Low Cost Antenna Design For The Application of Over The Horizon Surface Wave Radar
Low Cost Antenna Design For The Application of Over The Horizon Surface Wave Radar
Low Cost Antenna Design For The Application of Over The Horizon Surface Wave Radar
accurately to replace patrol ships that can save the use of fuel
Abstract: The need for surveillance and security in Indonesian in security of sea operation and vessels used particularly to
water region which can monitor activities of distance object such drive away and capture foreign vessels[3].Radar technology is
as illegal fishing, foreign vessels violation, piracy of vessels and studied continuously to improve performance and distance
smuggling can be done by using radio wave. Maritime radar over range and identify objects. The development of radar
the horizon (OTH) surface wave is able to detect the existence of especially at the field of maritime and defense in Indonesia
foreign vessels in Indonesian waters. Based on this, the study
was begun by coast surveillance radar such as Indonesian
aimed to design a low cost antenna namely Yagi - Uda linear array
antenna at 15 MHz frequency at frequency range 6 – 24 MHz for Radar (INDRA) and Indonesian Surveillance Radar (ISRA)
the application of over the horizon radar. Yagi - Uda antenna is to control ships in Indonesian waters, but the range was still
superior in the spread of wave suitable to OTH Radar very limited to tens nautical miles. The distance range can be
characteristic over the sea surface and big gain. Yagi - Uda determined from power transmitted, width of signal band
antenna develops rapidly in communication system makes it received, antenna gain, antenna polarization, and antenna
applied in many modern communication devices nowadays. This width. The designed antenna for the OTH radar has been
antenna was designed and simulated using Simulator Ansoft High developed widely such as log periodic antenna, parabola
Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) version 13. The antenna, dipole antenna, and omni antenna.Some of them
simulation result of the antenna design after doing optimization
have small dimensions and some have big dimensions. The
was return loss (S11) = -29,62 dB, VSWR = 1.068 and gain = 2,413
dBm. most known antenna model is Yagi-Uda antenna. This
antenna has better direction effect and gain. At this study the
Keywords : Gain, HFSS, High Frequency, OTHRSW Radar, Yagi-Uda antenna module design at 6 – 24 MHz was
Yagi-UdaAntenna discussed with operation frequency 15 MHz for the
application of OTHRSW radar.
The development of technology and electronic
communication occurs rapidly. This is marked by the Radar is an electromagnetic system technology used to
existence of new technologies in different fields. The detect and find target position by receiving echo signal from
development of communication technology that can control the target area. Radio wave transmitted from an object can be
the area of the Republic of Indonesia is still very limited so received by radar and analyzed to know the location, distance
that the sea water area of Indonesia is prone to illegal fishing, and types of object. Although the signal received was
foreign vessels violation, piracy of vessels, and smuggling. relatively weak, the radar can easily detect and strengthen the
The appropriate surveillance system using radar signal.The result of radar detection will be displayed by the
communication system can operate 24 hours so that illegal display unit processed the received signal from the receiver
action can be prevented. This radar operates at HF frequency into information, both in the forms of pictures and data so that
band 3 – 30 MHz[1]. The government of the Republic of it is easy for the users to analyze. The range was determined
Indonesia commits to realize the self-reliance in the by the transmitted power, bandwidth signal
acquisition of sophisticated modern defense equipment. transmitted/received, antenna gain, antenna polarization, and
Various efforts have been done to secure the Indonesian sea width of antenna[4].The radar system has three main
region. One of the solutions is the development of components: transmitter, antenna, and receiver[5]. Antenna is
technology. The appropriate solution to develop at present a component that can determine the performance of radar
especially the security of the sea area is by using Early system comprehensively in detecting target in certain
Warning Radar System technology having range Over the distance. There are many types of antennas depending on
Horizon that is about 100 – 400 nautical mile[2]. The Early their use and frequency such as microstrip antenna, Yagi
Warning Radar System was functioned as a warning provider antenna, monopole antenna, etc. Yagi-Uda antenna consists
placed at strategic points along the border area. The of dipole arranged from several elements: reflector, driven,
establishment of Early Warning Radar System was meat to and directory[6]. The reflector element functions as power for
control, detect, and identify in detail all violation activities maximum signal transmission to target and driven element
such as illegal fishing, piracy, etc. This radar will operate functions as receiver of power from the transmitter device to
be transmitted[7]. In general the reflector element will be
longer than the driven element and the directory element will
Revised Manuscript Received on December 05, 2019. be shorter than the driven element. The driven element is an
Zulfajri Basri Hasanuddin, Department of Electrical Engineering, element provided with electric voltage. The Yagi antenna
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia. model with three elements can be seen in the following
Wardi, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia. figure.
Gunawan Tari, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B6615129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B6615.129219
2215 & Sciences Publication
Low Cost Antenna Design for The Application of Over The Horizon Surface Wave Radar
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B6615129219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B6615.129219 2216 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9, Issue-2, December 2019
D3=0.43 x 20 =8.6 meters The obtained simulation result from the calculation and
D4=0.425 x 20 =8.5 meters designing theoretically may not be the result of optimum
D5=0.42 x 20 =8.4 meters calculation. In order to obtain maximum result, distance
optimization can be done between elements and add directory
D6=0.415 x 20 =8.3 meters
element. The analyzed antenna after putting the frequency
D7=0.41 x 20 =8.2 meters range determined from 6 MHz to 24 MHz. The output result
d. Distance between elements = 2.5 meters showed in return loss (S11), VSWR, gain, and radiation
pattern graphic forms.
The design of Yagi Uda antenna system is as follows: From the simulation result, it was found that the value of
return loss was -29,62 dB at the frequency 15 MHz can be
Start seen in Figure 4.
Determining workingfrequency
(fo),Input impedance
Establishing 9 elements of
Yagi-Uda antenna design
Fig. 4. Graphic of Yagi Antenna S11
Simulation with HFSS software to obtain VSWR, From the simulation result, the value of VSWR was 1,068
S11, and radiation pattern parameters at the frequency 15 MHz can be seen in Figure 5.
VSWR < 2 No
S11< -10 dB
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B6615129219/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B6615.129219
2217 & Sciences Publication
Low Cost Antenna Design for The Application of Over The Horizon Surface Wave Radar
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the choice of material and use of array technique combining
in several modules of Yagi-Uda antenna so that theoretically AUTHORS PROFILE
it can have maximum gain to detect target in the distance of
Zulfajri Basri Hasanuddin received his Bachelor
100 – 400 nautical miles. Yagi-Uda antenna has a big gain of Electrical Engineering from Universitas
and radiation pattern suitable with OTH radar transmitted Hasanuddin, Indonesia in 1992, Master of
from the coast. But the gain can be affected by quality of Engineering and Doctor of Engineering in Computer
material, length of element, distance between elements and Science and Communication Engineering from
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan in 1999 and
addition of element. 2003, respectively. He is currently working as the head of Radar and Satelite
Lab at Universitas Hasanuddin. His research areas of interest are radar and
VI. FUTURE WORK satellite communication, radiowave propagation, ICT and Multimedia
System, communication engineering and computer science, and Computer
This study can still be developed further by making the and Telecommunication Network.
hardware of the transmitter, receiver, and software of radar
image. Wardi received the B.S. in Electrical Engineering from
Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia in 1997, M.S. in
Telecomunication Enginering University of South
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Australia, Australia in 2006 and Doctor of Engineering
in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the
Graduate School of Science and Engineering of Ehime University, Japan in
The authors would like to thank Hasanuddin University for 2012. He is working as a member of staff Electrical Engineering Department
supporting this work. In addition, the authors would like also of Universitas Hasanuddin, South-Sulawesi, Indonesia. Hisresearch areas of
to thank our colleagues in Maritime Security Agency of the interest are Telecomunication and Information Technology, Ad-Hod
Network, Telecomunication Network and Transmission and wireless
Republic of Indonesia for valuable discussion. Network.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B6615129219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B6615.129219 2218 & Sciences Publication