Execution of Six Sigma Methodology Airlines Industry
Execution of Six Sigma Methodology Airlines Industry
Execution of Six Sigma Methodology Airlines Industry
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This paper focuses on the potential uses of Six Critical to Quality (CTQ) requirements through interviews
Sigma Methodology to improve effectiveness and and surveys to guarantee that airport luggage handling
efficiency in the aviation industry. The material, operations match consumer expectations. CTQ requirements
diagrams, statistics, and data in this document were are a set of characteristics that must be present in a product or
gathered from reliable sources such as publications, service to satisfy a client. These specifications are organized
journals, and other published works focusing on the Six into a CTQ Tree (University, 2020) with Needs, Drivers, and
Sigma Methodology in the improvement of aviation Requirements (As seen on Figure 1 Below). Clients will
processes. Employee time waste, airline departure times, employ drivers to test the effectiveness of the product, such
aircraft maintenance, and customer luggage management as how frequently the customer loses their bags, and
are among the operations that will be evaluated. requirements are measurable elements of performance that
drivers must meet to satisfy the consumer. The CTQ tree is
Keywords:- Airlines, Six Sigma, Critical to Quality, Flight produced by following the three basic procedures outlined
Delays. below (University, 2020):
i. Identifying and identifying important requirements
I. INTRODUCTION ii. Determination and validation of drivers in terms of what
customers value most.
Businesses use six sigma as a statistical way of iii. Determination of the performance requirements that these
monitoring process variance in order to improve the CTQ drivers must be there.
efficiency and capabilities of their operations. This strategy
has the effect of increasing staff morale, increasing
profitability, and improving the quality of goods and services III. IMPROVING DEPARTURE TIME
produced by a company. The Six Sigma approach may
tremendously assist the aviation sector, as it is critical for The most well-known source of flight delays in airports
organizations in the aviation industry to maintain optimal is the inability to get many passengers to walk from their
efficiency. The efficiency of the aviation industry has a direct waiting bays to their planes for takeoff (Sinai, 2003).
and personal impact on its customers (Aviation, 2018) in such Misapplied regulations, redundancy, duplication of processes,
a critical way that a minor inconvenience can cause and other delays can all cause delays. The Six Sigma
customers to miss flights, lose luggage, and, because of the methodology includes methods for eliminating redundancies,
ripple effect, cause delays that can permanently impact delays, and duplications so that clients can be placed in their
people's lives, such as the loss of business and employment reserved seats as soon as feasible for on-time departures.
opportunities. Because these technologies are non-emotional and rely just
on raw data, they are more suited to removing estimated
II. IMPROVING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION boarding times. These are some of the tools available:
i. Failure Model and Effects Analysis (FMEA): This method
Many clients have complained about and reported lost helps companies identify and eliminate weak points in
bags after arriving at their various places throughout the their operations that could lead to inefficiency. In this
world. In the United States, two out of every thousand example, FMEA would identify places where
baggage are lost in airports. As a result, customer satisfaction redundancies exist and document the activities done to
among air travelers is low. Six Sigma teams can gather correct and eliminate these flaws
IJISRT21JUN190 www.ijisrt.com 42
Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
ii. Histograms: A histogram is a graphical tool that displays 3) Data collection, reporting, and analysis help to enhance
data as an image, which analysts can use to spot patterns procedures.
in the reasons of sluggish departures and gain insight into 4) Six Sigma include communication technologies that allow
how to correct them. for real-time communication across all levels of
iii. Pareto Charts: These charts are like histograms, but they maintenance, repair, and overhaul.
are organized in decreasing order of magnitude. It gives a 5) By delegating tools and duties to maintenance specialists,
graphical representation of data. the MRO team wastes less time.
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