WikiLeaks CIA Assessment On Surviving Secondary Screening
WikiLeaks CIA Assessment On Surviving Secondary Screening
WikiLeaks CIA Assessment On Surviving Secondary Screening
CL BY: 2313665
CL REASON: 1.4(c), (d)
DECL ON: 20360926
DRV FROM: LIA s-06, Multiple Sources
Introduction (U)
This study examines triggers for secondary selection used at various international airports, the
range of subsequent scrutiny of identity, and traveler responses that are most likely to pass
secondary inspection with cover intact. For the study, CHECKPOINT researched available
all-source intelligence reporting but also incorporated a number of secondary screening
experiences from operational travelers. The information cut-off date is 31 May 2010. (S//NF)
NOTE: Although the information available is sufficient to provide general insights into the
secondary screening criteria and procedures that travelers may experience at foreign airports,
it is insufficiently detailed, comprehensive, and timely to provide tactical intelligence
for operational travelers using nonofficial cover. Moreover, the examples cited in the study
illustrate the range of potential experiences but do not evaluate specific airports. (S//NF)
This finished intelligence product contains reporting that carries the ORCON dissemination
control but has been pre-approved by the originator for distribution to officials who hold
appropriate clearances at Executive Branch Departments/Agencies of the US Government.
Sharing this product with other Executive Branch Departments/Agencies of the US Government
does not require contacting CHECKPOINT or reporting originators before dissemination.
Recipients must obtain originator approval prior to written or verbal communication of any portion
of this product to State, Local, Tribal, and Private Entities and for all other uses not pre-approved
by the originator. (U//FOUO)
• Lack of familiarity with passport entries (biographic page, previous travel).
• Stamps or visas from a terrorism-sponsoring country.
• Inability to speak the language of the passport-issuing country.
• Unusual itinerary.
• Purchase manner unusual to the place of issue.
• Purchase or itinerary change within 24 hours of the scheduled flight.
• Baggage or contents inconsistent with the passenger’s appearance, profession, or ticket class.
• Contents inconsistent with passenger’s description of contents.
• Amount of baggage unusual for the ticketed itinerary. (S//OC/NF)
Area of
Airport Travelers’ Countries of Origin
Soekarno-Hatta International
Afghanistan and Iran
Airport, Jakarta, Indonesia
according to a Czech Airlines official. The • Camera quality not matching the traveler’s
South African Immigration Liaison (SAIL) team profile or camera memory card insufficient
at Johannesburg airport examines departing for a lengthy tourist trip. (S//OC/NF)
travelers for one-way tickets, same-day ticket
purchase, ignorance of final destination, Other Factors
or travel rationales that do not appear to A review of clandestine reports suggests
be bona fide, the US Embassy in Pretoria that a passenger’s language capability, age,
reported. A Dutch Government investigation appearance, or background may all factor
of the failed 2009 Christmas Day bombing into a security official’s decision to refer the
concluded that the suspect should have been traveler to secondary.
sent to secondary screening because of his • In an operation to screen for Hizballah
cash ticket payment, ticket issuance in a third members traveling from Venezuela, the
country, and lack of baggage. (S//OC/NF) Mexican Center for Investigation and
April 2007 reporting resulting from a liaison National Security (CISEN) planned to take
exchange with the Hungarian Special Service into secondary screening Venezuelan
for National Security (SSNS) provides passport holders without a mastery of
insights into factors considered by officers at Spanish.
Ferihegy airport in Budapest, Hungary when • To identify operatives or sympathizers
examining tickets. Officers check whether of the Kongra Gel (KGK, formerly PKK),
the traveler used a business-class ticket for Kurdish passengers with a Turkish or
tourist travel, whether the ticket fare code Iranian accent arriving at Irbil airport in
represents a government or military discount, Iraq are automatically sent to secondary.
or whether a government travel agency
booked the ticket. Hotel and car reservations • Security personnel at Ben Gurion
are similarly examined for unusual discounts Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel, commonly
or government affiliation. (S//OC/NF) refer military-aged males traveling alone
with backpacks to secondary screening,
An unexplained lack of baggage probably regardless of their nationality or skin color.
would raise suspicions. SSNS officers
conducting baggage inspection at Ferihegy • Salvadoran security services identified
airport may also further investigate a a suspected Venezuelan Government
passenger if they found: courier on the basis of a military style
haircut, physical fitness, casual dress, and
• An amount of baggage inappropriate for little baggage.
the length of stay
• Japanese customs officials pay careful
• Multiple new items, such as alarm clocks attention to single travelers, especially
or notebooks, in baggage. young Westerners, because they may be
• Carelessly packed baggage when drug couriers.
passenger is purportedly an experienced • Chilean Investigative Police (PICH)
business traveler. officers pay close attention to male
• Unopened and unmarked maps, travelers from China, particularly those
guidebooks, or other literature. Maps of between the ages of 16 to 28 because of
unrelated cities in baggage for a purported illegal immigration concerns.
tourist traveler. • Egyptian security officials at Cairo airport
regularly select visitors of certain ethnic
traveler to have a Twitter account. The working to obtain fingerprint readers for use
absence of such business-related Web in secondary with repatriated deportees and
accounts probably would raise a business other travelers of interest, primarily those
traveler’s profile with officials. (S//OC/NF) suspected of association with organized crime
or Central American gangs. (S//OC/NF)
Collection of Additional Data
Officials can collect additional biographic or In-depth Search of Belongings
travel data to flesh out the traveler’s story. Customs officials conducting secondary
In July 2009, airport officials in Shiraz, Iran, screening at Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan,
used a screening questionnaire in secondary may ask individuals to remove all items
screening to collect detailed information on from their accompanying baggage for
US-Iranians holding dual nationality. An officer closer examination. Secondary screening
verbally translated the questionnaire for the by immigration officials at Bole International
non-Farsi speaking travelers, transcribing Airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia includes an
the responses in Farsi onto the questionnaire. examination of pocket litter. (S//OC/NF)
Required information included name, date
and place of birth, current address, length Inspections can include examining belongings
of time living there, other addresses, places for traces of explosives. At Ben Gurion
traveled, telephone number, reason for living airport in Israel, the secondary screening
in the United States, occupation, reason room contains trace-detection equipment
for visiting Iran, field of study (for students), for explosive residue; tools for dismantling
address in Iran, name and telephone number passengers’ personal items for inspection,
of host, the host’s relation to the traveler, particularly items unfamiliar to security
and other areas to be visited. Tehran airport officers; and a disrobing area, divided by
security personnel also request that visiting privacy curtains, to conduct strip searches of
US-Iranians log into their personal e-mail individuals, if necessary. (S//NF)
accounts and the officers then review Officials can copy or confiscate a traveler’s
the contacts and types of e-mails in the personal electronics. Ireland’s Garda can
accounts. (S//NF) image or copy electronic devices, including
Officials can collect fingerprints or other telephones, once individuals are taken into
biometrics, and determine if the passenger secondary screening. Russian customs
has a past record. In secondary inspection agents at Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow
at Singapore airport, officials fingerprint and confiscated without explanation a laptop
photograph suspect individuals and run computer, thumb drive, and removable hard
queries against the Biometrics Database for drive belonging to a Department of Energy
Immigration Clearance (BDIC). The database official. (S//OC/NF)
contains 10 fingerprints for previously
deported expellees and other criminals.
In addition to using fingerprints to identify
immigration offenders who attempt to re-enter
Singapore using different identities, in early Personal Electronics (U)
2009, the BDIC system also incorporated Smart phones, iPods, and MP3 players, can
face-recognition capabilities to allow pose a vulnerability to alias travel because of
Singapore Immigration and Customs Agency their requirement for subscriptions. If border-
(ICA) officers to match travelers against control officials can establish a link between
photographic images of black-listed persons. the device and the traveler’s true name,
According to August 2009 clandestine this could present a difficulty for someone
traveling in alias. (S//OC/NF)
reporting, the Salvadoran Government is