nav 04 - pilot card - копия
nav 04 - pilot card - копия
nav 04 - pilot card - копия
The Officer completing the checklist MUST enter his initials as confirmation
43.548 230.845
48.0 m 137.64 m Air
Draught 52.0 m
Type of Engine ___ MAN B&W 6S70ME-C8___ Maximum Power __18215__ kw ( ___24427___ HP)
Type / number of propellers. (e.g. controllable or fixed pitch, right or left-hand screw)
Fuel Type: Sea- Non ECA…………LSMGO (MAX 0.5%)………. Sea (ECA) ………ULSMGO (MAX 0.1%)………
In Port Non ECA……………LSMGO (MAX 0.5%)……… In Port (ECA) ………ULSMGO (MAX 0.1%)………
Note: Use of different fuel oils MAY result in adjusted RPM’s. Where this is the case, the Master MUST remind the
pilot of possible deviations from the RPM table below during pilotage.
Mooring Arrangements:
Full Ahead
72 12.95 14.40
Half Ahead
61 10.90 12.30
Slow Ahead
52 9.15 10.25
Dead Slow
36 6.05 6.80
Dead Slow
36 Time _______N/A_______ min
Slow Astern
52 Full Ahead to Full Astern ____________540____________ sec
Half Astern
61 Max. no. of consec. Starts ___________24___________
Full Astern
72 Minimum RPM ___26.3___ _________4_________ kts
The Officer completing the checklist MUST enter his initials as confirmation
Anchors Indicators:
Whistle Rudder
Compass System
Number of Power
Units Operating
Maximum permissible
Bollard pull from tugs SWL 71 T
The Officer completing the checklist MUST enter his initials as confirmation
Open Sea (FAOP): The minimum UKC in the dynamic condition is 50% of the static draft.
Tankers Only – SBM / CBM mooring: the minimum UKC is 10% of the static draft.
Pilots are also reminded if increase in draft due to the effect of squat when navigating in
areas of restricted depth or in narrow channels.
Squat Figures
Speed (kts) Squat (Open Squat Squat (Rock cuts /
Water) (Canals/prismatic diametric
channels) channels)
A channel with unvarying cross- A channel with Non-uniform
section and the constant bottom channel cross-section
slope is called prismatic
channel. All the
artificial channels are
usually prismatic.
Calculation Guidance 1 x Cb x V2 / 100 1.43 x Cb x V2 / 100 2 x Cb x V2 / 100
Answer is in metres, where Cb is the vessel’s block co-efficient and V is the ships
speed in knots.
1.0 0.01 0.01 0.02
2.0 0.03 0.04 0.06
3.0 0.07 0.10 0.14
4.0 0.12 0.17 0.24
5.0 0.19 0.27 0.38
6.0 0.27 0.39 0.55
7.0 0.37 0.53 0.74
8.0 0.48 0.69 0.97
9.0 0.61 0.88 1.23
10.0 0.76 1.08 1.52
11.0 0.92 1.31 1.83
12.0 1.09 1.56 2.18
13.0 1.28 1.83 2.56
14.0 1.49 2.12 2.97
15.0 1.70 2.44 3.41
16.0 1.94 2.77 3.88
17.0 2.19 3.13 4.38