Chapter-1: Effect of Branding in Purchase in Purchase of FMCG Products

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products


Page 1
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products


As we are approaching to the twenty first century the FMCG product
market is growing like a money plant in this world. Not only
companies are gaining huge profit from these product sources but
these products are also one of the main ingredients in our day today
life. So the customer has to think and decide on the products which he
is going to purchase because of the availability of the choices
replicates variants in every section of the products.

Now a day’s customer has a wide variety of choice while selecting

FMCG, producer has to add additional values to the product that the
product continues its presence in the market. Different factor
governing the customer based on different product category like milk
products, beverages, prepared dishes, Chocolates & Confectionaries,
personal care and
Fabric care etc.

This minor project consist of the response of different age group

respondents who specifies their predetermined factors which drives
them while purchasing the factors which drive them to buy the
products are as under, Price, Availability, Brand name, Quantity,
Quality, Packing, advertisement.

Through this we can understand that the customers in the current

scenario not only purchase the product based on the one quality that it
contains. But they carefully analyze it and then go for the purchase.
So knowing the customers attitude is important and what are the
factors they considered when purchasing a product 
So by this project we can come to know the effect of branding on
consumer while purchasing a FMCG product & Durable goods.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

FMGC-Fast moving consumable goods

A type of good that is consume every day by the average
consumer. The goods that comprise in this category are one’s that
need to be replaced frequently, compared to those that are usable for
extended periods of time. FMCG refers to those retail goods that
generally replaced or fully used up over a short period of days, weeks
or months & within one year.

Main characteristics of FMCG’s:

 From the customer’s perspective :
a) Frequent purchase.
b) Low in investment (price).
c) Low in involvement (Little or no effort to choose the item).

 From the marketer’s angle :

a) High volume.
b) Low margin.
c) Extensive distribution network.
d) High Stock turnover.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

American marketing Association defines a brand as, “a
name, term, symbol or design or a combination of them which is
intended to identify the goods or services of one seller and to
differentiate them from those of the competitors.”

Functions/Objects of Branding:
1. It helps in product identification and gives distinctive to a
2. Indirectly, it denotes quality or standard of product.
3. It estimates imitation.
4. It helps in advertising and packaging activities.
5. It helps in price differentiation of a product.
6. It facilitates in making a choice.
7. It helps in create and sustain brand loyalty to a particular
8. It is essential for competition, because without a means for
identification, there is no way of making choice.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Advantage of Brand Name & Advantages to


1) Product differentiation

Product differentiation by branding enables the

manufacturers to establish their own price and eliminate price
competition to some extent.

2) Brand Image

The seller can build up a bright image of his product

around the brand. A brand image id built up through the
years by quality of products produced, services offered and
the company’s reputation, policies and marketing efforts.

3) Creation of market

Ever increasing competition leads to branding of product

by a manufacturer to face competition and create exclusive
market for the product.

4) Advertisement and publicity

Branding helps advertising, display and sales promotion,

branding and packing go hand to hand.

5) Brand Preference

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Branding not only gives separate identity and easy

recognition to the product. But it also creates special brand preference
and brand loyalty.

6) Brand patronage
Branding helps advertising, display and sales promotion,
branding and packaging go hand to hand.

7) Expanding the product mix

Many successful multi product firms today began with

the single product whose success created on umbrella which
additional product could be launched with the less risk.

Advantages to customer:
1. A customer has an assurance of quality and consistency in the
product attributes being offered.
2. Certain brands provide status and psychological satisfaction to
the consumers.
3. There is considerable saving of time and energy in shopping for
4. Rapid sales turnover assures fresh due to frequent replacement
of stock with the retailer.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

We start with the definition of consumer Market. “A consumer
Market can be defined as all the individuals and households who buy
goods and services for personal consumption can be said to be part of
the consumer market.
Consumer Behavior is defined as… “All psychological, social
and physical of all potential consumers as they become aware of,
evaluate, purchase, consume and tell others about products and

Nature and Characteristics of Indian consumers

Philip kotler has rightly said ‘Market may be defined as a
relationship between consumer and producer occurring at a time place
and at a value mutually agreeable and acceptable to the concerned
parties”. It is the responsibility of the marketing system to discover
and serve the market demand. It provides the vital link in connecting
production (supply) and consumption that will ensure a desired
standard of living in an economy.
It is important for marketers of Indian firms also to understand the
Indian market and its characteristics so as enable them to take crucial
marketing decisions related to products, price, promotion and
distribution. This will help in matching company products with
consumer needs.

Nature and Characteristics of Indian consumer

1. Geography
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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

2. Population
3. Urban-Rural composition
4. Sex composition
5. Age factor
6. Literacy level
7. Income level
8. Linguistic diversity
9. Religion
10. Dress, food, habits and festival

India ranks seventh in the world in terms of size. There are also
various regions namely great mountain zone, Indo Gangetic plain, the
desert regions. Climate in terms of temperature is also varied.
Temperature in extreme north is low as compared to the south and
north regions.

India is one of the world’s highly populated countries. Further,
the distribution of the population is also unequally divided amongst
the states of India. Related to density of population also there is
diversity among the different regions/states depending upon
topography, climate and level of economic development. Knowledge
about the density of population will help the marketing executives in
developing appropriate priorities and alternative marketing strategies.

Urban-Rural Composition:

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

About 80% of India’s population is rural whereas 20% is

urban. However, post independence period has seen a gradual
shift of people towards urbanization. During the period, the
urban population increased almost four times whereas rural
population could only double itself. This rate of increase in
urban population has been more pronounced in the states of
Gujarat and Maharashtra mainly. This shift towards
urbanization is mainly due to seeking of better job prospects,
higher income and consequently better standard of living.
This urban-rural feature will have a bearing on the consumption
pattern of the consumers.

Sex Composition:
With increasing education, the role of women has undergone
significant changes. The profile of women has changed from that of a
housewife to a working woman. Today, the urban housewife is an
active partner and plays a major role in the purchase decisions. In
India the sex composition in most the states consists of more males
than females except in Kerala where it is the other way round. This
knowledge of sex composition will help the marketer to understand
the market better and work out strategies to design suitable
promotional techniques for each gender.

This is another important factor to be kept in mind while
segmenting the market so that suitable marketing strategies may be
developed. On account of wide exposure to various communication
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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

media like television, private channels, magazines, etc., children are

also participating in buying decisions related to their clothes, toys,
books, books, etc.
An analysis of the Indian consumer will not be complete
without a mention of the urban teenagers and youth market. They are
more modern, careless for tradition and religion. They have an
inclination towards the western culture and are quick to seek novelties
new fashions.

Literacy Level:
Depending upon the level of literacy amongst the target
consumers, the marketers will have to design a suitable
communication mix for promotion of a product or service. According
to 1991 census, the nation’s average literacy rate is 52.11 Crore
literacy among males was 63.86% while among females it was
39.42%. With the efforts of government continuing to bring down the
level of illiteracy in the country, there should be an increase in the
level of literate consumers in the coming years.
Thus the literacy level goes a long way in shaping consumer
demand by influencing the tastes, Living standards and aspirations of

Income Level:
Income level, (money to spend or purchasing power)
purchasing power or income has a direct effect on the potential
demand for the product. Income levels can be analyzed on the basis of
two income concepts, namely (a) disposable income(income minus
taxes), (b) discretionary income, which is the income left after paying
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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

taxes and meeting expenses related to food clothing shelter and the
other necessary items.
Income, credit and assets are objective elements of our
purchasing power. However, economic ability must be combined with
willingness to buy i.e., the ability and willingness to spend the
discretionary income will have a direct effect on the potential demand
of the products. Purchasing power depends on the income of the
target market.
Thus, depending upon the income of its target market, the company
will decide on the suitable marketing mix elements to be adopted
especially related to pricing of the product.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

In this competitive economy FMCG market is having significant
demand in low to middle income consumers and above all highly
price sensitive.

It consists of goods, which are directly consumable, packaged

and branded. The FMCG in India has undergone extreme changes
following economic Liberalization. Qualitative and quantitative
restrictions are under the new trade policy. India stands as third
largest industry in FMCG industry food and processed foods,
personal care products and dental products. Insecticides, liquor,
batteries are also included in this category.

Progressive reduction in excise duties on major FMCG product

categories, rapid extensions of media reach especially TV,
considerable caring of licensing restrictions are some of licensing
restrictions are some of major drives of the India FMCG market in the
recent past.

The industry contributes to the exchequer of income tax and

central excise to the extent of 95% and 16% respectively of the total
collection employment both direct and indirect and in terms of 994
data, it provided 6% of the total 9.1 million. The Industry contributes
to the exchequer by way of income tax and central excise to the extent
of 95% and 16% respectively of the total collection. It provides
considerable employment both direct and indirect and in terms of the
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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

994 data, it provided 6% of the total 9.1 million. The industry has a
significant rural bias and accounts for 56% of the total rural Demand.

Expenditure on consumer durable like washing machines,

refrigerators and color televisions has shown an impressive growth
during the 1990’s. The rural share of the market for FMCG had been
growing steadily over the last few years, from 54.24% in 1989-90 to
56.26% in 1992-93 and to 57.9% in 1995-96. This share went up to
59.3% in 1995-96. This share went up to 59.3% in 1997-98.

Industry Classification:

    The FMCG industry is volume driven & is characterized by low

margins. The products are branded & backed by marketing, heavy
advertising, slick packaging & strong distribution networks. The
FMCG segment can be classified under the premium segment &
popular segment; the premium segment caters mostly to the
higher/upper middle class which is not much price sensitive apart
from being brand conscious. The price sensitive popular or mass
segment consists of consumers belonging to the semi-urban or rural
areas who are not particularly brand conscious. Products sold in the
popular segment have considerably lower prices than their premium

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products




Title of the study: “A study on effect of Branding on Consumers in

Purchasing FMCG goods in Someshwara puram Tumkur”


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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

FMCG are of high sales and they have short life and as they are fast
moving as the title says.
This study helps to understand how branding affects the purchase
decision of the consumer in buying FMCG.


1. To analyze how the brand affects the customer’s purchasing

decision in FMCG goods.
2. To understand the choice of the customer is Branded or Branded
3. To analyze the need of branding in FMCG goods.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

4. To analyze the attributes which attract consumers to purchase the

branded product.
5. To analyze the effect of promotional activities on brands in the
buying behavior of customers.
6. To analyze whether branding helps customers away from
competition & protect market share.

Scope of the study:

This study helps us to know the necessity of branding on FMCG
goods which have rapid sales.

Type of study:
This is a descriptive type of study which means Descriptive
research, also known as statistical research, describes data and
characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied.
Descriptive study answers the questions who, where, what, when and

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Survey Method:
Random sampling is done by circulating questionnaire to

A well structured questionnaire had been circulated to FMCG.
A questionnaire consists of a set of questions regarding effect of
branding FMCG.

Sample size:
100 consumers of FMCG were taken as sample for my study.

Sample population: This particular survey is directed at only who use



Data was collected on two sources.

1. Primary Data
2. Secondary Data.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

 PRIMARY DATA is collected through questionnaire, search

and research through place where today's computer has been
mostly used.

 SECONDARY DATA is being search sites like magazines,

newspapers, journals, websites and the data has been
collected through other approaches.

Methods of interpreting data :

1. Graphs

2. Bar charts

3. Percentage.


“Analysis of Age group of respondents”

Table no.1
Age group No. of % of respondents

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

15-20 21 21
21-25 27 27
26-30 18 18
31-35 16 16
35 and above 19 19
Total 100 100
Source: Primary data

Analysis: From the survey it is clear that 27% of the

respondents fall in age group of 21-25, 21% come under 15-
20, 18% are in between 26-30, 19% of them are above 35 and
16% are of 31-35 age group

Inference: It can be inferred from above table that majority of

the respondents fall in the age group of 21-25.

Graph No. 1

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph title: "Age group of respondents"

35 and above

“Analysis of Gender of the respondents”

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Table no.2
Gender No % of respondents
Male 69 69

Female 31 31

Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: From the survey it is clear that 69% of the

respondents are male and 31% are female employees.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of respondents are of male category.

Graph no 2

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph Title: “Gender of the respondents”




No of respondents





Male Female

“Analysis of respondents’ opinion regarding their brand


Page 22
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Table no. 3
Options No. of % of respondents
Yes 70 70

No 30 30

Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 70% of the respondents are brand

loyal and 30% of them are not brand loyal.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents are brand loyal.

Graph no. 3

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph title: “Respondents opinion regarding their brand



“Analysis Respondents opinion regarding the attribute

that attracts to buy a branded product “
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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Table no. 4
Attribute No. of % of respondents
Brand name 34 34
Cleanliness 24 24
Price 23 23
Easy availability 9 9
others 10 10
Total 100 100
Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 34% say brand name attracts in

buying branded product, 24% say that its cleanliness, 23% say
that its price, 10% opine that it’s other factors and 9% thinks
that its price attracts them to buy branded product.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents say that brand name attracts them
to buy a product.
Graph no 4

Page 25
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding the

attribute that attracts to buy a branded product”

Brand name
Easy availability

“Analysis of respondent’s opinion regarding the reason

for the delay between purchase decision and the actual
Table no. 5
Page 26
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Reasons No % of respondents
Financial 27 27
Waiting for more 55 55
Waiting for 18 18
market response
Total 100 100
Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 55% of the respondents delay the

actual Purchase because they wait for more innovative
product, 27% say that its financial constraints and 18% are
delaying actual purchase because they wait for market
Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that
majority of the respondents wait for the innovative product
before the actual purchase.
Graph no 5

Page 27
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding the

reason for the delay between purchase decision and the
actual purchase

ts ct ns
ain du o
tr r o sp
ns ep re
co tiv ke
ic al va ar
an o
nn rm
Fin ei fo
or ng
r m aiti
fo W
ia ti

“Analysis of Respondents opinion regarding factors that

influences to buy branded product”

Page 28
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Table no. 6
Influences No % of respondents
Advertising 27 27
Shop display 8 8
Word of mouth 17 17
Attractive 20 20
Family/Friends/ 16 16
Dealer 7 7
Any other 4 4
Total 100 100
Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 27% are influenced by advertising,

20% are influenced by attractive packaging, 17% from word
of mouth and 16% are influenced by family/friends/relatives.
Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that
majority of the respondents feel that advertisement influences
them to buy branded product.
Graph no 6:

Page 29
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding factors

that influences to buy branded product”

Shop display
Word of mouth
Attractive packaging
Any other

“Analysis Respondents opinion regarding the influence of

brand name in purchase of FMCG products”

Page 30
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Table no. 7
Options No % of respondents
Agree 54 54

Strongly agree 26 26

Disagree 17 17

Strongly disagree 3 3

Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 54% agree, 26% strongly agree, 17%

disagree and 3% strongly disagree that brand name influences
the purchase of FMCG products.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents agree that brand name influences
the purchase of FMCG products.
Graph no 7

Page 31
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding the
influence of brand name in purchase of FMCG



No of respondents




Agree Stongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree

“Respondents opinion regarding the influence of Quality

in purchase of FMCG products”

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Table no. 8
Options No of % of respondents
Agree 52 52

Strongly agree 34 34

Disagree 13 13

Strongly disagree 1 1

Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 52% agree, 34% strongly agree, 13%

disagree and 1% strongly disagree that quality influences the
purchase of FMCG products.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents agree that quality influences the
purchase of FMCG products.

Graph no 8

Page 33
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding the

influence of Quality in purchase of FMCG products”



40 No of respondents




Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree

“Analysis of Respondents opinion regarding the influence

of price in purchase of FMCG products”

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Table no. 9
Options No. of % of respondents
Agree 43 43

Strongly agree 30 30

Disagree 23 23
Strongly 4 4
Total 100 100
Source: Primary data

.Analysis: It is clear that 43% agree, 30% strongly agree,

23% disagree and 4% strongly disagree that quality influences
the purchase of FMCG products.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents agree that quality influences the
purchase of FMCG products.

Graph no. 9

Page 35
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph title: Respondents opinion regarding the

influence of price in purchase of FMCG products”

Strongly agree
strongly agree

Page 36
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

“Analysis of table of satisfaction of respondents towards

the product features branded FMCG products”

Table no. 10
Options No. of % of respondents
Yes 80 80

No 20 20

Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 80% of the respondents are satisfied

and 20% of them are not satisfied with the product features of
branded FMCG products

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents are satisfied with the product
features of branded FMCG products.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph no 10

Graph Title: “Table of satisfaction of respondents

towards the product features branded FMCG products”



No of respondents





Yes No

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

“Analysis of respondent’s opinion regarding the influence

of advertisement in purchase of FMCG products”
Table no. 11
Options No. of % of respondents
Agree 47 47

Strongly agree 40 40

Disagree 10 10

Strongly disagree 3 3

Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 42% agree, 40% strongly agree, 10%

disagree and 3% strongly disagree that quality influences the
purchase of FMCG products.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents agree that quality influences the
purchase of FMCG products.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph no 11

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding the

influence of advertisement in purchase of FMCG

No of respondents
Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

“Analysis of respondent’s opinion regarding the switching

of brand preference if promotional scheme is offered with
another brand”
Table no. 12
Options No. of % of respondents
Yes 57 57

No 43 43

Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 57% of the respondents would like to

switch brand and 43% of them do not like to switch brand if
promotional scheme is offered with another brand.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents would like to switch brand
preference if promotional scheme is offered with another

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph no 12

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding the

switching of brand preference if promotional scheme
offered with another brand”

2nd Qtr

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

“Respondents opinion regarding purchase of FMCG

product if required immediately”
Table No.13
Options No of % of respondents
Buy the available 61 61
Search for the 39 39
branded product
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 61% of the respondents would like to

buy the available product and 39% of them would search for
the branded FMCG product.

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents would like to buy the easily
available product if required immediately.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph no 13

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding purchase

of FMCG product if required immediately”

Buy the available product

Search for the branded product

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

“Analysis of respondent’s opinion regarding branded

FMCG products over unbranded FMCG products”
Table no. 14
Options No % of respondents
Yes 63 63

No 37 37

Total 100 100

Source: Primary data

Analysis: It is clear that 63% of the respondents say that

branded FMCG products are better than unbranded FMCG
products and 37% of them feel that unbranded FMCG’s are

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that

majority of the respondents feel that branded FMCG products
are better than unbranded FMCG products.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

Graph no 14

Graph Title: “Respondents opinion regarding branded

FMCG products over unbranded FMCG products



No of respondents




Yes No

Page 46
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products


1. It is clear from above table that majority of the respondents

fall in the age group of 21-25.

2. We can conclude that majority of respondents are of male


3. It can be inferred from the above table that majority of the

respondents are brand loyal.

4. From the survey it is clear that majority of the respondents

say that brand name attracts them to buy a product.

5. We can easily say that majority of the respondents wait for

the innovative product before the actual purchase

6. It is clear the above table that majority of the respondents

feel that advertisement influences them to buy branded

Page 47
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

7. We can conclude that majority of the respondents agree

that brand name influences the purchase of FMCG products.

8. It is clear from the above table that majority of the

respondents agree that quality influences the purchase of
FMCG products.

9. From the survey it is clear that majority of the respondents

agree that quality influences the purchase of FMCG products

10. It is clear that majority of the respondents are satisfied

with the product features of branded FMCG products.

11. We can conclude that majority of the respondents agree

that quality influences the purchase of FMCG products.

12. Survey shows that majority of the respondents would like

to switch brand preference if promotional scheme is offered
with another brand.

Page 48
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

13. It is clear that majority of the respondents would like to

buy the easily available product if required immediately.

14. From the survey it is clear that majority of the respondents

feel that branded FMCG products are better than unbranded
FMCG products.

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Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products


Dear friends,

I am a BBM student, as a part of course curriculum; I have

taken up a study on effect of branding on consumers in purchasing
FMCG goods. I would be grateful if you kindly co-operate by
answering this questionnaire.

The information is only for academic purpose and would be kept




SEX: M  F


AGE GROUP: 15-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36 and Above 


5000-10000 

10001-20000 

20001-30000 

30000 and above 

Page 50
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

1. Are you a brand loyal customer?

      Yes                    No

2. Which attribute did attract you to purchase branded products?

       Brand Name                    Transparent

        Price                              Cleanliness

        Easy Availability             Others

3. What was the reason for the delay between the purchase
decision and the actual purchase?

       Financial constraints

       waiting for more innovative product

       waiting for market response

4. What influenced you to buy the branded products?

        Advertising                          Shop Display

         Word of mouth  Family/Friend/Relatives

        Attractive packaging           any other

        Dealer

Page 51
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

5. Brand name influences in purchase of FMCG products.

        Agree                                  Disagree

        Strongly Agree                   strongly disagree

    6. Quality influences in purchase of FMCG products.

        Agree                                  Disagree

        Strongly Agree                   strongly disagree

 7.  Price influences in purchase of FMCG products.

   Agree                                       Disagree

   Strongly Agree                        strongly disagree

8. Are you satisfied with the product features of branded FMCG


      Yes                       No

9.  Advertisement influences in Purchase of FMCG products.

              Agree                              Disagree

        Strongly Agree                   strongly disagree

Page 52
Effect of branding in purchase in purchase of FMCG products

10. Will you like to switch your brand preference if you get some
promotional scheme with another brand?

       Yes                    No

11.  Do you think branded FMCG products are better than

unbranded FMCG product?

       Yes                    No

Page 53

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