configuration steps, refer to the section
Installing and configuring MicroStrategy on Windows,
page 59 in Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation, for an
installation and configuration checklist.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring your MicroStrategy installation 81

2 Installing MicroStrategy on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Note the following:

• The next chapter in the installation and
configuration checklist and in this guide covers
software activation steps with MicroStrategy.
These steps should be done before or soon after the
Configuration Wizard tasks mentioned below. For
more information, refer to Chapter 4, Activating
Your Installation.

• After restarting your machine to complete an initial

MicroStrategy installation, the MicroStrategy
Configuration Wizard opens. The Configuration
Wizard allows you to configure your MicroStrategy
production environment. For more information,
refer to Chapter 5, Configuring and Connecting
Intelligence Server.

82 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



This chapter describes the procedure for installing

MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux platforms. MicroStrategy
products are compatible with Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, RedHat,
and SUSE. The installation procedure described in this
chapter refer to installing MicroStrategy on Solaris, AIX,
HP-UX, RedHat, and SUSE. This chapter covers the
following sections:

• Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84

• Configuring your MicroStrategy installation, page 100

Before installing MicroStrategy products, you should refer to

Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation for important
pre-installation information.

If you are installing MicroStrategy on Windows, refer to

Chapter 2, Installing MicroStrategy on Windows.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 83

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux

This section describes installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and
Linux. The MicroStrategy products that you can install on
UNIX and Linux environments are:

• MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

• MicroStrategy Web Universal

• MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

• MicroStrategy SDK

• MicroStrategy Administrator

For more information about these products, see

MicroStrategy components, page 2 in Chapter 1, Planning
Your Installation.

It is recommended that you install MicroStrategy products as

the root user.

 Note the following:

• If you are installing MicroStrategy products with a
CPU-based license, you must be logged in as the
root user; otherwise an error message is displayed
and the installation fails.

• If you want a non-root user to be the administrator

of the server, you must manually change the
ownership after running the installation.
Intelligence Server operation is dependent on root
user privileges and permissions. Therefore,
changing the ownership of Intelligence Server to a
non-root user is not a certified or recommended

• Only a user with root permissions can register

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server as a service. If
the Intelligence Server is registered as an
application during installation, the root user can
register the server as a service after running the
installation. For more information on running
Intelligence Server as a service, see the
MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

84 Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux 3

Different methods of installation

MicroStrategy products can be installed on UNIX and Linux,
either in graphical user interface (GUI) mode or in command
line mode, using the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard. In
both cases, the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard runs,
displaying the same pages and requesting the same
information. The main differences are in how you provide the
information and navigate through the wizard.

Using GUI mode

The GUI (graphical user interface) mode presents a user

interface for each page in the MicroStrategy Installation
Wizard. The following navigational buttons are displayed:

• Next— proceed to the next page

• Back—return to the previous page

• Cancel—cancel the installation and close the

MicroStrategy Installation Wizard

• Finish—complete the setup and close the wizard

Using command line mode

In command line mode, you type the appropriate information

at the prompt and press ENTER. Instructions are included
for each page of the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.

In some cases, you are asked to make a selection by pressing

1 or 2, followed by pressing ENTER. You then press 0 and
ENTER to continue.

Defaults appear next to each prompt and are enclosed in

square brackets, for example, [1]. Press ENTER to use the
default, or type a different response to the prompt to override
the default.

In addition, on the command line wizard pages, the following

options are available:
• Press 1 and then press ENTER to proceed to the next page.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux 85

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

• Press 2 and then press ENTER to return to the previous


• Press 3 and then press ENTER to cancel the installation

and close the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.

• On the last page, which is MicroStrategy Installation

Wizard Complete, press 3 and then press ENTER to
complete the setup and close the wizard.

Installing with the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard

To install MicroStrategy products, you must log on to your
machine using a valid UNIX or Linux account. For ease of
management and maintenance, it is recommended that you
create a dedicated user account.

Note the following:

• You need root access permissions for installation if
you have purchased the CPU-based MicroStrategy

• If you want to enable additional error and

troubleshooting issue logging for the
MicroStrategy installation routine, contact
MicroStrategy Technical Support.

To exit the installation process at any time, click Cancel.

To access the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard

1 Log on to the machine on which you are installing one or

more MicroStrategy products.

2 Browse to the MicroStrategy Installation folder.

Depending on your UNIX or Linux environment, browse
to one of the following folders:

• Solaris: QueryReportingAnalysis_SunOS

• AIX: QueryReportingAnalysis_AIX

• HP-UX: QueryReportingAnalysis_HP-UX

86 Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux 3

• Linux: QueryReportingAnalysis_Linux

Note the following:

• You can access the installation files from a disk or
ask your system administrator to share the files on
a network location. There are different disks for
installing MicroStrategy products on different
platforms; Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and
Linux. For information on mounting or
unmounting CD-ROM drives, refer to Mounting
and unmounting CD-ROMs, page 480 in
Appendix B, Troubleshooting.

• If your CD-ROM drive is configured to display

directories with short names in lowercase font the
directory names are in the form
instal_1/queryr_1/. You can still run the
installation but it is not as easy to locate the correct
directories. For information on mounting
CD-ROM drives, refer to Mounting and
unmounting CD-ROMs, page 480 in Appendix B,

3 Type one of the following, depending on the installation

mode you chose and your operating system:

• To run the wizard in GUI mode

– Solaris: ./setupsol.bin

– AIX: ./setupAIX.bin
– HP-UX: ./setupHPIA64.bin

– Linux: ./setupLinux.bin
• To run the wizard in command line mode

– Solaris: ./setupsol.bin -console

– AIX: ./setupAIX.bin -console

– HP-UX: ./setupHPIA64.bin -console

– Linux: ./setupLinux.bin –console

For more information on these modes of installation,

refer to Different methods of installation, page 85.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux 87

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

4 The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard opens and leads

you through the rest of the installation process. The
following sections describe the actions you need to take
for each page in the wizard.

Note the following:

• To complete the installation, you must have write
permissions in the installation directory; otherwise
the installation fails.

• After you enter all required information on an

installation page, click Next, or press 1 and then
press ENTER, to proceed to the next page of the
installation routine.

• At any time during the setup, you can click Cancel,

or press 3 and then press ENTER, to quit the

Language Setup

Specify the language to be used for the MicroStrategy

installation and proceed to the next step.


Read the information on the welcome screen and proceed to

the next step.

License Agreement

Read the license agreement, and select to accept or decline

the agreement. If you choose to decline, you cannot install
MicroStrategy products.

Customer Information

Enter the following customer information:

• User

88 Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux 3

• Company

• License Key

Licensed users can contact Technical Support to

obtain a license key.

Home Directory

Specify the location where the MicroStrategy configuration

files and application launchers are to be installed, according
to the following guidelines:

• The default location is /var/opt/MicroStrategy, or

$HOME/MicroStrategy if you do not have write access
to /var/opt/MicroStrategy.

• The path specified for the home directory is referred to as

<HOME_PATH> in this guide.

• Do not change the names of folders within the

<HOME_PATH> after installing Intelligence Server.

Install Directory

Specify the location where the MicroStrategy products are to

be installed, according to the following guidelines:
• The default location is /opt/MicroStrategy, or
$HOME/MicroStrategy/install if you do not have
write access to /opt/MicroStrategy.
• The path specified for the install directory is referred to as
<INSTALL_PATH> in this guide.

• Do not change the names of folders within the

<INSTALL_PATH> after installing Intelligence Server.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux 89

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

Log Directory

Specify the location where the MicroStrategy application logs

are to be created, according to the following guidelines:

• The default location is /var/log/MicroStrategy,

or $HOME/MicroStrategy/log if you do not have
write access to /var/log/MicroStrategy.

• The path specified for the log directory is referred to as

<LOG_PATH> in this guide.

Select Components

Select the check box of a MicroStrategy product to include

that product in the installation. Alternatively, you can clear a
check box to uninstall or exclude a MicroStrategy product
from the installation.

The installation pages you see after this step depend on the
products you choose to install. These instructions describe all
possible pages.

Many of the platform components have subcomponents. If

you expand the different MicroStrategy products, you can
select the appropriate check boxes to specify the
subcomponents to install. For information on MicroStrategy
components and subcomponents, see MicroStrategy
components, page 2 in Chapter 1, Planning Your

You can only see MicroStrategy products that are

available with your license key.

CPU License Information

This page is displayed only if the Intelligence Server

Universal license has a CPU number limitation.

Specify the number of CPUs that Intelligence Server

Universal is licensed to use.

90 Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux 3

MicroStrategy Web Universal and MicroStrategy

Web Server for Mobile JSP Install Location

The name of this page changes to reflect which of these two

components you have chosen to install. You see this page only
if you choose to install MicroStrategy Web Universal and/or
MicroStrategy Web Server for Mobile JSP.

Specify the directory where the MicroStrategy Web Universal

web application archive (.war) file is to be installed. The
default directory is <INSTALL_PATH>/WebUniversal.

MicroStrategy Web Universal and MicroStrategy

Web Server for Mobile JSP Application

The name of this page changes to reflect which of these two

components you have chosen to install. You see this page if
you choose to install MicroStrategy Web Universal and/or
MicroStrategy Web Server for Mobile JSP.

By default, the Do not configure Web Universal

deployment location check box is selected. If you are not
deploying with WebLogic Application Server, leave this check
box selected and proceed to the next step in the installation.

If you are deploying with WebLogic Application Server, clear

the check box and specify a MicroStrategy Web Universal
application deployment location. The MicroStrategy Web
deployment descriptor file (web.xml) for the MicroStrategy
Web Universal WAR file has to be modified to allow certain
configuration files used by MicroStrategy Web Universal or
Web Server for Mobile JSP to be created under an absolute
path. When the MicroStrategy Web Universal or Web Server
for Mobile JSP application is started, several configuration
files used by the application are saved under the
MicroStrategy Web Universal application deployment
location specified here.

For information on deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal,

see Chapter 6, Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux 91

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

BlackBerry Device Client Application Install


You see this page only if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Mobile BlackBerry Device Client Application.

Specify the location where MicroStrategy Mobile BlackBerry

Device Client Application files are to be installed. The default
directory is <INSTALL_PATH>/Mobile/

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE Install


You see this page only if you choose to install MicroStrategy

Web Services J2EE.

Specify the location where MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

Web application archives (.war) files are to be installed. The
default directory is <INSTALL_PATH>/WebServicesJ2EE.

For information about deploying MicroStrategy Web Services

ASP.NET and J2EE, see Chapter 7, Deploying MicroStrategy
Web Services.

MicroStrategy SDK Installation Location

You see this page only if you choose to install MicroStrategy


Specify the directory where MicroStrategy SDK files are to be

installed. The default directory is <INSTALL_PATH>/SDK.

Start copying files

The Start Copying Files page displays the following

information about your installation:
• Products that will be installed or updated

• Target directories in which the products are installed

92 Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux 3

• Location of the installation log file

• License details

When you proceed from this step, the installation process

begins, which can take several minutes depending on your
computer’s hardware configuration.

File Transfer Complete

Review the information about your installation and proceed

to the next step.

Software Activation

If you have installed one or more MicroStrategy Server

products, you can request an Activation Code to activate your
MicroStrategy Server products before the installation process
ends. MicroStrategy Server products include:

• MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

• MicroStrategy Web or Web Universal

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server

The next few pages of the installation process guide you in

providing the information you must submit to MicroStrategy
to request an Activation Code.


Read the information on the welcome screen and proceed to

the next step.

Server Information

Specify information about your Intelligence Server

installation. Enter the following characteristics:

• Name: distinguishes the name of this Intelligence Server

installation from any other Intelligence Server
installations in your company

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux 93

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

• Location: physical location of the machine on which

Intelligence Server is installed

• Use: description of how Intelligence Server is used

Click Privacy Statement to view the MicroStrategy

Installer Information

Specify contact information of the person installing the

software. After your installation is complete an e-mail
containing the Activation Code is sent to the e-mail address
you confirm in this software activation step. Enter the
following installer information:

• Specify whether you are an employee of the licensed

company or installing on behalf of the licensed company.
• Enter the necessary data into all text fields. Make sure the
e-mail address you enter is correct. This e-mail address is
the recipient of the Activation Code.

Note the following:

• Select the check box at the bottom of the page to
receive notifications about product updates,
events, and special offers from MicroStrategy.

• Click Privacy Statement to view the

MicroStrategy Privacy Statement.

Contact Information

You see this page if you indicated that you are not an
employee of the company licensed to use this software, and
are installing the software on behalf of that company.

Specify contact information for the employee license to use

the software. Enter the necessary data into all text fields.
Make sure the e-mail address you enter is correct. After your
installation is complete an e-mail containing the Activation
Code is sent to the e-mail address you confirm in this
software activation step.

94 Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux 3

Note the following:

• Select the check box at the bottom of the page to
receive notifications about product updates,
events, and special offers from MicroStrategy.

• Click Privacy Statement to view the

MicroStrategy Privacy Statement.

Request Activation Code

This page includes options to request an Activation Code now

or at a later time. This page provides the following options:

• Select Yes, I want to request an Activation Code now

and click Next to request an Activation Code. The
Activation Code is sent to the e-mail addresses supplied in
the Installer Information and Contact Information pages.

• Select No, I will request the Activation Code at a later

time and click Next to request an Activation Code at a
later time.

If you choose to request an Activation Code at a later time,

a message is displayed that instructs you how to request
an Activation Code after the installation procedure is
completed. For more instructions on requesting an
Activation Code at a later time, see Request an Activation
Code, page 102 in Chapter 4, Activating Your

You have a grace period of 30 calendar days to activate your

installation. If you do not complete the activation before the
grace period expires, your MicroStrategy product stops
functioning until you activate it. If you wait to activate your
installation, you receive periodic reminders.

Once you request an Activation Code, an e-mail is sent to the

e-mail addresses you specify in the Installer Information and
Contact Information pages of the software activation
procedure. The e-mail provides instructions on how to use
the requested Activation Code to activate your software. To
activate your installation, you can also use the steps given in
Activate your installation, page 104 in Chapter 4, Activating
Your Installation.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux 95

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy Install Wizard Complete

If the option to restart your machine appears, select Yes I

want to restart my computer now to restart your computer
immediately to ensure that the installation process finishes
correctly. This is the recommended procedure, but you can
also choose to continue without restarting.

You can select to view the MicroStrategy readme and run

MicroStrategy Control Center upon completion of your
MicroStrategy installation.

Click Finish, or press 3 and then ENTER, to complete the


Unique post-installation configurations.

MicroStrategy supports a large number of different UNIX
and Linux environments with various system configurations.
There are a few cases in which you must perform some
manual configurations to support the use of MicroStrategy on
your system.

• Migrating Intelligence Server from Windows to UNIX or

Linux, page 96

• Create links for Intelligence Server startup in SUSE

Linux, page 97
• Supporting fonts for documents, exported reports, and
graphs, page 97

Migrating Intelligence Server from Windows to

UNIX or Linux

If you are installing MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Uni-

versal on UNIX or Linux and previously had Intelligence
Server installed on a Windows platform, it is strongly recom-
mended you modify certain system tuning settings. These
memory and cache settings govern and can optimize the per-
formance of Intelligence Server Universal and MicroStrategy
projects in your 64-bit UNIX or Linux environment. For
more information on these system tuning steps, see the After

96 Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux 3

the Upgrade chapter of the MicroStrategy Upgrade Guide.

Create links for Intelligence Server startup in

SUSE Linux

If you are installing Intelligence Server on a SUSE Linux

environment, you must manually create links for some
system files. If you do not create these links, Intelligence
Server cannot start correctly.

You need root permissions to access the files and

create the necessary links described in this section.

To manually create links for Intelligence Server startup

1 In a console window, browse to the system folder


2 In a console window, create the link of to with the command,


3 In a console window, create the link of

to with the command,


Supporting fonts for documents, exported

reports, and graphs

When Intelligence Server Universal is running on a UNIX or

Linux platform, all fonts are converted to the Courier New
font for:

• Reports exported to PDF format

• Report Services documents

• Graphs contained in HTML documents

• Graphs displayed in MicroStrategy Web

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux 97

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

This occurs because the fonts required by the PDF

component are missing from UNIX and Linux machines
running Intelligence Server Universal.

MicroStrategy cannot package these fonts with

Intelligence Server Universal due to licensing

For steps to support fonts such as Microsoft True Type fonts

for the MicroStrategy features listed above, see Setup for
executing Report Services documents, page 327.

Verifying installation
During the installation routine, the MicroStrategy
Installation Wizard gathers and records information about
your system and your installation selections. You can verify
the setup information through the installation log file

By default, the log file is located in <INSTALL_PATH> where,

<INSTALL_PATH> is the directory you specified as the install
directory in the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.

The log file includes information about the following:

• Installation date

• Target directory
• Operating system identification

• Selected installation options

• Selected licensing details

This log file can be helpful if you encounter errors

during the installation process. The log file records the
reasons due to which the errors occurred.

Directory structure
The following table describes the directories in which
MicroStrategy files are installed.

98 Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux 3

For an installation on HP-UX, the folders <INSTALL

PATH>/bin32 and <INSTALL PATH>/lib32 are not
created because HP-UX uses 64-bit ODBC drivers,
which allows all the binary files to be in 64-bit format.

PATH/Directory Contents

<HOME_PATH> Configuration files that can be modified after installation.

<HOME_PATH>/env Scripts to set up the proper environment for the

MicroStrategy applications.

<HOME_PATH>/bin Scripts to launch the MicroStrategy applications.

<INSTALL_PATH> Files that are not supposed to change after the

installation is complete.

<INSTALL_PATH>/Documentation Documentation for MicroStrategy products.

<INSTALL_PATH>/IntelligenceServer/bin Intelligence Server-specific binary files.

<INSTALL_PATH>/PDFGeneratorFiles Support files (fonts) for the PDF generation feature of

Intelligence Server.

<INSTALL_PATH>/ReleaseNotes Release notes and readme files for this release of

MicroStrategy products.

<INSTALL_PATH>/SDK Software Development Kit files. This is the default

directory for the SDK but another location can be selected
during installation.

<INSTALL_PATH>/WebUniversal MicroStrategy Web Universal deployment path. This is

the default directory for MicroStrategy Web Universal, but
it can be changed during installation.

<INSTALL_PATH>/_jvm The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be used by the

Java applications. It provides the requirements for
executing a Java application, a Java Virtual Machine,
core classes, and supporting files.

<INSTALL_PATH>/_uninst Launch files for uninstalling MicroStrategy Universal.

<INSTALL_PATH>/bin 64-bit binary files.

<INSTALL_PATH>/bin32 32-bit binary files.

<INSTALL_PATH>/help Online help files.

<INSTALL_PATH>/jar Java libraries.

<INSTALL_PATH>/lib 64-bit binary libraries.

<INSTALL_PATH>/lib32 32-bit binary libraries.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux 99

3 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

PATH/Directory Contents

<INSTALL_PATH>/locale ODBC support messages. The ODBC drivers are copied

to /lib32.

<LOG_PATH> MicroStrategy application log files, which includes

Intelligence Server log files as of MicroStrategy version
8.0.2 and later versions.

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

After completing the steps to install MicroStrategy products,
you can set up and configure your installation. To help guide
the rest of your installation and configuration steps, refer to
the section Installing and configuring MicroStrategy on
UNIX and Linux, page 60 in Chapter 1, Planning Your
Installation, for an installation and configuration checklist.

100 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



After your MicroStrategy installation is complete, you have

30 days to activate your installation. Before you activate your
installation you must request an Activation Code from
MicroStrategy. You can complete this request when you
install MicroStrategy with the MicroStrategy Installation
Wizard or after the installation using MicroStrategy License

This chapter describes the following procedures:

• Request an Activation Code

• Activate your installation

For answers to commonly asked questions about server

activation, see Server Activation FAQ.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 101

4 Activating Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Request an Activation Code

You can request an Activation Code by supplying
MicroStrategy with important information related to your
installation. The information you provide helps
MicroStrategy understand how you plan to use MicroStrategy
software. With this information MicroStrategy can provide
better information and technical support for your software

On Windows, MicroStrategy products can be activated only

in graphics user interface (GUI) mode, using License

MicroStrategy products can be activated on UNIX and Linux,

either in GUI mode or in command line mode, using License
Manager. In both cases, License Manager runs and requests
the same information. The main differences are in how you
provide the information and navigate through the Activation
Code request steps.

Request an Activation Code with License Manager

If you requested an Activation Code during installation you

can skip this procedure and activate your installation by
following the instructions in the next procedure, Activate
your software installation, page 104.

1 Open MicroStrategy License Manager:

• Windows: From the Start menu, point to Programs,

then MicroStrategy, and then select License
Manager. License Manager opens.

• UNIX/Linux: License Manager can be run in GUI

mode or command line mode.
– GUI—In a UNIX or Linux console window, browse
to <HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory you specified as the home directory
during installation. Browse to the folder bin and
type ./mstrlicmgr, then press ENTER. The
MicroStrategy License Manager opens in GUI

102 Request an Activation Code © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Activating Your Installation 4

– Command line—In a UNIX or Linux console

window, browse to <HOME_PATH> where
<HOME_PATH> is the directory you specified as the
home directory during installation. Browse to the
folder bin and type ./mstrlicmgr -console,
then press ENTER. The MicroStrategy License
Manager opens in command line mode.

 The steps to request an Activation Code in

command line mode of License manager vary from
the steps below. Refer to the License Manager
command line prompts to guide you through the
steps to request an Activation Code. For more
information specific to requesting and Activation
Code for your installation in command line mode,
refer to MicroStrategy Tech Note

2 Select the License Administration tab. Under Server

Activation select the Activate Server Installation option
and click Next to continue to the next page.

3 Select the Generate Activation File and Request

Activation Code option and click Next to continue to the
next page.

4 Enter the characteristics of your server installation and

click Next to continue to the next page.

5 Enter the contact information for the person who

installed the software. Make sure to correctly select
whether you are an employee of the licensed company or
installing the software on the licensed company’s behalf.
• If you select that you are an employee of the licensed
company, click Next to continue to the next page.
Once you complete the following step, the Activation
Code is sent to the e-mail address given; therefore it is
important that the e-mail address is valid and entered

• If you select that you are not an employee of the

licensed company, a contact information page is
displayed after you click Next. Enter the contact
information for the licensed company. Click Next to
continue to the next page. Once you complete the

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Request an Activation Code 103

4 Activating Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

following step, the Activation Code is sent to the

e-mail address given; therefore it is important that the
e-mail address is valid and entered correctly.

6 Select Yes, I want to request an Activation Code now

and click Next.

An e-mail containing the Activation Code is sent to the e-mail

address or addresses you confirmed in the steps above.

Activate your installation

After you have requested an Activation Code, MicroStrategy
sends an e-mail to the addresses provided in the request. This
e-mail contains the Activation Code that is necessary to
complete the activation of your installation.

Activate your software installation

This procedure assumes that you have requested an

Activation Code and received an e-mail from MicroStrategy
containing the Activation Code.

1 Open MicroStrategy License Manager:

• Windows: From the Start menu, point to Programs,

then MicroStrategy, and then select License
Manager. License Manager opens.
• UNIX/Linux: License Manager can be run in GUI
mode or command line mode.

– GUI—In a UNIX or Linux console window, browse

to <HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory you specified as the home directory
during installation. Browse to the folder bin and
type ./mstrlicmgr, then press ENTER. The
MicroStrategy License Manager opens in GUI

104 Activate your installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Activating Your Installation 4

– Command line—In a UNIX or Linux console

window, browse to <HOME_PATH> where
<HOME_PATH> is the directory you specified as the
home directory during installation. Browse to the
folder bin and type ./mstrlicmgr -console,
then press ENTER. The MicroStrategy License
Manager opens in command line mode.

 The steps to activate your installation in command

line mode of License manager vary from the steps
below. Refer to the License Manager command line
prompts to guide you through the steps to activate
your installation. For more information specific to
activating your installation in command line mode,
refer to MicroStrategy Tech Note

2 Select the License Administration tab. Under Server

Activation select the Activate Server Installation option
and click Next to continue to the next page.

The step above is not necessary for License

Manager in command line mode.

3 Select the Server Activation using Activation Code

option and enter your Activation Code in the text field.
Click Next to activate your software installation.

4 A verification message is displayed, click OK to close it.

You must restart your Intelligence Server for the activation

status to update. You must also restart your Web server for
the activation status to update in MicroStrategy Web.

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

After completing the steps to activate your installation, you
can continue your setup and configuration. To help guide the
rest of your installation and configuration steps, refer to the
section Installation and configuration checklists, page 58 in
Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation, for installation and
configuration checklists.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring your MicroStrategy installation 105

4 Activating Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Server Activation FAQ

What is MicroStrategy Server Activation?

MicroStrategy Server Activation is a licensing technology that

ensures that installations of MicroStrategy server products
are authentic and have been legitimately licensed. Server
Activation registers each Server Installation with
MicroStrategy and locks the installation to a specific

Why is Server Activation necessary?

Server Activation provides benefits to both MicroStrategy

and its customers:

• It ensures that the software products being used are


• It helps customers in identifying software installations to

prevent over-installation.
• It improves customer service by maintaining a register of
the hardware configurations used by our customers.

Does MicroStrategy adhere to Software

Activation common practices?

Yes. Extensive research was performed on software activation

and it was found that the Business Software Alliance
( provides the most comprehensive
information. MicroStrategy has closely followed these best

Which products require activation?

All MicroStrategy modular and non-modular server products

require server activation, including:

106 Server Activation FAQ © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Activating Your Installation 4

• Intelligence Server, Intelligence Server Module,

Clustering Option, Report Services, Report Services
Option, OLAP Services, OLAP Services Option

• Web, Web Universal, Web Reporter Module, Web Analyst

Option, Web Professional Option, Web Universal option

• Narrowcast Server Delivery Engine

If more than one server product is installed on

the same machine, does each server product
need to be activated and deactivated separately?

No. All MicroStrategy server products installed on a single

machine are grouped as a Server Installation and will be
activated and deactivated as a group.

Which customers are required to activate

MicroStrategy server products?

All customers who install MicroStrategy server products will

need to activate their Server Installations.

Is a new CD Key needed to install products on

different machines?

No, Server Activation has no impact on CD Keys. The latest

CD Key sent by MicroStrategy can be used to install products
on many machines just as before. The only difference now, is
that each installation on a different machine will need a
different Activation Code to activate the installation. Server
Activation is independent of the CD Keys.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Server Activation FAQ 107

4 Activating Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

Is Server Activation required for both

Named-user and CPU based licenses?

Yes. Server Activation is required for both Named-user and

CPU based licenses. Server Activation is designed to track
software installations regardless of licensing model. Server
Activation does not manage or limit the number of servers on
which server software is installed.

Does Server Activation aggregate the total

number of licenses installed and prevent
over-installation of products?

No. Server Activation and the licensing models are

independent. However, using Server Activation information
available at,
organizations can monitor the number of installations.
Deactivating Server Installations that are not being used will
ensure this information is up-to-date.

Does Server Activation apply to Evaluation


Yes. The Evaluation Edition must be activated within 7 days

of installation.

What is the procedure for activating Server


Installing, modifying or upgrading MicroStrategy Server

Installations will automatically generate an Activation XML
file that contains information about the installation. This
XML file, called the “Activation File” is uploaded to
MicroStrategy either automatically by the installation routine
or through License Manager; or by manually uploading the
Activation File through a web browser via a secure web site,
MicroStrategy then creates a machine-specific Activation
Code which is e-mailed to the installer and to the

108 Server Activation FAQ © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Activating Your Installation 4

MicroStrategy Tech Support liaisons. The Activation Code

must be manually entered into License Manager on the target
Server Installation.

Can the Server Installation be automatically

activated after automatically requesting an
activation code?

No, the Activation Code is sent to the installer and to the

MicroStrategy Tech Support contacts by e-mail. Upon
receiving the activation code, the Server Installation needs to
be manually activated by entering the activation code using
License Manager. For manual activations, the Activation
Code can be copied from the Activation website, and pasted
into License Manager.

What information is sent to MicroStrategy in the

Activation XML File?

The following information is sent to the Activation XML File:

• Installation Information:

Installation timestamp

Activation ID (if the installation has previously been

Contract information

CD Key used in installation

Installer contact details – name, address, e-mail (new

in MicroStrategy 8 Release 3)

Company contact details – name, address, e-mail (new

in MicroStrategy 8 Release 3)

Server Installation information – name, location, use

(new in MicroStrategy 8 Release 3)

• Hardware information:

Unique Hardware Identifier

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Server Activation FAQ 109

4 Activating Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

CPU Information – type, bit-size, clock speed, total


Physical Memory installed

• Operating System information:

Type, version, bit-size, page/swap size


Additional information – 4GT mode and

hyperthreading in Windows, LPAR ID, number of
pooled CPUs, SMT used in AIX

• MicroStrategy information:

Install Type – new/modify/upgrade

Products and version installed

Number of CPUs allocated for CPU licenses

Digital signature to prevent alteration of the


Is the information sent to MicroStrategy secure?

Yes. The Activation XML file is sent to MicroStrategy in the

following ways:
• Automatically during installation or through License
Manager. This information is encrypted using a
RIPEMD-160 algorithm before being sent to

• Manually in the website.
Communication with this website is conducted through
Secure Socket Layer once the user has been authenticated.

110 Server Activation FAQ © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Activating Your Installation 4

Can I change the information in the Activation

XML file?

The content of this file is secured with a digital signature.

Contact MicroStrategy Technical Support if the content is

What is used to lock the server to a machine?

A unique hardware identifier for each machine is used to lock

an installation to that machine. Any changes to these
identifiers will require reactivation of the Server Installation:

• Windows: An identifier generated from a one-way hash of

the network interface card MAC address
• AIX: Machine ID

• Solaris: Host ID

• RedHat Linux: An identifier generated from a one-way

hash of the network interface card MAC address

• HP-UX: Exposes a unique Machine ID that can be

obtained from the Operating System command line, using
the following command:


Is there a grace period from the time server

products are installed to when it can be

Yes. There is a 30 calendar day grace period from installation

(7 days for Evaluation Edition) before a server installation
must be activated.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Server Activation FAQ 111

4 Activating Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

What happens if the Server Installations are not


If a server installation has not been activated within 30

calendar days (7 days for Evaluation Edition), the server
products will not be able to be restarted.

Should the installations be automatically or

manually activated and deactivated?

It is preferable to automatically send the activation

information to MicroStrategy, either during installation or
using License Manager. This is an easy process that should
take less than one minute to complete, and ensures that the
correct information is sent to MicroStrategy.

What should be done if requesting an Activation

Code fails during installation?

Firstly, allow the installation to complete. The Activation

Code request should then be attempted using License
Manager. If this does not work, activate the Server
Installation manually by visiting the Activation website at

What should be done if automatic request for an

Activation Code does not work at all?

The Server Installation should be manually activated using

License Manager on a machine that has access to the Web.
The Activation XML file should be copied from the Server
Installation that requires activation to this computer. If this
does not work, contact MicroStrategy Technical Support.

112 Server Activation FAQ © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Activating Your Installation 4

Can the Activation Code be used on a different


No. The Activation Code contains the unique identifier for a

specific machine and can only be used on that machine. The
server products will not be activated if the incorrect
Activation Code is used.

What if the Server installation has to be moved

to another machine?

If the Server Installation needs to be moved to another

machine, uninstall the MicroStrategy products or deactivate
the Server Installation from License Manager. Notify
MicroStrategy that Server Installation has been deactivated.
This keeps your active server inventory up to date as shown to
you on

What if the server machine has a catastrophic

failure and cannot be deactivated automatically
or manually?

If a machine has a catastrophic failure and the server

products cannot be uninstalled or deactivated, contact
MicroStrategy Technical Support to update the status of this

If there is more than one server product installed

on a machine and one is removed, does the
Server Installation need to be deactivated?

Upon removal of a server product, all remaining server

products are automatically deactivated. The remaining server
product(s) need to be reactivated to reflect the new product
configuration on that machine. For example, if a machine
contains MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server and MicroStrategy
Web, and MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server is removed,
MicroStrategy Web will be automatically deactivated.
MicroStrategy Web will need to be reactivated.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Server Activation FAQ 113

4 Activating Your Installation Installation and Configuration Guide

What information can be monitored on the


When registered Technical Support liaisons log into the

MicroStrategy Activation website, they can display a list of all
Server Installations. This report lists each Server Installation
along with the following information for reference:

• Installation ID

• Activation Status

• Contract ID

• Operating System

• Machine CPUs

• Last Update Type

• Last Updated by

• Last Update Date

• Products installed

• Activation and deactivation history

The Installation ID is a unique identifier for Server

Installations. This ID is provided along with the Activation
Code in the e-mail received when requesting activation.

114 Server Activation FAQ © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



After installing MicroStrategy, you must complete a few

configuration tasks. This chapter addresses the processes
used to configure the databases you intend to use in your
business intelligence system, as well as an installed
MicroStrategy suite of products.

The MicroStrategy platform includes a Tutorial

project, which is a sample data warehouse and a
demonstration project you can use to learn about the
various features that MicroStrategy offers. It is ready
to be used and requires no additional configuration
tasks. If you want to set up a new system using your
own data, you must read this chapter and perform the
tasks it describes.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 115

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

This chapter includes the following sections:

• Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs,

page 116

• Initial MicroStrategy configuration, page 131

• Connecting to a data warehouse, page 168

• Creating a project, page 180

• Configuring your MicroStrategy installation, page 181

If you are configuring MicroStrategy on a UNIX or Linux

machine that does not have a GUI, you can perform
configuration tasks with command line tools. For steps to
perform configuration tasks using command line tools in
UNIX and Linux, see Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy
Using Command Line Tools.

Communicating with databases: ODBC and

Establishing communication between MicroStrategy and
your databases or other data sources is an essential first step
in configuring MicroStrategy products for reporting and
analysis of your data. This section explains how
MicroStrategy communicates with various data sources and
the steps required to set up this communication.

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard database

access method. ODBC enables a single application to access
database data, regardless of the database management
system (DBMS) that stores the data. A DBMS is a collection
of programs that enables you to store, modify, and extract
information from a database.

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, when used in a three- or

four-tier configuration, is the application that uses ODBC to
access a DBMS. ODBC drivers translate MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server requests into commands that the DBMS

116 Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

understands. MicroStrategy Intelligence Server connects to

several databases (at a minimum, the data warehouse and the
metadata repository) to do its work.

This section describes the ODBC standard for connecting to

databases and creating data source names (DSNs) for the
ODBC drivers that are bundled with the MicroStrategy

The diagram below illustrates the three-tier metadata and

data warehouse connectivity used in the MicroStrategy

This section provides information and instructions on the

following tasks:

• Setting up ODBC, page 118

• Defining DSNs, page 123

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs 117
5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

• Testing ODBC connectivity, page 129

Setting up ODBC
The following information assists you in setting up ODBC
between MicroStrategy Intelligence Server and your
metadata database and data warehouse.

ODBC is a standard method of communicating with database

servers. Intelligence Server uses ODBC to connect to and
communicate with all database servers in the system.
Specifically, ODBC connects to and transfers data to and
from data sources within relational databases.

ODBC permits maximum interoperability—an application

can access data in diverse DBMSs through a single
framework. A client application uses a database driver and a
driver manager to make a connection to the data source. A
data source, identified by a data source name, is the database
or file accessed by a driver. Data source is another term for a
logical database within a database server. A database server
can contain multiple logical databases or data sources.

When setting up the ODBC environment, you must create a

separate ODBC connection to the data warehouse and
metadata repository. This requirement is true even if both
databases are accessed through the same DBMS. Further
description of these two requirements is provided below:

• A data warehouse stores the data that users of the system

must analyze to track and respond to business trends, and
to facilitate forecasting and planning efforts.
• Metadata is a repository whose data associates the tables
and columns of a data warehouse with user-defined
attributes and facts to enable the mapping of business
views, terms, and needs to the underlying database
structure. Metadata can reside on the same server as the
data warehouse or on a different server. It can be stored in
different relational DBMSs.

118 Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

A successful ODBC connection requires the following


• A data source name (DSN) is the name for a pointer used

by a client application to find and connect to a data
source. A data source is the database accessed by a driver.
The information obtained through a DSN generally
includes the host computer name or IP address, instance
name, and database name. However, the exact
information varies depending on the type of database

• An ODBC driver is a type of software that translates

information between the client application (Intelligence
Server) and the database server API. Different database
servers speak through different APIs. For example,
Informix database servers use Informix Command Line
Interface (CLI), Oracle database servers use the Oracle
API, Sybase database servers use another API, and so on.
For more information on ODBC drivers and how they
work with MicroStrategy, see ODBC drivers, page 120.

• A connection string stores the information required to

connect to a database server. A connection string usually
includes a DSN, as well as the user ID and password
required to log in to the database server. This information
varies depending on the particular database server.
• The ODBC driver manager coordinates communication
between a client application and a database server. The
client application tells the driver manager that it needs to
connect using a particular connection string. The DSN
found in this connection string provides the driver
manager with the type of database server to which the
application needs access along with the driver to be used.
From this information, the driver manager initiates the

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs 119
5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

The following diagram illustrates the ODBC connection

requirements to connect MicroStrategy to a database.

Windows, MicroStrategy uses the ODBC driver
provided by Microsoft. In UNIX/Linux
environments, MicroStrategy includes its own
ODBC driver manager to facilitate the
MicroStrategy to database server communication.
This MicroStrategy ODBC driver manager has the
equivalent functionality of the Microsoft Windows
ODBC Driver Manager.

ODBC drivers

ODBC drivers are DBMS-specific and must be installed on

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server prior to creating the ODBC
connection to the warehouse and metadata databases.
MicroStrategy embeds and brands DataDirect ODBC drivers
in the MicroStrategy platform. These drivers are certified to
work with MicroStrategy products. In addition, on Windows,
a MicroStrategy installation includes Microsoft SQL Server
ODBC from Microsoft’s MDAC component.

120 Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

The purpose of an ODBC driver is to translate MicroStrategy

Intelligence Server requests into commands that the DBMS
understands. ODBC drivers submit SQL requests and also
return results from the data warehouse to MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server. Users of the MicroStrategy platform can
employ the MicroStrategy-branded ODBC drivers to connect
MicroStrategy products to various DBMSs. For a list of the
available ODBC drivers for Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX,
and Redhat or SUSE Linux that are certified for Intelligence
Server and different DBMS types, see Certified ODBC drivers
for MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, page 51.

See the MicroStrategy readme file for details about supported

and certified ODBC drivers. To access the MicroStrategy
readme files:

• On Windows: From the Start menu, point to Programs,

then to MicroStrategy, and then choose ReadMe.

• On UNIX/Linux: From the UNIX/Linux File Manager,

browse to <INSTALL_PATH>, where <INSTALL_PATH>
is the directory that you specified as the install directory
during installation. Double-click the ReadMe.htm file.

Note the following:

• Although it is possible to use a non-certified driver,
it is strongly recommended that you contact your
database vendor to obtain a certified driver if the
selected driver is not certified as valid.

• MicroStrategy products include certified ODBC

drivers for you to use. The MicroStrategy General
Information Readme lists these MicroStrategy
ODBC drivers and recommended database
connection settings for them. MicroStrategy ODBC
drivers only work with MicroStrategy products.

Configuring ODBC with MicroStrategy for


MicroStrategy components require 32-bit drivers to achieve

ODBC connectivity. These applications call the driver
manager, which in turn calls the drivers. Ideally, all ODBC
drivers used on machines connected to data sources should
be from the same vendor.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs 121
5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Default location for ODBC and driver files for Windows

The ODBC driver manager and support libraries are usually

installed in the following default directories:

Default location for ODBC driver manager

Operating system

Windows 98 and ME C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM

Windows 2000 C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32

Windows 2003 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32

The database-specific ODBC drivers are installed in the

locations specified during the installation of the drivers.
MicroStrategy-branded drivers are installed in
C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy.

Configuring ODBC with MicroStrategy for UNIX

and Linux

MicroStrategy components on Solaris, AIX, and Linux

require 32-bit drivers to achieve ODBC connectivity.
MicroStrategy components on HP-UX require 64-bit drivers
to achieve ODBC connectivity. These applications call the
driver manager, which in turn calls the drivers. Ideally, all
ODBC drivers used on machines connected to data sources
should be from the same vendor.

Default location for ODBC and driver files for UNIX and Linux

The ODBC driver manager and support libraries are usually

installed in the following default directories:

Operating System Default Location for ODBC Driver Manager Libraries

Solaris 8, 9, and 10 <INSTALL_PATH>/lib32

AIX 5.2 and 5.3 <INSTALL_PATH>/lib32
HP-UX 11i v2 <INSTALL_PATH>/lib
RedHat and SUSE Linux <INSTALL_PATH>/lib32

122 Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

The database-specific ODBC drivers are installed in the

locations specified during the installation of the drivers.
MicroStrategy-branded ODBC drivers are installed in
<INSTALL_PATH>/lib32 for Solaris, AIX, and Linux,
where <INSTALL_PATH> is the directory you specified as the
Install Directory in the Install Wizard. If you install on
HP-UX, the MicroStrategy-branded ODBC drivers are
installed in <INSTALL_PATH>/lib.

The MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration Wizard

lists only the MicroStrategy-branded ODBC drivers.
However, this guide also provides information on how
to install drivers from other vendors with
MicroStrategy. For more information, Creating DSNs
for specific ODBC drivers, page 427.

Defining DSNs
After you install an ODBC driver, you can define one or more
data sources for it. The DSN should provide a unique
description of the data, for example,
Payroll_Project_Metadata or Payroll_Warehouse.

The DSN is the name for a pointer used by a client application

(in this case MicroStrategy) to find and connect to a data
source. Multiple DSNs can point to the same data source and
one DSN can be used by different applications.

You can define a data source connection with a DSN by using:

• The MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration

Wizard—configures connectivity to data sources by
creating a DSN that uses a MicroStrategy-branded ODBC
driver (see Creating a DSN for a data source, page 124).

• The Microsoft ODBC Administrator—creates a DSN for an

ODBC driver that is not MicroStrategy-branded (see
Managing ODBC and data sources with Microsoft ODBC
Administrator, page 127).

Note the following:

• It is strongly recommended you use the
MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration Wizard
when creating a new DSN for a

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs 123
5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy-branded ODBC driver. Use the

Microsoft ODBC Administrator only if you intend
to use a driver that is not MicroStrategy-branded.

• If you create DSNs using the Microsoft ODBC

Administrator, you must create system DSNs.
Otherwise, MicroStrategy interfaces will not
recognize them.

Creating a DSN for a data source

If a DSN does not already exist in your empty metadata

repository or the repository installed with MicroStrategy, you
can add or create a new one.

The MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration Wizard is a

tool designed specifically to configure connectivity to data
sources by creating a DSN that uses a MicroStrategy-branded
ODBC driver.

To create a DSN

1 If you are creating a DSN:

• On Windows, perform the following steps:

– Log in to the system as an administrator.

– From the Start menu, point to Programs, then

MicroStrategy, then Tools, and then select
Connectivity Configuration Wizard. The
Welcome page of the Connectivity Configuration
Wizard opens.
• On UNIX or Linux using the Connectivity
Configuration Wizard interface, perform the following

– From a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory that you specified as the home directory
during installation.

124 Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

– Browse to the folder bin and type

./mstrconnectwiz, and then press ENTER. The
Welcome page of the Connectivity Configuration
Wizard opens.

• On UNIX or Linux from the command line, then

perform the following steps:

– From a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory that you specified as the home directory
during installation.

– Browse to the folder bin and type

./mstrconnectwiz -h, and then press ENTER.

This command displays command line operation

syntax and examples for different database
platforms. Create your command based on the
syntax and examples displayed. Once you perform
your command, the DSN is created and you can
skip the rest of this procedure. For detailed steps
on how to use the command line version of this
tool, see Creating a DSN for a data source,
page 388 in Chapter 11, Configuring
MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools.

2 Click Next. A list of database drivers is displayed. The list

available for Windows is different that the list available
for UNIX/Linux. For a list of the available ODBC drivers
for Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Redhat or SUSE
Linux that are certified for Intelligence Server and
different DBMS types, see Certified ODBC drivers for
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, page 51.

For Windows, if you select Other Relational

Databases and click Next, you see a list of all other
drivers installed on your machine, excluding the
MicroStrategy and Microsoft SQL Server drivers.

3 Select a database driver with which to create a DSN and

click Next. The Driver Details page opens.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs 125
5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Only a few databases can contain metadata

repositories. For details, refer to the MicroStrategy
readme. Only DSNs created to connect to these
databases can be used to connect to metadata

4 Enter the information in the appropriate fields for

connecting with the selected database driver. The
information to enter varies depending on the database
platform that you selected. For more information, see
Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers, page 427.

5 Click Test to verify the connection. The Test Connection

dialog box opens.

6 Enter the User Name and Password to connect to the


7 Click Connect to test and verify the connection. If the test

is performed successfully, the connection with the
database is established. If the test fails, verify the correct
connection information with your database administrator
and make any required changes to the information you
provided in the previous steps.

8 Click Close, and then Finish to create the new DSN.

you already have an existing DSN with the same
as the one you provided, a message box
appears. You have the following options:
• Select Yes to make sure the DSN points to the
location you are expecting. This overwrites the
existing DSN.

• Select No to save the DSN with a different name.

9 Repeat the above steps to create as many DSNs as you

require. At a minimum, create one for your metadata and
one for your warehouse.

126 Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Managing ODBC and data sources with

Microsoft ODBC Administrator

The Microsoft ODBC Administrator manages database

drivers and data sources on Windows. The Microsoft ODBC
Administrator utility creates a log with which to trace calls to
data sources and to view, create, and edit DSNs. The utility is
available from Microsoft and is usually included with the
purchase of an ODBC driver. It is also available with the
Windows 2000 and 2003 operating systems.

Note the following:

• It is strongly recommended that you use the
Connectivity Configuration Wizard when creating a
new DSN for a MicroStrategy-branded ODBC
Driver. Use the Microsoft ODBC Administrator
only if you intend to use a non-MicroStrategy

• If you choose to create DSNs using the Microsoft

ODBC Administrator, they must be system DSNs.
Otherwise, MicroStrategy interfaces cannot
recognize them.

To create a DSN using the Microsoft ODBC administrator

1 Log in to the machine as an administrator. This gives you

the ability to create a system-wide DSN, rather than a
user-specific DSN.

2 Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box

in one of the following ways, depending on your operating

Platform Procedure

Windows 98 and ME From the Windows Start menu, point to Settings, and then select Control
Panel. In the Control Panel dialog box, select Data Sources (ODBC).

Windows 2000 and 2003 From the Windows Start menu, point to Settings, and then choose Control
Panel. In the Control Panel dialog box, double-click Administrative Tools,
and then Data Sources (ODBC).

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs 127
5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

On computers running previous versions of

Microsoft Windows, the ODBC Administrator icon
is named 32-bit ODBC or simply ODBC.

3 Click the System DSN tab. A list displays all the existing
system data sources and their associated drivers.

view all the installed ODBC drivers, click the

4 Click Add. The Create New Data Source dialog box opens.

5 Select the desired driver and click Finish. A driver setup

dialog box is displayed.

is recommended that you select a MicroStrategy
driver. These drivers, whose names start
with MicroStrategy, were installed when you
installed the MicroStrategy application on the

6 Enter the information in the appropriate fields to create a

data source for the selected database driver.

The information to enter varies depending on the

database platform that you selected. For more
information, see Creating DSNs for specific ODBC
drivers, page 427.

7 Click OK to create a new DSN.

128 Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Testing ODBC connectivity

ODBC connectivity is one of two layers of connectivity that
are listed in the next table, along with the associated
connectivity testing programs. Connectivity should be tested
from the bottom up—the network layer first and then the
ODBC layer.

Layer Test with

ODBC driver Test ODBC

mstrtestodbc or mstrtodbcx

Network Simple Network Layer Testing Tool


The test method described above reflects the situation

when the ODBC driver and the database network
software are bundled. If they are not bundled, they
must be configured and tested separately, using
database-specific tools.

Using the ODBC test tool

For Windows, the ODBC test utility TSTODBC2.EXE (a 32-bit

application) was created by MicroStrategy and is installed
with MicroStrategy Desktop in C:\Program Files\
Common Files\MicroStrategy.

For UNIX and Linux, the ODBC test utility mstrtestodbc

was created by MicroStrategy and is installed with
MicroStrategy for UNIX and Linux in the target directory.

Before you use the ODBC test tool, test the network layer with
the network layer utility, PING.EXE. Consult your operating
system or network system documentation for details.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs 129
5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

To use the ODBC test tool

1 To use the ODBC test tool:

• On Windows, perform the following step:

– From the Windows Start menu, point to

Programs, then MicroStrategy, then Tools, and
then choose ODBC Test Tools.

Alternatively, run TSTODBC2.EXE to open the

MicroStrategy ODBC Test Tool.

• On UNIX or Linux using the ODBC Test Tool

interface, perform the following steps:

– In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory that you specified as the home directory
during installation.

– Browse to the folder bin and type

./mstrtestodbc, then press ENTER.

• On UNIX or Linux from the command line, perform

the following steps:

– In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory that you specified as the home directory
during installation.

– Browse to the folder bin and type

./mstrtodbcx, then press ENTER. Prompts guide
you through testing your ODBC connection from
the command line and should be used in place of
the steps below. For detailed steps on how to use
the command line version of this tool, see Testing
and examining ODBC connectivity, page 389 in
Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy Using
Command Line Tools.

2 From the Session menu, select Open Connection, or

click the Connect icon on the toolbar. The GetDSN dialog
box opens. The connection interface varies depending on
the destination database.

130 Communicating with databases: ODBC and DSNs © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

3 Select the DSN for a data source, such as data warehouse

or metadata.

4 Enter the appropriate user name and password.

5 Click Connect. After your connection is opened, the

connection string is displayed in the MicroStrategy ODBC
Test Tool dialog box at the bottom. Your cursor is inserted
automatically in the SQL Statement window.

6 In the SQL Statement window, type a SQL query such as:

select count (*) from Table

where Table is a system-defined table, such as

SYSOBJECTS for Microsoft SQL Server or a
MicroStrategy-created table such as DSSMDSYSPROP in
the MicroStrategy metadata.

7 From the Queries menu, select Execute Query. A table

of data from the database is displayed in the Query Result

8 From the Session menu, select Close Connection to

close the database connection.

9 From the File menu, select Exit to close the MicroStrategy

TestODBC Tool dialog box.

The Test ODBC utility includes many useful features not

discussed here. Refer to the ODBC Test Tool Online Help for

Initial MicroStrategy configuration

The MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard automates much of
the configuration process, prompting you only when critical
information is required. With this tool, you can configure the
metadata repository, statistics tables, history list tables,
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, and multiple project

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 131

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

If you are configuring MicroStrategy using the Windows

operating system, you must have administrative privileges on
the computer on which the Intelligence Server is installed, so
that you can define the parameters necessary to start the
Intelligence Server and to invoke server-definition objects.

You can set up the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard to

work in silent or unattended mode, by clicking Advanced on
the Welcome page. This opens the Advanced Options page,
which allows you to specify uses a response file to run
automated configurations. For information on running the
Configuration Wizard with a response file, see Configuring
MicroStrategy with a response.ini file, page 158.

After completing any of the three main configuration

tasks, a check mark appears besides the option and the
next option is selected.

Configuration Wizard prerequisites

Before you begin using the Configuration Wizard you should
review and complete the following requirements:
• Install the necessary MicroStrategy products. You should
have at least MicroStrategy Desktop and MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server installed. For information on how to
install MicroStrategy on Windows, see Chapter 2,
Installing MicroStrategy on Windows. For information
on how to install MicroStrategy on other operating
systems, see Chapter 3, Installing MicroStrategy on
UNIX and Linux.

• Have access to an empty database location certified to

house the metadata. This includes creating DSNs for your
databases (see Communicating with databases: ODBC
and DSNs, page 116). For a list of certified metadata
platforms, see the MicroStrategy platform readme file.

• In a UNIX or Linux environment, the Configuration

Wizard must be able to communicate with Intelligence
Server over TCP/IP network protocol. To achieve this, the
hosts file in the /etc directory must include one entry
identifying the local host in the form:

IP-address local-machine-name

132 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

For example, FakeISmachine. Modifying

the hosts file may require an account with root

MicroStrategy products must be configured on the

machine on which they are installed. You cannot
configure them remotely.

Configuring MicroStrategy software

The MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard opens
automatically after you install MicroStrategy products and
restart your machine.

You can configure a 4-tier, 3-tier, or 2-tier setup for


The following figure describes how to configure

MicroStrategy to suit a 3-tier environment. It also shows how
the various components of the MicroStrategy Configuration
Wizard, the metadata repository, Intelligence Server, and the
project source interact with each other.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 133

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

4-tier setup involves configuring a Web server to
between Intelligence Server and
MicroStrategy Web or Web Universal. For more
information on deploying MicroStrategy Web or Web
Universal, see Chapter 6, Deploying MicroStrategy
Web and Web Universal.

The figure below describes how to configure MicroStrategy to

suit a 2-tier environment. It also shows how the various
components of the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard, the
metadata repository and the project source interact with each

is not recommended to use a 2-tier setup for the

The procedure below provides the high-level steps to

configure MicroStrategy software through the Configuration

To configure MicroStrategy through the Configuration Wizard

1 If you are configuring MicroStrategy on:

• Windows, then perform the following step:

– From the Start menu, point to Programs, then

MicroStrategy, and then choose Configuration
Wizard. The Configuration Wizard opens.

134 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

• UNIX or Linux using the Configuration Wizard

interface, then perform the following steps:

– From a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory that you specified as the home directory
during installation.

– Browse to the folder bin and type ./mstrcfgwiz,

then press ENTER. The Configuration Wizard

• UNIX or Linux from the command line, then perform

the following steps:

– From a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory that you specified as the home directory
during installation.

– Browse to the folder bin and type

./mstrcfgwiz-editor, then press ENTER.

This command displays the command line version

of the Configuration Wizard. You can configure the
connection of a data source to Intelligence Server
by creating a response file or using an existing
response file. The command line prompts guide
you through configuring the connection of a data
source to Intelligence Server by creating a response
file or using an existing response file and should be
used in place of the steps below. For information
on using a response file to configure MicroStrategy,
see Configuring MicroStrategy in command line
mode, page 385.

To select a configuration task

2 Choose from the following configuration tasks and then

click Next to begin the selected task.

• Metadata and Statistics Repository Tables: runs

the SQL scripts necessary to create and initialize the
metadata repository, statistics tables, and history list
tables in the database location that you select. For
more details on this configuration task, see Metadata
and statistics repository tables, page 136.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 135

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

When you create a metadata repository, a 3-tier

project source is automatically created.

• MicroStrategy Intelligence Server: creates a new

server definition object in the metadata repository that
you select. This setup provides 3-tier access to all
projects that are stored in the repository. This option
also lets you link to or delete an existing server
definition. You must specify a port number to be used
by the Intelligence Server. For more details on this
configuration task, see MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server, page 137.

• Project Sources: A project source contains the

configuration information that each client requires to
access an existing project. It stores the location of the
metadata repository and Intelligence Server that is
used to run the project. Hence, a project source
determines how Desktop accesses the metadata. For
more details on this configuration task, see Project
sources, page 137.

The remainder of this chapter describes each configuration

option in detail.

After completing these steps, an empty metadata repository

is created. To learn how to add projects to your metadata
repository, see the MicroStrategy Project Design Guide.

Metadata and statistics repository tables

The metadata consists of tables that contain the definitions

for nearly all MicroStrategy objects, including database
logins, server definitions, database instances and
connections, reports, metrics, facts, and so on. The metadata
repository or database contains information that facilitates
the transfer of data among MicroStrategy applications, and
between MicroStrategy applications and the data warehouse.
MicroStrategy applications use the metadata database to
transform user requests into SQL queries and translate the
results of those queries back into MicroStrategy objects, such
as reports and documents. It is mandatory to have a metadata
repository to which Intelligence Server can connect.

136 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Statistics tables are used to record a variety of statistical

information about the usage and performance of a
MicroStrategy system. You can set which statistics are
recorded in the statistics tables and use MicroStrategy
Enterprise Manager, which is a part of the MicroStrategy
Administrator product, to analyze the data and locate
opportunities for system performance tuning. For more
information about the statistics tables and Enterprise
Manager, refer to the MicroStrategy System Administration

For steps to create metadata and statistics repositories, see

Creating metadata and statistics repositories, page 138.

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server requires a server definition

to run. A server definition is a MicroStrategy object stored in
the metadata repository. It contains information about the
configuration of Intelligence Server, such as governing
settings, which projects should be loaded, which
communication protocols should be used, and so on.

Before you can use the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, you

must determine from the MicroStrategy Configuration
Wizard the server definition that the Intelligence Server
should use.

Many server definitions can exist in the metadata, but

you can install only one Intelligence Server on one
server machine and MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
uses only one server definition at a time.

For steps to set up Intelligence Server, see Setting up

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, page 145.

Project sources

The highest level icon in the Folder List of MicroStrategy

Desktop is the project source. Project sources are the highest
level objects in the MicroStrategy environment and represent
a connection to a metadata database or a MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server. The project source stores the location of
the metadata repository or the MicroStrategy Intelligence

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 137

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Server definition that is used to run the project. Through a

project source you can create, manipulate, and administer
MicroStrategy projects.

Note the following:

• For Windows—Project Source is available only if
the Desktop product is installed on the machine.

• For UNIX—Project Source is available only if

MicroStrategy Control Center exists. Control
Center allows you to configure project sources.

For steps to create project sources, see Creating project

sources, page 153.

Creating metadata and statistics repositories

You can create metadata and statistics repositories (a
collection of database tables) using the MicroStrategy
Configuration Wizard. Repositories for your metadata and
statistics tables are created as required in the data source
specified by the DSN(s) you connect to.

is recommended that you create the metadata and
repository tables in different databases to
ensure enhanced performance.

You can also create metadata and statistics repositories using

a response.ini file with the Configuration Wizard. This
enables you to provide users a configuration file to complete
the configuration tasks rather than requiring users to step
through the Configuration Wizard. Creating and using a
response.ini file can be done using the Configuration
Wizard interface or a command line tool available for UNIX
and Linux. The steps to perform these two configuration
options are provided in the sections listed below:

• Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,

page 158

• Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,

page 390 in Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy
Using Command Line Tools

138 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Creating a metadata repository

The Metadata Tables option lets you create a MicroStrategy

metadata repository, which is a collection of database tables.
You can create the metadata repository in the database
location of your choice. Additionally, a default configuration
is created in the tables. This populates the tables with the
basic data required for the MicroStrategy metadata, such as
the default project folder structure and some basic
connection information.

If you have already created a metadata repository with

custom SQL scripts and without using the MicroStrategy
Configuration Wizard, you must select to create a Default
Configuration (see Creating a default configuration,
page 140). MicroStrategy does not recommend creating
empty metadata tables without using the Configuration

To create a metadata repository

1 Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this,

see To configure MicroStrategy through the
Configuration Wizard, page 134.

2 Select Metadata and Statistics Repository Tables and

click Next. The Repository Configuration Tasks page

3 Select the Metadata Tables check box and click Next. The
ODBC Data Source Name for Metadata Repository page

4 Select Configure repository in an ODBC database, and

from the ODBC Data Source Name drop-down list,
select the DSN for your metadata repository.

If a DSN for your metadata repository does not exist, you

can select New to open the Connectivity Configuration
Wizard and create a new DSN. The steps to create a new
DSN with the Connectivity Configuration Wizard are
describe in the section Creating a DSN for a data source,
page 124.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 139

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

 Although it is possible to use the Microsoft Access

database for the metadata repository, it is not a
suitable metadata repository for a production
project. You should not use Microsoft Access for
anything other than a proof-of-concept or
demonstration type of application.

5 Enter a User Name and Password that can connect to

the data source.

To specify a metadata table prefix

You can specify a prefix to be used when metadata tables

are created in the database you select. This is an optional

6 Click MD Prefix. The Add Prefix dialog box opens.

7 Enter the prefix and click OK. You are returned to the
ODBC Data Source Name for Metadata Repository page.

To complete metadata repository creation

8 Click Next. The Metadata Repository and Statistics Tables

Creation page opens.

9 By default, a SQL script to create metadata tables and/or

statistics tables optimized for your database is selected.
Click ... to browse to and select a customized script. For
more information on SQL scripts, see SQL scripts,
page 144.

10 Click Next. The Completing the Metadata Repository

Configuration Wizard page opens.

11 Review the summary information and click Finish to

create the metadata repository.

Creating a default configuration

The Default Configuration option lets you create the default

configuration for the MicroStrategy metadata. It is disabled if
Metadata Tables is selected because the process of creating
the default configuration occurs automatically when the
Metadata Tables check box is selected.

140 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

The default configuration populates the metadata tables with

the basic necessities required for the MicroStrategy
metadata, such as the default project folder structure and
some basic connection information.

You must select the Default Configuration check box if you

have created empty metadata tables outside the
Configuration Wizard using a custom SQL script. You must
do this to initialize the metadata with a default configuration.
It is not recommended to create empty metadata tables
outside the Configuration Wizard.

To create a default configuration

1 Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this,

see To configure MicroStrategy through the
Configuration Wizard, page 134.

2 Select Metadata and Statistics Repository Tables and

click Next. The Repository Configuration Tasks page

3 Select the Default Configuration check box and click


You must clear the Metadata Tables check box to

enable this check box.

4 Select Configure repository in an ODBC database, and

from the ODBC Data Source Name drop-down list,
select the DSN for your metadata repository.

If a DSN for your metadata repository does not exist, you

can select New to open the Connectivity Configuration
Wizard and create a new DSN. The steps to create a new
DSN with the Connectivity Configuration Wizard are
describe in the section Creating a DSN for a data source,
page 124.

 Although it is possible to use the Microsoft Access

database for the metadata repository, it is not a
suitable metadata repository for a production
project. You should not use Microsoft Access for
anything other than a proof-of-concept or
demonstration type of application.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 141

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

5 Enter a User Name and Password that can connect to

the data source.

To specify a metadata table prefix

You can specify a prefix to be used when metadata tables

are created in the database you select. This is an optional

6 Click MD Prefix. The Add Prefix dialog box opens.

7 Enter the prefix and click OK. You are returned to the
ODBC Data Source Name for Metadata Repository page.

To complete metadata repository creation

8 Click Next. The Completing the Metadata Repository

Configuration Wizard page opens.

9 Review the summary information and click Finish to

create the metadata repository.

Note the following:

• If MicroStrategy metadata tables are not present in
the database location you specified, you are
prompted to create them. Click Yes to create the
metadata tables, or click No to cancel.

• If a configuration is already present in the database

location you specified, you are prompted to
overwrite it. Click Yes to overwrite the existing
configuration or click No to cancel.

Creating a statistics repository

The Statistics Tables option lets you create a MicroStrategy

statistics repository, which is a collection of database tables.
Statistics tables are used to maintain and monitor system
activity and performance. You can run MicroStrategy
Enterprise Manager against the statistical information to
analyze and interpret the statistics.

For a detailed description of the statistics tables used in the

Enterprise Manager Statistics database, the fields that each
table contains, and the data types associated with each field

142 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

for MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 8.x refer to Appendix C,

Enterprise Manager Data Model and Object Definitions in
the MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

For details on how to configure projects to log statistics refer

Chapter 5, Monitoring and Analyzing System Usage in the
MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

To create a statistics repository

1 Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this,

see To configure MicroStrategy through the
Configuration Wizard, page 134.

2 Select the Statistics Tables check box, and click Next.

The ODBC Data Source Name for Statistics Repository
page opens.

3 From the ODBC Data Source Name drop-down list,

select the DSN for your statistics repository.
If a DSN for your statistics repository does not exist, you
can select New to open the Connectivity Configuration
Wizard and create a new DSN. The steps to create a new
DSN with the Connectivity Configuration Wizard are
describe in the section Creating a DSN for a data source,
page 124.

4 Enter a User Name and Password that can connect to

the data source.

5 Click Next. The Metadata Repository and Statistics Tables

Creation page opens.

6 By default, a SQL script to create metadata tables and/or

statistics tables optimized for your database is selected.
Click ... to browse to and select a customized script. For
more information on SQL scripts, see SQL scripts,
page 144.

7 Click Next. The Completing the Metadata Repository

Configuration Wizard page opens.

8 Review the summary information and click Finish to

create the statistics repository.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 143

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Create default project source (2-tier with

standard authentication)

When you create a metadata repository a 3-tier project source

is automatically created. To create a 2-tier project use the
option, default project source (2-tier with standard
authentication), to access your MicroStrategy metadata.
Enter the name of the project source to be created in the
Project Source Name box, or use the default name of New
Project Source.

Note the following:

• This option is intended to be used in conjunction
with one or more of the other available options. If
you want to simply create a new project source, use
the Project Sources option on the Welcome page of
the Configuration Wizard. For information on
project sources, see Creating project sources,
page 153.

• For more information about authentication modes,

refer to the MicroStrategy System Administration

SQL scripts

MicroStrategy has database-specific SQL scripts for creating

metadata and statistics tables. The scripts for each certified
database platform are shipped with the product. The
MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard automatically selects a
default script based on your ODBC driver’s database

You must change from the default script only if a

double-byte script or a custom script is required.

By default, all the scripts reside in the directory where you

installed MicroStrategy and are identified by the .sql
extension. It is highly recommended that no edits be
performed on these scripts, except on rare occasions and only
by skilled database personnel.

144 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Configuration messages

Depending on the selected ODBC database, different

messages might be displayed prompting you to complete the
configuration successfully. Two examples of messages that
require action are as follows:

• An existing Metadata Repository

configuration was found at this location.
Continuing will remove all existing
metadata objects. Are you sure you want to

This message is displayed if the Configuration Wizard

detects an existing metadata repository in the database
location you specified.

you continue, all information in the existing
repository is overwritten.

• No Metadata Tables are defined, would you

like to create them?

This message is displayed if there is no existing metadata

repository and you have not chosen to create one.

The messages are displayed if there are conflicts or some

requirements are not met. These messages help you resolve
the conflicts and lead you through the configuration process.

Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

You use the Configuration Wizard to create, link, or delete
server definitions that are stored in the metadata repository.
The following list describes these options in detail.

You must run the Configuration Wizard locally on the

Intelligence Server machine. You cannot create, link,
or delete server definitions remotely.

• Create: When you create a new server definition in the

metadata repository of your choice, all its parameters are
set as default. Creating a new server definition creates an
entry in the machine’s configuration file. This entry points
to the metadata and is used by MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server at startup. You can modify a server definition using

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 145

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Configuration Editor.

For information on the Intelligence Server Configuration
Editor, refer to the MicroStrategy System Administration

• Link: You link a server definition to Intelligence Server.

When you use the Configuration Wizard to link to a server
definition different from the existing one, you are
changing the machine’s configuration information to
point to a different server definition, which can be in an
entirely different metadata.

• Delete: When you delete a server definition, you are

deleting the server definition object from the metadata
repository, but not from the Intelligence Server software
that you installed.

If you create a new server definition or link to an existing one,

you can load the projects to use with the server definition
from within the Configuration Wizard.

If the password to the metadata has changed in the database,

use the Connect to Metadata Repository page in the
Configuration Wizard to update your password.

The Configuration Wizard provides the following pages to

manage server definitions:

• Connect to metadata repository

• User authentication

• Create, link, or delete a server definition

• Specify a port number
• Select projects

You can also configure the server definition, project source

names, and the metadata and statistics repositories using a
response.ini file with the Configuration Wizard. This
enables you to provide users a configuration file to complete
the configuration tasks rather than requiring users to step
through the Configuration Wizard. Creating and using a
response.ini file can be done using the Configuration

146 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Wizard interface or a command line tool available for UNIX

and Linux. The steps to perform these two configuration
options are provided in the sections listed below:

• Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,

page 158

• Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,

page 390 in Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy
Using Command Line Tools

Connect to metadata repository

You can select the DSN to use when connecting to the

metadata repository.

To select the ODBC DSN Driver execution mode

1 Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this,

see To configure MicroStrategy through the
Configuration Wizard, page 134.

1 Select MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, and click

Next. The Connect to Metadata Repository page opens.

2 From the ODBC Data Source Name drop-down list,

select a DSN and specify a user name and password.

You can click the following:

• New to create a new DSN (see Creating a DSN for a

data source, page 124)

• MD Prefix if you want to specify a metadata table

prefix, which is an identifier stored in the project
metadata associated with a table or tables and is used
by the Engine to generate SQL

• Temp Table Prefix to specify a prefix for the

temporary tables used by the server definition

 Although it is possible to use the Microsoft Access

database for the metadata repository, it is not a
suitable metadata repository for a production project.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 147

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

You should not use Microsoft Access for anything

other than a proof-of-concept or demonstration type
of application.

3 Select the required ODBC Driver Execution Mode.

If you are connecting to Intelligence Server on a Solaris,

AIX, or Linux platform, you can only configure your
database instance to be in multiprocess mode as all
available ODBC drivers are 32-bit and Intelligence Server
processes are 64-bit. Due to this fact, each database
connection established between Intelligence Server and
the database is still governed by a memory limit of 4

This limitation does not apply to Intelligence Server on

HP-UX, which is shipped with 64-bit MicroStrategy
ODBC Drivers. To maintain a consistent behavior across
all operating system platforms, multithreaded mode is not
available with Intelligence Server for Solaris, AIX, Linux,
or HP-UX.

A short explanation of multiprocess execution mode is

given for clarification. A process is a running executable
file that resides in a memory space and uses operating
system resources. An application can consist of one or
several processes. Each process owns an address space
which is not shared with other processes. If one process
fails, the others are not affected. This tends to make
multiprocess applications more robust and stable than
single process applications at the expense of overhead in
memory space and increased resources.

4 To continue creating a connection to your data source, see

User authentication below.

User authentication

You must specify the user name and password for the
Microstrategy user to access the metadata to create, link, or
delete server definitions.

148 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

To authenticate a user

1 After you connect to a metadata repository in the

Configuration Wizard (see Connect to metadata
repository above), click Next. The User Authentication
page opens.

2 Specify the MicroStrategy Administrator user name and

password. By default, the user name is Administrator and
it has no password. If you are setting up Intelligence
Server for the first time, use the default user name and

 For security reasons, you should change the

Administrator user name and password as soon as
possible after you initially configure the system.
Refer to the MicroStrategy System Administration
Guide for details about passwords and other user
management information.

3 To continue creating a connection to your data source, see

Create, link, or delete a server definition below.

Create, link, or delete a server definition

From the Create, Link, or Delete a Server Definition page, you

can create a new server definition, link to an existing server
definition, or delete a current server definition. You can
perform one of the following tasks:

• To create a new server definition, page 149

• To link to an existing server definition, page 150

• To delete a server definition, page 150

To create a new server definition

1 After you specify the user name and password for the user
(see User authentication, page 148), click Next to access
the Create, Link, or Delete a Server Definition page.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 149

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

2 Select Create New Server Definition.

3 Specify a name in the Server Definition Name text field,

which defaults to the name of the machine.

4 Click Next. A confirmation dialog box opens.

5 Click Yes or No to accept or reject the new server

definition as the default server definition. If you click Yes,
this server definition is used by Intelligence Server when
it starts. If you click No, this server definition is not used
by Intelligence Server when it starts.

6 To continue creating a connection to your data source, see

Specify a port number, page 151.

To link to an existing server definition

1 After you specify the user name and password for the user
(see User authentication, page 148), click Next to access
the Create, Link, or Delete a Server Definition page.

2 Select Use Selected Server Definition.

3 Select an appropriate server definition from the list of

existing server definitions. Click Next, the Port Number
page opens.

4 To continue creating a connection to your data source, see

Specify a port number, page 151.

To delete a server definition

1 After you specify the user name and password for the user
(see User authentication, page 148), click Next to access
the Create, Link, or Delete a Server Definition page.

2 Select Delete Selected Server Definition.

3 Select the server definition to delete from the list of

existing server definitions. Click Next, the Completing the
Server Configuration Wizard page opens.

150 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

4 Click Finish. Read the summary information and click

Yes to confirm the deletion.

Specify a port number

In the Port Number page you can use the default port
number or specify another port number. The port number is
how a server process identifies itself on the machine on which
it is running. If the port number is used by another process
such as, in a shared environment, specify a free port number.
For instructions on how to find an available port number, see
Port number is in use, page 485 in Appendix B,

To specify a port number

1 After you create or link to an existing server definition

(see Create, link, or delete a server definition, page 149),
click Next to access the Port Number page.

2 Specify a port number if required, or use the default port

number of Intelligence Server, which is 34952.

3 If you have root access and permissions to the UNIX or

Linux machine that Intelligence Server is installed on, you
can register Intelligence Server as a service by selecting
the Register Intelligence Server as a Service check

In Windows, Intelligence Server is automatically

registered as a service upon completion of the
configuration process.

 Running the Configuration Wizard again and

clearing this check box does not unregister
Intelligence Server as a service. To unregister
Intelligence Server on UNIX or Linux, you must
stop the service, and then use the mstrctl
command line tool. The syntax is mstrctl -s
IntelligenceServer us, where
IntelligenceServer is the name of a server

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 151

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

definition. For information on starting, stopping,

and registering Intelligence Server as a service, see
the MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

4 Click Next. The Select Projects page opens.

5 To continue creating a connection to your data source, see

Select projects, page 152.

Select projects

The Select Projects page displays all the projects that are in
the metadata repository. You can select projects to use with
the server definition you have chosen. The projects you select
are loaded on the server at startup.

To select projects

1 After you specify a port number (see Specify a port

number above), click Next to access the Select Projects

2 Select the check boxes for each project to load when the
server is started and click Next. The Completing the
Server Configuration Wizard opens.

3 Read the summary information and click Finish to create

the new server definition or to assign the selected server
definition to the Intelligence Server. You are prompted to
stop the Intelligence Server service.

Select the Return to Welcome Page check box to

run through another Configuration Wizard option.

When the new server definition is created, you are prompted

to restart the Intelligence Server service.

If you create a new server definition, it is displayed in the list

of existing server definitions for that metadata.

If you assigned an existing server definition to Intelligence

Server and the existing project source uses this server, a
related message is displayed.

152 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Starting, stopping, and restarting the server

The primary function of the Service Manager is to provide a

way to start and stop Intelligence Server. For additional
information, refer to the MicroStrategy System
Administration Guide.

Creating project sources

When you create a metadata repository, by default it creates a
3-tier project source. Hence use the option, Project Sources,
if you need to create multiple project sources or a 2-tier
project source.

The different types of project sources are:

• Direct project sources that connect directly to the

metadata through ODBC.

• Server project sources that connect to the metadata

through an Intelligence Server.


• For Windows—Project Source is available only if the

Desktop product is installed on the machine.
• For UNIX and Linux—Project Source is available only
if MicroStrategy Control Center exists. Control Center
allows you to configure project sources.

You can also create project sources using a response.ini

file with the Configuration Wizard. This enables you to
provide users a configuration file to complete the
configuration tasks rather than requiring users to step
through the Configuration Wizard. Creating and using a
response.ini file can be done using the Configuration
Wizard interface or a command line tool available for UNIX
and Linux. The steps to perform these two configuration
options are provided in the sections listed below:

• Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,

page 158

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 153

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

• Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,

page 390 in Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy
Using Command Line Tools

Direct (2-tier)

A 2-tier project source is used to connect directly to the

metadata repository using ODBC DSN.

Connecting to a Direct (2-tier) project source

1 Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this,

see To configure MicroStrategy through the
Configuration Wizard, page 134.

2 Select Project Sources, and click Next. The Desktop

Project Source Name and Connection Type page opens.

3 Type a Project Source Name.

4 Select Direct (2-tier) as the Connection Type, and click

Next. The Connect to Metadata Repository page opens.

5 Choose the ODBC DSN that points to the metadata

containing the MicroStrategy projects to access.

You can also click New to create a new DSN (see Creating
a DSN for a data source) and click MD Prefix to specify a
metadata table prefix if necessary.

6 Specify a User Name and Password, and click Next. The

Set Up Project Source Security page opens.

7 Select the authentication mode for the project source and

click Next. For information on the available
authentication modes, see the Authentication modes,
page 156.

8 Review the summary information and click Finish to

create the project source.

154 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Select the Return to Welcome Page check box if

you wish to run through another Configuration
Wizard option.

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server (3-tier)

A 3-tier project source is used to connect to the metadata

using the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.

Connecting to a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server (3-tier)

project source

1 Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this,

see To configure MicroStrategy through the
Configuration Wizard, page 134.

2 Select Project Sources and click Next. The Desktop

Project Source Name and Connection Type page opens.

3 Type a Project Source Name. Choose the MicroStrategy

Intelligence Server (3-tier) option and click Next.

4 Specify the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Machine

Name and Port Number used by MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server to which to connect the project
source, and click Next.

The port number is how the Intelligence Server

process identifies itself on the server on which it is
running. When the Intelligence Server receives a
network call from a client, that is, Desktop,
MicroStrategy Web, and so on, it forwards those
calls to the Intelligence Server port number that is
specified in the call.

The default port number for Intelligence Server is

34952. When it is set to 0, it takes the default value
of 34952. However, if you use a non-default port
number, this number must be provided while
connecting through MicroStrategy Desktop.

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5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

5 Select the authentication mode to be used for the project

source and click Next. For information on the available
authentication modes, see the Authentication modes,
page 156.

6 Review the summary information and click Finish to

create the project source.

Select the Return to Welcome Page check box if

you wish to run through another Configuration
Wizard option.

Authentication modes

Authentication is the process through which the system

identifies the user. Several authentication modes are
supported for MicroStrategy project sources. They vary
primarily by the system that verifies and accepts the
login/password credentials provided by the user. The
sections below give a brief overview of the available
authentication modes for project sources:

• Network login ID: Windows authentication, page 156

• Login ID and password entered by the user: Standard

authentication, page 157

• Guest account: Anonymous authentication, page 157

• LDAP authentication, page 157

• Login ID and password entered by the user for the
warehouse: Database authentication, page 158

For information on the benefits of the various authentication

modes and other authentication topics, see the
MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

Network login ID: Windows authentication

To use Windows authentication, you must create users in the

MicroStrategy environment and then link them to Windows
users. If you use Windows 2000 as your network operation

156 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

system and your users are already defined in the 2000

directory, your users can access the MicroStrategy
application without having to enter a login ID and password.

Login ID and password entered by the user: Standard


When using standard authentication, the MicroStrategy

Intelligence Server is the authentication authority.
Intelligence Server verifies and accepts the login and
password provided by the user. This information is stored in
the metadata repository. When a project source is configured
to use standard authentication, users must enter a valid login
ID and password combination before they can access the
project source. Each user has a unique login/password and
can be identified in the MicroStrategy application uniquely.
By default, all users connect to the data warehouse using one
RDBMS login ID.

Guest account: Anonymous authentication

When using anonymous authentication, users log in as

"Guest" and do not need to provide a password. By default,
guest users can access the project, browse objects, run and
manipulate reports, but they cannot create their own objects
or schedule report executions. However, you determine what
the Guest user can and cannot do by modifying the Public
user group. Guest users inherit their privileges from the
Public group; they are not part of the Everyone group.

LDAP authentication

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

authentication identifies users within a repository of users
stored in an LDAP server (such as Novell Directory Services).
If you use an LDAP directory to centrally manage users in
your environment, you may want to use LDAP
authentication. Group membership can be maintained in the
LDAP directory without having to also be defined in the
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. When using LDAP
authentication, LDAP users or groups are linked to users or
groups in the MicroStrategy environment.

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5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Login ID and password entered by the user for the warehouse:

Database authentication

This mode of database authentication identifies users using a

login ID and password stored in the data warehouse
database. Under this mode of authentication, a warehouse
database is associated with each project. When users log in to
a project source, they are logging in to the Intelligence Server.
Use database authentication if you want the data warehouse
RDBMS to be the authority for identifying users and you do
not want to maintain user credentials in the Intelligence
Server as well as the RDBMS.

Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file

The Configuration Wizard walks you through the process of
setting up the environment for the MicroStrategy products
installed in your system. You can also configure server
definitions, project source names, and the metadata and
statistics repositories using a response.ini file with the
Configuration Wizard. This enables you to provide a
configuration file to users to complete the configuration
tasks, rather than requiring users to step through the
Configuration Wizard. This can be done to configure a
MicroStrategy installations on Windows, UNIX, and Linux.

Creating a response.ini file

It is recommended that you always create the

response.ini file through the GUI mode of the
Configuration Wizard, as described in the procedure To
create a response.ini file in this section. This ensures that all
applicable options are included in the response.ini file
with valid values.

However, you can also create and use a response.ini file

with the Configuration Wizard in command line mode on
UNIX and Linux machines. For steps to create and use a
response.ini file as well as perform other configurations
using command line tools in UNIX and Linux, see the

158 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,

page 390 section in Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy
Using Command Line Tools.

To create a response.ini file

1 Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this,

see To configure MicroStrategy through the
Configuration Wizard, page 134.

2 Click Advanced. The Configuration Wizard displays the

Advanced Options dialog box.

3 Select the Generate Response File option. Browse to the

path where the response.ini file is to be saved. Click
Next. Any configuration tasks you complete with the
Configuration Wizard are saved to the response.ini
file. For steps to complete various configurations tasks
with the Configuration Wizard, see the sections listed

• Creating metadata and statistics repositories,

page 138

• Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server,

page 145

• Creating project sources, page 153

4 Once you click Finish to finish the configuration task, you

are prompted with the following options:

• Click Yes to save the response.ini file and perform

the configuration task.
• Click No to save the response.ini file.

Steps to use a response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy are

covered in Using response.ini to configure MicroStrategy
installations, page 160.

You can modify a response.ini file with a text editor to

make configuration changes such as entering different user
login and password information. For information on the

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 159

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

parameters and options available in response.ini files, see

Response.ini configuration parameters and options,
page 161.

Using response.ini to configure MicroStrategy


Rather than stepping through each page of the Configuration

Wizard, you can configure MicroStrategy using a
response.ini file. You have the following options listed
below to use a response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy:

• To use a response.ini file with the Configuration Wizard,

page 160—This covers the standard procedure of running
a response.ini file with the Configuration Wizard

• To use a response.ini file through the Windows command

line, page 161—This covers the procedure of running a
response.ini file from the Windows command line.
This enables users to run the file without using any
graphical user interfaces.

If you are configuring a MicroStrategy installation on

UNIX or Linux, you can use a command line version of
the Configuration Wizard to create and use a
response.ini file. For steps to create and use a
response.ini file as well as perform other
configurations using command line tools in UNIX and
Linux, see the Configuring MicroStrategy with a
response.ini file, page 390 section in Chapter 11,
Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools.

To use a response.ini file with the Configuration Wizard

1 Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this,

see To configure MicroStrategy through the
Configuration Wizard, page 134.

2 Click Advanced. The Configuration Wizard displays the

Advanced Options dialog box.

160 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

3 Select the Use Response File option. Browse to the path

where the response.ini file is saved and click Next.
The Completing Automatic Configuration page opens.

4 An overview of all of the configuration tasks performed by

the response.ini file is displayed. Review the
configuration tasks and click Finish to perform the

To use a response.ini file through the Windows command line

The steps below are specific to configuring MicroStrategy

installed on Windows. For steps to create and use a
response.ini file as well as perform other configurations
using command line tools in UNIX and Linux, see Chapter 11,
Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools.

1 Type the following command in the Windows command


macfgwiz.exe -r “Path\response.ini”

Where Path\ is the fully qualified path to the

response.ini file. For example, the common location
of a response.ini file is:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\


2 If an error message is displayed, check the path and name

you supplied for the response.ini file and make any
required changes. Repeat the previous step to execute the

Response.ini configuration parameters and


It is recommended that you always create the

response.ini file through the GUI mode of the
Configuration Wizard. However, you can also modify a
response.ini file with a text editor to make minor changes
such as entering different user login and password

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5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

 The file must be saved with ANSI encoding.

The response.ini file for configuring MicroStrategy is
divided into three areas of configuration, which are described
in the sections below:

• Creating metadata and statistics repositories, page 162

• Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, page 164

• Creating and configuring project sources, page 166

Creating metadata and statistics repositories

The response.ini parameters within the [Repository]

section define how metadata and statistics repositories are
created. The table below lists the available parameters and
the functionality of available options for each parameter.

Options Description

[Repository] This section configures the metadata repository and statistics tables. You can
have more than one [Repository] section. Additional repository sections
can be included as [Repository1], [Repository2], and so on.

Repository= Defines whether a metadata repository and statistics tables are configured, as
determined by the following values:
• 1: Configures metadata repository and statistics tables
• 0: Does not configure metadata repository or statistics tables

ConnType= Defines the type of database connection. The following connection types are
On Windows:
• 2: Connects to the metadata using an ODBC DSN.
• 3: Connects to the metadata through a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
On UNIX and Linux:
• 200: Connects to the metadata through a MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server (3-tier).

CreateConfig= Defines whether a default configuration is created, which populates the

metadata tables with the basic necessities required for the MicroStrategy
metadata, as determined by the following values:
• 1: Defines a default configuration
• 0: Does not define a default configuration
Note: If the CreateMDTables parameter is set to 1, then you cannot set this
option to 0 as this task will be performed by default.

162 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Options Description

CreateMDTables= Defines whether metadata tables are created in a metadata repository, as

described below:
• 1: Creates metadata tables in the metadata repository and creates a
default configuration
• 0: Does not create metadata tables in a metadata repository

CreateStatTables= Defines whether statistics tables are created, as determined by the following
• 1: Creates statistics tables
• 0: Does not create statistics tables

MetadataPath= Locates the SQL scripts for creating the metadata tables. Example paths to
SQL scripts in different environments are listed below:
• Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy\

StatisticsPath= Locates the SQL scripts for creating the statistics table. Example paths to SQL
scripts in different environments are listed below:
• Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy\

DSNName= Defines the Data Source Name for configuring a metadata repository in the
ODBC database.

UserName= Defines the user name to log in to the database containing the metadata

UserPwd= Defines the password to log in to the database containing the metadata

UsingMVS= Defines whether to create a repository in DB2 MVS, as determined by the

following values:
• 1: Creates a repository in DB2 MVS
• 0: Does not create a repository in DB2 MVS

DSNNameStats= Defines the Data Source Name for configuring statistics tables in the ODBC

UserNameStats= Defines the user name to log in to the database for configuring statistics

UserPwdStats= Defines the password to log in to the database for configuring statistics tables.

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5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Options Description

EncryptPassword= Defines whether the password is encrypted in the response.ini file, as

determined by the following values:
• 0: Encrypts the password in the response.ini file, which ensures that
your password is secure. This is the default behavior.
• 1: The password is not encrypted in the response.ini file, which
enables you to modify the password in the response.ini file later using a
text editor. You can then distribute the response.ini file to multiple
users with various login and password credentials. However, be aware that
this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the
password from the response.ini file before distributing it.

DBName= Defines the database name to create tables in DB2 MVS. This option should
only be used when connecting to a DB2 MVS database.

TBName= Defines the table name to be created in the database.This option should only
be used when connecting to a DB2 MVS database.

DefaultPSN= Defines the default project source name.

Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

The response.ini parameters within the [Server] section

configures an Intelligence Server definition. The table below
lists the available parameters and the functionality of
available options for each parameter.

Options Description

[Server] In this section you can configure the Intelligence Server definition. You
can have more than one [Server] section. Additional server sections
can be included as [Server1], [Server2], and so on.

Server= Defines whether MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is configured, as

determined by the following values:
• 1: Configures MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
• 0: Does not configure MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

Action= Defines whether a server definition is created, used, or deleted, as

determined by the following values:
• 1: Creates a new server definition
• 2: Uses an existing server definition
• 3: Deletes an existing server definition
• 4: Creates a new server definition and uses it as the default

InstanceName= Defines the name of the Intelligence Server instance.

Note: If you select to delete Intelligence Server instances, you can delete
multiple instances by listing multiple instance names, separating each
name with the \ character. For example,

164 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Options Description

ProjectsToRegister= Defines projects to be loaded when Intelligence Server is started. You

can select to load multiple projects, separating projects by the \character.
For example, ProjectsToRegister=Project1\Project2.

ProjectsToUnRegister= Defines projects to not be loaded when Intelligence Server is started. You
can select to not load multiple projects, separating projects by the \
character. For example,

DSName= Defines the data source name for configuring the MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server.

DSNUser= Defines the user name to log in to the ODBC database.

DSNPwd= Defines the password to log in to the ODBC database.

EncryptPassword= Defines whether the password is encrypted in the response.ini file, as

determined by the following values:
• 0: Encrypts the password in the response.ini file, which ensures
that your password is secure. This is the default behavior.
• 1: The password is not encrypted in the response.ini file, which
enables you to modify the password in the response.ini file later using
a text editor. You can then distribute the response.ini file to
multiple users with various login and password credentials. However,
be aware that this can compromise your database security if you do
not remove the password from the response.ini file before
distributing it.

DSSUser= Defines the MicroStrategy user name to log in to the project.

DSSPwd= Defines the password for the MicroStrategy user name to log in to the

UseMultiProcess= Defines whether the ODBC driver is executed in multiprocess or

multithreaded mode. In general, use the default (multiprocess is the
default in most cases). Multiprocess applications are more robust than
single process applications because if one process fails the others are
not affected. Multithreaded (single process) applications execute code
more efficiently and use fewer system resources than multiprocess
applications. The mode that the ODBC driver is executed in is determined
by the following values:
• True: Uses multiprocess mode
• False: Uses multithreaded mode

MDPrefix= Defines a prefix for metadata repository tables used by the server

TempTable= Defines a prefix to be used for temporary tables used by the server

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Initial MicroStrategy configuration 165

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Options Description

UseAsDefault= Defines whether the Intelligence Server definition is set as the default
server definition to use for Intelligence Server, as determined by the
following values:
• True: Defines the Intelligence Server definition as the default server
• False: Does not define the Intelligence Server definition as the
default server definition

Port= Defines the port used by the Intelligence Server.

RegisterAsService= This option is only available on Intelligence Servers running on UNIX or

Linux operating systems.
Defines whether Intelligence Server is registered as a service.
Registering Intelligence Server as a service is determined by the
following values:
• 1: Registers Intelligence Server as a service. Performing this task
requires a UNIX or Linux login with root level access and privileges.
• 0: Does not register Intelligence Server as a service.

Creating and configuring project sources

The response.ini parameters within the [Client]

section create and configure project sources. The table below
lists the available parameters and the functionality of
available options for each parameter.

Options Description

[Client] In this section you can configure the project source name. You can have more
than one [Client] section. Additional client sections can be included as
[Client1], [Client2], and so on.

Client= Defines whether project sources are configured, as determined by the following
• 1: Configures project sources
• 0: Does not configure project sources

EncryptPassword= Defines whether the password is encrypted in the response.ini file, as

determined by the following values:
• 0: (default) Encrypts the password in the response.ini file, which
ensures that your password is secure. This is the default behavior.
• 1: The password is not encrypted in the response.ini file, which enables
you to modify the password in the response.ini file later using a text editor.
You can then distribute the response.ini file to multiple users with various
login and password credentials. However, be aware that this can
compromise your database security if you do not remove the password from
the response.ini file before distributing it.

DataSource= Defines the name of the new project source to create.

166 Initial MicroStrategy configuration © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Options Description

ConnType= Defines the database connection type for a project source. The following
connection types are supported.
On Windows:
• 2: Connects a project source to the metadata using an ODBC DSN.
• 3: Connects a project source to the metadata through a MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server (3-tier).
On UNIX and Linux:
• 4: Connects a project source to the metadata through a MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server (3-tier).

DSN= If using connection type 2 (ConnType=2), defines the name of the ODBC

UserName= If using connection type 2 (ConnType=2), user name the user name to
connect to the ODBC database.

UserPwd= If using connection type 2 (ConnType=2), defines the password to log in to the

ServerName= If using connection type 3 or 4(ConnType=3 or ConnType=4), defines the

name of the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server to connect to.

Port= If using connection type 3 or 4(ConnType=3 or ConnType=4, defines the port

number for the Intelligence Server when creating a project source (3-tier project
source). The default port number for MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is

MDType= Defines the metadata type. By default it is always 0.

Hide= Defines whether the default project sources displayed are hidden in the
MicroStrategy Desktop environment, set this option to TRUE. The values to
control this depend on the operating system Intelligence Server is running on,
as described below.
• True: Hides the default project sources displayed in the MicroStrategy
Desktop environment.
• False: Does not hide the default project sources displayed in the
MicroStrategy Desktop environment. This is the default behavior.
• 1: Hides the default project sources displayed in the MicroStrategy Desktop
• 0: Does not hide the default project sources displayed in the MicroStrategy
Desktop environment. This is the default behavior.

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5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Options Description

Authentication= The following authentication modes are supported:

• 1: Standard or login ID and password entered by the user
• 2: Network login ID (Windows authentication)
• 8: Guest account (Anonymous authentication)
• 16: LDAP authentication
• 32: Database login ID and password (database authentication)
For information on the available authentication modes, see the Authentication
modes, page 156.

MDPrefix= Defines a prefix for metadata repository tables.

Connecting to a data warehouse

For MicroStrategy users to be able to browse attribute
elements and execute reports, a connection to the data
warehouse must be created.

Whereas metadata connectivity settings are stored in the

server definition and registry of the MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server machine, data warehouse connectivity
settings are stored in the metadata itself. After Intelligence
Server connects to the metadata at startup, it loads all
project, user, and connection information from the metadata.
As an administrator, you can perform data warehouse
connection tasks from the Project Configuration editor,
which can be accessed by right-clicking a project and
selecting Project Configuration.

The different tasks described in this section require

MicroStrategy Administrator privileges.

Specifying warehouse connection information

A database instance is a MicroStrategy object, created in
MicroStrategy Desktop by an administrator, that represents a
connection to the data warehouse. A database instance
specifies warehouse connection information, such as the data
warehouse DSN, Login ID and password, and other data
warehouse specific information.

168 Connecting to a data warehouse © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

The steps to create the required components of a

database instance are provided in the successive
sections Creating a database instance, page 174,
Creating a database connection, page 176, and
Creating a database login, page 178.

When a project architect creates a project, the architect

assigns a database instance to that project. A project specifies
only one database instance at a time, but a database instance
can be assigned to multiple projects.

A project can only have one warehouse database instance,

meaning there is only one database instance that connects to
the Warehouse Catalog for the project. With the addition of
Freeform SQL, Query Builder, and supporting access through
MicroStrategy to other data sources such as SAP BW,
Hyperion Essbase, and Microsoft Analysis Services,
non-project databases can be included and used in a project
along with the warehouse database instance. These
non-project database instances can allow a project to connect
to the data sources for the various features and outside data
sources mentioned above, instead of accessing the warehouse
catalog of the warehouse database instance. For more
information on the Warehouse Catalog, see the
MicroStrategy Project Design Guide.

Starting in MicroStrategy version 8.0.3, the database

instances you create are separated into two categories:

• Relational database instances, page 170

• OLAP cube database instances, page 171

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Connecting to a data warehouse 169

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Relational database instances

A relational database instance is any database instance that

connects to a relational database or other relational data
storage. More specifically, this covers database instances
used for Freeform SQL, Query Builder, Data Marts, and any
other relational database.

Selecting a database instance checkbox makes that database

instance available in the project for Data Marts, Query
Builder, and Freeform SQL. The shading and color of a
database instance in the list of relational database instances
reflects how the database instance is being used in the
• Normal: The database instance is not being used in the

• Blue: This is the warehouse database instance, as selected

from the warehouse database instance drop-down list.
There can only be one warehouse database instance for a
project, because it is this database instance’s data that is
populated in the Warehouse Catalog. You cannot choose
to disable the warehouse database instance for the project

170 Connecting to a data warehouse © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

without first selecting a different warehouse database

instance. For more information on the Warehouse
Catalog, see the MicroStrategy Project Design Guide.

• Bold: The project contains objects that are dependent on

the database instance. You cannot choose to disable a
database instance that has dependent objects for the

Clearing the checkbox of a database instance removes the

database instance from the project and deletes any unused
Freeform SQL or Query Builder schemas. You can clear a
database instance from a project only if there are no
dependent objects in the project for the database instance.
For more information on removing a database instance and
related Freeform SQL and Query Builder schemas from a
project, refer to the MicroStrategy System Administration

OLAP cube database instances

An OLAP cube database instance is any database instance

that connects to an OLAP cube source, such as, SAP BW,
Hyperion Essbase, and Microsoft Analysis Services. For more

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Connecting to a data warehouse 171

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

information on these OLAP cube sources, refer to the

MicroStrategy Project Design Guide.

A database instance that has an OLAP cube schema is

represented with a selected check box. The shading and color
of a database instance in the list of relational database
instances reflects how the database instance is being used in
the project.
• Normal: The database instance is not being used in the
• Bold: The project contains objects that are dependent on
the database instance. You cannot choose to disable a
database instance that has dependent objects for the

Clearing the check box of a database instance removes the

database instance from the project. Once the database
instance is removed you can delete any unused OLAP cube
schema objects. You can clear a database instance from a
project only if there are no dependent objects in the project
for the database instance. For more information on removing
a database instance and related OLAP cube managed objects
from a project, refer to the MicroStrategy System
Administration Guide.

172 Connecting to a data warehouse © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

Schema Loading

You can choose when an OLAP cube schema associated with

a database instance is loaded for a project. By default, OLAP
cube schemas are loaded as needed when OLAP cube reports
are executed. You can select a database instance and click the
button Use Pre-load to choose to load the OLAP cube
schema when Intelligence Server starts. You can then click
the same button, which is renamed Use Runtime Load to
revert back to the default behavior. For more information on
how to set the load time for OLAP cube schemas, refer to the
online help.

 Whenever you modify the schema loading option for

an OLAP cube source database instance, you must
update the schema for your project to reflect these
changes. In Desktop, from the Schema menu select
Update Schema.

The choice to load OLAP cube schemas at Intelligence Server

startup or at OLAP cube execution time depends on a couple
of factors.

Loading OLAP cube schemas when the Intelligence Server

starts increases overhead during startup. However, OLAP
cube report runtime performance is optimized since the
schema for the report has already been loaded. This practice
is a good option if OLAP cube reports are commonly used in a
project. If you import a new OLAP cube or refresh an OLAP
cube, you must update the schema of your project to load the
OLAP cube prior to report execution and to use the updated
OLAP cube schema.

You can choose to shift the overhead of loading OLAP

schemas to occur when an OLAP cube report is executed.
While this can negatively affect OLAP cube report runtime
performance, it can save the overhead of OLAP cube schema
loading if the schema is never used. This practice is a good
option if OLAP cube reports are supported for a project, but
are rarely used in the project.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Connecting to a data warehouse 173

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Creating a database instance

Database instances are created and modified in the Database

Instance Manager, which can be found by expanding
Administration for a project source. When you choose to
create a new database instance, the Database Instance editor

You can also create a new database instance using the

Database Instance Wizard that is available in the
Database Instance Manager shortcut menu.

The Database Instance editor has the following tabs:

• General—specifies the database instance name,

connection type (data warehouse platform or applicable
data source), and default database connection.

The database connection type you choose should

match your data source and determines whether
the database instance is a relational or an OLAP
cube database instance.

174 Connecting to a data warehouse © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

• Advanced—specifies the database name for intermediate

table storage if a database other than the warehouse is
used to store intermediate tables.

The advanced tab is not available for OLAP cube

database instances.

• Job Prioritization—specifies the job prioritization scheme

for the instance and the number of prioritized

To create a database instance

1 In MicroStrategy Desktop, log in to a project source with

administrative privileges.

2 Expand Administration and then select Database

Instance Manager.

3 From the File menu, point to New, and then select

Database Instance. The Database Instance Editor opens.

4 On the General tab, in the Database instance name box,

type the name of the database instance.

5 In the Database connection type drop-down list, select

the data warehouse connection type according to the data
source hosting your database.

you have upgraded from a previous version of
you can click Upgrade to retrieve
any database connection types that have been
included since the previous version of
MicroStrategy that you used.

6 In the Database connection (default) pane, select the

default data warehouse connection and click OK.

If the necessary database connection does not exist, you

can create one by clicking New. For steps to create a
database connection, see Creating a database connection

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Connecting to a data warehouse 175

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

Creating a database connection

A database connection specifies the DSN and database login

used to access the data warehouse. A database instance
designates one database connection as the default connection
for MicroStrategy users; however, users and groups can be
mapped to other database connections using connection
mapping. For more details on connection mapping, see User
connection mapping, page 179 and the Deploying the System
chapter of the MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

You create database connections in the Database Instance

editor by clicking New on the General tab. Any database
connection created within the Database Instance editor is
available for use across all database instances in the project
source. For more information on creating a database
connection for different OLAP cube sources, refer to the
MicroStrategy Project Design Guide.

When you choose to create a new database connection, the

Database Connections dialog box opens.

176 Connecting to a data warehouse © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

The Database Connections dialog box has different options

depending on the database instance type.

• Relational database instances

General—specifies the database connection name, the

warehouse DSN, and the default database login.

Advanced—specifies the database driver mode, driver

execution mode, and other miscellaneous warehouse
connection settings.

• OLAP cube database instances

General—specifies the database connection name, the

default database login, and additional connection
information that you must provide. For more
information on creating a database connection for
OLAP cube sources, see the MicroStrategy Project
Design Guide.

Advanced—specifies the connection settings,

additional connection string parameters, and
connection caching settings.

To create a database connection

This procedure documents the steps to create a database

connection for a relational database instance. For more
information on creating a database connection for OLAP
cube sources, refer to the MicroStrategy Project Design

1 On the General tab, in the Database connection name

box, type a name to identify the database connection.

2 In the Local system ODBC data sources pane, select

the data warehouse DSN.

3 Select the Advanced tab, and set the options per your
requirements and the requirements of the database you
are connecting to.

4 Select the General tab.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Connecting to a data warehouse 177

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

5 In the Database Login pane, select the default database

login and click OK.

If the necessary database login does not exist, you can

create one by clicking New. For steps to create a database
connection, see Creating a database login below.

Creating a database login

A database login specifies the user ID and password used to

access the data warehouse. The database login overwrites any
login information stored in the DSN. A database connection
designates one database login as the default login for
MicroStrategy users, however users and groups can be
mapped to other database logins using connection mapping.

Connection Mapping is explained in User connection

mapping, page 179.

You create database logins in the Database Connections

dialog box by clicking New on the General tab. Any database
login created within the Database Connections dialog box is
available for use across all database connections in the
project source.

MicroStrategy reporting and analysis features require

a general set of database login permissions to connect
to and modify the data warehouse and metadata. For
more information, refer to MicroStrategy Tech Note

When you choose to create a new database login, the

Database logins dialog box opens.

178 Connecting to a data warehouse © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

To create a database login

1 In the Database Login box, type the name of the

database login.

2 In the Login ID box, type the user ID needed to access the

data warehouse.

3 In the Password box, type the password that is paired

with the user ID you specified. As you type the password
characters, asterisks appear in the box. Click OK.

Database logins are passed to the data warehouse any

time a user executes a report or browses attribute
elements. Therefore, all database logins created in
MicroStrategy Desktop must be also be created as
valid logins in the data warehouse.

User connection mapping

User connection mapping is the process of mapping

MicroStrategy users to database connections and database
logins. For MicroStrategy users to execute reports, they must
be mapped to a database connection and database login.

MicroStrategy users link to database connections and logins

• The default database connection (and, therefore, default
database login)
• Specialized maps to a database connection and/or
database login (different than the default connection and
login) for either a user or user group

You can map users to connections and logins in the Project

Configuration Editor or the Command Manager. For more
information about how connection maps are used, see the
Deploying the System chapter of the MicroStrategy System
Administration Guide.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Connecting to a data warehouse 179

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy reporting and analysis features require

a general set of database login permissions to connect
to and modify the data warehouse and metadata. For
more information, refer to MicroStrategy Tech Note

To create a connection map

You must have already created the new database

connection(s) or database login(s) before you perform this
procedure. Complete details for these steps can be found in
the online help.

1 Access the Project Configuration Editor, expand the

Database Instances category, and select the Connection
mapping subcategory.

2 Click New. The Connection Mappings dialog box opens.

3 Specify the unique combination of the following:

Database Instance, User (or user group), Warehouse
connection (database connection), and Database Login.

4 Click OK.

For information about caching and updating the

properties of database connections, see the
Understanding MicroStrategy Architecture chapter of
the MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

Creating a project
Now you have configured Intelligence Server and are ready to
create a project. There are various ways to create a project to
get your MicroStrategy project started. The different methods
to create a project are described in the MicroStrategy Project
Design Guide.

The MicroStrategy platform provides a Tutorial

project, which is a sample data warehouse and
demonstration project you can use to learn about the
various features that MicroStrategy offers. It is ready

180 Creating a project © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server 5

to be used and requires no additional configuration

tasks. To use the MicroStrategy Tutorial, refer to the
MicroStrategy Basic Reporting Guide for more
information. To create a new project using your own
data, see the MicroStrategy Project Design Guide.

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

To help guide the rest of your installation and configuration
steps, refer to the section Installing and configuring
MicroStrategy on Windows, page 59 in Chapter 1, Planning
Your Installation, for an installation and configuration

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring your MicroStrategy installation 181

5 Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server Installation and Configuration Guide

182 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



This chapter describes the procedure to deploy a project to

your user community using MicroStrategy Web and Web
Universal. The process of deploying the ASP.NET version of
MicroStrategy Web on Windows with Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS) is explained in detail.

Steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal in a

UNIX/Linux and Windows environment with various Web
and application servers are also explained in detail.
MicroStrategy Web Universal is platform-independent and
can be deployed using different combinations of operating
systems, Web servers, and application servers.

Web application servers are not MicroStrategy

products, so detailed steps cannot be provided for
every combination of application server and operating
system. This chapter supplies instructions for a few of
the most common combinations. The procedures for
different operating systems are similar, but you should
refer to the vendor-provided information and

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 183

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

documentation for details specific to your

configuration, or contact MicroStrategy Technical

MicroStrategy Web simplifies the job of deploying to large

user groups because end users’ machines only need a
supported browser. MicroStrategy Web can be accessed from
any supported browser because no code must be downloaded.
Working as a thin client, MicroStrategy Web provides the
functionality that end users and power users require to take
full advantage of the MicroStrategy product suite.

This chapter has the following sections:

• Deploying with IIS (Windows), page 185

Deploying with IIS is the only setup given for

MicroStrategy Web, which is an ASP.NET version
for Windows. The other deployment procedures
use MicroStrategy Web Universal, which is
platform-independent and can be deployed with
different Web and application servers.

• General steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal,

page 186

• Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris),

page 187

• Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX),

page 211
• Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris), page 225

• Deploying with Tomcat (Windows), page 236

• Deploying with Tomcat (Linux), page 243

• Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX), page 250

• Deploying with Oracle 10g (Windows), page 256

• Administering your MicroStrategy Web deployment,

page 261

• Configuring your MicroStrategy installation, page 263

184 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Deploying with IIS (Windows)

The ASP.NET version of MicroStrategy Web can be deployed
with IIS only on Windows.

You must have administrative privileges to deploy

MicroStrategy Web for your project. If this is the first time
you are logging in and you have not changed the default
MicroStrategy administrative login, you can use
Administrator as the login with no password. After the first
time, the user name and password should be changed for
security purposes.

To connect MicroStrategy Web to your Intelligence Server

1 On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, then to

MicroStrategy, then to Web, and then choose Web
Administrator. The MicroStrategy Web Administrator
page opens. This is the page where you connect
MicroStrategy Web to the Intelligence Server.

2 Type the name of your Intelligence Server in the Add a

server manually box on the MicroStrategy Web
Administrator page.

3 Click Connect. All projects loaded on the Intelligence

Server are now available from MicroStrategy Web. Click
the Home icon to see the list of projects loaded on the
Intelligence Server you specified.

4 Send your users the URL:


where webservername is the name of the computer

hosting your Web server. For example, if the name of your
Web server machine is Web_Srv1, then the URL your
users would use to access MicroStrategy Web would be


See the MicroStrategy System Administration

Guide for more information.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with IIS (Windows) 185

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

You have manually connected MicroStrategy Web to the

Intelligence Server.

You can also connect automatically whenever MicroStrategy

Web Server or Intelligence Server starts.

To make MicroStrategy Web connect to the Intelligence Server


1 On the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, click

Modify in the Properties column of the Intelligence

2 Select the Automatically connect to Intelligence Server

when Web Server or Intelligence Server is restarted
option and click Save.

General steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web

After you have installed MicroStrategy Web Universal, you
can deploy and configure it for your specific environment.
The configuration and deployment steps are provided in the
Web server and application server sections in this chapter.
The table below lists the general steps for all environments.

High-Level Deployment Steps

1 Log on to the application server by using the proper user name and password.
2 Locate the MicroStrategy.war file in the MicroStrategy Web Universal Deployment Directory you
specified during installation.
3 To increase the performance of the application and before proceeding with the deployment, see the
Performance-based setup information section, if available, for your environment and configure as
necessary. Also, after deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal on your machine, there may be a few
performance-based setup steps that you should complete.
4 Choose the desired deployment method.
5 Follow the deployment procedure.
6 Log on to the MicroStrategy Web Administrator Page.
7 Launch MicroStrategy Web Universal.
8 Start working with the application.

186 General steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

You must perform extra configuration steps to allow

graphs to support non-Western European fonts on
MicroStrategy Web Universal for a UNIX system. For
more information, see Graph and document support
of non-Western European fonts, page 484 of
Appendix B, Troubleshooting.

Directory structure after deploying the WAR file

The following table shows the default directory structure
after deploying the WAR file in your application server.

Directory Contents

\help Help and descriptor files

\images All image files

\javascript Interface JavaScript files

\jsp Interface JSP code files

\style Interface style files

\WEB-INF Configuration information for MicroStrategy Web

\WEB-INF\classes All resource files

\WEB-INF\lib All library files

\WEB-INF\log All log files, except for ncsportal.log files, which are
created in the application server root folder

\WEB-INF\tlds All Tag Library Descriptor files

\WEB-INF\xml All MicroStrategy Web xml and xsl files

Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris)

This section provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Universal on the Sun Solaris 9
operating system, using Apache as the Web server and BEA
WebLogic Server as the application server. It provides
information for WebLogic 8.x.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 187
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy certifies deploying MicroStrategy Web

Universal with WebLogic 9.2 only as an exploded

This section includes the following information:

• WebLogic paths and folder locations: Default folder

structure for each version of WebLogic.

• Preconfiguration information: Configuration that must

occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy Web

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal: Instructions

for deploying the application.

• Re-deploy the application: Instructions for re-deploying

the application.

• Performance-based setup information: Optional

configuration settings to increase the application’s

The additional configuration steps are not required

for MicroStrategy Web Universal to run, but these
settings can increase its performance. Review the
performance-based setup information prior to
deploying the system to see if these changes are of
interest to you.

WebLogic paths and folder locations

This section presents the default folder structure for each
version of WebLogic, and provides the variable used
throughout the rest of this chapter to represent the WebLogic
mydomain folder path.

Each version of WebLogic is installed with a different default

path to the WebLogic mydomain folder. When deploying
MicroStrategy Web Universal, you must make some changes
within the WebLogic folders. Thus, it is important to
understand the WebLogic folder structure for the version of
WebLogic you are using. The following path reflects the
default folder structure for WebLogic 8.x:

188 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Note the following:

• <WEBLOGIC_HOME> is the WebLogic Server home

• The folder structures are configurable and your

organization may have changed the default names
or path.

Throughout this chapter, the WebLogic mydomain folder is

referred to as <WEBLOGIC_MYDOMAIN_FOLDER>. This
variable refers to the WebLogic mydomain folder in whatever
location it resides on your system. The location of this
variable is based on the version of WebLogic and whether
your organization has changed the version’s default name or

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal on your
machine. This includes the following sections:

• Locating the WAR file

• Configuring the web.xml file

• Setting up Apache Web server to proxy requests to


This section uses the configuration outlined in the following

table. While your setup may vary slightly, for example, you
may have different versions of these applications, the overall
process remains the same.

Requirement Recommended

Operating system Sun Solaris 9 or 10 (on SPARC)

Web server Apache 2.0.x

Application server WebLogic 8.x

JDK Sun JDK 1.4.2

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 189
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

Note the following:

• For information on the version numbers supported
or certified by MicroStrategy, see the
MicroStrategy readme file.

• For information on installing these products, see

• Before you start the deployment process, locate the

machine name and IP address.

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Universal application is packaged

within a single file, called a WAR (Web ARchive) file,
following J2EE specifications. You must deploy the WAR file
to run the application in your application server

The WAR file is placed in the folder you specified when

installing MicroStrategy Web Universal. Copy the WAR file to
the <WEBLOGIC_MYDOMAIN_FOLDER>. See WebLogic paths
and folder locations, page 188 for information on the default
folder structure.

Tothatdeploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps

are specific to the application server you are
using. For more details, see the application server
vendor documentation or follow the instructions
within this guide. You can also refer to the section
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal, page 193
below for more details on deploying the WAR file.

After deploying the MicroStrategy.war file, you can view

the WEB-INF folder, which contains a subfolder named log.
The log folder retains all the log files, except for the
ncsportal.log files. They are created in the Application
server root folder. For more information on the directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, see Directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, page 187.

190 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Configuring the web.xml file

This procedure is required if you deploy MicroStrategy

Web Universal as a duplicate WAR file on WebLogic.
It is not necessary if you deploy the application as an
exploded directory.

By default, the paths of the configuration and log files are

saved as relative paths in the web.xml file. Before deploying
MicroStrategy Web Universal, you may need to modify these
paths to absolute paths.

A sample of modified web.xml file is available for your

reference; see Example of modified web.xml file, page 489.

To configure the web.xml file

1 Open the web.xml file located in the /WEB-INF


The web.xml file is inside the

MicroStrategy.war file so you must expand or
unzip that WAR file first. For details on expanding
or unzipping the file, see Deploying MicroStrategy
Web Universal, page 193.

2 The following table lists the parameters to be modified in

the web.xml file. For each parameter, replace the string
listed in the Old Value column with the string in the New
Value column. Change the parameter value from relative
to an absolute path pointing to a physical folder in your
machine. However, set the values for pageConfig.xml
and styleCatalog.xml parameters to be relative.
For example, if the directory where you store the
MicroStrategy Web Universal configuration files is
where <WEBLOGIC_HOME> is the path to the WebLogic
Server, change the
serverConfigFilesDefaultLocation parameter
value to
NewFolder/ </param-value>

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 191
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

you are running WebLogic Server in Windows,
sure that you specify only forward slashes in
the absolute path. For example, <par
</param-value> is a valid path, but
ram-value> is not valid.

Parameter Old Value New Value

styleCatalogFile styleCatalog.xml /WEB-INF/xml/styleCatalog.xml

configFile pageConfig.xml /WEB-INF/xml/pageConfig.xml

serverConfigFilesDefaul <param-value>/WEB-INF/xml/ <param-value>ABSOLUTE:<WEBLOG

tLocation </param-value> IC_HOME>/NewFolder/

serverLogFilesDefaultL <param-value>/WEB-INF/log/ <param-value>ABSOLUTE:<WEBLOG

ocation </param-value> IC_HOME>/NewFolder/log/

3 Save the web.xml file and compress the WAR file.

modify the web.xml file for an application that
deployed, you must re-deploy the
application for the changes to take effect. For details,
see Re-deploy the application, page 203.

Setting up Apache Web server to proxy requests

to WebLogic

You can have the Apache Web server and WebLogic Server
running independently on the same machine, but to
configure Apache to proxy the desired requests to the
WebLogic Server, you must install a plug-in provided by
WebLogic. Complete the instructions at the following URLs
to install and configure the plug-in.

For WebLogic 8.x, the URL is

Install the plug-in with the WebLogic installation in the

following location:

192 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6


where <WEBLOGIC_HOME> is the path to the WebLogic


increase the performance of MicroStrategy Web
you can complete additional setup
configurations before the deployment. For more
information, see Performance-based setup
information, page 204.

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

When your machine has been configured with the necessary
settings, you can deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal with
Apache and WebLogic. This involves the following steps:

1 Deploying automatically (development mode).

- or -

Deploying manually (production mode).

2 Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page.

3 Launching the project.

Note the following:

• The Performance-based setup information section
provides information on additional settings to
increase application performance. These additional
settings are not required but can increase the
performance of MicroStrategy Web Universal.
Review this information prior to deployment to see
if these options are of interest to you.

• You can deploy and connect to two different

versions of MicroStrategy Web Universal 8.x. For
more information, refer to MicroStrategy Tech
Note TN5600-8X-2103.

You can deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal using one of the

following deployment methods:

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 193
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

• The automatic deployment feature is the easiest and

fastest way. See Deploying automatically (development
mode), page 194. Choose the development mode in the
/<WEBLOGIC_MYDOMAIN_FOLDER>/ file, within the WebLogic Server
folder structure.

• The manual deployment feature can be used for

environments where the server is running in production
mode and the automatic deployment is turned OFF. For
more information, see Deploying manually (production
mode), page 197.

Deploying automatically (development mode)

When automatic deployment is set to ON, as soon as you

place a WAR file in the
/<WEBLOGIC_MYDOMAIN_FOLDER>/applications folder,
the application is automatically deployed.

With this method you can deploy from:

• A duplicate WAR file. When you deploy from a duplicate

WAR file, you are required to manually configure the
web.xml file within the WAR file to allow access to
certain folders. Once this configuration is complete and
the WAR file is recompiled, MicroStrategy Web Universal
can be deployed using the single WAR file.

• An exploded directory where all the files contained in the

WAR file were extracted. When you deploy from an
exploded directory, all of the files and folders within the
WAR file are exposed to WebLogic. This allows WebLogic
access to the required folders so that it can make ny
necessary configuration changes to files in the exploded

 Tomustdeploy Web Universal on WebLogic 9.2, you

deploy using an exploded directory. You can
deploy Web Universal on WebLogic 8.x using
either technique listed above.

194 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

To automatically deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal from a

duplicate WAR file

1 Locate the MicroStrategy.war file in the

MicroStrategy Web Universal Deployment Directory you
specified during installation. For more information, see
Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84.

2 Rename the WAR file to a name you can easily identify

and remember. This name is the context_name used in
the uniform resource locator (URL) to access the file. This
step is optional.

you do not change the name of the file,
to replace context_name with
MicroStrategy when accessing the application
from the URL.

3 Unzip the WAR file using the following command:

#jar -xvf MicroStrategy.war
4 Configure the web.xml file. For information on
configuration, see Configuring the web.xml file, page 191.

you are running WebLogic Server in Windows,
sure that you specify only forward slashes in
the absolute path.For example, <par
</param-value> is a valid path, but
ram-value> is not valid.

5 Zip the WAR file with the following command:

#jar -cvf MicroStrategy.war *
6 Transfer the WAR file to the following application


The application is automatically deployed. To add and

connect to an Intelligence Server, see Accessing the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, page 219.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 195
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

increase the performance of MicroStrategy Web
you can configure additional settings after
deployment. For more information, see
Performance-based setup information, page 204.

Next, access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page to

finish configuring MicroStrategy Web Universal.

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal from the exploded


The WAR file must be uncompressed by the same

Solaris user who started the application.

1 Locate the MicroStrategy.war file. It is located in the

MicroStrategy Web Universal Deployment Directory you
specified during installation. For more information, see
Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84.

2 Create the following new folder:

where username is your account name used to access
the Web server machine, and context_folder is the
name of the new folder.

 You can create the new folder anywhere except in

the following location:

3 Copy the WAR file to the new folder.

4 To explode the WAR file inside the folder you created, run
the following command:

# jar -xvf MicroStrategy.war

5 Delete the MicroStrategy.war file by running this


# rm MicroStrategy.war

196 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

6 Move the folder to the applications folder with the

following commands:

# cd..

# mv context_folder

The application is automatically deployed. To add and

connect to an Intelligence Server, see Accessing the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, page 219.

increase the performance of MicroStrategy Web
you can configure additional settings after
deployment. For more information, see
Performance-based setup information, page 204.

Deploying manually (production mode)

With manual deployment you can deploy MicroStrategy Web

Universal from:

• A duplicate WAR file. When you deploy from a duplicate

WAR file, you are required to manually configure the
web.xml file within the WAR file to allow access to
certain folders. Once this configuration is complete and
the WAR file is recompiled, MicroStrategy Web Universal
can be deployed using the single WAR file.

• An exploded directory where all the files contained in the

WAR file were extracted. When you deploy from an
exploded directory, all of the files and folders within the
WAR file are exposed to WebLogic. This allows WebLogic
to access the required folders to perform any necessary
configurations to files in the exploded directory.

 Tomustdeploy Web Universal on WebLogic 9.2, you

deploy using an exploded directory. You can
deploy Web Universal on WebLogic 8.x using
either technique listed above.

Perform the deployment in the


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 197
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To manually deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal from a

duplicate WAR file

1 Locate the MicroStrategy.war file. It is located in the

MicroStrategy Web Universal Deployment Directory you
specified during installation. For more information, see
Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84.

2 Unzip the WAR file by running the following command:

#jar -xvf MicroStrategy.war
3 Configure the web.xml file. For more information, see
Configuring the web.xml file, page 191.

you are running WebLogic Server in Windows,
sure that you specify only forward slashes in
the absolute path. For example, <par
</param-value> is a valid path, but
ram-value> is not valid.

4 Zip the WAR file by running the following command:

#jar -cvf MicroStrategy.war *
5 Transfer the file to the

6 Open the WebLogic Server Administration Console (WLS

Admin Console) by typing the following address:
http://IP address:port/console/

where IP address is the IP address of the machine on

which you installed the WebLogic application server and
port is the port number for the WebLogic application

7 Type a valid user ID and password at the prompt. The

user ID and password are the ones you specified when
installing the WebLogic Server on your machine.

8 To complete this operation, see Configure from the

WebLogic Server Admin Console, page 199.

198 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

To manually deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal from the

exploded directory

1 Locate the MicroStrategy.war file. It is located in the

MicroStrategy Web Universal Deployment Directory you
specified during installation. For more information, see
Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84.

2 Create a folder in the

directory and transfer the WAR file to this directory.

3 Unzip the WAR file using the following command:

#jar -xvf MicroStrategy.war

4 Open the WebLogic Server (WLS) Admin Console by

accessing the following address:

http://IP address:port/console/

where IP address is the IP address of the machine on

which you installed the WebLogic application server and
port is the port number for the WebLogic application

5 Type a valid user ID and password at the prompt. The

user ID and password are the ones you specified when
installing the WebLogic Server on your machine.

6 To complete this operation, see Configure from the

WebLogic Server Admin Console.

Configure from the WebLogic Server Admin Console

To configure from the WebLogic Server (WLS) Admin

Console, refer to the procedure below.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 199
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To configure from the WLS Admin Console with WebLogic 8.x

1 Select mydomain, point to Deployments, and then

choose Web Application Modules. The Web Application
table opens.

2 Select Deploy a New Web Application Module.

3 Locate and select the WAR file to configure and deploy. If

you are deploying from the exploded directory, select the
root of the exploded directory.

4 Click the Target Module button.

5 Select the server on which you want to deploy the

application and click Continue.

6 Select how you want the source files to be made accessible

and type the name for the new Web Application module.
This name is used in the URL to access the MicroStrategy
Web Administrator page.

7 Click Deploy, then wait for the application to activate.

You have completed the steps required to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Universal.

To launch MicroStrategy Web Administrator and to configure

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, see Accessing the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, page 219.

increase the performance of MicroStrategy Web
you can configure additional settings after
deployment. For more information, see
Performance-based setup information, page 204.

Configuring the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page

Before you start MicroStrategy Web Universal, you must

configure the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, which
is the mstrWebAdmin servlet.

200 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

To access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

1 The address to launch MicroStrategy Web is different for

each deployment method. The following table lists the
URL to access MicroStrategy Web Administrator.

The servlet names are case-sensitive. Make sure to

use the correct case when typing the
mstrWebAdmin name. If the application server is
enabled with security, a dialog box related to the
administrator authentication opens.

Deployment Method Address


• When deployed Access the Administrator page from a browser

from a duplicate using either of the following addresses:
WAR file. • http://IPaddress:7001/context_na
• http://IPaddress/context_name/se
The first URL accesses the Web Administrator
through port 7001, which is the default port for
the application server. The second URL uses
the Apache Web server.
The context_name is the name you gave to
the WAR file and IPaddress is the IP address
of your machine.

• When deployed Access the Administrator page from a browser

from an exploded at this address:
directory. http://IPaddress:7001/context_
where context_folder is the name of the
folder where the application was exploded and
IPaddress is the IP address of your machine.

Manual deployment Access the Administrator page from a browser

using this address:
where IPaddress is the IP address of your
machine. Replace the name variable with the
name you specified in the Name field when
configuring from WLS Admin console, for
example, MyWebApp.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 201
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

2 Type the same user ID and password that was used to

start the WebLogic Server on your machine.

In WebLogic, the deployment of MicroStrategy Web

Universal automatically associates the WebLogic
administrative user with the MicroStrategy Web
Universal administrator. The WebLogic administrative
user is the user who has permissions to start the
WebLogic Server on a given machine. By default, when
WebLogic is installed, the administrative user is called

3 After you are authenticated, the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page appears. Add and connect to an
Intelligence Server.

Launch the MicroStrategy Web Universal project, as

described below.

Launching the project

The address to launch MicroStrategy Web Universal is

different for each deployment method. The table below lists
the URL you can use to access MicroStrategy Web Universal.

Deployment Method Address


• When deployed Access MicroStrategy Web Universal from a

from a duplicate browser using either of the following
WAR file. addresses:
• http://IPaddress:7001/context_
• http://IPaddress/context_name/
The first URL accesses the MicroStrategy Web
application through port 7001, which is the
default port for the application server. The
second URL goes through the Apache Web
The context_name is the name you gave to
the WAR file and IPaddress is the IP address
of your machine.

202 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Deployment Method Address

• When deployed Access MicroStrategy Web Universal from a

from an exploded browser using the address:
directory. http://IPaddress:7001/
where the context_folder is the name of
the folder where the application was exploded
and IPaddress is the IP address of your

Manual deployment Access MicroStrategy Web Universal from a

browser using the address:
where IPaddress is the IP address of your
machine. Replace the name variable with the
name you specified in the Name field when
configuring from WLS Admin console, for
example, MyWebApp.

Re-deploy the application

If you have already deployed MicroStrategy Web Universal
with WebLogic and you change any parameters in the
web.xml file, you must re-deploy the application using the
WLS Admin Console. This allows the changes to take effect in
the deployed application.

To re-deploy the application from the WLS Admin console

1 Open the WLS Admin Console by accessing the following


http://IP address:port/console/

2 Type a valid user ID and password at the prompt.

3 In the left frame, select mydomain, point to

Deployments, and then choose Web Applications. The
Web Application table opens, which lists the
MicroStrategy Web Universal applications that have been

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 203
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

4 Click the application to re-deploy, such as

MicroStrategy. The information for the application

5 In the right frame, select the Deploy tab.

6 Click Redeploy. The application is re-deployed.

Performance-based setup information

The performance of MicroStrategy Web Universal can be
increased by configuring it on various component levels.
These additional setup settings are not required, but if you
want to increase the performance of MicroStrategy Web
Universal, some changes must be done before or after the
deployment procedure. This section provides the following

• Setting the Java heap size

• Precompiling JSP files

• Disable/relax auto-reload parameters

• Configuring Apache Web server to serve static files

Setting the Java heap size

The Java heap size for the WebLogic Server can be increased
by modifying the JAVA_OPTIONS variable in the script.

To increase the Java heap size

1 Open the script from


2 Look for the following line in the script:

JAVA_OPTIONS=”-ms128m -mx128m”

204 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

This line reflects a Java heap size of 128 MB. Set the
appropriate size. MicroStrategy recommends the initial
java heap size be set at a minimum of 500MB, assuming
the machine has enough memory space.

3 Stop and start the application server.

Precompiling JSP files

To avoid the time taken to load the Web pages in the

application server when you access it for the first time, you
must precompile the Java Server Pages (JSP) files before
deploying the application. Do this by setting the application
server to load all the pages in the application before
deployment. Thus, when you connect for the first time, the
pages are already loaded and the performance is better.

To precompile the JSP files

1 Open the weblogic.xml file located in the /WEB-INF


The weblogic.xml file is located in the

MicroStrategy.war file so you must expand or
unzip the WAR file first. You can expand the WAR
file by typing jar -xvf MicroStrategy.war.

2 In the jsp-descriptor section, set the

keepgenerated and the precompile parameters to
TRUE, as follows:

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 205
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

3 Save the file and compress the WAR file again by typing
the following command:
#jar -cvf MicroStrategy.war *

Disable/relax auto-reload parameters

To disable/relax auto-reload parameters, complete the


• Set the pageCheckSeconds parameter

• Set the WebLogic Reload Period parameter

Each parameter is explained below.

Set the pageCheckSeconds parameter

The pageCheckSeconds parameter sets the interval, in

seconds, at which the WebLogic Server checks to see if JSP
files have changed and need recompiling. Dependencies are
also checked and recursively reloaded if changed.

You can set the following values:

Value Description

0 Pages are checked on every request.

-1 The page is not checked until the server is restarted. Any

classes used by the JSP page that live in the servlet
classpath are also reloaded.

n Interval (in seconds) in which WebLogic Server checks if

JSP files have changed. For example, if this is set to 1,
WebLogic checks the pages every second to see if the
JSP has changed and needs recompiling.

206 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

To set the pageCheckSeconds parameter

1 Open the weblogic.xml file located in the /WEB-INF


The weblogic.xml file is located in the

MicroStrategy.war file. You must first expand
or unzip the WAR file. You can expand the WAR
file by typing jar -xvf MicroStrategy.war.

2 In the jsp-descriptor section, set the

pageCheckSeconds parameter value. For example, the
following code sets the value to -1:
3 Save the file and compress the WAR file again by typing
the following command:
#jar -cvf MicroStrategy.war *

Set the WebLogic Reload Period parameter

In WebLogic, the Reload Period parameter sets how often

WebLogic checks whether a servlet has been modified. If the
servlet has been modified, WebLogic reloads it. As the
MicroStrategy Web Universal servlets do not change after
they have been deployed, MicroStrategy recommends that
you disable the reload period by setting it to -1. A value of -1
means never reload, and a value of 0 means always reload.

Use the appropriate procedure below, depending on whether

you have MicroStrategy Web Universal deployed as a
duplicate WAR file.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 207
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To set the WebLogic Reload Period

1 Open the WLS Admin Console by accessing the following


http://IP address:port/console/

2 Type a valid user ID and password at the prompt.

3 Select mydomain, point to Deployments, and then

choose Web Applications. The Web Application table
opens, which lists the MicroStrategy Web Universal
applications that have been deployed.

4 Click the application to configure, such as

MicroStrategy. The information for the application

5 Select the Configuration tab.

6 Select the Descriptor tab.

7 Type the new value for Servlet Reload Check Secs. The
values are:

• -1 to never reload

• 0 to always reload

8 Click Apply.

To set the WebLogic Reload Period in WebLogic 8.x when

MicroStrategy Web Universal is deployed as a duplicate WAR

1 Open the weblogic.xml file located in the /WEB-INF


The weblogic.xml file is located in the

MicroStrategy.war file. You must expand or unzip
the WAR file first. You can expand the WAR file by
typing jar -xvf MicroStrategy.war.

208 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

2 In the container-descriptor section, set the

servlet-reload-check-secs parameter value. For
example, the following code sets the value to -1:




3 Save the file and compress the WAR file again by typing
the following command:

#jar -cvf MicroStrategy.war *

Configuring Apache Web server to serve static


Because Web servers are tuned to effectively serve static files,

the perceived performance of MicroStrategy Web Universal is
significantly enhanced if image, style sheet, and JavaScript
files are served via the Apache Web server, and the WebLogic
Server handles only the servlet requests. Do this by editing
two main parameters, Alias and MatchExpression, in the
Apache configuration file httpd.conf.

• The Alias parameter is used to create a virtual directory

in the Apache Web server. The virtual directory is needed
to serve static files such as images, style sheets, and
• The MatchExpression parameter is used to configure
the Apache plug-in so that the WebLogic Server handles
only the servlet requests.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) 209
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To configure the Apache Web server to serve static files

1 To change the Alias parameter, add the following lines

in the httpd.conf file:



Options Indexes MultiViews

AllowOverride None

Order allow, deny

Allow from all


These code excerpts assume the application name

is MSTRWeb. See Deploying with WebLogic and
Apache (Solaris) for information on default folder

2 Repeat the previous step for the JavaScript and style sheet
folders, replacing the word images in the previous code
with the folder name where the JavaScript and style sheet
files are located.

3 Change the MatchExpression parameter by typing

*/servlet/* in the MatchExpression parameter. For
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicPort 7001
MatchExpression */servlet/*
4 Stop and start the Apache Web server using the
commands apachectl start and apachectl stop.

210 Deploying with WebLogic and Apache (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

The Web server now serves image (GIF), style sheet (CSS),
JavaScript, and all other static files, thus reducing the load on
the application server and increasing the application’s

Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP

Server (AIX)
This section provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Universal on an AIX machine
using the WebSphere 6.0.x Server and the IBM HTTP Web

This section includes the following information:

• Preconfiguration information: Configuration that must

occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy Web

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal: Instructions

for deploying the application.

• Performance-based setup information: Optional settings

to increase the application’s performance.

These additional settings are not required, but can

increase the performance of MicroStrategy Web
Universal. Review this information prior to
deployment to see if any of these options are of
interest to you.

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal on your
machine. Preconfiguration includes the following step:

• Locating the WAR file

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX)
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

This section also provides additional setup information for

the machine where the application server and Web server are
already installed.

This section uses the following configuration. While your

configuration may vary slightly, for example, you may have
different versions of these applications, the overall process
remains the same.

Requirement Recommended

Operating system AIX 5.2, 5.3, or 6.1 (on IBM POWER


Web server IBM HTTP Server 6.0.x

Application server IBM WebSphere application server 6.0.x


For information on the version numbers certified and

supported by MicroStrategy, see the MicroStrategy
readme file.

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Universal application is packaged

within a single file, called a WAR (Web ARchive) file,
following the J2EE specifications. You must deploy this file to
run the application in your application server environment.

To locate the WAR file

1 Locate the MicroStrategy.war file in the

MicroStrategy Web Universal Deployment Directory you
specified during installation. For more information, see
Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84.

2 Copy the WAR file to the

<WAS_HOME>/installableApps directory, where
<WAS_HOME> is the WebSphere 6.0.x application server
home path.

212 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

The deployment process in this chapter assumes that

MicroStrategy.war file is stored in this directory.

Tothatdeploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps

are specific to the application server you are
using. For more details, see the application server
vendor documentation or follow the instructions
within this guide. You should also follow any relevant
preconfiguration instructions within this chapter.

After deploying MicroStrategy.war file, you can view the

WEB-INF folder, which contains a subfolder named log. The
log folder retains all the log files, except for the
ncsportal.log files. They are created in the Application
server root folder. For more information on the directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, see Directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, page 187.

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

Once your machine has the necessary settings configured,
you can deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal on the
WebSphere-AIX machine. Deployment involves the following

1 Launching the WebSphere Administrative Console

2 Starting the WebSphere default application server

3 Installing the Enterprise Application

4 Regenerating plugin-cfg.xml

5 Restarting the application server

6 Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

7 Launching the project

The Performance-based setup information section

provides information on additional settings to increase
application performance. These additional settings are
not required, but can increase the performance of

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX)
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy Web Universal. Review this

information prior to deployment to see if any of these
options are of interest to you.

Launching the WebSphere Administrative


The WebSphere Administrative Console can be accessed only

if the WebSphere server is started on the machine.

To start the Websphere Application Server

1 Execute the startServer script as follows:

cd <WAS_HOME>/bin


Typically, server1 is the default server name in

WebSphere 6.0.x.

2 Ensure that the Administrative Server has started

successfully. Execute the following commands:

cd <WAS_HOME>/bin

# ./ -all

To launch the WebSphere Administrative Console

In a Web browser, type the URL for the administrative

• The default port in WebSphere 6.0.x is 9060 for HTTP.

214 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Starting the WebSphere default application


After you launch the WebSphere Administrative Console, you

can deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal by starting the
default application server.

This is applicable for WebSphere Network

Deployment Edition or WebSphere Enterprise
Edition. For WebSphere Express or WebSphere Base
Editions, there is no distinction between an
administrative server and a default server. The command starts the default
application server automatically.

To start the default application server

When the WebSphere Administrative Console opens, a tree

view is displayed.

1 Expand the Servers node, or click the link to expand the


2 Click the Applications Servers link. A table listing the

application servers displays to the right of the navigation
tree. This area is the Workspace.

3 Select the box next to the application server to start.

4 Click Start above the table.

Installing the Enterprise Application

To install the Enterprise Application

1 Expand Applications, and then Enterprise Applications

to display a list of installed applications.

2 Click Install.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX)
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

Preparing for the application installation

The following steps describe the settings that must be

specified for the installation.

To specify settings for the installation

1 Specify the path to the WAR file by selecting the Server

Path option and then typing in the full path for the
location of the MicroStrategy.war file. Type a suitable
name for ContextRoot, which is case-sensitive.

The URL to access MicroStrategy Web Universal

let/mstrWeb) contains ContextRoot, which
should be replaced by any name of your choice. For
example, you can use the default name of the WAR
file, which is MicroStrategy.

2 Click Next.

3 Select Do not override existing bindings.

4 For the Default virtual host name for Web modules, select
default host.

5 Click Next. The Provide options to perform the

installation page opens. In the screens that follow, you are
selecting settings that are used during the installation.

6 Click Next.

7 Make the following changes:

• Select Enable pre-compile of JSPs.

• Specify the value for the Directory to Install

Application as

• Specify an Application Name of your choice.

• Enter the value of -1 as the Reload Interval.

216 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

8 Click Next. The Map virtual hosts for web modules page

9 Select Web Tier (default host) and click Next. The Map
modules to application servers page opens.

10 Select the application server and click Apply.

11 Select Web Tier (selected application server) and click


12 Map the admin role to the users or groups that will be

given the MicroStrategy Web Administrator privileges.
Role mapping enables the mapped users to access the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page.

Security must be enabled for the WebSphere

Server for this feature to work.

13 Click Next. The Summary Page opens.

14 Review the summary and click Finish. A message appears

stating that the installation and precompilation of JSPs
was successful. Save the changes to the master repository.

Regenerating plugin-cfg.xml

To regenerate plugin-cfg.xml

1 Select Environment, and then click Update WebServer


2 Click OK, and then click Save to master configuration.

Restarting the application server

This section explains how to stop and start the application

server. Performing these steps stops and starts all the
applications running on the application server. To stop and
start only the application in which you are working, see To
start the Web module, page 219.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX)
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To restart the application server

The option to stop and start the application server

through the administrative console is available only
for the Websphere Network Deployment and
Websphere Enterprise Editions. To stop and start the
application server in Websphere Express and
Websphere Base editions, see below.

1 Expand the Servers node.

2 Click the Application Servers link. A table listing the

application servers and an icon indicating their status

• red: stopped

• green: started

3 Select the box next to the application server you want to

stop, and click Stop. The status icon changes from green
to red.

4 Select the application server you want to start and click

Start. The application server starts and the status icon
changes to green.

To stop and start the application server in Websphere

Express and Websphere Base editions, use the following

• server1 to stop the application

• server1 to start the application

218 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Starting the Web module

This process starts only the Web application, rather than all
the applications running on the application server. To stop
and start all applications, see Restarting the application
server, above.

To start the Web module

1 Expand Applications.

2 Click the Enterprise Applications link. A list of installed

applications are displayed in the table to the right, along
with icons indicating their status:

• red: stopped

• green: started

3 Select the box next to the application to start and click


Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator


The MicroStrategy Web Administrator page (mstrWebAdmin

servlet) is accessible only to users with an admin role. To
create the set of users and passwords that are authorized to
access the administrator page, you must create the necessary
role mapping between these users and the admin role for the
MicroStrategy Web Universal application. The steps to
perform this setup are given above in the section Preparing
for the application installation, page 216. For more
information, you can refer to your IBM documentation, or
contact MicroStrategy Technical Support.

Before you start MicroStrategy Web Universal, you must

configure the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, which
is the mstrWebAdmin servlet.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX)
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

1 Access the mstrWebAdmin servlet by typing the following

URL in a Web browser:


where ContextRoot is the name you provided for the

ContextRoot for Web Module box in the section
Preparing for the application installation. For example,
the default name of the WAR file, which is

The servlet names are case-sensitive. Use the

correct case when typing the mstrWebAdmin
name. If the application server is enabled with
security, a dialog box related to the administrator
authentication opens.

2 Type the user ID and password assigned with the admin


3 After you are authenticated, the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page opens. Use it to add and connect to an
Intelligence Server.

Proceed to launch the MicroStrategy Web Universal project.

For more information, see Launching the project
immediately below.

Launching the project

After configuring the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page,

you must follow the steps described in this section to launch
your project.

220 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

To launch the project

1 Start the Apache Web server by using the following


# /usr/<HTTPServer>/bin/apachectl start

For example, if the IBM HTTP server is installed in the

default location /usr/IBMIHS, then use the following


2 In a Web browser, specify the following URL:

servlet/ mstrWeb

Alternatively, you can use the IP address of your machine

for remote access, as shown below:


In these addresses, context_root is the name you
for the Context root for Web Module box
on Preparing for the application installation page. For
example, the default name of the WAR file, which is
MicroStrategy. For more information, refer to
Preparing for the application installation, page 216.

You can now access the MicroStrategy Web Universal


Uninstalling MicroStrategy Web application

You can uninstall the MicroStrategy Web Universal

application through the WebSphere Administrative console.

To uninstall MicroStrategy Web application

1 Expand Applications.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX)
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

2 Click Enterprise Applications. A list of installed

applications are displayed in the table to the right.

3 Select the desired MicroStrategy Web application.

4 Click Uninstall.

5 Save the configuration in the master repository.

Performance-based setup information

The performance of MicroStrategy Web Universal can be
increased by configuring it on various component levels.
These additional settings are not necessary, but can increase
the performance of MicroStrategy Web Universal. This
section explains the following changes:

• Setting the Java heap size

• Precompiling JSP files

• Disable/relax auto-load parameters

• Configuring the IBM HTTP Server to serve static files

Setting the Java heap size

You can increase the Java heap size for a given application
server by configuring the WebSphere Administrative

To increase the Java heap size

1 Access the Administrative Console.

2 Expand the Servers node.

3 Click the Application Servers link to view the list of

application servers.

4 Click the application server name, scroll to Additional

Properties and click Process Definition.

222 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

5 Click JVM Settings to set the Java heap size settings.

MicroStrategy recommends that you initially set the java
heap size to a minimum of 500MB, assuming the machine
has enough memory space.

6 Click Apply and save your changes.

7 Stop and start the application server.

Precompiling JSP files

To avoid the time taken to load the Web pages in the

application server when you access it for the first time, you
must precompile the Java Server Pages (JSP) files.
Precompilation can be done during deployment by selecting
the Enable pre-compile of JSPs setting. Otherwise, it can
be done after deploying the application.

To precompile the JSPs after deployment, set the application

server to load all the pages in the application. Then when you
connect for the first time, the pages are already loaded and
performance is improved.

Before you precompile the JSP files, make sure that:

• The MicroStrategy Web Universal application is deployed

in the WebSphere environment.
• You know the defined application name and the Web
Module’s name. You can retrieve these names from the
Administrative Console. Locate the application name
under the Enterprise Applications node. Locate the Web
Module name by expanding the application and clicking
Web Modules. The default name is Web Tier.

To precompile the JSP files

1 Change the directory to <WAS_ROOT>/bin.

2 Run the following command:

ApplicationName webModule cellName nodeName

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX)
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide serverName -keepgenerated

• If the administrative server is running in a security
enabled mode, you are prompted for the user ID and
password to connect to the Admin server.

username userID

password password

For each JSP file compiled without error, the following

message appears: Code generation successful.

Disable/relax auto-load parameters

Application servers typically reload certain resources more

often than necessary in a production environment. To disable
or relax such parameters to improve system performance, see
the application server’s documentation.

Configuring the IBM HTTP Server to serve static


The IBM HTTP Server (Web server) is tuned to effectively

serve static files. As a result, perceived performance is greatly
enhanced if you configure the IBM HTTP Server to serve
image, style sheet, and JavaScript files. This also reduces the
load on the WebSphere Server so that it can handle only
dynamic files while IBM HTTP Server handles static files.
This requires that you do the following:

• Configure the application server level to serve the Java

Server Pages (JSPs) and servlets, which are dynamic files
and handled by WebSphere.
• Configure the Web server level to serve the images,
JavaScripts, and style sheets, which are static files and
handled by the IBM HTTP Server.

For more information, see the IBM WebSphere Application

Server redbook covering System Management and
Configuration. This book discusses separating static content
from dynamic content.

224 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris)

This section provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Universal on a Sun Java
System application server 8.0 (previously known as Sun
ONE) in a UNIX/Linux environment. It includes the
following information:

• Preconfiguration information: Configuration that must

occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy Web

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal: Instructions

for deploying.

• Performance-based setup information: Optional settings

to increase the application’s performance.

These additional settings are not required, but can

increase the performance of MicroStrategy Web
Universal. Review this information prior to
deployment to see if any of these options are of
interest to you.
• Undeploying MicroStrategy Web Universal using the
command line utility: Instructions for undeploying
MicroStrategy Web Universal.

Throughout this guide Sun ONE is referred to as Sun

Java System (Sun ONE). The application server
changed names from Sun iPlanet, then to Sun ONE,
and then to Sun Java System application server.

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary for deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal on
your machine. This includes:

• Locating the WAR file

It also provides additional setup information that needs to be

done on the machine on which the application server and
Web server are already installed.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) 225
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

UNIX/Linux environment

The following table shows the recommended machine

configuration to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal with
Sun Java System (Sun ONE) 8.2 in a UNIX/Linux

Requirement Recommended

Operating system Solaris 9 or 10 (on SPARC)

Web server Sun Java System Web Server 6.1

Application server Sun Java System Application Server 8.2


For information on the version numbers certified and

supported by MicroStrategy, see the MicroStrategy readme

Windows environment

The following table shows the recommended machine

configuration for deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal in
a Windows environment:

Requirement Recommended

Operating system Windows 2003 SP2 (on x86)

Web server Sun Java System Web Server 6.1

Application server Sun Java System Application Server 8.2


For information on the version numbers certified and

supported by MicroStrategy, see the MicroStrategy readme

226 Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Universal application is packaged

within a single file, called a WAR file (Web ARchive),
following the J2EE specifications. You must deploy this WAR
file to run the application in your application server

The MicroStrategy Web Universal WAR file

(MicroStrategy.war)is located in the MicroStrategy Web
Universal deployment directory you specified during
installation. For more information on installation on UNIX
and Linux, see Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux,
page 84 in Chapter 3, Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX
and Linux. For more information on installation on
Windows, see Installation procedure, page 65 in Chapter 2,
Installing MicroStrategy on Windows.

Tothatdeploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps

are specific to the application server you are
using. For more details, see the application server
vendor documentation or follow the instructions
within this guide. You should also follow any relevant
preconfiguration instructions within this chapter.

After deploying the MicroStrategy.war file, you can view

the WEB-INF/log folder. The log folder retains all the log
files except for the ncsportal.log files, which are created
in the application server root folder. For more information on
the directory structure after deploying the WAR file, see
Directory structure after deploying the WAR file, page 187.

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

Once your machine has been configured, you can deploy
MicroStrategy Web Universal with Sun Java System
Application Server 8.2.

The Performance-based setup information section

provides information on additional settings that can
increase application performance. These additional
settings are not required but can increase the

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) 227
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

performance of MicroStrategy Web Universal. Review

this information prior to deployment to see if any of
these settings are of interest to you.

The deployment involves the steps below, which are

explained in detail in the following sections:

1 Launching the Sun Java System Application Server

Admin Console

2 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

3 Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

4 Connecting to the project page

The administration and deployment tools in Sun Java

System Application Server 8.2 have the same interface
regardless of the operating system on which they run.
Therefore, the deployment process is the same for all
operating systems, and is described below. There are
some minor changes in the Windows environment,
which are highlighted where necessary.

Launching the Sun Java System Application

Server Admin Console

This procedure describes the steps to launch the Sun Java

System Application Server.

To launch the Sun Java System Application Server Admin


1 Access the Sun Java System Application Server Admin

Console by typing the following URL:


where machine_name is the IP address or the name of

the machine where you installed Sun Java System, and
admin_port is the administration server port you
provided during the installation. By default, the
admin_port is 4848.

228 Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Inpointa Windows environment, from the Start menu,

to Programs, then Sun MicroSystems, then
Application Server 8.2, and then choose Admin

2 Enter the user name and password that you provided

during the installation.

default, the user name is admin. There is no
set by default. It is mandatory for you to
assign a password during the installation.

3 If the Administration Server is not running, an error

message appears. To start the Administration Server,
navigate to the following directory in the command


and type the following command:

>asadmin start-domain domain1

where domain1 is the default domain server, or the

server you are currently working on.
Once the Administration Server starts, type the URL to
access Administration Server.

4 If the Administration Server is running, the following

messages appear:
>asadmin start-domain domain1

Starting Domain domain1, please wait.

Log redirected to

Domain domain1 is ready to receive client

requests. Additional services are being
started in background

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) 229
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

After launching the Sun Java System Application Server

Admin Console, follow the steps below to deploy
MicroStrategy Web Universal as a WAR file.

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal as a WAR file

1 Access the Admin Console.

2 Enter the user name and password that you assigned

during the installation. By default, the user name is

3 Expand the Application Server tree view.

4 Expand Applications under the server you are using. By

default, the application server created is server1.

5 Select Web Applications and click Deploy. Deploy Web

Module opens in the right pane.

6 Type the full path or browse to the location where you

want to deploy the WAR file.

7 Select or clear the following check boxes according to your

• Re-deploy if already exists

• Run Verifier
• Precompile JSPs

is recommended you select the Precompile JSPs
box to quickly load the Web pages in the
application server when you access it for the first

• Virtual Servers

8 Click OK.

230 Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page

For security purposes, you must only assign certain users the
authorization to access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator
page. To do this, map the Admin security role to only those
users for whom you want to grant permission to work in the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page.

Sun Java System Application Server 8.2 supports the

following authentication realms:

• File

• Admin-realm

• Certificate

realm, also called a security policy domain or
domain, is a scope over which a common
security policy is defined and enforced by the security
administrator of the security service. For more
information, see the following resource:

In Sun Java System Application Server 8.2, the file realm is

selected by default. To create users in the default realm, click
File, then click Manage Users to start creating users
authorized to access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator

Mapping a security role

A descriptor file, sun-web.xml, enables Sun Java System to

map the existing users or groups to different security roles.
This file is located in the
<webapplication_root_dir>/WEB-INF folder. You can
modify this file if you want to change the default values for
security roles.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) 231
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

The contents of this file are as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun

Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server
8.1 Servlet 2.4//EN"








For mapping security roles to users and user groups, the

sun-web.xml file assumes the default values that are
provided during installation of Sun Java System Application
Server 8.2 and deployment of MicroStrategy Web Universal.
The following are the values taken for context-root, role
mapping, and the user or principal user:
• Context-root is set to MicroStrategy. This is the default
value for the context name when deploying MicroStrategy
Web Universal.

• Role mapping is set to admin. This is the default value

specified in the web.xml file.
• The user or principal name is also set to admin. This is the
default name assigned to the user when installing Sun
Java System Application Server 8.2.

Ifrole,youormake changes to the default values of context,

user name while installing Sun Java System
Application Server 8.2 or deploying MicroStrategy

232 Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Web Universal, be sure that you update the

sun-web.xml file before you deploy MicroStrategy
Web Universal.

Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator


When installing Sun Java System Application Server 8.2, the

user that you create is saved in the admin realm. By default,
the user name is admin. You must enable this admin user to
access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page.

To access the admin user, you must change the default realm,
file, to the admin realm.

To access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

1 Expand Configuration from the tree view, and select

Security. Security features are displayed on the right

2 Select the admin realm from the Default Realm

drop-down list.

3 Click Save to change the default realm.

4 Stop and restart the application server. For more

information, see Restarting the application server,
page 233.

Restarting the application server

You must stop and restart the application server instance to

apply changes. This is necessary after most changes to the
application server configuration, such as creating a user.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) 233
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To restart the application server

After changing the application server configuration or

creating a user, a message Apply Changes Required is

1 Click on the message Apply Changes Required.

If the server must be restarted, the Restart Required

message is displayed.

2 Click Restart.

You can also restart the application server by navigating

through the left menu, as follows:

1 Expand Application Server.

2 Select the server instance you are currently working on

and click the Stop Instance button displayed on the right
panel. The Sun Java System Application Server
Administration Console window opens.

3 Follow the instructions given in the Sun Java System

Application Server Administration Console window to
stop and restart the application server.

After restarting the application server, follow the procedure

below to connect to the project page.

Connecting to the project page

After restarting the application server, follow the steps

described here to connect to the project page.

To connect to the Project page

In a Web browser, type the following URL:


234 Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

If you have used all the default variables, you can access
the following URLs:




You are now ready to use MicroStrategy Web Universal.

Performance-based setup information

The performance of MicroStrategy Web Universal can be
increased by configuring various components. These
additional settings are not necessary, but they can improve
the performance of MicroStrategy Web Universal. This
section provides the following configurations:

• Setting the Java heap size

• Undeploying MicroStrategy Web Universal using the

command line utility, after deployment

Setting the Java heap size

The maximum Java heap size, which handles all the Java
requests, is set to 512MB by default.

To set the Java heap size

1 Navigate to Application server.

2 Click JVM Settings and select JVM Options. You can

view the argument -Xmx512. This is the default value for
the maximum heap size.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System (Solaris) 235
6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

3 Click Add JVM Options to include additional arguments

using -Xmx -Xms. For example, if you want to set the
maximum heap size to 1GB and minimum heap size to
512MB, then the argument you provide is -Xmx1024m
and -Xms512m.

Undeploying MicroStrategy Web Universal using

the command line utility

Sun recommends undeploying an application before

deploying a newer version. To undeploy an existing
MicroStrategy Web Universal application, use the following

-undeploy -user admin-user -password password

-port4849 MicroStrategy

You are not required to provide the path to the WAR file.
When an application is deployed, Sun Java System (Sun
ONE) saves a copy of the WAR file under the
<install-dir>/ias/JARS folder and looks for that copy
when undeploying.

After the undeployment is finished, stop and restart the

application server for the changes to take effect.

Deploying with Tomcat (Windows)

This chapter provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Universal in a Tomcat-only
environment. For information on how to configure Tomcat to
work with IIS, see iishowto.html (Tomcat 5.0.x) in the
Tomcat documentation.

This chapter has the following sections:

• Preconfiguration information: configuration that must

occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy Web

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal: instructions

for deploying, including step-by step procedures.

236 Deploying with Tomcat (Windows) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal on Tomcat
on your machine.

This section uses the following configuration. While your

setup may vary slightly, for example, you may have different
versions of these applications, the overall process remains the

Requirement Recommended

Operating system Windows 2003 SP2 (on x86)

Application server Tomcat 5.0.x


Configuring the JDK

If you have not installed SUN JDK 1.4.2 yet, download it from
website. Be sure to install the JDK, not the JRE.

 When you go to the download site, you may be

presented with a number of software options. These
might include terms such as JRE, JDK, and Java SDK.
You must install a developer kit (which can be termed
JDK or SDK) rather than installing only the JRE.

Totheconfigure the JDK, a system variable must point to

folder where you install the JDK. If you install the
JDK to a simple folder path such as C:\ then setting
the system variable is easier and more likely to be

After you install the Sun JDK, you must configure it.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat (Windows) 237

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To configure the JDK

1 On your Windows Desktop, right-click My Computer and

select Properties. The System Properties dialog box

2 Select the Advanced tab.

3 Click Environment Variables. The Environment

Variables dialog box opens.

4 Under System Variables, click New to create a system

variable. The New System Variable dialog box opens.

5 In the Variable Name box, type JAVA_HOME.

6 In the Variable Value box, specify the destination folder

where you installed the JDK and click OK.
For example, if the fully qualified path to your JDK
executable is C:\j2sdk1.1.4.2_10\bin\java.exe,
the value of your JAVA_HOME variable is

you have installed JDK under the Program Files
type Progra~1 in the destination folder;
otherwise the system does not recognize the folder.
For example, C:\Progra~1\j2sdk1.4.2.

Configuring Tomcat

This procedure assumes you have downloaded and installed

Tomcat on your machine. You can download Tomcat from
the Apache website; depending on the version you want to
download, you may need to locate the appropriate file in
Apache’s Archive area. Instructions for downloading and
installing Tomcat are also available on the Apache website.

To configure Tomcat, a system variable must point to the

folder where you install Tomcat. If you install Tomcat to a
simple folder path such as C:\Tomcat then setting the
system variable is easier and more likely to be correct.

238 Deploying with Tomcat (Windows) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

After you install Tomcat, you must configure it.

To configure Tomcat

1 On your Windows Desktop, right-click My Computer and

select Properties. The System Properties dialog box

2 Select the Advanced tab.

3 Click Environment Variables. The Environment

Variables dialog box opens.

4 Under System Variables, click New to create a system

variable. The New System Variable dialog box opens.

5 In the Variable Name box, type CATALINA_HOME.

6 In the Variable Value box specify the destination folder

where you installed Tomcat and click OK. For example, if
you installed Tomcat directly to the C drive, the
destination folder is C:\Tomcat.

you installed Tomcat under the Program Files
type Progra~1 when specifying the
destination folder in the Value box. Otherwise, the
system does not recognize the folder. For example,

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Universal application is packaged

within a single file, called a WAR file (Web ARchive),
following the J2EE specifications, which you must deploy to
run the application in your application server environment.

The MicroStrategy Web Universal WAR file

(MicroStrategy.war) is located in the path you specified
when installing MicroStrategy Web Universal. The default
location is C:\Program Files

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat (Windows) 239

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To deploy it, you must follow a set of steps that are specific to
the application server you are using. For more details, see the
application server vendor documentation or follow the
instructions within this guide. You should also follow any
relevant preconfiguration instructions within this chapter.

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

Assuming you have made all the necessary configurations
described above, you can begin deploying MicroStrategy Web
Universal with Tomcat. This involves the following steps:

1 Deploying using Tomcat as a stand-alone Web container

2 Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page

3 Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

4 Launching the project

Deploying using Tomcat as a stand-alone Web


To deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal using Tomcat as a

stand-alone Web container

1 Copy the MicroStrategy.war file to the

<tomcat-directory>\webapps directory.
Instructions on locating the MicroStrategy.war file can be
found in the previous section, Locating the WAR file,
page 239.

Stop and start Tomcat from the command line

2 From the Start menu, select Run. The Run dialog box

3 Type cmd in the Open drop-down list and click OK. The
command prompt opens.

240 Deploying with Tomcat (Windows) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

4 Browse to the <tomcat-directory>\bin directory,

where tomcat-directory is the folder in which you
installed Tomcat. For example, in the command prompt,
cd C:\Tomcat\bin
where C:\Tomcat is the folder where you installed
Tomcat. Press ENTER.

5 Type C: and press ENTER again. C:\Tomcat\bin>


6 Type startup to start Tomcat and shutdown to stop it.

you installed Tomcat under the Program Files
type Progra~1 when you change folders in the
command prompt. Otherwise, the system does not
recognize the folder. For example,

MicroStrategy Web Universal is deployed automatically.

There is now a MicroStrategy folder under
<tomcat-directory>\webapps directory.

ncsportal.log files are created in the Application server

root folder and not in the log folder of MicroStrategy,
i.e., WEB-INF\log folder.

Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page

The MicroStrategy Web Administrator page is accessible only

to users with an “admin” role. To create a user/password set
that is authorized to access the Administrator page, you must
create the users and assign them the role of admin under the
Tomcat user configuration file. The steps to give a user access
to the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page follow.

To control access to the MicroStrategy Web Administrator


1 In the <tomcat-directory>/conf directory, open the

tomcat-users.xml file in a program that allows you to
edit the file, such as Notepad.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat (Windows) 241

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

2 Add the following tag and save the file:

<user name=”administrator”
password=”administrator” roles=”admin”/>

You can specify any value in the user name and
fields. These are used to log in to the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page. The
roles field is required to be admin.

3 Stop and start Tomcat from the command line.

Now you can start MicroStrategy Web Administrator to add

and connect to an Intelligence Server. To configure
MicroStrategy Web Administrator, see Accessing the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, page 249.

Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator


To configure the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

1 In a Web browser, access the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page by specifying the following URL:



The servlet names are case-sensitive. Make sure to use the

correct case when typing the mstrWebAdmin name. If
the application server is enabled with security, a dialog
box related to the administrator authentication opens.

Ifnotyouneedaretousing Tomcat integrated with IIS, you do

specify the port number in the URL.
However, when using Tomcat as a stand-alone
Web container, you must specify the port number.
The default port for Tomcat is 8080.

2 When prompted for a user name and password, use the

same values you specified in the tomcat-users.xml

242 Deploying with Tomcat (Windows) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

3 Once you log in, the MicroStrategy Web Administrator

page is displayed.

4 Add and connect to an Intelligence Server.

Proceed to launch the MicroStrategy Web Universal project.

For more information, see Launching the project, page 243

Launching the project

In a Web browser, access MicroStrategy Web Universal using

this URL:

Deploying with Tomcat (Linux)

This section provides information on how to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Universal with Tomcat in a
Linux environment.

This chapter has the following sections:

• Preconfiguration information: Configuration that must

occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy Web
• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal: Instructions
for deploying, including detailed steps

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal with
Tomcat on your Windows machine.

• Installing the JDK

• Configuring the JDK

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat (Linux) 243

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

• Installing Tomcat

• Configuring Tomcat

• Locating the WAR file

This section uses the following setup. While your setup may
vary slightly, for example, you may have different versions of
these applications, the overall process remains the same.

Requirement Recommended

Operating system RedHat Enterprise Linux AS Version 3 update

8 (on x86-64)
RedHat Enterprise Linux AS Version 4 update
6 (on x86-64)

Application server Tomcat 5.0.x


Installing the JDK

If you have not installed SUN JDK 1.4.2 yet, download the
shell file from the
website. Be sure to install the JDK, not the JRE.

 When you go to the download site, you may be

presented with a number of software options. These
might include terms such as JRE, JDK, and Java SDK.
You must install a developers kit (which can be termed
JDK or SDK) rather than installing only the JRE.

Totheconfigure the JDK, a system variable must point to

folder where you install the JDK. If you install the
JDK to a simple folder path such as C:\ then setting
the system variable is easier and more likely to be

From the location in which to install the JDK, run the shell
file you downloaded:


244 Deploying with Tomcat (Linux) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

For example, to install version 1.4.2, type the following:


Configuring the JDK

After you install the Sun JDK, you must configure it.

To configure the JDK

1 Open the /etc/profile file using a program that allows

you to edit the file.

2 Add the following line:

export JAVA_HOME

where <path_name> is the destination folder where you

installed the JDK and <version> is the version, such as
1_4_2_13, of the JDK.

Installing Tomcat

If you have not installed Tomcat 5.0.x yet, download it from

website. For Linux, you need the file.

From the location in which to install Tomcat, uncompress the

file with the following command:

Instructions for downloading and installing Tomcat are also

available on the Apache website.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat (Linux) 245

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring Tomcat

After you install Tomcat, you must configure it by editing the

following files in the <Tomcat directory>/bin directory,
where <Tomcat directory> is the directory in which
Tomcat is installed:




To edit the file

1 Type the following command to edit the


2 Set the JAVA_HOME variable to the location where JDK is


3 Save and close the file.

To edit the file

1 Type the following command to edit the


2 Set the JAVA_HOME variable to the location where JDK is


3 Save and close the file.

To edit the file

1 Type the following command to edit the file:

246 Deploying with Tomcat (Linux) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6


2 Set the CLASSPATH variable to the following:


where <tomcat-directory> is the location where

Tomcat is installed.

3 Save and close the file.

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Universal application is packaged

within a single file, called a WAR file (Web ARchive),
following the J2EE specifications. You must deploy the WAR
file to run the application in your application server

The MicroStrategy Web Universal WAR file

(MicroStrategy.war) is located in the path you specified
when installing MicroStrategy Web Universal. For more
information, see Installation procedures on UNIX and
Linux, page 84 in Chapter 3, Installing MicroStrategy on
UNIX and Linux.

deploy the MicroStrategy.war file, you must
a set of steps that are specific to the application
server you are using. For more details, see your
application server vendor documentation or follow the
instructions within this guide. You should also follow
any relevant preconfiguration instructions within this

After deploying the MicroStrategy.war file, you can view

the WEB-INF folder, which contains a subfolder named log.
The log folder retains all the log files except for the
ncsportal.log files. They are created in the Application
server root folder. For more information on the directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, see Directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, page 187.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat (Linux) 247

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

After you have performed the configurations described
above, you can begin deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal
with Tomcat. This involves the following steps:

1 Deploying using Tomcat as a standalone Web container

2 Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

3 Launching the project

Deploying using Tomcat as a standalone Web


To deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal using Tomcat as a

standalone Web container

1 Copy the MicroStrategy.war file to the

<tomcat-directory>\webapps directory.Instructions
on locating the MicroStrategy.war file can be found in the
previous section, Locating the WAR file, page 247.

2 In the <tomcat-directory>/bin, type

to start Tomcat, which deploys MicroStrategy Web
Universal automatically. There is now a MicroStrategy
folder under the <tomcat-directory>\webapps

Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page

The MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, mstrWebAdmin

servlet, is accessible only to users with an admin role. To
create a user and password set that is authorized to access the
Administrator page, you must create the users and assign
them the admin role under the Tomcat user configuration

248 Deploying with Tomcat (Linux) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

To control access to the MicroStrategy Web Administrator


1 In the <tomcat-directory>/conf directory, open the

tomcat-users.xml file using a program that allows you
to edit the file.

2 Add the following tags and save the file:

<role rolename=”admin”/>

<user username=”admin” password=”admin”


<user username=”system”
password=”goldengate” roles=”admin”/>

You can specify any value in the user name and
fields. These are used to log in to the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page. The
roles field must be admin.

3 Stop and restart Tomcat.

Now you can start MicroStrategy Web Administrator to add

and connect to an Intelligence Server. To configure
MicroStrategy Web Administrator, see Accessing the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, page 249.

Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator


To configure the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

1 In a Web browser, access the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page by specifying the following URL:


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat (Linux) 249

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

The servlet names are case-sensitive. Be sure to use the

correct case when typing the mstrWebAdmin name. If
the application server is enabled with security, a dialog
box related to the administrator authentication opens.

2 When prompted for a user name and password, use the

same values you specified in the tomcat-users.xml

3 When you log in, the MicroStrategy Web Administrator

page is displayed.

4 Add and connect to an Intelligence Server.

Proceed to launch the MicroStrategy Web Universal project.

For more information, see Launching the project, page 250.

Launching the project

In a Web browser, access MicroStrategy Web Universal using

the following URL:

Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX)

This section provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Universal on an AIX machine
using the SAP application server.

This section includes the following information:

• Preconfiguration information: Configuration that must

occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy Web

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal: Instructions

for deploying the application.

250 Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal on your
machine. It also provides additional setup information for the
machine where the application server and Web server are
already installed.

The configuration required to deploy MicroStrategy Web

Universal on SAP is provided in the following table. While
your configuration may vary slightly, for example, you may
have different versions of these applications, the overall
process remains the same.

Requirement Recommended

Operating system AIX 5.2 or 5.3

Application server SAP NetWeaver Application Server 6.40

For information on the version numbers certified and

supported by MicroStrategy, see the MicroStrategy
readme file.

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Universal application is packaged

within a single file, called a WAR file (Web ARchive),
following the J2EE specifications. You must deploy this WAR
file to run the application in your application server

The MicroStrategy Web Universal WAR file

(MicroStrategy.war)is located in the MicroStrategy Web
Universal deployment directory you specified during
installation. For more information on this deployment
directory, see Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux,
page 84.

Tothatdeploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps

are specific to the application server you are
using. For more details, see the application server

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX) 251

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

vendor documentation or follow the instructions

within this guide. You should also follow any relevant
preconfiguration instructions within this chapter.

After deploying the MicroStrategy.war file, you can view

the WEB-INF/log folder. The log folder retains all the log
files except for the ncsportal.log files, which are created
in the application server root folder. For more information on
the directory structure after deploying the WAR file, see
Directory structure after deploying the WAR file, page 187.

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

Once your machine has the necessary settings configured,
you can deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal on the SAP-AIX
machine. Deployment involves the following steps:

1 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal with the SAP

NetWeaver Application Server

2 Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator Page

3 Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator Page

4 Undeploying the MicroStrategy Web Universal


Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal with the

SAP NetWeaver Application Server

Follow the steps provided in this section to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Universal as a WAR file.

the Deploy Tool causes performance issues, you can
the Java heap size in the Deploy Tool (shell or
batch) file using the following options:

• -Xms128m and -Xmx128m

For example, the option -Xms128m initially

allocates 128MB of memory for the program to run
in. The option -Xmx128m allows a maximum of

252 Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

128MB of memory to be allocated during program

execution. If the maximum value is larger than the
initial value, memory can be allocated up to the
maximum value during the execution of the

• other higher memory settings

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal as a WAR file

1 Launch the Deploy Tool using the command line. The

Deploy Tool window opens.

2 From the Project menu, select New Project. The New

Project dialog box opens.

3 Provide a name for your project in the Address field and

specify a directory for your project in the Directories
pane. Click OK. A new project is created within the
specified directory.

4 Select the Assembler tab on the Deploy Tool. The new

project created is displayed on the left pane.

5 Right-click the project and select Add Archive. The

Please select the file for the EAR component dialog box

6 Select the appropriate WAR file (MicroStrategy.WAR)

and click OK.

For more information on locating the WAR file, see

Locating the WAR file, page 251.

After the WAR file is added, it is displayed under the

project name.

7 Right-click the project and select Make EAR (Enterprise

ARchive). The Please select name for the EAR dialog box

8 Provide a name for the EAR file in the Address field and
click OK. The status bar on the Deploy Tool notifies you
when the EAR file is created. It also displays the file name
and path.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX) 253

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

9 Select the Deployer tab on the Deploy Tool.

10 From the Deploy menu, choose Connect or click

Connect on the tool bar. The login dialog box opens.

11 Specify a user name and password.

12 From the Deploy menu, select Deployment and then

choose Deploy EAR to start deploying the EAR file. The
Deploy Tool status bar displays a progress bar and the

Start Deploying.

When the EAR file is deployed, the following message is


Application Deployed Successfully. Do you

want to start it?

13 Click Yes to start MicroStrategy Web Universal.

Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator Page

You can configure security roles to control access to the

MicroStrategy Web Administrator page. A security role
named “admin” is created for the MicroStrategy Web
Universal application within SAP NetWeaver. To allow access
to the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, map users or
groups to this existing security role. The SAP NetWeaver tool
known as Visual Administrator helps you configure security
roles. Refer to your SAP NetWeaver documentation for more
information or contact MicroStrategy Technical Support.

Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator


Before you start MicroStrategy Web Universal, you must

configure the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page.

254 Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

You must have administrative privileges to access the

MicroStrategy Web Administrator page. For more
information, see Controlling access to the
MicroStrategy Web Administrator Page, page 254.

To access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

1 Access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page by

specifying the following URL in the Web browser:

The login dialog box opens.

2 Specify a user name and password.

3 Connect to the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server to use

with MicroStrategy Web.

For more information on specifying or adding an

Intelligence Server to connect to MicroStrategy
Web, see the MicroStrategy Web Administrator
online help.

4 Access the MicroStrategy Web Application on SAP Web

Server by specifying the following URL in the Web


Undeploying the MicroStrategy Web Universal


To undeploy the MicroStrategy Web Universal application

1 Launch the Deploy Tool using the command line. The

Deploy Tool window opens.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with SAP NetWeaver (AIX) 255

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

2 From the Deploy menu, point to Deployment, and then

choose Undeploy. The Undeploy Editor Panel dialog box

3 Select the application to undeploy from the list of

applications displayed.

The application name for MicroStrategy Web

Universal is the name of the project created when
deploying the application as a WAR file.

4 Click OK to undeploy the MicroStrategy Web Universal

application. When the MicroStrategy Web Universal
application is undeployed, the status bar displays the
following message:

Undeploy of application Name) finished

Deploying with Oracle 10g (Windows)

This chapter provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Universal on the Windows
2000 operating system with Apache as the Web server and
Oracle 10g as the application server.

This chapter has the following sections:

• Preconfiguration information: Configuration that must
occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy Web

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal: Instructions

for deploying, including detailed steps.

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal on your

256 Deploying with Oracle 10g (Windows) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

This section uses the following setup. While your setup may
vary slightly, for example, you may have different versions of
these applications, the overall process remains the same.

Requirement Recommended

Operating system Windows 2003 SP2 (on x86)

Application server Oracle 10g 10.1.3

Web server Apache 2.0.x


Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Universal application is packaged

within a single file, called a WAR file (Web ARchive),
following the J2EE specifications, which you must deploy to
run the application in your application server environment.

The MicroStrategy Web Universal WAR file

(MicroStrategy.war) is located in the path you specified
when installing MicroStrategy Web Universal. For more
information, see Installation procedure, page 65 in Chapter
2, Installing MicroStrategy on Windows.

deploy the MicroStrategy.war file, you must
a set of steps that are specific to the application
server you are using. For more details, see your
application server vendor documentation or follow the
instructions within this guide.

After deploying the MicroStrategy.war file, you can view

the WEB-INF folder, which contains a subfolder named log.
The log folder retains all the log files except for the
ncsportal.log files. They are created in the application
server root folder. For more information on the directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, see Directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, page 187.

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal

After your machine is configured, you can start the
deployment of MicroStrategy Web Universal with Oracle 10g.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Oracle 10g (Windows) 257

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Universal, perform the

following procedures:

1 Deploying using the Oracle Enterprise Manager

2 Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

3 Launching the project

Deploying using the Oracle Enterprise Manager

You can access Oracle Enterprise Manager from the following



where machine_name is the machine name or IP address of

the Oracle machine, and port_number is the port number of
Oracle Enterprise Manager.

To deploy with the Oracle Enterprise Manager

1 Start the Apache Web Server. From the Start menu, point
to OracleAS 10g - DEFAULT_HOME1, and then choose
Start application_server_name.machine_name.

2 To verify that the Apache Web Server has started, open

Oracle Enterprise Manager, select HTTP Server, and then
click Start.

3 Select the OC4J instance where you want to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Universal. This procedure assumes
you are using the default instance name home. Click
home. The OC4J: home page opens.

4 Select the Applications tab.

5 Click Deploy. The Deploy: Select Archive page opens.

6 In the Archive area, select Archive is present on local


258 Deploying with Oracle 10g (Windows) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

7 Click Browse to navigate to and select the

MicroStrategy.war file.

For more information on locating the

MicroStrategy.war file, see Locating the WAR
file, page 257.

8 In the Deployment Plan area, select Automatically

create a new deployment plan and click Next. The
Deploy: Application Attributes page opens.

9 Enter the Application Name and Context Root. This

section on deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal with
Oracle 10g uses MicroStrategy as the Application Name
and /MicroStrategy as the Context Root.

10 Click Next. The Deploy: Deployment Settings page opens.

To map a user to the admin security role

The MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

(mstrWebAdmin servlet) is accessible only to users with
an admin security role. To control access to it, map the
admin security role only to those users for whom you
want to grant permission to work in the MicroStrategy
Web Administrator page. In Oracle 10g, the security users
and groups are defined in the Oracle Enterprise Manager.

11 In the Map Security Roles task name, click the Go To

Task (pencil) icon. The Deployment Settings: Map
Security Roles page opens.

12 For the admin security role, select the Map Role (pencil)
icon. The Deployment Settings: Map Security Role: admin
page opens.

13 Select Map selected users and groups to this role.

14 In the Map Role to Users area, in the User text box,

enter the user name to map to the admin security role and
click Add.

Repeat this step to add all users for whom you want to
grant permission to work in the MicroStrategy Web
Administrator page.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Oracle 10g (Windows) 259

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

15 Click Continue, and then click OK. You are returned to

the Deploy: Deployment Settings page.

16 Click on Deploy to deploy the MicroStrategy Web


17 Stop and restart the Apache Web Server.

Any users mapped to the admin security role can now access
the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page to add and
connect to an Intelligence Server. For information about this,
see Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Administrator


To access the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page

1 In a Web browser, access the MicroStrategy Web

Administrator page by specifying the following URL:

where IP_address is the IP address of the Oracle

machine. The servlet name is case-sensitive, so be sure to
use the correct case when typing the mstrWebAdmin

2 When prompted for a user name and password, specify

the values you used earlier when creating the user
mapped to the admin security role (see Deploying using
the Oracle Enterprise Manager above).

3 After you log in, the MicroStrategy Web Administrator

page appears.

4 Add and connect to an Intelligence Server.

You can now launch the MicroStrategy Web Universal

project. For details, see Launching the project below.

260 Deploying with Oracle 10g (Windows) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Launching the project

In a Web browser, access MicroStrategy Web Universal using

this URL:
where IP_address is the IP address of the Oracle machine.

The projects on the Intelligence Server appear, and you are

ready to use MicroStrategy Web Universal.

Administering your MicroStrategy Web

You configure and manage MicroStrategy Web and
MicroStrategy Web Universal connections to Intelligence
Servers in the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page.

For more information about administering MicroStrategy

Web, see the Deploying the System chapter of the
MicroStrategy System Administration Guide.

Enabling users to install MicroStrategy Office from Web

From the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, you can
designate the installation directory path to MicroStrategy
Office, and also determine whether or not a link to Office
installation information appears in the MicroStrategy Web

To specify the path to MicroStrategy Office and determine

whether or not users can install MicroStrategy Office from

1 From the Windows Start menu, select Programs,

MicroStrategy, Web, and then Web Administrator. The
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page opens.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Administering your MicroStrategy Web deployment 261

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

If your server is not connected, click Connect.

2 Underneath Web Server on the left, click MicroStrategy
Office. The MicroStrategy Office settings page opens.

3 In the Path to MicroStrategy Office Installation field,

type the base URL of your MicroStrategy Web Services
machine, for example:


MicroStrategy Web automatically attaches

/Lang_xxxx/officeinstall.htm to the end of
the URL, where Lang_xxxx refers to the currently
defined language in MicroStrategy Web. For
example, if the language in MicroStrategy Web is
set to English, a completed URL may appear as


4 Test the URL path by clicking Go. If the path you specified
is correct, the MicroStrategy Office Installation page is

5 Click your browser's Back button to return to the Web

Administration - MicroStrategy Office settings page.

6 To ensure that an 'Install MicroStrategy Office' link is

displayed at the top of users’ project selection and login
pages in MicroStrategy Web, select the Show link to
installation page for all users on the Projects and
Login pages check box. When users click the 'Install
MicroStrategy Office' link, a page opens with instructions
on how to install MicroStrategy Office on their machine.

7 Click Save to save the settings.

262 Administering your MicroStrategy Web deployment © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal 6

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

After completing the steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web or
Web Universal, you can continue your setup and
configuration. To help guide the rest of your installation and
configuration steps, refer to the section Installation and
configuration checklists, page 58 in Chapter 1, Planning
Your Installation, for installation and configuration

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring your MicroStrategy installation 263

6 Deploying MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal Installation and Configuration Guide

264 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



This chapter describes the procedure to deploy MicroStrategy

Web Services for ASP.NET and J2EE platforms. The process
of deploying the ASP.NET version of MicroStrategy Web on
Windows with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
is explained in detail.

Steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services in a UNIX/Linux

or Windows environment with selected Web and application
servers is also explained in detail. MicroStrategy Web
Services J2EE is platform-independent and can be deployed
using different combinations of operating systems, Web
servers, and application servers.

Web application servers are not MicroStrategy

products, so detailed steps cannot be provided for
every combination of application server and operating
system. This chapter supplies instructions for a few of
the most common combinations and procedures. The
procedures for different operating systems and Web
application server configurations are similar, but you
should refer to the vendor-provided information and

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 265

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

documentation for details specific to your

configuration, or contact MicroStrategy Technical

MicroStrategy Web Services provides a standard SOAP-based

implementation of XML Web Services. It is used by
MicroStrategy Office and can also support MicroStrategy
SDK programming.

This chapter has the following sections:

• Deploying with IIS (Windows), page 266

• General steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services

J2EE, page 267

• Deploying with WebLogic, page 268

• Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server,

page 279

• Deploying with Sun Java System, page 290

• Deploying with Tomcat, page 301

• Deploying with SAP, page 304

• Deploying with Oracle 10g, page 309

• Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

deployment, page 314

• Administering your MicroStrategy Web Services

deployment, page 317
• Configuring your MicroStrategy installation, page 317

Deploying with IIS (Windows)

MicroStrategy Web Services ASP.NET can be deployed with
IIS only on Windows. This is handled automatically when you
choose to install MicroStrategy Web Services ASP.NET
during the installation process. See Chapter 2, Installing
MicroStrategy on Windows for details on installing
MicroStrategy on Windows.

266 Deploying with IIS (Windows) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

General steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web

Services J2EE
After you have installed MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE,
you can deploy and configure it for your specific
environment. The configuration and deployment steps are
provided in the Web server and application server sections in
this chapter. The table below lists the general steps for all

High-Level Deployment Steps

1 Log on to the application server by using the proper user name and
2 Locate the MicroStrategyWS.war file in the MicroStrategy Web
Services J2EE Deployment Directory you specified during
3 To increase the performance of the application and before
proceeding with the deployment, see the Performance-based setup
information section, if available, for your environment and configure
as necessary. Also, after deploying MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE on your machine, you may need to complete a few
performance-based setup steps.
4 Choose the desired deployment method.
5 Follow the deployment procedure.
6 View the MicroStrategy Web Services home page and validate
your installation.
7 Complete your installation by validating access to the runtime files,
editing your project sources file, and testing your Web Services

Directory structure after deploying the WAR file

The following table shows the default directory structure
after deploying the WAR file in your application server.

Directory Contents

\images All image files

\WEB-INF Configuration information for MicroStrategy Web

\WEB-INF\classes All resource files

\WEB-INF\lib All library files

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. General steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE 267
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Directory Contents

\Office Install media to enable the web-based installation

and upgrade mechanism for MicroStrategy Office

\WEB-INF\xml All MicroStrategy Web xml and xsl files

\WEB-INF\swf Shockwave files for viewing dashboards

Deploying with WebLogic

This section provides the information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using BEA
WebLogic as the application server. It provides the
instructions for WebLogic 8.x and assumes that your
application server is already installed and operational.

For a list of application servers and web servers that are

certified to work with MicroStrategy, see Application servers,
page 42 and Web servers, page 43.

This section includes the following information:

• WebLogic paths and folder locations, page 269: Default

folder structure for WebLogic.

• Preconfiguration information, page 270: Configuration

that must occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy
Web Services J2EE.
• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, page 271:
Instructions for deploying the application.

• Redeploying the application, page 277: Instructions for

re-deploying the application.

• Performance-based setup information, page 278:

Optional configuration settings to increase the
application’s performance.

The additional configuration steps are not required

to run MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, but these
settings can improve its performance. Review the
performance-based setup information prior to
deploying the system to see if these changes are of
interest to you.

268 Deploying with WebLogic © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

WebLogic paths and folder locations

This section presents the default folder structure for
WebLogic and provides the variables used throughout the
chapter to represent the WebLogic mydomain folder path.

Each version of WebLogic is installed with a different default

path to the WebLogic mydomain folder. When deploying
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, you must make some
changes within the WebLogic folders. Thus, it is important to
understand the WebLogic folder structure for the version of
WebLogic you are using. The default folder structure for
WebLogic 8.x is:

Note the following:

• <WEBLOGIC_HOME> is the WebLogic Server home

• The folder structures are configurable and your

organization may have changed the default names
or path.

If you cannot view the user_projects folder after

installing the application, perform the steps listed below.

To create the folder structure using the BEA WebLogic

Configuration Wizard

 These steps may not work for your version and

configuration of WebLogic. If the following steps do
not work, refer to your vendor documentation.

1 Start the WebLogic configuration by executing the

config.cmd from
<WEBLOGIC_HOME>\weblogic81\common\bin folder.
The BEA Weblogic Configuration Wizard opens to the
Create or Extend a Configuration page.

2 Select the Create a new Weblogic configuration option

and click Next. The Select a Configuration Template page

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic 269

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

3 Ensure the Basic Weblogic Server Domain is selected in

the left frame. Click Next. The Choose Express or Custom
Configuration page opens.

4 Select the Express option and click Next. The Configure

Administrative Username and Password page opens.

5 Enter a user name and password, and click Next. The

Configure Server Start Mode and Java SDK page opens.

6 Select the Development or Production mode option as


7 Select the Java SDK version and click Next. The Create
Weblogic Configuration page opens.

8 Ensure the Configuration Name field displays the name as

mydomain and then click Create.

Throughout this chapter, the WebLogic mydomain

folder is referred to as

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information to
deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE on your machine.
This includes Locating the WAR file, page 271.

Note the following:

• For information on the version numbers of
application servers, operating systems, and JVMs
supported or certified by MicroStrategy, see the
MicroStrategy readme.

• For information on installing WebLogic products,


• Before you start the deployment process, locate the

machine name and IP address.

270 Deploying with WebLogic © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE application is

packaged within a single file, called a WAR (Web ARchive)
file, following J2EE specifications. You must deploy the WAR
file to run the application in your application server
environment. For more information on installation on UNIX
or Linux, see Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux,
page 84. For more information on installation on Windows,
see Installation procedure, page 65.

The WAR file is placed in the folder you specified when

installing MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. Copy the WAR
file to the <WEBLOGIC_MYDOMAIN_FOLDER>. See WebLogic
paths and folder locations, page 269 for information on the
default folder structure.

Tothatdeploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps

are specific to the application server you are
using. For more details, see the application server
vendor documentation or follow the instructions
within this guide. You can also refer to the section
Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE,
page 271 for more details on deploying the WAR file.

After deploying the MicroStrategyWS.war file, you can

view the WEB-INF folder, which contains the subfolders
classes and lib. For more information on the directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, see Directory
structure after deploying the WAR file, page 267.

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

You can deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using one
of the following deployment methods:
• The automatic deployment (development mode) feature is
the easiest and fastest way. To deploy in development
mode, you can set the PRODUCTION_MODE parameter
value as false or blank in the startWebLogic file in
the file is, for Windows the file is
startWebLogic.cmd). For more information, see
Deploying automatically (development mode), page 273.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic 271

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

• The manual deployment feature can be used for

environments where the server is running in production
mode, and automatic deployment is turned off. To deploy
in production mode, you can set the PRODUCTION_MODE
parameter value as true in the startWebLogic file in
the file is, for Windows the file is
startWebLogic.cmd). For more information, see
Deploying manually (production mode), page 274.

When your machine has been configured with the necessary

settings, you can deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE
with WebLogic. This involves the following steps:

1 Starting the WebLogic application server, page 272

2 Deploying automatically (development mode), page 273

- or -

Deploying manually (production mode), page 274

3 Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home page,

page 276

4 Redeploying the application, page 277

Note the following:

• The Performance-based setup information,
page 278 section provides information on
additional settings to improve application
performance. These additional settings are not
required but can improve the performance of
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. Review this
information prior to deployment to see if these
options are of interest to you.

Starting the WebLogic application server

After choosing the deployment mode as development or

production, you must start the WebLogic application server.
You can start the WebLogic application server by using the
startWebLogic file in <WEBLOGIC_MYDOMAIN_FOLDER>/
(for UNIX/Linux the file is, for
Windows the file is startWebLogic.cmd).

272 Deploying with WebLogic © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Deploying automatically (development mode)

When the deployment is set to development mode, the

application is automatically deployed, as soon as you place
the WAR file or the exploded directory in the
<WEBLOGIC_MYDOMAIN_FOLDER>/applications folder.

With this method, you can deploy from an exploded

directory, where all the files contained in the WAR file are
extracted. When you deploy from an exploded directory, all of
the files and folders within the WAR file are exposed to

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE from the

exploded directory

For Solaris, the WAR file must be uncompressed by

the same Solaris user who started the application.

1 Locate the MicroStrategyWS.war file. It is located in

the MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE deployment
directory you specified during installation. For more
information on locating the WAR file, see Locating the
WAR file, page 271.

2 Create a new folder anywhere except in the


3 Copy the WAR file to the new folder.

4 To explode the WAR file in the folder you created, run the
following command from the command line:
jar -xvf MicroStrategyWS.war

5 Delete the MicroStrategyWS.war file from the new


6 Move the new folder to the


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic 273

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

The application is automatically deployed. To view your Web

Services home page, see Viewing the MicroStrategy Web
Services home page, page 276.

enhance the performance of MicroStrategy Web
J2EE, you can configure additional settings
after deployment. For more information, see
Performance-based setup information, page 278.

Deploying manually (production mode)

With manual deployment, you can deploy MicroStrategy Web

Services J2EE from an exploded directory, where all the files
contained in the WAR file are extracted. When you deploy
from an exploded directory, all of the files and folders within
the WAR file are exposed to WebLogic. This allows WebLogic
to access the required folders to perform any necessary
configurations to files in the exploded directory.

Perform the deployment in the


To manually deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE from

the exploded directory

1 Locate the MicroStrategyWS.war file. It is located in

the MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE deployment
directory you specified during installation.

2 Create a new folder in the

directory and transfer the WAR file to this directory.

3 Unzip the WAR file using the following command from

the command line:

jar -xvf MicroStrategyWS.war

4 Delete the MicroStrategyWS.war file from the new


5 Open the WebLogic Server (WLS) Admin Console by

accessing the following address:

274 Deploying with WebLogic © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

http://IP address:port/console/

where IP address is the IP address of the machine on

which you installed the WebLogic application server and
port is the port number for the WebLogic application

6 Type a valid user ID and password at the prompt. The

user ID and password are the ones you specified when
installing the WebLogic application server on your

7 To complete this operation, see Configure from the

WebLogic Server Admin Console, page 275.

Configure from the WebLogic Server Admin


To configure from the WebLogic Server (WLS) Admin

Console, refer to the procedure below.

To configure from the WLS Admin Console with WebLogic 8.x

1 Open the WLS Admin Console by accessing the following


http://IP address:port/console/

where IP address is the IP address of the machine on

which you installed the WebLogic application server and
port is the port number for the WebLogic application

2 Select mydomain, point to Deployments, and then

choose Web Application Modules. The Web Application
table opens.

3 Select Deploy a New Web Application Module.

4 Locate and select the WAR file to configure and deploy. If

you are deploying from the exploded directory, select the
root of the exploded directory.

5 Click the Target Module button.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic 275

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

6 Click Deploy, then wait for the application to activate.

enhance the performance of MicroStrategy Web
J2EE, you can configure additional settings
after deployment. For more information, see
Performance-based setup information, page 278.

Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home


Viewing the home page offers a first level of validation of

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.

To view the MicroStrategy Web Services home page

1 The address to launch MicroStrategy Web Services home

page is different for each deployment method. The
following table lists the various URLs to access
MicroStrategy Web Services using a WAR file or an
exploded directory.

Names are case-sensitive. Make sure to use the correct

case when typing. If the application server is enabled
with security, a dialog box related to the administrator
authentication opens.

Deployment Method Address

When deployed from a Access the home page from a browser using either of the following addresses:
WAR file • http://IPaddress:port/context_name/
• http://IPaddress/context_name/
The first URL accesses the Web Services home page through port for the
WebLogic application server. The second URL uses the Apache Web server
when WebLogic is configured with Apache Web server.
The context_name is the name you gave to the WAR file and IPaddress is
the IP address of your machine. By default, the context_name is

When deployed from Access the home page from a browser at this address:
an exploded directory http://IPaddress:port/context_folder/
where context_folder is the name of the folder where the application was
exploded and IPaddress is the IP address of your machine.

276 Deploying with WebLogic © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

You can now view the MicroStrategy Web Services home

page. You have completed the steps required to deploy
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. To validate access to the
required runtime files, edit your project sources file and test
your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE installation, refer to
the section Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE deployment, page 314.

Redeploying the application

If you have already deployed MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE with WebLogic and you change any parameters in the
web.xml file, you must re-deploy the application using the
WLS Admin Console. This allows the changes to take effect in
the deployed application.

To redeploy the application from the WLS Admin console

1 Open the WLS Admin Console by accessing the following


http://IP address:port/console/

where IP address is the IP address of the machine on

which you installed the WebLogic application server and
port is the port number for the WebLogic application

2 Type a valid user ID and password at the prompt. The

user ID and password refer to the details you specified
when installing the WebLogic application server on your

3 In the left frame, select mydomain, point to

Deployments, and then choose Web Application
Modules. The Web Application table opens, which lists
the MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE applications that
have been deployed.

4 Click the application that you want to re-deploy, such as

MicroStrategyWS. The information for the application

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebLogic 277

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

5 In the right frame, select the Deploy tab.

6 Click Redeploy. The application is redeployed.

Performance-based setup information

The performance of MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE can be
enhanced in certain cases with configurations to various
components. These additional configurations are not
required. This section provides the following configurations
intended to enhance the performance of Web Services J2EE:

• Setting the Java heap size

Setting the Java heap size

The Java heap size for the WebLogic Server can be increased
by modifying the JAVA_OPTIONS variable in the
startWebLogic file.

To increase the Java heap size

1 Open the startWebLogic file in the folder


For UNIX/Linux the file is,

for Windows the file is startWebLogic.cmd.

2 Look for the following line in the file:

set JAVA_OPTIONS = ”-ms128m -mx128m”

This line reflects a Java heap size of 128 MB. Set the
appropriate size. MicroStrategy recommends the initial
Java heap size to be set at a minimum of 500MB,
assuming the machine has enough memory space.

IfcantheaddJAVA_OPTIONS parameter is not set, you

the line specified in step 2, for setting the

3 Stop and start the application server.

278 Deploying with WebLogic © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP

This section provides the information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using the
WebSphere 6.0.x Server and the IBM HTTP Web Server.

For a list of application servers and web servers that are

certified to work with MicroStrategy, see Application servers,
page 42 and Web servers, page 43.

This section includes the following information:

• Preconfiguration information, page 279: Configuration

that must occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy
Web Services J2EE.

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, page 281:

Instructions for deploying the application.

• Performance-based setup information, page 289:

Optional settings to increase the application’s

These additional settings are not required, but can

enhance the performance of MicroStrategy Web
Services J2EE. Review this information prior to
deployment to see if any of these options are of
interest to you.

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE on
your machine. Preconfiguration includes Locating the WAR
file, page 280.

This section also provides additional setup information for

the machine where the application server and Web server are
already installed.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server 279
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE application is

packaged within a single file, called a WAR (Web ARchive)
file, following the J2EE specifications. You must deploy this
file to run the application in your application server

To locate the WAR file

1 Locate the MicroStrategyWS.war file in the

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE deployment directory
you specified during installation. For more information
on installation on UNIX or Linux, see Installation
procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84. For more
information on installation on Windows, see Installation
procedure, page 65.

2 Copy the WAR file to the

<WAS_HOME>/installableApps directory, where
<WAS_HOME> is the home path of the WebSphere 6.0.x
application server.

The deployment process in this chapter assumes that

MicroStrategyWS.war file is stored in this directory.

Tothatdeploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps

are specific to the application server you are
using. For more details, see the application server
vendor documentation or follow the instructions
within this guide. You should also follow any relevant
preconfiguration instructions within this chapter.

After deploying MicroStrategyWS.war file, you can view

the WEB-INF folder, which contains subfolders classes and
lib. Logs are created and maintained in the application server
root folder. For more information on the directory structure
after deploying the WAR file, see Directory structure after
deploying the WAR file, page 267.

280 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

Once your machine has the necessary settings configured,
you can deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.
Deployment involves the following steps:

1 Launching the WebSphere Administrative Console,

page 281

2 Starting the WebSphere default application server,

page 282

3 Installing the Enterprise Application, page 283

4 Preparing for the application installation, page 283

5 Restarting the application server, page 286

6 Starting the Web module, page 287

7 Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home page,

page 288

The Performance-based setup information, page 289

section provides information on additional settings to
increase the application performance. These
additional settings are not required, but can increase
the performance of MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.
Review this information prior to deployment to see if
any of these options are of interest to you.

Launching the WebSphere Administrative


The WebSphere Administrative Console can be accessed only

if the WebSphere server is started on the machine.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server 281
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

To launch the WebSphere Administrative Console

In a Web browser, type the URL for the administrative

console. For HTTP, the default port in WebSphere 6.0.x is
9060. The URL is of the following form:


Enter the value for the user ID parameter. For example,


Starting the WebSphere default application


After you launch the WebSphere Administrative Console, you

can deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE by starting the
default application server.

To start the default application server

When the WebSphere Administrative Console opens, a tree

view is displayed in the left frame.

1 Expand the Servers node, or click the link to expand the


2 Click the Applications Servers link. A table listing the

application servers is displayed to the right of the
navigation tree. This area is the Workspace.

3 Select the check box next to the application server to be


4 Click Start above the table.

If your version of WebSphere does not offer the start and stop
options through the console, use the following command line

282 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

• For Windows:

startServer servername to start the application


stopServer servername to stop the application


• For UNIX/Linux: servername to start the

application server. servername to stop the

application server.

where servername is the name of the default application


Installing the Enterprise Application

To install the Enterprise Application

1 Expand Applications, and then Enterprise Applications

to display a list of installed applications.

2 Click Install.

Preparing for the application installation

The following steps describe the settings that must be

specified for the installation.

To specify settings for the installation

1 Specify the path to the WAR file by selecting the Specify

path option, from either the Local file system option or
the Remote file system option.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server 283
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

2 Type in the full path for the location of the

MicroStrategyWS.war file.

URL to access MicroStrategy Web Services

contains ContextRoot, which should be replaced
by any name of your choice. ContextRoot is
case-sensitive. For example, you can use the
default name of the WAR file, which is

3 Click Next.

4 Select Do not override existing bindings.

5 Click the radio button Use default virtual host name for
web modules.

6 Click Next. An installation options screen opens.

installation options screen is not displayed,
on the Application Security
Warnings screen to view the installation options

7 Make the following changes:

• Specify the value for the Directory to install

application as
• Specify an Application name of your choice.

• Enter the value of -1 as the Reload interval in


8 Click Next. The Map modules to servers page opens.

9 Select the check box for MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

module, select the application server, and then click

10 Click Next. The Map virtual hosts for Web modules page

284 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

11 In the right navigation pane, expand the Apply Multiple

Mappings node. Map the admin role to the users or
groups who are given the MicroStrategy Web Services
Administrator privileges. Role mapping enables the
mapped users to access the MicroStrategy Web Services
home page.

 Security must be enabled on the WebSphere Server

for this feature to work.

12 Select the check box for MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

web module and then click Next. The Summary Page

13 Review the summary and click Finish.

14 A message appears stating that the installation was

successful. Click Save to Master Configuration to save
the changes to the master repository.

15 Click the Save button that appears.

To configure class loading

16 Expand Applications, and then Enterprise Applications

to display a list of installed applications.

17 In the list of Enterprise Applications, click on the

application name just installed, for example,

18 In the Class loader mode drop-down list, select Parent


19 Click Apply.

20 In the Related Items heading, click Web modules.

21 In the list of Web modules, click MicroStrategyWS.war.

22 In the Class loader mode drop-down list, select Parent


23 Click Apply.

24 In the Message box at the top of the page, click Save.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server 285
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

25 Click the Save button that appears.

26 Locate the WEB-INF/lib directory in the newly deployed

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE application. Within
this directory, delete the following files:

• commons-discovery-0.2.jar

• commons-logging-1.0.4.jar

Restarting the application server

This section explains how to stop and start the application

server. Performing these steps stops and starts all the
applications running on the application server. To stop and
start only the application in which you are working, see To
start the Web module, page 287.

To restart the application server

Some versions of WebSphere provide the means to start and

stop the server from within the console.

1 Expand Servers, and then Application servers. A table

listing the application servers and an icon indicating their
status appears:

• Red: stopped
• Green: started

2 Select the check box next to the application server to stop,

and click Stop. The status icon changes from green to red.

3 Select the check box next to the application server to start

and click Start. The application server starts and the
status icon changes to green.

If your version of WebSphere does not offer the start and stop
options through the console, use the following command line

286 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

• For Windows:

startServer servername to start the application


stopServer servername to stop the application


• For UNIX/Linux: servername to start the

application server. servername to stop the

application server.

where servername is the name of the application server.

Starting the Web module

This process starts only the Web application, rather than all
the applications running on the application server. To stop
and start all applications, see Restarting the application
server above.

To start the Web module

1 Expand Applications.

2 Click the Enterprise Applications link. A list of installed

applications are displayed in the table to the right, along
with icons indicating their status:

• Red: stopped

• Green: started

3 Select the check box next to the application to start, and

click Start.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server 287
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home


Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE home page is

the first level validation of your installation. The home page is
accessible only to users with an admin role. To create the set
of users and passwords that are authorized to access the
administrator page, you must create the necessary role
mapping between these users to the admin role for the
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE application. The steps to
perform this setup are given above in the section Preparing
for the application installation, page 283. For more
information, you can refer to your IBM documentation or
contact MicroStrategy Technical Support.

To access the MicroStrategy Web Services home page

1 Access the home page by typing the following URL in a

web browser:


where port is the HTTP transport port of your

application (default port is 9080), and ContextRoot is
the name you provided for the ContextRoot for Web
Module box in the section Preparing for the application
installation, page 283. For example, the default name of
the WAR file, which is MicroStrategyWS.

The servlet and JSP names are case-sensitive. If the

application server is enabled with security, a dialog
box related to the administrator authentication

2 Type the user ID and password assigned with an admin


After you are authenticated, the MicroStrategy Web Services

J2EE home page opens. Use it to explore Web Services,
validate your installation, and test Web Services.

You have completed the steps required to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. To validate access to the
required runtime files, edit your project sources file, and test

288 Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE installation, refer to

the section Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE deployment, page 314.

Uninstalling the MicroStrategy Web Services

J2EE application

You can uninstall the MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

application through the WebSphere Administrative console.

To uninstall the MicroStrategy Web application

1 Expand Applications.

2 Click Enterprise Applications. A list of installed

applications are displayed in the table to the right.

3 Select the check box of the desired MicroStrategy Web

Services J2EE application.

4 Click Uninstall.

5 Save the configuration in the master repository.

Performance-based setup information

The performance of MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE can be
enhanced in certain cases with configurations to various
components. These additional configurations are not
required. This section provides the following configurations
intended to enhance the performance of Web Services J2EE:

• Setting the Java heap size, page 289

Setting the Java heap size

You can increase the Java heap size for a given application
server by configuring the WebSphere Administrative

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server 289
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

To increase the Java heap size

1 Access the Administrative Console.

2 Expand the Servers node.

3 Click the Application Servers link to view the list of

application servers.

4 Click the application server name, and scroll to Server


5 Expand Java and Process Management, and click

Process Definition.

6 Click Java Virtual Machine to set the Java heap size

settings. MicroStrategy recommends that you initially set
the java heap size to a minimum of 500MB, assuming the
machine has enough memory space.

7 Click Apply and save your changes.

8 Stop and start the application server.

Deploying with Sun Java System

This section provides the information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE on a Sun Java
System Application Server 8.2. It includes the following
• Preconfiguration information, page 291: Configuration
that must occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy
Web Services J2EE.
• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, page 293:
Instructions for deploying.
• Performance-based setup information, page 299:
Optional settings to increase the application’s

290 Deploying with Sun Java System © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

These additional settings are not required but can

enhance the performance of MicroStrategy Web
Services J2EE. Review this information prior to
deployment to see if any of these options are of
interest to you.

• Undeploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using

the command line utility, page 300: Instructions for
undeploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.

For a list of application servers and web servers that are

certified to work with MicroStrategy, see Application servers,
page 42 and Web servers, page 43.

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary for deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE on
your machine. This includes:

• Locating the WAR file, page 291

• Updating the server.policy file to support Web Services

on Sun Java Systems 8.2, page 292

It also provides additional setup information that needs to be

done on the machine on which the application server and web
server are already installed.

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE application is

packaged within a single file, called a WAR file (Web
ARchive), following the J2EE specifications. You must deploy
this WAR file to run the application in your application server

The MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE WAR file

(MicroStrategyWS.war)is located in the MicroStrategy
Web Services J2EE deployment directory you specified
during installation. For more information on installation on

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System 291

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

UNIX or Linux, see Installation procedures on UNIX and

Linux, page 84. For more information on installation on
Windows, see Installation procedure, page 65.

Tothatdeploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps

are specific to the application server you are
using. For more details, see the application server
vendor documentation or follow the instructions
within this guide. You should also follow any relevant
preconfiguration instructions within this chapter.

After deploying the MicroStrategyWS.war file, you can

view the WEB-INF folder. This folder contains subfolders
classes and lib. Log files are created and maintained in the
application server root folder. For more information on the
directory structure after deploying the WAR file, see
Directory structure after deploying the WAR file, page 267.

Updating the server.policy file to support Web

Services on Sun Java Systems 8.2

To successfully deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE on

Sun Java Systems 8.2, you must modify the Sun Java System
server.policy file. The file is located in the following path
within the deployment directory for the Sun Java Systems
Application Server:


Add the following code to the end of the server.policy


//Fix mstrws axis logger problem

grant {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.util.PropertyPermission
"*", "read,write";

292 Deploying with Sun Java System © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

Once your machine has been configured, you can deploy
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE with Sun Java System 8.2.

The deployment involves the steps below, which are

explained in detail in the following sections:

1 Launching the Sun Java System Application Server

Admin Console, page 293

2 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, page 294

3 Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Services home

page, page 295

4 Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home page,

page 297

5 Restarting the application server, page 298

The administration and deployment tools in Sun Java

System 8.2 have the same interface regardless of the
UNIX/Linux operating system on which they run.
Therefore, the deployment process is the same for all
UNIX/Linux operating systems, and is described
below. The process on a Windows operating system
has some minor differences, which are highlighted
where necessary.

Launching the Sun Java System Application

Server Admin Console

This procedure describes the steps to launch the Sun Java

System Application Server.

To launch the Sun Java System Application Server Admin


1 Start the Sun Java System Administration Server. To start

the server, navigate to the following directory from the
command prompt:

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System 293

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide


and type the following command:

>asadmin start-domain domain1

where domain1 refers to the default domain server or the

server you are currently working on.

TofromstartthetheStartserver in a Windows environment,

menu, point to Programs, Sun
MicroSystems, Application Server 8.2, and then
choose Start Default Server.

2 Access the Sun Java System Application Server Admin

Console by typing the following URL:


where machine_name is the IP address or the name of

the machine where you installed Sun Java System, and
admin_port is the administration server port you
provided during the installation. By default, the admin
port is 4848.

Toa Windows
access the Application Server Admin Console in
environment, from the Start menu,
point to Programs, Sun MicroSystems,
Application Server 8.2, and then choose Admin

3 Enter the user name and password that you provided

during the installation.

default, the user name is admin. There is no
set by default. It is mandatory for you to
assign a password during the installation.

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

After launching the Sun Java System Application Server

Admin Console, follow the steps below to deploy
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE a WAR file.

294 Deploying with Sun Java System © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE as a WAR file

1 Access the Admin Console.

2 Enter the user name and password that you assigned

during the installation. By default, the user name is

3 Expand Applications.

4 Select Web Applications and click Deploy. The Deploy

Web Module page opens in the right pane.

5 Type the full path or browse to the location where you

want to deploy the WAR file.

6 Click Next.

7 For the context and application name, use

MicroStrategyWS, which is the default.

8 All the other fields are optional and can be set as per your

9 Click OK.

Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Services

home page

For security purposes, you should only assign certain users

the authorization to access the MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE home page. To do this, map the Admin security role to
only those users for whom you want to grant permission to
work in the MicroStrategy Web Services home page.

Sun Java System 8.2 supports the following authentication


• File

• Admin-realm

• Certificate

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System 295

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

realm, also called a security policy domain or
domain, is a scope over which a common
security policy is defined and enforced by the security
administrator of the security service. For more
information, refer to your application server vendor
documentation. For details, you can also refer to the
following resource:

In Sun Java System 8.2, the file realm is selected by default.

To create users in the default realm, click File, then click
Manage Users to start creating users authorized to access
the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page.

Mapping a security role

A descriptor file, sun-web.xml, enables Sun Java System to

map the existing users or groups to different security roles.
This file is located in the
<webapplication_root_dir>/WEB-INF folder. You can
modify this file, if you want to change the default values for
the security roles.

The contents of this file are as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun

Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server
8.1 Servlet 2.4//EN"






296 Deploying with Sun Java System © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7



For mapping security roles to users and user groups, the

sun-web.xml file assumes the default values are provided
during installation of Sun Java System 8.2 and deployment of
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. The following are the
values taken for context-root, role mapping, and the user or
principal user:

• Context-root is set to MicroStrategyWS. This is the

default value for the context name when deploying
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.

• Role mapping is set to admin. This is the default value

specified in the web.xml file.

• The user or principal name is also set to admin. This is

the default name assigned to the user when installing Sun
Java System 8.2.

Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home


Make sure your user has the proper privileges to access the
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE home page.

To access the MicroStrategy Web Services home page

1 Access the home page by typing the following URL in a

Web browser:


where port is the HTTP/HTTPS transport port of your

application server (default port is 8080 for HTTP and
8181 for HTTPS), and ContextRoot is the name
provided for the ContextRoot during installation. By
default, this name is MicroStrategyWS.

You have completed the steps required to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. To validate access to the
required runtime files, edit your project sources file and test

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System 297

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE installation, refer to

the section Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE deployment, page 314.

Restarting the application server

You must stop and restart the application server instance to

apply the changes. This is necessary after making most of the
changes to the application server configuration, such as
creating a user. If the server must be restarted, the Restart
Required message is displayed.

To restart the application server

You can restart the application server by navigating through

the menu on the left, as follows:

1 Expand Applications.

2 Select the server instance you are currently working on

and click the Stop Instance button displayed on the right
panel. The Sun Java System Application Server
Administration Console window opens.

3 Follow the instructions given in the Sun Java System

Application Server Administration Console window to
stop and restart the application server.

After restarting the application server, refer to the section

Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE
deployment, page 314 to connect to the project page.

You are now ready to use MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.

298 Deploying with Sun Java System © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Performance-based setup information

The performance of MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE can be
enhanced in certain cases with configurations to various
components. These additional configurations are not
required. This section provides the following configurations
intended to enhance the performance of Web Services J2EE:

• Setting the Java heap size, page 299

• Undeploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE prior to

upgrading, page 299

Setting the Java heap size

The maximum Java heap size, which handles all the Java
requests, is set to 512MB by default.

To set the Java heap size

1 Navigate to Application server.

2 Click JVM Settings and select JVM Options. You can

view the argument -Xmx512. This is the default value for
the maximum heap size.

3 Click Add JVM Option to include additional arguments

using -Xmx and -Xms. For example, if you want to set the
maximum heap size to 1GB and minimum heap size to
512MB, then the argument you provide is -Xmx1024m
and -Xms512m.

Undeploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

prior to upgrading

Sun recommends undeploying an application before

deploying a newer version.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Sun Java System 299

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Undeploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using the

command line utility

To undeploy an existing MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

application, use the following command:

asadmin undeploy --user admin-user --password

password --port admin_port MicroStrategyWS

where admin-user, password, and admin_port are the

user name, password, and admin port number that you
provided during the installation. By default, the admin port is
4848. You are not required to provide the path to the WAR

After the undeployment is finished, stop and restart the

application server for the changes to take effect.

Undeploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using the Admin


You can also undeploy the application by navigating through

the Admin console menu on the left.

To undeploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using the

Admin console

1 Expand Applications.

2 Click Web Applications. Select the check box for

MicroStrategyWS and click Undeploy.

3 After the undeployment is finished, stop and restart the

application server for the changes to take effect.

300 Deploying with Sun Java System © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Deploying with Tomcat

This section provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE in a Tomcat-only
environment. It assumes you have Tomcat deployed and
operational. For information on how to configure Tomcat to
work with IIS, refer to your Tomcat documentation.

For a list of application servers and web servers that are

certified to work with MicroStrategy, see Application servers,
page 42 and Web servers, page 43.

This section provides the following information:

• Preconfiguration information, page 301: configuration

that must occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy
Web Universal
• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, page 302:
instructions for deploying, including step-by-step

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE on

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE application is

packaged within a single file, called a WAR (Web ARchive)
file, following the J2EE specifications, which you must deploy
to run the application in your application server
environment. For more information on installation on UNIX
or Linux, see Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux,
page 84. For more information on installation on Windows,
see Installation procedure, page 65.

To deploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps that are
specific to the application server you are using. For more
details, see the application server vendor documentation or

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat 301

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

follow the instructions within this guide. You should also

follow any relevant preconfiguration instructions within this

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

Assuming you have made all the necessary configurations
described above, you can begin deploying MicroStrategy Web
Services J2EE with Tomcat. This involves the following steps:

1 Deploying using Tomcat as a stand-alone Web

container, page 302

2 Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home page,

page 303

Deploying using Tomcat as a stand-alone Web


The procedure below assumes you are deploying

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE with Tomcat for the first
time. If you are redeploying Web Services, you must first
delete the MicroStrategyWS directory within the webapps
Tomcat directory.

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using Tomcat as

a stand-alone Web container

1 Copy the MicroStrategyWS.war file to the

<tomcat-directory>\webapps directory.
Instructions on locating the MicroStrategyWS.war file
can be found in the section Locating the WAR file,
page 301 above.

2 Start Tomcat from the system tray. Right-click on the

Tomcat icon in the system tray and select Start service.

You can also start Tomcat from the command line.

For instructions to start and stop Tomcat from the
command line refer to the steps below.

302 Deploying with Tomcat © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Stop and start Tomcat from the command line

 The steps to stop and start Tomcat may not work

for your version and configuration of Tomcat. If the
following steps do not work, refer to your vendor
documentation on how to stop and start Tomcat.

3 From the Start menu, select Run. The Run dialog box

4 Type cmd in the Open drop-down list and click OK. The
command prompt opens.

5 Browse to the <tomcat-directory>\bin directory,

where tomcat-directory is the folder in which you
installed Tomcat. For example, in the command prompt,

cd C:\Tomcat\bin

where C:\Tomcat is the folder where you installed

Tomcat. Press ENTER.

you installed Tomcat under the Program
folder, type Progra~1 when you change
folders in the command prompt, for example,
C:\Progra~1\Tomcat\bin. Otherwise, the
system does not recognize the folder.

6 Type startup to start Tomcat and shutdown to stop it.

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE is deployed automatically.

A MicroStrategyWS folder now exists under the
<tomcat-directory>\webapps directory.

Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home


After configuring MicroStrategy Web Services with Tomcat

you can access the MicroStrategy Web Services home page.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Tomcat 303

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

To configure the MicroStrategy Web Services home page

1 In a Web browser, access the MicroStrategy Web Services

home page by specifying the following URL:


The names are case-sensitive. If the application server is

enabled with security, a dialog box related to the
administrator authentication opens.

Ifnotyouneedaretousing Tomcat integrated with IIS, you do

specify the port number in the URL.
However, when using Tomcat as a stand-alone
Web container, you must specify the port number.
The default port for Tomcat is 8080.

2 When prompted for a user name and password, use the

same values you specified in the tomcat-users.xml

3 Once you log in, the MicroStrategy Web Services home

page is displayed.

You have completed the steps required to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. To validate access to the
required runtime files, edit your project sources file, and test
your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE installation, refer to
the section Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE deployment, page 314.

Deploying with SAP

This section provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE using the SAP
NetWeaver Application Server 6.40.

This section includes the following information:

• Preconfiguration information, page 305: Configuration

that must occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy
Web Services J2EE.

304 Deploying with SAP © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, page 306:

Instructions for deploying the application.

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy J2EE Web Services on
your machine. It provides setup information for the machine
where the application server and Web server are already

For information on the version numbers certified and

supported by MicroStrategy, see the MicroStrategy
readme file.

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy J2EE Web Services application is

packaged within a single file, called a WAR (Web ARchive)
file, following the J2EE specifications. You must deploy this
WAR file to run the application in your application server

The MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE WAR file

(MicroStrategyWS.war)is located in the MicroStrategy
Web Services J2EE deployment directory you specified
during installation. For more information on installation on
UNIX or Linux, see Installation procedures on UNIX and
Linux, page 84. For more information on installation on
Windows, see Installation procedure, page 65.

To deploy the WAR file, you must follow a set of steps that are
specific to the application server you are using. For more
details, see the application server vendor documentation or
follow the instructions within this guide. You should also
follow any relevant preconfiguration instructions within this

After deploying the MicroStrategyWS.war file, you can

view the directory contents including WEB-INF folder. For
more information on the directory structure after deploying
the WAR file, see Directory structure after deploying the
WAR file, page 267.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with SAP 305

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

Once your machine has the necessary settings configured,
you can deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.
Deployment involves the following steps:

1 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE with the

SAP NetWeaver Application Server, page 306

2 Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Web Services

home Page, page 308

3 Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home page,

page 308

4 Undeploying the MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

application, page 309

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

with the SAP NetWeaver Application Server

Follow the steps provided in this section to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE as a WAR file.

the Deploy Tool causes performance issues, you can
the Java heap size in the Deploy Tool (shell or
batch) file using the following options:
• -Xms128m and -Xmx128m

For example, the option -Xms128m initially allocates

128MB of memory for the program to run. The option
-Xmx128m allows a maximum of 128MB of memory to
be allocated during program execution. If the
maximum value is larger than the initial value,
memory can be allocated up to the maximum value
during the execution of the program.

• Other higher memory settings such as -Xms256m and


306 Deploying with SAP © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE as a WAR file

1 Launch the Deploy Tool using the command line. The

Deploy Tool window opens.

2 From the Project menu, select New Project. The New

Project dialog box opens.

3 Provide a name for your project in the Address field and

specify a directory for your project in the Directories
pane. Click OK. A new project is created within the
specified directory.

4 Select the Assembler tab on the Deploy Tool. The newly

created project is displayed on the left pane.

5 Right-click the project and select Add Archive. The

Please select the file for the EAR component dialog box

6 Select the appropriate WAR file

(MicroStrategyWS.WAR) and click OK.

For more information on locating the WAR file, see

Locating the WAR file, page 305.

After the WAR file is added, it is displayed under the

project name.

7 Right-click the project and select Make EAR (Enterprise

ARchive). The Please select name for the EAR dialog box

8 Provide a name for the EAR file in the Address field and
click OK. The status bar on the Deploy Tool notifies you
when the EAR file is created. It also displays the file name
and path.

9 Select the Deployer tab on the Deploy Tool.

10 From the Deploy menu, choose Connect or click

Connect on the tool bar. The login dialog box opens.

11 Specify a user name and password.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with SAP 307

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

12 From the Deploy menu, select Deployment and then

choose Deploy EAR to start deploying the EAR file. The
Deploy Tool status bar displays a progress bar and the

Start Deploying.

When the EAR file is deployed, the following message is


Application Deployed Successfully. Do you

want to start it?

13 Click Yes to start MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.

Controlling access to the MicroStrategy Web

Services home Page

You can configure security roles to control access to the

MicroStrategy Web Services home page. A security role
named admin is created for the MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE application within SAP NetWeaver. To allow access to
the MicroStrategy Web Services home page, map users or
groups to this existing security role. The SAP NetWeaver tool
known as Visual Administrator helps you configure security
roles. Refer to your SAP NetWeaver documentation for more
information or contact MicroStrategy Technical Support.

Viewing the MicroStrategy Web Services home


To view the MicroStrategy Web Services home page

1 Access the MicroStrategy Web Services home page by

specifying the following URL in the Web browser:


The login dialog box opens.

2 Specify a user name and password.

308 Deploying with SAP © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Undeploying the MicroStrategy Web Services

J2EE application

To undeploy the MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE


1 Launch the Deploy Tool using the command line. The

Deploy Tool window opens.

2 From the Deploy menu, point to Deployment, and then

choose Undeploy. The Undeploy Editor Panel dialog box

3 Select the application to undeploy from the list of

applications displayed.

The application name for MicroStrategy Web

Services J2EE is the name of the project created
when deploying the application as a WAR file.

4 Click OK to undeploy the MicroStrategy Web Services

J2EE application.

When the MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE application is

undeployed, the status bar displays the following message:

Undeploy of application

Name) finished successfully!!!

Deploying with Oracle 10g

This section provides information used to deploy and
configure MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE on the Windows
2003 SP1 operating system with Apache as the Web server
and Oracle 10g (10.1.3) as the application server.

This section contains the following information:

• Preconfiguration information, page 310: Configuration

that must occur before you begin deploying MicroStrategy
Web Services J2EE.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Oracle 10g 309

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

• Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, page 311:

Instructions for deploying, including detailed steps.

Preconfiguration information
This section provides the preconfiguration information
necessary to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE on
your machine.

Locating the WAR file

The MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE application is

packaged within a single file, called a WAR (Web ARchive)
file, following the J2EE specifications. You must deploy this
file to run the application in your application server

The MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE WAR file

(MicroStrategyWS.war) is located in the path you
specified when installing MicroStrategy Web Services. For
more information on installation on UNIX or Linux, see
Installation procedures on UNIX and Linux, page 84. For
more information on installation on Windows, see
Installation procedure, page 65.

deploy the MicroStrategyWS.war file, you must
a set of steps that are specific to the application
server you are using. For more details, see your
application server vendor documentation or follow the
instructions within this guide.

After deploying the MicroStrategyWS.war file, you can

view the WEB-INF folder which contains subfolders named
classes and lib. The log files are created and maintained in the
application server root folder. For more information on the
directory structure after deploying the WAR file, see
Directory structure after deploying the WAR file, page 267.

310 Deploying with Oracle 10g © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

After your machine is configured, you can start the
deployment of MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE with Oracle

To deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, perform the

following procedures:

1 Deploying using the Oracle Enterprise Manager,

page 311

2 Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Services home page,

page 313

Deploying using the Oracle Enterprise Manager

You can access Oracle Enterprise Manager from the following



where machine_name is the machine name or IP address of

the Oracle machine, and port_number is the port number of
Oracle Enterprise Manager.

To deploy with the Oracle Enterprise Manager

1 Start the Apache Web Server. From the Start menu, point
to OracleAS 10g - DEFAULT_HOME1, and then choose
Start <application_server_name>.

2 To verify that the Apache Web Server has started, open

Oracle Enterprise Manager, select HTTP Server, and
then click Start.

3 Select the OC4J instance where you want to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. This procedure
assumes you are using the default instance name home.
Click home. The OC4J: home page opens.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Oracle 10g 311

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

4 Select the Applications tab.

5 Click Deploy. The Deploy: Select Archive page opens.

6 In the Archive area, select Archive is present on local


7 Click Browse to navigate to and select the

MicroStrategyWS.war file.

For more information on locating the

MicroStrategyWS.war file, see Locating the
WAR file, page 310.

8 In the Deployment Plan area, select Automatically

create a new deployment plan and click Next. The
Deploy: Application Attributes page opens.

9 Enter the Application Name and Context Root. This

procedure uses MicroStrategyWS as the Application
Name and /MicroStrategyWS as the Context Root.

10 Click Next. The Deploy: Deployment Settings page opens.

To configure class loading

11 In the Configure Class Loading task name, click the Go

To Task (pencil) icon.

12 Enable Search Local Classes First for MicroStrategy

Web Services J2EE.

13 Click OK. You are returned to the Deploy: Deployment

Settings page.

To map a user to the admin security role

The MicroStrategy Web Services home page is accessible

only to users with an admin security role. To control
access to it, map the admin security role to only those
users for whom you want to grant permission to work in
the MicroStrategy Web Services home page. In Oracle
10g, the security users and groups are defined in the
Oracle Enterprise Manager.

312 Deploying with Oracle 10g © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

14 In the Map Security Roles task name, click the Go To

Task (pencil) icon. The Deployment Settings: Map
Security Roles page opens.

15 For the admin security role, select the Map Role (pencil)
icon. The Deployment Settings: Map Security Role: admin
page opens.

16 Select Map selected users and groups to this role.

17 In the Map Role to Users area, in the User text box,

enter the user name to map to the admin security role.
Click Add.

Repeat this step to add all users for whom you want to
grant permission to work in the MicroStrategy Web
Services home page.

18 Click Continue, and then click OK. You are returned to

the Deploy: Deployment Settings page.

19 Click on Deploy to deploy the MicroStrategy Web

Services application.

20 Stop and restart the Apache Web Server.

Any users mapped to the admin security role can now access
MicroStrategy Web Services home page. For information on
accessing this page, see Accessing the MicroStrategy Web
Services home page below.

Accessing the MicroStrategy Web Services

home page

To access the MicroStrategy Web Services home page

1 In a Web browser, access the MicroStrategy Web Services

home page by specifying the following URL:


where IP_address is the IP address of the Oracle

machine. Names are case-sensitive, so be sure to use the
correct case when typing the URL.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Deploying with Oracle 10g 313

7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

2 When prompted for a user name and password, specify

the values you used earlier when creating the user
mapped to the security role. For more information, refer
to the steps described in Preparing for the application
installation, page 283.

After you log in, the MicroStrategy Web Services home page

You have completed the steps required to deploy

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. To validate access to the
required runtime files, edit your project sources file and test
your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE installation, refer to
the section Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE deployment below.

Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services

J2EE deployment
You must complete a few more steps before using your
MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE deployment. The following
steps are described at a high level in this section:

• Validating your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE

deployment, page 315
• Editing the project sources file, page 315

• Verify Web Services connectivity with Intelligence

Server, page 316

This section assumes you have successfully deployed

MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE and have been able to view
the MicroStrategy Web Services home page.

For more details on the steps that are described in this

section, or to troubleshoot problems that occur, refer to the
MicroStrategy Web Services Administration Guide.

314 Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE deployment © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

Validating your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE deployment

This step ensures that the application can load all of the JAR
files required by MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.

To validate your installation

1 On the home page, click Validate. The Axis Happiness

Page is displayed.

2 The two sections at the top, Needed Components and

Optional Components, report the status of individual
JAR files.

If any Needed Components are missing or incompatible, you

must correct the situation before proceeding. If you browse
down the page, you can view more details about the

Editing the project sources file

The project sources file provides connection information
used by some applications, such as MicroStrategy Office. This
section shows how to add a new project source to this file.

To edit the project sources file

1 Browse to the projectsources.xml file, which is

located in the application root directory.

2 Edit projectsources.xml and define a new

connection to your Intelligence Server machine. You must
indicate a name for your project source, the machine
name or IP address, the port number used by the
Intelligence Server for listening, and the authentication
mode. The following is an example of the syntax to define
a connection to your Intelligence Server machine:

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE deployment 315
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

<ProjectSourceName>MicroStrategy Tutorial
<ServerName>Intelligence Server name

Verify Web Services connectivity with Intelligence Server

To verify the Web Services configuration and connectivity to
your Intelligence Server, the TestService operation can be run
from your web browser. This operation uses Web Services
operations to request a list of project sources using Web
Services. It then uses the parameters that you supply to get a
list of projects and connect to a project on your Intelligence

To execute the TestService operation

1 Open the MicroStrategy Web Services home page.

At the bottom of the page, a form for parameters used in
the TestService operation is displayed. Above the form are
instructions for using the form.

2 Enter the values for the parameters:

• For the Port input parameter, if the default

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server port is used then
you can leave the field blank. Otherwise, enter the
specific port number.

• For the ProjectName input parameter, you can enter

the name of your project. For example, MicroStrategy
Tutorial is the name of the Tutorial project.

316 Completing your MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE deployment © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services 7

• For the Login and the Password input parameter, you

can enter the login name and password you use to log
in to the project.

If the test is successful, you see a message that summarizes

the results of GetProjectSources, GetProjects and Connect. If
the test fails, you see an error message. A failed test must be
corrected before you proceed.

Administering your MicroStrategy Web

Services deployment
You can configure and manage MicroStrategy Web Services
ASP.NET and J2EE using web pages and xml configuration
pages on the server. For more information about
administering MicroStrategy Web, see the MicroStrategy
Web Services Administration Guide.

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

After completing the steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web
Services ASP.NET or J2EE, you can continue your setup and
configuration. To help guide the rest of your installation and
configuration steps, refer to the section Installation and
configuration checklists, page 58, for installation and
configuration checklists.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Administering your MicroStrategy Web Services deployment 317
7 Deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Installation and Configuration Guide

318 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



This chapter explains the setup required for the Intelligence

Server Universal to execute HTML documents and Report
Services documents on UNIX and Linux platforms.

This chapter includes the following sections:

• Prerequisites, page 320

• Executing documents and HTML documents in

UNIX/Linux, page 320

Setup for creating and executing HTML documents,

page 321

Setup for executing existing HTML documents,

page 326

Setup for executing Report Services documents,

page 327

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 319

8 Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents Installation and Configuration Guide

This chapter assumes the following:
• You are familiar with UNIX or Linux.

• You are familiar with MicroStrategy Desktop and

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal.

• You are familiar with MicroStrategy HTML documents

and Report Services documents.

• You have a Report Services product license if you are

using Report Services documents. HTML documents do
not require a Report Services product license.

• You have installed MicroStrategy Desktop on a Windows


• You have installed MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

Universal on a UNIX or Linux machine.

Note the following:

• Some of the steps described in this document may
require root access permissions.

• You must perform extra configuration steps to

allow Report Services documents to support
non-Western European fonts on a UNIX system.
For more information, see Graph and document
support of non-Western European fonts, page 484
of Appendix B, Troubleshooting.

Executing documents and HTML documents in

A MicroStrategy Report Services document contains objects
representing data coming from one or more reports, as well
as positioning and formatting information. Report Services
documents help format data from multiple reports in a single
display and can be used for presentations. When you create a
document, you can specify the data that appears, control the

320 Prerequisites © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents 8

layout, formatting, grouping, and subtotaling of data and

specify the position of page breaks. In addition, you can
insert pictures and draw borders in the document.

this chapter, the term “document” signifies a Report
document. For additional information on
Report Services documents, refer to the
MicroStrategy Document Creation Guide.

An HTML document is a container for formatting, displaying,

and distributing multiple reports on the same page, or at the
same time within a project. You can create dashboards and
scorecards to display a group of reports within the
MicroStrategy platform.

HTML documents are created using MicroStrategy Desktop.

Before creating or executing HTML documents, you must
specify the HTML document directory using the Project
Configuration dialog box in MicroStrategy Desktop. The
HTML document directory stores HTML templates that are
required by the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal
for executing HTML documents. You can store the HTML
document directory on a UNIX or Linux platform, but you
must share the directory with the Windows platform that
includes MicroStrategy Desktop. For more information on
setting up the HTML document directory on a UNIX or Linux
platform, see Setup for creating and executing HTML
documents, page 321.

For additional information on HTML documents, see

the HTML Documents chapter in the MicroStrategy
Advanced Reporting Guide.

Setup for creating and executing HTML documents

HTML documents can only be created with MicroStrategy
Desktop on a Windows platform, but they can be stored and
executed from a directory within a UNIX or Linux platform.
The directory that stores the HTML documents must be
accessible on the computer with Intelligence Server Universal
and the Windows computer with Desktop.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Executing documents and HTML documents in UNIX/Linux 321
8 Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents Installation and Configuration Guide

Using the Project Configuration dialog box in MicroStrategy

Desktop, you must specify the location of the HTML
document directory as an absolute path. This document
directory can be on a local machine or on a remote machine.
Users require appropriate read and write permissions to
access this directory. When MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
Universal executes HTML documents, it requires read
permission to the HTML document directory to access the
HTML files.

For the procedure of setting up an HTML document directory

between Windows and UNIX and Linux computers below,
the following assumptions are made:

• You have installed MicroStrategy Desktop on a Windows

computer and installed MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
Universal on a UNIX or Linux computer.

Desktop can only be installed on a Windows


• MicroStrategy Desktop users have at least read

permissions to the HTML document directory for
executing existing HTML documents. Write permissions
to the directory are required for MicroStrategy Desktop
users to create new HTML documents.

• For the file paths described in the procedure below,

machine-name is used to represent the name of the
machine you store the HTML document directory on. For
example, if you store the directory on a machine named
UNIX1, machine-name should be replaced with UNIX1.
This machine must have Samba installed to provide
access to the folder on a Windows computer.
• You must have root permissions on any UNIX or Linux
computer used to set up the HTML document directory.
This includes the computer that stores the HTML
document directory as well as any computer that must be
setup to access the directory.

322 Executing documents and HTML documents in UNIX/Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents 8

To set up the HTML document directory

1 Create a directory to hold the HTML document directory

on the desired UNIX or Linux computer. This procedure
assumes that the path of the HTML document directory is
machine-name:/share/htmldocuments. This is the
machine that is referenced as machine-name in the steps
below. To create this directory, enter the commands

# cd /

# mkdir share

# cd share

# mkdir htmldocuments

2 Install Samba software on the UNIX or Linux computer

that you created the HTML documents directory in the
step above. With this software, the HTML documents
directory is accessible to the Windows computer with
MicroStrategy Desktop installed. You can get the latest
version of Samba at

 Notice that Samba uses a .org extension and not

the more common .com extension. Using a .com
extension takes you to an incorrect website.

3 Share the directory machine-name:/share across the

network through NFS. For example, you must share
UNIX1:/share. Make sure read and write permissions
are set for the share. This step allows other UNIX/Linux
computers to access the directory.

4 Create a Samba share, named “share”, with read and write

permissions that points to the directory
machine-name:/share. For example, you must share
UNIX1:/share.This step allows Windows computers to
access the directory.

The Samba share is created in the Samba smb.conf file.

For specific instructions on how to setup a Samba share,
refer to the Samba website at

5 Restart Samba.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Executing documents and HTML documents in UNIX/Linux 323
8 Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents Installation and Configuration Guide

6 Mount the HTML document directory on the computer

that has the Intelligence Server installed on it. Root
privileges are required for this.

On the computer with Intelligence Server, type the

command su and the root password at the command
prompt to log in as a superuser, or log in as root. The
command prompt changes to the pound sign (#). Perform
the commands below:

commands below, machine-name refers to
name of the computer where you
stored the HTML documents directory and created
an NFS and Samba share. This may be a different
name than the computer that you are mounting the
directory on.

 The final mount command contains a space

between /htmldocuments and /machine-name.

cd /

mkdir machine-name

cd machine-name

mkdir share

cd share

mkdir htmldocuments

cd /
mount machine-name:/share/htmldocuments

7 You can cache the connection to the UNIX/Linux HTML

documents directory from the Windows computer so that
you are not prompted for authentication each time the
directory is accessed.

• From the Windows computer that has MicroStrategy

Desktop installed, click Start, and select Run. The Run
dialog box opens.

324 Executing documents and HTML documents in UNIX/Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents 8

• Type \\machine-name\share\htmldocuments,
and click OK to open the top-level shared HTML
documents directory. For example, type

This must be performed every time you restart the


8 Using the Project Configuration dialog box in

MicroStrategy Desktop, set the HTML document
directory as an absolute path by following the steps below.

• In Desktop, right-click the project associated with the

HTML documents and select Project Configuration.
The Project Configuration dialog box opens.

• Expand Project definition and click Advanced. The

Project Configuration - Advanced options are

• In the HTML document directory box, type the

absolute path
\\machine-name\share\htmldocuments. For
example, type \\UNIX1\share\htmldocuments.

• Click OK to accept the changes.

9 Create a directory named xsls under the HTML

document directory and copy the XSL files you require for
creating HTML documents to the xsls directory,
/machine-name/share/htmldocuments/xsls. If
you stored XSL files in a different directory or did not
copy them from their original default directory, you must
copy them into the new xsls directory. For example, the
default HTML document directory for the Tutorial project
is Program Files\MicroStrategy\Tutorial

10 If you want to insert images into the HTML document,

create a directory named images under the HTML
document directory, and copy the images to the directory

You are now ready to create and execute your HTML

documents. Remember to create your HTML documents in
the HTML document directory, otherwise, Intelligence Server
cannot execute the HTML documents correctly.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Executing documents and HTML documents in UNIX/Linux 325
8 Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents Installation and Configuration Guide

Setup for executing existing HTML documents

If you have created HTML documents prior to establishing a
connection between the HTML document directory on the
UNIX or Linux machine with MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server and the Windows machine with MicroStrategy
Desktop, you must make sure that all the files used for an
HTML document are copied to the shared HTML document
directory. After the connection is established, you should
always create the HTML documents in the shared HTML
document directory. Once the existing files are copied, you
can execute the HTML documents using Intelligence Server.

In the procedure of setting up existing HTML documents, the

following assumptions are made:

• You have completed all the steps listed in the section

Setup for creating and executing HTML documents,
page 321.

• The location of the HTML document directory is

/machine-name/share/htmldocuments. For the file
paths described in the procedure below, machine-name
is used to represent the name of the machine on which
you store the HTML document directory. For example, if
you store the directory on a machine named UNIX1,
machine-name should be replaced with UNIX1.

To set up existing HTML documents for execution

1 Copy the HTML file for any existing HTML document to


2 View the source code of each HTML file and copy the XSL
file used by each HTML document in an appropriate
directory under

For example, if the location of the XSL file in the source

code is xsl="\xsls\myxsl.xsl, then copy myxsl.xsl
to /machine-name/share/htmldocuments/xsls. If
the location of the XSL file in the source code is
xsl="\myxsl.xsl, then copy myxsl.xsl to

326 Executing documents and HTML documents in UNIX/Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents 8

3 View the source code for the images used by each HTML
document in an appropriate directory under

For example, if the location of the image file in the source

code is \images\myimage.gif, then copy myimage.gif
to /machine-name/share/htmldocuments/images.
If the location of the XSL file in the source code is
\myimage.gif, then copy myimage.gif to

You are now ready to execute your HTML documents.

Setup for executing Report Services documents

A MicroStrategy Report Services document is used to format
data from multiple reports. These documents can be exported
to PDF format. To execute documents and export them to
PDF format using MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
Universal in a UNIX or Linux environment, you must
perform some additional setup tasks.

When Intelligence Server Universal is running on a UNIX or

Linux platform, all fonts are converted to the Courier New
font for:

• Reports exported to PDF format

• Report Services documents

• Graphs contained in HTML documents

• Graphs displayed in MicroStrategy Web

This occurs because the fonts required by the PDF

component are missing from UNIX and Linux machines
running Intelligence Server Universal. The missing fonts may
include Microsoft True Type fonts.

MicroStrategy does not distribute or license Microsoft

fonts, and therefore cannot package Microsoft fonts
with Intelligence Server Universal.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Executing documents and HTML documents in UNIX/Linux 327
8 Setting Up Documents and HTML Documents Installation and Configuration Guide

To resolve this issue, you must install the font files in the
PDFGeneratorFiles folder within the MicroStrategy
installation path on the UNIX or Linux machine, as described

To copy fonts to your UNIX or Linux machine

1 Log in to your UNIX or Linux machine that hosts

Intelligence Server Universal.

2 Install the Microsoft True Type fonts. Refer to the

following resources for information on licensing
requirements for and installing Microsoft True Type




3 Copy the font files into the

<INSTALL_PATH>/PDFGeneratorFiles directory,
where <INSTALL_PATH> is the directory you specified as
the MicroStrategy install directory during installation.

4 To update the list of fonts available, you must restart the

Intelligence Server.

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

After completing the steps to set up documents and HTML
documents for UNIX and Linux, you can continue your setup
and configuration. To help guide the rest of your installation
and configuration steps, refer to the section Installation and
configuration checklists, page 58 in Chapter 1, Planning
Your Installation, for installation and configuration

328 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



This chapter explains the various possibilities for performing

fully automated and unattended installations within the
MicroStrategy platform. This includes customizations to the
installation routines available with the product. It explains
the different resources you can use to deploy MicroStrategy
products through various scenarios including:

• Deploying the MicroStrategy platform across the network

through the Microsoft System Management Server (SMS)
or its equivalent (for example, IBM Tivoli)
• Embedding the MicroStrategy platform within third party
custom applications and other installation routines

• Customizing the MicroStrategy installation to meet the

various environment-specific requirements for a given

This chapter provides the following information:

• The different types of installations that can be performed

with MicroStrategy products.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 329

9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

• How to perform a fully automated MicroStrategy

installation by modifying various installation parameters
in Windows ini-like response files.

• How to perform a partial, factory-like installation that can

be further completed by a customer. This particular set of
features enables any Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) to easily embed the MicroStrategy platform within
another application.

• How to customize certain aspects of the MicroStrategy

installation to meet various site-specific requirements for
multi-user environments, such as strict standards for
software deployment to user communities and so on.

 Automated and silent installations require advanced

techniques such as creating and running response.ini
files. Therefore, automated and silent installations
should be handled by system administrators with full
knowledge of the environment and the desired
MicroStrategy installation.

Before installing MicroStrategy products, you should refer to

Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation for important
pre-installation information.

Installation log file

Before you begin to learn about automated installation
options, it is important to know about the installation log file.
The setup program generates a log file in text format. This log
file contains records of all actions performed by the setup
program and by other executable files related to installation.
The installation log file can be particularly helpful if you
encounter errors during the installation process. For
example, the log can tell you if a registry key or path was not
added or if a critical file was not registered successfully. The
setup.exe file writes to this log file. The log file data

• Update dates

• Machine specifications

• User selections

330 Installation log file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

• List of files to be registered

• List of files that do not require registration

• List of registry entries

• Identification of files that fail during registration

• Installation activity such as performance counter loading

and DSN creation

• Reboot time file registration results

The default location for the install.log file is in the

Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy folder,
but both the location and the name can be changed. You can
specify the log file name and location in the following places:

• Command line, reading the parameter LogFile. For


setup.exe --LogFile=“C:\install.log”

• Response file in [LogFile]. See Configuring a response.ini

file to install MicroStrategy, page 332 for more

Methods of installation
The installation methods discussed in this chapter are:

• Installing and configuring with a response.ini file,

page 331

• Silent installation, page 369

Installing and configuring with a response.ini

The response.ini file can facilitate the installation and
setup of MicroStrategy products by allowing you to progress
through the installation and project creation processes with a

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Methods of installation 331

9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

single keystroke. A response.ini file is an initialization file

that is used to send parameters or selections to the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard. This allows you to run it
silently as all the options are pre-selected in that file. This
section describes how to create and use response.ini for
the following tasks:

• Configuring a response.ini file to install MicroStrategy,

page 332

• Configuring your installation with a response.ini file,

page 366

• Uninstalling with a response.ini file, page 367

Configuring a response.ini file to install MicroStrategy

The response.ini file for installation allows you to
automate certain aspects of the installation by modifying a
Windows ini-like response file. This option is typically
implemented by

• OEM applications that embed MicroStrategy installations

within other products

• IT departments who want to have more control over

desktop installations

The response.ini file specifies all the selections you want

to make during the installation in the MicroStrategy
Installation Wizard. You can either run it with all the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard options that are
pre-selected, or run it without having to use the wizard at all.

The response.ini file should not be confused with

the setup.iss file, which is used by the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard to perform silent
installation. When both response.ini and
setup.iss are included in the setup,
response.ini overrides setup.iss. For details on
the setup.iss file, see Silent installation, page 369.

332 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Component dependencies

When you use a response.ini file to install MicroStrategy

products, there are some key dependencies among separate
components you should be aware of. The products listed
below require either pre-installed software or certain
MicroStrategy components to be selected to successfully
install the products with a response.ini file:

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Administrator requires

SequeLink ODBC Socket Server to be included in the

• MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server Subscription Portal

requires SequeLink ODBC Socket Server to be included in
the installation

• MicroStrategy Function Plug-in Wizard requires

Microsoft Visual C++ to be installed before running your
response.ini file

• MicroStrategy Analytic Modules requires MicroStrategy

Desktop Designer or a combination of MicroStrategy
Desktop Analyst and MicroStrategy Architect to be
included in the installation

Creating a response.ini file

You can create a response.ini file in any text editor and

save the file as response.ini in the desired folder.

 You must save the file as ANSI encoding.

The following tables describe the parameters and options for
the all the sections, such as Installer, Paths, and so on in the
response.ini file. It is followed by sample response.ini
files for your reference.

The options are case sensitive, therefore they must be

entered as indicated in the tables below.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 333
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide


Options Description

[Installer] Section that begins the installation.

HideAllDialogs = TRUE or FALSE. Indicates whether the installation uses all

default values. FALSE displays all the dialog boxes and you
must browse using the Next buttons. The default is FALSE.

LogFile = Location where the install.log file is generated. If left

empty, it takes the default location and file name of
C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy\

CreateShortcuts = TRUE or FALSE. TRUE creates a shortcut called MicroStrategy

in the Windows Start menu. The default is TRUE.

PreventReboot = TRUE or FALSE. TRUE prevents the machine from rebooting

after installation is done. Note the following conditions:
• If both ForceReboot = TRUE and PreventReboot =
TRUE, then PreventReboot applies first.
• If both ForceReboot and PreventReboot are FALSE and
HideDialog for [Finish] is set to TRUE, then the
machine reboots only if it is required.
The default is FALSE.

ForceReboot = TRUE or FALSE. TRUE reboots the machine after the installation
is done. The default is FALSE.

EnterpriseManagerOverwrite = TRUE or FALSE. If you select FALSE, the warehouse and

metadata files are not updated but the rest of the files for
Enterprise Manager are updated. This prompt only impacts the
files in the Microsoft Access database. The default is FALSE.

ShowConfigWizard = TRUE or FALSE. When using silent install, set to FALSE to

prevent the Configuration Wizard from coming up after reboot.
The default is TRUE.

RunConfigWizard = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to specify whether to run the
Configuration Wizard. The default is FALSE.

ConfigWizardResponseFile = Specify the name of the response file for the Configuration
Wizard; otherwise, it takes the default name of
For more details on configuring the response.ini file for the
Configuration Wizard, see Configuring your installation with a
response.ini file, page 366.

334 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Options Description

BackupFiles = TRUE or FALSE. If you set the value to TRUE, it creates a

backup of the following files:
• *.pds
• *.xsl
• *.asp
• *.css
• *.js
• *.sql
The default is FALSE.

StopAllServices = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to stop all MicroStrategy

services that are running on the machine during installation.
The default is FALSE.

StopIIS = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to stop Internet Information

Services (IIS) during installation. The default is FALSE.

AnalyticsOverwrite = TRUE or FALSE. This option overwrites the Analytics Modules

from a previous install. The default is FALSE.

TutReportingOverwrite = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to overwrite the Reporting

Tutorial from a previous installation. The default is FALSE.

eTrainerForWebOverwrite = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to overwrite the MicroStrategy

eTrainer for MicroStrategy Web database from a previous
installation. The default is FALSE.

TutDeliveryOverwrite = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to overwrite the Delivery

Tutorial from a previous installation. The default is FALSE.

CheckRenameOperations = TRUE or FALSE. In some instances, as a result of a previous

installation or an uninstall, certain files may be missing or
irreplaceable during installation. Therefore, you are prompted to
do one of the following:
• Reboot at the beginning of installation to replace this file. It
is recommended that you select this option.
• Continue with the installation at the risk of the software not
functioning properly.
If you enter FALSE, the prompt does not display. The default is

EnableTracing = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to trace the setup process in a
log file that is saved in the Temp folder. The log file records
errors that are encountered during the installation. The default

EnableASPNETServices = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to enable the ASP.NET

MicroStrategy Web Services extensions that IIS Admin
requires. The default is FALSE.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 335
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Options Description

EnableASPServices = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to enable the ASP

MicroStrategy Web Services extensions that IIS Admin
requires. The default is FALSE.

ShowWelcomeScreen = TRUE or FALSE. Set to TRUE to display the Welcome screen

after reboot. The Welcome screen is displayed only once after
reboot. The default is TRUE.


MicroStrategy version 7.5.x and later does not provide

a way to specify an alternate directory for Windows
system files. Not providing an alternative ensures that
all system files are installed to the same location for all
installations and updates.

Options Description

[InitialPaths] Section for specifying the path for the products that you select to install.

COMMONFILES = Location where the common files like response.ini, install.log,

and so on will be installed. If left empty, it takes the default location of
C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy.

Desktop = Location where Desktop will be installed. If left empty, it takes the
default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\Desktop.

ObjectManager = Location where Object Manager will be installed. If left empty, it takes
the default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\
Administrator\Object Manager.

CommandManager = Location where Command Manager will be installed. If left empty, it

takes the default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\
Administrator\Command Manager.

EnterpriseManager = Location where Enterprise Manager will be installed. If left empty, it

takes the default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\
Administrator\Enterprise Manager.

Server = Location where the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server will be installed. If

left empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Intelligence Server.

Web = Location where MicroStrategy Web will be installed. If left empty, it

takes the default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\
Web ASPx.

WebUniversal = Location where MicroStrategy Web Universal will be installed. If left

empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Web JSP.

336 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Options Description

WebServices = Location where MicroStrategy Web Services will be installed. If left

empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Web Services.

WebServicesUniversal = Location where MicroStrategy Web Services Universal will be installed.

If left empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Web Services JSP

SDK = Location where the SDK will be installed. If left empty, it takes the
default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\SDK.

Office = Location where MicroStrategy Office will be installed. If left empty, it

takes the default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\

TutorialReporting = Location where MicroStrategy Tutorial - Reporting will be installed. If left

empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Tutorial Reporting.

eTrainer= Location where eTrainer for MicroStrategy Web will be installed. If left
empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\

AnalyticsModules = Location where the Analytics Modules will be installed. If left empty, it
takes the default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\
Analytics Modules.

NCSAdminDeliveryEngine Location where the Narrowcast Server Delivery Engine will be installed.
= If left empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Narrowcast Server\Delivery Engine.

SubscriptionPortal = Location where the Subscription Portal will be installed. If left empty, it
takes the default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\
Narrowcast Server\Subscription Portal.

TutorialDelivery = Location where MicroStrategy Tutorial - Delivery will be installed. If left

empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Narrowcast Server\Tutorial

IntegrityManager = Location where MicroStrategy Integrity Manager will be installed. If left

empty, it takes the default location of C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Integrity Manager

Mobile Location where MicroStrategy Mobile will be installed. If left empty, it

takes the default location of C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 337
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Welcome dialog box

Options Description

[Welcome] Section for configuring the Welcome dialog box.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

RemoveAll = TRUE or FALSE. This option is for the uninstall process only. Setting it
to TRUE removes all MicroStrategy products during the uninstall
process. The default is FALSE.

Customer Information dialog box

Options Description

[UserRegistration] Section for specifying the customer information.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

UserName = Indicates the user name of the currently logged user or a user who is
already registered. If no information is provided, you cannot proceed to
the next page.

CompanyName = The name of the company for which the software is registered. The
default is the company name in the registry.

LicenseKey = Specify the license key for the software. If you do not specify the license
key, the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard will ask for it when it reaches
that step. By default it is blank for a fresh install or displays the license
key from a previous install.

Setup Type dialog box

Options Description

[SetupType] Section for setting the appropriate dialog boxes to display for Typical or
Advanced installation. This dialog box offers the option to select the
installation type.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

Type = This determines whether the installation is Typical or Advanced.

One of the following two parameters can be entered:
• typical
• advanced
Typical or Advanced. If set to typical, the installation paths
specified in the [InstallPaths] section are used. If set to
Advanced, you are prompted to enter the path for each product. For
more information, refer to GUI, page 55 in Chapter 1, Planning Your
Installation. The default is Advanced.

338 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Choose Destination Location dialog box

Options Description

[SuiteTarget] Section specifying the name of the target directory from where you can
run the MicroStrategy products.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

TargetDirectory = Location of the root directory for the Program Files. The default is set to
C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy.

Select Components dialog box

In the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard, the Select

Components dialog box contains check boxes to select or
clear for products to be installed. The
[ComponentSelection] options specify whether you want
the following products to be visible to the user. In addition,
you can set the default selection for each product.

Options Description

[ComponentSelection] Equivalent to the Select Components dialog box that

you see during installation. For the Visible option,
you can either enter TRUE to show a product or FALSE
to hide it. If you do not specify a TRUE or FALSE value
for each product, TRUE is used for all products. For the
Select option, you can enter TRUE to select the check
box next to a product. If you enter FALSE, the check
box next to the product is not selected.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The

default is FALSE.

DesktopDesignerVisible = MicroStrategy Desktop Designer

DestopAnalystVisible = MicroStrategy Desktop Analyst

ArchitectVisible = MicroStrategy Architect

ServerAdminVisible = MicroStrategy Server Administrator

ProjectBuilderVisible = MicroStrategy Project Builder

FunctionPluginVisible = MicroStrategy Function Plug-In Wizard

CommandManagerVisible = MicroStrategy Command Manager

EnterpriseManagerVisible = MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager

ObjectManagerVisible = MicroStrategy Object Manager

IntegrityManagerVisible = MicroStrategy Integrity Manager

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 339
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Options Description

IServerVisible = MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

IServerOLAPServicesVisible = MicroStrategy OLAP Services

IServerReportServicesVisible = MicroStrategy Report Services

WebAnalystVisible = MicroStrategy Web Analyst

WebProfessionalVisible = MicroStrategy Web Professional

WebReporterVisible = MicroStrategy Web Reporter

WebUniversalAnalystVisible = MicroStrategy Web Universal Analyst

WebUniversalProfessionalVisible = MicroStrategy Web Universal Professional

WebUniversalReporterVisible = MicroStrategy Web Universal Reporter

WebServicesASPNETVisible = MicroStrategy Web Services (ASP.NET)

WebServicesJSPVisible = MicroStrategy Web Services Universal (JSP)

SDKVisible = MicroStrategy SDK

OfficeVisible = MicroStrategy Office

MobileVisible = MicroStrategy Mobile

TutorialReportingVisible = MicroStrategy Tutorial - Reporting

eTrainer for WebVisible = MicroStrategy eTrainer for Web

AnalyticsModulesVisible = MicroStrategy Analytics Modules

NCSAdminVisible = MicroStrategy Narrowcast Administrator

DeliveryEngineVisible = MicroStrategy Delivery Engine

SubscriptionEngineVisible = MicroStrategy Subscription Engine

SubscriptionPortalVisible = MicroStrategy Subscription Portal

TutorialDeliveryInstallVisible = MicroStrategy Tutorial - Delivery Installation

TutorialDeliveryConfigureVisible = MicroStrategy Tutorial - Delivery Configuration

JMSGatewayVisible = JMS Gateway

WebGatewayVisible = Web Gateway

SequeLinkVisible = SequeLink ODBC Socket Server

During the installation process in the MicroStrategy

Installation Wizard, the Select Components dialog box
contains check boxes to select or clear for products to be
installed. You can either specify TRUE to install a product or
FALSE to uninstall it. If you do not specify a TRUE or FALSE

340 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

value for each product, the installation always uses the most
recent selection from a previous install. If you specify TRUE,
the product check box is selected. The
[ComponentSelection] options specify whether the check
box for each product will be selected or cleared.

Options Description

DesktopDesignerSelect = MicroStrategy Desktop Designer

DestopAnalystSelect = MicroStrategy Desktop Analyst

ServerAdminSelect = MicroStrategy Server Administrator

ArchitectSelect = MicroStrategy Architect

ProjectBuilderSelect = MicroStrategy Project Builder

FunctionPluginSelect = MicroStrategy Function Plug-In Wizard

ObjectManagerSelect = MicroStrategy Object Manager

CommandManagerSelect = MicroStrategy Command Manager

EnterpriseManagerSelect = MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager

IntegrityManagerSelect = MicroStrategy Integrity Manager

IServerSelect = MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

IServerOLAPServicesSelect = MicroStrategy OLAP Services

IServerReportServicesSelect = MicroStrategy Report Services

WebServerASPNETSelect = MicroStrategy Web Server

WebAnalystSelect = MicroStrategy Web Analyst

WebProfessionalSelect = MicroStrategy Web Professional

WebReporterSelect = MicroStrategy Web Reporter

WebUniversalServerASPNETSelect = MicroStrategy Web Universal Server (ASP.NET)

WebUniversalServerJSPSelect = MicroStrategy Web Universal Server (JSP)

WebUniversalAnalystSelect = MicroStrategy Web Universal Analyst

WebUniversalProfessionalSelect = MicroStrategy Web Universal Professional

WebUniversalReporterSelect = MicroStrategy Web Universal Reporter

WebServicesASPNETSelect = MicroStrategy Web Services (ASP.NET)

WebServicesJSPSelect = MicroStrategy Web Services Universal (JSP)

MobileClientSelect = MicroStrategy Mobile

MobileWebASPSelect = MicroStrategy Mobile Web Server (ASP.NET)

MobileWebJSPSelect = MicroStrategy Mobile Web Server (JSP)

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 341
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Options Description

SDKSelect = MicroStrategy SDK

OfficeSelect = MicroStrategy Office

TutorialReportingSelect = MicroStrategy Tutorial - Reporting

eTrainer for WebSelect = MicroStrategy eTrainer for Web

AnalyticsModulesSelect= MicroStrategy Analytics Modules

NCSAdminSelect = MicroStrategy Narrowcast Administrator

DeliveryEngineSelect = MicroStrategy Delivery Engine

SubscriptionEngineSelect = MicroStrategy Subscription Engine

SubscriptionPortalSelect = MicroStrategy Subscription Portal

TutorialDeliveryInstallSelect = MicroStrategy Tutorial - Delivery Installation

TutorialDeliveryConfigureSelect = MicroStrategy Tutorial - Delivery Configuration

JMSGatewaySelect = JMS Gateway

WebGatewaySelect = Web Gateway

SequeLinkSelect = SequeLink ODBC Socket Server

MicroStrategy Web virtual directory

Options Description

[WebVirtualDirectory] Section that specifies the virtual directory to be used for the
MicroStrategy Web application.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

VirtualDirectory = Enter a name for the virtual directory. The default is MicroStrategy8.

RemoveVD = YES or NO. This option is for the uninstall only. Set this option to remove
an existing MicroStrategy Web virtual directory from a previous
installation. The default is NO.

Subscription Portal virtual directory

Options Description

[PortalVirtualDirectory] Section that specifies the virtual directory to be used for

MicroStrategy Subscription Portal.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default

342 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Options Description

VirtualDirectory = Enter a name for the virtual directory. The default is


RemoveVD = YES or NO. This option is for the uninstall only. Set this option to
remove an existing MicroStrategy Subscription Portal virtual
directory from a previous installation. The default is NO.

MicroStrategy Web Services virtual directory

Options Description

[WebServicesDirectory] Section that specifies the virtual directory to be used for MicroStrategy
Web Services.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

VirtualDirectory = Enter a name for the virtual directory. The default is


RemoveVD = YES or NO. This option is for the uninstall only. Set this option to remove
an existing MicroStrategy Subscription Portal virtual directory from a
previous installation. The default is NO.

eTrainerForWeb virtual directory

Options Description

[eTrainerForWebVirtualDirectory] Section that specifies the virtual directory to be used for

MicroStrategy eTrainer.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to TRUE to hide either the
MicroStrategy eTrainer for MicroStrategy Web Virtual
Directory Setting dialog box, or the prompt for removal of
the virtual directory while MicroStrategy eTrainer for
MicroStrategy Web is being uninstalled. The default is

VirtualDirectory = Enter a name for the virtual directory. If left empty, it takes
the value of eTrainer.

RemoveVD = YES or NO. Set this option to specify whether upon

uninstallation the MicroStrategy eTrainer for MicroStrategy
Web virtual directory should be removed. The default
value is NO.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 343
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Program folder

Options Description

[ProgramFolder] Section specifying the Windows Start name of the folder from where you
can run the MicroStrategy products. The folder will be created under the
default Start\Programs\.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

Name = Enter the name of the folder, for example, MicroStrategy.

Intelligence Server service account

Options Description

[IServerServiceAccount] Section specifying the Windows account for the MicroStrategy

Intelligence Server service. You have two options:
• bypass entering the account information
• enter the account information

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

SkipAccountSetting = TRUE or FALSE. Set TRUE to bypass the service account setting in the
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Setting dialog box. If you bypass it,
then the service runs with the local system account that is installing
the products. The default is FALSE.

Domain = Enter the domain where the account is located.

Login = Enter the user name of the account to use.

Password = Enter the password for the account.

ServiceStartup = AUTO or MANUAL. Select to set the Intelligence Server service startup
to be automatic or manual. The default is AUTO.

Narrowcast Server service account

Options Description

[NarrowcastServiceAcco Section specifying the Windows account from which the MicroStrategy
unt] Narrowcast Server service will run.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

344 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Options Description

SkipAccountSetting = TRUE or FALSE.

If you specify this value as FALSE, the service account settings are not
skipped and the MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server setting dialog box is
displayed. Specify the details of the Windows account that the
MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server services will use to log on and click
Next to proceed with the installation process.

Domain = Enter the domain where the account is located.

Login = Enter the user name of the account to use.

Password = Enter the password for the account.

MicroStrategy Web Universal URL setting

Options Description

[WebUDeployment] Section specifying the URL for MicroStrategy Web Universal.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

SkipDeploymentSetting TRUE or FALSE. TRUE skips the Deployment setting. The default is

DeploymentDirectory = Specify a location for MicroStrategy Web Universal installation, for

example, C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\Web JSP.

MicroStrategy Web Services and Web Services Universal URL


Options Description

[OfficeWebServicesURL] Section specifying the URL for MicroStrategy Web Services and Web
Services Universal.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

AllowBlankURL = TRUE or FALSE. Specify whether to allow a blank URL. The installation
routine validates the provided URL. If no URL is provided, the user is
informed that it has been left blank and needs to be configured with the
MicroStrategy Office Configuration Tool. If this is set to TRUE, the user
message is not displayed if the URL is left blank. The default is FALSE.

URL = Enter a URL pointing to a valid MicroStrategy Web Services installation,

for example,

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 345
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy Office setting

Options Description

[MSOfficeLoadOptions] Section specifying the options that determine if the MicroStrategy Office
toolbar is loaded in the installed Microsoft Office applications.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

ConfigureExcel = TRUE or FALSE. Specify to load the MicroStrategy Office toolbar by

default when the Microsoft Excel application runs. This applies only if
Excel is installed in the target machine. The default is TRUE.

ConfigureWord = TRUE or FALSE. Specify to load the MicroStrategy Office toolbar by

default when the Microsoft Word application runs. This applies only if
Word is installed on the target machine. The default is TRUE.

ConfigurePowerpoint = TRUE or FALSE. Specify to load the MicroStrategy Office toolbar by

default when the Microsoft PowerPoint application runs. This applies
only if PowerPoint is installed on the target machine. The default is

Intelligence Server definition setting

Options Description

[ServerDefinitionSetting] Section specifying whether or not the MicroStrategy Intelligence

Server will use the server definition included with the Tutorial.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is

OverwriteServerDefinition = TRUE or FALSE. This option relates to the Tutorial. Set this
option to overwrite existing MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
definitions from a previous install. The default is FALSE.

Tutorial reporting setting

Options Description

[TutorialReportingSetting] Section that specifies the DSN used to connect to the

MicroStrategy Tutorial.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is

OverwriteDSN = TRUE or FALSE. Set this option to overwrite an existing DSN

with the same name. The data source names are as follows:
• MicroStrategy_Tutorial_Metadata
• MicroStrategy_Tutorial_Data
The default is FALSE.

346 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Start Copying Files dialog box

Options Description

[Summary] Section that specifies the installation summary in the Start Copying
Files dialog box.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

MicroStrategy Installation Wizard Complete dialog box

Options Description

[Finish] Section that specifies the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard Complete

dialog box.

HideDialog = TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.

Example of a response.ini file


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 347
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

LogFile=C:\Program Files\install.log


UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>


TargetDirectory=C:\Program Files\


### Visible Components ###


348 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9


### Components To Install (TRUE) or

Remove(FALSE) ###

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 349
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide









350 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9


Login=<NT userlogin here>
Password=<user password here>
Domain=<domain here>

Login=<NT userlogin here>
Password=<user password here>
Domain=<domain here>

DeploymentDirectory=C:\Program Files\
MicroStrategy\Web JSP




Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.

Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. For example, change
UserName=<user name here> to UserName=jsmith.
Make sure you check for correct spaces and new lines in all
file paths.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 351
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy OLAP Services, then you cannot use
IServerOLAPServicesSelect=TRUE and
IServerOLAPServices=TRUE to install these

Example of a response.ini file: Installs

Intelligence Server, SDK, Enterprise Manager,
and Administrator components


UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>

TargetDirectory=C:\Program Files\


### Visible Components ###


352 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9


### Components To Install (TRUE) or Remove

(FALSE) ###




Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.
Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. For example, change
UserName=<user name here> to UserName=jsmith.
Make sure to check that all file paths are entered with correct

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy OLAP Services, then you cannot use

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 353
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

IServerOLAPServicesSelect=TRUE and
IServerOLAPServices=TRUE to install these

Example of a response.ini file: Installs

Intelligence Server components



UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>





### Visible Components ###


### Components To Install (TRUE) or Remove

(FALSE) ###

354 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9





Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.
Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. For example, change
UserName=<user name here> to UserName=jsmith.
Make sure to check that all file paths are entered with correct

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy OLAP Services, then you cannot use
IServerOLAPServicesSelect=TRUE and
IServerOLAPServices=TRUE to install these

Example of a response.ini file: Installs

MicroStrategy Web components

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 355
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide



UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>




### Visible Components ###


### Components To Install (TRUE) or Remove

(FALSE) ###

356 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9



Files\MicroStrategy\Web JSP



Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.
Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. For example, change
UserName=<user name here> to UserName=jsmith.
Make sure to check that all file paths are entered with correct

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy Web Reporter, then you cannot use
WebReporterVisible=TRUE and
WebReporterSelect=TRUE to install these

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 357
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Example of a response.ini file: Installs SDK



UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>




### Visible Components ###


### Components To Install (TRUE) or Remove

(FALSE) ###




358 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.
Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. For example, change
UserName=<user name here> to UserName=jsmith.
Make sure to check that all file paths are entered with correct

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy SDK, then you cannot use
SDKVisible=TRUE and SDKSelect=TRUE to install
these components.

Example of a response.ini file: Installs

Enterprise Manager components


UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>




© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 359
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide


### Visible Components ###


### Components To Install (TRUE) or Remove

(FALSE) ###



Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.
Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. For example, change
UserName=<user name here> to UserName=jsmith.
Make sure to check that all file paths are entered with correct

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager, then you cannot
use EnterpriseManagerVisible=TRUE and
EnterpriseManagerSelect=TRUE to install these

Example of a response.ini file: Installs

Desktop, Architect, and Administrator


360 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9


UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>




### Visible Components ###


### Components To Install (TRUE) or Remove

(FALSE) ###


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 361
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide


Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.
Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. Make sure to check that all file paths are
entered with correct spacing.

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy Desktop Designer, then you cannot use
DesktopDesignerVisible=TRUE and
DesktopDesignerSelect=TRUE to install these

Example of a response.ini file: Installs

Desktop and Architect components


UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>



362 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9



### Visible Components ###


### Components To Install (TRUE) or Remove

(FALSE) ###



Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.
Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. Make sure to check that all file paths are
entered with correct spacing.

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy Desktop Designer, then you cannot use
DesktopDesignerVisible=TRUE and
DesktopDesignerSelect=TRUE to install these

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 363
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Example of a response.ini file: Installs

Desktop components


UserName=<user name here>
CompanyName=<Company name here>
LicenseKey=<Customer License Key here>




### Visible Components ###


### Components To Install (TRUE) or Remove

(FALSE) ###



364 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Copy and paste this example to create a response.ini file.
Replace any text between angled brackets (<>) with your own
specific information. Make sure to check that all file paths are
entered with correct spacing.

 Your license key determines which MicroStrategy

components will be available for your installation. For
example, if your license key does not include
MicroStrategy Desktop Designer, then you cannot use
DesktopDesignerVisible=TRUE and
DesktopDesignerSelect=TRUE to install these

Using the response.ini file

To use the response.ini file, do one of the following:

• Save your response.ini file to the directory C:\.

You can save to a different directory, but the command
below assumes the response file is saved to the directory
location C:\. Type the following command in the
Windows command line:

• From the Windows Start menu, choose Run to open the

Run dialog box. Enter the same command in the box and
click OK.

The setup program supports several command-line

parameters. The following applies to this function:

• Parameters using double dashes, such as --auto, are

defined by MicroStrategy. For example, you can use the
--auto parameter as follows:
<path>\setup.exe --Auto=TRUE

• The command line is not case-sensitive.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 365
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

The following parameters are supported by the setup


• Auto= instructs the setup program to use the response

file and default values to enable a one-click installation. If
a component, such as serial key or disk space has an
invalid value, the setup program automatically reverts to
multiple-click mode, and all dialog boxes are displayed.

• ResponseFile= contains responses to installation

questions and redefines default parameters. The path and
file name must be in double quotes (“ ”). If you use this
parameter, do not use any other parameters.

• ConfigFile= used by the Configuration Wizard to set up a

repository, a server, or a client. The path and file name
must be in double quotes (“ ”).

• LogFile= used to specify an alternative location and/or

name (other than install.log) for the log file in the
Common Files directory. If only the file name is entered,
the default location remains the Common Files directory.
Once specified, the alternative file becomes the default.

Activating your installation

After your installation is complete, you must activate your

MicroStrategy software installation within 30 days. To
activate your software you can follow the instructions
provided in Chapter 4, Activating Your Installation.

Configuring your installation with a response.ini file

The Configuration Wizard walks you through the process of
setting up the environment for the MicroStrategy products
installed in your system. It is possible to configure server
definition, project source names, and the metadata repository
using a response.ini file. The steps required to create a
response.ini file to configure Microstrategy are provided
in Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,
page 158.

366 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Uninstalling with a response.ini file

You can uninstall all MicroStrategy products at once using a
response.ini file. You must create a response file with the
RemoveAll parameter set to TRUE in the Welcome section.
This is also known as a silent uninstallation.

 You must save the file as ANSI encoding.

Before uninstallation begins, the MicroStrategy application:

• Checks for user privileges. If they are not valid,

uninstallation stops.

• Checks for running components. If one is found,

uninstallation stops.

• Stops and deletes the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

• Deletes application created files.

Example of a response.ini file to uninstall


You can use the following response file to remove all

MicroStrategy products:


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing and configuring with a response.ini file 367
9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide








For details on creating a response.ini file, see Creating a

response.ini file, page 333.

After you have created a response.ini file, use the

following script at the command prompt to uninstall all
MicroStrategy products:

<path>\setup.exe --ResponseFile=

368 Installing and configuring with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

where the path for setup.exe must be the path to the

original setup.exe used to install MicroStrategy products.
The path for the response file is the path where you saved
your response.ini file.

Silent installation
A silent, or unattended, installation is one that presents no
user interface. Silent installations are useful for system
administrators who do not want users to interfere with the
installation. They are typically implemented by IT
departments that perform package-based installations across
the network, such as SMS. The silent installation can be used

• deployment with Microsoft System Management Server


• OEM installations

 Silent installations with MicroStrategy must use a

response.ini file in conjunction with a setup.iss
file. Using a setup.iss file without a
response.ini file is not recommended or

Silent installations through System Management Server

Upon setup completion, the Microsoft System Management
Server (SMS) generates a Management Information Format
(MIF) file. There are two ways to generate the MIF file:
• using the command line with the switch

-m<filename without extension>

• adding the MIF section to the setup.ini file

Uninstallation in SMS also generates a corresponding

MIF file if you use the command line with the switch
-m<filename without extension>.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Silent installation 369

9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

OEM silent installations

You can use silent installation to easily embed MicroStrategy
products with other applications. The following sections
discuss the procedures for OEM silent installations.

All the requirements listed for standard installation must be

observed for successful silent installation. For details, see
Chapter 2, Installing MicroStrategy on Windows of this

To perform an OEM silent installation

When MicroStrategy products are installed as bundled

software with another product, the following procedure is
strongly recommended:

1 Create an installation response (response.ini) file for

the MicroStrategy products to install. The table that
follows shows which sections of the file are mandatory
and which are optional.

For detailed information regarding the contents of the

response.ini file, see Configuring a response.ini file to
install MicroStrategy, page 332.

Response File Section Selection

[Installer] Required

HideAllDialogs = Required

PreventReboot = Optional

StopAllServices = Optional

StopIIS = Optional

CheckRenameOperations = Optional

[UserRegistration] Required

[ComponentSelection] Required

EnterpriseManagerSelect = Required

[InitialPaths] Required

EnterpriseManager = Required

370 Silent installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

Setting HideAllDialogs = TRUE causes the

script for the response file to:

• Use default values as specified in the

response.ini file

• Not require user input

• Keep the dialog flow consistent from one instance

to the next

Consistency in the response file script from one instance

to the next is necessary; if setup.iss detects an
inconsistency in the dialog flow, installation is terminated
and a log file for the failure is created.

The only dialog flow modifications pertinent to silent

installation are specific to file location; therefore, the only
portion of the response.ini that may need to be
modified is the [InitialPaths] section.

 Be aware of the following:

– You must save the file as ANSI encoding.

– The rest of this procedure assumes you have saved

the response.ini file to the file path C:\. If you
save it to another file path, replace
C:\response.ini with the file path of your
response.ini file.

2 Create the setup.iss file to use in conjunction with the

response.ini file for the silent installation. Use a text
editor to create the setup.iss file with the following
[InstallShield Silent]
[File Transfer]
#x.y.z represent the version of the

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Silent installation 371

9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide


 Be aware of the following

– You must save the file as ANSI encoding.

– The version in the setup.iss file must match the

MicroStrategy version you are installing exactly.
For example, if you are installing version 8.1.2 you
must enter Version=8.1.2. Entering a version as
Version=8 or Version=8.1.x causes an error
when trying to perform a silent installation of
version 8.1.2.

– Refer to Language settings for silent installations,

page 372, for an explanation of the
LanguageValue parameter within the line

3 Run the silent install with the response.ini file in

conjunction with the setup.iss file as follows:

Refer to Language settings for silent installations,

page 372, for an explanation of the
LanguageValue parameter.

<path>\setup.exe -LLanguageValue
--ResponseFile="C:\response.ini" -s
-f1c:\setup.iss -f2c:\setup.log

Language settings for silent installations

In the final two steps of the procedure to run an OEM silent

• You can set Desktop language settings by setting the
language value in the setup.iss file.

• You can bypass the language prompt by running

setup.exe with the command line option for the

372 Silent installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

The following table lists the values for the different languages
that MicroStrategy supports.

Language Value

English 0009

Italian 0010

Portuguese 0016

German 0007

Spanish 000A

Japanese 0011

Korean 0012

Chinese 0004

Swedish 001D

French 000C

For example, to select English as the language:

• For the setup.iss file, change Lang=LanguageValue



• To run the silent install, use the command line option as

<path>\setup.exe -L0009

For the command line option, you must type -L in
of the language code to signify you are
entering a language.

If the silent installation is successful, the resulting code value

is zero (ResultCode=0) in the setup.log file. If the setup
program encounters an invalid value for an installation
requirement, setup terminates and silent installation ceases.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Silent installation 373

9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Silent installation output

The system verifies compliance with installation
prerequisites and places related messages in a file created for
that purpose. The following applies to the generation and
storage of output messages during silent installation:

• The MSTRInst.log file is created and placed in the

Temp folder.

• The MSTRInst.log file is maintained during the entire


• All system-generated messages, including messages

containing reasons for pre-installation termination, are
stored in the MSTRInst.log file.

there are installation termination messages in
installation instances that use the same
dialog flow, they are also stored in the

The table below identifies the information that the

MSTRInst.log file includes.

Line Description

Function [F] Identifies the function calls in the setup script.

Information [I] Logs information about the setup that is running.

Warning [W] Includes feedback that you must verify related to the setup. For example, in
normal mode, when MicroStrategy applications are running on a machine where
the setup is being run, you are prompted to close all MicroStrategy applications
before proceeding. In silent mode, you are not prompted, and instead the setup

Severe [S] Includes fatal problems that prevent the setup from proceeding. For example,
the Intelligence Server Service cannot be created and setup fails as a result.

A typical line in the MSTRInst.log file includes source file

name, function name, source line number, and time. It
appears as follows:
28][1318179ms][W] Le file

374 Silent installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

8-B4D2-3C46C1C13663}\MAInst.dll couldn't
be loaded in memory.

When reviewing warning messages in the

MSTRInst.log file, look for [W] and [S] to find
related problems.

Activating silent installations

After your silent installation is complete, you must activate
your MicroStrategy software installation within 30 days. To
activate your software you can follow the instructions
provided in Chapter 4, Activating Your Installation.

Troubleshooting silent installations

Silent installation may not work if you are installing in a
different environment than the one you recorded. This is the
case because any dialog box that was not recorded previously
is not recognized, such as if you are prompted to stop your
Intelligence Server or your IIS Web server. If this happens,

• The version of Intelligence Server to ensure that you have

the right one for the products you are installing
• You do not have any MicroStrategy applications running

• The setup.log file to see if the ResultCode=0

• Check the install.log for any recorded errors during

installation and the MSTRInst.log file for any possible
The most common errors are:

• -8, which is an invalid path to the MicroStrategy

Installation Wizard silent response .iss file.

• -12, which is dialog boxes out of order. This occurs

because an unrecorded screen opened when running
the silent install.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Silent installation 375

9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

It is recommended that you create a silent install that can be

used with a response.ini file. For more information, see
OEM silent installations, page 370. This way you can change
the settings in the response.ini file without having to
generate a new .iss file.

Silent installation of a hotfix

A hotfix is a file or a collection of files that you can apply to
MicroStrategy products installed on your computer to correct
a specific problem. Hotfixes are packaged in an executable
(.exe) file, which is a self-installing format. When you install a
hotfix, files are backed up automatically so that you can
remove the hotfix later.

You can apply a hotfix to MicroStrategy products using silent

installation. MicroStrategy supports silent installation of
hotfixes only for versions 7.5.3 and later.

To perform a silent installation of a hotfix

1 Insert the disk containing the Hotfix installable in the disk


2 Access the disk drive through the command prompt.

3 Run the silent install with the following command:

setup.exe /v" /qn

You can check the status of the silent installation in Windows

Task Manager. After applying the Hotfix, you can view it in
the Add/Remove Programs window.

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

After completing the steps to install Intelligence Server, you
can continue the set up and configuration of your installation.
To help guide the rest of your installation and configuration

376 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on Windows 9

steps, refer to the section Installation and configuration

checklists, page 58 in Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation,
for installation and configuration checklists.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring your MicroStrategy installation 377

9 Automated Installation on Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

378 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.




This chapter explains the various methods of performing a

fully automated and unattended installation within the
MicroStrategy platform when you do not have access to a
UNIX or Linux graphical user interface (GUI).

Intelligence Server Universal configurations possible

through the command line on UNIX and Linux are
covered in Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy
Using Command Line Tools.

This chapter includes the following section(s):

• Silent installation, page 380

Before installing MicroStrategy products, you should refer to

Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation for important
pre-installation information.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 379

10 Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

Silent installation
A silent or unattended installation is one that presents no
graphical user interface (GUI). Silent installations allow you
to automate the installation, so it can be called from a script
and executed without user interaction. Silent installations are
useful for system administrators who do not want users to
run the installation themselves. The silent installation can be
done on one or more computers.

Creating an options file

To run silent installation, you first create an options file and
then run it with the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard. Save
the options file as options.txt.

This options file or response file is used with the command

line argument -options to modify the wizard settings. The
settings that can be specified for the wizard are listed in the
next section, Settings that can be changed, page 381.

To use the options file

1 Log on to the computer where you are installing one or

more MicroStrategy products.

2 You can access the installation files and the options file
from a disk or you can ask your system administrator to
share the files in a network location. For information on
mounting or unmounting CD-ROM drives, see Mounting
and unmounting CD-ROMs, page 480 in Appendix B,

3 Browse to the MicroStrategyInstallation/

QueryReportingAnalysis_UNIX directory and open
options.txt in a text editor.

4 Specify a value for a setting by replacing the character’s

<value>. For information on how to specify its value, see
Chapter 3, Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux.

380 Silent installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux 10

5 Save the changes to the options.txt file.

6 To use the options file on a silent installation, specify

-silent -options <file-name> as a command line
argument to the wizard, where <file-name> is the name of
this options file, for example, options.txt.

The following are examples using the native launchers:

• Solaris: >setupsol.bin -silent -options


• AIX: >setupAIX.bin -silent -options


• HP-UX: >setupHPIA64.bin -silent -options


Settings that can be changed

The following settings can be changed for a silent installation.
For details on settings, see Chapter 3, Installing
MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux.

The settings follow their descriptions, in the format

-W settingname=<value>

Customer information

Your name, the name of the company for which you work,
and the license key.

• User

-W userRegistration.user=<value>

• Company

• License key

-W userRegistration.cdkey=<value>

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Silent installation 381

10 Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy install locations

The install locations of the product. Specify valid directories

where the product should be installed.

• Home directory

-W silent.homeDirectory=<value>

• Install directory

-W silent.installDirectory=<value>

• Log directory

-W silent.logDirectory=<value>

Product features

Legal values that you provide for all the product features are:

• True, which indicates that the feature is selected for


• False, which indicates that the feature is not selected for


MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

The selection state of MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.


For example, to select MicroStrategy Intelligence Server for

installation, use

MicroStrategy Web Universal Analyst

The selection state of MicroStrategy Web Universal Analyst.


382 Silent installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux 10

For example, to select MicroStrategy Web Universal Analyst

for installation, use


MicroStrategy Web Universal Reporter

The selection state of MicroStrategy Web Universal


For example, to select MicroStrategy Web Universal Reporter

for installation, use


MicroStrategy Web Universal Professional


For example, to select MicroStrategy Web Universal

Professional for installation, use


MicroStrategy SDK

The selection state of MicroStrategy SDK.


For example, to select MicroStrategy SDK for installation, use


CPU license information

This value should be specified when the license being used for
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is based on CPUs. Legal
values are integers between 1 and either the number of CPUs
allowed by the license or the number of CPUs in the machine,
whichever is lower.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Silent installation 383

10 Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

-W cpuCountBean.cpuNumber=<value>

For example, the value

-W cpuCountBean.cpuNumber=

sets this option to the maximum value allowed.

MicroStrategy Web Universal application

deployment location

The deployment path of the application server where

MicroStrategy Web Universal is installed.

-W silent.keepDefaultDeployPath=<value>

You can keep the default application deployment path if you

are not using a WebLogic application server. To retain the
default path, set the value to true.

If you are using a WebLogic application server, set the value

for the default path to false. Then specify the absolute path
to the MicroStrategy Web Universal deployment location.
This location is used for reading and writing configuration
and log files.
-W silent.applicationDeployPath=<value>

MicroStrategy SDK installation location

The installation location for the MicroStrategy SDK.

-W silent.sdkDirectory="<value>"

Override options

The silent installation always overrides files from previous


 To preserve some files, do not use a silent installation.

384 Silent installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux 10

Unique post-installation configurations

MicroStrategy supports a large number of different UNIX
and Linux environments with various system configurations.
There are a few cases in which you must perform some
manual configurations to support the use of MicroStrategy on
your system. For more information, refer to Unique
post-installation configurations., page 96 in Chapter 3,
Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux.

Silent installation output

The installation returns 0 if the installation is successful and
any other value if it is not. The install.log file located in
the InstallPath directory provides more information on
possible errors. For more information on the install.log
file, see Installation log file, page 330 in Chapter 2,
Installing MicroStrategy on Windows.

the installation fails on any of the steps before it
copying the files, it does not give any feedback
other than the return value different from 0.

Activating a silent installation

After your silent installation is complete, you must activate
your MicroStrategy installation within 30 days. To activate
your installation you can follow the instructions provided in
Chapter 4, Activating Your Installation.

Configuring MicroStrategy in command line

The MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard is provided in
command line mode so that you can use the Configuration
Wizard through the operating system console if you do not
have access to the GUI. Running the Configuration Wizard in
command line mode to configure MicroStrategy on UNIX

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy in command line mode 385

10 Automated Installation on UNIX and Linux Installation and Configuration Guide

and Linux machines is covered in the Configuring

MicroStrategy with a response.ini file, page 390 section in
Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command
Line Tools.

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

After completing the steps to install MicroStrategy products,
you can set up and configure your installation. To help guide
the rest of your installation and configuration steps, refer to
the section Installing and configuring MicroStrategy on
UNIX and Linux, page 60 in Chapter 1, Planning Your
Installation, for an installation and configuration checklist.

386 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.




MicroStrategy tools are provided in command line mode on

UNIX and Linux so that you can perform various
configuration tasks through the operating system console.
This enables you to perform your required configurations
even if you do not have access to the MicroStrategy interface.

This chapter covers the configurations listed below:

• Creating a DSN for a data source, page 388

• Testing and examining ODBC connectivity, page 389

• Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file,

page 390

• Configuring and controlling Intelligence Server,

page 410

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 387

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

Creating a DSN for a data source

After you install an ODBC driver (see Appendix A,
Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs), you can define
one or more data sources for it. The DSN should provide a
unique description of the data, for example,
Payroll_Project_Metadata or Payroll_Warehouse.

The DSN is the name for a pointer used by a client application

(in this case MicroStrategy) to find and connect to a data
source. Multiple DSNs can point to the same data source and
one DSN can be used by different applications.

MicroStrategy provides a one-line command line version of

the MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration Wizard to
create DSNs on UNIX and Linux. This section

To create a DSN on UNIX/Linux from the command line

1 From a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory that
you specified as the home directory during installation.

2 Browse to the folder bin.

3 Type mstrconnectwiz -h, and then press ENTER to

display command line syntax and examples for different
database platforms.

4 Create your command based on the syntax and examples

displayed. For example, the command below creates a
DSN for an Oracle database and tests login credentials:

mstrconnectwiz ORCLW MyOracleDSN orcl 1521 -u:OracleUser

388 Creating a DSN for a data source © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

Testing and examining ODBC connectivity

For UNIX and Linux, the ODBC test utility mstrtestodbc
was created by MicroStrategy and is installed with
MicroStrategy for UNIX and Linux in the target directory. A
command line version of this tool, mstrtodbcx, is also
available in the same directory.

This tool can test ODBC connectivity to a DSN, list tables

available for a DSN, list all DSNs for an ODBC connection,
and return other helpful information.

To test and examine ODBC connectivity

1 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory that
you specified as the home directory during installation.

2 Browse to the folder bin.

3 Type mstrtodbcx, and then press ENTER. A welcome

message is displayed.

4 Type .help, and then press ENTER to display command

line syntax and available options.

5 To connect to a DSN, enter the command below:

.cn -d DSN -u UserName -p Password

In the syntax above, DSN is the data source name,

UserName is the login name for the data source, and
Password is the password for the data source login. To
continue the example from To create a DSN on
UNIX/Linux from the command line, page 388, connect
to the Oracle DSN with the following command:

.cn -d MyOracleDSN -u OracleUser -p


Basic connection information is displayed for the

successful connection.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Testing and examining ODBC connectivity 389

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

6 Run any required tests and options. For example, type

.lt -t USER% and press ENTER to list all tables that
start with USER. The % symbol is used as a wildcard
character in this command.

7 Once you are finished testing and review ODBC

connectivity, type .disconnect and press ENTER to
close the connection.

8 Type .quit and press ENTER to close the MicroStategy

ODBC Test Tool.

Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini

The MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard is provided in
command line mode so that you can use the Configuration
Wizard even if you do not have access to a GUI. You can
perform the following configurations with the Configuration
Wizard in command line mode:
• Create metadata and statistics tables

• Create new MicroStrategy Intelligence Server definitions

in the metadata, assign an existing server definition for
Intelligence Server, and delete existing server definitions

• Create MicroStrategy project sources in a 3-tier mode

2-tier data sources are available only on the

Windows operating system.

Using the Configuration Wizard in command line mode

creates a response.ini file. This file can then be used from
the command line to configure MicroStrategy without
stepping through the pages of the Configuration Wizard. You
can also distribute a response.ini file to other users and
machines to perform multiple configurations without
stepping through the Configuration Wizard for each

390 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

This section covers the following procedures and information

related to configuring MicroStrategy from the command line
using a response.ini file:

• Creating a response.ini file, page 391

• Using the response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy,

page 409

• Parameters and options in the response.ini file, page 410

Before you can configure MicroStrategy with the

Configuration Wizard in command line mode, you must
ensure that you meet the prerequisites listed in
Configuration Wizard prerequisites, page 132.

Creating a response.ini file

This section describes how to configure MicroStrategy using
the command line mode. Performing the steps in this section
creates a response.ini file that can be used to configure
MicroStrategy installations on UNIX and Linux machines.

To configure MicroStrategy using the command line mode

1 In a UNIX or Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the Home Directory during installation.

2 Browse to the bin directory.

3 At the command prompt, type mstrcfgwiz-editor,

then press ENTER. The Configuration Wizard opens in
command line mode.

The sections or pages of the wizard displayed depend on

your selections.

4 Review the information on the welcome screen and press

ENTER to continue.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 391

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

5 You can select to use a response.ini file to configure

MicroStrategy, or create a new response.ini file to
support a new configuration, as described below:.

• Type 1, and then press ENTER to use a response.ini

file to configure MicroStrategy. For steps to use a
response.ini file in command line mode, see Using
the response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy,
page 409.

• Type 2, and then press ENTER to create a new

response.ini file. You can select from various
configuration tasks, as described in the Configuration
tasks section within this procedure.

Configuration tasks

6 You can support the configuration tasks described in the

sections listed below:

• Type 1, and then press ENTER to create metadata and

statistics tables. Refer to Creating metadata and
statistics tables, page 392 for steps to create metadata
and statistics tables.

• Type 2, and then press ENTER to configure a

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server definition. Refer to
Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server,
page 402 for steps to configure an Intelligence Server
• Type 3, and then press ENTER to create project
sources. Refer to Creating a project source, page 407
for steps to create project sources.

Creating metadata and statistics tables

If you selected option 1 in Configuration tasks, page 392, you

can create metadata tables, configure a metadata connection,
and create statistics tables. The steps to perform these
configuration tasks are provided separately in the sections
• Creating metadata tables, page 393

• Configuring a metadata connection, page 396

392 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

• Creating statistics tables, page 399

Creating metadata tables

You can create metadata tables in a data source, as described

in the procedure below.

 Ifplanmetadata tables already exist in the location you

to store your metadata tables in and you do not
want to overwrite the current metadata tables, you
should use the option described below.


• This procedure assumes you have already opened the

Configuration Wizard in command line mode and
selected to create metadata and statistics tables, as
described in Creating a response.ini file, page 391.

To create metadata tables

1 In the prompt asking whether to create metadata tables,

type Y, and then press ENTER. You are then prompted for
ODBC data source information.

2 Type a valid ODBC DSN for a database to store your

metadata tables, and then press ENTER.

you do not have a DSN defined on your UNIX or
machine, see Creating a DSN for a data
source, page 388.
You are then prompted to provide a login to your DSN.

3 Type a login name for your database that stores your

metadata tables, and then press ENTER. You are then
prompted to provide a password for the login name.

4 Type a password for the login name provided, and then

press ENTER. You are then prompted to provide a
metadata prefix for the metadata tables.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 393

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

5 You can enter characters to use as a prefix for the names

of your metadata tables or use no prefix, as described

• Type the required prefix characters, and then press


• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to

provide no metadata prefix.

The next configuration displayed depends on your ODBC

data source details:

• If the data source points to a DB2 MVS database, steps

to configure a DB2 MVS database are displayed. These
are described in the To configure DB2 MVS database
options section within this procedure.

• If the data source does not point to a DB2 MVS

database, the step to select a metadata script is
displayed. This step is described in the To select a
metadata script, page 395 section within this

To configure DB2 MVS database options

These steps are displayed if you are creating your

metadata tables in a DB2 MVS database.

6 You can enter the database name to use or use the default
name, as described below:
• Type the database name to use, and then press ENTER.

• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to use

the default database.

You are then prompted to provide the MVS table space


7 You can enter characters to use as a table space name for

your metadata tables or use the default table space name,
as described below:

• Type the required table space name characters, and

then press ENTER.

• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to use

the default table space name.

394 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

You are then prompted to select a metadata script to

create the metadata tables.

To select a metadata script

8 You can select the script used to create the metadata

tables or use the default script, as described below:

• Enter a valid path to a script file, and then press


• Leave the field blank, and then press ENTER to use the
default script for your database type.

You are then prompted to create statistics tables.

To create statistics tables

9 You can choose whether to create statistics tables or not,

as described below.
• Type Y, and then press ENTER to create statistics
tables in the same database. Creating statistics tables
is described in Creating statistics tables, page 399.

• Type N, and then press ENTER to skip statistics tables

creation. You are then prompted to provide a name for
the response.ini file, as described in the To generate a
response.ini file section within this procedure.

To generate a response.ini file

10 By default, the configuration is saved as Response.ini

in the /<HOME_PATH>/ directory, where <HOME_PATH>
is the directory you specified as the Home Directory
during installation. You can leave the field blank to use
the default name or type a different name, and then press
ENTER. The response.ini file is generated, and you are
prompted whether to run the configuration immediately.

11 You can choose to run the configuration you just

completed or to run the configuration using the
response.ini file at a different time, as described

• Type Y, and then press ENTER to run the


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 395

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

You can also use the response.ini file created for

future configurations, as described in Using the
response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy,
page 409.

• Type N, and then press ENTER to quit without running

the configuration. You can use the response.ini file
created for future configurations, as described in
Using the response.ini file to configure
MicroStrategy, page 409.

Configuring a metadata connection

If metadata tables have already been created, you can

configure a connection to the metadata tables without
overwriting the current definitions. Steps to perform this
configuration with the Configuration Wizard in command
line mode are provided in the procedure in this section.


• This procedure assumes you have already opened the

Configuration Wizard in command line mode and
selected to create metadata and statistics tables, as
described in Creating a response.ini file, page 391.

To configure a metadata connection

1 In the prompt asking whether to create metadata tables,

type N, and then press ENTER. You are then prompted to
create a metadata configuration.

2 Type Y, and then press ENTER. You are then prompted for
ODBC data source information.

3 Type a valid ODBC DSN for a database that stores your

metadata tables, and then press ENTER. You are then
prompted to provide a login to your DSN.

4 Type a login name for your database that stores your

metadata tables, and then press ENTER. You are then
prompted to provide a password for the login name.

396 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

5 Type a password for the login name provided, and then

press ENTER. You are then prompted to provide a
metadata prefix for the metadata tables.

6 You can enter characters to use as a prefix for the names

of your metadata tables or use no prefix, as described

• Type the required prefix characters, and then press


• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to

provide no metadata prefix.

The next configuration displayed depends on your ODBC

data source details:

• If the data source points to a DB2 MVS database, steps

to configure a DB2 MVS database are displayed. These
are described in the To configure DB2 MVS database
options section within this procedure.

• If the data source does not point to a DB2 MVS

database, the step to create metadata tables is
displayed. This step is described in the To create
statistics tables, page 398 section within this

To configure DB2 MVS database options

These steps are displayed if you are creating your

metadata tables in a DB2 MVS database.

7 You can enter the database name to use or use the default
name, as described below:

• Type the database name to use, and then press ENTER.

• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to use

the default database.

You are then prompted to provide the MVS table space


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 397

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

8 You can enter characters to use as a table space name for

your metadata tables or use the default table space name,
as described below:

• Type the required table space name characters, and

then press ENTER.

• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to use

the default table space name.

You are then prompted to create statistics tables.

To create statistics tables

9 You can choose whether to create statistics tables or not,

as described below.

• Type Y, and then press ENTER to create statistics

tables in the same database. Creating statistics tables
is described in Creating statistics tables, page 399.

• Type N, and then press ENTER to skip statistics tables

creation. You are then prompted to provide a name for
the response.ini file, as described in the To generate a
response.ini file section within this procedure.

To generate a response.ini file

10 By default, the configuration is saved as Response.ini

in the /<HOME_PATH>/ directory, where <HOME_PATH>
is the directory you specified as the Home Directory
during installation. You can leave the field blank to use
the default name or type a different name, and then press
ENTER. The response.ini file is generated, and you are
prompted whether to run the configuration immediately.

11 You can choose to run the configuration you just

completed or to run the configuration using the
response.ini file at a different time, as described

• Type Y, and then press ENTER to run the


You can also use the response.ini file created for

future configurations, as described in Using the
response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy,
page 409.

398 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

• Type N, and then press ENTER to quit without running

the configuration. You can use the response.ini file
created for future configurations, as described in
Using the response.ini file to configure
MicroStrategy, page 409.

Creating statistics tables

You can create statistics tables in a data source, as described

in the procedure below.


• This procedure assumes you have already opened the

Configuration Wizard in command line mode and
selected to create metadata and statistics tables, as
described in Creating a response.ini file, page 391.

To create statistics tables

1 After you create metadata tables (see Creating metadata

tables, page 393), configure a metadata connection
(Configuring a metadata connection, page 396), or skip
both of these procedures, you are prompted to create
statistics tables.
To create statistics tables, type Y, and then press ENTER.
You are then prompted for ODBC data source

2 You can supply ODBC DSN information in various ways

described below, which depend on whether you
previously created metadata tables as part of the
configuration process:

• If you did not create metadata tables as part of the

configuration process, you are prompted to enter
ODBC DSN information. The steps to enter this
information is described in the To provide ODBC DSN
information section within this procedure.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 399

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

• If you created metadata tables as part of the

configuration process, you are prompted whether to
use the same metadata table ODBC DSN information
for your statistics tables. You have the following

– Type Y, and then press ENTER to create statistics

tables with the same ODBC DSN information
entered for your metadata tables. You are then
prompted to select a statistics script to create the
statistics tables, which is described in the To select
a statistics script section within this procedure.

– Type N, and then press ENTER to provide different

ODBC DSN information, which is described in the
To provide ODBC DSN information section within
this procedure.

To provide ODBC DSN information

3 Type a valid ODBC DSN for a database to create your

statistics tables in, and then press ENTER. You are then
prompted to provide a login to your DSN.

4 Type a login name for your database to create your

statistics tables in, and then press ENTER. You are then
prompted to provide a password for the login name.

5 Type a password for the login name provided, and then

press ENTER.
The next configuration displayed depends on your ODBC
data source details:

• If the data source points to a DB2 MVS database, steps

to configure a DB2 MVS database are displayed. These
are described in the To configure DB2 MVS database
options section within this procedure.

• If the data source does not point to a DB2 MVS

database, the step to select a statistics script to create
statistics tables is displayed. This step is described in
the To select a statistics script section within this

400 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

To configure DB2 MVS database options

These steps are displayed if you are creating your

metadata tables in a DB2 MVS database.

6 You can enter the database name to use or use the default
name, as described below:

• Type the database name to use, and then press ENTER.

• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to use

the default database.

You are then prompted to provide the MVS table space


7 You can enter characters to use as a table space name for

your metadata tables or use the default table space name,
as described below:

• Type the required table space name characters, and

then press ENTER.

• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to use

the default table space name.

You are then prompted to select a statistics script to create

statistics tables.

To select a statistics script

8 You can select the script used to create the statistics tables
or use the default script, as described below:
• Enter a valid path to a script file, and then press

• Leave the field blank, and then press ENTER to use the
default script for your database type.

You are then prompted to provide a name for the

response.ini file.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 401

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

To generate a response.ini file

9 By default, the configuration is saved as Response.ini

in the /<HOME_PATH>/ directory, where <HOME_PATH>
is the directory you specified as the Home Directory
during installation. You can leave the field blank to use
the default name or type a different name, and then press
ENTER. The response.ini file is generated, and you are
prompted whether to run the configuration immediately.

10 You can choose to run the configuration you just

completed or to run the configuration using the
response.ini file at a different time, as described

• Type Y, and then press ENTER to run the


You can also use the response.ini file created for

future configurations, as described in Using the
response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy,
page 409.

• Type N, and then press ENTER to quit without running

the configuration. You can use the response.ini file
created for future configurations, as described in
Using the response.ini file to configure
MicroStrategy, page 409.

Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

If you selected option 2 in Configuration tasks, page 392,

you can set up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server to create,
use, or delete server definitions. To begin setting up your
server definition, you must enter information about your
ODBC DSN and MicroStrategy connections.

To set up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

1 Type a valid ODBC DSN for a database to connect

Intelligence Server to, and then press ENTER. You are
then prompted to provide a login to your DSN.

402 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

2 Type a login name for your database to create your

statistics tables in, and then press ENTER. You are then
prompted to provide a password for the login name.

3 Type a password for the login name provided, and then

press ENTER. You are then prompted to provide a
metadata prefix.

4 You can enter characters to use as a prefix for the names

of your metadata tables or use no prefix, as described

• Type the required prefix characters, and then press


• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to

provide no metadata prefix.

You are then prompted to provide a temp table prefix.

5 You can enter characters to use as a prefix for the names

of temp tables or use no prefix, as described below:

• Type the required prefix characters, and then press


• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to

provide no temp table prefix.
You are then prompted to provide a MicroStrategy user

6 Type a valid MicroStrategy user login that has

administrator privileges, and then press ENTER.You are
then prompted to provide a password for the login name.

7 Type a password for the MicroStrategy user login

provided, and then press ENTER. You are then prompted
to choose the type of Intelligence Server configuration to

8 You can perform one of the Intelligence Server

configuration tasks, which are described in the sections

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 403

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

• Type 1, and then press ENTER to create a new server

definition. Refer to Creating and using a server
definition, page 404 for steps to create a new server

• Type 2, and then press ENTER to use an exiting server

definition. This configuration follows the same steps
for creating a new server definition, which are
described in Creating and using a server definition,
page 404.

• Type 4, and then press ENTER to create a new server

definition and use it as the default server definition.
This configuration follows the same steps for creating
a new server definition, which are described in
Creating and using a server definition, page 404.

• Type 3, and then press ENTER to delete a server

definition. Refer to Deleting a server definition,
page 406 for steps to delete a server definition.

Creating and using a server definition

You perform the same steps to complete the following


• Create a new server definition

• Create a new server definition and use it as the default

server definition

• Use an existing server definition.

The action taken depends on what action you selected to

complete in the procedure To set up MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server, page 402.


• This procedure assumes you have already opened the

Configuration Wizard in command line mode and entered
configuration information for your Intelligence Server, as
described in Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server, page 402.

404 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

To create and use a server definition

1 In the prompt that asks for a server definition name, type

the name that distinguishes the server definition, and
press ENTER. You are then prompted to provide a TCP
port to use for Intelligence Server.

2 You can use the default port number or enter a different

port number for Intelligence Server, as described below:

• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to use

the default port number.
• Type a port number, and then press ENTER.

You are then prompted whether to register Intelligence

Server as a service.

3 You can choose whether to register Intelligence Server as

a service, as described below:

• Type Y, and then press ENTER to register Intelligence

Server as a service. To perform this configuration, you
must be logged into your UNIX or Linux machine with
an account that has root level access and permissions.

• Type N, and then press ENTER to not register

Intelligence Server as a service.
You are then prompted to choose the projects to load for
the server definition.

4 Type the names of projects to load when the server

definition starts, and then press ENTER. Separate the
project names with the \ character. You are then
prompted to choose projects to not load for the server

5 Type the names of projects to not load when the server

definition starts, and then press ENTER. Separate the
project names with the \ character. You are then
prompted to provide a name for the response.ini file.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 405

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

To generate a response.ini file

6 By default, the configuration is saved as Response.ini

in the /<HOME_PATH>/ directory, where <HOME_PATH>
is the directory you specified as the Home Directory
during installation. You can leave the field blank to use
the default name or type a different name, and then press
ENTER. The response.ini file is generated, and you are
prompted whether to run the configuration immediately.

7 You can choose to run the configuration you just

completed or to run the configuration using the
response.ini file at a different time, as described

• Type Y, and then press ENTER to run the


You can also use the response.ini file created for

future configurations, as described in Using the
response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy,
page 409.

• Type N, and then press ENTER to quit without running

the configuration. You can use the response.ini file
created for future configurations, as described in
Using the response.ini file to configure
MicroStrategy, page 409.

Deleting a server definition

You can delete a server definition to remove it from the

available server definitions for Intelligence Server.


• This procedure assumes you have already opened the

Configuration Wizard in command line mode and entered
configuration information for your Intelligence Server, as
described in Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server, page 402.

406 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

To delete a server definition

1 In the prompt that asks for server definitions to be

removed, type the name that distinguishes the server
definition, and press ENTER. You can list multiple server
definitions to be deleted, separating server definition
names with the \ character. You are then prompted to
provide a name for the response.ini file.

To generate a response.ini file

2 By default, the configuration is saved as Response.ini

in the /<HOME_PATH>/ directory, where <HOME_PATH>
is the directory you specified as the Home Directory
during installation. You can leave the field blank to use
the default name or type a different name, and then press
ENTER. The response.ini file is generated, and you are
prompted whether to run the configuration immediately.

3 You can choose to run the configuration you just

completed or to run the configuration using the
response.ini file at a different time, as described

• Type Y, and then press ENTER to run the


You can also use the response.ini file created for

future configurations, as described in Using the
response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy,
page 409.
• Type N, and then press ENTER to quit without running
the configuration. You can use the response.ini file
created for future configurations, as described in
Using the response.ini file to configure
MicroStrategy, page 409.

Creating a project source

If you selected option 3 in Configuration tasks, page 392,

you can create project sources, as described in the procedure

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 407

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

To create a project source

1 In the prompt that asks for a project source name, type

the name for the project source to be created, and then
press ENTER. You are then prompted to provide the
Intelligence Server name.

2 Type the Intelligence Server name, and then press ENTER.

You are then prompted to provide a TCP port to use for
Intelligence Server.

3 You can use the default port number or enter a different

port number for Intelligence Server, as described below:

• Leave the prompt blank, and then press ENTER to use

the default port number.

• Type a port number, and then press ENTER.

You are then prompted to select an authentication type

for the project source.

4 You can select from the authentication types listed below:

• Type 1, and then press ENTER to use standard

authentication, which uses the login and password
entered by the user.

• Type 2, and then press ENTER to use LDAP

authentication, which uses an LDAP system to
authenticate users. For more information on LDAP
authentication, see the MicroStrategy System
Administration Guide.
You are then prompted to provide a name for the
response.ini file.

To generate a response.ini file

5 By default, the configuration is saved as Response.ini

in the /<HOME_PATH>/ directory, where <HOME_PATH>
is the directory you specified as the Home Directory
during installation. You can leave the field blank to use
the default name or type a different name, and then press
ENTER. The response.ini file is generated, and you are
prompted whether to run the configuration immediately.

408 Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

6 You can choose to run the configuration you just

completed or to run the configuration using the
response.ini file at a different time, as described

• Type Y, and then press ENTER to run the


You can also use the response.ini file created for

future configurations, as described in Using the
response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy,
page 409.

• Type N, and then press ENTER to quit without running

the configuration. You can use the response.ini file
created for future configurations, as described in
Using the response.ini file to configure
MicroStrategy, page 409.

Using the response.ini file to configure MicroStrategy

This section describes how to use the response.ini file
through the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. For
information on how to configure through the MicroStrategy
Configuration Wizard, see Creating a response.ini file,
page 391.

To use the response.ini file through the Configuration Wizard

in command line mode

1 In a UNIX or Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the Home Directory during installation.

2 Browse to the folder bin.

3 Type mstrcfgwiz-editor, and then press ENTER. The

Configuration Wizard opens with the Welcome page

4 Press ENTER.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file 409

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

5 Type 1 to select to use a response file, and then press


6 Enter the full qualified path to the response.ini file,

and then press ENTER. For example:


If the path and the response file are valid, the configuration is
performed and a successful configuration message appears. If
an error occurs before or during the process, an error
message displays the error that occurred when executing the
response file.

Parameters and options in the response.ini file

For a list of all parameters and options available for a
response.ini file, see Response.ini configuration parameters
and options, page 161.

Configuring and controlling Intelligence Server

MicroStrategy provides various command line tools to
configure and control Intelligence Servers running on UNIX
and Linux. Each command line tool provides descriptive
prompts and help information to guide you on how you can
use the tool. This section gives a general overview of each
tools functionality, and how to access more detailed
information on how to use the tools.

Starting, configuring, and monitoring Intelligence Server with

If your Intelligence Server is installed on a UNIX or Linux
machine, you can start, configure, and monitor your
Intelligence Server from the command line with mstrsvr.

410 Configuring and controlling Intelligence Server © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

This tool starts Intelligence Server from the command line

and displays the following information about your
Intelligence Server connection:

• Intelligence Server version number

• Intelligence Server instance name

• Metadata DSN

• Metadata login

• Intelligence Server definition name

• Port number

You can then perform various configuration and monitoring

tasks for your running Intelligence Server, which includes but
is not limited to:

• Display database connection information

• Open, idle, and resume projects

• Check and close jobs

• Monitor users

• Define server clustering options

• Monitor memory usage information

• Stop the server

• Monitor lock contentions

To start, configure, and monitor Intelligence Server with


1 From a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory that
you specified as the home directory during installation.

2 Browse to the folder bin.

3 Type mstrsvr, and then press ENTER to start Intelligence

Server and display available configuration and monitoring

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring and controlling Intelligence Server 411

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

4 Once Intelligence Server is started, general configuration

information is displayed along with all available
configuration and monitoring options. Perform and
configuration and monitoring tasks you require.

5 To quit the tool and stop Intelligence Server, type S, and

then press ENTER.

Configuring the default server instance with mstrsvr-configure

You can configure the default server instance for Intelligence
Server using mstrsvr-configure, which is a wizard-style
command line tool that prompts you for the required

To configure the default server instance with


1 From a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory that
you specified as the home directory during installation.

2 Browse to the folder bin.

3 Type mstrsvr-configure, and then press ENTER. You

are then prompted to provide a port number for
Intelligence Server.

4 Type a port number, and then press ENTER. You are then
prompted to provide a DSN to connect to.

5 Type a DSN, and then press ENTER. You are then

prompted to provide a valid login for the DSN.

6 Type a valid login for the DSN, and then press ENTER. You
are then prompted to provide a password for the DSN

7 Type a valid password for the DSN login, and then press
ENTER. You are then prompted to provide a server
definition name.

412 Configuring and controlling Intelligence Server © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

8 Type a server definition name, and then press ENTER.

Your default server instance is configured.

Creating and configuring Intelligence Server instances with

You can create and configure Intelligence Server instances
with the mstrctl tool. Intelligence Servers running with a
particular server definition are referred to as server

To create and configure Intelligence Server instances with


1 From a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory that
you specified as the home directory during installation.

2 Browse to the folder bin.

3 Type mstrctl -h, and then press ENTER. Help

information is displayed, which provides syntax standards
and available configuration options.

4 Review the help information and run any required

configuration tasks.

There are some commands that can output information to

a file, or require a long definition that can be retrieved
from a file. For information on using files to store output
from and provide input to mstrctl commands, see
Using files to store output and provide input, page 413.

You do not need to enter any command to quit the mstrctl

tool because it is a one-line command line tool.

Using files to store output and provide input

With the mstrctl command line tool, you can perform the
following tasks:

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring and controlling Intelligence Server 413

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

• Display and modify a server configuration

• Display and modify a service configuration

• Display and modify a server instance configuration

The commands that display the configurations listed above

output long XML definitions to the command line. The
commands that modify the configurations listed above
require a long XML definition as input.

Rather than displaying and inputting long XML definitions

from the command line, you can use files to store and provide
input for long XML definitions.

 Configuring Intelligence Server with XML files

requires extensive knowledge of the various
parameters and values used to define Intelligence
Server configurations. Providing an incorrect XML
definition to configure Intelligence Server can cause
errors and unexpected functionality.

The following commands can have their output sent to a file:

• gsc: Displays a server configuration

• gsvc: Displays a service configuration

• gsic: Displays a server instance configuration

For example, you can run the following command to output

the server instance configuration to an XML file:

mstrctl -s IntelligenceServer gsic >


A ServerInstance.xml file is saved in the current


The following commands can read input from a file:

• ssc: Modifies a server configuration

• ssvc: Modifies a service configuration

• ssic: Modifies a server instance configuration

414 Configuring and controlling Intelligence Server © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools 11

For example, you can run the following command to modify

the server instance configuration by reading input from an
XML file:

mstrctl -s IntelligenceServer ssic <


The XML definition in ServerInstance.xml is used to

define the server instance configuration.

It would be difficult and time consuming to type a complete a

server, service, or server instance configuration from the
command line. An easier way to provide this type of
configuration is to output the current configuration to a file,
modify the file with a text editor, and then use the file as
input to a command to modify the configuration.

Configuring your MicroStrategy installation

To help guide the rest of your installation and configuration
steps, refer to the section Installing and configuring
MicroStrategy on UNIX and Linux, page 60 in Chapter 1,
Planning Your Installation, for an installation and
configuration checklist.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring your MicroStrategy installation 415

11 Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools Installation and Configuration Guide

416 Configuring your MicroStrategy installation © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.




This chapter describes how to add or remove MicroStrategy

components on different operating systems.

This chapter includes the following sections:

• Adding or removing MicroStrategy components on

• Re-installing MicroStrategy components on Windows

• Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on Windows

• Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on UNIX and


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 417

12 Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components Installation and Configuration Guide

Adding or removing MicroStrategy components

on Windows
You can choose to add or remove one or more MicroStrategy

If you installed the MicroStrategy components using a disk,

you need your original installation disk to add or remove
MicroStrategy components.

To add or remove MicroStrategy components

1 Close all installed MicroStrategy products.

2 On the Windows Start menu, point to Settings, and then

choose Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens.

3 Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove

Programs dialog box opens.

4 Select MicroStrategy and click Change/Remove. The

MicroStrategy Setup Maintenance program opens.

5 Select Modify and click Next.

6 Select to accept the license agreement and click Next.

7 Verify your customer information and click Next.

8 Verify your setup type and click Next.

9 Select the components to add by selecting their check

boxes. Clear the check boxes for the components you want
to uninstall. Click Next.

 The components that are currently installed are

displayed with their check boxes selected. These
components are not re-installed during the
modification process. If you clear any of the check
boxes, that particular component is uninstalled
during the modification process. You are advised

418 Adding or removing MicroStrategy components on Windows © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components 12

not to clear the check boxes of the components that

are already installed, unless you want to remove
the component.

10 If you are prompted to stop your Web server, click Yes to

stop it and continue with adding or removing files.

11 Verify the settings and click Next to begin copying or

removing the files.

12 After the modification routine is complete, click Finish to

close the maintenance program.

For more details on each page of the MicroStrategy

Installation Wizard, see Chapter 2, Installing MicroStrategy
on Windows.

Re-installing MicroStrategy components on

You can re-install MicroStrategy components if you face
problems with previously installed components. During
re-installation the list of components previously installed are
displayed and these components are re-installed. If you
installed the MicroStrategy components using a disk, you
need your original installation disk to repair the installation.

The re-installation of MicroStrategy Office must be

performed separately. The procedure for re-installing
MicroStrategy Office is explained in the following

To re-install MicroStrategy components

1 Close all installed MicroStrategy products.

2 On the Windows Start menu, select Settings, and then

choose Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens.

3 Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove

Programs dialog box opens.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Re-installing MicroStrategy components on Windows 419

12 Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components Installation and Configuration Guide

4 Select MicroStrategy and click Change/Remove. The

MicroStrategy Setup Maintenance program opens.

5 Select Repair and click Next.

6 Accept the license agreement and click Next.

7 You are prompted to select Yes to continue with the

re-installation procedure and overwrite the components.
If you do not want to overwrite the components, select

8 If you are prompted to stop your Web server, click Yes to

stop it and continue with the re-installation.

9 After the re-installation routine is complete, click Finish

to close the maintenance program.

For details on each page of the MicroStrategy Installation

Wizard, see Chapter 2, Installing MicroStrategy on

Re-installing MicroStrategy Office

This section describes the re-installation procedure for
MicroStrategy Office.

To re-install MicroStrategy Office

1 Close all installed MicroStrategy products.

2 On the Windows Start menu, select Settings, and then

choose Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens.

3 Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. The

Add/Remove Programs dialog box opens.

4 Select MicroStrategy Office and click Change/Remove.

The MicroStrategy Office Setup Maintenance program

5 Select Repair and click Next.

420 Re-installing MicroStrategy components on Windows © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components 12

6 Accept the license agreement and click Next.

7 You are prompted to select Yes to continue with the

re-installation procedure and overwrite the components.
If you do not want to overwrite components, select No.

8 If you are prompted to stop your Web server, click Yes to

stop it and continue with the re-installation.

9 After the re-installation routine is complete, click Finish

to close the maintenance program.

For details on each page of the MicroStrategy Installation

Wizard, see Chapter 2, Installing MicroStrategy on

Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on

The uninstallation procedure performs the following

• Unregisters and removes selected files, registry entries,

and shortcuts logged in the Uninst.isu log file.

• Calls a custom DLL to handle unlogged items, such as

registry entries and files.

Before uninstallation begins, the DLL file performs the

following functions:

• Checks for user privileges. If they are not valid,

uninstallation stops.
• Checks for running components. If a component is found
running, uninstallation stops.

• Stops and deletes the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

service. This occurs only when the Intelligence Server is
being uninstalled.

• Deletes files created by the application, such as *.log,

*.gid, *.ldb and *.tb.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on Windows 421

12 Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components Installation and Configuration Guide

The uninstallation of MicroStrategy Office must be

performed separately. The procedure for uninstalling
MicroStrategy Office is explained in the following

To uninstall MicroStrategy components on Windows

1 Close all installed MicroStrategy products.

2 On the Windows Start menu, select Settings, and then

Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens.

3 Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove

Programs dialog box opens.

4 Select MicroStrategy and click Change/Remove. The

MicroStrategy Setup Maintenance program opens.

5 Select Remove and click Next.

6 Click Yes to any prompts that appear.

7 If you are prompted to stop your Web server, click Yes to

stop it and continue with the uninstallation.

8 After the uninstall routine is complete, select Yes to

restart your computer, or No to restart it later.

9 Click Finish to close the maintenance program.

You should restart the computer for a clean uninstall.

Uninstalling MicroStrategy Office
This section describes the uninstalling procedure for
MicroStrategy Office.

To uninstall MicroStrategy Office

1 Close all installed MicroStrategy products.

422 Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on Windows © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components 12

2 On the Windows Start menu, select Settings, and then

Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens.

3 Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove

Programs dialog box opens.

4 Select MicroStrategy Office and click Change/Remove.

The MicroStrategy Office Setup Maintenance program

5 Select Remove and click Next.

6 You are prompted to select Yes to continue with the

uninstallation procedure. To not remove the application
with all of its components, select No.

7 After the uninstallation routine is complete, click Finish

to close the maintenance program.

Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on

UNIX and Linux
This section discusses how to uninstall MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server and Web Universal on UNIX/Linux

Uninstalling MicroStrategy Intelligence Server on UNIX and

This section includes information to uninstall MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server on UNIX/Linux platform.

To uninstall MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

1 Browse to <INSTALL_PATH>, where <INSTALL_PATH>

is the directory you specified as the install directory
during installation.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on UNIX and Linux 423
12 Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components Installation and Configuration Guide

2 Browse to the ./_uninst folder and execute


3 The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard opens with the

Welcome page displayed. Click Next.

4 On the Product Uninstallation page, select the products to

uninstall. To uninstall all products, select Product
Uninstallation. Click Next.

5 On the Summary page, verify the information and click

Next. The products are uninstalled.

6 After uninstallation is complete, a message is displayed.

Click Finish to complete the process and exit the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.

Uninstalling MicroStrategy Web Universal on UNIX and Linux

This section includes information to uninstall MicroStrategy
Web Universal on the UNIX or Linux platform.

Depending on the operating system, the steps to

uninstall MicroStrategy Web Universal may differ

To uninstall MicroStrategy Web Universal

1 Locate the uninstaller.bin executable under


2 Run the uninstaller.bin with the following

3 The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard opens. Review the
uninstallation message and click Next to proceed.

4 Review the information about the directory from which

MicroStrategy Web Universal is removed and click Next
to proceed.

424 Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components 12

5 When uninstallation is complete, click Finish to close the


© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on UNIX and Linux 425
12 Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components Installation and Configuration Guide

426 Uninstalling MicroStrategy components on UNIX and Linux © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



This appendix describes the DSN parameters required for

ODBC drivers to connect MicroStrategy to various databases.
DSNs can be created using the MicroStrategy Connectivity
Configuration Wizard, and in UNIX and Linux, you can also
configure ODBC parameters with the odbc.ini file. This
appendix discusses these two topics in the following sections:

• Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers, page 427

• Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini, page 455

Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers

This section provides information on creating a DSN for each
ODBC driver available through the Connectivity
Configuration Wizard. The following table lists the
information required for each type of ODBC driver when you
create a new DSN using the Connectivity Configuration

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 427
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Wizard. For information on what operating systems each

ODBC driver is certified for, see Certified ODBC drivers for
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, page 51.

Note the following:

• For ODBC-specific driver details, refer to the
different ODBC driver sections below the table.

• You can create a DSN from the command line in

UNIX or Linux. Browse to <HOME_PATH>/bin,
where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you specified
as the home directory during installation. In the
console window, type ./mstrconnectwiz -h,
then press ENTER. This command displays
command line syntax and examples for different
database platforms. Create your command based
on the syntax and examples displayed. Once you
run your command, a DSN is created in the
odbc.ini file.

ODBC Driver Driver Details

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Oracle Wire Protocol for Data source name and either:
Windows and UNIX/Linux Standard Connection:
• Host name
• Port number (in most cases, 1521)
• SID (MicroStrategy default is ORCL)
• Service name
• Alternate servers
TNSNames Connection:
• Server name
• TNSNames file

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for UDB • Data source name
iSeries for Windows and UNIX/Linux • IP address
• Collection
• Location
• Isolation Level
• Package owner
• TCP port (446 in most cases)

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for UDB for • Data source name
UNIX/Linux • Host name
• Database name
• Port number

428 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

ODBC Driver Driver Details

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix 8 for Windows • Data source name
• Database name
• Server name
• Host name
• Service name
• Protocol type

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix Wire Protocol for • Data source name
Windows and UNIX/Linux • Server name
• Host name
• Port number (1526 in most cases)
• Database name

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Sybase ASE Wire Protocol for • Data source name
Windows and UNIX/Linux • Network address
• Database name
• Enable Unicode support

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for UDB for • Data source name
Windows • IP address
• TCP Port (in most cases, 50000)
• Database name
• Default User ID
• Password

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for MySQL Wire Protocol for • Data Source Name
Windows and Linux, page 437 • Host Name
• Database Name
• Port Number
• User Name

SQL Server for Windows and UNIX/Linux • Data source name

• Server name
• Database name

Netezza SQL for Windows • Data source name

• Server name
• Database name
• Port number
• User name
• Password

This section also provides information on how to install

drivers from other vendors with MicroStrategy. The following
ODBC drivers for Windows and UNIX from other vendors are
described as well:

• ODBC Driver for Red Brick for UNIX/Linux, page 438

• ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ for

UNIX/Linux, page 440

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 429
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

• ODBC Driver for Teradata for UNIX/Linux, page 442

• ODBC Driver for Informix 8 for UNIX/Linux, page 444

The ODBC Driver for Informix 8 for UNIX and

Linux is a MicroStrategy-branded ODBC driver,
but it is not accessible through the Connectivity
Configuration Wizard.

• ODBC Driver for Netezza for UNIX/Linux, page 445

• ODBC Driver for MySQL Community Server 5.0 for

Linux, page 449

• ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL for Linux, page 451

• Other relational databases for Windows, page 454

Connection to a DB2 UDB for OS/390 database is

supported (not certified) for use with MicroStrategy.
For information on connecting to a DB2 UDB for
OS/390 database, refer to MicroStrategy Tech Note

The following sections provide more details about each

individual driver’s parameters.

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Oracle Wire Protocol for

Windows and UNIX/Linux
The following information is required for setting up the
driver connection for MicroStrategy ODBC driver for Oracle
Wire Protocol:

Data Source Name: Enter a name to identify the Oracle data

source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance
or Oracle-1 can serve to identify the connection. A DSN is
required for any Oracle Wire Protocol connection. Depending
on whether you want to use a standard connection or a
TNSNames connection, refer to one of the following lists of
options below:

• Standard Connection: A standard connection is

configured through Oracle Wire Protocol with the
following connection parameters:

430 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Host Name: The name of the Oracle server to be

accessed. This can be a server name such as Oracle-1
or an IP address such as 123.456.789.98.

Port Number: The Oracle listener port number

provided by your database administrator. The default
port number is usually 1521.

One of the following parameters; which one you

choose is up to your personal preference:

– SID: The Oracle System Identifier for the instance

of Oracle running on the server. The default SID is
usually ORCL.

– Service Name: The global database name, which

includes the database name and the domain name.
For example, if your database name is finance
and its domain is the service name

Alternate Servers: A list of alternate database servers

to enable connection failover for the driver. If the
primary database server entered as the SID or service
name is unavailable, a connection to the servers in this
list is attempted until a connection can be established.
You can list the servers in SID or service name format,
as shown in the following examples:

– Using an SID:

– Using a Service Name:

• TNSNames Connection: A TNSNames connection uses a
TNSNAMES.ORA file to retrieve host, port number, and
SID information from a server (alias or Oracle net service
name) listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. A TNSNames
connection requires the following parameters:

Server Name: A server name, which is included in a

TNSNAMES.ORA file included in the TNSNames File
text box below.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 431
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

TNSNames File: The location of your TNSNAMES.ORA

file. Make sure to enter the entire path to the
TNSNAMES.ORA file, including the file name itself. You
can specify multiple TNSNAMES.ORA files.

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for UDB

iSeries for Windows and UNIX/Linux
The following information is required for setting up the
driver connection for MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2
Wire Protocol for UDB iSeries (formerly known as AS400):

• Data Source Name: A name to identify the DB2 UDB

iSeries data source configuration in MicroStrategy. For
example, Finance or DB2UDBiS-1 can serve to identify the

• IP Address: The IP Address of the machine where the

catalog tables are stored. This can be either a numeric
address such as 123.456.789.98, or a host name. If you
use a host name, it must be located in the HOSTS file of the
machine or a DNS server.

• Collection: The name that identifies a logical group of

database objects. On AS/400, it is also the current

• Location: The DB2 location name, which is defined

during the local DB2 installation.
• Isolation Level: The method by which locks are acquired
and released by the system.

• Package Owner: The package's AuthID if you want to

specify a fixed user to create/modify the packages on the
database. The AuthID must have authority to execute all
the SQL in the package.

• TCP Port: The DB2 DRDA listener process's port number

on the server host machine provided by your database
administrator. The default port number is usually 446.

432 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for UDB for
The following information is required for setting up the
driver connection for MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2
UDB Wire Protocol when running against DB2:

• Data Source Name: A name to identify the DB2 UDB

data source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example,
Finance or DB2-Serv1 can serve to identify the

• Host Name: The name of the machine that runs the DB2
UDB server.

• Database Name: The name of the database to connect to

by default, which is assigned by the database

• Port Number: The DB2 UDB server listener's port

number. In most cases, the default port number is 50000,
but you should check with your database administrator
for the correct number.

Connection to a DB2 UDB for OS/390 database is

supported (not certified) for use with MicroStrategy.
For information on connecting to a DB2 UDB for
OS/390 database, refer to MicroStrategy Tech Note

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix 8 for Windows

Informix Client Software (Client-SDK) must be

installed before you create a DSN. However, this
software is not included in the MicroStrategy product
suite installation. It must be obtained through the
database vendor or a third party. For more
information, see ODBC Driver for Informix 8 for
UNIX/Linux, page 444.

 MicroStrategy does not support this platform for use

as a metadata repository.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 433
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

The following information is required for setting up the

driver connection for the MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for
Informix 8:

• Data Source Name: A name to identify the Informix data

source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example,
Finance or Informix-1 can serve to identify the

• Database: The name of the database to connect to by

default, which is assigned by the database administrator.

• Server Name: The client connection string designating

the server and database to be accessed.

• Host Name: The name of the machine on which the

Informix server resides.

• Service Name: The service name, as it exists on the host

machine. The system administrator assigns the service

• Protocol Type: The protocol used to communicate with

the server.

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix Wire Protocol for

Windows and UNIX/Linux
The following information is required for setting up the
driver connection for the MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for
Informix Wire Protocol:

• Data Source Name: A name to identify the Informix data

source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example,
Finance or Informix-1 can serve to identify the

• Server Name: The client connection string designating

the server and database to be accessed.
• Host Name: The name of the machine on which the
Informix server resides. The system administrator or
database administrator assigns the host name.

434 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

• Port Number: The Informix server listener's port

number. The default port number for Informix is
commonly 1526.

• Database Name: The name of the database to connect to

by default, which is assigned by the database

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Sybase ASE Wire Protocol for

Windows and UNIX/Linux
The following information is required for setting up the
driver connection for the MicroStrategy ODBC driver for
Sybase ASE Wire Protocol:

• Data Source Name: A name to identify the Sybase ASE

data source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example,
Finance or SybaseASE-1 can serve to identify the

• Network Address: The network address, in the format

<server name or IP address>,<port number>.
For example, if your network supports named servers, you
can specify an address such as SybaseASE-1,5000. You
can also specify the IP address such as
123.456.789.98,5000. Contact your system
administrator for the server name or IP address.

• Database Name: The name of the database to connect to

by default. The database administrator assigns the
database name.
• Enable Unicode support (UTF8): Select this check box if
the database is Unicode.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 435
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for UDB for
The following information is required for setting up the
driver connection for MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2
Wire Protocol when running against DB2 in Windows:

• Data Source Name: A name to identify the DB2 data

source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example,
Finance or DB2-1 can serve to identify the connection.

• IP Address: The IP Address of the machine where the

catalog tables are stored. You can use an IP address such
as 123.456.78.90, or a host name such as localhost.

• TCP Port: The DB2 DRDA listener process's port number

on the server host machine provided by your database
administrator. The default port number is usually 50000.

• Database Name: The name of the database to connect to

by default.
• Default User ID: The default user logon ID for your DB2

• Password: The password necessary to connect to the

DB2 database for the user logon entered in the Default
User ID text box above.

Connection to a DB2 UDB for OS/390 database is

supported (not certified) for use with MicroStrategy.
For information on connecting to a DB2 UDB for
OS/390 database, refer to MicroStrategy Tech Note

436 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for MySQL Wire Protocol for

Windows and Linux
The MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for MySQL Wire Protocol is
for use with MySQL Enterprise 5.0 on Windows and Linux.
The following information is required for setting up the
driver connection for the MicroStrategy ODBC driver for
MySQL Wire Protocol:

• Data Source Name: A name to identify the MySQL data

source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example,
Finance or MySQL-1 can serve to identify the connection.

• Host Name: The name or IP address of the machine on

which MySQL Enterprise 5.0 resides. The system
administrator or database administrator assigns the host

• Database Name: The name of the database to connect to

by default. The database administrator assigns the
database name.

• Port Number: The port number for the connection. The

default port number for MySQL is usually 3306. Check
with your database administrator for the correct number.

• User Name: The name of a valid user for MySQL

Enterprise 5.0.

SQL Server for Windows and UNIX/Linux

Microsoft SQL Server is used for Windows platforms.
However, a MicroStrategy-branded version of SQL Server is
used for UNIX and Linux.

The following information is required for setting up the

driver connection for the Microsoft SQL Server driver and the
MicroStrategy-branded version of the SQL Server driver:

• Data Source Name: A name to identify the Microsoft

SQL Server data source configuration in MicroStrategy.
For example, Personnel or SQLServer-1 can serve to
identify the connection.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 437
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

• Server Name: The name of a SQL Server on your

network, in the format <server name or IP
address>,<port number>. For example, if your
network supports named servers, you can specify an
address such as SQLServer-1,1433. You can also
specify the IP address such as 123.45.678.998,1433.

• Database Name: The name of the database to connect to

by default. The database administrator assigns the
database name.

 Inserting date data into SQL Server 2000 tables can

cause errors if the system’s Regional Settings are not
set properly. For more information, see MicroStrategy
Tech Note TN4100-8X-0410.

Netezza SQL for Windows

The following information is required for setting up the
driver connection for the Netezza SQL driver in Windows:

• Data Source Name: The name used for the data source
connection request.
• Server Name: The machine name or IP address of the
machine where the database is stored.

• Database Name: The name of the database to connect

with the Netezza SQL driver.

• Port Number: The port number for the connection. Check

with your database administrator for the correct number.

• User Name: The name of a valid user for the database.

• Password: The password for the user name you provided

to connect to the database.

ODBC Driver for Red Brick for UNIX/Linux

ODBC driver for Red Brick is not a MicroStrategy-branded
driver. The following steps show how to configure ODBC
driver for Red Brick.

438 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

To create an ODBC Driver for Red Brick

1 Install ODBC Driver for Red Brick for the correct

operating system. For information on installation, refer to
the Installation and Configuration Guide for UNIX and
Linux provided by IBM.

Make sure you install the Red Brick Client

Products (version 6.2 and higher) so that they can
be accessed by the appropriate users. You need the
following components:

• RISQL Entry Tool, RISQL Reporter, and Client TMU

• Red Brick ODBCLib (SDK)

• Red Brick ODBC Driver

The directory where Red Brick Client Products are

installed should always be accessible to
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.

Configure the environment for ODBC Driver for Red Brick

2 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the Home Directory during installation.
Browse to the folder env.

3 Add Write privileges to the file by entering the

following command:

chmod u+w

4 Edit the file and add the location of the

directory where the Red Brick Client Products are
installed (RED_BRICK_INSTALL_PATH) to the
RB_CONFIG environment variable:


5 Save the file and remove Write privileges from

the file by entering the following command:

chmod a-w

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 439
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Configure a DSN for ODBC Driver for Red Brick

6 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the Home Directory during installation.

7 Open the odbc.ini.example file and find the section

that starts with [RED_BRICK_62] if you are using Red
Brick 6.2 or [RED_BRICK_63] if you are using Red Brick
6.3. Copy the section into the odbc.ini file.

8 Edit the DSN parameters SERVER and DATABASE, and

modify the value of RB_CONFIG with the location of the
directory where the Red Brick Client Products are

9 Save the odbc.ini file.

For details on these DSN parameters, refer to the product

documentation provided directly by the database vendor.

ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ for UNIX/Linux

ODBC driver for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ is not a
MicroStrategy-branded driver. The following steps show how
to configure ODBC driver for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ.

To configure ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ

1 Install ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ for the

correct operating system. For information on installation,
refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide
provided by Sybase.

The directory where ODBC driver for Sybase

Adaptive Server IQ is installed should always be
accessible to MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.

440 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Configure the environment for ODBC Driver for Sybase

Adaptive Server IQ.

2 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the Home Directory during installation.
Browse to the folder env.

3 Add Write privileges to the file by entering the

following command:

chmod u+w

4 Edit the file and add the location of the

directory where the ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive
Server IQ is installed (SYBASE_ASIQ_INSTALL_PATH)
to the ASDIR environment variable:


5 Save the file and remove Write privileges from

the file by entering the following command:

chmod a-w

Configure the DSN for ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive

Server IQ.

6 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the home directory during installation.

7 Open the odbc.ini.example file and find the section

that starts with [SYBASEIQ]. Copy the section into the
odbc.ini file.

8 Edit the DSN parameters EngineName, DatabaseName

and CommLinks, and modify the value of ASDIR with the
location of the directory where the ODBC Driver for
Sybase Adaptive Server IQ is installed.

9 Save the odbc.ini file.

For details on these DSN parameters, refer to the product

documentation provided directly by the database vendor.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 441
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

ODBC Driver for Teradata for UNIX/Linux

ODBC driver for Teradata is not a MicroStrategy-branded
driver. The following steps show how to configure the ODBC
driver for Teradata.

For information on setting up an ODBC driver for Teradata

through the Connectivity Configuration Wizard on Windows,
see Other relational databases for Windows, page 454.

To configure the ODBC Driver for Teradata

1 Install the ODBC Driver for Teradata for the correct

operating system. For information on installation, refer to
the product documentation provided directly by the
database vendor.

The directory where the ODBC driver for Teradata

is installed should always be accessible to
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.

Configure the environment for the ODBC driver for


2 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the Home Directory during installation.
Browse to the folder env.

3 Add Write privileges to the file by entering the

following command:

chmod u+w

4 Edit the file and add the location of the

directory where the ODBC Driver for Teradata is installed
MSTR_TERADATA_PATH environment variable:


442 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

5 Save the file and remove Write privileges from

the file by entering the following command:

chmod a-w

6 For AIX only, you need to also specify the Teradata GSS
library installation in the To do this, make the
following changes to the MicroStrategy Teradata GSS
path. Set this path, in the MSTR_TERADATA_GSS_PATH
parameter, to the location of the local Teradata GSS
library installation:



then mstr_append_path LIBPATH

export LIBPATH

Configure the DSN for ODBC driver for Teradata.

7 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the Home Directory during installation.

8 Open the odbc.ini.example file and find the section

that starts with [TERADATA_SERVER]. Copy that section
into the odbc.ini file.

9 Edit the DSN parameters DBCName, DatabaseName and

DefaultDatabase, and modify the value of
MSTR_TERADATA_PATH with the location of the directory
where the ODBC Driver for Teradata is installed.

10 In the odbc.ini file, copy the DSN to the [ODBC Data

Sources] section with the driver description. This
ensures the DSN name appears in the tools.

11 Save the odbc.ini file.

For details on these DSN parameters, refer to the product

documentation provided directly by the database vendor.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 443
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

ODBC Driver for Informix 8 for UNIX/Linux

The MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix 8 is already
installed in the <INSTALL_PATH>/lib32 directory.

However, the Informix Client Software Developer’s Kit

(CSDK) must be installed before you create a DSN. This
software is not included in the MicroStrategy product suite
installation and must be obtained through the database
vendor or a third party. For information on installation, refer
to the product documentation provided directly by the
database vendor.

The following steps show how to configure the MicroStrategy

ODBC driver for Informix 8.

To configure ODBC Driver for Informix 8

1 Install the Informix CSDK.

The directory where CSDK is installed should

always be accessible to Intelligence Server.

Configure the environment for ODBC Driver for Informix 8

2 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the Home Directory during installation.
Browse to the folder env.

3 Add Write privileges to the file by entering the

following command:

chmod u+w

4 Edit the file and make the following changes:

• Add the location of the directory where the Informix

Client Software Developer's Kit (CSDK) is installed to
environment variable:


444 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

• Add the name of the Informix Server

INFORMIXSERVER environment variable:


This value is chosen from the list in


5 Save the file and remove Write privileges from

the file by entering the following command:

chmod a-w

Configure the DSN for ODBC Driver for Informix 8

6 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the home directory during installation.

7 Open the odbc.ini.example file and find the section

that starts with [INFORMIX_XPS]. Copy the section into
the odbc.ini file.

8 Edit the DSN parameters Database, HostName,

ServerName and Service.

9 Save the odbc.ini file.

For details on these DSN parameters, refer to the product

documentation provided directly by the database vendor.

ODBC Driver for Netezza for UNIX/Linux

ODBC driver for Netezza is not a MicroStrategy-branded
driver. The following steps show how to configure ODBC
driver for Netezza.

You must modify odbcinst.ini file and odbc.ini file to

create the DSN for Netezza.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 445
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

To configure ODBC driver for Netezza

1 Install the ODBC Driver for Netezza for the correct

operating system. For information on installation, refer to
the product documentation provided directly by the
database vendor.

The directory where Netezza is installed should

always be accessible to MicroStrategy Intelligence

2 Configure the DSN for ODBC driver for Netezza.

To modify the odbcinst.ini file

3 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the home directory during installation.

4 Edit the odbcinst.ini file and replace the three

instances of netezza_odbc_install_dir with the
location of the directory where the Netezza ODBC Driver
is installed. An example of this is as follows:

If the original path is:

Driver = /netezza_odbc_install_dir/lib/,
then the modified path will be:

Driver = /usr/odbc/netezza221sp5/lib/

5 Save the odbcinst.ini file.

To modify the odbc.ini file

6 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to the directory

netezza_odbc_install_dir, where you installed the
Netezza ODBC driver.

7 Browse to the lib directory.

446 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

8 Open the odbc.ini.example file to access the example

DSN provided in this file. The example DSN provided in
this file is as follows:


Driver = /usr/local/nz/lib/
Description = NetezzaSQL ODBC
Servername = ip_address
Port = 5480
Database = database_name
Username = uid
Password = pwd
CancelAsFreeStmt = false
CommLog = false
Ksqo = false
Lie = false
Optimizer = false
Parse = false
PreFetch = 256
Protocol = 7.0
ReadOnly = false
ShowSystemTables = false
Socket = 16384
DateFormat = 1
TranslationDLL =
TranslationName =
TranslationOption =

9 Copy the contents exactly as they are provided in the

odbc.ini.example file.

10 In a UNIX/Linux console window, browse to the

<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the home directory during installation.

11 Edit the MicroStrategy odbc.ini file.

12 Paste the contents copied from the example DSN from the
Netezza .odbc.ini.example file. You should paste the
contents of the DSN exactly as they appear in the example

13 Make the following changes to the copied sample file:

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 447
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

• Modify the driver location to match the location of the

installed Netezza ODBC Driver,

• Change the driver name from to

• Change the Database, Servername, Username, and

Password to match the information for your database.

Following is an example of an updated DSN in the

MicroStrategy odbc.ini file:


Driver = /usr/odbc/
Description = NetezzaSQL ODBC
Servername =
Port = 5480
Database = testDB
Username = tester01
Password = tester01
CancelAsFreeStmt = false
CommLog = false
Ksqo = false
Lie = false
Optimizer = false
Parse = false
PreFetch = 256
Protocol = 7.0
ReadOnly = false
ShowSystemTables = false
Socket = 16384
DateFormat = 1
TranslationDLL =
TranslationName =
TranslationOption =

14 Save the odbc.ini file.

For details on these DSN parameters, refer to the product

documentation provided by the database vendor.

448 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

ODBC Driver for MySQL Community Server 5.0 for Linux

The ODBC driver for MySQL Community Server 5.0 is not a
MicroStrategy-branded driver. The following steps show how
to configure the ODBC driver for MySQL Community Server
5.0, which is certified for the Linux operating system.

You must modify the odbc.ini file to create the DSN for
MySQL Community Server 5.0. For any late-breaking
changes on configuring MicroStrategy with MySQL, refer to
MicroStrategy Tech Note TN1100-000-0645.

 The third-party product(s) discussed in the procedure

below is manufactured by vendors independent of
MicroStrategy. MicroStrategy makes no warranty,
express, implied or otherwise, regarding this product,
including its performance or reliability.

To configure ODBC driver for MySQL Community Server 5.0

1 Install the 32-bit ODBC Driver for MySQL (3.51) for the
Linux operating system, found at the hyperlink
3.51.html. This site is valid as of the release of this
manual. For information on installation, refer to the
product documentation provided by the database vendor.

Note the following:

• Ensure that the driver files are installed to the
/usr/lib directory.

• For exact version numbers of MySQL drivers

certified with MicroStrategy, refer to the
MicroStrategy General Information Readme.

2 Configure the DSN for the ODBC driver for MySQL.

To modify the odbc.ini file

3 In a Linux console window, browse to <HOME_PATH>,

where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you specified as the
home directory during installation.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 449
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

4 Edit the MicroStrategy odbc.ini file.

Example odbc.ini file syntax that’s configured for

MySQL is provided below. You can also use the
odbc.ini.example file provided by MicroStrategy for
example syntax to configure a connection to MySQL.

You must replace all placeholders in italics with
respective values for your MySQL database.
Any parameters not mentioned below are
considered optional for common configurations.
For details on the DSN parameters, refer to the
product documentation provided by the database

[ODBC Data Sources]

DataSourceName = MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver

Driver = /usr/lib/
Description = MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver
Server = IP address
Port = Port number
Database = Database name
User = Database user name
Password = Database user password

Trace = 0
TraceFile = odbctrace.out
TraceDll = /home/linux/8.1.2/
InstallDir = /home/linux/8.1.2/
IANAAppCodePage = 106
UseCursorLib = 0

5 Save the odbc.ini file.

 You cannot test a connection to your MySQL database

with the MicroStrategy ODBC Test Tool. To verify a
connection to a MySQL database, you must use
MicroStrategy Desktop in a three-tier environment.

450 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

This completes the steps to create a DSN and configure an

ODBC driver for MySQL Community Server 5.0. However, to
complete the connection of MicroStrategy to a MySQL
database, you must add parameters to the Additional
connection string parameters of a database connection for
a database instance in MicroStrategy Desktop. You must add
the following parameters:

SERVER=IP address;PORT=Port number;

DATABASE=Database name;

where IP address and Database name match the same

values as defined in the odbc.ini file. To create a database
instance and database connection, see Creating a database
instance, page 174 and Creating a database connection,
page 176.

ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL for Linux

The ODBC driver for PostgreSQL is not a
MicroStrategy-branded driver. The following steps show how
to configure the ODBC driver for PostgreSQL 8.x for Linux.

You must modify the odbc.ini file to create the DSN for
PostgreSQL. For any late-breaking changes on configuring
MicroStrategy with PostgreSQL, refer to MicroStrategy Tech
Note TN1100-000-0653.

 The third-party product(s) discussed in the procedure

below is manufactured by vendors independent of
MicroStrategy. MicroStrategy makes no warranty,
express, implied or otherwise, regarding this product,
including its performance or reliability.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 451
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

To configure ODBC driver for PostgreSQL

1 Install the ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL (Version 7.01.03)

for the Linux operating system. You can find this driver by
searching for unixODBC-2.2.9-1.i386.rpm at the
hyperlink This site is
valid as of the release of this manual. For information on
installation, refer to the product documentation provided
by the database vendor.

Note the following:

• The path to the installation location you choose for
the ODBC driver is used later in this procedure as
the value for the Driver parameter in the
odbc.ini file.

• For exact version numbers of PostgreSQL drivers

certified with MicroStrategy, refer to the
MicroStrategy General Information Readme.

2 Configure the DSN for the ODBC driver for PostgreSQL.

To modify the odbc.ini file

3 In a Linux console window, browse to <HOME_PATH>,

where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you specified as the
home directory during installation.

4 Edit the MicroStrategy odbc.ini file.

Example odbc.ini file syntax that’s configured for

PostgreSQL is provided below. You can also use the
odbc.ini.example file provided by MicroStrategy for
example syntax to configure a connection to PostgreSQL.

You must replace all placeholders in italics with
respective values for your PostgreSQL
database. Any parameters not mentioned below are
considered optional for common configurations.
For details on the DSN parameters, refer to the
product documentation provided by the database

452 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

[ODBC Data Sources]

DataSourceName = PostgreSQL driver for

Driver = UNIXODBC_DIR/usr/lib/
Description = PostgreSQL driver for
Trace = No
TraceFile = sql.log
Database = Database name
Servername = IP address
UserName = Database user name
Password = Database user password
Port = Port number
Protocol = 6.4
ReadOnly = No
RowVersioning = No
ShowSystemTables = No
ShowOIDColumn = No
FakeOIDIndex = No
ConnSettings =

Trace = 0
TraceFile = odbctrace.out
TraceDll = /home/linux/8.1.2/
InstallDir = /home/linux/8.1.2/
IANAAppCodePage = 106
UseCursorLib = 0

5 Save the odbc.ini file.

This completes the steps to create a DSN and configure an

ODBC driver for PostgreSQL.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers 453
A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Other relational databases for Windows

If you use other databases, refer to the database-specific
documentation for information on required settings.
Standard settings are supported by MicroStrategy for most
relational databases. If you plan to use Teradata, some
special settings are required. See the following subsection.


If you intend to use Teradata, which is certified by

MicroStrategy, you need to:

• Pre-install the NCR ODBC Driver for Teradata RDBMS.

Otherwise, you will not see Teradata in the drivers list for
Other Relational Databases when using the MicroStrategy
ODBC DSN Creator.

• Ensure that Teradata DSNs are set to Run in Quiet Mode.

If you use Teradata, the following settings are required for

setting up the driver connection.

In the Teradata ODBC Driver Options dialog box, click

Options to set the following required options:
• Session Mode: Select Teradata as the session mode to
apply for the duration of the session.
• Date Time Format: Set this value to AAA format so the
ODBC driver handles the Dates, Time, and Timestamps as
ANSI-compatible strings. The ANSI-compatible strings
are only available with the V2R3 or later databases.

• Disable Parsing: Select this check box to disable parsing

of SQL statements by the ODBC driver.

For information on other options, refer to the online help by

clicking Help.

454 Creating DSNs for specific ODBC drivers © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.
Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini

The odbc.ini file is the configuration file that stores the
definitions for all the ODBC DSNs in a UNIX or Linux
environment. Therefore this section is not relevant to ODBC
and DSN connections on Windows.

For information on what operating systems each ODBC

driver is certified for, see Certified ODBC drivers for
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, page 51.

These ODBC DSNs are defined by specifying values for

certain DSN parameters. This file is activated by the
environment variable ODBCINI, and is required by all ODBC
applications. By default, the odbc.ini file is installed in
<HOME_PATH>, where <HOME_PATH> is the directory you
specified as the home directory during installation on UNIX
or Linux. It contains the definitions for the following
MicroStrategy-branded ODBC drivers:

• MicroStrategy ODBC driver for Oracle Wire Protocol

• MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol (DB2

UDB for Windows and UNIX/Linux)

• MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol

(iSeries for UNIX/Linux)
• MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix 8 (XPS)
• MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Informix Wire Protocol

• MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Sybase ASE Wire Protocol

• MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Microsoft

• MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for MySQL Wire Protocol

This section describes commonly used DSN parameters for

all MicroStrategy-branded ODBC drivers.

MicroStrategy supports ODBC drivers from other

vendors that you can install separately. This involves
manually defining the DSN parameters in the
odbc.ini file.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 455

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

This section also describes the DSN parameters for the

following ODBC drivers from other vendors:

• ODBC Driver for Red Brick

• ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ

• ODBC Driver for Teradata

• ODBC Driver for Netezza

Connection to a DB2 UDB for OS/390 database is

supported (not certified) for use with MicroStrategy.
For information on parameters for a DB2 UDB for
OS/390 database, refer to MicroStrategy Tech Note

Modification of the odbc.ini file is necessary to configure

ODBC driver settings or full ODBC drivers that are not
accessible through the Connectivity Configuration Wizard.
However, caution should be taken when modifying the
odbc.ini file as incorrect modifications can cause
unintended functionality and errors. To see an example of a
configuration using an odbc.ini file, refer to the
odbc.ini.example file installed in <HOME_PATH>, where
<HOME_PATH> is the directory you specified as the home
directory during installation on UNIX or Linux.

You must use the correct syntax when modifying parameters

for the odbc.ini file. Most of the parameters are of the form
parameter name = parameter value, but some
parameters require more complex syntax. Refer to the table
below for documentation standards related to parameter

456 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

For documentation standards for the MicroStrategy

Installation and Configuration Guide, see
Documentation standards, page xxi.

Syntax Indicates

{option1 | option2} You must select one of the options. For example, if the syntax is
{Y | N}, you must type Y, or N. There can be two or more
options, with each option separated by a pipe (|) symbol.

[] Anything inside square brackets ([]) is optional. For example,

a list of servers can be represented syntactically as
Servers=Server1[,...]. The following would be valid
syntaxes for the example above:
• Servers=Server1
• Servers=Server1,Server2,Server3

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 457

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Oracle Wire Protocol

Parameter Description

AlternateServers You can enable driver-side connection failover for the driver by specifying a
list of available servers. When the primary database server is unavailable,
connections to the available database servers are attempted sequentially.
{SID=sidvalue |ServiceName=servicevalue}[,...])

ApplicationUsingThreads You can specify whether the driver works with single-threaded or
multi-threaded applications. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) Use this setting to ensure the thread-safe driver works with
multi-threaded applications.
• 0: Use this setting to prevent additional processing, which occurs due to
ODBC thread-safety standards, for drivers that work with single-threaded

AuthenticationMethod Specifies which type of authentication the driver uses to authenticate a user.
The selected type of authentication must be supported by the database
server, otherwise the driver displays an error.
You have the following options:
• 1: the driver sends the user ID in clear text and encrypts the password
before sending it to the server to be authenticated.
• 3: the driver uses client authentication. The server does not provide any
authentication; it relies on the client to authenticate the user.
• 4: the driver users Kerberos authentication, which supports Windows
Active Directory Kerberos and MIT Kerberos environments.
• 5: the driver uses Kerberos and user ID and password authentication.
First, the user is authenticated using Kerberos and is then
re-authenticated by the driver using the username and password.

CatalogOptions You can specify whether result columns REMARKS and COLUMN_DEF return
values or SQL_NULL_DATA. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) The REMARKS and COLUMN_DEF result columns return
• 1: The REMARKS and COLUMN_DEF result columns return their actual

ConnectionRetryCount You can indicate the number of times this driver will attempt to connect to the
primary or alternate servers (if enabled), if the initial attempt fails. The limits
of this parameter are:
• 0: (Default) No reconnection attempt is made.
• 65535: Maximum number of retries.

Description Description of a data source name.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

458 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Parameter Description

EnableDescribeParam You can enable the ODBC API function SQLDescribeParam. This function
causes all parameters to be described with a SQL_VARCHAR data type. You
have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Disables the SQLDescribeParam function.
• 1: (Default when using Microsoft Remote Data Objects to access data)
Enables the SQLDescribeParam function.

EnableNcharSupport You can enable support for the N-datatypes NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and
NCLOB. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Disables support for NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB.
• 1: Enables support for NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB. These
N-datatypes are described as SQL_WCHAR, SQL_WVARCHAR, and
SQL_WLONGVARCHAR, respectively.
Note: This parameter is supported in Oracle 9i and later.

EnableStaticCursorsForL You can enable support for columns with the long data type when using static
ongData cursors with your driver. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Disables support for columns with the long data type when
using static cursors.
• 1: Enables support for columns with the long data type when using static
cursors. Use this option to persist a result set containing long data types
into an XML file.

EncryptionMethod Specifies how the driver encrypts data that is sent between the driver and the
database server. You have the following options:
• 0 (Default): the data is not encrypted
• 1: the data is encrypted using SSL

GSSClient The driver, by default, uses the GSS Client library packaged with the
operating system to communicate with the Key Distribution Center. This
parameter can be changed to use a different GSS Client library.

HostName Name of the host machine where the database server resides. This may also
be the IP address.

HostNameInCertificate Specifies whether or not the driver validates the Host Name in the certificate
that is used in systems operating using SSL authentication. This parameter is
ignored if the EncryptionMethod is set to 0, and if the value in
ValidateServerCertificate is set to zero.

KeyPassword The password to access a particular key in the keystore.

KeyStore The path to the location of the keystore, which is the file that contains the list
of the client certificates that are trusted by the server for Client Authentication
with SSL.

KeyStorePassword The password to gain access to the keystore.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 459

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Parameter Description

LoadBalancing You can enable client load balancing when connecting to primary and
alternate servers. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Disables client load balancing. Connection attempts to
database servers are performed sequentially, starting with the primary
• 1: Enables client load balancing. Connection attempts to database
servers are performed in no particular order.
Note: Us the AlternateServers parameter to define alternate servers
to connect to.

LogonID User ID used to log on to the database.

Password Password for the user account specified as the LogonID.

PortNumber Port number of the database instance.

ProcedureRetResults You can enable the driver to return result sets from stored procedure
functions. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) The driver does not return result sets from stored procedures.
• 1: The driver returns result sets from stored procedures.

SID Site Identifier of the Oracle instance you are trying to connect to.

TNSNamesFile You can specify the location of the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Make sure to type
the entire path to the TNSNAMES.ORA file, including the file name itself. You
can specify multiple TNSNAMES.ORA files.
You must set the Server Name parameter to use this option. Using the Server
Name and TNSNamesFiles parameters disables the HostName,
PortNumber, SID, and Service Name fields.

TrustStore The path for the location to the truststore, which is the file that contains the
list of certificate authorities that are trusted by the machine for SSL server

TrustStorePassword The password to gain access to the truststore.

ValidateServerCertificate Specifies whether or not the driver validates the server’s security certificate
during SSL authentication. You have the following options:
• 0: the certificate is not validated
• 1(Default): the certificate is validated

460 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

DB2 Wire Protocol

Parameter Description

AuthenticationMethod Specifies which type of authentication the driver uses to authenticate a user.
The selected type of authentication must be supported by the database
server, otherwise the driver displays an error.
You have the following options:
• 0 (Default): the driver sends the user ID and password to the server in
clear text to be authenticated.
• 1: the driver sends the user ID in clear text and encrypts the password
before sending it to the server to be authenticated.
• 2: the driver encrypts both the user ID and the password before sending it
to the server to be authenticated.
• 3: the driver uses client authentication. The server does not provide any
authentication; it relies on the client to authenticate the user.
• 4: the driver users Kerberos authentication, which supports Windows
Active Directory Kerberos and MIT Kerberos environments.

EncryptionMethod Specifies the way the driver encrypts data that is sent between the driver and
the database server. You have the following options:
• 0 (Default): the data is not encrypted
• 1: the data is encrypted using SSL (supported only on DB2 for iSeries)
• 2: the data is encrypted using the DB2 encryption protocol (supported
only on DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows and DB2 for z/OS)
The AuthenticationMethod must be set to 0, 1, or 2 to use DB2 encryption. If
the Database server does not support the type of encryption, it displays an
error and the connection fails.

GSS Client The driver, by default, uses the GSS Client library that comes with the
operating system to communicate with the Key Distribution Center. This
parameter can be changed to use a different GSS Client library.

HostNameInCertificate Specifies whether or not the driver validates the Host Name in the certificate
that is used in systems operating using SSL authentication. This parameter is
ignored if the EncryptionMethod is not set to 1, and if the value in
ValidateServerCertificate is set to zero.

TrustStore The path for the location to the truststore, which is the file that contains the
list of certificate authorities that are trusted by the machine for SSL server

TrustStorePassword Password to gain access to the truststore.

ValidateServerCertificate Specifies whether or not the driver validates the server’s security certificate
during SSL authentication. You have the following options:
• 0: the certificate is not validated
• 1(Default): the certificate is validated

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 461

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Parameter Description

XMLDescribeType Specifies what SQL Data Type the SQLGetTypeInfo() returns for the XML
Data type. You have the following options:
• -4: The description SQL_LONGVARBINARY is used for DB2 XML data
type columns.
• -10(Default): The description SQL_WLONGVARCHAR is used for DB2
XML data type columns.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

Description Description of this data source.

LogonID Default user ID to log on to the database. On UNIX/Linux, the LogonID value
is your UNIX/Linux user ID.

Password Password for the user account specified as the LogonID.

AlternateID Default qualifier used at connection time for any unqualified object names
used in SQL statements. You must set the DB2 permissions to SYSADM.
DB2 UDB V5R1 on iSeries does not support this parameter.

IpAddress Specifies the IP address of the machine where the catalog tables are stored,
as either a numeric address or address name. If you enter an address name,
the address name is retrieved from the workstation’s HOSTS file or in a DNS

Database Name of the database to which to connect.

Collection Name that identifies a logical group of database objects. This parameter is
valid only if you are connecting to DB2 for z/OS (formerly OS/390) or iSeries
(formerly AS/400). On iSeries, it is also the current Schema.These objects
include the DataDirect Connect DB2 Wire Protocol driver for ODBC

Location Specifies the DB2 location name. Use the name defined on the DB2 Server.
This parameter is valid only if you are connecting to DB2 for z/OS (formerly
OS/390) or iSeries (formerly AS/400).

TcpPort Specifies the port number used by the DB2 database instance on the server
host machine.

GrantExecute You can grant execute privileges on the package you specify as the
GrantAuthID. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) Privileges are granted.
• 0: Privileges are not granted.

GrantAuthid You can indicate to whom execute privileges are granted. By default, this
parameter is set to PUBLIC.
Note: This parameter is ignored if GranteExecute=0.

462 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Parameter Description

DefaultIsolationLevel Method by which locks are acquired and released by the system. ODBC
isolation levels map to DB2 isolation levels as follows:


Read Uncommitted Uncommitted Read

Read Committed Cursor Stability

Repeatable Read Read Stability

Serializable Repeatable Read

Valid values are:

• 0 - READ_UNCOMMITTED: Other processes can read from the
database. Modified data is locked until the end of the transaction.
• 1 - READ_COMMITTED: (Default) Other processes cannot modify a row
if the cursor is on the row or modify records that your application has
modified, until your application commits or terminates. Your application
cannot read a modified record that has not been committed by another
• 2 - REPEATABLE_READ: Other process cannot access data that your
application has read or modified, until the end of the transaction.
• 3 - SERIALIZABLE: Other processes cannot modify records, including
phantom records, that are read or modified by your application until your
program commits or terminates. Your application is prevented from
reading modified records that have not been committed by another
process. If your application opens the same query during a single unit of
work, the results table is identical to the previous table. However, results
table can contain updates made by your application.
• 4 - NONE: Your program can read modified records even if they have not
been committed by another process. This level can only be set in the data
source, not from the application.
Note: You must use this level if you have a collection on iSeries with
journaling enabled.

DynamicSections Specifies how many statements the DB2 Wire Protocol driver package can
prepare for each user. The default is 200.

CatalogSchema Specifies the name of a valid DB2 schema to use for Catalog functions. If you
do not specify a value, the parameter defaults to the following values:
• SYSIBM: Default for z/OS.
• QSYS2: Default for iSeries.
• SYSCAT: Default when connected to UNIX/Linux.

PackageCollection Specifies the collection or location name where the driver creates and
searches for the bind packages. The default is NULLID.

PackageOwner Specifies the DB2 user account assigned to the package. This user must
have authority to run all the SQL statements in the package.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 463

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Parameter Description

UseCurrentSchema You can restrict results to the tables in the current schema when a catalog
function call is made either without specifying a schema or when specifying
the schema as the wildcard character %. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Results can include tables outside of the current schema.
• 1: Results are restricted to tables in the current schema. Restricting
results to tables in the current schema improves the performance of calls
that do not specify a schema.

ApplicationUsingThreads You can specify whether the driver works with single-threaded or
multi-threaded applications. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) Use this setting to ensure the thread-safe driver works with
multi-threaded applications.
• 0: Use this setting to prevent additional processing, which occurs due to
ODBC thread-safety standards, for drivers that work with single-threaded

WithHold Specifies the cursor behavior for the application used with this data
source.You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) DB2 leaves all cursors open after a commit or rollback.
(SQLGetInfo( ) returns SQL_CB_PRESERVE for
• 0: DB2 closes all open cursors after a commit or rollback. (SQLGetInfo( )
returns SQL_CB_DELETE.)

464 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Informix 8 (XPS)
Parameter Description

ApplicationUsingThreads You can specify whether the driver works with single-threaded or
multi-threaded applications. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) Use this setting to ensure the thread-safe driver works with
multi-threaded applications.
• 0: Use this setting to prevent additional processing, which occurs due to
ODBC thread-safety standards, for drivers that work with single-threaded

CancelDetectInterval Specifies how often (in seconds) the driver checks whether a query has been
canceled. When the driver detects that SQLCancel has been issued by the
MicroStrategy Platform, the query is canceled. You have the following
• 0: (Default) Queries are not canceled even if SQLCancel is issued.
• {5| 10 | 30 | 60}: The driver checks if pending requests have been
cancelled with SQLCancel every 5, 10, 30, or 60 seconds.

CursorBehavior Determines the behavior of cursors at the end of each transaction. You have
the following options:
• 0: (Default) Cursors are closed at the end of each transaction.
• 1: Cursors are preserved, meaning they are held at the current position at
the end of each transaction.Preserving cursor position can slow down
your database operations.

Database Name of the database to which to connect.

Description Description of this data source.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

EnableInsertCursors You can enable Insert cursors. You have the following options.
• 1: (Default) Insert cursors are enabled. Insert cursors improve
performance during multiple Insert operations using the same statement.
Insert data can be buffered in memory before being written to disk.
• 0: Insert cursors are disabled.

GetDBListFromInformix Specifies whether the database list is returned from the Informix server or
from the database list the user entered during driver setup.
• 1: (Default) The database list is returned from the Informix server.
• 0: The database list is returned from the database list the user entered
during driver setup.

HostName Name of the machine on which the Informix server resides.

LogonID Logon ID used to connect to your database.

Password Password used to connect to your database.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 465

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Parameter Description

Protocol Specifies the protocol used to communicate with the server. You can specify
one or more values; separate the names with commas. You can enter any of
the following protocols:
• olsocspx
• olsoctcp
• onsocspx
• onsoctcp
• seipcpip
• sesocspx
• sesoctcp
• ontlitcp
Note: For Solaris, the protocol must be ontlitcp.

ServerName Name of the server running the Informix instance.

Note: This can be different from the HostName. Verify what your
ServerName is with the Informix database administrator.

Service Name of the service being used by Informix on the host machine.

TrimBlankFromIndexNa You can specify whether to trim leading space from a system-generated
me index name. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) The driver trims the leading space.
• 0: The driver does not trim the space.

466 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Informix Wire Protocol

Parameter Description

ApplicationUsingThreads You can specify whether the driver works with single-threaded or
multi-threaded applications. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) Use this setting to ensure the thread-safe driver works with
multi-threaded applications.
• 0: Use this setting to prevent additional processing, which occurs due to
ODBC thread-safety standards, for drivers that work with single-threaded

CancelDetectInterval Specifies how often (in seconds) the driver checks whether a query has been
canceled. When the driver detects that SQLCancel has been issued by the
MicroStrategy Platform, the query is canceled. You have the following
• 0: (Default) Queries are not canceled even if SQLCancel is issued.
• {5| 10 | 30 | 60}: The driver checks if pending requests have been
cancelled with SQLCancel every 5, 10, 30, or 60 seconds.

Database Name of the database to which to connect.

Description Description of the data source.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

HostName Name or IP address of the machine on which the Informix server resides.

LogonID User ID for connecting to the database.

Password Password for connecting to your database.

PortNumber Port number of the server listener.

ServerName Name of the server running the Informix instance.

Note: This can be different from the HostName. Verify what your
ServerName is with the Informix database administrator.

TrimBlankFromIndex You can specify whether to trim leading space from a system-generated
Name index name. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) The driver trims leading space.
• 0: The driver does not trim leading space.

UseDelimitedIdentifiers Specifies how the server interprets double quotation marks(“) when used in
SQL statements. You have the following options:
• 0 (Default): strings within double quotation marks are interpreted as string
• 1: strings within double quotation marks are interpreted as identifiers.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 467

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Sybase ASE Wire Protocol

Parameter Description

ApplicationUsingThreads You can specify whether the driver works with single-threaded or
multi-threaded applications. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) Use this setting to ensure the thread-safe driver works with
multi-threaded applications.
• 0: Use this setting to prevent additional processing, which occurs due to
ODBC thread-safety standards, for drivers that work with single-threaded

Authentication Method Specifies which type of authentication the driver uses to authenticate a user.
The selected type of authentication must be supported by the database
server, otherwise the driver displays an error.
You have the following options:
• 0 (Default): the driver sends the user ID and password to the server in
clear text to be authenticated.
• 1: the driver sends the user ID in clear text and encrypts the password
before sending it to the server to be authenticated.
• 4: the driver users Kerberos authentication, which supports Windows
Active Directory Kerberos and MIT Kerberos environments.

Charset Specifies the name of a character set installed on the Sybase server. The
default is the setting on the Sybase server. For Sybase ASE 12.5 and higher,
set this parameter to UTF-8 to support Unicode SQL types. Refer to Sybase
documentation for a list of valid character sets.

Database Name of the database to use.

Description Description of the data source.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

EnableDescribeParam You can enable the ODBC API function SQLDescribeParam. This function
causes all parameters to be described with a SQL_VARCHAR data type. You
have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Disables the SQLDescribeParam function.
• 1: (Default when using Microsoft Remote Data Objects to access data)
Enables the SQLDescribeParam function.

EnableQuotedIdentifiers You can enable quoted identifiers. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Disables quoted identifiers. Applications that generate
statements with quoted identifiers encounter errors.
• 1: Enables quoted identifiers. Double quotes are only allowed around
identifiers in SQL statements such as column and table names. For
example, an ID column for the Category attribute appears as
“CATEGORY_ID” in the SQL statement.

EncryptionMethod Specifies the way the driver encrypts data that is sent between the driver and
the database server. You have the following options:
• 0 (Default): the data is not encrypted
• 1: the data is encrypted using SSL

468 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Parameter Description

GSSClient The driver, by default, uses the GSS Client library that comes with the
operating system to communicate with the Key Distribution Center. This
parameter can be changed to use a different GSS Client library.

HostNameInCertificate Specifies whether or not the driver validates the Host Name in the certificate
that is used in systems operating using SSL authentication. This parameter is
ignored if the EncryptionMethod is not set to SSL, and if the value in
ValidateServerCertificate is set to zero.

Language Specifies the national language installed on the Sybase server. The default is

LogonID User ID for connecting to the database.

NetworkAddress Specifies the network address. The format depends on the network protocol
chosen under Network Library Name and the Sybase server. If you are
choosing Windows Sockets (Winsock), then the format is: {IP address |
Hostname}, port number. For example, you might enter “,
5000” or “Sybase_15, 5000”.

OptimizePrepare Specifies how stored procedures are prepared when using SQLPrepare. You
have the following options:
• 0: Stored procedures are created for every call to SQLPrepare.
Decreased performance occurs when statements that do not contain
parameters are processed.
• 1: (Default) Stored procedures are created only if the statement contains
parameters. Otherwise, the statement for the stored procedure is cached
and run when SQLExecute is called.
• 2: Stored procedures are never created. The statement for the stored
procedure is cached and run when SQLExecute is called. Any syntax
errors or other errors are returned when SQLExecute is called.
• 3: Stored procedures are never created. This option is identical to option 2
except that any syntax errors or other errors are returned when
SQLPrepare is called instead of SQLExecute.

Password Password for connecting to your database.

RaiseErrorPositionBehav You can configure when errors are returned and where the cursor is
ior positioned after encountering a raiseerror. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Raiseerror is handled separately from surrounding
statements. Errors are returned when raiseerror is processed via
SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, or SQLMoreResults.
• 1: (Microsoft-compatible) RaiseError is returned when the next statement
is processed and the cursor is positioned on the first row of the
subsequent result set. Multiple RaiseErrors may be returned on a single

SelectMethod You can enable database cursors for SELECT statements. You have the
following options:
• 0: (Default) Database cursors are enabled. Creating database cursors
requires additional overhead, which can negatively affect performance
when executing a large number of sequential SELECT statements.
• 1: Database cursors are disabled for SELECT statements, thus limiting the
database to one active statement at a time.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 469

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Parameter Description

ServicePrincipalName The Sybase server principal name used for Kerberos authentication. If no
name is specified, then the driver defaults to the value forNetworkAddress.
This parameter is ignored if an authentication type other than Kerberos is

TrustStore The path for the location to the truststore, which is the file that contains the
list of certificate authorities that are trusted by the machine for SSL server

TrustStorePassword The password to gain access to the truststore.

ValidateServerCertificate Specifies whether or not the driver validates the server’s security certificate
during SSL authentication. You have the following options:
• 0: the certificate is not validated
• 1(Default): the certificate is validated

470 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

SQL Server Wire Protocol

Parameter Description

Address Network address of the SQL Server. The address should be the network
name of the server, but it can be a TCP/IP port and socket address. For
example, on TCP/IP it can be; 1433; or MYSVR, 1433.

AnsiNPW You can enable ANSI-defined behaviors.

• Yes: ANSI-defined behaviors are enabled to handle NULL comparisons,
character data padding, warnings, and NULL concatenation. Modify this
option to No if trailing blank spaces appear to be truncated.
• No: ANSI-defined behaviors are disabled.

Database Database to use.

Description Description of the data source.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

LogonID User ID for connecting to the database.

Password Password for connecting to your database.

QuotedId You can choose to handle QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS as defined by SQL-92 or

Transact_SQL rules. You have the following options:
• Yes: QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS are enabled. SQL Server uses SQL-92
rules for quotation marks in SQL statements.
• No: QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS are disabled. SQL Server uses the legacy
Transact_SQL rules for quotation marks in SQL statements.

SnapshotSerializable If you are using Microsoft SQL server 2005 and it is configured for snapshot
isolation, you can allow the application to use the snapshot isolation level.
You have the following choices:
• 0 (Default): the application uses the serializable isolation level when the
isolation level is set to serializable.
• 1: The application uses the snapshot isolation level when the isolation
level is set to serializable.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 471

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

MySQL Wire Protocol

Parameter Description

AlternateServers You can enable driver-side connection failover for the driver by specifying a
list of available servers. When the primary database server is unavailable,
connections to the available database servers are attempted sequentially.
{SID=sidvalue |ServiceName=servicevalue}[,...])

ApplicationUsingThreads You can specify whether the driver works with single-threaded or
multi-threaded applications. You have the following options:
• 1: (Default) Use this setting to ensure the thread-safe driver works with
multi-threaded applications.
• 0: Use this setting to prevent additional processing, which occurs due to
ODBC thread-safety standards, for drivers that work with single-threaded

ConnectionRetryCount You can indicate the number of times this driver will attempt to connect to the
primary or alternate servers (if enabled), if the initial attempt fails. The limits
of this parameter are:
• 0: (Default) No attempt is made to reconnect.
• 65535: Maximum number of retries.

ConnectionRetryDelay You can specify the amount of time, in seconds, that the driver delays
between attempts to connect to the primary server and alternate servers, if
specified. Integers within the following limits are valid:
• 0: There is no delay between attempts to reconnect.
• 3 (default): The default delay is three seconds.
• 65535: The maximum delay between attempts to reconnect.
This parameter only has an effect if the ConnectionRetryCount parameter is
set to a value other than 0.

Database Specifies the database to use.

DefaultLongDataBuffLen You can specify the maximum data length, in bytes, that is fetched from
Long/LOB columns. The value must be in multiples of 1024, and is multiplied
by 1024 to define the maximum data length in bytes. For example, the default
for this parameter is 1024, which is multiplied by 1024, for a total of 1048576
bytes, or 1 megabyte. This parameter also resizes any data passed in a
Long/LOB SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC parameter to fit the data length specified,
and chunks any data exceeding this data length limit.

Description Description of the data source.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

472 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Parameter Description

EnableDescribeParam You can enable the ODBC API function SQLDescribeParam. This function
causes all parameters to be described with a SQL_VARCHAR data type. You
have the following options:
• 0: (Default) Disables the SQLDescribeParam function.
• 1: (Default when using Microsoft Remote Data Objects to access data)
Enables the SQLDescribeParam function.

HostName Name of the host machine where the database server resides. This may also
be the IP address.

InteractiveClient Determines which variable is used to determine the amount of time that a
connection can idle until the server disconnects it. The possible values are:
• 0 (Default): the driver uses the value for the global wait_timeout variable
to initialize the wait_timeout session
• 1: the driver uses the global interactive_timeout variable value to initialize
the wait_time session
The wait_timeout variable, controlled by InteractiveClient, can be modified
after the connection has been made.

LoadBalancing You can enable client load balancing when connecting to primary and
alternate servers. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) disables client load balancing. Connection attempts to
database servers are performed sequentially, starting with the primary
• 1: enables client load balancing. Connection attempts to database servers
are performed in no particular order.
Note: Use the AlternateServers parameter to define alternate servers to
connect to.

LogonID User ID used to log on to the database.

Password Password for connecting to your database.

PortNumber Port number of the server listener. Default is 3306.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 473

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Parameter Description

ReportCodePageConver Specifies the format in which the driver returns errors encountered when
sionErrors converting code pages. Errors are returned with the following message:
Code page conversion error encountered. If the error occurs
when converting parameter data, the following sentence is added: Error in
parameter X, where X is the number of the parameter. You have the
following options when specifying the formatting:
0 (Default): For each character that cannot be converted, the driver
substitutes 0x1A and does not display an error message.
1: for each character that cannot be converted the driver displays an error
2: for each character that cannot be converted, the driver substitutes 0x1A for
each unconverted character and displays an error message.

TreatBinaryAsChar Specifies how the driver returns data that MySQL stores as BINARY or
VARBINARY, and specifies the data type the driver uses to describe these
values. You have the following options:
• 0 (Default): data that MySQL has stored as BINARY or VARBINARY is
described and returned as BINARY or VARBINARY values, respectively.
• 1:data that MySQL has stored as BINARY or VARBINARY is described
and returned as CHAR or VARCHAR values, respectively.

474 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Parameter Description

IANAAppCodePage Used with the transliteration system. The code page that you specify must be
the same as the code page used by your application. The driver on
UNIX/Linux determines the value of the application’s code page by checking
for an IANAAppCodePage value, in the following order:
1 In the connection string
2 In the DataSource section of the system file (odbc.ini)
3 In the ODBC section of the system file (odbc.ini)
If no IANAAppCodePage value is found, the driver uses the default value of 4
(ISO 8859-1 Latin-1).
Note: The IANAAppCodePage connection string parameter replaces the
AppCodePage connection string parameter in earlier versions of Connect for
ODBC. The drivers are backwardly compatible with the AppCodePage
parameter, but you must now use the IANAAppCodePage parameter. In this
case, the parameter uses the value in the ODBC section of the odbc.ini file.

InstallDir Location where ODBC drivers are installed.

Trace Specifies whether tracing is on or off.

TraceDll Location of the ODBC trace shared lib\dll.

TraceFile File where tracing is logged.

UseCursorLib This setting is not used in UNIX. It specifies whether the CursorLibrary in the
driver or the one that comes with the ODBC components is used. On the
UNIX platform, no ODBC Manager CursorLibrary is available, which means
that the driver CursorLibrary is always used.

Red Brick 6.x

Parameter Description

DATABASE Name of the database to which to connect.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

PWD Password used to connect to your database.

RB_CONFIG Location where the ODBC driver is installed.

SERVER Host name and port number of the server that runs the database.

UID User ID to log on to the database.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 475

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Sybase IQ
Parameter Description

AutoStop Specifies whether the database should continue running after connections
are disconnected.

CommLinks Host name and port number of the server that runs the database. The value
should be as follows: tcpip(host=X.X.X.X;port=x)

DatabaseName Name of the database to connect.

Description Description of the data source.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

EngineName Name of the database Server to connect.

PWD Password used to connect to your database.

UID User ID to connect to the database.

Teradata Server
Parameter Description

CharacterSet Specifies the default character set for the session. The default character set
for Single Byte Character Sets (SBCS) is ASCII. For DBCS character sets,
the value in the KanjiFormat option should match the character set name
specified for this option. You have the following options:
• blank (default for KanjiFormat)
• ASCII (for SBCS)
• UTF8

Database Name of the database to connect.

DateTimeFormat Specifies whether the ODBC driver should handle DATEs, TIMEs, and
TIMESTAMPs as integer values or ANSI-compatible strings.
• III specifies that all three should be handled as integer values.
• AAA specifies that they should be handled as ANSI-compatible strings.

DBCName Identifies the host by name (alias) or IP Address.

DefaultDatabase Name of the default database.

476 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs A

Parameter Description

Description Description of the data source.

Driver Path where the ODBC driver being used is located.

LastUser Remembers the connection for the last user.

NoScan You can enable parsing of SQL statements in the driver. You have the
following options:
• Yes: Parsing is disabled. The parser in the driver is bypassed and the
SQL statement is sent directly to Teradata. Setting this option to Yes
when the SQL statement contains ODBC-specific syntax results in
Teradata Database reporting errors.
• No: Parsing is enabled in the driver and SQL statements are sent to the

Password Password used to connect to your database.

RunInQuietMode Specifies whether the driver should display standard message boxes on the

SessionMode Specifies the mode for sessions. Values can be Teradata, ANSI, or System

StCheckLevel You can enable enhanced ODBC state checking to detect SQLState 24000
(invalid cursor state error) according to the requirements from the ODBC
SDK. You have the following options:
• 0: (Default) No additional state checking is performed and provides
backward compatibility. The ODBC driver does not generate error 24000
when an ODBC function generates a result set (open cursor state), and
then another function that generates a result set is called before the first
results were fetched or freed. This can be caused by ODBC functions
such as SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, or an ODBC catalog function.
• 1: The driver generates SQLState 24000 error if an application is in an
open cursor state and SQLColumns, SQLColumnPrivileges,
SQLExecDirect, SQLExecute, SQLForeignKeys, SQLGetTypeInfo,
SQLPrepare, SQLPrimaryKeys, SQLProcedureColumns,
SQLProcedures, SQLSpecialColumns, SQLStatistics,
SQLTablePrivileges, or SQLTables is called.
• 2: The driver generates SQLSTate 24000 error if an application is not in
an open cursor state and SQLCol, SQLDescribeCol, or SQLFetch is

Username User ID used to connect to your database.

Parameter Description

Database Name of the database to connect.

Password Password used to connect to your database.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini 477

A Connecting to Databases: ODBC and DSNs Installation and Configuration Guide

Parameter Description

Port The port number for the connection. Check with your database administrator
for the correct number. The default is 5480.

ReadOnly Specifies whether intermediate tables can be created.

• 0: (Default) Intermediate tables can be created.
• 1: Intermediate tables cannot be created.

ServerName The machine name or IP address of the host machine for the database.

Username User ID used to connect to the database.

478 Configuring ODBC parameters with odbc.ini © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.



This appendix provides information on common problems

that you might encounter while installing and configuring
MicroStrategy on UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating

Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX

Some of the problems you can encounter while installing
MicroStrategy on UNIX are listed below with steps to resolve

For information on application server-specific issues

and general troubleshooting for MicroStrategy Web
Universal, refer to the MicroStrategy Web Universal
release notes.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX 479

B Troubleshooting Installation and Configuration Guide

Mounting and unmounting CD-ROMs

Before you can install MicroStrategy on either the Solaris,
AIX, or HP-UX operating system, you need to mount the
CD-ROM. The procedure for each is included below, along
with instructions to unmount the CD-ROM.

Mounting and unmounting the CD-ROM on


Follow the steps below to mount the CD-ROM on UNIX.

To mount the CD-ROM on Solaris

1 Enter the command su and the root password at the

command prompt, or log in as root to become the
superuser (su). The command prompt changes to the
pound sign (#).

2 If the /cdrom directory does not already exist, enter

# mkdir /cdrom

3 If the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory is empty because the

CD-ROM was not mounted, or if File Manager did not
open a window displaying the contents of the CD-ROM,
verify that the vold daemon is running by entering the
# ps -e | grep vold | grep -v grep
The vold process manages the CD-ROM device and
performs the mounting.

4 If vold is running, the system displays the process

identification number of vold. If the system does not
display anything, stop and start the daemon by entering

# /usr/sbin/vold &

480 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Troubleshooting B

5 If the vold daemon is running but did not mount the

CD-ROM, stop the vold daemon and then stop and start
it. To stop it you need to know the identification process
number, which can be obtained by entering

# ps -ef | grep vold | grep -v grep

6 Stop the vold process by entering

# kill -15 process_ID_number

7 Stop and start the vold process by entering

# /usr/sbin/vold &

If you encounter problems using the vold daemon, enter one

of the following commands to mount the CD-ROM:

• # etc/mountall

• # mount -F hsfs -r ro /dev/dsk/cxtyd0sz

where x is the CD-ROM drive controller, y is the
CD-ROM drive SCSI ID number, and z is the slice of the
partition on which the CD-ROM is located.

To unmount the CD-ROM on Solaris

Type the following commands to unmount the CD-ROM on


1 # cd

2 # umount /cdrom/cdrom0

3 # eject

Mounting and unmounting the CD-ROM on AIX

Follow the steps below to mount the CD-ROM on the AIX

UNIX operating system.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX 481

B Troubleshooting Installation and Configuration Guide

To mount the CD-ROM on AIX

1 If necessary, use the mkdir command to create a mount

point for the CD. The following command creates a mount
point at /cdrom; you can mount the CD at any location on
the machine’s local file system.

# mkdir /cdrom

The commands in this procedure assume the CD is

mounted at /cdrom. If you mount the CD at a
different location, use that location when issuing

2 Mount the CD-ROM drive by entering

# mount -o ro -v cdrfs /dev/cdnumber /cdrom

In this command, number is the CD-ROM number for

your system, usually 0 (zero).
An example of the above command follows:

# mount -o ro -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom

3 Navigate to the /cdrom directory by entering

# cd /cdrom

To unmount the CD-ROM on AIX

Type the following command to unmount the CD-ROM on

# unmount /cdrom

This command assumes the CD is mounted at /cdrom. If you

mount the CD at a different location, use that location when
issuing commands.

482 Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Troubleshooting B

Mounting and unmounting the CD-ROM on


Follow the steps below to mount the CD-ROM on the HP-UX

operating system.

To mount the CD-ROM on HP-UX

1 If necessary, use the mkdir command to create a mount

point for the CD. The following command creates a mount
point at /cdrom; you can mount the CD at any location on
the machine’s local file system.

# mkdir /cdrom

2 To return the CD drive file path, enter

# ioscan -funC disk

3 Mount the CD-ROM drive by entering

# mount filepath /cdrom

In this command, filepath is the CD drive file path

returned from step 2.
An example of the above command follows:

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom

4 Navigate to the /cdrom directory by entering

# cd /cdrom

To unmount the CD-ROM on HP-UX

Type the following command to unmount the CD-ROM on


# unmount /cdrom

This command assumes the CD is mounted at /cdrom. If you

mount the CD at a different location, use that location when
issuing commands.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Installing MicroStrategy on UNIX 483

B Troubleshooting Installation and Configuration Guide

Reviewing general installation errors

Any errors in your MicroStrategy installation are written to
the install.log file.

Review errors found in install.log

1 Browse to <INSTALL_PATH> where <INSTALL_PATH> is

the directory you specified as the Install Directory during

2 Open the install.log file. (For Unix, use an editor

with a command like dtpad install.log. For
Windows, use Notepad or some other text editor to open
the file.)

3 Review the error messages. A common error is to run out

of space.

Graph and document support of non-Western

European fonts
If your UNIX system uses non-Western European fonts, you
may see indiscernible values returned in place of text on your
graphs and Report Services documents when accessed
through MicroStrategy Web Universal. To support
non-Western European fonts, copy True Type fonts into the
Intelligence Server installation directory. Copy these fonts,
which have a .ttc or .ttf extension, to
PDFGeneratorFiles. The default installation path for the
Intelligence Server in UNIX is home\MicroStrategy\
PDFGeneratorFiles. For the change to take effect, you
must restart Intelligence Server.

484 Reviewing general installation errors © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Troubleshooting B

Server port number errors

This section provides troubleshooting information on server
port number errors.

I forgot the server port number

1 Open MicroStrategy Service Manager.

• Windows: From the Start menu, point to Programs,

then MicroStrategy, Tools, and then select Service
Manager. MicroStrategy Service Manager opens.

• UNIX/Linux: In a UNIX or Linux console window,

browse to <HOME_PATH> where <HOME_PATH> is the
directory you specified as the home directory during
installation. Browse to the folder bin and type
./mstrsvcmgr, then press ENTER. MicroStrategy
Service Manager opens.

2 Click Options. This launches the Service Options dialog


3 Click Intelligence Server Options tab to view the port


Port number is in use

In a UNIX or Linux environment, you can find a port
available for use with the following procedure:

1 Browse to your target directory. This is the path indicated

during installation as the Directory Name.

2 Browse to the folder bin and type mstrctl –s

IntelligenceServer di FindingPortNumber,
then press ENTER.

3 Type mstrctl –s IntelligenceServer ci

FindingPortNumber, then press ENTER.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Server port number errors 485

B Troubleshooting Installation and Configuration Guide

4 Type mstrctl –s IntelligenceServer gs

FindingPortNumber, then press ENTER.

5 An XML file is returned. Search for the tag

<tcp_port_number>, which contains a port number
you can use. Record this number.

DSN connection errors

This section provides troubleshooting information on DSN
connection errors.

Testing the DSN connection failed in DSN Creator

1 In MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration Wizard, go
to the Driver Details page and review all the information.

2 Click each of the boxes and read the comments at the

bottom of the window.

3 Enter the information required for each box and click

Test. The connection is either successful, or an error
message is displayed to explain the problem.

Permission errors
This section provides troubleshooting information on
permission errors in a UNIX or Linux environment.

Missing JVM file

The installation fails just before it starts transferring files,
and the following error is displayed:

JVM not found

486 DSN connection errors © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Troubleshooting B

Clear the set group ID on execution(s) bit on the permissions

of the directory where the InstallPath for the Intelligence
Server is to be placed.

1 In a console window, type

#chmod g-s directory

where directory is the InstallPath for Intelligence


2 Press ENTER.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Permission errors 487

B Troubleshooting Installation and Configuration Guide

488 Permission errors © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.




This appendix provides an example of a modified web.xml

file in which parameters that originally had relative paths
now have absolute paths. The lines that were modified are
bolded for easy reference.

Example of modified web.xml file

The following is an example of a modified web.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun
Microsystems,Inc.//DTD Web Application
- <web-app>
<display-name>Web Tier</display-name>

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Example of modified web.xml file 489

C Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths Installation and Configuration Guide

<description>This is the directory where the
application looks for DTDs used by Layout

490 Example of modified web.xml file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths C

<!-- Other parameters that are available for
<param-value />
- <servlet>
- <init-param>
- <servlet>
<display-name>Main Servlet</display-name>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Example of modified web.xml file 491

C Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths Installation and Configuration Guide

- <init-param>
<description>This parameter specifies the
location of the log file where the statistics
will be
saved. The full path should be included as part
of the parameter value. If the file does not
exist, the logging infrastructure will create
it (if possible). If the file already
exists,then the new information will be
appended to it.</description>
- <init-param>
<description>This parameter specifies the server
and page to be used for displaying the client
performance results processing
- <init-param>
<description>This is the level of detail included
in the log. Its value is formed by the
BITWISE OR-ing of these values:
1=Analyze information at the PAGE (rendering)
2=Analyze information at the DETAILED
(rendering) level,
4=Analyze information at the METHOD (client
manipulation) level,
8=Analyze information at the ACTION (client
manipulation) level.</description>
- <init-param>
<description>This is how the logging is presented
to the user. Its value is formed by the
BITWISE OR-ing of these values:
1=Log to a file (see the value of
clientLoggingFile above for location). For this
flag to be applied, it requires the
clientLoggingType is set to LIVE.
2=Display results through an HTML page loaded
on the client's computer. For this flag
to be applied, it requires the
clientLoggingType is set to LIVE.
4=Display results through a Browser ALERT box.

492 Example of modified web.xml file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths C

- <init-param>
<description>This parameter specifies what will
be the server and page to be used for
displaying client performance results.
- <init-param>
<description>This parameter specifies the type of
process that will be used for collecting the
statistics information.If the server/page to
process the statistical information is going
to be available for the client computer and
the reporting method involves log file or HTML
report, the logging type should be specified
to be LIVE (1). If the client computer where
the test is going to be performed does not have
access to this server, then the logging type
is STATIC (2). It does not matter if the pages
are being accessed live from the Web Universal
application or not.</description>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Example of modified web.xml file 493

C Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths Installation and Configuration Guide

- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <servlet>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <servlet>

494 Example of modified web.xml file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths C

- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <servlet>
<display-name>Main Admin Servlet</display-name>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
- <init-param>

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Example of modified web.xml file 495

C Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths Installation and Configuration Guide

- <security-role-ref>
- <servlet>
- <servlet-mapping>
- <servlet-mapping>
- <servlet-mapping>
- <servlet-mapping>
- <servlet-mapping>
- <servlet-mapping>
- <session-config>
<!-- TQMS 207957 -->
- <mime-mapping>
- <taglib>
- <security-constraint>

496 Example of modified web.xml file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths C

<realm-name>Administrator Authentication

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Example of modified web.xml file 497

C Configuring a web.xml File to Use Absolute Paths Installation and Configuration Guide

498 Example of modified web.xml file © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.


Activation Code A code used to activate MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.

This code is sent to an e-mail address provided during

attribute A data level defined by the system architect and associated

with one or more columns in a data warehouse lookup table.
Attributes include data classifications like Region, Order,
Customer, Age, Item, City, and Year. They provide a means
for aggregating and filtering at a given level.

attribute element A value of any of the attribute forms of an attribute. For

example, New York and Dallas are elements of the attribute
City; January, February, and March are elements of the
attribute Month.

caches A special data store holding recently accessed information for

quick future access. This is normally done for frequently
requested reports, whose execution is faster because they
need not run against the database. Results from the data
warehouse are stored separately and can be used by new job
requests that require the same data. In the MicroStrategy
environment, when a user runs a report for the first time, the
job is submitted to the database for processing. However, if
the results of that report are cached, the results can be
returned immediately without having to wait for the database
to process the job the next time the report is run.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. Activation Code 499

Glossary Installation and Configuration Guide

connection string Stores the information required to connect to a database

server. A connection string usually includes a DSN and the
user ID and password required to log in to the database
server. This information varies depending on the particular
database server.

data source name Provides connectivity to a database through an ODBC driver.

(DSN) A DSN generally contains host machine name or IP address,
instance name, database name, directory, database driver,
User ID, password, and other information. The exact
information included in the DSN varies by DBMS. Once you
create a DSN for a particular database, you can use it in an
application to call information from the database. There are
three types of DSNs:

1) System DSN: can be used by anyone who has access to the

machine. DSN info is stored in the registry.

2) User DSN: is created for a specific user. Also stored in the


3) File DSN: DSN information is stored in a text file with

.DSN extension.

data warehouse 1) A database, typically very large, containing the historical

data of an enterprise. Used for decision support or business
intelligence, it organizes data and allows coordinated updates
and loads.

2) A copy of transaction data specifically structured for query,

reporting, and analysis.

document 1. A container for objects representing data coming from one

or more reports, as well as positioning and formatting
information. A document is used to format data from
multiple reports in a single display of presentation quality.

2. The MicroStrategy object that supports the functionality

defined in (1).

DSN See data source name (DSN).

500 connection string © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Glossary

hierarchies A set of attributes defining a meaningful path for element

browsing or drilling. The order of the attributes is
typically—though not always—defined such that a higher
attribute has a one-to-many relationship with its child

HTML document An HTML document is a container for creating dashboards

and scorecards to display a group of reports within the
MicroStrategy platform. You can use HTML documents to
format data from multiple reports and graphs in a single
display of presentation quality.

installation log file The MicroStrategy setup program generates a log file in text
format. This log file contains records of all actions performed
by the setup program and by other executable files related to

load balancing A strategy aimed at achieving even distribution of

MicroStrategy Web Universal user sessions across
MicroStrategy Intelligence Servers. MicroStrategy achieves
four-tier load balancing by incorporating load balancers into
MicroStrategy Web Universal.

metadata A repository whose data associates the tables and columns of

a data warehouse with user-defined attributes and facts to
enable the mapping of the business view, terms, and needs to
the underlying database structure. Metadata can reside on
the same server as the data warehouse or on a different
database server. It can even be held in a different RDBMS.

ODBC See Open Database Connectivity.

ODBC driver A software routine that translates MicroStrategy Intelligence

Server requests into commands that the DBMS understands.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. hierarchies 501

Glossary Installation and Configuration Guide

ODBC driver manager Coordinates communication between a client application and

database server. The client application tells the driver
manager that it needs to connect using a particular
connection string. The DSN found in this connection string
provides the driver manager with the type of database server
to which the application needs access. From this information,
the driver manager decides what driver to use and initiates
the communication.

Open Database An open standard with which client computers can

Connectivity communicate with relational database servers. Client
machines make a connection to a particular logical database,
on a particular physical database server, using a particular
ODBC driver.

port number The port number is how a server process identifies itself on
the machine on which it is running. For example, when the
Intelligence Server machine receives a network call from a
client (Desktop, Web Universal, Narrowcast Server,
Command Manager, and so on), it knows to forward those
calls to the Intelligence Server port number that is specified
in the call.

prefix A prefix is stored in the project metadata associated with a

table or tables and is used by the Engine to generate SQL.
Also, the Catalog Server uses it to obtain table sample values
and row counts. In most cases, it should match the name
space field since it is used to qualify on a specific table
belonging to a certain owner or name space. Prefixes can be
defined and modified from the Warehouse Catalog interface.

process An executing application comprising one or more threads.

Processes use temporary private address spaces and control
operating system resources such as files, dynamic memory
allocations, pipes, and synchronization objects.

502 ODBC driver manager © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Glossary

project 1) The highest-level intersection of a data warehouse,

metadata repository, and user community, containing
reports, filters, metrics, and functions.

2) An object containing the definition of a project, as defined

in (1). The project object is specified when requesting the
establishment of a session.

project source Defines a connection to the metadata database and is used by

various MicroStrategy products to access projects. A direct
project source is a two-tier connection directly to a metadata
repository. A server project source is a three-tier connection
to a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. One project source
can contain many projects and the administration tools found
at the project source level are used to monitor and administer
all projects in the project source.

schema object A MicroStrategy object created, usually by a project designer,

that relates the information in the logical data model and
physical warehouse schema to the MicroStrategy
environment. These objects are developed in MicroStrategy
Architect, which can be accessed from MicroStrategy
Desktop. Schema objects directly reflect the warehouse
structure and include attributes, facts, functions, hierarchies,
operators, partition mappings, tables, and transformations.

server definition A MicroStrategy object stored in the metadata containing

information about the configuration of an Intelligence Server.

server instance The combination of an Intelligence Server running with a

particular server definition.

statistics tables Tables that are used to record a variety of statistical

information about the usage and performance of a
MicroStrategy system.

Structured Query The query language standardized in 1986 by the American

Language (SQL) National Standards Institute (ANSI) and used to request
information from tables in a relational database and to

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. project 503

Glossary Installation and Configuration Guide

manipulate the tables’ structure and data.

504 Structured Query Language (SQL) © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.


Numerics adding/removing MicroStrategy compo-

nents (Windows) 418
2-tier project source 154 admin role
3-tier project source 155 assigning to a user (Oracle 10g -
Windows) 259
A assigning to a user (Oracle 10g) 312
assigning to a user (Sun Java -
absolute path, web.xml 489
Solaris) 231
assigning to a user (Sun Java) 295
MicroStrategy Connectivity Configura-
assigning to a user (Tomcat -
tion Wizard 124
Linux) 248
MicroStrategy Web Administrator page
assigning to a user (Tomcat -
for Sun Java System (Sun
Windows) 241
ONE) 233
assigning to a user (WebSphere -
MicroStrategy Web Services Home
AIX) 219
page for Sun Java System 297
assigning to a user (WebSphere) 288
activating installation 104
Administrative Server 214
activation code 102
Administrator. See MicroStrategy Admin-
FAQ 106
requesting activation code on UNIX 95
advanced type of installation 68
requesting activation code on
Windows 79
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
activation code defined on 102
hardware requirements 24
activating installation with 104
patch requirements 38
requesting 102
Web server OS 42
Analytics Modules. See MicroStrategy An-
Windows 79 alytics Modules.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 505

Index Installation and Configuration Guide

Apache Tomcat application server 42 configuring metadata 392

Apache Web server 43 creating project source 407
configuring to serve a static file 207 MicroStrategy Configuration
deploying MicroStrategy Web Univer- Wizard 391
sal with 187 MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
proxy request to WebLogic 192 setup 402
starting 221 command line utility
application server undeploying Web Services J2EE 299
Apache Tomcat 42 undeploying Web Universal 236
BEA WebLogic 42 Command Manager. See MicroStrategy
Command Manager.
IBM WebSphere 42
common setups 17
Oracle 10g 42
compatibility between Web Universal and
Sun Java System (Sun ONE) 42
Intelligence Server 51
supported 42
component 2
Architect. See MicroStrategy Architect.
MicroStrategy Administrator 4
attribute element 46
MicroStrategy Analytics Modules 14
automatic deployment
MicroStrategy Desktop 3
Web Services J2EE 271
MicroStrategy eTrainer for Web 13
Web Universal 194
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 5
MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server 13
B MicroStrategy Office 11
backup frequency 48 MicroStrategy SDK 10
BEA WebLogic application server 42 MicroStrategy Tutorial Reporting 14
MicroStrategy Web and Web
Universal 7
C MicroStrategy Web Services 9
cache 46 SequeLink ODBC Socket Server 15
CD-ROM Configuration Wizard. See MicroStrategy
mounting on AIX 482 Configuration Wizard.
mounting on HP-UX 483 configuring
mounting on Solaris 480 Apache Web server to serve a static
unmounting on AIX 482 file 207
unmounting on HP-UX 483 command line mode (UNIX) 385, 387,
unmounting on Solaris 481
metadata repository and statistics
certified database and ODBC driver for Mi-
tables 136
croStrategy Intelligence Server 51
MicroStrategy command line
checklist for installation tasks 58
mode 391
command line mode
Sun JDK 237

506 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Index

Sun JDK (Tomcat) 245 system defined on 116

Tomcat 238, 246 DB2 UDB iSeries, ODBC driver for
configuring ODBC (UNIX/Linux) 432
default directory (UNIX) 122 DB2 UDB, ODBC driver for
(UNIX/Linux) 433
default directory (Windows) 122
DB2 Wire Protocol
UNIX 122
parameters for odbc.ini 461
Windows 121
DB2 Wire Protocol for UDB
connection errors, data source name 486
ODBC driver for (Windows) 436
connection mapping, creating 179
DBMS. See database management system.
connection string defined on 119
deploying MicroStrategy Web Services
connectivity 129
Connectivity Configuration Wizard. See
automatically 271
MicroStrategy Connectivity Config-
uration Wizard. automatically deploying with
WebLogic 271
CPU licensing 71
manually deploying with
WebLogic 272
D Oracle 10g 311
data source name 119 Sun Java System 290, 293
connecting to 138 Tomcat 302
connection errors 486 WAR file (Sun Java System) 295
creating with Connectivity Configura- WebLogic and Apache 272
tion Wizard 124 WebSphere 281, 306
creating with Microsoft ODBC WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server 279
Administrator 127 Windows 302
for a data warehouse 176 deploying MicroStrategy Web Universal
data warehouse defined on 118 automatically deploying with
communicating with 117 WebLogic 194
connecting to 168 Linux 248
connection setting 168 manually deploying with
DSN 176 WebLogic 194
login 178 Oracle 10g 257
database connection defined on 176 Sun Java System (Sun ONE) 227
certified ODBC driver 51 Tomcat (Linux) 248
database instance defined on 168 WAR file with Sun Java System (Sun
creating 175 ONE) 230
database login defined on 178 WebLogic and Apache 193
creating 178 WebSphere 213, 252
database management Desktop Analyst. See MicroStrategy Desk-
top Analyst.

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 507

Index Installation and Configuration Guide

Desktop Designer. See MicroStrategy hardware requirements for Intelligence

Desktop Designer. Server on UNIX/Linux 23
Desktop. See MicroStrategy Desktop. hotfix, silent installation (Windows) 376
direct project source 153, 154 HP-UX
directory structure for UNIX 98 Java development kit 44
document defined on 320 MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
driver. See ODBC driver. hardware requirements 25
DSN Creator 486 patch requirements 38
duplicate WAR file, deploying Web Web server OS 42
Universal 195 HTML documents 319, defined on 321
setting up document creation 323
setting up document execution 326
element browsing defined on 46
Enterprise Manager. See MicroStrategy I
Enterprise Manager. IBM HTTP Server
eTrainer for Web. See MicroStrategy configuring to serve a static file 224
eTrainer for Web. Web server 43
IBM JDK, Java development kit 44
response.ini file for installation
IBM WebSphere, application server 42
(Windows) 347
IBM, Java development kit 44
response.ini file for MicroStrategy Con-
figuration Wizard Informix 8
(Windows) 159 ODBC driver for (UNIX/Linux) 444
response.ini file for uninstallation 367 ODBC driver for (Windows) 434
web.xml 489 Informix Wire Protocol
ODBC Driver for 434
parameters for odbc.ini 467
F Informix XPS, parameters for
file odbc.ini 465
install.log 331 install.log 331
preinst.log 374 installation
setup.exe 330 creating response.ini file
Function Plug-in Wizard. See MicroStrate- (Windows) 333
gy Function Plug-in Wizard. install.log file 331
OEM silent (Windows) 370
H plug-in for Apache 192
response.ini file (Windows) 332
hardware recommendations
silent (UNIX) 380
Web Universal on UNIX/Linux 27
silent (Windows) 369
Windows 21

508 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Index

silent installation of hotfix J

(Windows) 376
Java development kit
troubleshooting silent (Windows) 375
installation log file 330, defined on 330
Sun JDK 44
installation method 55
supported 44
Command line mode 56
Java heap size, setting
GUI mode 55
Sun Java System 299
silent installation 57
Sun Java System (Sun ONE) 235
installation prerequisites 15
WebLogic and Apache 204, 278
hardware recommendations for Web
Universal on UNIX/Linux 27 WebSphere 222, 289
hardware recommendations for JSP file, precompiling 205, 223
Windows 21
hardware requirements for Intelligence
Server on UNIX/Linux 23
large production deployment 20 launch the project on WebLogic and
Apache 202
recommended installation location 17
launching WebSphere Administrative
small production deployment 18
Console 214, 281
software recommendations for Web
license 57
Universal 40
software recommendations for
Windows 29 deploying MicroStrategy Web
Universal 248
software requirements for Intelligence
Server on UNIX/Linux 35 installation procedure 84
installation procedure MicroStrategy Installation Wizard 86
checklist 58 MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
hardware requirements 26
Linux 84
patch requirements 39
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard on
Linux 86 Web server OS 42
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard on log
UNIX 86 installation 330
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard on statistics 48
Windows 66
Windows 65
Intelligence Server. See MicroStrategy In- manual deployment
telligence Server. Web Services J2EE 272
Intelligent Cube cache size 50 Web Universal 194
international support xxiii metadata defined on 118, 136
configuration 140

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 509

Index Installation and Configuration Guide

table 139 connecting to a DSN 138

metadata repository 131, 136, 147 creating a DSN 124
creating 138 creating a metadata repository 138
methods of automated installation overview 133
(Windows) 331 prerequisites 132
Microsoft IIS Web server 43 response.ini file (Windows) 158, 366
Microsoft ODBC Administrator 127 setting up Intelligence server 145
creating a DSN using 127 MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration
Microsoft SQL Server, ODBC driver Wizard 124
for 437 accessing 124
MicroStrategy Administrator MicroStrategy Desktop
MicroStrategy Command Manager 4 MicroStrategy Architect 4
MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager 5 MicroStrategy Desktop Analyst 3
MicroStrategy Object Manager 5 MicroStrategy Desktop Designer 3
MicroStrategy Analytics Modules 14 MicroStrategy Function Plug-in
MicroStrategy Architect 4 Wizard 4
MicroStrategy Command Manager 4 MicroStrategy Project Builder 4
MicroStrategy common setups 17 MicroStrategy Server Administrator 4
MicroStrategy component 2 subcomponents 3
MicroStrategy Administrator 4 MicroStrategy Desktop Analyst 3
MicroStrategy Analytics Modules 14 MicroStrategy Desktop Designer 3
MicroStrategy Desktop 3 MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager 5, 142
MicroStrategy eTrainer for Web 13 MicroStrategy eTrainer for Web 13
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 5 MicroStrategy Function Plug-in Wizard 4
MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server 13 MicroStrategy installation
MicroStrategy Office 11 prerequisites 15
MicroStrategy SDK 10 MicroStrategy Installation Wizard
MicroStrategy Tutorial Reporting 14 accessing on Linux 86
MicroStrategy Web and Web accessing on UNIX 86
Universal 7 accessing on Windows 66
MicroStrategy Web Services 9 MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 5, 137,
re-installing 419 151
re-installing MicroStrategy Office certified database and ODBC driver 51
MicroStrategy Office compatibility with Web Universal 51
re-installing 420 creating a server definition 149
SequeLink ODBC Socket Server 15 database connection 117
MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard Enterprise edition 5
accessing on UNIX/Linux 135 hardware requirements
accessing on Windows 134 (UNIX/Linux) 23

510 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Index

MicroStrategy OLAP Services 6 controlling access to (Tomcat

MicroStrategy Report Services 7 Linux) 249
migrating from Windows to controlling access to (Tomcat
UNIX/Linux 96 Windows) 241
selecting a project 152 MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal
setting up 145 versions 8
software requirements MicroStrategy Web Services 266
(UNIX/Linux) 35 MicroStrategy Web Services home page
Standard edition 5 accessing (Oracle) 313
subcomponents 6 accessing (Tomcat) 304
uninstalling (UNIX) 423 controlling access to (Sun Java
Universal edition 5 System) 295
MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server 13 MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE
MicroStrategy Object Manager 5 manual deployment 272
MicroStrategy Office undeploying 299
allowing a user to install from a net- MicroStrategy Web Universal 7
work location 12 compatibility with Intelligence
allowing installation from MicroStrate- Server 51
gy Web 69 deploying automatically 194
MicroStrategy OLAP Services 6 deploying duplicate WAR file 195
sizing guidelines 47 deploying manually with
MicroStrategy Project Builder 4 WebLogic 194
MicroStrategy Report Services 7 deploying on Oracle 10g 258
setting up document execution 328 launching project (Oracle 10g) 261
MicroStrategy Server Administrator 4 launching project (Tomcat Linux) 250
MicroStrategy Tutorial Reporting 14 launching project (Tomcat
MicroStrategy Web 184 Windows) 243
allowing a user to install MicroStrategy undeploying 236
Office from 69 uninstalling (UNIX) 424
Web Analyst 8 Web Analyst 8
Web Professional 8 Web Professional 8
Web Reporter 8 Web Reporter 8
MicroStrategy Web Administrator migrating MicroStrategy Intelligence
page 261 Server 96
accessing (Oracle) 260 MSTRInst.log 374
accessing (Tomcat Linux) 249 MySQL
accessing (Tomcat Windows) 242 ODBC driver for (Linux) 449
controlling access to (Sun Java System Wire Protocol driver for 437
(Sun ONE)) 231

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 511

Index Installation and Configuration Guide

N Red Brick (Linux) 438

Sybase Adaptive Server IQ
Narrowcast Server. See MicroStrategy (UNIX/Linux) 440
Narrowcast Server.
Sybase ASE Wire Protocol 435
Teradata (UNIX/Linux) 442
ODBC driver for (UNIX/Linux) 445
Teradata (Windows) 454
ODBC driver for (Windows) 438
testing connectivity 129
parameters for odbc.ini 477
ODBC driver manager defined on 119
network bandwidth 49
ODBC test tool 129
odbc.ini 455
O DB2 Wire Protocol 461
Object Manager. See MicroStrategy Object Informix Wire Protocol 467
Manager. Informix XPS 465
ODBC defined on 116, 118 Netezza 477
default directory (UNIX) 122 ODBC 475
default directory (Windows) 122 Oracle Wire Protocol 458
parameters for odbc.ini 475 Red Brick 475
ODBC connectivity 129 Sybase Adaptive Server IQ 476
ODBC driver defined on 119 Sybase ASE Wire Protocol 468
certified 120 Teradata 476
certified database 51 OLAP Services. See MicroStrategy OLAP
DB2 UDB (UNIX/Linux) 433 Services.
DB2 UDB (Windows) 436 Open Database
DB2 UDB iSeries (UNIX/Linux) 432 Connectivity defined on 116
Informix 8 (UNIX/Linux) 444 options file 380
Informix 8 (Windows) 434 Oracle 10g
Informix Wire Protocol 434 application server 42
Microsoft SQL Server 437 deploying MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE 311
MySQL (Linux) 449
deploying MicroStrategy Web
MySQL Wire Protocol 437
Universal 257
Netezza (UNIX/Linux) 445
deploying Web Services with the Oracle
Netezza (Windows) 438 Enterprise Manager 311
ODBC test tool 129 deploying Web Universal with the Ora-
odbc.ini file (UNIX/Linux) 455 cle Enterprise Manager 258
Oracle Wire Protocol 430 locating WAR file 257, 310
other relational databases for preconfiguration information 256,
Windows 454 310
PostgreSQL (Linux) 451 Oracle Wire Protocol

512 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Index

ODBC driver for 430 WebLogic 189, 270

parameters for odbc.ini 458 WebSphere 211, 279
preinst.log 374
prerequisites for MicroStrategy Configura-
P tion Wizard 132
pageCheckSeconds parameter 206 process defined on 148
parameters processor speed 49
DB2 Wire Protocol 461 production deployment
Informix Wire Protocol 467 large 20
Oracle Wire Protocol 458 small 18
Red Brick 475 project 169
password to metadata 146 Project Builder. See MicroStrategy Project
patch requirements Builder.
AIX 38 project source 136, 137
HP-UX 38 2-tier 154
Linux 39 3-tier 155
Solaris 37 creating default 144
PDF configuration, Sun Java System (Sun direct 153, 154
ONE) 227, 293 server 153
performance-based setup
WebLogic 278
WebLogic and Apache 204
permission errors 486 Red Brick
plug-in for Apache 192 ODBC driver for 438
plugin-cfg.xml, regenerating 217 parameters for odbc.ini 475
port number defined on 155 re-deploying 203, 277
Intelligence Server 151 re-installing a MicroStrategy component
(Windows) 419
PostgreSQL, ODBC driver for (Linux) 451
control panel 419
JSP file in WebLogic 205 re-installing MicroStrategy Office 420
Report Services. See MicroStrategy Report
JSP file in WebSphere 223
preconfiguration information
requesting activation code 102
Apache 189
response.ini file
Oracle 10g 256, 310
creating for installation
Sun Java System 291 (Windows) 333
Sun Java System (Sun ONE) 225 creating through MicroStrategy Config-
Tomcat 301 uration Wizard (Windows) 159
Tomcat (Linux) 243 example for installation
Tomcat (Windows) 237 (Windows) 347

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 513

Index Installation and Configuration Guide

example for uninstall (Windows) 367 HTML documents 323

installation (Windows) 332 setting up document execution
MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard HTML documents 326
(Windows) 158, 366 Report Services documents 328
parameters and options for Configura- setup command-line parameter
tion Wizard (Windows) 162 (Windows) 365
parameters and options for installation setup.exe 330
(Windows) 333 silent installation 369
uninstalling (Windows) 367 hotfix (Windows) 376
using for Configuration Wizard introduction (UNIX) 380
(Windows) 161
OEM (Windows) 370
using for installation (Windows) 365
options file (UNIX) 380
using through Configuration Wizard
(UNIX) 409 output (UNIX) 385
restarting application server output (Windows) 374
Sun Java System 298 override options 384
Sun Java System (Sun ONE) 233 perform on Windows 370
restarting WebSphere application settings (UNIX) 381
server 217, 286 System Management Server (SMS) on
Windows 369
troubleshooting (Windows) 375
S values for different languages 373
SAP NetWeaver, locating Web Services sizing guidelines 45
WAR file 305 caching 46
SDK. See MicroStrategy SDK. Intelligent Cube cache size 50
security MicroStrategy OLAP Services 47
access to MicroStrategy Web Adminis- network bandwidth 49
trator page 241, 249
number of users 45
access to MicroStrategy Web Adminis-
processor speed 49
trator page Sun Java System
(Sun ONE) 231 report complexity 45
access to MicroStrategy Web Services Report Services document 47
Home page Sun Java SMS. See System Management Server.
System 295 software recommendations
SequeLink ODBC Socket Server 15 application server 42
Server Administrator. See MicroStrategy Java development kit 44
Server Administrator. Web Universal 40
server definition defined on 137, 149 Windows 29
connectivity setting 168 software requirements for Intelligence
server project source 153 Server on UNIX/Linux 35
setting up document creation

514 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Index

Solaris undeploying Web Services J2EE 299

MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Sun Java System (Sun ONE)
hardware requirements 24 accessing MicroStrategy Web Adminis-
patch requirements 37 trator page 233
Web server OS 42 application server 42
specifying a port number 151 connecting to the Project page 234
SQL deploying MicroStrategy Web
query 131 Universal 227
script 144 deploying MicroStrategy Web Univer-
sal as a WAR file 230
locating WAR file 227
Administrative Server 214
PDF configuration 227, 293
Apache Web Server 221
preconfiguration information 225
Sun Java System Application Server
Administration Tool 228, 293 recommended configuration for
UNIX/Linux 225, 226, 291
Web module for WebSphere 219, 287
recommended configuration for
WebSphere Administrative
Windows 226
Console 214, 282
restarting application server 233
WebSphere default application
server 215, 282 setting Java heap size 235
static file undeploying Web Universal 236
configuring Apache Web server Web server 43
for 207 Sun Java System Application Server Ad-
configuring IBM HTTP Server 224 min Console
statistics launching 228, 293
log 48 Sun JDK
table 142 configuring 237
statistics table defined on 137 Sun ONE (iPlanet), locating WAR file 251
Sun Java development kit 44 support
Sun Java System international xxiii
accessing MicroStrategy Web Services support. See technical support.
Home page 297 Sybase Adaptive Server IQ
deploying MicroStrategy Web Services ODBC driver for (UNIX/Linux) 440
J2EE 290, 293 parameters for odbc.ini 476
deploying MicroStrategy Web Services Sybase ASE Wire Protocol
J2EE as a WAR file 295 ODBC driver for 435
locating WAR file 291 parameters for odbc.ini 468
preconfiguration information 291 System Management Server (SMS) on
restarting application server 298 Windows silent installation 369
setting Java heap size 299

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 515

Index Installation and Configuration Guide

T Web Universal using command

line 236
table, metadata 139 uninstalling
technical support xxiv Control Panel (Windows) 422
Teradata MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
ODBC driver for (UNIX/Linux) 442 (UNIX) 423
ODBC driver for (Windows) 454 MicroStrategy Web Universal
parameters for odbc.ini 476 (UNIX) 424
Tomcat response.ini (Windows) 367
configuring 238, 246 uninstalling MicroStrategy components
configuring Sun JDK 245 (Windows) 421
deploying MicroStrategy Web Services MicroStrategy Office (Windows) 422
preconfiguration information 301 configuring ODBC 122
Tomcat (Linux) installation procedure 84
deploying MicroStrategy Web MicroStrategy Installation Wizard 86
Universal 248 verifying installation 98
locating the WAR file 247 user assigned to admin role
preconfiguration information 243 Oracle 10g 312
Tomcat (Windows) Oracle 10g - Windows 259
preconfiguration information 237 Sun Java 295
troubleshooting Sun Java - Solaris 231
DSN connection errors 486 Tomcat - Linux 248
permission errors 486 Tomcat - Windows 241
server port number errors 485 WebSphere 288
UNIX 479 WebSphere - AIX 219
Tutorial Reporting. See MicroStrategy Tu- user connection mapping. See connection
torial Reporting. mapping.
type of GUI installation
advanced 68
types of GUI installation
typical 68 verifying installation
typical type of installation 68 UNIX 98
Windows 81

unattended installation (UNIX) 380
undeploying WAR file
Web Services J2EE using command deploying Web Universal 195
line 299 exploding for WebLogic 273

516 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

Installation and Configuration Guide Index

exploding for WebLogic and web.xml

Apache 196 absolute path 489
locating 257, 310 configuring for WebLogic 191
locating for Oracle 10g 257, 310 example 489
locating for SAP NetWeaver 305 re-deploying the application 203, 277
locating for Sun Java System 291 sample modified 489
locating for Sun Java System (Sun WebLogic 187
ONE) 227 deploying MicroStrategy Web Services
locating for Sun ONE (iPlanet) 251 J2EE 272
locating for Tomcat 301 exploding the WAR file 273
locating for Tomcat (Linux) 247 performance-based setup 278
locating for Tomcat (Windows) 239 preconfiguration information 270
locating for WebLogic 190, 271 production mode 272
locating for WebSphere 212, 280 WebLogic and Apache
unzipping for WebLogic and configuring web.xml 191
Apache 199, 274 deploying MicroStrategy Web
Web module for WebSphere, starting 219, Universal 193
287 exploding the WAR file 196
Web server launch the project 202
Apache 43
locating the WAR file 190, 271
IBM HTTP Server 43
pageCheckSeconds parameter 206
Internet Information Server 43
performance-based setup 204
Sun Java System (Sun ONE) 43
precompiling JSP file 205
Web server OS
preconfiguration information 189
AIX 42
production mode 194
HP-UX 42
setting Java heap size 204, 278
Linux 42
WAR file 199, 274
Solaris 42
WebSphere 211, 279
Windows 42 application installation 216, 283
Web Services. See MicroStrategy Web Ser- deploying MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE 281, 306
Web Universal deploying MicroStrategy Web
connection 261, 317 Universal 213, 252
hardware recommendations for launching Administrative
UNIX/Linux 27 Console 214, 281
software recommendations 40 locating the WAR file 212, 280
Web Universal. See also MicroStrategy precompiling the JSP file 223
Web Universal. preconfiguration 211, 279
Web. See MicroStrategy Web. regenerating plugin-cfg.xml 217

© 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc. 517

Index Installation and Configuration Guide

restarting application server 217, 286

setting Java heap size 222, 289
starting default application server 215,
WebSphere and IBM HTTP Server, deploy-
ing MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE 279
configuring ODBC 121
deploying MicroStrategy Web Services
J2EE 302
hardware recommendations 21
installation procedure 65
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard 66
software recommendations 29
verifying installation 81
Web server OS 42
Windows INI 332

XSL report style 49

518 © 2008 MicroStrategy, Inc.

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