Allelopathy For Weed Control
Allelopathy For Weed Control
Allelopathy For Weed Control
Crop Protection
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Weeds are a hidden foe for crop plants, interfering with their functions and suppressing their growth and
Received 1 November 2014 development. Yield losses of ~34% are caused by weeds among the major crops, which are grown
Received in revised form worldwide. These yield losses are higher than the losses caused by other pests in the crops. Sustainable
2 March 2015
weed management is needed in the wake of a huge decline in crop outputs due to weed pressure. A
Accepted 3 March 2015
Available online 13 March 2015
diversity in weed management tools ensures sustainable weed control and reduces chances of herbicide
resistance development in weeds. Allelopathy as a tool, can be importantly used to combat the chal-
lenges of environmental pollution and herbicide resistance development. This review article provides a
Yield losses
recent update regarding the practical application of allelopathy for weed control in agricultural systems.
Weeds Several studies elaborate on the significance of allelopathy for weed management. Rye, sorghum, rice,
Allelopathy sunflower, rape seed, and wheat have been documented as important allelopathic crops. These crops
Allelopathic activity express their allelopathic potential by releasing allelochemicals which not only suppress weeds, but also
Weed management promote underground microbial activities. Crop cultivars with allelopathic potentials can be grown to
Crop improvement suppress weeds under field conditions. Further, several types of allelopathic plants can be intercropped
with other crops to smother weeds. The use of allelopathic cover crops and mulches can reduce weed
pressure in field crops. Rotating a routine crop with an allelopathic crop for one season is another
method of allelopathic weed control. Importantly, plant breeding can be explored to improve the alle-
lopathic potential of crop cultivars. In conclusion, allelopathy can be utilized for suppressing weeds in
field crops. Allelopathy has a pertinent significance for ecological, sustainable, and integrated weed
management systems.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0261-2194/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
58 K. Jabran et al. / Crop Protection 72 (2015) 57e65
Powles, 2008; Starling et al., 2014). The challenges associated with weeds. The other problems faced in weed management with her-
conventional weed control methods (e.g., hand weeding, me- bicides are the negative impacts of herbicides on environmental,
chanical control, herbicides, etc.) make it imperative to develop human and animal health. Most importantly, herbicides, with few
diversity in the current weed control methods. A variety of options exceptions, cannot be applied in fields in which crops are being
would be available for site specific weed control if diverse weed grown organically. Under certain cases, small-scale farmers cannot
management methods are developed. The cost and ecological afford the expense of herbicides. Mechanical weed control on the
concerns can be firmly addressed by using diversified weed man- other hand, needs to be performed several times to achieve effec-
agement options. Suppressing weeds by harnessing the allelopathic tive weed control. Mechanical weed control poses an economic and
phenomenon is included among the important innovative weed soil health expense, due to losses in soil structure. Hand hoeing is a
control methods (Jabran and Farooq, 2013; Zeng, 2014). Plant hor- weed control method largely followed throughout the world. This
mones and defence mechanisms are manipulated to control weeds method though, requires an enormous amount of labour, and hence
in different agro-ecosystems (Pickett et al., 2014). is difficult to practice on a large scale.
This review article discusses the practical application of alle- Several of the above problems with current weed management
lopathy for weed control in agricultural systems. Further, we have practices can be allayed by creating diversity in weed control
focused on the implications of weeds in crop production, chal- practices. A dependence on more than one weed control method
lenges in weed management, potential allelopathic crops, and the has proved to be effective in reducing the chances of herbicide
use of allelopathy for managing weeds. Strategies, such as the use of resistance development in weeds. Further, using diverse weed
allelopathic cultivars, intercropping with allelopathic weed sup- management practices on certain fields can ensure sustainable and
pressive plants, the use of allelopathic cover crops and residues, effective weed control. Thus, manipulating the allelopathic phe-
and rotational sowing of allelopathic crops, have been discussed for nomenon can help to improve weed control in crops by harnessing
practical weed control in field crops. the synergism to improve the efficacy of other weed control
2. Weeds and crop production
4. Potential allelopathic crops
Weeds coincide spatially with crop plants. They deprive the crop
plants from limited available nutrients, space, light, and moisture. Several plants express the allelopathic phenomenon through
Hence, the physiological activities and growth of crops are nega- exudation of allelochemicals. For example, rye is among the most
tively affected in the presence of weeds (Rajcan and Swanton, important allelopathic crops. Although benzoxazinones [2,4-
2001). Ultimately, poor crop productivity is the result, due to dihydroxy-1,4(2H)-benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA) and 2(3H)-benzox-
weed-crop competition. azolinone (BOA)] are the most important allelochemicals respon-
Among all types of crop pests, weeds are known to cause the sible for the allelopathic potential of rye, several of other important
greatest yield reductions in the crops (Oerke et al., 1999). On an allelochemicals are also present in rye. Recently, Schulz et al. (2013)
average, weeds can lower crop productivity by 34% (Oerke, 2006). reviewed the allelopathic potential of rye and listed 16 alle-
The potential yield reductions by weeds in some important crops lochemicals present in this plant. These allelochemicals included b-
are: wheat 23%, soybeans 37%, rice 37%, maize 40%, cotton 36%, and phenyllactic acid, protocatechuic acid, DIBOA (glucoside), vanillic
potatoes 30% (Oerke, 2006). acid, apigenin-glycosides, syringic acid, luteolinglucuronides, p-
Weeds have indirect effects on crop plants. Crop development is hydroxybenzoic acid, p-coumaric acid, benzoxazolinones BOA,
affected by allelopathy from certain weed species. Allelochemicals cyanidin glycosides, b-hydroxybutric acid, isovitexinglucosides,
from allelopathic weeds can disturb the root and shoot growth of DIMBOA (glucoside), gallic acid, and ferulic acid/conjugates.
emerging crop seedlings, as well as cause several other damages. In Further, a number of studies reported the allelopathic inhibition of
a recent study, Dmitrovic et al. (2014) reported that allelochemicals other crops and weeds by rye (Bertholdsson et al., 2012; Didon
excreted from Chenopodium murale L. root hairs were responsible et al., 2014; Macias et al., 2014). Although rye can be manipulated
for the cell cycle disturbance and oxidative damage in wheat and to suppress weeds in a cropping system as a rotational crop, cover
Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Similarly, allelopathic water extracts crop, or mulch, using it as a cover crop is the most common method
from weed species, including Malva parviflora L. and C. murale, were for weed control (Norsworthy et al., 2011; Tabaglio et al., 2013).
shown to inhibit the growth and photosynthetic activity in barley Sorghum is another important allelopathic crop. Extensive
(Al-Johani et al., 2012). The invasive weed Flaveria bidentis (L.) literature explains the allelopathic potential of sorghum and its
Kuntze was found to excrete allelopathic phenolic compounds implications in different cropping systems. The allelopathic activity
(Zhang et al., 2012). Residues from this weed inhibited the growth of sorghum varies across cultivars, environmental conditions, and
and biomass of cotton seedlings. Weeds can also impact crop yield plant growth stages. Sorghum expresses its allelopathic activity
by serving as alternate hosts for many insect pests and plant dis- through the production of several allelochemicals. Most important
eases. Weeds can interfere with harvest of the crop in addition to among these allelochemicals are hydrophobic p-benzoquinone
elevating the cost of production from the cost associated with their (sorgoleone), phenolics, and acyanogenic glycoside (dhurrin)
control. (Weston et al., 2013). Sorgoleone is the most potent allelochemical
of sorghum exuded by its roots. Root hair cells are responsible for
3. Challenges in weed management the production of sogoleone in sorghum plants (Weston et al.,
2012). The allelopathic activity of sorghum can be manipulated
With world population increasing and available resources for weed control by planting allelopathic cultivars, applying sor-
decreasing, weed management is an even more important as well ghum residues as mulch, using sorghum as cover crop and inter-
as a challenging job. Accurate weed control is compulsory for food crop, or including sorghum cultivars in a crop rotation.
security throughout the world. Currently, most reliable weed con- The Brassicaceae family has a strong allelopathic potential
trol methods include herbicide application, mechanical weeding, against other crop and weed plants (Haramoto and Gallandt, 2004).
and hand weeding. However, the sustainability of long term Brassicas produce the allelopathic compound glucosinolate
chemical weed control is facing certain challenges. Most important throughout their plant parts (Fahey et al., 2001). However, the
among these challenges is the evolution of herbicide resistance in concentration of this allelochemical varies in different parts of the
K. Jabran et al. / Crop Protection 72 (2015) 57e65 59
plant (Fahey et al., 2001). Glucosinolate is released into the envi- weed control can also be implemented by growing allelopathic
ronment through either volatilization or decomposition. After the plants in a field for a certain period of time, in order for their roots
release, glucosinolate is decomposed into several biologically active to exude allelochemicals. Crop rotation is the most important
compounds, such as isothiocyanate (Morra and Kirkegaard, 2002). example for such allelopathic weed control (Farooq et al., 2011).
Further, these allelochemicals (isothiocyanates) suppress the Another way to control weeds through allelopathy includes
growth and development of plants/weeds which take them up obtaining allelochemicals in a liquid-solution by dipping the alle-
(Petersen et al., 2001). The allelopathic potential of brassica plants lopathic chaff in water for a certain period of time. Several re-
can be used to suppress weeds by using the brassica plants as cover searchers have advocated using this way of weed control either
crops, intercropping brassica crops with the main crop, crop rota- alone or in combination with other methods of weed control
tion, or the use of brassica litter as mulch (Haramoto and Gallandt, (Jabran et al., 2010; Khan et al., 2012; Razzaq et al., 2010, 2012).
2005; Rice et al., 2007; Bangarwa and Norsworthy, 2014). Recent research indicates that allelopathic plants not only suppress
Sunflower is considered the most important allelopathic crop. weeds but can have positive effects on the soil environment, that is,
Sunflowers can be phytotoxic to the following crop in a cropping improved nutrient availability to crop plants through and enhanced
rotation. Several weed species have also been reported to be sup- soil microbial activities (Wang et al., 2013; Zeng, 2014). The alle-
pressed by sunflower allelopathy. Recently, Alsaadawi et al. (2012) lopathic wheat cultivar 22 Xiaoyan was found to have higher con-
evaluated the allelopathic potential of eight sunflower cultivars centrations of microorganisms and enzyme (catalase and urease)
against problem weed species in wheat. They either grew the activity (Zuo et al., 2014). The authors argued that the allelopathic
allelopathic sunflower cultivars in a mixture with weeds, or applied wheat cultivars exuded carbon and nitrogen, which improved the
the residues (600 or 1400 g m2) of sunflower cultivars to the allelopathic effects of soil microorganisms in the rhizosphere.
wheat crop and its weeds. The sunflower cultivars in the study Hence, the allelochemicals excreted from the microorganisms
varied in their allelopathic potential and suppressed total weed further helped to suppress crop weeds and diseases (Zuo et al.,
density by 10e87% and total weed biomass by 34e81%. Sunflower 2014).
residues also expressed their allelopathic potential to suppress total In the following sections, we have discussed various ways for
weed density (24e75%) and total weed biomass (12e67%), and practical implementation of allelopathic weed control.
increased wheat grain yield and yield components over the non-
treated control. Further, 16 allelochemicals (phenolic acids) were 5.1. Allelopathic cultivars
found across the tested sunflower cultivars. The cultivars which
suppressed weeds possessed higher concentrations of alle- Crop cultivars demonstrating high productivity in farmers' fields
lochemicals (Alsaadawi et al., 2012). are commercially acceptable. At the same time, the capability of
In conclusion, several crops have strong allelopathic potential, crop cultivars to suppress weeds is being considered as a preferred
which is expressed through the exudation of a diversity of alle- criterion for cultivar selection in many parts of the world (Kong
lochemicals. The allelopathic potential of these crops can be et al., 2011; Worthington and Reberg-Horton, 2013). The allelo-
manipulated to suppress weeds. pathic potential of crop plants contributes to the weed suppressing
ability of cultivars. Table 1 summarises important studies narrating
5. Allelopathic weed control the allelopathic crop cultivars and the weeds suppressed by them in
various parts of the world. Preferring weed-suppressive allelo-
Practical weed control can be achieved by using allelopathy. pathic cultivars over non-allelopathic cultivars can reduce weed
Importantly, such weed control will neither harm the environment infestation without incurring any extra cost, and would help to
nor increase weed management costs. Allelopathic weed control improve the efficacy of inputs and the method of weed control.
may be applied as a single strategy in certain cropping systems, A number of studies clearly elaborate the importance of sowing
such as organic farming. Further, it can be combined with other allelopathic cultivars in reducing weed pressure. Mahajan and
methods to achieve integrated weed management. Under allelo- Chauhan (2013) highlighted the importance of cultivars' allelo-
pathic weed control, the allelopathic potential of crops is manip- pathic potential for managing weeds in aerobic rice. In Korea, Ahn
ulated in such a way that the allelochemicals from these crops et al. (2005) investigated the allelopathic activity of 78 local rice
reduce weed competition. The living plants or their dead materials cultivars against the most notorious rice weed Echinochloa crus-
express the allelopathic activity through the exudation of alle- galli (L.) P. Beauv. A number of rice cultivars were found to decrease
lochemicals. The processes for exudation of allelochemicals are: the biomass, number of tillers, and height of the weed under field
root exudation, leaching from dead or live plant tissues, and vola- conditions. Six out of 78 cultivars had an average E. crus-galli in-
tilisation from the aboveground plant parts. Several factors help the hibition of above 40% (Table 1). In another study, Chung et al.
movement of allelochemicals to target species. Soil hyphae are (2006) evaluated the allelopathic potential of 99 rice cultivars.
important allelopathic transporters. Achatz and Rillig (2014) Five rice cultivars reduced weed germination and growth by more
argued that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were involved in facili- than 50%, while the other five by 40e50%. The rice cultivars which
tating the movement of below ground allelochemicals. The pres- exhibited higher reductions in growth and germination of weeds
ence of soil hyphae at the time of application of the allelochemicals were found to possess higher concentrations of allelochemicals,
from Juglans regia L. caused growth suppression of the tomato test including momilactone A and momilactone B. Similarly, in China,
crop. The transportation of juglone allelochemical was increased in five commercial rice cultivars were crossed with allelopathic
the presence of soil hyphae. cultivar (PI312777) in order to produce weed-suppressive allelo-
Allelopathic weed control can be implemented by growing pathic commercial cultivars (Kong et al., 2011). Among the resultant
allelopathic plants in close proximity to weeds which promote cultivars, Haugan-3 was found to be the high yielding (5.95 t ha1)
production of these chemicals (Tesio and Ferrero, 2010); or by as well as the most weed-suppressive (26e39%) cultivar. Ulti-
placing the allelopathic materials obtained from dead plants in mately, this weed-suppressive allelopathic cultivar (Haugan-3) was
close proximity to weeds. The decomposing plant material releases recommended for commercial cultivation in China (Kong et al.,
allelochemicals which are absorbed by the target weeds. The most 2011).
important example for such cases includes the use of allelopathic Sun et al. (2012) compared the rice-E. crus-galli interactions in
plant residues for weed control (Tabaglio et al., 2008). Allelopathic allelopathic (PI312777) and non-allelopathic (Liaojing-9) rice
60 K. Jabran et al. / Crop Protection 72 (2015) 57e65
Table 1
The allelopathic crop cultivars suppressive to weeds.
Crop Allelopathic cultivars Weed/test species suppressed Allelochemicals Weed suppression (%) Country References
Table 1 (continued )
Crop Allelopathic cultivars Weed/test species suppressed Allelochemicals Weed suppression (%) Country References
cultivars. Both types of cultivars reduced the biomass of E. crus-galli can be increased through the breeding process. As a first step, the
over the control; however, the reduction in biomass was ~33% crop germplasm can be screened for its allelopathic potential.
higher by the allelopathic cultivars. The authors reported that the However, a weed suppressive allelopathic cultivar should also be
difference in the weed suppression activity of allelopathic and non- high yielding. After selecting cultivars with desired traits, the
allelopathic cultivars was governed by the release pattern of the genomic approaches can be applied for characterizing the relevant
growth promoting allelochemical allantoin. The allelopathic rice genes.
cultivars could sense the presence of E. crus-galli and hence Various scientists around the world have conducted bioassays to
released allantoin in lower concentrations, which led to the poor find crop cultivars with allelopathic potential. For example, Pheng
growth of E. crus-galli plants adjacent to allelopathic rice cultivars et al. (2009) conducted a bioassay, in which they tested the alle-
(Sun et al., 2012). In contrast, Gealy et al. (2013) reported that the lopathic potential of 395 rice lines from Cambodia against E. crus-
allelopathic rice cultivars had higher tillering and developed an galli. Fifteen out of 395 cultivars were found to suppress the weed
extensive and strong root system than the non-allelopathic culti- in the bioassay. In the second part of the experiment, the authors
vars. The authors argued that this strong root system helps the screened 96 rice lines for their allelopathic potential, out of which
allelopathic cultivars to distribute allelochemicals extensively, 14 suppressed E. crus-galli.
which ultimately suppressed weed growth. In another study, 73 Breeding efforts to improve the allelopathic potential of various
cultivars of rice from Vietnam were evaluated for their allelopathic crops are on record. For example, the allelopathic rice cultivar
activity against E. crus-galli (Khanh et al., 2009). Out of the tested PI312777 was crossed with several of available commercial culti-
cultivars, a few (Khau Van, Y-1, and NhiUu) were effective in sup- vars by Kong et al. (2011). In the F8 generation, two breeding lines
pressing E. crus-galli under greenhouse conditions, while the other (Haugan-1 and Haugan-3) were found with high allelopathy
one (PhucTien) was effective under field conditions. against weeds; hence, these lines were evaluated for agronomic
Wheat is among the most important food crops of the world. characteristics and weed suppression under field conditions. The
Wheat cultivars are available with allelopathic potential, thus work three-year study indicated that the cultivars Haugan-1 and
is in progress to screen wheat cultivars with allelopathic potential Haugan-3 effectively suppressed weeds, including E. crus-galli and
from the already existing gene pool. Work is also in progress to Cyperus spp. Haugan-3 was found to be more suppressive against
develop new allelopathic wheat cultivars through classical and weeds and higher yielding than Haugan-1 and other cultivars in the
modern breeding (Fragasso et al., 2013). For example, Mahmood experiment. Hence, this cultivar was released for commercial
et al. (2013) investigated the allelopathic activity of 35 Pakistani cultivation in China and was designated as the first allelopathic rice
wheat cultivars against Avena fatua L. The tested cultivars expressed cultivar in China (Kong et al., 2011).
a variable allelopathic activity against A. fatua. Out of these 35 These studies suggest that some of the crop cultivars possess
cultivars, 11 showed a high allelopathic activity, that is, 42e83% allelopathic potential while others do not. The crop cultivars with
(Table 1). allelopathic potential can be grown for inexpensive, easy, and
In another study in Australia, Asaduzzaman et al. (2014) environment friendly weed control.
collected 70 rape seed cultivars from all over the world and eval-
uated their allelopathic potential by growing them in close prox- 5.2. Intercropping with allelopathic weed suppressing plants
imity to Lolium rigidum Gaudin. Rape seed was sown at three
densities, that is, 10, 20, and 30 plants per pot. Generally, higher Compatible crops are grown together in order to harvest higher
density of rape seed resulted in higher suppression of L. rigidum. net yield and economic benefits. Further, growing crops in mixtures
The cultivars with greater allelopathic activity (than the other improves resource (land, water, nutrients, and light) use efficiency.
cultivars in the experiment) were Barossa, Cescaljarni-repka, In addition to these benefits, intercropping can be used to suppress
Pak85388-502, Av-opal, BLN3343CO0402, and Rivette. The au- weeds for environment friendly and economical weed control
thors concluded that the rape seed cultivars, which expressed (Makoi and Ndakidemi, 2012). In particular, crops with allelopathic
higher allelopathic potential in this study can be used for weed potential when intercropped with other crop plants help to reduce
suppression. weed intensity, and hence improve crop productivity. For instance,
Reberg-Horton et al. (2005) evaluated 10 rye cultivars for their intercropping maize and cowpea on alternate ridges helped reduce
allelopathic potential. All the cultivars possessed the allelochemical weed [Echinochloa colona (L.) Link., Portulaca oleracea L., Chorchorus
DIBOA, which is responsible for the allelopathic potential of rye. olitorius L., and Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd.] intensity by
The concentration of DIBOA was variable, depending on the man- ~50% as well as improve land use efficiency (Saudy, 2015). In
agement practices, growth stage, and plant life duration. Cultivar another study, the relay-intercropping of legumes with wheat was
Wheeler had the highest concentration of DIBOA with a long lasting evaluated for weed suppression in comparison with the sole wheat
impact. The authors concluded that the prolonged allelochemical crop (Amosse et al., 2013). The intercrops in the experiment
retention from the cultivar Wheeler would result in effective and included white clover, black medic, alfalfa, and red clover. The in-
durable weed control. tercrops not only helped to suppress weeds compared with the sole
Although significantly influenced by environmental factors, the wheat crop, but also reduced weed density in the following crop
allelopathic potential of crop cultivars is a genetically controlled while red clover was the most effective intercrop for suppressing
process. The allelopathic potential of crop cultivars against weeds weeds in organically grown wheat.
62 K. Jabran et al. / Crop Protection 72 (2015) 57e65
Orobanche spp. are among the notorious weed parasites, which suppression in conservation organic farm fields (Altieri et al., 2011).
severely damage different crops. Allelopathic activity of berseem Further, cover crops also possess several additional benefits other
can be exploited through intercropping to suppress Orobanche spp. than weed management. For example, the results of a recent study
Fernandez-Aparicio et al. (2010) reported that intercropping indicated that along with suppressing weeds, the cover crops also
berseem with legumes (broad bean and pea) reduced the intensity improved soil moisture retention, soil fertility, and crop produc-
of Orobanche crenata Forssk. Kandhro et al. (2014) evaluated tivity (Altieri et al., 2011). Mixtures of cover crops have been found
intercropping of two allelopathic crops (sorghum and sunflower) more effective in suppressing weeds compared to a single cover
for weed management in cotton. Both intercrops suppressed weeds crop. Using more than one cover crop can produce higher quantities
in cotton by 60e62%, which resulted in a 17e22% increase in seed of diverse allelochemicals as well as higher biomass to suppress
cotton yield. Sorghum and sunflower were also harvested for weeds more effectively. Important cover crops, main crops, and
grains, which resulted in improved crop productivity, land utiliza- weeds suppressed by these cover crops have been summarised in
tion, and economic benefits. Table 2.
A research trial was conducted in five European countries (Italy, Haramoto and Gallandt (2004) explored the role of brassica
UK, Denmark, France, and Germany) in order to evaluate weed cover crops including white mustard and rape seed for weed sup-
suppression and other benefits of intercropping in comparison with pression in agricultural systems. The authors argued that the
a sole crop (Corre-Hellou et al., 2011). Barley was intercropped with brassica species exude allelochemicals, which are named glucosi-
peas (main crop) and compared with the sole pea crop in terms of nolates. In natural environments, glucosinolates are decomposed
weed suppression. Chenopodium album L. and Sinapis arvensis L. into several compounds, most important of which are iso-
were the two dominant weed species in the experimental sites. thiocyanates (Halkier and Gershenzon, 2006). Isothiocyanates are
Pea-barley intercropping reduced weed intensity and weed biologically active and suppress the germination and growth of
biomass compared with the sole pea or fallow plots. Moreover, exposed plant species (Norsworthy and Meehan, 2005). The effects
weeds in the experiment were found to draw higher quantities of of brassica plants were more pronounced on germination of weed
nitrogen (30%) in the sole pea crop than the pea-barley intercrop species than on their growth (Haramoto and Gallandt, 2004). The
(10%) (Corre-Hellou et al., 2011). Therefore, intercropping allelo- allelopathic effects of the brassica plants may be carried to the
pathic crops with the main crop can help to reduce weed intensity succeeding crops, which can be avoided through careful selection
and improve yield gains. of the cover and the succeeding crops.
Cover crops are also useful in conservation tillage systems to
5.3. Allelopathic cover crops effectively suppress weeds. For example, Bernstein et al. (2014)
tested the efficacy of a rye cover crop to suppress weeds for
Cover crops are grown with the aim of maintaining the sus- planting soybean under a no-till system and concluded that soy-
tainability of an agro-ecosystem. Various objectives of growing bean could be successfully sown in a standing rye cover crop in a
cover crops include improving soil fertility and soil quality, and no-till soil. Planting soybean in a standing rye crop resulted in long-
suppressing weeds and plant pathogens. Cover crops with allelo- lasting and effective weed control with no damage caused to the
pathic potential can suppress weeds. Several of the important cover soybean crop. Similarly, rye and wheat cover crops helped to
crops include canola, rape seed, cereal rye, crimson clover, wheat, improve weed control in glyphosate-resistant cotton under a con-
red clover, brown mustard, oats, cowpea, fodder radish, annual servation till system (Norsworthy et al., 2011). Biomass of weeds
ryegrass, mustards, buckwheat, hairy vetch, and black mustard. including Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats,
Some of the cropping systems (e.g., organic cropping) heavily rely and Ipomoea lacunose L. was reduced by the cover crops, which
on cover cropping for weed management (Mirsky et al., 2013). The helped to acquire season-long weed control. Moreover, cover crops
observations from farmers' fields and the results of experiments can also reduce the weed seed bank in conservation till systems. For
indicated that the release of allelochemicals from allelopathic cover example, the cover crops hairy vetch and oat effectively reduced
crops and their physical effects were responsible for weed seed banks (30e70%) of weeds, including Datura stramonium L.,
Table 2
Allelopathic cover crops, main crops and the weeds suppressed by cover crops.
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Amaranthus retroflexus L., and certain field. The objective of this sequence is to maintain soil
E. indica in the upper soil layer (Dube et al., 2012). In conclusion, productivity and sustainability. Certain changes in this crop
several of allelopathic cover crops can help to reduce weed infes- sequence can reduce pest infestations. Crop rotation alone lowers
tation in field crops. weed infestation in crop fields while it enhances the effectiveness
of weed control when combined with other methods (Garrison
5.4. Allelopathic plant residues et al., 2014). For example, crop rotation was among the major
weed control strategies used by organic growers in New York, USA,
In most cases, specific parts of crops are used for consumption, to suppress weeds (Baker and Mohler, 2014). Crop rotation be-
while the rest of plant portions are fed to animals, discarded, or comes more effective when no weed seeds from the neighbouring
incorporated in the soil as organic matter. For example, wheat, land invade the field under rotation (Gonza lez-Díaz et al., 2012).
maize, and rice are salient grain crops whose grains are consumed The allelochemicals added to the field from the previous allelo-
as food while other plant parts are either fed to animals or left in pathic crop and the changed management practices together help
the field. Similarly, cotton is the salient fibre crop of the world to control weeds (Mamolos and Kalburtji, 2001). Recent research
whose seed cotton is obtained for industrial uses while the rest of (Dmitrovi c et al., 2014) has proven that allelopathic plants fill the
plant parts are either discarded or left in the field. Allelopathic plant soil with allelochemicals, which suppresses weeds in the following
residues left in the field either unintentionally or added manually crop. In a recent study, E. crus-galli was grown on soils obtained
express their activity to suppress weeds. For example, the plant after harvest of the allelopathic rice cultivar PI312777 and non-
residues of barley, rye, and triticale retained in a maize field were allelopathic (Liaojing-9) rice cultivars (Dmitrovi c et al., 2014). The
evaluated for their allelopathic effect against E. crus-galli and soil from allelopathic rice cultivars contained higher concentrations
Setaria verticillata (L.) P. Beauv. in Greece (Dhima et al., 2006). The of allelochemicals, which suppressed the growth of E. crus-galli.
allelopathic mulches decreased the emergence of S. verticillata Recently, Tabaglio et al. (2013) suggested the inclusion of a rye crop
(0e67%) and E. crus-galli (27e80%) compared with the non- in a rotation with a maize crop. The purpose was to suppress weeds,
mulched treatment. The maize plants received no harmful effect such as P. oleracea L. and A. retroflexus in the following maize crop.
from the applied mulches. The grain yield of maize was increased Greenhouse experiments confirmed the allelopathic activity of rye
by 45% in the plots applied with barley mulch compared with the litter to suppress weeds through the exudation of allelochemicals,
ones with no mulch (non-treated control) (Dhima et al., 2006). including benzoxazinoids 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4 (2H)-benzoxazin-3-
Similarly, the maize residues incorporated in an organically grown one (DIBOA) and benzoxazolin-2(3H)-one (BOA) (Tabaglio et al.,
maize-broccoli rotation were found to reduce weed biomass in the 2013). In conclusion, allelopathic crops included in a rotation help
following crop (broccoli) by 22e47% (Bajgai et al., 2013). The to suppress weeds in the following crop through the exudation of
incorporated mulch also helped to improve the soil nutrient status. allelochemicals.
Similarly, in another study, tomato seedlings were transplanted in
mulch residues of three crops (oat, hairy vetch, and subterranean 6. Conclusions
clover) (Campiglia et al., 2010). The mulches were effective in
suppressing weeds (35e80%) in terms of density and biomass over Allelopathic crops express their allelopathic activity through
the control treatment, while oat was the most effective among the exudation of allelochemicals. The transport of allelochemicals to
mulches in suppressing weeds. However, oat also negatively target weed species is facilitated by microorganisms. Also, alle-
affected tomato yield. Nevertheless, the highest increase in yield lochemicals promote the activities of soil microbes, which pose a
over the control resulted from hairy vetch. In a similar study, the positive effect on crop plants. Growing allelopathic crop cultivars
residue mulch of oat and hairy vetch effectively reduced weed may become an important way to suppress weeds, especially when
density (A. retroflexus, Polygonum aviculare L., P. oleracea, and used under the umbrella of integrated weed management. Simi-
C. album) in black pepper (Campiglia et al., 2012). Oat was more larly, the use of allelopathic cover crops, allelopathic intercrops, the
effective against weeds than hairy vetch; however, hairy vetch inclusion of allelopathic crops in rotation, and the use of allelo-
resulted in a higher increase in black pepper yield than oat. pathic plant residues as mulches are important ways that can be
A diversity in allelopathic materials can improve the allelopathic practiced for economical, environment friendly weed management
activity against weeds owing to the presence of diverse alle- in agricultural systems. The allelopathic potential of crops is desired
lochemicals. Also, the synergistic effect of allelochemicals can to be strengthened using conventional and modern plant breeding
improve their activity against target weeds. Based on this hypoth- techniques.
esis, Khaliq et al. (2010) applied a combination of allelopathic plant
residues, including sunflower, canola, and sorghum, at 7.5 t ha1 for Acknowledgements
weed control in a maize crop. The applied mulch reduced the
densities and biomass of Cyperus rotundus L. and Trianthema potr- We would like to thank Jason Ferguson for providing comments
tulacastrum L. by ~90% and increased maize grain yield, 1000-grain on the manuscript.
weight, and harvest index by 54%, 13%, and 29%, respectively. No
negative effect of the applied mulch material was reported on the References
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